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No. 55058
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>>55057Bait but the only thing my son would have to fear is being a fucking weeaboo
No. 55269
>>55264since I love to talk about it and you asked: basically for like two weeks, my wife takes shots in her abdomen (about 3/4) each night to get lots of fucking eggs growing. Then they put her under twilight aneshesia and stick a huge needle into her ovaries and suck out the eggs. We're paying for PGS (which picks the gender and checks for genetic defects) so they mix her egg with the donor sperm and for like three weeks it's frozen and checked. Then they unfreeze it and shove a needle up my vadge and put it in me- then for two months I shove a huge needle in my butt to help baby along.
We're using her eggs and a donor since my family is fucked in terms of mental illness and we found a donor who legit is the male version of me, weeabo and theater nerd included. My wife doesnt and cant get pregnant and I want too so it works out!
No. 55305
>>55304our entire process is covered by insurance so we only pay for donor which is a drop in the bucket for us.
I work out enough that Im not worried about my body but the entire giving birth thing both grosses me out and is fascinating- however I watch surgery videos for fun so
No. 167919
>>167914lol right? imagine doing all this and then willingly having a
son too