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No. 56445
They're probably underage. People don't have a decent concept of aging until they turn 19-20. They probably see a cow they find ugly or unhealthy looking and assume it's because they aged when it's really not.
>>56439That's funny, I never saw that big of a difference. Even when I was 15-16 I'd see people in their mid-twenties and think we looked the exact same age. Older people sometimes looked like they carried themselves more maturely but it was more a question of attitude, tone and body language rather than looks.
No. 56451
>>56449I think there's also this crisis over regular aging lines being thought of as wrinkles/terrible.
So like mouth/smile lines or small crows feet gets nitpicked to hell and back when most people in the real world have them from like 18 onwwards.
No. 56452
I agree, op. The ostrengas do look their age. They can be awful people but they don't look as old as other anons say. Venus, on the other hand, has shown to be aging fast, not sure why tons to try deny that. Also I agree with
>>56437I'm about to hit my mid 20s and people still think I'm 18 sometimes because I'm rather small and I take good care of my skin but I know I won't look like a teen until I'm 29. It's sad but people age.
No. 56459
>>56458>>56452I don't care about Venus any more than I care for any other person posted here, but I can't see it. She looks okay to me?
One thing I've noticed is that people on here generally tend to go for one of the following, regardless of whether or not it's warranted:
>age/skin condition>nose>accent>weight>general wishful thinkingBy the latter I mean even if the person in question is doing just fine despite being a cow, they'll project like no tomorrow and constantly remark how they're going downhill, aging like milk, losing popularity, desperate for viewers/notes/followers, etc.
No. 56483
>>56459I agree but this is common knowledge e.g.
>nasolabial foldsBut those folds are at least real things to point out even if they're perfectly normal.
Weight is subjective and we still have a lot of anachans around here. Oh that and so-called "saggy" breasts or "no waist".
I attribute the nose obsession as a weeb thing for the most part.
The aging thing I don't get at all though, pretty sure people just bring it up when they literally can't find anything to criticize.
No. 56576
>>56571>>56572Still, I'd expect most people on a 18+ site to be aware of the disconnect between looks and personality.
Yeah, when you hate someone they start looking ugly to you blah blah blah, inb4 that stupid Roald Dahl picture, but I hope y'all are aware that shit isn't true and in the real world you can have gorgeous people with putrid personalities and vice versa, and very few people look as physically repulsive as you make them out to be.
You don't need to call their noses big or their accents fake/stupid (iirc someone actually suggested Yumi King's Chinese accent was fake even though she's literally from China) to get your point across, we all know what they've done. It honestly just makes you sound 10. That's literally what my little brother's classmates do when they dislike someone for no particular reason.
Surely I can't be the only one who's able to laugh at a cow without calling her an ugly old bitch with nasolabial folds.
No. 56583
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>>56438>She's a bit pasty and bonyto be fair a lot of models are "pasty" because pale skin is considered pretty. And they're often "bony" as well obviously.I don't think those two traits make someone look older. But I think kaka basically looks her age, so idk.
No. 56601
>>56598Well, some of the stuff in the thread is a bit gross. But I agree with the majority of what people said here. Almost 70% of the threads are people nitpicking someones weight or something else that's rather normal.
Suzy is a great example. She sucks, sure, but almost half of the thread is about how fat she is.
No. 56656
>>56617>>56607I've only been checking up on this site for about a year and mostly the Suzy thread, but I've poked around. My thing is, it seems like no body type is good for anyone? I've literally seen every single body here trashed. Too skinny, not skinny enough, she's flabby, breasts too saggy, too perky must be implants, etc. It's really weird, kind of makes me uncomfortable. Makes me wonder what people would consider 'good enough'.
And yeah, the Suzy thread got boring fast after her etsy thing died off. She's fat and everyone knows it, so sometimes it gets kind of tired when every comment is "lol pepsi and doritos much snoozy?"
No. 56679
>>56673>jealous >Japanese husbandosAre farmers really unironically weeby enough to do this?
I don't give a rat's ass about Japanese men. They look like girls to me.
Plus from my perspective cows have always been this warning sign of how screwed up in the head a lot of the actual weebs are, some people on pt seem to have genuine mental illnesses.
And note that by weeb I mean person who genuinely adores everything about Japan and wants to live there. Not just someone who watches the odd anime series.
No. 56683
>>56656>it seems like no body type is good for anyone? because we aren't a monolith? on each individual basis there are plenty of people who agree and disagree about how a cow's body looks. and there are plenty of posts of people saying stuff like "she's too x to be a japanese idol but she'd look great like y"
i feel like sometimes nitpicking someone's appearance isn't just to be mean. there are a lot that are followed up with some kind of advice and desire for the cow to do/be better.
No. 57122
>>56452>>56458>>56481You guys really think Venus is aging badly? Can I get some examples? Her IG images look pretty fine, personally.
I compare all her appearances to the first interview of her in that mint lolita dress where she literally looks like an old woman in a wig, so my bar for rough-looking Venus is pretty high.
No. 57142
>>57122The regular posters in her thread seem to think so but their evidence is usually screencaps of her with her face contorted.
She has her mom's harsh features and possibly has an eating disorder, but she doesn't look any older than her age, with or without filters. She just looks like a normal girl.
No. 57144
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Anyone on her has nasolabial folds that don't actually look bad IRL but make you worry af? I am 24 and I am obsessing over mine even tho I know there's nothing abnormal there and that I actually look younger overall (people usually think I'm 19-20 years old). My grandmother and mom love to criticize every little detail about my appearance and not even them see anything wrong. They say I just have normal lines from smiling. BUT I SEE SOMETHING. Ugh.
However, I've noticed it gets worse when I'm dehydrated? I remember I first noticed them when I was like 17 and weeks or days later I was admitted to a hospital because I was severely dehydrated (don't ask, I don't even know how I let that happen). Nowadays I drink enough water, maybe even more than enough.
Gif unrelated eh
No. 57197
>>57164Dakota is a bit of an exception to me because of how awful her shoops are lately and how different she looks IRL.
I wouldn't call her ugly, certainly not old-looking. She's not fat either except by model standards, which isn't exactly a baseless criticism considering she is a model. But she's still booking jobs so it kind of reeks of jealousy when people go on about it. Otherwise she's a cute girl.
No. 57677
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>>57144I have pretty bad nasolabial folds and undereye hollows, and I'm only 19. they really effect my self esteem, but then again I have pretty bad BDD so who knows. I'm terrified by aging.
No. 57684
>>57681thanks anon. It helps to just look at myself and realize how ridiculous I'm being. I'm honestly letting this consume my life. I doubt my self image is going to get better, but I can at least focus on other things. It's gotten to the point where I feel too ugly to go outside, whenever I see a prettier girl I automatically avert my gaze… I see everybody as my competition. BDD is no fun. People can call me cute, but no matter what I just feel so fucking ugly and old/fat looking.
sage for mental health whining
No. 57729
>>5768419 year olds aren't old looking unless they have some serious disease anon. Just keep this in mind and don't go PT on people lol. Annnnd maybe, just maybe, the reason why every girl seems prettier to you when you go outside is because you see yourself as so ugly that anyone would be prettier?
Remember that you are more than just your appearance anyway. If you really are ugly, then just accept it and don't let it hold you back from enjoying life. One day you'll feel really stupid looking back at photos of yourself from when you were in your late teens/twenties. I've heard this way too many times, because suddenly you can see yourself objectively, almost like how you see the strangers outside now. Don't let your appearance (whether gorgeous or ugly) hold you back.
No. 57743
>>57731>I am SO sick of hearing the term nasolabial folds Same.
Most of the posters on here are so fucking young, ya'll got nothing to worry about. Just take care of yourselves.
Stop projecting your insecurities all over the damn place, it's so obvious in many of the threads.
Also, I'm in my mid-late twenties and am way hotter than I was when I was a teenager, but I remember the all-encompassing fear of "aging" when I was like 18. You'll get over it though. Don't buy into the media.
No. 59635
Jillian has been getting so much facial nitpicking in her thread lately and it feels pretty unwarranted. To me she just looks like your average 19 year old, I would personally be happy to look like that, I don't understand. We know she eats like shit but I don't think it shows in her skin yet there's always comments about aging/sagging/bloating.
If the comments were just about how she was aging herself with bad clothes/makeup then it wouldn't bother me so much, but it's about her actual face.
>>57765It's not even a Japanese thing, most of the 'fun' western media tends to be about teenagers or very early 20s too.
No. 59677
>>57143They both have prominent noses. Venus is less so because she knows how to do makeup while her mom has not learned how to do makeup for a woman her age (You DO have to change some techniques as you get older, keep that in mind).
But Venus looks normal for her age, i don't get why anyone thinks she looks any different? She still looks like she's a teenager (the japan makeup trends help).
Her mom didn't age super well but it depends on the picture. She's better at taking selfies now than she used to be so i think she's looking better even if she's giving late night massages now lol
No. 59678
>>57144I have them but they aren't too pronounced.
What scares me is looking at how badly my mom has aged. Even my husband was shocked when i told him her age because his 70 year old grandparents look younger than she does.
But there's also a lot of rumours i've heard over the years about her being into cocaine (Her ex shouted it at me when i was 15 in some weird attempt to turn me against him. i ignored it then but it'd explain a lot now that i'm looking back on it) and i think my older brother mentioned it too (But he also thinks my schizophrenic uncle got his schizophrenia from lsd, while my mom said he's always been that way, the death of his twin made it worse though.
So i just keep hoping that if i take care of my skin now (even ifi had a late start on it at 26) and stay away from drugs i think i'll be fine.
People still ask me if i just graduated high school so hopefully that's a good sign ;;
IMO the only one i can think of who's aged badly is Jessica Nigri and that's mostly because of all her tanning and her never washing her face despite caking on 2007 style makeup
No. 62083
>>62072I agree for everything, except
>Moomoo is a nickname for Momokun, not a nitpick. But yeah, when I want to have a good laugh I go to Ahri's thread to read the inconsistent nitpicks at her supposedly "bulbous nose" and "whale body". Nobody of the people I know irl would ever say that
No. 62087
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>>62072I think it has more to do that these are directed towards what is perceived as nasty people and some nitpicking of course. irl flaws aren't that bad if you're not a complete asshole.
No. 62089
>>62072It's completely possible that late 20s, and even people entering their 30s, talk that way. Esp considering most of these posters were transplants from PULL or cgl.
I'm mid 20 and I've definitely said fattie or uggo.
I just don't crucify people who aren't badly ugly or fat because like
>>62087 mentioned, I can excuse bad physical traits if they're not bad people. I notice ugliness more on pretty people who act awful than an actual ugly person who is just going about their day.
No. 62142
>>62117>>62136exactly. i come here to observe the users as much as i come to observe the cows, because users themselves seem to be as messed up and
problematic as the cows. just have to keep reminding myself that their vitriol, impossibly high standards regarding appearance and extreme generalizations are mostly a result of being anonymous. they aren't the voice of a whole gender and most reasonable people rarely spend the time to post here anyway. they just browse and go.
No. 62146
>>62144The people who whine about PULL are usually just as cringey themselves
Anyways, a lot of the threads are filled with jealous losers to the point where its just an angry circlejerk. Especially the twitch thread. You can tell its the same people whining about man jaws or potato noses.
No. 62150
>>62146In the ahri thread there's one retard constantly sperging out about her and it's super obvious because she always uses the same misspelled insult ("her nose is like a
No. 62217
>>62212It's kind of ironic that in a thread about nitpicking…someone skips over your entire point just to nitpick a single word lol
Sage for I agree with what you have to say, but not contributing much to the thread otherwise
No. 62219
>>62142Same, same anon. Some anons here seem seriously in need of mental evaluation. I don't even say that to be mean or judgmental; I have depression and antidepressants have done me a world of good.
The crazy people on this forum are the reason why I am embarrassed to read it in public or tell any of my friends about lolcow. I seriously don't need people irl thinking I'm as judgmental and nasty as some of the user base here seems to portray themselves. Speaking for myself, I hardly even venture outside /g/ or /ot/ anymore because the "cows" aren't even cow-ish the majority of the time. Of course when I've tried bringing this up (ie. on behalf or Venus or Dakota) people screeeech that I
must be one of them or some kind of fan. Um no, I just think it's ridiculous to basically cyberbully normal/nice people on an imageboard made to expose and discuss crazy jerks.
Judging by the eye makeup thread a while back it's pretty obvious most people here aren't super models, so I just don't get why there is so much nitpicking of cows.
No. 62232
>>62219You're right, the average farmer is far from a super model. A lot of people who post here are overweight. And far from attractive. I know a small handful of very beautiful ladies who post here, but they've never self posted and from what ice gathered they aren't even the type to nitpick appearances.
There is no other board that is as autistic as lolcow. The lack of self awareness and embarrassing amount of unnecessary vitriol make us look so bad. None of it effects me as I've been on chans for years, but it's only when I come here that I and up rolling my eyes and I've been around since the inception.
No. 62235
>>62219I feel you, anons. I browse /pt/ and /snow/, but rarely ever jump in the conversations anymore due to the smallest nitpicking and/or constant mentioning of flaws being picked at that has already been said a thousand times over for certain e-celebs that get pushed as new thought-provoking and unique observations.
Countless times I have been met with
shut up (e-celeb name here) or
stop shitting up the thread with action to report for trying to give an alternative view, reasoning on why A is doing Y and Z, or go against the majority groupthink. Some anons will call it out, however, but it's becoming less often.
Drama itself has picked up a lot on the internet just in the past few years - reading about it, gossiping about it, keeping tabs. Hell, there's a whole new community on YouTube dedicated to it now. I've even seen this place mentioned or hinted at before on several forums (not kiwifarms) and even in YouTube comments, which of course, brings in new crowds who are unfamiliar with chans in general but love the idea of being anonymous and gossiping. Which, of course, ushers in some of the worst types of people.
Some of them don't even bother to detach their real name/personal life from this shit, either. They get bigheaded and leave their social media usernames in screencaps, and you go look at them and awe at the lack of self-awareness. It's worse when you find out that no, they're not 16-19 years old, but 26 and stalking some e-celeb's IG to leave snarky comments every day.
>>62232lolcow really is the most autistic chan I've ever been on, especially in its most recent years. I find our /pt/ to be more severe than 8ch's /cow/ when it had more traffic (like during the Peter Coffin drama), which says a lot.
No. 62237
>>62235I've seen middle-aged mums tear normal bloggers apart just for having money and being pretty. Check out Get Off My Internets, most people there are some flavour of idle SAHM and are in many respects even worse than lolcow, mostly because there's really nothing to nitpick, they usually just call everyone an ugly liar who ages badly and label their kids 'autistic'.
/pt/ usually isn't as bad as /snow/ since there's actual stuff to discuss, but in some threads it just ends up being a contest of who can think of the most original way to call someone ugly/plain/average if they truly have nothing at all to nitpick, like with some ironed out instamodels.
I used to like /g/ before it turned into 'muh abusive relationships and mental illness', and the only genuinely fascinating cows were CWC, Asha and Her Majesty Queen PT. And even that was mostly because nitpicking their looks was utterly pointless so the threads weren't spammed with PULL shit.
No. 62260
>>62253to be honest this is the thing thats really getting to me lately, my ED made me loose a ton of weight and just with aging in general my boobs have gotten saggier then they where when i was 15 and its making me feel so bad about them im planning on getting surgery before i hit 25 (im 19)
ive always had visible veins all over my body too and i just feel so bad, i wish i could SEE other peoples boobs without being weird and when i see boobs that look like mine most of them are older than me and it makes me feel like i did something really wrong with my body.
anyone else have saggy titties? sage for stupid
No. 62262
>>62096How is this chuunibyou syndrome? It's unrealistic to think that in our mid 20s, we magically:
Become mentally healthy
Accept any flaws, perceived or real
Start liking everyone (versus being angry, jealous, bitter, etc.)
And before anyone says otherwise, yes, I have a career and go out into the real world. I'm not terribly ugly, either, but I have a warped perception of my body and looks.
I just find that it's easier to let these feelings out anonymously here (and harshly, too) and on other imageboards versus places like instagram, FB, or even to my friends where I'll be judged personally.
No. 62265
>>62264Not that anon but you always pop up asking this question whenever someone says they've lost or gained a lot of weight.
You sound like a fetishist or an anachan and ofc no one will want to say.
No. 62274
>>62268Yup. Same with me, anon. I love lolcow, but I've noticed that I've been commenting less and less on here. I want to see this chan thrive even though /pt/ and /snow/ are my less frequented boards, but it's become hard. I hope the new team can help. Except for onion, Luna and every once in a while the camwhore thread, I don't care about drama. I think most people on here are delusional when it comes to looks, and think that everyone has to be super thin with a super smol face, and very perky tits. And usually an adorable uguu k-kawaii personal style to match, otherwise they're not attractive. That is unrealistic and sad to watch. I'm tired of reading that perfectly normal good looking girls are ugly as sin. Or that non skelly girls are fat or look saggy when they actually don't. And even if they did, as long as you're not an deformed obese cow, or have ungodly ugly features you can definitely be considered attractive and lots of people in the real world will think that you are, no matter what obsessed retards say online.
A couple days ago I read this derailing discussion about shaved/masculine jaws that was absolutely fucking pathetic and made me feel bad for all the farmers involved.
>>62271I believe the fisting post was just bait, but I agree that as a whole many anons on the board have shitty boyfriends who treat them like trash and they choose to stay with. that is ridiculous and sad. I know that ending a bad relationship can be complicated, but I avoid this type of person IRL so now I just skip the same type of post too. Idk what that has anything to do with nitpicking and aging but there lol
No. 62275
>>62262Most mid 20 year olds actually
do become more accepting of the things they don't like about themselves. It's part of growing up and realizing some of the things they dislike about themselves actually don't mean much, or are actually pretty normal.
No. 62279
I agree with what everyone says here, however there's no point in shaming people or feeling bad yourselves. This place is pretty damn toxic and it only exaggerates beauty standards even more and upkeep terrible bad habits but I wouldn't blame the site entirely. It's a gossip site, and that itself is already bad news, and it will have nitpicking no matter how much people want to avoid it.
I originally got into this place, because I got interested and fascinated about how people openly said their feelings that you can't talk about in most platforms. Its actually interesting to see what people honestly thought about others, because everything on the surface is sugarcoated and responses are controlled. But in cases like this, especially gossip sites; it inevitably escalates to get worse. It's natural, seeing that girls are pretty damn catty. I've known people who gossip in rl just as bad (attractive or not) but worse because it ultimately got people fired or it personally affected them more, persons or whole groups, even their families. It's only human nature and people can move on and forgive themselves, it’s just an image board after all.
The reason I say this, is because these e-celebs, in most cases face the same amount of toxic gossiping whether its from lolcow or not. The majority of us can move away from this, and forget about it. These people unavoidably won't be able to move away from gossip in their inner circles or against competition. I honestly believe that some cows themselves, acquaintances or people within these circles participate just as much in this board. It only just gets more toxic and obnoxious when it becomes an open forum. These people in these type of industries promote the nitpicking, competition and it becomes almost part of the territory. If we only got ahold of what they text/say about each other behind closed doors, we’d see some pretty vile shit. I’m not justifying this site, a gossip site is already a weird and malicious thing to get involved with in the first place and its unsurprising that it got up to this point.
No. 62292
>>62286Same, and most of the people I know irl don't know about these cows so I can't talk to anyone about it when they do something ridiculous.
>>62274I don't even care if people think the cows are ugly because of their personality or whatever reason, but I have no interest in "She's so fat and ugly, wtf is that potato nose" or "Omg her nasolabial folds, she's aging SO badly!" Especially when it's likely normal-looking girls making these comments about other normal looking-girls.
Chans are hyper critical by nature, but imo stuff like that isn't even a discussion about anything and it just repeats over and over. It's even worse because it started as a meme, but now a lot of the posters actually think this way and it's super embarrassing. It really sucks because a lot of these cows are actually very milky and worthy of discussion, but the whole board is just infested with this shit posting.
No. 62293
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>>62274>A couple days ago I read this derailing discussion about shaved/masculine jawsYou mean this one, right? My eyes can not roll back far enough.
No. 62315
>>62294i partially disagree. i check out most of the active threads and they're everywhere. for example in Moomoo thread everyone repeatedly says that they're criticising her not because of her size but her personality. but even when she's acting like a dumbass wearing crappy costumes, all the comments are "omg she's so fat, she has linebacker shoulders, her boobs are veiny, she has cellulite". tearing down her public pictures and posts, even her patreon content is one thing but now people are sneaking pictures of her in the wild just to rag on how she looks. wasn't this all about her crappy personality? gossip is fun but we're getting stalkerish, just like some cows blame us to be. it's not hard to see why these people are weird about aging and looks.
on the other hand, this behaviour can partially blamed on the absence of real milk though. i feel like people are learning to be careful on the internet, especially if they're cultivating a persona and now all we have left to criticise is the regular dumb, vain things everyone with internet access does.
sorry for this off-topic fucking essay, i'm of course saging it.
No. 62323
>>62318I'm sort of biased because Jill annoys me (not to the point I actively wait for new posts in her thread like with Momo or something), but she doesn't even take advantage of the opportunities around her, like going to Japan just for shopping or planning to apply to programs that are low-effort or she doesn't even qualify for. I agree with your other points, though. She's not very milky, just an embodiment of lost opportunities, which is very personal to me, since I had a roughly similar situation as Jill.
>>62315Momo's thread was my favorite but now it's increasingly going overboard with people feet away taking candids of her to upload online for the thread to rip apart.
No. 62895
>>62846Maybe this will be of help to you
No. 62900
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>>62294>I'd say the worse threads we have are Dakota'sI'm glad some monitoring is being done, but things are SO bad in Dakota's thread that i doubt it can be helped at this point. 90% of the anons that go there regularly are the problem. I loved gossiping about Dakota and her shoops since PULL and it was one of my favorite threads, but I can't go there anymore because of the eyerolling bullshit. i'm almost afraid to say this so bluntly but
jealous girls are using her threads as a playground to feed off each other's nitpicking and speculations. if you don't agree that she's broke poor, fucking her manager for money, that she looks 40, is still a loner with no friends, is a fat balding hambeast, her career is ending, and she's below-average hideous without photoshop you'll be met with extreme hostility, insults and the inevitable "hi kaka".
I can't help but be reminded of Flan. remember? she used to talk some high shit about Dakota, and it turned out she was secretly obsessed with her.
sage for OT
No. 63381
>>62964>Luna's threadThat's the fucking worst, Luna's gross hypocrisy and attention whoring can spawn up genuine milk sometimes, but all anybody will latch onto are her brassy undertones or weight gain. That shit is ok when part of a longer post but a whole thread of minor nitpicking on someone who is essentially a junkie is so unwarranted
the mods must be sick of my petty reports, but I hope you report the nitpicking too
No. 66531
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>mf after browsing lolcow
>"is that a nasolabial fold coming in?"
No. 66567
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Does anyone genuinely have an old hag face, like me? I'm in my early 20s. I look older than my age, and I use sunscreen, get lots of rest, don't drink or do drugs, etc. But people keep thinking I look older and they ask me if I have kids. Sometimes I look at my face in one of those little mirrors that sort of distort your face, and I look like a 40-year old woman trying to regain her lost youth.
No. 66575
while male boards often have lower standards, the amounts they go to just because they find a woman unattractive is ridiculous, lolcow even has the decency and empathy to make rules against revenge porn like mysterys, doxxing, finding family members, etc
lolcow has some shit it needs to fix but male boards need WAY more moderation and some morals
No. 66593
>>66567People all my life have told me I look older due to my bone structure. Thankfully it's only a couple of years but I have these big ass cheekbones that give me sunken cheeks and a sharp nose. I have a good skin care routine so I just hope I don't age like my mum because her skin is really weird and got really meh but my dad who I got most of my dominant genes from has amazing skin so I hope I'm fine.
Only thing I dread are my under eye circles and wrinkles. It's premature for sure but I had lots of allergies as a kid and would constantly ruby eyes not knowing that tugging the skin would cause wrinkles rip. At least no crows feet aha
No. 66637
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>tfw when I'm a pimply faced bitch with cystic acne but everyone thinks I have normal skin with one or two pimples every now and then because I'm good at makeup and I wanna be able to go to the gym and store without makeup but I can because I'm ugly
>tfw lolcow would have a mental breakdown if they saw my face
>tfw when I'd kill to have skin like this because it's nothing compared to what I have
No. 66640
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>>66637can you go to the gym at weird times, like early morning or the late evening?
if it makes you feel any better, most of the people at my gym don't look like beautiful chads and staceys. it's mostly older men and women who are focused on themselves. people only notice you if you stink really badly. people just want to listen to their music.
i feel the same way about my acne scars, but i've been going to the gym, and the more i go, the less awkward i feel. i know it's silly, but i've been wearing eyeliner+mascara, in addition to translucent powder+sunscreen just so i don't feel totally ugly. but i used to not be able to go outside without FULL MAKEUP, like foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. but now i feel like there's a huge weight off my back now that i don't have to wear so much makeup outside.
best of luck, anon <3
No. 66681
>>66637LMAOO girl wtf. You aren't special. Literally no one gives a shit about you at the gym unless you have a nice ass. Most guys will probably give a quick glance when you walk in the door because everyone does when the door opens but no one gives a shit. They're either checking their form in the mirror or on their phones.
Literally no one cares what you look like at the gym because it's the fucking gym. I don't see how you girls go with a full face of makeup it would be so disgusting to sweat in that and clog your pores up. I just fill in my eyebrows and apply mascara and I'm good to go. Honestly anon, that should be the one place where you can let your skin breathe besides the gym. Putting on so much makeup will just make it worse