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No. 57421
>>56684But what's the point, if the surgeons barely have any experience on patients that aren't Korean?
Why not just go to Lebanon or something?
No. 57453
>>57433There are surgeons in Korea who have experience with non asian faces but it's not as good as they tout. They will only show pictures of the non-fails that took a few retries.
Like other anons say, there are better countries for caucasian faces. Try to get an Lebanon or Iran doc or something, they do the most work with that face type. A lot of people underestimate the stress and time waste that comes from needing retouches.
No. 57458
>>57433What surgical procedures are you wanting?
I can give you a good response but I need specifics. These things are pretty important and you have to be careful. Never fuck with your face without understanding the gravity of it.
No. 57491
>>57479Well, they don't have any websites like RealSelf since it's a relatively small country and you can get all the necessary information through word of mouth. Most people prefer old-school forums, (as in Anna, not anorexia) is the biggest women's forum in the country and if you speak the language you'll have no trouble asking around for recs. People aren't allowed to post names of ps clinics there but they often give clues as to whom they're talking about and you can google it easily. You can pm the members there for pics.
Prices for rhinoplasty are in the €1500-3500 ballpark and there's a magazine with a website (Estetika, iirc) where they publish the most popular surgeons' profiles. I've been told that the two women surgeons and Ribnikar (the one that looks like an old Roman soldier) are good for nose jobs.
The country is safe as long as you don't go gallivanting out in the boonies, most people in the capital party until as late as 4AM and it's okay to walk around by yourself at night as long as you don't go crawling around random alleys and stuff. Bydlos/chavs there can be loud and annoying but are usually harmless. Lots of pickpocketing gypsies (it is the Balkans, after all), but they're easy to spot and avoid. Public transport is okay but packed full 24/7, especially on major routes.
Try the local food and visit a national park or stay in an ethno-village for a while, it's a really pretty country however fucked up politically. Local staff in the city won't be too friendly, but they're chronically overworked and underpaid so it's nothing personal. Still, most people are nicer than they look ime.
I'm going there for a nj in May, so I can let you know how it went.
No. 60023
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>>59966to add on to this (same anon who posted)
i just looked up that noses wouldn't shrink w/ weight loss, and thats what i don't like
i dunno i just don't like how fleshy my nose is, and I'm constantly flaring it in front of cameras and mirrors to make the nasal tip smaller — kind of like someone who sucks in their gutt
you'd think a flat asian nose would cancel out the pointyness of a white nose but mine looks like the after in the pic from the side
myb I'm just delusional and my nose is perfect
No. 60421
>>60023Not sure what you mean by fleshy anon, do you have a better eample? Do you mean a bulbous tip?
And yeah it won't change with weight loss because it's cartillage.
No. 60431
>>60421yeah, bulbous tips suck
contouring just doesn't work in rl so i guess surgery one day when i can afford it…
No. 60434
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>>60431the middle of the top row looks a lot like mine
its just wider at the bottom and my nostrils are barely visible
when I'm flaring my nose the tip tightens up and my nostrils show more, which might sound like a weird thing to force but people will call me really pretty when holding this pose
its so vain but i just can't stand it