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No. 56898
>>56897When I don't use a cloth of some sort daily or every other day, I quickly accumulate a layer of dead skin. If you're ever in the shower and have soaked for a while, scratch your leg or smth with your nail and you might get gray dead skin coming off, or it might easily roll off your skin if you rub the area.
This doesnt mean you should be viciously scrubbing your skin every day or anything, but if you feel physically "dirty", it might be because of that. It's normal though.
No. 56899
>>56892Well that's why I take a hot bath every few days which gets rid of any dead skin.
But then some people think baths are gross, but as long as you rinse after I don't see why. I didn't even have a shower growing up, just a bathtub. Now I only have a shower ha.
I'm just a bit paranoid - does the "dead skin" smell?
No. 56909
To anyone who thinks they don't smell and they don't need to use deodorant:
You do. Please wear deodorant.
>>56903>>56901I would really recommend just using a shower pouf with your soap to remove any dead skin or grime, only on your body though, that's going to be so much faster than stewing in your own juices for a bit.
No. 56925
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I can't seem to get all the shampoo out while washing my hair no matter how long I spend in the shower. It's ridiculous and really embarrassing, but I'll need help to wash it in the sink every once in a while to make sure it's reasonably free of shampoo residue.
Does anyone else have trouble with this or am I just an abomination
No. 56926
>>56925I had this problem, still do sometimes. The shampoo would sort of "clump" my hair together and it would be a nightmare.
What helped was to change the brand, use less and brush my hair before getting in the shower
No. 56960
>>56943>>56917are you really retarded enough to say sweat is unnatural? how old are you?
>>56931everything is made of chemicals…
No. 56967
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Underboob sweat is my biggest problem and idk what to do about it.
No. 57132
>>56931I use Crystal deodorant and it is amazing. It has no perfumes or icky chemicals and lasts forever. other natural products check out health food stores.
No. 57189
>>57187You're not meant to insert anything into your ears and honestly as long as you don't have allergies or sinus problems (like me) the most you should have to do is wipe around your earhole and the creases of your ear with a washcloth while in the shower to remove deadskin/discharge.
If I don't clean inside my ears I can't hear because of allergies, I'm totally disgusting srry.
No. 57190
>>57132Seconding the importance of an non-fragrance deodorant. They work a lot better and they don't mingle weirdly with perfumes you apply.
Most deodorant fragrances smell like grandma soaps and they're pretty one-smell-fits-all so go no-fragrance.
No. 57191
>>56925I had this with every shampoo, my hair was all flat and when I got it wet in the shower I could still feel yesterday's shampoo in it (yuck) even though I rinsed so thoroughly.
The only thing I've tried that got rid of it was Lush's BIG shampoo. It's not for everyone but it makes my hair clean and fluffy so I like it. I think there might be some chemical in regular shampoos that clings to hair or something. idk
No. 57192
>>57187It's really changes person to person. Some people just produce more earwax than others. Genetics also play a huge role. (Asians tend to have drier/flakey earwax that may not need to be cleaned to the level of a white person. Typically, most white people have the wet-type wax. Seriously)
If you're worried about piercing your eardrum, just take it slow and start getting yourself comfortable by working on the outer portions of your ear. It's honestly probably better that you feel this way so you don't become an overzealous moron who just packs the earwax farther into their ear canal and causes problems.
By the way, if you're really worried about not being able to see your ear I know here in Asia they sell ear cleaning picks that have a light and small camera so you can plug it into your laptop and see what you're doing in real time. Not sure how available they are in other places, but I'm sure you could manage with a shopping service.
Good luck
No. 57195
>>57191>>56925You both sound like you're just using way too much product. Even if you have a ton of hair, you really only need to be using a quarter-sized amount. Try getting your hair hair and hands wet first and emulsify the shampoo in your palms before massaging it into your scalp. If you still feel dirty after rinsing, do a second shampoo focusing on the areas that feel gross.
You shouldn't be putting shampoo on any of your hair other than what's close to your scalp.
Either that or you were using $2 shampoo filled to the brim with silicones.
No. 57209
>>57195I might be hmm. I get really oily hair and if I don't use enough shampoo my hair stays oily but maybe I'm using too much? My regular shampoo isn't shit cheap, it was 20 dollars for a regular sized bottle I think, does that count as cheap?
Do you have any brand recommendations? I'm oily and I have a thick head of fine hair that's short and gets weighed down super easy.
Like I said, Lush was all that helped so far, I'm pretty hopeless with hair lmao.
No. 57212
>>57211Oh jeez, I always thought you had to wash it out straight after because it dried your hair out? Like I use it like I'm washing my head, that's wrong huh
No. 57229
>>56926>>57134>>57191>>57195>>56925Thanks for the feedback everyone! I realize from my post it may have sounded like I used cheap shit but I'm actually kind of a snob when it comes to hair products (which makes my situation all the more baffling to me). Until recently I used the Pureology volume shampoo+conditioner and I've read online that some people had similar problems after using them so stay the fuck away from those. Before that I've used stuff like Redken and Kérastase (the latter of which I'm seriously contemplating returning to now) since it's what my hair salon carries. I'll just latch onto whatever my hair stylist uses on me from now on.
Just remember that no matter how much you spend there's still a risk high-end products either suck worse than cheaper stuff or just don't go well with your hair. It seems like a given but even when you go off of other people's reviews it can go wrong.
No. 57237
>>57229I've actually had the same problem with Pureology. Even the Volume line always felt too disgustingly heavy no matter what. If you liked the idea of Pureology, try checking out Colorproof. Same price point, and created by the original creator of Pureology. He came out of retirement to make it after becoming offended at Loreal's changes to the Pureology line after selling it kek.
(If you ever do pick it up btw, be aware that it's a very gentle formula that requires two shampoos, a dime sized amount of product, and dripping wet hair. Using it wrong will make you hate it, but I recommend it constantly because it's actually amazing when used correctly)
No. 58020
>>58017also i second this, is bar soap unhygienic? I feel it cleans better but dont like the idea of it collecting all the poop particles from my bathroom.
sometimes my cat sneaks in and shits in the sink.
No. 58098
>>58085 said. I used to wash my hair once a week because I'd been told it was 'bad' to wash it more than that, and that you 'shouldn't use shampoo anywhere other than your scalp, you should only shampoo once and never use a
hair fryer'. I don't know if that kind of mollycoddling does anything for other people's hair but mine is crazy thick and coarse, and after I heeded that advice it just started looking limp and sad. Now I barely use conditioner and I shampoo twice every four days, drying it with a 'hair fryer' because air drying takes for fucking ever.
TL;DR do what makes your hair look best as long as it doesn't involve baking soda, there's no right or wrong way to wash your hair as long as you get it clean.
No. 58101
>>58093Massage your scalp with water, get your hair soaking wet. Dime sized amount of shampoo, distribute evenly over your scalp. Massage it in (really get in there with your fingertips, rub your scalp), leave for 5 min. Rinse well and repeat if necessary.
Only use conditioner and hair oils on the lenght, not on your scalp.
No. 58428
>>58392use hidrofugal. im also a slut regarding personal hygiene but have no issues with that thing, it keeps the smell to a minimum. it also helps because when the bacteria under your arms becomes too much, it gets a nasty deodorant smell. personally i cant be bothered by my own sweaty smell but when i smell that i feel the urgent need to take a shower and scrubb me for hours.
for being depressed: jump into the shower without expectations. even a water-only shower is better than nothing. dont expect to do a full shower regime, just jump in for a start and get wet. cant be bothered to do more than getting wet? call it a day.
i also started washing my face with only water and i actually have less pimples and clocked pores.
>>58392 No. 59709
Just gonna list shit at random might be some repeats
>Change your loofah/sponge/whatever often or wash your washcloth often
Bacteria forms on that shit quick which is a big issue if you wash your vag with it
>If you have an innie bellybutton or are otherwise fat, take great care in drying off
Bacteria grows in warm wet spots like under folds and in your bellybutton. I use q-tips and tissue paper to get the belly button (When they start coming out dry you're good to go). As for body folds, drying off extra carefully under your belly and tits will make any odors build up less quickly (crucial for hot days)
>bar soap is less sanitary than liquid soap
I use bar soaps once in awhile in the bath because those are my "spa" moments but for daily wash you need a liquid one.
>geta sulfate free shampoo
Lot of shit in commercial shampoo is shit for your hair, and depending on your texture might make your hair appear greasier faster
>Learn to love a "whore bath" if you're in a rush
Oversleep for work/school/whatever and don't have time to shower but you reek? Take a washcloth and just wash your pits and vag from the sink (use either a clean spot to wipe away the soap or a different washcloth). Dry shampoo and a bun will save your hair
>Wash your face morning and night
It's tough to get into the routine but everyone should. I like using a lesser step asian beauty routine (2 cleansers, toner, sheet mask, and moisturizer. Minus the mask and adding sunscreen for morning. You can get by with western products with similar results, i did this until ulta started getting Ab items in. If you make the night routine a part of winding down for the night it can become kind of relaxing, it's the mornings i'm bad about because i sleep in too much
>get a little nail brush from any cosmetic section anywhere (they're like $2, most manicure kits will include one) and use it in the shower. Make sure it dries properly.
>change your underwear more often
I think people are universally bad on over-wearing their underwear and for ladies that can cause problems in the long run. Better to change them daily or every other day at least depending on the style (I'll let boy shorts or certain fabrics go a little longer if i'm not leaving the house because i'm nasty)
Btw if it's any incentive for anyone to wash their face: Ulta sells those cute little headbands you see animu girls wear when they wash their face, the ones with the bow. It makes me feel kawaii and keeps my hair dry while i wash my face. Amazon also has really cute ones (i got a 4pack of kitty cat ones for pretty cheap)
No. 59711
>>58526I'll say this: You probably don't smell as bad as you think you do.
I've always been petrified of guys going down on me because i thought i smelled bad but when a couple guys randomly told me i smelled good it made me realize how much of it was in my head. Same for pit stank. Have a good friend check your pit stank for you if you feel funky or just carry deodorant around with you.
I personally use men's deodorant because no female brands worked for me (anxiety makes me sweat more than average) so if this applies to anyone else i recommend old spice in Showtime or the wolf one (it has a picture of wolves on it). Those two smell the "girliest" to me. In general our body chemistry will make the smell girlier on you regardless so unless you try to wear something like Axe you don't have to worry about that. They have it in the gel-stick or the powder-stick.
and honestly? Buy two and keep one in your purse. If you can find a travel size, do that. I'd rather have it on a day i forget to put it on after my shower than be without.
No. 59719
>>56878I feel dumb for asking this but anyone has tips for proper feet care? (idk if it would belong here or the skin thread)
I usually just use a foot rasp and the moisturize my feet, and clip my nails, is there anything else I could add to the routine to keep my feet soft and nice?
No. 59741
>>59709>bar soap is less sanitary than liquid soapNot unless you keep it in your anal cavity all day.
>Get a sulfate free shampooNo need unless you're allergic.
Wanna know how I can tell you're American?
No. 59745
>>59741Diff anon here. Before reading this thread I didn't know people thought this about bar soap. My mom always told us to run clean water over it after we were done, and everyone had a separate bar for personal use. I like liquid soap better, but yeah.
Talking about gross things, some people are so unhygienic when it comes to baths… Wash yourself before going into the water, please.
No. 59751
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>>58529! So using regular Balea 2€ liquid soap can be the cause of vag discharge?
I kind of don't know how much discharge is normal. I do wear panty liners every day and I don't think that's normal :< It's not like really disgusting or anything and there's less/none of it on days when I actually drink 2l of water and piss like 20 times that day.
So which soap ingredients are bad for the vag?
No. 59758
>>56878how do you guys the area thats inside the outer lips but outside the inner lips? thats where I get a weird smell sometimes.
I've been using soap there (not inside the hole but ouside) but im scared that this has contributed to discharge or something. should i switch to feminine wash? i tried it for like one day but it didnt give me that "clean" smell so I stopped to use it, but maybe i have to do it for weeks to "fix" the smell if that makes sense (if the smell is caused by using soap I mean)
No. 59761
>>59757I sort of forgotten the real purpose of pantyliner until the doctor mention it again, and here is what I found on Wiktionary. A pad worn on the inner surface of women’s underwear … during a shoulder-day of the menstrual period, designed to absorb small, spotty quantities of menstrual fluid, in contrast to a tampon or sanitary napkin, worn on heavy-flow days.
Yes, if you got it right, pantyliners are meant for spotting days, and not to be worn on a daily affair.
No. 59762
>>59751It depends from person to person. I've always had copious discharge since I started puberty and it's normal for me. I don't think soap matters that much as long as you don't actually wash your vagina with it (as in, stick it inside). It doesn't make you gross or unclean, some people just have a lot of discharge, some don't. Pick thicker cotton underwear like the kind they sell in Monoprix for 9€ (if you have it where you live).
I'm kind of appalled at some of the responses here tbh
>bar soap is bad>sulfate free shampoo is bad>using industrial strength deodorant and showering twice/3/4 times a day because you have a fear of smellingI've also heard some people from the US say they wash their clothes after each use and change their clothes after biking for 15 minutes. Jfc. I understand if you live in a tropical climate and have to wear a stuffy uniform or something but some of this stuff is so excessive and frankly more harmful than just… smelling a little. This is how little kids develop allergies and eczema. Other stuff is not so bad but is literally gluten intolerance-tier and completely unnecessary.
No. 59803
>>59755Sound advice. I have an unscented wash for my vulva for during my period, and to wash my menstrual cup when I empty it (I boil it in a designated pot ever month) but water really is more than enough.
Pantiliners are great, but using them every day doesn't feel right. I have been having a lot more discharge than normal since getting my iud, and I'm considering getting washable liners made from cotton or something else breathable. Can anyone tell me how well or poorly they work, what to look for when purchasing them, and if they are visible under clothing?
No. 59804
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>>59803washable liners are great, I buy mine on rakuten pic related. I also get my period panties there, they have this extra fabric so you can put the wings of pads rather than putting them outside your panties.
No. 59820
>>59761>>59803Yes, I know it was meant to wear them like that, that's why I knew it wasn't supposed to be normal to wear them every day like I do. But I didn't think it could make the discharge wore (by not letting the lady parts breathe).
Albeit it sounds gross, I liked using it beacuse if I felt sweaty and gross in the middle of the day at work, I just took it off and threw it in the trash and there were fresh undies underneath.
>>59762Sadly no Monoprix, but i do have thicker 100% cotton underwear by lisca (not white though, don't know if that's a minus). Great post, I agree with the later completely. Do avoid bar soap to wash your face if you have dry skin, but otherwise it's not the devil.
>>59803Today I'm starting with the no soap and liners regime. Thanks everybody!
No. 59888
>>59823This. Unless a doctor tells you to use one, no one has any need for feminine washes.
I use a mild soap but never on the inside (Just the outside of the lips to wash away shit like dried blood from a period and shit) emphasis on mild. I suggest checking out a hipster health food store for gentle soaps.
No. 60110
>>60108Depends on your schedule and what you prefer.
Some people say they get sweaty at night so they shower in the morning, others like the feel of jumping into bed fresh out of the shower.
I'm the latter, I just put on some deodorant before I go to bed and again when I wake up. I like hour-long showers so there's no way I'm going to rush just to squeeze in 15 measly minutes of being cold, then warm, then cold again in the morning.
No. 60137
>>60133I bet you're better than every dermatologist out there, my DUDE MARIAH.
>>>>Your skin is covered by a thin regenerating layer called the hydrolipid film. You’re essentially secreting acid, albeit a weak one. This film’s job is to protect you from infection by bacteria and keeps most parasites off you.The fastest way to destroy that film is by using soap. Every time you wash your body with shampoo or soap, especially in a bath, you destroy your own protection. Not to mention that water makes your skin softer, easier to penetrate for bacteria.
No. 60141
>>60133Quit implying that showering once a day makes you dirty, lol.
>>60077>>60125I'll first try a month with water only and then move to other solutions. I'm sure it's clean.
No. 60203
>>59890Nothing worked on my feet until I simply used Degree/Dove's spray deodorants (i'm sure many more brands make them depending on your country). Ever since I was a kid, my family would try to use weird pharmaceutical grade stuff to make my feet stop sweating, because it was particularly abnormal for a child. I tried weird tricks like soaking my feet in tea, using tea bags or scented powders in my shoes, specialty gels, foams, socks. They spent so much money.
It wasn't until I moved out on my own at 18 and literally just bought anti-bacterial spray deodorant. I haven't had any issues since then. Careful though those cans can be fatal if you have issues like asthma and use them in a non-ventilated area.
No. 60229
>>60112>>Why people don't shower in the morning AND before bed?It really depends on the individual and their routine/where they live anon.
I live in California now, and only bathe every 2-4 days because it's dry and cold. In summer, I bathe every 1-2 days (same/every day if I exercise). When I lived in humid countries, I would shower 1-3 times per day in the summer and more frequently if I rode a bike or walked a lot. I drive in the USA, but when I have had to use public transit here, I shower like crazy afterward because I'm so disgusted.
No. 60244
>>60229California is cold to you?
Where the hell did you live before anon?
No. 60259
>>59890Zinc oxide (diaper rash cream) is the only thing that worked for my feet. I had the most disgusting foot smell that could clear an entire floor if I took off my boots.
Apply a thin layer all over your feet after washing for a few days, the smell should be gone for up to 6 months. You may need new shoes though.
No. 60270
>>60244>>California is cold to you?Yes, it's cold. I live next to the beach. I hate it (yes, I'm moving thank gawd). If you move inland, it's warm or even hot, but living next to the beach sucks and is overrated as fuck. It's literally cold nearly every single day of the year, including during the summer months. The only thing I enjoy about it is listening to the sea life, and not having to compete with tourists for parking spots on the few days its actually hot (I just walk).
>>Where the hell did you live before anon?I've lived in a few other countries, and on the east coast (New York). Not going to go into specifics, but suffice to say living near a beach in a tropical climate is much, much closer to the "beach dream" stereotype than in California.
>>Now to turn up the heater and put on another sweater…… No. 60468
>>59890the fact that you said exfoliating it sometimes fixes the smell makes me think it's a build up of bacteria.You also have to remember the way you smell depends on your diet too so make sure you're eating healthy.
Use bar soap if you aren't already. and don't use anything feminine smelling because that always seems to make it worse. Something like Irish Spring or Dial.
In my experience waxing instead of shaving reduces the smell for me a little more. I think because the wax removes a lot of built up deodorant residue on the skin too.
I also like to make a sugar and honey mixture to exfoliate my arm pits and I think it works pretty well.
No. 60471
>>60270I have family that lives by the beach and the first time I went to visit them I was so excited! Sun and surf, it was gonna be good.
It was a beautiful sunny day and as soon as I crested the hill I noticed our descent was plunged in fucking fog. It was GORGEOUS everywhere else except by the beach where it was cold and humid. I was shivering because I was stupidly dressed for the heat and my makeup and hair turned to shit.
The first time seeing the ocean and it was cold and foggy :(
No. 60565
>>60559Don't use washes to balance your pH. Let your vagina do its own thing.
Wash with bar soap or fragrance-free soap only on the outside lips, okay?
Next, ingrowns. Get a fresh, non-motor razor. Don't soak the kitty and your pubes in water before you begin. Get a good shaving cream (I use Aveeno, it's moisture filled and not irritating), and don't skimp on the price. Shave the kitty in the direction that your hair grows after applying shaving cream liberally to the area you're going to shave. Go slowly, take your time, and try to be sensitive to hard to reach areas so you don't cut yourself.
Wash the razor under cold water when hair builds up. Try to trim first, then shave at the skin. Once you're done shaving, EXFOLIATE. Use a soap to wash off excess and loose hair, and then follow it with an exfoliating scrub after. Pat the kitty dry with a towel.
Lastly, you'll want to use a non-alcohol based aftershave so that ingrowns don't come in. There's two I highly recommend. Anthony Ingrown Hair Treatment (you can get it at Sephora for $25 USD) or Jack Black Bump Fix (I get mine from CVS or Walmart). Use it every night after you bathe on your kitty where you've shaved. If you're dealing with current ingrowns, apply the aftershave and then use a sterile set of tweezers to pull the hair out.
Good luck. (Sorry if this is a long post.)
No. 60568
>>60560Licensed Cosmo anon here
Try washing less often (as much as possible), I know after two days it gets greasy but this is because your scalp is used to the natural oils being removed (shampoo) that frequently. To stop this you're going to have to bite the bullet and just deal with having gross hair for a little while and it'll slowly/eventually regulate itself. Another tip to help is avoiding putting conditioner on the roots/scalp. Focus the conditioner on the mids/ends of your hair since thats the hair that needs conditioner most.
As for the color situation, it sounds like since you had a treatment &color done (and that you had previously bleached hair) your color is probably fading fast/revealing patchy bleached hair for two reasons. Your hair is more than likely porous meaning it'll take a while of rebuilding for it to grab and that your stylist probably didn't properly fill your hair. When going dark from previously bleached hair, especially if more than 2 levels darker, you need to put the pigments you stripped out back into the hair. For example, if you were a platinum blonde (LVL 10) and you went to a dark brown they needed to put a red back in.
Also- to help with the fading, using proper hair care products can help prevent fading. You're typically going to want to find something sulfate free and/or color PROTECT not just color safe. Color protect means it will help protect your color from fading whereas color safe literally just means it's safe to use on color treated hair. I would personally avoid grocery store shampoos- even if it's a high end brand in the grocery store. For example, Paul Mitchell isn't supposed to be sold to you unless it's done by a licensed professional, because otherwise the quality cannot be guaranteed. Grocery stores and places like Walmart buy their salon brand products from 3rd parties. Typically these products are expired (yes shampoo has a shelf life), or even tampered with (watered down/different products entirely) Ulta is a safe/reliable place to buy salon quality hair products without having to go to the salon.
If you're having trouble with your hair not grabbing color you probably need protein and moisture. Protein will help even out the porosity of the hair and the moisture will help prevent your hair from becoming over proteinized.
Avoid washing hair in hot water if at all possible, hot water opens the cuticle of the hair/dries the hair out/allows for easier fading.
If you need to touch up your color but absolutely cannot afford a trip to the salon, you could do it yourself using products from sally's. If you do choose to do this I would stick with the Wella brand, and if for some reason they insist you need 20 vol developer, you need to insist on 10 vol. 20 volume will lift your hair and damage it more, whereas 10 is going to deposit only.
PS don't trust the swatches for the colors- keep in mind the color you see is dyed on top of white hairs.
Sorry for long reply, I tend to nerd out about hair.
No. 60571
>>60565Not who you're replying to, but my hairs are very coarse – shaving in the direction the hair grows barely gets rid of any hair, but when I shave against them I end up sore and with bumps for weeks!!
Any advice? I've given up on shaving my pubic hair now ;__;
No. 60647
>>60634Sounds like you need to rinse better. It's product build up and dead skin cells from washing it everyday. If you put conditioner on the top of your head, don't do it no more. Just put conditioner on the ends of your hair.
I'd switch to shampooing your hair every two days at minimum and see how that goes for you so that your head can breathe and let the natural oils saturate.
No. 63365
>>63337Scented products are just masking smells with perfume if you're not actually cleaning properly.
Even normal soap is enough, you don't need anything fancy, just make sure to lather up properly and actually scrub with a loofah. Just putting shower gel on your body and then rinsing it off won't do shit
If you want your skin to be soft and smell perfumed then just apply body butter or lotion all over immediately after you shower or a sunscreen if you live somewhere hot. Make sure you find a deodorant that is working for you and regularly wash your hands.
No. 63403
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hi farmers. does anyone else here like…sweat profusely? i think i might have an anxiety issue that contributes to it, but i always feel like i sweat more than other people… doesn't help that i actively think about it whenever i go out. i'm chubby, but even my heavier friends don't sweat this much, so i'm confused.
also, i tend to sweat a lot between my thighs, which always ends up in my underwear being gross and wet, and the seat/crotch of my pants being wet, too. this is probably the most embarrassing part tbh. idk how i made it to 22.
No. 63409
>>63403>>63406Same thing here
That's why I often wrear dark colors so you don't see how sweaty I really am
>nighttime prescription-strength antiperspirantsMind explaining what that is?
No. 63429
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>>63409There are antiperspirants like this that say they're prescription or clinical strength, basically you put it on before going to sleep and it blocks where you sweat overnight. You can also shower in the morning and it won't come off because it's already in the pores. I think they work pretty well as long as you're not doing anything too intense (it helps me not sweat at work or when I'm outside but I always look like shit at the gym).
No. 63494
>>63430>>63406>>63441ty for the suggestions guys. what sucks even more is that the city i'm in is apparently super notable for being the sunniest place in this country. it was like nine million degrees today, all day, and no air conditioning anywhere but on the tram lol. i think i scared an old woman trying to get groceries because i looked like i'd been drowned.
anyway, thanks again, will check out the prescription strength stuff!
No. 63833
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Does anyone use an epilator? I've been using one for the past few years but noticed this past year that I have a bunch of black dots on my legs where the hair used to be, so I've picked at some with a tweezer and found them to be a bunch of little ingrown hairs.
I have tried exfoliating + shaving afterwards but there's still so many black little dots.
No. 65510
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can I ask one weird thing?
Is it normal that nearly all of your panties get stained from usually blood or other fluids over time?
Like I never wear pads (I just gag from the smell alone of it, also they nearly always get out of the place anyway, even those with wings), but still.
Some women I know seem to have only clean and sparkly non-stained underwear or somehow thats the impression that I have.
Do they just throw the stained ones out, or only wear them on their periods? Are you suppossed to do that?
No. 65513
>>65510They probably wear panty liners to avoid staining their underwear.
I don't and it get stained pretty fast. I don't see myself wearing a panty liner full time, it seems like UTI city to me.
I just throw out the stained one when it's really too much.
No. 65526
>>65516Nah I get this too.
My vag must bleach them or something cause the dye goes
No. 65536
>>63403i began sweating like a motherfucker these past few months and i had no idea what to do (i'm also chubby)
my problem was that basically, i wasn't drinking enough water, so my body started freaking
i started drinking 2L a day and now i'm back to normal, all gucci
of course, you don't have to drink that much but try at least 1 liter a day
No. 65537
>>63845 not rly though
laser would be a pain in anyone's wallet. and as someone with thick hair, laser would only slow down its growth for a short period of time,
then it would all start again
i've been recommended the pulsating light hair removal treatment, which does the same but cheaper
although not giving a fuck is the best option
No. 65568
File: 1501078191172.jpg (112.91 KB, 500x487, driclorpacks-both_4e816be50809…)

>>63403I've had this problem since I was 13 and it's so embarrassing. The only thing that helped me was a product called Driclor. I've been using it for around 8 years now and it honestly was a miracle product. Initially I had to apply it every few days but now I only need to use it once every two weeks. I've only ever tried it under my arms though, so I don't know how well it would work for thighs or other body parts. But seriously, if you sweat profusely under your arms, this will change your life.
No. 65617
>>63403I also had this problem, and i started using Certain-Dri. it makes your pits itch like crazy for the first 15 min, but it kept me dry for 48+ hours. Shit is probably so bad for your health but it works so damn well. Just make sure to follow the directions completely.
Also they have a $2 off coupon on their site