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No. 58539
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I'm a sagittarius and I don't give a shit and often want to die. Accurate innit
No. 58541
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>>58539we're one and the same. thank the gods we got a great sense of humor
No. 58566
>>58534find out your moon and rising signs from a natal chart! i find that while rising and sun signs can fit personalities and "vibes"; the moon signs starts showing the more you get to know someone and their thinking processes. I personally find libra moons to embody the libra stereotype moreso than the suns: reliant on substances, co-dependent and always in a relationship, easily swayed, artistic etc
most capricorn suns i've met seem to be a bit more wild in comparison to capricorn moons… it's probably because their sun would have progressed natally into aquarius. as a capricorn moon, i find that i and other capricorn moons seem to fit the "cautious and square" stereotype more so than the capricorn suns i've met.
in the same vein, aquarian sun women actually give off an aquarian/pisces vibe. they're a lot more dreamier and feminine than you would expect (think kathleenlights). it really depends on the entirety of your natal chart.
No. 58681
>>58675speaking as a woman,
No. 58708
>>58611every astrological sign is involved because each of them are said to "rule" a planet and what house they end up in determines the strength or absence of their influence. the newspaper sun sign astrology characteristics are universal so you can use those stereotypes to interpret them in your chart.
midheaven/MC represents the overall "theme" to your life, rising sign/ascendant represents the first impression you give off to others, sun sign is what friends/family see, moon sign is your inner most self others don't see. mercury sign represents intelligence and communication, venus is love and money, and mars is how you deal with conflict. these planets are the most important to your natal chart because they are the fastest moving, so they cause the most variation from chart to chart and are the strongest influencers. jupiter sign represents fortune and insight (some signs like cancer and pisces are considered "psychic", so if you have one of those signs in jupiter, then an astrologist would probably infer that you have high emotional intelligence based on only your chart). saturn, uranus, neptune, and pluto all move really slow from house to house, so they are more meant to reflect the state of society at the time of your birth rather than you. chiron in your chart can mean good luck, but lilith is an omen. north node represents skills you need to develop in this life time while south node represents ones you have over developed in previous ones.
there's 12 houses on the astrological wheel and they also have associated meanings and signs. i'm not gonna list all of them because they are easy to look up, but here's an example of how to read them. the 1st house governs the self and is ruled by aries, which rules the planet mars. lets say your sun sign and moon sign are both aries and mars is in your 1st house, then that would imply that you very much embody the aries stereotype because the signs are strongest when the planets are in their respective houses. if there are no planets in your 1st house, then you probably don't relate much to your sun or moon sign, and might find it more useful to read about the signs that show up in other houses.
No. 58729
>>58717Really? That makes me feel much better then. I always thought people used astrology to try and ~predict the future~
My sense of self is so fragmented that I view my chart as proof that I exist as a real person. I have birth date and time… therefore, I am? hahaha, fuck my stupid brain
No. 58731
>>58722oh hi! thanks for replying. what are your leo traits? :)
i'm 12th of august - i actually went away and looked at my ascending/sun/moon altogether, and saw how they interplay. it was actually really accurate - more so than the straight sun sign. i'm floored.
i mean i still don't logically believe in astrology but at the same time it's nice to have something to relate to and feel understood.
No. 58743
>>58731Different anon but I was born aug 14th so hi almost birthday twin
I dont buy into astrology so much but I think it's fun/harmless stuff. I'm introverted and generally I'm a wallflower but I try to emulate leo traits that i admire.
No. 58814
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>>58739I think the general consensus in the wider Astrology community is that cusps are bs but I don't know.
Anyway, here's my chart - feel free to roast or drag me or whatever else.
No. 58819
>>58708yo you seem knowledgeable about astrology. help me understand this paradox:
i have a scorpio ascendant but with a leo MC and saturn in the 5th house, pluto in the 1st. in many ways, this seems to counter act and negate each other, after all scorpio and pluto are secretive, with saturn in the 5th limiting self expression yet the "theme" of my chart is one of "leo" which i fail to relate to symbolically. how can i break down these aspects to understand the nuances more cohesively?
No. 58824
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Taurus Sun, Pisces Rising, Libra Moon!
I fit perf in my sun and rising stereotype, i find it difficult to relate to libra, i'm not very social skilled.
>>58616Gemini men are weird af but they're fun too i like them but would never date one
No. 58849
>>58731I'm pretty text-book leo. I like attention and have a huge ego, basically lol.
My rising sign is Scorpio and my moon is Aquarius though, and they make a lot of sense to me.
No. 58852
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>>58814I am absolutely ~*~shook~*~. Went there and put my birth date in and 90% of the description hits me. From personality traits to my job description, I mean what the heck is this
No. 58887
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I felt like reading all this info was too real and embarrassing tbh.
No. 58913
>>58819your scorpio ascendant and pluto in the 1st house means that pluto has a very strong, overbearing influence since scorpio is it's ruling planet. look into "plutonian people" and see if that offers any guidance. saturn in the 5th house implies a serious nature, so just from what you listed, the leo characteristics in your mid heaven would absolutely be drowned out unless you mindfully work towards reaping the benefits of having this placement. instead of looking at your MC as a "theme", maybe look at it as a guide for your untapped potential instead. scorpio is probably the most secretive sign, but leo benefits from being open because people with this sign always have innate confidence regardless of if they use it or not. both signs can be prone to arrogance, so that'd be an example of something you'd want to work on, if that's an issue you have.
unfortunately that's all i can say from the information provided, but one thing that you could look into are the degrees of each placement (there's 30 of them and Leo MC 1° is very different than Leo MC 30°). another are the angles of the planets in respect to eachother. angles to look for: 0° (conjunction), 60° (sextile), 90° (square), 120° (trine), and 180° (opposition). if any of the planets in your charts have one of these angles in it, then the planet's/sign's influence could be either be weakened, cancelled out, or amplified, depending.
hope this helped you. if not, feel free to post your full chart if you want me to look at it closer.
No. 58926
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I find this all to be so fascinating, even though I've always been skeptical of astrology. Anyone care to give mine a go?
No. 58933
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Please tell me about myself.
No. 58944
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Here's something I found that might interest you guys!
>“I come off as [Rising Sign], my character is [Sun Sign], and my inner soul is [Moon Sign].”
No. 59109
>>58894search up anything by linda goodman. she's an author of astrology that imo relates the 12 archetypes to their higher octaves rather than giving adjective descriptions. then the rest of the blogs and tumblr-sphere is about weeding through the useless posts to find astrology bloggers willing to explore complex aspects of astrology like houses and aspects rather than just "astrology aesthetics".
those observations were based on people i know IRL. as a capricorn moon, I know for sure that there's certain behaviors that capricorn suns have exhibited (shaved head with face tattoo on girl, doing dmt and heroin at age 16) that goes beyond "letting loose"(as capricorn moons needs to learn to do) and goes into the Aquarian territory of straight up self-ostracization and rebellion. meanwhile the actual aquarian suns i knew were all women and women who looked completely normal with a dreamy-ish way of speaking and got along with what one would consider "normal crowds" such as church groups, volunteer groups, huge groups of women etc
No. 59112
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>>58913absolutely! thanks for the reply, <3_<3 i didn't know about the angles and the fact influences can be weakened through it.
i personally feel the descriptor of pluto rising people to be "sexy, alluring" inaccurate due to the saturn in the 5th influence- i have never been described as sexy and i definitely don't actively try to cultivate that image either. however, many have noted that i seem secretive, startled easily, "like you're hiding something, hiding yourself". in which case, i do see the significance of pluto 1st. i do not however understand where i must be expressing leo energy within the interactions of my chart
i have:
1st house: Pluto and Mars
2nd house: moon and jupiter
3rd house: uranus and neptune
5th house: saturn
11th house: Sun, mercury and chiron
12th house: venus and north node
No. 59249
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So my Ascendant is Libra and my Node is Libra. Does that mean that everything I've read about Ascendant Libra (charmers, everyone likes them, diplomats, calm people seeking peace) is something I have a problem with and need to work on to find happiness? Or am I interpreting things wrong? I've read about a Libra Node, but I think the fact that Libra is also my Ascendant plays a big role and it changes the interpetation a bit. Can someone more experienced tell me if I'm right or it's pure baloney what I wrote? Thank you in advance
No. 59251
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I don't get this. I've always thought that i'm scorpio and actually the superficial descriptions fitted very well but reading the result it doesn't match pretty much. Also, i'm a scorpio anymore? or i'm just being simplistic about signs?
No. 59254
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Capricorn sun, Gemini moon, and Scorpio rising. I don't want to believe in horoscopes but some of this is spot on, maybe I'm just falling for it though. Astroanon, would you read me please? Thanks for sharing the site too!
No. 59259
>>59254go to and create a natal chart but select view house systems. it will give you where your planets lie within in your houses and start by reading those descriptions before trying to relate to like "capricorn in the 3rd" etc. it's much easier to understand planets like "mercury in the 3rd" "sun in the 3rd" etc
that being said, i hate to say it but i despise gemini moons. all the two-facedness and venomous words but without the light child like offset of gemini suns. everytime a gemini sun has slighted me, i found it easier to forgive because it feels like "their bluntness, bipolarness ends up hurting everyone-including the people closest to them and their own friends." but with gemini moons it's like "how can anyone be so blunt, rude and mean to even their own friends/people closest to them?"
not saying you act as such, i'm thinking your capricorn mercury/pisces venus would probably change my perception of you as well.
No. 59261
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>tfw gemini moonMy turn now, anon! pls.
No. 59262
I used to be a Top Contributor back at Yahoo Answers when I was like 13. Never completely believed in horoscopes, but I fit mine. Cancer sun, Aries moon, and Aries Rising. iirc how it used to go, your sun sign is the face you put to the world, your moon sign is you emotionally, your mercury sign is how you communicate, your venus is how you deal in relationships, and your mars is your actions. i never cared about the rest like Jupiter, the signs in those planets stay still for years and years so almost everyone in your generation is going to have the same thing. But basically, if your moon is in pisces, then you deal with your emotions like a pisces, even if your sun is in virgo for example.
in my years of obsessing over this subject, this website was my favorite. Jot down your details and it will give you your full birth chart and description for the sign and placement of each. you need to know your time of birth for your rising sign. No. 59297
>>59292typical gemini moon, putting others down to feel better about themselves, unable of letting this horriburu insult from some anon on the interwebz they'll never ever meet go
lol sorry, couldn't stop myself. Maybe my chart says I'm a meanie?
No. 59397
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>>59307this is pixyteri's chart. didn't include rising sign cause idk what time she was born
No. 60188
>>60185i'm not claiming you're like this anon, but scorpios tend to not share when they have a problem and accumulate them all inside. then they get all bitter because they feel they're being wronged constantly. they become convinced that since they suffer so much, they're absolutely right in what they do or say.
one good thing about geminis is that they're open to communication, but the problem is if you don't tell them anything is wrong, they'll take everything at face value and assume everything is okay. so maybe geminis should poke their scorpio friends more to see if everything is okay between them, and scorpios should voice their hangups quicker, even if it may cause a fight. because that one last bitter bitchfit usually ends everything irreperably.
No. 60193
>>60191samefag from the post above you
Moon in pisces and I feel very much exactly like that all the time. Insecurity and paranoia can get very bad. I can never get over comparing myself to others even when I try to discipline my thoughts.
No. 60195
>>60193from what I've learned your Moon is what the core of your personality and self is right now, whereas your sun sign is the sign you are learning to and destined to become. Perhaps we are to overcome the negative aspects in our moon signs and are destined to suit our sun signs, in your case, Gemini?
I'm the anon you're replying to, and my sun is in pisces but my moon is scorpio… it's rough lol.
No. 60221
Im a scorpio with sun also in scorpio and moon in virgo but I don't know anyone of virgo personally so I don't really know how they are… My sign get a long with a bunch of taurus but everything end pretty bad with them, I got its because both signs are fixated signs.
>>60188I find this quite accurate at least for me (im not the op) its quite hard for me to say whats wrong and I kept everything inside but I also think people don't like me and when a friends do something that hurts me I ended believing it was because they don't like me or appreciate me.
No. 60240
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For anons who are know more about astrology and this site, is report that is below this birth chart somewhat accurate?
No. 60241
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>>60240Because some of the reports are contrary..
No. 60276
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Here's mine, I used to love my placement but these days I'm pretty neutral about it.
No. 60304
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here's me. I think it's pretty accurate, honestly. I've always had trouble coming to terms with being a Gemini because I keep hearing that we're awful (my bf is also a Gemini), but I guess that's fair. I know I can be very manipulative, emotionally, but I think he's sweet and just very emotional. far more emotional than me. the majority of my immediate family are also Geminis. I wish I could be a Libra instead, they seem like fun. also, I'm a Boar/Pig in the Chinese zodiac, but I haven't done too much research on that.
No. 60616
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Here's mine. I find find some of the info to be very accurate, but some doesn't sound like me at all.
I don't know tons about astrology, but I was born on the Leo-Virgo cusp (August 22nd- one day away from being a Virgo) and based on what I've read about "The Cusp of Exposure", it describes me almost to a tee. I know an anon earlier in the thread said most people in the Astrology community consider the cusps to be BS, but it just sort of makes sense to me because I've never identified with a lot of the traits typically attributed to Leos.
No. 60676
>>58616sorry for replying to a month old post but this is too close to home. i dated two gemini men and one of my best friends had a gemini boyfriend for years. all three were completely unreliable and unmanageable even though i'm a gemini myself. they have no concept of commitment (not in a long-term relationship way, they can't even commit to a coffee date), very little consideration for others, run their mouth indefinitely mostly for bragging and when they're pissed (they're quick to get pissed) they're completely unrelatable and unsufferable. it was weird how three different people are so alike in being a pain in the ass. gemini men should preferably die alone.
on the other hand, my female gemini acquintances, while flighty and also somewhat unreliable, are delightful people.
No. 90901
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>>60676>very little consideration for others, run their mouth indefinitely mostly for bragging and when they're pissed (they're quick to get pissed) they're completely unrelatable and unsufferable.Actually me (am Gemini)
No. 90929
>>90911if anyone's curious, you can get the ebook here:'m gonna check soon if anything matches up in regards to my birthday. Nothing wrong with a bit of harmless fun. I don't get people that get anal about astrology, Myers-Briggs or enneagram if people only enjoy it for what it is and do not make important life decisions based on them.