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No. 58721
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>>58714Thanks, you too sis! Now I want cookies but it's way too early to be eating dessert.
No. 58727
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you know what always makes a good morning better? a good boy photo!
have a blessed day comrades
No. 58737
It's honestly comical how much this thread lifted my mood lol. I'm gonna go make cookies!!
>>58736I'm sorry about your friend, anon. It's good to distance yourself from that kind of negativity, there's not much else you can do.
No. 58740
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This thread made me really happy even though it's evening where I live right now. Good day, anons! Or good night, whatever your timezone is… hope you all have/had a wonderful day!
Anons who felt like baking cookies, post pics if you can! I'm trying to make a matcha roll cake for my boyfriend but it keeps flopping…
No. 58742
Thank you so much, anon! I hope you have a lovely evening/ day as well c:
Today I'm babysitting and then throwing a party with BBQ! I'm nervous because food cost more than I thought and I still have to buy my Dad a birthday present, but I should be able to do it. I think I'll only have like 40 dollars for next week but that should be fine.
I'm also proud of myself, because outside of /g/ and /ot/, I've only looked at threads of genuinely bad people on this site. I've never been here hatefully, more so out of interest or to get deets on legitimately bad people (abusers/pesos/ etc.), but it still made me feel icky to read any general drama threads. I know this is why this site was created, but I only really come here to vent. It's nice knowing that this corner of the Internet is mostly girls. I've always wanted girl friends, so I feel a sense of community here.
I've been trying to break my viewing of mean threads for a while, so going on day 2 of avoiding them is major for me lol
teal deer : I'm happy that I've avoided petty drama threads because they make me feel bad.
Anyway, sorry for just going on and on about my day. I hope all of you cuties find happiness today! Let's have lotsa smiles all around
No. 58749
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not the original anon but i baked some matcha donuts the other day that turned out pretty good! pic related. if you go to an asian market you can usually get culinary quality matcha, which is a bit cheaper but works just fine for baking applications.
i hope everyone in this thread is having a good night!
No. 58750
>>58749How do you use culinary matcha? I only find powdered tea and I don't think that's quite the same
Those look both cute and delicious, btw!
No. 58751
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>>58750matcha is powdered tea! is this what you mean? it isn't the same as regular ol green tea.
when baking, i usually add it along with the other dry ingredients, usually sifted in with the flour. because it's a powder, it's not that fussy to cook with and can be adjusted according to taste
No. 58778
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>>58737you are right, anon. even if its hurting me so much, its for the best. all i wanted was an apology…that's it… but i guess i'll just have to move on.
No. 58783
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this thread gives me the warm fuzzies. i wish you all a great day, wherever you are!
No. 58787
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Thank you for this thread OP! Hoping everyone has some good moments today
No. 58792
>>58749Anon those look so cute and delicious!
I hope everyone here is having a good day/evening! This is truly a blessed thread.
No. 58793
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>>58787thank you anon, have a great day too!
that looks like a chill version of my cat! sharing because this thread could use more cats.
No. 58795
>>58793Wow your cat is a cutie! Those amber eyes are stunning. Are they a boy or girl?
>collar on catYour cat must be so chill. Mine is too stubborn and he does the wiggle thing if a collar is placed around his neck.
No. 58839
>>58838Good afternoon! Maybe some type of bread? Garlic rosemary?
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Let's work towards accomplishing our dreams ~
No. 58840
>>58838Good morning, I'm doing the same. As for baking/cooking, you should try tater tot casserole. It's fattening as hell but holy shit it's delicious.
Cook up some hamburger meat, place it in a casserole dish, then pour potato soup over it, then shredded cheese, place tater tots ontop and finish with cheese and bake to cook the tots.
As far as sweets go, try haystacks. It's more of a holiday treat, but still quickish and fun to make.
No. 59036
Today I am simply at work. I feel more okay than usually working, and I managed to not get completely absorbed by my depression so far. I hope I don't drink today. I did really well and didn't drink for 5 days (is that pathetic?), but after I allowed myself to drink again I drank for 5 days straight. I was going to stop yesterday, and did really well until about 11 PM. I have designed a schedule that I wish to stick to, so hopefully that will have me in bed before any nonsense can go down. We'll see!
>>58940You too! I'm so glad the weather has been this lovely lately.
>>59011Congrats on choosing excellent classes. I hope I can find classes I'm in love with some day. Bless you as well, anon.
>>59015Omg let us know how your hair goes! What are you getting done to it? Congrats on getting closer to your father. I would like to do the same, but we'll see. I hope you can find the recipe that you're looking for!
No. 59135
>>59036kudos for pushing against that depression! it's pretty hard.
5 days is a long time when giving up a habit. if you didn't drink for 5 days, you obviously have the willpower to stay away longer! maybe just keep giving up drinking "for only 5 days" until you feel less inclined to drink? you can do this anon!
No. 59557
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Good day anons, this gif made me smile so I wanted to share it with you all
I think I'm in a good place now. I still think of myself as depressed on a daily basis but objectively things are really looking up, I'm working enough to pay my own rent and all of these other things that I easily take for granted. Also it finally feels like spring has arrived and so now I want to eat salad and be outside instead of just cocooning myself in bed, praise the sun!
>>59036That's great anon! Don't give up if you stumble, you got this far so you can do it again