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No. 59247
Is anyone here half asian (chinese, japanese, korean, taiwanese, etc) mixed with white (race)?
If so, how do you do your makeup ?
Do you try to look more on the "white" side (rounder eyes, more curved brows, higher nose)
Do you try to look more on your "asian" side? (straighter brows, following more generic asian makeup trends, enhance almond eyes)?
I'm half Chinese and white and sadly got stuck with a giant honky nose and slit eyes, but I love looking at "japanese hapa" makeup tutorials.
Anyone else likes these looks? Do you dislike them?
No. 59313
>>59247As a latina that has really native looking eyes, I've found out that hafu makeup tricks work fine with popping them out. I'm also addicted to Korean bb creams!
When I want to look cute, I do my make up Asian style. Then when I want to look sexy, I go for western. It's fun how different one can look depending on the technique.
No. 59693
>>59692said fiance came in mid-writing that so i forgot to add my point sorry
I might look into this to see if it helps my eyes, because some times make them look too heavy and i'm tired of doing the ONE look i know looks flawless on me lol.
No. 59722
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half filipino but always mistaken for half japanese, even by japanese tourists
I live in Hawaii so I wished to look less white growing up and more filipino to fit in w/ the filipino kids, but that was in elm and i didn't try anything to change my look
but In middle school I definitely went for the "real life anime look" influenced by anime which was rlly just pale foundation plus mascara and no lips
but by hs i realized how bad my makeup looked and went w/ normal foundation, no eye makeup, and one of those tinted burt bees lip balms // ppl thought i looked way cuter and i got a lot of compliments
i think the eye makeup just makes my eyes smaller somehow
theyr already kinda small, but ppl like them cuz of theyr light brown like in the OP cept w/ a rlly dark limbic ring
and since theyr smallish theres less white space around my iris like i have circle lenses or sumtin
No. 59730
>>59247one of my eyes has an epicathal fold like in this picture
>>59722 but the other one doesn't (and has a a loot of space in that area). Any way I can make my wonky eye look more like my other other?
my fold isn't super prominent, it's just that since one eye looks so much more "open" I struggle with eyeliner.
No. 59748
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>>59730Have you tried eyelid glue? Some girls use eyelash glue instead with the same results. If anything, how do you feel about surgery?
No. 59759
>>59748I have "double eyelids on both eyes, just one of them has a pronounced fold and the other ones does not.
So they kind of look the like eyes in this picture but with double eyelids on both ( so the one with the fold looks like it has a little 'curtain' in the corner LOL)
I've tried glue but i've been so messy with it and tape seems to disturb my eyeshadow. I could totally try glue again though with more practice. If surgery wasn't expensive in the US I would get it though, maybe in the future.
No. 59807
>>59730same, i look more asian to ppl on the left of me
everyone knows symmetry = beauty so I'm sort of self conscious about it, theres rlly nothing that can b done tho
No. 59886
>>59760It wasn't like that it was more of what "This odd combination of ethnicities gave me these features"
But whatever faggot
>tfw you're white and don't have to struggle ;) No. 72431
>>72181It's so remarkably common for Asian mixes to refer to themselves as hapa that I don't see it as an issue. There will always be a minority of people upset about something.
Regarding makeup, I tend to be really natural everywhere (no circle lenses or any of that, foundation that matches my skin tone, natural lips), I don't know if that's more Eastern or Western. Anyway, the only "distinct" makeup I wear is some eyeliner to emphasize the almond shape of my eyes. If I'm really dressing up I also put on a half set of eyelashes.
No. 72522
>>59692So you are white?
>>72461Same anon, I don't know what fucked up standards people have on makeup, but anything that covers your skin is not natural. "Natural" makeup is a bigass lie.
No. 72590
viet and italian here
I have small long eyes but also thick straight bushy brows
I try to slim my brows a bit/keep them less bushy as well a curving them a bit, I use to let them grow out and went with the "ig brow" look but it always emphasized my small eyes even more, well not so much small, they're almond shaped, and long but not wide, I'd love to have bigger eyes but regular circle lenses look ridiculous same with white waterlines
my nose is pretty small, I tried contouring it but it just makes my nose look dirty, my cheeks look fine contoured though, I try not to go for the greasy highlighter look lots of people do nowadays but irl it looks ridiculous and dirty, imo I look best with a tiny bit of rust shadow to emphasize my crease, a wing, normal filled in brows, normal dewy foundation but not too dewy, sometimes no foundation at all because I have super pale skin (anemic) and when foundation oxides, even in the lightest shade it makes me look orange, and some pink or red blush with red tinted chapstick
No. 73478
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I know it a makeup thread but have any of you ever tried to do something other halfs do and it just doesn't seem to work? Pic related is Phoebe Cates who is also part asian and I wish I could have her feathery bangs, but my hair is fine, thick, and my bangs stab my eyes. It just doesn't lay like this.
No. 73669
>>59730old post but completely the same issue with me, i used to use eyelid glue on the eye without the fold but it still didn't look right as the glue actually made that eye look way more 'open' as opposed to the one with a thick fold which actually had the opposite effect…
i will always be self-conscious about it ;_;
No. 74205
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>>73669samefagging but anyone else feel like they got the shit end of the half asian stick? i see all these gorgeous half asian chicks on instagram and then there's me, i look like that fucking half asian lesbian on buzzfeed.
No. 74212
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>>74205I feel this anon. So many halfs look so cute and I somehow got none of the cute features. And for me, no one even recognizes I'm Asian. Everyone thinks I'm some kind of Spanish to the point people at past jobs came up to me speaking Spanish! It's not fair when models like gif related are actually half Hispanic but still ended up looking more passing than me.
No. 74222
>>74205Actually, she's really pretty. She looks odd because she is smashing her chin down (double chin) and doesn't have nice makeup on.
If she tilted her head up, did her eyelashes, and had her eyebrows done she'd look really hot!
No. 74626
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>>74551depends on how round, if it's a yumi level moonface get something that frames it and hides the free space on the outer part, if it's just a chubby baby face, like lucy hale or selena gomez or whatever, you can pull off just about any hairstyle that isn't shorter than a bob and not a side shave
my face is pretty round but chubby, I have a mid neck bob with 2B type hair and side fringe, I like it because it fits the sort of styles I rotate and experiment with which are vintage, art hoe, ulzzang, and soft princessy type shit
No. 74709
>>74683You are one person.
It isn't a big deal.
Now please go away.