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No. 59928
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>Getting alzheimers/dementia, not remembering anyone or anything, seeing my family and not recognizing them, not fully knowing who or where i am, it terrifies me to no end. Since some family members had it, i'm terrified i'll get it, seeing them not recognizing me after only a few years back they were at my home almost every single day playing with me was absolutely heartbreaking.
>Dying completly alone with no one who loves me.
>Becoming blind.
>Aging before i can turn my life around and make myself happy accomplishing what i want.
No. 59947
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>>Catching my boyfriend cheating on me(in bed with a girl, doing a sexual act at some location)
>>My mom dying(my last words to her not being I love you) which death is inevitable so there's no stopping it I'm just afraid of the day it happens
>>Being in a car crash where the car lands in deep water, getting stuck inside and drowning.
>>My stalker coming to kill me/my partner/family
>>Waking up to my partner dead next to me after sleeping together for hours
No. 60162
My biggest fear is slipping and falling on my face in a dirty public bus on a rainy/snowy day. Even typing this post made me nauseous.
I know it doesn't compare to stuff like
>>59945 but it's high up there on my list of "nope"
No. 60167
>>60166I'm really sorry to hear that you're in a not-so-great place. Maybe you should start to think about what you're going to do if you haven't already… I find that thinking about that stuff calms me (when my cat had to be put down, I was the same way)
>>60164Revenge porn is honestly the only reason I'm afraid to take nude pictures. I even get scared of sexting with my boyfriend… I trust him but it's not necessarily his fault I freak out about it
No. 60206
>>60174>waking up in SomaliaHow oddly specific, kek
For me:
>cancer>being in a coma and someone pulling the plug on me>meningitis>heart disease>my parents dying>dying in a plane crash>becoming a vegetable>going blind, deaf, or both>dying early>never getting a job No. 124994
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>>124993>Getting stabbed in the eyeballSECONDED THIS. Oh god I'm already blind so the thought of getting stabbed in the eyes and losing my vision completely is horrifying.
I'm also afraid of the following
>My bowels falling out of me during shitting
>My bowels exploding or having acid leak from an open sore in my esophagus or stomach
>My organs burning up because of the same reason and disappearing
>Something crawling inside my nose to my brain
>My brain leaking brain juices from my nose
>My eyeballs detaching randomly and I become immediately blind
>Me puncturing my organs by flopping on a mattress with a pointed object which enters through my skin
>me developing holes in my brain and getting something like dementia
>My heart exploding
>My vagina deciding to prolapse
>My vagina starting to randomly bleed heavily
>Getting cancer No. 124995
>>60206All of this is extremely scary tbh, especially being in a coma and someone pulling a plug on you.
Imagine you have all your senses and aware of everything and your thoughts except you can't move because you're just completely stuck in your body. oh and you also can't open your eyes. You hear your loved ones crying over you and the doctor saying you are completely comatose and have no senses whatsoever and then they decide to pull the plug on you for the better. You can't say anything because you're trapped in your own body and stuck..
No. 125019
>Being pulled under tides so that I can't get out >Being trampled or crushed to death in a large crowd>Being stranded out in open water of any kind>Violent sexual abusers, specifically those that target the most vulnerable people>The fear of having a child and then anything happening to it>Aging so ungracefully that it's embarassing/pathetic to look at>Alternatively, wasting my older years by caring what other think>Being abandoned by my friends as they start their own families>everything related to being a failure and wasting my life, being a disappointment to those that cared about me etc>Visibly shitting or pissing myself in public, or during sex>>60217Same. I'm watching my grandmother go through it right now and recently I realised that I will need to take care of my mother one day when it happens to her, and also I'm terrified because there will probably be nobody to take care of me
>>124994I know that none of this will help you stop being scared of it, but I just wanted to say
>There isn't a passage to your brain from your nose, or any passage to your brain in general, and nothing crawling in anywhere would want to go that way and nothing would ever leak out like that.>If your eyeballs detach they can actually be popped back in and still work>Your vagina bleeding heavily isn't going to kill you, and fixing a prolapsed vagina is a fairly standard procedure that women recover from just fine all the timeStill scary stuff though
No. 125025
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things that terrify me
>the death of my parents
>sudden death of any of my loved ones
>climate change and the whole shitshow of how that could go down. what with extreme weather like flooding and rising heat meaning I'm displaced from my home, hungry, in pain and scared. also the famine and wars that may follow. I ruminate about this a whole lot
>like another anon said - aliens. just any kind of alien invasion. it's not entirely unbelievable
>being kidnapped, raped, abused and tortured
>dying in dreadful ways like burning alive or drowning
>being trapped somewhere and unable to escape, slowly running out of oxygen
>war breaking out in my country and being bombed
smaller things related my life
>remaining a virgin into my thirties
>remaining in my parents house into my thirties
>never having a social life/friends
>my mental health problems becoming unmanageable and becoming suicidal again
>becoming a bitter old lady full of regrets
No. 125158
>>125028I know everyone has their rights to fears and whatnot but LOL @ you putting fat on the same list as losing a loved one, dying alone, or becoming blind.
Fat sucks but it's really not THAT bad anon lmao!