File: 1494891879249.jpg (37.79 KB, 464x343, Miley-vs-Taylor slut whore v s…)

No. 60639

>>60635rich white girl feminism to me is "white guilt" and political correctness gone mad ala tumblr.
but im the most biased person you could ask. i love taylor swift. her "secret" bitchy persona is pretty tits and i loved her older style of music. 1989 was meh, speak now and red are easily her best albums. i find her refusal to voice a political/religious stance to be a breath of fresh air. i much preferred her posting a picture encouraging people to vote over other celebrities shoving their #imwithher hashtag down my throat. i found it disgusting that these women were relying on the vaginal connection i share with hillary clinton to guarantee that i vote… um no i'm going to vote with my working brain that i chose to pursue a STEM field with, not the uterus that makes others major in gender studies. XD (sorry blogpost)
miley, miley, miley. i think she's really talented but she chose to use her gifts to appeal to shock value. that doesn't really appeal to me but it made her famous so good for her. i had no idea her last album was a flop, but i dont follow her too closely. i've never really listened to her music too closely but her acoustics are really good such as video related and No. 60762
>>60625I like Miley now that she's mellowed out and found who she was (A lot of people associate her with her VMA performance even though that was a a long time ago now)
I hate Taylor and i'm glad more people are realizing what a sneaky snakey cunt she is.
No. 60875
Didn't taylor used to browse 4chan? (or perhaps still does) Of course she's a total cunt then lol just like everyone else on imageboards.
>>60635>I lowkey believe the 'Taylor is a white nationalist' meme tbhShe probably bought into the alt-right pol meme.
No. 60894
File: 1495125159091.jpg (634.92 KB, 2029x2421, anon_t_swift_4chan.jpg)

>>60875The theory is she attention whored with her cat on /b/
No. 71683
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>>71682Miley is chill
Taylor is a false prophet and should be burned at the stake
No. 71727
>>60628i think this is what people mean by slut shaming.
looking and acting 'slutty' is way different than sleeping around. and i personally find more issue with those who sleep around trying to act pure (taylor) than those trying to explore their identities and dress/act like thet want (miley)
No. 71788
>>60635It's really unnerving to me that people like you expect people to retweet and post certain party lines on twitter or you take their silence as evidence of wrongthink.
I mean do you not see anything 1984-ish about that sort of attitude? Especially in the entertainment industry where, not to get too political, some of the biggest DNC donors were abusing women for years while virtue signalling?
Even fucking George Takei is involved in that shit (although his thing is obviously younger white men).
>gives money to STEM girl campsT…That's a good thing though? The more girls realize that you need a real career, and that most real careers require something STEM or finance or business related, the better.
No. 71801
>>60625I don't think Miley is actually crazy like she appears to be, It's probably just some act to sell her shitty music.
Wreckinball was fucking awfull but got a lot of publicity because of her new "persona".