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No. 60690
>>60675this is the funniest shit ive read today
also as a white grill mine are naturally filled and i think it looks ugly when i smile or laugh
if youre asian your eyes are probably cute the way they are, but we all want what we cant have i suppose
No. 60708
>>60690I don't think it's race-related. Some Korean grills have natural eyebags which look okay.
But the fake ones are ugly af. OP, don't draw in fat worms under your eyes. They look like you have an eye disease.
No. 60763
>>60726I agree but I also encourage people like OP to consider doing it with makeup rather than seeking surgery for it. Beauty trends die quick and there's already tons of korean girls who got these procedures and regret it because the style is beginning to change again already.
I think they look cute on some girls but i tried doing it on my face while copying an asian makeup trend video for funsies and it made me look exhausted, and i already look exhausted to begin with.
>>60707>every white girl who admires asians is a weeabooNice stretch of logic
I think black girls look great with natural hair instead of relaxed hair, are you going to accuse me of fetishizing black girls?
I think it's nice to appreciate the beauty that might be racially specific or more common in one race. I mean isn't that why asian chicks get double eyelid surgery despite western cultures admiring the monolid look more (I always thought it looked really elegant, especially when paired with certain eyeliner looks).
We all want and like what we can't have and for everything else, there's makeup, photoshop, or plastic surgery. Take your pick.
No. 60991
>>60769This is pretty accurate. They're obsessed with the youthful look and a lot of asian countries have only one beauty standard so everyone gets it, so you literally stand out when you don't have it. Seems like a vicious cycle.
I heard it's going out of style now though
No. 61083
I have really deep-set eyes, so I have sunken hollows instead of eyebags. Fucking sucks because the only 'cure' is getting some sort of fillers.
>>60991>I heard it's going out of style now thoughI always wonder how people with very trendy cosmetic procedures deal with looking archaic, especially if it's something as permanent as shaving your jaw. I mean, if they were just getting their nose fixed to their liking, it wouldn't be an issue, but if you're willing to revamp your entire face to fit the Gangnam Unnie or Instahoe look, it seems like keeping up with trends would still be an issue for them.
No. 61196
>>60671why the fuck would you want this?
I am white and have huge ass blue eyes but the downside of this is that they come with disgusting big eyebags like your pic in OP.
The pic also reminds me of what my eyes look like in the morning after a night of crying my eyes out. Is this actually desirable?
No. 63939
>>63938also they're a bit lower and uneven like
And that's exactly it, we look like crack addicts. Why would ANYONE on earth want to look like that?
No. 63952
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i don't think that those eye bags are nearly as bad as the huge blue vein under my left eye.
it showed up suddenly about 3 years ago and i've refused to go without wearing my glasses in public ever since.
No. 64163
>>63952Hey anon same, except on both sides as well as eyebags.
I wouldn't worry about hiding it since everyone has their own little body quirks. Occasionally people will insist you have eyeliner/pen on your face even after you explain it's just your face, but most people won't even notice it. But if it's genuinely affecting your confidence on the daily you may as well talk to a doctor or plastic surgeon about your options rather than hiding forever.
No. 64312
>>64163yeah, the funny thing is that i didn't even notice it until three different people pointed it out to me. now it's all i can see when i look in the mirror.
i'm looking into getting a laser treatment for it. the price is a bit high but it's worth it. at least i won't have to buy a special concealer to cover it up in the long run, since i don't wear or spend that much on makeup in general.