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No. 61541
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these bad boys just arrived today, along w/ a matching clutch. i'm not used to heels this high so i've been wearing them around the house while doing chores etc. so hopefully i'll be ok walking in em in time for graduation.
No. 61605
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justine by lawrence durrell
and a white top for spring/summer
No. 61671
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This photography book should get here within the next to days, it's a few hundred pages of extremely cramped apartments from the nineties.
No. 61679
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It's nice to bring this thread back. I'm a nosy mofo and love to see the things my fellow anonettes bought.
I went on a little splurge this week when I should be saving my money for a car so I feel guilty but hopefully these will be worth it when they arrive. Excuse muh monochrome.
Copped this real nice silver shift dress while I had the chance then I spoiled myself with this tote because my other purse can barely carry my wallet anymore and this one is a little bigger. Then I bought some patches for my black bomber that I'm going to sew on because I love good looking patches and customized jackets are interesting man. It's like your own little canvas that you can wear.
>>61541>ASOSMy nigga. There are some nice gems to be found at asos. I saw the video for those heels and they are hot as hell.
And you bought a matching clutch? You're going to look stunning at graduation!
No. 61693
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Can this thread be extended to include things you want to buy in the future/want advice on?
I want the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9, do any anons have experience with the Minis and would you recommend it (or have advice)? I think it would be fun and the prints are cute, but at the same time I feel like I would use it sparingly due to perfectionism/film cost and lugging it around might be annoying, since I usually reach for my phone to take pics.
I've looked into the Fujifilm mobile printer but it's 3x more expensive than the camera and the app has shitty reviews and will get outdated quick, so nty.
>>61671Sounds like a dream book anon
No. 61695
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Got these pair of headphones in the mail for 14 bucks on Amazon
A lil smaller than I thought they'd be just looking at the picture but they look fine on my head since I'm a small person
I do like oversized things b/c i like the dwarfing effect
No. 61714
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This mask! Thanks to a couple of recommendations from farmers in one of the skincare threads, I decided to order this stuff. I don't get a lot of acne, but when I do I like to be prepared. I love masks.
No. 61726
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adorable pointless weeb shit.
>>61693I have an Instax Mini 8 and it can be fun. I don't find much use in it other than taking pictures at parties, when hanging out with friends, or for selfies. If you do pull the
trigger on getting one, Amazon has the best prices for film.
No. 61729
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>>61693I have a mini (the 8, I think) and I rarely use it, but it sure is adorable. I don't really regret purchasing it, it's fun to bring out on vacations. I like buying Rilakkuma and other cute film on Amazon. I remember the pictures coming out not terribly clear, which was a bonus for me because I'm so used to using meitu on my face and stuff, lmao (think of it like a skin filter).
No. 61733
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A decoden phone case. Not this exact one. Tbh, I'm starting to really hate the deco community tho.
No. 61746
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My most recent taobao order.
>>61733That's really cute anon! Why are you disliking the community?
No. 61752
>>61679where did you buy the patches? i love them
>>61671just bought this thanks to you
No. 61755
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>>61693I just got my Hello Kitty one a few days ago, and honestly I absolutely love it.There's so much cute film out there you can use! Like the other anons mentioned, it's convenient mostly when you're taking pics with friends/family at parties/conventions etc.. so when they come out you can decorate/share them immediately. It's just a really fun camera to have.
If you do get one I do recommend looking up tips and maybe investing in a close up lens, so your pictures can come out nice!(The film is too expensive to risk bad/blurry pictures)
No. 61771
>>61751i used to make decoden and stopped because of just how terrible the community is. not only is it full of tons of stupid shit like you're talking about but then you have stuff like girls spreading icing on a bow hair clip and covering it with glitter and buttons asking how much to sell it for. these people are ridiculous. plus alot of people who buy them are stingy…
my advice is to always ask for a photo of the exact finished product.
sage for rant
No. 62385
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I got a bunch of stickers off Ebay and KawaiiShopJapan, I think $10-12 dollars total.
No. 62398
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>>62385So cute!
I love kawaii stationary so much, could probably spend a stupid amount of money on it alone
No. 62416
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I usually don't buy Re-Ment miniature stuff unless I intend to sell off some of it (pretty easy to upcharge and make money off of them), but this set is so cute I'm probably going to keep all of it.
No. 62482
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bought a bunch of steampunk accessories to decorate a dress i have. only I would attempt a steampunk coord long after its heyday, lol.
No. 192401
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finally decided to spend some money on myself! I've been eyeing these for the longest time. I'm not crazy into y2k fashion but I think it'll pair well with my style. I love the idea of dressing like a modern day Marie Antoinette.
No. 192435
>>192401i like it
nonny don't listen to them. i'm also really into early 2000s style but yh