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No. 61645
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I do a combination of shaving and trimming. I trim first to crop the hair for shaving. I first exfoliate the area then I shave with the grain until I get it as smooth as possible. Afterwards, I trim any more stray hairs and finish with coconut oil to moisturize the area and prevent in-growns.
As for the area darkening, I'm still finding a good remedy for that, but I might try PFB Vanish as I heard it's pretty good for that issue
No. 61686
I use an electric razor to exfoliate and trim. If it's been 2-4 days since I last shaved, I can also get almost all of the hair with the electric razor. If it's been more or less than that, it's not very effective. I use a fresh razor with the grain after exfoliating and going over with an electric razor. I then use the exfoliating attachment again, which helps with ingrown hairs. After I get out of the shower, I use Luxxx anti-chafe spray to avoid bumpiness and ingrown, and it does help. During my period, I don't shave. The day after it stops, I take the opportunity to wax, because waxing leaves the smoothest finish, but requires too long between waxing to be my only method for hair removal. I leave some hair in a rough inverted triangle shape and around my vulva, because trying to remove all that hair from mucous membranes is not worth it. I keep it trimmed for tidiness and because it's not comfortable if it gets too long.
Someday if I have the free time, I'd love to get laser hair removal, as the investment seems worth it.
No. 61688
>>61644I just shave my inner thighs and let the hair grow. My husband doesn't care so why should I?
Once in awhile i'll go full bald using an electric razor and then going to get harder to reach spots with a normal one.
I put on a scentless basic lotion on the area and it seems to reduce bumps.
I'd rather trim it than shave though.
>>61680Unless it specifies bikini area, no, no they are not. But technically shaving's bad for your vag too so whatever.
Just find you a guy that misses the 70s guys lmfao
No. 61689
>>61688samefagging to clarify on the electric razor: It's one specifically marketed for the bikini area and has one of those little safety combs on top so there's no risk of nicking myself (Which i have done with a normal razor before and it fucking SUUUUUUUCKS).
Be safe.
Waxing is probably better since the hair grows back a little slower.
No. 61694
>>61666for fucks sake dont put hair removal cream on your vagina or in your asscrack unless you want a chemical burn
>>61690i'd like some recommendations as well, i currently use gillette mens disposables and get razor burn every time. i only shave the bikini area because getting rid of pubes would result in many irritated pimples popping up, ugh. wiping with a stridex pad after shaving helps though
No. 61699
>>61644My problem are not even ingrowns but rather simply being totally red itchy down there, plus I also get dozens of small pimples even on my inner thighs.
I've really no idea what I should do, normal body lotion obviously doesn't work. I can't even shave often because I fear it'd cause bleeding…
No. 61753
>>61744If you happen to go commando this can attribute a lot ot the color of your vag. The friction somehow darkens it. I don't know the whole science, all I know is wearing panties more often made mine lighter and everything i googled on it when i was self conscious about it pointed me to wearing soft panties.
>>61745I have a really puffy mons pubis (Might just be from being fat, i don't really know) so i've always felt weird about shaving it, and mostly did it because I thought that's what guys wanted.
Only one guy i've dated gave a shit though, the others just wanted it trim (since it sucks pulling hair out of your teeth when you go down on someone, if you got a hairy dick i ask it be trimmed down so it's fair lol)
No. 61775
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I stopped shaving about a year ago and just started waxing at home ever since
cons of shaving: redness, bumps, ingrowns, last a day or two before hair is growing back & causes skin to go darker
pros of shaving: quick and easy to do, not painful
pros of waxing: lasts weeks, avoids ingrowns, no bumps,
cons: bit painful, takes time and preparing, doesnt get the thinner hair & have to wait until pubes are longer
No. 61778
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Does anyone here just not do anything to their pubes, besides slight shaving when it's swimsuit season?
It just seems like a lot of work compared to shaving your legs, with little reward. Pubes can't come back in style soon enough.
No. 61781
I shave off everything once per year, usually during summer when we go to the beach or something. The rest of the year I don't touch anything besides keeping it tidy.
My bf likes it natural so it's a win-win situation.
I have to admit that I do admire girls who put in so much effort/dedication to stay hairless tho.
No. 61870
>>61793Do you mean alternating with Brazilian waxes and lasering?
If that's the case, you're just going to be needlessly prolonging the lasering. After a wax session you'd need to wait for ALL of your hair to grow back in and then shave just before the laser. When you wax you're (ideally) ripping the whole hair out including the root, and considering the laser specifically targets the root… it just doesn't make sense.
Just do one or the other, both will eventually inhibit growth. It's just the difference between ~five sessions vs. way way more.
As someone who has gotten everything down there lasered, trust me, the shaving is really nothing. Even after your first session the hair will grown back considerably finer, sparser, and slower. It makes shaving a breeze for the couple months you have to wait in between sessions the first few times. I rarely experienced bumps or ingrowns from shaving.
No. 61871
>>61778I just shave my inner thighs when i need to wear my swimsuit
and i tweez down there when I'm bored
I used to trim the bush w/ some scissors just to feel more put together down there but not anymore
No. 61876
>>61781Damn you're lucky anon. I always trim and hate shaving it, but my bf likes it shaved.
I think natural pubic hair is pretty sexy, the bald look is like a Barbie doll to me, it makes the whole area look fake and unnatural. I wish he were more into a bush because I think it looks way sexier, in a primal way. I like his pubic hair, wish he would like mine.
No. 61884
>>61876You could put your foot down and just stop shaving it.
I used to shave long ago but stopped because my hair grows too fast and I'd have stubble before the day was done. And it was just too shitty and itchy and made the skin there worse.
My current bf has complained about it a little since my hairs are pretty coarse (is there any way I can fix this?) and asked if I wanted to try shaving but said hell no and take it or leave it. He wasn't gonna deny himself sex so he got used to it lol.
Maybe say to your bf that you think it looks sexy and hey maybe we can try it out for a while? See how it goes.
No. 61908
>>61793It's probably painful because you're waiting for the hair to get long and full between sessions. One month is a long time.
You're supposed to stop brazilians for at least a month and a half before starting lasering. After that it's shaving only.
Do not wax again, you will mess up the lasering process. If you're going somewhere that's doing it right, you will have less and less hair after each session that waxing seems pointless.
No. 61998
>>61996I measure it, sort of, with my fingers and go reeealy slowly
If anyone has an better idea, feel free to tell us
No. 62001
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My bf would shave me with his electric razor when I couldn't get a wax appointment. It's so damn easy I am never doing anything else
No. 62065
>>62064Different anon. They're normally expensive but I've been able to find a decent deal on Groupon. Had 6 sessions done on my armpits and pubic area. Hurt a lot when done on your labia but taking painkillers or numbing creme can help with that.
Going through six sessions will NOT get rid of your hair entirely and it will grow back, however I find its less dense and bothersome than it was before. I'd get more treatments done if they weren't so expensive.
No. 62121
>>62064Anon you're responding to. I bought a package of 3 areas, 8 sessions each, for around $1400 I believe. This was several years ago and the place went out of business before I could even finish all my sessions on a second package which included happy trail and sideburns (yes I'm hairy af). So I would not recommended buying a big package in case the place goes under (which is common for them to do).
There was no skin damage, but I'm the perfect candidate for laser hair removal (pale skin, black body hair -_-) so they put me on their strongest laser. It works by attacking whatever is dark. If you're tanner or your hair is lighter in color, you'd be assigned to a weaker laser.
If anything, my skin has improved because no hair = no more ingrowns, razor burn, damaged follicles from epilation, etc. Best decision I ever made but the places can be sketchy.
No. 62129
>>62126Something similar happened to me when I started with biotin, only that the areas that got hairier were the tummy and butt crack. I fucking hate the latter. I pluck away the tummy hairs and used to pass a razor through my cheeks (a la Margo) but wasn't comfortable with it so I went for a Brazilian wax. At the beginning I was afraid the ladies would judge my hairy ass (possibly they do, but meh).
You know I've been thinking about getting laser removal in that area, I like having some hairs around my vag but I feel too much self conscious of my butt. I've heard it can affect fertility though, anyway isn't like having kids would be my top priority.
No. 62190
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>>62153I wouldn't think bleaching body hair blond would word on ppl w/ olive skin or other darker skin tones, would it?
I'm the color of light sand so I'm curious
No. 62247
>>61644I'll shave and trim, have had waxings done before, you name it. I personally like going and getting certain bits waxed, but when in a pinch, sure, I'll shave.
I read about a technique on reddit when the topic on how to keep your shaved vag smooth popped up. A stripper chimed in on what they do, and surprisingly, has worked well for me over the past 3 years. I didn't think it would as it seemed a bit sketchy, but eh. Your mileage may vary, though.
If you plan to do this, plan ahead and make time for it.
Be sure to trim any longer hairs before shaving, though, and always trim/shave WITH the hair, not against it.
The important bits I had saved:
>Exfoliate, then rub the area with baby oil before you shave to soften the hair and skin. (do not rinse or wipe the oil off)>Shave using a men's razor (one with four blades) and men's moisturizing shaving cream (preferrably unscented or for sensitive skin)>Dab some tea tree oil, witch hazel, or rubbing alcohol on the skin after you shave to kill bacteria and close your pores.>Wait 24 hours, then apply deodorant (an unscented Dove stick works best) liberally. This will keep you dry down there so you won't chafe and prevents razor bumps.I don't always do that last bit, but it has worked either way. Just keep your shit clean down there and let your vag air out. Wear cotton panties and loose shorts/pants every so often that aren't skin tight. Let it breathe – even just by doing that you can prevent razor bumps and ingrown hairs a lot less.
No. 68256
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I've given up on hair removal. I feel like I've given every bump prevention/remedy a try but I remain cursed to be hairy.
Whenever I shave I get acne-like stuff all over my bikini area. I tried waxing but it was a DISASTER. My skin looked like hellpizza needed literal months to recover. That's really my problem–I'd try these things again if my skin didn't take so long to heal.
It's not so bad for me since all my body hair is blonde. I just trim it or carefully buzz it with an electric razor.
So jealous of those of you who can effortlessly go netherbald.
No. 69517
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How on earth does one avoid this
Use conditioner and decent blades
This happens
I hate it
No. 69556
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Just wanted to share a tip, I have sensitive skin and coarse body hair so after shaving I always get razor burn and ingrowns, but I'be been using this recently and It's been working really well and it's not crazy expensive.
No. 70171
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>>69609I recommend a Santoku blade folded over multiple times for a nice effect.
No. 70179
>>70171My sides.
Thankfully my boyfriend doesn't mind pubic hair (I don't mind his as well) so I don't remove it very often. I ocassionally trim it when becomes too much. If I want to remove all of it I go to get it waxed. I've tried shaving (the whole routine - exfoliating and all that jazz) but honestly it feels like having tiny pieces of glass in your panties for the next few days and the hair grows so fast it's just not worth it. I strongly recommend waxing - yea, it's a bit painful but it's managable. Someone else does it for you, it's over in 15 minutes and your coochie is so soft next 2 weeks. Also your hair grows back so much thinner.
No. 71195
>>71185thanks so much for this! i'm going to try it this weekend.
i stopped shaving for like a year because although it felt amazing to be smooth for about five minutes, my crotch would erupt in ingrown hairs and razor burn which is waaaay less appealing than just having hair.
No. 76118
>>76117Ingrowns vary from person to person but what you should do is
a) exfoliate so theres no dead skin cells blocking up your pores
b) moisturise to calm and rehydrate, so something like coconut oil would be good.
(c) potentially disinfect)
No. 76125
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I used to shave by using that technique from reddit mentioned earlier. It worked fine, the key was to exfoliate after and keep it cool/moisturized for a bit.
Used to epilate, but my epilators always broke down or were too weak. Never waxed as I didn't see the point.
I eventually lasered. Cheap 500USD package from Groupon. Six sessions. My last will be in April. Pro-tip: be very, very hydrated before your session. Being dehydrated makes it hurt like a bitch. The results are awesome, the mpat fun part was after the first session when a ton of hair fell out. I barely have any hair to laser off now.
Totally gonna to do my underarms next.
No. 76155
>>76117I agree with anon,
>>76118I used to have such bad ingrowns and razor rash and used to use this weird ass cream my mom had when I was a kid that was specifically for ingrowns but it did shit all. The most import steps are exfoliation and hydration.
I exfoliate before, even using a homemade sugar scrub can be fine - and get those shower gloves meant for exfoliating as well. In the winter I exfoliate before and after the shave, as well as hydrate with baby oil right after since lotion can sting right away. Be sure to put on lotion on your later days though. Also try and keep it growing as long as you can, sometimes shaving when there is only stubble can cause irritation, and if you’re able to go a few extra days of not shaving I find I get a smoother shave even without exfoliating.
Sometimes I’ve even put on polysporin or vitamin e cream over any cuts I get right away to prevent them from turning into bumps and irritations. Hope it all helps anon!!
No. 154204
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I’ve been using these bad boys my whole life pretty much to shave everything but I’m starting to feel that there has to be better options. Any good razor recommendations?
No. 154310
>>154254Left a recipe the other day in the skincare gen.
There's got to be something I'm fucking up on. Hair is not wanting to come out from behind the layer of skin with exfoliation and ingown hairs are a bitch
No. 154775
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I’ve finally, after 10 years of shaving, found a way to not look like a lumpy mess downstairs. It’s important to use new razors as soon as they get blunt. (I use shaving cream/gel occasionally, haven’t found one I’m satisfied with yet though.) I shave my labia majora every day, since the skin there isn’t as sensitive, and the mons pubis every other or third day. Afterwards, I apply Tend Skin Solution (!!!) and a bunch of coconut oil (!!!). Aside from changing the razors regularly, the Tend Solution and coconut oil definitely is the most important part. I don’t get ingrown hairs and barely any razor burn anymore. No itching either. I can really recommend this procedure.
No. 154805
>>154775Do you think this will work well on legs post-waxing?
Coconut oil dries my skin and hair out, but if it works for you that's great. Personally, jojoba oil works really well for me plus it's really close to sebum that we produce naturally.
>>154802I get 5 o'clock shadow the next evening after shaving there. I go every other day or every 3. If you're able to go longer you have my envy
No. 154808
Stop shaving. Wax yourself and enjoy smooth skin for 3 weeks or more. Don't be a slave to the razor. That shits expensive as fuck and a waste of money and time. "Shaving my labia every day" bitch what? Holy shit do you have a life?
im being hyperbolic here to drive the point home relax.
A wax kit costs 30 dollars on amazon. And then you have it for life. Get cerapil Blue wax and watch a video on waxing your pussy (there are plenty on YouTube that show the whole process). Invest in a small cheap mirror that you can sit in front of and see the whole thing. You will eventually get better at it. Or have your boyfriend/girlfriend do it.
Trust me.
No. 154811
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Wait, so what is the normal amount of pubic hair people take off? Do yall shave from the labia to the pubic mound? I always kept my hair on the pubic mound, I assumed that was normal, but it sounds like most women shave it all bald??
I use something like pic related to do my bikini line and lower thighs. It works like a charm and greatly reduces the amount of bumps/razor rash I have there. As for the rest, I hace a small pair of safety scissors I use to lightly trim the other parts. I don't think I'll ever remove all my hair completely again as its so irritating and frankly looks super weird to me imo. What's the point of shaving everything when it grows back so fast anyway?
No. 154816
>>154811I keep a little upside down triangle or short strip there, shave bikini line, inner and outer lab maj completely, and lift my leg up to get to that spot where it grows down from the labia and onto my inner butt cheeks a little bit.
>>154812It starts aggravating me and the tissue gets itchy and irritated if I let it get too stubbly
No. 154827
>>154808I am
>>154775 and yeah, I wish. I mean, shaving the labia takes like one minute for me so that’s not the problem but it’s definitely expensive and tedious to shave frequently and use all these products. (I usually shave frequently for a month, let it grow for a month and then shave again, so I don’t do it all the time.)
I’ve tried waxing a few times but I haven’t been able to successfully do it myself yet, I started sweating and panicking and the wax didn’t work because I was all sweaty and the panic made it harder to pull off the hairs properly. (I’m not even normally that sensitive when it comes to pain at all, but man, waxing hurt like a motherfucker.) I can’t afford having it done professionally though. Anyway, I will definitely try again, maybe I should just drink some wine before or something. I will look into this blue wax you mentioned.
>>154822I do it in part for my partner, so it’s more pleasant to eat me out, but the heightened sensitivity is the most important reason for me to do it.
No. 154830
>>154297This. I only trim my hair. Also
>Removing pubic hair may make a person more susceptible to common infections, such as UTIs, vaginitis, and yeast infections. Hair removal can also irritate your skin, leading to skin infections such as cellulitis and folliculitisPubic hair prevents the transmission of bacteria and other pathogens. It's there for a reason. It's amazing how some people perceive removing it as "hygienic" lmao
No. 154845
I really don't get the shaving yourself clean out of personal preference thing. One of the least relatable things I've read in my life. I wouldn't even do it for a partner.
>>154811I do shave the undermost bits, asscrack and around the bikini line, but that's it. Whatever would stick out of a thong. Everything else just gets trimmed.
No. 155097
>>154900"have an asscrack covered in wool."
That sounds really intense.
No. 155144
>>155130zinc oxide works for me. I heard some people use baby powder but I only tried the cream (a cheap one for wound care) because I was scared powder would clog up pores or dry out the skin.
Apply a thin(!) coat on the bumps and spots three times a day. Only thing that worked so far beside waiting it out which takes forever for some reason.
No. 506137
>>506114Yeah this answer kind of gives away that it's not only about comfort when letting your body do what is natural and healthy is framed as 'dedication to having a wild bush' which is clearly meant to sound pejorative. I think people can do what they want with their bodies but reading through a thread full of
>nonnies how do I do this without it causing me excruciating pain/itchiness/blisters/fear I'm going to cut myself>why are you doing that>for comfortmakes me kind of sad because I remember when I used to try to shave my pubes many years ago and I gave up because it was never actually comfortable, ever which ended all the problems within a couple months. If you can't ever get to a point where it's comfortable and it's bothering you I highly recommend just letting it grow out fully, that was the only thing that ended the discomfort for me. You can always go back to shaving after but it's worth a try if you're always uncomfortable.
No. 506158
>>506137I'm the anon here
>>506023 and shaving doesn't make me itch or cause blisters, the fuck? Sorry you can't shave your vagina properly but I'm fine and comfortable shaving once a month. A full bush is uncomfortable and it can hurt, and it does actually hurt me. Keeping my vagina shaved once a month is what works for me. I literally have 0 issues.
No. 506199
>>506158>Sorry you can't shave your vagina properlySounds just like when women respond to the idea of not slathering their face in makeup with
>sorry you suck at makeup and your eyeliner wings are jankykek. Also,
> A full bush is uncomfortable and it can hurt, and it does actually hurt me.You’re not listening ti what we’re saying. Like
>>506137 said,
>letting it grow out fully, that was the only thing that ended the discomfort for me.I agree it hurts and itches while it is growing out, and that makes you want to just shave it again. But if you let it fully grow out to its full natural length, it stops hurting. It makes no sense to claim that women’s natural pubic hair is painful kek, it’s just not true.
No. 506232
>>506199I'm not doing that and I don't care if a woman wears makeup. I'm not going to grow out my bush kek, I like the hair to be short so it's not irritating. I also don't care that it could potentially not be irritating if I just neglect it hard enough. Shaving once a month is also kind of fun for me, like those stress relieving elsagate games.
Anyway I'm not claiming all women will have sensitive bushes, obviously. Just that I do and that women can. I'm not even advocating for you to shave either kek.
No. 506400
>>506235Your pubic hair sounds completely normal. Like, some women have less of it but most women have as much as you or more. And the part about shedding it into the toilet bowl or whatever - also normal. I'm sorry your mom had you getting it waxed so young, that's insane and horrible and
abusive. A beard trimmer is a really good alternative to shaving/waxing/laser. You can easily have a more manageable bush without ingrown hairs or the painful growing out stage.
No. 506409
>>506235Do look into laser hair removal, sounds like it could be a good fit for you.
Laser isn't a one and done miracle, it just makes your hair grow back a bit thinner and sparser. Getting a "freshly Brazilianned" look takes about 10 sessions of laser +touch ups every couple of years.
A few sessions of laser could be enough for you to feel comfortable with your pubes - it'll make them less coarse and wild while still allowing you coverage.
No. 506539
>>506235Sounds borderline sexually
abusive, my mum caught me shaved when I was 12 and said I was way too young to be doing that.
No. 506605
>>506552TBF I haven't slept with many men in my life but no man has ever made any negative comment or really any unsolicited comment at all about my pubes or other body hair and I never shave/trim them (my pubes, I occasionally shave my legs bc I almost always wear tights and the hair pulls). If you're looking for 'marriageable' men and not fuckboy hookups they should be extremely grateful you trust them enough to let them see you naked at all and should not have any issues with it. Any man who is going to express a vocal dislike for your body is not someone you want to be seriously dating or marrying period.
Especially if you've spent most of your life leaving your body hair alone I don't see any good reason to stop 'for men.'
>>506235Not only does that sound normal but also shaving does not make your hair grow back thicker or grow further down your thighs, aging does that. It would have happened whether you shaved or not. As one anon with a weird control freakish mom who made me wax in my teens/preteen years (not my pubes thankfully, but my arms/legs/armpits), I'm sorry your mom instilled these complexes in you, it's messed up and abnormal for your own mother to do that. There are probably loads of better ways you can spend your money than laser hair removal because you might leave a stray hair you can easily flush in the toilet bowl.
No. 506621
>>506552>Not doing anything doesn't take effortNot doing anything to address a situation that is causing you discomfort absolutely requires effort and willpower.
I didn't shave as a teenager, but now once I started started stopping meant going through an agonizing itchy poky irritating stage, and it was a hell of a lot easier to just shave and feel the instant relief.
No. 506717
>>506597I'm pretty sure I'll get married so I suppose I am
>>506600Nonnie ik but we can't be strong all the time sadly. I was a bushy bandit for over a decade so I'm going into retirement now kek. If it helps, I still don't shave cus I do laser instead. Less of a hassle.
>>506605It's a small price I'm willing to pay. I'm not getting rid of everything just the excess.
No. 506807
>>506771>Tight jeans have been a thing since at least the 60s/70s when it was absolutely normal to have a 'full bush' and no one ever complained it was difficult.Leg hair is uncomfortable in jeans. When women use the “sensory issues” excuse they’re usually not just talking about shaving their bush, it’s their excuse to shave everywhere. I probably should have clarified.
>I don’t understand what certain types of underwear is supposed to mean Some underwear snags my hair. Bikini cut underwear is the worst for me personally. I seriously think they were designed to be as uncomfortable as possible lol
No. 506817
>>506807I actually agree that leg hair is uncomfortable in tight jeans/leggings/tights but I don't think that applies to pubic hair. The reason leg hair can be uncomfortable in tight pant legs is that the pant legs tend to move up and down the legs, pulling the leg hair with them due to flexing the knees etc, but around the groin region there should not be that much movement and the underwear should theoretically be in the way anyway. I actually can't imagine what kind of weirdly constructed garment it would take to make pubes uncomfortable in the way tight pants or leggings are.
What's wrong with bikini underwear? I normally wear 'bikini brief' or 'high cut bikini' underwear and it's always been fine for me.
No. 506863
>>506817>I actually agree that leg hair is uncomfortable in tight jeans/leggings/tights but I don't think that applies to pubic hair.Again, I was talking about leg hair being uncomfortable in jeans, not pubic hair.
>What's wrong with bikini underwear?It snags my hair and it’s really uncomfortable. You probably just have less body hair than I do.
No. 506874
>>506719Get my cooch eaten. Be socially accepted. Whatever perks come with conforming.
>>506722I'm ok with that anon. That's the game.
No. 506879
>>506863I am extremely hairy so I doubt I have less body hair than you. I have the head hair of 8-10 normal people, my body hair is not that extreme but it's not thin or short either. TBF though I only ever noticed pube 'snagging' back when I used to trim or shave it in some capacity, in the 10-ish years I've fully grown it out I've never noticed any discomfort of any kind even once. I just can't use pads with wings/glue during my period.
>>506874I guess I just don't get why you wouldn't rather get your cooch eaten and be 'socially accepted' by non-degen/pornsick retard men. They will be much more sexually and socially satisfying regardless.
No. 506882
>>506874>Cooch eatenImagine having sex with a man who’d be repulsed by pussy hair, that’s beyond pathetic
>socially acceptedAre you walking around with your pussy outside or something? No one knows whether or not you have pussy hair since they can’t see it. If society isn’t witnessing your pussy before they determine whether you’ve confirmed properly or not, then it’s not social acceptance. You’re just soothing your own psychological insecurity. What I don’t understand is how you’re going through this now after years of not caring. It’s so backwards, when really you should’ve gotten this out in your teens.
No. 506900
>>506892>>506889What does your pubic hair look like? If I keep all of mine, his tongue would not be able to reach anywhere. Mine is textured, long so it curls in on itself and black. I don't think u guys understand what I'm working with kek
>>506882Do you not grow hair anywhere else? I have hair from the neck down. Legs, vag and underarm hair is seen as a no no for women but arm hair can stay. I don't understand why I would shave as a teenager. Why would I as a GIRL need to impress MEN?
>>506879>non-degen/pornsick retard men.There isn't an abundance of them now is there?
No. 506904
File: 1742321242558.jpeg (94.79 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled95_20250318180530.jpeg)

To illustrate. Most women I see saying that men have no problems with their hair look like the one on the left. I am the right trying to look like left. And I look like that all the way through.
No. 506906
>>506882speaking of getting this out in your teens, this is neither here nor there but this made me think of a story from when I was in middle school (right in the middle of the early-2000s ultra short/tight denim miniskirt trend). I changed for gym class with a girl who was really popular with boys (blonde, pretty, etc) who opened up in the locker room about how she was fully shaved (because literally no one else in our class was so the other girls asked her about it) because she only wore thongs to prevent pantylines per her mother's advice and 'she didn't want hair poking out, it would be indecent.' Obviously another
victim of a 'cool mom' inadvertently grooming her 13yo daughter. I was a weird tomboy everyone thought was lesbian but I filed this away in my mental cabinet of 'oh no, things girls are supposed to do.'
Probably a week or two later I heard a bunch of boys from my class talking about how they peeked up her miniskirt when she was walking up the stairs, (some really inappropriate comments about her underwear not covering basically anything), and how she was fully shaved so 'she must be a whore.' This was when I was in 8th grade mind so these were 12-13 year olds saying this. I actually got in a fight with these boys but I didn't really have any social cachet back then so they just thought it was weird that I cared, but I remembered overhearing another conversation with this popular girl in the locker room that she had never had a boyfriend and it was her mom telling her to do this stuff, she was actually really shy and timid around boys. I thought it was disgusting that the moidlets assumed she was a 'whore' because they looked up her skirt. But it really stuck with me that these 12-13yo moidlets thought that the only reason a girl would shave her pubes was to appeal to boys, like even back then they had this sinister idea that women would change their bodies for their approval.
>>506900Uh I have thick curly pubic hair too, but it can just be moved to the side? Like it doesn't grow out of my actual clitoris or vagina if that's what you're asking… it's like head hair, I can part it or move it to the side.
>There isn't an abundance of them now is there?No, but 1. the pornsick degen retards are not worth having sex let alone relationships with, and 2. even just the average degen won't give a shit, you're moving into high level degeneracy/narcissism if you're looking for men who get picky about women's grooming habits.
>>506904There is probably no adult woman on the planet that has (left panel) naturally past the age of 18-20. That looks like a 'trimmed landing strip' not natural pubes.
No. 506923
>>506904Right is how 100% of adult women look like if they don't take care of their bush.
Left is like
>>506908 said, trimmed on the edges, shaved on the sides.
No. 506928
>>506906Eh. Like I said, it's a small enough price I'm willing to pay. I would want my man to groom himself too instead of letting everything grow wild.
>>506913Because I'm a heterosexual unfortunately.
Side note, some women do indeed have straight pubes idk why u guys r saying it's fake.
A lot of men have vocalised not liking full bushes so I've decided to reduce mine. You guys get ass mad when women are vague about why they shave but when you come across someone who is blunt about their motivations you're still upset. ideally we would live in a world where you are accepted for the way you are but that is not the case kek.
No. 506934
>>506928Idk about other nonnies but I'm not 'mad' that you're honest about your motivations (I find it refreshing honestly), it just seems kind of pointless to me especially since you expressed being happy not to shave throughout your teen years. I just really can't imagine any even halfway worth-it-for-a-one-time-lay scrote caring, so I guess I don't understand the motivation. Is it to pander to the absolute most porn-addled scrotes you can find? Is there something leading you to believe this is the demographic you are pulling? I know there is a non-zero number of scrotes (I have always assumed to be pedo-leaning) who care about female pubic hair in a negative way but it seems like a small number of particularly vile scrotes so I would almost see having pubic hair as a good screening test if I had ever thought about it at all (which I haven't, because I didn't let moids see me naked ever in my life unless I was convinced they were madly in love with me).
I think there's a difference between resenting someone for obviously lying (like some of the anons above) and just being baffled at someone for admitting to doing something pointless or self-destructive (which I think is how people are perceiving your posts). If you expect the men you date to be clean-shaven I guess it makes 'more sense' but how are you going to find those men? That's very rare for straight men. And if you never were bothered by your own pubic hair before, why does men's pubic hair suddenly bother you? I'm genuinely curious.
>some women do indeed have straight pubes idk why u guys r saying it's fake. No one said straight pubes were fake, they said no one naturally has a 'landing strip' as an adult woman which is true afaik. Even if your pubes are straight they aren't going to just… be on your mons pubis in a neat little triangle and nowhere else, come on.
No. 506964
>>506934>halfway worth-it-for-a-one-time-layI'm too lazy to check if I mentioned it above but I don't have casual sex. It's marriage season for me soon. Since I hear guys say they don't like bushes, I decided to reduce mine with laser so that I don't have to play the guessing game and just know right off the bat that he won't complain about the hair. And the social acceptance aspect is because I wear shorter clothes now so I can't get away with not shaving. I wore a few short outfits as a teen and trust me, EVERYONE lets you know how they feel about a hairy lady. I was a kid back then so I wasn't trying to impress anyone but now I'm an adult and I can't be as carefree anymore.
>self-destructiveI don't see it that way honestly. I find body hair removal non invasive and like I said, Idc about it good or bad so if someone wants it gone I can do that for them. I see it like nail polish. They don't like a specific colour then ok I'll just put on another one.
>how are you going to find those men? That's very rare for straight men. Be with a non hairy man and keep a close eye on his hygiene habits.
>And if you never were bothered by your own pubic hair before, why does men's pubic hair suddenly bother you? I'm genuinely curious.I have always believed that if you are going to be active, you should trim or take care of your body hair as a courtesy to the other person.
>neat little triangle My illustration was to show little vs a lot. I just don't want all that hair in the way. My art skills are shit kek
No. 506981
>>506964I truly, genuinely am not trying to pick a fight with you, nonna, so please take what I'm about to say in the most benign way, but.
>halfway worth-it-for-a-one-time-layI'm the one who said this and I specifically said this because this is the absolute bare minimum any woman should be intimately engaging with, and I don't even think this 'bare minimum' type of man cares about pubic hair. I truly, truly don't think any man who is 'marriage material' or worth dating in the long term will ever care about whether you have pubic hair or not. You've already said you didn't mind pubic hair on yourself and were happy to let it grow out so I think it's pointless at best to pre-emptively laser it for a hypothetical man when any 'marriage worthy' man will not prefer you hairless. It's just a huge waste of money, at best.
>because I wear shorter clothes now so I can't get away with not shaving.You're wearing clothes so short that your pubic hair shows unless it's lasered? What clothing is this?
>Idc about it good or bad so if someone wants it gone I can do that for them.But you're not. You haven't found a man you want to marry, asked him how he feels, and then removed your hair for him (not that I think this would be a good idea either, because the type of men who want women fully clean shaven are at worst pedo-leaning and at best porn-addled). Instead you have assumed you are removing body hair 'for them' whoever them is, not asking 'them' and not using body hair as a convenient yardstick of whether a guy is worth dating, which it really is convenient for.
>Be with a non hairy man and keep a close eye on his hygiene habits. So you're going to explicitly ask him to shave/wax/laser all his pubic hair?
>I have always believed that if you are going to be active, you should trim or take care of your body hair as a courtesy to the other person.I'm confused how this would be a 'courtesy.'
>My illustration was to show little vs a lot. Almost no adult has as 'little' (and certainly not growing where you placed it in the drawing) as you drew on the left. Most adults have something similar to the right, that is the normal adult secondary sex characteristic signalling sexual maturity.
No. 507062
>>506981About the clothes thing I was talking about body hair in general not just pubic. And yes I would tell a man that if he doesn't groom and trim himself he shouldn't expect me to do anything. Also I'm reducing body hair, it's not completely gone
nonnie. Idk about you but not only is there a shit ton, my pubic hair is coarse af. I wouldn't want to kiss a man with facial hair that scraped me. Or suck him off if he had wild pubic hair. And I don't agree that every woman out there naturally has a Jackson 5 fro in their pants. Ik many women that have fine, sparse, pale hairs everywhere and friends even tell me their pubic hair is the same. They have no reason to lie to me kek.
>>507017>Angry about shaving because misogyny. Uses misogynistic slur >>507026My skin is brown so I doubt it. Maybe steak would be a better fit.
No. 507091
File: 1742330177745.png (62.44 KB, 1268x245, Whats_Normal.png)

>>507062But you're pre-emptively lasering your hair before you even meet the man, so how are you going to tell him 'don't expect me to do anything if you don't'? You already did the thing before meeting him. I don't understand what the issue is with coarse pubic hair, it's not literally growing out of the parts that you interact with sexually, it's off to the sides.
>Or suck him off if he had wild pubic hair. Are you assuming this hypothetical moid has a micropenis? I don't do oral on men but it must be like literally 2 inches or less for his pubic hair to matter.
>I don't agree that every woman out there naturally has a Jackson 5 fro in their pants. Ik many women that have fine, sparse, pale hairs everywhere and friends even tell me their pubic hair is the same. Are you bi/lesbian? Sorry to break it to you but even if you google this the first result is picrel. Having hair purely on the mons pubis like in your drawing is extremely abnormal and probably does not happen in nature. Pubic hair is there to protect your vulva region, it would probably be a sign of some kind of disease if it only covered a sliver of the mons pubis. The 'Jackson 5 fro' you are describing is just normal for pubic hair; there may be some exceptions but it is undoubtedly the norm. I say this as a woman who has mostly slept with other women, even the women with the finest sparsest blondest head, arm, and leg hair had a 'Jackson 5 fro' in their pants naturally compared to your leftmost drawing, it's there for a reason which is to protect your sensitive parts from infection, etc. It's not going to just sit there in a neat little triangle on the mons pubis.
No. 507096
>>507062I have pubic hair like yours (am hispanic) and my nigel regularly sucks on my pussy. I don't even suck his dick.
Although recently I decided to trim it because when I grow a full bush, a lot of my pubic hairs come off, and they get all over the sheets. When they are a bit shorter, they don't get pulled out.
Anyway, you don't have to give a fuck what men think, like I said I'm hispanic and have grown a full bush, I have hairy underarms and legs. No guys have complained or refused to suck on my pussy, and all the guys I've dated have been cute and fit and shave their own body hair/pubes. They still don't care. Any guy who isn't a complete faggot won't give a shit about your hair. And if he does tell him to fuck off and return to his basement.
No. 507144
>>507136Seems some anons really can't help but show their attitudes and lack of basic education through what they say.
What painting is that anon?
No. 507166
>>507147Thanks, OT but stunning painting. And expressed my reaction to that sentence perfectly kek
It's really funny to think about how body hair shaving was not normal in most Western cultures until (relatively) recently, and now women have been so heavily psyopped into upholding pornbrained pedomoid standards that they unironically and guilelessly try to shame other women about not following them. My mom moved to North America in 1989 and said it was the first time she ever encountered the idea of shaving body hair; when I found some photos of her looking hot sunbathing as a late-20s beauty she tried to rip the photo out of my hands and say no one should ever be allowed to see it because it shows her armpit hair. I asked why she let the photo be taken in the first place, 'oh I didn't know at the time that it was shameful to have hair in my armpits, no one from (where she was from) ever thought of shaving it off so neither did I.' But now 30 years later she wants the beautiful photo destroyed because now she knows it's shameful and disgusting.
I can't believe women keep falling for shit like this time and time again, when they were at their most beautiful, carefree and desired by men they didn't 'realize' their bodies were so wrong but now they know they are ashamed they were ever so disgusting, and try to impose it upon and convince other (usually younger) women of the same. Imagine men ever doing this? Removing photos from albums when they were at their physical prime so no one can ever see they had 'non-trendy' facial hair or clothing for the rest of time, or maybe spending thousands of dollars to laser their moustaches off 'so they can prepare to find marriage partners' later?
No. 507170
>>506116I was thinking the same, trimming my pubes in a heart shape kek. I like looking down and seeing a cute tangled heart.
>>506552A man that cares about bodyhair is such a red flag. Don't shave nonna.
No. 507211
>>507091No they do not have hair like mine. I have seen those vagina murals and some have considerably straighter and less hair there. Unless every woman has decided that they're going to lie to me for whatever reason., I don't believe we all share the same pubic hair genetics(?). I always hear about how every woman is different down there but suddenly pubes can only be one way. I also doubt that you've been with every racial group. We don't all have the same hair
a woman's genitals.
So your feminism is a larp? I support women wrong or right so hats off to u anon
>>507096I'm happy for u
>>507170But I care about men's body hair too. I also wanted to cut my pubes into a shape but the way it grows, it just wouldn't hold.
>>507186But I don't feel like I'm giving up anything. I have zero attachment to my hair.
If it helps nonnas sleep better I haven't and will not touch my stomach, arm or ass hairs kek. And scrote or no scrote, I have strawberry legs so I would have to get laser there anyway
(learn2integrate) No. 507233
>>507211If by 'those vagina murals' you're talking about what I think you're talking about, most of those women had shaved/trimmed pubes, not natural pubes. Of course not every woman shares the exact same pubic hair genetics but almost all women have pubes in the entire vulva region, upper inner thighs, going up and covering the mons pubic up to the pubic bone area. Literally no woman naturally has a little trimmed landing strip of hair on the mons pubis that doesn't extend to her vulva region/thighs, since the whole biological point of pubic hair is to protect the vulva and vagina.
>I also doubt that you've been with every racial group. No I have not but you mentioned fine, straight and light hair and there is only one racial group that has that, and guess what I've been with women with that type of head/body hair and they still had normal pubes.
>But I care about men's body hair too. I actually think this is an arguably understandable perspective but I don't know what you're gaining by trying to pre-adjust to what you assume are (the most degenerate) moid standards and then hoping that the aforementioned most degenerate moids will adjust to your preferences out of… kindness? The whole point of getting with entitled degen coomer moids is they don't see women as people and typically have no desire to adjust to women's standards, especially if you pre-emptively adjust to theirs. Are you going to leverage your now lasered pubic region to get them to shave their micropenises? Once it's already lasered?
>But I don't feel like I'm giving up anything.That's fine I guess but you said earlier you were perfectly fine leaving it as it was prior to spending hundreds/thousands having it lasered off. You are at least giving up a lot of money and time. And also, objectively, you're giving up better health/safety/protection from BV and yeast infections, etc. whether that currently matters to you or not. It may in the future and permanent hair removal could be a real pain in the ass if you eventually discover it matters to you.
Most people are probably just wondering why you are doing this for hypothetical moids (as you yourself admitted) when any hypothetical moid worth anything would not want you to do it in the first place?
No. 507283
File: 1742336569232.jpg (90.54 KB, 1080x720, 44538772-2128202410776330-1489…)

Nothing really new to add to the current back and forth with that anon, I lost the "I must do this for men" mindset years ago and now prefer to just trim the bush back every other month (and honestly I grew to hate the feeling of my bare vuvla, feels too pre-pubescent/unnatural for my taste, not to mention the uncomfortable stubble while you wait for the hair to go back to shaving length lest you look like Shayna). ANYWAYS, has anyone tried Fur? Is there a noticeable difference compared to using regular skincare products? It's an interesting idea to have a brand that caters just to pubic grooming whether you shave/wax/go natural but goddamn are their prices ass. Fur Oil for example being $52 for 2 ounces of jojoba and essential oils.
No. 507473
>>507442Laser anon here again kek. What she's talking about has happened to me too but it doesn't happen or become painful enough for me to consider hair removal over it.
>>507322 I've never had that happen. If anything it gets all over my pubes.
Why are both sides making things up? If you want to or don't want to touch ur pubes it's whatever lol this is getting dumb. Pubic hair is a non issue. You aren't sticking it to the man for not shaving and if you do hair removal it's definitely because of outside influences. Neither are a crime.
No. 507477
>>507283No I have not tried it but regular jojoba oil is much cheaper than that as are essential oils, and tbh with essential oils basically all being allergens/sensitizers I wouldn't want to put them near my pubic region. I think if people have a particular desire to oil their pubes they should just use cheap as dirt jojoba or olive oil like the ancients did and call it a day.
I also really doubt glycolic acid or any other exfoliants should be going near your intimate areas but idk maybe someone can correct me and tell me how it's actually great for you.
>>507442My lower leg hairs do pull and cause itching/discomfort when I wear leggings/tights but I think it's because I have sparse but long hairs on my calves, so there will always be like a few hairs stuck in the tights pulling on specific spots on my skin. This usually prompts me to shave up to the knee every 1-2 months in the winter but I have pretty severe sensory issues in general so might just be me. That being said I've never noticed any discomfort from pulling above the knee and definitely never my pubic area since I stopped using winged pads and getting my pubes stuck in them during my period.
>You aren't sticking it to the man for not shaving and if you do hair removal it's definitely because of outside influences.As you yourself admitted in the latter half of that sentence you are essentially sticking it to the man by not shaving, if the reason for shaving is because The Man (big corporations) or the man (some gross pedo-inclined moid) wants you to. But more importantly rather than 'sticking it to the man' the obvious reason not to shave your pubes is out of care for yourself, wanting to maintain your own health and comfort. Not everything should be in reference to some man, it's better if you do things for your own sake.
No. 507601
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>>507584This would happen to me sometimes as well, it's while sitting down, like when you pour from a cup and the water runs along the glass like pic rel. It's like there's nothing to break the surface tension so liquids will travel unpredictably.
No. 507955
>>507841You know what I mean.
>>507926I think they literally are autistic, which would explain the first comment I replied to kek.
No. 509263
>>507601This makes me wonder if how we sit plays a large part in this. Didn't think shaving would make me try and figure out piss physics.
>>507853 It really seems like the hair helps in redirection for some people.
No. 509378
File: 1742536745513.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1308x813, panel1.png)

>>509305There's that like plaster wall of vulvas art project (it won't show you what natural pubic hair looks like for the most part since most of the women in it are shaved), but in terms of the actual vulva shape it gives you a pretty good idea (I'm not sure if the entire project is available on the website anymore but you could probably find more of the panels on google): No. 512704
File: 1742920215442.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.9 MB, 4096x2302, GridArt_20250325_182751997.jpg)

>>509476damn these look bad. i spotted 2 out of 3 in the gallery kek
No. 513419
>>509747To be fair, plaster casts and hair generally isn't a good combo.
Anyone who wasn't fully shaved would have to coat their pubes in vaseline to avoid it turning into a surprise waxing session.