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No. 62035
>>62032Really? That sucks, I wanted to get an iPhone…
Has anyone here ever tried Meitu phones?
No. 62053
>>62038I agree with this, the selfie camera is very unflattering for me on Samsung phones personally.
But it depends, for some people it makes them look incredible. Something about the lens flatters most people but not me.
No. 62063
>>62031same, but I'm 18
all I've had are fliphones but those fancy phones are basically small computers and i already own a mac
the only reason i find myself wishing i had one is so i could take more pictures
No. 62078
>>62075My mom has a 7 and I've got a 6S. I don't really notice any difference between them. There's nothing hers does that mine doesn't, and I don't have any problems with speed or battery life.
I'm not super into phones though. Maybe if you're a power user you'll notice a difference.
No. 62082
>>62070Yes, this exact thing happens with my Samsung! You just open the camera and see something, then take the picture and BAM it's something else and looks 100x uglier. It's like it puts the pixels together in the wrong way. Same for the no lips and giant nose. It also gives me some bad dark circles I don't have.
Meanwhile I used to take pictures with a friend of mine's iPhone 4s and I looked good. It is a mystery
No. 62159
>>62145I'm the previous Sonyfag and I agree, my friend had to use her mum's phone because her old Xperia (it was yellow, don't know the model) wouldn't let her type properly and the battery lasted as long as my shitty iPhone one, which is to say not that long.
>>62109I'd suggest a Z5 Compact instead. Both me and my bf have it and couldn't be happier with it.
No. 62164
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>>62160no, don't. i had a moto g and it was the worst phone i've ever had. i'm staying away from motorola forever.
No. 62204
Used to have a LG G4, the phone was okay but it started acting stupid a few months after i got it (google would open randomly, it would overheat, apps would not load, camera took blurry pics), finally it started restarting on it's own until it just balck screened and died.
Searched the interent and apparently it's pretty common with g4, so i fucked up kek
Luckily where i bought it from were understanding of it being a faulty phone and exchanged it for a LG G5 SE 32gb and holy shit this phone is amazing for the price.
It has no lag, the camera is superb most of the time (the front camera can be a hit or miss), it has insane amounts of customization, basically 0 pre installed bloatware and it barely heats up. My only complain is that it feels a bit easy to break, but i got a transparent Ringake protector and it's solved. Plus i can make any cover i want with it.
Though the battery only lasts me for a few hours even at the lowest brightness, which sucks major dick.
Also sometimes the camera decides to be a grainy piece of trash.
But otherwise i have 0 problems with it so far.
Don t really care for the interchangeable parts garbage so cant comment on those.
It cost me 350 euros, which is a great price considering some phones with worse specs are more expensive.
I was kinda scared after what happened with the G4 but now im an LGfag through and through.
No. 62259
>>62168I'm American and never heard of it, but it looks like an Android-iphone lol.
>>62025I'm getting an iPhone 6plus or iPhone 7plus soon. I'm still undecided which one to get though. I've considered switching to Android, but I love the Appstore's apps too much to switch to Google Playstore. Plus, I've probably invested well over $100-$200 in apps already, and can't find good replacements for Android. Plus, I already use a MacBook/iPad too and love when things match (I know it's a dumb reason lol)
No. 62342
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I have a wily fox swift and it was a pretty good phone when I first used it. I factory reset it once when I dropped my phone and my front camera stopped working/existing within my phone. (turned out I needed to press the front camera 'back into' the phone), before i figured that out I did a factory reset. Now it's slow as shit and don't know what to do about it. Apps constantly freeze and i have to wait a long time before some app open or work probably. Kinda annoying since I have it for less than a year. Serves me right for buying a budget phone.