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No. 62165

Post loser ex-boyfriend (or ex-gf for gayfags) stories here.

>Online neckbeards you met in chatrooms at 15, that one autist you depression-dated when you had no self esteem and then couldn't shake off, the lanklet dude who played xbox all day and couldn't hold down a job and forgot your birthday. Vent or share funny stories ITT!

No. 62166

>be 19 and not too serious about my education because college was still really easy in 2nd year. more into drinking and chilling with friends
>meet guy on tinder, hang out a few times, my first time really 'dating' and didn't really test the pool
>23, works at mcdonalds part time, no uni, brokefag, spends all spare time playing games or wasting money on weed
>19 year old me thinks cool, free weed, hangouts slowly form a relationship mainly based on mutual internet humour and eating takeaway
>over next few months i grow up heaps, cut down drinking, study hard, get involved in tons of extracurriculars, get an academic assistant job, win a scholarship to study overseas at end of bachelors, go to the gym regularly
>bf does the same old weed and vidya except is now super insecure, whines when i hang out with friends, spergs over male friends, refuses to participate in my life, does things like drink himself to death and piss in the bed while passed out, constantly eats takeout and refuses to cook so never has money to do anything nice or travel anywhere despite having a flight attendant sister and getting super cheap family flights
>1st time we break up is because he lies to me he plans to go back to uni in the coming semester, doesn't enrol and i only find out later
>i take him back after a week of guilt tripping and regret it ever since, too insecure and weak willed to say no
>date for another few months, his behaviour gets worse, does things like sperg out right before my scholarship interview or rage if i remind him about things like deadlines for uni or renewing his car registration, flat out refuses to exercise with me and is a skelly lanklet etc
>eventually break up with him again and make a big list of reasons I don't want to date him, force myself to read them out to him, he storms off and then tries to text me later to get back together, tell him no
>now in super happy fulfilling relationship with another boy I met in same scholarship program. we have similar interests, work out together, do cool things together like learn archery and try new recipes, cannot be happier. ex tried sperg messaging me a few times but blocked him on all social media :^)

No. 62167

My friend's ex from YEARS ago leaves cringey comments on her IG like "wow, you look beautiful and I turned out like a dumpster, damnit." Also keeps photos of them together from ages ago up as his featured photos on FB. Super cringe and such a "why cant you be as miserable as me" vibe.

No. 62170

>I'm 19, he's 18
>we date for a few weeks, he wants to have sex and I tell him that only after we become "official"
>After we sleep together I don't see him for three weeks and he keeps cancelling/postponing meetups
>I figure out I'll never see him again
>I do see him again, he pretends like nothing happened and that we are happily in a relationship
>Proceeds to chat girls up from all over world on his tumblr, posting things like "sucks when your soulmate lives on the other side of the world"
>Almost breaks up with me, then changes his mind, twice
>I kiss a rando 'cause I've had enough, but he decides to "forgive me" and we stay together
>Does fuck all and is a lazy jobless bastard on benefits
>I help him find a job and eventually a uni course that accepts him with his shitty grades
>two years into the relationship we move in together (I know, I know)
>He starts uni course and pays no attention to me anymore, hangs out with his friends, purposefully doesn't invite me out and lies to me
>I do all the housework because he's a lazy POS, while I still go to uni and try and make sure he's happy
>I get depressed as my parents are getting divorced and he gaslights me and makes me feel like crazy all the time
>Breaks up with me because it's "all too much", says he'll move out but then doesn't and tells me it would be easier if I moved out
>I move out and finally get rid of that asshole
>A month later he's in a relationship with his "friend" from uni who's an ugly whale
>I'm told he was cheating on me the whole time and lied about being tested for STDs before we got together

So that was 2.5 years of my life I'm never getting back. Oh, he was also messed up, went to a psychiatrist as a child and told me that his mum was told he had "sociopathic tendencies", couldn't handle weed or alcohol and passed out/puked often, yet still smoked to be "cool" or whatever.
For months after our break up I would get panic attacks when in situations reminding me of him, from the mental abuse/gaslighting. And I know I should've known better but I was stupid, what can I say.

No. 62171

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When I was 14 I dated a 16 year old guy that claimed to have MPD. Oh, but HE didn't like me, "Calvin" did… yeah. Also he was white trash and lived with his family in a filthy heroin house. Broke up with him after his Mom caught him fucking some girl that "another personality was dating". lol.

At 17 I made the same mistake and dated another white trash ~broken~ boy. Just like "Calvin" he lived in a heroin house where his Mom was constantly passed out and his siblings were tearing shit up. I'll call him Trent.

Trent was probably how you imagine every 4chan user, except skeletally skinny and covered in shitty tattoos. He lived in absolute filth. His computer desk (where he spent his time browsing /b/ and playing MMOs) was covered in old cigarettes, food, dishes, and, I shit you not, baby roaches were in his keyboard. When he wasn't complaining about 'not finding a job' (which he never looked for) he was begging me to take nude pics with him to post online. Thankfully I never went beyond kissing him on camera. Oh, and did I mention he loved MLP and was into incest? Of course he was.

The relationship didn't last more than a couple months. You can guess who broke up with who.
Years later he found me on Snapchat and sent some creepy snaps threatening me to come back to him 'or else'. Shows you that some guys never change. (Thankfully I learned to love myself. ~Broken boys~ are insane.)

No. 62172

My first "boyfriend" was a LDR I met on plenty of fish when I was young and sheltered who claimed he was a witch and that he could control the TV because he would think of an episode of a TV show he wanted to see and it would come on a few days later.

Reruns were proof of psychic phenomena.

No. 62175

The first, and last time I ever dated a guy younger than me

He forced me in a relationship, despite me telling him no several times, but I finally ended up giving in, would constantly pressure me into doing sexual things after I said no, especially in public, he cried when I didn't want him to, and would start flirting with other girls and touching them if I didn't let him do stuff to me, then blame me. He filled my head with bullshit about how loyal he is, how I can tell him anything, how I don't have to sugar coat anything, etc. yet would cry for weeks if I told him it bothered me that he grabbed another girls boob in front of me. He wanted to force me to be in a relationship with him because I was going to move to europe after a few years with my family, and said he could take the distance, but couldn't take the distance if I didn't hang out with him all the time, when I did hang with him he twisted it so "it didn't count".Would play the suicidal card, and would get even more suicidal because "he didn't have a bad life" and wanted me to spend 3,000 canadian dollars/usd to go on a trip with me and my friends and claiming my friends would hate him, but wanted to have a "harem" and would probably cry if we rejected him, he would push me to talk about my past problems despite me telling him I'm not comfortable, then play victim if I didn't tell him everything I'm not comfortable with, and later claimed he pushed me to talk about my problems because "he knows its about him"

sexually it was disgusting, he would constantly touch me in public despite me telling him not to, he would stop then do it again 5 minutes later, he was so awful at sex, and kissing, if I leaned my head close to him he would try to flat out start making out and frenching me and it was so nasty, if i went to pick something up he would rub his dick against my ass, he was so ugly and annoying, he had a moderatly high pitched voice for a guy, first time we did it I didnt wanna take his dick out but he whipped it out and told me to "suck it like a popsicle" and said it like a fucking pedophile, it was so nasty, I'm pretty sure he's a pedo as well and constantly fetishized me being asian, would make comments on it, tell me how I look like any asian video game character to ever exist, and had an odd obsession with his cousin, who was a small child

he disgusted me even thinking about him

No. 62195

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I've had a several loser exes due to my extremely low self-esteem in my teenage years


>met a guy on /soc/
>tells him I'm 18 because I just moved into a new area and was desperate for friends/bfs
>we dated for like 2 weeks
>one day while we were cuddling on his sofa, his GIRLFRIEND walked in on us
>I was confused and ashamed at the same time when she started yelling at me and trying to pull my hair out
>turns out he wanted to break up with his gf, who shares a rental lease with him, so he told her he was GAY
>you can imagine her surprise when she walked in on us cuddling
>I nope.jpg the fuck out of there, apologizing on my way out
>guy texted me "when you're 18, call me. maybe we can work it out"
>immediately deletes his contacts and never talk to him again

you would think I learned my lesson about meeting guys on chans but I'm married to a /fit/izen lmao fml

No. 62196

That was really dangerous for that guy to gamble like that. Imagine if she had a knife or gun and came at you during that moment of rage.

No. 62197

My ex boyfriend was this guy who I admired online for some reason and I was 14/15 and he was 19. I thought he had a nice voice and seemed cool and nerdy and cute so I liked him blah blah. I ended up liking his brother more (my age actually) and I confessed to his brother which ended up being seen by the original guy (lets call him M) who kept it from the brother and instead confessed that M himself liked me. I went with it because I was lonely and depressed and wanted the attention. Me and M never show faces until he begs me to and I do to which he complains that I'm not asian and I don't look good enough and photoshops me asian and says "this is what you would look like if you were actually pretty". I ended up getting a face pic from him and he was just a fat neckbeard who never brushed his hair. I basically never said anything else to him but blocked him and removed him from everywhere. I'm an idiot for even getting into this I know but I was young and it scarred me and made me wish I was an asian girl lol.

No. 62198

yeah the whole thing was crazy from start to finish

No. 62199

My ex was at first super sweet and charming, but then over time he began to grow violent and controlling.
The things that stand out were
>Seeing him talking to his friend on twitter about sharing pics he got from a girl in a skype chat of her vag
>Telling me he saw hot chicks at the pool and openly talking about cheating
>Confessing he got kicked out of high school for punching a girl and didn't understand why he couldn't punch girls
>Told me he'd probably resort to DV if we got married just because he wants to hit his wife
>Became upset because he didn't save the video of that reporter who got shot on camera by an ex-employee and it got deleted

He also would block me for days on end because he claimed "I'm like a cat and want attention only when I want it." We broke up because after being blocked for a week I finally asked what he wanted to do. He then told me after we became a couple he got bored because he liked the chase of flirting.

Dude was fucked up.

No. 62202

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>tfw ex is such a bitchass loser can't even post about him bc he'd get recognized for the very specific and embarrassingly stupid shit he did stories

Fuck that guy.

No. 62206

First… Same, anon. Same. Second, that picture is hilarious.

My ex was overall a really shitty human being and I was stupid, naive and trusting. I wanted to help him because he was a ~lost soul~. It turns out he was just a really crappy person, extremely vain and impulsive. He's also impossible to stand unless you have a really low self esteem like I did, or if you feel like you deserve to have a horrible person being a vampire in your life because you secretly hate yourself/think you deserve such hell.
Not only did he try to ruin my life, and actively did stuff to try to make it happen, but he was also dangerous and said he'd kill me and my friend. So yeah, definitely not a good bf.
He also used to guilt trip me all the time with the most unthinkable things, cheated on me with one of my good friends (who was a POS like him) and felt pleasure in making me feel sad and heartbroken over him.
Honestly, I don't wish him any harm anymore as long as he stays away from me and doesn't mention me with his filthy mouth ever again, but I know he'll eventually destroy himself.

No. 62208


I posted my MSN in a /soc/ thread when I was 16 out of curiousity. Cue a million adds from random neckbeards chatting me up, saying I was "mature for my age" and they wouldn't usually go for a 16 year old but I'm an exception. None of them ever had photos of themselves as display pics, too. Fucking losers lmao I blocked most of them after a week

No. 62209

I used to be a reg in a chatroom from 15, and some asshole guy there with the username "smartwomenarentreal" added me and started awkward flirting with me, found out later he was a schizo who had a gf irl and who claimed to be able to hack into everyone's PCs which scared me at the time. He typed with ~perfect grammar~ and spent his spare time insulting teenagers online so was clearly an autist retard but for some reason I'd put up with it… never became a relationship thank god, but now I'm curious to re-check his old FB i blocked years and years ago

No. 62211

I was never underage on /soc/ but I definitely gave up on finding anyone meaningful to chat with from contactfagging threads. The worst was when the orbiters would get extremely volatile and mean if you blocked them, were to swamped with requests to see theirs, or chose not to add them.
Every prick demanded attention for saying "hi sup."

No. 62221

what a fucking creep, he seems like a major pedo or rapist, but more whiney, reading that is so gag inducing, but learn how to say no anon, especially to disgusting fags that like him

No. 62228

Shit, this sounds so bad. I'm glad you're out of that hellhole anon.

No. 62233

i never dated this person but it counts as my first romantic relationship so they're an ex to me. we were best friends and he had feelings but i didn't reciprocate. when i rejected him he uncharacteristically had all our mutual friends harass me. this hurt me and i would try to make amends, until eventually the situation escalated over time into me coming over to have sex with him because if i didn't, he would write weird chain emails to his friends making up things i said to make me look bad and i'd get bullied and harassed throughout my school day, and had no friends, so in order to get them back i'd have to go perform fellatio on this creepy person i now hated. he took my virginity and said i was really stupid and slutty for even doing that in the first place since he didn't actually care about me and just wanted to make sure i had to remember the first time with him.

needless to say i have PTSD from the ordeal and tell many mutual friends now of what happened and they still hang with him and post about social justice/anti rape stuff on facebook

No. 62236

Deleted my post to repost with more detail, sorry
>date a guy for 4 months
>guy is a year younger than me
>seriously insecure
>crazy jealous, gets mad at me if i as much as chat with male coworkers
>obviously not working out so i break up with him in the nicest way i could, long face to face talk and promising to stay friends
>to weeks later he has a new girlfriend, good for him
>ask if he still wants to meet
>he replies "lol no"
>THREE YEARS PASS with 0 contact
>im walking somewhere when i see him smoking by the side of the road
>figure i shouldnt say hi, just ignore him
>i dont even know how to react to that level of pettyness so i just keep walking
I knew he was a little pathetic but the fact that he still even gave a shit after three years is a pretty crazy.

No. 62239

Ah, this is my favourite post so far. I lol'd at the ridiculously long-lasting grudge, and just how pathetically low it made him stoop.

All the other posts are more "how much of an asshole my ex was when we were together" and less "how much of a loser my ex turned out to be after we broke up", as I expected from the thread title. This post redeems the thread.

p.s. You did well to just ignore him. Best possible reaction to such shit.

No. 62272

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Hm, it seems a lot of the loser ex stories involve someone younger than the anon who was telling the story


why are younger men in relationships such shitty boyfriends?

No. 62276

why did you mutants stay for so long??

No. 62287


in my experience, there's something wrong with men who can't date their own age group. same goes for men who date people way younger than them. i'm not talking about 2-3 years though, more like 8-10 years of age difference.

No. 62288

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>be 20
>get a new part-time job
>24 y/o guy in my hiring group keeps chatting me up, invites me to dinner
>accept because free food
>three days later starts telling people I'm his girlfriend, changes his facebook relationship status and everything
>slightly disturbed but decide not to fight it, he seemed nice just really desperate
>invites me over to his house, lives with his parents
>room is covered wall-to-wall in comic book memorabilia, complete man-child cave
>watching netflix
>suddenly throws me down on his bed, whips his dick out, rips my pants off and goes to ram it in raw, all within seconds
>push him off me, ask him wtf he thinks he's doing
>"what? I'm just trying to get my dick wet."

No. 62296

the fuck? that sounds really disgusting. please tell me he wasn't the ugly fat neckbeard im imagining him to be.
why would anyone skip foreplay if they want to get their dick wet? was he genuinely that clueless or just desperate as all hell?

No. 62298

>break up with bf of ~1 year because I wasn't really feeling him romantically anymore and also was gearing up to be slammed with school with no time for a boyfriend anyway
>no contact for ~3 months
>he messages me one day
>"I don't want to cut you out completely, since you were my best friend" kind of shit
>be polite, but restrained because he's clearly still bitter
>spergs out and deletes me for some reason
>another ~3 months pass
>he readds and messages me
>"yeah I'm pretty much over it, wanted to try being friends again"
>brags about his new job and new friends
>asks me out for drinks
>spergs out again and deletes me
>text him to stop being a pussy and delete me for good or get over it
He ended up ranting about how I destroyed his life and that he did everything for me (he dropped out of school and ignored me a lot to play vidya) but I'm just another cold-hearted emotionally unavailable bitch. But also with a twist of "now I'm gonna have to fuck chicks I hate just to get my dick wet because you were the only girl I understood". And some "I have so much else to say to you but I don't want to get arrested". Also called me a disgusting bully because I browse lolcow kek.


No. 62299

He's probably just as you're imagining, he was sort of tall, big, lots of acne everywhere, and ginger. Very punchable face, and acted like a frat dude-bro. Would cry about his dead dad constantly seeking sympathy, even though it had been years since he passed.

I have NO idea what was running through his mind in that moment. Literally nothing could have prepared me for that. He got really pissy when I started telling people at work about it, but he eventually got fired for always being late/never showing up for shifts.


No. 62300

>be me, be bi
>kiss girl at college party after getting permission from her bf who's right there
>after we're done he kisses me
>chemistry, so we make out
>he's 17, I am 22
>it's just a party, who cares
>exchange phone numbers
>he sends me over 20 text messages
>politely and nicely explain to him that I don't usually reply to texts
>he whines a bit and spams me a bit more
>his gf texts me like a normal human being and is friendly
>he's good looking, so when he shows up on the next party we make out again
>he spams me and I have nothing better to do so we hang out
>i get to class one day and people tell me he came by looking for me
>he doesn't even go here.jpg
>cue another party, we make out again because I'm drunk and horny
>all the while he sends me over 20 texts every day
>things come up and there are no more parties
>he still sends me a shitload of texts
>his gf dropped out and he still shows up around campus, looking for me
>one day at home my phone rings
>it's him
>i ignore him
>suddenly my doorbell rings
>i tell him "please go away" and he never talks to me again

Don't get me wrong, I was pretty crazy myself, but this was some next level shit.
I still have no idea how he got my address.

No. 62311

honey that's called rape and you can have him prosecuted for that.

i'm sorry to say this but you're an idiot.

No. 62317

That's not rape, anon. He stopped when she asked him to stop. It is disgusting, however. Nothing grosses me out more than a man saying he wants to get his dick wet. Fucking gag.

No. 62320


correct me if i'm wrong but "suddenly throws me down on his bed, whips his dick out, rips my pants off and goes to ram it in raw" reads to mean there was forced penetration (i.e. he rammed his dry penis into her before she was even wet), it's textbook rape?

No. 62321

Oh no no, anon I'm sorry if the way I worded it was confusing. He did prod his dick against me, about to ram it in, but because of how fast and scary things got my instincts set in and I just immediately kicked him off. Sadly that wasn't the first time a guy tried to force himself on me, so all those fears and anxieties came rushing back in an instant.

Like >>62317 said, he did stop. But he acted like a pissy child having a tantrum for not getting what he wanted for the rest of the night.

No. 62326

my ex messaged the boy that i was talking to that we had sex the day after we broke up. boy called me a panic but understood as we weren't together yet. i told him to block my ex (i already did) and he did. it's been months but i still get mad about it.

it was pity sex that i regret you pathetic scumbag you were the worst mistake of my life

No. 62327

oh i forgot to mention that while it took me a very short time to get over my ex it was because he was a controlling, jobless asshole who wanted me to publicly announce i wasn't talking to someone like we were in fucking middle school. while i was asleep after that last session he went through my phone. he'd stalked me online and once harassed me at university (which he doesn't attend) about it. i hope he rots in a ditch.

No. 62333


oh, i see. still anon, forcing you down like that was no joke, especially if you experienced similar behavious before. i feel for you and i'm glad you were able to react in time, but still i kind of wish you pursued legal action just to light a fire under his loser butt.

No. 62334

It's not rape but it's still sexual harassment.

No. 62339

I'm sorry anon :(

No. 62341

>But he acted like a pissy child having a tantrum for not getting what he wanted for the rest of the night.
Wtf why would you stay there after that

No. 62343

Completly agree. Younger guys are usually immature and not ready for a healthy relationship.

>Be me, bored and ready to make bad decisions

>Meet guy who's in the military in a base nearby
>Really stupid but sweet in a way and the parties at their base are lit
>Pursues me for weeks and weeks I slowly give in
>Suddenly no contact for weeks
>His friends tell me his gf is in town atm
>Ok then
>"I can explain everything"
>Blocks him for months
>Suddenly run into him later, decides to forgive him because i'm bored
>Starts to be better, we slowly hang out together
>Decides to sleep with him a few times
>He's now bored and tells me we need to see other people because he's afraid I want to date him
>Still text from time to time
>He starts sending me pics of other girls
>Starts sperging out because I don't care
>Begs me to come hang out
>Calls me at random hours of the night
>"You're a fucking cunt don't ever talk to me again!"
>Blocks me everywhere and move to another city

I know the fragility of the male ego is like a SJW joke but it's so fucking true

No. 62368

>dated an "aspiring" gamer who wanted to join the esport world
>held a job at a cafe when i met him; seemed like a good guy
>dated him for a month and started playing mmos with him
>game was hard for me because it was a foreign game with no english patch (game was Chinese; ex was Chinese)
>when i couldnt keep up i asked him for help during a raid
>laughed at me and called me a crazy bitch
>dropped the game and did not talk to him till he apologized
>things are fine for 3 months
>OW comes out and he gets really into it
>gets fired from his job and holes up in his room
>did I tell you he's 28
>parents refuse to pay his rent
>he begs to move in with me and my roommates
>I decline because he hasn't replied to me or texted me in over 2 weeks since OW launch
>he tweets a passive aggressive threat on me and calls me a bitch for not helping him
>break up with him via twitter
>a day after, he calls me and cries for forgiveness
>see him literally living in the streets
>feels bad and let him crash at my room
>he drives out the roommates with his behavior and hygiene
>Im in shitty mother mode so I let it slide and take care of him
>he stole my belongings to afford his virtual items
>he sold used underwear on reddit lol
>when I confronted him, he said he wore them and then sold it
>i want to laugh or die
>this fucker made $700 over the course of 4 months by selling underwear
>stole $300 worth of items from me
>kick him out; beg roommates to return because I've depleted my savings
>he goes to Minnesota to stay with his gamer bro
>he calls me 2 months later crying that his roommate wants him to pay rent
>wtf do you want me to do about it
>he asks me to support him lul
>he can't get a job because he needs to "train"
>blocked his ass after laughing like crazy

No. 62374

unconsentual penetration isn't rape? I think thats the literal definition of rape…

No. 62377

I think it's hilarious that gamers get so deep into their delusional fantasies that they start to behave like most drug addicts.

Just replace games with heroin and it sounds exactly what addicts do!

No. 62380

another anon here
I'm assuming the reason she didn't describe it as "he tried to rape me" is b/c he initiated it so fast but actually stopped once she protested, like he probably thought she was down in his small little mind as he went for it

No. 62400

>look maybe 15, am immature and sheltered
>live in small town
>get with a friend of my parents who has been creeping on me for a few years, he's 42
>too depressed and indifferent to take charge of my own life, just let him do to me what he wants all the time. everything has to be super secret because everyone knows everyone in our town and he doesn't want people to know.
>this goes on for maybe a year
>the only "relationship" I ever had.
>now he goes on holiday in Thailand a lot. I know exactly what he does there. fml

No. 62402


what a psycho. Did the roommates return and things are fine again for you, anon? omg

No. 62419

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This thread is great and I hope more anons share their experiences.

No. 62453

What the fuck man, report his ass already. Burn him, he doesn't deserve to live

No. 62455

> 19
> incredibly low self esteem, one acquaintace
> feel directionless in life and seeing a psychologist who encourages me to hang out with acquaintance and her boyfriend
> hangs out with them
> acquaintance's boyfriend messages me and we relate on our depression
> tells me he loves me and wants me to see him
> i tell him it's wrong, i'm not into him like that
> he dumps her anyway and tells to me to get into a relationship with him otherwise he'll go back to the acquaintance and tell her everything
> spend the next 2 months with him in secret, feeling like a shitty friend to acquaintance, not really into the guy
> pressures me into having sex, when it doesn't work gets upset
> finally have the courage to stop seeing him
> he calls me the love of his life, threatens to kill himself if I leave
> i try to calm him down.
> he suggests we should see each other "like friends with benefits" for the next 6 weeks before he graduates
> i delete all social media
> have nobody in my life for support so slowly tried to piece my life back together alone
> 2 years later on my birthday: good grades, just met a new guy, trying to make new friends
> loser ex-bf e-mails me wishing me a happy birthday and hopes we can meet up soon

i know this story probably makes me look a lot worse than the guy. i felt awful about what i did for a very long time. but i've learned a lot since then.

No. 62458

Dude, what am I supposed to do? I wasn't underage and I'm not responsible for his actions now. Do you know how many guys do that kind of tourism? It's fucked up but it's not my job to stop them.

No. 62459

I only dated this guy for about 3 months.

> i'm 16

> have no idea how love or relationships are supposed to work
> forces feelings for every "cute" guy i meet because i desperately seek attention and love
> meet guy through friends
> fall "in love" with him (he's 15)
> turns out he's the most whiney insecure loser i've ever met
> is vegetarian
> constantly berates his own family for being hunters and having a bunch of "corpses" in the freezer
> i try to explain to him about how much better hunting is compared to industrialised meat production
> it's all the same to him, keeps hating his family and calling them murderers while they cook vego shit for him without complaining
> he's a literal baby
> started crying once because he accidentally ran over a worm with his bike
> claimed he wouldn't care if he saw a human die, but would go into panic if he saw old roadkill "cuz amimals r better than hoominz"
> his room looked like it neither had walls nor floor because of all the stuff he had scattered everywhere
> had pictures of naked girls all over his bedroom wall because he pretended his family would go crazy if they found out he was bi (they didn't give a single fuck and they already knew because he bragged about it all the time)
> had no idea how to handle money
> wasted all the savings his family intented for him to have once he moved out on guitars and effect pedals
> got used by his asshole friends constantly because he was insanely easy to fool and "did everything for friendship", including wasting all his money on pizzas for them because he didn't want to see them go hungry (they never went hungry, they all had loving families that fed them properly, he was just dumb af)
> wanted to go to a concert with me
> friends bought all the tickets so we could pay them later
> of course he wasted all his cash on used LP's instead because "they might not be there next time, i gotta get them now, they'll probably be worth a fortune some day!"
> i had to pay for his tickets
> had an expensive computer
> complained it was a shit computer and that the store had scammed him because he couldn't burn cd's properly (he did literally everything wrong and i had to teach him)
> thought he had permanently deleted the waste bin (he had just moved the icon) and that deleting things were now impossible
> i break up with him as nicely as i possibly can, explaining how we just don't fit together
> he cries but accepts
> still have a few of his things at my moms (a few t-shirts and some ps2 games)
> assumed he didn't care for them
> 2-3 months later i get a random call from him
> in the mopiest most emo voice i've heard he says "i'm outside. i'm here to get my stuff"
> he lives in another town wtf, bus takes like an hour
> i meet up with him
> he's turned full on bargain basement emo, wears ill fitting black clothes, eyeshadow UNDER his eyes, half of his mouse-colored hair is swept over one eye like side-bangs except it's not even bangs
> he gets his stuff and just walks out without saying a word
> never hear from him again


No. 62463

>Be 16, meet guy in a chat room and exchange tumblrs
>Talk on tumblr for a few years, live in opposite ends of the same city so eventually meet up twice, im severely depressed and wanted a bf to make me feel normal bc no social life
>both move to the same city for college, live in separate dorms that neighbour each other
>now seeing him frequently instead of the odd meetup for a day
>his personality irl is NOTHING like how it comes across online. Online bf is witty, funny, can deal with my emotions well, was genuinely my best friend for ages, well angled flattering photos
>irl: dweeby looking, cant dress, beta manlet, can't carry a conversation, cant socialise normally, literally obsessed with me (eg blocked male friends on my fb without me knowing) and pushes DDLG on me
>pampered; doesnt know how to do simple things like fry an egg or study
>Everyone at college asks why tf are you dating such a loser. Literally so different to online personality
>feel no attraction to him, break up a few months later
>date another guy, try to stay friends with ex
>ex is clingy, wants me to hang out with him but pretty much as dates eg seeing movies alone together
>follows me around clubs
>asks me to take him shopping for clothes i like on him
>block him on everything and cut him off, way too demanding and I dont even like him
>he whines to all my friends for ages and tells a friend he's develops a fetish for my race (he's white) and wants another girl from my race with my personality

Anyone else met up with someone from online who was nothing like online personality? ;___;

No. 62502

please elaborate on him pushing DDLG on you- it's hilarious to me that someone would want to take on a "dad" role but couldn't fry an egg

No. 62532


he would ask me to call him daddy all the time despite me saying it made me uncomfortable, wanted to take tumblry style photos of him choking me with his tiny ass manlet hands, got mad if I called my real father dad or even mentioned his name (???), always wanted me to wear pigtails even though I look retarded in pigtails and wanted to have sex in my one lolita dress (not a lolita, but I own a cheap BTSSB dress I find pretty and never wear outside)

one time, he said he had a surprise for me after i did well in an essay and it was just this stupid "im so proud of my little girl" ms paint certificate in comic sans he probably found on google

No. 62533


I ask myself that every day. I genuinely think I was brainwashed into thinking no one else would love me and I couldn't do better. And also my friends were too polite to ever say anything cause I seemed outwardly happy enough. But a lot of the blame is on me too.

No. 62534

File: 1496975921282.png (355.7 KB, 572x380, O40do5r.png)

That's fucking hilarious (and creepy) thank you for sharing.

>choking me with his tiny ass manlet hands


No. 62537

File: 1496979036446.png (86.7 KB, 301x337, 1488473228156.png)

Mine isn't too notable, but I'd never miss an opportunity to shit all over my ex.

>dated for years

>proposed in the most cringe-worthy way (don't even ask)
>barely paid attention to me most of the time bc "muh video games"
>lived with parents in late 20's, couldn't drive
>no education or ambitions
>looked down on entry level jobs
>lied to me about loads of shit
>finally broke up
>tried to win me back multiple times
>had to block him on everything just to get away from him

First and last time I'll ever date a robot. Looking back I have no idea why I stuck around so long. I guess it was just because I had a lot of issues at the time and didn't really have a lot of other support/people in my life.

No. 62538

>he said he had a surprise for me after i did well in an essay and it was just this stupid "im so proud of my little girl" ms paint certificate in comic sans he probably found on google

fuck that just reminded me. one time my ex said he had a surprise for me and it was just that he shaved his pubes

what the fuck goes on in the male brain

No. 62541

Dude, me three. Weird ex did that stuff all the time. He could be a good gift giver, but would pull weird shit like "here's the gift -my shaved crotch" thing too. Do they want us to thank them? Lmao it's not like they thank us when we shave.

No. 62543



No. 62552

Reminds of my friends who hyped a big surprise to their girlfriends so they put on really nice dresses and heels because they thought they were going fancy, like a fine restaurant.

They went to see a soccer game.

Because they guys were huge fans. And one of the girl was pregnant at the time.
They're really nice, proper guys and they genuinely thought they would enjoy it as much as them, I'm just guessing sometimes guys become retarded for short periods of time.

No. 62563

We were watching the fireworks on TV for New Years and he got up like 10 seconds before midnight and said, "Be right back. I gotta go take a shit," and ran off to the bathroom. He comes back a few seconds later and proposes, kind of just stumbling over his words and spilling spaghetti. It was the least romantic thing you could imagine and the lowest effort thing he could possibly do.

No. 62596

File: 1497046885736.gif (Spoiler Image,2 MB, 400x251, tumblr_o47lodrfb61saxkr1o1_400…)

I was in a relationship for two years with this one manchild. He pulled a lot of stupid shit, but I'll stick to some of the cringy highlights.

>he would randomly wear Joker make-up for a period of time (The Dark Knight had just come out)

>admitted he would freeze pic related when he was younger and masturbate to it
>maxed out his credit card on magic the gathering and world of warcraft card game shit
>would call me in the middle of the night to argue, talk about emo shit, or lie about being on a bridge and wanting to jump
>during calls would hang up and then call me back angrily because I didn't try to call him back
>got pissy when I wouldn't bring him lunch at work
>wanted to have a baby despite us living at my parent's house
>balked when I said babies are fucking expensive and responded with something akin to, "all they really need is love!"

I'm sure there's more stuff I'm not remembering right now, but just imagine an early twenties guy desperately trying to be an adult and failing so hard at it. The break-up was pretty satisfying even if it started with me being a huge doormat.

>be me at 21

>meek and spineless after years of gaslighting and mental abuse
>bf comes home from work
>has been hanging out with a woman co-worker
>he admits he might have feelings for co-worker, wants to figure stuff out
>"o-okay, bf"
>they continue hanging out
>bf tells me he's leaving me for her
>initially devastated over it
>get a call a few days later
>"anon, I made a horrible mistake, I want to get back together"
>get uncharacteristically angry
>suddenly grow a spine of steel
>"No. You made your choice."
>bf is shocked, sounds like he shit a brick
>tries every trick in the book
>"But I love you, anon!"
>"You're my soulmate!"
>"It's either you or I die cold and alone!"
>it escalates to him sobbing and me screaming at him to leave me alone until call ends
>after a few instances of stalking and trying to get me to reconsider in person, finally leaves me alone
>a sort of mutual friend contacts me to tell me ex-bf got really depressed and drunk because me, supposedly fell down stairs
>Didn't give a shit. Didn't feel bad about not giving a shit.

Definitely a turning point in my life. Too bad it had to happen because of a loser.

Bonus: One time he was driving with the window down and a bee flew in through the window, somehow fell down his pants, and stung him in the ass. Wish I was making it up (especially since I like bees). Just one of those weird-ass karma moments.

No. 62612

>he would randomly wear Joker make-up for a period of time (The Dark Knight had just come out)
niqqa wut

No. 62613

File: 1497079521761.jpg (21.2 KB, 317x267, 385.jpg)

dropped pic but i didnt drop my keks

No. 62628


This is hilarious anon, what the fuck re point 2. Fucking retard

No. 62649

Ot: what movie is the gif related to?

No. 62651

File: 1497125042750.gif (468.56 KB, 480x228, 2nlaaoi.gif)

>Joker makeup
>manchild WoW nerdlet
>bee stings him in ass

L M A O, Oh Anon, I am so glad you're free of him and thanks for the laughs

No. 62700

The Animatrix about the history of humanity and machines, called The Second Renaissance.

No. 62715

Satisfying read

No. 62723

>be me, early 20s, off a bad breakup, just lost my whole group of friends because of one person turning them against me, and am incredibly lonely
>Find guy on dating site while looking for friends
>Despite my "JUST FRIENDS" profile he ends up asking me out second week of knowing him, says i can move in
>Living with abusive as fuck family that just fights constantly and just came off a suicide attempt so agree mostly to get away from him
>Whole relationship is mostly us being friends with me trying to do the girlfriend thing

Everything i did as a girlfriend he kinda kicked me in the face for
>Make him lunches or wrap up dinner leftovers for him to take to work
>He completely ignores them and gets taco bell for his lunch
>Throws a fit if i ask him to bring me home some once in awhile because he "can't afford it."
>buy him nice things for his birthday (Like spent a paycheck just trying to make his birthday special, baked him a cake and everything)
>eats half a slice of cake and wastes the rest (Like fuck, throw it out when i'm not around and pretend you devoured it or something..)
>says thanks for the gifts and goes back to playing video games

But the real kicker is christmas
>Be two days before christmas, we're at his friend's house
>His friends mom comes in and they talk about him coming over after work on christmas (Yeah he had to work shitty retail on christmas)
>He's laughing and agreeing, meanwhile i know nothing of this plan so i get upset
>Talk to him on the way home about it, say how since he's not going to be home all day that i want to spend time with him after he gets off work since it's christmas DAY
>he agrees, promises he'll come home straight after work
>Christmas comes, my mom and friend come over, we spend all day making christmas cookies and I make chicken pot pie from scratch for dinner
>Drop off cookies to him and even some for all of his coworkers because they're all stuck in a story with no customers all day
>he doesn't even come out front to thank me so i leave them with his coworkers
>He gets off work
>Calls me
>He's about to go to his friend's house after all
>I had to yell at him to get him to come home and eat the dinner i spent hours making first
>He comes, eats as fast as he fucking can, and leaves
>I just completely burst into tears

I didn't love him before this. We were barely dating but i was tryng to make things work. I'm not proud of it but after this night i started cheating with my friend (Now my husbad) because i was hurt. I made it clear to him we were over and just tried to keep things awkward until the lease was up and i could move out, eventually broke up with him officially. But he guilt tripped me into going to visit his dad with him who didn't know we had broken up despite it being months by this point which was the most awkward weekend of my life.

I made bad decisions with this one but i'm still really hurt by this, especially coming from someone who kept bringing up marriage (despite me firmly saying i wasn't interested in marriage a few times to get him to understand we were not in it for the long haul long before he made me hate him)

Oh and he also broke my tablet within our first month or so of dating and never even offered to replace it once he found out the local shop couldn't fix it, so just left me to be out $300.

On the bright side, I've been with my friend for three years now and it's great.

No. 62725

Holy shit anon did we date the same douche?

>had the same obsession with the Joker, randomly dressed up in a shitty party city costume.

>insisted on calling me his "Harley Quinn" gag
>extreme manchild, even named his dog after the creator of Marvel comics
>would come to my house at midnight and have me sit in his car with him while he sobbed that the world was against him, happened at least three times a week
>overly jealous of any guy friend in my life, despite knowing some of them for 10+ years
>would cut friends out of his own life for even smiling at me
>had weekly arguments of his "manhood" being threatened, blamed my libido for his feelings of insecurity and "muh masculinity" being questioned
>would cry and scream at me when i wanted to fuck, said it wasn't right for me to ask and that he had to be the one to initiate it ALWAYS
>told me he could never love me because im bi and therefore could never be worthy of his trust or something
>dumped him after 4 months of this bullshit
>a year later and he's still randomly texting me, liking my photos, and adding me on snapchat, etc
>constantly having to block him to this day

No. 62782

> thought he had permanently deleted the waste bin (he had just moved the icon) and that deleting things were now impossible

omg. my abs. i cant stop laughing

myspace days?

No. 62819


where the fuck do you find these people ????

No. 62822

File: 1497287108974.jpg (57.65 KB, 500x500, 5sos-emo-grung-grunge-Favim.co…)


Sounds like Myspace kids or these days more like tumblr crowd XDDD

No. 62859

I was 15 at the time when I dated this 17 year old boy for about a year. He was heavily into Roblox, MLP, and Warrior Cats. He tried to force me to watch MLP and you know how every ponyfag says, " Give it a chance!11 ". I know too much about this show, and his favorite pony ofc is Fluttershy. He would wear a fluttershy hoodie to school and would constantly say everypony instead of everyone. He wouldn't shut up about MLP and constantly tell everyone he met that he loves fucking fluttershy. Well anyways this dude also happens to draw. He left his sketchbook on the table wide open when he left for a restroom break one day. I peeked into it cos why the hell not. He drew me as a pony. He drew me as a stupid ass pony in lewd positions. He comes back from the restroom and sees me looking into his sketchbook. He says nothing about it. I broke up with him and he started to sperg on me. He would constantly call me a ugly bitch and send me messages about how I'm a nasty slut and whatnot. We didnt see each other for the next 4 years bcos he switched schools. Fast foward 4 years, I happen to see him at a grocery store with his bronyfag friend. I walk past him without saying anything. I can hear him behind me telling his friend that he " fucked that ugly bitch ". I ignore his comment because I know he wants a response. As I was leaving the store he confronts me telling me how ugly I got throughout the years and how he's getting bitches as of late. I continue to ignore him and he starts to publicly sperg out. He starts to shout at me saying how I have herpes and I'm a dumb ugly slut.
> Security guard tells him stfu
> He starts yelling at the security guard that I was harassing him
> Mom's and 3 month old babies start to quietly judge him
> Security guard escorts him out of the store kek
> Feels good to ignore and walk away from pathetic ass ex.
It's been a couple of years later and he has a deviantart that my friend found dedicated to furry fetish art. Damn it feels good :^)

No. 62868

File: 1497347808881.jpg (15.52 KB, 500x504, rtuu.jpg)

current bf is a loser

>meet online, all he can talk about is vidya

>we finally meet irl and I come to find out he works a shitty job and still lives with his parents
>his younger brother has his own place, a salaried job and is overall more attractive
>bf still thinks hes superior
>tries to cheat on me, falls through because hes a mouth-breathing uggo
>is still creepily obsessed with his ex
>spends all his free time playing vidya, getting fat and whining about how unfair his life is
>his boss obviously hates him because hes a lazy moron
>his parents tell me how disappointed they are in him constantly

more recently:
>I'm away for the weekend, come back to my place trashed
>wtf bf?
>whining about how he doesnt know how to use the washer and he was busy
>busy doing what bf?
>whines about how he has no free time and misses living with his parents because they did everything for him
>mfw I'm too pretty for this bullshit

I cheated on him this weekend out of pure frustration, and if it wasnt for my crazy abandonment issues I would have left him some time ago. Sorry for the self-pitying rant, I just can't believe I got myself into this mess lmao!

No. 62869


Tbh just leave that fatass

No. 62889

File: 1497369009847.jpg (6.74 MB, 2716x1810, lys.jpg)


No. 62892

I get the abandonment shit which is why I stuck with my deadbeat ex for 6 years. Let me tell you girl, it's not worth it. He's gonna suck the life out of you and leave you with even more issues.

Leave him, get some therapy, and find someone else who's not a pathetic neckbeard.

No. 62894


Dump him. Now.
You even cheated on him, there's nothing connecting you too anymore but your current status as bf and gf, so you won't be losing anything, just gaining.

Dump him.

You deserve better, anon.

No. 62896

File: 1497378657137.png (216.15 KB, 504x529, Bitch please nobody satisfies …)

This might sound harsh, but honestly I dated the nicest dude for 3 years but holy shit without getting into the full story I swear to god his mother completely emasculated him for me. I never fucked the dude because of it.
I legitimately thought I was asexual for a while, and then when I met my second boyfriend, who turned out to be a complete dickwad anyway, but that's another post for another time- I could only then get intimate with someone because he actually had a backbone.

Seeing a grown adult man who is 3 years older than me be walked over and treated like a child by his mother completely ruined any form of sexual attraction.

No. 62907

>I won't give you the full story, but trust me, the guys I dated are [belittlement] [insult]
Sure, angel

No. 62919

Fuck off, robot, having someone to describe you hurt your feefees? Kill yourself.

No. 62928

>14, met first real boyfriend
>everything goes fine, but due to distance we break up
>see each other when he's in town, nothing weird
>fast forward to 5 years later
>he comes in town pretty early in the day, no one to see this early
>let's invite him to house, we're friends now, nothing bad will happen rite ?
>talk with him, smoke a bit on his joint
>the fucker put an extra dose, I'm feeling so bad I think I'm going to die
>go into my bed
>he comes
>tries to touch me even though I'm lethargic
>try to go away, push his head when he tries to kiss me
>mfw he doesn't stop
>bolt to toilets without saying anything, with my last bit of energy and consciousness
>come back, sleep on the sheets at his opposite
>turn on the pc for him to play so he stops touching me
>fast forward to hours later when I'm finally able to drive him to a friends place
>"but anon, I'm sure my friend won't be awoke yet !"
>get the fuck out my house

Later on I texted him about how it showed I didn't want. Instead of saying sorry, I got spammed about how we should do it again, and why, even when I was clearly saying no.

No. 62929

So, I have quiet a few stories about my ex who went from military to Neet in record time, but for now, I'll share just one.

>Me early 20's, lucky to make it out of HS with a $15 per hour job, also going to college full time while working 40 hours a week.

>Him, also early 20's. Went into the Navy, but got general under honorable because too stupid to follow directions. During this timeframe, he's dragging his feet to go to VA to get his benefits.
>So at this point in time, we are living with his parents, since we could no longer afford to live on our own because I was the only one employed.
>There was a Target just down the street a bit from where we lived, and he applied to get a job there.
>"Hey I got the job!"
>Now, home slice and I are high school sweet hearts, we were together for about 10 years before I walked the fuck away. So I can read him like a book, and smelt bullshit right away.
>Me: "That's great! I'll stop by <my employer's store> and get you some new khaki pants."
>Him: "Actually, I don't need to buy anything."
>Bullshit flag raised.jpg I made a stance with myself to just let him go and fuck up, I wasn't going to coddle him anymore. Not after the whole Navy fiasco. So I waited.
>He tells his mom the news, she's excited as well and asks for his schedule.
>Schedule days comes and goes. He's not leaving with anything on that would be Target approved.
>Later on that night, we're all having dinner his mom starts, "So I stopped by your work the other day, when you said you were working. I didn't see your car in the parking lot, and after talking to some of the workers, they didn't even know who you were."
>"..Ok, I didn't get the job, but I didn't want to disappoint you guys either."

Y'all, would you believe I stayed with this loser for three more years?!

No. 62936

File: 1497472289049.jpg (9.06 KB, 319x316, 1430739914386-0.jpg)

Hoo boy, if this is what you're opening with, I can't wait until you share further, anon.

No. 62951

>15 years old, i meet this guy online through a small "community" of people who post memes and stupid shit like that
>i was fresh from a breakup, torn about it, so this guy and i get together
>profile picture is him in front of a confederate flag holding a gun (i shit you not)
>racist as fuck (obviously), claims he's from russia but his accent sounds fake
>supposedly kicked out of school for beating up black people who attacked him (which i don't believe), no job and no plans for college or career. NEET
>when i asked him what he wanted to do in life he said he wanted to conquer shit and be some kind of new age spartacus
>never interesting at all, always talking about videogames and sending me screenshots of whatever strategy game he was playing
>we literally only had 1 conversation that wasn't about his stupid games or anime that he liked
>i always pretend to be interested because he kind of scared the shit out of me over time and i was afraid to speak my mind
>he was really into history and would send me wikipedia articles on wars
>start thinking he is an aspie because he shows all the symptoms
>he was really obsessed with Rome and GENUINELY believed that he was the reincarnation of Caesar
>would get mad at me for insulting Caesar as if i was insulting him
>once told me this story about how he beat the shit out of some alligators when he went fishing with his grandpa (LOL)
>one time trying to be hot he said "i'll fuck you hard and thrust into you like a battering ram" (DOUBLE LOL)
>incredibly controlling, i had a male friend that i hardly spoke to but he told me to cut him off or else he'd "just leave, np"
>always covered his face in photos and the only pictures he sent me of himself was him engulfed in darkness where i couldn't see his face
>humiliated and threatened me a lot
>we only voice called once for 5 minutes

>now it's MANY years after i broke up with him (only dated 3 months but he begged me not to leave when i broke up with him)

>i found out just last month that he's been stalking my instagram on an account i didn't know was him
>i found out it was him because he posted this shitty picture of a tracing of one of MY drawings that i sent him years ago
>literally he traced my drawing and posted it?

luckily we only dated for 3 months but holy shit he is something i am so heavily ashamed about. needless to say i was VERY desperate for a rebound and i think i only kept him around after a while just for the laughs

No. 62993

It's like >>62165 is personally talking to me and I shouldn't get back with one of my exes, who isn't a crappy person per se but did lots of stupid shit, but I'm going to give him a second chance because I am sad/lonely and i know he loves me and wants to make things work. But he's still immature as ever and now I have the added negative bonus of knowing he did a bunch of stupid shit during our breakup. I wish I could just stop myself now but my feet are deep in this shit and I can't escape atm. At least I know this is the first and last time I'm doing this.
Someone hold my hand…sigh.

/End rant

No. 62996


Two just for you bby <3

Brain Ramen. This took place a little before we moved in with his parents. We were getting out of a shit situation and my ex's brother took us in until his parents finished remodeling their master bedroom as an emergency measure.

>Be us, couple with no kids who got an illegal eviction notice over a box of generic frosted flakes. (Yes, my life was a complete shit show and I'm thinking about writing a book about it, but I digress.)

>No! Be SO's Older Bro, late 20's making 80K because of IT job hopping, now a Project Manager. Renting a house and being a general hipster with his on and off fiance.

Now, I'll back up and explain some things. When I first started hanging out with our ex roommates, aside from missing a shit tone of red flags, they introduced me to pot. Later on, my ex got to try after leaving the Navy. I still kick myself to this day for allowing it to happen, given I knew he had an addictive personality. It only usually came out in forms of video game addition. That's my cross to bear. Back to the story.

>Ex's Older Bro: I don't care if you smoke pot, just don't do it on my property.

>seems fair.jpg
>Ex: "Nah, I'll do it in this sweet ass barn/shed." He deices to make some ramen, toke the pipe, and play Gary's Mod.
>I get home, house is smoking. Run to the kitchen to find over boiled ramen in a stainless steel pot
>fucking stoners.jpg
>Removed it from the stove, tore in to Ex.
>Me: How are you going to fix this? (Older bro's fiance loved to bake and was starting to form her own business, so they had all the best cookware.)
>Ex: Don't worry, I'll handle it. <Proceeds to just hide the pot, acting like they wouldn't even notice>
>Later that evening.jpg
>Older Bro: Dude, have you seen the soup pot?
>Ex: No.
>Older Bro: Are you sure, we checked all the cabinets and the sink and can't seem to find it? Also, are you smoking in my shed?
>Ex: def no.
>A month goes by, I find the pot, where ex hid it. The bottom has a burned surface that resembles a brain.
>Googles how to clean stainless steel pot
>Proceed to purchase Bar Keepers Friend, steel wool, and all determination my Asian heart could give.
>Pot is clean enough to use, but still has a slight brain look to it on the bottom. Put it back into the kitchen.
>Informed Ex, cause we all know what happens next.
>Older Bro: So, what happened with the soup pot?
>Ex: idk.
>allofmywat.jpg; facepalm.jpg

Jailed for Pot. My ex and I became friends with a dude who could qualify as neet, but deals pot on the side. He was taken in by our ex roommates, when the owner of townhouse he was living in got sick of his neet shit and sold the property. He was pretty chill, but shady as fuck. We'll call him Sunnyside.

>Don't ever be Sunnyside. Late to early 30's, two kids by the same baby mama, but not together. No job, no schooling, just watching his own kids on someone elses dime.

>Don't be Ex. Bad stoner who steals from everyone around him.
>Sunnyside and Ex get caught in a predominately black neighborhood by cops. Sunnyside and Ex are as white as snow.
>Cops: So what are you doing here?
>Sunnyside: Selling cookware on Craigslist.
>Ex: I was driving him.
>Sunnyside gets charged with intent to distribute. Ex gets possession.
>Me: Ok, game over, lets get you a lawyer.
>Ex: Nah, Sunnyside is going to teach me what I need to know.
>What Can Go Wrong.jpg

>Court date, I was at work, because I didn't have enough leave to take it off. Ex has a surprising track record of talking himself out of shit. So I figured he would have just gotten a fine and some probation.

>Get a call, its from Jail, ex got five days. Sunnyside is on the run, didn't show up for his hearing, but went with Ex to his. Sunnyside drove Ex's car home as a solid (but slept in it that night).
>Explain to boss about leaving early for an 'emergency'
>Get home to find car and talk with Sunnyside.
>Ex's dad is the first to get home, but being a barely functional alcoholic Navy Vet. He disappeared into his garage to blast Metallica, drink, and do woodworking things.
>Ex's mom comes home later, and I decide now is the time to drop the bomb.
>Me: so, your son wont be home for five days, he's in <city's> jail for procession of pot.
>Ex's mom: I'm so sorry, if you want to divorce him over this, we'd understand.
>Me: Um, lets get him into a rehab program first. NGL, this hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't like my parents, but for good reasons. But to admit your own kid was shit, damn thats just cruel. So, being the doormat I was, I found him a program that was outpatient.
>Ex only goes to therapy two times, decides it's too expensive of a copay and stops.
>I had to take a break from college and started to get my shit together mentally. I was starting to learn, the only person who truly cared about me, my wellbeing, and my future was just me, and my ex was just not capable mentally.


I'll say this. I was raised with the mentality that you don't let something like marriage or relationships go. If you did, it was an easy way out. (Ah, sweet, sweet, Catholicism)

What I learned after my divorce was never be a doormat, set firm boundaries with timelines if needed, and never set yourself fire to keep a loser warm. So if you're going to try this rodeo again, pre-set some boundaries for yourself and him. Discuss this with him throughly, ensure he understands he's on thin ice.

But you gotta know when to disengage and go through with it in the event a boundary is crossed, or a timeframe is missed. If you can't trust yourself to be capable of doing that, might as well just lay down for him to stomp all over you.

No. 63040

File: 1497570036319.gif (1.55 MB, 320x240, birb.gif)

My high school boyfriend was a /b/tard, a stoner, and had an obsession for redheads, and that sentence alone will tip off anyone who knew me/him then, lmao. At least it wasn't as bad as other Anon's stories, but jeez, I was not a clever teenager.

>Get crush on boy, ask him out

>He says he wants to check with his best female friend first to see if she wants to date him instead
>Retarded teen me thinks "oh ok"
>She rejects him, he settles for me

>ExBF and I looking through his XBox files to make something work/fix something iirc

>Thumbnail for Photos section is a lewd girl
>Ask him about it
>We open up the Photos and its lewds he got from a girl online, photos of an actress, dozens upon dozens of photos of his ex gf
>All redhead girls, turns out all of his exes were redheads
>I'm a brunette

>We've been on/off for a couple of yrs

>Him and his ex gf become friends on facebook
>She sends me messages telling me that he's told her he wants her back, he misses her, etc.
>I don't believe her at the time
>She wasn't lying (but she also rejected him)

>FF to long after we've broken up

>He messages me on fucking Gaia (I stopped using it but I got the e-mail notification)
>He asks how I am and iirc he said he missed me or some garbage
>Immediately told his current gf about the messages and told her that she shouldn't have dyed her hair black because he likes red hair (her natural color)
>She quickly has her natural color again >fucking kek

Also considering he was a /b/tard and his father got a gf with a daughter who was my ex bf's same age and attractive…I still have some serious suspicions of whether he ever masturbated to her or made a move, or if they're step-siblings now and if he is creepy af.

No. 63046

Wow. Are you me?

I had a couple male friends like that, my lame first ever junior year boyfriend fits that description to a T, so much fire and aggression, which at the time I was fascinated by and thought was just soooo manly and cool. I think he was a sociopath tbh and he ended up joining the marines. The warrior gene was a bit too strong in him.

Sounds like he was alt right before alt right was a thing. I laughed so hard at the fake Russian accent and Rome obsession.

Russian accent = ULTIMATE ALPHA MALE.

No. 63047

lmao i am so with you there! at first i found his anger and edgy behavior to be really attractive because i thought he was really manly, but over time i realized that it was only a cover up for his true personality

No. 63061

>24 y/o guy in my hiring group keeps chatting me up, invites me to dinner
>accept because free food
>invites me over to his house

You led him on, you're completely in the wrong here.

Did you think this guy was taking you out for dinner for no reason? You knew why he was taking you out on a date. Saying yes to a date isn't consent to sex, but you knew he wanted sex.

Accepting the date, if you know that you'll never have sex with the guy, is the same as robbing him and tricking him. It's fraud.

Him asking you to come over to his house is basically the same as asking if you want to have sex. You said yes.

No. 63062

File: 1497592917740.jpg (40.95 KB, 604x499, bb8.jpg)

>"It's fraud"

No. 63098

I didn't know my pussy automatically becomes public access to any guy who buys me a taco. Thanks for letting me know though :3c

No. 63105


Fuck off robot

No. 63108

It doesn't, but you understand that him taking you out on a date is the same as saying "I want to have sex with you".

If you already know that you will never have sex with him, as in there is no possibility anytime in the future, then you accepting the date is like robbing him.

You're making him invest time and money into you, because he believes that there is some possibility of sex (which is not the same thing as believing that he 100% will get sex).

Accepting a guy's date, and going over to his house, then being surprised that he tried to have sex with you? You're either retarded or just pretending to be retarded, sometimes hard to tell with females.

No. 63111


>him taking you out on a date is the same as saying "I want to have sex with you".

that's where you and most guys have it wrong. going on a date with someone means "i want to get to know you and see if we can click". it's giving that person a chance, not a promise of sex in exchange for material goods. spending your time and money (which, if we're talking about a date is like 3 hours and 60 dollars, BIG FUCKKING DEAL) voluntarily on someone doesn't entitle you to have sex with them.

if guys want to have their "money's worth" in sex, they'd better go to prostitutes because what you're describing is prostitution.

No. 63113


Waitasec, dude. Most girls nowadays will pay for themselves on dates. If you stopped raging against women online and got to know a few real 3D ones, you would probably find this out.

Second, a date is not some contract. It's a social activity. If you went to your friends' houses as a kid, did that automatically entitle you to steal their Legos and raid their parents' fridge?

No. 63116

>"i want to get to know you and see if we can click"

You're describing the female's reason for accepting a date. It's also a sugar-coated version of the truth.

Let me translate what you actually meant: "I accepted your date because I find your looks to be acceptable. I want to get to know you to better assess your financial status, social status, and to a lesser extent personality, and put you through a variety of shit tests, so I can see if trading my pussy to you in exchange for all that is worth it".

This is robbing someone: "I'm not attracted to you at all, and will never have sex with you no matter what, but I'm accepting your date because I want free food".

There is TWO reasons that guys take you out on a date

1) They want sex
2) They're looking for a wife to bear their children

That's it. Guys aren't taking you out on a date because they want to be friends.

>because what you're describing is prostitution.

All women are prostitutes, they would never date a NEET with no money.

>Most girls nowadays will pay for themselves on dates

The vast majority of these girls would dump the guy if he couldn't pay for the date though. The only reason they pay is so they can sit on their feminist high-horse, even though they still require the guy to be making income, or working towards it, and thus they're still whores.

All heterosexual relationships start off as a form of prostitution.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 63138

was it onision?

No. 63148

Once dated a guy, it was a LDR and we met online over a sonic RP chat room back in those good ol AOL days. He had a dolphin pillow and he would masfurbate on it. It was all crusty and he was proud of it and would not let his mom wash it. Never actually met him thankfully.

No. 63194

What the fuck anon? Tell us more. How soon into dating did you learn of this and why did you put up with it.m

No. 63198


did you guys date onision?

No. 63222

It was about 3-4 months into the relationship. It was during one of those weird 3-4 hour phone conversations where you tell random things eventually. I shit you not, I never stopped judging him from there. I think we dated close to 7-8 months. He was a sweet kid but then he became obsessed with sex. I was 15 at the time and he was 16. His family was poor as shit and he lived in OK. Found out that his mom spent most of her money on getting high instead of being responsible. He called getting married "getting hitched". Wanted to come see me during the summer, wanted sex out of me which I was all over nope.jpg. Resorted to him telling me that he would just rape me then. Which is how it ended.

No. 63687

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I dated a guy who asked me out when I was 16 and he was 20.
First mistake. Dude never held my hand in public, he never let me meet his parents until I was 18, shady pedo shit like that. Never paid for a date, made his 4 years younger girlfriend pay for him constantly, because I had a job and he never did.
Everything was fine, as fine as that shitty situation could be, but he drops the news that he's leaving to go to Japan to teach.
I'm pathetically supportive of him, and super naïve. I start working towards study abroad so I can be with him in Japan, I'm basically brainwashed by this guy at this point.
Anyway, he leaves to his weeb job and I'm trying to maintain what we had.
After two months, he starts ghosting me. He then tells me he doesn't love me on our 4 year anniversary, but he doesnt want to break up? UM?!
I was so depressed, I was desperate for him to just end it, or at least reply to any of my calls or messages so I could end it myself.
He tweets something about waiting for his girlfriend to call, and I was elated. I was so defeated and pathetically waiting on him to give me any attention, and I assumed it was me he was talking about. I stay up till 4am or whatever, to call him at a reasonable time in Japan.
It wasn't me he was talking about.
4 years of being devoted to a below average man get flung out the window.
I break up with him for good through a line message, he has the audacity to reply "NO, you aren't breaking up with me! I break up with you!"

And now he's a pathetic gaijin preying on Japanese girls while he goes bald and gets older and more pathetic. He "likes" loli porn on his twitter when he teaches middle school in Japan. Pathetic, gross, and laughable now that I can see him as he truly is.
And me, I've been in a great, healthy relationship with a man with a job, whose family loves me, and treats me right. AND EVEN HOLDS MY HAND IN PUBLIC. Feels fucking great.

No. 63691

>this guy likes loli porn and he is teaching middle schoolers
I'm going to be fucking sick

No. 63694

Right? I'd send the info to the school he teaches at, but my Japanese isn't good enough, he can simply unlike it, etc.
People like him shouldn't be allowed near younger girls, let alone be allowed to teach them.

No. 63700

Actually send screenshots. There's a twitter archive if he retweeted anything or any tweets related to loli.

No. 63725

>I dated a guy who asked me out when I was 16 and he was 20.
> he never let me meet his parents until I was 18, shady pedo shit like that.

You were 16, that's not even close to him being a pedophile.

He didn't want to make the relationship known because jealous older women might think it's "pedo" (even though they're really just jealous of younger more attractive girls), even though a 16 year old girl dating a 20 year old guy is a perfectly normal age-range.

>I've been in a great, healthy relationship with a man with a job

>a man with a job

All heterosexual relationships are prostitution, you're a prostitute, if he lost his job and told you he wasn't getting another one, you would leave him.

Don't feel bad, it's just the nature of women.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 63729

incel spotted

No. 64574

Anyone got more? Need motivation to not go back to my ex..

No. 64577

>date first bf for 4.5 years
>he's into magic the gathering, so was I back then, it's how we met
>he's mildly autistic and had a genuinely terrible childhood, his mom committed suicide when he was 8, raised from then on by not-so-friendly dad
>comes off very shy and sweet at first
>young me finds this adorable and wants to protect his smile and take care of him
>as the years go by I find out he's actually very controlling and jealous
>as in, I am not allowed to hang out with any other person on my own
>only excuse to socialize without him is family stuff, but eventually he claims I'm giving my family more attention than him
>guilttrips me about anything I do
>we started having horrible fights, domestic violence, hiding bruises, the works
>somehow I grew incredibly attached and dependent
>if he ignores me after a fight I do anything to get some love from him again
>he knows this and thus takes advantage from it
>whenever we were at my place together and we would get into a fight he'd pack his stuff and leave
>he lived across state
>this means he had to travel for 3 hours to get home and whenever we saw eachother it was always to stay over
>about 80 percent of the times he stayed over he'd angrily start walking the mile from my house to the train station
>I'd always run after him and walk along with him trying to make him change his mind
>promising to buy him shit, make a delicious dinner, etc if he didn't leave
>this would work half the time and once he finished the food I cooked when we got home again we would most often get into a fight again and he'd leave anyway

I'm still working on getting my sense of self worth back.

No. 64594

>feeling like shit
>meet that guy, totally think he's a looser
>work together, so see him often
>watching movies together etc
>just dont want to be alone
>he's a fuck buddy now, no feelings
>meet other actually cute guys, but nothing more than flirting
>he says he loves me and want to be in a relationship with me after a few month
>say maybe
>one month later say ok
>i'm living in his flat now
>be lowlife and bpd gf
>care for his poor pet and his dirty flat
>he smokes weed everyday
>I dont
>pop some pills to be ok with the situation
>friends keep tellibg me he is dumb and ugly
>indeed hes has super disgusting teeth, a few teeth weren't there at all
>he stinks
>buy him new clothes so he doesn't look like a fulltime stoner
>he doesn't brush his teeth
>he is chubby fat and everytime he fucks me and i have to see him I'm super disgusted
>get my hands on some good painkillers
>be high 24/7 and don't give a fuck anymore
>he shows some semi nude pics of me some guys at work and says how hot I am and how he fucks me etc
>pills are empty now, have a rough withdrawal
>realizing he is disgusting and so am I
>see my family and normal people more often now
>move into my flat again, while he is on a vacation, my bff is super supportive
>finally able to breath
>he moves a week later into my flat
>everything gets downwards again
>he trashes my flat and everything stinks and is disgusting
>at 7AM sitting in the bus to work, realize the situation and write him that It will not work out with us
>he has to leave NOW
>he tells everyone I am whore
>he tells everyone I am a drug addict
>maybe I am but whatever I didn't talk shit about him
>leave the city
>he writes me everyday
>how he hopes i will never be happy
>that my parents never loved me
>that my vag stinks kek
>after month and month he stops
>he wrotes me a last time
>the tags I have to search to find a sex tape of us
>go to police
>have a case, involving stalking
>waiting currently

I don't even care if he reads this anymore.
Just FYI we just worked one month together
Btw I know I am shit too, but I'm doing better everyday

No. 64692

giving this thread a bump because its hilarious

>be 14

>friends with this boy at school who always had a crush on me
>into dad rock, looks like a weird mix of a 40 year old man and a 10 year old boy
>big memer but was always like 3 months behind on any good memes
>still tells shrek memes to this day
>used to sperg out whenever our friends hung out as a group and I didnt pay enough attention to him
>all my friends found him annoying. I found him annoying. Idk why I was friends with him
>FF, we haven't talked in a year and a bit and he messages me on facebook
>he seems a bit more mature, I was lonely and desperate and he treated me like his manic pixie dreamgirl which appealed to 15/16 year old me
>always pressured me to tell him what my kinks were and who I had a crush on at the moment
>had a bitchfit and went offline whenever I replied jokingly or talked about celebrities I found attractive
>He writes a fucking poem for me
>"your hair is the flowing mane of the night"
>"tender lips that only speak, lay supple kisses on the skin"
>"the only mind bold enough to captivate me"
>decide to go on a date with him for some fucking reason
>go walk around an abandoned mental hospital near his house
>sit down for a minute and he puts his arm around me so aggressively that it feels like my spine is being crushed
>kept trying to hold my hand, kept trying to avoid it because it was clammy and sweaty
>day ends with us watching movies on the couch while his autistic brother and overbearing mom keep walking in and out of the room. He'd flip out on them and tell them to GET OUT
>puts his arm around me and keeps darting his head forward every now and then as if he wants to kiss me
>pray to jesus he doesn't
>his dad drives me home
>message him that I think this isn't going to work and I just don't think of him like that
>few years later he gets gf, I get a bf
>would still glare at me and my bf dancing at parties

No. 64712

>15, bf is 17
>barely know each other, hits on me non-stop, I have no self-steem so ok, fine, I'll date you
>likes Death Note, constantly wears fedoras, into shitty games
>terrible grades
>spends 24/7 talking about himself and his hobbies and about how amazing he is for dating me, a nerd loser with no friends, 0 interest in my interests
>spends days playing online games, his grades keep dropping, eventually starts ignoring me for games
>barely see each other
>decide to "take a break" after being ignored for ages and real serious shit happenning, find out he cheated on me during my birthday, dump his ass
>ask him to stop talking to me, he won't stop, end up telling him to not talk to me again
>extremely passive agressive when hanging out with mutual friends, have to chase him to the ends of the world with older, bigger friends to get my stuff back, to this day he blames me for the breakup

>bonus: blamed me for failing HS despite him having shit grades in the first place

No. 64713

Loser ex girlfriend story if that's okay

>Be end of high school

>Dating a girl in secret cause my family is pretty right minded
>brother has flat out told me before "don't be gay"
>Anyway, living with mom in a trailer
>Her boyfriend just left her for the final time because my mom is insufferable and at this time i didn't have very good adulting skills because I was raised by sleeping grandparents (babysitting) basically
>Mom starts getting overly stressed and picking fights with me for dumb reasons (Like me sitting on the couch too much. Mind you i make dinner and basically always cleaned the kitchen because of it. I just sucked at cleaning my own room)
>Finally she's screaming at me about how she wants me out of the house by the end of the week
>Lock myself in my room sobbing and talk to my girlfriend
>She gets mad at me
>Apparently she's mad because i'm only thinking of myself and not HER problems

Bitch was upset because her dad wouldn't buy her a BJD after saying he would.

Now she draws really shitty tumblresque art and is so ugly and fat she had to be trans just to be accepted as looking human (I'm not exaggerating how BAD she looks now).

She's not really good for drama or i'd post her she's just kinda sad to look at.

She still lives with her parents in her mid 20s (Fine, it's hard to get your start) and whines about her anxiety problems but won't see a doctor to get help so she can move because she only whines about how much she hates her family and her life.

Sorry just feels good getting all of that out. I'm not transphobic i can just spot a fake when i see one.She's a transtrender through and through

No. 64735

>x lied about his age, i was 21? at the time and he was 30
>le intelectuOL boi*~
>we had an arguement over the word "whore" I shit you not, this is actually hilarious looking back on it, not as an insult, but the literal meaning of the word: women who offers sex stuff for money. I used the meaning, paid for sexual services, he went all literal and it is ONLY sex, as in oral anal and vaginal. I said whore is anyone who gets paid for sexual services; he said its only penetration and "sex", i asked him if a girl giving handjobs or having a dude hotdog her ass and cumming all over it and getting paid wasn't considered a whore: he said she's not a whore and said handjobs are considered sex because of the job part like blowjob….
>has this shady ass girl friend who keeps getting all giddy with him, ignores me and does rude as things like getting touchy feely with him
>he's insecure and asks me to cut off some male friends
>i do
>i ask him to do the same of the girl
>he keeps screeching shes just a friend but eventually does
>girl chucks a shitfit and calls me insecure and mental(hey it was just an even steven's deal gurl)
>We fight a few times and he goes to talk to her when we do
>eventually break up
>they get together
>she is still denying she had feelings for him when we were together
>blames me for getting them together(lol), because when we fought he went to her for consolation

What a trainwreck, they broke up too rofl.

No. 64736

The whore story post looks messy what I meant is:
>Shes not a whore for the hotdogging, but a whore for the handjob

No. 64739

what is it with boys and not wanting to achieve anything

No. 64749

There are many women who pay and offer dinners to guys and then don't expect the guy to become bf or giving them the penis, they do it because it's nice to offer a dinner sometimes

No. 64750

>be 16, and without any experience in human interaction because you never had friends and got bullied in middle school
>changed a lot that particular summer, got longer hair, learned doing makeup & got rid of acne & glasses
> comes to a new school
>sits next to a nice girl, be anxious af but master the conversation
> get on the bus together with her neighbor, who is one year older
> doesn't know shit about his reputation
> neighbor of nice girl starts texting me after that
> naive me felt flattered, cause no experience with guys and people in general before
> guy constantly is asking for pictures and that i should meet him & is sending weird voice mails to me on which he is drunk
> he insists on coming over to my house at 7 am when my parents where gone visiting my aunt who lives some hours away
> the 16 year old me finds this very romantic
> kisses me the second i open the door, I am kinda surprised by this
> he looks very tired
> we go up to my room, i don't know what to talk about
> he gets me into more kissing and also wants to touch my boobs & says he wants to sleep with me
> I remove his hands and ignore what he says, felt irritated, cause it wasn't like in the movies
> after some hours he leaves, I am convinced, that I am in love, he told me we are a couple now
> at 2 am in the next night I get a phone call from him
> he is completly drunk with his friends and insists on coming over bc he "lost his key"
> le dumb, tired me opens the door
> he is super drunk, passes out on the couch and le me goes to bed
> the next morning my parents come home and my mum gets a panic attack, bc some dude lays on her precious floor in his own vomit, dad calls his parents & kicks my "boyfriend" out
> parents are exremly angry and I am not allowed to invite anyone or leave the house for two weeks except for school
> some days pass, he completly ignores me in school and doesn't answer my texts, after two weeks he phones me and "breaks up" with me
> I feel horrible and heartbroken
> Goes completly batshit crazy & insists on being together with him
> stalks all his social media everyday, the grades drop
> badmouthes him to everyone in my class
> I couldn't stop crying & even bring him up at family dinners until my mum "bans" his name
> classmates & family members are extremly annoyed
> some people tell me about his reputation, he is constantly drunk, wants to fuck & texts every girl, cause he has a small dick
> he hears that I talk about him & furiously texts me how immature I am, that I should handle the situation & leave him alone
> the 16 year old me doesn't give a fuck and stalks him even more
> a girl and some other people in my class team up against me, start bringing him to our class & constantly bring up, what a "smart and nice person" and how much "fun" he is to be around, so I feel anxious. The girl talks loudly how he texts her every day and that he finds her beautiful
> I am devastated and fantasize how I can kill this bitch
> at easter i get a phone call and some voice messages
> he is crying about how much he loves me, that i was probably the only person who ever loved him, that his older brother is the favourite kid in the family & that he has "problems"
> he is extremly drunk
> le furious me hangs up the phone without saying anything
> I send the messages to a friend & we laugh about how dumb he is

> 4 years later & he got extremly fat from drinking too much

> le me is happy with another guy who literally is an angel on earth
> I keep those voice messages locked in my old PC, they still exist
>sometimes I think about making a fake account to post it on his fb wall for lulz

No. 64753

Was gonna say u have issues anon, but we were all 16 once. Glad u didn't let that creep hit it and quit it

No. 64755

yes, I am also very glad, that I didn't let him do that, I had very very low self-esteem at that time… I wasted my first kiss on that creep, that's enough of a shame.
There were always really weird rumours about him & other girs. Once he sent photos of him fucking his tinder date in the facebook group of his class, even a teacher saw it, but he didn't gave a fuck.

No. 64842

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Holy shit, you deserve so much better. He never took time to work out the mental issues of his upbringing and you don't deserve to carry that burden for him. I really hope things get better for you and can build yourself back up from this.

No. 64844

Ughhhhhh have I got a guy for this thread.

Nicknamed after a shitty beer brand in NZ
whitest boy dreads and an ass so hairy it's like he grew his own underwear.
Full of stories about how he owns shotguns and a rifle and was in a gang back in NZ.
Will totally show me the guns too.
Surprise they aren't there. Says his mum must have moved them, and makes up more stories about being in a famous gang.
Hits on anyone and anything and will literally pin me down and give me disgusting hickeys despite me punching him in the face for it one time.
He is super proud of these hickeys.
he's a NEET and mooches of his parents
Obsessed over an exchange student trip to Japan and eats nothing but chicken flavoured two minute noodles with chopsticks.
Despite being a super tough member of a Maori gang he gets spooked when I play L4D and find a witch.

We both never even liked each other but his place was a lot nicer than my abusive Mum's so eh. Shit happens lel.

No. 64853

What? All the useful inventions in this world were created by men while all women had to do throughout the history was spread their legs. Men created empires and women ruined them.

No. 64854

>friends in highschool, he's a year older and i have a huge crush on him–he's a typical troubled musician type.
>he starts living at my house for a bit due to family issues.
>one night we hook up, i'm head over heels, first actual boyfriend.
>spend MONTHS trying to get him to agree to be my boyfriend, constantly pining after him.
>finally, he agrees and we become official.
>does a complete 180 and becomes a possessive and manipulative prick.
>doesn't let me wear leggings, v-necks, push-up bras, or anything tight fitting in the slightest.
>starts throwing fits when he moves back home and i don't stay at his house or vice versa.
>blames my parents for "not letting us see each other" even if it was only for one night.
>gets upset with me one day for coming home late from school and tears his room apart, punching holes in the walls, etc.
>starts getting physical with me, grabs my wrist and bruises it, then tries to pull the "it was an accident" card.
>find out after we break up that he had cheated on me twice that we can confirm, raped/assaulted a drunk friend at a party, and got another girl pregnant while we were dating. (he threatened her to get rid of it.)

i finally wised up my senior year of high school thanks to some good friends. the dude still messages me from time to time even though it's been four years. he scares the shit out of me to this day because of threats he had sent me and my family. i still think the only reason he never hurt me is because he's afraid of my dad and brothers. i got stuck next to him in traffic the other day and i actually pulled over because i felt sick to my stomach when he looked at me.

on a side note, i'm thankful to have found someone who has helped me forget about the negativity that my only past relationship has held. i'm also thankful for that past relationship for helping me realize how -I- deserve and want to be treated.

No. 64855

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No. 64866

How is it not true? Please explain.

No. 64867

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No. 64869

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>Meet ex (17) through mutual friends, im 16 and a lonely dropout with lots of issues
>Get attached too fast without really getting to know him
>Everything is good for the first 3 months
>Drank a bit of alcohol together, he gets emotional and tells me he misses his ex girlfriend (should have dumped him right there)
>I get upset then he plays the victim and acts like im terrible for getting angry because he 'confided' in me
>Fall for it like a dumb shit, pity him
>Time goes on
>Would go through my phone while I cooked him food
>He isolated me from my friends and was super controlling, would accuse me of lying and gaslit me, had temper tantrums when i didnt feel like smoking weed with him (lol)
>Super suspicious of these girls he would speak to on fb, explains to me it's completely innocent and theyre just friends
>Find out hes been masturbating to this girls pictures on her nsfw tumblr
>honestly just speechless at this point I wasnt really surprised lol
>He cries and begs me to stay
>Put up with him for another 5 months out of pity then dump him
>He shaves off his eyebrows afterwards HAHAHAHA
>Wants his stuff back, agree and say we can exchange our things
>tell him to let me know when he's on his way so I can leave his stuff on the porch
>doesnt tell me in an attempt to talk to me when i come to the door
>mom just got home from work "oh, i can take that inside to her"

Sorry it's so long. He still tries to message me, and posts about me on facebook (pic related) ps. Im pretty sure they are talking about my personal life in the post above too

No. 64887

>be 15
>only emo boy at school(16) harasses me one day in class(I'm very meek and shy) and ask if I want to go to his house to give him a bj
>so freaked out don't even answer
>friend at the time was obsessed with him despite him being a total perving sleezebag preying on any girl he wants to fuck
>a year later begin talking to him, find out we actually have common interest, eventually start to crush and want to confess
>find out he was hitting up another girl, idiot teen me didn't think anything of it and saw it as a challenge to ask him out first
>2 months into dating, I'm at his house browsing his computer. find his porn folder. okay its mostly just porn models, w/e. start to find nudes of girls I go to school with(underage) and nudes of my best friend at the time. 32gb of porn.
>freak the fuck out but not on him, on my friend for lying about never hitting him up.(I should have freaked out/dumped him on him for having those photos but no, I was dumb.)
>eventually he graduates school, and is going to college. still dating, but begin noticing him liking other girls photos on fb in my news feed
>photos of are girls in 8th-9th grade, cleavage shots or girls taking selfies in rather sexual poses/outfits
>begin arguing with him about wishing he would stop. thinks there is nothing wrong with it and continues to do it.
>one day while he's still in college(but living at home) randomly ask if he's ever cheated on me. he gives a very off answer
>begin to grill him harder still he finally confesses that a female friend from his college was texting with him one time, her being single and her confessing that she liked him. apparently we got into a fight so they both started to talk about what theyd do sexually to each other, her wishing he would come over her house and fuck her. he says he didn't go but texting was the furthest(I have no idea if he sent/got photos)
>pretty much ended up dumping him around christmas because his family flipped shit I didn't come over during present opening
>also odd things, him and his friends were very sexual about females. checking them out in public, talking about how hot they are, think woman are just meat and sexual objects. yea I was young and stupid.

No. 65013


when i was 17 i dated a pathetic 32y/o brokefag (desperately trying to heal from traumatising breakup)

>working class af

>32 y.o and cant get off his xbox
>two pitbulls - dangerous illegal in this country
>the joker as all his profile pictures
>fat disgusting beer belly
>owned a 'racist joke book' and a 'sexist joke book'
>didnt move out of his mothers house until he was 26 years old
>has literally ONE friend and none others, i shit you not
>his dogs shit and piss on the floor
>literaly first time i ever went over, there was dog food ALL over the floor, he hadnt tidied up, i was offended af
>doesnt pick up his dogs shit on walks, kicks it with his shoes onto the road
>£400 a month, shitty disgusting mouldy filthy flat with 2 tiny rooms
>will not throw anything away
>his entire profile is just self pitying statuses and shared images about mental illness and BPD
>alcoholic drug addict
>admits to having hit a woman "because she was a gypsy and could take punches"
>screamed at immigrants while we were on the phone
>bar fights ever weekend
>filthy, horrible, uncontrollable dogs who he allowed to walk all over the beds, woke me up while i was asleep
>vaccuumed every time i was there including first time, coudlnt stand it
>refused to spend time with me when i paid to come visit me, would rather spend it playing xbox
>cant go to sleep unless he watches Mountain Monsters, would always watch it on his phone with headphones when i slept over, its a fake show about hunting bigfoot or some shit but he thinks its real
>cant afford wifi, relies on texting and 3g data
>found texts on his phone of him taunting an ex girlfriend over his friend posting revenge porn of her
>started smoking when he was 6, thought he was lying to show off but his mother confirmed
>fucking ugly, horrible red skin, eyes too close together, receeding hairline
>horriffic diet of purely steak and kidney pies, beer other shit
>32 and doesnt have a fucking car
>literally has no plan or aspiration to get a better job, ever. is happy with his shit miserable life

conflict causing breakup
>he comes stomping in at midnight, crashing around, trying to indimidate me because i turned the light off so i could sleep
>starts screaming and shouting, trying to scare me
>i dump him days after before abuse gets physical

after i broke up with him:

>i get a call from him at 10pm, while me and my new, attractive, hot bf (who he actually met and approved of lol) are trying to have sex

> i pick up, and hes drunk as a fish
>swearing at me harassing me to give him his stuff back (a jacket and an umbrella)
>calls new bf a toddler bc hes my age
>accuses me of cheating with new hot bf
>is obv jealous of new bf
>rambles incoherently and drunkely,
>hes on speakerphone so me and bf are listening and losing our shit laughing
>i tell him ill call the police if he calls again and hang up
>he calls again and says HE will call the police because i "stole" his jacket, when he gave it to me and now wants it back
>i hang up again and i get a bunch of angry texts from him, calling me a spoiled rich bitch and that he knows girls like me, who are 'worth millions' despite him being poor and those people wouldnt give him the time of day
>i explain that i didnt cheat on him, but hes having none of it
>a few weeks later i tell him im delivering his stuff back to him, and then hes all apologetic "i miss you it was hard to let you go" bullshit
>i continue sparse contact with him purely to covince him to vote labour
>says he will then goes back on his word and uses it as an excuse to start berating me. again

basically a fucking psychopath who was clearly feeling hurt by my new rs

im so tempted to post his number and facebook holy shit he is disgusting

No. 65014

should also add that i was only in this relationship for a month or so….nothing serious thank fuck. wih it never happened wish i never met him only wanted him to fuck with my ex

No. 65015

any guy whos like you could be prettier or implies youre not pretty is insecure misogynistic trash, fr

No. 65018

if he was all these shit things, why the fuck were you dating him?

also dont dox him on here, stupid, we're not your personal army

No. 65022

get out malefag

No. 65023


i didnt realise half of these until towards the end of our relationship.

also i forgot to add that he threatened me and new bf, said he had my address and parents phone numbers so threatened to tell them about our rs

No. 65130


He sounds AWFUL what the fuck anon

No. 65139

oh, he is. i only clung to it for a month or so because i was enjoying how bitter it was making my ex who i stil liked - he kept insulting him and calling him ugly and it made him seem a bit jealous.

No. 65151


I feel I have a similar emo boyfriend story.

>be 12/13, first year of high school and extremely emo

>my friends have crush on an emo, justin bieber looking type
>introduce me to him, he starts to like me
>decide to start dating
>One of my friends freaked out when found out and pretended to slash her wrists with a pebble because her feefee's were hurt
>they "get over it" eventually
>he would always whine and 'joke' about killing himself
>so clingy and any time I pushed him away from kissing me or disagreed with him about something he'd whine and go to the nearest window and pretend he was going to jump out
>would also pick up semi sharp objects and pretend to cut himself if I so much as made a joke about him
>was so fucking weird
>another few of my friends started to like him while we were going out and tried to convince me to dump him. Didn't even try to hide the face that they liked him
>the original two friends who liked him would always talk and flirt with him online and said he would've chosen them if I hadn't got there first
>they were low key ugly as fuck so there's no way it'd happen
>eventually get a call one day from one of the girls taunting me screaming over the phone that bf just asked her to be his girlfriend, despite the fact we were still together
>BF calls me saying it's not true. The girl asked him out first and he "was so tired he just said yes"
>I was completely over him at this point and just dumped him on the spot
>none of my weirdo friends got to go out with him in the end
>would recieve occasional death threats from him every now and then

>ff to our last year of school

>he's 18
>find out he's dating a very vulnerable 12 year old emo girl who I'd spoken to a few times
>flip my shit and tell him he's a fucking freak and needs to get a grip and stop dating vulnerable little girls
>give the girl some advice
>show her messages of said bf sending me death threats
>she wises up and dumps his ass
>now he only has one or two friends and still isn't out of his emo phase

No. 65155

Something about emo looking boys that makes girls want to slash each other's throats, jfc sorry that drama happened anon. High school seems to brew this kind of drama the most.

No. 65330

long, melodramatic post incoming:

>be me

>sheltered, catholic upbringing
>bullied relentlessly growing up
>no consistent friends
>start dating a guy in 9th grade because he's the only one who's ever shown interest
>bad idea
>tell him i don't want to have sex because it scares me and i'm like 15
>he's 19 and has had loads of sex before and it's "no big deal"
>eventually he stops accepting "no" as an answer
>im too scared of him to put up a fight
>becomes verbally abusive if i resist
>sexual assaults become regular
>i develop depression and end up in the hospital as a result
>diagnosed with PTSD and depression
>he breaks up with me for being frigid
>continues to stalk me and harass me after we break up

so around a year goes by and i try to recover through therapy and medications. i was scared to be alone in a room with another person and was terrified of physical contact even from my parents or my pets.

>start dating nice guy i'm friends with

>still traumatized and becoming more mentally ill, eventually diagnosed with BPD following another hospital stay
>he's a pathological liar with a superiority complex and a drug problem
>we date for 2 years and i end up in the hospital after a suicide attempt
>he is permanently disabled a few days later in an accident
>it's devastating for the both of us
>he becomes bitter and hateful
>i have to take care of him
>have to drive him and house him during college
>he starts pressuring me for sex
>i'm still traumatized
>he doesn't care
>we start fighting a lot
>he becomes more verbally abusive and starts insulting me over anything, starts fights that he always wins, is never at fault for anything, always turns things around on me
>everything is my fault
>my depression starts acting up, and he breaks up with me for it
>immediately starts sleeping around
>we get back together for some reason
>things are ok
>the fighting starts again because i still won't have sex with him
>he starts fights with me over anything
>i want to leave him
>he stays at my apartment for free on weekdays and i'm the one who drives him everywhere
>he's dependent on me, he's disabled, i'd be an asshole
>he gets surgery at a military base and i want to visit him, but am not allowed on the base
>he thinks that i intentionally didn't visit him because i only care about myself
>he thinks i don't put effort into our relationship
>he tells me i never loved him and i'm a horrible, selfish person
>i've done everything for him when he was disabled
>i've given up so much for him
>we've been together for 4 years, that's just how relationships are, right? that's what love is, right?
>leave him eventually after telling him what he's done to me and what i've given up in life for him
>he breaks down and asks for another chance

i've since found my soul mate who is patient and understanding and has helped me overcome my illness and trauma in ways i didn't think anyone could. i've found unconditional love and support from a kind man who is gentle and understanding. i've never felt more mentally well, happy, and stable since meeting him. we hope to get married in a few years.

No. 65352


Holy shit anon, that was so horrible. I am very glad you are much happier and healthier now <3

No. 65357


thats awful!!! glad ur happy now

No. 65470

Here's a fun one
>dated this guy for a few months
>he was obsessed with /r9k/ and claimed to be a robot
>constantly complaining about being KHV, tfwnogf, so on
>was actually a major slut, academically successful, popular, etc
as a bonus
>messaged my mother asking for some of my hair so he could make a voodoo doll of me when i dumped him

No. 65757

Hi kc

No. 65761

sorry if this is long af but here it goes,

>be 14, myspace era, kinda scene, really fucked up school and home life

>meet 17yo boy online, also kinda scene, more fucked up school and home life than me, lives kinda close to me
>like he goes to one of those charter schools for bad kids, constantly getting threatened with knifes and shit in school, his mother is emotionally and physically abusive to him almost daily, he cuts (remember this is the scene/emo kid era so i didn't think that seriously about it)
>blames his mom for everything like how he ended up in that school etc makes himself seem innocent
>of course start liking him, we're two fucked up sceney kids, no other guy has really shown romantic interest in me before, and i just in general feel a lot of pressure to have a bf/do sexual things because everyone i knew already did
>start e-dating, send nudes to each other, cyber, and camsex because that's what all the sceney kids were doing those days i guess.
>start meeting up on dates here and there. pretty normal dates, but sometimes he says hurtful things to me about my looks or how i speak (speech impediment) etc and sometimes he forces kisses on me and gropes me
>just brush it off that he's a broken boi, he dont mean it
>learning more about him, he faps to gore, he has a list of every girls virginity he took and their ages (15+? girls), owns knifes and guns (illegally of course), cuts himself BRUTALLY, and attempted suicide multiple times
>as time progresses hes being more and more abusive towards me, pretty much tried to rape me in a movie theater
>fucking scared as fuck of him now, a guy at school is being really nice to me and likes me, so I finally gain some courage to break up with him
>do it in the lying to him sort of way with stuff like "my mom found out we can't meet up anymore" etc
>shortly after I start dating a guy from my school because he was so nice and I'm stupidly still feeling the peer pressure stuff
>he finds out because of myspace or w/e and is FUCKING PISSED, now convinced I was cheating on him with that guy and I broke up with him just because of him and shit
>his online bff (that is also apart of our kind-of online mutual friend circle) contacts me and tells me that he sent him all my nudes, screen recorded our camsex etc and that he might be spreading them around, his bff even sent the shit back to me to prove it
>naturally freak out, realize that i was an idiot, contact ex beg him to stop and delete the shit and whoever he sent them to as well
>he's being defiant like "yeah right" kinda thing, but eventually I smarten up for a sec and threaten to contact the police because its cp, I guess that scared him enough that he says he's deleting everything and talking to his friends, I threaten police to them as well to make sure
>try to push it in the back of my mind that i ever did shit like that and forget him
>years later he adds me on facebook

and yeah of course I don't really know if anyone deleted my nude shit, but I at least try to be hopeful and think they got lost with time and aren't lurking on the internet somewhere

No. 65787

I dunno if this counts since we never were considered bf/gf, but he has called me his girlfriend before.
Okay. Let me start out by saying this is going to sound fucked up. Had I not been the one going through it, I would believe it wasn't real. But unfortunately it is.
My whatever-you-want-to-call-him left me for his Aryan ex gf. I'm half arab and half irish (although he doesn't consider the irish to be pure whites)and he told me I was a 9/10. However, he takes /pol/ too seriously and thinks he needs to breed with a blonde in order to "save his genes." He's less white than I am. He's asked me for nudes before and I obliged. He's told me he wanted to spend his life with me before, that he wanted to kiss my face. Hell when he thought I was crushing on some other guy he got extremely upset.

His ex came back because she has no other friends and he pretty much molded her personality. All of a sudden I'm "just a friend" to him, despite me doing so much for him. She doesn't even want him sexually, she tells him he's fat and ugly and he just fucking takes it and says I'm too nice when I disagree. She's tried ruining his life before, and yet he goes back to her because "muh Aryan breeding fetish". I'm so heart broken. To make matters worse, he was acting very daddy-like to her (I know people here don't like that kink but it's a favorite of mine and he knows that; he rarely indulged in it with me but will indulge in it with her. He claims to be so conservative yet wants this girl that flashes herself on Twitch while horribly playing video games. But I guess that's okay since her genes are superior to mine.

Another thing; he doesn't think that you should have a friend as a girlfriend and that your girlfriend shouldn't be your friend. He thinks a relationship means fighting, fucking, then not talking unless it's time to reproduce. I'm just so sickened. I'm sorry this ended up being so long, but it's not like I can google some similar situation and see what others have done, because really when does a guy leave a girl just because she isn't Aryan?

I've cried way too much last night and this morning. I give my all when I love someone. To know that he'd throw it all away just for some autistic reason like "breeding" just makes me want to hate him. I don't usually give nudes to people; I'm a CP victim so when I DO give nudes it means I really love and trust that person. Now I feel betrayed again. Why do I even fall for such shitty guys? He's fapped to me plenty of times but hates that he finds a "non-white" attractive. (I put that in quotations because any normal person would see me as white. I'm extremely pale but have a pointy nose and dark eyes/hair)

Thank you for reading all of this if you did. It really means a lot to me even if I don't know you. I just feel so alone in this situation…

No. 65788


Anon, he sounds like ugly and fat pol trash. Please move on, and be with a hottie who treats you well. You don't need him you need self esteem.

No. 65800


I have a similar story anon.

When I was 23 I used to date a guy who turned into a white supremacist. I'm a mestizo latina, which means I'm hella mixed. Back before, he used to tell me nice things, said I was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, blah blah blah, all that sweet talk. He even mentioned marrying when we were 6 months into the relationship. Things started to get weird when I tanned. Seriously just because my fucking skin tone got dark (from porcelain white to that "typical Mexican" color). We stopped having sex. Girl, he said I wasn't 'that' attractive to him anymore, he even said he couldn't recognize me because I looked like a very different person. I was like the fuck and felt really really hurt.

We broke supposedly in good terms. Soon after, he began dating a white chick and enrolled in one of those white groups to save his fucking Norse genes. He post in fb things like how mutts (how he started to call mixed people) were an aberration and how depraved and low was to fuck a mutt. I felt it was directed towards me and it devastated me. He unfriend me from fb but I began to stalk him, it hurted so bad but I couldn't help it. Because of the stalking I realized he cheated on me with that chick. Girl, my self-esteem went to shit, I felt so much fucking disgust to myself. It's horrible when you feel you are not good enough for somebody, specially when is about the guy that used to be your partner.

Then I decided to not give a single fuck. It was not easy. Now that I look back to that time, I realize how little self respect I had for myself to let all that drag me down. He wasn't worth it.

My Norse ex broke off with that chick months after. I don't know why it didn't work and I don't care. The only thing I know is that he acted like a fucking loser begging her to come back. It was pure Schadenfreude fam. When I turned 25 he texted me for my birthday and after that he sent me more texts saying the same stupid sweet talk and acted as if nothing ever fucking happened, inviting me to eat dinner and dedicating songs to me. I'm 27 now and he still text me from time to time. And now he refers to mixed people as the wild card for white men if the woman in question has white ancestors. He's such a fruitcake.

No. 65813

I wish I had your determination to not give a fuck. My heart is way too tender. I find myself sometimes thinking "maybe if I dye my hair blonde and get contacts" but he said that's faking it. It bothers me that these men that care so much about being white will use women that aren't white enough for them for sex but then dump them.

No. 65824

Hey anon, I'm an Asian girl whos dated a white supremacist guy before and although nothing of the sort happened to me I do understand your pain from having hung around these guys for too long. If you need a shoulder to cry on I'll be your friend, you will heal eventually.

No. 65882

mine was vice versa
basically, I'm italian and my ex use to have this massive obsession with asians, sometimes would tell me I'd look hot if I was japanese, would constantly and I mean CONSTANTLY brag about his "qt pear jap ex" or whatever, at the most random moments, like we could be talking about ice cream and he would say "oh my jap ex liked this kind of ice cream"

he complained about my boobs being too small and my thighs being too big and bragged about how his jap ex had huge round perky boobs, and I constantly told him I'll get plastic surgery if he wants but he turned around and said "nooo nooo I'll break up with you if you did"
later I found out 3 months later he had been stalking and obsessing over his jap ex and 2 other asian women, calling them on blocked numbers, making fake accounts too talk to them, even on his laptop he has fucking files to save pictures and information about them

what I have learned is: If a guy likes asians soley for their race, RUN

No. 65883

Fucking creeps.

Not related to race, but reminded me: an ex of mine is obsessed with an ex of his, to the extent that he made a fake instagram account to stalk her and save the photos of her, would check her tumblr for nudes, all that jazz. He even would jerk off to old sex tapes of them while we were dating. He would constantly compare me to her physically (boob size, etc.), then when it made me feel bad, try to save it by saying, "Well, she cheated on me." (Then wonder why my self esteem was shit lol.)

No. 65889

god I hate guys like that
>"your boobs are a bit too small for my taste, I prefer my exes big round perky tits with small nipples"
>well I'll get implants if you want I need to save up though

like the fuck do you want, either let me get implants or stop obsessing over your ~perfect boobed~ ex and learn to love unchangeable features of my body how it is
it's even more ironic that his ex had has PS too

No. 65891

Gosh, i dated 5 different guys from the age of 15 and whilst having literally no boobs (AA cup) not a single one ever complained and every single one of them would compliment me on them and obvs tell me how much they love my boobs

I think if my s/o would say anything negative about my tits id break up with them straight away

I feel bad for you gals

No. 65892

>Be in a relationship for 3 years
>I was weak af due a shitty familiar situation that lasted a decade
>The first months were ok but then he started going down

I'm no saint but objectively shitty things he did

>Since we were in a LDR, he would only confront me in train.

If I did something wrong he would just bottle up, stop talking to me and then throw a fit via imessage
>Took pics of me when I wasn't looking, shooped me to look fat and post it online
>When I showered, he took my computer and randomly text shit to my fb contacts
>Talk shit to me to other people only for saying "Dude I was just testing your reputation!! XDD"
>In general, using me. Money, shelter etc etc

This is all when it went to shit
>My birthday
>"Heyy, bf!! It's my birthday!! What about we spend some days together??"
>"No XD"
>"Yeah funny, please be serious"
>"I don't want to see you. Ever."
Cry my fucking eyes out.
To be honest, I already wanted to break up but I wanted to see if he ~could change~, he just made it easier for me but yea, that hurt.

>breaks off any contact with me for a year

>randomly, he just texts me
>out of kiddy revenge, see if he's "better than before"
>I already had another relationship, I didn't care about him anymore, I just wanted to play around ya feel me
>After one year, break off all contacs.
>He finds out that I have a new boyfriend, who's friends with his friends
>He starts to send me shit (would even make double accounts) like "Your new bf talks shit about you" etc etc
>Don't reply, just watch him collapse.
>FF another year
>Me and current bf are lovingly happy, really, he's the cutest and the loveliest, VERY different from him
>Since he was my first one, I kinda believed that all relationships had to be that way. Yeah, stupid and naive.
>He likes (with triple accounts on insta, he was always him, he didn't even change speech patterns to be more credible) my pics with bf.
>Kinda enjoying it at this point, he's my lolcow
>Change my fb profile pic to me and bf being stupid rawr kidzzz but happy (we used to be in the same fashion at teenagers so we thought it was cute to make fun of it)
>IMMEDIATLY get a message on my phone
>He fucking changed his number to talk to me
>"Uhm… can I speak to you for a second?"
>Decide to put an end
>"Yea, be quick. Not that fucking around stuff, get straight to the point."
>"Alright." 1 pdf file

He fucking wrote me a long ass letter saying that he changed that he's sorry for all the shitty things he did, he didn't realized how much caring, funny and all that shit I was, that sometimes out of pure nostalgia he just hops the train and gets off at my city only to see it again and hopes to find me on the streets (luckily, never happened), that he knew I deserved better but wanted to have fun etc etc
>eyes roll to the moon
>"So can I be part of your life again?"
>"I have my own now.Leave me alone."
>April this year, he texts me "Hey!!! Wanna talk???? Please!"
>Changed his number again

He's in his 20s and watches 2deep anime and scams his sugar daddy (with pics of girls he finds on tumblr) to get the new consoles, games etc etc
Whew, that was a fucking big ass bullet.

No. 65897

f u c k this asshole god anon I just want to bring you some ice cream and wine and watch chick flicks with you
Sorry you're feeling heartbroken now, that always sucks, but some day youll be so happy you dodged this bullet

No. 65947

How do jerks like this even come to exist? It scares me that I could have and love a son, do everything to raise them right, and they could still turn out as this kinds of asshole
Or even you do everything to make sure your daughter knows her value isn't how hard she can get guys, but she still gets plastic surgery to try to keep her gaslighting racist pos boyfriend that cheats on her anyway. This is so OT but my heart is breaking imagining it.

No. 65950

The fun part is that her mother was bat shit crazy too.
She was a Munchie.
She hurt herself in everyway possible to sue everyone and everything to get money.
Once she sued an hospital for "damages due to x rays" when she used to get xrays for every single little thing, even if she accidentally closed her finger in the fridge.
One time she said "Sorry for only white rice at dinner, you know, I'm not working right now, we gotta save up"
And then, one month later, she BOUGHT (yeah, bought, not a plan) an iphone to her pissbaby child to "make him happy :)"

Good thing I'm not seeing them anymore

No. 65954

>accept because free food
And that's where you fucked up, men would do ANYTHING to control/influence your choices and the littlest reaction you will make them think they're dating you. If you're not into someone do accept any intimate invitation even if you just wanted free food

No. 65955

>accept because free food
And that's where you fucked up, men would do ANYTHING to control/influence your choices and the littlest reaction you will make them think they're dating you. If you're not into someone do accept any intimate invitation even if you just wanted free food
Yes, that falls into fraud, she was deceiving him. But the guy is no better than her

No. 66004

>first relationship ever
>he's mildly autistic
>comes off very shy and sweet at first
>young me finds this adorable and wants to protect his smile and take care of him
>as the years go by I find out he's actually very controlling and jealous
>guilttrips me about anything I do
>somehow I grew incredibly attached and dependent
>if he ignores me after a fight I do anything to get some love from him again

Ah man, this is me in my current relationship. Even writing this makes me feel guilty, as I'd be gaslighted and denied that any of that is true. If you're still there, how did you get out of his claws?

No. 66192

you seem really naive. how long did you "date" this dude?

No. 66250

>start dating first bf again after a few years
>he's your typical awkward anitwitter man
>things start out okay (as per usual)
>he's about to leave for japan to go work there
>things become more and more strained
>I tried really hard to make him happy even from half way across the world
>it was never good enough and I never felt like we had mutual feelings
>he would always ALWAYS want me to do everything for him
>would spend a lot of money to go see him in Japan during Christmas and he acted like he didn't even want me there
>would constantly make fun of me and call me 'spaghetti' and 'autistic'
>if I said that I was hurt by this he would rebuke with 'you're too sensitive'
>yet if I said anything wrong or if I didn't reply to him in a few seconds he would get really annoyingly moody and sulky
>he was very controlling and jealous all the time
>he was even jealous that I was a girl and was able to wear skirts and shit
>jealous to the point he didn't like the idea of me going out to see friends even if they were girls

Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Why didn't you just break up with him sooner you dumb bitch', I was really determined to make the relationship work and I just wanted affection and attention from someone who I was supposed to think of as my boyfriend.

>This kind of treatment carries on until towards the end

>he starts to work on his stupid music game
>he says that I'm not going to be a priority anymore and he's going to be increasingly busy
>I was kinda upset and he just brushes it off
>He comes back to my country
>After 2 months of him being there, I just couldn't take it anymore
>I ended up not talking to him for 3 days cause deadlines
>he is MAD
>I finally grow a fucking backbone and say that he didn't even try to talk to me and you're just getting mad because you're mad at something else in your life
>He says 'just break up with me if you're so blind'
>'well that's what I'm doing'
>he sends flowers to my house in an attempt to make up the 2 years of emotional abuse he put me through
>nah bye

No. 66260

File: 1502249032879.jpg (229.34 KB, 627x720, 1494275219669.jpg)

>be me this past christmas
>spend weeks putting together creative gift package for my ex
>virtually everything is custom-made and related to his interests.
>even hand-draw his card and decorate wrapping with silly memes he likes
>ex is notoriously bad at gift giving and always orders things at the last second, so i usually don't actually get my gift ON xmas, or my birthday
>we both are into BDSM and i find a collar on Etsy that i like
>it's not that pricey and he says it's within his budget
>send him a link to it in november so that he has plenty of time to order it
>xmas rolls around
>surprise surprise, it hasn't come in the mail yet
>two weeks later an envelope from amazon arrives
>he hands it to me
>open it
>it's one of those basic bitch heart chokers that every tumblr teen girl has
>cost him like $6
>it doesn't even fit me
>calls ME selfish and unappreciative when I express that I'm kind of disappointed in him for not getting me the one i wanted after he told me he would

oh, but there's more…

>start to have difficulties with intimacy due to being raped by a previous partner

>ask ex if we can refrain from missionary for a little while since it reminds me of that event
>he's very reluctant
>"but missionary is my favorite"
>seems to agree to this anyway
>90% of the times we have sex after this, we still always somehow end up in missionary, despite this leading to me shaking and crying and needing to stop entirely
>i try and suggest other positions and touching/heavy petting techniques we can try instead
>he's virtually uninterested in any form of intimacy unless it involves vaginal or anal penetration
>tell him i like anal, but am inexperienced and might need some help to prepare first
>he's too lazy to put in that kind of effort
>just wants to lube me up a little and jam it in
>this hurts too much and always just leads to more crying and me begging him to stop
>this all devolves into a borderline dead bedroom situation because he's unwilling to do anything differently and won't take any of my suggestions

Can you also believe this guy was a video game addict, showered maybe twice a month on average, and that I met him on 4chan? I know, really shocking….

No. 66273

Anon that was horrible to read, please never let someone like that into your life again and if one ever sneaks in then drop them immediately.

No. 66296

Anon why. What did you see in him? Jesus christ

No. 66309

Here goes nothing.
>Meet bf at job
>start going out
>things progress fine
>Just several months into relationship, his mom is diagnosed with terminal cancer
>He lives with his single mom and brother, parents are divorced, dad remarried
>tell him I'll help any way I can because obviously I care about him
>end up living with him, paying half for bills and MORTGAGE
>his brother and his gf have college degrees and good jobs, live in the house, and pay nothing
>him and I both end up drinkers, regularly and heavily
>Fight all the time, but I deal with it
>one day I check the mortgage account online because he has username and password is written down
>find out the mortgage has been paid off for 5 months
>Yet I've been paying my bf for bills AND mortgage?!
>That means I've been overpaying
>confront him about this
>I'm an asshole for going into the mortgage account without permission
>He needed my money to "pay his brother back" because apparently his brother covered "some things" that I'm still not sure about
>meanwhile my bf is smoking plenty of weed. cigars and drinking expensive beer
>I work part time, he tells me I NEED to get a second job. All I spend my money on is cheap beer
>break up with him
>He harasses me nonstop, constant texts and phone calls
>tells me I'm a terrible person for breaking up with him years after his mother died
>threatens to kill himself

I still feel guilty to this day.

No. 66310

It's not like he had no good qualities at all. Good sense of humor, came from a good family and we got along very well on an intellectual level. Tbh, on the surface everything seemed to work fine between us. But he was so emotionally detached, selfish and controlling that things always just felt really off. My anxiety and depression was 10x worse than usual throughout that entire relationship. I developed a chronic pain disorder that I didn't have before I got with him, and that hasn't bothered me at all since we broke up. He gaslit me like crazy whenever I brought up issues, so I always ended up blaming myself for being too judgmental and unable to just accept him as he is.

Sadly, the two stories from my OP are not even a quarter of everything that went on in that relationship. I could put together an entire anthology of bullshit he put me through. He's just an all around bad person. Leeches off everyone around him and gives nothing back. I have no idea why he is the way he is. His parents are such nice people.

Thanks anon. I don't plan on letting anyone like this into my life ever again. No more image board retards for me, lmao.

No. 66324

Oh Anons I am so glad you shared your stories. Now I know Im not the only one who made shameful decisions in life. So heres my biggest mistake:

>Was 19 and had a crush on my best friend

>didnt look like he would dump his gf for me
>met a guy and thought "ok have some fun, nothing serious"
>guy got really attached and I felt like he dont have real friends or someone who take care (lost soul)
>he was a 22 y/o drug dealer, still living with his parents
>lost my appartment because we constantly needed to be at his house because of "customers"
>he got kicked out at parents house an we didnt have a home for a few months, sleeping at friends homes
>I finally managed to get us a new apartment
>he took drugs everyday: amphetamine, alkohol, weed… I was smoking weed too
>barely sleeped, he thought it wasnt neccesary to turn off the light at nights when I was trying to sleep and he was awake
>I got really frustrated, startet to drink alcohol daily
>there were always people in "our" home I had NO private time at all
>tried to dump him several times, always got back together because he managed to make me feel guilty (I was really stupid and had no self esteem anyways)
>fighting everyday, he was getting more and more aggressive
>he started to drink everyday until he puked
>he was always crying, high as fuck, aggressive and disgusting
>barely cleans, only when he had good amphetamine
>he lost a bunch of teeth during that time because of the drugs
>didnt allow me to wear shorts or skirts anymore
>didnt allow me to see my male friends anymore (I have male friends only, even before I met HIM)
>refuses to get a job because he thought, selling drugs is enough "work"
>I got a part time job
>he still thinks I didnt need sleep at nights
>fights are getting worse… he screams at me and always comes really near to my face while doing it…when I tried to get some space between us he only comes closer…it was terrifying…
>constantly make me feel guilty to make sure I wouldnt leave
>I managed to get a second apartment
>had a big fight again, where he pushes me down to the ground and stuff like that…
>he tried to make me come back several times
>he still has stuff from me to that day

And that was the day I finally managed to get out of that hell. I will never get this 2 years of my life back. And I am still angry about myself for making that mistake.
And nowadays, my best friend of all time had become my partner! He treats me with respect and love.

Im sorry for the long text, I just needed to rant a bit since I felt connected with you anons after you shared your stories. Thanks for reading!

What is it about us women that we fell for such Idiots?

No. 66332

Thank god you left his ass. What a fucking cunt.

No. 66335

The prick stole your money. Fuck him and fuck his victim complex. As harsh as this is, a dead mam doesn't entitle him to use somebody like that and have them stay with him.

No. 66339

you mean to tell me 4chan users make horrible boyfriends and don't know anything about sex? wow

No. 66347

>be me
>15, very insecure and edgy
>start dating guy in my friend group who is very quiet and strange, when he does speak up it's something totally nonsensical and edgy. The kind of kid you wouldn't be surprised if he showed up to school with a gun one day.
>attracted to him bc low self esteem and I think he's ~mysterious~
>would randomly get really angry and yell at me for trivial things
>possessive, got upset if I didn't tell him everything I was doing at every point in the day
>before me, he also dated a mutual friend, we'll call her A
>one day he sends me a link to his tumblr
>full of lengthy and rather disturbing posts about how beautiful and angelic I am, and what a disgusting whore A is and how he regrets dating her
>claims A molested him (I'm close with A and even as a stupid 15 year old, I didn't believe this one bit)
>things like "I hate that bitch so fucking much, I could bring a knife to school one day and kill her, it would be so easy"
>even as a super edgy and immature kid I was like wtf, completely cut him out of my life once I saw that
>around this time A contacts me
>she has been struggling with depression and self-harm for a while and he knows this
>she sent me screenshots of dozens of messages he sent her on tumblr telling her to burn herself/kill herself
>become even firmer in my decision never to talk to him again
>at one point he sends me a creepy message, something about how I'm the love of his life and he's going to find a way to marry me
>a couple weeks go by
>someone on tumblr begins messaging me
>claims to be a woman in her 20s battling cancer, just looking for a friend to talk to
>seems sketchy, especially considering I don't ever get messages on tumblr but I'm stupid and go along with it
>talk to her for a couple weeks
>finally "she" comes out and reveals herself as my ex, talks about how stupid I am and how I'm just a pawn in the game or something insanely edgy like that
>freak out
>still have screenshots from his old blog where he threatened to kill my friend
>show them to the school administration
>he gets expelled kek

We're both 21 now and last I heard he dropped out of high school, never got a job, just stays at home with his father who's similarly a crazy asshole. I have dated a couple other losers but none come close to this guy. It's all good though bc now I'm dating the /fa/ggot of my dreams. Farmers reading this, please, never settle for less than what you deserve.

No. 66353

I related to some of you so much it's sad.My ex bf has so much wrong with him, it's gross and nauseating to think about. He keeps texting me once a month, damn near the same day each month. It's the same message every time too. Though, a week ago he actually switched it up and said he was thinking about me a lot lately, am I supposed to go "aww" and care? It's been over eight months since I dumped him, and I haven't contacted or returned a message ONCE. I'm starting to think he's retarded. Maybe I'm retarded for even dating him for years despite his obvious flaws. When I truly think about it, what the fuck was wrong with me lol.

No. 66555

File: 1502835966144.gif (1.89 MB, 370x232, 1368371234666.gif)

Tfw I'm the crazy ex gf
Went through this thread to check if I'd been written about. I'm safe for this time.

No. 66897

The circumstances definitely brought out the worst in both of us so early on in a relationship, which is why I feel guilt about the whole thing being so shitty. But he definitely had absolutely no reason to do what he did, which in turn makes me feel no remorse at all. Thanks for the input, gives me some peace of mind about leaving that situation.

No. 67411

>Me and M never show faces until he begs me to and I do to which he complains that I'm not asian and I don't look good enough and photoshops me asian and says "this is what you would look like if you were actually pretty".

lmao this shit had me dying

No. 67459

>me being 19
>met this guy who's a friend of a friend, he's 21
>he's cute and sweet, but also kind of ugly and awkward
>only saw him three times and I think he's funny and nice to talk to
>one day my friend, his friend and him went out partying
>we encorauge them to kiss (he and his friend), just a little peck and for fun, we're silly and joking
>they don't want to, it's strange but we don't think much about it
>later another friend of them comes with us
>he's the most creep weirdo I have ever met, obese, so ugly, just keeps staring at us without saying a word and makes this strange noise while breathing
>the only thing that says in all night was to my friend, bringing an ice cube to his mouth, slurping ''do you know where the bathroom is?''
>the first guy I was talking of (21 years old), crashes at my house because he lived in another town and there's no buses left
>when we're alone, he spends two hours straight talking about reptilians and illuminatis
>I can't talk because he's not paying attention, so he keeps going on and on about these strange theories
>we see the dawn and tells me he's bi
>when I'm trying to sleep (him being in another bed), he tells me he wants to kiss me
>I only kiss him once because I'm feeling kind of uncomfortable
>he starts talking about how much different he sees the world from other people, that he realised he had these kind of gift and that he knew it when he was a child
>he explains me that he was bullied because of it, because he saw things in another different way
>talks about how much he misses his girlfriend but turns out she was obsessed with him at the end
>starts telling me how his father beats him and his other siblings, specially his older one
>don't forget I've only seen him three times, not more than two hours everytime
>when we're cuddling he starts to tell me again that he's bi
>and that he's slept with not only his friend (first one) but with that weirdo that we met the same night
>that he had to tell the second one to stop because the weirdo was getting obsessed with him
>that they've been doing it for so long, he can't remember when it started
>I ask him if they were children when they started and what do they do
>He says he can't remember

Later he tried to contact me on FB and I tried to talk with him about other things to distract myself from that image but he just talked about unicorns (no kidding) and reptilians again so…Nope.

No. 67463

So glad for the ending, I'm happy you found someone who's worth your time anon.

No. 67577

That's kinda debatable, I met my bf on 4chan and he's lovely even after 4 years

No. 75988

Necropost, hope you don't mind.

>Be 20

>Start dating an "indie game developer" who talks about making vidya all the time
>Move in with him with love in my eyes as I'm the creative type and I want to help him make games
>Ends up being the saddest sack of shit: being around my age, no job, no school, and can't be assed to do the simplest of chores
>Several times he would flip his shit if he didn't have clean clothes because I was the only one that did laundry - also didn't mind going for 1+ week wearing the same clothes tho
>Basic hygiene was unheard of as he had a distinct scent of cooked ramen noodles that had been left out for a week. One time had a dentist say he had "acidic saliva" meaning it would take longer for plaque to form on his teeth - he took this as a reason to not brush
>Masturbated 4+ times a day while I was gone working 10+ hour shifts so he could work on his "indie game"
>Also become an abusive pos, physically and mentally
>Would follow me around the house and would constantly escalate the situation - got onto me for the most stupid of shit ranging from "going for a walk" to "getting home from a 10 hour shift and immediately unloading the dishwasher without going into the room to say hi to him"
>One time actually stood up to him because his brother was there to witness him being shitty and he has the most major victim complex - oh boohoo she's yelling at me even though I do that all the time :'( :'(
>Would cry and beg for pity sex after abusing me
>Being his hygiene was non-existent, he was the cause of me getting several yeast/bacterial infections - my vagina has magically "cured" itself of its problem since I left
>Pissed in his trashcan in his bedroom once because he couldn't be bothered to walk 15 feet to use the bathroom. Ended up having to change the trash myself because it smelled so bad
>Was the "ideas guy" so didn't have an iota of actual talent to make an indie game
>When the other more talented members couldn't read his mind about what the fuck he wanted, he would yell at them, and then proceed to take it out on me (he called this "being a perfectionist")
>Would trash on my art or any input I would make - even if my art was crap, it was better having a rough concept for the more skilled artist to base work off of instead of just basing it off of his "ideas"
>Had to be absolutely babied in every aspect from cooking his dinner to trimming his mustache
>Ended up wanted a "poly relationship" with an equally shitty friend - couldn't respect the boundaries I agreed to and got mad that I got mad that he would fuck them behind my back (agreed to threesomes only basically)
>Stuck with him for almost five years (so left him at 24 years old)
>Got tired of being a mommy he could fuck/abuse so I left his ass
>Once he found out I was gone he attempted to use the OnStar on my car to track me down
>Couldn't drive so he couldn't reach me anyways lol
>Tried to get me to come back by threatening suicide and faking having cancer
>Three years later, he has yet to make his "indie game," probably pissing in Mt. Dew bottles, makes sad vagueposts about me on Twitter about how he "made many mistakes in the past," and still lives with his mom and will probably never have a gf again
>Hasn't changed despite claiming that "he changed" the very few moments prior to me leaving - most likely still shitty to anyone who tolerates him
>Have much better bf now, the only regret is I should have called my ex out on his manbaby behavior more lol

No. 75991

fuck I was physically hurting as I was reading this, didn't know people like this existed irl. glad you're free now

No. 76003

Incoming cringe.

>Be 17

>Untreated/undiagnosed anxiety disorder
>Undiagnosed vaginismus
>i.e. low self-esteem, low sex drive, fear of sex
>Best I can come up with in my teenage brain is that I'm asexual
>Start looking for similar people online
>Make internet friends with 22 year old benzo-addicted high school drop-out who plays guitar in a metal band
>Have to pull up dictionary.com every time I talk to him because he uses so many words I don't understand
>I thought I was stupid
>Looking back he obviously used a thesaurus and half the time he legitimately didn't make sense
>Starts asking me to question my asexuality
>Tells me it's sad I've never orgasmed
>Encourages me to experiment with him
>When I finally learn how to, it's not the mind-blowing life-altering thing he told me it would be
>He says I might not be doing it right and need help
>I live in a very sheltered christian home, so I have no idea what's normal
>I turn 18
>Internet bf asks my dad if he can visit
>My dad is suspicious and has a long talk with me about it
>I tell my dad he's just a friend
>I'm personally uncomfortable with him visiting, but I don't know why
>Bf convinces me it's my anxiety and I'll grow from the visit
>He visits me with his dad because he can't even drive
>My parents are there for the meet-up
>Bf won't even look at me or give me as little as a handshake
>Probably has autism
>Pretends he's falling asleep while we talk at the dinner table because of the "long" 2 hour flight
>Falls asleep on our couch while I hang out with his dad
>Hang out with bf one-on-one later
>End up having my first kiss and first sexual experiences
>A lot of it hurts or feels gross to me
>Convinced I'm still doing it wrong
>Go to college
>Start coming out of my shell
>He pressures me every day to let him come visit me even though I'm still feeling weird about it
>Contacts my dad again to "ask permission" to visit
>I'm scared to tell my dad why I'm uncomfortable with the idea, say ok to bf visiting
>Meets up with my family
>Plays a guitar the whole time everyone is trying to talk
>I ask him to stop, and he gets offended
>Tells me the guitar is how he talks
>Meet him at a hotel room
>He tells me about how his only other sexual experiences were with a partially paralyzed girl with lyme disease
>Asks me to spend the night
>Gives me some melatonin that in retrospect definitely wasn't melatonin
>End up having another bad sexual experience
>Introduce him to my new friends
>He cries later about some joke I made that I can't remember to this day, but he claims it was made at his expense making him look like "a fool"
>Manage to avoid anymore sexual encounters for the rest of the trip
>After he leaves I talk to my therapist
>We've been talking about my self-esteem issues and she tells me to think about what he's doing to help them
>Realize he's not helping in the way he tells me that he is
>Break up with him
>He says no
>Emails me daily for months
>When I don't respond, he starts emailing my dad
>Sends me expensive gifts and stuff pretending we're still going to be together
>I don't even open them
>Acts mad at me later and tells my dad to send them back

That was 8 years ago. Haven't heard from him since, luckily, but one of our forum friends from back in the day emailed me about a year ago. Sounds like he's pretty much the same except he hasn't gotten another girl to talk to him since, so… this could honestly be a loser ex-girlfriend story because I clearly was a loser for being the only one dumb enough to get involved.

No. 76019

Yet another proof that "men" that push their partners into poly are immature babies who want to have their cake and eat it too.

No. 76023

>>Being his hygiene was non-existent, he was the cause of me getting several yeast/bacterial infections - my vagina has magically "cured" itself of its problem since I left

This is too fucking real, I used to get multiple UTI a year and so many yeast/bacterial infections with my ex boyfriend yet he always refused to get himself checked or to at least wash his dick and hand before sex… I've had literally zero vaginal health problem since i've left him.

No. 76024

What is it with men and being so scared to het tested? It's not like someone sticks up a cold piece of metal up their ass

No. 76025

Yeah women and girl have to go through extremely invasive procedure (like getting shit up our cervix…) but most men can't handle the idea of getting their little pee wee touched for a second, some of them won't even get checked if they feel a growth in their balls, better to have untreated cancer than to have a doctor touch your genitals I guess? So why would they do it "just" to get rid of an infection? It's only women who end up pissing blood and infertile after all.

No. 76033

My ex had his foreskin and while I don’t mind the look of it, I had to make him go and wash before sex, which he thankfully did because the UTI’s were real. I was on prophylactic antibiotics for six months before I realized what the real problem was. He didn’t stink either. He was actually a clean person, but things changed pretty much immediately after I was like dude, you need to hop in the shower.

Do I wish I had seen this thread back then, wow.

No. 76035

This thread brings up a question I'd love to hear an answer to. Why do guys always try to show you pictures of and talk about other girls when they're with you? I get that girls are hot, but don't be so rude! I wouldn't show someone pictures of other people while we're together, much like how I wouldn't get on my phone in a fucking theater, or put on headphones while someone's talking to me. What's the appeal?

No. 76038

Pretty sure the guys that I have known that do this kind of shit do it because they themselves are insecure losers. They like to inflict pain in any form and see you suffer quietly. Push the limits of what they can get away with to prove to themselves they have some level of control over you. Ultimately just covertly put you down to make them feel better.

No. 76040

Boyfriend did this on our first date. I let him know I didn’t like it. Did something similar one other time (flirting with a group of attractive girls while leaving me in the background) I told him if he wanted to see me again, he would respect me by introducing me to anyone he spoke to- especially other girls- and if he flirted with other women in such a blatant way again I’d be done. He immediately brought me back to the girls and introduced me as his gf.

Hasn’t been a problem since.

I think this is a way men try to impress each other. So they think they are being impressive to women they like too.

No. 76042

Oh, a picture of some girl? Is there a story behind this pic? No? You just want me to acknowledge that she's hot? Fucking weird.

No. 76045

My idea is that they want us to try harder to impress them to be like whatever girls they think are hot. Its also a power trip to try and get a jealous rise out of us. I might as well start collecting topless photos of Chris Evans to show them right back until they cry "No I'm not gay!!" haha ok fag

Speaking of gay, its worse if they find out you're bi or les. They either want a threesome or want you to be one of the guys, but, surprise, girls dont look at random chicks online in our free time except maybe to masturbate to actual porn. Showing me pics of chicks on your phone is boring and no I wont fuck other chicks you think are hot.

No. 76046

My ex bf had a fucking yeast infection on his dick. I didn't even know it was fucking possible? to this day im still curious how he got it considering we'd never had PIV sex & i'd never had a yeast infection…
>bf has yeast infection
>tell him you don't want to give him a bj because obvious disgusting reasons
>bf ignores you all night
>give in and give him bj
>go home and find out about "oral yeast infections" contracted from oral (obv)
>tell him you're worried
>bf ignores you the rest of the night because you're "annoying him" by being concerned.

he did far too many things to me that I'm sure I'll vent about on this thread one time or another, but this one i can never get over.
he pressured and guilted me into a lot of bj's i didnt feel ocmfortable to give, but this one was by far the worst. Thankfully I didn't get anything myself, but Lord do i wish I had more of a back bone back then

No. 76054

>Be me at my first year of college.
>Hasn't had a real bf aside from a "relationship" in middle school.
>Random guy on fb with mutual friends hits me up.
>He's from Bulgaria but studying at the college near mine.
>I think he's cool, agree to meet up for coffee.
>Start dating, but quickly learn he has a woe is me attitude and the power in his apartment goes out all the time.
>He's clearly lying about some things.
>He finally tells me that he was expelled from college, so he's in the country illegally and was worried I'd judge him for that.
>I'm shocked but like ok, I wouldn't care if you'd just tell me the truth.
>Eventually tells me the story of how he was accused of raping a girl and that's why he was expelled.
>Said she was drunk and never touched her.
>I don't know wtf to believe but I'm disturbed. Stop hanging out with him as much.
>Regret losing my virginity to him, and he tries to guilt me into marrying him for that sweet visa.
>Reveals that he basically did the same thing to a girl before but she backed out last minute, so he's also divorced.
>I tell him he really just needs to go tf home and cut contact.
>He hits me up a year later saying he regrets everything and I was right, and he's still in the country on an expired student visa somehow.

No. 76059

Yeast infections aren't necessarily stds. I had it twice when I was still a kid and obviously a virgin. Afaik low immune system and moisture are sometimes enough to give people yeast infections. You're probably ok, but your bf sounds like a douche.

No. 76060

Of said guy already has a yeast infection on his dick and then has intercourse with her, it’s very likely to pass on the yeast infection to her. Over and over again if he doesn’t get treated. Which isn’t too difficult and yes I agree, he sounds like a douche

No. 76061

If you know where he is, you could report him to the authorities.

No. 76062

Ngl, I thought about it but didn't think it was worth it. I had no way of confirming his story (idk if he was a rapist or not) and I really didn't want to be involved with him anymore. He was a dick but he never seriously hurt me so I kind of just let things slide, I don't feel that vengeful. Sucks for him that he still doesn't have his shit together tho.

No. 76065

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> tfw I was a sad immigrant and dated a good for nothing white guy when I was 18 and he was 24 and he just took advantage of me being innocent and clearly stupid.

I’m so glad I found someone perfect years later.
But holy shit that relationship was the fucking worst.

So many red flags

>living with his mom

>minimum wage at 24
>constantly put down women that thought they “where too good”

No. 76127

i dont know why i opened this thread and expected not to feel an extreme amount of blame on all of you for willingly dating/fucking such shitty guys
how did all of your lives get like this

No. 76141

Not all guys show their true colours until much later on in the relationship. In fact, most people try to impress their SO at the beginning of the relationship, it's normal. It's just that some of them don't actually have anything to offer so when they grow bored and drop the charade you either put up with them, hoping it's just temporary and they'll change, or you dump them, depending on how strong your feelings are and how experienced you are.

I got dumped fairly recently (for the first time, actually) and I knew he was a bit of a prick but the things he did were small enough to be overlooked and he would usually act nice otherwise, until his bad behaviour started becoming more and more frequent and he'd end up saying really mean things to me. Then I started standing up for myself and telling him to treat me better, and he'd legit get upset that I didn't like being 'jokingly' called a bitch and told that I look and smell gross when I'm sick and sweating out a fever. He even made fun of me for being nice to him despite all that. Then he dumped me because we 'fight all the time' and he 'doesn't have the money' to see me anymore.

The only thing I regret is that he doesn't give two shits whilst I still miss him and feel like crying every day. I'd never get back together with him in a million years but it still hurts like hell and I want a hug so bad but at the same time I'm just grossed out by all men atm.

No. 76142


Mostly, you get presented with an idealized version of the person and know what they are capable of. You hold on wishing they would go back to how it was before, they do all the "wahhh I've changed" bullshit, and the cycle repeats. That, or you have waaaay older guys who dated young sheltered girls in this thread, so they were impressed with how ~mature~ the guys were before learning they were being preyed on.

I'd recommend looking up the cycle of abuse and it could help explain some things.

No. 76162

A lot of the posts make note of the anon's mental state at the time being quite bad with low self esteem, low self confidence, etc. It's easy to put up with a shitty man if you don't believe you even deserve a normal person.

No. 76165

i've had a few loser exes but this guy was something else

>~7 years ago

>i was 18, he was 21 and one of my bff's older sister's friends
>things were ok at first except bff's sister told me i should watch myself
>i thought she was being dramatic and tried to enjoy my first ever grown-up relationship
>he hosted a three-viewer metal music radio show, made really bad youtube videos dubbing a popular webcomic (he put his 1000 subscribers on his resumé), and claimed to have bipolar disorder because his mood changed several times each day
>one day he revealed he liked dressing up as a girl, i figured it was a gender identity thing and accepted it
>it was not a gender identity thing
>i found his porn and fetish site accounts where he posted photos and videos of himself dressed as a girl performing lewd acts
>when i confronted him he dumped me and (because i hadn't learned to control my cptsd meltdowns) i freaked the fuck out and started apologizing for invading his privacy and promising i'd be good from then on
>he took me back but when i rudely ~invaded his privacy~ again and saw he was still making porn he dumped me again (i was actually heartbroken for months, it's embarrassing to think about)
>a few years later he emailed me a dick pic from a fake address and pretended he didn't know me (i didn't recognize it), apologized for the "accident" and asked me if i was single etc.
>when i googled the email address later it only came up with results from him posting it in /soc/ looking for hookups
>a few months later i started getting random dick pics and discovered he was posting my photos and email address on fetish sites asking for "tributes"
>someone who followed my tumblr happened to spot it and struck up a conversation with him (to figure out who it was even though i knew exactly who it was) and loser ex told this guy he had secret photos of me that would sadly reveal his identity if he shared them (as if it wasn't obvious who he was) and that i was "desperate to please"
>he hasn't tried anything recently but i heard he's getting married soon
>he's still trying to be a radio presenter and youtuber
>also his blog says he's genderfluid but that's about as legitimate as his bipolar disorder

at least i was medicated for the entirety of that relationship so i barely remember it. if only he'd dumped me for good before i brought him to my dad's wedding, since now the greaseball is in every cute photo of me, in his dad's oversized suit, looking like metalhead david byrne

No. 76167

I like that the story continues escalating past the point you think it's gonna be winding down

I'm sure his marriage will go ~great~ since he's obviously a sex addict/porn addict/has issues with revenge

No. 76171

This whole thread omg

The first time a guy tried one of this tactics was when I was 14 and he was 21.
He found me online in social media called -f-, we became friends chatting on msn for long periods (like 9hours)
Since I didn't have enough friends irl I told him a lot about me thinking he was now a friend.
We meet up and he was "ok" but has a weird vibe. He would get silent while looking at me for long periods of time.
Later he told me he was sad because his group of friends were angry at him because he was into one of the girls of the group. The girl had the same name as me.
I tried to help him and encouraged him to make amends with them so he would be happy again.
Some time passes and he suddenly got off and with me pressuring to know whats going on he tells me he likes me and since I didnt like him back like he wanted he would end up all contact with me, blocking me everywhere except his new made -f- were he wrote songs trying to pity party all the situation making me look I was some kind of fucking bitch who didnt like him back…
I talked to him trying to make the things better, he told me he was ok and asked me to keep being his friend.
Happiness didnt last a lot… he got me hacked in my social media -f- and made posts about how stupid I was for trusting him and that I was just another whore that he played with… That he was an ultimate troll lol
With his friends he cyber stalked me a lot, posting comments in my new social media, talking to people I was talking online trying to destroy my other friendships.
Since I didnt respond to anything he later desist and I keep living my life as a teenager.
The next year he sent me a long ass mail telling me he tried to play with me and now he was suffering because I was the only one in his mind ??? we didn't even hold hands wtf

Years pass by, Im 21 now and he send me a friends request on facebook, I accept to see what he's be into… he had pictures with me!!! I proceeded to delete him and never see from him again, luckily! Im 25 now.

No. 76172


When I was 18 I meet a dude online, we started ok.
We saw each other a little, I was sad but tried to endure this thinking that was what I deserved, he maintain me shady and never talked about me with his friends.
I got annoyed and asked whats going on and he later ask me to be his girlfriend and since I didnt new anything about relationships I got pretty happy…
The truth was I was the side bitch, he had another girlfriend and when I confronted him about he keeps lying and when I saw a picture of him kissing another girl I send him to hell and he start to ´feel sick´and he fainted in the street and I felt guilty about it and keep in the relationship even it was a really shitty one and I was crying all the time thinking I was getting what I deserved…
He then ask me out and the day before we would meet up he stoped talking to me, not even answered my calls or texts, I called his home and they said me he didnt was there… I cried a lot.

A year comes by and he started to talk to me again trying to regain my trust.
I know what he wants, I keep fucking with him out of pure boredom and to get things (he gave me just one thing, a dress for my birthday) and later he again disappear…

He tried the same thing the following years but I didnt respond anymore. Now he follows me on tumblr…

No. 76177

i forgot to mention that a few months after the final dumping he randomly sent me a fallout 3 video on facebook as an icebreaker or something but i just blocked him, and like a year later i passed him in the street with one of my friends and he made a tweet about seeing his big ex with her new boyfriend (i checked to make sure he wasn't calling me names or anything). it's a lot of effort considering the actual relationship only lasted six months and he was the one who dumped me.

he also filled his deviantart with bad poetry about our breakup despite being a whole entire adult. i don't understand who would marry him when he's still the same at like 28

No. 76193

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I agree with everyone else that people tend to put their best foot forward at the start of relationships, but get darker as time goes on. Also the low self-esteem thing.
Not an ex-boyfriend story because we didn’t actually date but
>meet guy in friend group
>very intelligent and funny
>take note of his views on relationships
>seems like he has good values, has his head on straight etc.
>he starts expressing romantic interest in me
>go along with it
>he’s sweet and nice
>is interested in knowing more about me as a person
>tries to console me about problems in my life even though I’m shit at venting
>eventually he admits that he’s not interested in anything serious with me
>”I agree.”
>lashes out like a fuckboy when I stop entertaining his sexual advances
>acts pissy and passive agressive towards me in general
Men are so dumb. Even when they’re smart, they’re really just dumb.

>I'd never get back together with him in a million years but it still hurts like hell and I want a hug so bad but at the same time I'm just grossed out by all men atm.
It’s okay anon I understand your pain and feels. I’m here to virtually hug you.

No. 76370

wew lad

so I've had 6 physical exes and 2 purely online ldr "relationships"

>be 15

>be widely regarded as cute by male friends as this was before I gained weight, and I was the only girl in the group who played video games
>make a lot of online friends too
>specifically guys into gaming from america
>have a couple american guys I game with regularly
> one of them is, in hindsight, a complete perv, he was about 18-20 and nicknamed me Jailbait
>anyway he had a friend on his friends list on FB who randomly messaged me some weirdly specific LOL or MtG images one day
>I respond intrigued
>he sends me paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs of deep ass creepily specific passionate text daily
>as a teen from an abusive household I enjoy the really specific tunnel vision this guy has for me, I feel loved cause he puts me on a total pedestal
>talk for years
>he tries to solicit nudes from me
>tells me he loves me
>this guy is 7 years older than me– me being 15, he was like 22
> he is completely fucking obsessed with me, sexts me with no invitation daily while I try to awkwardly change subject
> sends me dick pics, pressures me for more nudes
> at the time I didn't see it as pressure but in hindsight i was fucking 15 and if I didn't respond quickly enough to this guy he threatened to kill himself
>would guilt me frequently saying he had to call suicide hotlines because of me
>I blocked all contact numerous times but when he did message me again I fell into responding every time cause child me thought he could blackmail me with my own nudes and the vast info he knew on me from our convos
> constantly spewed huge paragrpahs of how he loved me and wanted to fuck me barbarically in a rapey way like an animal and "fill [me] up with [his] seed so I would burst with his children"
> while I'm about 16 he starts really guilting me for nudes i.e "I heard you got your nipples pierced and im seriously fucking depressed you havent shown me"
>he starts obsessively asking if I would be happy for him to come here to visit me
>im like ummm no haha lol
>he fucking loses his shit
>Me, retarded child, I think I can scare him the fuck away by telling him im insane and suicidal and that im committed to a ward so i cant talk to him anymore
>he latches onto this even more, I realise I fucked up
>completely block him entirely

great right

>be me, years later, think I'm 19 at this point

>be in work at my full time, demanding job
>get message on my lunch from girl I used to be friends with
>she's like "hey, do you remember _____?"
>I immediately experience a wave of sheer panic like nothing I have ever experienced, say yes why
>"Well he's been on my friends list for years and the past few days he's been messaging me constantly asking about you"
>Im fucking terrified, I repeat "no, please, just block him"
>she goes on to say he is asking for my workplace, my work number, how to contact me
>now my anger kicks in - this guy is a fucking pedophile who used me like crazy - and she kept him on her friends list for years - and engaged in convo with him about this for a few days without telling me
>I put my foot down and tell her to block him
>she says he is sending her screenshots of convos he and I had for years, incl me pretending to be mental, nudes, personal info
>she acts super nasty to me
> she finally blocks him, I lose trust in her obvs
>never speak to him again or hear from him
>have nightmares about him regularly, worst anxiety and panic of my life was that period where he was messaging my friend. i have nightmares where i have wet the bed over this stupid shit

I wonder often if he solicited this shit from other girls. He often told me he imagined me when he railed his gf, who he also abused and withheld personal documents from to blackmail her into seeing him when she tried to leave.
I looked him up once since and he's been to court a few times not that I know what for. I hope he dies an awful, awful death and that he doesn't put any other girls through the mental bullshit he put me through

No. 76378

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Try beating this!

>be 14

>low self-esteem, complete shut-in, extremely lonely (have literally NO friends)
>connect with this boy going to my school
>tells me he's into ddlg
>have no clue what it is so does a quick google search
>I'm obviously not interested in it but I'm extremely lonely and just go along with it because I wanted to be a "perfect girlfriend!"
>uncomfortably call him "daddy" and meow when he asks me
>be a cat for halloween for him (think: cat ears and generic pink heart collar every tumblr girl had in 2013)

It gets worse!

>a couple months go by and he ends up telling me that he wants to be the "little" in the relationship

>calls me "mommy" and makes me call him variations of "kitty", "kitten", "little one", etc.
>would unironically send me things like pic related
>would meow/purr/lick his hands LIKE A CAT, in PUBLIC
>I had to repeatedly tell him to stop before he finally stopped doing this
>would wear cat ears and collar in bed
>would tell me to give him "tummy rubs"
>had a porn tumblr account where he would post gifs/pics of women bizarrely violent bdsm scenarios and, in addition, cringy ddlg posts (why, why did I tolerate this? where was my self-respect?)
>I promise on our relationship that "I think it (ddlg) is cute!" (obvious lie)
>finally tell him months later that I don't enjoy it
>"b-but you promised on our relationship !!! I'm so hurt :( "
>apologize for some reason and agree to at least let him keep calling me "mommy"
>more months pass, and I tell him that I vehemently hate it and want it all to completely stop
>tries to guilt trip me but I don't give a fuck anymore
>break up with him months later because I became completely apathetic towards him and realized the complete faggot he was

There are many other reasons I left this person, but this was most certainly a contributing factor.

No. 76383

>There are many other reasons I left this person
Can you expand on these other reasons?
I grew up in the pre-internet age, so the idea of teenagers engaging incest roleplay is pretty insane to me. Maybe the evangelicals were right about internet porn, holy shit.

No. 76385

I'm really mad about this all and pissed at the girl for engaging with him without telling you about it. I wonder how normal often guys do that, I had an ex of mine contact this girl I barely spoke to about me and ask about my health inferring i was mental. We all knew she had a crush on him lol. I've had a few weirdo cyberstalkers that have interacted with my irl friends on social media it's so embarrassing. I don't tend to talk much online to people now

No. 76397

He mentioned a couple times quite irritably how it “wasn’t incest!” and it “wasn’t supposed to mimic a child-parent relationship!” but it was just “comforting” to him. Yeah…okay. Looking back I’m ashamed I let myself sink that low but I was unbearably lonely and wanted to please him. Teenage vulnerability is one hell of a drug. Maybe I wouldn’t have had to suffer that if Internet porn didn’t exist.

Other reasons I left him include:
>early in the relationship he cheated on me with some edgelord girl he met on the Internet who ran a blog about being a ~sociopath~
>unfunny, try hard sense of humor
>autistic political rant posts on his social media that no one asked for
>would never be able to understand sarcasm and would often take jokes literally
>told me he had a lying/exaggerating problem. admitted to me he would lie and make up stories and also exaggerate his schizo symptoms to his therapist
>because of that, I began to grow skeptical of all the ~abuse~ stories he had told me about. I should I seen red flags when he told me BOTH of his female exes happened to be horribly abusive (and this kind of storytelling scares me as his ex). And his stepdad too!
>outdated Justin Bieber haircut
>was very effeminate, which was unattractive to me
>lost all physical and mental attraction to him

Some of these may seem nitpicky but all of these in amalgamation with the ddlg trauma sealed the deal.

No. 76398

Why were you even with him anon jesus

No. 76408

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I wish I had a logical answer, anon

No. 76436

I dated a bloke who cheated on me with a Muslim woman. I found out and broke up with him. I learned later on he married the Muslim woman and they already have 3 kids with a fourth on the way. His father-in-law is also trying to get him to “marry” his sister-in-law and have more kids.

No. 76442

Update: yesterday I found out he was into that MGTOW crap. Which, in hindsight, makes sense, I didn't even realise that I'd been negged the whole time until I rewound the film a bit. I just didn't expect that I'd find a guy like that in the wild.
I'm actually glad I dodged that bullet.

I don't think I'm going to approach any guys and openly tell them I like them anymore, all it seems to do is attract insecure losers who want an ego boost and free sex before dumping me when they get bored of playing boyfriend and treating me like shit in the meantime. I don't even put out until like months in, idgi. I don't even have that much relationship experience but this feels like a lifetime's worth, Christ.

The only problem is I'm practically invisible irl and people simply never talk to me if they don't need to, even though I'm relatively friendly. But idk where to meet decent guys online, I'm avoiding dating apps and chan boards.

No. 76443

>friends with guy for a few years, had a brief crush on idealised version of him in college (chill low-maintenance stoner)
>start working at the same place as him, cheat on bf with him (i know, bad, but i had an issue bc of csa where i felt obligated to let guys do whatever they wanted to me)
>start dating him instead
>turns out he’s a piss fetishist who wears adult diapers and sends me pictures of him in them telling me shit like “filled it up! :)”
>impotent so we never had sex, all we ever did was watch tv while he got high
>he stopped contacting me so i went to his (parents’) house to ask why
>he blamed it on depression and said he’d speak to me soon!
>never replied to me so a few months later i moved across the country with my best friend and got a new boyfriend who doesn’t suck
>he ‘likes’ facebook photos of me with my new bf
>i wish i could just eternal sunshine that shit i’m so embarrassed by past me

No. 76451

It's great to live vicariously through all of you. Thank you.

No. 76459

I love this thread because I have dated WAY too many manchilds and losers. I won't post them all, but the boy that made me hard delete Tinder is worth talking about:

>Gets my heart broken and in super sulk mode for months.

>Friend recommends I get sum dick on Tinder to get my mind off ex boyfriend.
>Download app, meet a guy my age who lives a town over.
>He's cute, let's meet tomorrow.
>Meet up, have an awesome night just talking. I can dig this.
>Tell him I'm in no place to date. He isn't either? Awesome!
>I'm sober from alcohol at this point. He drinks, but doesn't do it around me out of respect.
>He lives with his grandparents, so he stays over at my house when we hang.
>We're out one day. Stop at a gas station to get oil for my shit car. The cashier tells me they don't have funnels and manchild full on spergs out on the dude. Tells the cashier to go fuck himself for not having FUNNELS.
>I finally calm him down, but not feeling too fond of him after this.
>He slowly begins moving his stuff into my house. At first, NBD because I understand the need for your own toothbrush. But then my closet slowly becomes overwhelmed with his clothes.
>He completely blows off friends to hang out with me. I tell him this is not okay, so he goes out.
>Calls me a few hours later begging to be picked up.
>I pick him up and he's WASTED.
>Completely denies it to my face. I didn't care if he drank, but around me is a no no. We had discussed my sobriety, so I'm ultra disrespected.
>He sleeps over since he's drunk and I'm too exhausted to drive him home.
>Next day I tell him I can't do it anymore.
>He's understanding, so I go on with my life without him.
>Get a bunch of texts the following week flipping out on me for being so cold hearted.
>I apologize and explain why I can't do it AGAIN.
>He goes into full on drama mode. Says he is going to rehab because I made him relapse on alcohol.
>Tell him to take care of himself because I can't do it for him.
>Block him on everything I possibly can.

I haven't heard from him since that flip out THANKFULLY. I hope he took care of himself, because I'm not no grown man's mother.

No. 76484

>started dating ex when i was 19
>broke up last year just after i turned 24
>relationship not always great, but not necessarily bad
>mistakes made on both ends, still had a lot of happy times together though
>I've moved on, am in a happy grown up relationship
>new partner and I are moving in together next month
>ex has recently flipped his shit and started posting ambiguously on social media calling me toxic and claiming i was emotionally and physically abusive for the entirety of our relationship

coincidence? sure thing.

No. 76490

>turns out he’s a piss fetishist who wears adult diapers and sends me pictures of him in them telling me shit like “filled it up! :)”

WHEW, I’m so sorry. How did you even respond to these messages?

No. 76540

jesus christ anon i'm glad you're no aware how fucked this was. do you know what he's doing now??

No. 76544

My loser ex-bf won't leave me alone. It's been like a year. I haven't said shit about him or ran into him or talked about him or anything. But he sure keeps talking about me and trying to gain access to my shit.

I can't even go to the cops because reasons. Jfc I wish he'd kill himself just so he'd finally leave me alone.

No. 76548

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He’s still single, since we broke up relatively recently. He comments unfunny/tryhard “jokes” on my female friend’s (that I introduced him to) profile, as if she were his buddy, or something (to my knowledge they barely know eachother, maybe I’m wrong). He’s always been bad at understanding social cues and I usually had to spell things out to him because he couldn’t make logical inferences. I’m tempted to reply “you’re trying too hard” but I’ve restrained myself. I seem to hate him more and more everyday when I look at our relationship in retrospect.

I also somehow forgot to mention that he had a foot fetish. That’s not nearly as bad as the DDLG thing but I always felt uncomfortable going without shoes/socks lol.

I can’t believe I even took the effort to debate leaving him. I’m so glad I did.

No. 76550


anon are you me? same here, he was the yellow fever version of a Muslim fetishist and as soon as he got her accidentally pregnant he tried to crawl back to me and would send really dirty texts despite us being broken up

Honestly what a train wreck

No. 76552

This is happening in the UK a lot more. Guys are marrying Muslim women because they will follow every command. The boys will grow up and become jihadists and travel to the Middle East to be radicalized while the girls will grow up and become human factories, nothing else. The cycle will repeat itself again and again.

No. 76575

Not really an ex but an encounter with a loser none the less.

>Be 19

>Go to older coworker's wedding
>Meet guy there who is in his 30s
>We chat and meet up later for a date
>gives me candy flavoured vodka which he shows me how to make
>we have burgers and watch bee movie
>we fuck and I'm too excited and happy about it and dont sleep the entire night and go to work the next day so happy
>like him so much
>we arrange another time
>he reschedules
>arrange another time
>cancels last minute
>cant remember what we texted due to it being so long ago but basically admitted he wasn't interested in an actual relationship
>I ask why
>he explains it was never going to be serious because of the age and thought I realised that.
>I feel crushed and cry about it all day at work the next day
>a week later he texts
>i get excited thinking maybe he changed his mind
>texts me asking me if I have ever had a threesome or would I try it.
>Asks all these sexually charged questions.
>Female coworker who's wedding I met him at asks me what went down.
>I tell her
>She gets mad and explains to dumbass me that he used me and it was very hypocritical of him to say I'm too young for a relationship but okay to ask me about possible threesomes.
>realise my mistakes
>move on

I was such a fucking idiot with my heart on my sleeve. Basically developed stockholm syndrome with every abusive ex I have ever been with. It takes a lot for me to leave because my self esteem.is that low. Also when I was younger love = sex and sex =love.

No. 76658

>we watch a bee movie
>we fuck

anon I can't

No. 76672

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>>we have burgers and watch bee movie
>in his 30s

No. 76676

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>gives me candy flavoured vodka which he shows me how to make
pretty decent
>we watch bee movie and fuck
lost it…

No. 76685

Ya like Jazz?
Hahaha but seriously, I'm pretty old. We watched it before it was a meme. Reading over it again, it's pretty funny.

No. 76697

>started taking drugs with coworker who was over double my age
>Sex happens
>I say I want nothing serious
>he agrees
>gets controlling and clingy
>try to break up all the time
>whole time it's a secret that we are seeing each other
>hate him because he's ugly and controlling
>waste 3 years with this man
>drugs all the time
>sex all the time
>feel like I'm leading a double life at work
>find cp on his google searches
>I break up with the pedo
>he Goes PSYCHO and tells everyone at work our dirty secret
>sends me manipulative suicial messages
>get with someone else
>he goes even more ape

Last I heard he was some crazy trump supporter posting about trump all over facebook. I think he went senile.

No. 76700

Okay. I tried hooking when I was 19 so this isn't really a date but I thought it would be entertaining. No longer am I self destructive, it's been so long it doesn't even sound like current me.

>attempts hooking

>posts number on some local personals
>some fat dude tries talking to me
>stupidly meet up
>he takes me back to his cluttered hole of a house
>starwars posters everywhere
>he shows me some weird setup where you can talk over the radio. Talks about pranks he's done on there.
>Asks me if he can take a photo of me besides his tuba in my bra and underwear
>pat his cat
>cat was only good thing about visit
>go to his bedroom
>Climb on top because he's fat
>bounce up and down
>ignore his feminine sounding 'oh baby's'
>boredly bouncing
>notice a lego death star on a shelf while I'm fucking him
>what am I doing with my life lol
>While he's in bathroom having shower I snoop through his drawer.
>Find a letter from sex offender registry
>oh shit
>act like nothing happened when he comes back into room
>After all that he gives me 50 dollars
>drops me home
>concerned housemate asks how it went

Btw-my housemate knew what I was attempting to do. She advised against it but I insisted on trying it so she agreed but keep all her contact details incase he was a psycho.

>I laugh and make up some silly lie that it was some neckbeard that paid me 50 bucks to build a lego death star in my underwear.

>She laughs nervously

To this day I can't believe that happened. I was such a dumbass haha

No. 76704

>ignore his feminine sounding 'oh baby's'
Good lord, just imagining that makes me want to gag.

No. 76724

File: 1521651454085.gif (264.02 KB, 269x275, 4A2C6E93-60FF-499E-8EFB-775418…)

>sex offender fedora spends 450$ on toys but 50 on a sex worker

No. 76741

oh my god, i didn't even get the significance of the lego death star mention up until this post. i'm feeling a strong urge to strangle the lardlord

No. 76759

>be me
>be young teenager going out with guy around my age
>lasts about 1.5 years very intense and tumultuous
>he's the epitome of cringe
>I was a fucking retard
>he was in a terrible band and he could not sing at all
>had to be supportive gf and go to gigs where his band was supporting
>he was straight up the most awful singer I ever heard, took himself very seriously, rest of band were pudgy men with breast buds and no chest hair who took off their shirts during gig
>everyone in gig would be looking at each other in shock when they played because they were meme level bad
>hide at back, congratulate him when gig ends, he gets big ego boost
>I get impatient and want the d
>he sends me horribly cringe walls of text I.e "I can't wait to spill my hot pearly cum all over you while you look up at me with your big eyes" word for word
>finally go to his place to fuck
>his house is permanently unfinished so there is no soundproofing whatsoever
>he has rock band magazine posters all over the place
>plays bring me the horizon really loudly
>I brought spirited away and put it on the tv
>when we made out we would dry hump for literally an hour
>he would try to be intense and romantic by kissing me hard but it was him slobbering all around my mouth and his teeth were jarred so it usually hurt and got loads of spit in my mouth
> he doesn't know how to put condom on so I do it for him
>he goes straight for Catholic missionary
>feels meh
>he's on top of me like a baby horse, I'm watching spirited away wondering if I'm now asexual
>he cries afterwards
>he refuses to buy condoms at stores after because he is too embarrassed
>says it makes having sex special because we don't do it as often
>he likes It when I'm rough with him, confides in me verbatim that he wants me to rape him
> when we're fucking I see his bionicle toys on the floor and coupled with other things going on I literally wonder wtf my life is
>start to get depressed because of other stuff too
>he doesn't break up with me, tells me we are still together but never speaks to me again
>I am very hurt but eventually say lol wtf and change all my shit to single and block him
>never speak for a decade
>find out he has entire blog about me
>writes love letters to me
>is obsessed with me, knows who my bf is, where I work
>writes about sex with me
>I freak
>I block
>I cringe to this day
>now he tells everyone I'm insane and spergs on Twitter to his 12 followers for hours at a time about current events with extreme volatile shit as if anyone ever sees his tweets
>obsessed with camgirls and Nickelodeon actresses gone wild
>kill me

No. 76809

>now he tells everyone I'm insane and spergs on Twitter to his 12 followers for hours at a time about current events with extreme volatile shit as if anyone ever sees his tweets

He sounds like a male lolcow. Can you post a screencap of some of these tweets?

No. 76853

Lolcow is a gender-neutral term, anon. I can't believe some feminists claim it's meant to target women when Chris-chan is the king of lolcows.

No. 76867

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I lol'd at the part with the bionicle toys. Then it got dark fast, fuck that dude.

Here's mine
>meet guy at party
>he's hot, wealthy, charming, etc.
>we hit it off and date
>he eventually starts making disparaging comments about minorities masked as jokes
>doesn't even listen to music, only listens to atheist vs. religious debates all day
>obsessed with dismantling Islam
>would go to a different country for weeks without saying goodbye because goodbye's are "hard"
>became more volatile and angry
>was a garbage photographer and used that as a means to approach girls in public with me and offer to take their photos
>moved in with me and paid for his accommodation with FOOD even though he was a literal millionaire
>get drunk one night and realize I'm tired of fighting with his smug, militant atheist ass and kick him out my place, ending it.
>move onto better guy I've been with for years now
>check up on him once in a while and he's a huge Trump supporter with no friends or gf posting batshit alt-right shit
>pic related as it's 100% him touting about muh high IQ

No. 76868

maybe we should call men lolsteers then kek.

No. 76915


No. 76916


>was a garbage photographer and used that as a means to approach girls in public with me and offer to take their photos


No. 76927

Just 'men' is insult enough imo

No. 76935

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Lolcow is for both men and women

No. 76936

as long as you dont say that you are a man

>3.5d Male posters: Do not announce your gender or post in a "male here" way. Don't post simply to point out if you're attracted to the subject or not. Nobody cares about your preferences.

No. 76941

Read the previous posts. I meant that the word lolcow refers to both men and women (and genderspecials too!). We do not need 'lolbulls' or whatever the newfags were suggesting.

No. 76989

thread theme

No. 76997

i feel like im back in 2007

No. 77184

Ex-hooker here.
Can confirm bargaining like this.
Even some of the most wealthiest men hate parting with money but still want you to suck their peens.
They'll spend thousands on game consoles and cars and setups but argue that 300 dollars is too much for an outcall singular blowjob from a woman half their age and wayyy out of their league in looks.

No. 77305

I just wanna say please don't date these losers. Don't think you have to settle for pieces of shit who can't even take care of themselves and don't treat you well. No matter who you are you can do better that and deserve a decent person who loves you. Please love yourselves.

No. 77336

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Ty anon, I needed that.

No. 77345

oops, i only just saw this!

basically i'd either immediately end the conversation (due to being too squicked out to continue it) or say "please do not do this ever again". he took the hint after a while but still did things like send me photos of his vomit in a bucket when he wanted to cancel plans due to illness. i have no idea how a person could take any of those pictures and then not only think "awesome, let's save that one" but then also think "oh and i clearly need to send it to my girlfriend"

No. 77347

>he's on top of me like a baby horse, I'm watching spirited away wondering if I'm now asexual

i hope you know that this is free verse poetry

No. 77464

You forgot the best part
> he cries afterwards

No. 77713

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Oh boy. I relate to everything to what you just said. We hung out on NYE and he said that he would think about a relationship, but said he couldn't do it because he was "busy".

See him a month later at the art gallery with a chubby, tatted Asian girl. Hmmm. What a life. Thankfully, I found a genuinely nice boy who adores me for who I am, scars and all.

No. 77724

do you not know what sarcasm is?

No. 77760

>Thankfully, I found a genuinely nice boy

How do you find those? (serious question)

No. 77781

As corny as it is, don’t go looking for them. When you go LOOK for the nice guy, you get the dudes who love bomb haha. You find them by letting things happen naturally, holding higher standards and knowing what you deserve out of a partner.

No. 77789

Hey, original anon, and not >>77781, but she's right. I wasn't looking at all, actually. I was happy being single, but we somehow crashed into each other.

That being said, I'm a bit fucked in the head, so who knows if it'll last? I hope it does. tfw "high functioning bpd"

No. 77956

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I thought this thread would boost my confidence, but I started reading, noticed patterns, and
>That feel when you're the loser ex

No. 77960

You really do sound like my loser ex. Mostly because after he dumped me he actually had the gall to cry about it and act offended when I told him what he did wrong and say I hurt his feefees by calling him out on his bullshit, he refused to believe me and refused to change because sitting in your room, playing borderlands and crying about your fate is easier.

No. 77965

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>i was 16, had lots of issues with my parents, didn't get hugged enough as a toddler, etc. generally just craved affection to a disgusting degree.
>we get this 24 year old former fat frat dude as a new coworker at my quant little bookstore job.
>a couple months after he gets hired, i turn 17.
>he's my favorite coworker. he talks to me like an actual human being, considering he's the coworker that's closest to my age range. i eat that shit right up.
>around August he and his gf break up
>towards the end of this month/early September, i asked him to drive me home. he had recently gotten a kitten and knew how much i loved animals and invited me over. we made out at his house.
>he feels guilty, tells his roommate.
>apparently he didn't feel guilty for long because the next week or so he took my virginity.
>we keep up a fwb relationship that i didn't know was fwb, and so i promptly fall in love very quickly.
>i'd recently moved into my grandparents' house that was closer to my work and his house after a huge fight with my father.
>we keep fucking around all the time; at work, at his house, it didn't matter.
>right around his birthday, just after christmas, he breaks up with me.
>i was devastated.
>still had to work with him.
>valentine's rolls around and he confides in me via text after work that he's heartbroken, he just got broken up with, etc. etc.
>i lose my shit, asking him how the fuck he can fall in love with someone in a month, etc etc
>he says "it's possible"

>march or so rolls around.

>we decide to start fucking again.
>one time we're fucking after work on the couch. i ask him to kiss me. he refuses, says he just wants to cum.
>in the car he tells me he feels bad about fucking me because he doesn't love me.
>drops me off at my house.
>texts me when i get inside to ask if i'm crying or anything.
>proceeds to continue using me as a personal cumrag.
>he gets a different job in May.
>we continue fucking even though he's switched jobs.

>June rolls around. my 18th is this month. i've been counting down to this birthday because he's been promising me we'll try to be together when i turn 18.

>a week before my 18th, he breaks up with me.
>i'm so distraught that i confide in my 2 now-favorite coworkers.
>one had a feeling he was messing around with me.
>the other one tells me he'd had a girlfriend that entire time, back in the next state over.
>i ended up going complete BPD stereotype and obsessively texting him long, angry rants every day about what an abuser he is, etc. while also having found his girlfriend's facebook and keeping it to myself.

>he ends up moving back over to his home state, where his girlfriend lives.

>he and i wind up making up a few months later.
>he and his gf break up after he calls her a cunt.
>we start having phone sex pretty much nightly.
>that randomly stops, but we remain friends.
>then a few months later he calls me, drunk, crying, saying she won't talk to him because she thinks he's pregnant.
>i find her facebook again and message her telling her everything he ever did to me.
>she reads it, never replies.
>they get back together shortly thereafter.

>at 19, i have moved on to a man that truly loves me.

>frat guy from when i was 17 and i ended up making up again and remaining friends until recently, when we finally decided that, after almost 3 years of this, it's time to let each other go.

No. 78578

Today I pretty much gave up on my bf. He had a chance to take a job that makes 45,000 a year because "I didn't go to college for that and it isn't what I need experience in". He's just one of those picky college kids who went to school for something and will refuse to take anything else. Why are there people like this?they act like they can just quit one job if they find something better. He's 25 now and he's been out of college for 3 years now and he's still living at home and his mom is still washing his underwear. That's it I give up, when he told me he passed up that job, that was the moment I gave up on him.

No. 78618

>you 16
>he 24
>you now 19
>he 27

You will realize later on that this guy is a bit of a pedo. It's difficult to see until you are 24+ and you wouldn't touch a 16 year old yourself.

He seems creepy and rude.

No. 78626

You hit the nail on the head. There was one time during an argument after I'd messaged his girlfriend that I actually told him he was lucky that, despite her anger at him, she hadn't called him a pedophile.

I also left out that I'd found his Reddit (he used the same username across all SMs) shortly before he replied to a thread of someone asking "How to get over a breakup?" with:

>"Work out. Don't fuck your crazy fuckbuddy. Confide in friends. Don't fuck your crazy fuckbuddy. Focus on your job. DON'T FUCK YOUR CRAZY FUCKBUDDY. Eat healthier. DON'T FUCK YOUR CRAZY FUCKBUDDY." etc

>And when the OP replied with, "What's the story with this crazy fuckbuddy and why shouldn't I fuck her?"
>I replied first and said, "You shouldn't fuck her because she's underage. But if you do decide to fuck her, make sure you've got a job lined up in the next state over under your actual girlfriend's daddy's thumb so that you can skip town when you break things off."
>24 year old frat dude deleted his Reddit account the next day. He'd had too much information about his location/name-dropped the bookstore we'd worked at on there. Someone easily could have found out exactly who he was and gotten him arrested. Which is actually what I was hoping would happen at the time.

No. 78630

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What a little shit. I'm kekking so hard over the mental image of his penis basically receding into his abdominal cavity after you busted him. You go, girl. Fucker must have peed himself.

No. 78631

I remember that fuckbuddy comment! He sounds like a nutcase.

No. 78633

Kind of want the link just so I can have a hearty laugh.

No. 78666

File: 1523333829056.png (3.1 MB, 1333x1000, 3F35FE49-BFA0-4B84-B3FD-D05F97…)

the comments wouldn’t be on the original post anymore since he deleted his reddit account. luckily i took a shitty picture of my monitor at the time just before I posted my response.

No. 78667

File: 1523333940817.jpeg (6.86 MB, 4032x3024, 95B21DAE-E2C7-43CA-87DE-9D4EC5…)

Wait. Apparently I took 2 pictures of Munich monitor at that time. Pic related is the full comment.

No. 78669

Good. Thats a big red flag for someone being an entitled little fuck with no discipline.

And literally no excuse for having his mother do his laundry, top manchild material.

No. 78680

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Obviously I had to look up the username and I see this "How can I check to see if there's a warrant for my arrest"

Was about something else but the concept obviously was preying on his mind

Apologies for looking up your shitty ex. His writing style+shiftiness (based on the other two threads I found) reminds me of someone who made me miserable for years…the planet would be better without the "I can ruin your life but it's all fun and games" type of guy i.e this

No. 78701

No problem, I figured he still had a thread or two out there somewhere. He was most definitely the “i’m gonna ruin your life by leaving and coming back multiple times over years” type of emotional abuser.

No. 78705


Lmao. Sounds like he deserved what he had coming. Here's to hoping he gets itchy balls or at least an UTI once a year.

No. 78706


And what did he say in response to that? Just deleted like a coward?

No. 78708

He never replied, just panicked and deleted that entire account.

No. 79188

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Not gonna tell the story in a chronological way, but most stupid and cringey things he did for the kek's. It still is hard for me, I'm still very ashamed, but at least I can laugh a little.

>be me, be 16 years old studying at a public school, never got closer to a boy less than 1m, no one ever had romantic interest in me

>except the time I "dated" a boy for three days in middle school but that's for another post
>blah blah lonely girl with a low self-steem, whoever came in I would see as a prince
>meet this guy in high school who lived across the town, started talk to him cuz he had beautiful, long black hair, altough he was fat and ugly
>guy is 19 at the time, his dad had drug issues and his mother wasn't friendly
>we became friends and at first he seemed like a cool dude, even if he was always saying he wouldn't ever date me for w/e reasons. I saw that as a challenge (dumb as fuck) and we decided to start a relationship
>not really a date because my parents were very conservative and didn't let me date nobody
>anyway, during out "thing", he still bragged about not wanting to be boyfriend, but acted doing everything a (bad) boyfriend does, for example:
>groping me everytime, even with me asking him to stop, he stopped for 2 minutes then would proceed to do it again
>kissing me in innapropriate times
>trying to do sexy stuff, like biting my ear, but always ended up biting it like a piece of bacon and hurting me
>when we went out for lunch, eated it like a pig and went mad when I asked him to calm down, multiple times
>yelled at me in public because "my" food eating problem
>would get real angry when I didn't want to hold hands with him (because his hands were sweaty and he was fucking clingy, I don't like much of physical contact)
>saying that he found my bff more attractive than me (not really wrong to think of that, but he could just have stayed quiet, idk)
>wanting me to meet all of his friends to show me off, but didn't had any real friends, almost no one liked him
>strong chuunibyou vibes coming from him
>was getting more and more NEET and neckbeard everyday, slowly stopped studying to his final exams to dedicate completely to me, regardless knowing I didn't want his attention all of the fucking time, I really needed more time alone, but he was becoming more clingy too
>at this point we were already dating (without consent of my parents), I basically told him if we didn't real date I would get out
>really took me for granted, started to care even less for his appearance, got fatter
>was a commie
>one day he dressed as an akatsuki member and started running like Naruto at a mall (I wasn't there) with his retarded "friends" and thought I would find this very funny
>wanted to ride the bus with me everyday, I didn't want him to come, because he always wanted me to make out with him at the bus, which I find very disgusting
>btw we were togheter for about 5~6 months, till I got bored of his bullshit
>one day he calls me at 1a.m. and we have a fight through skype, call went for, like, 2 hours and he wouldn't let me hang up, was trying to convince me to not break up with him, never knew how to accept "no" as an answer
>I finally hang up and decide to meet him at the school (summer vacancy) next day
>next day I get to school and tell him i wanted to break up
>he repplied "yeah I want it too"
>then proceeds to not let me talk, tries to keep me sitting there, while talking about profesional rules to eight ball games and bets (I shit you not), thinking I was impressed with his majestic knowledge
>I get pissed, say I'm breaking up with him
>I try to leave
>he won't let me go away
>I was very naive, and afraid he would hurt me physically because he lately was showing too much red flags about violent behaviour. He forced me to stay there with him for at least one hour, I just stayed quiet while he forced me to hug him and kiss him even though we weren't dating anymore
>see a chance to get up and walk away fast, do it and he tries to get me but I push him away and leave safely. He started crying
>he keep sending me photos of his cat via messenger, but I didn't repplied anymore and blocked him on every social media
>he remains quiet for a bit, until school started again and he started to bother my friends asking them where I was, if he still had chances with me and other bullshits like that
>months later starts to pursuing me in school, i ran off to outside the building, he goes after me and only stops when I enter a random store with a security

Btw there is probably more of his shenanigans if I dig deep enough into my memories. At the time, I couldn't do more than tell my big brother about it, public (same place is college AND high school) school will do nothing about and I couldn't tell the police because I didn't want to tell my parents about any of this, basically went through this alone untill finally tell my brother. Parents would ground me forever.
I'm now 17 and dating a really nice boy with parents consent and blessing. My ex goes to uni at the same school as I'm still doing high school. Looks at me and bf angry everytime he sees us together.
Sorry for lame english.

No. 79222

cringe. reminds me of my story for some reason. Honestly guys like this makes me traumatised.

>At the time I'm 17

>People joke that I have a few pychopathic personality traits, seem like I think I'm better that everyone, that I look intimidating and that I generally seem like a person you don't want to be a friend with.
>Cringy boy that likes Jessica Nigri Cosplay, anime and hard core porn, digs up the courage to talk to me after he has had a crush on me for several years
>''Anon.. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. I know you're warm on the inside. I can feel it!''
>Sings my Bday sond out loud in school
>He says I love you to days into knowing me
>For some reason I spend time with him, probably cause I was drinking every day at the time and that made my judgement horrible.
>He always eats shit, and drink soda. Never even seen him touch a glass of water.
>Asks a lot of things about my ex, such as height, age, looks etc
>Gets mad and jealous when I mentioned how tall and good looking he was, and that he was older than himself
>Randomly he asks if we can have sex, asks which sexual stuff I've done, and then he basically assulted my neck when I said no so many times and tried to fight him off
>Keep in mind, he knew very well that I hate the thought of having sex
>He also makes incel-tier jokes about women.
>He goes around and tells everyone that we're uwu bf and gf
>Tells everyone how we'll live together and how he wants kids with me
>Tells everyone how we might or might not have had sex
>He keeps trying to make me 'happy' by telling me how I'm actually really soft and beautiful on the inside. And that I'm a good person, like I didn't know that already.
>I have a personal issue with a family member, and tell him. I don't even fucking know why.
>He then threatens to tell my family member, because he wants to keep me ~safe~
>I tell him to fuck off and 'break up' with him a few days later
>He then goes on a three months heartbreak depression
>Randomly he messages me, asks me if we can hang out
>''No. Why would you want to hang out?'' lol
>He gets angry and says ''whatever, I got a gf'' in an attempt to make me jealous.
>I write back with ''Okay, good luck.''

And that was the last conversation.

This is the reason why I can't deal with guys under 25. Majority are like retarded kids that can't take a hint. And if they're a virgin, they're always so desperate to get laid. I am so traumatised by this cringe, that I don't know if I can ever be physically close to a man for the rest of my life

No. 79238

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I've been hesitant about posting, but here goes the break-up story.

>this fucker still at age 24 has his mom do his taxes

>never wants to go out because basement dweller
>doesn't like physical contact because probably autist
>still hangs out with trailer-tier friends even though he complains about them all the time

>I get a difficult job that has me working 10-12hr days

>he skips work everyday cause he could
>complains about having to pick me up from work
>spends his days alone, thinking about the upcoming marriage
>he starts to get angry at me for little things
>tells me that he wants to have a relationships with other women
>tells me that he still wants to be with me
>heartbroken me says sure
>he sets up tinder
>flirts with tinder women constantly while I'm at work
>I try to do tinder too but I delete it the next day
>says he has a date
>I cry long and hard
>we decide to break up
>coincidentally it's on my last day of work
>I'm by myself, ask him to pick me up
>he does
>I ask him how it went
>he ate tacos with her and talked for two hours
>I get upset
>he gets angry that I'm upset
>I run out of the car and try to kill myself in traffic

>Fast forward a few months

>we get back together because love™
>he decides to go to Burning Man even with all this shit going on
>beg him not to, he says no
>tells me his feelings about dating other women hasn't changed
>says letting me go would probably be a huge mistake he'd regret forever
>dumps me anyway

He's out there right now, probably still depressed no matter how many women he fucks. The worst thing is he probably still thinks he's right, that asshole.

No. 79249

Wew anon.
I hope you have set some higher standards for yourself now, and please, unless you’re truly poly don’t agree to have ur deadbeat bf date other women

No. 79253


Thanks anon. It helps that I'm surrounding myself with confident women. It gives me an example of what I could have (not a douchebag). Also I've realized that other men exist that want the same things I do.

No. 79254

It’s wild what the fear of not wanting to lose someone will cause you to do butnim glad you’re realizing what is good for you and what isn’t!
Same goes for every girl in this thread, some of these stories are just horror…. sometimes all it takes is one shit boyfriend but some girls find themselves in a string of bad partners because they haven’t let themselves heal from the past.

No. 79258

Its kind of scary how we can see a sort of a "pattern" in our stories… teenager with no self esteem meets suspicious boy who gets controlling and/or abusive and/or really dumbass

No. 79259

Samefag, forgot to say, he tried to get me back by writing Wonderwall lyrics in a notebook page.

I'm so relieved for writing the story here, I feel like I'm not the only one who did bad choices, at the same time it's not our fault for not knowing where these relationships would lead to

No. 79260

I'm always saying now that never will this happen again, but you never know until you're out. I was four years into that relationship. Makes me scared to dive in again cause I don't want to waste any more years with someone shitty.

No. 79326

>be 20 and freshly dropped out of college & in abusive household
>be on OkCupid like an idiot only looking for friends. someone finds my Tumblr and decides to message me there, asks me if I ever want to hang out and watch Cowboy Bebop
>me, lonely w no friends due to them always wanting to spend cash, agrees
>one of the first things he talks about is psychedelics, i brush it off bc i wanna watch some damn Cowboy Bebop
>his apartment is just one room, there's a loaf of moldy bread on the ground, a poster of Nicholas Cage on the wall, and a Tardis lamp
>room smells funky, but i ignore it bc i didn't wanna walk back home yet since it was wintertime
>he mentions he's in the local theatre cast & can get me in for free, also hints about the parties they throw afterwards
>second time we hang out it's show night. I get to see him flail around in a corset.
>afterwards we walk over to the party. there's tons of booze and weed.
>unexpectedly see a few close friends there. they ask me how i found out about these parties, i point over to new friend.
>i get a bit tipsy off vodka, suddenly i'm making out with the guy, everyone around us is cheering. we walk over to his apartment and cuddle, we fall asleep watching fucking Game Grumps playing Sonic 06
>he brings me over to that party house another day to show me off to his best friend. she's happy for us. she happens to have gotten a new girlfriend recently too.
>we start going on double dates together, everyone's always smoking weed. i start joining in.
>he starts making me pay for his Burger King. i find out he doesn't have a job and his mom is paying for his rent.
>his best friend is a freelance artist(jobless) too, she's basically forcing her gf to move in with her bc her mom is doing the same thing.
>one day i don't receive any texts from him, wait for him to reply 3 days later. "I was in jail this weekend." What'd you do? "I got caught shoplifting at Walmart".
>comfort him thinking it was because he needed food. later find out he stole a WiFi adapter for a computer he wants to "fix"
>Valentines rolls around. i give him a new computer mouse, he gives me a Super Mario Bros The Movie DVD and a steak. he admits to stealing the gifts from Walmart.
>his best friend talks about her and her gf did psychedelics and they fell in love, he starts getting ideas
>he made me pay for the drugs, i end up having a bad trip, i play it off as the best thing i've experienced
>life at home is getting worse, i keep hanging out with him to escape.
>we have sex for the first time, he blasts "I Just Had Sex" when we're done. realize the funky smell in his room is dried up cum on his futon and blankets, unwashed
>he ends up having to move back to his hometown bc his mom can't pay his rent anymore. makes me drive 45 minutes to visit him every weekend bc he has no license.
>he spends the night at my house for a few days, my parents yell at him when i'm gone at work for having rude manners and having poor hygiene.
>i start having to go to therapy due to the bad trip, i'm out of town for a month, my family members start asking me why he hasn't visited, i try to explain but they said it's not a good excuse
>we end up finding a couple super nice roommates to move in with. everyone's either homosexual or trans, except for me and him. i suddenly remember his best friend started identifying as genderfluid
>he starts talking about this "heckin' rad girl" on Tumblr he follows, also says he dreamed about being a "sexy dragon lady" the other night.
>in support of him bc i'm also going through a tough mental time
>he ends up getting a job as a cashier. does well for the first couple of weeks. we can pay bills and all that.
>suddenly he's buying individual Magic cards for $14
>starts going to work in week old shirts lifted from the ground, obviously wrinkly and collecting dust. he gets fired after 3 months
>my state of mental health is getting worse, i haven't eaten a full meal in 4 days, can't even down a small bowl of oatmeal. i have a panic attack at work. i quit.
>i move out to focus on bettering myself to work again.
>he starts texting me he wants to be poly because he's lonely. to no one's surprise, his best friend started doing the same thing.
>me, in a constant state of flight or fight due to mental illness, accepts everything.
>he's sending me photos of dragon girls every other night
>my best friend texts me the next week, he invited her over to play video games and he got them drunk and made out with her. me, like a dumbass: "we're poly it's ok" not realizing it was a concern.
>i go over to the apartment, he's wearing my clothes. he mentions he hasn't bathed in a week. there's a condom on the floor. i ask who was over, he shows me his new dildo.
>i start to cry and mention how i don't want our relationship to be non-monogamous anymore. he says we should breakup but stay friends
>i say how i'm permanently traumatized from taking psychedelics, he says he "talked to some guy" and said it's impossible
>i start taking my belongings home, he makes me show him every article of clothing i have before stowing it away to approve of me taking it or not.
>all of my bras, underwear, favorite shirts, and some jeans are his now. i'm not even touching my makeup because he was noticeably using it too.

I didn't have my "oh shit i was dating a trender" moment until a few months later, but man that was a shitshow of a year.
I'm definitely doing way better than him now. He's friends with other trenders and recently found out he's been friends with a few infamous-on-the-internet child sex offenders.

No. 79329

> I run out of the car and try to kill myself in traffic
wtf anon you sure you aren't the crazy ex

No. 79345

holy shit you can make a movie with that

No. 79350

Well at that point I've moved in with him in another state, I basically am the only one actually working (and for a third of his pay) and doing all the housework, I've just finished up a 12 hour shift, he's broken up with me three months before the wedding and he had no problem going out with other women either with or without me. Also, I had no friends or family to reach out to.

Is it really so out there?

No. 79370

>I run out of the car and try to kill myself in traffic


No. 79616

Not 100% my ex boyfriend but close to it
> Me 17-18 during my time seeing this guy still in high school dealing with lots of mental illness and ptsd issues
> him 19-20 dropped out of college, tutoring kids and living with dad
> Met him on tinder and we had a similar sense of humour and both connected through mental issues and hating people in the area
> Lead me on to believe we were kind of a thing for two dates and then informed me that we were friends and he was still in love with his ex (it should’ve ended there but honestly I did feel like we were just friends that had sex)
> Told me all about how horrible his ex treated him and I really pitied him and thought she was a crazy bitch
> She draws “I love art hoes” on his arm in sharpie marker (I am a painter and am in art school) I thought this was an indication that she knew we were sleeping together and didn’t approve but didn’t want to actually be with him (this is what he told me) so it wasn’t really her say in the matter
> Ex girlfriend shows up at my school on a day I’m not there (she started hanging out with kids at my school) apparently is looking at all of my art
> Boy brings first blonde girl I don’t know into my house because there’s a liquor store that doesn’t card right near me
> He spends Valentine’s Day with me and another girl were fucked on Gabapentin and Weed
> Run into my friend who lives far away at the mall and she ends up needing a ride from him. They become friends and there was a whole side issue of him agreeing to go to a formal with her, getting so fucked up he passed out in his car and stranded her on a roof top with no way to get home
> A classmate who is friends with his ex starts telling me that he’s been abusive to her in the past which I don’t believe because she has been creepy towards me
>He tells me he loves me and that I’m one of the best people he’s ever met after we trip acid
>Brings second blonde girl into my house (same one I hung out with on Valentine’s Day) takes apple juice and leaves (obviously my parents are concerned at this point but he’s told me and them about how abusive and crazy his mother is and how he’s dealing with things I deal with so we trust him)
> I start warming up to the idea of meeting his ex because I think they were both calming down towards one another
> I have a ptsd episode in his car (he was aware I was a rape victim and knew about my ptsd)
> We get stoned to calm down and he in detail starts describing a disgusting scenes of him raping an ex girl friend of his, i make him drive me home and am in turmoil for a month trying to not contact him
>I finally decide to reach out and shit hit the fan in one night
> I show up to his house and he explains that he talked to her after and it was a communications issue. I “forgive” him
People start showing up to his place because there was a party they wanted to pregame for
His ex shows up and we finally meet (at this point Ive completely warmed up to her) we give each other’s giant hugs and he’s in the corner staring at us like puppets,
She leaves to get something out of his car and takes her friend “M” with her
He comes back up and she’s gone home
We all leave for the party and get way too drunk
I start shit talking the boy to all his friends because I was sick of hearing about his ex all of the time
“M” pulls me aside and says that he’s read the messages on Facebook between me and the boy and thinks the boy raped me So I explain that it was someone different
I need to get home so I end up taking a $150 Uber off of the boys account
> The next day the boy Is pissed because of the money and me shit talking him yet has no idea that the biggest thing has come out
> “M” calls me and explains that his ex didn’t know that me and boy were sleeping together and She asked him serveal times he kept denying it, she told me he had in the past burned cigarettes on her, chained her to the ceiling, and cheated on her with her best friend.
> I stop trying to contact and be friends with the boy

I go off to school in a new country and my phone is obviously bugged and he’s the only person I know who knew how to do that.

It’s been a few years now his ex and I are actually really cute friends now. She still has an on and off friendship / relationship with him. He still lives at home tutoring kids and tricking tinder girls

No. 79703

Sorry but which is the loser in this situation? You all sound pretty fucked up.

No. 80110

>be 16
>Start talking to guy on tumblr
>have really similar interests
>like the same music, films, tv shows and games
>biggest difference is that he’s straight edge and i drink occasionally
>start joking about getting married straight away
>talk all day every day through texts
>skype all the time
>develop a huuuge crush on him
>constantly talk about how we want to meet up when we have the money and opportunity
>our conversations were always romantic, never just friendly
>he tells me how perfect i am and how he wants to spend the rest of his life with me
>he jokingly sets me as his fiancée on fb, i accept even though we never actually entered into a relationship
>8 months into knowing him, he removes me as his fiancée and is suddenly in a relationship with a girl in his town
>get pissed at him, mainly because he was obviously juggling her and me at the same time, feel bad for his girl because of the things he was saying to me when they were probably dating
>he says that he loves me but the distance is too much and that he still wants to remain friends
>we were never really friends dude
>we don’t talk for a year until he reaches out to me after his relationship ended
>tells me he still loves me, wants to make it work despite the distance
>i don’t have any romantic feelings for him anymore but tell him that i’m willing to see if they come back if we start talking again
>try for a while, realize that i don’t really like him, just like the attention and validation he’s giving me
>tell him it’s not gonna happen, but we can stay friends
>he removes me from all social media and proceeds to write 1000 emo posts on tumblr about how much he loves me and made the biggest mistake ever letting me go
>his followers harass me, telling me that i’m a cunt for breaking his heart and that i don’t deserve him
>he gets new girl obsessions but always goes back to talking about me every once in a while, as ”the one who got away”
>i get into a relationship, not an online one this time
>he sends anonymous asks saying that he misses me but hopes my bf treats me right
>about two years later
>he reblogs a selfie i posted, saying something like ”hope you’re doing good my old friend”
>check out his tumblr for the first time in forever
>he’s no longer straight edge, he drinks and takes pills pretty much every day
>besides that, haven’t changed a bit since i started talking to him when he was 16
>fucking dodged a bullet

No. 80112

dang.. bullet dodged indeed

No. 81511

My ex has moved on after a few months. We were together for seven years. He just spent a 100 dollars at a sex shop.

I feel sick. He dumped me by walking out in the middle of the night. He had cheated on me, pathologically lied, hid things from me, allowed his friends to verbally abuse me. But he was my first love. I gave him my virginity. And he’s now fucking someone else and I feel so sick. It was our thing, the one intimate thing we had together. And he’s destroyed it before I’ve even recovered from him walking out and leaving me with 5 pets and all the bills.

How could it be so easy for him? How could he do this to me? Why doesn’t he feel guilty? Doesn’t he think of me during or after sex? Our breakup was so recent and we were together for so long.

He would never have spent $100 at a sex shop with me. But he’s doing it with this other girl, whoever she is. And she can’t even know him like I do, she hasn’t sacrificed for him like I have. I know I sound insane but this is really fucking hard. I thought he would come back. I thought he had to still love me like I love him. I’m going crazy. And I feel so fucking sick.

No. 81525

>upset about getting rid of a cheating pig
You should be super glad he is out of your life girl. Usually lying cheating pigs don't let go and are dangerous to get rid of.

Here you are upset that you got rid of him so easily?


No. 81528


I know it’s stupid but I still love him so much. He could be so sweet and kind. He is so handsome and has a great body. He got on well with all of my family. We have all the same interests and could talk for hours. Seven years of my life devoted to him, having him beg me to forgive him every time, asking me to marry him, saying it was forever- and then jumping into bed and a sex shop only a few months later. It makes me feel sick.

No. 81531

I am sure Ted Bundy was very nice to some people in his life. He was even married for 7 years, and he proposed.

Being occasionally nice and proposing to you is no reason for you to be hung up on him. You dodged a bullet. You can do better.

Do you love him or the idea of him and what he provided to your life?

No. 81560


I truly do love him. I know I shouldn’t. But I do. I feel so stupid and lied to and betrayed.

No. 81579

I'm sorry you're going through this, anon. I know it's so hard. One thing that helps is thinking about all the annoying shit they did, and how that's not your problem anymore. Try to stay busy if you can. He's a piece of shit who took advantage of a wonderful woman, and not you are free to take care of yourself and find someone more worthy. As for the pets, who is named on the adoption/purchase papers?

No. 81598


thank you so much anon. I reached out to some friends and I'm feeling a lot better. I actually sent them that song as an icebreaker to how I'm feeling. I really appreciate the support. We're going to get lunch tomorrow and I'm shaking off the bad feeling. This is going to be such a long road.

Oh and as for pets, I'm keeping the dogs and his mom took the rest. He's a man-baby. I pay for the dog's food, vet visits and insurance, etc. We are both on the adoption papers but I know he wont claim them, and even if he did, everything I've read says that whoever supports them the most has a greater claim.

No. 82686

>date for six years, through highschool and some college
>get cheated on multiple times, always forgive him because you're a dumb kid and he's your first love
>work on college degree while he fucks about working min wage retail and playing video games
>work on multiple different hobbies (reading, gaming, gardening, writing, painting, etc) while he… plays video games
>get treated like shit by his loser stoner friends
>get broken up with in the middle of the night when he walks out, to never return
>all his friends attack because he lied and said you broke up with him
>find out he's in bed with someone else a month later
>he's spent a $100 on sex toys
>new girlfriend is covered in tattoos of cockroaches and has eight nose-piercings
>three months later he gets a nose and ear piercing from her
>breathe out in lucky escape

I'm honestly laughing. He looks ridiculous. He's a rich white boy and he's trying to be someone he's not. Its pathetic. Beyond pathetic. Now he's slumming it in the ghetto area of the city pretending to be ~alternative~ to excuse why he's going nowhere in life and has no ambitions or skills. He's going through a teenage rebellion phase at 23. I'm getting my degree and double minor, and getting hit on by grad students and people with actual careers. But I'm taking time for myself and not jumping in to a relationship. I've been mothering a loser for six years, I need a break from men until the novelty of my own company wears off. I'm just so fucking happy without him dragging me down.


No. 82695

I think I'm just starting to realise that my ex boyfriend was a dick, but I still desperately want to be with him again even now he's seeing a new girl. Idk if I'm just making the bad stuff sound worse in my head to trick myself into not wanting him anymore

I never had any complaints about him through the entire (year and a half) relationship, and this main one I only brought up about three times when the only friend I told about it thought I should be more serious. A few years before I started seeing my boyfriend I was sexually assaulted by another boy from my school. I kind of buried it when it happened and tried to ignore it but I had obvious issues with being touched etc after that and it took a while for me to work through that. Just as I was starting to get over it he leaked photos of me that I didn't even know he had to his friends at work. On one of my first actual dates with my bf he made a rape joke that hit really close to my situation, and whatever physical reaction I had was obvious enough that he apologised and asked if that was something to not talk about with me, I said it was and he left it at that. For the next month or two it was brought up a couple more times, one time with me saying it was that boy from school and another with me saying exactly what had happened. He cried a lot, was really protective for a while and said he didn't know how he could act around that boy anymore. Still, he frequently got mad at me for only doing anything sexual or kissing him 3 out of 5 times that he wanted and said it was because I didn't love him. He never made me do anything and seemed genuinely insecure but it felt harsh when I kept explaining that I couldn't even sit too close to people a year before, so it would take me a little while longer before I was completely comfortable.

At the time, my boyfriend worked in the same place as the other boy. They worked together, were seemingly casual friends, and my bf brought him up a couple of times. It made me uncomfortable but I pretty much ignored it because they were in the same year at school, were still working together after leaving school and had some things in common. I knew my bf wanted to quit that job and that that guy was one of the reasons why, but after leaving his job there they stayed friends. Goof friends, getting closer, going on nights out together and seeing each other a lot. Again I tried to ignore it to be the Cool Girlfriend who wasn't bothered by those things, even after he'd claimed he couldn't even look at that guy the same anymore.

In the last couple of months that we were together, my bf started lying to his family and saying he was with his friend when he was really with me, because his family didn't like me and loved his friend. Another note: his mum was very controlling and used to read his messages, and read messages from me about the assault and approached me about it with fake sympathy. So the family knew his friend had raped me when I was a teenager and still preferred him. When he went on a weekend away with the guy I eventually said that if he was going to see him then I didn't want to see or hear anything about him, because I didn't want him to talk about me. When he broke up with me he told me he just couldn't deal with being stuck between the two of us. He goes on nights out with his friend and the girl he's seeing now. Suppose it's better to be with a girl with less baggage.

I think I'm only starting to realise how horrible some of it made me feel. I hate that boy and I know he hasn't changed the way he treats other girls, and it always upset me that my boyfriend was obviously way closer than he ever admitted to being. They're close enough that he chose to be close to that boy over me when I was very clear about never making him make a choice. I just don't think I could ever say I loved someone but be best friends with someone who hurt them so much. He made me feel bad about other things and I'll never not suspect that he has BPD or something similar, but I really still love him. He simultaneously made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him and like I didn't care about him like he did about me and would leave at any minute for someone better. Definitely hurts to spend over a year assuring someone you definitely won't just leave and find someone else for them to then do just that and cut you out for not being good enough.

No. 82700

>He cried a lot
>he frequently got mad at me for only doing anything sexual or kissing him 3 out of 5 times that he wanted
>said it was because I didn't love him.
>They worked together, were seemingly casual friends, and my bf brought him up a couple of times
>my bf started lying to his family
>When he broke up with me he told me he just couldn't deal with being stuck between the two of us.
>He goes on nights out with his friend and the girl he's seeing now.
> hurts to spend over a year assuring someone you definitely won't just leave and find someone else for them to then do just that and cut you out for not being good enough.

You. Deserve. Better.

No. 82715

File: 1526462049150.png (154.84 KB, 424x400, HeartMan.png)

Girl whenever you feel shitty and miss him just be happy you're not with a manchild that cries and lets his parents read his private messages, you're way better than a little crybaby like that!

No. 82720

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Dated this guy years ago in school, after a year we broke up, he was always a pretentious asshole and egelord about everything, became a really bitter person, "fuck normies" mentality, glamourised being a shut in weeb with no future, would constantly fuck me around and make me cry

fast forward eight or nine years, he contacts me again and wants to be friends and says he's changed, is such a ~nice guy~ now, etc

eventually try to have a thing again, lots of talks his end about how he's grown and changed and how he wants to make me happy for real this time, give him benefit of doubt and have this thing with him

he constantly lies about everything, goes out and gets shitfaced drunk but never tells me the whole truth and is a manwhore, leaves me drunk voicemails saying he's sorry and he wants to marry me and he sobertexts to say he doesn't appreciate me enough and should be better to me, admits he's been an absolute dick, admits he lies, admits he knows he's lucky to have me really and doesn't do enough about it

keeps happening every week, constantly lets me down, leaves me crying even though I know really that I deserve better and he's pretty ugly personality and appearance wise anyway, is an asshole when drunk, constantly

when he's horny I'm everything to him and I'm so special and uwu!!! shit

when he's being called out on his shit, he avoids me and is never sorry and twists it to his best friend who also talks to me and tells me his bullshit secretly

"I'm sorry, I know I don't appreciate you enough and I've been shitty to you, I wanna change for you, I love you so much"

and then goes to "yeah well you're not my mother I can do what I want" and a bunch of pathetic excuses about why it's my fault and how you know, he's just ~too chill~ and that he does things without thinking and I should be okay with it, always blames me for it

farmers, do me a favor and tell me every single reason why I need to love myself and let this fucker go instead of letting my lonely ass let him treat me like shit every week nonstop

He's clearly not changed and I deserve better

give me the reality

I know I deserve better and I've just lost a relative to cancer and I've been in a bad place so on top of it my self esteem is really low and I let this idiot do this to me and never know how to call it quits

No. 82848

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He's a lying sack of shit who will never in a million years treat you better than he does his dick, not because you are unworthy but because he from day one has been nothing but an oppurtunist. You're letting a vile ass alcoholised child run you over with weak excuses you know are lies as he gets to run off scott free cause he used enough words and you havent been able to pull the trigger yet. There are dozens of him out there, doing the emotional equivalent of living paycheck to paycheck by stringing together promises of bettering themselves at the end of the cycle before repeating their mistakes all over again because they dont care. Release him into the world and never look back, dont give him in the chance to sneak in for a third time. You are giving him too much when what he needs is constant rejection from "staceys" so he can stay the fuck inside and beat his meat in misery and leave Anons like you alone to deal with your shit. I hope you have friends to help you through the loss or to just socialise with you when you're lonely cause trust loneliness triumphs damaging mind, body and soul for the sake of subpar 'companionship' from degenerate fuckboys like him anyday.
Srry for the late reply but an anon in need is an anon I heed.

No. 82898


Thank you so much
I needed to hear that
I stood up to him and messaged him explaining why I'm done and I'm not looking back, I'm grateful for your words anon!

No. 82982

File: 1526778633720.jpeg (482.03 KB, 1224x1260, 457A0F25-06C6-45F0-AA94-C1D83E…)

>be 21
>be oblivious to coworker who is obvious about how much he’s attracted to you
>make out on New Year’s Eve and make it the basis of a shaky at best relationship
>turn into “cool girl” to keep relationship afloat
>ignore your interests
>let him call you a slut/whore/mongloid and believe him every time he’s going to say he’ll change
>move into a shitty basement apartment three years in
>cope best you can with his shitty emotionally abusive alcoholism and wear out your friendships venting about it
>still stay with him when he signs a lease on a apartment that’s out of your budget with his coworker
>continue with move in spite of everyone and your own feelings telling you this will be awful
>watch his emotionally check out of relationship and spend time with coworker because “they’re a fragile csa survivor who needs me uwu”
>believe them when they tell you that you are crazy and selfish and how dare you need emotional support
>distract your new career and eventually get offered business trip halfway around the world
>he will not be happy for you and continue to be emotionally negligent and call you names
>gain 50+ pounds over the six years you’ve been together to this point
>finally explode after he fails to come home after a drunk night out
>he strangles you
>move out
>he lets his friends and family and coworkers believe you broke up while you still see each other
>he claims he will get help, you sign a lease on a new apartment
>he skips out on your 7th anniversary to spend time with roommate and throw a party
>he keeps seeing ex roommate “as a friend”
>he does not respect you or your boundaries
>he stops paying rent or for any household goods
>he breaks up with you via text on mother’s day
>he refuses to move out
>keeps up sexual relationship
>finally move out in December
>he doesn’t get that you don’t want to be friends six months later

And I’ve wasted all my twenties and I’m going to die alone tbh.

No. 82995

>finally explode after he fails to come home after a drunk night out
>he strangles you
>he skips out on your 7th anniversary to spend time with roommate and throw a party
>he keeps seeing ex roommate “as a friend”

So much bad in this, at least you're free of him now Anon.

Can't imagine what a mess he'll be in ten years, based on past behavior.

No. 82998

fuck that dude.
you deserve so much better
you aren't selfish for wanting basic shit
that guys just a selfish asshole

No. 83017


Thanks anon. He’s a mess now tbh - I have his messages inbox FB on “ignore” and I get at least one (obviously drunk) message a week based on timeslines. The only reason I haven’t blocked him totally is so I can scroll up and remind myself of the dumpster fire I left behind.

Thanks Anon

No. 83019

I've only had one boyfriend. It was a year ago and lasted for a month. I went to his place once, and when we changed into pajamas, he came out the bathroom with a fucking Five nights at Freddy's shirt on.

Also, his love confession after our 2nd date included "I love you more than (his waifu)", in a completely serious way. Even as a girl with a husbando I should have sensed something was wrong.

Then after I broke up with him, he sent me a text asking for a second chance, to which I firmly said no. Found out a month later he was trash talking me on twitter, confronted him about it and he deleted his twitter while apologizing like a little boy caught stealing candy. Pathetic.

His twitter is up again, and he brags about getting mad pussy and stuff. I somehow doubt that, given that I had to teach him how to give a hickey and I hadn't even had a boyfriend before him lmao
Plus he didn't understand that kissing someone doesn't involve you shoving your tongue in their mouth and twirling it like a damn washing machine

No. 83025

>Even as a girl with a husbando I should have sensed something was wrong
lmao that sentence

No. 83123

I dated a guy for two years and I honestly don't know why I was so in love. The first year was fine but he started telling me shit like "I could do better" and when I confronted him about just using me as a place holder before "upgrading" he didn't deny. I stuck with this ass another YEAR. He eventually tried to break up with me over text and I called him on the phone and he was just annoyed the whole time. He would type things like "ehh I don't really want to see you" in response to us making plans and stuff like that. When we actually broke up he said "it's annoying when you cry like that" and "why would I say this in person when I don't even want to see you again". Pretty scummy really, it's just cringy when people are so childish that they totally disregard the other person. Especially someone in his mid twenties, you think he would handle things more maturely. It caused me a lot of pain but now I see how stupid it all was and that there's no use in being hurt by someone so dumb.

No. 83310

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not too "loser"-ish, but he is a dumbass
>be 17 fresh out of a "relationship" which was actually just this alt fuckboy using me
>meet 4/10 guy through mutual friends, appearance didn't matter too much to me
>I didn't go out much because I wasn't interested in dating
>I was super depressed and lonely, and he was happy, talented, extroverted and funny and I needed that sort of positivity in my life
>it started off so well, he took me on amazing dates etc
>time passes and he grows distant, as in, he won't even respond to my questions
>breaks up with me because he's going to be "busy"
>I literally treated him amazingly, he told me I did everything perfectly when he was breaking up with me
>is still heartbroken over dumping me apparently, despite treating me pretty badly and being generally careless during our relationship
>later his friend even admitted to not knowing why he broke it off with me
>get to know his friend better
>turns out ex is just an off-brand version of his friend, so most of the things I liked about ex was actually things he got off his friend
>friend is a 7/10
>friend shows obvious interest in me

No. 83609

>be 19, not experienced with dating or relationships
>suddenly a 8/10 guy I´ve had mutual friends with for a while starts texting me
>a bit wary since I felt like he was a bit out of my league and he seemed very interested
>would give me a lot of attention and kept asking me when I could hang out with him
>gave in and started seeing him
>first meeting was a bit awkward; he acted very shy and I really had to work for the conversation to flow
>then we started drinking and suddenly he had to problem talking to me at all
>we continue to talk/hang out/sleep together for a while and him not talking to me while sober starts to become a real problem
>when we would hang out we would either watch a movie, have sex or play games, all in relative silence. I would continuously try to start a conversation by asking him random questions but apparently he couldn't be bothered
>I feel a bit weird dating someone when it´s literally impossible to get to know them
>I´m puzzled, since he seemed so interested in me via texts, but when we were actually together physically he didn't pay me much attention
>broke it off, he was butthurt
>he would tell all out mutuals that he had broken up with me, so now everyone is under the impression that I´m crushed
>he tries to make me jealous by showing up to places he knows I´m going to be with random girls, then texts me after saying he´s sorry that I had to see him with someone else
>I stopped responding to his texts after telling him that I´m not interested and him contacting me is a waste of time for both of us
>he seems to understand and I believe it´s all over
>then he starts messaging me asking if he can come over because he doesn't have anywhere to sleep
>Tell him that I have an assignment and that it´s not a good time (I knew he had lots of friends in the area so I wasn't worried about him having to sleep on the street. Also, not my problem)
>He comes over anyway and knocks on my door in the middle of the night
>I can hear him calling my name, saying that he knows I´m home
>I sit completely frozen for the rest of the night, scared that he might hear me if I move and demand me to let him in
>Gets a girlfriend a week later, moves in with her and I haven´t really heard from him since
>He´s her problem now

No. 83615

I had a loser ex who later died. I was relieved, tbh.

No. 83618

>be me
>16 at the time
>try to buy weed from my friend’s 20 year old brother
>he comes onto me
>not particularly handsome but was very charismatic and I reciprocate, we end up kissing in his room
>my friend and their parents catch wind of this relationship pretty quickly since they live together
>so fucking uncomfortable
>their mom takes all her frustration with her loser son out on me because she is disgusted that her son was dating a 16 year old
>dude still lives with his parents and kid brother
>community college dropout
>smokes weed in his parents garage all day
>somehow he managed to date a lot of pretty attractive girls in high school and even though he was not getting as many girls as he used to due to being NEET and gaining weight during this time he still maintained an unwarranted cocky and womanizing attitude.
>it’s also worth noting throughout high school I heard older girls talk about how good in bed he is
>once I agree to have sex with him and he whips it out

No. 83628

Damn, anon, would you like to tell more? What did he die of?

No. 84425

This is basically my situation what the fuck? We broke up almost a year ago.
Is this average in emotionally abusive relationships or something??

No. 89500

>be me, 14
>"ex" contacts me, tells me to go on blind date with friend who will be going to the same high school
>decline, but offer to introduce him into our friend group of future students
>things are fine
>suddenly mentions that he has MPD, and one personality is angry all the time
>Random mood swings make us hate him
>He likes me, am a tard so I start relationship
>Things are fine for a month
>He likes Joker and Harley, like me, but is a pleb about it
>Calls me "Harley Baby" and wears Joker makeup
>Starts becoming whiney little bitch and complaining about school friends
>Never talks about anything else, or asks about me
>Birthday coming up, am artist so I decide to make huge realistic portrait of Joker
>Friend being a tard
>He'd been ignoring me for a couple of weeks, leaving me on "read"
>Portrait looks really good, am proud
>Day of birthday, give it to him
>Pump it Up party, kek we are in the eighth grade
>Ignores me for sixth grade girl, "Sit next to Anon" "But I don't wanna sit next to Anon, I want to sit next to Sixth Grader"
>Tries to break up, but I block him because can't handle things yet
>Tard friend from group is secretly in love with me, tries to help him break up with me
>Block her
>He ends up doing it
>Tells me about feelings for Sixth Grader during our whole relationship
>Tard Teenaged me hangs out with him and other tard friend with group THE NEXT DAY
>Tard me cuddles with him
>Keeps saying "Let's go fuck in bathroom, Anon"
>Meanwhile is harassing sixth grader to get with him
>Sixth grader messages me out of fear
>I am jealous, remembers Sixth Grader and I are both bi
>Asks Sixth Grader out
>We date for a week
>Pleb ex Joker bf gets mad
>Dates random girl because desperate
>Throughout freshman year if I so much as mentioned being in a relationship with him to anyone, he would message me "WTF?! HELLO?! Fucking respond!"

No. 89502

a broken heart.

No. 89504

i have another one, this one's much longer so get popcorn I guess
>Be me, now 15, a year later
>Go to high school show
>Friend of a new Tard Friend is there
>Meet him
>Is small, twink Asian
>Eat that shit up with a spoon
>Exchange Snapchats
>Days later random boy finds my Instagram
>Is him
>Comments weird things on posts, like "cool" because he's a hipsterfag
>Hit it off on Snapchat, is funny
>Goes to one of my shows at school
>Didn't actually see show
>Confesses feefees for me that night
>Eats that shit up with spoon
>Is hipster-skatefag
>Thinks he is photographer/film artist
>Make joke that essentially is me calling him cute
>"Why do you always do that Anon? You don't need to always compliment me"
>Was confused, was just one compliment and was being nice
>Cried over retarded shit
>Told me his preference in girls
>Preference looked nothing like me
>Tried to make things official, he makes fun of me
>Cries again
>Comes and sees me, is grateful because I live forty mins away
>We kiss, laugh, have fun
>Want to take picture with him
>Freaks out, am sad
>That night: "But anon I looked bad"
>Would start randomly leaving for periods at a time (a few days or so) because he was "depressed"
>Went on vacation for a month to different continent far away with a huge difference in time
>Would stay up to call him
>One night laughed about how he bullied girl from my school online, and everyone from my school thought it was funny
>Shit rubbed me the wrong way so I called him out
>Being really kind to me
>Nearing the last bit of our relationship, still kind
>Suddenly left again because "depressed" this is the fourth time
>Wouldnt message me for days
>Always canceled plans
>"I smoked weed once or twice but it never hit me Anon" kek, lying to look cool as was stonerfag back in the day
>One day was supposed to come see me
>Randomly after taking my side for months he sided with tard friend who was bullying me online and starting rumors about me
>"Maybe Tard Friend is right, Anon"
>"What does that mean?"
>"Idk Anon"
>Finally see him the same day after over a month of not
>Extremely awkward, he's inches shorter than me so a child basically and conversation was forced
>Kiss Sk8hipsterfag
>Barely puts in effort to kiss back
>"Kiss back dude"
>"I came all this way to see you, YOU do all the work Anon"
>Stop kissing, am rubbed the wrong way
>Leave, and after that we dont text or talk for days, nearly a week
>Getting ready to start new school in new area
>Finally hear from him again a week before school starts
>Long text breaking up with me saying I am "draining" and condescendingly saying I need to "get help"
>Blames him leaving for periods of time on me being "depressed" and "draining" despite being in a good mood every time he left, and him being the one who brought me down
>After we talk about things I am distraught and severely hurt
>He decides now is a good time to manipulate me
>Got head injury during relationship, says he is going to "bash his head against a wall until he is severely brain damaged or dead"
>"Im telling brother"
>"He doesn't know you, Anon, who's he gonna trust? Me, or you?"
>Leaves for half an hour
>Am freaking out, begging him to come back, thinking he harmed himself
>"UWU Sorry Anon lolzzz was getting a haircut. Am fine now, kek"
>Gaslights me for something
>Imply it's his fault, because it is
>"Good fucking night Anon"
>Am messaging him to forgive me
>Wake up next day distraught but ready to go to orientation for new school which starts in less than a week, am nervous
>Responds back saying he doesn't accept apology, basically being rude
>Don't bother messaging him anymore
>Start new school, enjoy it
>Have stupid "spam account" he still followed
>Mention I'm having good time on account
>sk8hipsterfag comments "Good" passive aggressively
>Cry my eyes out
>Mom always mentioned how we wouldnt be together very long, doesn't see future, and "What if you meet someone at school Anon?"
>Would get mad, but she was right
>First week develop huge crush on boy
>Like boy a lot for months
>Friend goes behind back and asks him how he feels
>Liked me the same amount for the same time
>Is now the best boyfriend ever
>Do not give a shit about sk8fag and wonder why I cared so much about Trash Tard in the first place
>Now me, Happy Ending-Chan

No. 89535

>Be 19 y/o in uni living off canned food and ramen
>Meet big lovable golden retriever type-guy
>Go out for a few months, he's super cute and sweet
>One night we fuck and he leaves in the morning without waking me up
>I try to text him but he never replies
>completely gone from my life
>cry for days
>after a couple weeks I try to make some burritos for lunch
>Look in my pantry for baked beans
>what the hell
>suddenly it clicks
>he only dated me to get my goddamn bush's baked beans

No. 89542

Also posted this in another thread.
Have an ex who I was very sexually active with, I was his first and he was also eager to please me and would compliment my body a lot. Moreover he was also very insecure about his sexual performance and dick size, w.e.
Years later we are not together anymore and haven't been in a long time. I stumble upon his current gf's tumblr, lurk a bit and find that he told her he never liked sex until he did it her. I was tickled

No. 89547

>meet guy through internet
>he seems nice, is friends with some people I know
>he comes down to my city for a week
>I kinda like him and would like to give him a chance
>he takes this as his cue to get ultra clingy and obsessive and creepy
>I was too passive to say no, so we start dating
>he goes back home
>immediately, the messages start
>he sends me about 100 messages in the first hour, about how he misses me and and loves me and I'm the best thing to ever happen to him, I'm smarter than any girl he's ever talked to, every joke I make is super funny, any idea I have is so wonderful
>tell him to cool it
>he gets all mopey and guilt trippy and says something like, "People always bully me and try to tell me to hide who I really am"
>feel bad for this retarded fuck so I AM THE ONE TO APOLOGISE
>talk to him more, he casually mentions that he has fapped to loli before
>oh and he also said he was a diagnosed sociopath
>don't take this as my cue to leave, am retarded as well, but am now on high alert and am done with his shit
>he notices I'm messaging less so he starts bombarding me with more messages
>"How can you leave? This is the best thing to ever happen to me. You're the best thing I've ever met, you're a wonderful and amazing and beautiful human being and you're weird and kind and nobody has ever been this nice to me before"
>geee I wonder why
>I just straight up tell him, "the amount you message me creeps me out and I don't have time to respond to every message you send and it's overbearing, and frankly, you're discussing nonsense"
>he gets super offended
>starts ignoring me when I message him and being passive aggressive
>oh thank god lol
>then one day, I make a joke and call him lame because he just randomly brought up my breasts in the cheesiest and worst way possible, wasn't even related to our discussion
>he says I'm fucking lame and stupid
>I'm like ummm k?
>tell him to kick rocks and block him
>he messages me on his alternative account to tell me how he's talking to girls already and I am not that smart
>his friends list comprises of a lot of high school girls and random hot chicks he never met
>oh and did I mention he is a teacher?
>he gets a bunch of his female friends after me to message me and say I am a fat ugly bitch who they hope kills them selves, that I look like a man and I am stupid and mean
>a year later I am dating a nerd Chad, he's burly and hairy and life is good
>this creeper ex is still chatting up high school girls, talking himself up on twitter and his bio says he's a "solipsist nihilist"

No. 89549

Oh and for anyone wondering how I could have led him on, this all went on over the course of a just week until I blocked him then he was sending people after me

No. 89551

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OH AND ALSO, the girl who defended him used the reason "he is always nice to me and he sends me stuff and money so he is clearly a nice and generous person" and this girl was 16. He was also obsessed with Japanese girls and would creep on any asian he saw. We were watching a movie and he thought it would be great to mention that this bitch is hot. Wtf. He hopes to move to Japan one day, where their cultural ideals towards teen girls are creepy and exploitative

No. 89552

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No. 89561

you don't even use those for burritos.

No. 89591

>oh and did I mention he is a teacher?

anon what the fuck i thought this was like your high school boyfriend until i read that.

i had to go back and reread it in a grown man's voice instead of a cracking teenage voice and it's even more baffling. i think you handled it the best way anyone could.

No. 89623

Reading some of these stories makes me smfh, but has also encouraged me to share my loser ex story:

>be 16 never been in a relationship, only had sex like 3 times at this point. Has no confidence with men.

>guy pops up to you on fb because you met briefly at a mutual friends birthday party.
>22, likes pop punk, is a 'popular' guy, going to uni, has long-standing job in retail, hella attractive/tall.
>goes on dates, agrees to go out with him on the third.
>commence a years worth of fuckery.
>first try at this relationship lasts 3 months.
>In that 3 months he :whines at me to get him presents for his birthday, but 'forgets' when my birthday came before his.
>Full on screeches at me in front of his uni friends the one time I ask for some change for the bus home because now he couldnt buy popcorn for the movie they were seeing.
>Pressures me to dye my hair the colour of his ex's.
>Refuses to have sex/doing anything sexual to me unless I toss him off with my feet (funny story I asked what the weirdest kink he was into on a date, he said feet and I genuinely thought he was joking)
>Said hed come out for my 17th birthday, keeps messaging me saying he was on his way, never shows up. Turns out he couldnt be arsed making the 20 mile journey I have always made to see him and got drunk with his mates in his room.
>was sexually harassed/groped by some rando at the bus station, gets to his house and has a panic attack. He ignores me to play video games and tells him mum to essentially look after me.
>The night he breaks up with me the first time blames me for him falling behind at uni. I slept over at his house, he decides to wank while I was asleep and slap his spunk onto my face. This was after he broke up with me.
>Fast forward almost a year. Be me, having a messy break up with another, more sane ex.
>Guess who pops up on sc saying he misses me.
>We'll call him burgernips mcgee because his nipples were legit the size of big mac patties.
>This breakup had fucked me up bad. >So I became friendly with burgernips again, was frank that I didnt want to rush into a relationship.
>Bombards me with 'will u pls go out with me' and nudes the next couple of weeks. Says yes because I was a weak-willed bitch with no self-esteem and just wanted some deek.
>"It wont be like last time, I'll do better." words should be written on his tombstone tbh.
>2nd and last time I'm with him it lasts another 3 months.
>Waits until I turn 18 to ask for me to send him nudes. Remembers my birthday for that but on my actual birthday invites his friends to our date w/o even asking me. Promises to buy me a birthday gift, I point a comic book I liked and he buys it for himself. Doesnt get me anything.
>I get a full time job, suddenly expect me to pay for his weed/takeaways because I earn more even tho he wouldve sperged out at the idea of doing that for me in the past.
>Continues to sperg out at me for not seeing him due to work or if I wanted to see my bff who was pregnant with a very poorly baby/suffering from antenatal depression.
>His mum takes us to centre parcs for his birthday. The entire time we're there he screeches at his mum and makes us stay in and have takeaways.
>I witness this 23 year old, 6ft 5 inch man make his mother bathe him like a little baby in the bath, apparently she does this often.
>Tells me during a drinking game the most sexually fucked thing hes ever done is jack it over his cousins feet when she was asleep when they'd stay overnight at their grandmas house when they where kids/teenagers. >See's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
>I try to travel to his on xmas eve I dont make in time before all the buses stop. Guilt trips me like fuck over it when I had been getting ready since I finished work that day.
>Takes pictures of my from behind while we were having sex and the n shows his friends at a pub, only finds out because he pm'ed me saying his friend thought my bum was nice out of nowhere.
>Last time I was at his house he has a bitchfit over me wanting to go to a nye's party with people I hadnt seen in years. Nearly punches me in the face over it, when I call him out he pretends it didnt happen.
>"I dont like that you have guy friends." when he used to send nudes to this girl he was friends with for 'criticism'(shooping).
>Decide to break up with him on fb because we were arguing all the time at this point and I didnt think he was worth the 2 hour travel time + money.
>Has a massive be-all-end-all sperg fit, simultaneously blames me for his made up mh problems but then says I'm the only one who can 'save' him from them.
>Only stops after I block him.
>According to mutuals posts a few statuses about me being bitch and coward for doing over fb.
>Repeatedly attempts to contact me by making new fb/reactivates old fb acc's trying to talk to me, make me forgive him over the next 3-4years.
>Shows me he not only still has my nudes, but had all of his exes nudes saved onto his computer.
>I was his 14th gf since he was 17.
>3 months with me has still been his longest relationship, wanted to marry me because of it.
>Jacks off the ASMR vids.
>Had shitty scene kid tattoos he was really proud of.
>Would rather keyboard fight on fb to 14 y/o's on hardcore/beatdown pages than even come to the door to let me in on a few occasions.
>Has a full on man-child cave filled with anime figures, posters, plushies etc and bought more regularly yet was constantly broke.
>Doesnt know how to cook basic shit.
>Could not eat pussy for shit.
>Smokes weed and plays COD all day.
>Tfw u sign up for uni to do graphic design when your 'art' looks like Chris-chan drew it w/o hands, and you quit and blame your gf for dropping out of uni.
This was years ago, now I've been together with my current bf for 3 years, we both have jobs, live together and I'm off to uni soon Meanwhile all I know about him now is hes 26, still lives with his mum, neet, still tries to get his friends to add me on fb so he can snoop and his shoop skills have gotten better.

No. 89625

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No. 89631

These stories are amazing. Where do you people find it in yourself to like and respect these people? Where does that mentality develop? In any case, keep them coming.

No. 89637

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>be 19
>huge self esteem issues from abusive recent ex
>drinking a lot to get over said ex - to the point of alcoholism
>abusive ex’s best friend becomes my best friend
>looks exactly like Shaynastys Fupa - but bald
>has a large number of retarded and unrelated tattoos from Pokémon to angel wings
>beer barrel body
>spend the next few years off and on, not attracted to him but get off on having a man-slave
>dump his ass when I realize I deserve someone I’m attracted to and he deserves someone who actually likes him
>it’s been around 5 years since then
>he adds me on socials a couple times a year, I never respond or add him back
>oh and he’s homeless now apparently

No. 89674

After reading this thread i want to say that woman are fucking retarded.

No. 89698

away you go robot, also learn to sage

No. 89720

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All of you complain about your ex for being a basement dwellers and never going out, but did you never asked them what they're doing in their free time before dating?

No. 89731

>mvh aut-right
>mvh deus vult
>mvh imperivm evropa
>mvh rvssian pvtin alpha male
>mvh military historee
all males is the same

No. 89732

>being this autistic
this is why you will never reproduce

No. 89733

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>thread full of stories about scrots expecting women to support them financially
>immediately attracts a scrot trying to project his shallow and parasitic inclinations on women
>seeking nothing but sex and babies is somehow not materialistic but wanting a scrot to pull his own weight is

sasuga scrot

No. 89747

tumbler would call that movie transmigogybist kek

No. 89748

>All heterosexual relationships are prostitution, you're a prostitute, if he lost his job and told you he wasn't getting another one, you would leave him.

>thread full of stories of poor or jobless bfs who anons stayed with because they were sweet, hot, or their best friends

i love it. guys like this must see countless examples of women not exclusively dating men for money, but their delusional minds just shield them from processing it.

no matter how many times women date men with less than them, and no matter how many times women who do gold dig admit that it's either a sugaring situation or for survival, they still crave this idea that all women are attracted to money in men and that it's not just something some broke or greedy women do to get by. i've never actually met a single woman who is straight up horny over a guy's job or paycheck, not even in the fetish thread. have you guys? if it exists it's so rare, yet these guys want to believe it's all or most women. why do you think they want to believe it? because they can't handle the idea of women being attracted to looks and personality and money is a more attainable goal for them?

No. 89750

they don't want women to be attracted to money because that's materialistic but they also don't want women to be attracted to looks because that's shallow. they want women to have no desires of their own.

No. 89755

He teaches high school and middle schoolers too! I really want to report him to the fbi but he said the majority of this stuff verbally :(

No. 89774

>that one autist you depression-dated when you had no self esteem and then couldn't shake off, the lanklet dude who played xbox all day and couldn't hold down a job and forgot your birthday

Fuck, you already nailed it OP.
"Dated" for a month, then he dumped me WHILE AT THE HOSPITAL after having suicidal thoughts and planning to kill myself. In my loneliest time, he decides to do that. I'm not mad, but my god he is a tard, even for an actual Sperg.

No. 89785

This thread is a depressing read, nobody should be forced or expected to be in any kind of relationship with another person, if you don't like it you have every right and reason to just leave. The guys you all dated sound like they're on their way to the point of no return.

You liked them enough to either date or commit to a relationship at one point, they don't turn out to be as you expected and instead of doing the right thing and leaving, you stay and cite "pity" or "compassion" as your reasons.

However, the nice-girl attitude proves to be ineffective, they don't change, and then poof you start to hate them and hold year long grudges, as is apparent by what petty shit you have been spewing here. If you come across somebody who is helpless and socially/romantically inept, instead of succumbing to your "I have to be in a relationship" anxiety, simply leave before you develop hatred for people who don't know any better. Don't criticize and finally accept the truth that men automatically assume that women must be down with the way they are, when they're in a relationship with one. Quit leading people on and think before you get into a relationship, and not with your ovaries, learn to be alone and develop actual personalities and don't allow your compassion to have an on/off switch. You don't have the right to dehumanize anybody because you failed to assess them, your highness.

No. 89787

thank you. these women need to stop trying to "change" men and instead focus of themselves then the men would follow if you're interesting enough.

No. 89819

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>comes to a girl's image board
>vent thread
>offended at content of said vents

Well… some of us can't be helped I guess but something tells me it's the one who lacks reading comprehension and ability to understand context.

No. 89822


Everything depends on context, doesn't it? It's wrong to cheat, yet if you're cheated upon - it becomes alright, right? To act like a human being and just cut your losses even though it hurts would be too mature, and evil doers naturally deserve bad treatment, you're nice to people who are good to you, after all.

That all sounds extremely healthy, god forbid somebody called it petty and vain.

I'm sure you can empathize with some of those tragic people, and admit that misery attracts misery and female narcissism is a thing. Women don't tell you all there is to know about a situation in which they blame somebody, male or female, only what they need you to know to make sure you'd be on their side.

Try to get a female to name a single bad quality of hers, no humble-bragging.

No. 89823

No. It is never okay to cheat. I have never cheated and never will.
These women tried to work through problems they had in their relationships. I'm sure they weren't perfect. I am certainly not perfect. But women vent to one another to work through their feelings and emotions.

Back to /r9k/ with you so you can do the same, thanks.

No. 89824

I'm guessing you're seeing yourself in all those shitty men some poor farmers have dated. Instead of crying over mean women not taking your shit and venting about bad experiences how bout you work on your becoming a better person?

No. 89828


I was humoring your context babble, principles being changeable depending on the context, defeats the purpose of having principles and really just means that you're an opportunist. Stop misinterpreting things so they fit your narrative.

I'm sorry but, I don't think you're mature enough to speak about a big chunk of society with an attitude like that. Most women I know realize if and when they have a fundamental difference with their partner and draw the right conclusion to end things, in a non toxic way. And when they do vent, they rarely turn into harpies and dehumanize people, they usually just cry because they feel they deserved better, but get back on their feet quickly and don't hold grudges.

I suppose it's different in the gutter where role-models are perceived to be the ones who can accumulate the largest amount of ill-mannered habits.


If you don't see yourself in those poor guys even if you're female, your opinion of yourself is way too high. Everybody has their limitations, most of these guys sound like they have serious issues and need help, not that they could be fixed or that it was the girl's job to fix them, no, they're 100% right in leaving, but they should take a moment to reflect on their own limitations, after all they can't identify damaged goods, and even after they do they refuse to accept it and part ways in a civil manner, they have the arrogance to want to change a person to suit their needs better and get furious that they fail, you can't discount this fundamental character flaw that some of the equally damaged girls have shared here.

No. 89829

If you see yourself in mentally ill, severely jealous, possessive, abusive men (+ a few rapist), you have a big problem.

No. 89831

Who said principles were changeable? They are not. Rules are rules. As I learned the hard way. I broke my rules and stuck around for a man who kept begging for me back until he had me so well trained I did it myself.

One even had the audacity to call me from his work phone three times after I blocked him when he broke up with me while I was at work. I'd been no contact with him for over a week. But yet he accuses me of being the one to not cut my losses. What about him? We both played the same game and we both lost. Why are you blaming only the woman?

Again, bro, you came to a vent space created specifically for women. /r9k/ is for you and contains relatively the same content but for men. Go there. You'll have fun I promise.

I will never break the rules again. I don't know about other women. But those are my rules.

No. 89834


You seem to have your difficulties with interpreting certain things. Nobody has an active role in who they turn out to be, neither do you. You don't have to be a rapist, mentally ill, severely jealous or whatever, to acknowledge that. Leaving isn't hard, and it's completely justified, but if you experienced how pathological they are first hand, you're a monster if your hatred outweighs your pity. Females can have aspergers too, by the way.


I'm sorry for what happened to you and I didn't say that the women are at fault, but neither are the men, it takes two. Your boyfriends have been as willing to mistreat you as you were willing to be mistreated, from what I've gathered you acted on the right impulse and decided you wouldn't let that happen anymore, that you were wrong, that you yourself have accepted blame. I really don't know, but it sounds like you owned up to your mistakes and can move on instead of "venting", or living in the past. I don't go on /r9k/, fyi.

No. 89836

Lol imagine reading this thread and then getting offended that these objectively terrible humans were described in unflattering terms

You seem to be suffering from "I can type a barely legible sentence therefore I am intelligent" syndrome, which seems to be an affliction of certain male posters online. Begone off this blatantly female board

No. 89837

Ironic you call the other anon a potential autist when I am the anon who is pretty much confirm autist.

That's why I'm telling you to go to /r9k/ so you can help your own. This is supposed to be a space for women to talk amongst themselves. Maybe this is how a lot of us have worked out our feelings and anger. And here you come to white knight for men you've never fucked or been intimately involved with.

No. 89839

>It's both the fault of the abuser and the abused if abuse takes place
>People can't control who they are
>If you hate your abuser your a monster
>Mistreated people were willing participants of their mistreatment

This is why males needs to be gased.

No. 89840

>Nobody has an active role in who they turn out to be, neither do you. You don't have to be a rapist, mentally ill, severely jealous or whatever, to acknowledge that.
I'll give you mentally ill, but being a rapist and abusing/controlling your partner is a CHOICE. Men aren't devoid of the ability of controlling their behavior.
>but if you experienced how pathological they are first hand, you're a monster if your hatred outweighs your pity.
The majority of people would be pretty angry at the fact they were abused or exploited. That's a common emotional reaction. Wtf is wrong with you? Women owe these men no sympathy.

No. 89842


Holy shit, sure. I'll go back to my own kind then, It's impossible to relate to people after all, one can only ever hope to understand sympathize with people who share your genitals. You're weird.


I'm sorry you feel that way but if no physical force was used, if you were not otherwise defenseless, you made a choice. You might disown that choice now and blame the other party, because that's comfortable, but that's not goin to help you in the long term.


Ah yes, the girls aren't as terrible, right? They just so pure, they only wanted to help from the very beginning. They weren't attracted to terrible, just trying to help. They don't have poor judgement, just biiiig hearts and loaaaaaads of empathy.

really, have this: :)


Of course you would feel excruciating pain after getting used, and of course they're right, in their mind to reciprocate, but it's really naive to think those men or women are "evil", in their heads it all makes sense.

Having a paranoid personality is also quite a challenge in itself. Also, let's not argue about "choice", I don't think anybody here, whether abused or the abuser made a choice, you're being dictated whether you'll abuse or be abused by your fucked up past, if you're here, you're already in that downwards spiral. You're not really healthy, could be, but it's more likely that the world will drag you down a bit more, that's the terrible truth. Learn to not take everything so seriously, just move on, might turn out to be more palatable than bitterness.

No. 89844

>I'll go back to my own kind then

Thanks and bye.

I don't understand why so many males think their input is needed everywhere they fucking go. Get some self awareness ffs.

No. 89846

Imagine having a penis so small that hanging around with other men is too emasculating for you, so you have to come here instead and wave it around

No. 89847

They're like fucking yetis barging around into places they're not welcome

No. 89849

>I'm sorry you feel that way but if no physical force was used, if you were not otherwise defenseless, you made a choice.
>I don't think anybody here, whether abused or the abuser made a choice, you're being dictated whether you'll abuse or be abused by your fucked up past
Yep, I'm certain you're probably a salty abuser now. Sorry to break it to you boyo, but men have control over their actions. It's possible to be in a fucked state and choose not to abuse, rape, or otherwise take your anger out on other people. That's a poor excuse for your actions.

No. 89852

Also doublepost, forgot to mention. Check how he holds the women and men in these situations to two completely different standards.
>hurr it was your choice if you weren't defenseless but the behavior of abusive men is not their choice
How transparent.

No. 89854

No. I just don't see why you came here and expected anything else. I respect those who show me respect. Male or female. A sexist man will receive equally sexist treatment from me. And yes, I am weird or I wouldn't be on an image board. Same for you.

is correct. Your logic is equally hypocritical.

No. 89855


I wasn't serious as I don't think as my gender but first and foremost as myself and I consider the alternative kind of insulting, don't take it the wrong way but it doesn't take the Empress of Intellect&Femininity to understand, help, or otherwise interact with you. You're not that complex, a vagina doesn't make you special.


Well, I've heard A cups and micro penises get along well, let's be friends.


Are you sure you're not from Wizchan and on HRT? Stop accusing people who disagree with you of being abusive. The last part when i said "lets not talk about choice", was just me implying that i don't believe in actual choice, pre-determinism, etc, and when i said that she _did_ have a choice, i was merely correcting her, since she does believe in choice and if one believes in choice, one ALWAYS has a choice. Always, take some fucking control, grow some balls, and if you really do think that people have a choice, make one. Can't be that hard to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Moron.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 89859

>Always, take some fucking control, grow some balls, and if you really do think that people have a choice, make one.
Control of what? You can't control how other people treat you, that is their responsibility. This is also wouldn't be the "ex-boyfriend" if most of these women didn't eventually smarten up and abandon the situaion. What use is your opinion after the fact that the situation is over and most have learned their lesson? It is of no use. Fuck off. No one cares about your perspective on this.

No. 89861


I expected much worse when I saw the reactions to your thread before reading it. I thought it was the second coming of the Femitheist_divine, I just wanted to say that no matter the amount of abuse one has suffered, even if you were raped as a baby, if you are lucky enough that there's a remnant of a healthy person left in you, you shouldn't lose it in this toxic environment and just move on instead of spewing hate, even if it's _really_ justified.

No. 89864


I'm very sorry but how two people interact with each other is a mutual affair, you can be sure as hell that I wouldn't allow somebody to step over me, because that's something I don't want. If you don't know what constitutes abuse, you can get away with that logic, but to realize you're in a mess and not getting out? Fuck off retard, let me show you how i control your interactions with me, you're not getting any replies anymore.

No. 89865

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>let me show you how i control your interactions with me, you're not getting any replies anymore.

I'm pissing myself, but I sure hope it's true this time, I've had enough of you, autistic sperg.

No. 89866


Oh no, I'm a poor little girl who just can't keep from giving her abuser the pleasure of tormenting her, just why am I so helpless??

But see dove, if I had stuck with it, it would have been over. That's what you do when you don't like something, you leave, you go. If you come back that just means you don't really want it to be over, and i really enjoy your stupidity. It's probably just your anxiety related to your A Cups, relax, those are fine too.

No. 89867

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>but to realize you're in a mess and not getting out?
You don't understand the concept of what an ex-boyfriend is, do you? And he has the gall to call other people retards…
>let me show you how i control your interactions with me, you're not getting any replies anymore
Oh thank God. He's leaving.

No. 89868

Stfu and leave already. Nobody need your "wisdom" about leaving a bad relationship in an ex-boyfriend thread.

No. 89869


Many of these stories tell the story of girls going back and back again, often times with the intent of "changing" or "helping" them, sorry, they're not thinking primarily to better their "ex boyfriends"(Takes quite the moron still, even if it was just an "ex")

Much rather, in a bid to be the abuser/control freak. Go have your cherry popped and stop being so miserable, I'm sure someone would take your virginity and not actually stay around for you to get awkward about your autism around them.

No. 89870

Yeah if you weren't an autistic basement dweller who's never left his room you would know that people needs to make mistakes to grow and learn. Also seems like you're unable to follow through with your words, we were so happy to see you leave!

No. 89871

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>let me show you how i control your interactions with me, you're not getting any replies anymore.
This aged so poorly.

No. 89872

Say, just my natural curiosity. If you're 23 like me and some 14 year old you treat like your sister sends you pornographic material of herself, even though you never asked implied or otherwise gave her such an Idea, would that make you an abuser?


I'm sorry girl, if your life is marked by one abusive relationship after the other there's just no real hope of ever getting out of that downwards spiral. Some people are born to suffer, best not to dwell and not to hold grudges. That's the message here. I'm not trying to be cruel, but some baggage sticks.

No. 89873

>Itt watch a severly autistic man try to spew random shit hoping it will hurt someone

I think the only person born to suffer is you, incel.

No. 89875

I hacked incels camera on his phone and it's a spotty 18-year old with a beer belly. The walls are littered with large-busted anime posters and sports memorabilia. He has sexually assaulted three women but blames them for it. Hope he can talk his way out of it when they #metoo his ass one day

No. 89876


I actually don't believe that even 10% of the posters here are female, women don't act like a rabid pack of dogs. Guys, you have to improve your game. This is not the first web community where a group of LARPers pretend to be something they're not to have a laugh. It's pretty good, but not that good.

No. 89892

Yo troll, how you doing?
I'll take the bait. If you were a woman in the first place, you'd already know that there are many different types of women and some of us are the way you describe.

No. 89922

pics or it didn't happen

No. 89925

>i hacked a camera on someone's phone

yes, you know, something you can't actually do. this sounds like when people who take someone's open phone say they "hacked" their social media.

No. 89928

it's a joke and everybody but you recognized it as such.

>t-this board can't really be girls! real girls are nice, and meek, and don't say mean things and only like rich chads but also don't like sex at all! it must be a psyop made by larping men! there's no way girls can be aggressive and horny too! w-we're like a different species!

No. 89931

OH MY GOD can you just leave already? you're not interesting in the slightest and nothing you post here makes actual sense. i was really enjoying reading all of these stories and you just have to go ruin a thread for everyone.

No. 90022

i spent my lunch break reading this thread and figured id share my shitty ex story
>be 15yr old me
>have a crush on a boy who looks like young kurt cobain
>young kurt cobains 19 yr old friend starts talking to me
>19 yr old (lets call him Sam) is kinda cute. Curly long black hair, tall, skinny, likes music seems sweet and i start talking lots
>he comes to my place to stay (i live 2 hours away. I paid for his ride)
>become official
>lose my virginity to him
>sam has no job. Less attractive irl. Wears no underwear, sweatpants and hoodie.
>was very rough during sex with his chodey penis
>hadto tell my parents that he had sex with me because i had contracted an sti. It was classex as statutory rape. They were furious
>continued through a miserable
2 years where my parents never spoke to me, made me dinner, or brought me things because of that, they hated sam
>started drinking at 16 with sam
>he would try have sex with me when i was drunk/asleep/passed out all the time
>disgusting fetishes
>never spent money on me. Drug addict. Had never had a job and dropped out of school at 15.
God this shits actually really hard to talk about
Basically, he abused me psychologically over a period of two years. I was unable to speak to anyone as i had no friends anymore
The last straw was something that hit so close to home. I found awful, disgusting, unspeakable pornography on his phone 3 times. On the third time i tried to kill my self. I still cant get those disgusting pictures out my head. I broke up with him on new years eve after i found out he cheated on me over 15 times :L wrecked my teenage years lol

No. 90084

aw anon im so sorry :(

No. 90210

Jeez I really am sorry anon. What a waste of space. I'm glad he's not a part of your life anymore.

No. 90214

This is what I got myself into 2 years ago

> be 19, depressed and w/ dependency issues due to shitty previous ex

> meet dude on a oldschool runescape discord
> his biggest gag is that he pretends to be black in voicechat all the time
> votes trump cause “hillary is a criminal” unironically says shit like “all lives matter” i’m eurofag so i don’t care
> he flirts on snapchat we exchange nudes and start sexting
> start talking every day eventually over a few months progressing into videochat basically whenever we can
> he’s unemployed and goes to uni like 2 days a week
> he gets mad when i wanna watch netflix on my own or otherwise be online without skyping him
> he’s horny literally 24/7, refuses to watch porn or get off by himself when im not in the mood
> literally can take up to 2 hrs to get off constantly, we have a time diff so i fake falling asleep basically every night
> pissed when i spend time with friends, family
> pissed when he can’t cheer me up when my grandpa dies, i just want some time alone, get guilt tripped instead
>always so fucking passive aggressive
> he makes money from rocket league boosting, he flies out to me and visits me and i pay half of airplane tickets and everything else
> sex irl is even worse, he’s got a gigantic dick but hates foreplay and makes me feel shitty about not getting wet fast enough and not enjoying 2 hr+ sex multiple times a day
> refuses to go down on me, expects me to blow him
> thinks hitting cervix is hot, convinced i just need to get used to the pain (???? NO)
> sweats SO MUCH so fucking unattractive
> my friends clearly hate him
> doesnt wanna go out and do shit even after i buy tickets to stuff
> i break up a few weeks after he’s back home
> we stay “friends” which evolves into sending nudes still while i get drunk or high
> one day i plan my suicide get into fight with him beforehand he tells my irl friend i’m suicidal (i saw the convo and he’s 100% just talking trash)
> i dont kms cause my friend hits me up irl and cut him out completely
> i get out of the house again and into therapy much happier
> other ppl from that discord tell me he keeps hitting up e girls and getting mad when they dont send him nudes
> calls girls sluts and whores in public chat constantly
> got even chubbier

No. 90295

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My ex-bf was my best friend but then became a total asshole. That's always how it goes, right?

>Was dating his friend originally who was emotionally abusive, controlling, and had issues.

>Left him for the now ex-bf of this story
>Funny, both exes were Asian and totally insecure in their masculinity because short w/ small dicks
>Guy had a pizza face but a good heart (I thought)
>Had an obvious crush on me since we met but never liked him
>Fell for his personality which made him cuter
>He was a 22 yr old virgin. Fixed that. Taught him how to do EVERYTHING because he didn't know shit.
>Going through the worst point in my life, have to transfer for a year to a further college for specific classes
>Start hearing from him less and less
>2-3 months into the semester, he's apparently now dating some albino chick we were mutually friends with
>She was a virgin and he actually told me about them grinding up on each other in her dorm room, disgusting
>Tell her the story, she says he told her "what really happened" and says it's "better this way" and "just drop it"
>Apparently he told all our mutually friends I was a psycho girlfriend (lies) and basically lost my entire friend group while I was away for school
>RAs would find me crying at 2am wondering the dorms because I was aching with loneliness, could barely sleep
>Luckily I met my current bf at this other school so it all worked out. But yikes, my ex was a nightmare.

Bonus: This asshole had a weirdly bent dick. Like when he was hard, it still pointed down. Like a faucet head. Weird.

No. 90324

>oldschool runescape discord
oh wow anon
please never date men who play OSRS unless they're God Ash himself

No. 90325

How many shitty relationships with bad people in a row did you have? How and when did better people enter your life? How do you spot losers?

No. 90354

i am 23 have only had 2 relationships. my first boyfriend was my best guy friend from high school who coerced me into dating him. he is a terrible person and i wrote a long ass list about him in the red flags thread. i was devastated when he dumped me but looking back i'm thankful for it.

after the break up, i had a brief okcupid/tinder phase. no casual sex happened, but all the guys i met from there were weird losers. i eventually got really depressed and gave up on online dating all together.

then months later i got asked out by a guy from my uni. he has now been my boyfriend of 3 years. i wouldn't call our relationship shitty at all, but he's pretty immature for his age so i'm not sure how much longer it's worth staying in the relationship. the plus side is he's the most genuine respectful guy i've been with so far.

No. 90408

>i'm not sure how much longer it's worth staying in the relationship.

i hate to be the "just dump him" sort of person but if you're saying this it sounds like you've made your decision.

No. 90428

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>first boyfriend ever, I was 15
>hugely insecure as 15 year old girls tend to be
>he seemed sweet and shy at first and we talk non-stop and have a lot in common
>lives 3 hours away and one state over but we see eachother at least every weekend
>at first there were some red flags, him seeing no problem in hacking into random peoples computers for fun just to look through their files and delete some stuff being one of them
>as time goes on turns out to be completely controlling, I always have to tell him where I am and what I'm doing, basically not allowed to hang out with anyone else
>even stuff like going to family birthdays meant I was "prioritizing my family over him"
>having had no previous experience I just accepted it, and because I can be clingy myself too I just mirrored his behaviour a bit
>he gets me into all sorts of drugs but then withholds them to retain control over me
>we'd constanty argue and bicker and if we'd made plans to go out or even hotel reservations for a fun weekend away he'd just refuse to go if we had been bickering beforehand
>never knew what to expect
>if he was staying at my place he would just plain leave at any second if he felt like it, even if we had plans
>then made me beg for him to stay and cook him dinner
>after being together for a year he started hitting me and physically abusing me in other ways
>somehow always gaslighted me into thinking I was the one who should apologize
>I was retarded enough to still not leave
>try and fight back to him despite being weaker and this in my mind makes me just as guilty as him
>at this point I was completely dependent on him emotionally, we had some mutual friends but he convinced me they all disliked me and only invited me along because I was his girlfriend
>abuse gets worse, literally every time we'd be together there would be physical fighting involved, keep having to hide bruises and hair thinning from so much of it being pulled out
>as the years go by he starts showing more of his "real" personality to our mutual friends as well
>starts to make hurtful remarks towards everyone he sees as weak enough to be influenced by it
>is roommates with one of our mutual friends for a while, later hear that he didn't pay rent at all and never cooked or even paid for any of the groceries, our friend was too nice to say anything about it
>after almost 4 years I finally break off the relationship after basically getting an intervention from my mom about how depressed she thinks I look
>still remain close because mutual friends
>this devolves into him inviting me over to his place almost every weekend again, then drugging me and having sex with me while I'm barely conscious (mostly GHB, so actual roofies)
>physical abuse continues and I feel like I'm trapped in this cycle forever even if our relationship is over
>finally tell one of our mutual friends about what's been happening because he kept commenting on my bruises
>he's furious, tells other friends even though I didn't want to tell anyone else because I was afraid they wouldn't believe me
>after mutuals all talk to him one on one and talk to me about it they believe me
>immense relief, cut contact with ex completely even though it somehow hurts to do so
>get 40 missed phone calls from him a day for a while, then things quiet down

>saw him at a con recently, didn't talk, just happened to be in the same room
>my stomach dropped to my knees upon seeing him, was much more afraid than I'd expected
>that night get all those missed phone calls again
>hear from others that still talk to him that he deals drugs nowadays
>dates a fat girl who is notorious for having destroyed other communities
>I somehow still care about him even after everything that's happened

No. 90454

Gotta milk his good will and emotions some more before that.

No. 90471


Wow, stay safe anon. This is none of your fault. I hope you have found someone better.

No. 90478

i'm not "milking" anything, nor am i a sadist who wants to see him suffer emotionally. regardless of whether or not he's the right person for me, i do care about him. but there are some circumstances i'm under that make it really hard for me to just up and dump him like the other anon said. sorry that you think i'm a bitch anon.

No. 90480

Not that anon but don't you think that at least for his sake you should break up with him sooner than later?

No. 90483

i agree with what you guys are saying about it being better that i break up with him sooner than later. i'm not denying that.
but it's hard to talk to him about how i really feel when he's super sensitive and defensive. he lashes out at me if i ask him to do really simple tasks or suggestions, and has threatened to kill himself over something before. i can't imagine what trying to break up with him would be like.
i know that's a shitty excuse and you guys are probably going to guilt trip me and tell me i've dug myself in a hole, but that's what i have to deal with.

(also sorry for slight OT, i know this is the ex-bf thread & not the relationship advice thread.)

No. 90495

>Sophomore, HS. Reconnect with someone who was in my freshman art class.
>We start talking and hanging out more, I've never gotten male attention like this so I'm excited.
>Develop feelings for each other. A year passes and we are in a healthy (what I thought at the time) relationship.
>My father kicks me out, orders from his newest girlfriend. So I start to live with my ex.
>Everything's fine at first, we are both working, I am doing online school. Everything seems fine
>He starts to become emotionally manipulative. Will pout if he doesn't get his way, or if I'm out with friends.
>Would start telling me how much he doesn't like my friends and tells me how bad they are for me. At the time it seemed like he was right. I cut all my friends off
>We move out of his parents house and into an apartment with his brother, and another friend.
>He quits his job, starts telling me "I'm only 18, I don't want to have to work for the rest of my life yet"
>No ambition, no desire to go to college, spends money on stupid shit like movies, fast food, and comics
>I start working 40 hours a week at a warehouse to support both of us. I have to come home from work everyday and clean, cook dinner. I am worn out.
>This goes on for months. He has no job, I justify it by saying we love each other and he will support me soon enough.
>One day I snap, cry and beg him to get a job to help me out.
>"I told you I don't want to get a job! Stop pressuring me, everyone in my life is telling me to get a job! Out of everyone I thought you would support me."
>He starts going out with friends, smoking weed and doing mushrooms, drinking and staying the night at his friends house.
>He continues to emotionally manipulate me to make me feel bad about myself, about asking him to get a job. He pouts whenever I mention wanting to get friends or whenever I ask him for anything.
>Makes a point to remind me all my family members don't care about me, and I have no friends who truly care about me either.
>All of my family members I am still in contact with at this point are telling me to gtfo of this relationship, I am overwhelmed at the thought as we had been together for around 3 years at this point. I am convinced we will get married and I'm in love with him
>One day I sit him down and tell him how exhausted I am, how I need him to help me out. I want to go to college soon and can't if I work 40 hours to pay his car bill, both of our rent, and pay for food.
>"Can't you understand I'm not ready yet?!"
>I snap, tell him he's a child, that if he doesn't get a job I'm going to leave him.
>"You're a fucking bitch! No good girlfriend would give their boyfriend an ultimatum like that!"
>Right then and there I pack my things and leave. I go back to my fathers house.

I truly did love him. I realize how emotionally manipulative he is. A month after breaking up he egged my house and left bags of trash and an envelope of pictures of us on my doorstep. He haunts me, and for some reason I feel like I was in the wrong.
What hurts the most is that he posts pictures of him and his new girlfriend all over social media, but he never did that with me. Even when he told me I was his dream girl, and that I had the perfect looks and that I was so beautiful and he wanted to marry me. Sometimes I feel like he posts so many pictures of them to torment me.

No. 90503

>lashes out at you
>threatens to kill himself because of you
>you're afraid to break up with him

textbook emotional abuse lol. what a catch!

No. 90510

>Sometimes I feel like he posts so many pictures of them to torment me.

As manipulative as he sounds, this is probably exactly what he's doing. Block him on everything. Change your phone number. Block and delete his phone number. This shitty guy doesn't deserve a single ounce of your attention.

No. 90512

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I'm 19, I've only been in one relationship, it was so emotionally exhausting. I later realized how manipulative and vindictive someone could be with no reason behind it. He played the victim to the very end and I'm just so glad I made the choice to completely cut him out of my life. I probably won't be trying dating again any time soon because of this, friends are enough for now.

No. 90556

File: 1533121253555.gif (1.58 MB, 400x300, 1501273162055.gif)

>date ex on and off
>emotionally immature even for his age
>felt that the relatuonship was moving a little too fast, I think his parents wanted to lock me down because I was mature and had a decent future
>they asked me to move into their house but I declined
>my parents didn't approve, could smell the crazy
>bf and his dad would often get into screaming, physical fights while I was visiting or staying at their house
>fights were over trivial matters of no dire importance
>the old man would use his health to manipulate people to his will
>mother was a low key pill addict, made me feel extremely uncomfortable since she looked pissed off all the time with heavy dark eye circles

>second round of trying to make relationship work

>dinner date, we decide to make something to eat in
>ex and I made fish and chips in the kitchen
>go out back to swing on porch for a bit before we clean up after dinner
>his dad walks in three minutes later and thinks we've abandoned the mess in the kitchen
>unnatural for him to assume that considering I did their dishes quite fucking often for not living there
>the father was absolutely unhinged and wouldn't respond to reason
>before I know it he and the boy are screaming at each other
>I go in to start dishes while they continue the argument outside
>before I know it, the dad has bf in a headlock
>they're wrestling out in the grass raising Bedlam
>the pill mother, and his older sister come down to see the ruckus
>I'm uncomfortable and want to leave, but I can't because his bitch sister parked her car behind mine
>I state firmly that I want to go

>suddenly the fight breaks up and the ex starts having a breakdown over me "abandoning" him

>fucking what, they're physically abusing each other in front of my face and I want no part in it anymore!
>they're all fucking insane
>ex rushes into the house to cry about me leaving, father and mom chases after his crying ass
>the sister moves her caboose
>I start walking out the door
>the father fakes a heart attack to try to manipulate me into not leaving
>family gathers around and starts giving me dirty looks over the sobbing boy and distressed dad
>like I had caused all of it
>I threaten to call an ambulance before stepping into my car
>the father miraculously recovers
>leave forever
>last mental image while I backed out of their driveway is of pill poppin' mommy giving me the death stare as she caressed the red face of her loser son

No. 90560

>the father fakes a heart attack to try to manipulate me into not leaving
>I threaten to call an ambulance before stepping into my car
>the father miraculously recovers
>last mental image while I backed out of their driveway is of pill poppin' mommy giving me the death stare as she caressed the red face of her loser son
Anon, my sides.

No. 90566

That’s exactly what he wants, for you to feel in the wrong. He likes the control. It’s good he’s out of your life. Give it time and you can get back to feeling a little better about yourself

No. 90578

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im 24, chubby and kinda tall, and i have had 11 boyfriends.
so far 9 of them have cheated on me physically or through text or emotionally, all with skinny girls.
some of them said to my face that skinnier girls are objectively sexier, i should lose weight, im getting 'fat' etc..
the last three who cheated i saw from snooping on his phone (im paranoid from past experience) and not only did i see them sending messages to girls, i saw the messages to friends about how easy it was to get sex from me but degrading me and sharing pics of hot thin girls
i want to kill myself, im too lazy to get skinny, i dont pretend its anyones fault but my own

No. 90580

Stop dating losers anon, and don’t kill yourself. You’re worth more than that.

Maybe take a break from guys and work on loving yourself. This can mean forcing yourself to do the uncomfortable, and confronting that laziness you feel when it comes to a healthy diet and exercise. Small changes in your habits can have big effects on your self-esteem.

This is coming from someone who is older than you AND has been in a similar position.

No. 90590

I don't understand how you'd rather kill yourself than put in effort to look better? Wouldn't that be rewarding af? You'd be surprised how much control you have over the shape of your body when you put in the effort consistently.

No. 90597

This is the strangest LARPer I've ever seen on this website.

No. 90601


Fuck him and fuck her, he's her trash now. What an assat. I also dumped my working at mcdonalds ass ex because he kept saying he would go to college or find a better job and never did. It's sad these losers need ultimatums to become grownups.

dude, your current boyfriend is a loser. a whiny baby who threatens to kill himself and flails about his depression to avoid personal development. drop him, sister. liberate yourself. cut him off after
, who cares, do what you need to do.


LMAO anon wat the fuck

No. 90604

>dated a boy on and off for a year when I was 19, he's 23
>met on tinder and
>my self esteem was quite low at the time (my bad), agreed to date him without knowing much about him
>slowly realise he's a loser, all his friends have cut him off cause he is super negative, smokes pot all day, unhygienic, uncool
>forgets my birthday and i literally spent it on the side of a freezing road because he was too cheap to keep a spare tyre in his car
>works fast food but thinks he's a genius cause he reads wikipedia articles about history
>keeps lying to me about all this shit we'll do like travel, camp, exercise which never happens cause he's a stoner unmotivated moron
>thinks im being unreasonable because i dont want him working at mcdonalds forever, to either get into more legitimate work or go to uni, "you should love me for who I am!!11"
>constant sperging about my male friends
>plays videogames all day
>held a MASSIVE grudge against me and says i personally REALLY hurt him because i made a passing comment ONCE that i heard game of thrones isn't a well written series

I broke up with him eventually and cut him off since he tried to pseudo gf me and said cringey shit about how he would wait to get back with me, would pry about whether i was seeing other guys. he send me some retarded text a few days later about "so much for you being there for me"

>I've had him blocked for 2 years, in the BEST relationship of my life and generally life is amazing with friends, study, work, etc
>he always had a bad back that i would tell him to get checked and he'd sperg about me nagging him, when we were dating
>makes a second fb and messages me a month ago
>says his back has gotten a lot worse, affecting his nerve function and he will soon be wheelchair bound and he "doesn't know why he's messaging me this" but he thought "I'd want to know if I were you"
>says he's "really proud of all i've done" despite not having any idea of what i've been up to
>I ignore the message request and block him

It's a bit bitchy, but also I don't think I owe him anything, especially not a pity friendship. I don't care about his life at all and he needs to lean on a genuine support network, not me, I'm not his damn mother.

No. 90656

oh anon, you are not bitchy at all. you owe him nothing. he was just trying to sink his claws in again he wants your pity

No. 90907

please anon hold your standards personality-wise higher, please keep an eye out for red flags right from the beginning and leave whenever one pops up. there are dozens of decent guys out there that wouldn’t treat you like this. men don’t cheat because another girl is hotter they cheat because they’re insecure scumbags that crave validation this way. stop wasting your time on these dudes

No. 91414

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>be 18, 1st year in uni
>notice a guy that i silently liked in high school goes to the same uni as me
>i had the worst self esteem possible, ed, self harm, depression
>ask him out on a date
>he was crusty and gross but i kinda shrugged it off, i just wanted a bf
>date went okay
>in a relationship after 3 dates
>first time we kissed he didn't even smile
>oh no this guy doesn't know what emotions are
>no passion at all except for vidya
>spent next months trying to fix his problems while starving myself
>not grateful at all which makes me have several breakdowns a week
>blames me for not being able to handle everything
>still keeps on dating him
>second year in uni
>he had to repeat his first year in uni bc he didn't do shit and failed all his classes
>only played vidya the entire time
>b-but anon i want to succeed in esports!! i don't need education!
>he was with me all the time bc he wanted to escape from his school troubles
>followed the same lessons as i did even tho i was a second year
>he was super socially awkward and saw me as the safe place in school
>sometimes i'd go out with my friends and he'd join me but he only wanted to talk to me
>so many fights because he didn't seem to care about me even though i took care of him all the time
>i'm putting my energy into school right now, he was just there
>i felt like shit
>fast forward a few months to summer vacation
>i get a job cleaning at a retirement home
>pretty nice job
>he also wanted a job, he applied for the same job as i did
>he thought it was nice
>totally forgets about me and doesn't give me attention
>sometimes he wouldn't respond to my texts bc vidya was still his main passion
>anon you want too much attention from me!!
>he changes his major to psychology
>eventually breaks up with me because i was too much for him
>the breakup takes 3 weeks because he wasn't sure of his decision and i was too insecure to do anything

>fast forward to june 2018

>i got my life together, i'm 20, super confident and i have an amazing boyfriend
>get a text from an unknown number that blocked me
>read a little bit of the text
>it's him
>armchair diagnoses me
>anon you have an attachment disorder and you're schizophrenic. please search for help. this is to help you i promise!! i'm going to block you though so you can't respond!
>i was with my best female friend and my boyfriend when i read that
>i delete the message full of bullshit
>thinking about responding
>'hey, i read your message and i'm doing great. i'm in a great relationship. i've grown as a person and i know what i want. i don't want a bullshit diagnosis from you.'
>'i-i'm sworry anon.. uwu' for 20 times in 1 message
>thanks me in the same message for my help in the relationship
>block him everywhere
>never heard anything of him ever again

I'm so happy right now, I should've never settled for such a loser. It's not a great idea to cling to love as a resort.

No. 91452

Wow that's even better than when my ex died. I was so relieved.

No. 91477

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>be me, 16
>zero self-esteem and major daddy issues
>meet a guy in an anime chatroom
>get talking and find out we are very similar with our life stories and troubles
>he's also a socially inept mentally ill mess
>be an weeb animufag with no brain and get influenced by a much older man telling me that bdsm is the true way of living
>want to become full time maido
>hero complex so i want to help my bf with his problems despite everything and be an ideal waifu
>get dragged into his shit while slowly losing grasp on my own identity
>become completely reliant on his guidance as a more submissive person with trash self-esteem
>he won't even let me into his house
>extremely controlling
>constantly demands sexual favours despite me being uncomfortable
>eventually coerces me into bdsm sex
>treats me like complete trash
>still date him because nobody else would love me
>move in together
>he becomes a christian
>starts abusing drugs
>forbids me to go out and talk to people
>completely gaslights my every complaint
>completely disregards my detiriorating mental health
>start fighting
>he beats me constantly and gives me four concussions in a row
>tells me i can't leave him because he'll kill himself
>so i don't
>attempts suicide by hanging
>drive to the other side of the city and basically drag him out of the belt he tried to hang himself on
>stay with him the entire night crying and praying he doesn't die
>completely lose my self-worth
>completely lose my identity
>everything is about him
>nobody ever listens to me
>he turns all my friends from me behind my back telling everybody i am evil and manipulative
>coerces me to use drugs
>coerces me to have sex with him
>guilts me into staying
>i attempt suicide
>he doesn't care, laughs at me and tells me to get it over with already
>move back home
>he doesn't work, mooches off my mom, lives in my room
>still beats me
>still fight every day
>gets into all my social media accounts and reads all my personal posts
>cyber-stalks me to no end, tries to sabotage my online relationships as well as irl ones
>finally split up and go to live in different houses
>keeps coercing me into kinky sex
>keeps isolating me from people
>keeps gaslighting me
>keeps saying that my mental issues are a joke
>threatens me with suicide on every occasion
>we have a huge fight, i say that i want to die, he opens a window and tries to shove me out of it
>i finally have enough and go to leave
>i'm home and his father calls
>'anon-kun swallowed some pills and is dying'
>run back over
>talk to the ER people, give a statement to the police
>he's in a coma
>talk to his father
>turns out everything that guy told me about his life when we first met was a lie, including his mental illness, his history of abuse, his family ties and his fucking age
>nope out of the hospital and never come back
>block him on every social media
>give him back his shit
>lose all my friends because they believed him more than me
>find out he's been stalking me after all for years and laughing at every thing i posted online, still hacking into my every personal account
>get harassed on the daily by his online friends, block everyone
>still have zero self-esteem after 4 years we split up
>still gaslighted and traumatized
>still see nightmares about him

And that's a story how I found out that I was a lesbian all along.

No. 91511

I wouldn't call this girl a loser per se, nor were we ever in a relationship, but I just want to share this crazy ass situation because I've been holding it in for so long

>be 17, bi

>love me some fanfiction
>always looking forward to posts by a certain writer, vow to profess my love regardless of gender
>she responds to my reviews on ff . net, we start getting close
>lengthy email correspondence daily, super personal and deep
>send each other writing prompts and video requests, hours-long phone calls
>finally confess that we both really like each other


>Turns out she's in an LDR with her beta reader

>she goes to visit her beta reader out in bumfuck and meets her twin sister for the first time (beta reader's twin sister)
>damn she really likes her too
>Promptly cheats on beta reader with the girl's own twin sister
>I let go of my crush after that, but we stay friends
>sometimes message like we used to on FB and it's nice to get her advice on my personal drama
>she's well spoken, driven, creative, tbh more stable and mature than anyone I know
>announces her engagement on FB to beta reader's twin sister
>did I mention that me and twin sister share the same name?

By that time I was 22 or 23 and I just blocked her. I had such an awkward mix of jealously, shame and 2ndhand embarrassment over the whole thing.

No. 91513

This is appalling, my sympathies Anon

No. 91514

I sincerely hope you are doing better. Please if possible try some sort of counseling or therapy, if you are not able to due to whatever reasons remember that as cliche as this is, you are worth it and deserve to be happy.

No. 91566

Thank you guys.
I never really told this story before because I am ashamed of what a dumbass I was.

I am now dating a wonderful girl that truly cares about me, but I still have a lot of personal issues from those times that bleed into our relationship. It truly ruined me at the time and spending 3 of my formative years with this guy destroyed my already barely there personality.

No. 91602

File: 1533834614360.gif (3.51 MB, 512x381, disgusted-Al-Bundy.gif)

My ex cheated on me with a busted 46-year old(we are early twenties) woman who is known for asking random people at bars for threesomes, sufficed to say, we are not together anymore.

No. 91604

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She pretty much looks like this but worse skin and shorter grayish hair lmao

No. 91626

I bought my ex a tablet to encourage him to take a step into the digital age. I envisoned him video chatting me and having a messenger app instead of him always being out of credit on his busted ass supermarket phone. Instead, I found granny porn links. Endless links. Specifically granny's in stockings.

He was obsessed with making me wear stockings. I was also his youngest ever girlfriend, he use to brag about me being a natural beauty. But he gets off to granny's. I dumped him. He told me before he ever met me he hooked up with this older lady who had a cosmetic vagina. It was all too much, he use to make inappropriate jokes about my mum and I thought they were to wind me up but I doubt that now.

No. 91640

Men are such fetishists. He would probably love to date a granny but wont because of the stigma.
He’ll probably be a catch when youse are in your 80s kek

No. 91646

Is his name Emmanuel Macron?

No. 91648

What is a cosmetic vagina?

No. 91650

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I had an ex who admitted to me that he used his ex gf's grandma as fap fodder. I looked up his ex gf out of curiosity and saw a pic of her grandma. She looked like the fucking Queen of England.

No. 91652


holy fuck did we date the same person? My ex had a disgusting amount of granny porn in the browsing history on a regular basis

No. 91662

most likely someone who has had labiaplasty or a vaginal rejuvenation procedure

No. 91683

Hah fuck, did your ex like to hit up a specific sauna and pool that was a known old people spot. I never understood at first but he would come back and talk in depth about these woman as if he was grossed our, he's probably salivating like a mad man. He would wank at work too. I couldn't cope. I remember one night we were round at these acquaintances of his and this old busted ass mad woman was there in her 60s, saggy udders hanging out of this ill-fitting dress over her massive frame. He was flirting with her and I was high af and drunk and I said some. Scathing remark at the both of them. Shut the whole room up. No one ever mentioned it to me afterwards, I should have also dumped him. On the spot too then. Big mood.

No. 91688

When I was 13 in like 8th grade I dated a 16 year old guy who went to the high school next to my middle school. We would skip school together and spend all day loitering behind the nearby dollar store, only to run back to school to catch our respective busses home.

Anyways, one time we were back there watching porn together (like totally normal teens do lol) and he pulled up a vid on tumblr of who he said was his brother jacking off. Next vid was him sucking him off.

Me, being a human with a brain is like, wtf??

He explains that they aren't real brothers, it's his ex step brother whose like 20 something. They used to fuck before their patents divorce and still do sometimes. He also came out as bi. My preteen brain thinks this totally ok.

Fast forward a few months, me, him, and his bro are in a group chat and talk all the time. They are sending dick pics/nudes and ask me if I wanna come over to the bros house and "hang out"

I panicked hard at and, not wanting to get raped, blocked em on Snapchat and acted like I never knew them. I moved away halfway through the summer and never saw them again.

Weirdest and most drawn out experience of my life lol

No. 91690


god, fucking good on you for getting out of that situation. that could have gone so terribly, anon. you were a smart kid!!

No. 92367

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> meet guy online through mutual friends
> very similar interests, we click very quickly
> he gets drunk at christmas work do
> anon I love you will you date me
> say yes because I genuinely had a crush on him
> meanwhile my father is very unwell, causes me a lot of worry
> is here for me initially, or says he is, but this quickly changes
> lies constantly from the get go, and nothing small or petty, massive worrying lies, tells me one moment that his ex and him fucked, the next that he's a virgin, his friends get frustrated with him because they also find out that he lies constantly
> says he's over his ex he dated 2 years ago
> turns out he's still obsessed with her
> ex is some Essex basic with overfiltered Snapchat pics, badly drawn eyebrows, and very chubby
> self esteem plummets because meanwhile I'm trying to lose weight and glow up and I'd just about come to like how I look
> goes to his friend's gf's birthday dinner knowing said ex would be there
> also lies to me about what happened there so I never did find out what happened, just further made me feel inferior
> on top of this would lie several times a day about other various shit
> would try to work it out with him and convinced myself if I did, he wouldn't feel the need to lie to me or others anymore
> three months of constant lies later and "sorry anon, I promise I'll be better, I really do love you" the lies turn into abuse
> starts regularly screaming at me every time he visits me, sometimes threw things at me, would make me cry and have panic attacks but would refuse to apologise and would just sit there further berating or glaring
> would sometimes even threaten to drive back home if I didn't do what he wanted me to do
> this would always be when I tried to stop him being abusive or shitty
> "anon, you're a bitch, fuck you, how dare you talk back to me" whenever I told him the way he treated me was abusive or dishonest
> anon WHY don't you trust me, THEN I'll stop being abusive
> his parents loved me but he would always tell them I abused him and whenever I'd see them they were always taken aback by how calm and friendly I was with them as a result
> I think his mother did eventually suspect him though
> his friends would constantly tell him he needed to treat me better
> the emotional feelings over the months where I'd see my dad and know he didn't have long would make me so vulnerable that I didn't have it in me to just leave this ex and I wish I had then and there
> ex would flip between abusive lying scumbag and really good boyfriend who would then be there for me and look after me
> notice now looking back the times he DID look after me were always just him trying to comfort me AFTER he'd abused me and made me cry and want to be sick
> stayed with him because he'd promise me that he'd get better and he seemed to actually be aware that how he treated me in those moments was shit
> this gradually did revert to him just blaming me for various reasons, some of which made my best friend of seven years confront him because they were always made up and excuses
> become close to one of my male friends
> he notices the abuse and when my bf would storm out or drive home, the friend would invite me over and let me just watch a movie or play with his pets and his family were always kind to me
> bf did not like this at all
> anon you're such a bitch whore, you're clearly cheating on me with friend
> never did cheat on him, would cry into friend's shoulder regularly
> friend did actually later confess to me and told me he hated my bf but I still refused to cheat and apologised to him, saying I couldn't do that to my ex
> but it was good to have someone there who lived round the corner because I felt safer there than in my house crying by myself
> he would always play the victim and say everything was my fault
> would do everything I could to make him happy and he would always say how lucky he is to have me and how he should treat me better
> the times that I did stand up to him and tell him I'd leave if it didn't change made him all sweet again but it never lasted and I think he knew I was too afraid to leave really
> another thing my ex hated was I refused to tell my parents about him
> did not feel comfortable telling them unless he ever did actually change
> did not want to worry my already ill father and my very stressed mother
> was so worn from stressful job, heavy depression and the abuse I just did not know how to leave nor want to, convinced myself I would hate myself if I did even though I was starting to hate being with him
> ex continued to go between very good bf and very abusive shitty bf
> there's a lot of other shit he did and lied about but we get to the part where my father does die
> have made sure to visit him as much as possible in this time, tell myself it was better I never did tell him about this scumbag because I know it would have hurt and angered him deeply
> every time I did visit my father in the hospital my ex would bitch at me that I wasn't texting him enough
> he knew I was spending as much time as possible with my father because he was terminal
> meanwhile whenever my ex was being a pissy brat he'd blank me for a day or two to feel in control again
> when my father died, my ex held me when he found out and told me he'd be here
> within a day of my father dying he was already back to the same shit of getting angry at me for every little thing, shouting at me and making me cry even more
> was not there for me at all
> instead got very drunk over the holidays, lied to me about what happened
> younger brother told me how much he'd actually had and how he'd been treating his female cousin
> stupidly confront ex because he was inappropriate with her, he tells me I'm a heartless piece of shit and goes away for a few days
> crawls back a few days later saying he overreacted, but forbids me from asking about what happpened with his cousin by threatening to break up if I did
> internally actually thinking maybe that would be a good idea
> do not know how to break up but I am tired at this point and want to leave somehow
> consider cutting him off but when I talk to him about breaking up he says he wants this to work out and that he's truly sorry
> isn't even good to me on the day of my father's funeral
> when he's over, I finally stop letting him win with intimidation and anger and confront him on yet even more fuckboy tier lies
> he starts screaming at me and throwing a tantrum, makes a mess of my room, and storms out
> go to work after with no sleep
> sleep better that night knowing he's not coming back than I have in months
> takes me a few months to get over it, mostly because of the abuse and confusion of if he loved me or not
> fast forward nearly a year
> am a lot more confident and happy without him, meanwhile his friends tell me all he does is sulk in his room and refuses therapy
> would also be abusive to his mother regularly, would make her cry and scream at her and tell her it was her fault
> and then ask me why she was like this
> also found out he asked his ex about what lip gloss she uses at that birthday do
> he then bought some of the exact same one and would keep it on his table to probably use and get off on what a freak
> his ex and me did talk at one point because I got brave and asked her why she did end it because ex would always insist she was a massive bitch who ended it and he "didn't know why"
> tells me it's because he would not treat her well and also sexually pressured her, but then she added it would be best if he told me what that meant and what happened because she "didn't want to betray him"
> he was also ridiculously sexual and would masturbate so much that he gave himself an ED
> was over particularly nasty hentai shit
> looking back realize he also had yellow fever and would overfetishize asian girls
> probably sits in his room all day jerking off and being an incel because his impression of women seems warped

Looking back I feel ashamed that it was hard to leave, I could have just left a month or two in and been done but I remember how scared I was to leave and I'd stay and tell myself I'd regret it if I did leave so feel free to tell me off, ever since he stormed out and I stopped talking to him or seeing him I feel a billion percent happier, even with my father gone which has been very hard but I realize just how much depression and stress was added when I was with this scumbag. I think how lovely he was initially made me feel like the "abusive him" wasn't the "real him"?

Has anyone else ever stayed in a relationship like this even deep down knowing they deserve better?

I feel like a completely different person since but I've not quite forgiven myself for staying through that for over six months and I still get frustrated at myself that I stayed constantly.

No. 92422

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That sounds traumatic, I’m sorry anon. I was also in a relationship with what you could call a “chronic liar”. He’d constantly make up stories of quirky, obviously untrue situations I guess to seem interesting? And after I’d tell him I didn’t believe him he’d get irrationally upset that I didn’t believe he lived in a sitcom. He probably also admitted to me that he exaggerated his schizo symptoms to his therapist, so there’s probably plenty more serious lies he told to me. I also hung on for a couple months trying to convince myself his “real” and “loving” side trumped all of his issues but I accepted it wasn’t true and broke it off.

No. 92423

Oops, typo. Didn’t mean to type the first “probably” when talking about how he lied to his therapist.

No. 92435

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I just broke up with mine a few months ago.

>He was 3 years older than me, almost 30, lived with his mommy and threw bitch fits about moving out because "that's society brainwashing you".

>Supposedly wanted a career but complained about said job/school constantly.
>Wanted me to wait to start on my own career path until he was "established". (This was going to take at least another 5 years.)
>Emotionally manipulative, would do things just to upset me and then blame me for being upset, make me feel like the awful one. Made a big deal about taking time off to go to a concert with me, I had sudden family plans come up and he went to another concert instead without me. Instead of just going with me to see family that he still never met after 4 years. I was horrible for being upset by this and "holding him back".
>I had to make excuses for him constantly to my family. He never wanted to meet any of them.
>Got evacuated from a forest fire, got angry that I was anxious about how close the fire got to my house. Talked on the phone from the hotel, told me he "couldn't deal with this right now, I have too many chores to do". Screamed at me the next day for "upsetting him" before work.
>Several times did what I accept now is rape. Said no, rolled over to go to sleep, he had sex with me anyway. This happened several times. Either that or he would pester me until I broke down and gave in.
>Would wake up in the middle of the night and become so upset by "losing sleep" that he would punch himself in the face.
>Once said I was acting like a bitch for falling asleep when he was still awake and wanted sex/cuddles and started putting all of his clothes back on and left.
>Thinking about breaking up with him made me so scared. I wanted to die.
>Lost all physical attraction to him. Began wondering if I wasn't bisexual at all but really a lesbian.
>Felt so fucking stupid when literally the moment I pulled the trigger, I felt immediately happier.
>Somehow spent 4 years with this jackass.

Seeing someone new now. Better person, MUCH better sex. Feels good man. Just got an appointment to see a therapist so I can process some of the insane anger that I feel towards my ex.

No. 92455

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I mean, that's exactly what the cycle of abuse is. That's how pretty much every abusive relationship is. The hot / cold and the forgiving and promises of love and constant renewal of the honeymoon phase is what draws people in and makes it feel "exciting", much more so than a normal stable trusting relationship.

Sometimes the abuser does this subconsciously, sometimes the abuser does this consciously. Often both the abuser and abused have grown up in abusive environments which normalises the cycle. So you're not alone in that at all.

It really should be taught in schools. It's stunning how common it is.

No. 92457

I only in the recent years got over what this shithead did to me

>Be 15-year old me playing World of Warcraft and meet a bunch of guys from the same European country as me

>I eventually develop a crush on one of the guys, let's call him P
>Find out P lives on the other side of the country, but somehow he convinces me that we should meet
>We meet and we clicked, and it was great
>Months pass by and turns out he's the biggest POS and super insecure
>He put a keylogger on my PC and got into my accounts, read my conversations with other people etc. and would flip his shit
>Constantly claims I'm cheating on him, with no evidence to back it up. I start feeling bad for interacting with anyone that's male
>P starts being emotionally abusive, convinces me it's my fault he acts that way
>My confidence is gone, I hate myself, life and the relationship. He realizes he is losing his grip on me
>"If I can't have you, then no one else will." Tries to kill me at a party, only to get interrupted by friend.
>P makes it into being my fault for being choked out and beaten at said party.
>Eventually get the courage to leave his sad ass
>He continues to stalk me for YEARS

He tried interacting with me last year, I blocked him and he made another account just to say what a pathetic girl I am and no one deserves him. Just thinking about him makes me sick, but I'm no longer scared of being with someone else.

No. 92460


Do you live in Tirole?

No. 92462

there's nothing pathetic about you and you deserve to be with someone wonderful. i'm sorry you got so unlucky in meeting that hellspawn. men are nightmares.

No. 92464

No, I don't

Thank you anon. I am with someone wonderful now and he makes me really happy.
Some men are nightmares yes

No. 92468


I'm sorry to hear you too had to go through that. Even if I caught him lie he'd go crazy, say I misheard him, even threaten me if I didn't drop things. He was vile. I can't believe some men think it's okay to be that way to their partners.


I wish school had taught this too.

No. 92470

I wish I had learned this in school, and if/when I have children, I'm teaching them about this.

No. 92471

This is so sad I'm ready to cry, happy for you anon that you got out of it in the end.

No. 92472

I've often heard that this book, Why Does He Do That, is supposed to be very informative and useful for abused women, or even as precautionary information.

I haven't read it myself but often see it pop up in discussions of abuse.

No. 92480

I dated my friend's ex in high school. Shitty move I know, but it didn't last long. He ended up encouraging my eating disorder and then cutting me off for being 'toxic' for him.

When I recovered foemr a bit they were together again and he would make me sleep with them with him in the middle, and he'd feel me up and grope me when he thought I was asleep. I was too afraid to say anything because I already felt like I had ruined their relationship once, so until they broke up I rarely visited. It took me and my friend until very recently to actually talk about these things.

No. 94684

File: 1536462002518.png (96.7 KB, 500x350, metoo.png)

ayy fbi man i love you

No. 94685

File: 1536462295689.png (583.16 KB, 1000x600, export.png)

Hey so i need help. thanks email me at castiel67yay@gmailcom LOVE YALL(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 94701

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wew this thread just made me realize how stupid I am for talking to me ex so, here's my story. It's kinda long.

>be me, recently turned 18

>start talking to this cute emo dude, he's 20 about to be 21
>starts inviting me to hang out with him, invites me to his birthday party
>ends up asking me out a few days after his birthday (november 2nd)
>starts off like a normal relationship
>december rolls around and he has to be out of town for a week or two.
>is crying because he's not around me
>nye rolls around, have a party at my place with him and my friends
>he goes in kitchen where my mom is, says he hates when I'm around friends because they're so affectionate around me
>mom tells me the next day
>my reasoning is that he's just insecure because his ex cheated on him
>we exchange I love yous and I take his virginity, still in honeymoon phase
>a few months pass and I'm really into sj due to police brutality bs
>bf starts saying ignorant shit about black people
>we often have fights because I'm uncomfortable with him using the n word
>we often have fights while we're hanging out with friends because of his jealousy
>starts a fight over something unrelated in his car, threatens to drop me off somewhere far where my mother can't find me
>still with him, stupidly
>one day I spend the night at his place, has me sleep on floor because I told him I didn't want to have sex with him
>text my best friend to pick me up near a store by his house the next morning b/c I'm breaking up with him
>walking to meet up with him, hoping bf doesn't wake up before I leave
>he does, follows me and says he'll break up with me if I keep walking
>keep walking and meet up with my friend, hang out with him until i feel comfortable
>mom calls and says I need to come home and deal with him because he's crying at our doorstep
>regret everything
>Get home, we start arguing in front of my mother. He calls me a bitch. I tell him he makes me miserable.
>texts me like hours later saying he's sorry and he'll do better, I take him back despite my mother telling me he's abusive.
>Things don't get better, obviously.
>still fighting often, I'm still hoping it'll get better because I think he's my soulmate.
>start taking anti-depressants, he voices his discomfort with them. I take them regardless.
>we break up a few times
>I get beaten by my mother for having a vape and get kicked out
>Was going to pick me up but his family told him not to get involved
>Live with my close friend for a few months, still fighting/breaking up with my bf during this period
>go through this for another year
>memorable fights: him telling me I should just kill myself, tells me my skin is the color of shit, tells me he treats this way because I'm stupid enough to still love him, him accusing me of cheating because I dropped out of my classes due to my extreme anxiety/depression, accuses me of lying about being sexually harassed/followed by customers at my job
>now 20
>Get a new job that takes up most of my time, he starts getting jealous of the people I work with.
>shows up at my job while I'm playing games, threatens to punch one of my coworkers.
>leave the store and tell him it's over. He takes my phone so I make a scene to get it back
>go back into the store for my shift.
>he's talking to another close friend of mine about me breaking up with him.
>I get back with him 2 months later, he's promising to get better.
>a close male coworker opens up my eyes to the fact that he's emotionally abusing me.
>still arguing with him, start getting tired of his bullshit when he kicks me out of his house in the middle of winter at night.
>still stay with him until he says he wants to marry me.
>break up with him the next day, threatens to out me as bisexual to my homophobic family
>block him from everything, he's still lurking my social media though.
>3 years later my now fiance tells me to forgive him so I'm not so angry and upset about what he put me through.
>starts talking to him about normal shit.
>never got closure or went to therapy for how shitty he treated me
>mfw I realize how stupid I am for talking to him again when it's clear he doesn't give a single shit

No. 94711

you should definitely stop talking to him, and let go of this, as your fiancé said.

also sorry but I'm shocked at the ">I get beaten by my mother for having a vape and get kicked out" like omg what

No. 94717

Yeah my mom thought vaping was like the gateway to smoking weed kek
My mother was pretty insane

No. 95309


No. 95491

That’s insanley awful, I really wish things were better for you anon. If it makes you feel any better, although I never had any romantic relations, I know what it feels like to have girls you know ignore you after you tell them about people who made your life miserable. They would even date those same people lol.

No. 96701

I was the loser ex in all of the stories, ironically enough the worst things I do are failing to succeed in mundane every day life, I'm also dxed with autism, so I'm the literal autist.

and I had a ex who confessed incriminating things to me that aren't every day stuff, and from what I know he's actually a lot more successful and driven in life.

All that matters is "Naturally" getting along with everyone and you can literally do ANYTHING without any negative consequences, untouchable.

No. 96721

>start dating guy i knew from middle school because he was one of the only guys i knew
>everything is great at first, he's clingy as hell which i thought was flattering because i was 16
>one time we are cuddling and he thinks im sleeping (i wasnt)
>sneaks his hand up super slowly and starts trying to touch my boobs without waking me up
> i should have known that he was an asshole because he constantly talked about how much he hated and didn't love his little sister
> after high school we both moved away from home to colleges 9 hrs away from each other, didn't break up
>of course i was trying to make new friends in college so i would be excited to tell him that i was going to the movies with new friends or something like that
>he would get insanely passive aggressive about me finding people to hang out with, even if it was just me doing face masks with girls in my dorm
>once he asked me what i was up to and i said i was going to a party with some acquaintances
>"anon did you ever think that i dont want to know when you're doing things like that? don't tell me when you're going out anymore"
>meanwhile he would drunk text me, so its ok for him to go to parties but i absolutely cannot
>i was afraid of him getting mad at me so i stopped trying to make friends, became insanely lonely
>facetimed and had phone calls with my parents pretty often because i was so lonely
>boyfriend finds out i talk to my parents a lot
>"thats pretty sad, why do you talk to them so often? don't you want to be independent?"
>isolate myself further bc no friends and apparently talking to my parents is bad too
>develop eating disorder and confide in him about it, bf doesn't express concern
>plan a trip to go visit him because i think it will fix our relationship
>he planned nothing and we sat in his cat-piss smelling apartment for the whole time
>he starts going days without contacting me and just says he forgot about talking to me
>break up with him and he doesn't care
>he contacts me throughout the next year trying to get back together

obviously we should have broken up after high school, i'm really mad at myself for letting this guy make me feel so isolated in my first year of college. when that school year ended i broke up with him and transferred colleges to start completely fresh, i'm so glad that i did

No. 96729

>fresh out of an abusive "relationship" with a guy who was 20 and who strung me along for over a year
>meet a guy at a friend's birthday party
>shaggy norville-looking stoner ass, but he was nicer than the 20 y/o
>start dating
>all we do is smoke weed
>all he wants to do is fuck
>no sense of boundaries
>knows all i want to do is either nap or chill when we smoke
>"but weed makes me horny"
>pesters me for sex anyway (repeatedly over the course of our relationship)
>i cry multiple times during sex because i just didn't want to do anything but relax and he wouldn't listen
>one time we try fucking outside, it's hot
>i'm dehydrated and start crying because i want to go back to his house
>"can i at least finish?"

Whew this turned into a bigger vent than I imagined it would be. I mean I guess he genuinely cared about me sometimes, but like… I don't know. He never took no as a concrete answer and always had to be touching me because he "liked feeling his skin on my skin", but we could hold hands or walk close together, not try to fucking fingerblast me in public.

He was one of those high school stoner/photographer double whammies.

No. 96732

Everybody I present you my loser ex boyfriend he deserves a place in the TOP 3 DEADBEAT LOSERS IN HERE!!! Try not to lose it. Let's beggin
>Be me at 21, introverted , look cute
>Meet him at a cafe, thought he was 27.
>He was 31
>Cute with blonde hair a little bit chubby seemed very open and friendly. He flirts.
>Claims to be an actor
>Acts sophisticated.
>Months later I realize he is very dumb/ mild retardation
>His longest relationship= 6 months
>He's jobless, lazy
>Got fired from everywhere
>works as a dj once a month, claims he a serious dj lmaoo
>Emotionally immature, doesn't act or speak like an adult
>Posts embarrassing duckface:wtf: photos
>Makes creepy/bizzare animal noises/faces out of nowhere and thinks he is funny. I smile nervously.
>Walks/moves like a child,which is really creepy. Trips and falls when walking.
>Sex is passionate. Suddenly he makes angry faces when he is turned on. Sticks his tongue out like a dog.
>Intimidated by me at sex
>Probably depressed,can't get out of bed. I try to motivate him, he doesn't give a f
>Farts like a cow
>Leaves me in car said he'll be back in 1", I say ok he runs into a hot girl he knew and forgot me in hot car.
>Needs validation from just ANY woman
>Poops and doesn't flush
>Sadly I realise he has no skills in ANYTHING
>No knowledge , no ambitions
>He has many friends. But also many"just friends" that are women. Many months until I realize most of them were ex's that dumped him.
>3d date and he is flirting with the waitress
>I'm stupid and in love because I think he is "Alternative"bs..
>First time at his place, horrible enviroment
>Even the soap is dirty and full of hair
>Rubbish on the floor,cigarettes everywhere
>Black n' white picture of his high school gf on the wall(no joke)
>I secretly freak out
>He lives with 2 loser stoner/gamers in their 30s
>His friend faps while staring at me "sleeping".I'm terrified.
>His friends bring different deadbeat loser girls every week and sleep with them on the floor
>Summertime. We are on vacation together.
>He asks for his 2$ back for my ticket,uses daddy's cash.
>He talks 10 mins on phone with girl on our vacation
>I realize she is "the pretty theatre atress w green eyes" he can't get over
>Momma's boy
>His momma doesn't like me because I'm stealing her boy. She tries to sabotage me
>He calls him everyday
>He lets his stoner friends hit on me
>I give him my cat for a while. He tries to take care of it but fails miserably. Cat poops everywhere on balcony and he just stares.
>Plans trip to event. (Me him and his friend). I realise we only went there so he can see his alcoholic psycho ex there.
>He brings her with us to eat, she is drunk,I don't know who she is, they talk and laugh,later he announces it was his ex
>I cry and feel depressed/used/naive
>I'm like please tell me this man is joking
>Thank God condoms exist
>I get over him and feel nothing. I tell him nicely that it's over. He cries and says he loves me. I cry more
> I feel free.

No. 96734

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>Makes creepy/bizzare animal noises/faces out of nowhere and thinks he is funny
>Walks/moves like a child,which is really creepy. Trips and falls when walking.
>Sex is passionate. Suddenly he makes angry faces when he is turned on. Sticks his tongue out like a dog.
>Farts like a cow

You might have dated a furry anon

No. 96738

ho-lee fuck, anon. what a nightmare. honestly, just saying this for our own preservation, but females shouldn't talk to ANY men until we're like 25, because society makes us so insecure at like 1-23 that we end up thinking these wormy fucknuts deserve any of our time

No. 96931

>be college freshman with extremely low self-esteem
>4/10 skinny gamer manlet develops crush on me
>end up dating
>we're both virgins
>he's too intimidated to try to have sex with me
>not sure if he's pornsick or just asexual
>i'm not sexually attracted to him anyway
>relationship is weirdly platonic, feel like i'm just holding hands with a friend
>despite being wealthy, he's cheap as hell
>gets butthurt about paying $4.00 for my food at mcdonald's
>i end up paying for it
>for christmas he gives me Target socks, some free toothpaste kits from the dentist, and used office supplies from his dad's desk
>mom tells me to dump him (of course i don't listen)
>we go to dinner with friends and he refuses to buy me my own plate of food
>i eat scraps off his plate like a fucking dog
>his gaming rage is embarrassingly stereotypical
>calls me an idiot, slams keyboard and ignores me for hours whenever i do something dumb in a game
>manlet rage is obnoxious, he hates anyone taller or more attractive than him
>snaps at normies on the street during tantrums ("what are you fucking looking at?" etc)
>i ask him to come watch me perform at my first concert ever
>he's a no-show
>we get into a huge fight about it, he claims he was studying
>i learn he stayed in his room playing league
>finally pluck up the courage to dump him
>for the next two years he begs me to come back, basically offers to buy my affection
>allow him to buy me a bunch of tech, books, games and clothes to make up for three years of insane miserliness
>self-esteem gradually improves and i learn how to dress and style myself
>cut him off completely, start dating a chad and finally get laid

latest update: he's now a textbook misogynist douchebro going to strip clubs just to call the women whores. still single and a virgin of course, but lied and told everyone he had sex with a "pretty blonde girl who liked him a lot" but he "had to let her down easy" pfft

No. 96934

Lol ur ex sounds like a dicklet anyway

No. 96938

Only dated like 1.5 months but i guess it counts lmfao

>be 20 years old, living alone, and just got out of a very abusive relationship.

>rebounded with some guy from a dating app claimed to be 18 and a uni student in the area.
>start talking and hit it off because omghesomuchnicerthanoldbf!! Start seeing each other regularly.
>Meet one of his friends while i drop by after work
>”i think its cool how you guys dont care about the age difference. Most girls arent into high school juniors no?”
>confront him about his actual age and he fucking cries telling me that he really liked me and didnt want to lose me by telling me that he was an underaged high school student

I ended it then and there and had a lot of follow up messages from him from multiple sns accounts even after blocking him. Shit was stupid crazy.

No. 96975

>allow him to buy me a bunch of tech, books, games and clothes to make up for three years of insane miserliness
>self-esteem gradually improves and i learn how to dress and style myself
>cut him off completely, start dating a chad and finally get laid
lol anon, you're based

No. 96979

not that anon but here’s a hot take i just thought of: if these impressionable girls with shit bfs HAD cheated and pursued other options… perhaps they would have realized what healthy romantic & sexual connections should be like and/or what they want in a partner, and would have left the trashboys sooner.

No. 97299

>be me, 17
>enter relationship with 20 year old
>he seems really cool, always going out with friends has a nice car and stable job, is funny
>start talking to him
>he asks me out and the first day we start dating he invites me to his apartment
>it's small, messy, and he doesn't want me looking around
>gets me drunk enough to agree to have sex with him
>i was a virgin
>he pulls out after an hour and jacks off for 10 more minutes until he finished
>admits he has a porn addiction and can't cum from anything other than his hand now
>starts to call me pet names in my native language
>starts to use those "kawaii" emotes (><, ; ;, ^^ etc)
>find out he was still living with his parents, the apartment was actually his friends
>he introduces me to his parents in the first week and they all talk about him marrying me and he goes along with it
>they mention how he's always liked asian girls and ask me to teach them chinese (I'm not chinese)
>he mentions he was disappointed I don't have an asian accent
why does this always happen.

No. 97454

>just got out of a bad relationship, lost a lot of friends, dad just died, living with a mourning and crazy mom. worst time of my life
>ex-friends called out this guy for being a shithead in the past
>that's literally how we met
>he hits me up and my dumb ass agrees to hang out
>comes over and refuses to leave my house for 4 days
>30 y/o, lives with his parents, no job, no plans to move out
>'non-binary', not allowed to call him a him. ONLY they. or comrade
>dude isn't allowed either
>the only non-manly thing he ever does is brush his hair
>95% sure he lied about being NB to get into local art school SJW circles
>keeps a razor for shaving his armpits in his car and gives me weird looks like i'm judging him for it (i am)
>assumes i'm an alt-righter MRA because we got in a fight about circumcision and spends the rest of the relationship throwing SJW fits and yelling about corporations
>literally disgusting, didn't shower, covered in acne
>had an STD scare until he realized that it was just acne on his dick
>randomly pinched me, all the time
>almost turned me off from BDSM forever because he was so terrible at it
>never stopped talking about how much i would love his ex (AFAB NB, they were cute tho tbh)
>bought a collar for me and his ex
>told him straight up that i was not okay with fucking his ex
>gets me drunk (had quit drinking before meeting him) and coerces me into getting into their bed and then having a threesome
>leaves the room in the middle of the threesome to mope on the couch
>throws a fit and cries about how we 'ditched' him when it was his idea in the first place
>ex blocks him on facebook
>never wants to see me again until i quit cigs and move out of my mom's, but "we're still dating"
>i was trying to quit on my own, and one of our first conversations was about our fave cigs so like…
>he blocks me on facebook
>and then blocks my texts
>i guess that means we're broken up now…? okay cool haha
>and for the next month, he spends 70 hours a week streaming world of warships on youtube for an average audience of two people
>still haven't quit smoking

and thats the story of how i dodged a fuckin bullet mate

(sorry for doubleposting, i tried to forget most of this lol rip)

No. 97772


anon I wanna give you a big hug, I was the earlier anon who also lost their dad and I know it's really hard, your e was a right piece of work and I'm glad he's your ex now, you deserve so much better and I'm glad you know that

No. 97786

there is never any excuse for cheating

No. 97788

How is it possible for you to know that you want to cheat but not understand that you should leave him? Are people really this stupid? He wasn't even abusive, just an asshole. You sound like you deserve your ex.

No. 98178


Found out said ex has a not so secret twitter where eight months down the line he's still tweeting about me and goes between "I can't stop thinking about her" and "she was a controlling bitch I hate her"

Tfw he said his other ex was a bitch but he was always the bitch

Why do shitty men try so hard to play the victim after being lying scumbags who are abusive and shitty? The tweets are so pathetic and whiny

No. 98179

By acting like it wasn't their fault it failed they hope to trick another unwitting female into giving them a chance.

No. 98190


I think it's survivors guilt but knowing the ex that treated me like shit has to go around saying I was the one who treated him like shit is gross

No. 98339

I'm in my mid 20's now and my longest relationship was a four year steady decline.
>meet a shy skinnyfat 3/10 with nice long blond hair through work
>find common interests like anime and chill vidya
>very quickly start bf/gf relationship and get laid a bunch
>mostly hanging out and watching shows and playing vidya and sometimes dates and trips
>he almost lives on his own, lives in other people's houses, hates having roommates
>cant cook or clean, bad at laundry
>doesn't shower unless i remind him
>doesn't brush his teeth every day
>forgets deodorant often
>i become his new mom
>one year passes and he watches more porn/touches me less often
>i end up moving in with him
>more of the same nagging and momming
>two years pass and i move away to start post-secondary
>long distance is okay but i break my leg and he doesnt care
>he had broken his leg in hs and it wasnt that bad for him, just boring
>im living solo, and could use more frequent visits, but vidya is more important
>he likes having time at his own place to play vidya
>and masturbate
>also spends gas money on vidya, more vidya, and porn
>three years pass and he proposes with the tiffany ring ive been eyeing.
>self esteem is low, i say yes.
>finally make friends at uni, notice that other people treat me better than he does
>also notice girls
I broke off the engagement shortly before our fourth year anniversary.
>three years later, go to anime con with work
>see him there in the same shirt he wore when i left him
>it's ratty and greyed from being washed wrong
Bullet dodged.

No. 98340

Wow can’t believe you ended up engaged to someone who won’t shower voluntarily. Hope you respect yourself more since leaving that grot.

No. 98347

I respected myself more than that while I was with him, and I used that experience in order to refuse taking any shit from any other person. It's easy to say "no, are you crazy? that's gross" and walk away from yucky people who refuse to be not yucky.

No. 98355

I’m confused, are you defending his lack of showering because it made you somehow tougher?
I probably just can’t read but that’s what I’m getting here..like you respected yourself more because you had to tolerate a dirty person instead of doing the easy thing and ‘’saying smell ya later filthwizard’’

No. 98381

so anon, how does it feel to have an adult child in your mid twenties?

No. 98385

That sounds like what she's saying.

Tbh, that sounds dumb as fuck. There are many red flags that anon should have seen before it got to the point she did.

No. 98386

Oops my reading comprehension is apparently shit. I mean, I was the one who showered and kept myself together. I had respect for myself in that regard, but none when it came to choosing partners. Low self esteem is a hell of a drug.
The dude was a red flag factory, but when he seems to be the only person in your little town who really wants to spend time with you, you end up shrugging and going for it anyways. I honestly thought he was the only person who would stay with me, and like most young women, I thought I could fix him up. To be fair, he never cheated, or hurt me, he was just immature and dumb. Remember, I was 19 when I met him.

No. 98413

>Freshly 18
>20 almost 21 y/o Aussie Douchelord starts messaging me out of the blue telling me about how sad he is, how his friends don't like him and he had to do coke by himself last night. Generic sadboi
This for whatever reason was not a red flag to me
>He starts offering to buy me things, talking to me round the clock, obvious bpd nutcase
>Says all his ex gfs are whores, starts talking about how many girls hes totally pwned in the bedroom.
>Can't go 5 minutes without talking about how he hates black people because a gf left him for one
>He has a meltdown and snorts a bunch of ketamine because I told him I was talking to someone else while I was talking to him, goes back to trying to buy me things right after.
>Told me he'd probably rape my corpse, completely unprovoked, more than once
THIS WAS BEFORE I DATED HIM and honestly I deserve everything else
I ghosted him for a few months, he came back around insisting he'd totally changed.
>First 2 days he asks me if I want to platonically see his dick
>Gets me to call him Daddy, talks about my 'princess parts'. I am vehemently anti-ddlg but I'm addicted to this non-stop attention.
>We start dating, lasts like a total of a month and a half because we keep fighting over stupid shit like me not liking his anime
>Sends me pictures of pretty girls cutting themselves, tries to kill himself when I say I've relapsed
>Pretty much the only time he treated me nicely was when he wanted to use me to masturbate, taking pictures and being on mic despite me repeatedly saying I was uncomfortable
>He was also super autistic and used this as an excuse any time he had a screeching fit when I did or said something he didn't like (but I was the one who expected too much out of him)
>When we broke up he literally set up a bot to send me a message telling me he'd killed himself.
>Paid overnight shipping for a vibrator two days before i cut contact with him and he thinks our whole relationship was a scam for a sex toy as if he didnt treat me like one lol
What the fuck was wrong with me.
I check out a few of his handles and see chan posts where he's trying to get friends in discord servers and people reply to him warning everyone that he's a major douchebag and it's the most hilarious thing. I was only stuck with him for like a max of 4 months so it's not that much time wasted and things are better now it's just so bizarre looking back on it.

No. 98468

dated a comp sci fatass because i think people who know a lot about things are cool and i need to date someone really online or our personalities and humor wouldnt mesh.

>repressed gay

>into femdom, traps, sissy hypno
>guilted and forced me into pandering to his fetishes or he'd ghost me and yell about how i dont love him as punishment
>stole money from me despite coming from a very wealthy family
>obsessed with asshole, hated vagina
>thought he could date a tomboy and she (me) would be ok with all of this shit
>i didnt have an orgasm for over a year

fucked me up a bit too because it's been hard for me to be 100% comfortable with sex after this because of how degraded i felt doing "femdom" (ironic right). i actually considered myself kinda dominate but absolutely none of this involved me getting an ounce of pleasure out of it. femdom is often not "all about the woman's pleasure" it's just men with a warped idea of what "dominate female sexuality" is.

sex stuff aside he was a piggish faggot and had serious narcissism problems and took advantage of the fact that i wanted to help him be a functioning human person. i was basically his bangmaid/fuckmom.
looking back, dude was ugly too. so unhealthy. i like my fellas kinda big but he was revolting. my fault for letting myself get enchanted with his "intelligence"

No. 98493

>>i didnt have an orgasm for over a year
tbh that's your problem. If you don't know how to get yourself off by now, you should really learn. A whole year? I'd go insane.

The rest of it sounds sad, good thing you dropped the fatty.

No. 98522

>repressed gay

It's called "autogynephilia". Good thing you got out, many of these men end up transitioning and wreaking havoc on their partners.

No. 99302

I’d probably feel a bit guilty bumping this thread, but I’ve just seen something that left me quaking. Let me tell you about my most disgusting, shameful mistake of an ex. I met him when I was 18 and just plunging into alcoholism, so at least I can blame my shit judgement on that. And I met him because I went to his house for a party, and he was the only guy there that I didn’t know. He came off as pretty sweet, or at least not immediately flawed in any way. I think what really drew me to him was that he had tattoos I liked and was attractive from the neck down. Superficial, and retarded as my qualifications were, they somehow were enough to go out on a few dates with him. Within that time I found out a number of things about him that I wish I could scrub clean from my brain:
>he pissed everywhere
>he claimed the toilets in the house he lived ‘didn’t work’ so he pissed in the sink, tub, outside, KITCHEN SINK, EMPTY BOTTLES (this was a favorite of his, id come to learn, he had no less than 5 different bottles in his room)
>he was proud of the fact that he’d gotten away with cheating on every serious gf he’d ever had
>he did the abc’s while eating chicks out
>his house smelled like the comination of a septic tank explosion and an ashtray
>after a week of knowing him, I found out his house, wasn’t his house, he was house sitting for his grandparents who were on an extended vacation.
>he had his ears gauged so large that the plugs would fall out and the most horrid rotten flesh smell would waft out and linger for hours.
>he thought he was extremely talented and would often liken himself to JONNY CRAIG which is funny for so many reasons, but mostly in that I’ll admit he probably was correct. As someone who lurks the tnd thread, the nasty similarities really are shocking. But his actual singing voice was ear piercing, like a shrill, dying smoke alarm.
>he never washed his clothes
>on that note, I don’t think he bathed either considering he told me the plumbing in the house was ‘broken’
>he lied about basically every aspect of his life, if it would make him look ‘cooler’
>he once told me he hung out with a band at warped tour and that they had liked him so much that they’d offered him a spot on tour which he declined kek
>he hounded people to hang out with him, not just one text like ‘hey’ but walls of texts, he would spam in hopes that some poor sucker would agree to his desperate pleas to hang out
>this is how he came to live with my best friend. (By this time I had already run so far from this trash bag fire, but somehow couldn’t convince my friend to do the same) when I came to visit my friend (I was there pretty often through out the year), he would alternate between seething at me and trying to convince me to sleep with him. This ended up with me screaming at him to ‘leave me the fuck alone and fuck off you creep’. After that incident, he did leave me alone, but I’d still catch him glaring at me from time to time or muttering about how I was a slut or something else patently hilarious considering I was repulsed by sex and especially repulsed by him in general.
>when he moved out because he literally started a fire on the premises, he left behind mountains of trash.
>the mountains of trash consisted of pizza boxes, used condoms, jizz sock(s), food wrappers, and the cherry on top? Over a dozen bottles either half filled or full of piss. Not little bottles either, most of them were 2 liters.

So that’s Nate (name changed because I’ve really exposed this bitch) and all would be fine and dandy. I don’t really think about him because honestly even going on two dates was a huge shameful mistake that I’d only dream of rehashing with a therapist and some brain bleach. But I bring him up today because I saw him today. And not in a cheeky ‘bumped into my ex at the stote’ kind of way. I saw Nate as I was driving to work. I shit (piss?) you not, I saw him roll out of the bushes and stumble over to the dumpster, clearly tweaking and itching from a long night of homeless slumber. And I just wanted to share this story and it’s thrilling conclusion with you all, because what the fuck. The end.

No. 99304

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>he did the abc’s while eating chicks out

No. 99305

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He said he was ‘a pro’ at eating chicks out because he did the abc’s with his tongue. Instead of actually, you know, trying to get the girl off.

No. 99307

Oh okay, excuse my autism. That's not much better that what I pictured.

No. 99353

you sound like a dumb bitch ))
deserved to get played(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 99368

and you just outed yourself as an salty europoor russian with no empathy whatsoever. good going

No. 99486


I'm SO glad my parents didn't let me use webcam/mic chat. Although I spent a shitload of time on chans, I never got duped into romantic/sexual behaviours while I was an insecure teen girl. Thank you mum and dad

No. 99586

Holy shit, does his first name start with J and is he from Melbourne????

No. 99994

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My ex-boyfriend had a degenerate ERP fetish. A lot of it revolved around extremely gay shit and bisexual degeneracy. He would even exchange boner pics with these degenerates. He hid this habit behind my back and when I found his disgusting discord chat logs, he denied that he was bisexual and even denied that it was a form of cheating. He did this shit multiple times behind my back yet had the audacity to claim I was going to cheat on him.

I got so fed up by bullshit like this throughout our relationship that I drew him hate art similar to pic related shortly before I left the relationship for good. He asked me if I wanted him to kill himself when I asked him his thoughts about my hate art. It was a horrible relationship but looking at the hate art I made for him still makes me laugh to this day.

No. 100001

Please post it anon I'm begging you

No. 100011

Pics of h8 pls

No. 100081

I left my ex in the very beginning of July in 2016, when he left high school and I still had 1 year to go

he's still tweeting about how in love he is with me to this day, and how great I am according to him

I'm so fucking scared, he's blocked everywhere but my friends felt like I needed to see what he had been tweeting recently. I'm so fucking creeped out I would not wish this on anyone else. I'm lucky I haven't seen him irl since 2016 but I feel like my luck is going to turn and that I'll see him some day. ffs I'm shaking rn

No. 100089

Aw Anon that's awful I'm sorry. He shouldn't be posting about you a whole three years later. The fact you are scared by it speaks volumes…it's not cute.

No. 100091

this is beautiful anon.

No. 100229

There’s a guy I know of due to hitting up my besitie, named Kiyoshi that lived in Vegas.
I never liked the guy due to how controlling he was to my bestie. He kept trying to cage her and islote her! Make her wear less make up and quit her hobbies and stop talking to her friends as much! I noticed so much changes in her,and her talking less and less to everyone.
Yes they both tried ending it early on but they somehow managed to get back together. But now it’s official over because she snapped at him for his bullshit, so he just deleted his Instagram and made a new one like a coward! On top of that stalked one of his other ex’s on Instagram that he trapped in his home years ago!
What annoys me is that he only dares to tell his version of what happened or what she did or said but never says what he did, what he did to her,what he made her do, or the fact he crushed her!
She does still have feelings for him, but she has changed her number and blocked him off everything! She won’t be reaching him or getting into contact with that loser! I’m proud of her,despite her missing him!
I feel that he is an ass hole that lies and abuses woman mentally and tries to get them to move in with him! Just to cage them. Like seriously the dude preys on woman that are struggling in their life.The other thing he doesn’t even shower, like fucking ever, he uses beauty apps to hide his fat shape body and baggy eyes!
I will never understand what hell my bestie saw in him.
I hope woman stay away from that piece of crap!

No. 100231

Anon SAME. We broke up 3 years ago, I've been dating someone for the last 2 and my ex still posts about me, wishes me a happy birthday, he'd posted my lewds online, posted my address, death threats towards my new bf, etc.

I filed a police report and they have all evidence if something should happen but in the long run, if your friends believe you that he's scum then you don't need to worry.
Don't drive yourself crazy with it, I've been there. Panic attacks and all. Be strong hun

No. 100234

>had gauges
>thinks warped tour is good
WEW sounds like you were dating a literal 13 year old.

No. 100269

oh shit anon this is terrible, your story is so much worse
I'm glad the police is going to get involved if anything happens (let's hope not). I hope you're "okay" now. Do you still experience panic attacks ?

I'll post the whole story later, even though I was a dumb highschooler when it started

No. 100277

I had a psycho ex who was still posting about me on the internet like 10 years after we had broken up. Hopefully that won't be your case…

No. 100289

I've got a 5+ year ex who still posts about me but instead of obsessing over me lovingly, its hatefully. Not sure which is worse but obsessive exes are horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. They need to let go.

No. 100291

My experience isn't to the same extreme point, but my ex from 5 years ago still vague posts about me on social media… His instagram bio is something related to me. He commented on my best friend's photo because I was tagged as her heart (this is her hypothesis, and mine too). I wish he would fucking stop. He also called me his "extremely crazy ex" on a Discord server that I used to go on.
Yes, I was crazy (still am), but I'm much more tame and self-aware of my actions.

No. 100294

I feel so sorry for all of you anons. Men that get so obsessive and creepy about past relationships are honestly terrifying, you never know what is going on inside their heads. The fact that this is so common is sad, too.
I have a ex-boyfriend that costantly creates fake accounts to stalk me on social media. I had to make my ig profile private because I was getting tired of having to block him all the time.
He also texts one of my closests friends and asks her out regularly. She always refuses and I wish she would just block him, but she says she doesn’t want to do that for “”no reason””, even though she agrees about how creepy he is.

No. 100299


I'm the anon who posted a few weeks ago about my ex hate tweeting about me nearly a year on, I feel you massively. So petty. He'll flit between I MISS HER SO MUCH THIS SUCKS to blaming me and trying to justify abusing me lmao

the best bit is everyone thinks it's pathetic and he just has no friends now as a result

No. 100478

>date bf at 14, he is 16
>starts hitting me 4 months into the relationship
>pushes me into a furnace, burn myself
>hits me in front of his friend, friend doesn’t care
>everyone of our friends knew, no one did anything
>Always hitting me during the time I was over
>that or vidya
>would sit on my arms and chest so I couldn’t get up and scream my last name in my face because I didn’t like how it sounded
>punched me in the face and I had a black eye
>lied to everyone about what happened while I’m in 9th grade
>punches me in the face again and my lip gets caught on my braces and cuts through, I’m bleeding
>extremely infatuated with him because of abuse, so happy when he treats me nicely, mind you I’m fucking 14
>breaks up with me constantly during our 3 years together, I’m hysterical whenever this happens
>saves other girls’ (nude) photos at the time and hides them on pc
>hate myself
>finally leave him and he obviously wants me back
>get back together, but then hits me again obviously
>leave for good at 16
>he turns trans

No. 100506

Holy shit anon….I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

No. 100556


jesus christ. that's some bullshit. hope you're a radfem now anon

No. 100557


my ex has been commenting about me on bitter-ex style FB posts/memes. Mind you, it's been 2 years since we broke up during which I've had no contact with him. I only know cause friends send it to me. Bit weird

No. 100561

Yeah it was truly shit. I feel like my teenage years were so wasted, and I did poorly in school because of it. Actually, I am a radfem now lol.

I’m sorry; that’s really creepy. I hope nothing bad comes of it! Luckily my ex just forgot about me after transitioning.

No. 101178

I don't have any hilarious stories about mine but some of my exes have such amazing personalities:

>one of them had severe yellow fever and would talk about how he loves asians in front of his white gf, me. cheated on me with an indonesian girl. he is failing at life rn bc he droppped out of school to play house with a filipina girl he tricked into getting engaged with him. she is free now, she finally dumped his waster ass.

>one was "technically" my best friend but would try to cheat on his gf with me in private and would bring me to their dates as a weird 3rd wheel and the girl absolutely hated me. this guy was older (mid 20s) and i was underage at the time so i was too stupid to notice the manipulation, as young girls usually don't. oh yeah, and he didn't let me have any other friends but him.

>one was 31, 10 years older than me, and would constantly dilute his positive statements towards me. i heard "you're ok" and other variants of lukewarm comments too many times so i dumped him, only for him to say he was in love the entire time but… didn't tell me? you're 31 dude, grow up.

>one kept me in a weird on-and-off limbo for years and kept negging me about my appearance and intelligence. his friends joined our friend circle at some point and started to all develop crushes on me which made him angry at me bc men are fucking stupid. we are good friends now that we don't have feelings towards each other but he does date girls that look like me which is funny to me.

>one was an AcToR (don't ever date actors) and would whip out his stupid guitar to "seranade" me quite often but it was really more to milk attention because he was so insecure and vain. dumped him bc he was clingy af.

>one came out as an alex jones fan and it immediately turned me off and i nope'd out of there, sis.

I also have a series of straight women that LARP as bi, that know i'm bisexual, and would bring me too close to them and manipulate my emotions just so they could have a "bff" that they could use as a pseudo-bf bc i tend to treat women much better than their shitty bfs. reminiscent of onion's straight husband lamey and sarah's situation.

since all these fuckwads i've grown as a human and thank fuck for that. i've given people like these enough time and no longer have such weak standards for people i allow myself around.

love yourself, fellow farmers.

No. 102495

>guy at work who I shared a social circle with tells me he likes me
>I turn him down
>he tells me he loves me
>he's very persistent and our mutual friends kept saying we'd be cute together so after like 2 months I cave
>he's really needy, texting constantly with nothing to say. Constant empty texting drives me crazy
>first time we go "back to his place" we broke into his grandma's (I was unaware) and he tried to have sex with me on her living room floor
>he loses his job, starts expecting me to pay for everything and borrowing hundreds
>one time Im upset/crying over a serious issue and he interrupted me to ask if I wanted to have sex. Ten minutes later he sighs heavily and explains how disappointed he is that I'm upset cus he wanted to fuck
>one time playing board games with friends he started an argument that I attacked him even though we were on opposite teams; "why are you coming for me how dyou think that makes me feel"
>would always start a discussion/debate then take it personally when I disagreed with him
>one time asks if I want to fuck, I say no because I have my period and he sulks, lying there sighing and when I'm like "what" he goes "I'm just thinking about us… About the future…"
>one time tore my nipple piercing out during sex (by accident), showed no concern for me and instead makes me finish him so he "doesn't get blue balls"
>him and another male friend joking that they want to date each other, I say they'd make a good couple, he then starts saying I'm trying to get rid of him, "how dyou think that makes me feel" again etc
>constantly complained I don't show him enough attention even though we had sex multiple times a day etc
>my birthday. After saying multiple times I don't want any more sex toys the only gift he gets me is a £70 sex toy. When I questioned it he says "I thought it'd be fun if I use it on you" ie bought himself a homer Simpson bowling ball. He returned it and kept the money
>in paris, spends the whole holiday telling me I'm miserable because I'm acting like my normal self instead of like a kid with a sugar rush. Starts arguments about it repeatedly
>we're going to sleep and I turned away from him, he took it as a personal attack and says I'm not giving him any affection etc. I break up with him
>he rebounds with a girl 11 years younger than him
>spends time hovering around my work so he can "bump into me"
>lied to my coworkers about his job so it seems like he has a more legitimate reason to be there

Loads of other shit. He remains to be the biggest regret of my life by a large margin. Never date someone due to social pressure I'm a huge retard

No. 102978

On the subject of exes bitter posting, why do they do it? I try not to check but my ex of nearly a year ago who abused me goes between tweeting that he misses me and then tweets that I was a bitch

It's weird because his friends know he abused me and he does it on an account with new friends who don't know saying how I was manipulative and so on, I am one of the anon who has posted here, he honestly traumatised me a little so it's weird seeing him still insist he was innocent when even his family offline knew he was terrible to me

No. 103008

Maybe they think this psycho behavior is supposed to flatter and charm the girl back to them? IDK. My loser ex does the same thing, he keeps posting about how much he misses me, how i had no reason to cut him off, how i'm a bitch etc etc and it's really fucking unsettling.

No. 103018

Are you me lmao? My loser ex does the same thing. Posts that he hates me even though he abused me, and how much me misses and wants me back, even though he hates me

Like he knows I can read it, very creepy

No. 103039

Probably because they have no fucking clue what healthy and producive social behaviour consists of, combined with having never dealt with their feelings in a constructive way once in their whole lives.
It's like they don't know that their behaviour is a telling sign they have some fucked up personality issues to deal with and that no good person ever would consider dating some on-and-off psycho with no emotional self control. Imagine being with someone this clueless your whole life.

My ex (broke up with him because he was obsessive, creepy and couldn't make decisions for himself AT ALL) did this too. He used to call me just to tell me what a "lying fucking whore" i was , one hour later texting me "you are the love of my life, don't u see we belong together, please i'll do anything for u" etc, then wondering why i didn't want to get back together with him.

The logic of these men amaze me, it's as if they lack consciousness completely. Like an amoeba.

No. 103154

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>Be me, insecure with body issues and abusive parents
>Form online relationship 6 months
>Him 28, Uggo photo, fastfood job no other prospects
>Meet IRL
>I'm not physically attracted to him a little autistic but liked the romantic gesturing online and didn't love myself
>1 Month later cheats on me with KFC co-worker
>mfw he goes into description what he did to her and how great her body is cause autism
>I FB stalk her cause jelly, prettier than me and knows how to talk to people
>Me trying to get back with him cause I still didn't love myself
>Spend $$$ to fly over to his city to spend time with him
>Home literal shithole
>Pet cat liter tray unclean for days next to bed
>Walls with his autistic drawings are aged yellow with carpet ripped up
>Finds out he bathes once every 3 days or week
>Continues this relationship for a few more months visiting a couple more times
>Breaks up with me and asks for sex
>In your dreams
>Realises that he was cheating on me again


>Still glad I never lost my virginty to him
>Moved on
>Glow up and confident
>Accidentally meets his old co-worker that he cheated on me with
>She turned into an acne covered land whale
>Keks until the sun goes down

idk maybe I was the loser lmao

No. 103158


My ex would do the same thing, text me how it "was all his fault and he was sorry" one moment and then how I was a "cold hearted bitch who was incapable of forgiveness" the next.

Its shitty attempts at emotional manipulation.

No. 104013

He was a fat ugly poorfag neet on welfare bux. Would verbally abuse me. He'd tell me how much I deserved better guys, but if I left he would kill himself. He would make up stories and shit test me about hypotheticals where a better guy came along, and what I would do. Like every fucking day. I don't know know if it was his way of coping with his insecurity or it was his weird way of grooming me.
Eventually HE broke up with me for him "not being good enough", and I accepted. At that point I felt I was more of a suicide prevention assistant than an actual girlfriend. I think the breakup was also a shit test too, but I didn't realize it at the time.
He then begged me to come back, threatened to kill himself more times than I can count, and told me that the whole time we were dating he hired some dude from the third world to "keep track of me" like some elite haxxor. And this "dude" sent me emails threatening me for about a year. Nothing happened to my knowledge. I seriously doubt this guy was even real, as my ex was a habitual liar.

And yeah I was underge at the time, and he was older. Fucking disgsting fat pedo neets prey on immature girls, because if I had actually been an adult I would have never tolerated him.

No. 105556

>I was 19, he was 24
>me, a dropout with mild depression and 0 motivation for making my life better, him, the nerdy tech worker who made more than enough for a living
>first month everything is perfect
>2nd month he starts complaining about how much makeup and cleavage I wear to attract male attention
>I was only doing makeup for him, and I wanted to wear light clothers since summer in south is ruthless
>3rd month we spend more time holed up at his place, him playing vidya, me watching
>starts dropping hints we should live together
>I might be a dropout but I'm not that dumb
>starts talking a little too much about his exes, either complaining or praising them
>he's still in love with the last one, the only one who dumped him
>get so fed up I spew "so if you love her so much why don't you beg her to come back with you?"
>4th month, he calls me every fucking day just to complain about everything
>shits a lot on my best friend, who was actually the one who brought us together
>sex was becoming worse everyday, he lasted only for 5-10 minutes and it was over, no pleasing me
>more and more bitching about my friends
>guilt trips me for buying me food on dates, knowing I felt bad for being broke, and made only free/cheap plans
>we go to a con together, I managed a short term job and saved money for my part
>spends every moment complaining about how many people were ogling me in my cosplay, and too many guys asking for my picture (mind you, I was cosplaying Makise Kurisu in the Steins;Gate boom)
>last day of the con I meet an internet (guy) friend and get really happy to know him IRL
>bf loses his shit and almost hits me on the way home, calling me every name for f**king talking with my friend in front of him

I broke up with him in the exact same moment. He almost managed to make me believe I was too old, I was "damaged goods", and no one would date me anymore. I had my petty revenge, hooking up with his best friend a few weeks later, and my sweet cold revenge dating the friend from the con 6 months later.
I tried to keep contact within the first months, but he started calling me again every damn day, and bitching about our common friend again. I finally blocked him everywhere and got my peace. It's been 7 years and I still don't wanna hear anything from him.

No. 105560

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Anon good on you, you really dodged a bullet by stating strong and not moving in
In fact well done to everyone in this thread for surviving these assholes. I really wish that recognising manipulation could be something that kids learn about in the future, there's so much more we need to teach than just how to put a condom on.

No. 105563

Anon love yourself at least you have more money than his coworker.

Instead of spending it on him invest in self care and makeup to fix your own issues

No. 105618

Wow I am so happy I found this thread. So my boyfriend of 5 years was always getting mad at me for wanting to hang out with old guy friends. Understandable. However, recently I decided that I wanted him to meet these old guy friends and thought he would soon see they are super cool and no threat. When I asked him to meet them. He confessed to me that 1) he was deeply offended by me asking him that and 2) he was cheating on me for the past 5 years.

He then tried to guilt me into staying with him but still said he would never allow me to hang out with my old guy friends. His mom then texted me trying to guilt me into staying with him.

I definitely could never miss him or want to be with him ever again. But man do I miss having someone I can be that intimate with. I just miss having a best friend.

No. 105619

Wow I am so happy I found this thread. So my boyfriend of 5 years was always getting mad at me for wanting to hang out with old guy friends. Understandable. However, recently I decided that I wanted him to meet these old guy friends and thought he would soon see they are super cool and no threat. When I asked him to meet them. He confessed to me that 1) he was deeply offended by me asking him that and 2) he was cheating on me for the past 5 years.

He then tried to guilt me into staying with him but still said he would never allow me to hang out with my old guy friends. His mom then texted me trying to guilt me into staying with him.

I definitely could never miss him or want to be with him ever again. But man do I miss having someone I can be that intimate with. I just miss having a best friend.

No. 105620

Wow I am so happy I found this thread. So my boyfriend of 5 years was always getting mad at me for wanting to hang out with old guy friends. Understandable. However, recently I decided that I wanted him to meet these old guy friends and thought he would soon see they are super cool and no threat. When I asked him to meet them. He confessed to me that 1) he was deeply offended by me asking him that and 2) he was cheating on me for the past 5 years.

He then tried to guilt me into staying with him but still said he would never allow me to hang out with my old guy friends. His mom then texted me trying to guilt me into staying with him.

I definitely could never miss him or want to be with him ever again. But man do I miss having someone I can be that intimate with. I just miss having a best friend.

No. 105621

Wow I am so happy I found this thread. So my boyfriend of 5 years was always getting mad at me for wanting to hang out with old guy friends. Understandable. However, recently I decided that I wanted him to meet these old guy friends and thought he would soon see they are super cool and no threat. When I asked him to meet them. He confessed to me that 1) he was deeply offended by me asking him that and 2) he was cheating on me for the past 5 years.

He then tried to guilt me into staying with him but still said he would never allow me to hang out with my old guy friends. His mom then texted me trying to guilt me into staying with him.

I definitely could never miss him or want to be with him ever again. But man do I miss having someone I can be that intimate with. I just miss having a best friend.

No. 105622

Wow I am so happy I found this thread. So my boyfriend of 5 years was always getting mad at me for wanting to hang out with old guy friends. Understandable. However, recently I decided that I wanted him to meet these old guy friends and thought he would soon see they are super cool and no threat. When I asked him to meet them. He confessed to me that 1) he was deeply offended by me asking him that and 2) he was cheating on me for the past 5 years.

He then tried to guilt me into staying with him but still said he would never allow me to hang out with my old guy friends. His mom then texted me trying to guilt me into staying with him.

I definitely could never miss him or want to be with him ever again. But man do I miss having someone I can be that intimate with. I just miss having a best friend.

No. 105695

>be me, somewhere around the age of 18-19.
>meet this guy online on some video game who ends up being a couple years older than I.
>everything was fine until we started dating.
>while heading home from vacation he tells me that he was joking around with some other woman telling her "jokingly" that she should send him nudes.
>she does so and he gets upset saying that he doesn't want to see her body and talks shit about her body to me.
>be stupid and look past incident because of how I viewed myself at the time. (lonely, unhappy, thinking that he was the best I could get)
>gets me to use Twitter.
>see tons of tweets about him making sexual jokes to a bunch of different females.
>express how it makes me feel and try to get him to stop.
>"It's only a joke."
>spends a majority of the relationship constantly masturbating even when I get mad at him for constantly touching his dick when I'm just trying to have a normal conversation with him.
>doesn't stop.
>eventually starts to make claims that I'm bipolar and that I NEED to go on medication because of my behavior of being over his shitty treatment towards me.
>I've only been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.
>Breaks up with me and says that we won't get back together unless I get treatment for bipolar because apparently he knows his shit.
>Spend a couple months still talking, but any time I ask him if we are still together he says "no."
>Give up by breaking down to my mom on what I should do and she basically tells me to leave him.
>I do so and begin to talk to another guy who ended up being crazy on his own, but that's for another time.
>goes on twitter and trashes me (without saying my name, but everyone literally knew who he was talking about) and makes false claims about me.
>sends me a email talking about how he was trying to "better me" and be some type of good influence in my life even though he brought me down and never showed me any respect.
>same email, tells me that the reason my cat (who was sickly) had to be put down was karma for "what I did to him."
>makes some shitty rap about killing me and the guy I was with at the time and captioned the post as something along the lines of "dedicate this to the cunt in your life."
>gets on twitter fight with my ex and says a whole lot of messed up things that he eventually deletes.

He ended up reaching out to me years later, probably when my relationship after him ended, and attempted to apologize for his actions. I didn't accept it, said whatever I had to say, and blocked him. Haven't heard from him since, thankfully.

No. 105700

>I was 15, very naive and fucking dumb
>met this guy online in a gaming forum
>turns out he was a mildly autistic, devoted christian white redditposter with below average looks and subpar grades
>he seemed like a nice guy into similar things like me so I didn't really care
>after literally only 2 days of talking, he tells me that he likes me
>I freaked out initially but accepted as I was desperate for validation and attention
>during the course of our relationship, he constantly pressurised me to speak in chinese whenever we called for his own filthy yellow fever fetishes I was unaware of at the time, although he couldn't even understand shit
>always brought up how he masturbates to east asian asmr and that he absolutely loves asian girls
>being the dumb minor I was, I bore with it as I didn't want my only source of validation to go away although I was very uncomfortable
>some months later find out he cheated on me with some japanese girl
>I got really shocked and sad, but gave him a chance
>eventually we always got into arguments and I broke things off as I had enough
>we still kept in contact
>one day, he got butthurt over something petty and at this point I was so fed up I brought up him cheating on me
>he gets furious with me for bringing it up but I ignored him + blocked as I felt it was beyond ridiculous
>I felt bad about it later on and eventually apologised
>some months later, he replied to me and said he accepted my apology "after a long time of thinking about it"
>that left a very bitter taste in my mouth, and so I finally ceased contact with him entirely

Sorry for the length.
If he actually happens to lurk here then I've definitely outed myself but I don't care now. That awful ordeal definitely drove the point of self-love being important back home strongly. Though, he became motivation for me to work very hard for my final high school exams so that I was better off than him. I ended up scoring WAY better than he did and eventually got into a tough course I really wanted in uni, so I was very pleased with myself in the end.
White men with yellow fever are the absolute worst breeds of men there is.

Holy shit anon, that sounds absolutely horrible especially the part about your cat. I'm so sorry to hear about your experience and hope you're doing better now (you already are by dumping his sorry ass, anyway).

No. 107005


It's sad all these girls with depression were taken advantage of by disgusting men

No. 107036

yeah apparently all these girls have low self esteem or mental problems, they don't seem to ask; what are your interests and hobbies, whats your family like, what do you do for work?

And then guess what the guy is an incel neckbeard manchild stalker, wow who could've guessed.

No. 107042

> be 19
> be lonely with really bad self esteem, anxiety and depression
> meet guy in online game
> he's totally autistic, doesn't go to school, doesn't work, draws furry hentai, always on 4chan, jokes about being a pedo etc.
> become friends anyway and talk often, he's physically cute but basically an incel
> time passes and he begs to meet up, I cave and agree
> he wasn't as autistic irl surprisingly, so we start dating for a bit
> comes and stays at my house one weekend, will not interact with my dad or brothers, actually runs into my bedroom to avoid them
> parents asks if he's has some sort of mental disability because of how awkward he is
> would tell me my opinions on feminism, politics were stupid
> defended paedophiles

so cringe, why did I hate myself that much lmao

No. 107094

What are you okay

No. 107204

I have a few stories but I decided on this one because it's the funniest.

>be 19

>be super shy from shitty school experiences, currently neet
>keep my parents company when we go grocery shopping
>one day see cute cashier boy at the store
>he seems attracted to me too
>eventually exchange a few words
>he's definitely interested
>make up a plan about how I'm going to give him my number
>it works, we text
>he seemed either my age or 18, turns out he's 21
>seems normal, he takes me places and I hang out at his rental place a lot
>felt bad for him because his rental place was actually his grandma's house
>grandma is a big smoker, rents the house to other weirdo men, and ex lived in the cold garage
>his grandma seems senile too
>anyways, one day he starts talking about gender presentation stuff
>figure it's just a crossdressing fetish, I'm pretty open-minded
>asks me to name is "girl self"
>comply, he picks an oddly specific name, like Kailen but with weird spelling
>he explains more about it
>turns out this "girl self" of his is his alternate personality, or so he believes
>he comes out on Facebook about it
>asks me and my family to start referring to him as we instead of I, they/them etc. because we're actually talking to two people
>he texts me using his new pronouns too
>he explains more about how they fight over control of his body
>when "she" is out, she doesn't talk
>both him and his alternate identity like to behave like a cat or a wolf depending, as in licking his arm, hissing or other bs
>one day he's over at my place, he gets down on all fours and fucking gallops down the sidewalk of my backyard and somehow my dad didn't see
>as time goes on I get more and more information about his girl self
>she's the epitome of beauty to him, red hair, green eyes, like a magical Celtic elf or something
>her "spirit animal" is a wolf
>really cares about this whole thing, treats it as if "she" was a girlfriend
>it seems ridiculous of me to get jealous of an alternate personality, but still, the way he talked about it made me think "Then why am I here?"
>But Wait There's More
>she is actually physically intersex, yet still gets a period
>he says he can feel her period cramps
>one day get fed up and tell him that it's pretty cliche to pick a wolf as a spirit animal
>he freaks out
>sort of stops talking due to "depression"
>figure it's over and start talking to another dude online

Things were fine for a while after that until he messaged me out of the blue, and even asked my parents about me. I had long since moved on and I guess I just wanted to give him a reassurance that I didn't hate him, so I started a chat with him again but he was immediately referring to himself as "we" in text and it brought back so many unpleasant feelings. He seemed hopeful, as if we could just suddenly be together again after that. I was like hell no. Last I heard he fucked off to Colorado and is living with his dad in a (hopefully) better situation. He also had some pretty boring fetishes so there was that too

No. 107205

I think anon's trying to say that these girls are obviously in bad places because they don't even care enough about themselves to get to know these people. Obviously some men can hide who they are, but I've been in situations where just one conversation with these kinds of men made me realize to nope the fuck out.

No. 107208

im crying anon, imagining him galloping away

No. 107221

>one day he's over at my place, he gets down on all fours and fucking gallops down the sidewalk of my backyard

No. 107271

Why do fuckboys who have the worst dick game always ask if you still wanna be fuckbuddies after your ''fling'' is done?

No. 107278

Never pick up guys who work at a grocery store. Thats where you fuckes up. They're all desperate and always have something weird going on with them and are super embarrassing with major issues. I mean all the other departments too, not just the cashiers.

No. 107279

Mine does this thing where he'll post about how much he regretted having to break my heart, but still subtly flirts with me or posts a bunch of selfies wearing clothes I gave him if he sees I'm online, and will reminisce about our relationship with others even when it's not relevant to the conversation.

He's also apparently been hitting on girls all the while still rambling on and on about me, saying that he wants a girl that has all of my physical features even though he "definitely doesn't want her(me) back, specifically." He's RP so he does this while complaining about all women being insufferable whores, mind you.

Some of those girls have actually contacted me because they're so creeped out by his behavior and want to know why he's such a retard. I don't usually even need to tell them that he's bad news and we just end up making fun of how desperate and awkward he his lmao.

No. 107285

Guys with weak dick game need love, too.

No. 107286

Sounds like he's a bit of a headfuck lol.

I had a rough go for a couple years because I was in a shitty place in life and people picked up on that and kind of ran with it.
Guy number 1 dumped me from his "poly relationship" because he had found someone else and wanted to be fulltime. He had a habit of finding the most malleable girls to get with, who were like barely out of high school, or going through a separation trying to find a new life, or like me just dealing with crippling depression and a dread of dying alone. He blocked me on everything, told all our mutual friends that I was crazy… and then six months later saw me in a local park one day, fucking ran up to me all excited, wanting to catch up, playing like everything should've been just fine, and I was just like "lol… gotta go". Couple weeks after that I ran into him on a bus and he did the same shit.
Guy number 2 was pretending to like me just to fuck around with me to impress some girls that were popular in our group. He was in his 20s and still feeling the need to impress the popular kids, so there's that.
Guy number 3 was an LDR, who had a girl just disappear on him once. OFC he did that to me while I was like… applying to schools in his town so we could be closer together. I got accepted and still went and he decided to make contact with me again. I started dating a guy from uni, and EVERY TIME #3 got a new gf (which was like every 3 months lol) he would find a way to brag about it to me, be it online in a forum were both in or by bringing her around our student union (when neither of them went there). I moved back after my course was done, he still tried to get at me, and eventually I decided to leave that one forum just because I was tired of his shit.
#4 was just a summer fling between #3 and uni. Wasn't a bad dude, just a loser. Worked at a gas station, dumped me when i went to uni but still wanted to be friends and get back together when i came back, got upset when I started dating someone in uni, etc. Tries to friend me on FB now like every 6 months, and seems to be dividing his time between various pyramid schemes and a soundcloud full of "psychadelic music". While I was away at uni once he took a course in "helping others with their job search" and suggested I come back to be a dogwalker, because he had found a listing for it and because i had done dogwalking in college to pay for textbooks and shit.
I've been with the guy I met at uni for years now and the distance is tough sometimes but we've recently gotten engaged. Besides #4 because he's a persistent mf I have no idea what any of those guys are up to now, and that's ok.

No. 107290

They're so self absorbed that they think they're good. The ones who are like "did u cum babe" after they stuck their dick in you for like 30 seconds total before they cum

No. 108718

Ex stalks my twitter, comments passive aggressively, has a napoleon complex and says things that only I will get and the only one who will be triggered is me.


No. 108773

Oh man, when I was 15 or 16 I got my first boyfriend and I would have trouble shaking him off all the way till graduation. He believed that communist Russia was best Russia and that it's the only good form of government. I also learned through friends that he joined the Army to get combat experience so he could go be a gun for hire in South America. He also 100% looked like a school shooter coming to school in his oversized leather jacket.
I broke up with him multiple times and then he would convince me to get back with him twice throughout high school. One time, while we were broken up and he was dating someone else, he messaged me asking to go to the park. Knowing he just wanted to fuck I asked what was wrong with his gf and he just told me to not tell her and stopped talking to me. I had such low self esteem that it wasn't hard for him to convince me to get back with him. The only way I shook him off was dating another guy to make him stop bothering me and for me to forget about him.
Years later while I was in college I got a facebook message from him asking how I was. At this time, I heard he was getting a divorce from his wife he married after only dating a month before joining the Army. So I said how convenient it was that he messaged me at the same time I was hearing about the divorce. He said it wasn't like that and he just wanted to tell me he was sorry for high school, but he would pull that same thing to get back with me in high school. I said thanks for the apology and never talked to him again.

No. 108796

Are you Russian? How does one make the pivot from thinking Soviet Russia was the best, and then joining the army? ? You sound American so that's… really a weird pivot.

No. 108805

No, I'm American. I'm thinking he joined the military because it was an easy paycheck and he wasn't gonna sustain himself any other way? I'm pretty sure he still believes in communist Russia but there's no rationalizing his choices.

No. 109004

File: 1550934787565.jpg (78.13 KB, 960x822, 46325427_302115057066606_51033…)

>be 17, uni student, swim teacher, camgirl, a model, successful
>date this ugly fucking loser, 24, NEET lives with mom, depression & autism
>befriended him online when i was 13
>be so far out of this his league, have to pay for literally everything: dates, taxis, a new PS4 cause he has no job
>acts jealous of my ex who is 6’5, model, latino my age and normal ‘type’

>breaks down into tears abt how his ex brutally raped, stalked, harassed and destroyed him, says he wants to block her and has feelings for her still.

>breaks up with me a month later and unblocks her. we're still 'seeing eachother' at this point, having sex, kissing, cuddling etc but he makes it clear he doesn’t want to date
>says he doesn’t owe me a relationship, I’m manipulative for expecting him to be ‘monoamorously committed’
>’i genuinely don’t care about her anymore’
>but texts her in front of me constantly when i come to stay
>she feverishly checks his profile and comments on everything he posts
>i just bite my tongue because he’ll freak the fuck out if i say anything
>mentions wanting to fly back to the US to collect more belongings and loses his shit when i ask ‘is there another reason you want to go there’
>like him, has a cringey internet persona that involves convincing her retard 4chan mates that she has something profound to say. validation is their lifeblood
>he routinely hacks into my fb and reads my messages
>ex is also kinda a loser, works a 9-5 pizza delivery job
>guilt trips me for wanting to go to the supermarket because he ‘doesn’t feel like it’ but i need food
>spergs out multiple times about me being manipulative and forcing my expectations on him

>plans to invite his female friend to stay

>she will have to share his bed and stay for a few weeks
>he makes this threat to invite this friend over every couple of weeks so i figure shes too polite to say she doesnt want to come
>i ask why she never comes
>’u can’t make me feel the way she and my ex does’
>he says she cant afford train ticket to his. turns out she’s unemployed
>still not officially 'dating’, so he says when she comes, they might get together
>i asked what she looks like
>he shows me a picture on his phone of a slightly overweight scenequeen in her 30s with extremely heavy makeup and claire's-tier pink clip in extensions. idk what her personality is like but her looks alone were enough to land an LC thread
>i stop worrying about it as she's physically repulsive and probably isn’t coming
>never hear about the fat unemployed scenequeen again

>out of the blue he blocks me and tells me he never wants anything to do with me anymore and hasn’t for a long time

>yet he’s still happy to talk his ex, alleged stalker and rapist who is also fairly unattractive, yet i realise she’s not at fault for our demise
>heartbroken for a few weeks and still healing from the trauma the abuse caused me but i move on with another taller, nicer guy fairly quickly
>everything has been absolute bliss since he disappeared my grades are better i dont have him financially dependent on me im a healthier weight
>he still hacks into my fb
>im not at all bitter, him and his ex deserve each other, i hope she gives him absolute hell. i hope she destroys him

No. 109006

I too was an immature girl groomed by a disgusting ugly NEET

No. 109007

this was riveting from start to finish

No. 109008

thank u for sharing. love the simpsons reference. men are a disaster honestly. if someone ripped my nipple off itd be an instant breakup

No. 109009


No. 109013

as a stripper i find that last bit horrifying, what the fuck. incels be wilin

overall wow what a pathetic shit

No. 109015

You were groomed.

No. 109044

File: 1550951851075.jpg (124.35 KB, 800x600, 1fo85o25kb1z.jpg)

>be me
>get Facebook friend suggestion
>Look at the profile and see a guy wearing a fedora with a shitpost as a description
>Think his profile is funny
>Add him
>One day he shares a photo and I send him a funny message
>I try to troll him
>He picks up on it and we start exchanging memes and messing around
>We start talking more and more
>We decide to meet
>I meet him
>He's pretty cool and decent looking
>He starts complimenting me
>We meet again after a few days
>It's going great and I'm happy
>We end up fucking and he wants to be in a relationship with me
>I like him so why not
>I warn him I'm BPD but managing it pretty well
>He says he doesn't care and thinks I'm awesome and uwu not like the other gurlss~~~
>Red flags start to appear
>He tells me how he's fucked 46 people
>I cringe
>He tells me he has trust issues and he's afraid I'll leave him even though he broke up with the majority of his exes
>He asks me to tell him "I love you"
>He says he'll protect me forever
>He says he's always wanted a girl with no parents and no friends that he can protect and love and that won't leave him
>He tells me I'll become his wife
>He starts pulling on my strings softly
>He still talks with his exes
>I smoke weed
>He complains to one of his exes about how I smoked weed in his house
>His ex attacks me online with no apparent reason
>out of meds and it's really hard to control myself
>ask him if he talked to his ex about me
>He says he didn't
>look in his Facebook messages
>He did complain to his ex about me doing drugs like I was doing coke when I just smoked weed
>I get extremely angry
>Go outside in the middle of the night to calm my thoughts
>I go back and he asks me why I went outside at that hour without telling him
>I don't respond
>He gets angry
>I start crying and tell him I read the messages with his ex and that I was profoundly disappointed and heart-broken when I saw what he said about me
>He blames me for invading his privacy
>I message his ex and tell her she's a cunt
>She tells him and he prohibits me from talking with her ever again
>I still keep her in my friend's list
>The next day I feel childish for my reaction and I message the girl to apologize for calling her a cunt but I tell her she shouldn't have threatened me out of nowhere
>We talk for a bit and I find out we attended the same middle school
>She sends me a selfie
>I immediately recognize her
>She used to bully me when I was 6th grade and she even hit me once
>I tell her about it and ask if she remembers
>She gets really defensive
>Tells my ex I contacted her again and makes it seem like I harassed her
>He calls me and tells me not to contact her ever again because she's ill and he worked a lot to make her better
>I tell him I'm ill too but he doesn't seem to care
>He tells me she could beat me up
>I crawl up in a ball and cry for an hour
>I ingest a handful of benzos
>get high on benzos
>feel like goingintotheriver.jpg
>take a shower
>end up cutting myself pretty badly
>He gets home exactly when I'm all sliced up in the bath tub
>He freaks out
>I lock myself in a room and I pull a classic BPD-fag and send his ex pics of my cuts
>He disinfects my cuts and bandages me and sends me home on a 14 hour train ride
>I beg him to let me stay for the night because I was high on benzos
>Still sends me home
>Breaks up with me but still messages me daily
>He knows I used to be a camgirl and sometimes threatens me with that info
>Still love him for some reason
>One day before we're about to be in the same town he tells me he got gonorrhea from me
>He repeatedly tells me he got gonorrhea from MY ASS
>I don't deny it but I don't approve it either I just tell him to wait for my test results
>Get high on shrooms and record weird videos
>I send him the videos being high out of my mind
>I end up slicing my throat up
>He asks me if I self harmed the next day
>I tell him I did
>He blocks me everywhere
>Get results back and I don't have gonorrhea
>I still feel sad
>I probably liked him because he was low-key abusive while claiming to protect me just like my dad

I also forgot to mention he is a furry and made me get a tumblr and follow his tumblr just so I could see his furry porn reposts. I also know I reacted really badly to all that happened.

No. 109045

how old were you when this happened, just curious?

No. 109046

>calling others pathetic
haha o am i laffin

No. 109048

Wow, you all have very shitty taste in men. Really says a lot about you.

No. 109049

ngl both of you seem pretty mentally unstable. I hope both of you get the help you need.

No. 109050

no, it doesn't. sorry to take a dump on your superiority spergout but it's very possible these girls have already been abused or are insecure/vulnerable/have BPD or somesuch as a result of abuse/struggle with mental illness, and predatory men exploit that. says nothing really about them except that perhaps they're looking for affection and care from someone in a very callous world. what it DOES is say a lot about these walking abortions these women unfortunately have associated with.

No. 109051

I know I have issues that's why I'm under therapy and on medication and I know he had issues too but he would have never admitted because HE WORKED SO HARD ON GETTING BETTER BY BECOMING FIT AND DOING HIS HOUSE CHORES, worryingly he was a med student and older than me.

No. 109059

Wow, a thoughtful woman with insight on mental illnesses clearly wrote this. /s

No. 111779

File: 1553559372792.png (353.22 KB, 434x385, 1428457235.png)

>dude fetishized the fact that I am German and would tell me his fantasies about living with me in Northern Germany
>told him about past trauma involving men, he went on and called himself the "only respectable male figure in my life"
>showered me in gifts very early into the relationship and just said "i like to spoil my exes", lovebombed the fuck out of me, I still have his games on Steam flagged for returns because they're boring as fuck and unfun
>completely unstable autist with bipolar depression, the littlest thing set him off and made him ramble on about me "lying to him"
>this included me refusing to have sexual shit at the last moment, which made him rant about how I led him on for 30 minutes and I just tuned out and played a game with a friend
>viewed my male friends as complete competition for whatever reason and would get mad when I spent time with them
>once locked himself with an AR-15 in his bathroom ass naked
>complains about his job hauling ice but all he just did was sit in his truck all the time
>he constantly rants and throws bitchfits over me being busy and not spending time with him, obsessed with being in the right, sexually aggressive to all fuck
>his dirty talk was fucking abysmal and sounded right out of a hentai doujin

>i decide to break up with him because he's stressful as fuck and starts conflict for no reason

>kills himself and writes a suicide note with nothing but crytyping and how he has a shotgun
>people call the police
>he gets sorted out and I just drop him and close up that messy ass chapter of my life

never again

No. 111780

*attempts to kill himself, my bad, saged for obvious reasons

No. 115658

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Since I broke up quite a while ago with this guy, I guess I'll add to this thread.
>runescape addicted boyfriend
>invites me over and then ignores me the entire day
>hug him from behind while hes gaming
>gets pissed off and shouts at me to back off
>makes me suck his dick when hes horny and goes back to ignoring me
>cringes when i laugh
>makes me do his laundry and dishes
>NEVER pays for anything, probably spent hundreds on food for him
>paid for my mcflurry once and acted mighty
>believes in "chivalry" and traditional women
>never plays that roll
>one time offered to bring pizza, wings, and drinks to him
>1 hr transit
>show up at front door
>he doesn't answer
>he texts me an hour later that he was drunk
>gets home 20 mins later
>i start crying
>he doesn't understand why
>win $15 dollar giftcard to icecream shop
>invite him along
>he orders 3 scoops which means I can only get 1 scoop
>i have to pay off the extra because he got too many scoops
>mfw pic related
>hair falls out because of health problems
>constantly whines about my hair being everywhere and nags me to pick it up
>i apologize and feel really bad everytime
>continues nagging me as i clearly already feel bad

I know, I was incredibly stupid but I was super mentally ill at that point and couldn't' bring myself to leave him. It's all good now though.

No. 115708

was his name brian?

No. 115709

File: 1559065881127.gif (32.52 KB, 156x90, clapping.gif)

Does runescape just attract terrible men in general?

>Runescape addicted ex-BF

>He is really good at it apparently, like top 50 or something richest in game
>Brags about how his account is worth at least 5 grand and it's an investment and he could cash it all out
>Gambles in-game all the time and has mental breakdowns. Yells at me and tells me not to let him gamble like I'm his mom
>Tell him not gamble
>He does it anyway
>Loses all his money in-game and literally becomes suicidal, expects me to care and take care of him
>When I told him not to gamble
>In a video game

It was probably the most pathetic thing I've ever witnessed a guy do to date.

No. 115720

Jesus, anon, how could you let someone walk all over you like that?

No. 115722

>Not dating Ultima Online chads
Can't believe you'd settle for Runecucks.

No. 115845

File: 1559200173268.png (1.06 MB, 919x720, 1533408365788.png)

>be me, 15 (maybe 16?), self destructive and depressed
>in a weird facebook community of people that are all drug addicts and weirdos
>fb suggests i add this guy with no pictures of himself
>goes by weird cryptic letters
>i make it my goal to befriend him because his profile is weird and im bored
>spend weeks getting info out of this guy, im not sure why i was so compelled
>find out he lives in my city
>find out he's 27 yr old alcoholic
>convince him to let me come over
>i agree to meet up with him at 3 am in a parking lot
>he doesnt show up
>walk home for a few hours in the cold crying
>fall asleep in a bush
>he messages me saying he fell asleep, let's try again
>im retarded so i agree
>come over some other night, meet up with him
>he's unattractive, rotten teeth, bald spot, generally unappealing
>lives in a literal pig sty. trash everywhere, no room to walk
>fuck him
>stay 4 nights at his house while my parents worry
>i wanted him to kill me or make something terrible to happen to me
>he's violently alcoholic
>lies all the time about weird shit
>throws up when we're fucking, sometimes
>makes me pay for food
>the very little scraps of positive attention he gave me when we had sex were all i needed to stay with him for 1 1/2 years.
>my parents always ask where i go half the time
>drop out of school to spend more time with him
>he cheats on me twice and i break up with him

He literally had no redeeming qualities. I really don't know what I was on when I was a teenager.

No. 115847

jfc anon :(

No. 115850

>He literally had no redeeming qualities. I really don't know what I was on when I was a teenager.
I mean you described almost everything pretty accurately, but don't you think you were looking in the mirror when you dated him? Or maybe you would still, since you can't even remember your age. Very messed up, both of you.

Very few people date bad people. Most are on the same level.

No. 115852

I'm sorry anon, teenagers essentially self harm themselves by putting themselves in dangerous situations all the time but you didn't deserve to find a literal child rapist

>Very few people date bad people. Most are on the same level
If you're 27 and a 15 or 16 year old shows up at your house and you fuck them, and let them drop out of school to hang out with you, would you tell yourself that the kid was to blame too? Fuck off with that crap.

No. 115855

very few people date people actually worse than them.*
You can still find someone a victim and a mess at the same time anon. She basically walked into hell. No need to treat victims like saints, however. My opinion of course.

No. 115856

Also if she was 16, where I live he wouldn't be a childrapist and she'd have to clean toilets for skipping school, not even shitposting.

No. 115857

so you still don't think there's anything wrong w a 27-year-old dating a 16-year-old . . . ? wild lmao

No. 115858

There is hence why I am criticising her as well. Stop reading what you want to read.
>No need to treat victims* like saints, however.

Obviously there are some who are but it depends on the situation. I highly doubt being so obsessed with a drug addict in a drug addict group makes you a saint and that you can't be criticised. Not defending him, hope she was 15 so that wherever she is from there's a high chance he is legally a childrapist.

No. 115867

I think she's saying that the person you choose to date is reflective of your mental state. She probably felt like she deserved someone that bad and she got it. It's not her fault obviously but people don't put up with things they feel they don't deserve.

No. 115883

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I'm the 27y/o bf anon you're replying to. You're right in that I sought out a terrible person because I thought I was a terrible person, but really no, we were nothing alike. I think you underestimate how self-loathing and self-destructive I was as a teenager. I'm not trying to make myself look like a victim, I never indicate that in my greentext. If I did view myself that way, I would have said he preyed on me, and I felt threatened to stay with him, but truthfully I stayed because I didn't know where else to get positive attention. That being said, he shouldn't have had sex with a 16 year old and took her money for alcohol.

It makes sense because of previous traumas mentally illness I just wanted my life to end and might as well go see this scary internet man who will probably kill me. Yes I walked into hell on purpose, but he should have never let me in the first place. I place blame on both parties. Honestly it took a lot of therapy to realize that it wasn't 100% my fault, so I have to just disagree with you that a 16 year old girl and a 27 year old man were both equally bad.

I'm in my 20s now, I got my GED, I saved enough money to move across the country and peruse the career I want. I am now on good terms with my mom and we went to therapy together. 16 year old me is an alien to me and I just wanted to semi-objectively vent about my loser ex-boyfriend without injecting too much narrative.

No. 115893

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Actual question

If you date many autistic guys are you autistic?

No. 115906

I'm happy for you anon, that sounds inspiring. You don't need to justify yourself to that other anon or anyone who thinks a grown ass man isn't fully to blame for their actions because a child made them do it or whatever.
It sounds like you're doing really well, and I hope that you have a happy life.

No. 116020

No, but you probably have a saviour complex.

No. 117549

browsing through this thread and a guy whom I haven't been involved with for over 4 years (we were never in a relationship, we had ONE date) sent me a Linkedin request to ask me why I still have him blocked on my personal facebook. I've been dating a guy who happened to be his childhood best friend (small town syndrome) for over 3 years now, and have him blocked because he kept trying to interact with me on all my social media, work related and personal. I didn't mind when he bought shit off me from my online work, but he always tried to make it personal again. Men are nuts.


No. 117601

>fat wiccan 18 yr old that preyed on me when i was 13 and tried to have anal
>dutch loser autist i met on chatrooms that had emotional breakdowns every week and i mommysat him
>ugly fetal alcohol swede i also met on chatrooms that shat in skype calls and only talked about lifting and philosophy
>literal toothpick autistic swiss that would shit talk me on his german threads then when i blocked him he made a million accounts to add me on discord and said im his oxygen

No. 117603

Now I just want to know what your malfunction is for dating such losers lol

No. 117622

Literally the common thread in every single one of these posts is that you guys are meeting online gamers or meeting guys in chatrooms (why??). Men that game socially aren't bf material and this is a fact

No. 117640

Absolutely true. Same thing with men who like anime, they should just all be euthanized the fuck.

No. 117697

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First boyfriend met online through a book forum. He drew lots of anime fan art of me/us, etc. I did go down to meet him, and he was first person I met irl from online. (I was 19, he was 18)
In person it was fine in the beginning, I didn't have anything going for me after high school so I moved in with him and his friends after a few months of meeting. He was very much into weeb stuff and wanted US to go to Japan, and for him to be a mangaka, he also (tried) to play every single tcg he could, so in that, I had started to play MTG, though I also previous played Pokemon TCG, in which he picked up and won a city championship in.
Unfortunately with my lack of work experience it was hard to get a job in a new place and I tried my best to get back up when my first job there failed. At this time, I was fine being the maid while I find a new job, etc, however our friends who lived with us started being strangers over and smoking weed a lot. I felt uncomfortable with the strangers in our house the most and them leaving a mess for me to pick up by default.
This is where it drained me, he had dreams for us, I didn't know what to dream, and next thing I knew there was a pregnancy scare cause my period was late. He was a Christian (I'm all apatheism) and one of the first things I remember him saying in the start of our relationship is that, I won't try to change you. Ha. Now whether I was pregnant or not, he went all out trying to tell me how wrong I am for being pro-choice and whatnot. Also I was looking up past guys I knew and seeing if they had a girlfriend, seeing what they were up to (not even talking to them, just checking up socials and what not) and he lost it and threaten violence toward me, and threaten even more violence cause he made me cry with his initial threats.
I finally was done and left across country.
After me he found another weeb girl and they were together, oh had a baby, and then had baby mama drama. At this point he left some hobbies aside and became…a white rapper. (I should also state that a lot of the hobbies he picked up were because his best friend got into them too and he wanted to be better then him as competition, so drawing, tcg, rapping..) And so was that, I remember finding his rap music site with a bunch of current baby mama drama song stuff like if he was the next Eminem.
But, with this post, I looked back to see if he ever wrote anything about me, and he did. Lol.
Pic is his bio on his rapper page.

(All in all maybe I was the loser, or both, but honestly I can probably talk about all of my exs here if there is interest..)

No. 117705

I dated a girl who threatened to kill herself because I was at school and couldn't message her during class. The first day we dated. I dunno why I didn't just break up with her there.

She also tried to convince me I was actually a lesbian and not bi because I had just broken up with my long term boyfriend and was bitter about it.

Here's the part I'm most embarrassed about. We e-dated. I decided to go out with her before I even knew exactly what she looked like. She sent me a picture when we were just friends of her and a friend in high school. I thought she was her friend (brunette, glasses, cute face). I didn't realize the hambeast next to the cute girl was my future girlfriend. So when I finally saw a pic of her, I wasn't attracted to her at all. I was a depressed 17 year old and was mainly attracted to her voice, as well as her age (3 years older).

No. 117710

Were you dropped on your head or what? First you couldn't find the right thread to post this dumb shit in, but now your story isn't even interesting or making any fucking sense. Please fuck yourself into space and never come down.

No. 117723

I dated a guy once who owned more than $10k worth of anime figures and worked at a GameStop. I met him through tinder shortly after I moved to a new city and knew nobody. I was sort of forced into moving in with him after 6 months because my living situation suddenly fell through and it was really my only option due to not being able to afford rent anywhere else lol. He was pretty nice at first, but over time became really controlling and mean. If I was 5 minutes late coming home from work, he accused me of cheating on him. He had all the passwords to my socials and would check them frequently to make sure I wasn’t talking to other guys. When we got in fights, I’d try to go outside for a cigarette to calm down and he flat out would physically prevent me from leaving because he thought I was gonna run off to another guys house?? I spent a lot of money on him too, despite the fact that he made more than me, because I felt like it was the only way to show that I loved him (gifts, but also energy drinks/candy/cigs/etc). But then he was convinced I was trying to buy his love lmao. On my days off, I’d try to clean up our living space but he’d get mad at me because ~what if I touched and damaged one of his figures~ so I stopped and then he’d call me lazy. I finally left him because he started grabbing me during our fights and throwing shit at me and I knew it was only a matter off tkme before he started hitting me lmao.

Tl;dr - don’t date fucking weebs.

No. 117724

>I dated a guy once who owned more than $10k worth of anime figures and worked at a GameStop
Wow what a great two for one deal.

No. 117725

was 20 and met a guy where i used to work who was a busboy. he was 30.
our first date, i tried to do the wheelbarrel with him (him holding my legs up while i walked on my hands) at a park. he drops me on my head hard. end up sleeping with him even though i didnt want to. because of this i felt bad about myself and started dating him.
he didn't have a car, drivers license, worked part time at the restaurant as a busboy, and lived in a basement of someone's house.
when we would argue, he would say i was "too emotional" to drive and hide my keys.
I started having panic attacks in the bathroom because of this.
He would get upset and throw a fit in public. one time he got out of my car at an intersection during a red light and started walking away.
one time he pulled my steering wheel while driving.
when we broke up, he started following me around so far as to enroll in the same community college and same classes as me.
i got a restraining order.
its been almost 10 years and he is still posting pictures of me on his instagram.
he is a human cockroach.

No. 117742

For me it was a combination of severe social anxiety, internalized misogyny, and absolutely no concept of what a healthy relationship should look like. I didn't have any friends and couldn't go outside at the time, so I spent most of my time on 4chan and related to guys who were also mentally ill and hated women. I had the mentality that ~*~I wasn't like the other girls~*~ and felt special that my ex liked me even though I was a 3d pig disgusting girl. No one had ever shown interest in me before that.

No. 117754

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Oh boy! Sorry if this is too long.

>I'm 17 he's 23

>have severe depression and anxiety, never been in a relationship, virgin
>meet on a 4chan clan of an mmo, we play all the same niche games, wow so much in common!!! so compatible!!!
>he oh so kindly waits for me to turn 18 then we start dating long distance
>he is fucking repulsive - doesn't shower or brush his teeth, ugly face, fat, lives with his dad, hasn't graduated high school, no job
>sounds great! I'm not shallow like the OTHER girls!
>we talk about our sexual histories, he says he's only ever had sex with one girl and got tested after they broke up
>great, let's not use condoms when we meet up

>meet irl, my mom came with me, pulls me aside and tries to talk me out of it when she sees him

>FUCK YOU mom this is true love!
>ditch her and he fingers me in the hallway of his dad's apartment, have sex later that night
>see mom the next day, she won't let me leave the car until I tell her we had sex, she's visibly disappointed

>relationship quickly gets abusive, too embarrassed to tell my mom

>my vag hurts but he doesn't care, won't let me sleep until I have sex with him, wakes me up in the middle of the night for sex until I'm so tired I give in
>physically restrains me "as a joke", always pushes my head towards his dick if we're cuddling, blocks me from leaving rooms, walks in on me in the bathroom every time "as a joke"
>never took no as an answer, always used physical force or guilt tripped me into fucking him
>I hated sex with him but I didn't know why, felt like I needed a "reason"
>gaslights me, tells me my memory of really basic events and conversations is off, I genuinely thought there was something wrong with me
>good thing I had him around to keep things straight! silly me!

>my dumb ass stays with him for just under a year, have a few more trips to see him, all of which I pay for lol

>one day we're playing a game with one of his asshole friends, topic goes to sexual pasts
>bf offhandedly says that I'm "lucky number 7"
>haha what the fuck?
>he reveals to me, in front of his friend, that he had unprotected sex with 5 other girls after his ex and didn't get tested before sleeping with me
>so embarrassed that I'm about to cry but play it cool, he apologizes later and says the girls were all virgins so it's ok
>literally the next day he calls my face nasty when I said I was insecure about something
>dump his ass immediately but we still talk for the week after
>start reading about feminism and abusive relationships, realize he's abusive, block his ass
>he "accidentally" texts me like a year later that he got a job at a fast food place as if that'd convince me to date him again
>it didn't

I never told my mom that he was abusive out of embarrassment and we don't have a good relationship anymore.

No. 117763

Not many have time for all of that..Legal actions takes time, money, its emotionally draining, etc..

No. 117770

Yeah, not interesting, I agree. Midnight ramblings don't work either. No worries.

No. 117776

Compared to amount of people here illegally, relatively few actually get deported.

No. 118033

Anon your mom sounds like an asshole, she should've been there for you and given you the space and confidence to talk about it when your relationship turned abusive, the fact that you were scared of her makes it sound like she was pretty abusive too.

No. 118166

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After starting to see a sweet guy im starting to see how awful my last gf was. Ive accepted I was a pushover idiot through all of it too. Super convoluted and dragged out but thats because im trying to conmpress as much as I can and havent really talked much about this yet.

Also fyi the relationship itself stopped 7 months ago but my ex gf was my roomate until last month


>dating chad-looking guy
>ldr because i moved out of state
>relationship is rocky because of it and he suggests poly
>start talking to a girl I met on discord and we vc almost everyday
>talks constantly about metal and super smash bros and i eat it up
>also talks constantly about how abusive her family and exes were
>convinces me to break up with my bf during a panic attack
>i go full uhaul lesbian mode after and suggests she lives with me and ill pay for everything
>get new job, start working out,move out of parents n start renting new apartment and being an adult to impress gf

>shes just talking about metroid and how much she wants to fuck samus

>buy her train ticket to my state so we can finally live together

>first month is rough, shes messy and ignores me unless I actively try to get her attention from the computer
>second month we celebrate vday and then the next tuesday she goes out
>look through her discord messages (i admit it was fucked up of me to do so and i still feel guilty for it)
>shes fucking erping with someone and bitching about me
>bring it up a day later through a message saying i cant keep dating her
>its eating me up and leave work to go and forgive/comfort her
>take her back but end up having a panic attack
>she fucking breaks up with me during said panic attack

>she lives with me a few more months

>she never fucking showers, wears the same outfit for days, throws her trash on the ground
>was unemployed the whole time while I worked full time and had to clean fucking everything
>i resent her but i still love the person she used to be so my feelings for her stay
>she starts blaming me for every lil thing that goes wrong in her life and says im abusive
>that guilt makes me hate myself and relapse into self harming and bulimia i previously recovered from
>she says im doing it to manipulate her more
>my mom finally has enough with how shes treating me and tells me to move back home and terminate apt lease
>tell that to exgf and she starts complaining on twitter and her discord friends how im leaving her homeless and how she wants me dead
>i try killing myself next week but im a dumbass and just end up in ER after calling my mom crying
>finally manage to convince her to move out
>all happened last month and thought I deserved all of it until my suicide attempt snapped me out

Super long and I left off some shit she did like turn my own online friends against me and her calling me a stupid bitch when I thought she needed an ID to buy insulin from walmart (which I payed for)
I also still have pics of how she left her side of the apt and it literally looks like hoarders, she had a pile of gatorade and coke right next to her computer and kept all the plates on the computer desk

No. 118167

Double posting but forgot she also forced a lot of fucking weird fetishes on me I had to pretend I was into bc it was the only way to get her off like vore and piss drinking. She was proud of being that degenerate too
It was kept to roleplay luckily but sex always ended the moment she came or was satisfied; she'll eat me out for 5min and then get bored and it fucking frustrated the shit out of me
Ive accepted Im pretty fucking vanilla besides some mild femdom. Im never dating anyone whos into weird overly fantasy or unhygenic stuff every again

No. 118168

> be me 13-14 with my first real boyfriend also 13-14
>he was chubby but cute and cared about me.
>red flags popped up towards a year and a half(ish)
>he'd contently get books from the library about WWII
>he was trying to learn german
> he would say hitler did nothing wrong for the """"lewls"""""
>he started really getting into homestuck and would contently talk about it even though no one else knew what he was talking about or cared.
> we had a mutual friend who also really liked homestuck but didn't sperg about it.
> He had his jackass friend break up with me because he wanted to pursue the mutual friend.
> only problem was that she was gay vvvery gay, openly so, and he knew he didn't have a chance but asked her anyway because he thought maybe he could change her or some shit.

No. 118174

>peepee poo poo
are you okay? you sound like a leftover hydrogen bomb baby

No. 118250

Guys who think they can convert lesbians are the best, kek. The powermove here would be to date the mutual friend.

No. 118484

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Thank god I’m out of this nightmare of a relationship.

>20 and in a dark place in my life

> one of my mutual guy friends starts being extremely nice to me out of the blue
>he’s my type and I’m flattered that a guy is showing interest in me
>he wooes me into becoming FWB with him and takes my virginity
>eventually we start dating and he opens up to me more and more in the worst way possible
>”jokingly” goes on rants about how women are shitty as well as “joke” rants about black people
>textbook definition of pornsick, watches and gets off to porn multiple times a day (even goes into the bathroom at work)
>into really weird fucked up fetish shit with the LEAST alarming being furry shit
>guilts me into sex constantly and doesn’t stop when I say that something hurts or isn’t good
>room is a pigsty with moldly take out boxes all over the floor
>spends his money on cigarettes and junk so I have to buy him shit
>questionable hygiene
>constantly is worried that I’m cucking him by fucking literally ever man I’ve ever interacted with
>later find out he’s been cheating on people years and was trying to date multiple people
>was weirdly into lesbians and thought they just needed “a good dicking”

That’s really just the tip of the iceberg with him. Anyway don’t be a certified dumbass like me and don’t try to think you can “fix” men like this. You can’t.

No. 118489

Holy shit what a fucking shit show.

Glad you’ve dumped her ass. Sounds like a horrible person. What did you ever see in her besides mutual interests?

No. 118580

My first ever boyfriend was a guy I met through a facebook group about music (metal to be specific). I was 19 going on 20 and he was 27. We lived in different states and never met IRL. He did what I now know to be called "love bombing". Told me I was perfect in every way, wanted to be with me for ever, mentioned marrying me and having kids… at a really early point in our relationship which actually freaked me out a bit but I was young and didn't realize how much of a red flag that was. oh yeah, and he wrote poetry for me. it became this really weird toxic borderline codependent dynamic between us really fast.

Oh yeah, he also didn't have a job, and wasn't in school or training. He lived with his mom. All of this yet he thought he was extremely intelligent- and I mean he would blatantly call himself smart and say that he had drastically above average intelligence with nothing to show for it (one time he actually said to me "you're the only woman I've ever met who is as smart as I am"). One time he told me he was unhappy that he had to get up really early, I asked him how early he had to get up and he was like "10 :(". One time he wanted to have phone sex, and we did. He would have to suddenly stop though when his mom would walk into the room… and I know my sister heard me which to this very day makes me cringe deep down in my soul. Oh yea, and did I mention he had an 8ish y/o son with his ex girlfriend? And he had a fuck ton of exes, and was friends with a bunch of them, even a really recent one that he told me was crazy (I highly doubt she actually was).

After about 2 months into out relationship things got really sour really fast. He acted completely different towards me, to the point where he seemed like a different person. I then found out that he had been taking lithium (because he was prescribed lithium) and he stopped taking it, and it was effecting his mood and behaviour. Apparently he had been going on and off different types of meds for years, which he hadn't told me before this point.

He just started ignoring me all of the time. I was upset about this, and he told me that I was always trying to talk to him and that I should stop and let him initiate conversations (which made no fucking sense because he could have just initiated them anyway). So anyway we wouldn't talk for like 3 days in a row, and then when I finally did message him he said he hadn't been messaging me because he didn't think I wanted to talk to him because I hadn't been messaging him. The cognitive dissonance with this one… And another time I asked if we could talk on the phone and he said he "wouldn't mind". I got offended that he acted like talking to me on the phone was a chore and he said that he acted like that because he wanted to see if I would "read into it" and get offended, and I did, and he thought it was funny. He complained in general about me over analyzing things he said, which like, I did. But then another time he said something that upset me (I don't even remember what it was) and he told me that he meant something completely different than what he said, and that I needed to "read between the lines" (those were his exact words) to understand what he really meant, and that he was hurt that I couldn't truly understand what he really meant and just took his words for face value. And obviously he didn't really mean that, he just wanted to be able to say anything and be able to say that I "misunderstood it" if I was upset by it. But then there were other times when he told me I was over analyzing things too much, which made absolutely no fucking sense.

And also, I found his tumblr account and there was evidence of him cheating on me. He would post "missing yew" with some girl tagged in it and a gif of anime characters kissing passionately. He told me it was because his female friend had a stalker and they posted that to make the stalker think she had a boyfriend so he would back off. Which sounded like bullshit, but I'll never know.

He didn't even have the balls to actually dump me, so he just kept passively aggressively ignoring and avoiding me for about a month. I knew he wanted me to break up with him, and though I didn't want to be with him I didn't want to break up with him because I didn't want to give him what he wanted, but I eventually broke down and broke up with him.

Right after we broke up he would post these really bait-y status updates on facebook that were directed at me, and then when I would respond he would be like "oh that's not about you". Eventually I started ignoring them completely.

And then a short matter of months later he got "engaged" to his new girlfriend that he had been dating for a very short time. This was years ago and I never found out because I stopped logging on facebook. Don't know, don't care.

No. 118583

Man I fucking love this thread.

No. 118699

I'm the one who wrote >>118580 and there's some things I forgot.

He always called himself German. Although he was from the east coast US, never been to Germany, didn't have any German relatives, didn't try to learn any German and had probably never even met a German person in his life yet insisted on bragging about how he was German, solely because he had a one-syllable German last name that he claimed was really rare. He would always be like "haha, I do (instert habit/preference etc here) because I'm German, that's the way we are". And something else funny is that he looked super Italian/Mediterranean. He had super black hair, tanned really well and had an Italian looking nose.

He also hated France and was constantly shitting on France and French people/things, and said it was because he was German. Yet he was always saying how the Three Musketeers was his favorite book and one of the best books of all time…. so one time I nonchalantly said something like "oh I'm surprised you like that book, because the author is French". Dead silence, no reply. Did the same thing later and got ignored again lmfao. I know he was embarrassed.

Also when we first got together I brought up all these reasons why getting in a relationship would be bad and he said it didn't matter because "love would get us through it". Then when we finally broke up he said our relationship wasn't working because of literally all the reasons I told him at the beginning. And it fucking infuriated me lmao.

No. 119029

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Its hot knowing all these roasties are talking about how I will get never notices, and that I am too much of a loser to ever have a job, and that I am so pathetic I dropped out of college, and that I still live with my parents and probably am psychotic. It makes me horny knowing I will never pass my genes and that I am the subhuman beta male with the sole purpose of my meaningless life being worm food(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 119122

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he was 23 i was 18 i regret everything

>looked like a botched clone of one of the Property Brothers

>exclusively read creepy misogynistic self-help books, mostly about how to make people like you and woo women
>had some gut condition that made his breath rancid, probably exacerbated by his poor hygiene
>found out he was a druggie AND a dealer like halfway into our relationship
>regularly popped street bars and drank, which is fucking Bad News Bears
>also snorted the bars crushed up which is the most pants on head retarded thing
>grabbed at me and sucked my face off in public any chance he got to assert his dominance
>anytime we hung out with his friends it was drug-centric (e.g. BOARD GAME NIGHT BUT ANY TIME YOU GET SENT BACK TO START DO A LINE OF COKE!!!!)
>when he made me cry he would just straight up ignore me and read his books because he's a fucking aspie
>failed the class we were in together, stopped going to any classes entirely, stopped going to his job to sell drugs full time
>had the nerve to treat me like i was the dumb failure leech
>ended up crashing his car because he did whippets while driving
>later that week OD'd on god knows what
>sent to the hospital for a "suicide attempt" (the OD wasn't a suicide attempt he was just an idiot)
>visit him every day and bring him shit
>later calls me to tell me i'm a bitch and to get the fuck out of his life
>then calls me again to apologize
>then spams my phone with his ex's nudes and asks if he can pimp me out
>gets out of the hospital and sits in front of my house until we called the police

you know what's worse is that this is only scratching the fucking surface. i've already heard it all about my shit taste and how could i have done this to myself, i'm older now and i had never really had a boyfriend before. i literally wouldn't bat an eye if he ended up in prison or dead. fucker

No. 119127

A place where I can complain about my ex? Hell yeah.
We were good friends, he asked me about taking things to the next level. I accepted, and was with him for something over a year. I exited that relationship not knowing how to kiss, I never held hands with him, nothing. He would frequently ditch me and excuse it with 'I am playing lol tonight' He would always just make fun of me for something, called me Pinocchio even though my nose isn't even that big, and he said shit like 'I can be late when I am meeting with you, you won't be mad'. But I really was. I was never late to anything, and there he was, just saying that and smirking. When we broke up he said something like 'I'll have to prepare for uni exams, so I won't have time to meet you', but he barely finished his first year. I tried to make peace with him afterwards, calling him to my 18th birthday, even moving the party a week beforehand because I knew he wouldn't be in the city for my actual birthday, and I told him that months prior. He left after an hour because 'I made a deal for a game night a week before you told me about the birthday party'. He still contacts me with the cringiest shit, he drunk texted me about loving me, and just can't leave me alone. I think he knows that I am currently taken and for longer than I was with him. He just likes tormenting me that way. I can't even move on, because he enrages me so much every time.

No. 119144

My first bf ever, happily an ex now, was a disgusting neckbeard loser who sat on his computer lurking /r9k/ every day. I had no idea how much of a loser that made him at the time. He was really fat and still is. He used to watch hentai and we would argue about it all of the time because it really grossed me out. Then he admitted he was sexually attracted to his younger sisters and used to masturbate to them. I remember calling him and screaming at him before breaking up with him once he told me that. Fucking disgusting piece of shit will be alone forever, and that makes me feel v happy.

No. 119151

legit i pray these men are murdered

No. 119236

I was 11, he was 18/19. Replied to his Facebook comment on some meme and he added me shortly after. Basically groomed me online for years (I’m 20 now and we have had no contact since a while after I turned 18), would also “cheat” on me (AKA grooming other young girls), make me skype naked with him while I was underage, etc. He was awful and acted like such a victim because his dad was a drug addict and his mum was abusive. He was homeless a few times and he would have to go to an Internet cafe to message me. He’s now engaged to some bible nut who probably knows he’s a pedo but “god forgives all” or some shit. Thank God I never met him in person, he met his 13 year old ex I believe but I’m not sure, I’m in the UK and they both lived in the US. He was planning to come here to meet me but it never happened luckily.

Another one was an 18 year old I dated while I was 19, he was incredibly immature, he couldn’t even put it in so we couldn’t have sex, he apparently was obsessed with another girl while we were dating, was obsessed with Arctic Monkeys and Oasis and thought he was so cool and the shit, when he broke up with me he said I wasn’t his soul mate and my depression was too much to handle and that he didn’t like that I wasn’t “doing anything with my life” even though I was taking a break from education for health reasons.

I had such bad taste, goodness Christ. I’m with someone a lot better now luckily.

No. 119376

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>regularly had full-blown emotional affairs under the guise of having an open relationship, but would self-flagellate and become inconsolable if I had a one-night stand
>had sex with the girl who bullied and publicly humiliated him in high school. He thought he would live out his revenge fantasy but she just used him and ghosted him, at which point he became desperate and begged me to text her using my number and give him my facebook login so he could look at her page
>wasted 10+ years orbiting a girl who only used him for phone sex and had zero intentions of ever meeting him in real life. Ruined the only 2 serious relationships he ever had because he was holding out for her, despite the fact that she's lightyears out of his league and only speaks to him for the self-esteem boost and nostalgia factor (they started talking in their teens)
>wasted the goodwill of every girl who fell in love with him because he refused to commit, but became obsessed with them as soon as they fell out of love and became unattainable. I knew the tumblr of one of his exes and she received semi-regular anonymous asks saying shit like "what we had was special. I miss you so much."
>regularly pissed in cups and bottles around his room; accidentally ingested piss when he forgot he had used a half-empty Coke bottle
>a stench filled the room one day when we were having sex. We were doing butt stuff and I genuinely thought I'd accidentally shat myself, but I later learned that the moving bed accidentally knocked over a cup of week-old piss
>he was comically spineless; told me about a movie date where a girl asked to be taken out for dinner first (she ordered an entree while he watched her eat) and spent $25+ on concession food on his minimum wage dime
>the girl "moved away" and only messaged him to describe tragic situations wherein she needed his financial help. He sent her several hundred dollars and laughed and said I was jealous when I told him he was being scammed
>one day he sends me her mugshot where she looks drugged out of her mind, and tells me I was right
>on the day he was going to meet my father, I asked him if he saw a future with me. He laughed nervously and said verbatim "uhmmmm, sure"
>was shocked and inconsolable when I left

No. 119379

Your ex sounds like a loser but honestly, you did butt stuff in a room full of piss cups?! Like wow.

Block him everywhere. He doesn't get to self-insert himself into your life.

No. 119381

I only learned about the extent of his filth when it was too late. Bad choices were definitely made

No. 119395

Is there a reason why so many losers piss in bottles and stow them in their rooms?

No. 119401

Probably too depressed, anti-social and addicted to video games to even leave their own room.

No. 119406

Gosh anon, that’s really nasty, I’m sorry. Do you worry about his sisters? Ever considered calling the police at that time?

No. 119413

>you did butt stuff in a room full of piss cups?! Like wow.
This is some of the funniest shit I've read on the internet. Shits crazy.

No. 119427

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He was 23 and I was 17, but when we started getting romantically involved I'd be becoming 18 in less than 2 months. Long post but would appreciate if you read it.

>We knew each other from before, we were in the same group. Mind you that group was full of 25+ guys hanging out with me and a few other girls since we were underage. One of the older ones had a 9 year gap with a girl my age and started dating her when she was 15. All they talked about was DnD and they kept having this toxic energy of putting us down, calling us stupid and the boys beating each other up.

>The first time he ever talked to me it was a dare from the guys of the group back then when I didn't really hang out with them (I was 14/15) and he just came up to me to tell me that my anime taste was shit and I should watch Evangelion.
>Fast forward when I was 17 we started off as being consolation buddies because he just got off a 2 year relationship and a few months after him I got out of my first shorter relationship
>We had similar interests in anime, games, imageboards, memes and all that internet mumbo jumbo. We'd talk about that when we weren't comforting each other.
>After some time of talking he opened up to me about his ex and he'd basically tell me how horrible and controlling she was.
>Felt sorry for hinm and he seemed pretty chill so I was surprised he was treated that badly.
>Fast forward some months of talking, he studies in the other side of the country, so we can't go out.
>The convo starts getting all lovey-dovey, he tells me any guy would be lucky to have me, that he thinks im super adorable and cool for my age
>He confesses to me through chat, I accept it and say it back.
>That year were my uni entrance exams and he'd be super supportive so I could get into a university in his city (It was my ideal choice beforehand as well)
>One day before I go to sit my last exam, I wake up to 23 messages from him
>It was a drunk rumbling, telling me that he wants to "win me over" from my ex, says he was so jealous of a guy i responded with in a cutesy way in a facebook comment he wanted to send him to the hospital, later on the rumbling didn't even make sense.
>I send him a message like wtf is this
>At first he doesn't really understand why I'm upset
>Tell him that was super creepy
>"oh…so did i fuck up"
>I tell the guys from the group about it, they say he's like that
>He ends up apologizing, I am still a bit creeped out but I try to forget it.
>Fast forward to summer, exams end, he's originally from my town so he comes back for the summer
>We end up meeting up and it's intense, but we try to hold off on doing anything because I didn't even know in what uni I'd end up in.
>At that momment I also make it clear to him I don't want to lead him on because I still wasn't 100% over my ex but I still liked him
>We ended up making out
>Spended a whole amazing summer together being basically a couple, he takes my virginity, I later on tell him I have no other feelings left for my ex and we can make it official.
>Uni results come in, I don't make it in his town, LDR it is until I try again next year
>He goes back to his town
>This is where it all goes to shit
>He has a mental breakdown after smoking weed that he needs to finish his uni because he's getting "old" and breaks up with me over the phone just saying "uhm idk if we can do this", we end up talking about it and we agreed to give it a shot
>In that year I literally only make the effort to visit him, he even expected me to come in Christimas and Easter instead of visiting me and his family since we are all in the same town either way
>Neglects me constantly, I would have to beg him to skype once a week and when we did he'd do something else in the same time, even when I visited him he'd be on his pc all fucking day long, would never take me out even if I wanted to see the city, all we ate was take out
>Constantly talked about his exs with a longing tone, still did it after I told him how uncomfortable/insecure it made me feel, kept everything from his exs
>Severe daddy issues
>Not jealous or controlling after the drunk incident but he went to the polar opposite, apathetic
>When a girl hitted on him on the cold, it'd completely fly above his head, when I pointed out, he'd call me crazy and jealous and compare me to his ex
>"If you take medication for your depression and anxiety you are crazy in my book" though he was crazy depressed himself and couldn't even get out of bed at times
>Used to piss in bottles
>Confessed to me that he has fapped to snuff
>Alt-right fag turned into sjw trash overnight, had multiple fights over my gender critical views
>Rich as fuck, would never offer to pay (I'd still politely decline)
> Has wished me death "ideally you get murdered by an angry trans woman"
>His friend told him he wants to fuck me and that he's going to make a move after we break up, he says he's ok with it
>gashlighted me in all of our arguements or simply said "that's just how i am"
>HUGE elitist
>Has written emo poetry at 20
>"Why go out the two of us when we go out with my friend group as well?"
>Gets drunk in my birthday with our friend group, he pulls my hair and puts my head under a sink, as water starts to run I kick, scream and cry, he pulls my head up and after I beg him to stop he starts laughing and does it again, after that I call my best friend to pick me up and he's confused as to why I'm upset and want to leave
>Sex was awful, addicted to porn, would be lucky if we did it once every 2 days when I visited him, small dick and he was too lazy to do any other position other cowgirl
>Called me stupid on some occasions, but mostly talked down on me
>This goes on for 1,5 year
>At some point I get so tired of his shit I get super mad and tell him over the phone "go find a smarter girl if you think I'm that stupid"
>He takes the chance and says he will even If I explain him that I said it when I was on my feelings
>We break up
>Meet up after a month for closure
>He proposes we become sex friends.
>I decline.

He's currently dating a basic uggo ass weaboo that's a year younger than me, got together not even 2 months after we broke up.

It may sound comlpetely fucked up but I really loved him and still did months after the break up. I'm in a really bad situation right now as well relationship-wise and sometimes I think he really was the only person that truly loved me despite the fucked up shit, I'm over him though and I don't love him anymore.

No. 119431

This steaming pile of shit infiltrated your life when you were too young to know better and inadvertently shaped your views on love. I was really relieved to read you're over him and don't love him anymore. I don't know a thing about you but I know you deserve better than that. He didn't love you, he just loved the power the had over you.

No. 119523

Some seriously strong similarities in your story that I've experienced with an ex. The age gap that exists here just shows that he was a manipulative piece of shit from the very beginning.

Happy that you don't love him anymore anon. That's a milestone in and of itself. As for whatever relationship situation you're in right now, consider running. I know, very very VERY easily said than done.. but start planting the message in your own head. Ask yourself vvv

-Are you afraid of losing them or afraid of feeling alone?
-What things would you immediately feel better about if you were to leave the relationship?
-What new possibilities or options would sprout if you were to leave?
-Does reading the story you just posted in this thread remind you of the new guy you're seeing?

Answer these questions everyday until you know what to do. I've made a list like this and it's what gave me the push to do what's right.

good luck anon

No. 119535


You are really sweet anon. It's a relief to know that someone who doesn't know me irl and therefore isn't biased or has a reason to lie to me thinks I deserve better.


I encourage you to share your story if you'd like, I rarely find people irl having gone through a similar thing as me. I feel alone. Thanks for your kind words and advice.

No. 119552

My first boyfriend ever was a train wreck and led me to routinely date awful guys lmao. I’m in mobile so apologies if this doesn’t come out how I want it to!

>I’m 15, he’s 18

>we go to the same school and he’s in a group of people that I think are really cool, like I idolize them
>he invites me to see some bands play, I’m absolutely thrilled. he’s not super cute but really cool in my eyes, so I latch onto him HARD
>we talk and hangout for months, the only sexual thing I’ve experienced is kissing so that’s all we do
>I tell him I want to date, he says not until I turn 16 (less than a month away). I pout about it a lot until he finally gives in
>as soon as we become official, he gets more aggressive sexually. he’s a virgin too but has done everything leading up to sex. I’m incredibly nervous and uncomfortable with everything new
>he tells me he has a foot fetish. I think, okay that’s not too bad, I can handle it. but he becomes obsessive really quick, makes me put my feet in his face after school, insists that I let him cum on me, pressures me to wear shoes he likes
>we have sex for the first time. I cry, he barely tries to console me, immediately takes me home
>I learn he’s into ball busting. I think, okay that’s weird but this might be the only time I can abuse a guy and get away with it. So I humor this fetish too
>our budding sex life is all about feet and balls.
>I decide I want him to eat me out because I haven’t experienced it yet, he says no because I don’t shave my pubes
>I shave my pubes, he says no because “it’s gross” and my puss looks “used up”. I give up on this endeavor
>I’m getting increasingly uncomfortable with his fetishes, start refusing him. He guilts me into doing stuff, “if you really loved me, you’d do it”
>one last fetish comes up. it’s somehow more wild than the others.
>we go out to eat, he orders Rocky Mountain oysters for me to try. He makes me touch his dick while eating one and he’s rock hard, I’m confused as fuck
>bull testicals. he likes girls eating and/or crushing them. he has videos of girls doing this, some obviously porn and some just random regular women. he has a folder of pictures of actual cows with massive balls.
>I spend a week in shock and then break up with him

The first guy I met after him was vanilla as hell and would eat me out until I orgasmed, my mind was blown that not all men were freaks. A fun bonus story of my first boyfriend was he also raped me after we broke up and got mad at ME for not kissing him during it, totally unaware that I was hiding my face because I was crying. He also regularly smelled my feet while I was asleep and secretly filmed me for guys who shared his fetishes online.

No. 119570

>meet a guy on IG through posting my artwork
>also an artist, seems cool, we have a lot of similar interests
>recently moved so not a lot of friends in my area, pretty lonely, and still dealing with depression
>talk to this guy pretty regularly over the phone/text despite some red flags (30 w/no license, car, or job)
>get into a LDR after a few months
>he quickly becomes clingy and weirdly obsessed but I brush it off
>thinks we're soulmates and going to get married
>very insecure about looks needs constant reassurance (overweight, doesn't really take care of himself)
>break up several times over the course of three years because he just won't improve in his life (finally gets a job but that's it)
>he refuses to fly so we see each other maybe twice a year
>I start seeing a therapist, graduate, get a new job
>start to see he's just not who I want to be with
>see each other one last time and break up for good
>he goes on to make several whiny posts about me on IG and even makes a video crying

I've recently gotten a new bf and had to block my ex because he started posting memes about women being heartless, etc. My ex was super convinced I'd 'turn out to be a cheater like all his other gf's' so I'm sure he's been running with that story.

No. 120141

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I was 23 at the time and he was 33.
I hooked up out of depressive desperation and low self esteem.

> Meet guy on tinychat for Encyclopedia Dramatica.

> Seems cool and we share similar nerd hobbies.
> Dopeaf.jpg
> Start talking over Facebook for a few years.
> Nothing wrong so far. Facing some undiagnosed depression though.
> Communicate over Discord as it's the most used form of chatting.
> Homeboy claims to be a US Marine. Okay cool. I am also a military person too.
> Invite homeboy over to my place to try and help him in his worse times.
> He immediately buys tickets to the state I'm at and comes over asap.
> Homeboy admits he is larping as his friend in the marines and isn't really military.
> Been only dating him for a few months and first thing he does is grope my tiddies.
> Nonononono.jpg
> Be greeted by 2-3 incher. And have terrible coerced sex without foreplay where I can't feel a damn thing.
> Over time this guy just becomes this whiny insufferable lazy slob that I literally can not take anywhere due to muh social anxiety.
> Has to play mommy and caretaker most of the time for this guy.
> I start hating his guts slowly over time because all he wants to do is play video games and drink cheap beer.
> He also hates military people like me and considers them cold blooded killers. Dude starts showing his more Alt-Right politics.
> He would verbally abuse me, pester me for sex, and accuse me of shit I didn't even do.
> I thought it would get better over time but it did not.
> One trip to Guam and Virginia woke me up and made me realize this manchild will never change his ways.
> months later I tell him to gtfo and stay tfo.
> The day before he leaves he tells me I have Daddy issues and I'm a liar all because I broke up with him.
> months later my phone gets blown up with suicide baiting by him and his mom guilt tripping me.
> block him.
> He texts me using his email address.
> Change phone numbers, and passwords for my accounts.
> I am at peace…for now.

No. 120143

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Same anon but had an ex before this loser who was much worse. I had just turned 18 and he was 21.

> I learn about the Warhammer 40k tumblr roleplaying community and want to join in on the fun.

> I play as a Chaos God but in a goofy manner.
> Meet this guy in the community who gives me insight of the Warhammer lore because I'm new to the franchise.
> Okay cool! I ask for a way to communicate with him via outside of tumblr. I get his Skype.
> We start talking over a period of a week and some change.
> I had some irl traumatic ahit happened where I was sexually assaulted by a guy i considered my friend.
> online guy claimed he was a cop and I came to him for help.
> he tries to cyber molest me over Skype right after I just told him that i was sexually assaulted. (Plot twist he is also a liar.)
> over time we start to become a thing but he wants to keep it a secret and not air his relationship out in the open.
> never been in a real relationship before so I shrugged it off.
> I tell another tumblr friend about it and he started getting very wary.
> he was telling me how he was being predatory over another girl on tumblr.
> notice how my bf at the time was ignoring me and not answering my messages. He would be cold towards me.
> he would body shame me. Saying my tits were too small or how I should be this amazing busty woman. (Man looked like a greasy Italian Boogie2988. Btw. I'm getting roasted by a man with tits bigger than mine.)
> I've been ugly crying and trying to get him to respond to me for days only to get one word replies.
> Concerned friend has me talk to his ex who was warning me about this man, but my young and dumb ass wouldn't listen because I was in disbelief that he would even do this.
> I start to isolate myself from people who are concerned with me because bf told me they're out to ruin his reputation and I take his word for it.
> Bf starts acting nice and loving and giving me more attention after a month of this blowing over.
> I go visit him on my time off as a kind gesture. I did this every three months and each visit I realized was just boring to horrifying…but I didn't care cause I was with him.
> He starts being more verbally abusive and manipulative.
> One visit I was at his place taking a nap while he was showering.
> I get greeted with "Wakey wakey anal rapey!" As I feel sudden force of dick penetrate into my anus no fucking lube.
> I am forced awake and struggling to get him out.
> I get an arm tattoo later on and this ignited an argument lasting from 6 PM to 3 AM over how tattoos make you a trash person and he damn near breaks up with me.
> I'm having a panic attack and begging him to stay.
> another visit involved him hovering a giant k-bar style knife over my leg.
> I am getting antsy because I have no idea what he is about to do to me. I flinch out of panic and the knife breaks skin causing a bit of bleeding.
> He starts yelling at me and tells me how I'm unworthy of being in the military.
> This causes me to panic and hyper ventilate as I am getting yelled at instead of being consoled.
> Being sent to a state far away from him made me wake up and see how clingy and abusive he was.
> Everytime I would enjoy myself at a new area I get greeted with, "Are you seeing other men behind my back?"
> I lose my shit and dump his ass.

The end.

No. 120146

Sorry that happened to you. You doing alright now?

No. 120148


I came out of the one with PTSD and managed to seek therapy for it.

I am a hell of a lot more stronger for it and I found a guy who has just been great to me. :)

Thank you for asking <3

No. 120180

The 2-3 incher noooooo

No. 120181

>> I get greeted with "Wakey wakey anal rapey!" As I feel sudden force of dick penetrate into my anus no fucking lube.

Jesus Christ Anon, who does this????? Oh god

No. 120194

>be 17, uni student, swim teacher, camgirl, a model, successful
>date this ugly fucking loser, 24, NEET lives with mom, depression & autism
>befriended him online when i was 13
>be so far out of this his league, have to pay for literally everything: dates, taxis, a new PS4 cause he has no job
>acts jealous of my ex who is 6’5, model, latino my age and normal ‘type’

God, the humble brag is strong with this one.

No. 120220

Not to be gross, but why tf do men want "surprise" anal with no cleaning beforehand? Does have poop all over their dick turn them on?

Also anon, you should have pressed charges, that's sexual assault.

No. 120263

>Not to be gross, but why tf do men want "surprise" anal with no cleaning beforehand? Does have poop all over their dick turn them on?
No, it's just that men don't know that porn is fake, and they think women's asses don't have poop in it and are built for 24/7 dick pounding.

No. 120264


lmao my cousin's man decided he wanted to try anal without prepping and he ended up puking while she cleaned up the mess

No. 120311


Story anon here, Men with NPD and lack of empathy do this it seems. Over thinking about the breakup he shared the numerous symptoms that align with Narcissism scarily well.

This man also hooked up and abused another woman and called me "The worst bitch from hell who would've made beautiful aryan babies." Yuck.

No. 120319

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Last night I was at a party with my current one-and-a-half-year boyfriend who is the best thing to have happened in my life. My ex of 5 years was also there. At the tail-end of the party my bf talked to the ex a lot about video-games they both (and me as well of course) like. My bf of course mentioned how we play those games together. Afterwards I saw my ex just staring blankly into space as he tried to keep the conversation between them going. He stopped looking into my eyes as well. I hope its because he realises what a wonderful relationship he threw away and instead was so abusive to me all those years. I hope he misses being able to love another person and love the same games and stories. I have it now with my current bf. It used to be what I wanted with my ex but he abandoned it and I would never want to be back with him again. As far as I know, he's still single these past 3 years and I hope it stays that way cause no one deserves that kind of person. I was pretty stressed out about seeing my ex at the party, but seeing him in that state made me at least a little bit happier.

No. 120323

Why’d you two break up

No. 120328

My grandfather died and I realised that even in very hard situations he remained the same cruel person he always was. Then soon after he went on an exchange program for three months and made out with a girl there and started regularly meeting her. He said he did it because he thought I would be okay with it since I laughed when he was showing me the flirty messages she was sending him.

It was overall a really crappy relationship so I think him being in the exchange program in another country just helped me finally pull myself out of it.

No. 120337


glad you took out the garbage, anon. your ex sounds like a shit person.

No. 120722

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I’m not in the country anymore (Omw out rn) and look nothing like I did when we dated so I’m safe to post this

>house full of roaches

>piles of cat poop everywhere including under his bed
>no car license
>refused to shower
>same wharehouse job since he was 18 (I was 16 and new to the country)
>incest fetish that he forced me into
>mom coddled him and overfed her Autistic brother so much he was fat and his brother was around 230 kilos at 13
>untreated ADHD
>weeb cringe
>used to scream at me on the street for “looking at guys” and a used me of cheating on him often
>he left high school in 2012 and I saw him on the street in 2016 still wearing his school uniform
>he made my dye my hair red style when he got mad at me for something petty

>literally everyone told me not to date him but I was in a shit situation at home and he took advantage of it

>3 cats in a 120sq apparment nothing was ever clean his close family refused to visit due to the state of the house and the smell

>whines about cooking anything not from a servo

Pictured a photo I took in 2012 vs Facebook
I wasted years with this fucker and I wish I could hug my teen self and just get myself help instead of letting this grubby asshole in my life

No. 126969

this is long but i just recently completely got over this and i haven't spoken to anyone in detail about it

>17, i'm a literal tist, meet 24 year old who actually lives in the same city as me

>wow cool older boy who likes niche things like i do, wow he also finds me intelligent and cute despite my finding myself disgusting and stupid (at the time)?
>skype every day instead of hanging out because of our living situations at the time, start dating a month or two later
>he's addicted to cough syrup, just now going to community college at 24, never had a job, lives with distant relatives because he hates his parents (of course). i don't care and feel happy to just have someone 'interesting and intelligent' in my life
>constantly talks about philosophy and postures as being far more important and prestigious than he is, talks about friends of friends of friends who maybe talked to an internet celebrity from 2007 once, unwarranted huge ego. i mistake all of this for intelligence and confidence
>addicted to video games, goes awol for days at a time
>"i can't help it i'm depressed, sorry i never talk to you anymore but i'm just so depressed sorry i'm so depressed, it's depression, sorry, i'm depressed"
>finally start spending time together irl
>fast forward, dating for a year
>realize all my friends spend way more time with their boyfriends and their boyfriends care about them more and are more affectionate
>feel like a bad person for wanting more affection and care
>vent to female friend about bf, she says he's abusive, i don't listen to her and i panic saying she's projecting her past experiences with men
>she confronts my bf and tells him to man up and get his life together and treat me like a girlfriend instead of a mother figure he can dispose of when he wants to play vidya
>he spergs and makes me cut her off, i feel guilty for even telling her, he convinces me she's evil and out to get me and i believe him
>he does this with several other people in my life and i end up alone, i deactivate all social media because he suggests it and it's just us two talking to each other every day, no one else in our lives
>every week i try bringing up that the relationship doesn't feel normal and that i'd like for him to be nicer to me or at least talk to me more since we both only have each other
>he says i'm delusional and he's more affectionate than anyone else in my life and my friends all lied to me out of jealousy
>do everything for him, act as his therapist, keep my phone on 24/7 just in case he needs to call me at 3 am when he's panicking while high out of his mind
>he finally starts spending more time with me and promises to make "big changes to his lifestyle"
>just wants to have sex every time he sees me, i never flat-out say no even when i'm not in the mood, do everything he wants because i just wanted to make him happy
>order food for him, they get the order wrong, he starts yelling and huffing and puffing and slamming stuff around. i walk out of the room crying softly trying not to let him hear me
>he runs after me angrily interrogating me on why i'm crying, i say he scared me, instantly he shifts from big angry man to "uwu i'm so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you i'm evil kill me i don't deserve you"
>i feel like a bad person for being scared of him
>he tries making me do drugs, i cry and say no, he tries convincing me over and over again to do drugs with him, this happens several times
>tries making me drink, i never want to, he says "it'll make it easier to fuck you"
>tries making me take pain-killers so i'd "hurt less during sex"
>i wake up often with him on top of me, inside of me, i'm confused and he's having sex with me as i'm half-asleep and can't even speak yet
>sex gets progressively rougher with time which i was on board with until a certain point
>randomly hits me on the side of the head during sex so hard that i go deaf for a few seconds then hear ringing
>repeatedly try stopping him and he coerces me into doing tons of things i was trying to resist
>i break down and open up to his friend of over a decade about his behavior, his friend immediately says bf is abusive
>"nuh uh he'd never abuse me, i'm just being a twerp and venting about what little bad stuff goes on"
>his friend confronts him, bf has a meltdown and says nothing i said was true. bf blocks me on every possible platform instantly, with no explanation
>i panic to his friend asking why i was blocked. his friend tells me he doesn't know what to believe but either bf is abusive or i'm delusional
>i don't think bf is abusive at the time so i am terrified that i'm evil and delusional
>i freak out for days wondering what is going on and if i'm delusional or not
>get in contact with bf/ex finally again after a couple weeks of nonstop crying and confusion
>he strings me along for months, lies to me constantly
>i ask him to bring my stuff back, and i hope i can talk about the relationship with him irl
>he brings my stuff then has sex with me and tells me he loves me and is happy to be with me again. the next day i tell him i'm happy we're back together and he acts confused and says we're not dating. i feel ashamed like a stupid bad person again like i always did
>he comes over again, on the phone before he comes over i make him explicitly agree that we wouldn't have sex no matter what, he agrees. as soon as he entered he tried kissing me and i moved away. he tries kissing me a dozen more times. he tries blowing smoke into my mouth and i'm disgusted and try shoving him away. he physically forces himself on top of me and tells me he knows i want him. i start tearing up and saying no but he keeps going. i give up and just let him do what he wants as tears stream down my face
>he's done, i look up at him as he gets dressed and ask through tears "what do you even want from me?"
>i ask more questions, he says he'll call me later in the evening and we can talk about it
>he never calls. i try calling him, no answer
>he doesn't call me for a week
>i hang out with a new male friend irl, bf/ex tries calling me as i'm hanging out with him and i tell him i'm with a friend, he melts down and calls my family and tries telling them i'm out having sex with random guys (male friend was just a friend)
>i rush home to do damage control with family
>i get on skype, bf/ex pulls me into a call with some of his friends. he instantly starts humiliating me and calling me evil, calling me stupid, calling me all kinds of horrible things and making extremely cruel personal attacks
>i block him, finally realize he really is abusive and my old friends were all right and so was his friend (who wasn't in that call)
>avoid him for months
>he gets in contact with me by calling my actual phone instead of using skype which he almost never did, i answer and he's crying asking me why i hurt him so badly. i feel horrible even though i didn't do anything, then he instantly switches his tone and starts calling me a bitch saying he's going to come and hurt me
>start crying and hang up
>more months pass. he gets in contact with me again and says i'm his soulmate, his sunshine, the only one for him
>begs for me back for months, has meltdowns when i mention the awful things he did to me that make me want to not be with him
>tfw i was wrapped around his finger for so long and finally i'm free

august was the last time i spoke to him, next month will be the anniversary of the breakup.
this has been a complete mess to sort through, i finally understand just how evil he was and how he took advantage of my naivety. i recently contacted some of his exes he mentioned and apparently he lied about all of them, treated them terribly, but i was his longest relationship and those girls left him a lot earlier on and avoided a lot of what i did, but one claims he forced himself onto her while she was blacked out, i believe it.
so now it's just about avoiding repeating this and understanding that experiencing this and being naive doesn't make me a bad person.

hallelujah anons

again, sorry it's so long but it feels good to write out condensed and anonymously

No. 126972

I'm so sorry anon that's all so awful but congratulations on being strong enough to break his cycle and get away from him. I hope you were able to reconnect to the friends that he forced you to cut off, it sounds like they cared about you. If you can access any kind of counseling or support from organizations that help women who have experienced sexual abuse then it might help a lot, it sounds like you minimize the abuse you suffered which can make it really hard to process it but these organizations are absolutely there for you to use even if you just want to talk through some things. You're doing great already, happy anniversary to your freedom.

No. 126975

> I was a 16 year old who had never had a serious bf
> Started a long term thing with a new guy who has opposite interests
> Quickly find out he's incredibly stupid, like low IQ, but stay because no self esteem
> Ask him his sexual fantasies, says he doesn't think of anything, genuinely doesn't
> Must be because he's just that stupid, actually hates porn
> Pressured me into sex for my first time, now it means nothing to me
> After a movie, pestered me to have sex with him when I repeatedly said no, did it after being pestered long enough and cried afterward, stayed because no self respect
> Went camping in woods, he was interested in "survival" and had a mentor who taught him everything for many years
> We're completely alone and just have a tent, a few tools, and a small fire sparker
> "We can use birch bark for tinder…" he keeps trying to light a fire and fails
> It gets darker and darker as I see his frustration and disappointment build
> He breaks down crying in shame because he was supposed to know something as basic as starting a fire
> He didn't bring a lighter because mentor said in very cold weather a person can fail to operate a lighter. Bf was specifically taught to use a sparker tool
> Even in ideal conditions, in the woods he was taught in for years, literally not even a small flame was made
> We ate cold crappy survival food
> I comforted him and got him talking about other survival things, yet I had no interest in any of it
> I always tried his hobbies, yet he literally didn't care about any of mine
> Once for valentines day he got me cheap survival gear wtf
> My family disliked him, probably bc of his very obvious stupidity. I cringe when I remember bringing him around other people
> Broke up months later, yet never forgot quite possibly his most pathetic moment

No. 127015

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.
What is a servo?

No. 127018

nta but gas station in Australian

No. 127084

> Got feelings for a guy who stood by his friends and helped out if they asked
> Being a loyal and honest is important to me
> Worked up the nerve to ask him out and he said yes
> He manages the discord server we're in and is popular over there despite how he describes himself as being the nobody that just followed other friends at social events all his life
> He's so damn eager to please people he'll stop whatever call we're in to pay attention to someone else and leaves me alone for hours at a time
> One time he stood me up for the whole night because he couldn't be stuffed getting any sleep the night before since drinking friends are at a higher priority than his girlfriend
> The "apology" I got was him when he woke up was saying he fucked up and that was it
> Despite managing a lot of the social events for the server he puts zero effort into what we do together
> Either always asking me what to do, never has an opinion on my suggestions and just wants to tag along with whatever games others are playing
> Never replies to the messages I send during out time away from each other
> I became increasingly frustrated and hurt over time and he was frustrated that I wasn't happy to deal with flaws he never plans to change
> He admitted he should've been better with me but never actually did that with his actions
> Sorry is worthless when you say it over and over and over again
> During a fight he admitted he agreed to go out with me not because there was anything he admired or respected, it was just because I was asking in the first place
> Made me feel like utter trash and it still stings today
> Needless to say it didn't stand a chance once the honeymoon phase went away

No. 127087

Wow that sucks. Did you guys even have sex? Fuck never date gamers

No. 127105

It was long distance. The closest thing to sex was having some sort of mutual masturbation session but he manages to get off but I couldn't because it was in the middle of the day and I had family nearby. Apparently he couldn't really see how that wouldn't help out the mood

No. 127106

fuck off

No. 127108

nta and slightly ot, but what's with some anons' aggressive disdain for and dismissal of LDRs?

Perhaps not in this anon's case, but online relations can still have emotional depth. I once had an online friendship and I'd say it impacted me very deeply as a person, moreso than many of my current irl friendships. I even continue think of her regularly despite us no longer talking. You can care about someone and have them affect your life without them being near you physically.

No. 127111


probably they see it as juvenile and not as serious to begin with, like something socially inept middle school kids do. which is stupid because in most LDRs you still do meet your bf/gf on a regular basis, just not daily, weekly, in some cases of very long distance not even monthly - but you still strive to see them. at that moment you might be apart because of less than ideal school, work, life situations but you still seriously plan your life ahead with your partner and work on closing the distance. i don't know what's so weird and "fuck off"-worthy about that, anon needs to calm down.

No. 127112

Anons might not react like that if the posts about LDRs indicated any sort of emotional maturity or legitimate presence in each other's lives. All the stories about LDRs here are fucking pathetic, like guys who wont even talk properly and clearly aren't invested in the relationship. Most haven't even met and the guy hasn't committed to a future together, half the time the guy is a tragic weeb or gamer because normal men want proper relationships irl.

LDRs just aren't worth the whiny teenage drama they all seem to come with, hence the instant dismissal when anons post about them. There is minimal fallout from just ending it, since their lives aren't properly intertwined, and usually they are wasting their time.

No. 127113

this 100%
when people dismiss LDRs theyre not dismissing people who meet every few weeks, theyre dismissing people who are basically internet friends that sext

No. 127930

> asexual 16yo in LDR with 18yo
> as soon as we met irl I realised I didn't find him attractive whatsoever
> that day we went to a party and I got blackout drunk
> passed out in the bathroom and woke up to find him touching my boobs
> drag myself to bed and he followed
> starts touching me and moves my hands down his pants despite me saying no
> probably should've realised then and there that the whole relationship would be like that
> don't like using the word 'rape' for it but I never said yes to sex
> also kept used condoms in his bag?????

> he came to my hometown and we went on a hike

> needed to stop because of asthma
> sat down for a few minutes
> 'right, anon, let's get going!'
> 'i just need to get my breath back-'
> 'here's the conditions, i'll let you rest if you let me finger you'
> nope.jpg

> I didn't want to give a bj because of his shitty hygiene

> he set a timer on his iphone
> 'you've got 20 minutes to prepare yourself, then you're giving me a bj'
> nope.jpg

> manlet with tiny dick that believed everything he saw in porn

> 'did you cum?'
> nope.jpg

> birthdays are a big thing to me

> together for 6 months
> didn't get a birthday present
> didn't get a birthday card
> didn't get a 'happy birthday'

Broke up after 7 months of trying to feel something for him, all whilst being coerced into sex and manipulated. Never told anyone because I'm prudish as fuck. Happier than ever now and find it so fucking funny how much of a freaky piece of shit weirdo he was.

No. 127948

>Broke and cheap as hell so I never was showered with gifts and I wasn't surprised
>ArTiSt but shit at it
>Despite being an artist he only drew me twice in the two years we spent together
>Furry to some extent
>IQ of 20, basically has two brain cells with only one cell functioning
>Forgets my birthday, my pets' names, my allergies, and other random stuff about me
>Shits on the things I like
>Never compliments me or even asks about my day because he hates small talk (eye roll)
>VERY sensitive if I talk to him in a slightly different tone or talk about topics he doesn't want to talk about :(( but at the same time he never gave two fucks about my feelings
>weird penis

No. 127952

Met someone irl through a friend who was a 4chan frequent b and soc poster. He was 18 and I was 14 and my best friend did warn me about him because he was also her best friend.
I had a falling out with my best friend when I was going through shit and got kicked out. that guy finds out and tries to cozy up. I feel so fucking retarded for falling for that shit like a fiddle.
Before my 15th birthday I had my first sip of alcohol and he basically forced himself on me and photographed the results to brag about popping my cherry.
He never bathed, always smelled, shit hygene and just awful manners. I guess you could call it autistic behavior. He had no job and barely passed highschool.
He tries to contact me every year to try getting back together and last time he bragged about how he started going to the gym.

No. 127960

did his name start with the letter b

No. 128215

>be me at 16
> never have had a true relationship and feel generally unattractive and like dudes don’t have interest in me.
> be slapped with surprise when a generally attractive friends from childhood asks me out to a dance and we start dating after.
> seem really sweet and great on paper in the beginning but goes downhill fast
> become high school sweethearts from 16-20 and date for four almost five years while enduring the most toxic shitty relationship ever.
> got overly clinging while still in high school and wanted me to hang out with him all the time even though I had extracurricular activities, AP classes, and outside responsibilities.
> get pressured to to having sex in his car multiple times because our parents didn’t know we were together yet.
> get constantly used for sex because this guy used sex as emotional currency and would legit stop talking to me, ignore me, stop being affectionate with me if I didn’t want to. A constant theme for the next few years.
> got me gum and vitamins once as a fucking anniversary gift! Meanwhile I went all out to buy him genuinely beautiful meaningful gifts that meant something to him like vinyl of his favorite bands, handwritten letters, paintings, and tons of photos of him (I’m a photographer)
> me and family get harassed by his shitty abusive racist dad and friends but I let it go because I LoVe HiM
> relationship is stagnant we do the same thing every time we hang out. I just want to have a cute relationship that involves adventure,new experiences, and learning new things together.
> he just wants to fuck
> he never lets me hang out with him and his friends but I include him in everything I do because I want him to be apart of my life to the point that I neglected and lost several friends while I was with him. He managed to retain all of his while I got isolated.
> I settle constantly because the fighting is to much. It becomes easier to just do what he wants because you sacrifice for someone you love right?
> we fight constantly and every time I bring a legitimate problem he turns it around on me and tells me I’m trying to make him out to be abusive and I’m gaslighting him when he’s doing that to me all along
> once told me “all those kind gesture you do are great and all but mean nothing to me because I only need sex to feel love”
> “I’d be more affectionate with you if you just had more sex with me”
> he works shitty jobs and complains about not doing what he wants with his life and takes it all out on me during the course of our relationship
> only cared about sex and lusted after me for my race pretty much saying cringy shit like “you look like my favorite biracial pornstar”
> forced me to do his crazy fetishes that involved weird gynecology exams and doctor role play shit even though he knew I had trauma surrounding them and felt uncomfortable with it. Then told me I made him feel bad for it and shamed him for being uncomfortable.
> never gave me an orgasm while we were together unless I used a vibe because he never fucking tried or cared really.
>blamed me for his untreated depression and told me I was the reason he didn’t go to college when in reality he was to lazy to apply to any.
> after we fight he cuts himself and tell me it’s because of our fights and it’s my fault I made him this way
> on several occasions during fights he’d tell me he wanted to kill himself with the firearms he owned. Stressing me out and making me feel life I was the reason he’d kill himself
> constantly had to beg him to help himself but he acted like I was being a cunt for wanting him to help himself improve his OWN life and mental health
> never cared about his own health or mine ex: constantly speed and got in several bad accidents and reckless driving tickets endangering my life and others. He never took responsibility for it at all.
> supported him constantly and wanted him to better himself but he never supported any of my interests and hobbies and at times actively shit on them.
> when I told him I wanted him to do better he told me I was “talking down to him”
> never wanted to go out on genuine dates or do fun activities and just wanted to stay in his moms house and smoke weed, play Xbox, and fuck.
> broke my self esteem down to the point where I begged him to have sex with other girls so he’d be satisfied and open the relationship because he told me it was the only thing he needed to be happy and satisfied
> he proceeds to have another full blow relationship with another girl and takes her out to do all the date activities I begged him to do with me.
> has sex with me one night and then proceeds to tell me he feels “guilty because this other girl told him she wants him to be her boyfriend and he promised her he’d be exclusive”
> it all crescendos
> I feel so empty and broken and a screaming match ensues
> tells me “he’d rather be talking to her” and “she makes me feel alive and you don’t”
> he goes into his closet and grabes one of his guns during this argument.
> I had to go in after and restrain him fearing for his life.
> his mom comes upstairs because she heard the yelling
> I tell her it’s cared he’s gonna kill himself he responded with “yeah because of her”
> finally get the courage to let this toxic mess fucking go and I grab my shit and leave.
> go to therapy for the trauma I had over the course of the relationship plus the extra residual fallout that happens when a long term relationship dies
> finally improve my mental health and self care
> met someone way better who has similar interests, loves self improvement, and has genuine hobbies and a zeal for new experiences.
> couldn’t be happier :)

tldr love yourself, known your worth, and never settle and when you realize the relationship you’re in is terrible don’t be afraid of bailing because of “wasted time” because you’ll just waste more time staying.

No. 128270

>be me at 20
>in the dbt's because UWU BPD weeb.
>never leave the house because above, don't drink at all.
>hang out on weird niche forum and meet him age 28
>"omg you've been to japan, come tell me all about it"
>meetup after a year of chatting and fall so in loves
>BPD brain ignores all the red flags: NEET, lives with his mother, has a child he never sees, doesn't look after his dog, lives ages away, constantly ignores me to play vidya games or chat on the forum and drinks a whole lot.
>start spending all my time at his house, play with his dog, start drinking because i'm bored and i go buy his booze for him so why not for myself too?
>2 1/2 years pass
>all is shit, he's just a nasty dick when he drinks which is now every day all day, starts hurting me during that time
>through the dbt i stop being an arsehole, start to wise up and realise he is a POS.
>start setting my boundaries and tell him he needs to come visit me for once, we chose my birthday.
>my birthday comes around and he tells me he has no money for the ticket
>be stupid, send him the money and kek to my surprise he spends it on beer
>call him to say feck off
>ghost him
>drink every day to deal with the constant calls and abusive messages

>cut to a year later

>met my (then) future husband
>didn't learn, still long distance but this one was worth it
>new bf helps me get sober
>ex stalks me online and finds my husbands fb and reddit accounts
>ex thinks it will be fun to smear me to new bf
>makes loads of fake accounts sending revenge porn to my new bf and telling him i am selling myself to dudes online.
>stressed again with the constant bullshit every day, relapse on drank.
>new bf doesn't believe him.
>helps me get sober again.

happy ending.
>new bf stuck a ring on it.
>5 years later, still happy, still sober.

No. 128277

kys scrote

No. 128319

>be me at 16
>cute boy i have a mild crush on asked a mutual friend for my number
>he's 18? 19? it was right after the end of the school year and he had just graduated
>we go out on a date, we're hyping it up in our texts, talking about how we're going to hold hands the whole time and all that
>he has no car so i drive
>we go to the mall and walk around for a while, it's boring and comfortable and fine
>we go back to his house to watch a movie
>he turns on requiem for a dream, we're laying on the floor watching it
>he starts crying during the movie and makes me hold him while he cries
>movie ends
>we sit there for a bit until he starts making out with me and trying to stick his hands down my pants
>you were just fucking crying dude!!!!!!
>cant even get me off
>his mom comes home and im honestly relieved because i want to leave
>have another boring date at his house a few days later where we make out and he unsuccessfully tries to get me off again
>i can no longer think about him without cringing and am ignoring all of his messages but i feel bad about it. i just feel so uncomfortable and embarrassed when i think about him
>i finally break it off with him over text while im out of state because i was 16 and a dick
>he says some shit like "i know what it's like to look in the mirror and not like what you see" insinuating i was breaking up with him because i was going through emotional stuff and wasn't prepared to be in a relationship
>agrees just to get it over with and not tell him straight up he was way too clingy
>a few months later, he texts my best friend and is like "i miss anon so much, i had a dream about her last night :/" and my friend just ignores him
>he also told her while we were still dating that he went down on me
>he sure as hell did NOT
>about a year or so later, i see him on my recommended friends list on facebook and commenting on mutual friends' things
>block because "out of sight out of mind"
>another year or so later, he follows me on instagram
>i see this while i'm driving home, i think i'm gonna block him once i get home
>by the time i get home 20 minutes later, he's gone through and liked every single one of my posts
>my heart is literally pounding because i'm a paranoid baby and i just want him to leave me the fuck alone
>B L O C K

we went on maybe 3 dates 5 years ago, and our thing lasted 2 weeks tops. still can't trust him to leave me alone.

No. 130612

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Here’s a list of some stuff my ex did. I think I posted before but not in great detail because it wasn’t safe to at the time. This is more of a rant honestly, but he’s still a loser. Sorry it’s long but I gotta get it off my chest somewhere. Feel free to ignore.

A brief history;
> just fresh out of relationship with an adult who abused, threatened me with violence & sexually assaulted me as a minor multiple times (important later)
> meet new bf (ex in story) on 4chan
> everything is fine at first & like a fairy tale.
> new bf has very good paycheck, earns almost 2X minimum wage and ONLY pays phone bill + $100ish for staying with parents (important for later)
> we are LDR. He would not come visit me. I always had to visit him.

Onto a list of “red flags”; I tried to put them in chronological order.
> cammed with strangers online multiple times in our relationship.
> starts buying video games. A lot. All of his paycheck. Every time. Regularly would have no money by the end of week 1 of being paid and I would have to pay for things
> (I was not working at the time meaning my parents or friends had to funnel me money to support me while I was gone. I was always invited to visit with the promise he would cover finances. He never did.)
> Would promise we would go to events & dates before I visited and then when I got there would have no money to do it (or pay for food…), or would complain about the cost the whole time.
> plays nearly none of the games he bought. Only replays old nostalgic games or new releases for series he already likes.
> will either drop playing games halfway through or spend 8-10 hours a day burning through a game. When questioned says he “has to”.
> eventually at one point drops $800CAD on a empty game box, because he was scammed for a cheaper one and impulse bought the real one
> will play an old game on nes, wii, ect and then suddenly impulse purchase hundreds of dollars of games for that console. They usually ended up in boxes and forgotten in the closet.
> would watch hours of game speculation or theory videos. More than he’d play games. Would not pause them and would make me wait, or make us late, for doing things so he could finish watching. He also would not respond to texts during this time if we weren’t together irl, he was for some reason unwilling to tab to discord or pause the video to respond to me
> would browse gaming websites during dates, walking around malls, ect.
> had weird delusion he was a game professional despite barely playing
> kept saying he’d make gaming YouTube or podcast to ~ spread his knowledge~ and become rich, never even made an account let alone any money lol
> eventually, he changed his room layout around and I realized he had removed literally everything from his room but games, game systems, a tv, a computer, and a futon (he wanted to sit up while playing games, and wouldn’t buy a bed). Even his closet was game boxes and his clothes were in his parents closet??

> begins getting weird sexually.

> clearly pornsick, takes him over 20 mins to cum no matter what he or I do
> asks me to cam all the time, gets mad when I won’t
> when our house was infested with fleas he wanted me to lay around naked so he could jack off on cam while I got bit up ??
> got mad I wouldn’t send nudes
> if I did he’d get mad if they were “low effort”
> not doing any of these things meant I’d be ignored for hours
> fucking irl was horrible
> he was clearly pornsick so it took him 20+ minutes to cum
> never paid attention to my needs, even when I was being touched it was just so he could feel like he was good at it
> wouldn’t listen to anything I told him. Told him multiple times not to rub my own liquids on my ass after we finished if he was fingering me, he always would
> wasn’t on birth control, sometimes he would jack off and cum and then finger me, I would tell him not to touch me with the hand he used, he always would
> if I got angry about this he’d storm off, sulk, and refuse to do anything with me, would even cancel plans or spend all day in the bedroom texting me angrily even tho I was right there
> if I said no to sex he would also ignore me, start fights, ect
> if we planned and I said no later he told me it was my fault and should’ve said no to begin with and would ignore me / fight with me (I found out later he used to cry and beg his ex for sex lol)
> sometimes he’d lock himself in the bathroom for over an hour to jack off
> expected me to put on makeup just to have sex
> expected me to have sex in my cosplays with him, even if they were uncomfortable to wear or expensive
> start feeling icky about sex because of this + old trauma, decide I don’t want to have sex anymore, at all
> but he keeps pressuring me so I do in order to avoid fights
> starts linking me weird incel articles and posts about how to tell when women are cheating / why women won’t have sex
(This is all relevant again later)

> starts begging me to make him cosplays

> asks me to fix them last minute for him when he himself ruins what I make by mistreating it
> makes grand plans, then tells me a month before a con, and buys half the stuff then decides it’s too expensive
> blames the fact he can’t cosplay on me
> refuses to learn how to sew when I offer to help teach him
> says he’ll buy a sewing machine I can use at his house, but never does
> meaning most of the stuff has to be handsewn the night before the con or sewn at home IF he gives me warning in advance, where I can’t do test fittings
> I hate this and tell him I am never making a cosplay for him again

> fast forward to the end of the relationship

> we barely talk when we’re apart and when we’re together we fight constantly
> sometimes he wakes me up at 4-5am to fight with me after locking himself in the bathroom all night to stir in his delusions or bitch about me with his friends on skype
> he starts to accuse me of cheating because I’m spending time with a male friend I’ve had for 7 years, (we are a duo cosplay crafting group, I sew, he makes my armor, and is my con handler) who I had a relationship with before when I was a teen, that never worked out
> he decides the reason I must be cheating is because I won’t fuck him
> no that argument doesn’t work on me
> now he decides it’s because I take my phone in the bathroom when I take a shit
> again, changes mind and decides instead it’s because my friends name on my phone, claiming it’s a sexual reference when really it’s just a joke to make fun of him for something he said in a group chat
> never mind now it’s because I won’t move in with him (after I spent a year trying to talk to him about housing & he refused to talk about it or listen, because he wanted me to move to him and I didn’t want to live in the city. Now that he was moving closer to me with his parents, suddenly he was ‘willing to listen’)
> reason keeps changing and getting more stupid, just firing off whatever he thinks will work
> my friend of his own accord has said he would never date me again
> he flip flops between saying my friend is not a threat & he likes him, to violently accusing me of cheating, to implying himself he finds my friend fuckable (?)
> this becomes a daily tension that causes fights constantly. It’s the only topic he’ll talk about
> will talk to my friend about it, decide he’s calm and trusts me and it’s fine, then blow up again whenever is convenient
> brings it up during a con shortly after, keeps me trapped in hotel for over an hour yelling at me that I’m cheating, tells me it’s my job to make him feel better, leave hotel without him after an hour because I don’t care to have this argument again
> he cries and begs me to come back because he doesn’t want to walk to the bus stop alone to go to the con ): poor baby

> starts having weird appearance fixation

> goes on rant about how he needs people to see him as a supermodel and see him as attractive
> starts buying tons of expensive clothes, wears none of it
> will randomly chop up his hair in the bathroom, lock himself in there for hours to do so, come out having a panic attack and beg me to say it looks good while I was in the middle of sleeping
> (he later admits he thought cutting his hair would make me fuck him, and the 1cm~ extra length was the problem, not his attitude towards sex or the fighting)
> start noticing he’s monitoring his posture, how he walks, and uses his phone to check his hair very frequently when we’re out (his hair is short…).
> um
> he then starts complaining I’m not wearing makeup enough for him
> starts complaining I don’t dress up enough “like I used to” (which means heels and a dress, fake nails & fake lashes)

> tell him I don’t want to have sex anymore, I’m not comfortable and feel traumatized

> he breaks a fan in front of me
> tells me it’s not fair to him
> I should’ve told him the last time was the last time
> I owe it to him to fuck him again
> I’m being mean by not having sex with him
> tell him this is about my trauma and not him
> he refuses to listen to it, ignores it completely and continues to play the victim
> tells me I can’t not want sex if I masturbate
> says he’d rather I be gay than not want to have sex with him
> says it’s my fault I should’ve told him this when we met (I didn’t feel this way when we met)
> he insists I’m abusing him by not fucking him

> finally visits me

> fights with me the whole time
> grabs the ass of the male friend I’m apparently cheating on him with (?) more than once
> is happy to take free drives & money from my friend while he’s visiting
> my friend is nice enough to pay for my bf’s admission to multiple things we did and also let him stay in our hotel room for free, even was willing to lend him money for his travels, and paid for some of my stuff
> goes on to ruin the con by locking himself in the bathroom for hours because I’m “paying more attention” to my friend than him (in reality my friend spent the whole con in our hotel room painting props while me & my bf were at the con, lol)
> cries during the travel back from my home to his home because he wants to get off after he overheard a worker say she thought he was having trouble carrying our bags (implying he is weak), makes me babysit him and calm him down while workers give us weird looks for two hours

> last time I see him I’m visiting and there’s a con in town

> the voice actors from a series I recently cosplayed from, and spent a lot of time making my costume accurate, are at the con
> this is obviously really exciting for me
> go and have a great time, they love my work, I’m living on a high
> he gets jealous I’m getting attention from the voice actors, when we get home he starts a fight
> I try to shut this down several times as I don’t want it to ruin my good memories of the con, but he keeps pushing for it
> eventually he gets his way about 48 hours later
> I honestly don’t remember it, but I started to dissociate & have severe anxiety, but I remember by the end I was on the floor sitting down against the wall crying & shaking
> he came over to me and grabbed me and started crying and pittying himself about how he’s a horrible person

> he breaks up with me

> say ok
> an hour later he says we’re still dating, insists I’m being delusional. He never broke up with me.
> just agree at this point, can’t wait to go home

> tell him I’m gay and we’re breaking up

> he has same argument as before, I’m being cruel, I should’ve told him our last time fucking was the last
> begs me to do it one last time with him
> relentlessly
> says “sex feels good so why would you not want it”
> “but if dick feels good why wouldn’t you fuck a man”
> tell him doing something just because it feels good isn’t healthy, he can’t grasp the concept at all
> he decides I’m not gay and again I’m just cheating

There were a couple other random things
> claimed he was suicidal near the end to try and win arguments
> would grab at me whenever I would try to get changed in the bedroom
> would lie about things to his friends, when I talked to them about it or sent screenshots I was threatened and told to stop (just let me lie about you to them, basically)
> fueled a weird hatred between me and his friend. Once we talked we realized it didn’t exist and he created it. Was told I can’t talk to him privately again.
> would draw up weird little comics to prove he was right during arguments and send them to his friends
> would create long lists of games he wanted. He would re make them often and it would take hours every time.
> everytime we went out we would have to make a detour to a game store or thrift store for games. Even if we would be late, or if I were sick, or if I were tired.

When I finally got away from him he DM’d me telling me I had no class, got upset I didn’t care he had a new gf, said he liked my friend I was apparently cheating with, & I had to get his friend to tell him to stop talking to me to get him to leave me alone.

No. 130614

I have zero idea why some of you really end up dating dudes you meet on 4chan. Meeting up with someone IRL and finding out the browse boards is bad enough, but genuinely dating someone you’ve met off the site has just never seemed to work for anyone I know.

No. 130621

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Wow, what a nasty piece of work. I'm so glad you got out of that, anon! Even just by reading about it, I can feel what a headache he was to deal with. You weren't in a relationship; you were babysitting.

No. 130626

Why did you allow him to treat you like a piece of shit in so many different ways before you finally cut it off? Shouldn't have him camming with strangers and not willing to visit you been enough?

No. 130638

I was younger when we started dating, and I think I felt a responsibility to stay with him. My parents told me on multiple occasions it would be “rude of me” to leave, and that I should put up with it because he’s just “going through something”. He gaslighted me a lot too, and made me feel like all his actions were my fault- if I just behaved and did as he asked there would be no problem.

No. 130664

> meet new bf (ex in story) on 4chan
See, thats where you messed up

No. 131005

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My first boyfriend when I had extremely low self-esteem, untreated mental illness, and family trauma.

>i was 15

>he was 18
>met on /mu/ (cringe and red flag. i haven't browsed 4chan in years and would never talk to some scrote off there ever again)
>love bombed me and i fell for it
>met up with him like a fucking idiot
>he was mean and abusive in every way and forced me into sex on multiple occasions
>the worst time, my body literally physically rejected him so intensely i became ill and got up to vomit in the fucking trash three times
>each time after i threw up he went right back to trying to fuck me
>when he came i had to push him off me and run over to the trash can to throw up
>he didn't care and thought it was funny
>he even joked about it on several occasions later
>mfw i'm still traumatized at age 23

Also he was super obsessed with his ex from before me, (which obviously made me feel super insecure) and openly admitted to me all sorts of creepy shit he did to her that I later realized was also abusive and rapey.
>ranted on and on about all the things he loved about her and missed about her, including her huge ass and sweat smells (how romantic)
>admitted to driving 6 hours to show up at her house unannounced after they broke up
>they talked for a couple hours and she made it clear she didn't want to be together
>he took that opportunity to start groping her boobs
>masturbated to her selfies on facebook
>started talking to her again while we were together
>asked me if i would be ok with him having sex with her again
>highly doubt she wanted to, not that it would matter to him

Oh also, I do remember him admitting to groping his younger cousins boobs while she was asleep. He's a fucking creep. There's so much more shit he did but I can't clearly remember a lot of it. It's insane to me how much creepy shit he OPENLY admitted to me that I reluctantly went along with!! I do forgive myself for it, I really didn't know any better and only wanted to be loved.. I feel so awful for my teenage self for putting up with that shit stain. I was super inexperienced and knew nothing of consent. It didn't even occur to me that I deserved respect and autonomy. Self-betrayal was normal to me.

I occasionally look him up (he doesn't have a big social media presence) to keep tabs on his creep ass and he (I think) currently has a gf that he's been with for a few years. I feel fucking bad for her. She seems like a really good and sweet person. Sometimes I consider reaching out to her but I don't even know if it'd be worth it. I'd probably look crazy, or he would paint me as crazy. I would hope that he's changed but at the same time I don't think men that like ever change.

No. 131013

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The tale of my 300lb man-child con artist ex. Backstory is necessary. Honestly tl;dr but if anything read this gross-ass poem he left for me. He was 31.

>Online MMO community, specifically the RP community.

>Meet someone (B) and hit it off well, but not sure if I really want this guy yet (way too early)
>Eventually brought into their group and having lots of fun with everyone
>He starts distancing and I worry something happened to his dad
>Reach out to him after a week of radio silence and being offline, telling him I care
>He suddenly exists again, never clear on why he vanished
>Time goes by, I'm still on the fence but developing feelings
>Make another close male friend in the group, someone who B had been trash-talking occasionally and calling a "creep", but no one else seemed to have issues with this guy so I took it with a grain of salt.
>Other guy is definitely a flirt, but it's innocent flirting
>At first I am put off by it because I've had guys cling and stalk, but I talk to someone to ease my concerns.
>D sends me a pic of him at convention one day.
>Tell B that D looks like a Santa, it’s clearly a cute statement, not intended to be offensive
>B goes OFF about D, calling him a creepo, a “sperg” (because he has aspergers but is harmless), mocking him. I log off and don't say anything because I'm uncomfortable.
>Go to run dungeons one day and I'm not invited, ignored in chat.
>Message D to ask if something is up, and he tells me yes, S and another person told him I was "talking trash" about him.
>Talk with S afterwards. She confirms, accuses me of latching onto B as well. I'm confused and try to clarify that he and I were close in private settings and talked about meeting up. She tells me "He says he has no feelings for you".
>Conversation goes nowhere. Never even learn what that "trash talk" was. She keeps having panic attacks in the tub apparently, compares me to creepers who've latched onto her. I figure I'll give it a couple days and get back to the conversation when she's calm.
>D doesn't give a shit. I talk to him and show him what logs I can find and he doesn't see anything that constitutes trash-talk.
>Part ways with B because I'm still feeling uncomfortable with him trashing D.
>Step away from the game for the summer.
>Early autumn, B messages me saying he misses me and he's sorry for “what he did” but doesn’t elaborate..
>Take a week to think about it, decide to give him another chance.
>I forgive him, in the span of a month we've really hit it off and are now dating.
>S finds and and LOSES HER SHIT. Blocks me with no warning, is having a conniption. It stresses B out so much he goes MIA again, but informs me what's going on so I don't worry.
>Eventually things iron themselves out, and he even says, "Things are different now that I got to know you without S and her friend's input. They never liked you."
>It stung a lot, because I didn’t know WHY these people I considered friends disliked me so much.
>Late spring he comes down to visit. I find out he's way more overweight than he claimed, but I try not to let it bother me, since he seems driven towards losing weight.
>S loses her fucking mind again. He brought his computer and I can hear her blowing up his Discord. Vagueposts on social media about me, acting like she's a victim when I straight up haven't even said a word to her since a "happy birthday" a week before B came back.
>B starts talking about big issues with his living environment. My housemate and I just had a third room-mate drop out, so I think about letting him move in because we might lose the house otherwise.
>He seems financially stable as an author, talks up his cooking skills and is generally very sweet the whole visit, so nothing seems amiss.
>Housemate and I agree to let him move in after a couple months.
>Things are fine for the first week. We're okay as a couple and he's definitely paying and contributing.

No. 131014

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>Things are not fine after that first week. It's like I'd invited a completely different person into my home.
>He gets upset if I'm focused intently on writing, move to another room, take a deep breath, etc.
>I tell him he's being overly sensitive and its making me uncomfortable.
>"B-b-b-but my ex's made me this way!"
>Roller coaster of incidents like that where he tries to shift blame onto his dad or one of his ex's, being a pouty victim.
>Spend a weekend at his family's lake house and meet them. They're… really kind and welcoming and not at all like he describes??? But I also understand some people's parents try to put on a good image.
>One day he expects me to stay behind and make myself late for work so we can walk together.
>Turns out his job is bullshit. He's hardly making a dime because he's mostly a Kindle Romance author, not fantasy. The money he used for the visit was leftover stock investment.
>Tries to force his hand between my legs one night and I keep them shut. He huffs and remarks, "Why do you find me so unattractive?"
>I… never said or even implied that??? I just don't want to fuck you right now, chill.
>S is still up his ass about me, so we talk and he tells me, "I had feelings for you back then. I stepped away when you were talking about another guy because I thought you liked him."
>More and more these red flags for possessiveness are showing up. He gets upset over me talking to two of my male friends.
>Explain to him I have no feelings for either of them and why, ask him why it bothers him so much.
>Uses his ex as an excuse again, saying she left him by cheating.
>He's since stopped going to the gym or maintaining his diet as much, even blames his weight gain on his ex.
>I confide in my housemate who is a domestic abuse advocate, and she tells me she hasn't had a high opinion of him and neither have any of her friends who've stopped by. She confirms she thinks he's whiney, possessive, and emotionally manipulative.
>I try to talk to him again, he puts on another pity party. I'm losing all my attraction, but considering the circumstances of allowing him to live there, I don't know what to do.
>Amazon changed some things and he was apparently financially hurting more and took up Lyft. I didn't want him homeless.
>Early autumn he's 3k$ in the hole with my housemate but tells me he's trying.
>He'd give me the silent treatment out of nowhere, for hours on end. Typical, "What's wrong?" "Nothing."
>IWhenever I wanted to shower alone, it upset him greatly.
>Walks out of the house for hours because I told him I was frustrated with one of the FORBIDDEN MALE FRIENDS.
>Talk to my housemate and a couple other friends again. He finds out, "You're trying to trash talk me like you did with D when you called him fat!"
>Find out he was 100% behind S and everyone hating me. He tries to gaslight and play it off, not realizing I have screenshots of many of our in-game convos, and Discord logs.
>He starts being hyper-critical of my housemate, "Why don't you move down to FL with me and my parents and then I'll get a place for us?"
>I thought they were "abusive" and didn't support your writing career and you didn't get along with them?
>I also learned he only had one friend, because "My ex cut me off from all our friends!"

No. 131015

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>One day he just starts going OFF. Really hair-trigger on the way home from work. Telling me I don't love him, snapping at another driver and then turning to me like, "Fine, then don't respond."
>We go grocery shopping and he straight up has a crying meltdown in the fucking cleaning aisle.
>Conversation in the car about how, "You talk about me to other people. They don't even know me! They don't know what I've been through! Why can't you just talk to me instead!"
>Uh I've tried? You always scapegoat other people or give me the silent treatment?
>Where the fuck is this coming from I'm so lost.
>Who is this Kylo Ren Jabba the Hut unholy spawn I invited into my house.
>We have a shared laptop and I forgot to log out of Facebook.
>Find out he opened several of my Messenger convos in individual tabs.
>I was telling people things he did and said and asking for opinions and advice and I guess that constituted as me trashing him to my friends???
>At the start of October I finally resolve to dump his ass and tell him he needs to leave.
>He just got a major book deal! He's going to be a big author! He must celebrate with me! We're going to get a house and be together forever and-
>No dude. No.
>The following day I confront him about the Facebook snooping. He denies it. I show him the History. He says I probably don't remember opening those tabs.
>My laptop was upstairs and I hadn't touched it in a week. I have a phone for messenger.
>Night of the publishing celebration happens. He's drinking.
>He tried to break into the shower by forcing the door in and jiggling the handle.
>He looms over me when I'm laying down, huffing like an angry hippo, and walks away.
>I’m trying to sleep in the guest bedroom, he joins me without asking and locks me in his arms, repeatedly insisting I tell him I'm his.
>I tell him I'm uncomfortable, ask why he's doing this, tell him I'm my own. He lets go.
>Text my housemate telling her to keep alert and immediately dial 911 if she hears me scream.
>We don't even look at each other after that night. I tell him he's not allowed in the guest bedroom and he needs to be out of the house ASAP. My housemate echoes the message.
>He goes MIA for four days straight. I text him to ask if he's gone because his stuff is still there and he doesn't respond. All I can guess is that he drove to his sister's several states away because he had no money for a hotel.
>He finally leaves. Leaves food and a letter for me. I don't find the poem until much, much later when my housemate ended up having to sell her house because she was in so much debt.
>Months go by. Apparently he and S don't talk at all anymore. The most well-known RP pairings in the community is no more.
>No idea where he went, but the publishing deal must have gone well because he pays my housemate back in full by the end of December, plus an extra 200.
>I vaguely allude to what happened on a social media platform and get a message from someone asking about him by name, which he kept a close secret.
>Friend of B’s last ex, went on to tell me he was blacklisted by his last MMO RP community for being a manipulative loser who conned multiple women into giving him sexual attention, including his last ex.
>Find out he also has a history of spreading bullshit to alienate his girlfriends from any and all male friends. So he tried to divide D and I and it backfired and alienated me from everyone.
>His claims about her cheating in order to break up with him were also bullshit. He used this to justify his trust issues, but I was told his ex didn't even cheat and the guy she got involved with was never a boyfriend, just a best friend she confided in when B was being a shitlard.
>But he's male so obviously, he was a threat.
>Never work things out with S. I tried, and she sent me a 3 page Google Doc about how I'm an evil harpy so I figured there was nothing I could do.
>I feel bad for her and I miss my old friends but I guess I also saved S from having to go through with any of B's bullshit.
>Still have no idea what happened to him. Still don't give a shit.

No. 131016

bruh this is impossible to read with the alphabet soup of abbreviated names. just give people fake names.

No. 131086

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he wanted me to meow during sex. like a cat. sexually. this was his fetish

we broke up when i found out that he also had a fetish for me murdering him.

now he posts about wanting to kill me and i'm getting the police involved.

No. 131088

>he also had a fetish for me murdering him.
>now he posts about wanting to kill me
I got whiplash.
Well done for getting the police involved, don't let them ignore you, you don't deserve to be made to live in fear!

No. 131092

It's a good call. I had to resort to that with my own abusive ex and have never heard from him since then. Even if it doesn't lead to him actually facing jail time, a visit from the cops will scare him enough to think twice before posting threats online.

No. 131143

When I was 17 I dated a 20 years old guy who was pretty nice at the beginning but he ended up being a suicidal sociopath. After a year or so I finally had courage to break up with him after suffering so much abuse from him.

>He attempt suicide because without me "he had no reason to live"

>His mother saves him, takes him to the hospital and then she calls me to ask me to keep being his son's girlfriend
>Nope and I block her
>He gets out of the hospital and proceeds to try to contact me in every way possible, I avoid him every time
>He tries to befriend my classmates and friends to be closer to me
>He achieves it, I panic and I isolate myself
>I disappear from social media and I stop hanging out with some friends. Finally I stop hearing about him.

Fast forward, half a year later I got a new bf.

>A friend tells me that he finally got a new girlfriend. Me, happy for him because finally he got over me

>I decide to go back on social media, but it's very private
>New friendship request, turns out it's my ex's new gf, wtf
>I decide to check her profile, and I see that she is wearing my clothes, clothes I left at my ex's house, wtf
>I dig deeper, she has the same interests as me, same hobbys
>I don't accept her request, but I tell my closest friends about it and laugh about it
>A week later my friends start to tell me that they got a friend request from her too
>My new bf tells me that his friends are getting friend requests from her too, wtf
>I go back to stalk her profile, and I found out that she lives with my ex, and that he has control over her social media
>I can't handle this, I delete my social media again, and never hear from them again

So pretty much my ex made his best to make his new girlfriend look and act like me, and used her accounts to continue to stalk me. What a fucking psycho

No. 131147

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Anon are you even reading what she’s writing? You sound like a scrote talking about slandering a man and saying women falsely accuse just to get others on their side when in most cases that isn’t true. The dude was clearly unhinged and yes emotional manipulation and saying you’re going to off yourself to your partner to make them stay IS abuse. And she has the right to be “paranoid” she’s trying to keep herself safe from a shitty scrote whose own mother lets him be an abusive asshole, I would be paranoid too if someone went out of their way to not only get in contact with me but through all of my friends and even through a bf.

No. 131149

I'm laughing my ass off right now, why are you so dense and salty?
>She's absolutely delusional thinking that his new girlfriend is just like her more than any other girl.
She literally wears her old clothes wtf anon, you sound kinda triggered too.

No. 131154

onision type beat..

No. 131172

Why are you so offended anyway? I was just sharing a story about my crazy stalker ex bf, of course it's going to be one sided.
I described him in my first post, he is a sociopath. He lacks empathy, he manipulates people, he lies way too much, he is super jealous, he was aggressive towards animals, and he was never the problem. I don't need to give a full-length story explaining why that led up to an abusive relationship and why I had to break up with him. If you want his side you should ask him, and maybe he will talk to you honestly. But beware, anon, he is very charming at first but he will end up threatening to kill your pets if you don't stay with him.

If my ex gives my clothes, clothes I left at his house, to his new gf of course I'm gonna be weirded out about it. Like jesus no normal ex would do that, throw those clothes to the trash. The combo same clothes-same interests-same hobbys-he uses her to stalk me and my bf just makes it weirder, like what is he trying to achieve? He should be loving his new gf, buying her new clothes and shit, instead of stalking anyone or dressing up her gf in my clothes.

No. 131173

The clothes part is creepy as fuck, do you think she knows where they came from?

I had an ex who cheated on me and left me for another girl, we continued living together til our lease ended and one day I found him looking through my stuff for a watch that he'd given me as a valentines gift two years earlier. He wanted to give it to his new girl. It was a 20/30 dollar watch. I'd already thrown it away

No. 131175

Sounds like Sam Hyde.

No. 131177

Same sort of situation happened between me and a guy I broke up because he was kind of verbally abusive when drunk. I never did or said anything mean to him and broke up in a neutral and fair way, a year or so later we started talking again and he was perfectly normal and friendly. It was like everything was fine and he wasn't mad and had moved on fairly quickly. Then randomly one day after messaging him he tells me to fuck off and blocks me on facebook. Why are guys so unnecessarily mean and petty?

No. 131179

Nta but my guess is that the guy is an asshole and so he gifted her those clothes without telling her where they came from. The part about interests and hobbies does sound like you're reaching a bit. I don't understand the need to shit on some random girl that probably doesn't even know how you are, especially judging from the fact that your creepy ex manages her social media.

No. 131180

I don't think she knows, I hope she doesn't find out. She seems like a nice girl, definitely deserves a better man that actually appreciates her

Really? what a fucking loser, that sucks anon. I don't know why it's so complicated to just buy a new gift, if he didn't have any money he could've make a picnic or something. It's great to hear that you threw that already

No. 131183

Made it much easier for me to deal with the break up knowing that pre-worn 20 dollar watches were his idea of romance. At least with me he had made some effort in the beginning

No. 131199

She can like whatever she likes, I don't have a problem with her. Heck, maybe in other situation we could be friends. I have a problem with my ex behavior because he made a effort to contact me using her profile, what kind of twisted message was he trying to give me?
Truth be told I ended up overthinking it, I only expect super bad things from this guy so I nitpicked everything I saw and made conclusions on my own to make sense out of it.
It's been quite a while since this happened, he spent so much time stalking me and my friends, and I haven't been able to get over it yet because I was afraid of what he would do if he found me. Sharing this story made me realize that. There is no hidden message, he's just that crazy

No. 131201

>there is no hidden message
>he is just that crazy

Wise words anon. I used to spend a long time trying to figure out why guys did weird things. It's always the above. Sucks to be his new gf, she probably already had similar interests and he just moulded her further into your clone. I wonder whether she even knows about the Facebook profile he controls? It sounds insane.

No. 131213

>would purposely bait and torment me into panic attacks and ask me to take pictures of myself after I was crying and my nose was bleeding
>Repeatedly compared me to my ex and stopped talking to me anytime I wanted to vent about the body dysmorphia he had caused
>Asked for nudes just to ignore them or nitpick my body
>Would ignore me for days and weeks on end and come back and pretend to not know me
>Would ignore messages, including once when I wrote out a paragraph venting about stress from him and school and his response was "what's upppp"
>Would go out drinking every night and when I asked why I couldn't he said it was because I was a girl and apparently women are the only one who have to prove their loyalty
>Ghosted me because I didn't send him nudes on demand
>Would get mad or draw insane accusations when I wanted to do things like get a decent job or go to school
>Accused me of having sex with a man because I got my shitty car for cheap
>Accused me of cheating because I said I wanted to have sex with him
>Accused me of cheating because I said "yay" when I was about to see him
>Literally just accused me of cheating whenever, to the point where it would be like once a week he would torment me and go cold for no reason just because he thinks I'm "acting weird"
>Anytime I try to call out his behavior he accuses me of cheating

I was very young and have a lot of very bad anxiety issues stemming around him which is why I stayed as long as I did

No. 131215

There's a lot of incels itt, if you're one of them fuck off you'll never get a gf

No. 131217

Jfc anon was there ANY positives to this guy? He sounds like absolute shit and was likely cheating on you with that much accusation. Glad you're out of that shit hope you can heal now

No. 131235

Just venting cause why not
Ex of four years eventually starting being really verbally abusive, always calling me a bitch and a cunt, telling me off when I would cry, always screaming at me threatening to break up with me. He eventually became physically abusive and after I while I found he courage to leave, he cried and begged for me back and stalked me (cyber and physically) for two months until he got a new, even younger girlfriend who he knocked up after 4 months. He went to jail for a few days for domestic violence against her but she took him back and is going to have the baby soon.
I dodged a fucking bullet I think

No. 131251

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>be 15 and desperate for attention because my crush of 2 years lead me on
>let my male friends pair me with one of their friends
>went along with it because this guy showed the slightest bit of interest
>started dating him and immediately regret it as i realised he was very insecure had a huge problem with me having a male friend group he didn’t know anybody of
>suggest introducing them to show that they have no weird intentions with me
>start to feel bad when hanging out with said friend group
>start to hang out with them less and less to make time for bf
>bf didn’t seem to give a shit as all he did was play videogames when i was around

>only people i hung out with were his friends and older brother

>made fun of/criticised anything i showed interest in (friends, taste in music & games etc.)
>only attention i receive is unwanted sexual attention
>shows up at my house one day around midnight, sobbing
>says he was questioning his sexuality for a while and decided to try and have sex with another guy he met online behind my back
>sob-crying not to dump him while wiping snot from his nose
>didn’t dump him because i clearly had no idea what boundaries and self-respect were

>we go on with our relationship as if nothing happened, months pass

>still treats me like shit, makes fun of me in front of his friends
>at this point he always manages to push me into having sex even though i really didn’t want to, he would pissed if we didn’t
>start to develop small crush on classmate
>talk about it with friend on fb messenger
>i come home from work to see him crying on his bed with my laptop in his hands
>acting like i cheated on him
>try to tell him that i talked about it to my friend so i could try to let crush go
>he calms down and we carry on

>a year passes and i start to be active in a small streamer’s chat

>speak with said streamer on Skype on a regular basis, being nothing more than friendly with each other & mainly talking about games and school
>he pulls the same shit as before
>accuses me of cheating, again

>months later we go out to dinner with a friend who turned 18

>bf gets blackout drunk in very nice restaurant
>got embarrassed, apologised and took him home
>on the way home drunkly lists off every thing he didn’t like about me and our relationship
>we get home, i suggest it may be better if we broke up
>he starts begging me to stay
>i go home
>few days later i decide to give him one last change (whyyyyyy)

>gets right back on his bullshit behaviour

>talk to my mom about it. She suggest we break up, i agree.
>have a meltdown at school because of it, friend helps me build courage to go talk to him
>break up with him in front of our school because i couldn’t wait any longer(we decided to go to the same college after high school)
>goes home angry, block me on socials and postes a wall of text on fb about me being a whore
>bf gets home to his mom giving my mom a haircut (they had a salon section in their house)
>his older brother walks in and tells my mom and his mom what he posted on fb
>his mom hilariously make him apologise like a fucking child the next day while giving my stuff back

>weeks later i go to have a smoke in front of school with male classmates, ex bf passes me and calls me a fat whore

>male friends nearly go ballistic and almost beat the shit out of him, i ask them not to
>texts me from unknown phone numbers that i should wear shorts in public because im a fat whore
>eventually stopped when i got a new bf who was actually good to me
>forbade his older brother from talking to me ever again even though we were really good friends and helped me through a lot

Im sorry if this is difficult/too long to read, im not an native english speaker but i tried lol. There is so much more shit he pulled during our 2,5 year long relationship that i left out, but i feel like this post is already long enough. This shit fest really warped my perception of relationships at the time and i regret not ending it sooner.

No. 131270

You do realize that you're not helping and only making the situation worse, right?

No. 131280

At least you ended it but you both sounded like doormats…

No. 131377


You're completely right, I was a total doormat. If I wasn't I wouldn't have ended up with him in the first place.

No. 131412

Briefly had a thing with a man who I felt bad for so I'd buy him food and give him money because he had no job because he just didn't want one. Don't ask why, I would never do something like that these days but anyway.
He bitched at me about wanting to play world of warcraft with me but not being able to afford it, I bought it for him
We played together twice. The first time he screamed at me about how much he hates the game. I had told him multiple times not to yell at me because I have PTSD and it seriously makes me anxious, he said yelling is "his personality."
Second time he guilt tripped and tried to manipulate me out of buying something I wanted in the game. He ended the call when it didn't work, and when I was trying to type to him that that behavior was gross he pretended he had been "joking."
Messaged him one night because I was suicidal and needed help and he told me to fuck off I guess because I woke him up.
anyway he's rail thin and has greasy hair and a small dick. I'm so glad he's rotting away in a trap house with no money and I'm doing so much better.

No. 132486

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>be 16
>go to a psych ward for being a suicidal nutcase
>meet a cute guy, he's sweet and nice
>date him after we both get out
>still super vulnerable and not in a good place at all
>let him do knifeplay with me, he cuts "MINE" into my back and licks up the blood (its faded, thank god) meanwhile i'm lying there like pic related
>be very sweet and loyal, make long trips to go see him, refuse to let him pay for my entire AX ticket (i know, i know)
>after the con he wants to break up because i'm not close enough to have sex
>confused as shit, because he says he wants to be with me
>we break up shortly after
>a full year goes by
>i get not one, but TWO "happy birthday" texts from him and another ex
>i go off on both of them, saying how they're only doing this to soothe their own ego, it's been a year/2 years, etc. etc.
>motherfucker actually thanks me for the roast, says he'll take it to heart. total softboy
>time passes
>get bored and track down his new blog
>he's a pan poly tranny now (still has a beard)

No. 132488

Holy shit anon, I am so sorry. Can't believe your kindness got repayed with abusive behavior. You deserved just as kind and understanding person to play WoW with.

No. 132512

>>go to a psych ward for being a suicidal nutcase
>>meet a cute guy, he's sweet and nice

Picking up dudes at psych ward is always a smart idea.

No. 132519

8 months after getting out of a shitty 4 year relationship I got with a guy two years older who was in a punk band, he was quite a hoe but seemed like he was changing for me. I ended up catching him talking to a girl over Facebook and he hit me for not giving his phone back. I stupidly forgave him and slowly he regained my trust, we moved to a new city and within days I found out he was sexting men and women off of Craigslist, he gave me a bloody nose and I stayed yet again. Things were fine for months and we ended up moving back to our hometown and in a few days we got in a fight and he made me leave so we could have a ‘break’. He went out with a girl the next day and tried to deny it, then accused me of rushing the breakup when I officially ended it after him refusing to talk to me for 4 days. After over a year together he’s proved to me over and over again he never cared. I keep telling myself I’ll be okay soon but I don’t really feel like it

No. 132523

Male musicians are always super sluts, if you get the ones with the delusional large egos they actually believe they're irresistible and must fuck large numbers of women.

No. 132525

i know anon, i know. i definitely learned my lesson lol

No. 132527

It’s sad because I believed he had changed, he always told me how much he loved me and how I was his best friend and he never wanted me to leave, but then he switched up on me and now I’m just heartbroken and I’m sure he’s fine

No. 132542

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>spent all of his scholarship money on a music MINOR, wasted what remained by failing intro compsci classes
>"no anonette, you can't come over because of my… religious roommate… who also has a girlfriend that lives with us…"
>"actually… i lied anonette, i live alone!"
>what about the girl stuff i saw all over your apartment (the few times i got to come)
>"that was my sister's!"
>find out parents and friends didn't know about me
>grill him and finally find out he'd been living with his "ex" the whole time

>break up with him

>now posts snapchat stories of him working out and shittily playing the guitar to try and impress me
>mfw me, a relatively cute girl with successful school life and good career set up, wasted time on this loser

No. 132567

Thank you very much, I'm now in a relationship with a very compassionate man who plays WoW with me all the time!

No. 132568

Samefag here
Two days after our over a year long relationship ended he unblocked the girl he used to fuck before we got together, who tried to get him to cheat on me, and followed her again, it’s hard to believe he ever loved me at this point. I keep telling myself to not let it make me sad, just to turn it into anger

No. 132680

Ok so I’ve never had a boyfriend before like at all, I was starting to feel left behind because everyone else my age either has one or has had one.
I was at a convention after party and this dude walks up to me and starts to flirt, he didn’t seem like the typical guy to be at a con, cause he was trendy and didn’t smell like BO.
So long story short I was skeptical but took his number, started talking with him over the next few days. All he seemed to talk about was sex and what he was into. I shit you not he said he liked girls who were submissive and being dominant but he wasn’t into bdsm - an actual literal quote from this guy.
So stupidly I agreed to actually meet him again, I did and we ended up kissing which I was fine with but then he took it further and I asked him to stop multiple times. I said I was on my period so I could sleep with him and that I didn’t want to. He kept insinuating I was lying about being on my period and kept calling me names and when I called him out he said he was joking. He most definitely wasn’t. There was more but after that I called it a day and told him to get lost.

Tl;dr met guy who misogynistic guy at a con, foolishly took his number then went on a “date” where he took shit too far and I felt awful afterwards. Called it a day and he said I was an idiot basically.
I feel really stupid for doing it, please no one make the same mistake as me ladies - know your worth because you’re more than a piece of meat <3

No. 132692

Shit anon he sounds exactly like someone I know. Which country do you live in if you don't mind me asking? Please put me out of my misery.

No. 133211

(I'm French,so please bear with my bad English)
>I'm 22 he's 20
>Biggest manchild ever
>At the beginning we were just fuck buddies
>We started to catch feelings for each others
>Was banging his "bestfriend" at the same time
>Said bestfriend still has feelings for him (they tried to get together but she cheated on him the first two days of the relationship lmao)
>We decided to go out together
>I stayed with him only one month, and I already saw huge ass redflags in the first two weeks of the relationship. Already knew that this wouldn't last

>For starters, he's broke and hella cheap. Works as a uber eat delivery-man, immediatly spends his money on video games, or cameras and shit (he wants to be a film-maker)

>Is hella arrogant (believes he is way too good to go to a film school, wanna be independent -that's good for him but he doesn't have the talent nor the ressources to match up)
>Is very impulsive. Always get moody and angry for the smallest thing, I appologize for two hours, ignores me, then I leave him alone, he asks "why aren't you talking to me?" that got me mad as hell lmao
>When we fight, he's always THE ONE who decides when we have to move on
>Gets unreasonably jealous when I vaguely mentions men I get along with or whom I fucked with, but still is very friendly with his "bestfriend", who, I repeat, still has feeling for him (b-but we're just friends, and I wouldn't have gotten with you if I still loved her)
>Has overall a shitty life, and shitty parents, which are not his fault of course, but would ALWAYS complain about it, looking for pity points, crying aboout how sad his life is, how he's the saddest human on this earth, is the most unlucky in this world blablabla

>Do I really need to add that I almost to never complained about my life to him ? I don't have an easy life either, but I always took time to listen to him, trying to find solutions to his troubles, and rarely talked to my my problems because I didnt want to add negativity to his life. And guess what ? He overwhelmed me with his complaining, and gaslit me when I told him that sometimes it's too much, that I also have my own issues and I can't always deal with his own.

>For New Year's Eve, went at my bestfriend's bf's house with another girlfriend of mine.

>BFF's BF has a little brother

>Implied that I slept with him
>Got mad at him for this
>Said that I shouldn't blame him, because he thinks that I'm too "innocent" and that Icould sleep with men easily, but tooootally didnt mean in it in a slutty way.
>Dumped his dumb ass 5 days later
>Got all butthurt, said he wanted to cut all ties because he's soooo hurt~~
>Since we recorded sex tapes (can't see myself on these) I just came back three days later to ask if he deleted it
>Whinned about how cold I am for just comming back at him to only ask this, that I could've asked how he is doing and shit
>Dude, you're the one who wanted to cut ties, I'm just asking one thing, why would you want me to ask how you're doing?
>Writes a long ass post about how he's so sad, wants to stay friends
>My dumbass accepts
>Asks me if I want to fuck
>I get mad and tells him that he's just a fuckboy
>Mental gymnastics about how he just wants to feel me again, he's entitled to tell me that he wants to fuck since we were together, he's being honest blablabla

>Asks me if I still fuck other

>Tell him yes
>Gets butthurt
>Meanwhile, one week after breaking up, he fucked his bestfriend, and planned to go out with her
>Piss me off one last time, decides to block his ass
>Goes batshit crazy
>Insults me on every platform possible, threatens me, gaslights me, tells me that I'm weak, only brought him weakness, that I'm so weak that I shouldn't even be surprised if someone molests me, that he never loved me, only wanted me for sex, that his bestfriend is way better at me at sex bla bla (was complaining before that she's like a starfish in bed, she's bland etc)
>Block his ass for good
>Want to beat his ass but eventually calms down
>5 days later, come to me to apologize deeply
>Accepts his excuses but dont forgive him
>Gets butthurt AGAIN because I'm too spiteful, dont know how to forgive, that I'm not honest etc etc
>This time he blocks me

The end.

Sorry for this long ass rant, but this story is really recent. I was kinda mad at the begining but now it just makes me laugh. I'm glad that it only lasted one month, and that I already saw the redflags. I think I'm done with men for now, lol

No. 133217

I'm really sorry for the many mistakes, I wrote it in one go, I should've taken some time to proof read. Sorry again.

No. 134398

There's a girl in the community that does this, like, willingly.
And slaps on the cat ears and tail to get jiggy and we all know because the guys she pulled this on were like what the fuck did I just go through

No. 134648

>first year of college
>meet "quirky" and "cute" guy that's into bdsm and constantly has to remind me and my friends he is a dom
>my virgin ass thinks that's hot
>i tell my friends about my anxiety disorder
>he likes Punpun and romanticizes the crap out of mental illness
>start dating
>loser that cannot stop playing games, masturbating and talking about hot females
>bad grades
>apart from games, didn't have any hobbies (he wasn't even good at them)
>disgusting bedroom that i had to clean
>we would have sex and just a second after he cum he would be on his phone on ig or talking with his friends
>never made me cum
>shitty dom
>tells me he would never love someone more than his ex (like a limit or something)
>had a asian fetish and talked about how perfect and cute they were
>had a crush on a model and liked every picture and looked at every story of her, once even tried talking to her via dm
>she never answered
>we once were making (as a joke) a female character in a porn game, he pretty much made his ex, who was flatter and had a different hair color than me
>i tried talking about those and more issues because they were taking a toll on me mentally
>the guy i was with before him actually cheated on me, so of course i was a little worried
>"no girl will tell me what i can do"
>we took some time off
>in this time he called me unstable and told me i need therapy
>my birthday comes
>he wants to talk with me and give me a "proper bday hug"
>comes to my apartment
>i cried and gave him a hug while he stared at abyss and did't reciprocate
>i legitimately thought he was just a broken soul and needed constant female reassurance
>he cried (for the 2nd time) in our whole relationship
>he starts sperging out about his ex girlfriend
>he tells me how much he wants to wish a happy bday to his ex but doesn't know how to
>yes, his ex had her bday a day after mine
>tells me he doesn't have feelings for her
>i started to realize (yeah that fucking late) that he only used me for sex
>yells him to get the fuck out of my apartment
>before leaving, he asked me how many people I have talked about him and his antics
>i tell him the names because i didn't give a crap if he tried to defend himself
>yeah he never gave me the happy birthday hug
I was depressed for a few months and started dating one of our mutual friends, one of smartest and hottest guy in my class. He is very kind and attentive. He showed me the texts my ex sent to him when we officially broke up and it was him calling me crazy, toxic and blaming everything on me.
Funny thing is that I can see how he looks at us from a distance, I mean, we look really cute together and everyone mentions that, plus we both passed every exam and he failed most lol it must suck being him. Sorry 4 the shitty english.

No. 134671

>into bdsm and constantly has to remind me and my friends he is a dom

Read this sentence and could already predict the following

>never made me cum

They never do

No. 141918

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this is gonna feel so good to type.

> get into toxic relationship last summer with a softboy that paraded as a decent guy

> lovebombed the shit out of me and took advantage of me during a state of grief in my life, felt like I owed him a lot for being there through that experience with death, looking back he did the bare minimum and used it against me later

> he ended up being a pathological liar and ridiculously obsessed with himself, called himself an asshole with a heart of gold

> obsessed with some girl he lied and said was his ex but as soon as she wanted to meet up, conveniently she was never his ex and he didn't want me to feel weird when he saw her, clearly not over her

> first date we ever had he ogled and flirted with a girl RIGHT in front of me, would always simp over egirls, made me feel incredibly insecure about myself while he was becoming obese, had greasy hair and rarely showered

> revealed himself over time as arrogant

> lied about his sex life and ended up being scary in the bedroom, into hardcore bdsm and degredation, violence, the usual

> lied about having tinder but I found this out quite a while later

> got jealous, controlling and paranoid over who I talked to and was friends with but his FB, Twitter, and later secret accounts I found out about were full to the brim of dms attempting to manipulate other girls

> I was one of multiple girls he did this but every time I tried to confront him he'd convince me I was a crazy paranoid jealous gf

> abusive towards his mother, grown ass manchild with some kind of ego complex that would pick fights with everyone every day be it uni lecturers, colleagues

> thought he was god's gift

> would often phone me to rant and one day he snapped at me while I was listening to him and screamed that I was like a dead fish bc I wasn't commenting enough

> I'd been listening to him open up about self harm and I clearly didn't want to interrupt

> starts screaming down phone at me so I hang up and say I'm not taking it and go to bed

> anon if you go to bed I won't make it through the night

> ignore him, he's fine as usual, he would make gradual suicide baits

> grabbed me by wrists once in person and told me if I left he would probably end his life, near to one of the last times he did this he said he wouldn't make it to his birthday if I left

> abuse got worse over time, every other day he was lashing out at me, manipulating me, my self esteem went to shit until eventually I came to these threads to vent and some mutual friends approached me

> find out even more shit on him, how he's burned countless bridges and how it definitely isn't just me being irrational

> just completely toxic, only ever nice to me hereonin if he was trying to damage control and wanted to say to other people "look see, I'm not an abuser I'm nice to her!"

> get told his view of friendships and relationships is transactional and I stop letting him buy me things because he kept using them as guilt trips later "look anon how can I be abusive if I do nice things for you"

> his best friend raped his ex while she was drunk, he bragged while sat on my bed about how the girl was drunk and talking out her ass and he boasted about how he publicly shamed her for it

> find out his OTHER best friend spiked a mutual friend and sexually assaulted her too

> just absolutely disgusted with everything and very much can't bring myself to take it anymore

> mutual friends support me while I gather the courage to leave, at one point he demands the NAMES of who's been supporting me "behind his back" and I refuse to tell him but he's clearly so paranoid

> his other friend reveals that he's always been like this, trying to gaslight others, remaking all his social media, total psychopath

> during lockdown I take a load of space and gradually wean myself away, every time he tries to blank me for days whenever he's on an abusive high I just used it to take time for myself and lay out how I'd break up

> I break up with him over message that is civil but makes it clear it's over and I also wrote many times before I broke up why I was considering leaving before so he knew, in detail

> immediately phones me to "just say he respects my choice to break up"

> two minutes in he's trying to guilt trip me back, tries to make it my fault if he never moves on, gets incredibly bitter but tries to front it as overly friendly behaviour

> gonna have to tell our minecraft dogs that mummy and daddy divorced, he fake laughs through bitter gritted teeth

> any attempts after this he makes to manipulate me back, don't work, eventually loses his shit and blurts out that it feels like I've moved on even though weeks before I'd told him that I had and I was breaking up

> further proves his true colors through the fact that even after I broke up he couldn't accept it and saw me as so wrapped around his finger that he's genuinely offended that I'm done and care more about myself

> yes, I've moved on, let me live my life

> meanwhile he's engaging in an elaborate amount of damage control on his social media while nobody, absolutely nobody falls for it and all girls he tries to simp on avoid him like the plague

> deactivates and throws tantrum every time this doesn't give him the validation he wants

> butthurt that people can see through him while continuing to expose himself as some weird narcisstic softboy psycho

> huge threads of tweets about how he's such a nice guy and how he's so into art and museums and my friend said they sounded like a tinder ad

> "I love my mum I'm gonna give her so much money, I love my friends you guys are the reason I haven't offed myself" but to me he'd always call his mother a bitch and he would always try to ostracise me from my friends by saying "oh it's nice YOU have support, NOBODY supports or appreciates me, everyone's such a dick" so he's just going on fake tirades

> pretty much the same behaviour he'd pull on me, same cycle of abuser then suddenly a Nice Guy Look At Me Everyone

> nobody cares and it's clear he's butthurt

> meanwhile good news about my job and future, happier and feeling like myself again, and met a guy who is the most wonderful person and deeply respects and appreciates me

> genuinely feeling happy and elated for the first time in over a year, feeling motivated and so good again and around people who are lovely

karma is good, anons

there's way more things I could add in here, and I've definitely ranted in threads about it but it really did feel so good to finally realize I deserved better and my friends have been amazing through it.

No. 141936

Wow, good for you, anon. He sounds like a total shitheel.

Did your friends report the sexual assaults?

No. 141944


thank you, it got to a point where I despised him a little but I would get terrified that if I left abruptly he'd kill himself, he used to tell me he had self harmed because of me, stuff like that.

The ex of his friend that got raped made a public statement, and he defended the friend rather than the girl, slut shamed her.

The other friend has not but I've been encouraging her to consider it.

He knows about both.

No. 141964

>be 14 and meet 19 year old boy in online fps (think call of duty). from first second in boy is charming and manipulate. young me is impressionable and lonely, been thru some traumatic events and friends cant relate (assault, death of immediate family members), family too busy being addicted or sad to spend time with me.
>start dating and confesses love within a few days
>recent ex gf politely messages me that he is manipulative and to be careful. i tell bf, he gets angry, he says her nudes are ugly and shes ugly. end of convo, well, except hes still allowed to talk to her (and continue to manipulate her)
>fly back and forth to see eachother and get married when im 18, he gets greencard. my mom and i work tirelessly to make money to support us. now husband doesnt have job and refuses to get one, despite my friends and coworkers offering basic jobs.
>continues to manipulate me for years, escalating to repeated sexual assault by getting me to drink too much (and also getting angry at me for that). spends all money and forces us to live paycheck to paycheck. spends much of his time arguing with me that men shouldnt go to jail for sleeping with younger women, love transcends age difference. lolwut
>move to new city. beautiful diverse place with kind people. i pick up new hobby, with the intention of building a support network for when i leave him. hide it entire time as best i can. try to save even a few thousand to get on my feet.
>threatens to hit me. i threaten to call police. he moves out shortly after, i start new relationship. he continues to try to hoover me in with his disgusting narcissistic charm and tries using my pet as a pawn (wont give pet back).
>divorce happens. hes a pathetic pedophile balding cuck and i hope he is miserable for life. cant believe i let him control my life for 10 years. happy in new relationship with the one who i am certain is my life partner.

theres so many events and stories that happened along the way.. glad that chapter of my life is over.

No. 141966

This just seems so unlikely, especially to have lasted 10 years

No. 141985

NTA but you'd be surprised what people are willing to put up with for a long time. This thread is proof of it.

No. 141991


by the time we were married he had completely isolated me from all my friends and family, so i had no one but him. the cycle of abuse is powerful. he had me trapped. he would even use my own childhood sexual assault against me, and i think he actually got off on that. when i turned 19 he suddenly got disinterested in my physically at all, and thats when i finally realized he really is a pedo and i also think he shared my underage photos in pedo rings online (he got V& in his home country, and blamed it all on me cause of pics of me…). the onision guy reminds me of him at times. once you are out of the weeds and educate yourself a little on narcissistic abuse, it helps alot of things make sense and made it easier to move on.

No. 142216

You're completely right. The cycle of abuse is insanely powerful. I was trapped in a similar type of situation, and it's absolutely surreal to look back and realize that over the course of a few years, that relationship went from a happy fun thing… to him on meth, threatening to kill me every single day, and I just…. that's just how it was. I put up with it. It's wild how a gradual escalation of abuse like this can slowly break you until you truly feel like you are nothing without him. It's exactly like the whole "frog in a pot of water that boils slowly" concept.

I'm sorry that this happened to you, that sounds like an absolutely awful period of time and I'm glad you're doing better now. This shit takes strength.

No. 142217

-he constantly slapped/poked my stomach even after i begged him not to and it took my roommate telling him to stop to actually make it stop.
-said my taste in music was embarrassing, meanwhile all he listens to is vaporwave
-didn't tell me his fucking dog was being put down UNTIL SHE WAS ALREADY DEAD
-would NEVER light his own weed, literally every time we smoked together i would have to light the bowl for him. every time.
-fucked tons of other girls while we were together
-would tell me he loved me and i was his best friend and we always hung out with his family but i wasnt his gf and he had no obligations to me
-would force anal on me, started to rape me then stopped and i was crying and all he said was "i guess i did that"
-said that my family would be better off i was dead
i was a total fucking simp for this loser and its absolutely sickening. he put on such a persona of sweet and innocent and like, autism-lite. but he did the same thing to a lot of other girls. and to this day maintains that i was the crazy/abusive one. smh.

No. 142220

good for you girl. i am so proud of you for reclaiming your life. you have so much courage

No. 142221

8 year long relationship, he was from UK and I'm Canadian. I got diagnosed with stage 4 blood cancer in 2016 and he flew over and stayed with me for 6 months during my chemotherapy. He would play FIFA all day and had anger issues, so when he got angry at losing a game of FIFA he would shut down. He would guilt me for spending time with my family (although we lived in the same house). I get so angry and sad to think he would even have those moods after I just had a chemotherapy session. I also get angry thinking that he lived off us and didn't even help me clean or anything. Fuck him.

No. 142251

>20 yo
>looked 30
>woudln't wash his hair
>rotten teeth
>got me lice
>wouldn't put the min effort to watch an anime that was currently airing
>forgot my birthday
>got drunken in our first date
>got mad at me for ranting about some stupid thing
>while i would have to hear him rant about his music i didn't care for

I can't belive i had such a low self esteem at a that time and i though that was all i could aim for. I broke up with him after our 3rd date.

No. 142265

He was a wealthy white boy and he claimed his life was so hard because when he was out of his emo phase he lost the female attention. He would play shit games and tried to be a streamer but he was a plat rank at max with no charisma guy and no one watched his streams.

No. 142268

We were 17, from the first date he started asking me (multiple times a day) if I would have sex with him, despite knowing I was a virgin and was clearly uncomfortable

somehow managed to stick his tongue all the way UP MY NOSE while we were kissing, then told me I was the bad kisser (hindsight, I just hated kissing him bc he sucked so much kek)

asked me to be his girlfriend after our 4th date, I said not right now, he guilted me for it for the entire 40 minute drive home

when I finally realized he sucked and I didn't want to be anything with him, he called me a bitch and said I had led him on.

It's not leading someone on unless you realize you don't like them and stay with them anyway. I just didn't realize for a few weeks how much of a creepy jerk he was

No. 142326

i thought about posting in the vent thread in /ot/ but as I'm >>>77965 I figured it's easier here. I'm considering exposing this man after a call with my best friend of 10 years today wherein we were talking about this time in my life. i was telling her about how he'd mention this 16 y/o girl in the bible study group his best friend/roommate oversaw and her crush on him. he'd told me that this girl "tripped" and fell into his lap once and after that, he stopped helping his roommate with bible studies.

he's also going to grad school for music, or he was trying/about to just before covid hit. this made me remember the time he told me about when he'd shadowed a middle school music teacher in college and an eighth-grade girl "tried flirting with [him]" and that's how he knew he wasn't cut out for teaching.

my best friend is 6 years older than me and she always hated him, was so worried for me, tried to drill it into my head that he was a predator at the time but I didn't listen. now I'm older and realizing he could actually be dangerous?

i say all this to say: i think I'm ready to expose him. i know where he works, his city, his current usernames everywhere. i don't know what to expect. i'm a bit scared – mostly that people who didn't know me back then and saw how fucked-up he made me won't believe me. if any anons have exposed or called-out their predatory ex, i would like to hear your experience.

No. 142332

He had a tulpa (imaginary) anime gf. I'm not kidding. He pretended to have sex and do everyday things with her. Amazingly, I kept dating him and it went how you'd expect.

>found out he never washed his hands

>didn't use soap in the shower either
>e-dated 15 year old when he was 22
>she was brutally murdered later and he wrote an essay on 4chan about why she deserved it
>mommy did his laundry
>mommy cooked all his meals
>couldn't even stay hard during sex due to porn addiction

tbh all the stories in these threads make me laugh at the existence of incels. If these guys could get gfs, there is literally no excuse

No. 142341

incredible. do you have more stories?

No. 142352

>found out he never washed his hands
>didn't use soap in the shower either
I think I might remember you posting about that? More info on the tulpa please! sounds hilarious

No. 142361

why did you stay with him after finding that out?

No. 142374

Hah, yeah I did, it got a lot of replies because it was so ridiculous. Anyways, re: the tulpa…
>video chatting with him before we hung out for the first time
>"Femanon, I have to tell you something…"
>"Sometimes I imagine a gf to make myself feel better"
>my maternal instincts kick in and i pity him
>a few months go by
>it's started to get weirder
>his computer wallpaper and mousepad are of her, and she's one of those "magical 1000 year old lolis"
>he made a fake account of her on Facebook (giving her his last name too) so he could message her
>he starts telling me how he would retcon her into sex
>told me that he lost his virginity in a threesome with her
>swears that he doesn't do that with me, though
>at this point i'm ready to dump him
>but wait, there's more
>he imagines her walking to work with him
>she holds his hand
>he describes how her uwu fox ears twitch when the train is arriving
>at this point i'm getting jealous over a fucking imaginary gf
>tell him to stop
>he gets extremely triggered and says it's just coping for years of incelism, he can't stop
>finally dump him after learning he's a child groomer with poophands

No. 142387

holy shit anon

No. 142413

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this is gonna be extremely long so prepare yourselves anons. i promise it’s worth it for the cringe value. forgive me for being a dumb sheltered autistic teenager

>freshly 18 and still traumatised by relationship i was in at 16 where dude was stalking me (and does to this day, i’m 21 now)

>see guy on tinder after browsing for a week or two, he’s 22 (which should’ve been an immediate red flag because at my age now i couldn’t imagine trying to date an 18 year old)
>funny and cute, goes to the gym and is going to uni and recently moved to my city
>start talking outside of tinder, all is going well for a few months talking longish distance
>finally meet, all is good, super happy and relieved that i found someone normal so quickly. we clarify we wanna be bf/gf soon after
>few months go on, first big red flag occurs
>he tells me he made a fake ig account (he doesn’t have any social media of his own which is dodgy in itself) and has seen me posting “lewd photos” aka one photo i posted where i happened to be wearing shorts. i say why tf did you follow my private account where i have hardly any people following me just to be a creep when you could just make a normal ig and follow me
>issue dies down, i delete the photo, i block the account he made to stalk me and purge my already extremely small list of followers, we carry on as normal
>i eventually start sort of living with him, he quits uni and stops going to the gym around the same time
>he’s self employed and makes his own money and i’ve been job seeking for nearly a year or so into our relationship
>he pressures me to give it up and i do, he says he doesn’t mind supporting me and idiot teenage me is thrilled
>around a year in is also when i find out the dude is severely pornsick, so severely that by a year into our relationship we had only had sex like once or twice and he could never finish, also meant he was boring as fuck but i have barely anything to compare it to because to this day i’ve only ever slept with one other boring dude and eaten a girl out when i was like 14/15 kek
>found out about said pornsickness when i was sucking his dick under the blanket and i see from behind me that he has porn on the tv screen right behind me
>mortified, self confidence takes a huge hit and that should’ve been it for the relationship
>forgive him because he promises to work on it, i show him proof of how harmful porn is and tell him i don’t want to be with him if he won’t fix it
>i think he’s fixed it, months go on from that moment
>he goes out to grab some food shopping, i turn on the tv and all i see is a video editing software and a woman’s tits
>confidence is shattered yet again, but the embarrassment kills me too much to say anything so i turn off the tv and go on my phone until he’s home
>he gets home, turns on tv, realises he’s left his laptop screen attached to the tv and starts picking a fight with me without even knowing if i had seen it already or not
>i freak the fuck out at him, tell him none of what he’s arguing about is my fault, tell him to explain himself about what was on the screen
>he says he takes camgirls’ content and resells it
>being an idiot i forgive and hold a grudge instead of ending it
>not long after i told him to stop again he’s driving me home and his bluetooth speaker starts playing audio from “chaturbate”
>angry yet again, tell him after i get home that i’m officially giving him an ultimatum
>pretends he’s chosen me and i yet again believe him because retarded teenager who doesn’t know whats normal and abnormal
>by this point i’m no longer sexually interested in him
>around two years into our relationship i’m sexually assaulted because of an ex friend bringing home a creep while i was looking after her sisters’ house for her while she gets wasted. gotta do a whole court case and it’s months of trauma and feeling hopeless (we also lost the case because of said ex friend being a whore and putting her self destructive bullshit before the safety of her friend who was doing her a favour to begin with)
>he’s still demanding to be jerked off this whole time, not remotely aware of how sexual trauma works and probably gets off on it because he’s a pornsick violent loser
>that passes, i start taking medication because the anxiety is too much for me to deal with
>gain a shit ton of weight because ex encourages me to stop eating healthy and working out, i just end up fat and even more miserable (i’m 4’8 anon from the height thread and i’ve talked about how weight gain is super bad for short people lol)
>skip maybe 5/6 months of frequent breaking up/moving out and getting back together bullshit. thanks to me we move into a new place, i’ve been working at home with him at this point and i’ve been making good money with him and paying rent already
>i have decoration plans and they all get ruined by him, he turns it into some kind of twitch streamer neon strip lights bullshit
>i pay for everything in the flat minus a chest of drawers and a few things we brought together like a tumble dryer and a blender
>i feel better knowing we don’t live in a flat where our bedroom is our living room but it also took him nearly 2 weeks to put his half of the deposit down when i paid it within days. another ignored red flag considering this would become a regular issue in the future
>he pulled the suicidal card when i called him out, when that didn’t work he started insulting me and forgetting that he was the loser who couldn’t do what i did within a day or two of being told how much to make
>i’m mostly just happy to have my own place for the first time in my life, disregard all the other fights we have for the next few months
>i’m cleaning the whole flat and everything in it alone. that includes his underwear and clothes, he’s sat in the bedroom playing games all day, demanding to be jerked off (by now he’s worn me down so much in that regard that i, being an idiot knowing his history of selling pornography, let him record me jerking/sucking him off, i refuse to watch them when he shows me but i assume it’s just me being bored, disgusted and not even looking at him kek
>some more time passes from then, i’m progressively getting more unhappy and being isolated from my family and friends
>my auntie dies from cancer that she’s been battling for months while i’ve been locked away miserable with this deadbeat who refused to ever meet my family to begin with, i’m heartbroken
>ex keeps demanding to be jerked off
>i lose my shit and scream “I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR DICK”
>he’s butthurt, but as previously stated i don’t give a fuck, by this point i’m over our relationship by the two year mark
>i try to kill myself a week or so after losing my auntie because of a combination of things, but the biggest reason was him. i had spent the week or so after she passed forcing myself to be there for my family, be productive, look after myself better. i see a light at the end of the tunnel for a moment in the midst of my worst ever depression
>he walks into the bedroom after i spent all day cleaning the whole flat while he played video games and started picking a fight. i said i had been productive all day and he hadn’t done shit, he told me “cleaning for fifteen minutes doesn’t mean shit anon” and walked out
>that line sets me officially over the edge and i take an overdose of my meds and carry on like normal and hope i just drop dead in an hour or two
>i’m picking up some food shopping for my mum so me and ex go to supermarket
>the spacey feeling hits me while we’re out, he always power walks ahead of me so he didn’t notice
>noticed i seemed out of it in the car and instead of asking if i was okay started shouting at me
>i don’t want my last memory on earth to be some annoying incel shouting at me so i tell him i’m trying to kill myself
>go to hospital etc etc etc, i feel even worse and even more suicidal because all i ended up doing was wasting the hospitals’ time when my plan was to just die at home in the first place
>ex pressures me to not have a shower at the hospital after i hadn’t slept for three days straight and was wearing the same shirt and pants the whole time
>i go home, shower, sleep and decide to stop my meds cold turkey
>i can’t go to my aunties funeral because i’m detoxing
>ex knows i’m detoxing and can’t leave my bed and lets all my plants die even after i kept asking him to keep them watered. i get depressed again because i took pride in looking after them
>he’s. still. demanding. handjobs
>three or so months later i’m all healed but even more miserable
>relationship is dead at this point, nearing three year mark
>he gets increasingly more pornsick and deranged
>starts trying to blame me for his sexual incapabilities
>i checked out of the relationship long ago but i didn’t have a job or a home of my own if he wasn’t involved (because both our names are on the contract even if it was only because of me that we moved in)
>by three years we’ve had sex around five times. all disappointing and no intimacy
>finally end things a few days after he attacks me in a supermarket parking lot and leaves me there on the phone to my mum sobbing (this dude rips me out of his car, throws me around, and then calmly grabs my phone, unlocks it and calls my mum to ask her to come get me saying “i’m really manic and upset” (i’m autistic and “mania” is not really something i’ve ever experienced lol) i yank it away from him and tell her what really happened and she said she already knew he was lying (he also threatened to kick me out of the car into moving traffic on the way to said supermarket)
>forgive him for a day or two, but i’m actually just slowly moving my stuff out to avoid him getting mad and possibly attacking me again
>officially dump him when rent day has passed because i had to pay more than half of it to compensate for the fact that he did no work because he was busy hiding in whatever room i wasn’t in so he could jerk off
>i’m packing while my mum comes to get me for the last time, completely chill and happy, he’s yelling abuse at me
>i move out
>we “stay friends” because he had actually brainwashed me so hard that i thought he was a nice person but just not a nice boyfriend
>he’s not a nice person
>i stop talking to him after about 5/6 months of being “friends” because my confidence comes back and i realise he’s a scrote
>i spend those 5/6 months alone, appreciating my family and my friends after being disconnected from them for three years
>two months ago started casually talking to another guy after realising the dating pool for women is insanely small (no intention of being anyone‘s gf because i’m now overly aware/cautious of red flags and i also just wanna be alone but also flirt with someone cute)
>ex is still around and the other day had the nerve to ask me if we were friends or if there was ever a chance of us ever being together
>i say fuck no
>a weird part of me felt bad for him for a day or two but it swiftly passed
>only reason i didn’t block him is because he insisted on letting me keep his ps4 for a few months because he thinks it’s giving him control in some way
>after i told him he has no chance with me ever again he’s said he’s picking it up tomorrow, meaning he no longer has any hold on me officially

i feel good. i know i shouldn’t have even taken the ps4 but we were “friends” when i took it and i spent all the time i had it regaining my self worth and now i know what i want for myself. which is to be alone and look after my family/friends and also myself. i’m working out, eating good and feeling amazing and also thankful to be alive. there’s always a way out anons, don’t settle don’t ever move in with a partner/financially depend on them in any way

some extra fucked up details, just to really send the message home:

>when he eventually did get his own ig, first thing he started doing was liking naked girls’ pictures after lecturing me about wearing shorts in a photo. i told him to stop making me feel like shit about myself or i’ll be like the insta girls he likes and start posting the same pics they do lmao. he made a second instagram instead so he could like ass pics in peace

>followed underage girls on both instagrams
>would say creepy pedo shit to me in sexual situations. would immediately make me feel gross because i’m a short girl and it clicked in my brain that he liked my height because it probably allowed him to think he was being sexual with someone young. he babied me A LOT and it only recently started making sense to me
>punched me in the face one time while i was jerking him off out of nowhere. bruised my lip. this was before the parking lot incident
>had a puke fetish, would pressure me to chug water and throw up on his dick. did it two times for him, second and last time i nearly choked on my own vomit and couldn’t breathe through my nose, he kept shoving his dick down my throat so i forced myself backwards and cried in a ball on the floor. instead of checking on me, he laughed at me, said “what the fuck” and then “i guess you can’t handle it”. he also knew i had an autistic related eating disorder as a kid and as a teen and pushed me to do it anyway
>would only jerk off with a lotion i was highly allergic to even after i showed him how quickly i reacted to it and also after i paid a shit ton of money on other lotions he could use. burned my hands constantly and never apologised. probably got off to it
>as stated before, recorded me a few times. luckily i never showed my face in any pictures i sent but my face was probably in those videos. if you ever see a girl dismissively jerking off a dude while looking extremely disinterested online it’s probably me kek
>i would jerk him off while he watched porn with noise cancelling headphones on in silence. every single time. you can’t make this shit up
>admitted after the chaturbate incident that he’s spent thousands on camgirls. also caught him after he left babestation on the tv. fucking babestation. also saw a message from one of his friends on his ps4 one time asking him “have you seen the new efukt video?” had no idea what it was but after googling it i realised that porn consumed so many aspects of his life, satire or not, and it made me feel sick. he also played witcher 3 sex scenes in front of me knowing how uncomfortable it made me and even recorded them all and kept them saved on his ps4 recordings like a true scrote. i think the first sex scene he played was in a brothel and i tried to laugh it off because i was so uncomfortable and all he said was something along the lines of “not bad”. i cringed when i realised it was serious and he actually thought i would sit there and watch a graphic sex scene next to him while he popped a boner. second or third time he did it i was so uncomfortable i actually cried

and finally:

>never washed his hands. ever. picked his nose and ate it. picked his ass and crotch and sniffed it. and then had the nerve to ask me why didn’t want his hands anywhere near me

hope my story haunts you enough to learn from my mistakes. if i can get out of a situation like that and be happy as fuck so can anyone. i’m rooting for you all!

No. 142441

Damn, I am truly very sorry you went through this anon. I'm glad you're in a better place now. Rooting for you!!

No. 142450

Holy fuck. Really sorry he put you through that bullshit. I had a garbo coomer bf too and it can really mess with your self-esteem. But I'm glad you're doing better.

Rooting for you too.

No. 142455

Holy shit. I'm proud of you for getting out of such a shit situation. You are amazing and I hope your life only gets better from here.

No. 142472

Holy fucking shit anon, what the absolute fuck I'm so fucking glad you're out of that mess, I'm so glad I hope you have a good time with your friends and family, hope that scrote chokes

No. 142568


fellow autistic abuser survivor anon here, what the fuck, I am so sorry you had such a scrote in your life and I am so happy for you that you're out, reading how you got out, my skin feels fucking clearer. Disgusting guy. I hope you're doing better now and that you're well!

No. 142580

Holy fucking shit anon, I'm so sorry
You're amazing for getting out of that, I'm so happy you have family that love you. One day you you will have a beautiful home of your own to decorate the way you want.
And I hope he ends up out in the streets after giving all his scrotebucks to babestation. Babestation though, really?!

No. 142586

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I’ve never really told anyone this whole online boyfriend saga in its entirety because it really highlights what a dumbass I was when I was a teen but oh well. Its so ridiculous it’s kind of funny.
>Be me, 15, lonely and starving for attention because I had no irl friends and was suffering with depression and suicidal tendencies that my family ignored, self-esteem nonexistent.
>Meet nice boy online, 18, lives on the opposite end of the country, but had a lot of shared interests, wasn’t creepy towards me at all. Add each other on Facebook and Tumblr.
>Talk all day every day, become a lot closer & confess feelings, I tell him about my mental health problems and he confides in me that he is bipolar but goes to therapy and takes meds, start talking on skype and sending each other small gifts, all is well.
>Time passes, dude moves closer to me but still haven’t met irl, relationship starts to become strained, I start cutting myself and becoming suicidal again for unrelated reasons.
>About a year of this goes by, he suddenly becomes infuriated one night, blocks me on everything only to unblock me about an hour later and starts spamming me with crytyping apologizes
>Super weirded out, know something sus is going on
>Next day mutual friend adds me on Facebook and sends me a ton of screenshots of him telling her how irritating I am, him sending her nudes, making plans to hookup, etc. Says they met up last night to fuck but she felt guilty and bailed.
>Confront cumbrain, he confirms everything. I’m extremely hurt and angry obviously. I block him and stop talking.
>Eventually start talking casually again because I once again had no self-esteem and still no other friends. Doesn’t last long because I won’t be romantic or sexual with him anymore, he blows up at me because I said I didn’t trust him, blocks me on everything again.
>I have semi popular blog on tumblr, he starts writing insane callout posts, calling me an evil cheating slut, (never cheated and was a virgin) claiming I have a 45 year old sugar daddy (???), no one cares and he deletes his account.
>I am 18 at this point, my mental and physical health have deteriorated for unrelated reasons, develop an ED and cystic acne, look like a diseased skeleton, basically abandon all social media but mention somewhere I am not doing well.
>Cumbrain sees it I guess, messages me only to start berating me, telling me he never cared about me and only wanted to fuck me, that he would rape and beat me if he could, etc.
>Months pass, I get diagnosed with depression and anxiety, get on meds, start taking better care of myself, appearance and personality overall massively upgraded, haven’t heard from pathetic cumbrain at all.
>Summer before I start college, at concert, suddenly see guy in crowd who looks exactly like cumbrain. Nah that can’t fucking be him, why would he be at a concert hundreds of miles away from where he lives?
>Guy stares at me for an uncomfortably long time. Yeah, it’s him. I leave because fuck that.
>Later that night, receive dozens of messages from burner accounts ranging from “Can we talk?” to “I KNOW UR SEEING THIS SHIT RESPOND WHORE”, I don’t reply.
>Receive picture of him slitting his wrists, demands I speak to him or he will kill himself. Really concerned because I still care about this idiot for some reason, give in and talk. He basically says his life has gone to shit since we stopped talking, he went off his meds and got addicted to xanax, I was his only motivation to live, and if I don’t speak to him anymore he’ll ~die~.
>Tell him I don’t want him to die but I want nothing to do with this bullshit anymore, but getting a tearful voice message of him begging me to at least be friends and being naïve broke me down.
>I start college, having a bad time coping with social anxiety but being around normal people made me see how unhinged this guy is but I feel trapped, like it will be my fault if he offs himself.
>Forced to call him or text him every day, he starts switching between being creepy as shit, sending me plushies and complimenting me constantly to getting shitfaced and sending me messages like “anon you’re an ugly cunt you know that right?” Confront him about the concert sighting and he claims it was his friend who looks like him. (???)
>I start trying to make irl friends but every time I ignore him to hang out with people, he would go ballistic, track them down on Facebook and send them threatening messages. He did this with everyone including my family.
>Meet a guy irl, I have a huge crush on him and he hints that he is interested in me, but I know if I want to pursue him I have to cut off cumbrain once and for all.
>Crush eventually gets typical threating message from cumbrain, “do you know who my father is???” level shit. Crush finds it all pathetic and reassures me cumbrain won’t actually do anything, he’s just guilt tripping me.
>Cut off cumbrain as nicely as possible, he starts freaking out because of course he does. Says depraved vomit inducing shit like “just cuddle the stuffies daddy got you and I promise I’ll come see you next month”
>This conversation goes in circle for hours, I get drunk and fed up and tell him to fuck off, delete all my social media and change my number so he has no way of contacting me. Start dating crush and doing really well in classes.
>Cumbrain sends my new bf some more shit, calming I’m cheating on him, claiming he has all my social media passwords (he definitely didn’t and they were all nuked at this point anyway), and saying he’ll get me expelled from college. Tries to scare my bf by pretending to be a hacker and saying he’ll find his home address kek. Also says he has a gun and he “doesn’t know how he’ll use it yet”, I guess threatening to come shoot me or something. Bf just laughed at him.
>Cumbrain tracks down new Facebook account, sends me a picture of a girl sucking his chode. No idea who the girl is or how he convinced someone to be within five feet of him, but I don’t care or respond.
>Cumbrain sends a bunch of pencils and a creepy note to my house, I don’t even read the whole thing and throw it away.
>Cumbrain sends me messages pretending to be someone else and claiming that he died.
>Months pass, life is good and I’m finally happy. Haven’t heard from cumbrain since his “death”, but he accidentally requested to follow my Instagram with his real account, which all just pics of him and his neckbeard friends smoking weed, sad Rick and Morty memes, his ugly tattoos and pics of some of the gifts I sent him years ago with cryptic captions. I wish I was joking.
>Years pass and I eventually stop getting weird messages or follow requests from sus accounts. Life is better. Left with a general distrust of men and self-resentment for being a retard throughout this whole thing but at least I got expensive pokémon plushes out of for my collection kek.
>Whenever we skyped, he would ignore me trying to talk to him to play WoW.
>Said I reminded him of Ramona Flowers.
>He had a ddlg fetish that he constantly pushed on me BARF.
>He never came to visit me irl because he spent all his money on MtG cards and ugly tattoos which were all vidya related.
>When my childhood pet died, he thought sending me a video of him jerking off would make me feel better.
>One time he was trying to sext me and in the middle of it, sent me a picture of his dad.
>He defended a musician who solicited nudes from underage girls.
>He was super antifeminist and said he was more oppressed than ALL women because he was a bi male.
>Said I was cringy for liking anime even though he had redditorhottopicmerchshittier taste in media.
>Every time we got in a fight, he would post a bunch of pictures of cheap whiskey and xanax bars online, trying to bait me into begging for his forgiveness.
>Was mad when his threats against my bf didn’t land, desperately messaged him “at least tell me what having sex with anon was like!!!!”
>After a year of me living a regular life mostly away from the internet, he made an obviously fake account to ask me if he can buy nudes KEK. I have never sold nudes in my life so I dunno what his plan was here.

No. 142589

>When my childhood pet died, he thought sending me a video of him jerking off would make me feel better
Oh my God

No. 142590

>Met my first long-term boyfriend in university. We ended up dating for two years
>I can't remember the first time I looked at him and found him dull, found our conversations uninteresting, and his presence annoying. It had probably been happening for a long time
>Little things started adding up. He was always late, he would explain movies to me in a patronizing way, he didn't like my friends
>After uni, I auditioned for a job at TDL. He tried to discourage me because I "would be wasting my degree on a theme park job" and I "didn't fit that look"
>Ended up getting the job, and suddenly he was super supportive because he thought he could get a visa and move with me
>When we broke up he said I was selfish for leaving him for a job and had his mom call me to tell me I was making a mistake

Don't settle for boring, annoying ppl

No. 142592

new to posting so sorry if I fail to integrate. I tried my best to make this short so it may seem a bit choppy, but this is the story of my abuser/stalker/incel ex who kept harassing me for years, but in the end he gets some sweet karma and faces the ultimate payback, and I get to live my life again with someone who truly loves me. have hope anons, it really can get better.

>15 years old coming out of a very small school, introvert just diagnosed with GAD so very low self esteem and poor social skill, no experience with boys

>my close and only friend tells me they know a guy from the next city over our age that they met on a minecraft server (kek) who would be interested in me, say they told him about me
>they give me his socials and try to set us up
>we message on kik, the very first instance of us talking is him calling me a cunt and saying he typically dislikes women and is only friends with men, says a bunch of gross mysongitic shit
>this interaction really freaks me out cause of aforementioned lack of social skill, tell him to fuck off and leave me alone and tell my friend what happened and friend brushes it off and says that's just how he is when first meeting people
>fast forward about a year, my friend and scrote are good friends and my friend plans to invite him to his birthday which I'm also going to as their way of meeting for the first time, completely forgotten about my interaction with scrote so I'm not really worried about encountering him
>meet scrote at my friends birthday and in person he is nothing like I expected. fairly attractive teenage boy that's skinny and pale with freckles and green eyes, not fat greasy neckbeard at all. interacts like normal with me as if we never talked on kik and we get along surprisingly very well and spend the entire night talking
>for the next four days me, my friend and scrote all hang out and scrote and I start to flirt, he brings up what happened on kik and apologized. that same night we start talking again over kik and he immediately asks me to be his girlfriend. say yes and dont really think twice about it because of my autistic social ineptitude
>excited to finally have a bf and friend is very happy for us and encourages relationship

shit spirals out of control from this point forward.

>immediately starts to talk about sex within 2 days of us dating, joking about when am I gonna give him a blow job and starts sending me screenshots of ddlg posts on Instagram

>said I love you after two weeks, cried over the phone when I wouldn't say it back
>obsessive about seeing each other even though he lives an hour away, gets his mom to pick me up so we can go on dates once a week, have to lie to my mom about where I'm going and who will be there because she doesn't know I have a boyfriend
>his mom is a raging alcoholic and would drop us off home alone while she went away to the bar for hours, sometimes i wouldn't be home until midnight as I'd have to get my sister to come pick me up after her shift at work because his mom would try to drive us home drunk. this caused fights with my mom
>suggesting we skip a week of seeing each other would cause him to cry hysterically and say I'm abandoning him
>one day when were home alone at his house, he shows me porn and asks me if I can give him a blowjob like in the video. I tell him I'm not sure if I can do that but he whips out his dick and shoves my face on it, I immediately start to gag and cry, he says "see, that wasnt very hard!" then says he'll buy me a Starbucks if I stop crying. every sexual encounter we had went like this, of him forcing me then buying me something with his moms card when I cried to cheer me up
>6 months this goes on. I start slacking in school and around this time get diagnosed with a very rare immune disorder. was constantly sick and at one point attached to a heart monitor and he still made me give him blow jobs while I cried
>completely worn down already. any time I say no to him about anything he crys hysterically and even took a gun out of his closet and threatened to shoot himself in front of me for saying I wouldn't give him a blow job
>finally snap one day after a few weeks of planning to fake commit suicide to get out of the relationship, message him on skype with a suicide note and log off my laptop and just walk away and carry on with my day
>home alone while my mom and sister are at the store, get a knock on my door and it's the police telling me scrote called a welfare check on me, almost got involuntarily hospitalized but my mom showed up in time to stop it, this was horribly traumatizing for me. mom finds out about our relationship this way and becomes extremely angry
>explain to him what happend and that I'm safe and instead of saying hes happy I'm okay he tells me that next time I "shouldve just killed myself instead of scaring him like that"
>life continues like this for another 6 months. fighting constantly with my mother because she disapproves of this and also slowly deteriorating physically cause of illness. homeschooled and completely isolated
>on our anniversary we get into a fight about the blow job issue, it's a very big heated fight so I grab my phone to call my sister to come pick me up, he takes it out of my hand and smashes it to the floor and then hits me for the very first time. lock myself in the bathroom and just silently cry
>30 minutes later he tells me hes sorry and says I should call the police on him and have him arrested and says hes always "had an evil inside him" and I should just take him to jail now
>his mom ends up paying for my new phone. my mom bans me from seeing him any further but he messages me on skype saying if we dont find a way to be together he'll kill himself
>we continue secretly seeing each other for almost another year but our relationship becomes even more toxic. he now beats me physically and forces me into sexual acts every time we are together. he monitors my texts with my friend and doesn't let me tell him about what's happening. he screams at me in public places and makes me call him and give my location if I go anywhere, even with my family
>mom notices my declining mental health, takes away my computer, looks through it and calls scrotes mother and tells her about the messages she saw scrote sending me on skype but she still didnt know he beat me so that wasn't mentioned. mom puts me into partially online credit recovery school so I can integrate back into society
>after this I start to feel better, nearing my senior year of highschool, have more friends, socializing and going out like a normal person, no sign of scrote reappearing since my mom threatened legal action to his family
>start getting weird follow requests on instagram and friend requests on facebook towards the end of my junior year, this slowly turns into messages, and then texts, then voicemails all from scrote on spoofed numbers and alt accounts crying hysterically saying he misses me and he needs me, he proceeds to send me nudes on an alt, block him and move on but I'm extremely disturbed by it and tell my friends who try to calm me
>over time he makes more than 50 alts, threatening me and my families lives and says if I tell anyone about my abuse then he'll leak the videos he took of me crying while giving him rape blow jobs, don't respond but this shakes me up badly
>this continues until my senior year when I get a new, very tall attractive boyfriend who also happens to be Mexican (scrote is white nationalist as well as 5'5 manlet who hates tall attractive men), scrote finds out about this and threatens my boyfriend on alts and says a ton of racist shit to him
>have to tell current boyfriend who scrote is, he is horrified and tells me to press charges and we talk about legality and telling my mom about his physical abuse to me, compile proof to make a case on him
>suddenly scrote disappears off the planet, dont hear from him. find out from our old mutual friend that he has been institutionalized. have a kek at his expense and finally feel free from him stalking and harassing me

And this is when scrote meets his fate.

>gets taken from his mom by CPS due to her drunkely abusing him right after he comes out of the mental hospital and right before his 18th birthday, dropped out of highschool, dated 14 year old girls, did copious amounts of drugs etc.

>detoriated horribly in looks, shaved his head in a drug induced mania and lost enough weight to look like a heroin addict despite never doing heroin
>after being placed with his aunt for 3 months and now being a legal adult, gets ARRESTED for beating and molesting his then 15 year old girlfriend (I was very happy to hear that a victim of his has finally gotten justice)
>while scrote is in jail his mom has a manic episode (she's bipolar) while also binge drinking, gets into tragic accident drunk driving, kills someone and ALSO GETS ARRESTED
>I have the BIGGEST KEK HUMANLY POSSIBLE and practically CELEBRATE when I hear this news
>boyfriend and I legitimately go get a cake to celebrate after finding all this out. best day of my life

Current day:

>scrote and his mother both sit and rot in jail

>didn't end up having to make case against scrote which saved me time, money and emotional trauma
>I graduate highschool on time with honors, have a wonderful healthy relationship with current boyfriend, now 19 years old and a year into our relationship and couldn't be happier
>told my mom about what happened and she was very empathetic towards me, now working on getting me counseling
>getting treatment for illness, doing well physically and happier than I have ever been.

it gets better anons. I hope all the abusive scrotes mentioned in this thread can soon meet the same fate as him. I'm glad we all made it out of these absolute shit relationships. I hope my story can give someone hope.

No. 142593

holy fucking shit anon, i'm so, so sorry you went through that. i'm thankful you have a supportive family helping you deal with the trauma he put you through. i'm ecstatic that he's hopefully getting the shit beat out of him in prison.

No. 142595

thank you anon. I'm very very lucky to have a supportive family and partner. I still struggle with things like flashbacks or bad dreams, but knowing he met quite literally the ultimate consequence is what keeps me from dwelling on it. I can rest assured nobody else will ever go through what he did to me and that has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders

No. 142612

This gave me chills. I'm so sorry anon you had to go through rape for so long, I can't even imagine how scarring that was. You're so strong, women are incredible. I guess sometimes karma really does come back to you, huh? I'm so glad you've found a loving bf after all of this and your piece of shit ex has his life ruined. Damn.

No. 142675

>be 16yo mentally ill friendless shut-in fakeboi
>22yo guy messages me online
>think he's cool because he's older and is miserable like me, get attached
>he tells me he's asexual, makes me feel safe because I expect no sex so we start dating when I'm 17
>tells me he jerked off to a picture of my face, I'm weirded out but too scared to say anything
>I would do anything to leave my dysfunctional family so plan to visit him
>my mom lets me stay at his country for a few months even though our relationship is illegal there because of my age
>he's ugly and fat, his place is disgusting
>visit him more times
>start having sex when I'm 18
>find out he jerks off to trannies and traps
>pressures me to do anal "as a joke", knows it makes me angry
>tells me he jerked off to videos of 16 year olds, "jokes" about kids being sexy
>call him a pedo and he gets mad at me
>have a breakdown because I realize how fucked up he is
>go back to denial
>live miserably with him for a couple of years until he breaks up with me
>we stay friends but he ends up blocking me because he doesn't like how I changed
>deletes his social media so I don't expose him

tfw groomed

No. 142685


oh my god anon, fuck, I really hope counselling is helping now and reading how karma fucked over scrote and his mom was so satisfying, and that you're in a loving and wonderful relationship and that you're succeeding because you deserve all of the good things. I'm so happy they locked the fucker up, he is damn right he's evil.

I'm >>141918 btw and the way he would threaten suicide to keep you….he really, really deserves all hell. Sending love to you.

No. 155533

- He wanted to fuck cats
- Had a fetish for meowing
- Owns several cats, this is concerning
- Also had a fetish for being murdered (???)
- Smallest dick i've ever seen
- "Multiple personalities", aka an excuse to slap random girl's asses
- Obsessed with Miku merch
- Dresses like a toddler
- Moved in with a M/F couple and tried to have sex with both of them on separate occasions
- Cheats at video games
- "Juggalo furry"
- Greatest accomplishment in life is being an anime convention DJ for another cow who has their own thread here

No. 155534

Why were you in a relationship with this guy?

No. 155537

Because I'm stupid, anon, clearly

The sex was pretty good, but once I found out he was wiggling his mini hotdog to the thought of me murdering him, had a moment of clarity and ghosted him.
At the time, thought it was just a cringy weeaboo catgirl fetish- nope, literally cats.

No. 155546

My loser ex.
There was all sorts that happened, but just two points stood out that cemented the break:

>In our 10 year relationship, he never introduced me to his parents.

> I served them once at a restaurant and they didn't even recognise me, plus were very rude.

Needless to say I was upset with this situation, but I was growing up and sussed the BS. Gave him an ultimatum and broke it with him. Enough was enough.

No. 155888

>completely ignored me and played xbox all the time when I was at his
>after ignoring me all day he would ask for sex
>thought he was super smart but he wasnt
>blamed me for him getting shitty grades even though he never worked hard or studied anything
>never had a job
>completely dependent on his mother

its amazing what low self esteem will do to you

No. 155893

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My ex was the most autistic piece of crap i've ever seen in my whole entire life honestly. Hes a furfag, he was a massive yandere fag and even wanted me to be a yandere (i know cringe).

He also would cut my name into his skin and do other various things, the one thing that really was pretty retarded of him is when he literally branded my name's first letter into his skin, it was stressful too because he would constantly message me and tell me it hurts, like no shit it hurts??? you literally burned your skin off? how surprising is that huh?

Theres more fucked up shit he did, like threaten to murder me and my family and also even say pretty disturbing and disgusting stuff about my sibling who is a minor, he would tell me to force myself onto my sister, or do incestous stuff to my other sibling.

He also would constantly insult my family for no reason at all. Ah, he also threatened to off himself if i didn't stay up with him, when i literally had to go to work, which made me stressed out constantly and depressed. But i broke up with him for good and i feel happier anons, and my mental health has been getting better also.

also forgot to mention that he got fired from his job because he would constantly hang around me and not wanting to get out of his greasy bed, and whenever i tried to give him suggestions to maybe try to talk to his boss for another chance and do better he would refuse.

in conclusion, dont date an insane furfag. EVER.

No. 155895

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I… huh. Why did you ever put up with this anon? Like there is literally not a single part of this that is remotely sane or redeemable and most people would've recognized that immediately. Why did you think it was okay?

It's hard to convey online but I'm not judging you rn, I'm genuinely wondering how in the hell any of this became normalized for you because holy shit. I'm glad you're doing better now and safely away from this deranged piece of garbage.

No. 155896

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i honestly do not know anon, he manipulated me pretty badly, i was naive and vulnerable also. But got my eyes opened by some internet people im very good friends with now.

Also, my fiance who helped me also through all of that talked to my ex's sister, apparently my ex is depressive and is still with his parents and constantly bringing me up, that was months ago i think when i heard that about him.

But i honeslty could give 0 fucks if hes depressed, it is yet sad but funny to know that he still acts the same way and mentions me, he sounds insane and delusional.

but anyway, gotta go and play my gacha games

No. 155899

I'm so sorry you went through all that, damn. I was in an emotionally manipulative relationship at one point as well and also turned to the internet for help. Gets a bad rap but people can give surprisingly good advice, and it helps to get a less biased opinion.

I agree it sucks that he's in a bad place, but definitely not your job to "heal" him or whatever. Nothing is an excuse to be a gross abuser towards your partner. I'm happy to hear you have a supportive fiance now, too. Have fun with your gachas!

No. 155902

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not as awful as others but

>older teen in virtual chat who claimed to be alexei romanov, reincarnated. we didn't do anything but called ourselves a couple. turns out he was gay

then I had the misfortune of dating 2 guys irl who used /pol/. I was a socially inept airhead teen so I didn't realize at the time.
>first one showed like no interest in me, I'm tempted to think he was also gay (closeted). we didnt even kiss but it was high school. I don't care to know what hes like now. he was a neglectful asshole. eventually he sperged irl about race. that was after we broke up. he grew more bitter and unhinged over time
>second had wack extreme politics whichever side he was on. he ended up trooning out and I naively played right in. I went along with anything at that time including sexual, which I deeply regret. Still he was not a bad person and ultimately didn't transition. for a while it sucked, I saw all the catgirl, waifu, bussy memes unfolding irl. I was disgusted but lost on how to handle that. I also wasn't without my own major issues
It's like a timeline of only understanding the situation after the fact. seeing shit online and thinking "Oh. that's what that came from" it's wild how some people's personality is from the internet. But I was pretty stupid and deranged myself. I could probably also fit that description

No. 156206

>met him on shitty mmo for 13 year olds
>groomed me (i was 15 and he was 24)
>when we moved together for a bit into his moms flat luna style he decided that its a better idea to buy a lifesized lara croft statue from his neighbour than buy groceries for the month.
>ridiculed marriage talk (thank god)
>phimosis but refused to go to the doctor for it
>put his hands on me due to a dumb argument
once he did that i went home and broke up with him via skype. he tried getting back with me a few years later… while he got a new 16 year old gf LOL i rejected that offer and now they are married, most likely for his greencard.

No. 156403

>he decided that its a better idea to buy a lifesized lara croft statue from his neighbour than buy groceries for the month
Based. /s
Did he went through with it or have you managed to stop him? How did you survive the month? Why couldn't this manchild borrow money if he loved the figure so much?

No. 156463

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he went through with it kek
we ate dry bread and random shit from his moms pantry. he was too proud to borrow money and so was his mom. also pic rel is the lara which was FUGLY and her head fell off eventually.

No. 156464

Bet he jerked off onto it

No. 156467

nope he had phimosis which is where your foreskin gets stuck on the tip of the penis and as soon as it gets hard it hurts because it pulls.
so yes jerking off and sex was physically impossible for him, and while i got plenty oral and other things from him it never happened.
he was just a manchild with a terrible relationship with money.

No. 156487

Not about anyone in particular, but I can't believe how many exes have been texting or adding me back on social media in the last few months. One of them I dated almost a decade ago, one of them I never dated and ghosted after he got weird, one cheated on me and we had a bad break up, another one never got past the talking phase.

I don't get it, do they think they're going to get an easy lay after several years? Are they just bored from quarantine? I'm so confused at this.

No. 156492

This has been on my mind recently. The physical isolation many of us have endured throughout the pandemic (and the existential threat presented by a highly transmissible virus) has definitely made people reflect on their decisions, driving a lot of people to reach out to friends and lovers from the past. I've been on both sides of the coin a handful of times since march. It's an interesting social phenomenon, still annoying af to be contacted by someone you don't want to hear from though. I know I've had to summon the power of the block button on a couple recent occasions.

No. 156510

I found out after we broke up that my ex cheated on me in the form of stat rape. Almost a decade since we broke up and I am still kinda fucked up from it. He's paying the price for it, though. That gives me some comfort at least.

No. 156515

that's a lot to take in, jfc. men are something else kek
im glad you got away from that weirdo

No. 156636

ex gf story, dykefag here
sorry for the long ride

>be 200lbs 15 years old fujotard

>meet girl my age in yaoi website(kek)
>becomes best friends for a year, we speak all day long
>she is actively being groomed by a fanfic author that pretends to be an 17 years old italian boy
>she is actually 26 years old pedowhore
>friend breaksdown one day, tells me that pedowhore is threating her and treating her like shit, sends me screenshots of everything
>i metoo'd and doxx pedowhore and she loses all clout in yaoi website, becomes widely hated in the fujosphere, also breaks up with her fiancee because he learns she e-cheats on him with a tranny
>best friend tells me she loves me and we start dating after pedowhore saga ends

>2 months into relationship

>i lose a lot of weight because of hope for meeting irl
>we are very in love
>"femanon i have to tell you something"
>she tells me she used to be in a local facebook group for bullying people when she was 12
>they picked on a girl for being fat
>she eventually killed herself and streamed it, blaming gf and facebook group
> gf was traumatized and tried to leave facebook group
> facebook group had a leader that threatens gf into staying or everyone will know she is a murderer and that she was molested as a kid
>gf stays
>facebook group becomes some sort of gay ops internet cult
>leader of group makes gf the third in command after some tranny
>they reclout a lot of people and outgrow facebook
>the cult is still going strong today and gf can't get out
>i buy it line and sinker
>plan gay ops to get her out
>she doesn't cooperate and nothing ever works, tried to get her to not interact with cult, tried to turn around other members, tried to convince her to keep receipts on cult but she wouldn't
> i'm tired and we break up
>i search for a very specific derrogative term that cult would call her
>find cult related facebook group
>we get back together
>she tells me cult leader is some kind of l33t haxxer and thats why she can't keep receipts or do anything to get away from her
>at this point i'm doubtful by a accept to not bring up the cult anymore
>eventually gf says cult people followed her when she was buying a book on self-defense and laughed about it in a prívate chat
>she gets pictures of herself sent to her mail and dead birds
>i'm freaking out
>a friend of mine gets tires of our shit and locates cult leader's IP
>I'ts the same as gf
>we finally break up
>6 years later she sometimes comes back to threaten me in cult leader persona
>she is now dating her tranny second in command though i am unsure if the are the same person or not
>i kek

I don't know how much of the story was true but i do know that the gay ops group/cult is a thing. I'm also not sure if she killed those birds herself but i wouldnt be surprised eitherway

I think she became interested in me after she saw me play gay ops on pedowhore and wanted that for her little group but it didnt work out like she wanted

No. 156649

>be 20yo bpdchan
>in last year of community college
>decide to do band because i need electives
>meet ex and think ex is cute
>ex shows me unused practice room that i basically start living in
>ex always stays there, skips class to hang out
>sometimes ask him to leave me alone so i can focus
>he leaves for at most fifteen minutes and then comes back for me to entertain him
>he walks me to my car and because i'm a fucking idiot bpdchan i kiss him because attention=good boyfriend material
>instantly regret it but he eats it up, asks for my number
>still try ignoring him and trying to leave but he has the code to enter the practice room and bother me
>ends up telling me he's in love with me after two weeks, i stutter and don't say it back but he gets upset and begs me to say it back "because you know you are, bpdchan"
>still hang out, he isolates me from other people and gets jealous that i sit next to a guy in my music history class
>end up getting stockholmed into dating him

>he ends up being emotionally and sexually abusive

>constantly manipulates me into saying things, constantly twists my words around and berates my opinions
>constantly told me "no one will ever love you like i do"
>every time we hung out he'd try to get me to fuck him and i would almost always say no a handful of times but he'd keep rubbing my clit or something and i would give in
>never good sex
>financially irresponsible
>fundamentally irresponsible
>didn't know how to tie his own fucking shoelaces for the first three months
>didn't know how to cook
>failed almost all of his classes
>somehow manages to graduate
>try to break up with him three times but he would cry and beg me to take him back, suicide baited all the time

>he skinwalked his own gf

>i have bpd, all of a sudden he's showing bpd tendencies
>i struggle with disordered eating, all of a sudden he has anorexia
>my adhd worsens, he doubles his dose of ritalin to cope with his own
>i tell him about my rape trauma, he claims that a girl he slept with all the time ended up raping him all the time
>i have mommy issues, all of a sudden he claims his mom is abusive
>went through a nb phase, he says he's a tranny and uses they/them
>stupid me thought it was ~bonding through mutual struggles~

>we go to the same college

>i make friends but he gets insanely jealous and constantly keeps me in his dorm room
>made me think my friends hated me but in reality they hated him but he always hung around me
>in hindsight the few times my friends hung out together without them they always seemed to enjoy my company
>cheats on me with a girl but denies it to high hell
>mfw i believe him
>try to break up with him again but he fakes a seizure and i'm too much of a bpdchan to fully get rid of him
>find his tinder account
>actually fucking break up with him
>stalks me and corners me into rooms and gives me panic attacks
>the friends i've had all along protect me from him and lead him away from where i am

>two weeks after breakup he asks to talk

>i'm tired of him and i figure sure okay lets get him out of here
>ends up locking himself into a car with me and won't fucking leave me alone
>have previous trauma from being raped in a car that he knows about and knows my triggers
>i scream so loud someone calls the police on us
>sober up real quick because they were talking about baker acting me???
>end up getting coffee with him and he weasels back into my life
>try to keep an arms length, date other guys while still trying to be friends
>uses his seizures and suicide baiting to keep me in his dorm all day
>legitimately considering suicide to get away from him, and he once again made me think my friends hated my guts and i was a miserable failure.

>spring semester starts

>he gets fucking wasted and he makes a buffoon of himself and sends dick pic to everyone we both know
>people come up to me the next day and say "you need to control him"
>something snaps and i break all contact
>block him on everything, refuse to speak with him, ask friends to protect me from him
>somehow sneak into his room and take all my stuff back

>ff to today

>year since we broke up
>still in love with me
>still tries to initiate contact
>beginning to legitimately consider restraining order against him
>no way to completely get away from him because we're in the same program

this got away from me and totally turned into a vent. anyways. i'm in therapy and seeing someone else and i'm infinitely happier now. still dealing with the emotional abuse, especially the "no one will ever love you like i do" because wow maybe telling a bpdchan that no one will ever love them is a very harmful thing

No. 156710

my ex groomed me online from the age of 15. he was in his late 20s. i was a depressed, fat shut-in with no friends and he made me feel special. he cheated on his gf at the time with me and i feel so guilty over it. i want to reach out to her and apologise but i have no way to contact her because she and my ex are from another country. i visited him when i got older and he was so fucking creepy and i regret ever going.

i really hope he hasn't talked to any more young girls. i dumped his ass and i'm now dating the sweetest guy ever but my experience with my ex has fucked me up a lot more than i realised. i'd love to go to therapy one day to get this all off my chest but lolcow will have to do for now.

No. 156921

>college boyfriend
>dumped me for cutting into his WOW-addiction
>also dumped me because his roommates were "saying things" about how he treated me
>ffwd 10 years
>look him up on facebook
>he troon'd out
>shows off off estrogen injections in his PFP
>still looks like a (very ugly) man
>thinning hair and a receding hairline
>swollen ogre hands
>only has slightly cleared up skin


No. 157346

Bro what. That entire post. What the fuck did I just read.

No. 157416

>be 18 year old anxietychan who's never been in a relationship
>meet guy through tinder who tells me he's 21,is actually 23 but whatever
>he's really sweet at first, looks after me and takes me out for food etc all the time
>teaches me about league of legends and helps me climb
>he gets into right wing commentary channels on youtube
>right at the peak of gamergate
>all of a sudden I'm not allowed to wear heels on nights out because they made me taller than him
>tells me all the time about Anita sarkeesian and how feminists are ruining women
>I go along with it because it's my first ever bf and I was head over heels

It lasted about 9 months, then I found a used condom in his room that he insisted was just for a posh wank. It was not.

Then it took about 2 years for me to unlearn all sorts of stupid shit he'd brainwashed me with about women being the worst thing that can happen to a man etc.

No. 157924

>be me many years ago
>be on a sleepover with a girl friend
>she starts calling some dudes on skype
>talk to them, eventually start talking to one guy in private
>seems nice
>some time after we play 'I'd rather'
>he asks me if I'd rather sleep with him in the same bed without doing it or lose my virginity
>get pissed off and tell him to fuck off
>some time later feel that you have overreacted and apologize
>become on and off friends again due to some random quarrels
>get bored one day and text him out of the blue
>he seems sad and eager to talk
>sympathize and grow close again
>one day on a call he asks if I wanna be his girlfriend cuz another girl asked him out but he wants to be with me
>completely ignore how odd the second part sounds and agree since you never had a boyfriend and wanted to know how it's like
>get even closer and start talking about more personal stuff
>one day he hits me with a completely random story related to how he felt sad when I started talking to him again
>it turns out that he had an online gf that was abused by her father and he started chatting with some online hoe during that relationship
>eventually he tells me that he started cheating on the abused gf with the hoe by cybersex
>he comes out about it to the abused gf, she's brokenhearted and blocks him (rightfully so)
>he moves on to the hoe
>hoe tells him that she has cybersex with literally anyone
>he spergs on her and becomes depressed, and starts crying when telling me that
>completely fucking shocked but still try to reassure him even though my opinion of him just went straight to the gutter
>he keeps telling me weird horny teen kid shit, like saying that he once told one lass that he has a 20cm dick and she told him to show it and she ran away after seeing it cuz it was so big (obvious bs)
>then he tells me he has phimosis and after the procedure tells me he has 40 stitches down there
>be absolutely grossed out and horrified that you promised him to finally meet
>the day of the meeting comes
>he's very average and doughy even though he bragged about doing a trillion push ups
>feel very uncomfortable cuz you have never been in a romantic situation before and he's very handsy
>meet few times in a row, on the last day he tries to force you to kiss him
>he fucks off on a trip, text with him
>have a breakdown due to abuse at home, feel comfortable enough with crying cuz he said he likes fixing broken people and bragged by turning some girls down from suicide (another bs)
>next day he tells you that he considered breaking up that evening
>get fucking pissed cuz he couldn't handle one emotional moment from me and I have been listening to all of his dumbass problems throughout those months
>consult male best friend (that the ex also sperged about due to jealousy)
>he tells me to kick his ass
>consider it
>later the ex tells me that he had been cuddling with another girl in a bus while on that trip
>not today satan
>call him an asshole that doesn't know how to shower and that's how his peepee got fucked up and that it's over
>he blocks me
>get extremely happy that this fuckwit pissed off and get on with your life

And that was my first boyfriend story. Thank you.

No. 158011

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>be me last college year
>17 (Graduated young)
>Never really dated because autism and art
>Meet other guy who spoke JP
>Think he is coololdergoi.jpeg
>He breaks up with crazy weeb bitch, so I slide in.
>Turns out biggest man child to ever exist
>Be me giving pep talk about being manly
>Uses anxiety as excuse
>parents give him everything
>Slowly drift apart
>Never texted until I had a question (rather than talking to me like a real man)
>Awkwardly stop talking again.

mfw when my taste for men has shifted to guys who dont play vidya.

No. 159830

>met boyfriend first year in art school, low esteem, shitty home life and no relationship experience so any positive attention felt like crack
>dude's crazy, goes into suicidal hysterics often talking about how he always grew up believing that he'd be a world renowned artist on the level of van gogh and that anything less isn't good enough, believes he has the level of talent and deserves nothing less than constant praise and worship
>art school has 99% acceptance rate, actual skill level akin to a middle schooler
>became insanely jealous of any peer that saw an iota of success including me when i got opportunities to participate in shows
>started believing that my opportunities were his opportunities too, became ~depressed~ when he couldn't participate
>starts to throw tantrums in the middle of classes because he felt so insecure surrounded by his peers, stops going to classes to smoke weed, drink, play vidya and fap instead
>its ok tho mommy pays for 100% of his schooling
>decides he wants an apartment so mommy pays for that too
>drops out of school because he cant stand having his art critiqued
>spends the next few years going from job to job, quitting or getting fired from each one because he has childlike temper tantrums for having to work in the first place
>spends free time doing nothing but smoke weed, drink, do cumbrain things, play vidya and yell at me
>wont let me cook because he just wants to eat taco bell or shitty frozen pizzas
>spends entire paychecks in three days on weed and fast food, suicidal when he runs out of either and then expects family to send money when he cries to them on the phone
>literal age-regressing tantrums whenever i try to suggest healthier lifestyle changes
>be me, still in school, now having to take on a maternal role in his life because he guilts me into thinking i'm the only one who's keeping him alive and if i leave he'll kill himself
>gradually becomes more verbally abusive and starts being sexually abusive too
>yells at me one day in the middle of a crowded park because i didn't want to smoke a joint with a couple of strangers who weren't even inviting us to smoke with them
>"you're holding me back, anon"
>same day, on the way home, having a panic attack in his car while he's still yelling at me, told him to go fuck himself and he pulls the car over on the side of the highway and told me to get out
>mentally checked out of relationship at that point onward and start finding a way out
>mom stops paying for his apartment so he moves in with his rich grandma for free, trashes her home and yells at her when she's upset at her treatment, scaring her into submission
>told me he had literal fantasies of killing his mom and grandma when they suggest he get his act together
>finally dump his ass over the phone, never felt better
>still tries to message me every few months trying to apologize
>talked with a mutual friend, he maintains the same lifestyle as before but now he spends his time drawing tinder girl tits for 15 likes on instagram

That's only a small portion of what he was like during the relationship, I was too much of a doormat to get out sooner but now that I'm out I'm happier than ever and never want to put up with treatment like that again

No. 159888


i'm sorry but you're retarded

No. 162896

File: 1607649909257.jpg (238.5 KB, 1200x692, mist trail.jpg)

>hiking pic rel trail in Yosemite
>perfect hot sunny day to walk by a misty waterfall that cools the air and soaks our clothes, so refreshing and the view is amazing
>smile and look at ex bf
>his face remains the very image of apathy, he lets out an exasperated sigh
>flatly just says "this is pointless"

>he loves spicy food

>making soup with his poor old mother who only tolerates mild food but sometimes adds a bit of spice just to make him happy
>recipe calls for chilis, which are to be removed before the soup is blended so as to not make it too hot
>"I-i removed the chilis already mom"
>says this in their native german so that I don't catch on
>the chilis are definitely still in the fucking soup, which he is now blending
>bitch forgot I took 3 high school german courses

>would you like some tea anon?

>sure thank you!!
>ex goes to the kitchen
>comes back with a huge cup of tea for himself and a shot glass size cup for me
>be too confused to even ask while swallowing my 1/2 mouthful of tea
>were there really no other cups left in the kitchen
>was it really too much effort to clean one for me
>to this day, the chain of events remains a mystery, much like everything else with this guy

No. 162944

I actually laughed reading this. What a fucking freak lmao

No. 163930

>28, dead end job
>spineless - never stands up for himself but will talk shit behind a person's back
>no ambition
>tall but skinny fat and gross
>stinky breath
>very flakey dandruff
>turbo weeb for the lack of a better term
>avid gamer but plays shitty browser games rather than any respectable proper video games
>cannot hold his own in any conversation whatsoever. never adds anything of substance
>thinks of himself as unique and 'not like the sheep' despite indulging in vapid consumerism
>physically frail, i could beat his ass in a fight and i'm not a dom girl
>constantly bitches and whines about his mother
>undermines his own friends
>constantly held down by the past
>refuses to assume responsibility of the present
>racist to his own race despite having facial features stereotypical to his race
>unironically walks with the 'virgin vs chad' virgin meme posture…

Why did I ever bother with him?

No. 163931

samefag, I am supposed to tell a story so here's one
>be at the lady's room fixing up your looks
> emerge from the restroom to find your bf secretly filming an underage high school girl at the food court in the hopes she'll spread her legs under the table
> call him out for it on the spot
> his bitch ass bails and runs for it
> runs into vending machine and stumbles to the floor
> ghost his ass permanently

No. 163938

>Was 20
>shit self-esteem and anxiety
>started dating a crippled stoner guy from college
>guy was popular because he sold weed
>he talked to his ex and ditched me all the time but I stayed with him because of said self-esteem and weed.
>guy never wants to have sex but brags to his friends like we did it every day
>bragged about molesting me and his ex in our sleep
>turned out he only had one testicle because of some flesh-eating virus he had years ago.
>dude drops out of college and pressures me into doing cocaine.
>waiste 2 years of my life with a cokehead with no dreams, ambition, or an adequate number of testicles.
>over this time I get clean, get school back on track, and break up with the loser.
>Months later I meet a nice guy with a normal dick (didn't know that would be an important qualification) and we become a couple
> New guy is in a band, ex is seething with jealousy.
> Ex starts his own band with druggie no talent friends. The band becomes hated in the local music community and ex gets banned from multiple venues for starting fights.
> ex moves on to meth and leeches off disability so he doesn't need to get a job
>I'm now engaged, starting my career.
>Last I heard of him he was trying to befriend my fiance and get close to his band.

No. 163989

>Dated 5 years
>he cheated twice and like idiot took him back
>he refused to make time for me despite us living together
>couldn't hold a job
>Never took me on dates
>didn't clean up after himself unless I nagged
>didn't respect my boundaries and demands
>hits me multiple times in a span of years being together
>says shit like only he can put up with me
>says other shit like 'youre hard to love'
>refuses to break up with me when I want to leave
>finally break things off

Now I have to rebuild my fucking life and on top of everything, I got topple insecurities and self doubt. Worse thing about this all, I live with my ex still because I have no where to go.

No. 164030

> meet boyfriend online. Get groomed. He's tall, handsome, mysterious. both of us are into femdom.
>things get pretty serious. meet him and even move in together. notice he isn't very affectionate with me after a while
>get really confused and blame myself. lose a bunch of weight
>find tranny porn on the ipad we share. not just any kind of trannies like old man crossdressers and super clockable trannies and sissy hypnosis type shit
>realize this dude doesnt want to have sex with me because he's probably gay and confront him. he tells me that trans women are WOMEN and I'm being transphobic by questioning his choice in women. tells me he likes all kinds of porn and Im in the wrong for "snooping"
>troons. the. fuck. out. can only cum if he's wearing womens clothing and a wig. gets hard looking at himself in womens clothes in the mirror. Im grossed out. he starts dressing just like how I looked when we first met.
>my own boyfriend is becoming me. ordering clothes I want before I can order them myself for himself.
>abused me enough to make me feel like all of this was somehow my fault and had me cut off anyone who didnt agree with this transition.
>freaks out my super conservative family. starts fights and becomes physically abusive. calls me a terf for missing happier times and feeling like someone is dead
>I go to therapist because what the fuck. therapist says I need to leave him. and I have ptsd.
>leave his ass and wake the fuck up from being a stupid bitch. he whines bc nowhere to go. lives with me even tho broken up bc needs to get on his feet.
>let him stay until he gets a job. he proceeds to join multiple relationships and becomes poly. Hear him going in and out of the house at odd times to go fuck other trannies
>have to hear about what an UWU lesbian he is
>gets bored with being uwu lesbian and finally starts fucking cis men. realizes he likes that shit. GAY WITH EXTRA STEPS

This happened over a period of 7 years and I can't get any of that time of my life back. Nor can I talk about it without hearing about what a terf I am. Anytime a guy I like now tells me he wants to get pegged I go full flight mode and feel like he's going to troon out or want to stick his dick in one. stupid binch award goes to me

No. 164336

my ex made me send nudes to him even though I hated the idea, then he said he'd delete them. fast forward a few months, I want to break up and guess what he's threatening to send my family?
funny thing is, after a couple of years I went to my facebook to check on messages from blocked people and he unironically asked "do you hate me that much?" and I wish I hadn't seen it because it infuriated me so much. I hope he gets run over by a bus or kills himself.

No. 164338

Never send nudes again. Don't be dumb from now on.

No. 164601

>dated for just under a year
>first irl relationship
>5 year age gap
>"if you were any younger than 20 i wouldn't have dated you anon"
>told me his previous relationship was his ex wife
>married quite young
>apparently ex was drunk at his wedding
>ex wife became physically and verbally abusive after wedding, she slept around with other men while my ex worked
>ex wife has a child that isn't my ex's
>stayed in the abusive relationship so the child isn't brought up in a broken family
>ex came home to find out ex wife cheated on him with her ex (father of the child)
>ex wife went back with her ex because he now has a job and money
>ex told me that he divorced his ex but later found out he hasn't
>also found out his bank account was connected to his ex and she kept spending a lot of his money
>anyways ex dumped me after a year because "isn't ready for a relationship"
> month later i find out from friend that my ex tried to ask her out
>friend obviously rejected him, she already has a bf
>ex kept on flirting with me and talking about how he misses the sex we had
>"anon you're so good at bj, what would you do if we were alone in a room together?"
>made me super uncomfortable but didn't block him, ignored him instead
>finds out a year later he's got a new gf but he still tries to flirt with our friend
>he likes all my social media posts and tells me that me and him should meet up
>i told him no
>after a 6 months i finally stopped hear back from him
>apparently he has me blocked
>his gf probably found out about him messaging me

There was so many red flags but i stupidly dated him just because i never been asked out by a guy irl back then.

No. 164642

>was texting his ex the entire last half of the relationship
>didn't get me a Valentine's Day gift then said he'd get me one then forgot, also no sex
>ignores me for vidya each time I'm there
>repeatedly would call his mom a bitch, something that is now a dealbreaker for me
>l I was always uncomfortable as fuck at his house because it was so messy

And for some reason I was obsessed with this guy and convinced i needed him in my life to the point where I purposely ignored him still talking to his ex? Wtf

No. 164644

That's fucking horrible, I'm sorry anon.

No. 164662

Holy shit
On the plus side I bet the shame still keeps him up at night sometimes.

No. 164976

>be 17 and not vastly interested in dating
>he and I meet at a party and he basically silently stalks my social media for 6 months wanking over my photos
>we become friendly because I have nobody else wanting to talk to me on a daily basis
>he pesters me for a year until I decide that fine I'll try dating him just because I'm tired of being a virgin and feeling ugly
>we have awkward relationship that continues until we start uni
>he insists on calling me every night of freshers' week when I should be out making friends, becomes sullen and jealous if I don't reply to his texts when I'm at a fckn party
>I break up with him and he pesters me telling me he keeps having breakdowns, saying I broke up with him because I'm depressed etc, I get tired of him being accusatory and agree to try again
>numb.jpg and trapped with this loser for another 6 months until I finally grow a backbone
>he continues to drunk text me and make me feel awkward for months after

he also wanted us to get married at disneyland and remembering that makes me want to fckn die. thankfully since then I've only dated people I'm actually attracted to who don't make me cringe

No. 165091

Oh my, anon, do you have some more of that?

No. 171442

You're pathetic

No. 187885

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I have so many funny stories about my psycho Japanese ex (I'm from Europe).
- mid twenties, no job, no education - lied about having both
- ""professional comedian""
- lives with parents, room is an absolute dump filled with trash
- forgets basic words in his own language
- wannabe "black" americaboo
- only wears expensive brands
- claims every gf he ever had abused him

>one time he got drunk and gave me a ring he wore

>it has his ex-gf's name on it with a heart
>he said he thought it was his own name

>I had continuous UTI with him

>sent him to buy me a cranberry juice
>he brought me strawberry juice
>sent again
>he brought apple juice
>then he brought strawberry again
>he just couldn't look properly and grabbed first red colored juice he could

>he gave me christmas baubles for the tree as a gift

>didn't notice it had random names written on it
>now I have baubles tagged "John" "Greg" "Paul"…

>we bought some pistachios to eat together

>hear crunching
>he's making a painful face
>"these nuts are really horrible!"
>tfw he eats them whole, with the shell

>hook him up with some comedy club open mic because he's the 'comedian'

>he makes a big deal about how he though of a great comedy routine
>it's basically 10 minute broken English shouting and screaming
>everyone is laughing because it's just so bad and embarrassing, no one knows what he even said because nothing he says makes sense
>cringe I've never experienced before
>he takes 1 inhale from a weed cigarette some guy in the comedy club had
>talks about it nonstop next few days because he's such a bad boy
>later find out his whole comedy routine was stolen from a YouTube video, just done much worse

>when I broke up with him, I needed stuff I lent him back

>he makes up a lie about having cancer to not having to return it
>when I'm not buying it, he says his mom also has cancer so he can't return the stuff

>only wears expensive hip hop shoes

>the ones he got are way too big for him
>he looks like a literal clown wearing clown shoes
>walks really slowly because it's difficult to move legs
>people actually turn heads to take a second look because it looks so dumb

He got absolutely psycho at the end (trying to throw my phone out of the window, making numerous accounts when I blocked him, screaming and physical shit) and I spent most of our relationship trying to break up with him. But since then it's been a few years now I can't help but laugh at how plainly dumb he was.

No. 187923

Sounds like a shit comedian but he may have a promising career as a clown kek. What an absolute dunce good god. It sounds like he has literal brain damage. It must have been exhausting dealing with someone so incredibly incompetent, and I'm sorry he went totally off the walls near the end. Glad you're out and safe now nonnie.

No. 187951

wtf anon, this sounds eerily like my loser Japanese ex, only I'm from America and this idiot had aspirations of being a professional chef and not a comedian

some highlights:
>went out with me when he was 28 and I was 20
>never finished high school and worked a dead-end job at some Japanese fast-food chain
>still couldn't cook for shit
>regularly received complaints from customers and hilariously angry Google reviews because of his bad temper and worse work ethic
>ex-felon for the absolute stupidest reason
>lived in complete squalor, I had to go and buy him cleaning supplies out of my own money
>still didn't use them
>told me he loved me after literally one date
>I outright refused to have sex with him because he was more awkward than a fifteen-year-old virgin, and not in a cute way
>made him cry on multiple occasions from telling him the way he lived and how he was obsessed with getting his much younger coworkers to like him was pathetic
>this fucker spent at least half his paycheck buying food and MTG cards for his younger employees "to build morale"
>absolutely reeked of stale cooking oil

>but wait, there's more

>too stupid to figure out how to make a basic fucking inventory spreadsheet in excel, whined for me to help him
>had him just email the damn thing to my uni email (big mistake) so I could attempt to fix it
>sends me the most unorganized mess I've seen since third-grade computer class
>couldn't wrap his MDMA-rotted brain around the concept of separating stuff by columns so each row was just a bunch of shit painstakingly typed into a few enormous cells
>won't listen to my suggestions anyway because "he already spent so much time on it"
>cut to months later, after I've already dumped his smelly ass
>he sends me this very long and obsessive email about how he's turning his life around for me and how I'm his reason to live, despite us having been "together" for less than a fucking month
>he sent it to my fucking UNIVERSITY EMAIL
>didn't even read the whole thing, just deleted it and marked the sender as spam

I thought that'd be the last of him, but he messaged me years later asking if I still had the same number, which conveniently gave me a way to block his ass for good

No. 188037

my first bf was a christian metalhead who controlled how i dressed and what i did with my body because he was worried what his (overly controlling) mom would think. we were teens and i was super excited to get my first tattoo at 18 soon and he flipped his shit saying i was only allowed to get a small text tattoo and had to get it lasered off before our children were born. Again, WE WERE TEENAGERS.

he got super mad and yelled all sorts of things at me when, years after breaking up, i came out as a lesbian, because, i quote, "people will think i turned you into a lesbian!"

No. 188042

>he makes up a lie about having cancer to not having to return it
Anon I’m so glad you’re done with him, but that’s hilarious.

No. 188051

Wtf lmao. How do you guys even find yourselves dating such absolute idiots?

No. 188140

My ex wasn't that horrible all-in-all, even though it was a very "unorthodox" mess between a friendship and a relationship, with almost no sex, but a lot of time spent together, and him even asking me to move in, it was all around a mess. But I remember I noticed he had a random third toothbrush, and asked what it was. It turns out it was his ex's toothbrush, but he didn't get rid of it in case she ever needs to spend a night here (she was traveling between two countries most of the time). I was an extreme doormat back then with almost no sense for what's normal, but it seemed really weird even to me, since this woman visited our country like 2-3 times a year and was staying at her girlfriend's place anyway, she wouldn't ask to be back in. Now I realize it was some creepy attachment to her, maybe he was even hoping she would decide that she's not a lesbian after all, and wants to get back with him.

No. 188162

>"people will think i turned you into a lesbian!"
I love it

No. 188172

second anon here
he wasn't bad-looking and awkwardly flirting with him was a good distraction from my shitty summer job, plus free food

the crazy only came out when we actually started talking to each other more, and I stuck around in the naive hope that I could help him stop being such a complete retard and because watching his dumpster fire of a life burn from afar was pretty amusing until it started affecting me too

No. 188177

>"people will think i turned you into a lesbian!"
I stayed in touch with one of my exes for years afterwards, just through email. He quickly got a new gf so nothing inappropriate ever happened in our contact. After years of this I told him I was seeing a woman and I never heard from him again. Not a word in response. He knew I had crushed on women, he knew I'd had a couple of one nights stands with women when I was younger. But I guess him being the last guy I slept with and me then dating a woman next seemed to hit a nerve.

No. 188678

The funniest thing that I remember was my ex calling me a toxic manipulative bitch because I wanted him to go out and register and vote. he's one of those centrist ,apolitical "if it doesn't affect me why bother" kind of person. cant blame him though, we were teenagers at the time and most of the friends tend to browse reddit a lot lol

some more from what i remember :
>been talking about how much i wanted a sex toy
>he gets mad about it

thankfully he understood that it was for my pleasure only and came to accept it.

>tells me heterosexuals are oppressed and bullied

>mocks shit that women find interesting because facebook doge memes say so
>cannot dress for shit but likes to nitpick women's outfits
>smart aleck
>somehow got mad at women's spaces and wonders why the fuck they won't allow men in it

we lasted for 2 years before i broke it off i was kinda pathetic tho lmao i wanted to get back with him but after much needed time alone and some talking we didn't get back together thank god

made me realize i never want to date a man who spends too much time on the internet or play too much video games. peace out, anonitas.

No. 188692

File: 1622389020884.jpg (79.29 KB, 750x732, 20210528_123408.jpg)

>be me at 20
>Meet a tall guy for the sake that he's tall and so am I
>Lived in the richest part of the city where fart smelling is crucial for survival.
>He thinks I'm embarassing and never wanted to leave his house with me (except to his parents)
>Would make fun of me in front of his whole family my eyes, my hair and my poor upbringings
>never let me play video games with him because "I sucked" so I had to sit there and watch him play my games
>At one point I was moving into the area and he wouldn't offer me to move in for a bit and his mom did instead
>Couldn't find a job so I got dumped and kicked out within a month
>To get back at him I told him that I was getting tardbux from the govt
>Conservative tard rage activated.png
>Yeah well I got approved and I qualified so too bad
It's been 5 years this month and I couldn't be happier!

No. 188905


If this idiot still posts here, how the fuck do they explain all the shitloads of women that date junkie/gangster/criminals with shit or no jobs?(and also stay with them after they cheat on them???) Sometimes these women make most or all of the payments while the guy gives nothing in return too…

No. 188942

>be me 16
>no past relationships, virgin
>meet 22 year old guy online and start dating immediately
>moves into my parents basement for "a few weeks" after about 2 months
>ends up living with us for almost 2 years
>makes fun of me for: wearing makeup, shaving, using social media, having anxiety, just a general asshole. would make me upset about something then make fun of me and call me names when I cried
>always talks about the great things he's going to do but can't hold a job and never follows through on any plans
>refused to eat pussy or touch me in any sexual way that was not for his pleasure but wanted BJ's constantly
>one time left me alone in the mall, crying, on my birthday

>finally ended things once we we're living together anymore

>tried to get back with me multiple times when I was dating someone else

left me with a lot of emotional issues because he was very controlling and often disregarded my emotions or ideas. have gained a lot of self worth since then (it took a while) and would never tolerate anything close to this fuckery again

No. 189025

>moves into my parents basement for "a few weeks" after about 2 months
No offense, but what were your parents thinking? If I tried moving my 22 year old boyfriend in with me at 16, he'd be living in my parent's basement's basement.

No. 189059

More cringe of the whore that lets them pay less…

No. 189116

Looking back on it I have no idea why my parents allowed this. They were decently strict.

Of course at the time I’m sure I would have been outraged if they didn’t let my bf stay with us while he was “looking for a place” but it would have been for my own good. I don’t think they understood how unhealthy the entire situation was.

No. 189331

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(edited spelling mistake)

To get a picture of what I am about to say happened, it happened 7 years ago when I was a 21 year old virgin with no experience with anything and I have neurological issues and was very undersocialised and was just at home for years sometimes made to go outside with tardwranglers because my mum acted like me existing in the house was bothering her from having alone time when I just stayed in my room. She always acted like she was hard done by by me even though I did not bother her and she got most of my disability pension.

>I was just an imageboard poster when I ended up joining a skype group about magic involving some image board personality lolcow

>people in the group and other websites were flirting with me so I decided to get attached to someone from a music video and said I devoted myself to him in order to stop people from flirting with me
>It did not work
>People kept flirting with me, But one tried to get closer to me than just texting, they gave me video calls where I would actually see them, nobody else did that.
>He started claiming I was in a relationship with him and that me denying it made me bitch, we were in a call where they were taking loads of cough medicine stuff and said they would kill themselves if I did not be their gf, I decided to and thought it was my own choice and that I must have liked them when what I was actually feeling was worry over them possibly dying instead.
>They said they would not take cough medicine again or any drugs
>Then they said they quit their job, they said it had nothing to do with me, only that they disliked the job for other reasons and that they could spend more time with me now
>The first couple of days were fine, he said he was a virgin, but then they kept telling me I had to to sexual stuff, I did not agree at first, they keot sending dick stuff, and a video of them fapping on a photo of me with a dress on showing cleavage
>The only thing I would agree to do was recording my voice while I fap, he did it first, but when it was my turn I was too nervous to do it
>they said it was okay, and then told me fucked up lies (like that they were a pedo) and then told me I was retarded for falling for their "joke", so I made a joke saying "I was not molested, but if anyone would have done anything it would be my dad, joke! lol XD" and they went crazy telling me that it was not a joke and that i got dad-raped and that because he thought I was molested, that meant that it was the reason I did not want to do sexual things on the internet.
>I was sad about him acting like my joke was not a joke and him being an asshole, he also was angry when he saw me with non-blonde hair and that I was kinda fat, I already let them know I was hella fat before getting in the internet relationship though, they thought I was lying, and they kept calling me ugly for being fat with brown hair(cuz I did not bleach my hair at that point)
>They said they were sorry, and then they said if I did not show my boobs I was a bitch and everything and that i ruin everything and that he gave up his job for me
>So i thought they must have been right(cuz in my life I always got criticised for things all the time) so I gave them a boob photo and then they said they were sorry and would not do that again
>He showed himself in a dark room with the boob photo on his computer screen playing retarded music in the background, seemed like a horror movie thing, he said he would upload it to "the cloud" and I was like WTF don't do that! but he did, and then something else happened and I left skype, I felt shit for a week and then got better and everything felt great, but I was scared they would leek the boob photo, I got kinda paranoid a little bit, and then they contacted me out of skype to make me go back and I thought that I should or else they will show the boob photo to everyone
>Everything was shit again and sucked, turns out he did weed, which irritated me cuz I knew loads of people who did weed and they were assholes
>I thought I had to do stuff from now on so I tried to not let it bother me or else I would be ruining the relationship, I also thought since the beginning that if I quit than I am a quitter so I must try my best to not give up or else ruining the relaitonship is my fault if I don't try my best
>I was told to show my boobs so I did, and then he said he recorded it so I was freaken out and he said he had every right to record it
>I later made him show my his butthole in order to stop me from worrying and I recorded it and told him that I recorded it, and he said that he was only joking about recording me so I should delete his butthole recording(I still have it)
>He did a call where he was sitting in a corner with a knife acting emo/schizo in the dark and then went up to the camera and fapped
>he kept saying that he wanted to be with other females and that I was a ugly slut/whore all the time
>I ended up not being able to cope again and left again
>lasted a few weeks before he said outside of skype "It is time for you to return" or something like that, I was getting paranoid enough to think that this had to do with magic or something so I went back
>He kept saying he wanted to be with females, and linked me in a chat with another female I did not know, and would not tell me why so I talked to her(lets call her Midget) about it and then got her to agree to show an ugly photo of her face so I could stop him from trying to develop feelings for her
>Him and his friends acted like I was being petty or something cuz of "le female nature" or whatever when I was just paranoid because of him and desperate to make it stop
>I became friends with Midget(idk where she is these days)
>The internet relationship guy made me confused and crazy when I was hella paranoid telling me that He was going to make me not be retarded anymore and he would fix me with magic and that it was all a trick to be put in the relationship because he never liked me and it was some mystical magical thing where he would fix all my problems with magic and that feeling bad all the time was my destiny because good things feel bad to me because I am damaged, and that in time I will know how to act around him properly and understand jokes
>I must have been told to show my vag once at some point I don't remember
>He said he was going to move in with females and I thought it was a joke
>Then a couple of days later he video called with himself showering himself in the shower so I thought he must have been joking before and that we really WERE in an internet relationship and I was silly to think it was all a lie because he said so
>He told me I was retarded and that it was all fake and that he would never like me cuz I was fat and balding and that my vag looks gross and stuff
>Then he would ignore me for ages, and he would not talk to me about anything ever or give me any attention. I was hella crazy and thought that it was part of the fixing me with magic thing and did whatever, he only talked to me if he was criticising me or calling me a whore only
>The internet relationship dude saaid a few times that he would fly over to see me, I tried to give him the address, and when I brung it up with him, he acted like I was crazy and said he wasn't ever going to visit me
>I called once and he was having a sleep over with a bunch of dudes, seemed homo
>The next day he said I should put a brush handle in my vag, I thought that would be bad for my virginity but he said he would dump me and I wanted to try my best or else it would be my fault for the relationship ending and thought I would have regrets(when I should have realised that trying your best doesn't matter if they are a shitty person that wont change anyway, but I thought them being a cunt was part of the test to fix me with magic)
>Later he wanted us to do a fapping thing on the camera and yelled at me because I never shaved my vag like he told me I had to, and then he wispered that It was a good thing that I did not shave, we did the camera fapping thing, and i felt nothing at all because I had no arousal and did not masturbate to anything in months or half a year or something because I was feeling bad all the time
>one time he called or I called, idk, he fapped while wearing a condom
>he told everyone that I was stalking him and that we were never in a relaitonship, everyone who knew we were in a relationship(because he told them) at the beginning now kept calling me a creepy stalker and that there was nothing between us and that I was delusional and only attracted to bad boys and am pathetic because I seek out men who don't like me and are way better than me…
>The internet dude kept telling me I was ugly and balding(I was balding cuz I could not get more than half an hours sleep)
>I ended up going on 7 hour walks a day and I learnt to catch the train on my own
>My mother knew about this stuff but did nothing
>I did not bother to tell my mother anything but I told my tardwranglers, they let me handle it because I am an adult
>I got paranoid that they were going to tell people and i got paranoid over loads of things
>He was being shitty for more than half a year or something so I decided the internet relationship must have been bullshit after all.
>He got naked on camera and started giving me loads of attention, and I was confused, he hung up and said said "THATS IT I AM GETTING A SUCUBUS!" and I thought "OMG THAT WAS A JOKE, WE ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP!" and i pretended that i was playing a joke on him instead and said he fell for my joke
>he said I was a bitch and made a public call, nobody joined so he started fapping, and then one of his friends joined and was like WTF and left
>I thought i bet the game and that the mean stuff would stop but it didnt
>he said I was a cunt and that I should fuck off
Everyone was happy that I lost over 20kg and complimented me on it IRL, but when I told the internet relationship guy about it he said it was fake and I was lying, When I took images of my face and body I could not tell a difference so idk why everyone was complimenting me on my weight loss…
I bleached my hair a little bit blonde because I wanted to, and he said it had to be blonder, I only did it cuz I was going to dye it pink later, he said that I should have never dyed it because he likes brunettes.
I dyed my hair red/pink and he said It was ugly and to dye it extra blonde or else I was dumped
>I was like "haha funny joke doctor husband!(I called him doctor husband all the time)"
>he kept telling me to fuck off
>Now I was really confused, I thought he was being so mean because he must have thought that I was lying about the entire thing, and that he must have thought that I was only pretending to be upset over being made to do sexual things I did not want to in order to manipulate him and make him feel bad and ruin his life and his emotions(which is what he did to my emotions… oh and btw at this point I did not get any sleep for a year, only half an hour a night)
I tried to tell him that i was not pretending, and he would usually not accept my calls, and If I did accept then he would be smoking from a bong or a crack pipe, idk what it was, as far as I knew, he just did weed and cough medicine, I also thought he was pretending to do drugs.
I showed him identifying information to prove I was real, and he kept yelling that it was fake and crying and doing weed/crack
>At this point it was almost a year of being ignored, the internet relationship dude would cry all the time and told me that I was ruining his life and that he was going to do meth because of me
>He was ignoring me so I thought that I could stop him from thinking I was a faker by sending around like 20 fully naked pictures making it look as humiliating as possible.
>He seemed to believe me, but he would not accept the call, I decided that not accepting the call was a positive thing for some reason and that he needed to think about all the weirdness that has happened
>He got in a call with me and cried and said that I had to find my true husband and leave him alone, and I was like "haha funny joke!" and he was sad and crying
>he kept always tellinig me to fuck off
>At this point another dude was flirting with me, So I told the internet dude that he had to STOP THE MINDGAMES or else I would be with the other dude
>the internet dude just blocked me
>I tried to be with the other dude, he was a foot fetishist, but When I learnt more about him, it seemed that he dumped his gf's too easily and loses interest in them So I don't want to be with him because I wanna only be with someone that is serious, he did not seem mean or anything though
>The internet dude unblocked me and I brainwashed myself into thinking that I somehow cheated on him and that we were somehow actually in the relaitonship all along when we weren't
>I said sorry for cheating(brainwashed myself into thinking we were in a relationship and that I cheated when I didnt)
>He ignored me still all the time
>Talked to a tranny acquaintance that said they got abused by him in the past too
>I go crazy and paranoid from lack of sleep and being treated bad and think that my mum travels through time to kill me in different universes and that all the meat in the world is made up of the different me's from different universes, and that she was going to kill me as a baby and I would be dead forever because I am running out of chances because I am being killed in all the different universes
>The tv switches off on its own one night and I hear a baby crying and my mum runs up to me and presses on the temples on my head and there was blood and then I get taken to the ward, and am told that I was pressing on my own head and that there was no crying baby, but a cat noise outside.
>The tv really did turn off on its own though
>I kept going crazy loads of times for like 6 years since then, but thats another story
>I showed the internet relationhip guy my ward bracelet and was ignored all the time
>the guy who started the original magic skype group was the bf of Midget, and htey got into fights and he ended up recording himself cutting himself all over, but not deep, she ended up dumping him and getting back together with him a bunch of times, he tries to flirt with me saying she dumped him for real this time, and I am crazy, I speak to people about personal things with no filter because I am so messed up sexually from the whole thing that happened, I ask Midget to stop him from flirting with me, and she gets back tegether with him, and then they dump eachother again, and the bf is flirting with other women and astral travel-fapping with other women, and it sounds fake as fuck
>the abusive internet relationship guy randomly calls me one day asking for boobs, And I am just use to doing this just because he asks, I don't remember what else happened, he headbanged to dumb music or something
>Some other time he was playing his shitty harry potter remix, I say its shit because he says everything I do is shit, he gets offended and hangs up
>I meet someone IRL from an imageboard just for a meet-up, he is good, we talk about all kinds of stuff
>We see each-other a few times, and I end up praying that God lets me be with him instead of that internet loser
>an internet friend links a post from the internet relationship dude from /soc/ saying that he wants to add women, he is shirtless and in a flirty pose
>I confront him about it and he says I was a snoopy stalker
>Last time the internet relationship dude calls he has another female in the call and they both laugh at me and call me a tranny
>Then they hang up and they both tell me that everything is good and that our relationship is fixed or something like that, I am like…. okay… I just go along with it.
>Then I see that the female left some text saying "Let me join in the fun some time!", I call her and show her my vag to tell he I am not a tranny, and she acts like I am crazy, I think she said something like she was doing sexual stuff with him so I am like THATS IT! tell him he was not meant to cheat again cuz I told him not to, he acts like I am crazy, and I dump the internet dude permanently and block him and never ever talk to him again.
And I flash my parts to an internet friend that flahses their thingy (he was obsessed with me) I thought it would be evil to friendzone him or something, and wanted to see if he wanted to be my husband eventuogh he is asexual and I would have to be asexual too for him, he doesnt say anything so I take that as them not wanting to be in anything.
Midget ex-bf kept flirting with me, and said I should be his wife or something and I am so crazy and demoralised I am like maybe, idk
>And then the imageboard guy I met says I should be his gf, And I wanted to get with him anyway so I did
>The internet friend who was obsessed with me gets hella angry and calls me a whore and that he doesnt see me that way though, and says if I loose my virginity then he never wants to talk to me again, and I say sorry and block him and then I stay with the imageboard bf guy and everything is great and I am really happy, half of my emotions are back and I think that over time I will go back to normal, but I still go crazy and paranoid cuz of my sleeping issues and that whole ex-internet-relationship thing beforehand messing me up
>I end up going to the ward again and they put me on new antipsychotics that take away my emotions completely, from then on I only feel stress/anxiety or nothing at all, nothing good. I hid this for years from everyone because I thought I would get dumped by my good bf because he would think I did not like him. He never played mindgames or anything though, I was so messed up from stress and all kinds of paranoia and no emotions and stuff that did not have to do with my gf that I kept going crazy and losing touch with reality and thinking I was another race and anorexic and the ward doctors and nurses just kept thinking I was a drug addict. I was a good enough gf for my now husband to marry me anyway. I recently opened up about the no emotion stuff and he is still good and doesnt wanna leave me. Its been almost 6 years without emotions or motivation or caring about anything, I gained all my weight back by triple.

I never got any messages anywhere from the ex-internet relationship guy, and I never searched about him in all these 7/6 years.

No. 189465

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One of my ex boyfriends actually trooned out. He was a fucking weird creep too

No. 189474

This guy ruined part of your fucking life. Holy shit

No. 189477

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And I wonder how much more will be ruined considering its already been almost 6 years without emotions… Its irritating because It's winter, and i remember how I use to feel relaxed in winter with the heater on, but I can never relax no matter what, cuddles don't do anything neither. I just do art-hobbies in order to distract myself from my non-existence. Was getting loads of thoughts about committing suicide if I was going to be made to go on antipsychotics ever again and was talking about suicide at one point threaterning people that If I am forced to stay on antipsychotics or forced on them again that I would kms, but I stopped doing that because they said they would force me to go to the ward again and put me on more antipsychotics/antidepressants when they are the cause of me wanting to die all the time anyway…. I just ignore it, try to not be annoying, and never try to remember when I use to have feelings or things that use to make me happy or relaxed in the past before all of this.

No. 189478

Also not on antipsychotics anymore, but no change. (I was off it for a whole year at one point and there was still no change)

No. 189500

What neurological issues do you have if you don't mind answering?

No. 189545

Im sorry nona. I hope things for you pan out eventually. Your life will not always be as it is now, just keep it pushing best you can.

No. 189550

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I think my ex is using another profile to like and comment on my post on instagram without his gf finding out.

>Before the profile had a picture of Link and now naruto, which is his favourite game and anime

>is following a bunch of things I know my ex is into and a mutual friend
>their comments and replies sounds like how my ex used to reply to my content before it disappeared

I assumed he blocked me from his old account after his new gf found out how he was liking and commenting on my content. It's disgusting that he's been flirting with other people while with her.

He broke up with me years ago because he "wasn't ready for a relationship" after coming out of an abusive ex wife one. He then tried to ask out our friend a month later. He also made some weird comments to me like "if we were alone in a room together what would you do?" Or "your sex was so good, I'd do anything to experience it again with you"

No. 189567

autism diagnosis(and in the past another one also stating I had tourrettes symptoms with ADD)

No. 189576

your ex is an autist lmao
>your sex was so good, I'd do anything to experience it again with you
there's no way it isn't him

same with my recent ex. now all he dates is other transbians. dodged quite the bullet but i have some battle scars from it.

No. 189634

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>in a shitty late high school relationship for over a year
>dude has a bunch of younger siblings that i later learned did incestuous shit with each other
>he tells me his first kiss was with his cousin
>never got me presents on account of spending all his money on weed
>when my birthday rolls around he farts out some ugly ink drawing last-minute
>had ME meet up with the weed guy on bike and gave me large amounts of his money strictly to buy his weed with
>was never able to buy me small gifts or meals despite dropping like $100 on weed every few months
>begged for my ADHD meds, I eventually caved and gave them to him bc doormat
>came to school all hopped up on my medication constantly, people noticed he was tweaked out
>self diagnosed himself with ADHD after getting hooked on MY fucking medication
>always rude and nitpicky about my art despite his looking like inky black dogshit, never gave any constructive critique.
>acted like his art was inherently better than mine while making fun of me for being in AP art. he never took art classes
>shoved his toe in my vagina because he thought it was funny, was confused when i started crying and freaking out over it
>dude was literally unable to orgasm
>acted like he was dying the one time he tried to eat me out, he went and put his head in the sink after like two seconds
>said my nudes were scary, always nitpicking my body and comparing it. Once he compared it to his stepmoms
>tried to get high off of nutmeg and started hallucinating, made me sit on the phone with him all night because he was scared
>broke one of my old and rare anime figures because he took her clothes off every time he came over and one day it broke, never apologized for it
>he gave me his old hard drive when mine gave out but neglected to clear all the…strange porn off of it
We broke up and graduated years ago but he still talks about me and spreads rumors around. I have people to this day messaging me about whatever new horrible thing he came up with. It's literally been years. What the hell.

No. 189643

Never dating a virgin who has no prior relationships again (they were alone for a reason). I'm in a happy relationship now with my tall, cute, and loving bf.

>dated a 5'5 chubby ugly dude

>made up gross sexual scenarios about my friends and I for him to get off of
>isolated me from my friends
>prohibit me from my hobbies
>made to do all the housework when we lived together
>kick me out of the apartment whenever we had a disagreement

No. 189819

i could have written this post, nonny

No. 189834

Have you ever wanted to go back in time and slap yourself? (This is long sorry)

>have crappy call centre job

>new person joins team
>all girls are like ohh new guy is hot but I don’t really think anything, plus he’s a bit older than me and he’s married
>get to know him, find out he hates his wife despite only being married for 2 years
>I feel sorry for him so invite him out with rest of team
>everyone loves him, he becomes this victim of horrible marriage with a controlling wife
>exchange numbers
>skip a few months, I have full blown crush
>we end up admitting feelings and he love bombs me until I give in and we have an affair
>red flags start to appear but because of the thrill of the whole thing I choose to push through
>he gaslights literally everything I do, we argue continually, I start losing friends
>his wife finds out, they separate and he gets a crappy flat
>I eventually move in but the gaslighting continues
>I suspect he cheats on me but by this point I have nothing so I feel trapped but I still think he’s worth it (whyyyyyyyyyy???)
>I eventually lose my shit on a night out after his mates start accusing me of being a horrible person because he tells them he thinks I cheat etc.
>I have full blown breakdown, threaten suicide but I talk myself out of it and go to bed
>ex calls ambulance even though he knows I didn’t do anything to harm myself, police show up in the morning and tell me I should leave for my own health. He texts my parents to tell them I’m mental and they need to pick me up, I leave and never return.
>he would still text me when drunk saying he misses me but send me pics of himself with other women
>even now (5 years later) I have to make sure he is blocked on absolutely everything

I now suffer with crippling anxiety and I have no confidence. Ladies, if you’re with a man that makes you feel like shit please listen to your friends or at least tell someone about it!

No. 189851

Jesus anon, he's such a dick. I'm so glad I never dated in highschool. Sorry you had to go through this, I'm sending the motherfucker bad vibes.

No. 190659

I want him back.

No. 190660

Knew exactly where this was going as soon as I read
>he hates his wife despite only being married for 2 years
Sure he does.
Every single time lmao

No. 190678

Don't do that, if you broke up there is a clear reason for that

No. 190680

I'm so sorry you had to deal with the asshat, hope he fucking rots… because I doubt pos this large will get better with age.
>broke one of my old and rare anime figures because he took her clothes off every time he came over and one day it broke, never apologized for it
Sorry to ask, but what was the figure? I'm super curious because I remember cast-off becoming a feature in the late 00's. Sorry for the autism. I would murder him just over ruining the figure and never replacing it

No. 190688

>grown ass man groomed me, an underage girl
>abused the living fuck out of me for years (physically and mentally/emotionally)
>never worked, i supported him fully and he spent a lot of my paychecks on alcohol
>one of those extremely charismatic people you'd never know was secretly a psycho
>used to constantly fake ailments til i'd rush him to the hospital
>they'd find nothing at all wrong with him
>he'd fake physical symptoms and then once we got to the hospital he'd put on a show for the doctor and pretend he didn't know where he is, who i am, etc. for attention i assume
>finally get to a place where i can safely leave him without risking my life and safety
>he has a mental breakdown, gets married and divorced in the same year
>but not before trooning out first, which is why his wife left him (full on facial feminization surgery and a boob job btw)
>the 18 year old girl this 38 year old man swooped in on after his wife left him had to call the cops on him because he was beating her
>found out his ex before me had her collarbone broken by him too
>i am 99% positive this subhuman scumbag isn't even really a troon mentally and this is all another desperate cry for attention and pity

No. 190711

Best post so far lol. Sorry tho anon

No. 190918

>always been a tomboy
>start dating my college bf, his family has random outbursts and says I'm a secret lesbian in a fake relationship with him, corrupting him with all of my lesbian/gay friends, screams in both our faces about it multiple times
>he was one of those creepy empty little chameleons who would be fake in different ways around different groups, praying people would like him
>most of his pop culture interests at the time were things he ripped off from me
>his friends would post sexual fantasies/sexual jokes about me online publicly and he wouldn't do anything, he accused me of trying to isolate him when I tried to confront those people myself
>cheated on me 5+ times, I didn't find out about any of them until he cheated with one of my friends
>talked me into adopting rescue pets and then left me stuck with them when he moved out
>to make people "take his side" in the breakup he lied and told everyone i locked him out of the apartment in winter and threatened to kill myself all the time
>now he trooned out, moved to the west coast to "work with children," and looks like Zach Braff in a TJ Maxx dress. fucking delicious karma for his family.

No. 190941

This sick fuck should be in jail, although with the way things are going now they'd probably put him in a women's prison and subject others to his abuse. I'm sorry you went through all this anon and glad you're safe now

No. 191052

me and one of my best friends got together when we were both about 18, and stayed together for about 6 years. he basically moved in with me and my parents as soon as we got together, and stayed until we both moved out in 2019. we both became really attached to each other and he proposed to me almost immediately. obviously it was immature in hindsight but it really meant a lot to me.
he's just an extremely aggressive pretentious edgelord. we'd fight like crazy because we were both really angry people. we'd even fight just for fun and the hell of it, but he would always take it way too far, and would snap at me over the dumbest shit on the daily. our friends and my family would get concerned because he would be so aggressive with me over such useless shit. we never fought physically, though.
i also had a long period where i struggled with bad health issues, and he would help take care of me during hospital visits. it kind of messed both of us up. as a result, whenever i would start to feel sick he would start panicking and getting angry at me, which would make me feel even worse. it made it hard for me to share when i was in pain.
he also would count how often we fucked per week and kept it in the notes on his phone, and would get angry at me if i didnt feel up for it.
he also accused me of cheating on him with his two best friends, only for me to find out that he'd already cheated on me with them when he was drunk.
so in 2019, when we'd finally moved out, i was in pretty bad shape and he kept threatening to break up with me if i didnt get it together. then i basically found out from my other roommate that he didnt even think of me as his girlfriend anymore. we still had to share a bed for the rest of the year. obviously much more shit happened but this post is already too long and full of self pity.
we never stopped being friends after that? and we never really stopped being affectionate with each other or being intimate. so i was never really able to move on. i still love him so much. he's my closest friend. but he's been blowing me off recently and has a bunch of different new friends and has basically completely moved on.
i honestly don't know what to do at this point. i know he's shitty and that our relationship was horrible, but i love him so much and seeing him care less and less about me is killing me. should i just have more self respect and cut him off completely?

No. 191751

I'm not sure if this belongs to this thread bc I don't want to diss him. But he's my ex and a loser ,though mentally ill and I kinda feel sorry for him
(and now when I wrote it out I'm loser too)

>we dated briefly 7 years ago in High school

>no hard feelings or anything, we were both stupid teens
>I have met him ONCE after that via mutual friends
>he has maybe once contacted me in FB to ask me how I'm doing

>my long term relationship ended

>me horny as fuck bc I'm used to having sex regularly
>ex messages "hi what are you doing :)"
>okay he's still good looking
>I assume that he wants sex bc who does message to their ex unless they are desperate?
>we go to walk, I desperately try to flirt
>we go to his apartment
>it has literally bed and a one chair, nothing else
>no food in the fridge but a dozen bottles of prescription drugs
>"yeah I just got released from mental hospital :)"
>why why why why
>he starts talking about his FEELINGS
>he's been in and out of mental facility in the past 7 years
>he only hangs out with the same people than we did in our loose HS friend circle
>I realize that he actually did want to just have a "deep" conversation with me
>I say: "yeah I'm obviously not getting sex tonight, so I'm going home"
>he genuinely wanted to be friends with me or something
>I'm mortified
>he hugs me and says "you are very important to me :)"
>I don't answer anything bc this person means literally nothing to me

Fast forward 2 weeks later
>he messages me again "hi how are you doing :)"
>I. just. can't. pretend. anymore
>I answer: I'm not interested you as a person, have a good life, hope you get released from mental hospital
>I forgot to mention, he was inhospitalized again when he texted

Am i an asshole? Yeah, probably. Is he going to kill himself because I don't want to be his friend? No idea, I'm not responsible for this person who I knew 7 years ago. As most adults, I have grown as a person since my teen years. I'm not saying that I'm a decent person (obviously) but the point is that this person does not know me at all.

Did they perform him chemical lobotomy in mental hospital because who seriously thinks that their ex wants to be their friend?

No. 191835

> be 19
> dated a 21 yr old I met at my internship
> he was cute (to me), had a job
> skinnier than I was, just about a skeleton looking back
> hated my hobbies but would go on and on about his stupid nerd shit that I didn't care about and I had to pretend to listen
> we were both virgins (plus) but because of that we had painful sex and he didn't seem to learn where my fucking clit was despite me literally pointing it out to him every time. i had to masturbate after sex just to cum and he could only go for 1 round. his dick was also tiny and condoms literally didnt fit on him so it would painfully rub inside me lmfaooo. disappointed and day ruined
> didn't get me gifts unless it was an occasion
> didn't like the fact I got along with his friends that he didn't like (why did he still hang out with them?? idk but even they called him a loser lmao)
> didn't like the fact that I didn't get along with his other friends
> broke up after 1.5 years after I got too fed up with him and started being nasty
> even now his friends still message me to chat

I should've left earlier. He wasn't a terrible guy, but I was his first everything and that inexperience was…exhausting and left me pretty bitter.

No. 194308

>me 15, him 29
>tfw we made it "work" for 10 years
>25 now and just now realizing how much of a loser he was and set me back in life.

Had a total of like 3 jobs when we were together but spent most of his time unemployed / living off of my paycheck after year 3 (first 3 years of our relationship was the opposite, i relied on him, so i felt financially obligated to return the favor)
>be me , 25, still financially supporting him
>still doesn't want job/career
>i decided to say "fuck it this is enough" for a bajillion different reasons

Despite his huge flaws and major red flags (srsly way too many to list) i'm just now only getting out of the codependency mindset. He was a total loser but it was only towards the end that I became embarrassed of him. He's in his late 30s now and still wears band tshirts from highschool. Except they're ripped very, very, very badly. He'd come to dinner with my parents with 2 huge holes in the pits that were ripped halfway down to his elbows, and holes in his pants. Had those old school 90s long-sleeve metal shirts with flames up the arms. Always stated he didn't care what people think and he's comfortable with himself and at first it was an admirable trait. 10 years later it's not so cute when he decides that's a good outfit.

>realized that i adopted his mentality of "i don't care what people think"

> hygiene is now shit
> tfw i'd be loser gf if i got with anyone
> this is gonna take years to unwork

SMH ladies grooming, trauma bonding, and codependency are powerful forces. Trying to put on my big girl panties and own the fact that i had plenty of opportunity to leave him but never did.

No. 194313

This is so late but it was a figure of Rika from Higurashi. It wasn't particularly detailed figure but it was still old and rare and very important to me. God it's been years and I'm still seething over it

No. 194723

File: 1624914223191.png (20.3 KB, 128x119, 787502201735610388.png)

a bit of history, this guy was a loser furfag stoner - we really bonded over games and wrestling. what can i say, i live for attractive meat men slapping more meat men. me being the stupid fuck i was a year ago, i thought he was cool at least until he dumped all of his emotional problems on me.

>be me, freshly squeezed at 18 - nobody in online friend group knew my age

>break up with long-term LDR before this, mostly because there was no future in sight
>start hanging out around with a few guys from group
>clique leader notices and starts getting pissy at me because jealousy
>later down the line we end up patching things up, that's what i assumed at least- and then as time goes on we get a bit frisky after meeting up to go to events
>despite being an FWB he has the gall to act clingy and as if we were exclusively girlfriend/boyfriend
>me thinking with my snatch and not really noticing the flags because i signed up for mediocre sex
>one night we're at a bar hanging out and talking before his friends show up
>"hey (name) i have SOMETHING really important to confess"
>"yeah what is it, you can tell me anything" is what i said before because i thought he was coming out as bisexual or something normal.
>mantra back then was "come as you are" because life's too short to really judge for the most part
>"i've felt uncomfortable for hiding this but, (name) i'm into ABDL and i'm a Babyfur- i have been attracted to 'cubs' but i would never act on it."
>this fucking guy works at a pre-school
>this fucking guy
>i don't even respond as i make my way to the bathroom so i won't have a mental breakdown in public.
>i call friend to borderline scream-cry over this
>i'm with a pedophile
>the rest of the night i'm just in my head and not even interacting with the world until we get back into the hotel
>leaving the bar he's trying to "comfort" me by telling me it's just a fetish and he can live without it.
>when i shower that night i leave the hotel bathroom to catch him jerking off to cubfag shit.
>full-on toddler drawn animal fucking
>the next few days slog on until i fly back, pretend to be neutral on the situation
>when im back i end up chatting another guy and dump my ex because this was just the tip of the iceberg

extra highlights include:

>ex would get upset if i dare called any celebrity attractive

>ex would constantly talk about online furfag drama and team fortress 2 when we went out on dates
>ex once cried in my arms when i mentioned that i could give less of a shit about the discord server he ran
>ex would beg me to draw his shitty fursona and begged me to make my own (still never did, not into that shit
>ex told one of his close friends that he wanted to marry me
>when i dumped him he tried to tell me that "we can get through this, my profession would allow me to follow you for the career you're pursuing" and had a mental breakdown when i told him that i was only around to have fun
>to this day he's become a full-on incel and talks about me even over a year later

that last "relationship" has genuinely traumatized me and to this day i don't like the idea of people even touching me anymore, i hate playing victim but what the fuck was wrong with that guy - he recently contacted me to grift for money and got upset that i went to a wrestling PPV and told me "that i deserve to suffer like he did" and that i'm "stacked with cash so i should give him money" and others, i could write a novel with the bullshit i've seen and heard from him.

also there's the fact that he's still stalking my online presence and i guess i've learned that the only men i want are fictional or either professional wrestlers twice my age.

>mfw i attract all the crazies for having niche interests

No. 194772

> be me at 18 at school far away from home and nobody nearby. weird friend group disbanded and I only have one friend; it's this dude who had a bunch of things in common with me like favorite shows, music, hobbies, humor, etc.
> he's tall (idgaf honestly) but super skinny. personification of a monkey (curious george to be specific kek). literally never considered dating him bc he was hideous tbh.
> he seems harmless and 'sweet'. he invites me to drink with his friends and part of it includes walking down some hill to hide from campus security. lightweight drunk girl naturally needs to hold on to someone (aka him) when coming down which apparently was "pda" or "leading him on"
> found this out when later on he confessed to me. i was rlly hesistant and knew deep down that i didn't like him but he straight up guilted me with "you kind of led me on, you gave me mixed signs" and so i lied to myself, tried to see past his shadiness and his facially challenged situation.
i started 'dating' this ogre-monkey man.
> he's a virgin who has never been kissed, i'm a virgin who has never made out but i've had 'pecks' on the lips. well he decides in one night after i kiss him that we should make out, kept pressuring me after i said no to wanting to take off my top. after enough time and begging from him (literal begging/whining with "you led me on!!!"), again i give in.
> we don't fuck but we went to 'second base' because of his pressuring and he's like "hey before u leave my room can you suck my dick haha rofl"
> immediately i say no because WTF i'm a virgin too but he keeps pressuring me again, "we're dating, c'mon, i did SO much for you last night" when i didn't even wanna take off my shit, he was the one pressuring me and being weird with his roommate SLEEPING IN THE ROOM!!! (i legit think he wanted to get back at his asshole roommate that night by fucking a girl aka me)
> well after enough back and forth of "pleaseeeee" and "no, i don't want to", i finally fucking cave to get him to shut the fuck up thinking whatever since according to him it's "okay since we're dating" and "i owe him". then he texts his friend like a fucking 12 year old like "hey br0o0 i got my dick succ'd haha"
- it set in that i had no friends other than him so i just started trying to pretend to be okay with this, going down on him until one day i told him that i don't wanna have sex for like a month at least…we have been dating for 3 days just for reference and yet all of THIS has happened bc he kept escalating/pressuring me sexually. it's abnormal that this would happen in a span of only a few days right?
> i thought he liked me for my personality and we were friends who happened to start dating right, NOPE, he breaks up in some melodramatic fashion not long after i said i wanted to wait a month to have piv. after the "break up" i legit have no friends at this point and i spiral into a deep depression. meanwhile when i vent to people i blame myself and don't consider the fact that he was oddly sexual for some virgin who had never been kissed (which i believe bc he was ugly and had massive social anxiety).
i've considered since then that he could have been lying bc it all seems way too ballsy for an inexperienced guy but i feel like he was an actual incel.
i later started dating his friend (turned into a >2 year serious relationship) who was also kind of a bum but wasn't rapey. he deserves a loser ex bf post which i'll write later. but once me and my ex became closer he told me that the uggo incel guy was a bit ehhh and he didn't like him.
> uggo showed nudes of this girl who was "obsessed with him in high school" to college friends. so he kept her nudes up until that point to share them. apparently he dehumanized her when talking about her and was using her as a trophy to prove how slick he is or whatever. [GOOD GOD idk how i didn't realize this but he definitely would be the type to leak revenge porn if he had her nudes and was sharing them]
> uggo immediately started complaining about me and my ex dating which only happened months on bc my ex helped me with getting through the depression/spiral the uggo put me through. he got mad that my ex disliked him for "assaulting you" (exes' words not mine) and complained that he was getting alienated from the friend group bc of me hanging out with my bf and their friends.
> uggo continued to behave dramatically for years (never talking to me in groups in classes, avoiding me and taking odd routes to do so). my ex fucking hated him after hearing of the story of how we "dated" but uggo lamented how sad it was that he and my ex couldn't be friends because of me. ultimately blamed me for all of his alienation when he was an outcast to begin with (and so am i, get used to it bitch) yet he was the one who was fucking horrible to me

idk sorry i know this relationship isn't even technically a relationship imo (it lasted like a week?) but the manipulation and the sexual stuff traumatized me for a long time and I still haven't come to terms with how to regard it.

No. 194798

> be 14, insecure, big daddy issues
> starts dating fat guy in my year
> he's fuckin weird
> brags about his cum corner and how far she shoots his cum on to the wall when he nuts
> talks me in to sex when I'm 15, usual losing virginity- sucks
> man bans me from wearing skirts cos they slutty
> cums on me while I sleep, I wake up to find him trynna clean me up
> hangs out outside my classes in sixth form watching me to ensure I do not sit too close to another man
> makes me bleach my hair cos blondes r fit
> Unsuprisingly, rapes me
> I try to leave him, threatens to kill himself
> Buys me a mcdonalds breakfast in a last ditch effort to make me stay
> sees me on tinder and calls me a slut, as he is also using tinder
> gets engaged to new gf he knocked up 2 months later
> leaves her
> contacts me on his business instagram
> is not deadbeat dad who named child after his fav pornstar

No. 194822

>"i've felt uncomfortable for hiding this but, (name) i'm into ABDL and i'm a Babyfur- i have been attracted to 'cubs' but i would never act on it."
>this fucking guy works at a pre-school
Why didn't you warn the pre-school

No. 195139

My first boyfriend had an emo, furry, Greek-God themed webcomic drawn in marker and colored pencil that he took extremely seriously. He is still doing it over a decade later. I look him up on DeviantArt every year or so just to see if he's still sticking with it. He has like 0 fans. The best part about dating him was finally admitting to him that I hated his webcomic when we broke up and I was just pretending. Also, he dumped ME, over text

No. 195462

Lmfao that sounds awful. Can we see some of his art nonny?

No. 196684

> first real relationship for both of us
> long distance
> typical emo, long hair, skinny guy with a gaunt face and shitass teeth
> constantly asked me for money for cigarettes (i was on £200 a month)
> hopelessly addicted to weed
> cheated on me over 20 times and would "fall asleep" for 2 days at a time claiming he needed alone time at least 2 times a week (we were long distance and he had no job or school to go to so i don't see how this was much of an issue)
> self harmed when i caught him cheating
> constantly told my friends he wished i looked more like them because i was too skinny for him
> wanted me to have sex with him in his parents bed??
> accused of and almost charged with molesting his little sister and is generally hated in his estate
> room was oh my god fucking filthy. ash everywhere, disgusting floor, disgusting everything
> high paedophilic tendencies, just got that vibe from him
> called me fat a lot after we broke up because he knew i struggled with an eating disorder
> messaged me for nudes as soon as i was single
> still asks me for money occasionally

i think he's gonna die of type 1 diabetes soon anyway and I have recently stopped talking to him, absolute worst relationship of my entire life and i'm not even in my 20's yet.

No. 196720

My first boyfriend was a complete loser who manipulated, gaslit and eventually sexually assaulted me all while being the biggest fucking loser i've ever met.

I have no idea why i was with him other than me being a dumb teenager

>selfish asshole, cried when i confronted him about abusing me and somehow i ended up having to comfort him because of it

>game me severe fucking trauma that nobody will ever know the extent of
>would constantly threaten to off himself whenever he had an argument with someone, especially once he got into drugs
>would waste all of his money on weed so i always payed for dates and his food so he wouldnt starve
>disgusting, perverted porn addict
>always demanded sexual shit despite me being a virgin and making it clear that i'm waiting until marriage
>often talked about wishing he could have threesomes with me and another girl, that shit ruined my self image so much, it's been two years since we broke up and i still cringe when people talk about that stuff
>shortly before our breakup i was visiting family overseas and he smoked weed with my best friend at the time behind my back and cheated on me, i will never know how far it went because the slut told me she saw nothing wrong with it

it's nice to take these frustrations out but he doesnt occupy my mind anymore, when i found out he cheated on me a guy who i met while i was overseas confessed his feelings for me and i went for it best fucking desicion of my life.
i told him everything that happened to me and he loves me despite all and takes care of me, literally feels like God sent.
I don't know what i'd do without him, he's the love of my life and he helped me manage my ptsd

No. 196789

>15, boyfriend is 16
>He’s 6’0, relatively lean and has dark brown wavy hair and brown eyes, freckles and wears grunge-hipster-skater attire
>I ask him out after we’ve been texting w soggy pick up line
>we date
>buys me gifts frequently with what money he had
>I never felt secure with a boy, I become possessive of him
>I threaten to leave him frequently throughout relationship
>we’d walk around places after school to do sexual things
>we lose our virginity to each other after 3 months
>he gets a job at a grocery store and uses almost every paycheck on me
>finally notice his “good friend” is a girl he previously was obsessed with
>she’s shorter than me, fatter, edits her skin to look pale but she’s pretty tan with freckles, frizzy hair and acts really strange like Jeffrey Dahmer
>she messages me about how much he loves me and gets into our business
>I am naive and mistake it for friendly behavior
>One day we were walking in the hallway at school and she is in front of us; he nudges her and she smiles at him
>Rip away from his hand and ignore him; he punches and dents my car and leaves after trying to talk to me
>We reconcile and he convinces me it’s ok

>Months pass

>We break up, I become unstable and suicidal do to daddy issues
>I turn 16
>Miss the day of school after
>We still talk, but as friends
>He starts walking with that girl
>He carries her books and talks to her at her locker, everything he did with me
>She tries to befriend me, gushes to me in person and over text that I’m beautiful and amazing
>She also frequently talks about killing people and being murderous and kinky but looking innocent
>Am told by a reliable source that he is dating her
>They fucked (I found this out later)
>I threaten suicide like the horrible bpd bitch I was
>He starts to pay attention to me out of pity
>Stays with me after school and I convince him to kiss me
>He starts crying when we kiss
>Past his curfew, he has to go home (still daylight out)
>We talk throughout the 5 months we aren’t together, many hurtful secrets are revealed

>In a group chat with him and other mutual friends, they ask body count

>I say 1
>He says 2
>He quickly says he’s joking
>It’s not a joke looking back now, kek

>We get back together after he says he’s been afraid of hurting me

>Things are ok
>Horrible things are revealed, like him doing bdsm shit with her and having sex with her while I was in a mental hospital
>She accused him of locking her in a basement tied to a pole at night past her curfew, beating her and sexually abusing her
>I confront her spreading lies, no houses in our area had basements
>Eventually me and bf get past it
>I lose my sanity knowing every guy I was with used me as a last resort
>Extreme self harm, hallucinations and eating disorder at its peak
>I take Tylenol pm to sleep the pain away to cope with everything
>I send him self harm pictures like an abusive dumbass

>3 months pass, I am talking to another guy but I’m still with my bf

>Feel numb with my bf, happier with other guy
>Break up
>I turn 17 and I meet the guy and we are still dating after all this time.

Ex bf is now dating the psycho girl, and he’s overweight and doesn’t cut his hair or shave. Looks like a wildebeest. I’m happy now, and I learned from such an emotional journey. I have my regrets because I wasn’t perfect though.

No. 196986

I just sent mine a message a few minutes ago to let him know we're over. I'm sad and anxious but I know I've done what's right for me and I feel like this is my queen shit moment for taking my needs and putting them first

>24, still lives at home with his mum

>actually built a shed for himself outside his mums house so he feels like hes living away from home
>is extremely immature and cynical
>we are European but he takes all his political views from American Ben Shapiro tards anyway because he thinks it's funny
>still watches feminist rekt video compilations in 2021
>does nothing but play videogames and watch YouTube
>has a job that he hates and constantly complains about
>makes no effort st anything and has 0 aspirations but blames me for not wanting to progress with him
>always takes jabs at me for no reason, think hes pushing me away
>one time he sent me a message at 04:00 letting me know we were broken up and I had to wake up to that and feel like my life was falling apart
>got back together months later, says he doesn't even remember what happened
>was actually wonderful while trying to make things up to me
>slipped back into his old habits

I've just had surgery that I'm recovering from, I'm preparing for a second surgery, my mental health is shit, and he isn't bringing anything positive into my life anymore. He has done the bare minimum to support me during this difficult time in my life and I'm sad because I do have feelings for him so I'm thinking of this like cutting off an arm. It hurts but it has to be done and I'll be better off for it.

No. 196997

With all due respect anon, you have no right to call anyone else a psycho girl, kek.

No. 197000

Reading the stories here genuinely makes me sad. The men in these stories are scummy. Especially the ones where they groomed teens. Much love to the anonitas who got out of those relantionships

>immature and cynical
Jesus that's everything I would avoid in a man. But nonetheless, good on you nonita! You deserve all the happiness and the support during your recovery

No. 197029

> I have my regrets because I wasn’t perfect though.
Understatement of the century kek. Not seeing how this is a loser ex-bf story but more a retarded teenage drama saga

No. 197309

> started dating ex when we were ~19 in college, dated for over 2 years
> ex was the most passive person ever
> he was a bum and the first year involved literally just being around each other 24/7. we lived on campus with no car so we were always bingewatching shows and we fucked multiple times a day.
> had terrible acne for 2+ years while i dated him which miraculously went away once we broke up. when we were dating i begged him to go to a dermatologist because his skin was ruining my skin to where i ran out of foundation trying to cover up all of the acne, went through hundreds of dollars trying to get rid of it, went to a dermatologist myself. meanwhile he went once to a dermatologist, said the medication didn't work so he didn't wanna go back, and then continued to transfer his oiliness from his disgusting greasy skin with whiteheads all over. his pores were constantly clogged on his face, he had whiteheads all over his back, chest, and stomach.
> his friends said i looked like a bird when we started dating and talked degradingly about me in their discord server. he would only reprimand them every now and then. he stopped being friends with them bc they were jerks but afaik i think they're all hanging out again (so much for that bahaha).
> while we were in college i also had a job and VP role in a club, he didn't have any extracurriculars or a job until when he started working at a bakery the last few months of us being together.
> i knew he was unmotivated so when i'd see something advertised on campus in his major (which was totally unrelated to my major btw) i would tell him "hey baby you should submit your work to this magazine" or "hey babe this club is recruiting" to try and get him more involved.
> i knew other people thought he was a loser but in my head he treated me better than other men would, like ones who would control me or abuse me.
> i definitely put more energy/effort into the relationship yet he insisted it wasn't true. this happened so often that my mental health became a mess. i became convinced i was a toxic person and was seeing psychiatrists and therapists regularly for treatment regarding diagnoses i def do not have like borderline or bipolar etc.
> all of the explanations behind my behavior had to be because of mental illness bc i was depressed/anxious when we started dating. i was made to be irrational while he was the "sane" and "healthy" one.
> despite him being the 'artsy' one, i was more thoughtful and creative in my gestures/gifts than he was? he was in a writing major and i remember telling him that i'd love him to write me poems bc that kind of stuff is really thoughtful which can be more meaningful than gifts imo. over the 2+ years we were together he made me 2 legitimate poems which were assignments for a class (finals) and then one time for our anniversary finally used like 2 pages in a journal that i had gifted him a year earlier to write me a "haiku" that was obviously written in like 20 minutes probably a day before along with some adaptation of the "roses are red violets are blue" for me specifically.
> sometimes he would have no empathy like when my dad told me they had to put our dog of 12 years down. he said that his dog died when he was a kid and it was sad but he didn't cry so he didn't know why i was so upset over it.
> literally let anyone walk over him, including strangers who announced that they were gonna stay in his roommate's bed bc they were "friends" (sus af). he didn't speak out, his suitemates who didn't even live in that room had to do the talking for him.
> never raped me but tried to choke me during sex early in our relationship after i said i find it disgusting. he insisted that his ex liked it and wanted to try it even after i said that i was 100% not into it.
> when he visited my hometown we'd take him on daytrips out to see touristy stuff and would make sure he was entertained. i kid you not every time i went to his hometown (LA) we sat around his mom's apartment and played games. like 99% of the time was just us sitting around his apartment. he had no license (but i do) so his mom actually had to let me use her car to take us out. his dad was a deadbeat who wouldn't even pay for our meals when i was visiting. keep in mind he's only 19 and in college and works part-time as a janitor.
> had two times were he contacted his ex, including one time that led to her coming to a party we went to and then me getting mad at the friends for involving her. he let me go OFF on his friends when it turns out that he had basically invited her. they never fucked while we were dating but he was insistent on being friends with this one which i made clear i was uncomfortable with bc they had fucked and had dated for a long time.
> confessed early on to thinking that he might be a pathological liar. this is probably also why i was always on 'edge' and 'crazy' during our relationship. he would sometimes lie about insignificant things or hide things for no reason.
> also lied about big things like the only time i saw porn on his phone. he said that the girl looked like me but she really didn't, then later when he was angry he confessed that he purposefully looked for girls who didn't look like me bc he was mad at me.
> guilted me into sending sexy pics and later nudes. i felt like if i didn't he was gonna look at porn while we were apart and "cheat" on me.
> he eventually luckily gained a friend group by sheer coincidence, i didn't. mainly because i was convinced i was an awful person and no one would want to be my friend. my mental health was so bad that my social anxiety became worse and worse over time.
> we broke up because he decided at 22 that he wants a woman who will give birth to his kids. it was really random of him to wanna break up but i'm grateful he did.
> we did FWB for a month until he decided to end it, then immediately after started dating his "friend". then gaslighted me saying that he never said he didn't like her when he said exactly that to me. when i asked he said that they just started dating but yeah they had fucked already. he just told me like a week ago that he wanted to end FWB because it felt like we were dating again (so intense emotions) but he has no problem fucking his friend a few days after, idk why but the revelation that he was a manwhore all along fucked with me because to this day he's the only dude i've slept with and dated and yet he's a typical scrote.
> he and the friend he started dating broke up. he immediately starts dating right after because he always needs a mommy bangmaid at his side. he cannot be single bc he needs a female partner to clean up his messes constantly.
> tinder profile had ugly pictures of him with memes and his bio said something like "who's gonna let me be a stay at home dad".
> looking back he didn't get mad at anyone else except me which pissed me off because he treated other people so nice yet it felt like he walked all over me. when he was with anyone else he was the sweetest guy ever but with me it was like i couldn't do anything to make him care about me as much as i cared about him.

oh and last thing i just remembered
> when we had our final fight (over text) he said a bunch of abusive shit. like "no one will ever love you except your family and your dog". he sounded so unhinged that i made my dad block him on all platforms in case he tried to get back at me. looking back now i realize that he always said abusive things during our fights but i never noticed it because after he'd say something that was word-for-word my WORST fear, he'd later swear he didn't mean any of it and that he just said it because he knew it would make me angry.

No. 197526

>Met online, 17 and 18
>1 month of chatting becomes official dating
>We decide that I move in with him, in a foreign country
>Become 18, am big girl
>Within a year of talking I leave my country and move in with him.
>Parents couldn't care less, told them beforehand, not a single thought in their bran came that I could have been murdered or become human trafficked.
>Mediocre and stressful living with him. He loves gathering attention online, the only thing that makes him feel alive. So pathetic. Neglects me during the weekends, that's his only free time.
>2 years in, verbal, physical abuse, lots of arguments have developed. Had enough and become abusive the same. Not to mention the shitty mind games all through out.
>Chats and games for hours, still the same pos. I had enough and return to my country.
>I have learned a lot but gained nothing in life for that amount of time spent. Wasted my energy, trust and care. I'm behind two major things essential to adulthood. I'm mad at my parents, him and everyone else who treated me like shit.
>I'm working on one goal at a time. It's tough being in a place where emotional abuse is rampant and still on-going despite what happened. No one cares.
>Have more anger issues, most likely cpstd, distrust in everyone including my family. Hate everything. No more tears just pure anger.
>To this day, almost a year of the leave, he is still playing that stupid pathetic game he wastes money for.
Fuck everything

No. 197550

>be 20
>he’s 31
>met him at a restaurant job.
>he was a busboy
>dated for like a little over a year
>most abusive relationship I’ve ever been in
>grabbed my steering wheel while driving and jerked the wheel
>hide my car keys so I couldn’t go home because I was “too emotional”
>tons of other shit that I can’t even begin to write cause it’d be too long
>got an emergency restraining order
>over ten years later
>still posts my pictures to his social media

No. 198326

my first boyfriend was pretty much the center of our friend group and was such a narcissist he would sperg out whenever he felt as if he wasnt the leader or center of attention. anyway, when we started dating i was underage, he was 18 and really over sexual with me and being uncomfortable i vented to my best friend about it but when we fell out he told all this to a friend of his who told people and it went back to my ex. then he broke up with me because i told people and turned our friend group against me and created a narrative that i was a manipulative evil whore. so that was fun

No. 198424

>be a kissless hugless senior in hs
>meet a 25 year old pill addict online
>take ecstasy with him at his house the first time you meet irl in another city
>he tries to fuck you but you say you're not ready he gets pissed
>meet him again couple of times he gives you pills trying to have sex each time
>basically training you like pavlovs dog with chemicals, you are delusional and think you guys are meant to be, head over heels in love with him
>talks about how his 22 year old ex still tries to contact her desperately eventhough he blocked her and explained how he's not interested
>you message the girl on fb asking her to leave him alone
>replies in a super dismissive way, doesnt take you seriously
>some weeks later she sees him in the metro takes photos of him from distance and texts him the same night
>you are raging and helpless because you cant stop her from texting him
>message the girls parents about her trying to seduce your fiance
>bf goes apeshit
>he leaves you soon after because you didnt put out
>mfw when i found out the guy was fucking her behind my back all that time while making it seem like she was after him

No. 199256

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kek, turns out he had a secret girlfriend for the past 10 months and has been cheating on her with me for their entire relationship.
my friends told her, and she was gonna break up with him, but she decided not to and theyre still together. i cant imagine WHAT he told her to convince her to stay.
now they're moving cities alone together. he was planning on telling me the day that he moved, like a fucking coward and a sociopath. probably just to avoid the potential emotional repercussions while he was still in town, under the guise of trying to protect my feelings. i feel really bad for her, honestly, and him, too. i hope she has a thick skin, because he gets seriously fucking mean and takes all of his feelings out on whoevers around him.
we would literally start to fuck and have to stop because i would start crying because i was so sad about us not being together. this happened multiple times. he would literally lie to my face and say shit like "i havent kissed anybody since we broke up." he had every opportunity to think about what he was doing to both of us and kept doing it anyway.
is this just what i get for not cutting him off sooner, and letting him just string me along? he kept telling me that we could get back together some day, and we'd still fantasize about our future together. i just feel like shit. hes been my best friend for almost 10 years now and he blocked me like it was nothing.

No. 200304

When I was 19 I was in an LDR with a 17 year old guy across the country. His parents flew him out to visit me at my parents twice. Anyways, when I got a puppy he was so jealous. He would get mad whenever I mentioned the pup or wanted to share a pic. Then I caught him posting a pic of the puppy on reddit for upvotes. He also posted extremely one-sided questions about our relationship painting me as a villain. I also found out he lied to me about having a girlfriend before me because he used a cam model's pics. It was so funny. I know he was a teenager but what a dork. He was so emotional and petty over the stupidest shit, I was constantly tiptoeing. I'm with a man who is the opposite now.

No. 200341

Some of these posts here and in the breakups/moving on thread out anons just as much as losers as their dumbfuck shitty bfs. The shit some of you put up with is truly unbelievable, get some selfrespect and put a sane head on your shoulders.

No. 200360

No one gives a crap, post a story or get the fuck out

No. 202577

Had a loser ex who didn’t have any goals other than working at a call center, wasn’t interested in traveling, would sperg whenever I had exams (I think he was trying to make me fail so I had to resort to him), gatekeeped my interests or the music I listened to. Final straw was he complained about his parents and told me my situation at home wasn’t a big deal when I was getting abused. Would always throw a fit about condoms. Had terrible hygiene and told me he wants to look ugly and unkempt. I had enough and dumped him. First and last toxic relationship, lucky to have dumped him.

No. 202579

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An ex once had a tantrum over not having dreams at night. He was a stoner. Same ex used his student loan money to buy lots of weed to become a big bad dealer, but his connect sold him mostly stems. He was 75k in debt for an unfinished art degree. His only interests were vaping, wow, and weed. The only things good about him were a handsome face and big dick.

No. 204428

>Move to another country for a guy
>He has no job and doesn't even try
>I'm stuck working long shifts
>I have to beg him to get a job
>Break up with him
>Check his reddit
>His reddit history shows comments on a male self improvement podcast subreddit
>His comments are about "wives" being a long term irreplaceable assistant as they become "unbreedable" as they get older

Glad I fucking got out of that.

No. 204716

Just one crappy part of a bf with many other crappy parts but, I had an ex who would often just misunderstand what I meant when I said something fairly mundane. I would clear it up but he would just continue to insist that deep down I totally meant the thing that he thought I meant. I would feel like I was going crazy trying to explain myself. We'd have a back and forth with him assuming I was hinting at some horrible terrible thing when actually I said something very mundane and innocent. Eventually I would reason with him to a point where he could not argue that I felt 'this way' because my actions have always said otherwise. End of. I'd be exhausted but relieved.

The worst part was he'd never have anything to say after that. No apology for making me desperately try and explain myself. No reflection on the fact that it happened so often it was unhealthy. I reached a point where I couldn't see it as a genuine mistake on his part anymore. It was too much.

And here's the part where I'm dumb. Every now and then I'll post on here and an anon will mistake the meaning of my post and kinda argue. I'll explain things and then poof… no sorry, kek. I hate that it brings me back to the days when I lived with that irl. I was under the threat of being interrogated if I chose one wrong word in a sentence. I was so careful with my words that I stopped talking so much. We had quieter dinners, quieter dates, silent car rides because I dreaded it starting on our way somewhere. It was painful by the end.

There was one last spree of it happening, always as we prepared dinner. By the time dinner was ready I would be sitting there with a lump in my throat trying to act ok but feeling entirely unable to eat. That was what really made me see it. Counting all the dinners I had cooked and not eaten as he sat there eating with no worries. Failing to care that I clearly wasn't ok. Watching him eat and feeling sick over how he'd just lost his shit and then acted like it didn't happen. Woke me right up.

No. 204979

ugh. Sorry anon that sounds rough. You're right for realizing he wasn't just misunderstanding. Something about gaslighting comes to mind. Glad youre out of that situation, though. How long did you guys stay together, if you dont mind me asking?

No. 205029

My shitty ex took a dump in his moms bath tub because he was mad at me & her.

No. 205160

I've been in the same shitty, abusive relationship for 7 years because I'm scared and weak and he has manipulated me in ways I couldn't understand until now. There are too many stories for me to share them all here…
We met when I was 19, he was 26. I told him I didn't want a boyfriend and wasn't interested in a monogamous relationship, but he begged and begged me to go out with him until one day, after my father stormed into my room while I was only wearing a towel and spanked me because I turned the thermostat up without his permission, I agreed to be his girlfriend and moved in with him. I ran from one abusive asshole to be with another.
He was a severe alcoholic when we met, and I instantly started to pick up his drinking habits. He used weed to control me, money to control me, my own lack of experience and knowledge to intimidate me. He knew that I had no friends, no family other than my dad. I was alone in the world, still am to this day.
Why did I stay for 7 years? It wasn't all bad… The first two years sort of flew by, then I was trapped with him for the next two years, stuck in school with no income and using him to support myself, biding time until I could leave. Then tragedy struck his family and we both got sucked into some crazy shit for another year or so. It's shocking how quickly the time has passed.
Then last year, around Christmas of 2019/New Year's of 2020, he beat the shit out of me while drunk. There has been physical altercations between us before, but not like this where he backhanded me in the face and kicked me in the ribs until I had bruises for a week. I was done loving him after that. It was over for real.
But then COVID happened and I was stuck with him AGAIN, waiting until the lockdown ended and I could get a job. So the past year and a half has been spent working and saving money to escape.
While working I happened to fall for one of my coworkers, this sweet, nerdy guy with a nearly identical taste in music as me who I clicked with right away. He unfortunately is in a serious relationship (married), but thinking about guys like him existing and being out there made me realize how much of my life I had truly wasted on the wrong person.
So I told my boyfriend I was done forever in April of this year. His response was to go through my belongings, my computer, read through my notebooks, dig through my purse. It set in stone what I already knew: that I didn't love him anymore and that he only wanted to control me.
And I'm still trying to leave, five months later. I have a job, my own apartment, 90% of my belongings moved out, but leaving is the scariest thing I've ever done. I've never been truly alone before. What if I can't do it? I can't stop thinking about that coworker though, that's how I know how miserable I really am. It's impossible for me to move on from him; every guy I pass on the street looks like him. It's time for me to move forward and live my life, for real this time. I get to be my own person, free from the control of men, for the first time ever at 26. And I feel so pathetic. Thanks for reading my novel.

No. 205210

Honestly a huge problem is that most of the anons on here like video games and anime which attracts the laziest, worst fucking men imaginable. Video games are cool, but the amount of men who are addicted to them (and never cool games) - or are also into anime congruently - is too high. It's like men never learned you can be into one thing without the other or that you don't have to take things to extreme all the time like a crack addict.

No. 206118

I know I'm replying to a 3 month old post but… anon this just made you seem absolutely awful. Hope he's doing better now.

No. 207664

My ex used to tell me stories about all the different ways he'd fucked over girls in the past, as if that was meant to make me feel special I guess? Some of the hits include:

>Hooking up with a girl and refusing to give her head even after she went down on him, then walking out when she tried to call his bluff

>Still using his ex's parent's Netflix after they had been broken up for a year and not stopping until the password was changed and he got locked out (he's 29)
>Dating a girl for 1-2 years but still talking to other chicks,
>she was moving countries for work and gave him an ultimatum to stop talking to other girls or they would break up
>he agreed and they stayed together LD for another year, calling every night while he was still talking to other girls

Glad he showed me who he was at the very beginning. Made his dumbass that much easier to cut him off when I got bored.

No. 207686

>she was moving countries for work and gave him an ultimatum to stop talking to other girls or they would break up
>he agreed and they stayed together LD for another year, calling every night while he was still talking to other girls
Yet more proof that LDRs are an absolute gimmick most of the time

No. 208938

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Literally my ex.

No. 208976

this is old, but I'm really happy that you are out of this nonnie, please be nicer to yourself, you are not pathetic, it's normal to feel like you do after enduring all of this abuse. I'm wishing you well and I hope you got the 10% of your belongings back

that must have been awful nonnie I'm glad you left, do you have some stories/exemples ?

No. 209246

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>be somewhat into anal
>bf is REALLY into anal to the point where he has trouble cumming from anything else
>rubs up on my butt one night in bed
>I'm a bit tired but don't resist because hey, I like sex
>no foreplay, barely even spits on his dick before going in
>it kind of hurts but I don't resist because surprised, before this there was always at least some kind of foreplay, this time he didn't even speak to me
>he finishes and goes to sleep, I feel weird about it for a few days
>bring it up later and he acts like I accused him of rape

fuck pornsick coomer scrotes. the thought of anal makes me ill now.

No. 209248

Every guy I've dated has been anal obsessed. My biggest regret in my last relationship was going along with it once… after that he never stopped bugging me. You think you're doing something nice and it actually creates some fucked up sense of ongoing entitlement in them

I sometimes used the excuse of my ibs to get my ex to just shut up about it but worst of all… that was no deterrent to him?? Sick

No. 209249

oh my god, yes. sometimes I would say that I hadn't done any prep and was worried it would be gross, not even necessarily trying to get out of it, and he just said "you know you don't have to deep-clean your ass every time right?" like bruh. one of those times I ended up going along with it and he got shit on his dick like I fucking told you man. for being so anal obsessed they really have no clue what goes into it, even before this the prep alone made me start disliking it a little. never again

No. 209303

>bring it up later and he acts like I accused him of rape
He has a guilty conscience. I am sorry he did that to you anon. Good thing you dumped the pig.

No. 209309

Super into anal but I didn’t want to do anything anal related and told him that. He stuck his finger in my asshole during sex. This fuck is a nurse! I felt so violated and scared. He was like 6’5. He also talked about wanting to jump off a building because of his divorce. Made me listen to depressing sad songs on the car rides. He said if I didn’t cry to them I was heartless. WTF was I thinking anons? It was more of casual dating not bf but still

No. 209372

yeah he got super offended and started saying shit like "you could have said something at any time" and just tried to make me feel bad for bringing it up at all. he's a loser and i'm glad to be rid of him.

No. 211656

>getting with any guy who's into anal
That was your first mistake. They always have to take shit to the extremes but I assume any guy into anal is deeply pornsick. All my bfs were grossed out by it.

No. 212760

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This is less a loser ex story and more a loser me story, from the deepest darkest depths of my pick-me days and the turning point that made me decide men weren’t worth it.
In college, a foreign student I was having a fling with was about to move back to his home country, and I started freaking out about soon not having any source of male attention, when I was stopped by an MSF donations collector on the way to work. I’d seen him and spoken to him before and mentioned this, and as soon as I said it he started flirting with me and asked to take me out. He was so straight up that it kind of caught me off guard, but I was so thrilled that I was desirable enough for a man to want to have sex with lil’ ol’ me (eyeroll) that I accepted and took his number.
As I mentioned he was a street appealer/donation coordinator for Medicines Sans Frontiers, and surprise surprise, the holier-than-thou “community organiser” was a piece of shit romantic partner. Literally ignored everything I said unless it was organising a day I could come to his place to fuck, tried using my words against me, tried pressuring me into anal, kept trying to choke me after I told him I hated it. He was a 30 year old Soundcloud rapper who was still waiting for his “big break”. He was living in the penthouse of a backpackers with a communal kitchen he shared with 30 other people. He was also a drinker and a chain smoker and every time I visited him the floor was covered in cigarette butts with beer cans scattered across the room. Sometimes when we hooked up I would be so turned off that he himself would notice how dry I was and ask me to my face if I was into him. But that still didn’t stop him from fucking me almost completely dry.
The time I slept over and walked home at 6am in the middle of winter was my rock bottom, and the moment I realised that male attention was worthless compared to the time and energy it took to gain.

No. 246668

This month marks the 1 year since I broke up with my ex… My life is good so far and my friends tell me that they are proud and jealous that I “have my shit together.” I cannot help but be proud as well.
>completed my masters
>moved out of my parents into my own apartment with no roommates
>stable career and passed my probational period
>job with a workplace that I fully enjoy and rarely draining
>currently working to advance my career in education
>going on dates every few or so weeks to hopefully find a relationship with someone cute and likeminded with similar values and interests

>most likely working a job he does not like and still lives with his parents
>has a gf who is in an open relationship with him
>met gf about a month after our breakup
>got an sti
>probably still has 1 to no friends aside from his gf
>wishes for poly relationship because he is a big coomer

Our relationship made me grow to dislike sex, but after awhile I am more positive about it and in how I want it. I was blinded but happy that I do know what I want in my next relationship. For now I am just going on dates to see what is out there and hopefully find someone right for me. I am tooting my own horn, but I am happy in taking pleasure in how I am doing for myself.

No. 253472

>I tried online dating bc got out of LTR and wanted to see what people are talking about

>my first date in 7 years with a guy

>22yo leftist edgelord fuckboy who is good looking but so cringe it hurts
>spends his time shitposting in twitter and masturbating
>never had a job or gone to school or done anything useful in his life
>hot takes like J.K Rowling is a whore
>stupid but does not realize that

>claims that he’s sexworker bc clout

>his onlyfans is just dickpicks
>yes, pictures of him genitals like scrotes send for women without permission
>his content is so subpar that Shayna is Pamela Anderson compared to that shitshow
>he has 1 subscriber and it’s his ”best friend” who he lives with
>best friend is nonbinary fakeboy
>the fuckboy talks about her 24/7 including our ”date”
>the last straw was that I was thirsty and he didn't offer me a glass of water

No. 253596

Graphic writing don't read if sensitive.
I would've shit on his dick. Like literally - when scrotes do anal without preperation don't mistakes happen? Also how did it even get in? His dick must've been very small or you must've gone through a painful thing which is deeply upsetting. I hope nothing like this ever happens to you again.

No. 253678

It was my first relationship. Yes he was pornsick.

Mistakes did happen which embarrassed me greatly. I started keeping it clean at all times because even if I wasn't in the mood for it it would happen anyway.
He spit on it a tiny bit but he wasn't small and it did hurt.

No. 253770

congrats on the one year mark nonna!! im coming up on a year as well and as miserable as it felt at the time i am so glad i dumped my ex.

>in grad school
>many years of therapy
>healthy weight
>likes to exercise
>tight-knit family
>(working on) a social life

him (at time of break up)
>late 20s NEET claiming to want to get a real job (eventually)
>probably still in debt from undergrad
>no car, not even enough savings to buy one
>i drive him around whenever we’re together
>doesn’t believe in therapy
>family isn’t close
>social life is online
>hobbies that don’t involve not leaving the house
>virtual shut in
>mom does his laundry and cooks for him

current bf
>early 20s
>good career ahead
>no college debt
>has a car
>close with family
>healthy social life
>not fat
>works out
>has money
>has hobbies that involve going outside

you can do better nonnas you always can

No. 253924

Never officially got into a relationship but we had a thing for years, I fell in love, but he didn’t want to make it official because he’s “not ready” i.e. he wants to keep being a hoe.

I met a guy in my music scene when I was freshly 20 years old on tinder. I thought he was perfect for me; long hair, dorky, makes music, intelligent, and funny. The fact that it felt like I had to chase him made me fall even harder (why am I like this?) Like for example I’d ask him to hang out, he’d say yes I’ll let you know when, then hours later say sike I’m not feeling it. On multiple occasions. And when I’d try to address my concerns, he’d “reassure” me that he does indeed have feelings he’s just bad at relationships. Red flag number one. The first red flag was the fact that he would do ketamine around me and had a crusty ass mug to spit his drip into. I should have left at that moment and saved myself all the heartache.

I kept talking to him on and off because it destroyed me mentally to be so in love with a fucking jerk. A year later, he brings up the possibility of actually taking me seriously and dating. I tried to play it cool but inside I was so filled with joy. However, he ended up giving me fucking CHLAMYDIA! That’s when I put my foot down and cussed him the fuck out. He was seeing other chicks this whole time, while acting like a quiet introvert that has no time for women. I really wanted to tell everyone in the scene and ruin his reputation but I held my tongue.

Fast forward to now, and I hear he’s talking to a fucking 19 year old. I think he’s ~26. I really want to blow up on him again with this new information and tell him how much of a fucking loser he is.

No. 272864

Kek did we date the same guy?
>Zero people skills, borderline antisocial
>Overly inflated ego, never could admit he was in the wrong about anything
>Picks fights with everyone, including me for the most minor reasons
>No sense of cause and effect
>Poor impulse control
>Fell for the just learn to code meme to get rich quick
>Flunked most of his classes
>Still acted like he was better and smarter than me because he was in college and I was working two service jobs
>Drops out after a few years of academic probation
>Refused to work
>Didn't drive
>No social life, only online
>Had to pay for a lot of his stuff or give him things because no job
>Got mad when I didn't want to give him an old electronic because I could sense were weren't gonna last much longer

No. 272882

>date a guy for a couple years, it goes well, we have a lot of common interests and our personalities mesh well
>move to rural area with him, as its less expensive
>develop medical issues and become less interested in sex because I'm sick
>lack of interest in sex combined with the fact that I talk about how I feel lonely because there's not many people our age in the rural area and thus we don't have a social life outside of seeing his family makes him devolve into anxious spiral because he's "not enough" for me or whatever and generally turns into a huge asshole
>quits his job because he's "having panic attacks"
>gets mad at me for "not letting him feel emotions" when I tell him he needs to get his shit together and get a new job, especially because my medical issues have made me have to cut down on my hours at work and have made our finances take a dent
>he goes to a sex shop one day when he says he's just going to go for a drive to clear his head and cheats on me with a 60 year old man he met there
>comes home, confesses this to me, and starts crying because the sex he had was unprotected and he's worried about having gotten an STD
>cries when I refuse to go to the clinic with him and provide "emotional support" when he goes to get tested
>it also comes out he's done this with other men before
>he tests negative but doesn't understand why I no longer want to sleep with him
>also insists he's 100% straight throughout this
>stay in the relationship for a while longer due to the economy being rough and me not having the money to make it on my own at that time
>eventually explain situation to my mother, who helps provide some financial support, and my bestie, who offers me a couch to crash on, and I leave the state and dump him

Glad that sleazy loser isn't in my life anymore but I do miss our cat. (Who I couldn't take because she was his cat before we started dating.)

Last I heard he's dating a girl who's super obsessed with social justice and has gotten into that sort of stuff himself and made a public FaceBook post about how "an attraction to dicks doesn't necessarily mean and attraction to men"

No. 272898

>he goes to a sex shop one day when he says he's just going to go for a drive to clear his head and cheats on me with a 60 year old man he met there

Male coombrains… they really are a different species.

No. 272917

oh nonnies this thread is painful to read, who taught us to be such doormats in life? i dont know where it comes from honestly even women with decent childhoods end up letting some monster suck out all their lifeblood

i have 3 that kind of sucked for various reasons, i hope they find this post while they’re lurking IBs

>15 y/o
>30 y/o
>didn’t know why but i would cry all the time off camera, probably in part because i loved him and he would tell me about other girls he was grooming in order to groom me more effectively
>finally ask him to be my bf when im 16 and he says sure thats fine, very noncommittally. dont really think its serious because i have no doubt hes talking to other girls still
>have my first sexual experience shortly after i “confess” with some other trashy moid and i tell him about it because ive always shared my entire life (body) with him and i wanted to make him jealous like he made me
>he flips the FUCK out like a total hypocrite and calls me a nasty whore, dirty slut, bitch, etc. and blocks me on everything and i cry my eyes out for weeks
>come across each other again on the internets and he apologizes and i run right back into his arms for another 2-3 years like a fool

another ex
>relationship went well for the most part of 2.5 years
>my parents dislike that he’s not religious and it causes me a lot of emotional distress due to wanting to please them
>start getting tired of feeling like that, decide i want to be religious, and generally just realize im bored and not attracted to him anymore because most of our latter relationship was fucking in his bed
>erstwhile meet next ex and become infatuated
>break up with bf before any more damage occurs (we had been on and off for the past 2 months bc he had converted to my religion in the death throes of our relationship, which later ended up being fake)
>cant give him a clean break due to codependency, try to counsel him post-breakup when he would come crawling back to me and tell me he was miserable, i made him suicidal
>later down the line threatened to post revenge porn of me if i didn’t come talk to him in person
>it was at that point, months later, that i made the brilliant decision to quit talking to him for good
>two other bad memories, towards the end i had done something to piss him off (which was actually my fault im sure) and he shoved his [redacted] down my throat and held my mouth open so i couldn’t keep closing it
>we had some pre-breakup fight and i pushed him away for something, don’t really remember why, and he shoved me onto the bed hard enough that i hit my head against the wall pretty hard
>kind of ruined all the good memories for me

apparently i still hadn’t learned how to stay away from low quality males so my third ex
>discord baes
>fall for him bc he is really smart and projected a lot of things i probably wished i was
>knew vaguely that his life was a bit of a mess but never asked why because i was a weak bitch afraid of the answer just like when i was afraid of asking how old the first guy was because in my heart i knew he was older than early 20s
>talk for months before he finally gets his shit together to meet irl, he’d been swearing since the third month he would do it very soon
>slowly it comes out that he lives at home, doesn’t have a regular job and therefore hardly any money, doesn’t have a car and didn’t leave his house basically ever for years
>has some kind of issue where he is desperately tired all the time
>I Can Fix Him.
>after many more months of seeing him promise to do things and moving deadlines further and further ahead, it occurs to me that our love will in fact not fix him
>genius moment

after being God’s perfect idiot for years i finally found someone who is not only amazing but who actually thinks he doesn’t deserve me. i Hope i can continue tricking him forever

No. 272918

samefag but i think we all dated the same guy kek

No. 272949

>Meet an alternative guy at 16 who likes my niche favourite band, I'm autistic so I fall for him even though he's otherwise not my type
>He lies about never having a gf but gets found out
>He'd constantly call me too skinny or too fat despite being underweight
>Tells me to get breast implants, shitty tattoos, what hair colour I can have, I use too much makeup or too little makeup
>Bitches about me not being grateful even though I used all my money on him and spent all my time pleasing him
>Constantly gives ultimatums to make send nudes
>Yells at me in public several times about insignificant things
>My friends call him cold and distant but it's my first real relationship so I don't realise
>In our hobby group things aren't as bad so I ignore the red flags
>Hates my friends outside of our hobby and tells me not to see them

>Years in our hobby group breaks up, he forces me to never talk to friends from group

>Goes on a date with his ex behind my back and I find out. I confront him and he leaves me
>Wants to keep me as a backup. I'm struggling with a severe eating disorder and not very close with my friends anymore
>Ghosts me for a few weeks but comes back once he found out the girl didn't want to f him. I'm lonely so I take him back

>A year later he crushes on some chick but chick doesn't want to be the other woman

>He leaves me but wants to sleep with me. I refuse so he lures me to his house with one of my interests "as a friend" but there talks me into sleeping with him
>I get a pregnancy scare and an UTI infection that leads to a serious kidney infection. He doesn't give a rats ass
>The other girl tells him she's not interested and we get back together
>He thinks we should look for a unicorn on tinder but thankfully lets it go eventually

>A year later he asks if my parents ever took naked pictures of me as a kid

>I think it's for laughs so I tell him there's one baby picture.
>He asks to see and have the picture
>I freak out. I don't remember what happened after that because I went into a psychosis
>Parents tell me I was stuck in a dark room and didn't eat much or see anyone
>I tell myself he was joking and try to forget about it. He pretends it never happened
>I find an online friend who I talk to about shit, it helps

>For halloween I hangout with Pedo and some of my friends after a long time but the evening goes bad because he bitches about wanting to leave and berates me infront of one of them

>I become a recluse again. At least I have an online friend to talk to
>Pedo forces me to meet for new years and it's shit because he's bitching about not wanting to see my friends
>We go elsewhere, but I can't help but feel like he's not even there despite sitting next to me. I realise he's never been "there"
>I start to deal with the fact he probably wasn't even joking months ago

>I avoid seeing Pedo and just spend time on escapism and talking to my online friend

>Online friend attempts suicide, but told me he getting admitted helped. Tells me to get help too so I finally look for therapy
>Online friend gets out from being admitted and seems better
>Meet friend irl, get a crush on him but do nothing about it as technically I hadn't left pedo
>Friend gets housed with mentally disabled people, friend seems really offended and depressed and I try to be positive and helpful
>Next day is the first day I'm seeing someone for my mental health
>Friend tries again on that exact day, succeeds. I'm the first person to find out. I'm going insane at the meeting
>Finally tell pedo about friend. Pedo only clings onto the fact I had been talking to another person
>I tell him I don't want to be together but he doesn't listen or realise I was breaking up with him

>Month pass and "You should let it go already, it's been like X months. You should be that concerned about me instead" Pedo tells me

>I try to be as blunt as possible and tell Pedo I haven't loved him in a long time and I don't want to spend time with him at all
>He goes a crazy and acts scary. I'm too scared to call him what he is so I just ghost him
>Medication makes me manic and I start meeting new people from the internet to get my mind off of things
>I eventually start dating someone great
>Pedo gives me a suicide scare so I call emergency to his house. He did it on purpose
>I happily date someone else. He was still sending psycho messages months forward that he "forgives me" but I just ghosted him

Never date alternative guys they're pedos

No. 273015

>he goes to a sex shop one day when he says he's just going to go for a drive to clear his head and cheats on me with a 60 year old man

>it also comes out he's done this with other men before

That's horrific - where there any warning signs or redflags for this? STDs are just so rampant in the gay community.

No. 273027

Anon above you. I'm sorry to hear that you (and so many others) were groomed by an adult man while you were a teenager. I also had a relationship with a man in his 20s when I was a teen, thankfully just online. It started most of my trauma and bad relationship habits but I'm glad I finally wised up as time went on
>Fat insane BPD moid, my first experience with it and probably what triggered mine
>Creepy as fuck, nobody liked him
>Literally the 2010 version of a discord mod "hi kitten" stereotype
>Plays into my insecurities super hard, frequently calling me ugly or fat and then praising me the next moment
>Fought with me over nothing and made me suicidal all the time
>Meets up with his ex gf
>Either cheats on me or tells her to text me saying that he did, to this day I don't know
>Would stonewall me for days on end while I was going crazy on the other side not knowing what he was doing
>Would switch between made up edgy personas, that I totally believed
>Liked me one moment, hated me the next
>Claims he was abused by a man and then blamed me for making him recall the story
>One day, he suicide baits me, saying he's standing on a bridge about to jump
>I contact one of his friends, she contacts him, he is just in his room doing nothing
>I get the police involved and they tell me the same thing
>He threatens both me and his friend, a blind woman, saying the next time we call the cops on him he'll kill us
>Threatens to rape the blind girl
>Ignores me on Christmas Eve on purpose because it is so funny to him to see me squirm
>Finally replies to me tearing into me and saying how awful i am
>After this cycle repeats another month I finally am wise enough to call it off
>He reminds me I'm fat and ugly and nobody would ever love me
>Threatens suicide again, I call cops again
>They tell me, this guy is a fucking loser, don't even bother with him anymore
>He jumps to another teenage girl, this time someone he knows in person
>Message the girl's sister letting her know this guy's insane and she agrees with me
>They split not long after
>I tell everyone in our friend group what he did to me
>Oh good we finally have a good reason to kick this fucker out
>They tell him he isn't welcome
>Messages people crying crocodile tears saying he can't believe he's being treated this way, doesn't deserve it etc
>Later on made up to ex that I was the suicide baiter and abusive one, and he was completely innocent and our friends are shitty for believing such an ebil bitch like me despite being a literal predatory, aggressive creep nobody liked to begin with

No. 273040

Went through two breakups in the past year and both moids are fucked

Moid #1
>Dated for 8 years, met in 9th grade
>First few years were great, very patient with me. Lost our virginity together at 18, family loves him
>Went from normie edgy teenage white boy to avid breadtube watching leftist
>History of anger issues, started taking alot of his anger out on me, blaming me for pretty much everything bad that happened in our relationship, gaslighting alot, hit me multiple times,etc
>He gets laid off and falls into depression
>Ended up breaking up in 2018 because i said Contrapoints looks like Junji Ito's Fuchi. We were both drunk at a party, he left and i ended up having a mental breakdown on his friends floor
>Messaged me the next day saying he's going to tell our mutual friends i raped him and abused him even though i never raped him and he has hit me a bunch
>I ended up attempting suicide
>Dont talk for awhile, i end up going to therapy and im alot happier
>Ends up coming to visit one day to pick up some shit
>"Anon, i realized how much i love you, you've changed so much, and i am trying to change too"
>Het back together
>Shits fine for awhile, then goes back to how it used to be
>Comes out as nonbinary, bisexual and a furry ,refuses to get a job because his last job "traumatizes him"
>pandemic happens, barely see him, we spent most of our time playing FFXIV
>Ends up finding a job and moving in with my family, pays rent
>Upgrades our bed so it can fit two people
>One night i wake up to him shoving his fingers in me, confront him and he loses his shit saying he was asleep and didnt do it on purpose
>Becomes cold and distant, entire relationship is basically him coming home from work, playing FFXIV until i have to go to bed for work, and he ends up sleeping in the living room because he wants to get high. He barely talks to me
>Refuses to take me out on my birthday and valentines day, or buy me gifts for Christmas. He says its all a social construct. Takes us out to eat on our 8 year anniversary but gets drunk and browses reddit the entire time
>Sex has become painful, he barely does foreplay, he's a skinny guy with a big dick and he jackhammers
>Used his computer and find lolicon and furfag shit.
>Try to dump him, gets told that my family will be responsible if he is homeless. Keep in mind he refuses to work full time and spends all his money on computer upgrades and mcdonalds
>Ends up dumping him a few months ago, he gets in my face and shakes me violently. Tells me he hates me, he hope's i get hit by a bus, nobody is ever going to love me
>He moves back in with his family
>Constantly tells me about how i ruined his life and how im selfish for kicking him out. guilt trips me constantly, told a bunch of our mutual friends that i abused him cuz i called him a faggot during arguments. For some reason wants to go to couples therapy even though all he ever wants to do is complain about me

Moid #2
>Guy from ex's ex friend group, Weezer fan sterotype, prettier than my ex but emotionally unavailable edgelord
>Met him years ago, became really good friends, helped him get through his first ever breakup
>Both get along due to dealing with mental health issues and being edgy teenagers
>Both end up developing feelings for eachother, never act on anything because im dating his friend
>He ends the friendship after my suicide attempt and 1st breakup with ex
>Im heartbroken, but recover
>Dont hear from him for 3 years, flash forward to this April where u get a text from him at 1 am, we start talking again, agree to meet up
>He's gotten cuter, lost weight, doesnt dress like a child anymore, in college, just quit his job and is looking for a new one, everything feels like old times
>Continue talking for days, one night he asks me if i think he's attracted to me, he says he is and conversation gets really sexual
>Meet up with him the next day and he kisses me, i end up getting high and he fingerfucks me behind a tree
>He tells me he's down to start dating
>Asks me out, i say yes, im really excited cuz i had feelings for him all these years ago.
>Shits fine for a couple weeks, my friends really like him, the sex is the best sex ive ever had despite his jizz tasting disgusting
>He ends up getting distant which freaks me out, leaves me on read alot, says maybe a couple words a day, wants to see me less
>Tells me he's scared of commitment, has panic attack when i ask him to do the bare minimum and at least say goodnight
>Gets high and becomes extremely paranoid that my ex is going to kill him for "cucking" him
>Only comes over when he's horny, i have anal with him and have a pregnancy scare
>Tells me i should be happy cuz the girl he was seeing before me was a model
>His hygiene gets worse, teeth covered in plaque, barely shaves his face, always smells like shit. He ends up never leaving his house unless its to get weed or food, he's always broke and i end up paying for him when we go out
>Admits to me he dropped out of college, and all he's done for the past three years was sleep around to fill a void, and do alot of drugs/drink
>Does not want to find a job, has no motivation or goals. all he does is play video games, argue with people on reddit and play dnd with his friends
>Ends up dumping me due to paranoia that my ex is gonna kill him
>We stay friends and fuck again, keeps giving me mixed signals
>He admits to me that his first ex fucked him up so badly that he started dating girls when he's lonely and playing with thier emotions. I lose my shit at him and he feels guilty. He invites me out and cries the entire time apologizing to me

Still trying to get over the last one cuz it was recent and i feel really fucking awful about it. I don't think i wanna date again lmao

No. 273041

I cannot believe men like this really fucking exist… What a mess. I'm really sorry nona, your first boyfriend was horrible. Horrible. Sorry you were with him for 9 years. Hope you can get over the other ugly too because you deserve better than emotionally distant fuckboys. I honestly suggest just being single for a good while.

No. 273042

Moid 1 sounds like the type of guy to call his ex crazy while acting like that.

No. 273044

First of all that Junji Ito comment made me actually laugh out loud.
Second of all, fuck these moids. Lazy pieces of shit. Stay far away from this friend group nonnie. I hope you can find a good man one day but I understand not wanting to bother after all that shit. Fuck that.

No. 273052

I hope my drug addict ex dies in a pit fire. He lied to me so much, raped me, broke my collar bone, pretty sure he broke my nose when he slammed my face into a pile of cocaine and he still maintains he’s innocent.

He has no friends here, his kid’s mom knows he’s a drug addict and still lets him around his son because “the boy needs a father”, and preys on women who don’t speak English well.

No. 275374

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>15, meet a boy on a kids forum (yes, really), same age as me
>addicted to porn from a young age
>stole his mother's underwear to crossdress
>BORROWED his mother's dildo to stick it in his ass, put it back for his mom to use of course
>wanted me to dominate him and call him a sissy, I refused and told him to get rid of the clothes multiple times, he never did
>only bought more stuff as years went on
>got into cucking in addition of the sissy stuff
>he guided me to drunkenly fuck our roommate/his best friend, I thought it was a threesome but he came just from the sight of me fucking his best friend and just sat on the floor watching
>wanted me to berate him and call his cock worthless (I did not)
>wanted me to peg him (I did not)
>I did finger his shitty moid ass a few times even though I hated it
>when we broke up I sold him my dildo that was way too big for me
>he is now a tranny chaser/activist, dildoing his ass while watching hontra
>claims he was always a leftist uwu when he fucking voted for the nationalist party, calls me a bigot terf now
>never got a new gf as no one compares to me or is as mentally ill as me (apparently)
>tried to get back with me when I broke up with my girlfriend after him

No. 275375

Also, there were periods when we did not have sex for years, as I was not attracted to him due to all the porn shit. I think that only deepened his addiction further. I should have left him years earlier than I did, but I was young and stupid.

No. 275403

jesus christ, what a fucking horrible person. from what age to what age did you date this creature?

No. 275480

15 to 21, or was it 22 I cannot remember

No. 275875

I "dated" a boy when we were 12 (aka held hands walking to school and went to the cinema once) but I still sometimes dream about him over a decade later. IDK why, I have a longterm BF now. I think someone told me once that we dream about people we haven't thought about in ages because it's our brains sorting out our memories
>sage for kinda OT

No. 281371

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>made loads of money but couldn't budget for shit
>invited his friend along to one of our date weekends
>tried to humiliate me in front of his friends and openly mocked my interests to them
>obviously wanted to fuck one of his friends and would flirt with her in front of me and then deny it
>invited me to visit him and then spent the whole weekend playing world of warcraft
>cried like a little bitch when I broke up with him

No. 281530

>be 22 yr old me
>receive "poetic" message from hot curly haired 26 yr old 6'4" lanklet on OkCupid
>meet in person, hit it off, hes "artsy and sensitive"
>should be a red flag that he's being kicked out of his roommate situation for being shitty roommate but i need somewhere to live so we move in together after a month
>witness his descent into literal schizophrenia over the next 3 yrs

he was born to older parents, dad is a hoarder, mom was a bingo addict, even tho she made triple figures they lived in squalor. when i first met him he seemed mostly normal but it turned out he lied about a lot of things. he had never had a job - his mom paid his bills. i was 22, naive and forgiving of red flags, and also already living with him. while i was working and going to school full time, this useless faggot sat at home chainsmoking and taking hundreds of body check photos because he had massive body dysmorphia and delusions that his face was changing/bones were shrinking. one day i found the iPad full of body checks and that's when i started getting a bad feeling abt him. turns out he had been in the psych ward several times by then…

at first his hygiene was okay. slowly he stopped changing his clothes. he would wear socks until they became hard shells of sweat and grime and smelled horrible. like, 2 weeks straight same socks. he would wear the same pants and not shake/wipe his dick so the piss would soak into them and make him smell homeless. he barely wiped his ass and his pants became crusted with shit. he had black boogers in his nose from smoking and nicotine stained fingers.

i stopped wanting to have sex with him by then but one time i got horny and desperate and he WAS abnormally hot so…i started to go down on him and was hit with the strong scent of shit. asked him to go clean himself, he gets up, there's A SHIT SMEAR ON THE BLANKET FROM WHERE HE SAT. we did not have sex. what's worse is he got so fucking offended and never got over it. too schizophrenically narcissistic to even understand why a girl wouldn't want to fuck a disgusting biohazard covered in feces.
he often started fights with me if i didnt fuck him or suck his dick. i would be driven into a full on humiliating ptsd meltdown (having been trapped with a sexually abusive bf in the past) several times a month because he wouldnt back off.

his toenails and fingernails were unkempt and literally thickly coated with grime. he refused to groom his facial hair and food would literally get encrusted and buried inside his mustache and beard.

he began to stop helping with housework even as i struggled with school and work while he sat at home collecting disability. i would clean the whole house, and by the time i came home that day he would leave every cabinet open, leave the house COVERED in trash, fucking La Croix cans everywhere, crusty dishes and shit everywhere. idk how a man who did nothing all day but body check could make such monumental messes in a single day…

he was OBSESSED with the idea that he was shrinking. by the time things fizzled out it's pretty much all he could think abt. he would constantly measure himself against things like doorways and force me to measure my body against his.
he would be convinced i was checking out men on the street and giving them secret body language codes of availability. he ruined my 24th birthday because during karaoke he thought i said I "wanted to ascend to heaven with Lil Uzi Vert" ???? trying to make sense of literal insanity is impossible and will drive you into hysterics. and the thing is sometimes the descent into psychosis is so subtle you start to question reality because your partner is constantly accusing you of bizarre things yet sometimes is a normal person.

pretty soon he just straight up became a hoarder. he began to trash our new apt with our new roommate, after i begged him to please get it together, for our roommates sake we couldn't have the same issues with his disgusting lifestyle. and ofc he promised it would be different. but instead he damaged our stuff, chainsmoked inside, began just ASHING ON THE FUCKING FLOOR even after we begged him to stop, and gave zero fucks about any of the rest of us. finally i dumped him and then shortly after we forced him to leave. we said "if you wanna live like a slob go back to your hoarder parents house where you can be a slob." and he did. but he trashed his room so bad it smelled like rotting garbage for months after he left.

oh, and because i stopped having sex with him he would masturbate under the blankets while i was asleep and just….jizz on the blankets and let it dry. i begged him to stop and he just didnt care. he would wake me up jacking off and guilt trip me when i cried and said i had school early and to please stop. it was my fault, see, for not fucking a piss and shit encrusted hobo with macaroni buried in his beard. how selfish of me!

god this is only half of the shit he put me thru. the crazy is just too much to fit here. i genuinely believed i was worthless and didn't deserve any better which is why i stayed the extra 2 yrs after things started getting bad. i drank so much, cried so much, and blew my time in school by being an exhausted emotionally distraught fuck up. i wish i could have a do over.

oh, and as for where he is now? well he swindled some other poor low self esteem tinder girl, got her to let him move in, trashed her place and stole her money (he stole mine too back then because of his insane American Spirits habit) became convinced he was part of a secret space program and was being followed by the CIA, got kicked out by her and became homeless and now lives in assisted living.

No. 281540

Jfc what a wild read, I hope you’re in a better situation now nonnie

No. 281552

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Not as bad as some other nonnas but…
>Be me, 23 and lonely
>Still reeling from last relationship
>Have a crush on a really cute younger guy but he’s in a long term relationship so I don’t bother
>Other younger guy in our friend group is funny which I like, say fuck it and ask him out
>Starts off okay, he’s nice enough to me and we have a good time together
>Relationship feels more like friendship but I try and tell myself I love him
>In denial that we’re just not very compatible
>Pandemic hits
>Extremely stressed for obvious reasons
>Have tried to tell bf about how abusive my Dad is but he always brushes me off
>Dad spirals hard in quarantine and I don’t feel safe in my home, bf does not take me seriously
>We only see each other every two weeks and I’m too stressed to have sex
>Suddenly his attitude changes and he starts putting me down all the time
>Not interested in my life, cuts me off when I’m trying to tell him about my day
>Starts making fun of me when I try and open up to him
>He only lets me get a few sentences out before taking up the entire conversation for half an hour
>Realize I’m footing the bill for almost all of our dates
>When he does pay were usually splitting
>Tried to initiate sex without asking despite me telling him I have no sex drive
>Initially lost my sex drive because of factors unrelated to him but because he got so nasty once we stopped I lost all attraction
>Keeps pushing foreplay constantly even though my body language is clearly uncomfortable
>Groans and gets huffy every time I tell him no
>Isn’t interested in my art at all, refuses to even give my IG posts a like until I nag him
>Try to show him stuff I’m working on but he just doesn’t care
>Later on admits that he’s jealous of my skills
>Refuses to laugh at my jokes or even banter with me
>Starts reposting misogynistic memes and commenting shit like ‘women aren’t funny’ on meme pages I SHOWED HIM
>Try to tell him about some of my trauma, he ends up sobbing and saying he can’t handle it and that I’m “The saddest person he’s ever met”
>Situation with my Dad gets so bad that my Mom and I decide to leave despite the strong possibility of us becoming homeless
>Try to vent to him to tell him how scared I am but he just says ‘oh yeah that sounds bad’ and then starts complaining about his bitchy manager
>Week of my birthday, also a week after we’ve moved out and I’m sleeping on a family friends couch for possibly the next year, I go over to his place and he pins me on the couch and tries to initiate sex despite but very visibly upset
>Tell him no again, he gets upset, I’m so done with him I leave
>Don’t talk to him again for several weeks because I am so upset over everything going on
>Break up with him because he acts like a bratty 14 year old and he’s a fucking wreck

After all of this I spent a year single to just work on myself and felt much more independent coming into a new relationship. Other guy who I actually wanted to date in the first place ended up being single and we started dating. We end up having a lot more than we thought in common than either of us though as we were just acquaintances before. He’s actually interested in getting to know me and we have really good conversations. He likes seeing my art and laughs at my jokes. He’s very nice to me and respectful of my physical boundaries and doesn’t get upset when I say no. He can also make me cum He takes me out to a lot of really nice places and almost always insists on paying. Overall I’m much happier and I knew I had a crush on him for a reason.

No. 281619

>break up with cringe moid I e-dated almost 3 years ago
>block him everywhere and move on, eventually find a good man, we get together
>fast forward today, download stardew valley to play with him
>thanks to this the ex sees me adding my bf on steam, which I literally almost never use
>sends him friend request and decides to send him nudes I sent along with "exposing" how I have herpes too (I don't)

The level of absolute rent free
Thank God bf doesn't care and just cringed really hard and was more concerned with calming me down

No. 281689

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thanks for reading and for your reply! im in a way better place, took a year of celibacy after him and now coming up on 3 yrs in the most compatible and reciprocal relationship ive ever had.
still pretty bad nonna! being pressured and guilt tripped by scrotes for sex/not wanting sex can be really stressful. also it's obvious he's a total run of the mill pathological narcissist. dating those is the worst.

also picrel is what hot schizo hobo looked like when we first met, except fuller lips, a straighter nose and hazel green eyes. it's a fucking shame. (reposting cause pic dropped)

No. 281704

He was still that mad? Did you have him on friends list? I'm in a similar situation without the bf part. I'm afraid to log into steam because this fucker is always online and he will remember to direct his passive aggressiveness onto me. Sounds dumb but I don't wanna open that possibility. Wish steam support could clear out my friends list for me without me logging on.

No. 281810

don't know where you're located but your ex sending revenge porn out is a criminal offense in some places. Get his ass arrested.

No. 282177

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>freshman in college
>i meet a seemingly nice guy, honestly pretty handsome, normal background/home life.
>we become bf/gf
>i start to notice that he's pretty cringe and probably on the spectrum, but whatever, he's dorky.
>he starts to show his incredibly elitist/classist side, and is stuck in the "i was an honors kid so therefore im super smart" mentality.
>he is consistently wrong about anything and everything, so he tries to get back at me by giving me the silent treatment periodically.
>disgustingly obsessed with a girl he became friends with in high school who rejected him and treats her like a literal mom figure.
>tells me i should be appreciative if he compares me to her because she's perfect.
>i start emotionally distancing myself, and tell him that i'm done having sex.
>one day he says he would never EVER drop out of college, as it would mean he's dumb, and then he adds that he wouldn't drop out even if his mom had only 4 months to live.
>i get creeped out even more.
>things only get worse, and he becomes a dick to everyone he meets.
>he mentions to me that he had a dream sh00ting up the college.
>i tell him that I want to dump him, he then starts to "cry"
>i ask him if he's fake crying and he goes "everyone does it"
>chills. I dump him and flee his room.
>fast forward to senior year, and he drops out of school after allegedly flunking a bunch of classes and cheating on an exam.
>he grows out his hair (with a receding hairline), gains weight, and acts like he's always been a huge socialist online and puppets every thought he called me dumb for.
>he's coddled by the same group of dnd nonbiny liberal girls that talk shit about men online but put up with his bs while demonizing me.
>posts about potentially trooning out

he went the vaush route it seems. im married and getting my PHD so i feel pretty satisfied.

No. 284600

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alright i've been reading this thread for a while and now i feel like it's time for me to contribute my harrowing tale of the retarded moid i dated

>19 year old, finally living on own in dorms of college after living with overprotective, helicopter parents that didn't even let me go outside let alone date for entire life

>naturally very socially anxious and awkward, still haven't even made a single friend after a whole semester
>return for second semester and try dating apps
>get a lot of attention, talk to a lot of guys, go on a lot of awkward dates
>meet attractive, cute guy (not center point of this story)
>long story short: lose virginity, learn that he leads on multiple other freshman, feel used
>return to dating app
>decide i will only date unattractive men now to avoid being hurt again (mistake number 1)
>even more awkward dates
>meet guy who simultaneously looks 15 and 40 at the same time, horribly dry skin, glasses too small for his face, patchy nasty looking "beard", and morbidly obese

>texting is fun, we have a bit in common and he seems like the mysterious misunderstood type (cringe). he is obviously someone who was socialized almost entirely through "cool" guys in anime.

>after talking for a few days, he asks me out
>first date he says is a surprise
>get dressed up
>he picks me up in a video game graphic t-shirt and sweatpants
>his face is repulsive looking in person
>he smells like sweat and bo
>force myself to think that physical appearance doesn't matter (coping)
>he takes his shoes and socks off to drive (this is something he ALWAYS did and it never stopped grossing me out to see his nasty feet)
>he takes me to wal-mart and we stand around the electronics section. he is considering buying a playstation 4 and tells me he is broke
>tell him it's not really worth it since he has a good pc
>he cries like an actual manbaby in the middle of wal-mart, whining about how the world isn't fair and how our society is too focused on money
>comfort him, in the moment thinking how sensitive he is was a good thing (it wasn't)
>takes me back to my dorm
>we keep texting

>next week he takes me to his apartment

>it is the definition of a male living space.
>garbage strewn about haphazardly, pizza boxes, mcdonalds bags, and monster energy cans all over the carpet, some atop his floor mattress which is in front of his floor television. no furniture whatsoever aside from a single wooden chair he told me he got from the side of the road
>feel instantly sick upon seeing this. still forcing myself to believe he was just misunderstood
>after sitting on the floor, 2 feet apart, he asks me to make tacos for him (not previously agreed to)
>not sure how to say no, make tacos using limited ingredients he had (ground beef, salt, and pepper)
>he tells me it was too spicy
>later he tries to make a move
>by move i mean he just pulled me next to him and stuck his tongue into my mouth
>pull away, scrambling for an excuse
>tell him i want to take it slow
>he cries about how girls never like him
>tell him i like him and he's cool
>he asks me to be his girlfriend
>want to say no but feel mean while he's crying, so say yes
>the teardrops miraculously stop somehow and he's on top of me again
>try to push him off
>he begs, while also being too strong
>relent, letting him do whatever despite feeling incredibly repulsed
>after kissing for a few minutes, he pulls his pants down and reveals his 4 inch cock with one singular nutsack
>buckeyed in disbelief
>he tries to put it in but thankfully gives up after not finding the hole (he was a virgin)
>make an excuse about homework, uber home
>shower for an hour and immediately wash clothes because i don't want to smell like him

yes i STILL kept talking to him and dating him after this. we dated for 7 months. this post is already long so here's just a few more out of order highlights i'm typing as i remember them

>got evicted from his apartment 4 weeks after we meet, ended up living in a shabby run down house his uncle was remodeling. called it the crackhouse

>got a roommate after a month or two. would bring roommate on basically all of our dates (this was genuinely a relief to me).
>one time boyfriend refused to pay for my meal despite promising before. i was about to pay it myself but then his roommate paid for it for me just to piss off boyfriend. it was just $9 by the way.
>gave me his facebook password and told me i could read any of his chat messages (this was random, i did not ask for this). found a somewhat old chat with his roommate where he told him that he "wished he could break up with me because he felt nothing with me". upon confrontation, told me he just said that to act cool and begged me not to dump him
>one night roommate fell asleep while we were all in the living room. boyfriend began to dryhump me and begged me to suck his dick even though i kept telling him no, not in front of roommate
>we never did true penetration because he could never find the hole and i was too relieved to ever help
>over the course of our time together i can count on my hand the amount of times we kissed. it felt awkward every single time.
>bought a puppy from his uncle "for me" for christmas in order to lure me over to his crackhouse more (at this point i was just sick of the relationship and made constant excuses on why i didn't want to hang out). the puppy was very cute but he did not take good care of him. i did my best to care for the puppy when i visited, but i could only do so much. when i broke up with him he gave the puppy back to his uncle.
>threw a fit at a bookstore when a male employee and i started talking about a book series we both liked
>introduced me to his whole family on the third date
>would constantly mention marriage and kids from 1 week of dating onwards. one time asked me if we were going to get married some day in front of his roommate. told him no and later on he told me i embarrassed him
>he was obsessed with youtube poops. one time he kept playing them on the big tv and his roommate and i sat there stonefaced. usually i would at least fake a laugh but i was just so tired of them. he cried and locked himself in his room when we told him we thought they were immature
>did not have a college degree and was allergic to working. i tried to convince him to go to college. i ended up doing applications for him. he got accepted but decided not to go because "it'd be too hard"
>i ended up finally breaking up with him when i realized i was just too repulsed to even hold his hand
>last year he tried adding people from my steam friends list in order to try to talk to me

the major lesson i learned here is don't date unattractive moids. they're horrible. at least attractive moids are nice to look at even if their personality sucks. i genuinely don't believe my ex had any redeeming qualities whatsoever between his shitty looks and hygiene and his shitty anime-inspired personality. i think back to this relationship constantly and feel so retarded for staying and wasting my time for as long as i did despite having negative attraction and realizing so late how cringe he actually was.

No. 284613

oh anon, I feel so terrible for you, I feel sick just imagining this fucking crater face moid, but also, what the fuck were you thinking???

No. 284652

the cocktail of innate low self-esteem and recently being cheated on by an attractive, charismatic moid created a helluva distrust of attractive moids
i genuinely believed dating someone undesirable meant i wouldn't get hurt or led on again. he never cheated, but that security wasn't worth seeing his affenpinscher-like face and smelling his funky ass every day

No. 284663

Anon, you are unbelievably autistic, I’m still very sorry for you. I actually covered my face with my hand while reading this.

No. 284666

Don't date maladjusted weirdos. Your whole story looks like herding a cat. I don't know if the cat was him or your logic.

It's like how neuroticism is associated with higher probabilities of violence in men, how short men are more likely to be violent/greedy, insecurity in one's masculinity being associated with all kinds of harmful behaviors, etc. Obviously just trends but there is a very much vibe that women seem to ignore that there are specific risks to dating unattractive men - like your ex, who tried coercing you and emotionally manipulating you with pity because he was a bad person - just like there is dating charismatic attractive men.

In any case I am so sorry. Like. Wow. Maybe avoid relationships for now, like holy shit, just focus on improving your social skills and life.

No. 284670

i believe i would liken it to a cat herding a cat. there were just absolutely no positives and neither of us knew what we were doing

but anyways, don't worry nona! this was almost 5 years ago at this point. i just think about the experience a lot but have never been able to share the tale with anyone aside from my therapist until now lmao. i have since graduated college and gone through a lot of growth and development thanks to therapy and taking time away dating for about 3 years. i like to believe i've learned my worth and how to sniff out those early warning signs. i will admit i did date one more dud (poly uwu faggot who came out as poly and troon'd out a few months into our relationship), but nothing nearly as bad as the ex i described above. i'm currently in what i would describe as a loving relationship with a handsome, sweet, and motivated moid for almost a year now

No. 284717

Please have more self-respect for yourself nona. Reading all of this was so unbelievably cringe.

No. 288035

No. 289284

>be 18
>date moid friend from high school
>he didn't get into a good college because he said he always thought he'd have killed himself in high school
>only hung out with druggies at his college
>gets caught smoking weed freshman year and has to go through a diversion program
>he was on the swim team in high school and used to be muscular, but eventually he decided that we should both become vegetarian (I did too) and he became really skinny, to the point where he didn't weigh much more than me
>we were in some stupid "oh we're hanging out every weekend and having sex but not dating" type deal for two or three months before I finally have to ask him out
>I'm also the first one to say I love you
>both times he said he wanted to but was too nervous (ew)
>he does this weird stutter thing and takes a long time to say anything, presumably because it takes him a long time to think about what he's going to say
>he can't make jokes, he would literally gesture at the air and say "insert joke related to this concept here", for some reason at the time I thought this non-joke was clever
>he had ADHD but was never medicated for it, always talked about how smart he was but could never show it with grades
>needed like five cups of coffee a day or he would be dead
>if he didn't shower everyday his hair would be greasy and he would get nervous and fidgety over stress related to his appearance
>eventually I convince him to move to my college sophomore year
>he keeps telling me that he wants me to see me kiss women in front of him, so I do at parties
>eventually, we have a few FFM threesomes where I kiss the woman naked or where we suck his dick together
>I'm straight btw, I look back now at the fact I was talked into this unicorn hunting bullshit with such cringe
>not that I ever wanted to or asked, but he always made it clear that MMF threesomes were off the table lmao
>he's super into philosophy but never reads anything, so I do read stuff to learn about his interests and end up knowing a lot more than him, he gets mad whenever I come to a conclusion that's different from his
>(spoilers) he literally ends up breaking up with me because I held different philosophical views than he did
>when he lives in my college town, he starts breaking down crying every time we see each other
>literally every time, for an hour, just crying as I hug him and comfort him
>he's never able to explain WHY he's crying, he just cries and this goes on for EIGHT MONTHS
>he eventually drops out of college and plans to join the military, I'm supportive because at least it's a plan
>when he breaks up with me when we're both 20, he ditches the military plan and continues not to go to school
>after we broke up, he literally once messaged me to complain about a Reddit post (yeah, I know, it was years ago, ok?) I made and call me a horrible person

I'm currently 24, make 80th percentile in personal income in the USA, am dating a confident, taller-than-average mechanical engineer, and my ex is still working as a delivery driver.

No. 289290

What was the philosophical view that ended the relationship?

No. 289389

He was mad that I came to believe in God via philosophical argument (originally the argument from contingency). It was a very New Atheist tier objection, and he used to be an edgy atheist when he was a teen. The Church I go to prays for immigrants and those subject to police violence and has mostly women in service roles, so it really was just that he was upset about God – not about Church politics.

No. 289489

Alright, this was my last bf, I dumped him at the start of this year:

>he's 32, I'm 24. Meet randomly at a bar one night and he's kinda cute.

>Lockdowns had just lifted and I hadn't had a proper relationship in years, fairly lonely.
>Seems a little autistic which is fine because so am I.
>Flirting, chatting, mentions he's asexual (first red flag I ignored)
>Get drunk, go back to mine and sleep together. He stays over and we exchange numbers the next morning.
All seems fine and well, we're texting, we have similar enough values and some interests. Then I find out the following:
>Lives in a shack behind his mom's house
>Says she made him pay some of the mortgage but despite there being a spare bedroom inside he refuses to use it like a petulant child
>Has been working as a line cook in the same job for years and believes he holds the team together but upon visiting it seemed like all his co workers just tolerated his very autistic presence.
>His friends are all 40+ yo moids in IT and equally as autistic
>He has severe ADHD and is currently unmedicated.
>Has severe depression
>Wants to troon out though doesn't even consider himself a woman
>Stocking fetish
>Can't sleep without headphones in and youtube videos playing on his 3 screen PC setup.

>Go to his shack for the first time

>Literally covered in mess, desk is stained with all sorts of shit, joint butts everywhere, multiple coffee mugs all filled to various degrees.
>Clothes everywhere.
>Cobwebs all over the walls, he also has an insane fear of spiders and just leaves them there.
>Bed is a king single with a giant hole in the middle of it
>Mentioned it's the same mattress he's had since he was a teenager
>Same pillows too
>He lives in the middle of no where and I don't have a car, am essentially stuck there until the next morning.
>Bathroom is inside the main house and every time my weak bladder calls I have to put on enough clothes to keep me warm and boots just to make my way inside for 5 minutes.
>The door to the shack doesn't even close properly
>He thinks this is a perfectly acceptable way to live.

I stayed with him for a year, and in that time:
>Whenever we'd hang out he'd just ramble about his autistic interests or doomer shit for hours
>Was never able to get a word in
>When I did, he'd barely acknowledge it and continue to talk about himself
>Spoke weirdly, never gave definitive responses, I don't think I heard him say a single "yes" or "no" the entire relationship
>Would always rock up 3 hours late to see me (put a pin in that)
>Whenever he was late he'd barely even apologise
>Would take ages to do absolutely anything, one time he had me over to cook and spent hours making something that could be whipped up in 20 minutes
>Sometimes he would jump into his uncovered pool fully clothed instead of showering
>Was a never nude
>Made weird gurgling noises when he spoke, his high pitched "feminine" voice is exactly the sort you'd expect from an AGP.
>Would always have the minority report running in the background when at the shack.
>Called everything a something-boi, i.e. a cat flap was a flappy boi, a spatula a spready-boi, etc.
>Had a degree he never used and has made no effort to study again.
>Asscne when I actually saw his ass.
>Hated his mom and when she was in the same room as him he'd actually ignore her or speak to her like a 16 year old a la "ugh FINE MOM"
>She had a partner he hated and would also ignore him.
>The whole situation made me visibly uncomfortable.

The main arguments we had:
>Argued about me not staying at the shack enough, even though I lived on my own in a house with running water and an indoor toilet.
>His house was also impossible to get to with my working hours and his.
>Despite these reasons he would get offended when I told him I'd rather we stayed at mine
>Even moved into my own apartment midway through dating and he still hated coming over.
>He would always turn these arguments back on me and tell me I was ashamed of him (I was), but I had very valid reasons he'd always ignore.
>The strangest aspect is that he thought his place had nothing wrong with it and that I was being absurd for not wanting to spend time at a house with one working sink and a shack covered in cat shit.
>Cat shit, mind you, from his cat that died three years ago.

>Tried to pressure me to become friends with his friends, seemed to think because I didn't have a big group of acquaintances like he did that meant I was friendless.

>Explained to him I did very obviously have friends but they were individual and I hung out with them on my own
>He would not accept this as an answer and continued to pressure me to get close with people I had nothing in common with
>Because I didn't want to he acted like I was this helpless, lost cause.

>Complained to me that we didn't spend any time together but I worked days, he worked nights and we could only see each other once a week.

>As mentioned above, and what I pointed out to him, was that if he was actually on time to the things we planned together we'd have more time with each other, which he shrugged off
>Couldn't even make reservations at restaurants because he'd never make them, and would always get to mine by the time all the places near us had shut.

>Claimed I was cold and unaffectionate but due to his ADHD he never actually sat down and relaxed, he'd always walk around the house and pace and could never be still.

>Whenever I brought up an issue he would then pull out every single thing I've done wrong to him that he's been holding in the past however many months to then make me look like the bad person

>Told him once that I always felt he talked over me and he spiralled into a long winded monologue beating himself up about doing this and…..not letting me talk while he did it.

And the grand finale, the thing that finally got me to break up with him:
>My cat falls suddenly very ill, only 4 years old
>Take her to the vet, she spends a day there while they treat her
>They tell me she's not going to make it and that I'll have to come put her down
>Possibly the worst moment of my life.
>Text him to notify him about it
>Head to the vet, spend some time with her in the room alone before her final moment
>Receive a call from him
>His first words were "Can I see her?"
>I am shellshocked, don't really understand what he means
>"Can I at least see her one more time before she dies?"
>Mfw he's driven to the hospital on his break from work, not to comfort me in putting my cat down, but to see HER one last time, a cat he barely knows.
>"They can't anyway, it's COVID policy."
>He's fucking crying
>Tell me he'll come see me after work
>Doesn't even ask how I'm doing, drives off.

>Later that night

>I'm tired, drained from crying so much
>Open the door to let him in and he's already crying
>Spend the next few hours comforting him while he cries.

I broke up with him a month later, only because I was a bit too caught up in my cat dying to pay him any forethought. Our breakup was HORRENDOUS, and I'll type that out too if anyone wants to hear it.
I have been in abusive relationships, I've been raped by partners before, but I can honestly say he's the most insufferable person I've ever dated.

No. 289492

I'm invested nonnie, spill it

No. 289498

Sorry nonnie was showering, here you go:

>Be february this year

>At the start of the year I stupidly adopted a new cat and instantly regretted it
>He said he'd take it as he's been wanting one for a while
>He's also finally moving out of the shack but only because his mother was selling the house
>Agreed he'd take the new cat when he moved, and I had a date now that I wanted to break up with him
>Also had been secretly fucking my ex for a month around this point (my relationship with loser was open due to his retarded sexuality)
>Finally the day comes to see his new place
>I come over and we sit around for a bit and he's being a sperg as per usual
>Finally find a second to talk
>Tell him I don't want to do this anymore
>He says "I know"
>He tells me I don't say that I love him anymore, that I've been particularly cold
>Doesn't ask why I want to break up
>Ask him
>Tell him about the dying cat thing
>He just says "ok" then asks if I want to stay for dinner
>I tell him no
>He tells me I need to leave, offers to drop me home
>I agree, but he said he needs to charge his phone first.
>I proceed to stand awkwardly in the kitchen waiting
>He tells me I don't need to stand there and mope around and to make myself comfortable
>I am once again shocked at his autism
>he keeps me there for FORTY fucking minutes while his phone charges
>Just sitting on the couch angrily texting friends while he's wandering aimlessly around his house and not speaking to me
>Finally good to go
>Get in the car
>He's silent
>"You know (loser), this is the most quiet you've been our whole relationship"
>Bad move on my part
>The floodgates open
>He starts spewing about every above argument we've mentioned
>Tells me "no one else is going to help you like I can" and "don't call me when you don't have a shoulder to cry on"
>Once again, acting like I'm friendless.
>I'm calmly responding to everything he's saying with things like "I have lots of people who care about me"
>Tells me what a cold bitch I am
>"Funny you say that (loser), I thought so too until I starting sleeping with someone recently and realised it was just you"
>He says "oh", watch his face go red.
>He keeps trying to say things to shoot me down, and I keep batting bat every time
>Mention how I was too ashamed to tell my extended family about us and I fire back with the fact they were conservative and he was a budding troon so I was just protecting him
>Once again he goes silent
>Hits me with the argument that I never wanted to see him, and I calmly explained that why would I when he never seemed to listen to me or care what I had to say.
>He's running out of options at this point
>Thankfully we're near my house
>"I want to take the cat now"
>Agree and we go up to my apartment and gather all the things for the cat
>Help him get it all downstairs.
>He goes placcid and says "well, thank you for the year we were together, and-"
>Tries to go in for a hug
>I literally step back and put my hands up
>Gets angry again
>"Well!!! Thanks for wasting a year of my life!" he jabs
>"You too!" I flip him the finger as he drives off.

There you go. One long winded story about a man child and the reason I peaked.

No. 289509

>he literally once messaged me to complain about a Reddit post
kek what was the reddit post about ?

nta but glad you escaped nonnie

No. 289510

Stacy move on your part though i feel really bad for that cat's he's either going to die buried on a pile of dirty clothes or get molested by the troon

No. 289516

Never had a bf but i tried dating once and it blackpilled me from dating moids ever again

>be me, 16

>had my first crush ever on a classmate
>never dated because he didnt feel like it but held hands in class sometimes
>eventually i get tired of him being such an autist and he gets tired of me being so pushy
>we fight
>"fuck you, you ruined my life"
>"fuck you too, i never want to see you again"
>he changes school
>i drop from hs
>everyone, including my psychologist, tells me i should try dating someone else
>one of the 2 moids i was talking with on discord at the time said he liked me out of nowhere
>didnt like him but wanted to finally try dating someone because everyone was being so pushy and felt weird being 17 and kissless
>he lives on another city so we arrange to meet there on our vacation
>the only photo i had from him was from when he was in hs
>he was 19/20 at the time
>looked normal, kinda cute
>see him irl
>he's disgusting
>he's a manlet, has unwashed hair, looks anorexic and has ROTTEN TEETH
>i am vomit
>awkwardly hug him
>eventually i go to his house
>meet his parents
>can tell his mother hates me(later you will find why)
>forced me to meet his elderly grandpa
>he's like a million years old
>awkwardly introduce myself, chat for a while
>eventually he takes me inside
>kisses me
>"is this how kissing feels? Ew"
>dont kiss him again
>we spend the rest of the trip hanging out together
>can't remember anything from this trip other than his disgusting rotten teeth
>eventually its the last day of our vacation
>we meet in a backery to have breakfast before i go back home
>see the pastries
>there is a very tasty looking eclair
>never had one so i am really excited to try it
>waiter comes by
>ask for an eclair and a coffee
>he stops me abruptly
>tells me that i cant ask for an eclair
>tells me he didnt bring money and that I have to order something we can share
>think to myself it's all going to be over soon
>eventually its time to leave
>we kiss our goodbyes and he tells me he cant want to see me again
>as if, lol
>days pass by
>my hair starts to feel itchy
>think its just stress since it has happened before
>one day i take a bath
>scrubbing my hair, had slightly longer nails
>while i look down at my hand i sew it
>a fucking LICE stuck on my nails
>buy shampoo to murder the lice
>dont tell anyone because it feels ashaming
>a few days later he messages me
>he tells me he has lice
>at this point i am over with this, i regret dating him but i am too ashamed to break up with him after i made my family travel to see him
>a few weeks pass by, dont chat much with him, was busy(not really i was playing TF2 trying ro forget i was dating such a dirty sperg)
>he asks me why i have been so cold to him lately
>dont wanna tell him the truth
>"its because of your mom i feel like she didnt like me"
>we start talking about this
>after a while he comfirms she, indeed, didnt like me
>ask him why
>"its because a few months ago the police raided our house and confiscated our dispositives because i shared CP accidentally once, so now she thinks i am a pedo"
>i am shocked
>realized i would rather be known as licegirl instead of the girl dating a pedo
>i break up with him
>this experience has been so traumatizing to me i havent dated a men since then, i am currently 21

No. 289545

>"Funny you say that (loser), I thought so too until I starting sleeping with someone recently and realised it was just you"
i dont get it, maybe its because im an ESLchan ? or maybe im just retarded. sorry, can anynonnie please explain ? why would his face go red ?

No. 289561

She was saying that she's not a cold bitch to everyone like he believes, she was just acting that way towards him cause he's fucking insufferable kek

No. 289571

typical reddit moid

>be 15 from ultra religious family and in denial of lesbianism

>I meet a guy at a party and he says he's liked me for a while
>he's decent looking but known for being an asshole and also 4 years older than me
>people at school are starting to suspect I'm a dyke so I decide I'll give him a try
>he takes me on shitty dates, obviously just trying to get in my pants the whole time
>dumb teenage me let's him treat me like shit because I assume that's how relationships are supposed to be
>I listen to him sperg about his misogynistic worldviews
>he tells me he got kicked out of college because he sexually assaulted a professor
>makes it out to be her fault and blames it on women being allowed to work
>this disgusts me but I am still dumb teenager
>we sleep together for the first time
>when I see his penis I literally feel vomit rising in my throat
>keep going because I'm a solider
>hurts like hell and cringe the whole way through
>he finishes inside me, I sit up and immediately throw up everywhere
>he screams at me and says I should've controlled myself
> I have to strip his bed and put his sheets in the wash while he spergs out on reddit
>he says he's in love with me
>I call my friends crying and they come to pick me up
>tell me it's normal for the first time to be bad
>we date for another 3 months until I finally gain some self respect and tell him to shut the fuck up for once
>he tells me I'm the reason he hates women
>I tell him he's balding and he's only 20
>I leave and slam the door and finally leave his shitty flat for the last time
>he tells everyone I'm a whore and slept with other guys during our relationship

No. 289573

>14/15, date 18 yr old from uk (he would be 26 now)
>Okay at first but would slowly start accusing me of cheating anytime something was slightly different (example: I took a 30 minute nap and he accused me of cheating for not texting him back within that time period)
>Would end up disappearing for months on end, once disappeared for two months claiming he didn't have enough to pay wifi, came back and treated me like I'm a stranger, another time I traveled hours to see him and he went cold and refused to text me because "I've barely been available all day" because I was driving, had to get my friend to message him to text me back
>Would be inconsistent, say strange things a lot
>Dumbass accidentally sent me a screenshot of multiple girls he was talking to
>Nitpick my body constantly, compared me to his exes and would expect me to essentially shapeshift into whatever he wanted that week(chubby, fit, skinny, small boobs, big boobs, etc)
>Would go on rampages about how he "didn't care what I did" but ghosted me and would never admit if something is bothering him, which was basically everything
>When it came to work and school, he'd pick fights with me before tests and such knowing about my anxiety problems and would manipulate me into canceling interviews or straight up leaving work, also acted like I betrayed his ultimate trust because I begin working at a restaurant without telling him about the interview until day of interview, then when I got the job he would always use it against me until I had to leave work, he seemed to do this to any job I got from retail to when my family paid me to take care of my grandma, seemed to freak out of I made any money of my own and would always make a huge deal if I made good tips
>When I got sexually assaulted at school he accused me of enjoying it and when I freaked out and said no tf he said "hmmm ok" and then ghosted me
>Claimed I was lying about hoards of things on the side because I said it's uncomfortable to discuss my career and job with him
>Would make up things like his ex totally coming to his house and begging for him back (I'm actually friends with his ex now)
>Would bait other girls and then screenshotted it and sent it to me if they showed interest back claiming "she's totally obsessed and creeping on me"
>Main character syndrome to the max, his potatoes didn't grow so he assumed someone went out of their way to stop them (kek), would end any "point" he made with ">", took of work to draw, had an obsession with hurting small animals and how he wants a "big dog for utility", he's a white collar fag who does nothing but play video games all day and lives in an inner city apartment

I basically became watered down version of myself and had to walk on eggshells to not make him think I "changed" or was cheating and whatnot as well as chasing my tail keeping my body up to whatever he wanted at that time which changed drastically, the stress also horribly affected my physical health, I feel horribly set back since he wouldn't allow me to thrive

No. 289579

>his potatoes didn't grow
what does this mean? are potatoes a euphemism for balls or was he trying to grow potatoes?
also he sounds like a tremendous faggot and i wish to a-log based on the fact that he had an obsession with killing small animals and was an overall shit person

No. 289590

Like literal potatoes in the garden
i want too so badly and I know he's dated other farmers, it would be cool if we had a thread about people multiple farmers know irl but it would be unrealistic or die quickly

No. 289593

wtf how would he have dated multiple farmers?

No. 289594

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This exchange is this loser in a nutshell, acting like I banished him back to his hometown like he wasn’t a grown 29 year old man with Covid bucks in the bank (2020 ftw)

He literally sobbed nights before he was supposed to start new jobs and begged me not to “make [him] take it”, I mean full on sobbing, TWICE. TWO different times, two different jobs, years apart lol I tried so hard to get him to take them, like please dude even for a couple weeks to contribute to the rent for the first time in a few months maybe?

that’s not counting the jobs he turned down and how much time he spent on league of legends not applying for jobs and crying (again, he would often literally cry) to his poor enabler dad and my dumb ass for money

Im glad I dated him honestly because every time I feel down I get to think “hey at least I’m out of THAT relationship” and it never fails to make me feel at least a little better

(in my defense he did hold down a shitty job and pay his half the bills for a couple years between those instances I’m not THAT much of a doormat, but he was definitely unemployed and actively avoiding work for like a non-consecutive half of the 4 year relationship)

No. 289606

I have two that stick out in my mind.
>Be 15
>Freshman in high school
>Date this guy who's a sophomore solely because he was nice to me. He wasn't even cute
>Closeted racist
>Big nose for a white boy
>Had a thing for skinny blonde girls
>Also wrote and produced god awful acoustic love songs and posted them on Soundcloud
>Said "I love you" within the first week of dating
>Cheated on me
>Obviously I shit talk him, because he's a fucking loser for cheating anyways
>Calls me abusive for doing so
>Didn't even know what an orgasm was
>Proceeds to write bulk of his shitty songs about me
>All while chasing a girl who never reciprocated feelings for him
>Now whines on Instagram about he has "no one to give his love to"
>Ok, bud, no one asked

A more recent one
>Be 19, this was last year
>Just entered college
>Get a confession from a friend who I've known since we were both 11
>Long, drawn-out text about how he thinks I'm beautiful and wants to take this slow
>I used to like him on and off in high school, so like the dumbass I am, I give him a chance
>He's a diagnosed BPDchan
>Political science major interested in going to law school, so it was apparent he had an inflated ego already
>I get too attached too quickly
>He then ghosts me after 2 weeks of talking. I could've predicted this from a BPDfag
>He's an idiot when it comes to social media, so I find out from Instagram that he's now seeing a new girl
>She's a sorority girl who looks EXACTLY like me. Same height, same mixed ethnicity, same body type, same haircut, similar facial features
>I'm beyond the point where I really get butthurt about it, but I think it's fucking hilarious and I kek

No. 289610

>"insert joke related to this concept here"
this is the most autistic thing i've ever read

No. 289690


Are you me nonnie? I had the exact same thing happen to me when I was a freshman. Went out with a guy I wasn't really interested in because he seemed nice enough, he treated me poorly in a relationship, and then when we broke up he called me abusive/crazy/whatever and tried to manipulate his autistic best friend against me for shit talking him with my best friend (it was only between me and my bestie nobody else). He tried to force me to apologize for my "misgression" even though he didn't talk to me after the breakup, like I was his petulant child. I hate him for dragging his friends into what should've been private dispute, but I admit I hate his friends who acted frosty to me in response almost as much. (except for one who called my ex a douchebag who only cares about himself, thank u bestie ur one of the good ones)

No. 289695

That’s what happens when you date white guys.

No. 289705

My ex who watched tranny porn and was also a pedophile (only found this out months into the relationship)

No. 289795

I said that women won't be attracted to men that they don't respect. No reference to my own life or personal experience. Just a statement on its own.

No. 289850

Porn unironically ruined an entire generation of men. They’re absolutely worthless.

No. 289854

Honestly you sound kind of mean lol he was clearly just autistic and quite mentally ill. Nothing you said made him sound evil or anything. He just clearly was very mentally stunted.

No. 289870

>17 y/o junior in HS, traumatic home life w sick mom
>Halloween night with my bestie and manlet, 19 y/o I just met
>manlet is very obviously flirting with me and me being desperate for attention falls right for it
>manlet starts groping me while we chill on his bed, I eventually accept advances and we fuck while my bestie sleeps on the floor. Guess we are dating now?
>a couple months later manlet comes out to me as ftm. dumbfuck sjw me does not know better and accepts/supports him
>This dude is socially retarded and does not know how to interact with people normally
>following two years is spent bending at his will to prevent whining about being terrible, deserving to die whenever I so much as disagree with him on something
>push away all my girlfriends bc manlet keeps making advances towards them and I'm big jealous
>no time for my problems, only for manlet tears
>ftm just ends up being fap material. manlet looks at porn around family and friends all the time despite multiple protests, talks about previous sexual excursions while we are intimate, is sexual with me at inappropriate times or when I say no
>manlet's family eventually finds out he's a sex deviant tranny, turns it on me and cuts me off saying I'm the reason their baby boy became this. safe haven gone, mental health in the shitter
>during exile my bestie reaches out and we connect again. come to find manlet was inappropriate and super creepy with her making her keep distance from the both of us
>finally finds courage to break it off with manlet after a year of his bullshit and family hating me
>manlet loses his shit and stalks me for two months, makes me out to be an abuser, rats to friends about sensitive details, sends me pics of his cuts saying it's my fault
>all his friends turn on him, he loses everyone he was close to
>me now, thriving in career and living my best life

and then just two weeks ago, three years after this whole mess his ex reached out to me and we bonded over how fucking shitty this dude is. He's still a sex deviant and tranny, tried to make a harem and mommy and daddy bought him a house. they go over to do his chores for him. I'd consider this a bullet dodged but then again I spent 3 years with this motherfucker so not really a win. tldr don't date trannies they're unhinged

No. 289903

i met him on runescape when i was a teenager. he lied to me about his age and was actually in his late 20s. we would skype all day long and he would eat his own cum. he would write fanfiction about me and him but wrote me with a dick. never date bi men nonnies

No. 289906

>be me, 17 year old
>summer before senior year
>hang out with an old friend group full of high school grads that just play vidya, smoke weed, and attempt art
>meet 19 yr old 5'4" manlet from there that has been creeping on my social media
>we start talking more and hanging out. literal picture-perfect artsy couple in my 17 year old brain
>i get into psychedelics and just make tons of art, lose my depression weight, have lots of fun with him
>fast forward a couple months
>he has no job and the artist shtick is getting old
>barely compliments me, barely affectionate
>gives me a random book from his room as christmas present
>he gets into debt buying "rare things" off ebay
>loser vibes just keep going and going until hes mooching off me for free weed
>he also gets mad at me when i get embarrassed whenever he finally compliments me
>fast forward to summer (we've been dating 1 year)
>i pay for a trip to some rural yurt, $400 all around
>basically spent the whole trip driving and babying him, he is grumpy and doesn't want to do anything
>finally drive home and the happy facade i put on for trip crumbles
>cheat on him with my ex-boyfriend, start ignoring him
>he pays me back for the entire trip and calls me hundreds of times over a couple days
>tell him its over
>eventually we meet up and exchange stuff

can't believe i wasted so much time helping this manlet moid just cuz i thought he was a `cool artist`. after we broke up he got engaged to some fat local bitch, only for that to fall thru after a couple months. god writing this made me so mad. i hope he's still broke and unable to fulfill any of his goals, i seriously felt like just another piece of rare ebay junk whenever i sat in his room.

No. 289930

Oh god he sounds horribly familiar. Did his name start with a K by any chance?

No. 289963

anon did you mean mtf ?

No. 289982

KEK I'm a retard sorry nonas I def meant mtf

No. 289992

he left a blissful LTR for and LDR with an ugly fucking tranny

No. 290004

Remembering the time I cried in front of my moid about some stuff going on in my family and he was comforting me by hugging me and stuff which was nice I suppose, but then he proceeded to ask me “why do you think you’re so sensitive?” I don’t know, the fucking issues with my family? That I live with? Idiot

No. 290006

>talks about previous sexual excursions while we are intimate
Whyy do moids do this srs? There's so many men who literally think talking about how great their ex was at giving head is foreplay, meanwhile they would FLIP if you even mention your exes dick size or anything. I knew a guy who did this weird manipulation tactic by making up past sexual scenarios to explain to me what women in his past enjoyed (supposedly-he lied a lot) in order to try to make me do said thing, it did nothing for me but make him look like he's still stuck on his past flings and was surprised when I distanced myself from him

No. 291046

This happened recently.
>Be lonely and depressed a January night.
>Download Tinder
>Match with a really hot man. Unusually so I ignore his messages but we eventually talk and meet up.
>Unfathomably hot irl, i'm a nervous wreck the whole night.
>He gives off hipster vibes, we talk english lit + music (his and my interest) and psychiatry (his field).
Damn, I met my soulmate… fucking sike. Nu-uh, your life is a joke, remember nonna?
>A few meet ups in I tried to hint my autsim by saying that my fav book one by Camus
>He doesn't get it. In fact, he doesn't know who he is.
>He likes Hemingway. I'm vegetarian. Oh, you've read Lolita? What the hell is this…
Fast forward a few months
>Find his instagram (hard to find) and facebook (easy to find)
>His ex gfs pics on instagram, still friends with her
>Another ex gf pics on facebook, still friends with her, single status.
>The women he follows look nothing like me, while they look like each-other.
Ahh, fuck herewegoagain.
What else is he hiding?
>He lives on a boat, his address is in another city registered to his mom's house.
Wuut? Is he a hobosexual?
Memories flood back!
>Well, he did tell me he loves me a few days after we met
>Tried to pick me up with his car before our 2nd date.
>He did start becoming distant when I told him that I wasn't comfortable coming to my apartment
>Literally next day gets mad at me because I won't let him into my apartment and questions me about it. "But, you've been here (his boat) a bunch of times!"
Say I don't feel ready for that yet.
>Skim though more of his instagram.
>Find out he gambles and posts meme's about being broke.
>Slowly distance myself from him.
>He still wants to fuck, we do it on his boat.
>Suggests we meet at my place "for once", make up some bs excuse.
>Break up with him, we make up because I got horny one night
>We have sex for the last time and he asks if he could cum inside me. Wtf.
After the first month the pseudo-intellectual persona disappeared. He's a low IQ moid and clocked his hobosexuality. Thank god I never let him into my place.

No. 291736

guys obviously a loser but you sound like a bad person too tbh

No. 291741

nta, but naw, im glad to see that anon at least got what she wanted out some scrote, too many stories about dodging bullets with shady men that just end up being a colossal waste of time for the woman.

No. 291742

So glad you saw through his tricks nonny. At what point did you become suspicious of him: before or after his intellectual act started slipping?
Literally what did she do wrong here. Obviously getting back together after a breakup was unwise but I don't think any part of this story paints a picture of a "bad person."

No. 291834

I don't have time to post the whole story (maybe I will later) but one of my favourite parts:

We slept with each other three times and he was terrible. First time he just did some sloppy kissing and shoved his dick in my nearly dry vagina. As soon as he came he went on Discord to chat with his friends, and of course mentioned how he just had sex.

Then I had a conference in Miami where I was staying for a week and having a great time. He calls me one evening and after some small talk asks if I came during those three times we had sex. I was like "no". And he was like "I knew it" (lmao what a genius). He then proceeds to get angry with me telling me how this has never happened before. And I, incredulously, was like "I highly doubt that. Your sex partners came every time you had sex?". He said "yes" (lmao).

I then – tiptoing around his ego – was like: you know, there was no foreplay or anything like that. He proceeded to get mad saying it's unnecessary and that his "dick should be enough" (exact words).

Can you imagine calling your girlfriend while she's at a conference/vacation and getting mad because YOU couldn't make her cum last week? Lmfao what a clown.

I'll post more lovely details from this one month relationship in the replies when I get the chance.

No. 291847

Just posting to get this off my chest. I dated him years ago. Don't continue reading if you don't want to hear mention of rape.

>Raped me orally multiple times, would damage my esophagus and do it in such a dangerous way. He'd just grab my head, scalp, and bam, shove it on his dick. I was so afraid of my neck snapping (5'4'', 100 lbs, ex was 6'1'', 180-200lbs)

>On one of these occassions he raped me orally while he was driving, in front of his ex who was in the car with us, granted she was drunk and not super aware, but still
>Raped me anally multiple times, I would pass out from drinking and he would do it then. He made videos of it, and he would cum in my mouth from the anal he just did, also while I was sleeping.
>Regularly would film us having sex with his phone even though I'd tell him "no" and try to stop having sex
>Groped me publicly all the time
>Would flash me publicly against my will/i.e. I'd try to stop him and he still would do it
>Filmed me in nonsexual encounters, i.e. me shaving in the shower, sitting around, etc. despite me telling him to stop
>He always try to get me to say/set up disgusting scenes during sex relating to pedophilia and incest, he would not cum unless I did and he took forever to cum so yes, I would sometimes say that stuff just so it'd be over. He would bring up my family members such as my mom (getting me to call myself her name) and my brother who he knew molested me for years as a child (getting me to call him the name of my brother)
>Forcibly would rape me outside on a table, or if I just arrived at his house

Normal relationship nitpicks about him:
>Never wanted sex, we had sex maybe 1-2 times a month near the end
>Obsessed with obese women but liked having me around because people thought it was great he could get someone like me

He was not violent in a regular, domestic way. Not even sexually, he just was into forcible rape. I was young when I was with him, my parents did not want me to drive or have any independence as an adult, so I basically used him as a way to drink. My parents did not allow me to have friends growing up (I was effectively isolated) so he was the closest thing to a friend I had. I definitely was "fine" with him because of the sick dynamics I went through as a kid with my brother - I told my parents what my brother did to me and they basically fought me every step of the way. I knew the guy I was with had previously messed up behavior, he was very honest and forthright with me. I still stayed because there was no way for me to meet anyone else at college as I was chaperoned by my brother at my parents' request. I knew I was fucking myself up, so don't feel sorry for me. I truly believe I was with him as a form of self harm, and/or because alcohol was the closest thing that made me feel better. I didn't care about myself at that time. I was lonely and I felt like I'd be trapped forever then. I didn't feel scared of him because I always knew he was awful and frankly I felt worse staying at my house. I just accepted my fate. I felt like I was stupid to ever think I could take on my brother, so I rationalized that "all men are like that", which made me indifferent to my ex's behavior. I never told anyone about what I was going through then because to me, I didn't see the point and I was ashamed of the fact I accepted this behavior. Telling someone would just have resulted in them not understanding why I was with him and it would have unnecessarily worried them.

I'm in a great place now. I haven't told my partner of 4 years everything, just bits and pieces, because it's so fantastical and ridiculous. I don't care for people to look at me with pity because I was an awful person who didn't care about being used then. I am just putting this out there because it's crazy shit.

I was prompted to write this because I get so annoyed when people get interested in the psychology of rapists and murderers because it's very boring (cue the recent Netflix Dahmer show). I asked my ex often what his mindset of rape was. Basically, it excited him. It was exciting to him. Sex didn't excite him, rape did. I believe it was a compulsion to some extent. But it's retarded for people to care about the past of others, he himself was raped as a child by a male relative and his sister, but it's like, I don't think that shit not happening to him would prevent him from raping. He didn't have a great childhood, but neither the fuck did I. But oh, with people like Jeffery Dahmer, we don't care about how fucking bad the victims might have had it in life, no, we just worry about the killers, the perpetrators, when honestly, Dahmer had a normal ass childhood for divorced kids back then. No, it wasn't a great childhood, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse. Hell, my ex's was worse and he's just a sex offender. Anyway, sorry for my stupid rant.

No. 291848

Can’t be bothered going too in depth but I dated a very good looking narcissist/possible psychopath. Started off nice and jovial and funny and charming then became very sadistic, weird, highly manipulative and cold. He did the narc discard thing when I wouldn’t have sex with him one night, we had been seeing each other for almost a year by that point, so I wrote him a few messages basically saying how he was an emotionally retarded child and that I hope he died then blocked him. He then came back 6 months on a burner number, later asking if we could get back together. Sent me a bunch of weird rambling voice notes and selfies trying to look cool, saying sorry that he’d been a cunt and talking about how I’d changed him forever and how he’d never met a girl like me. Said he’d been thinking about the stuff I told him when I was mad and was repeating a bunch of phrases I’d said and how they’d really made him change his worldview and question himself. I was cringing the whole time, because I knew he was being fake and manipulative and he also honestly sounded like a toddler trying to grasp the concept of empathy and kindness.

Told him I was seeing someone else, he still pressed me and asked if we could meet up again because he was feeling so empty without me, talked about how fun it would be to get married to different people but keeping having affairs with each other. Casually bragged about how he was going to Eastern Europe to ‘buy a couple hot teen girls and make them into my harem’ because I didn’t agree to go out with him again. I told him no but we could still keep in contact because he had no other friends and I still felt a bit bad for him (in all honestly, we got along really well in terms of humor and nothing deeper, he was very funny and witty, just such a freak in every other way). I never bothered contacting him again after that because I knew it was absolutely pointless to engage with someone with NPD/ASPD like that and got a new number a few weeks later. Honestly just seemed like a handsome normie on the outside yet was so dead inside and literally had no feelings except horniness kek. Crazy that there are NPCs like that walking around.

No. 291849

Oh and I remember him one time saying he couldn’t feel empathy for other people. I thought he was joking and just being edgy, then later realized he was completely serious. When someone else was in a situation that required an empathetic response he would just say ‘I’m sorry to hear that’. Lol.

Psychopaths used to intrigue me and they get a reputation for being interesting. But when you realize how dull and dead inside they really are, the novelty definitely wears off. You definitely come away with an uneasy feeling though, there is something not really human about them. It’s like uncanny valley of the soul.

No. 291855

I was intrigued by psychopaths too, until I read your post. You're right that there's only so much you can find out about someone with no internal world until you realise there's really nothing there. Average men are already so supremely boring, basically walking abortions, so I wonder how female psychopaths compare.

No. 291862

Yep, most men are literal NPCs.

No. 291867

Difference being that when women bitch about men it’s truth. When men bitch about women it’s just projection.

No. 291886

Nobody cares what you say, scrote.

No. 291892

Dark triad stacies should thrive inshallah

No. 291895

File: 1664672007628.jpeg (268.47 KB, 1080x1074, E5FDEC65-F718-4BEB-9FD5-56EEE9…)

My ex actually introduced me to this place, so if she is still alive she might see this. For everyone's sake, including her own, I hope she is already dead.
>suicidal when we met, only alive because she wanted to try more drugs before she killed herself
>gave me Christiane F We Children from Zoo Station as assigned reading when she started doing heroin
>constantly high, all day every day, with a little extra at night to make herself nod out
>if it was late I would tell her to go to bed since she was practically already asleep
>"noooo anon I wanna stay up longer!!!!"
>proceeds to nod out again
>also nods out during sex… but doesn't want me to stop?
>too retarded to shoot herself up, forced to snort
>it runs down her throat and makes her puke
>i have to clean it up
>this happens at least once a day
>her mood was often dictated by how good her drugs were, so if her smack was "bunk" and it often was she would take her frustration out on me
>expressed sadness that there was nothing nearby sharp enough to stab me to death
>wished aloud that she could beat my head in with a cinder block
>defaced and destroyed my property for fun, including gifts she herself had given me
>owes me thousands of dollars that I was stupid enough to give her to buy drugs and booze
>poorfag, she considers prostituting herself for drug money
>but says she's too ugly and stupid (as if men have standards)
>lets that dream die in the water like all the others
>but does fuck her dealer so he will shoot her up
>dealer: manlet, twice her age, 2 children by 2 different mothers, the ugliest haircut you have ever seen
>she falls in love with him, confesses her feelings after a week of casual sex
>he lays there silently
>she goes through his phone to discover texts from another girl encouraging him to have sex with my ex to "get back in practice" after a few years of not getting laid
>this girl is the 17 year old high schooler whom he has been grooming since she was 14 (he brags about this)
>my ex cuts herself in his house and drips blood on his floor
>sends me pics
>for some reason I haven't left this bitch yet
The final straw was nearly a year after her cheating, when I refused to be a part of her suicide pact. She did the typical narc rage of spamming me and threatening me, then switched to being apologetic and loving, but also made ultimatums to try to scare me into contacting her. I haven't spoken to her in almost a year, but she still occasionally texts me pretending to be someone else. Thankfully I no longer fall for any of it. My life drastically improved once it stopped revolving around her.
Picrel was one of her favourite images. Post breakup she vagued me in the loneliness thread once which was pretty funny. And she had an old post in the Friend Finder thread, but I've heard she'd become so unhinged even strangers could immediately tell she was a danger to be avoided. As I said before I hope she's killed herself by now or someone put her out of her misery.

No. 291901

Sounds like the /ot/ janny actually

No. 291902

we already act better than them just by not being a rapist tbh

No. 291913

Lol I wish your fantasy was reality

No. 292472

Damn, this thread is the saddest and most cringeworthy thing I’ve ever read lol.

Remind me to never take advice from you pickme retards, you can’t even run your own lives properly lel.

No. 292474

Lich rally laughing my ass off at all the farmers who think they’re qualified to give other people life advice when they admit to sleeping with pedos, porn addicts, abusers and moids with rotting teeth.

No. 292477

There's this thing called "making mistakes when you're young, dumb and vulnerable". Also, "growing up and maturing", and "learning from past mistakes".
Do you blame rape victims too or just victims of emotional abuse?

No. 292485

Nta but some women will never get screwed over by moids simply because they don't have the tolerance to even put up with shit the way most women in this thread did/do.

No. 292487

Fair enough. I came to this point by a painful way which was letting incredibly cringeworthy low value moids groom me and only learning selfrespect afterwards.

No. 292524

I can’t say I ever made the mistake of sleeping with a pedo. No matter how young I was

No. 292621

Good for you to be so smart, young victims manipulated by much older scrotes are surely at fault and to be shamed for the rest of their lives

No. 292627

So that's what the annoying "former junkie here" posting nonna in Tuna's threads is like. Grim.

No. 292881

A rare point, but some of our home lives were actually worse than the shit our exes dished out. The ex was basically a midpoint for me to get to a regular life.

No. 294055

File: 1665778427989.jpg (26.3 KB, 564x508, f13f44763cc2bd17ffba5ab7f3f4da…)

My ex started a GoFundMe because he wants to go on a cross-country road trip but doesn't want to pay for it himself and doesn't know how to save up for it anyway. He considers it a public service because he'd be "painting for the people", forgetting the fact that he's a shitty painter and that most people find his artwork jarring. It's been over a year and he's only raised ten dollars from one person yet he still has the link to it in his instagram bio. I like to check in on it every now and again because it makes me laugh

No. 294064

That's hilarious anon. Glad you broke up with someone who's such a loser.

No. 294167


2 and a half years later and I wanted to say dumping this asshole was one of the best things I ever did. Used to be lurking the old abusive relationship threads and I'm grateful to the nonnas who helped me come to terms with the fact he was such a douche.

I've been in an incredibly happy relationship for 2 years now and he is staying with me at the start of November and is bona fide Nigel thread to me, I can't believe how much my ex would make me feel like nobody would ever properly love me. Feels good.

No. 294201

Can’t believe I used to date a fucking coomer who spent his entire disposable income on porn sites/live cam shows, and had no savings in his mid thirties. I need a time machine to go back in time and slap myself silly.

No. 294203

In hindsight, I’m pretty sure I dated a blossoming pedo. This was a few years ago and he was actually younger than me, and only for a few months, but the signs are all there.
Ewwww that sucks, I’m sorry you had to deal with that nonna.

No. 294221

I can’t believe I dated this moid who is friends with teenage girls on social media and likes all their pics it makes me wanna puke, he dated me when I was 16 and he was 19, at the time I thought it was nbd but now I look back and I shudder,

No. 294226

>senior in college, I was freshman
>dating app
>just literal cardboard
>always nagged me about sex because he was a virgin
>at college town. just stays in his room
>just a fucking loser is the gist

No. 298112

>okayish looking asian bf ldr
>he's super good at games, for some reason skill of video games is/was a major turn on for me??
>he's older than me, and makes good money
>he's sweet, caring
>has more mental and physical disorders than the DSM-5
>has "DID" but, lives in californa, i highly doubt he did and personally im sceptic of it
>He hates my religion when i was open about it from the start
>hated my politics, which i did not talk often about
>turns out he sold drugs
>turns out, he took massive amounts of cocaine
>turns out the fucker has OD'd several times
>literally so much there is no feeling in his nose
>would constantly yell at him and project his problems at me
>blamed me for acting my age
>broke up with me and called me insane because i fucked up during a time we weren't dating but had strings and even though he said i was forgiven he never actually did
>forced me to give him my passwords, me, a former groomed and insecure person, gave them to him because i didn't want to get hurt
>mocked me weeks after we broke up that his new gf is a harvard grad
>enough information on this cunt to doxx him if he ever gets famous
shouldn't have treated me like shit A, i'll fucking come for you.

No. 298140

That’s such a dirty move, I hate that. It’s groomer shit. That’s what my experience was. He told me about things he’d done with other girls and the girls (children) he was talking to (grooming) right now and made me feel like I was in competition with them for his arousal. Fucker got me back into self harming because he told me about another girl he was talking to that cut herself deep and he thought it was hot. It’s a red flag if a man so much as brings up an ex, let alone the sexual things they did together. He has no good intentions.

No. 298144

my ex bf who broke up with me like 7 years ago recently hit my own mother up on Facebook to try to hook up with her. She told him to fuck off lmao. it was very weird and pathetic. glad I came to terms with being gay soon after that relationship I hate moids so much

No. 298262

This guy was part of my online friend group when I was like 15-20, very edgy /b/ and /v/ type dudes where I was one of only 2 girls. I drifted apart from the group because their aspirations and humor and worldviews didn't really move much from when we were all 15. This guy still kept in touch with me relatively often though, and we were decent friends.

When I was going through a bipolar episode he showed romantic interest in me and because I was so manic I became swept up in this idea that he was the sexiest man on earth (he was not, he was a fat tinydick virgin with bad teeth and a lazy eye), and even spent money I didn't have to fly out to see him. We got drunk and he had sex with me so roughly that his roommate thought he had raped me, and was legitimately triggered due to their own SA history.

I moved him in with me super quickly and we were together for a year or two before I stabilized a lot more and realized I wasn't really attracted to him nor was I interested in him as a person. He was also an alcoholic chain smoker and we he was drunk he would be either sad or angry at me all the time. I was on the cusp of breaking up with him when his mom died.

I felt obligated to stay with him for longer after that because I felt like he was already spiraling with his alcoholism due to his mom's death, and didn't want to contribute to him circling the drain more, but he made this increasingly untenable.

Like I said he was a mean drunk, and he started drinking so much and so often that he was risking his job and embarrassing himself and me in public regularly. Any attempt to get him to go to therapy, either for his grief or his addiction or both, was met with whiny excuses. At one point he blamed me for his mom's death, saying if I hadn't made him move he could've been there for her. He began to get violent when he was drunk too, punching objects, screaming at me, banging his head against the wall, and grabbing me. At one point I tried to get him to stop drinking from a 24 pack he had already had 6 of one night and he wrestled and pushed me out of the way to protect it. He regularly told me booze was all he had to live for anymore. I felt a lot of pity for him but I couldn't take it anymore and broke up with him, telling him to find somewhere to stay within the next 30 days.

He began to harass me constantly when I was home, alternating between begging me to take him back and accusing me of being a cheater and gold digger (I never cheat, and lol he doesn't have any money). When I wasn't home he'd constantly send me messages and if I ignored him on one platform he'd start on another.

Once he moved out of my place he called the electric company, which he had access to while we lived together, and cancelled my electric. It cost me a ridiculous ”activation fee" to restart services under my name only and I was in the heat with no power until then.

Eventually I blocked him on everything and told him the next time he contacts me I'm filing a restraining order. Then he started whining to my parents who were initially sympathetic to him until he spent one night at their house drinking himself stupid and then whipped his dick out to my mom. Then they suddenly understood why I needed to get away from that.

His hobbies aside from drinking included hacking, lockpicking, and guns, so I spent the next 2 years (and frankly, a little bit still today) worried he would hit rock bottom and come back for revenge.

No. 298264

Holy shit, glad you got away from that. Hope you are doing alright nowdays.

No. 298559

>e-dated a 23 yr old discord mormon

>family wasn't even mormon, he converted
>who tf converts to mormonism
>interests: anime
>hobbies: guns
>got sent to military school in hs by his rich father
>went on to join navy
>dropped out of the navy
>no driver's license, ubered everywhere, ordered food exclusively
>often broke and too busy gaming to eat so horribly skinny, plus super tall, refused to cut hair
>changed career goals every month or two (like engineer to paramedic to astrophysicist), wasn't in college
>couldn't figure out why his dad refused to pay 20k+ /yr for him to go to school
>worked retail, specifically gun retail
>constantly making the worst financial decisions possible (if the ubering/food delivery wasn't obvious enough)
>addicted to gaming and discord obviously

we started edating when i was 17 and he was like 23, I wasn't invested and I didn't really like him but I felt pressured to stay (please note I was clear with him that I did not have the same feelings he did). the longer i stayed with him the more I loathed having to be around him. He flew out to visit me during my hs graduation. I have literally no recollection of that entire week except being too afraid to look at him in the car when we got him from the airport, he was so damn ugly.
>Also at one point he jogged, afterward I begged him to never jog again, his gangly moid lope was so awful to see

>would constantly tell me he loves me
>if I didn't say it back he would start crying
>once was talking about how much he thought about the week he visited me and how much he missed me
>i admitted i didn't really remember him or think about it
>he cried and ate a letter he'd been writing to me

>told me to send some random phrase to a japanese friend of mine

>said friend has only been in the USA a few years, she was 16 at the time
>I ask to make sure it's appropriate, he assures me she'll find it hilarious
>I ask AGAIN, emphasizing that she's foreign, 16, and female = make sure it's relevant and appropriate
>he insists it is, I send it
>she's confused af
>I put it in google translate. ALWAYS TRANSLATE. it was the n word
>insisted it was funny and he thought she'd like it bc "japanese people are racist"

>separate occasion, loser got fired from gun job

>his one (1) friend and I financially supported him
>I was barely 18, calculated all his finances so he could survive
>told him he was gonna get through that month, but barely
>immediately put $1000 gun on layaway
>payments started the next week

I hate this mf so much, thankfully it's in the past so i mostly just try to laugh about it now. aside from all his other disgusting qualities, he also SA'd me and later stalked me after I dumped him, so I have a serious lingering fear of men. I lost some good friends during those 8 months too from being stuck around him. His behavior was so repulsive and it's embarrassing to have even been in a "relationship" like that, but I was in high school, lonely, and desperate. I wanna keep write/rant more but keeping it succinct rn

No. 298583

>me, 20 yo using tinder for the first time
>match with a guy, he's a little below my league but similar interests and "I'm not in it for the looks"
>I also think him being less attractive means he will be greatful for me and "safer" (lol)
>He's nice enough, zero personality but I figure he just needs to come out of his shell
>He is moving states in a couple months, fine with me
>He's a pretty decent musician
>Sex is pretty abysmal, but I'm too young to know better yet. He's "kinky" by which I mean he pulls my hair and doesn't listen when I tell him to stop
>I'm at his place once while he's playing DOTA and he's absolutely toxic, screaming and belittling over VC, every time he loses he loudly complains its because there's some "retard" his team.
>Hmmm. But surely I will never be the subject of this behavior, I think to myself.
>time goes on, he is moving away now. He confesses love and suggests long distance
>I figure why not
>he texts and calls daily
>Still no personality in sight.
>He is slowly losing the "nice and respectable" persona
>complains that I am out of his league
>"no you're out of my league cause you have a good job and you're so talented and smart"
>too young to realize this will genuinely inflate his moid ego.
>I find him commenting on pictures of girls local to him, heart emojis, "you're so hot"
>ask him to stop.
>"Why are you going through my instagram?"
>this is back when instagram had a feed where you could see what your friends like and comment. I explain this to him
>he deletes the comments but commences a long phone fight that somehow ends in me apologizing to him for "snooping"
>He still likes and comments on pictures of girls that are local I tell him to stop and he says "it's body positivity"
>of course considers himself femanist. Only has the "sex positive beliefs"
>When I bring the comments deletes and says it never happened. Says the phone glitched or I am hallucinating
>I tell him he's gaslighting me. "No you're gaslighting ME. I never did that". I apologize
>Every night without fail he will call and become upset with me over something I had said earlier. Usually so small I am confused why he is angry
>he is vague so I just resort to saying sorry
>literal hours of me saying sorry, begging him to forgive me just so I can hang up. "no we are resolving this NOW"
>Every resolution he suggests is a 3 page letter of what I did wrong and then I have to mail it to him
>over time he demands I write several contracts. One promising if I lie again I will owe him $10,000. He counts me saying I saw instagram comments that he deleted as "lieing".
>I get maybe 3 hours of sleep a night.
>self esteem an all time low.
>I try to break up with him several times but he cries and says he'll change
>the times we are not fighting it is bland. Conversation is dry.
>because of the fighting I mistake these as "the good times"
>so stress and sleep deprived I look like shit
>self esteem so low I think no one else will want me
>he invites me to fly out to stay with him at his moms house for a few weeks
>He drags me out to pick up a weed carts from a shady part of town, literally guy in a beat down apartment hands him the carts.
>invites me to smoke. "No thanks. I think those are fake…"
>genuinely upset at me, "no they arent" "fine whatever"
>it isn't until one of them falls apart and leaks everywhere that he admits they're probably fake
>sex is somehow worse. He takes forever to finish to the point where I bleed. Wants to choke me. Too afraid to appear vanilla to say no. He thinks vanilla girls are boring.
>convinces me to make a fetlife account with him.
>uses a barely censored picture of us, account called something similar to "breedingismandatory"
>I hate myself. just kind of sit as he browses
>he comes across a picture of a naked, posing, 60 yo women
>"EW WTF DISGUSTING" over the top reaction
>she's not even bad looking. Fit body and nice face and hair, just older
>I get insecure and ask what happens if I age
>"let's hope you age well"
>conversation is impossible. We go to a park and I say "wow it's gorgeous out. Nice park to ride bikes" he says "yeah, or to walk you around on a leash"
>I am disgusted and just ignore it
>we do acid together one day
>zero connection. Feels like I'm in an empty room, like there's no one here with me.
>Finally resolve to break up right before I fly home.
>his behavior escalates
>He now pins me down and screams at me in fights
>I once casually mention I'd like to go to a nice restaurant in town and he calls me a spoiled bitch out of nowhere.
>I'm so done I just pull out my phone to browse and say "ok"
>I think he senses the end. Rips my phone out of my hands and throws it
>he goes silent and looks embarassed. I just pick it up and we sit silent
>I break up with him as I leave
>he finally agrees. But says we should wait 6 months before we date other people
>I agree to avoid a fight but don't plan to abide by it.
>token effort at friendship. Still text daily and call sometimes.
>my self esteem is still low but I am beginning to recover. Decide never to settle again.
>complain about him on reddit.
>less than half an hour later he calls me "what the fuck is this comment about"
>I didn't even realize he knew my reddit.
>calls me one day to rant about how "Asian men don't get matches on tinder because white men emasculated them in film"
>one day I send a screenshot of something. Didnt realize tinder and hinge notifications up top
>he calls and yells. I agree to delete it
>I am having regular dates now. Accidently send him a screenshot where a tinder notification is visible.
>calls to yell and say our friendship is over.
>I dont give a shit. "alright. I'm sorry, blah blau blah, wish you the best, good luck"
>no response

Don't settle for ugly moids and definitely don't prop up their egos. They'll genuinely believe you. It's been about 2 years and I'm married now, I decided to look up my ex on instagram to see what he's up to. No new photos since break up. Still single. I didn't even feel vindicated, just kind of feel bad for him. Men like that lack the self awareness to fix themselves…

No. 300701

so i dated this guy for nine months or so, we broke up but remained 'friends'. he was a very paranoid person, smoked weed all day but could not afford to get carpet fitted for his new flat, generally was a loser etc.

>asks me to meet up with him to smoke a spliff a few months after we broke up

>i obliged, we were on friendly-ish terms at that point
>he breaks the news to me that he has finally convinced some other poor girl to sleep with him
>i tell him that i don't care, he can do what he wants
>he tells me it was a mutual acquaintance's ex gf
>he then proceeds to ask me if i think that she would lie to him about being on birth control so that she could baby trap him and use him for money
>i have to look him dead in the eyes and ask him 'what money? you don't even pay your gas and electric bill'
>he didn't like that very much
>we are no longer friends

i had to share this here because it still makes me laugh thinking about his surprised pikachu face when i had to break the news that no women is going to have a whole child just to receive a cut of his UK government money. i partly blame myself for propping up his ego for nine months whilst he smoked his braincells away, but what can you do i suppose lol, i do still get a kick out of the thought of him sitting alone in the dark with nothing but his grinder and a kitchen sink full of dishes thinking to himself 'yes, this is what women want to procreate with for financial gain'.

No. 300719

Had an ex who was severely addicted to fat fetish porn. Unbeknownst to me, he would masturbate while I was asleep next to him every day, or go to my bathroom and do it then. He had a secret instagram account for his fat girl influencers, used reddit for it as well, and would constantly tell me during sex that he couldn't wait for me to be bigger or for my ass to be fatter. it has caused so much emotional damage that lingers to this day. I fucking hate pornsick men so much.

No. 300720

Samefagging to add that I am skinny and he sought me out not because he loved me but because he wanted to make me fat. I dumped him in January but the impact is still lasting, unfortunately.

No. 302550

I had an online relationship with someone that was so addicted to gaming that he was malnourished. I didnt realize it at the time that was the reason but now its so obvious. He was always mad at me and wouldnt ever tell me why. Im so sad i spent my teenage years being faithful to such a miserable person. Being indocrinated to be the "good" girl really does a number on us. I wasnt attracted to him at all but stayed because i thought it would be futile to leave someone for that reason. He had zero ambition, i think to this day all he does is game.

No. 303365

File: 1670702525139.png (31.25 KB, 200x202, thumb_hes-giving-me-a-massage-…)

My ex bf from high school who was a horny retard
>scrawny stoner who was like a Mexican shaggy from Scooby-Doo
>thought he was super cute,
>then I got glasses
>he looked like he had emo hair at first but really it was just a bowl cut
>he thought weed could cure cancer, I tried explaining to him that cancer patients only use it to soothe their symptoms and increase appetite, he was like "nah it totally cures it duuude"
>he was obsessed with me but also Lowkey a coomer, I thought it was more excusable given he was like 16 and I was a 15 year old with horrid self esteem
>drew me on a huge poster board
>lost his virginity in a soccer field (not to me) the girl was cheating on her bf with him
>cried like a baby when we broke up like chill out dude kek I shouldn't have even said yes to dating him.
>we got back together like a year later
>he was a man whore
>I made him unfriend almost every girl on social media
>sent me memes like picrel
>said he liked the movie burlesque and jerked off to it LMFAO
>said some female game characters gave him boners
>we broke up
>I was so heartbroken (idek)
>begging for him back but he ignores me
>ask him for my Chapelle show DVD case back
>still ignoring me
>gets with some other chick
>she's gorgeous
>she keeps him on a tight leash and his social media is just a shrine to their relationship and her
>known to be in a very controlling relationship at their place of work (they both work at Taco Bell)
>they have a kid
>they're only like 19
>ffw current day
>seen at party with a hentai girl shirt
>talked about game mods on skyrim where you make all the women have big boobs and be hot
>him and his babymomma broke up
>They kept fighting and getting the cops called on them
>his social media now that he's not with her, follows pornstars, egirls, etc. all while he posts his kid (PUBLICALLY)
>Posts Andrew Tate videos
>implies he was abused physically on social media
>posts the coffee cup emoji "women"

I bet you she got tired of his coomer tendencies, she's already with someone else, I don't feel bad if she actually did beat the shit out of him. He couldn't turn his horniness off ever like I bet you he played those games with the mods in front of their kid or exposed the kid to his deviance somehow. He was so exhausting as a teenager I can't imagine dealing with him as an adult. He dresses the same as he did then, graphic tee and jeans at least he doesn't have that godawful bowl cut tho

No. 303366

late but the phrase 'gangly moid lope' is golden. what a loser

No. 303372

>>303365 I thought Attractive guys have more sort-out life

No. 303375

I dated a mega loser TiM when we worked the same customer service job one summer in high school. I was 17, he was like 26. Tall, scrawny goth/alt dudes with long hair have always been my type but I wasn't yet peaked so I didn't see all the red flags in dating "her". He always INSISTED that I call myself a lesbian, and that he was also a lesbian kek. He'd send me screenshots from yuri anime with middle schoolers and say that was "us." I thought I could deal with it, as he bought underaged me cigs and alcohol and was also REALLY attractive, one of those MTFs that just looked like an emo guy.
He didn't have a car so I picked him up for our first date and he was dressed in the troon uniform, striped thigh highs and skirt. People kept staring at the restaurant we went to and he started crying so we left and smoked weed in my car instead. We started to make out but he was like… acting like an anime girl would and making weird uguu noises and I was repulsed by it so I made some excuse about needing to get home and promptly broke up with him over text.
This was 5 years ago, and as for where he is now? Working the same customer service job, spending all his money on cigarettes and weed. He's in a transbian relationship with another MTF and streams League of Legends on Twitch for his 3 followers kek. I'm forever embarrassed I gave a guy like that even 1 date but I think it played a big part in eventually peaking me, once I met some more troons and realized they're all pretty much the same it was over kek

No. 303391

He's lowkey an uggo

No. 303623

Why the fuck can’t I get over my loser 25 year old ex who
>still lives in his mom’s basement
>doesn’t have many friends due to his weird humor/sense of superiority
>is a massive hypocrite that contradicts himself a lot
>admitted to jacking off to his ex from high school’s leaked OF nudes (we weren’t together but still)
>is terminally online
>doesnt really do anything fun

No. 303959

I dated an actual pedo. He was also a furry and 5 years younger than me (but I had a very late puberty and a young teen body at the time, I still don't menstruate but at least I have breasts at last).
He really was smoking hot (he used to look like an ideal 4chan femboy, IRL anime boy looks, now looks like shit and has a mustache) but I dropped his ass and reported him to the police asap when he told me he abused his younger cousin and step sister.
He now has to wear an ankle monitor, I still see him sometimes on the bus.

No. 303967

>He really was smoking hot
>he used to look like an ideal 4chan femboy
one of these things is not like the others

No. 304019

>when I had cancer he would send me trans rights memes instead of comforting me on my darkest days
>Anthony Fantano stan, like fr
>didn't know he was a he/they until after the first date
>literal self admitted ex nazi who swore he changed
>0 sex drive
>giant Kanye West stan
>never shut up about how his mum was a narcissistic Nazi (she told him to get a job and that communists like him just sit on their ass collecting welfare which he absolutely did and is a completely correct observation of modern uber woke tankies)
>literally never shut up about gravity falls
I ghosted him thank God. As soon as I realised the cancer wouldn't kill me I simply blocked him on everything and abandoned my Twitter

No. 304031

Holy shit he sounds awful

No. 304035

>obsessed with ex, sent me her nudes claiming she was a super hot volleyball player that looked like a JAV model, admitted to looking up her school randomly for no apparent reason, would compare our bodies
>Would tell me to gain or lose fat or gain muscle, whenever he pleased, would say weird things like one day he said "I dated a girl with a 6 pack, it was weird" then the next day "you should get a six pack"
>Flirting with me starting when I was 14 he was 17/18 (first red flag obviously)
>Would try to convince me and everyone else around him that he preferred older women and would make up stories about how cougars would throw themselves at him, but would say things like "it would be hot to fuck at 15" and then even told me how he'd "pound my ass" after I sent him a picture of me at 12 YEARS OLD!
>Complained about working at Costco then a call center job but would refuse to further his education at all
>On holidays would randomly act emotional and demand my time because "his ex showed up at his door and begged for him"(later found out it wasn't true)
>Obsessed with trying to be "psycho", would post vague and mysterious stuff, would be obsessed with pretending to be mysterious in general
>Gets hammered at bars every weekend and disappears while expecting me to be available to him 24/7 or I'll get the stonewall
>Tells me how much he finds plastic surgery unattractive while fapping to porn constantly
>Addicted to league of legends and has a failed twitch streaming career
>Would take off work to practice doing elementary school tier doodles
>Lives with brother, complains and bitches about everything while refusing to move out

No. 304099

Not the 3D ones of course, think an IRL version of astolfo or whatever.
He was a total piece of shit however and I'm glad I went to the police because he studied to be a middle school teacher.

No. 307293

My ex decided to plan a trip to Vegas with a friend group who previously used to be mine until they stonewalled me out of their lives. Didn't tell me anything about it and when I found out and was upset because of past trauma associated with a similar situation they accused me of guilt tripping them. They'd gone and done drugs there as well when we'd had an agreement to not do them. To top it all off they broke up with me after.

No. 307295

This was also after opening up about abuse I was suffering with and my depression. We'd planned to spend all the holidays together but they used their paid time off for that instead literally weeks before Thanksgiving.

No. 307319

Kek nonnie, post an example from the internet, find a guy that looks as similar as possible to him.

No. 310279

>be me 16
>constantly play shitty game IMVU with friends
>meet lots of people there, one of them is a flirty guy who hangs with us nearly every day
>he joins our call on skype, talk to him for a while and he takes a particular interest in me
>constantly hits on me both in game and in private conversations but never admits to liking me
>guy lives abroad but comes back to home country during summers and coincidently stays in same town where i live
>be summer, guy turns up to home town, asks to meet up, reluctantly agree
>rainy, cloudy day, turn up to the agreed meeting place, be surprised to see guy is same hight as me but don't think much of it
>hugs me as a greeting but it's a bit too long for comfort so try to pull away and he lets go
>hang with him for like an hour, nothing else happens and just go home
>know that he's not really attractive and don't really have much interest in him but guy manages to gaslight me into a relationship but still not admitting that he likes me
>next day meet up again and walk to an open place under a highway bridge, common place for couples to hang out and sit in an embrace on some stairs
>embarrased since my first relationship with someone and highly anxious so obviously needed time to get adjusted to being intimate but guy is very touchy and eventually asks for a kiss
>say no multiple times but he keeps pestering me, even forcingly moving my face towards his and in the end give in and let him do it
>think it will be a normal kiss but he crams his tounge into my mouth so i jerk away in utter shock nearly going into a panick attack an he notices it and lets me calm down for a while
>two days pass, meet him again, be super stormy day so go under the bridge to hide from the crazy storm and hug each other to stay warm
>back hurts from hugging the short guy but say nothing, get drenched from the rain, guy keeps making out with me, groping my ass while he's at it but think it's normal for a couple so just comply with it and go home once the storm settles
>later in the evening tells me "bet you were wet not just from the rain ;D" and "i'll need to check if that's true ;D", tell him i don't want him in my pants and make sure he understands
>meet him again this time at an abandoned cemetery cause the only place people don't go to
>he makes out with me again, groping ass and chest, moves down to my crotch, his intention is clear so push away his hand but he tries it again and i push away his hand once more and he gives up on it
>don't remember since when but knew the guy was 20 y\o but he also definitely knew from the beginning that i was a minor, still dated him because 'it's cool to date older guys'
>at one point guy tells me a story about how he dated a 14 y\o when he was 18 and how he fingered her behind some apartment building garages and asks me to keep it a secret, be absolutely disgusted by it and tell every single friend of mine as a warning to stay away from him
>also find out that he kept a condom in his wallet while dating me and he met up with an adult and a minor girls to drink at some park where the minor fell into a pond and he undressed her while she held her up "to keep her from freezing"
>since then avoid the guy as much as possible and make up excuses not to see him
and eventually break up with him

There was a lot more that happened with him since then but i won't expand on it. I absolutely was left traumatised by it and even reading my diary entries about it brings me to tears now. From what i know he's currently engaged to a woman seemingly his age and i pray to God he never gets a daughter.

No. 310300

So many moids are pedos it’s unreal. Nearly every woman I know has an ex or a bf with pedo tendencies and it’s terrifying.

No. 310325

they all secretly want to diddle teenagers or at least don't care if the girl in their fave porn video looks underage

No. 310327

Just want to tell this really annoying story about my ex. So "The Book of Mormon" was playing in my city for a few weeks, and I really wanted to see it. I told my ex and he dismissed it. He never wanted to do anything but drink beer at a trashy redneck bar and skateboard. He took pride in being uncultured. Why did I date him? He latched onto me when I was most vulnerable, literally in the worst place of my life in every sense.

Back to the story. On Christmas, we went to his grandmother's house. At some point his uncle casually mentioned that he had tickets to see The Book Of Mormon. My ex suddenly goes "Oh, I bought [nona] and I tickets to go see that." I looked at him in confusion and for a fleeting moment I had hope that he would actually do something nice for me. His eyes met mine and I knew. His eyes were saying to me: "Shut the fuck up and go along with my absurd lie". So I had to smile and go along with it. I felt so fucking humiliated. Later that night I asked him why he did that and he gave some vague avoidant answer. I honestly still hoped that he'd surprise me with tickets… It never happened. I was weak and did not go see The Book Of Mormon by myself like I should have. I want to take my current bf to see it on Broadway as a way to get closure on the situation.

No. 310331

This is a really dumb one but i thought I'd share it cause it's pretty funny.

>be me, 19

>get really into watching streams on twitch and take interest in a certain small streamer
>like his voice and think his pervy humor is cheesy but also charming
>start talking in chat and eventually get noticed by senpai uwu
>join his discord server, start being active there too
>one day streamer asks for my snapchat to show his peen as a joke "to guess his size" and do so (7 incher btw)
>also be a horny degen itching to lose v card after saving it for so long
>streamer has a pretty decent body so thirst after it like a dog but he's just as much of a dog if not more
>eventually dumb flirting turns to sexting and snap sex but feel turned off at times cause he sends vids of himself jerking off into a toilet bowl and send him photos of hands with spit on them to appear like it's cum cause don't actually want to touch self (good life hack btw kek)
>at some point we decide to get into a romantic relationship and for a while everything seems fine
>still go to his streams and get acquainted with a female chatter that frequently hangs out with him in a game and later on be told by him how she came to his home to spend some time together (before we started dating) and how he didn't understand why she was there and that she told him that she liked him but he didn't find her attractive and rejected her
>don't think much it and some time later in the summer get an opportunity to come to his country and see him
>first time meeting him lose my v card and have sex the next time as well and soon i go back to my own country
>all seems well but notice that he's not paying much attention since then even though we were officially a couple so get a bit upset but don't press him about it
>back at home he talks even less and it becomes obvious that he's avoiding me so try to talk it out and he seems to understand and everything goes back to normal
>talk to fem chatter and find out they liked each other and that he pretty much dumped her for me and after that she got together with our other friend chatter
>later on she contacts me asking why streamer guy is acting weird around them in game so i ask him directly about it and he says it's cause it's annoying that they're lewd with each other in his server and that he's been stressed and tired lately and blah blah blah
>girl says ok but points out how it was weird thay he was saying "I'll fuck the shit out of you, anon" to her before in her dc server but i brush it off and think he changed cause he was in a relationship with me now
>at some point he brags about how many girls he'd fucked and how most of them were "ugly cows" and all of them were bitches to him and how blessed he was to have a "normal, skinny gf like u, anon"
>as days pass, he once again talks less and less and when he does it's always in short, cold responses which pisses me off and i complain about it only to be responded with 'i have to work and i'm stressed and i'm tired boo hoo' even though he always had time and energy to respond when we first started dating and he had just as much work; not to add that he was on vacation during my stay in his country, so we get into a fight and he starts disappearing for days at a time
>he also starts talking about suicide and how sad and pitiful he is and his personality is fucked up because of the women he dated
>after a while have enough of his bullshit and one sidedly trying to make the relationship work so break up with him
>dude instantly kicks me from his discord out of fear that i would shit talk him on there and whines about the break up on the internet for a while and we lose contact
>as time passes get intel from chatter friend on how streamer guy is leeching off of his viewers through donos and spends money on random shit and donations to other streamers even though he has a HUGE debt in his name to cover but doesn't
>also find out he has a new gf but soon she breaks up with him because he ghosted her like every other girl he's ever been with and he comes crawling back to me to bitch about her
>since then he stopped streaming, kept leeching off his friends, spent a lot of money to hook up with a girl only for the plans to fall apart because of her period, talked some misogynistic bullshit about the whole situation and eventually came out as gay/bi
>yet still comes back to talking to me and even offering to buy shit to get on my good side

There's way more dirt on this guy but i already exposed way too much of it so all i can say that i was truly dumb for getting into that kind of a relationship but in my defence i was too horny to think straight kek.

No. 310373

>send him photos of hands with spit on them to appear like it's cum cause don't actually want to touch self (good life hack btw kek
Are you a dude or do you seriously call your discharge "cum" And why?

No. 310378

Nah, what i meant is that i wouldn't touch myself at all and just pretend that i did with spit 'to prove that i did'

No. 310397

you sound like a moid

No. 310401

You're very stupid. Anon clearly said she spat on her hands to pretend like she just masturbated, you act like we all can't just read what she said
What country is he from anon? I'd bet 10 to 1 it was UK

No. 310406

Literally how

No. 310410

It was the summer before my freshman year of college, so I was 18. I worked at an office supply store with this 28yo guy. He was ugly as fuck but he took interest in me and I was really excited about the prospect of being with an older guy. A month after we started dating he joined the military and went to boot camp so we were long distance for a while. My parents fucking hated him and so did my friends, and he used this to isolate me from them. We weren't even dating for 2 months when he decided to use his military leave to invite himself along on a family vacation. Without asking me. My dad was rightfully furious and made him cancel the flight. He decided he hated my dad after that for "trying to keep us apart."

As a person he was a typical nerdy moid. He said stupid shit like "golly gosh darn" and was really into Warhammer and fantasy games/novels. He dressed like shit. He wrote terrible poetry and his dick was tiny. He did Peace Corps in Mongolia for about a year and thought that made him super cultured. The worst part of all of this was how insecure he was. Once when we were spending a weekend together, I told him that I went to the club and danced with my friends on college night. He had a full scale spergout because "some guy could have seen you." Another time I spent a few hours with a male classmate in the library because we were partners for an assignment. I told him about this and he cried nonstop over video call and I had to console him until 6am when he stopped threatening to kill himself.

The final straw was after he graduated from his secondary training school. His military branch and his vocation pretty much gave him the option to be stationed anywhere in the world. Obviously there were a few conditions, but generally he could go anywhere he wanted to. He just had to put in his top three choices. He came to me after he got his assignment and he was so excited to announce that he was going to be stationed… at the closest military base to where my college was. About 3 hours away by car. Not only that, he wanted me to transfer colleges so that I could be closer to his base. This was the last straw, and I ended it. I was fucking eighteen. Things had gotten way too real way too quickly.

After the breakup he sperged to me over text for a few hours until I blocked his number. A few hours later he sent me a fucking email with a 5 page google doc detailing his entire life from start to finish and ending with a description of a dream he had where (I shit you not) a three headed dragon was pissing and shitting everywhere and somehow that was a Jungian allegory to his "dying innocence." Then his mom got involved and sent me a bunch of Facebook messages calling me a hussy. I blocked everyone involved and went on with my life.

I lasted five months. Never again.

No. 310414

>What country is he from anon? I'd bet 10 to 1 it was UK
He's from Germany

No. 310431

KOREAN MEN it's always korean men. It lasted for a month in November
>be me
>move to Japan in April at 22 for school
>decide the men at my japanese university are losers
>download bumble and match with a korean man who's 28
>he takes me to an izakaya on our first date.
>we surprisingly have a lot in similar interests and intake on life.
>we talk regularly by LINE.
>mans does not have notifs on so he texts me at odd hours of the day. At first I let it slide.
>Already going through a lot so I look for him for support
>suddenly says that it's alright if i give him short "yes" "no" "ok" replies only
>Makes a music playlist for him and he doesn't listen to it after coaxing him.
>thinks it s odd but goes along with it.
>He lives in a nice part of tokyo and so we chill in his neighborhood. I know know where is house is.
>We continue to talk and I think its going great.
>Hang out again and the vibe is completely different istg man would not soeak unless spoken too.
>We were supposed to get lunch after his eye doctor exam at 3.
>Man would not reply to my messages trying to confirm our meeting spot.
>Waited 5 whole hours in Shinjuku. It's November so it's raining and I did not bring an umbrella.
>Gets an "Oh im sorry for a late reply TT" apparently he's at the doctors still. Righttt okay
>"Can we meet at 8 instead?
>Sir what- I have school tomorrow.
>Ofc I say yes so I leave my house at 7:30 and go to Ebisu.
>It's pouring and I cannot find his eye doctor's office.
>I end up camping out at a grocery store.
>He finally finishes and we get ramen. No apology or anything.
>We get drinks and we head back home.
>He tells me see you soon and then later texts me the same thing.
>No messages from him until I initiate conversation.
>Gets left on delivered for 10 hours so I know something is definitely wrong.
>Decide enough is enough and stops texting him. Sure enough no response so I just don't initiate text messages.
>I have to leave Japan for a little bit and i still feel crummy about leaving him on read
>goes on a few dates just because and realize that no one will ever be the same
>my dumbass texts him a whole sappy message before taking off.
>Got left on read when I got service back in America.
>Basically stress over him during christmas and who he's with.
>Get a message saying "Hey contact me when you get back!"
>Message him when I get back on New Years eve
>We get back in contact after that. We chat here and there but I think I was just trying to keep him close.
>gets left on rad after I give him Doja Cat recommendations and update him on my cat.
>I realize that its over and there's no point. He even muted my instagram story.
>A few weeks later I activate my bumble account because I'm bored and lonely and guess who i see.
>It's him on the prowl looking for girls. MEaning he never took me seriously
>I'm disgusted and I hope to never see him again.
>The thing is that he told me he hates when people ghost him. So it's okay to ghost me but not to ghost him.
>I still think of him occasionally and I compare the men I've met to him

Moral of the story no matter how old they are men are emotionally unavailable. I can't believe I cried over a man with a bowl cut. looking at his picture now he looks like every korean man in existence.

No. 310460

> Me, 19, pretty inexperienced in dating
> Meet guy at a party and hes into me
> Exchange numbers, go on a lil daytime date soon after, nothing fancy but buys me a pricey gift in a store nearby afterwards
> Second date goes well
> Third too
> Go to a party together
> I have a cold/flu soon after so he comes round, brings me food and cold meds and we hang out for the weekend. Looks after me. Doesn't seem worried about getting sick. Doesn't try to fuck. To me things seem promising
> Another dinner date out as soon as I'm well again
> He makes me feel like a catch. Young me is feeling pretty good. Dating is easy..
> He gives of slight autism vibes here and there but then so do I I guess
> Next meet at mine, we're getting closer

> The man doesn't eat pussy, has some sort of fluid phobia but hes down for a bj or sex if I want.. yeah no thanks

> He's been so into me that the whole not willing to eat it thing totally throws me
> Won't finger either. What the..
> Basically hes adverse to fluids on his fingers or mouth but not on his dick.. k?
> Plan our next meet as an outside thing because I don't want to awkwardly deal with the chance of him trying to initiate sex. We go to a fair and I want to tell him I'm probably done but I stall
> Decide after that date that I can't really go any further with us, its a dealbreaker for me. End it through text hoping thats not shitty of me
> He acts non phased by this, okay cool
> I start dating someone else soon after
> We're out at a bar and he's there, he comes up to us and hangs around like a bad smell. Was awkward as fuck. Saying hi is fine but he wasn't taking his que to leave
> See him at another party, again I'm with my bf and he hangs off of us all night like a third wheel. Weirds out bf
> We start to avoid certain parties because of him
> He gives off such a pathetic vibe that it makes you not want to tell him to just fuck off. My part in this is that I wasn't direct enough. I was too polite about it.
> On my birthday I get an email from him wishing a happy bday, I don't respond
> Almost a year passes without seeing him
> Spending new years at home with my bf, at the strike of midnight I get a text from him wishing me a happy new year
> Me and bf discuss whether he might have something set up to autosend that to everyone or what the deal is, weird but again, I don't respond
> Fast forward 9 years. I just got out of a (different) long term relationship. He emails me about how we should meet up. One fucking day after my break up.. hmm
> I don't really have social media, Idk if he's following me on my one (I thought pretty anon) account that I'd posted it to
> Its been 9 fucking years and you want to catch up the minute I'm single?
> I look him up on socials and he's fat and now totally bald. He doesn't suit being bald
> Part of me wants to know how much he's been following me over the years but I decide its better to just ignore
> I'm in the middle of my moving day when I get a follow up email about meeting up, suggests places we could go on a date
Tldr. Barely dated for a few weeks at 19. Didn't even get intimate coz he's afraid of pussy juice. He looks like an incel now and might even be one. Still thinks of me at 30. Idk if he always saw me as the one who got away or some shit like that. Won't eat pussy but will wait on the sidelines for nearly a decade to try and date again.

No. 310476

He always bragged about being an amazing sniper in cod while I know I suck at sniping, but I beat his ass and he hardly got any kills, he started screenwatching me, punching me in the arm, then ragequit the game

No. 310487

I can only wish the shittiest thing a man ever did to me was refusing to take me to a musical comedy about mormons in Uganda.

No. 310511

>insecure ugly nerd targeting young girl
>obsessed with warhammer
>wants commitment ASAP
>post-dump email sperg out complete with pseud psychology

lmao nona, love the jungian dragon. I'm >>298559 and your story has 100% convinced me that this has got to be a subgenre of men (insecure (warhammer/fantasy) nerd with military connections desperate to settle down).
>Then his mom got involved
Did he have a strange relationship with his mom? The crusty mormon guy's mom was obsessed with me, i think she was just happy he "had a girlfriend." He blamed her for his educational failures (he was a self described gifted kid burnout), and talked about her shortcomings as a mother and how it influenced him in this dumb philosophical hero's journey way.

I also got the pity emails. No dragons, but he swore within a year he would have a downpayment on a house, a credit card, and a car (to go with his non-existent license). The best part was when he explained that, even though I was "an objective 6/10," he was still willing to choose me to have kids with.

No. 310513

more stories

>he comes to visit me

>totally broke, has maybe a couple hundred to his name
>we go shopping, stop at a chain location of the company he works for
>looking around, I see a cool water bottle
>”haha yeah, go for it, remember I get an employee discount”
>ok cool, water bottle time
>cashier scans bottle, he enters in employee code, total is like ~$25
>wait he’s just standing there

>I pay for my own gift

>always complaining about lack of money

>ask him about cooking to save money
>noooo he can’t use the kitchen
>continues to have no money
>reveals he’s been eating like once a day because he spent all his money as usual
>again, I tell him he should probably just cook
>insists he can’t use the kitchen
>turns out he just didn’t want to wash dishes
>when he did cook he would only fix hamburger helper

>would complain about going to work

>semi-regularly would call out sick
>wasn’t sick, just stayed up gaming
>I remind him he has bills and probably shouldn’t skip work so much
>he responds by sperging about how he could make more off of unemployment than if he worked
>haha lmao, I agree, it would be nice not to work
>oh wait he’s dead serious
>had to crunch the numbers just to prove to him it was a terrible idea

One of my acquaintances who tried to save me from this guy was convinced he was trans, which I kinda see now. I haven’t looked back after initially blocking him so I don’t know anything about if he has trooned out, I did skim his stalker emails to make sure he wasn’t giving any indications of coming to kill me, but those emails also stopped years ago, so we’ll never know. Anyway troon warnings
>convinced some mentally disabled guy on some discord server to buy him shit
>it was a blahaj shark
>obsessed with gundam and anime
>ESPECIALLY anime girls with guns (idk seems tranny to me)
>long hair, underweight
>bounced between trying to prove masculinity and how intelligent and sensitive he was, just super unconfident
>sent messages to someone about wanting to stick a gun in my mouth, aka had vile fetishes
>literally had one irl friend, religiously used discord, stayed in his room all 24/7 when not working
>Claimed his irl friend’s little sister (13) seemed to have a crush on him
>started grooming me at 17
>basically fixation on young girls

This also has nothing to do with anything but he kept his mom’s graduation picture on his bedside table

No. 310731


>>310410 anon here.

the 1000 dollar gun layaway immediately after you told him he would barely be scraping by that month? fucking incredible. this is ABSOLUTELY a subgenre of men. so many of these ugly nerdy moids join the military or get into guns because they want to be epic fantasy war heroes or think that being physically fit will make them less insecure and appealing to women. lmao.

my ex was the oldest of three kids and his dad was largely absent for most of his life. i met both parents and they would talk shit about each other all the time. his mom was on disability so she just smoked and drank beer on her front porch all day. she had unmedicated mental illness and wasn't a great mother when my ex was growing up so i think she retaliated at me as a way to make herself feel better about being a shitty mom? i dunno. i've never had an ex's mom be so nasty to me before.

ex had a very similar complex about his neglectful mom and the hero's journey thing. fun fact: a year before we met he quit his job and went on a year-long bike trip to "find magic." in his post-dump email sperg he wrote about a time on his bike trip that he had to sleep in the woods by a river and he dreamt about having sex with the "naiad of the river" lmao

No. 310880

after reading this whole thread i'll just say i'm happy that my ex boyfriend wasn't the only one with a strange joker obsession

No. 311039

when i was 16 i realised i was bisexual and i told my bf at the time over text and he immediately broke up with me and stopping talking the whole day. i was absolutely crushed and super depressed until the next day where he begged me for my forgiveness because he thought being bisexual meant you wanted to be polygamous lmao

i continued being with him because i had no other friends but once i was 18 and started making friends at uni i broke up with him because i realised i was a lesbian kek

No. 311060

>loser chronic smoker alcoholic 40 year old
>obsessed with girls 18-25
>was a teacher on his way to getting a phd 10 years ago but hit a student and now has never held a job more than 6 months
>nor a gf more than 3 years
>pathological OCD, refuses therapy
>both shook/grabbed and threatened me
>would look at 18yo OF models on insta shaking ass next to me saying "it's their job, I can't help it just pops up"
>no relevant living family to speak of, about 3 friends
>once passed out from his heart giving out while I was riding him, blamed me
>ssri dick, ate pussy 3 times then got lazy and asked me to blow him all the time
>absolutely constant "you can't take a joke/you're so sensitive/you're overreacting/i didn't say that" after negging/saying awful hurtful shit
>looking well on his way to prostate cancer, doesn't care

I wanna alog him so bad.

No. 311108

I knew it! my ex's mother was nice to me (again, just super obsessed, plus I only ever talked to her on the phone), but she definitely fit into the same neglectful category (very alcoholic). It'd be fun to make some sort of 'what cruddy ex did you have' graphic
"year-long bike trip" 100% = guy well into adulthood subconsciously panicking about how shitty his life is/having a mental break, but not willing to face the reality of how much he's fucked himself over. THANK YOU for more of his insane emails/hero's journey stuff, funniest stuff I've read in a bit. Ironically enough my ex literally went on about doing the exact same thing during his implied first life crossroads. He would wander out by the ocean in the moonlight, and sleep on the beach. In reality though, I know for a fact he played minecraft 24/7 during that time period, and if any night time beach wandering/sleeping occurred, his gangly ass on the sand at night would have the neighborhood association issuing a warning.

No. 311111

Oh man I am over it all now but I should have posted all the drama my exes brought me, you all would have loved it.

Try dating people with different native languages it's even more dramatic, one guy had a decent grasp of my language at least I thought better than my grasp of his but I realized he doesn't actually understand everything because I would talk about serious things and he didn't understand so he nodded and smiled like he did. I started using a translator and he eyes were wide like I had been saying this all along.

No. 311250

>be 14, insecure virgin
>meet bf,17 seems nice at first idk
>hits on me while I‘m drunk, I become his girlfriend
>turns out he’s a major coombrain who brags about his body count, tries to do disgusting stuff without consent all the time and brags about it in front of his equally disgusting friends, persistently tries to convince me to sleep with him without condoms
>despite my naivety it dawns on me he might be a pos, but I was clueless and had no self esteem + he nitpicked my body and told me it looks weird
>wonder why there’s sudden radio silence when he was super clingy before
>turns out he secretly dates a girl who’s even a bit younger than me, feel disgusted and violated instead of jealous. I never thought about our age difference as weird as it was within legal terms where I live but this was a slowpoke reality check on that he’s a major creep
>confront him on what a piece of shit he is and that I never want to see him again, has the audacity to act out on me like “reeeee why are you so mean”
>life goes on, luckily forget about that creature
>see him at a random party again a decade later and he’s a wasted manchild who looks like he fried his brain with drugs and spreads std’s

No. 311618

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Oh man nonnies I've had a pretty active dating life since I was young and have been with some deranged people. I'm probably part of the probelm but no 1 currs.

Story 1
>be me, 12, still haven't accepted myself as a homosexual
>meet guy, 16
>he immediately begins flirting with me and I like the attention
>exchange numbers
>text all day, asks me out the next 2am in the morning
>my dumbass says yes
>he's all over me whenever we see eachother, extremely lovey dovey etc
>warns me early on that he has bpd or something
>I have no fucking idea what that is and just go with it
>fast forward 3 months
>wants me to call him daddy and ERP with him
>tells me he's going to kill himself over text, the moid has me trying to calm him down for hours before he ghosts
>texts me again the next day
>"omg I'm not dead haha"
>whatever I just pretend it's fine
>he's been cheating on me with another girl younger than him for over a month, is so retarded he gave her the same instagram I follow and she commented on his post
>gets moid rage when we both confront him and we give eachother the "wtf is wrong with him" look before we dump his ass
>stay friends with the girl until we eventually lost touch
>moid turned out to be a bifag and I saw him later with a dude

Story 2
>it's been 1 year, am 13
>meet girl my age, she's bi
>she's really cute and nice
>we have an extremely long just talking phase, about 6 months just hanging out and getting to know eachother
>she confesses and I return her feelings
>she immediately begins talking about marriage and being destined for eachother
>hmm kinda fast but ok
>we spend every waking hour together irl or online
>she's getting bullied by a moid and his lackeys during lunch
>I open his backpack and pour milk over all his shit, get sent to disciplinary
>surprisingly the moid stops
>ok all good
>fast forward a few more months
>gf wants to talk to me, suggests widening into a polyamorous relationship with the bully moid
>I tell her she's out of her fucking mind and we fight, she eventually says she'll drop it and stop talking to him
>ok good
>gf becomes increasingly more psycho the longer we date, is now unreasonably jealous when I even talk to my friends
>we start having long arguments more and more frequently, at some point it had become twice a week
>confused why she's suddenly so suspicious of me, I've gone around but have never cheated in any of my relationships
>she live texts me her cutting herself when we have arguments online, I beg her to stop
>cheats on me with 12 yr old genderspecial when we're both 14 and like the moid from before, is an absolute dumbass when it comes to covering her tracks
>I confront her, she starts screaming and crying and I just stare
>threatens to suicide and at this point I'm so tired I just want to take a nap, yeah whatever we can stay together just shut up
>summer break comes, I take a vacation out of country, we barely talk due to timezones
>feel how much more peaceful and carefree my life is without her, start feeling disgust and contempt whenever she texts me
>delete everything when I come back, block her from my number and move quietly into a highschool away from her
>she haunts me for the next two years with burner numbers, then emails, writing long manifestos about how she's done nothing wrong and how she hopes I suffer

No. 311619

Korean men are fucking demons lol. You'd think they're all polite and gentlemanly because they've been conditioned by the society over there into forming a facade, but the moment no girls are around you'd be shocked how much misogynistic shit flies out their mouth. Rape culture is alive and well there as much as the western countries and beaten wife syndrome is still common.

No. 311628

He sounds like a typical fuckboy but no offense nona, you probably came on too strong and wanted a romantic relationship and he was just looking for a casual hookup thing. Assume all men are gonna fuck around with you until proven otherwise and don’t get attached or have sex or make time for them until they start proving that they’re not going to hit and quit.

What does rape culture have to do with this situation you racist idiot lol, he didn’t try to rape her, he ghosted her because it wasn’t working. A Caucasian scrote is far more statistically likely to rape you than a Korean man, even when you’re in Japan or Korea, kek.

No. 311629

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No. 311649

what allowing more males into a country does to a nation. less men, more freedom. god hates chromies

No. 311667

I think I'd know better than you as a korean person with a korean family who has actually lived in the country nonny, but yes continue dickriding men who inherently believe women are property. I didn’t say he tried to rape her, I was adding context to my first sentence and you're just retarded lol. White scrotes rape more in the country because they're white scrotes, doesn't mean male seniors in uni don't commonly try to get women drunk and then make moves on them

No. 311712

this every time

No. 311713

All the misogynistic shit that goes on in South Korea disgusts me to no end. People defending the men there and wanting to get with them are beyond my understanding.

No. 311947

Not as bad as most of the stories and I didn't even consider him my bf (we only held hands and didn't even kiss) but I recently saw a guy I vaguely dated two years ago, Bach then I got cold feet because the prospect of being in a relationship gave me anxiety and I quietly ghosted him. When I met him again I realized he was not really interested in me as a person and
I think he was more infatuated with the prospect of a cool metalhead gf, he never asked me specific questions or barely listened to what I was saying, like I mentioned I went to a music festival and he didn't even ask what bands I saw or anything else, I don't think he even knows how old I am (whereas I know his age). I don't think he is pissed off at me for the two year ghosting, he was like that before too. I also realized I was never physically attracted to him, I was more excited by finally attracting somebody after lifelong celibacy, but I've since swallowed the pinkpill and plan on being volcel for life lol.

No. 312196

Do y’all ever creep on your ex’s social media and feel physically ill with shame that you dated them

No. 312213

sometimes I check their social media because weirdly enough, it triggers the need to poop. I also feel extreme relief that hes bald and ugly now. Can always count on it kek,sorry!

No. 316584

Just remembered the fucker proposed to me with a thirty dollar ring from the pawn shop lmfaooo

No. 321615

first bf story

>i'm 16 he is 18

>ive never had bf before, met this guy through friends, played fucking video games with him lol
>mainly talked online, eventually got the nerve to tell him how i felt (lol) and he agrees
>18 and no license, job, loser who didnt do shit but go on discord 24/7
>only friends were closeted nazi manlet and closeted tenderqueer manlet
>only hangout with bf a couple times irl because he was so shockingly ugly and dressed like a sixth grader
>6'4 with a huge nose and couldnt have weighed more than 130 pounds, looked a lot like adam lanza lol
>made weird allusions to being bisexual or gay
>have first kiss and it sucks shit
>dont want to do anything else bc i was disgusted with him
>admits to me he would jerk off while we were calling on fucking discord
>i made an excuse that i didnt want him to send nudes bc i wanted to see it irl first
>dumped him because i was finally fed up and disgusted by every little thing about him
>still in high school while he's graduated, he suddenly gets his drivers license and starts coming to pick up his next 16 year old girlfriend
>i panic at the sight of him and have to get a friend to walk with me out to parking lot
>posts picture of my house online, have to file police report (lol)
>find out years later he's still up to the same underage girl hijinks

Most insecure and anorexic man i've ever encountered

No. 321622

>i was in college when i met him
>he's really funny, we have the same cultural background
>but he was bipolar
>made suicide threats, then got mad at me when i reported it to the school
>called himself "a god" during one of his weird insecure rants
>he was jealous of my colored eyes (his were brown)
>he was jealous of how quickly my body changed from hitting the gym
>he was jealous of men i had fucked before him (despite him doing exactly the same thing with women)
>compared me to his ex, who had been a virgin
>he never held a relationship longer than a few months before the woman would break up with him
>i tried and failed to break up with him once. i knew i would never marry him (how could i?) but i just couldn't deal with the pain of loss
>he once wiped his disgusting ketchup-COVERED hands on me in public when i was wearing his sweatshirt, as a "joke". didn't get on me or my clothes but was pointlessly humiliating
>he was rude to his mom
>gave such genuine, heartfelt apologies but never followed through
>nearly killed his friends while drunk driving
>once watched porn and masturbated right next to me in bed because i was in too much pain to have sex.
>called me insanely cruel names post-breakup, still used me for sex while my self-esteem was at an all-time low.
>would lie and say we'd watch a show together after sex, knowing i was craving the affection.
>cheated on his new gf
>his frat votes him out of a position because he is so untrustworthy
>raped me post-breakup
>he apologized for it over text
>i see a counselor, report it to the school, using text as proof
>he gets suspended for a year
>i tell his new gf, she breaks up with him
>i find a nigel who is the kindest man ever
>he will never find a woman who will deal with his shit for long

eat shit, loser

No. 321684

If it's illegal in your country for him to date 18- girls, make an anonymous police tip, saying you suspect he might be having sexual relations or receiving sexual photos from underage girls.

No. 321690

Even if its legal for him to date sub 18 girls, soliciting nudes from them is illegal in every country I'm pretty sure of.

No. 321769

my stupid ex posted that he lost a ball of blow in his apt…like obviously someone fucking stole it. just more confirmation he's retarded. he's posting with guns and hello kitty now, too. dodged a literal bullet…

No. 321786

Yeah you're right so anon can report him for grooming and cp either ways.

No. 325082

>meet up for the third time with some loser after a year of cringe online friendship/relationship
>it's my birthday, we're planning to have sex
>standard first time cringe (he couldn't find my vagina), the sex is actually fine
>after we're done he looks me in the eye with the most retarded smile
>"i thought i'd be tighter"

And that's how I lost my virgnity kek. I was 17 and dumb so I haven't dumped him immediately after that.

No. 325179

There's so much trauma my ex put me through. He was such a loser and I acted like such a pathetic pick me for someone I was honestly disgusted by half the time I dated him.

>had horrible hygiene. Claimed he had PTSD so he couldn't shower because running water traumatized him. The cause for PTSD? His ex ghosting him.

>also claimed he didn't need to have as good hygiene because he was Asian and Asians apparently don't have BO.
>never brushed teeth. Didn't see dentist the whole time he was in my country for college (on student visa)
>had graduated college, had no job, and his parents paid for his rent.
>had horrible backne but made negging remarks on my hormonal acne frequently
>constantly gives me UTIs when we have sex (i haven't had a single one with my current bf)
>complete coomer with porn addiction, jacked off to hentai while in bed with me.
>lived in filth, refused to clean or do dishes.
>obsessed with ex girlfriend who hw dated for 3 months, obviously not over her. She ghosted him and wanted nothing to do with him. We were also friends and this ended up ruining our friendship.
>he is obviously obsessed with her, describes his dreams to me where he's kissing her and stuff. Constantly tries to message her for "closure"
>didn't tell me about visa problems until he had overstayed and was fucked.
>we ended up getting engaged.
>day after we got engaged i found tons of creepy pics on his computer, weird fetish porn, saved selfies of mutual female friends, his ex's nudes, nude edits of popular cosplayers, pics of pregnant women, thirst trap pics of cosplayers we knew, just pornsick shit
>i lose my goddamn mind and nearly end the engagement, but stay with him out of embarassment over what people would think.
>he moves back to his home country so we are long distance, and covid lockdown happens a few months later.
>this probably helps the relationship last since i don't have to see him as often.
>marriage plans go on the backburner and aren't discussed much due to covid.
>only see him twice over 2ish years of lockdown, starting to see how we aren't compatible.
>he has no interests other than anime, gaming and streaming
>becomes obsessed with becoming a VTuber, has no ambitions beyond this
>we break up when one of his friends lets it leak he has a secret NSFW twitter he swore to me he deleted years ago

There was a lot more but I honestly feel pathetic I dated this guy for so long and was ready to marry him.

No. 325218

how to get over the disgust of thinking of your loser ex?
i just cant forgive myself for being such a low self-esteem idiot

No. 325221

File: 1683130866258.png (126.29 KB, 638x626, Screenshot_5682.png)

>the lanklet dude who played xbox all day and couldn't hold down a job and forgot your birthday
Fuck, mine exactly. I actually hope he dies.

No. 326134

not sure how to get over it but I think the disgust is a good thing nona. any time i think of my ex i feel gross that i let him anywhere near me, let alone having a sexual and emotional relationship. and letting such a loser moron screw me up so bad.
but that feeling of disgust is a sign that we're somewhat cured from whatever low self esteem disease we had before. we know we're better than that now. and that's why we feel disgusted by them. try to think of it as confidence and affirming your self worth, instead of beating yourself up for past mistakes. hopefully it means you have much higher standards now too.

No. 328455

>Skinnyfat Slav
>Never kept a job, refuses to work because he's lazy
>24, lives with his conspiracy theorist mother who spend all their gubment money on wigs and their 14 year old cat with mouth cancer who vomits blood all around thier house that he refuses to clean up after because he's scared his house is the reason for his boils growing
>Average moid music taste
>Paranoid about my ex he used to be friends with
>Dropped out of college and lied to me about it when we first started talking
> "Ass man" terrified of vaginas because of pregnancy but still refuses to wear a condom
>Told me he had to buy his ex girlfriend plan B about 5 times
>The one time I told him to wear a condom was during anal. He opened the wrapper and prepped my ass. Had no idea he didnt put it on until after he nutted. I ended up freaking out and he apologizes profusely but then denied it even happened months later
>Has a scat fetish. Told me he realized it when he watched two girls one cup for the first time. He has scat hentai manga in his "secret drawer" along with his prostate vibrator
>Has only two pairs of pants. Both have bleach stains all over them
>Starts new projects and then abandons them because he has retarded anxiety attacks over stupid shit
>got off his medication because his mother told him it was causing his boils to grow
>worst hygiene, doesnt own deodorant. Chipped his tooth but is too lazy to go to the doctor. Barely brushes his teeth
>Cuts holes in his underwear??? Because he needs a hole to get his dick out
>Doesnt clean his foreskin
>Opened up to him about my molestation and he's supportive. One time i showed him a picture of myself as a toddler and he says he "would've molested me too"
>asked for a pamphlet for my case workers facility,  give it to him and he doesnt even contact her
>"Ironic misogynist"
>Told me he is unable to love people and wants to fuck around til he's old
>Told me he has a pattern with manipulating women
>Would constantly make plans with me and then flake last minute
>diet consists of soda, fast food burgers, poutine and food his mother would get from the food bank
>would spend his gubment money on weed and fast food. too paranoid to clean his kitchen
>called me hysterical a few times when i would call him out for being a piece of shit
>Made a "joke" about him fucking my best friend while my best friends boyfriend fucks me and then we swap
>constantly asks if my best friend has had sex yet despite her being a virgin
>Initiated no contact for a day just to fuck another girl and then didnt understand why i was upset
>told me he was ready to leave and fuck other girls one night where i was upset about something else
>told me he would jizz on my faded self harm scars
>Biggest ick was when he was drunk, walked over to my brother and his best friend, the best friend is showing my brother pictures of his new girlfriend, moid goes over and tries to grab the phone to look, best friend says "yo what are you doing guy" and then moid walks away looking ashamed
>would always make jokes around my family that never landed and always caused silence
>does an awful Cleveland Brown immitation that i hated
>Had this disgusting grown out mop that was blonde at the end and the rest was brown. Kept it for an entire year until he shaved his entire head in my basement
>Started losing hair, blamed it on me
>Nobody in my life liked him, just tolerated his presence because i was a retard who was inlove with him
>Made me wait outside his house for 30 minutes one night because he was in a Dota 2 game with his gay friends
>Told me all my needs were "too much" but expected me to meet all of his
>Told me he has "Yellow fever" and then backtraced it months later and said he never said it and he loves my "Giant Italian Dumper"
>Showed me pictures of women he hooked up with one night when he was hammered to "make me feel better about my apperance" and just insulted them for 20 minutes
>Told me the only women he respects is me and his other ex
>would "playfight" with me when we would go out. Would never stop when i would ask him to

No longer in contact with him cuz he drove me insane. Im excited for my future without him

No. 328466

Not an ex-boyfriend but a girlfriend, so I hope that's okay.

My ex was a selfish bitch who blamed all her actions on her self-diagnosed BPD (which she had only known about when she started using TikTok) I have known her since I was a teenager and we dated for a decade. She was extremely jealous and psycho. Her personality was based on who she was dating or the videos she saw on TikTok/her friends. She skin walked me, changing her personality, the way she spoke and looked exactly like me and even dyed and styled her hair exactly like mine. When confronted about this by her friend, she got angry and said it's normal for couples to mirror each other. She was constantly an asshole to her family and acted cold to her mother when her mother went through a big loss and became an alcoholic because of it and she wondered why her mother hated her. She's jealous of her siblings and friends. She once got angry at her friend for visiting her parents and not inviting her, as if her friends' parents were hers.
She was insecure about her weight and made it everyone's problem, but also wouldn't work towards fixing it. Then said she had an eating disorder to cope with it.She would always get mad at me for wearing tank tops and crop tops, but flaunted her cameltoe and ripped jeans (inner thigh) because her pants were two sizes too small and she constantly made me feel bad about being skinny. She once told me she was afraid of telling her family we were dating because it would ruin her life if they knew she was gay. She later told them about us but she would constantly try to turn me into a fake boy and hated that I was more girly and smaller than her (in height and weight).She tried acting woke and pretended like she was apart of the LGBTQ and supported black lives matter (added this in her bio) but used slurs with her hillbilly ass parents and was ignorant towards my race. Was extremely jealous, would threaten to break up with me if I made friends, but she could party and hangout with whoever she wanted. When I told her about being molested as a child and as a teenager, she blamed me for it. When I told her how scared I was that an older man was stalking me, sending me creepy messages and parking in front of my house at night, she blamed me for it. When I told her a group of guys spread rumors about me, bullied me and stalked me because I turned one of their friends down, she blamed me.
After that big rumor, I was alone and had no friends because they had messaged everyone I knew telling them lies about me. She broke up with me, then returned and would constantly use what happened to me against me. I have tried ending my life many times and she mocked me for it. She made me depend on her, she sheltered me away from speaking to anyone for five years. I had no social skills, no social media and my anxiety got worse. When I tried to hangout with my family, she threatened to break up with me and used the fact that I had no friends or family to make me do what she wanted, accusing me constantly of cheating, but she was the one who cheated on me in the end and guilt triped me into thinking I was everything she was. Apart of me misses her because she was the only person I had and my only friend, but I know she's an awful person and I'll admit that you can call me crazy but I wanted karma to happen to her so bad that I did voodoo towards her only writing that what she puts out in the world she will get back and karma will come for her, I found out that the week that I did that she couldn't pay for her rent and that she was in a big car crash that same week. Its been a couple of years from what happened and I've been working on myself, I'm happily dating someome who understands and respects me.

No. 328482

>said he would dump me if I ever got a tattoo
>we break up
>he immediately gets an ugly tattoo


No. 329475

>Online neckbeards you met in chatrooms at 15
Mfw this is literally what happened and I got groomed. It went on for 2 years and police did nothing even after i sent proof. 2 years of abuse at the hands of a creep who shits himself in his sleep

No. 329509

Can't be bothered to tell whole stories here but how about some quotes and tidbits; also no idea if I already posted in here before

I don't even know where to start with this one

Euro Korean guy
"I'm part filipino that's why my dick is so big"
• showed me texts of "girls" saying it was big and the best they ever had (it wasn't)
• had a ridiculously funny laugh, if I heard it in the distance I would laugh
• had nice hair but kept putting gel or wax to make this stupid hairstyle
• insecure and dumb af
• despite not talking for years and no indication he even truly liked me as a person he's still petty about me leaving him

Somehow I found this endearing despite how immature and ridiculous he was, I blame the boredom of the pandemic years, if not for that I would have been long gone(learn2integrate)

No. 331191

im just baffled by the fact that i willingly dated a porn addict , vtuber fan , who wasnt over his ex from 10 years earlier (and had her nudes still , SHE WAS 15 IN THEM) , nearing 30 (i was 18) , with the emotional intelligence and empathy of a goldfish who made me insicure about my body and literally compared me to some other ex of his and would trigger my paranoia on purpose knowing i have diagnosed bpd ("to check if i stil like him" apparently) yet got pissy when I didnt want to do lewd shit for him and had little to no respect left. what kind of intense wretched self hatred took over me to let myself get treated like this for over a year

No. 331208

he probably thought tattoos are unattractive on women exclusively, like "manly" or something.

No. 331290

Like everything else in life, there’s a balance in those types of relationships. The guy in question, though an absolute loser, is incredibly physically attractive and leaves doubt in one’s mind if they could ever do better. Most men are absolutely hideous, it’s so rare to find one that’s physically attractive and even more rare to have them actually settle with you (despite being losers/cheaters/abusive).

No. 331369

>date middle eastern guy
>"yeah i only date to marry"
>im his third gf
>makes me change in the bathroom instead of in the womens lockerroom because that is seen as absurdly immoral in his culture and my country is the only one in the entire world where this is considered the norm apparently.
>i miss out on education cus i had to avoid all contact w male classmates (he said me smiling a bit when a male classmate made a joke to a big group of people was inappropriate behaviour).
>he considered lipstick to be slutty
>tells me to not wear my completely normal pajama pants around my parents becuase they are "too sexy".
>we had sex on first date, he later accused me of raping him because he "doesnt do that" ?
>doesnt believe men and women can be friends, has several close female friends.

even talked to other friends from his exact same culture and they also reacted by just going wtf.
i am already more modest than my own culture, but man am i never gonna date someone from that culture ever again yikes.

No. 331380

Forgive me for asking, but why did you put up with that humiliating shit?

No. 331391

Are you really surprised?

No. 331400

Why do some girls fuck shitty abusive men from third world countries on the first date/without any commitment? I've lately seen a phenomenon like this and I don't understand why. He just used you like he used his exes, he probably doesn't consider those "dating" and he'll get an arranged marriage to a poor virgin girl after he has his fun.

No. 331406

Why do some women date abusive men from third world countries, full stop? When I see those girls complaining the relationship didn't succeed, I wonder: why would you want it to succeed, sweetheart? What do you think would happen? He would turn into a TV soap prince Charming? Or would you be stuck with a horror of a husband, no way out financially, wrapped in a fucking hijab? Which one is it, hmmmmm…..

No. 331423

Because im mentally ill and have alot of issues and all i want is to be loved.
Its pathetic ik.
I feel like im doomed to be forever alone because every guy i date turns out to be some abusive monster.
Im not perfect but damn.
The most recent guy i talked to is current sucide baiting and trying to make me think he comitted suicide because i rejected him.

Is there a cure for awful taste in men?

No. 331427

Unironically therapy.

No. 331430

Yeah listen to the other anon and get therapy. I used to be like you and I think we date shitty men because we think we don't deserve a partner that's going to value and love us. It all stems from low self worth. Don't sleep with men or do stuff they say easily btw, that'll lower your self worth and you can very easily get abused/hurt if you're alone with a guy in a room after the first date.

No. 331431


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No. 331433

you have to be exposed to a decent relationship so you know what to look for. there should be some kind of lolcow MKULTRA-style romance recommendation list that shows men being decent human beings (even if fictional) so nonas have some sort of model to go off. you are attracted to what is familiar which unfortunately is bad men.
the absolute rage I felt upon seeing decent male behavior for the first time as a young woman… lmao I could have killed several people with the sheer force of my anger that I was led to believe the shitty men I knew up to that point were the norm!

No. 331442

Ive been in therapy for three years. I have some diagnosis and worked through some trauma but sadly it doesnt seem like my personal issues get any better…
I told her about my dream to settle down and get married and start having kids soon. I hope we can work on that.

Thanks for all encouraging messages. I appreciate it alot.

No. 333927

>be with bf for 3 years
>feel like he doesn't give me enough emotional support, he brushes it off by saying I don't have any real problems and I'm just whining
>think "eh maybe he's right"
>one day, a close friend dies
>I'm devastated, crying
>I go to him for comfort (we live together), cuddle into his arms and start talking about it
>his reaction is
>1 : he starts cracking jokes, then says he was doing so to catch my focus because he was jealous of the attention I was giving my DEAD FRIEND
>2 : tells me not to cuddle me if I'm not going to have sex because it makes him horny
>3 : blames me for crying, saying I'm doing this to make him feel bad

I don't know. I'm still infuriated. It hurts me so bad someone can be this narcissistic. Please tell me there are good guys out there.

No. 333933

Wow what a shithead. I hope he gets a paper cut on his penis.

No. 333939

Things I did for him:
>He opened up to me about his older brother sexually assaulting him through most of his childhood, and his parents never did much of anything to stop it other than forcing them all into family therapy. During the beginning of our relationship he still lived at home with his brother because he had no where else to go
>Got him into his own therapy, that was just him so he could feel comfortable opening up completely
>Got him all new locks for his door, and a door wedge. Redid his entire room for him entirely. I wanted him to at least have a room in the house that he felt safe and comfortable in, even though the abuse had stopped. Because he still had to look at his abuser every day in his house
>Never had a job at this point, started helping him job search. Found him a job he was actually interested in
>Got him a brand new outfit for his first interview, and some nice cologne to wear. I wanted him to feel good about himself for his first interview ever. He got the job
>Helped him make a plan to start saving money so he could get out of his house away from his brother
>When he started having kidney stones all the time, I created an entire meal plan for him that would be good for his kidneys. Regularly bought him groceries and cooked for him, because food was something he struggled with. His food at his house was often expired, dirty, had bugs in it, etc
>Got him a mini fridge so he could keep all of his own food separate and clean in his room
>His anxiety would cause him to bite his nails until they bled. Started giving him manicures every weekend to keep his nails well groomed, this helped him to stop biting them for the first time in his life
>Helped his mother get the help she needed when she got onto drugs, went to his house every single day to give him my support while his mother was struggling. Took care of a lot of his household tasks because his dad was out working and his brother was useless, so the responsibility fell on him and I wanted to alleviate that
>Did just about anything he wanted sexually because I wanted to make him happy. Let him experiment with all of his fucked up fetishes at least once, regardless of whether I liked it or not
>Helped him find a new place to live that he could afford with his salary from the job I helped him get

This is just a handful of things I did for him over the course of the 5 years of our relationship. What he provided me in return was:
>Developing a porn addiction that led to him watching loli porn eventually
>Moved out of his apartment to move in with his former childhood crush he was obsessed with before he met me, and her fiance (This is still weird idc)
>Lost his job, moved back home
>Started smoking weed all the time
>Joined a Discord group of trannies, started questioning his gender identity
>Got angry with me when I was hurt by this, because that's not the type of future I pictured with him
>Lied for his best friend when his best friend cheated on his girlfriend. Continued to see this best friend often when that friend asked my bf for a threesome. Constantly lied to me about seeing this best friend behind my back even though it made me uncomfortable
>Cheated on me with one of his female friends
>Cheated on me with a Discord tranny
>Cheated on me with a irl tranny
>Faked a suicide attempt when I left him (my dad committed suicide so this was traumatizing to me)
>Endless promises to change while he stayed living at his house, not looking for a job, got high all day, didn't address his porn issues, started hiding even the most mundane stuff from me all the time, called me crazy and controlling for ever questioning him, never actually fixed a single thing

I don't know why I got upset about all of this again today, maybe because his birthday is soon and it made me think about him. Now I'm engaged to someone else and afaik he's e-dating a 19 year old when he turns 25 soon. It's been 2+ years since we've even spoken but the trauma that relationship caused me will probably stick around for awhile

No. 333942

you should never go the 'i can fix him' route for a man, i don't think they're capable of enough depth to appreciate it. i'm really sorry anon, what a mess. i hope he becomes but a distasteful blur in your mind soon.

No. 333955

yeah.. it is what it is
can we have a happy ending? how's your new fiance?

No. 333963

Oh boy, where do I begin. Sorry you fell for the mommy bangmaid meme, anon. Hope you're doing better now.

No. 335566

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my ex is starting to act borderline delusional, i was told by a friend that he's hallucinating about seeing me in his city. he's dumped me thinking I'd be the crazy ex but he's the crazy ex ffs. to me if you dump someone, and it's not because they cheated and abused you, you take responsability not to be a little bitch about it. another friend of mine also told me that i probs missed the cue : when he "dumped" me, he probably meant to just threaten me with it, but i just decided leaving even after he said , although he initiated the break up "do you want to try it again". he did some creepy stuff like sending stuff to my adress and sending me mails, begging for my attention in my friend's dms and acting like a 14 yo while he's almost 33. I can't believe a grown ass man 13 years my senior is doing that, im just lowkey afraid he could try leaking private convos we had and other stuff - however i think I'd just remind him that he dated a barely legal teenager because she was "pushing it anyway". i know i should've not done this and I'm stupid, however I'm tired of dealing with this bs when I'm trying to move on

No. 335568

I had a nightmare where I was dating my ex again and caught him receiving nudes from a fat chick (very close to something that occurred irl except it was just DMs and I didn’t see any actual pics, even same name as the girl in my dream but she looked different). It was so realistic and when I woke up I was like wow I should’ve killed him when we were together. Btw the irl girl was also his friend’s baby mama who was a literal prostitute meth-head and doesn’t have custody of her child. He openly had a weird fetish for nasty/trashy things because he felt like it gave him some kind of cred as a “skater rat” or something. One of my lowest moments, he was drunk and was suggesting we try to have a threesome with his brother in law’s alcoholic mentally ill mom who was like 60. I threatened to tell his sister and he dropped it but idk why I didn’t dump him..it was so fucking disgusting and I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he actually cheated on me with that old lady. He also was talking to a girl who looked like a greasy wet rat on Snapchat and making plans to have sex when I finally dumped him. Like 2 years after we broke up he randomly followed me on ig and was checking my stories daily. Probably didn’t even realize I could see that he did that kek (not very tech savvy). After like a year of this he unfollowed me, and I imagine it’s because he realized how pathetic he is and that I’m never going to give him an ounce of attention again. It’s been 4.5 years since I dumped him and he has been single and probably only hooking up with crack whores the whole time. (I’m in a much better relationship of 4 years so far)

No. 335570

Samefag sorry while I’m on the subject I just want to trauma dump about this faggot a lil more. Sorry if this is tmi and I hope I’m not judged too harshly for this. He had a friend that I was always attracted to but we never even flirted, just polite. One night my ex came back from the bar with him and basically insisted that I have sex with his friend. Long story short I was reluctant but I dead talked into it and it was fine. However my ex apparently had a change of heart and after his friend left he raped me and abused me for a few days until I finally yelled at him because it was his fucking stupid idea. After like 6 months he tried the same thing with ANOTHER friend after coming home drunk. I played dead/asleep and they left me. The next day I yelled at him and he acted like he was just kidding the whole time. But then was weirdly pleased with me as if I passed a test? I want him to die so badly. Why did I take so long to break up with this horrible person? I want to cry every time I think about it and like I said it’s been almost 5 years. Blah

No. 335574

I'll take the redtext, I'm an oldfag who remembers 9/11 and the backlash and racism muslim people experienced. At the time in the early 2000s, Americans were kind of scared of muslims and I feel like stuff like this is a reactionary move of wanting to seem SO NOT RACIST to the point that they lean completely the other way and hook up with middle eastern men to say "See, I care!" and then everyone has surprised pikachu face when it turns out that wow, his culture doesn't really jive with us being women with our own thoughts and feelings

No. 335976

File: 1686954477505.jpg (60.17 KB, 750x831, 20230615_144149.jpg)

I'm sorry for what happened nonna but when i saw this tweet i thought about you

No. 340562

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Not so much a loser but an ex FWB who I met on tinder
>super cute in his pics, 6’, white dude, wearing a beanie in pics
>dresses like picrel
>I like to make music has sunflower emoji and peace sign emojis thrown in, he’s in college, he’s 19 which is younger than me by a hit but oh well an older woman needs some good virile firm young dick every now and then
>we get to talking
>ur so cute, omg ur so cute too I love your style
>arrange for plans to meet
>we meet up at a restaurant and
>he looks like 5’7” not 6’
>has dreads not his little basic grown out crew cut in pics
>oh well free food
>he’s cute when he has his beanie on
>I’m not even paying much attention to him mostly just focusing on myself
>we go to his place
>on the way there he asks if I wanna listen to his music
>I regrettably say yes and listen to a WHOLE album
>it’s awful but I want some good young dick so I say it sounds good
>the whole night he was trying to kiss me and we were watching a movie I could feel him looking at me so I darent turn and be bombarded with the face before a kiss
>this is so boring
>we talk for a little bit and he finally kisses me
>this guy has an amazing body like he’s lean and slightly muscular so I come onto him
>but his lips are so fucking crusty he’s a stoner and they’re cracked
>but THAT DICK THO, I felt it through his pants and it’s huge
>so we have some good safe sex on his couch I try not to kiss him during it, I look up and close my eyes when I see him tryna come in for a kiss
>I stay the night and his bed doesn’t even have a sheet it’s just got that plastic cover and I have the worst stickiest sleep of my life
>he apologizes for his empty soulless apartment as he just moved in
>we say we should meet again
>second time we meet
>we go out to eat and then go to his place
>whatevs I fuck him on it
>we plan to go on a hiking date in the morning
>I think this guy likes me a lot, but it’s nice
>he goes to the Walgreens to grab a few things and comes back with flowers
>in the morning I wake up and shower
>ask him if he has any lotion I can borrow
>NO this dry ass mf just showers at night and crawls into his sticky ass bed for moisture probably idk ew
>I just am so dry I use my face lotion in my makeup bag to lotion myself up, RIP that little tube
>he’s like “hey baby what do you want for breakfast” I’m thinking he wants to go somewhere to eat but no he offers me a waffle with no syrup or like a granola bar I go with the waffle
>no butter or peanut butter either
>eating this dry waffle to fuel up for the hike
>at the hike this was a bad idea cause we go in a cave and my wavy hair turns frizzy in the humidity, it gets poofy and my confidence drops so I tie it in a claw
>he takes pictures of me
>I go along with it I think it’s sweet
>but then I remember my minimal makeup has probably smudged and my hair is up I probably look as sticky as I feel
>we go out to eat after the hike
>shows me that he set me as his background
>aww I say but really I’m like what lmaoo no way this young man is serious about this
>we eat at some Olive Garden knockoff and he orders a kids chicken tender meal
>we barely talk I think we don’t even have good chemistry tbh
>next time we link, I stay the night at his place, we have sex, the next day we go out to eat and just run around at the mall and take his car to get an oil changed or some shit
>I am actually having fun I think he’s a cute dork
>he wants me to meet his friend
>when I go to his friend he says something about me and him moving in together
>im an autist so maybe this man was joking but that freaks me out a bit ngl
We drink a little bit and just have a good time and they make spaghetti
>we spend the evening at his friends til we sober up and then go back to his place
>about to have sex again
>”I love you”
>mind you we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, tf is this guys deal?
>I like can’t even retort an I love you too I’m just like aww wow
>after sex he wants to show me something on the computer
>it’s a documentary about his own life he’s making and he asks me if I wanna be in it.
>I tell him I’m flattered but I am a private person and I don’t wanna be in it
>I stay over again and almost immediately after we wake up he drops me off
>we text but we don’t see eachother for like 2-3 weeks
>he posted a TikTok with a pic of me in it and surprised me with that
>aww I say but really it’s the hiking picture and I look like garbage in it and also it’s TIKTOK
>we still talk for like 2 months we keep making plans to meet but they keep falling through cause of work
>we just stopped talking at some point like no direct hey we should part ways after like a while of nothing from one another I unfollowed him on Instagram and he took the hint

No. 340563

This is the epitome of modern dating

No. 340566

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>his bed doesn’t even have a sheet it’s just got that plastic cover

No. 340568

>it’s a documentary about his own life he’s making
hard cringe. also what kind of music did he make?

No. 340569

I'm betting soundcloud rap, lofi, or picking a guitar like an idiot

No. 340586

Scrotes are crazy because if you show your personality in any form they’ll nitpick you to death but if you clam up and just go along with whatever lame ass date they want they tell you they love you after meeting twice. I’ve never had moids more obsessed with me than when I barely said anything despite dating for months.

No. 340596

It was emo rap like Juice WRLD or Lil Peep or XXX and it is so terrible it sounds fucking awful id post it for lulz but he’s a tard who posts his location, one of his songs had that pornhub drum thing at the beginning I was like “ohh haha that’s something..”
He also has a “fan page” (totally ran by a fan and not him) And he apparently records all his songs while he was high on acid

No. 340619

nona thank you so much for sharing all this is has seriously brightened my day.

No. 341956

>be me, 17, college freshman because i was a hardworking nerd who graduated hs early
>hang out with gamer losers on campus because i too was a loser who didn't fit in with anyone else
>it's valentine's day
>get approached by a lanky college senior who was like 23 at the time. claims to like the same game as me. offers to take me out to lunch and mentor me at the game we both play
>i'm an inexperienced idiot, flattered that i finally received male attention for the first time in my life. i accept.
>week 1 he showers me with attention all the time. compliments me on my skill at game, my eyes, my hair
>week 2 he starts bringing another girl to our 1 on 1 lunch hangouts. other girls flirt with him in my face. he compliments them loudly while others are in earshot i feel gross and uncomfortable about it but still stick around because i'm a teenager with no self esteem
>he offers to hang out with me 1 on 1 afterwards. i accept.
>i drop my xbox controller and bend down to pick it up. he brushes himself against my behind. fucking gross but i apologize to him thinking it was my fault
>end of week 2 of the lovebombing, triangulating, grooming, he corners me in that same location and forces his tongue into my mouth. felt so disgusted i washed my mouth out when i left for class
>felt so disgusted and violated i skipped class. failed a couple exams that week, but i bounced back.
>confront him for being a creep
>he tells me he actually thinks i'm the most hideous thing he has ever seen. that his compliments were pity flirting, that i'm crazy controlling and just want marriage. that i'm "madly in love with him"
>the girls who openly flirted with him in my face, who he compared me to constantly, stalk me for weeks and take creepshots of me while i walk to class.
>he tells others i'm obsessed with him, when i only wanted him to leave me alone
>people in loser game group side with him and bully me. i still don't have any "irl friends" to this day
it happened 10 years ago and while i don't think about it much anymore, when i do i still feel anger. i hope he loses his disease ridden dick. i hope the girls he simps for fleece him and cheat on him, and leave him raising someone else's offspring. i hope he never procreates, or if he does that his sons get treated this way by a man.

No. 341958

SA those girls were pickme ass bitches but i hold no ill will towards them, maybe because in my mind even mean girl pickmes warrant some empathy. but the man who sought me out as a minor? subhuman pedophile scum. i didn't report him. i stayed quiet because my own mother told me i'd be labeled problematic by university administration. she said it as if it were my fault but she is right; sexual abusers never get punished in the shitty system as it exists today. i wish rapes and sexual abuse were actually convicted. i'll take my red text idc: sexual abusers need to be castrated with no anesthesia, so they can feel an ounce of the suffering they inflict on many women and children.

No. 389291

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>18/19 year old guy who looks like if macaulay culkin, reviewbrah, and the shears twins combined was a pale awkward 5'9 stickman
>didn't finish highschool due to mental health
>didn't get a GED
>tried taking college classes for program that gives credits towards hs diploma, dropped out after one quarter
>upper middle class upbringing, oldest of two sons to former military parents who later worked very respectable and technical jobs with good connections
>parents have huge fucking expensive house in community filled with other upper middle class and rich people
>parents seemed really intelligent and laid-back when I met them but he didn't like them because he thought they were too harsh on him (they would get upset at him for being a jobless loser)
>NEET who never had a job besides working for his uncle's construction company for a while, only did it because his dad didn't want to give him more money
>didn't drive despite living in the middle of nowhere with shit bus service, only learned to park
>would often resort to his parents driving us around so I wouldn't have to go home alone in the dark at midnight
>claimed to have run out of money for transportation to see me but bought $40+ games on launch day
>got genuinely offended when I pointed this out
>wore old hoodies, highschool band t-shirts, jeans with poorly patched holes, and ugly ratty sneakers when we went out
>I had to go out of my way to tell him to try to dress better
>but he still wore the ugly ratty shoes
>one time his clothes smelled weird, he told me he didn't know what fabric softener was for
>sometimes had really dry skin and dandruff, I had to tell him he should actually try to moisturize/exfoliate
>sometimes had dirt under his nails
>accidentally made a hole in his drywall during an argument with his dad and displayed it as a "reminder"
>had old pieces of chewed up gum stuck to his bedframe
>often wouldn't text me back despite doing almost nothing every day besides play RTS games on his PC, unintentionally ignored me for hours
>would constantly lose track of time, waking up late and showing up later than I did
>he forgot my last name 2 or 3 months into the relationship
>blamed everything on his ADHD, would regularly stop and start taking stimulant medication partially due to being too lazy to get his prescription refilled
>would often watch youtube shorts and play shitty mobile games on his phone instead of actually interacting with me
>almost exclusively watched adult swim and edgy youtube animations (although his taste in movies was actually decent besides capeshit)
>before we started dating he used to overshare on an embarrassingly angsty instagram account that would have made me reject him if I had seen it before we started talking ft. painfully bad pencil drawings of cartoon characters and an open letter to his ex gf
>posted on ig that I might be his soulmate after less than a week
>told me he loved me within the first month
>weird edgelord tendencies
>said his ideal way to die was bleeding out on a battlefield during a war
>regularly sperged about Russia/Ukraine war despite having zero connections to both
>regularly told me about how he generally disliked other men and couldn't relate to them
>once told me he wished he had a female body sometimes (I then tried to respectfully shut down this line of thinking because it's cringe)
>said he questioned whether he was pansexual before but decided he wasn't
>claimed to be lonely with no friends despite hosting D&D weekly
>look at his steam activity and he spends half of the hours in a week playing vidya
>terrible taste in music, like shitty 2017 youtube core songs or an edgy middle school nerd boy who also only just discovered the occasional popular classic rock and metal track
>had sex handful of times even though it was awful because clueless virgin and thought I could just learn how to enjoy it even though I didn't feel turned on whatsoever
>sex with him made me feel practically asexual and I would think about how much I wanted to dump him while Iet him do it
>once let him do it while vivziepop animations were playing on the screen of his families home theater room (I particularly want to kill myself for this one)
>I did not finish once, would jerk him off just to get it over with
>dick was average with odd smell and his cum was extremely watery for some reason
>would ask me if I was actually attracted to him
>would ask me if I thought he would be more attractive if he wasn't a twig and more muscular (yes but I didn't say that out of courtesy)
>one time he randomly made a reference to the ugly bastard trope in hentai
>wtf how does he know this, he's not even a weeb into anime whatsoever but he jerks off to hentai titties
>said he thought it would be funny if we went around telling people we were cousins
>gets his first cold sore and says that I probably gave it to him even though I have never had a cold sore in my life, freaks out and is insecure about it for weeks (you can get it from family members)
>absolutely shit diet drinking sodas all day and eating crackers and junkfood but very skinny with no appetite
>when we hung out I would often barely eat besides biscuits or energy bars in my bag because he was almost never hungry or interested in going to cafes or restaurants
>when he did he would buy snacks from vending machines, mcdonalds, and grocery store sushi for lunch because it was my idea
>never gave me any real gifts even though I gave him several reasonable $15-20 gifts tailored to his niche interests and a handmade card I painted myself
>said it was because he didn't know what I'd like
>wanted to exchange christmas gifts with him, it never went through and I thought it was because he was sick, he actually just hoped I would forget about it because he didn't know what to give me, lied
>probably wouldn't have tried to give me a birthday gift if I hadn't pointed it out (it was dogshit anyways)
>even three months in had moments where I really wanted to dump him but didn't because retarded and too emotionally invested with no close friends to talk with
>during these times would shamefully fantasize about finding a hotter, less stunted boyfriend
>would see each other multiple times a month even though we lived several hours apart
>then, after five months of going out, another almost five months pass without us actually physically seeing each other in person because of how annoying it was to visit him
>sometimes making half-baked plans of seeing each other that don't work out for some reason or another
>in this time I become increasingly resentful towards him but too nervous to break up because I still liked and cared about him as a friend
>I steadily become noticeably withdrawn and talk to him less
>he notices and talks to me about it over the phone, it ends up with me getting mad at him for various reasons ex. him being a bad listener and not paying attention to what I actually enjoy or like, being a flaky pos, etc
>awkward week or two passes by with minimal to no contact
>I'm fucking tired of having to facilitate his retardation
>I quickly realize that he's emotionally stunted and doesn't want to talk about any of his problems, ignoring me when it's convenient because he doesn't want to confront his own bullshit
>finally it happens, he texts me with a voice recording trying to talk it out properly but he is trying to brush over his retarded behaviors not bringing up anything I mentioned, basically hoping I will treat him with undying love and respect despite doing nothing to deserve it
>I point this out, politely bringing up past issues gone completely unaddressed by him
>"well then I'm breaking up with you anon"
>I'm not pathetic enough to grovel and beg for this loser, and I already mentally checked out months ago
>"ok, do whatever makes you happy"
>just glad that I don't have to speak to him anymore
>weeks pass, I enjoy my time not having to worry about this shithead ever again
>he texts me again
>offended that I didn't seem to care about him breaking up with me
>feels the need to come out to me as bigender
>relationship lasted about 10 months in total
>mfw spent almost a year with this fucking retard
Obviously I ignored him after that message. I feel genuinely violated whenever I think about every time I let him touch me. He was the first person I dated and had no experience prior. I feel utterly retarded for thinking he was even tolerable just because we could relate to each other emotionally and I genuinely enjoyed hearing him infodump about his interests, all of his good traits were overshadowed by his terrible ones and it's really only hitting me how horrible he was when I write out all of it at once. We actually rarely disagreed or argued about anything and he was also unusually receptive to me ranting about porn and misogyny and he agreed with me that many men were rapey sex pests but in retrospect it was probably another "not like other moids" cope. I think he genuinely turned me off dating moids for the rest of my life. I want to bash my head against a brick wall.

No. 389300

I am so sorry nona that just kept getting worse and worse.
>once let him do it while vivziepop animations were playing on the screen of his families home theater room
Were they nsfw ones or the official ones? But either way holy shit that's bad

No. 389308

Official, it was shit like hazbin hotel and helluva boss videos

No. 389311

>24 year old mommas boi
>secretly used dick pills the first two months of us dating, didnt tell me until a year and a half in
>bragged about paying for cheats on csgo when he was a teen
>literally would spend entire paycheck on uber eats
>quit multiple jobs and lied about reasons while I financially supported him because he "didn't like them", or would just lie to me that he'd been fired or abused
>chronic pothead/alcoholic
>didn't get his drivers licence until I threatened to leave him
>only hobby was playing crusader kings and other boring ass colony management games
>never washed or brushed his long ass hair
>could not communicate but knew i was right so literally just sat there like a little bitch anytime I tried to discuss the issues in our relationship
>blamed everything on adhd
>would run away or hit things during arguments
>literally put his head through the drywall one time
>always tried to do grand gestures of romance but literally did not even care to know what I would like so always made me cringe but then I would have to pretend to like so his feelings wouldn't get hurt
>literally always lying to me, would only tell me truths if I coddled him and made up some bullshit embarrassing story to make him feel better
>now back with his highschool ex

No. 389428

Twink skater I dated just because he reminded me of Rodrick Heffley, dropped out of high school but is trying once again but last time I heard about school he fucking failed some classes so even If I were still with him he would be in high school.
He was 19 so no, I wasn't dating a high schooler.
No dad, mommy issues, never had any money, didn't work, was always having self esteem issues and didn't want to get therapy.
I was the healthy one in the relationship and that's saying much.
Writing this is making me embarrassed but yeah, he gave me and uti because he disliked condoms and was stupid and thought you couldn't get pregnant with precum. He wouldn't text me despite me having the worst pain for days and would upload pics of his abs.
Yeah, he planned to ghost me but since I called him, he told me he didn't know what to do and told me pretty much "bye get a better boyfriend."
(Sorry for the awful english)

No. 389468

I know I'm replying to a 6 year old post but holy shit this sounds exactly like my boyfriend. Always pressuring me into sex, 'you can tell anything to me uwu' and then act like the victim if I tell him anything he doesn't like to hear. I could never figure out what it was with him but he just manipulated me big time into thinking he cares about me. I'm dumping him tonight.

No. 390110

How did it go nonna? I always get worried when women dump their tard boyfriends.

No. 390117

I didn't yet, fuck me. I keep wanting to but it's hard breaking up with someone who made me so happy once and who's family has been so nice to me. Anyway I don't deserve to be treated like a bangmaid, I need to get up the nerve to do it.

No. 390135

reading this is so funny.
Seeing the current trend of Nonnitas shouting they only want to date younger guys from the rooftops.

No. 390241

it will only get worse if you don't do it. one more day with him is one less day with a guy who will "make you so happy" ALL the time. I believe in you anon

No. 390998

>be 16
>make "joke" profile on dating website
>meet up with a significantly older psychopathic scrote from the site
>pressured me to go on hormonal birth control because he wanted to ejaculate inside of me
>his body was disgusting and misshapen, he had so many stretch marks it was like he had received 200 lashings and they had all scarred
>deformed penis
>cried when he found out my iq is much higher than his
>constantly negged me
>physically and psychologically abusive, raped me in my sleep
>stalked and harassed me for years after i last spoke to him
>to this day, still talks about me and shares creepshots of 16 year old me

No. 392773

dated a retarded fat moid because I thought he was just shy. he wouldn't even talk to me in public and he was so fucking ugly. I'm ashamed I made excuses for him. I thought ugly guys would be nicer and more honest.

No. 395981

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To evacuate the shame I feel about fucking around with random scrotes when I was younger, I'll write a sentence about some of the worst and most embarassing cases. They were never boyfriends, mostly one-night-stands (thankfully), but it's close enough. Please nonas, never fall for the libfem sex-positive meme and sleep around like I did, awful choices were made. I thought it would be funny to write this down, it wasn't, but I hope it can make someone laugh

>22yo moid when I was 15, nasty white art student with dreads type, almost cried and had a breakdown because I jokingly told him he was crazy

>30+ year old guy who just had a baby, still 15 yo me, I didn't realise that the baby was sleeping in the next room while we were fucking until he asked me if I wanted to sleep there before leaving
>used-to-be-semi-famous-on-tv moid who I had a crush on when I was a teen and met on a dating app, turned out to be coke addict who had a collection of polaroids of the girls he fucked
>very nice guy but when it came down to it he had to tell me beforehand that his dick was weirdly shaped, it was almost bent at a 90° degree angle, then asked me to wear a masquerade mask during sex
>nepo baby now turned shitty actor, told me very awkwardly and extensively beforehand that his dick was very small and he was sorry - it was
>moid that had pet tarantulas, morning after one of them was missing from its enclosure so I had to stay 30+min because he was afraid it would storm out the door if i opened it, it was under the couch - unrelated but learned he was gay-for-pay for a rich old entertainment producer later
>scrote who used to be hot but was a druggie when i met him, balding, brainfried, and mooching off a 70+yo woman living on her couch - had sex with him while she was sleeping there, again I was underage but it was still one of the most shameful ones
>himbo moid, talking was boring so we went to bed, wanted to show him an ep of shokugeki no souma (embarassing) but we ended up watching almost a full season awkwardly without doing anything and finally had tired sex at like 6am
>moid that groomed me when i was 16 for a few years, bpd-kun, talked about genetically engineering babies from our dna (could write a book on this one, i'll leave it at that)

No. 396459

I get so triggered when I think I dated an r9kfag
I look at the board and think "this is what I decided to date..?"
I get what I deserve for hanging out there in the first place but holy shit I was not right in the head

No. 396461

ngl these are pretty kek, especially the tarantula one

No. 396467

damn do you live somewhere where actors work like LA or something? also spill who are they

No. 396614

It's okay, I did the same thing and I think it's not that uncommon of an experience for nonas on this site. I also think you should forgive yourself a bit for it since you weren't right in the head back then like you said.

No. 396632

Same nona. I actually dated 3 diff guys from there lel. They were actually all conventionally good looking but my god they were all absolutely insane and disgustingly perverted. Worst mistakes of my life.

No. 396664

Who are these idiots? I love when famous moids get exposed

No. 396684

I'm not from the US, but I do live in a global city. I'm paranoid so wouldn't namedrop here but if someone wants to investigate, I'll leave some clues - just keep your findings to yourself please. I'll just say that the nepo guy's whole family is famous, he's a second-gen nepo (mom was the first) and you probably know his grandparents whilst his parents and other relatives are mostly known in my country where they are household names (he is not famous himself despite the new acting career so that's also why I don't want to name him). I met him on Tinder and his first pic was a photoshoot of him and his mom, his verified instagram was linked, so he was definetely banking on that to meet girls. It was weird when we met because we didn't talk about it at all, he probably knew I knew and met him for this, but he talked about his family casually like anyone would on a date without ever mentioning their fame. Since his parents lived in NYC most of the time, he lived in their old flat here and it was the biggest place I'd ever seen. We went out to a restaurant and the head waiter clearly knew him (he was a regular) and I'd never received such a special treatment before, it felt like being served like royalty and was a bit uncomfortable. Despite all of this he's honestly one of the nicest guys I met at the time, not snobbish at all but very sensitive with the energy of a scared puppy that wants to be cared for. Maybe nature humbled him with the small dick so he wouldn't get that nepo baby ego.

No. 396870

I'll probably come back to vent more on the subject as he was truly awful and i should not have inflicted that on myself even for more financial stability and the fact i was lonely. but I'd like to start with.

>Mum phones me, tells me my cat has died.

>start crying and such
>he's beside me in bed. Says nothing.
>few minutes later feel movement
>he's decided the appropriate response to girlfriend crying is having a wank beside me.

This is an actually kinda funny story I tell people about him. It shows how lacking in empathy he was which did lead to a lot of rather less amusing incidents in the course of our time together, but that I can laugh about at least.

No. 396879

Least vile, most empathetic moid.

No. 396892

Yeah I give up.

No. 396986

I posted about my retarded ex in a relationship advice thread some months ago. Anons there told me to dump him, I did so, but we got back together. Anyway… Gotta write about him there again, because I don't know who is dumber: him, or me for dating his stupid ass. This one less of a repost, because I'm giving a more clear picture of our relationship

>be me, a 25 yo virgin with social anxiety

>fresh out of mental hospital because I had an awful panick attack that lasted for a whole month after a stressful event at my job
>decide to start dating since my psychiatrist told me that I will work myself to death if there is nothing in my life besides my job
>match with that guy on a dating app. Super sweet, smart, charming
>fast forward, we go on dates a couple of times, on a third we hook up. It wasn't too bad for a first time, he took my v card as a champ
>after some fucking, we go out to grab some ciggies
>"BTW anon, did I told you I'm an ex felon? I did meth and was a drug dealer"
>we start dating, I try to brush off his past as him being young and dumb

Then it all went slowly downhill

>he is a 30 yo manchild who lives with his mom

>literally doesn't want to work. Proudly told me that he always shows up late to work just because he can't be bothered to wake up early
>was literally fired from three jobs while we dated for 4 months
>spends all his free time watching anime and playing stupid mobile games
>when he comes over to my place, he just sits on my couch and plays this dumb ass mobile game while cursing aloud
>tried to get me into that game, I said it was boring, he got very pissy at me and said that I broke his heart since he wanted to be mentor in this game so much
>we also watched a lot of anime at my place. It was of that creepy variety. Where girls were molested and male characters acted like creeps. I told him that those animes made me uncomfortable, his response was "I watch for the plot!". The plot? A guy gets a whole harem of women and oggles after them for the whole series. I was sitting there feeling diguisted while he watched those shows with me, laughing at every remotely funny joke in the most ridiculous way
>always sent me creepy vids of insta models, porn and hentai
>when we had sex, I always asked him to finger me (that's the only way I can finish). He ruined my mood by staring at me with that "horny face" (you know, eyes half closed, smiling slightly. That face) like he was staring into my soul. I had to close my eyes or look away because it was creepy as fuck
>he watched too much porn so he literally had to spend hours to finish, his dick went limp all the time and he went sweaty just from a minute of thrusting, so his sweat was always dripping on my face. Also, he always got tired after a thrust in missionary, so I had to ride him for an hour, while thinking about wtf I was doing with my life
>he lived in a disgusting apartment filled with cockroaches (see my post in relationship thread for a horror story)
>one time I visited his mom for the first time and she immediately broke down in tears telling me I did a huge mistake by dating my bf and told me he was a disappointment of a son
>met his friends. They all bar none were either junkies, ex-felons or drug-dealers
>he literally never paid for our dates and openly asked to take him out on dates in expensive restaurants
>never did as much as present me a bouquet of flowers, even on Valentines even though I asked him
>I presented him a bottle of expensive parfume on his bd(since he uses cologne). I picked it for a while and emptied my wallet for a parfume that I thought would smell wonderful on him and it was a very beautiful leather-wood type with a slight hint of citrus. Classy, but fresh. His reaction? He didn't even say thank you or pretended to like it, just tossed it aside
>Told me I was his soulmate and wanted to marry me two months in into our relationship. I brushed it off, thinking he was not a brightest tool in the shed. After all, how he can expect to rent an apartment while he works part time in call center? I'm not paying our bills alone
>constant lovebombing, he made absolutely ridiculous compliments that I just knew weren't earnest (like about my boobs even though I have AA cup)
>skipped his job just to come over to my job and sit there for the whole day, distracting me from my duties even though I asked him not to
>always took a sick leave when he was feeling like not working
>he always messeged me about some banal shit like creepy harem anime he watched, how he was practing throwing shurikens by throwing them in his fucking front door and running it in the process, what insta models he jerked off to and Facebook tier memes
>his mom though he was out of my league and openly hated me
>he always got into arguments with his mom, berated her for her cooking because "it didn't align with his diet" even though his stupid ass could cook his meal himself
>also, did I mention that his mom was in her 70s, working two jobs and doing all the household chores? Because she did. My ex, meanwhile, spent all his free time getting drunk and playing video
>always complained about the lack of money, never paid during the dates, even 50/50, but he always had money for some dumb shit like anime merch or booze
>aspiring crypto bro, sinked thousands of hours in some dumb ass apps where you can earn like three dollars for all this effort. Told me has a "passive income" when I asked him what this all dumb stuff was all about
>wanted me to try out shrooms. I told him no. He started pressing me down to try them out. I told him I'm bipolar and that stuff can fuck me up. He told me that shrooms were better than my prescription meds and he wanted to see me in my manic episode anyway

Eventually I was fed up with his dumb ass and broke up. Our break up was as retarded as our relationship but now I feel way better. Although he twisted it in such way that I was the one who made a huge mistake, I wouldn't find a better match and I was a crazy bitch for breaking up (did I mention that all his ex gfs were "crazy bitches"?). So I still felt like shit for a couple of days. You know you dodged a bullet when you feel like shit for initiating a break up.
Well, that's all, folks. Sorry for shit grammar BTW.

No. 396991

this is comically bad , like 'guy that doesnt actually exist' bad. if this is real anon , holy shit lol. embarassing on your part to stay with that thing for more than a week

No. 396996

I my defense, I was in a very bad place mentally and just jumped at the first moid who showed kindness to me. I dumped him only after I got my shit together and fixed my mental health.

No. 397002

Get some self respect sweat Jesus. Sad to see how so many women accept to be shat on

No. 397004

pure insanity. so glad you dumped him, jfc.

No. 397009

Your ex sounds like my current bf. I’m putting plans in place to leave him that won’t jeopardize myself or my safety since he’s prone to spergouts.

There’s so many of these fucking losers and I swear to god they all have the exact same personalities, kinks, hobbies, interests. It’s like a conveyor belt of cumbrain manchild losers that never stops getting churned out. Also jfl at his mom warning you, my bf’s mom did the same thing, albeit more subtly. She basically said her son needs ‘saving’ and that she couldn’t do it anymore but she wished me the best of luck with it. She didn’t even know about his degeneracy or disgusting habits or drug addiction though. If she knew she would disown him for sure.

Now that I think about it, my bf’s sisters, mom and past gfs would all frequently get angry at him.

When he relayed these stories to me he said every woman in his life was abusive towards him and he always made it seem like he was the victim without saying what he’d done wrong to provoke their anger (like his sister was such a big meanie for telling him to lull himself one time or his mom was mean for calling him an embarrassment, or how his ex gf was mean to him and treated him poorly) but now I see exactly why these women treated him like that. He deserved it.

I’ve learned that if a man has a history of pissing off all the women in his life then he’s likely a giant fucking asshole and you should take it as a red flag.

No. 397015

Best of luck, anon. Stay strong and don't try to feel pity for that manchild. Mine pulled out a suicide card, said he will find a job etc. You will feel better after dropping him. Hope you are safe but don't do as I did, that is actually explaining why you broke up and all that. Just block him everywhere. No contact his ass. Again, good luck.

No. 397024

So this is my situation right now
>busy with heavy college work pretty much everyday, I don't go out
>no time or energy for relationships, and not a big fan of sappy relationships
>childhood/teenage years ex boyfriend still in contact with me
>we begin seeing eachother again, we get along well but the problem and reason we originally broke up is he has a 'girl best friend'
>loves to talk about and show off that she is an instagram influencer, and studying med school, etc, or anything that he can find in her to show off
>he somehows finds (or makes up?) things that I have in common with her to come and tell me
>if not, he suddenly begins to talk about other 'girl friends' he has, that have things in common with me, example: ''oh my friend ___ dresses the same'' , ''oh my friend ____ listens to the same music and she's the biggest fan and even has merch'' (which, he was speaking of a musicican he knows I've been a huge fan since childhood)
>somehow they're always girls only??

I feel so exhausted comparing myself to her or any of his friends or whatever but for some reason I can't leave this guy

>gets tired in the middle of sex and and complains I don't do the heavy work

No. 397051

He sounds annoying for sure but you should also work on your insecurities and not let men get under your skin so much if they bring up other women.

No. 398720

My ex bf was a massive piece of shit and I’m so glad he’s going noticeably bald now. Especially since that was such a big fear and insecurity of his. He literally pops those tranny pills daily and it makes no difference. Lol burn in hell you bald norwooding wispy haired faggot.

No. 398783

It makes me angry to hear about grown men act like children but it is almost always because their moms coddle them their entire lives.

No. 399443

i recently went and dated around with this turk guy i met on a dating app. it only lasted a few weeks and he dumped me, god bless. my god this guy was walking stereotype of what he says thats wrong about turk men and society. idk why this loser preferred shaved women because he says its much more hygienic when he himself smells like BO and cant clean up after himself. hes a 30 year old that openly wanted to bang 19 year old girls on dating apps. what the fuck did i get into nonas

No. 399445

>shaving is hygienic
which isn't even true.

No. 399450

He sounds disgusting and childish. And aren't women in that country and region hairy? Men are so faggy sometimes, who else but a fag could look at a sexually mature women and be turned off by that?

No. 399451

he's digital nomad in my poor SEA country. his tall foreigner status made his head big like he's a gift to women on earth here and has fucked his way through manila. thankfully we didnt fuck but i did bj like the retard i am for expecting too much from a muslim moid

No. 399495

why the hell did you do it

please for the love of god stop giving men free sex

No. 399497

women don't "give" men sex. That is a patriarchal view of sex

No. 399498

>interacting with muslim moids at all
It's like you want to be oppressed.

No. 399499

Good thing you didn't fuck him, he sounds stinky and like he wouldn't have made you cum anyway.
I get what you're saying, but the point is that these types of men see sex as a conquest especially because they can get women pregnant. So don't give them what they want, sleep with a man who shows you respect and actually makes you cum.

No. 399531

My fault on that end. I shouldn't have thought he'd be different kek
Yeah honestly. Glad it didn't happen. He was very pushy too

No. 408199

My ex was so retarded with money it was unbelievable.
>Invest 10000+ in a pc setup
>Never used it after high school, not even for watching youtube or something
>Buy name brand ‘premium’ whiskey because ‘its the only one I like’
>It’s 250
>The regular version was 40 but he wanted the nice box
>Spent all of his salary on building his motorcycle
>I thought it was stupid but under the impression he could afford it so I didn’t interfere
>Few months later
>’What’s going on Nigel, did anything happen?’
>Crying because he’s in debt
>He spent not only his salary but all of his savings on motorcycle parts
>Fucking emergency savings
>All of it
He’s not an asshole but to think I wanted children with this man at some point. Put himself in debt over a hobby he was already getting tired of, it’s beyond me. I asked him about when he was getting his salary and he said ‘I don’t know I never check it’, when I told him to look at his bank account he said ‘no I don’t want to look at it’. How can you live like this?

No. 408201

Moids spending loads of money on hobbies they end up never touching is unreal to me. Women get mocked and blasted for buying cheap clothes once a month yet moids will straight up drop thousands on vidya, sports crap, fishing, etc and not even use it and no one cares

No. 408210

my ex was also a retard who spent all his money and went into debt over buying a motercycle kek moids are retards

No. 408418

Kek anon, why are they like this?
I know right, it's like women aren't allowed to enjoy material things. Moids are huge consoomers, just in a slightly different way that's deemed okay for some reason.

No. 408592

Moids shit on every kind of entertainment that isn't masculine. They'll shit on our books, sewing, knitting, etc because if they don't have interest in something it means it has no value.

Meanwhile specific male interest garbage is all stuff named battle, war, star, conquer etc that rehashes the same WW2 stories over and over and call it high art when it's really just comfort media moid edition.

No. 408661

Oh my god this reminds me of some channel I came across of a guy collecting combat helmets just for the heck of it. I'd understand if he had a few from specific time periods and regions but he didn't even get into that, he just had dozens of just random combat helmets.

No. 411314

Just broke up with him why the fuck was I with this "man".
>Manlet, Jake Munro's build
>Seemed sweet so I tried to ignore it
>Second date
>Alone in a nature spot
>Out of nowhere grabs and starts frenching me
>Grabs my ass in public
>Forces himself onto me every time we see each other
>Too much of a doormat to say no kill me
>It's my birthday
>Promises to take me to museum
>It never happened
>Friends with an old male colleague
>Randomly mention it
>Went full retard mode over a fucking ex colleague
Speaking of being weird about friendships
>"You know anon I never talk to girls at work anymore, it's just inappropriate"
>Can't see women as normal friends apparently, just sex objects
>Honeymoon phase over
>Barely even talks to me when I'm there
>Tries to be cutesy when his retarded friends are around
>His way of being cutesy is trying to jam a pringle into my mouth kek
>Gets pissy when I tell him to fuck off
>Get pregnancy scare
>All he can do is joke about it while I'm shitting my guts out from stress
>"But if you are pregnant you have to get an abortion I can't have a kid right now"
>He's sleeping at my place
>Wake up from him grabbing my ass 4 times
>"Hey Nigel it's Valentine's day in a few weeks"
>"Omg I want to do something, I'll plan it out don't worry!"
>Makes it a big deal every time we see each other after
>Valentine's day
>Promised tot pick me up from work
>45 minutes late
>Finally there
>"Yeah I promised my friend I'd drive him home"
>Wait until 9 pm to get his retarded friend home
>Scrolling through his phone for half an hour, volume turned up to the max
>All of them are saying how cars are more valuable than women
>Absolutely done at that point
>"Can you just drive"
>Drives to random spot, no idea where we are
>It's pouring rain
>"Do you wanna do a little favor for me anon?"
>"Pleaseeeee anon?"
>Basically forces me to suck his dick, we're in the middle of fucking nowhere and I'm scared he'll kick me out of the car
>Later brags about not being like the other couples for having a shit tier Valentine's day
>Is he coping or serious
>In car one day, talking about life
>"You know anon I really see you being a stay at home mom"
>"Uhh idk maybe"
>Get a text later
>"Anon do you want to meet up I feel really unmotivated and working for you and our children!!!!!"
>Lose my meds, freak out
>He won't even look up from his fucking phone
>The only time he asked me to go out to eat was when we weren't doing well already
>Do you want to go with my sister and cousin

I know I entertained way too much of his bullshit but I have no one to talk to about it I just want to hear he's an asshole nonnies. He is such a fucking disgusting insecure pornsick autist, I gave the ugly guy a chance and he treated me like I'm the ugly one. I hope eventually everyone will see him for the creep he is.

No. 411315

He was an asshole and youre better off. Next time listen to your gut even if the guy appears "nice". Thats how we get trapped.

No. 411321

Holy shiiiit. I'm so sorry, what a nightmare. I'm so glad you left him!!

No. 411325

File: 1720014786363.jpg (89.38 KB, 850x400, 1000004653.jpg)

> Manlet
That explains everything.

No. 411330

Good thing you broke up with him, dont listen if he tries to play sweet and regretting later to get you back. Creeps like that dont change.

No. 411341

First of all, I used to be a total pick me doormat during this relationship. I hope this works as a cautionary tale, please dont be a doormat and leave when you start to get threated badly. It never gets better if you please/tolerate scrotes like this, only progressively worse.

>18 year old, meet a 22 year old

>have just broken up with previous bf and dont want new one
>he kinda talks me into it anyway
>he is in a lot of debt because of gambling, but is working to pay off the debt
>has a cringy gambling themed tattoo
>sometimes gambles all of his paycheck and I feed him with my goverment bucks

>very jealous

>kinda understand because at first when I didnt want to make the relationship serious I flirted with and even kissed another guy
>but he is even jealous of friend's boyfriends (I only hang out with them as a couple not alone with the bf) and bisexual/lesbian female friends
>gets pissy if I go to bar with female friends
>goes to bars with male friends every weekend
>doesnt want me to meet his friends because thinks I would embarrass him
>reads my texts, angry if I text any males
>threatens to kill or beat up me and the other man if I cheat
>once go to a music festival and some scrote sexually harrasses me
>call him scared and crying
>angry at me, accuses of cheting on him
>even his friends call him an asshole for this one

>always trying to make me insecure

>for example started by joking how Im chubby/curvy
>then commenting constantly that I have gained weight
>I actually weighted myself and I had not
>then demanding me to lose weight
>tell him my bmi is already underweight and that it would not be healthy
>doesnt care
>buys me a bag of chips once
>says I look disgusting when I eat them

>he talks about his bad life experiences

>I listen
>I talk about my bad life experiences
>starts playing video games

>breaks up with me multiple times

>on the next morning calls me to get back together
>has thrown all stuff I left at his house or gifted to him to the trash
>except one expensive gift he liked

>at first I want more sex

>calls me annoying and perverted
>try to please him as much as I can so he would be more into it
>we try new positions etc
>if I like it we never do it again
>if it is uncomfortable it becames his favorite thing
>forces me to vomit during blowjob
>yells at me for being disgusting
>start hating sex and saying no to it
>he chimps out, accuses me of cheating and generally being shitty gf
>pressures me into sex with no condom (I was not on birth control) and painful anal sex
>start crying
>he says it feels like rape
>keeps going
>literally assrapes me once

>at last tell him Im very unhappy in the relationship

>"well you can fuck off then"
>after a while starts calling and trying to get back to me
>thank god there was enough time for me to think so I said no
>tries again and again
>finally block his number
>then tries messaging in an app
>another app
>then social media
>delete all of it
>last message I got was five fucking years after the actual break up

No. 411345

neither Hitler or Napoleon were manlets. Hitler, in particular, was clearly above average height for his place and time and actually had a fairly robust build

No. 412273

oh boy have i got a similar story.

prepare to lose your mind wondering why the hell it took me so long to cut this guy off.

>be 18

>super naive and shy
>went to all girls' high school, never had a bf
>have male friend
>he shows me attention
>i have low self esteem so i jump in no questions asked
>we date for a while, things are great at first
>lovebombs the hell out of me, showers me in attention and compliments
>i feel like he's my soulmate
>i get completely hooked

>he's a bit of a loser though, he's addicted to league of legends and fails out of school

>i support him because true love!!11!
>he also gets hard from hand holding or hugging, it makes expressing affection normally super uncomfortable because he gets freaked out by his boner and tries to hide it from me
>whatever, i love my boyfriend and can overlook his shortcomings

>relationship goes on, nothing super notable

>he starts getting distant
>ghosts me
>im devastated but try to move on, don't want to fight for someone who doesn't care about me

>he comes back few weeks later, super apologetic.

>me being 18, retarded, and having low self esteem- i take him back
>he forgets my birthday
>for whatever reason, i continue dating him
>things progress shittily for the next few months

>we become long distance after summer ends

>find out that he doesn't even have me saved in his phone
>i cry and threaten to break up, he fixes it by saving me as "woman"
>he refuses to tell his family about me and it makes seeing him a huge hassle
>he also refuses to compliment me, show me any kind of affection, and swats me away from him in public citing that he doesn't like PDA when we do get to see each other in person
>LDR makes him even more avoidant and inattentive
>i become deeply unhappy and neurotic, keep holding out hope that he will be the boy i fell in love with again

>few months later, catch him ERPing with 4chan femboys.

>confront him
>he calls himself a dumb faggot and cries and throwsup over it
>claims he was just sex deprived
>break up
>we stay friends and I end up consoling HIM (i know…)

>calls me BPD

>calls me a bigot
>calls me crazy
>tells me im misremembering things and that i need to take my meds
>he sobs over the thought of me being with other men, says he doesn't want to lose access to me, begs for me back
>i eventually get so hateful and disgusted that i cut him off for good

you've gotta sift through a lot of shit to find a man who is worth dating. and really, what helped me the most was nurturing my friendships with other women. my ex made me think i was unlovable and would regularly tell me that nobody would understand me the way he could. he made me think he was doing me a favor. nonnas, don't ever fall for it. there is ALWAYS someone better out there.

No. 412282

>find out that he doesn't even have me saved in his phone
>i cry and threaten to break up, he fixes it by saving me as "woman"
Woah. This part made my eyebrows go way up. That’s crazy. I’m sorry.

No. 412307

No offense nona but there were multiple red flags there from the get go. I understand you were 18 and naive but cmon.

No. 412780

If you've never dated and were pretty sheltered from men like anon was it's hard to see them, you don't even realize they're red flags. You don't need to shame her any more, she obviously learnt her lesson.

No. 413091

I have not checked but napoleon being short is allegedly war propaganda

No. 415105

File: 1721082923027.png (17.49 KB, 200x198, NPC_wojak_meme.png)

I'm embarrassed thinking about the fact that I dated a guy for 6 months - he wasn't gross, or ugly, or a "loser", in the sense that he had a good job as a software engineer and took care of his personal hygiene and was attractive, but holy fuck he was SO. BORING.
The fact that he was a software engineer should have been a red flag, but I was impressed by his income after having just had my heart broken by a broke "musician". ("Holy shit, this new guy is cute AND can take me out to nice dinners without complaining about how expensive it is?' The bar was on the fucking floor.)
But holy fucking shit, he was the most NPC person I've ever met in my life. I'm like, convinced that he had no internal monologue. He was seriously just comfortable going to work, getting his tasks done, coming home, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner and then watching The Big Bang Theory and Castle or playing vidya and then going to bed. I'm not kidding, he was in his 20s and watched Castle and The Big Bang Theory and genuinely thought they were both funny. I'm guessing he was on the spectrum or something but holy shit I feel embarrassed for ever feeling sad about our breakup.

No. 415144

At this point, such a man honestly sounds ideal to me. I’m tired of ‘deep’ and ‘sensitive’ guys with niche tastes, they’re always just pretentious vulnerable narcissist faggots with addictive self indulgent personalities. I want a turbonormie bf, I’m done with quirky, arty and sensitive types.

No. 415258

Same tbh, I need a guy who literally only plays CoD and FIFA

No. 415464

Help, what if I also despise sensitive artsy hipster types BUT I still want someone who is intelligent and passionate about the arts. I'm doomed aren't I? Like, I myself am passionate about literature and art history and languages, and I cannot feel any romantic attraction or soul connection to any man whose hobby is CoD and binging tv shows. But it feels like its either that or twitter-liberal hipster covert-misogynist with dyed hair and narcissism. Someone commiserate with me.

No. 415479

I feel the same way. I can’t settle. I get frustrated and bored with people I don’t connect with. I’d rather be alone and able to do what I want instead of using all of my emotional energy on trying to illicit some thought out of some loser. People are too afraid to be alone because they don’t know themselves and people pair up because they don’t know themselves. IMO I think most people in long term relationships have a really shallow bond.

No. 415511

I got in a "relationship" with this 28 year old loser I met on /r9k/ when I was 16, 2 years ago. He was the most whiny, pathetic little bitch, it's insane how much of a loser he was. And I knew, but I was so lonely and desperate I stuck around for a year. Eventually he visited my country and raped me and that finally convinced my idiotic self to leave him along with me quitting weed, which I was smoking every single day to cope with life in general and it somehow made me more oblivious to how disgusting he was. He was insanely fat and monstrous looking as well.

No. 415620

One time a guy I was living with proudly told me that when he showered that day, he took the time to actually scrub his legs and feet and everything. When I said "you're supposed to do that every time, though?" I didn't even intend for it to sound mean, it was more of a question because he genuinely confused me. He then got all sulky that I wasn't praising him for his effort. It's basic hygiene, I'm not your mother and you're not a 5-year-old that's just learning to take showers by himself. Was I supposed to say "good job buddy!!"

No. 415684

You can find this type of guy but he's usually fat.

No. 435892

they exist

No. 435923

was on his computer (not even snooping he knew i was using it) and was looking for a movie i had torrented and discovered he had an entire hard drive dedicated to porn. like 1 tb. it was organized into hair color (blond, redhead) and then there was an asian folder. it's funny now because that's the most pathetic shit ever cause even the other coomers i knew before just used like pornhub they weren't filling hard drives like they were prepping for a porn apocalypse

No. 436952

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Mix of horrifying and laughably dumb
>got insanely mad about losing when our friend group played Pictionary on multiple occasions, would literally cry and beg people to agree that the game was unfair and that people were just getting lucky
>took it super personally when people used words that he didn't know in general, examples include zorse, childrearing, cation, Northern Lights, foci, hometwon
>made his own video game version of Pictionary to "fix the flaws", it was dead on arrival despite him hyping it up because not only did it look horrendous but not a single basic function worked
>dream job is to be a game dev, can't program or draw, made me program one of his things for him and I ended up contributing more even though I can't code either
>forced me to stop drawing because he was so jealous of me being better than him (self-admitted reason)
>took 3 years to make $7000 and apparently somehow lost it all after we broke up (I only know because he was e-begging)
>used to be in an erp discord server where he would roleplay sex with other guys and use female pronouns, even though he was very opposed to trannies and male gays. infighting ensued
>bizarre hobby of seeking out pedos online and catfishing them pretending to be an underage girl in order to get dick pics. Once used a pic of me from when I was young and couldn't understand why it upset me
>thousands of hours of autistic rants about stupid stuff in video games and Star Wars that made him angry, would literally wish death on random people for perceived issues in video games and movies
>wouldn't have conversations with me, just ranted for hours on end and then blamed me for "distracting" him and making him waste time. But if I said a single word it was "interrupting"
>super underweight, was 112 lbs at 6'2". Combined with having waist-length hair (that he rips angrily while brushing) and pectus excavatum he had a very distinct and horrifying look. Idk how he didn't really have physical health issues besides being allegedly tired, he worked a labor-intensive wagie job at certain times and was fine.
>hated sleeping. If I didn't wake him up at the crack of dawn, he'd get angry. If I did wake him up, he'd get angry for being woken up. Somehow when he had a job he had no problem waking up with an alarm
>had a habit of deleting my files when he got mad at me, forced me to write a diary and track everything I did or looked up online, made me give him all my passwords and unrestricted remote access to my computer
>strangled me abruptly once because I accidentally made a loud noise and it "scared" him
>beat me when he was horny or angry but in his eyes the first type "doesn't count" as abuse, and the second type is excusable because he's really really sorry and also I deserved it for being frigid
>his conclusion of me not being attracted to him was that I was a lesbian but that he was so hot that he's an exception
>never went to school ever in his life
>was visited my the state equivalent of the FBI to get a warning for CP. He insists that he doesn't know what they're talking about, which I only find believable because I think he would've thought nothing was wrong with what he did and made me cover up for him if he knew exactly what he did
>slept in dog piss on multiple occasions
>fantasized about being world dictator
>instead of covering his mouth when sneezing he would intentionally turn to sneeze on me
>too cheap to get a hotel for me after traveling so he made me sleep in his car. I was constantly hungry and thirsty and dirty when I hung out with him because he wouldn't let me meet my basic needs and acted like it was an unreasonable annoyance
>got mad at me when his boss asked me why I looked disheveled and I honestly answered that it was because he made me sleep in the car, causing her and the rest of his coworkers to bully him all day about it (lmao)
>after that he still didn't get a hotel but he sprawled out in the car so that I could not physically lay or lean, when I woke him up to ask him to move he got so angry that he started speeding maniacally hitting me and almost crashed on purpose to murder me but changed his mind at the last second
>would be super whiny and angsty about anime and hentai not being real. obsession with Monika from DDLC for a while
>had a foot fetish and misc other specific fetishes like the color purple, but obviously was sadistic too. When I was a teenager he wrote this detailed fantasy about wishing he could clone me and torture different clones of me, like one example was shoving against a stove and burning to death. When I was super uncomfortable he was genuinely sad and apologized for upsetting me, like he really was just trying to share something he liked and didn't expect me to react so negatively
>wrote elaborate scenarios about (warning: abysmally disgusting) "solving" the issue of pedos raping girls and the issue of unwanted third-world girls by shipping them over to be state-instituted prostitutes. In his words, it would be good because they'd get a normal education and stuff, "just with forced sex"
>could not understand the concept of a mobius strip. I spent a really long time trying to demonstrate and explain it to him but he couldn't wrap his head around how it didn't have 2 sides and got mad
>sweated an insane amount, would soak surfaces that he sat on
>had a dog that he refused to spay because he hates the idea of taking away a creature's ability to reproduce and thinks it's unjust. Hits her and doesn't feed her every day.
>told me he wanted to watch dark web animal abusers torture my cat and was confused when I was upset and left the conversation. Later gave a lazy apology saying it dawned on him that if I said that about his dog he'd cut me out of his life and hate my guts forever, but still didn't understand why I was avoiding him
>once wrote bizarre fanfiction about me bearing him a daughter and then him putting glass in each of our vaginas, it was supposed to be a joke but it was super gross to listen to
>bizarre hobby of just driving out to far away states and doing nothing and going home. horrible with how expensive gas was
>bad hygiene. would go many days without showering, weeks without brushing his teeth. Would get angry because his fan would blow his armpit stink in his face (got mad at our friend for laughing at him for this)
>would use my accounts to flirt with random guys online
>wrote huge essays about how he felt so hurt by stuff I did (often harmless stuff like wanting to play a game he hated)
>once was randomly super convinced of his sudden tinfoil that I had painted my toenails without his permission, went ballistic insulting me and getting furious even though it wasn't true
>after we broke up he made a rip-off of an eminem song, rewriting the lyrics to be about dismembering and eating his female coworker (with a brief mention of bitterness against me because I wouldn't have sex with him), and sent it to her. I don't… know why?? Not unexpectedly he was fired and briefly arrested, he still thinks his coworker is the one being unjust and lamented about how he hates white women because of stuff like this
I can probably think of more stuff. A lot of it is awful and traumatic but now that I'm safe and thriving I honestly get a lot of amusement reflecting on my experiences with him, as a cow he's amazingly milky. The natural question may be "why the hell were you with this guy?" and I admit a lot of it was on me, but for reference I was a teenager for most of it and he had essentially isolated me from my family and controlled my friendships so that I could only talk to approved people when he could monitor it, and spread nasty things about me to people so that I had little social support in recognizing that my experiences were not normal or having help leaving. Honestly with how I spent all my teen years being controlled by him I'm very grateful that I'm well-adjusted and content with life nowadays.
Picrel cat eating arugula because he absolutely hated that I liked cats and arugula (oh yeah, he restricted what I could eat based on his personal preferences) and now I can enjoy so many things in my life that I couldn't before

No. 436996

>told me he wanted to watch dark web animal abusers torture my cat and was confused when I was upset and left the conversation. Later gave a lazy apology saying it dawned on him that if I said that about his dog he'd cut me out of his life and hate my guts forever, but still didn't understand why I was avoiding him
No fucking way THIS GUY???? Anon you need to write even more about his retarded behavior I cannot believe someone who is this psychopathic and who struggles so much with being a human being hasn't killed himself yet. Here's to hoping! I'm glad you're away from that air-waster.

No. 437087

>once confessed that he wants to try an open relationship where he gets a 2nd gf. I uncomfortably and tentatively agreed, and nothing ever happened because he never found another girl who wanted him in any way
>had a crush on another girl but she got together with another guy and he was pretty sad about it
>huge hatred for his mom. To be fair she was… well, let's just say there's something running in the family. But his hate for her was so extreme that he'd say edgy stuff like "I want to kill her right before she was about to die anyway so I could get away with it" and was super anti-forgiveness as a whole. In his eyes if anyone ever wronged you it's your moral imperative to be bitter about it
>i had some issues with my mom as a teen (she's lovely, but parental imperfections + teen angst, y'know?) and he capitalized hard on it to isolate me. My mom met him once and commented mildly in private on him being kinda scary looking and on his poorfag career prospects. He was super mad about that and when I forgave my mom and started rekindling our relationship he would argue that that's messed up because she never apologized for those offhand remarks that were clearly huge slights against him, as if he's the real victim
>I know this is unpopular but I honestly forgive him too. I've moved onto a beautiful life and he's not worth continuing to drag me down emotionally, no act of revenge would be worth the peace of his absence and irrelevance. I hope he suffers the just consequences of his behavior, but knowing someone since their innocent childhood and the people who love him (his sweet sister, his adorable grandma, etc.) really makes me hope that he improves eventually, however unrealistic.
>once I took him to a fancy restaurant, I ended up paying over $100 for two dishes. He was super mad because the menu had some foods he hated and he was nitpicking stuff like the music, and ended up just scowling at me refusing to talk for all of dinner. Later he loudly patted himself on the back for "enduring" it rather than doing something abusive
>Lego autist, once he purchased a Lego set and we were building it together as a fun activity, but he got confused and couldn't understand one of the instructions over halfway through and smashed the whole thing apart in frustration
>bizarre incidental fantasies like me trooping out and raping him, me drowning him in the bath, other stuff I don't remember
>argued for the concept of a sex license instead of age of majority. I'm pretty sure there's a popular cow who did the exact same thing
>insisted that we had to take every shower we ever had together and got really sad that I took one behind his back because I was sick of feeling grimy
>I developed acne after spending time around him that would go away when I wasn't in contact
>just kinda weird for the type of person he is: big Taylor Swift fan
>we had a mutual friend circle and honestly none of them respected him. Tbh he was kind of their personal cow that they kept around for amusement, unfortunately my association with him also made me a joke but in the rare moments where I could talk without his influence, people were far kinder to me
>he was obsessed with a guy who bullied him throughout his life and begged him to hang out with him, even made an original song sung by himself complete with animated soyjaks about begging the guy to spend time with him. Once he drove multiple states over to the guy's city hoping to meet up but the guy totally ignored him so he pretty much just drove there to get eyed by a cop for peeing outside and then drove back
>attracted to his own feet
>argued with me about female anatomy based on what he saw in hentai
>was so addicted to hentai at one point that he'd masturbate back to back for hours (he had no refractory period?), like 7 times a day. It temporarily broke his penis so that he had erectile dysfunction and he was super tormented about it
>surprisingly, he overcame his porn addiction over the years and was outspokenly anti-porn. Although, it's because of the negative effect it had on his life and he had no sympathy for the effects on women
>ballistic about spoilers. The most common thing we did was that he'd make me watch him play a game, but I basically couldn't talk because I'd "spoil the answer". I usually solved puzzles before him so this was pretty lame. For years he held a grudge against me for not giving him the answer after he spent hours getting lost in a game one time though
>was bitter in general about me beating him at games, he insisted I was horrible at all video games so when I beat him he'd make excuses about how I used unfair strategies. We used to play Smash Bros. and it went as far as him saying that me using smash attacks was unfair so I had to keep adding random handicaps. Eventually I just stopped caring and would play normally up until he was almost about to lose and then start losing on purpose
>not a big deal but just very unpopular: he hated Super Mario Galaxy and loved Star Wars: The Last Jedi
>he was a militant atheist until one day the girl he had a crush on (the one who had no interest in him and got with another guy) showed up somewhere unexpectedly after he said "ok God if you're real then make her show up," apparently this was an irreconcilable coincidence to him. So then he was a deist while keeping his hate for all religions and when he found out that I was doing spiritual stuff like praying, he got really upset and ranted about how it's fine because he also believes in God but it's only ok when I do it if I prioritize him above God (whom, I must reiterate, he does think is real and all-powerful)
>strangely, he had moments of lucidity where he was very self-aware of his flaws. For example despite usually berating me and calling me an idiot, there were times where he'd admit that he felt insecure about me being much smarter than him. But he'd always end up falling back into his excuses again. I don't think he's stunted to the point where he doesn't understand that what he does is wrong, I think it torments him and he only copes through denial. For a time he was extremely torn up about almost killing me but then went back to saying that it's not what really happened, etc. But underneath the attempts to numb it out he seems to feel substantial guilt.
That's all I can think of for now, I'm probably missing some big ones

No. 437092

oh kek I forgot this one
>earlobe fetish, specifically detached earlobes. I have attached earlobes and he wanted me to get surgery to change them, which doesn't exist since he's the only person with this preference

No. 437096

>I have attached earlobes and he wanted me to get surgery to change them, which doesn't exist since he's the only person with this preference
sorry you went through all of that but this made me kek

No. 437097


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No. 437399

dated a 23 year old dude when i was 18. he constantly put me down, belittled me, insulted my interests and said i was too ugly to be seen with in public (though he was horny for me bcd). after 6 months i was exhausted and broke it off. dude suicide baited me and told me his tragic backstory but i was so angry and disgusted i felt nothing. fast foward a few years and i'm happily single, thriving in a new job, have better style and more friends. he trooned out and is still as socially awkward as always, is unemployed and spends his weekends fucking naive 18 year old men. i saw him at a old friend's birthday and felt so smug at how disgusting and pathetic he looked that i had to stop myself smiling.

No. 438131

a moid once made me feel like some kind of monster for having attached earlobes as well, KEK we are all living the same lives

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