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No. 62448
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outfit bump
No. 62451
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>>62447I don't care about the style, I just want hair like that with those tiny curls at the end
I have thick, coarse hair and whenever I do it I end up looking like Mary Tyler Moore
No. 62466
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>>62447Dakota's fashion style was all over the place, I don't think it ever followed a "trend". In order, it consisted of..
>regular American brands like hollister, old navy, and ralph lauren (more than the kawaii stuff if you didn't notice)>2011 Liz Lisa>replicas of Vivienne Westwood (she's liked that brand since before "kotakoti")>school girl shit: neck ties, white shirts, thigh-length socks, skirts, and mary jane shoes.>taobao shit. pic related for example was a random Chinese dress from taobao. i remember seeing it. As for her makeup, Charms said that Dakota told her she was inspired by a mix of gyaru and uzzlang. There is nothing particular about her hair except the color and thinness, both of which are natural. Otherwise it's just long hair with blunt bangs.
No. 62471
>>62447>>62466It's a typical "eye-enlarging" makeup. You'll find tutorials all over youtube with similar stuff. The only thing different is that she made her bottom liner lower than her lash line, just like gyarus to make her eyes round.
Her color palette is the one for dark blondes/light brunettes, just some basic beige nudes you can buy anywhere, like Naked Basic 2.
Also natural looking soft blush, no bronzer and no contouring.
>>62451If you have long hair like Kota just ask hairstylist to thin them out down from your jaw/chin.
No. 62472
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>>62471She also had some nice black liner and probably fake lashes
No. 62485
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>>62484to me early kota looked like avril lavigne, but with pastel frills, so if anon is similar looking, why not try it, might work
No. 62488
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>>62484>On any normal humanlol stop. there are plenty of models and regular girls who would look better. remember Dakota's shoops were inspired by vlada roslyakova, who imo is much more naturally attractive than her shoops and would probably look straight out of a shouju with that style.
However, you're totally right. If you're not attractive to begin with, then you obviously won't get good results even if you copy the whole thing up and down. Just look at Beckii Cruel, she has practically the same hair and eye color as Dakota, and has styled herself in similar makeup yet she's not nearly as cute, even compared to unshooped Dakota.
No. 62494
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Make-up tutorial.
>>62471 No. 62505
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sorry for the messy collage, but this is a style i've been wanting to try out but need advice so this thread is a godsent rn
>> wearing oversized and/or off-the-shoulder stuff
>> not looking like a slob
No. 62510
>>62506As stated, I mostly just want to avoid looking lazy/messy, so advice regarding that would be neat.
The only time I've worn oversized stuff (t-shirts) has been to the gym and so far it just hasn't looked cute on me at all so I haven't worn it outside of that (though I recently got an oversized sweater, so hopefully I'll try a look soon!)
I think my biggest issue with this style is that compared to those girls I have quite bad posture, which I get away with with my regular style, but here I feel like it just highlights the slobiness.
Thanks for the advice!
No. 62514
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>tfw my face is really chubby so when i try this trend i just look fati'm ariana's height and i'm close to her weight, my face is just really unfortunate…
No. 62515
>>62505> wearing oversized and/or off-the-shoulder stuff> not looking like a slobThe secret to this look is being skinny. Literally.
You fail that one condition and you fail at everything. There is no way you will not come off as a slob no matter how neat your clothes are or how great your make up is.
No. 62518
>>62515Uh, if I saw a skelly chick with no makeup and a shitty oversize top I'd think her more a slob than a dolled up fatty with the same.
You're deluded.
No. 62520
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what do anons think of dita's daytime looks and style? i really love vintage looks, but they've been associated with crazy 3rd wave feminism, and i think that it can age you sometimes. I try to dress very feminine, and I usually wear similar skirts and dresses. my problem is really with the makeup and hair… as much as i love them, i think this black would look horrible and harsh on me, and this bright lipstick would make me look like a clown. ugh.
No. 62526
>>62520I think you're confusing this look with rockabilly, which I definitely think is somewhat associated with SJW-tier feminism and HAES now.
I agree with
>>62521, that it's classy and dignified. I actually saw a woman dressed like this at the grocery store not long ago and she was just gorgeous. The fact that most people don't dress like this just makes it even more special, in my opinion.
No. 62528
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>>62520i don't know about wearing high heels all the time, but i absolutely love it. those sorts of dresses and skirts ARE SO FLATTERING, i adore it. i think it looks much nicer than some of the other outfits i've seen posted, like those baggy shirts and skinny jeans and whatnot.
i was considering dyeing my hair black, and my mom asked me why, considering my hair is already dark brown. well! black hair just seems way more glamorous than brown hair, doesn't it?
No. 62539
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ignore how sloppy my collage is, it's been a rough day
i think titty&co has my dream style. it's light, cute, and feminine. im really tall and skinny so i look awkward in any cutesy clothing. artizia has similar clothing in store, but i looked out of place in outfits like this
No. 62550
>>62520I like the clothes I just don't like the hair and makeup she does. It ages her a lot and makes her seem artificial. Like always bright red lipstick , cat eye, dyed black hair and victory rolls, that ridiculous fake mole she draws on. To me it's the same as having bleach blonde hair, heavy smokey eye and insta thot levels of cakeyness
Basically I think if you're going to try super hard with proper clothing, don't go all tryhard with makeup and hair. If you're going to do baggy and relaxed
>>62505 then you need to try hard with makeup and hair. Idk tho just my opinion not the law.
No. 62553
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>>62528Dyed my hair black for that exact reason, it also give you a more exotic look IMO.
No. 62554
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what kind of style would you recommend for someone who just… doesn't look like much?
think axel ash with a pig nose, bulky rectangular frame (120s, but wide shoulders and 0 curves)
I used to dress really andro, but nowadays i like everything from genderless baggy stuff to sweet lolita.
sorry if this is technically OT. it's just, I've never had any idea how to flatter my plain face and body.
No. 62560
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>>62554- get some waves to hide your shoulders - it really works wonders
- focus on your skinny legs (if you have them) - shorts, short skirts, skinny pants
- avoid any kind of frills/decorations/buff on top but use them on bottom (to give impression that you have curves)
this body type can actually suit many styles if you're skinny.
as for face, can't really help you without seeing. find something that makes you unique and embrace it. I think natural
fresh makeup works for everyone as opposed to over contouring and overdrawing that changes you into another person.
No. 62576
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I can't commit to a certain style and it's ruining my wardrobe. When I was a young teen I was very interested in a scholarly/vintage look and I bought a lot of gold jewellery, floral skirts, cardigans, white shirts, good wool coats, satchels and brogues (like in the first picture). Then I went through a phase of wanting to look more dark/grunge (like a more toned-down version of gothic clothing) and tried making my entire wardrobe black, buying big chunky boots, silver jewellery with gothic imagery, leather jackets, and dark makeup (like in the second picture). So my current wardrobe is a mismatch of both of those things and because I can't commit to either, I end up just wearing jeans and hoodies most of the time.
Lately I've noticed myself being really drawn towards bohemian fashion and I've bought a couple of pieces of jewellery that have chunky crystals like turquoise and amethyst in them. I'm going somewhere hot this year for summer and once I've lost a few pounds I've planned on getting long, patterned skirts and little camisoles to match the jewellery and sandals I already own.
Ugh what's wrong with me? Is there any way of saving my wardrobe or should I just throw everything out and continue wearing jeans and hoodies since it's obviously what I'm best at?
No. 62577
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>>62576mix it into boho goth
No. 62583
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Lately my style is more cutesy and girly, since it kinda fits my baby face (and height) better. I wear a lot of coats like pic related with skirts, dresses, or maybe shorts and pair them with thigh socks and ankle boots or heels. It genuinely looks good as long as I don't go over the top so I can avoid looking like an obnoxious weeaboo schoolgirl.
No. 62615
>>62598South east Australia. It gets freezing down here under the mountains, and the valleys freeze some winters.
It goes from sweating in cotton booty shorts and a singlet to shivering in wool, felt, and furs.
No. 62634
>>62598eastern europe, I wear coat from october till april. I have two different coats though - normal one for warmer days, and thicker one for winter (late november - february)
can't imagine how you live in such hot weather, I literally die when it's over 22C/71F plus I never know what wear then in order to look nice and not burn my skin
No. 62653
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Up to what age do you guys think it's ok to look like this?
No. 62662
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>>62655>in my opinion, for however long you like it.yeah.. i thought about mentioning not to say this. cause tbh that's not true. imo there is a fine line where it goes from kawaii, to ermmm.., to plain asking for ridicule.
personally, Taylor R has made me think that as long as you still have a young face and haven't had kids yet, 27 is probably a good place. I guess maybe because 27 is officially late 20's.
No. 62669
>>62662but to be honest, there's quite a difference between the first dress posted and that one there. first dress, while too cutesy for some people, is something a girly girl or a very feminine woman would wear from time to time. you can style it with nice elegant boots and a leather jacket in the same color and no one would bat an eye.
the second one you posted, the blue one, is overly lolita. as such, it can be only successfully paired with lolita items and it will be so over the top. as such, it will look costumey and weird in every occasion except meetups and cons, whatever the wearer's age might be.
i think it's a matter of knowing what you like and how to incorporate it into more practical looks. it's true that everyone can carry different amounts of quirky, but if wearing a saccharine pink dress is what makes you happy, fuck it, just find a way of wearing it. we're all going to die anyways.
No. 62675
>>62669Different anon, but
>>62662 isn't even lolita. It looks like a shitty replica. Plus, the styling is awful.
>>62653You should look at Emiiichan's blog, she is in her mid 20s and wears Liz Lisa.
No. 62684
>>62466If you want to look cute and shouju, it's better to wear tailored, high quality clothes that flatter your body.
Japanese women moved away from OTT hime-kei clothing years ago. Looking ladylike and elegant is more popular nowadays. Frilly dresses, bows and over the knee socks are trying too hard. I used to wear stuff like she's wearing in pic related, now I realise how cheap and stupid it looked.
Very few girls can pull this off, unless you're naturally cute, have delicate facial features and a fairy-like figure. Even on Dakota, I always think it looked tacky. Nobody looks good in $3 pink lacy Chinamart dresses. Ever.
No. 62686
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>>62598seems like we are alone in thinking this, but i feel you anon.
latin american feels here. i have bought so many cute jackets, coats and sweaters throughout the years and i never get to use them. last year i didn't get to wear winter clothes not even once. it did rain at times, but either during the early morning or during the night time. i wish i got to wear shit like this too
>>62505 . it fucking sucks cause its the trendy thing online and i just can't join. its never cold where i live, neeever.
stuck on the "festival clothes" style till death.
No. 62688
>>62505>>62515>>62518I would love to rock this style but I promise that I look like a fat slot wearing it because I have big tits. Shit just never falls right on me and makes me look like a hamplanet when I'm only kinda chubby
The secret really is being thin
No. 62690
>>62520Hmm, I agree, I definitely get tumblrina/batshit 'choke me daddy' 3rd wave feminist vibes. The entire Dita fanclub has been co-opted by fatties, unfortunately.
The thing with Dita is she wears very expensive clothes or genuine vintage pieces.
Most girls who imitate her are wearing polyester replicas from pinupclothing (which is ridiculously expensive for the garbage it is).
And I just realised Dita really isn't that pretty, despite being lauded as a beauty for years. She has a shapeless round face, hooded little eyes, no chin, long nose…also her hair colour is very harsh. Good titties tho. One of the best boob jobs I've seen.
No. 62693
>>62662The contrast between her face and her dress is quite disturbing, kinda makes her look like a mature German pornstar with a sissy fetish.
Also, where are her eyebrows?
No. 62712
>>62688Dude, then don't wear oversize bullshit. Oversize anything is naturally frumpy especially paired with no makeup and bad hair.
Thin girls who wear that shit don't pull it off the majority of the time, guaranteed. It just looks like they wore their night shirts out.
No. 62718
>>62690"choke me daddy"? uh is it because dita does burlesque? i don't get that vibe at all.
because most of the vintage girls aren't on tumblr. they're all young housewives in california or they're 40+. they're all in facebook groups. and half of them are super christian.
pinupgirlclothing is polyester trash for their prices but they have very good fits i have to say.
also if somebody isn't going to wear a fashion style because some fatties wear it it sounds they have a unhappy life. fat people are unavoidable unless you only buy couture.
No. 62719
>>62684Not particularly concerned about what japanese women are wearing & what they find to be trying to hard. But high quality clothing >>> anything.
At the same time, most major department stores & even boutique style stores like topshop & asos source from chinese wholesellers. I like to try different brands & stick with them if they keep up their quality.
No. 62720
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How would you describe this kind of style? Hipster? Does it seem to frumpy (let's just assume now and forever people posting here are normal weight unless stated otherwise)
No. 62724
>>62720>How would you describe this kind of style?upper middle class woman 25-35 yo with culture/humanities related job (publishing, art, academia, design etc) and a grown-up attitude towards life
a lot of women doing their ph.d at humanities departments at my uni look like this, they're far from being hipster, they give me rather serious but cool vibe
No. 62729
>>62720this is the spillover of european hipster/street fashion of yesteryear into mainstream. women who are not exactly alternative or mainstream, but are still conscious of looking interesting and stylish dress along these lines (big coats or blazers, blouses or button-downs over cropped 80s inspired pants, dress shoes, minimalist but expensive bags, neutral colors, sparse but statement accessories). where i live, people with creative jobs (advertising people, graphic designers, writers etc.) dress like this. if executed poorly, you look like a bag lady. i don't know if it has a name.
No. 62825
>>62550I don't know, Dita's in her 40s and I think she looks really great for her age.
As to anons talking about black hair, I think it totally depends on your coloring. Black-brown can be a lot more flattering than stark black or blue black, and things like sumptuous red or a nice rich brunette can look really great with vintage style too. You don't have to rip off every detail of Dita's style to get a great look for yourself.
No. 62914
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Ive been binging a lot of minimalist closet videos, so Ive been slowly weeding away my old clothes and keeping an eye out for the perfect pieces to put back in
Ideally I would want my closet to be very plain jane 80's
almost like
>>62720 (but more cute/bright colors), just b/c I rlly like looking retro
You farmers got any styling tips for a person w/ the exact same body as Hayden Panettiere? It sucks being short and stocky even when your weight is average
No. 62922
>>62914Hey anon. I'm like the same height as Hayden with broad shoulders.
You definitely want to down play the top of your body. so nothing busy on top. Halters, plunging v necks, scoops look better than off the shoulder or strapless.
diagonal cut sleeves or wide sleeves that arent puffy help too. and keep the bottom half more interesting (patterns, embellishments, colors). flares would look cool or wide leg pants. flared skirts. and long hair helps hide the shoulders.
wear whatever the fuck you want obviously too.
also if you're interested try corsetting (NOT WAIST TRAINING)! it doesn't take long to achieve, just diligence. and it's safe unless you suffer from something. the effects dont last forever but your body does get used to being squished into an hourglass shape.
No. 62937
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>>62922good to know someone else is in the same boat, the only difference Id say w/ me and hayden is that I've got bigger boobs w/out a baby
it kinda sucks I'm into weeb shit as well, so dainty weak shoulders have always been my beauty ideal, but everyone wants what they can't have i guess
hate to question advice, but wouldn't waist training just emphasize my broader shoulders?
No. 62956
I've seen a lot of girls who pull off the 1950's style beautifully, better than Dita to be honest.
But I do agree that it looks way better when you wear genuine vintage pieces. The quality and cut of vintage clothing is far superior to modern clothing and if you invest in a statement piece it can last a lifetime.
Also, try to avoid tacky 50's clothes like poodle skirts (with actual poodles on them), big pearl chokers, cherry earrings etc. You want to look classy, not costumey. A simple cotton lacey blouse with a full satin skirt and some peeptoe heels can look beautiful, even though it's so simple.
And when it comes to hair, don't think you have to go jet black or bleached blonde (which seems to be the go-to for most rockabilly types). Often the most 'authentically' 50's look is to retain your natural colour, or dye it a nice soft natural blonde, or reddish strawberry blonde, like Emma Stone. These colours are so much less harsh and are far more authentically 1950's.
Unless of course, you want to go full Bettie Page or Marilyn, in which case, black or bleach blonde are necessary.
No. 62957
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this is corny but I want to dress in (original) Twin Peaks fashion. They all look so soft and feminine.
No. 62988
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I like subtle lolita looks, the ones that look innocent and classy, but wearable enough in public to not get stares
No. 62991
>>62937I love weeby kawaii shit too. And I also have a larger chest despite not have a huge BMI. It sucks that a lot of fashion styles only seem to suit one kind of body type.
It could maybe re: corsetting, but a lot of stocky types have trouble emphasizing their waistline too. but, good point. maybe avoid that lol
No. 63019
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How can I style myself kind of like PeachMilky? She always looks so pretty even when her nose was "big" she just has this pretty and girly look. I don't know how she has such nice outfits and how she does her hair honestly I wish I could look as girly as she does.
No. 63036
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okay so I kind of like buying sort of ridiculous accessories just for the fun of it
i was looking for a cute yellow hairband to go w/ my black hair and side bangs and found >pic related
but is it too too much?
No. 63042
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Have any of you guys used henna and indigo to dye your hair? I was thinking about using one the henna blocks from Lush.
No. 63112
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>>63042>>63097i don't know about indigo but i dyed my hair red using natural henna powder. only thing you do is water it down with warm water to the consistency of runny mud, add some olive oil into it, smear it on your hair like you would with hair dye and wait about 5 hours. it will give you nice, vibrant, natural-ish red hair. other things that claim to be henna AND turn your hair any other color than red-orange contain hair dye and can fry your hair.
also beware, as:
-you will have a hard time washing it out from your hair, it's basically mud.
-it will stain everything, especially your hands and it won't come out for like 3 weeks because it's a vegetable dye.
-you can't bleach out henna from your hair but you can dye a darker color over it.
-you can add brewed black tea in it to make it reddish rather than orange.
-it dries out some people's hair, so rinsing it thoroughly and using moisturising hair treatments is important.
No. 63122
File: 1497633556972.png (1.06 MB, 679x1024, 1493319730194.png)

i'm in love with this sort of look, as well as the "boho goth" look mentioned in
>>62577 but my figure fucking sucks. i want to be very thin and flat, because i feel like this sort of style works better for that kind of figure.
i'm not a hamplanet, just a regular chubster but i walk everywhere, so my calves, ass, and thighs are stupid thick. once i lose more weight i'm going to start slowly incorporating this kind of clothing into my wardrobe. i'm in berlin right now, and i see so many alt girls with this style, it's really inspiring.
anyone here have ideas for good brands for this sort of thing? i don't really have a good sense of fashion, so i'm not exactly sure where to start.
No. 63133
>>63085its just a little padded, i like it b/c its cartoonish
i already bought it anyway since it was 3$ lol
No. 63142
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>>63122Sounds like a mix of dolls kill/deandri with some free people in darker hues. Or any knock boho brand (or forever21), that stuff is everywhere now.
Start with some staple black pieces. Flowy blouse, bag, shoes, pants, 2 dresses, hat, cardigan ,some jewlery (long necklaces & crystals?). think stevie nicks/american horro story coven vibes. it was big a few years back. The key is things that are easy to move in and are comfortable/breathable. Choose silvers too. And learn2makeup
No. 63401
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>>63400dropped my pic, just trying to bump the thread
No. 63426
>>63408I came across this video b4 and tried to do it, but found I couldn't be objective enough about it to get a good answer
myb i can do it w/ a friend and rate each other
No. 63504
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I am unsure if this is the right place to ask but does anyone here know where to get a coat like this, or advice on any other coats that would fit a more cute style?
No. 63537
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>>62988same, kinda like how the dolly weeb cows, such as kota, b4by.jpg, venus, peachymilk and the jvloggers dress
the traditional lolita look is cute, but is only good for conventions and meetups, not for everyday
No. 63667
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>>63524b/c its funny
>>63536i got sailor moon vibes, its like her puffy arm roll sleeves
its just as eccentric as her hair meatballs
No. 64213
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Been trying to find a style that works best with my baby face and amazonian height. I've been looking at Namie Amuro's style for guidance.
No. 64572
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>>62447I love this sort of style, like a cute, adorable type goth, but not pastel? asdf
No. 64595
Seriously anon get off Tumblr
No. 64599
>>64572this is called basic underage tumblr girl wearing almost all black for edge points. srsly tho tf is this, those knee highs and shoes are gaudy
>>64593nah anon. even that halloween hot topic shit aint goth.
No. 64601
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>>64572Hey anon, maybe what you are looking for is actually "grunge" style, with an asian flair?
No. 64604
>>64602it's an american apparel tennis skirt, they all sit like that
tbh i wear them almost daily and i just wear sports shorts underneath
No. 64610
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>>64608Holy shit I just googled it and found exactly what I'm going for (pic related)
No. 64611
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Can anyone recommend me a good edgy meets glam wardrobe? I'm slender and about 5'6, I love amber scholl style.
No. 64617
>>64611Hey anon! Most of this clothing looks like stuff you can get on Aliexpress or eBay from China. Basically, dress like an instahoe with black+white+fur/lace/glitter detailing and should be good to go.
I know you can find those shoes by searching "rockstuds" or "valentino rockstuds" (ones in photo are popular knockoffs).
A lot of the clothing in the photos look like they are meant to be lingerie originally so you can search for "satin camisole" or "satin croptop" Searching low-high on eBay (to get shit from China) I found this on the first page, and it matches the styles in your collage:, I looked up Amber Scholl and found this video: she mentions some places she gets her clothes (one place is
I'm not personally into this style so can't recommend much else, but I've seen it quite a bit while browsing online, so hope this helps a little in your search!
No. 64787
>>63122I'm forever in love with her hair in this picture. Apparently it was a wig, and I would kill to know what wig is it and where to buy it. It just looks so good.
>>64572Kokopie shop has dozens of socks, skirts and shirts like these. You can shop there
No. 64821
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Mori girl. I live in the rockies where the crunchy hippies live already, layers are my jam. But I love the earthy colours with lace instead of, general music festival/hiker gear? everyone around me chooses
No. 65167
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How do I translate this into the real world w/o it being cosplay lul
No. 65249
>>65167with a palette of pink, purple, greys, blacks and whites? I guess, take the similar colors of her suits, and translate them into real, wearable outfits
purple long sleeved shirt, grey leggings, black and white ballet flats, bright pink jewelry
you'll look like a ridiculous teenage girl at the mall in 2009, but if you want it go all for it
No. 65287
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>>65167if you're looking for kinda a "what diva would wear in public" thing, here I guess
looks ridiculous but some people can pull it off, and depends on how comfortable you are with your body
No. 66077
File: 1501811520043.jpg (139.11 KB, 1200x800, dress.jpg)

I have fallen in love with this dress, but i have no idea where to find it.
I tried messaging the woman wearing it in this pic to no avail (
tried reverse imaging it
tried googling keywords and general design: no luck
any help would be appreciated !
No. 66220
>>66202I'm a 34D & wear liz lisa size M if that helps anon.
sadly your best bet would be looking at vintage-like stuff.
No. 66244
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found the perfect top for anyone going for that chad look
No. 67142
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So this is kind of an odd question but I really love Flying Tiger's vibe (like Sostrene Grene, both cute danish stores) and I want to have the same kind of vibe through my clothes, but I don't know how that translates.
I thought of hipster-y kind of patterns but I don't know any clothing brand with that vibe and thoses patterns, have you got any idea where I could find some ?
No. 67145
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>>67142I searched Asos for "print" and found many patterned clothes so lol
No. 67149
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>>66077I hope you're still here, anon. That dress looks just like Valfre's Matlida dress.
No. 67240
File: 1504053220218.jpg (44.86 KB, 640x427, Stine-Goya-PF16-small_1.jpg)

>>67142Are you from Denmark?
If you're willing to pay, Stine Goya makes lots of cute prints. Her S/S collections are always more fun than her A/W collections, so maybe you can find something that's cute on sale right now.
No. 67355
>>63042I used to use it a few years ago but I regret ever having used it personally. I like to be able to change my hair colour easily, and my natural hair is blonde so dying it dark with blonde regrowth is not great, so every 6-8 weeks I'd be re-hennaing which meant I had to set aside 6-8 hours to henna my hair.
Pros - The colour is beautiful and fades beautifully. It made my hair feel and look amazing, it felt like it improved the overall texture of my hair.
- After a few months I was getting tired of the 8 hour ordeal each time I needed to top up (you want to leave it in your hair for hours for the henna to take).
- It is irreversible. You have to wait for it to grow out if you want to change your colour again.
- It is very messy and will stain everything! You need to be careful applying.
- Don't use a box dye or bleach on it. I tried this as I had read the lush henna's had no metallic salts in it so was safe to dye over. However, my hair turned a lovely shade of green/mossy brown meaning there was some sort of horrible chemical reaction. It was a very slow process to go back to my natural blonde colour.
No. 67356
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>>67142I can possibly list off a few for you to check out.
- Gorman
- Lazzari
- Nadinoo
- Leonard Street
- Hi There by Karen Walker
- Lazy oaf (sometimes)
I also like these Japanese brands if you don't mind using shopping services:
- Pou dou dou
- Peus pres
- Bulle de savon
- Chambre de charme
- Ruby and you
- L'atelier du savon
- Haupia
- Child woman
- Par ici
No. 68062
File: 1506176244153.jpg (69.49 KB, 600x646, 4pfsr6-l.jpg)

this is kelsey simone, i like her style but i would want to see more color
anyone like her?
No. 68076
File: 1506204721703.png (876.93 KB, 961x1382, 20170923_165118.png)

Is crushed velvet trashy/tacky? I have the body for this dress (not any height tho,) but could I wear it without looking terrible? Just contemplating getting it to wear to a friend's wedding.
No. 68087
>>68076i think it 100% depends on your styling. i personally think velvet looks better with a bit of an alt/goth/grunge slant to it - it seems hard to make it look classy or expensive with how it's being used in trends right now.
what's the vibe of the wedding? that dress is definitely sexy, which may or may not be appropriate or your goal. a cute shawl or cardigan or cropped jacket might be able to bring that down a notch though. if the wedding is a pristine white church thing, probably better to go with something more conservative. if it's more relaxed, this could be cute.