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No. 62599
Can we have a thread to discuss our favourite female figures in media (TV, film, anime, novels, video games, etc) and real life? Can be because of any reason, either because you admire certain personality trait they have, because they inspired you in some way, because they have a nice body, idk any reason really, even if it’s just because you like their makeup.
No. 62602
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probably zero people know about it, but if anyone's read the Da Vinci Code, the author Dan Brown has a serious thing for super intelligent, hot, strong women. They're in all his books, and he likes to emphasize a lot how freakishly smart they are. my favorite is Vittoria from the book angels and demons. She's a scientist who became the first person to create anti-matter in a laboratory, until the illuminati group stole it to use as a weapon of destruction against the Vatican. in a scene, she was kidnapped by an assassin who was first about to rape her, but she somehow managed to free herself from the binds and burned his back from behind with a fire torch
No. 62603
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I like how she is so smart and uptight.
No. 62605
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>>62602Have you read any other of his book aside from the Da Vinci Code? If so, any in particular you could recommend me?
I think Dita Von Teese is one of my favorite style icons. First time I saw her I thought she looked “fake” and tried way too hard, but the more I read about her, the more I came to actually admire how confident and unapolegetic she is and how much she doesn’t care about other people opinions.
There were two things she said in an interview that really struck a chord with me. The first one was how she loved artificial beauty and that she believed that what you’re not born with, you can create. The second one was something about how anyone can become glamorous and how it’s not about being naturally pretty. I don’t know, she just makes me feel empowered
No. 62606
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ok but can we talk about how badass Casca was during the Golden Age arc? I still can't get over what they did to her. If anyone knows about any other manga with a female character like her please let me know
No. 62607
>>62605YES. Angels and Demons, The Lost Symbol, and Inferno. This is the entire "Robert Langdon series".
I'm not a book person at all, i literally only read books from two authors including him, and I love these. I actually tried every book he's written, but the older ones are not as good.
No. 62621
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i hope GLaDOS counts as a female figure. she's incredibly well-written and so human in her inhumanity. i also like the way she turns out in the second game.
No. 62630
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La Casati, an ugly, rich, exentric muse, beautiful in her very own way, wanted to be a living work of art and always was. I can't get enough of her. I love any woman who can rock unconventional beauty.
No. 62636
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>>62633Yeah ugly isn't the right word, but her face was quite horseish and didn't fit traditional standard of beauty of her time (pic related). She does look old money and elegant.
No. 62640
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Lara Croft, or more specifically Core Design-era Lara Croft. Yes, even the wonky Paris game. Everything went to shit after that and new Lara is not MY president.
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation was my first video game with a female protagonist/first game in the TR series and I didn't have internet back then so I spent weeks figuring stuff out on my own. I literally remember every little dialogue from the first 2 levels to this day.
I loved (still do) how smart, independent and adventurous she was. She had a comeback for every monocle-popping side character chiding her for being 'most unorthodox!' and basically did whatever the fuck she wanted 24/7. I've also always wanted a live-in valet I could lock in the freezer.
No. 62644
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Oscar François de Jarjeyes , she is brave , kind , strong and beautiful … she is my favorite female anime character <3
No. 62658
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>>62640YES. Lara was easily the most prominent female character of my childhood. And I loved Angel of Darkness, I liked how dark it was. Plus the soundtrack was heavenly.
No. 62660
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I love Laura Palmer. I didn't appreciate her much when I first watched Twin Peaks because I just saw her as "the dead girl", but after reading the tie-in diary novel and watching Fire Walk With Me, I appreciate her character so much more. She had to be incredibly strong to put up with all the shit she went through.
No. 62661
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>>62630she's so striking and her face has so much character.
also thanks for reminding me of La Maupin; the swashbuckling, bisexual star of the Paris Opera and another badass worthy of this thread.
No. 62667
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Brienne of Tarth. I love her so much even though she's bullheaded and not so good at the politics she's been put to work in.
She's awesome though, and I love that she's not beautiful while she's being so awesome. She's strong as fuck, honourable, honest, and keeps being that way even though the majority of people she interacts with are awful to her.
No. 62670
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I've always loved Motoko's character (especially when she's voiced by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, because I love that woman too) and once aspired to be more like her when I was but a weeby little tween. She has a place in my dumb ol' heart for probably forever.
No. 62671
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Here are some of my favourite fictional women. So glad this was brought up because I was only discussing with my bf recently how I love watching Attack on Titan and The Walking Dead as they both feature women who weren't written to be physically/intellectually/skilfully inferior to their male companions. I just find media without badass women really exhausts and bores me.
I'll pretty much fall in love with any female character who follows the formula of starting off weak and grows strong after discovering their ~inner power~, witty/clever women, women who are masters of whatever skill they possess and women who diverge from traditional "feminine" roles.
No. 62672
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Some of my favorites when it comes to games.
Clem is probably one of my favorite female character ever. Watching her grow up over the years has been a delight.
No. 62678
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I loved her so much around the age of 4~5, but looking back I just really wanted her hair
No. 62695
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>>62667Brienne is amazing and I find Gwendoline Christie incredibly attractive. When I was reading the book I thought she was going to become one of those “I was honorable once but the world changed me” characters so I was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t change despite all the shit that happened to her.
Shepard is one of my fave video game characters. I wasn’t into gaming until my boyfriend lent me Mass Effect so that was the first game with a strong female lead that I ever played, I guess that’s why I love it so much. She’s badass, strong, tough, a leader, heroic, and overall I find her very well written. Plus Jennifer Hale voices her.
No. 62701
>>62648>>62630This is La Casati, not ugly but very unique features.
>>62636This is Cleo de Merode a contemporary beauty queen.
They don't look anything alike.
No. 62708
>>62706>weird dominatrix bedroom voicekek
that's one way to put it i suppose
No. 62710
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Honestly if I be even bit somewhat similiar to Maggie Smith when I grow old, I'll consider my life well lived…
No. 62711
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>>62710And these days I just can't get enough of Anna Wintour, I admire to be strong willed and influencial as she is.
No. 62730
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No. 62745
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This tends to be an unpopular opinion but one of my absolute favorites is Joan from Mad Men. Joan isn't perfect but she is so many thing I admire, the way she carries herself with so much confidence in that office, the way she knows the office politics well and glides through it like she's untouchable. Doesn't matter if the men are ogling her because she knows she's beautiful and sexy and it's not something she'll let them use to weaken her. I'm very shy, vulnerable, have no confidence and can't assert myself so seeing this woman have this position of power and respect and never showing her weaknesses, especially in that environment which could break a lot of women down really struck me. And the fact that she's glamorous and put together and walks into every knowing she's the most beautiful person there is inspiring. I'm a Peggy without the talent. I also love her character progression from marrying Greg to fulfill this perfect idea of how she's supposed to live her life to turning down Bob for love instead of an arrangement.
Joan always gets torn down because of the shitty things that happen to her and the whole thing with Jaguar but I think she handled it with as much grace as she could and kept her head held high. I hate people tearing down female characters for every single flaw they have or throw the character in the trash without trying to understand them.
Little bonus, she reminds me a little bit of Yennefer from the Witcher, who I also love to death. I admire those beautiful, strong, intelligent women that rarely show vulnerability or weaknesses.
No. 62746
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the definition of a bad bitch. rich, successful, and does whatever the fuck she wants
No. 62753
>>62695Oh god Gwendoline is beautiful!
Brienne and Samwell are honestly the closest things we get to 'true heroes' in ASOIAF and it fucks them up over and over again. It's great. Her relationship with Podrick Payne is adorable too. They're both so shy and he has no idea how to be her squire, and she's so different from Tyrion that it must spin poor Pod right out
No. 62795
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Not kidding. Favourite male figure is Gagarin.
I prefer dogs to humans anyhow.
For me, they are the symbols of pushing boundaries. "No limits, Jonathan? He thought and he smiled."
No. 62804
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audrey from atlantis was one of the first female characters i looked up to when i was little and to this day i always love tough tomboy characters like her.
No. 62807
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These two…
No. 62826
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Angela and from American Beauty, I love how that movie portray every single one of it's female characters but I particularly identified with her the first time I've watched it. Her ending is so lovely and kind, she was just a young girl trying to play games that weren't meant for her.
No. 62831
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this character from the powerpuff girls tbh. she was supposed to be portrayed as a misandrist who got feminism all wrong and hated men. that political shit flew right by me as kid, I just loved the way she looked and how manipulative and clever she was.
No. 62835
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>>62807I live for those two
>>62672Same! Especially Heather and Clem
My favorite is Princess Peach, I hate how in recent games she's portrayed as just some rag doll being dragged around and there just so Mario has someone to save. In some old Nintendo comics she's portrayed as a tough brave bitch and in her solo game too, she really had a personality.
I think she's so cute and feminine, and would be great to have tea with. When I was a kiddo she was always my favorite character to be, since at the time she was the only consistent female character you could play as.(which I'm glad has changed since now we have a wider variety of girl characters like Rosalina , Toadette etc..) I just wish Nintendo would do more with her character; Same with Zelda (who I also adore) she's interesting enough to have a game on her own
No. 62836
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Dr Mrs The Monarch. Love how she's drawn and her heinous voice. Pretty much everything about how she's written tbh
No. 62838
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>>62795What about Valentina?
No. 62845
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I really like Ciri from The Witcher (books/game). Pls no bully, I know she has a lot of negative traits but that's why I find her character interesting, since she's different from many main female characters in popular media. She isn't some idealized perfect role model but rather a realistic human, whose lifetime of experiences have shaped her in many ways for better or worse, even resulting in her acting entitled, arrogant, frustrated and angry, violent… She's also an example of how even someone who has done horrible things can have a lot of goodness in them too, as you see through the eyes of Yennefer and Geralt who love her to death and who she loves dearly in return.
No. 62855
>>62644Oh my God Oscar . . . she's such a well written character and seeing how she changes through the course of the manga/anime is fascinating. I really admire her androgyny, she embodied the best aspects of masculinity without denigrating womankind and grew to embrace her femininity without losing the 'masculine' characteristics that were deeply embedded in her character. This whole 'elegant, feminine gentleman tomboy' type of character may well have begun with her and may be relegated to eastern media but its an archetype I really, really like and wish I saw more of.
I would adore a remake of Rose of Versailles if only to have more people to talk to about it, its not only dead as doornails fandom it is so old it is difficult to convince people to give it a shot.
No. 62857
>>62695I really like Femshep but I think my outlook is a little different since I made mine in the character creator. I think it is easier to see Femshep as her own distinct character when you haven't crafted your own.
And I am so biased in favor of mine. No matter how much she changes with each character import my Femshep will always be the prettiest in my eyes.
No. 62903
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Natsu from 7seeds. When I first began to read the series (in high school) I really disliked her personality, but admittedly as an adult I have a lot in common with how she behaved. Over the course of the series it's amazing to see how much she and the rest of the characters grow accustomed to each other and try to overcome their flaws. She takes a lot of small steps to change herself but it really made me reflect about what I need to do for myself, too.
This chapter near the final volumes was particularly heartbreaking to read because she realized how much the events of the story have changed her from when she was living as a NEET.
No. 62904
>>62838Thread said "females", not "women".
I answered accordingly.
Laika is the pioneer.
Woof woof
No. 62924
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ilana's who i wish i could be but i'm not brave enough </3
No. 63034
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>no one has mentioned Dana Scully
No. 63037
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>>63034Jesus christ you're right, how could anyone forget good ol' skeptical sassy Scully
Just recently started watching the X-files and man do I love her and how she balances it out
No. 63041
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>>62660Audrey Horne is my Twin Peaks girl, Anon. She gets what she wants via seduction but without ever needing to actually put out, and though that might seem kind of shady, I think it's pretty clever.
She's also so ambitious with helping out Cooper and running that one fashion show. I want that kind of dedication.
No. 63059
>>63041Yes Audrey is great! I just wanted to post about Laura because I loved Audrey from the get go and only recently came around to Laura.
>>63056I shipped the heck out of Coop and Audrey, Annie didn't hold a candle to her.
No. 63064
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Utena was my idol when I was a kid. Though I only saw the first half of the series back then, before everything went batshit.
No. 63081
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>>63034Would also like to mention my adoration for Scully. Thanks anon, I'm going to go watch the X-files again now.
>>62804Speaking of animated children's movie characters, my two favorites are Anya (from Anastasia) and Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle.)
I appreciate how strong, bold, and brave Anya is. I really liked how she wasn't a damsel in distress who needed saving, but rather an honest, headstrong, resourceful girl who wasn't afraid to be herself. I also really liked how important it was for her to find her family and feel like she belonged, because I often struggle with that.
I understand that Sophie sometimes doesn't get a lot of recognition for being a strong female character, especially since she's usually overshadowed by some of Miyazaki's other heroines. But I love Sophie because she's the most like me. Shy, quiet, and rather self conscious. But she's also very strong with a kind and gentle heart. I love how she was able to gain confidence in herself and her abilities.
No. 63086
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My favourite anime and manga girls
No. 63088
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>>62845I definitely like books-Ciri more. We experience her life from a little girl to a woman. In the game, you get a woman - but her story is the most interesting when she's a kid/teenager. The shit she went through, what she survived… and I liked her personality more - she was a little devil, indeed.
Where's San from Mononoke Hime, though? Oh my gods, I remember how I loved Mononoke Hime but was simultaneously scared shitless of it. But the whole philosophy left such an impact within me, it still resonates.
San is fierce and wild, but at the same time a good, caring person. I like how rough and untamed they made her, but without pretension or tryhardism, it's just who she is. There's no praise nor condemnation about it. I think she's a character that can't be replicate in the (pop)culture, she's the only of her kind.
No. 63095
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She's so beautiful and amazing despite having a large nose which really made me look up to her
No. 63096
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Dixie Kong is so cool and was so useful in the game she was in despite being the sid character of a side character. She had her own personality and played the guitar which little me thought was the COOLEST? No matter what I love her and always look up to her and I was so sad she wasn't in brawl and now Tiny Kong is more popular sadly so I doubt she'll have many more roles.
No. 63147
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I know it can be considered tumblr the show, but idk why I enjoy her so much
No. 63206
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I know everyone hates Misa but I actually really love her. She's so conniving and smart but doesn't show it. Her and Naomi Misora were the only characters I actually liked.
No. 63207
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>>62603>>63095HxH girls are great. You can tell that Togashi wants them to be interesting characters with purpose outside being waifubait or overtly sexualized eye candy, which is a nice change from a lot of anime and manga and battle shounen specifically.
No. 63221
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i like her
No. 63228
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i like how much of a secret badass she is.
No. 64089
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>>62599Lord Marie from Innocent Rouge, she's everything I want to be
No. 64092
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>>64089I love her, she gives me goosebumps
No. 64133
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Sure, she has no dialogue aside for what the players chose but I like the options given and that they are always a little impish, like when she forces herself into Shinji's room. In the p3p artbook, there's a copy of the school newspaper with a gossip article calling her a 'koakuma' (little devil, it's used to describe cute and alluring girls) for charming so many guys lol. And ofc she can fight too. I just think she's cool and confident, I wish I could be friends with someone like her ahaha.
No. 64142
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>>64133i've always loved her romance with shinjiro
she's a way better character than the male mc, and the story is way more interesting with her around
No. 64153
>>64151It's Atlus, I don't think they will ever give us another female protagonist and I'm going to be salty about it forever, Persona 5 was amazing and I would have loved to have a female mc.
>>64142I made her romance Akihiko but I felt horrible at the end
he ends up losing his sister, his best friend AND his love interest No. 64175
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original series and EoE only. i identify with her so much on nearly every level. i've never since found a character i could find myself in so perfectly. her showing how she could find her own self-validation, try and find happiness, and fight back and not take anyone's bullshit, even through traumatic and rock-bottom moments makes me hold on to hope for myself and to try and pull through.
No. 64198
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>>64092Fucking love Marie. Best female character I've come across in ages.
In general I miss the strong, sexy, independent women types in older anime. I mean like the women in Cowboy Bebop for example. I feel like they've all been replaced by moeblobs and other weak heroines.
Protip: this jacket and a tshirt are available on Galaxy Broadshop. Collab with Kyo from Dir en Grey.
No. 65008
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>no samus yet
No. 65038
but ugh I think samus first became my favorite was when I was playing brawl and didn't think she was a girl. When I saw her final smash and how she was actually a girl I was in awe. I was young at the time too so it definitely left an impression. When I found out that she was revealed as a female at the very end of her first game i was once again, in awe, and could only imagine the reaction of other people (specifically males). The fact that such a tough, strong, and skillful character can be female is aweeeesome to me. It sucks that she's sexualized now tho, but I have to admit that I do have a MAJOR girl crush on her as well.
No. 65068
Everyone has fantastic tastes.
>>62835>that particular PeachAnon, I totally agree with you. This particular manga/comic of Peach was just fantastic and by far my favorite. I was never a Disney Princess type girl, but thought Princesses should be like old Peach here.
I really wish this version would make a comeback, but they seemed to have solidified bimbo airhead Peach as the norm now. I really liked how intelligent she was in the cartoon as well.
>>63064Utena is also one of my favs. I really aspire to be like her. At least tumblr hasn't latched onto Utena like they have Sailor Moon so far.
No. 65318
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Can't believe she hasn't been posted yet.
No. 65535
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shit. coco bandicoot might have been an influence on me going into IT. whoops.
No. 66227
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lyudmila pavlichenko
Female sniper who fought in ww2
she was initially turned away from serving but proved herself just as capable as the male soldiers and went on to be one of the deadliest snipers in history.
No. 66231
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>>62599For me… Jean Harlow and Jennifer Tilly. Something about them I love. 1/2
No. 66232
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No. 66240
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Ada Lovelace & Grace Hopper hands down the reasons why I'm in IT.
No. 66255
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Lady Eboshi. Faced gods without fear, lead a highly coveted mining town, and even helped the less fortunate (like the brothel girls and lepers) by giving them homes and futures in Iron Town. Definitely a favorite of mine.
No. 66290
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>>66287how was she a cunt? she improved the village's life
most people would rather have the benefits of living in an industrial society rather than being farmers who starve when the crops are bad
she could have easily been the heroine of the movie, without changing very much about the movie
No. 66292
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>>66281Take your terrible bait and go, robot.
No. 66297
>>66290It has more something to do with me rooting for the animals. She didn't give a shit how her actions might affect others. While yes she improved her villages and their lifes and gave people hope who never thought they would have that again (reason why I liked her in the beginning) she doesn't care about her surroundings.
Though I get that it's a different time in the movie so caring about nature isn't really a thing.
She is definetly a strong woman but there is just something that I hate about her.
Well written character though.
No. 66355
>>66297Miyazaki actually had some fantastic commentary about humans and nature in this interview: interesting excerpts about Eboshi from the interview:
>Judging from her attire, Eboshi looks like a Shirabyoushi (prostitutes who danced in men's attire).>M: I also have that image (about her). I think that she got there after going through considerable hardships. So from Eboshi's standpoint, she must feel that Ashitaka's karma is nothing.
>So she did go through a lot of hardships.>M: Yes. I thought up a story that she was a wife of a Wako boss (Japanese pirates/smugglers who raided the Chinese and Korean coastlines), or something like that. And what Eboshi is trying to do is to build a paradise as she thinks of it. Hence, she is a person of the 20th century. She has a clear ideal and can take action. Well, I just think so (laughs).