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No. 65087
>>65069Honestly my s/o has never done anything
But once i did have to pretend he was autistic so the train guy wouldnt keep doubting the authenticity of his child train ticket respective to his age. He asked when he was born and he froze up not having a planned answer and I didn't want him to get in trouble
No. 65128
>>65085I thought the Jew thing was funny.
My bf has never worked a service job before, and doesn't realize how grating some of his jokes are to employees.
>"It didn't scan? It must be free!"Baby, I love you, but you gotta stop that shit.
No. 65134
>>65083I do this when I talk to people when I'm not feeling confident or i'm shy. He's probably aware of it and can't do jack shit to stop himself.
>>65119My husband does most of this kinda stuff at home rather than in public but he'll do fruity little dances when hes happy even if he's in public. What's kinda sweet is when we first met I caught him doing his fruity things once in awhile and then he'd blush and clam up but overtime he got more comfortable showing his real goofy self which in turn lets me be my own retarded self.
>>65128I did too, though the one for the handicapped person is a little far lol.
My husband likes to joke about his own nose size with cocaine jokes (The way he tells it is funnier, something like "It just wouldn't be fair to do coke with someone, my nostrils are the size of dinner plates." )
Also your boyfriend is so cringeworthy and i hate him for that joke oh my god. Is your boyfriend 80 lmfao
No. 65137
>>65121damn, anon, i feel bad for u. cringe. he really does act like hes 13 like
>>65120 said
No. 65149
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my bf can be very oblivious sometimes when it comes to dressing himself. He's obsessed with hawaiian shirts at the moment and will sometimes wear them out with spongebob swimming trunks that he's had for years and dress shoes. He'll sometimes walk around with jeans or a shirt covered in stains and I have to point it out to him and make him change. This is becoming less of an occuring thing though.
No. 65187
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>>65088OMG this is SOOOO cringy!! how are you even still with him????
No. 65214
>>65201Sounds like the time my ex was too embarassed to buy condoms so after hovering around them awkwardly for like 20 minutes I had to go in, grab them, and quickly buy them. The girl was nice about it though she was like "That's why the GUYS should buy them" so i got to make fun of him a little bit.
He sucked so it's fine.
>>65210Farts are always funny even when it's kinda rude and annoying
No. 65219
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My boyfriend used to belch loudly in public without saying "excuse me." This embarrassed me, especially in front of people we know, but I never said anything because I didn't want to end up responsible for his manners. I don't know if he noticed it bothered me or what, but he stopped doing this a few months into our relationship.
No. 65671
>>65487>hadn't been taught to sneeze with his mouthWtf is up with this shit I dated an ok guy but with bad ass hygiene and then one day he forgot to flush the toilet and I saw that he obviously just balled toilet paper up and smashed it against his ass to wipe. Dumped because I couldn't take him seriously as a person after that. Some guy also confided me too that he had never learned to blow his nose and use to just pull his nose up to stretch his nostrils and dab at them until he was like 17 and finally googled it.
>>65631>>65654When you dump him tell him that freedom of speech doesn't excuse him from being an asshole. Nobody needs to carve a boyfriend out of degenerate clay when there's plenty more non-asshole fish in the sea