File: 1500672356832.jpg (23.02 KB, 350x225, married-men-350_062112043621.j…)

No. 65295
>>65257It..Really depends. If he's separated with his wife or they're in an open relationship or in a financial situation where a divorce isn't possible but the relationship is dead, sure.
If you're hurting a healthy marriage by encouraging it, you're kind of terrible.
No. 65353
>>65268idk if it's some subconscious evolutionary psychology bullshit or the way our society puts pressure on women, or both, but basically if a girl only wants a married man it's like saying "SEE? he's with you but he wants ME. i'm better/hotter/whatever." only a deeply, deeply insecure individual would have a primary attraction to someone taken. that or they know their relationships can't go anywhere, so when it ends it's because of their wife/kids rather than facing rejection for your person like in a normal relationship.
but the "his ex wife is shitty" part leads me to believe OP is just insecure af and competitive with women. oh his wife is shitty? and he's not because he's cheating. k
No. 65356
>>65353I think it's their way to rationalise their vile selves. The wife is oh so evil to him, I'm just helping him!
Totally agree about insecure women falling for that crap.
If there was a cheaters handbook that would be one of the top 3 tips: vilify your partner to garner sympathy.
No. 65359
>>65353In general I think OP is probably a fucked up human being and I hope if the wife finds out, she slaps the shit out of her.
Fucking disgusting.
No. 65360
>>65257So you enjoy being a side piece?
It doesn't matter if the husband has a shitty wife, it doesn't concern you and if he has enough time to cheat, then he has enough time to get out of the relationship.
I think you'd have to have a lack of self respect to do something like that.
No. 65364
>>65263>>65270's actually does look like a "want what you can't have" thing most of the time, but the "wife treats like shit" part should be a turn off in theory, so idk.
>>65266It's just a pity that they're sooooo fuckin obvious. Post style and post topic (usually feminism or race) is a dead giveaway.