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No. 65424
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I shave my legs once a week, my armpits every 4 days, and my bikini line once a week with an occasional trim. I lucked out with not being really hairy but I still hate bikini line shaving. I should probably do it more often than once a week but it gets so fucking itchy I just can't stand it and I don't want razor burns. I'd like to get waxed but I'm too embarrassed to allow some Vietnamese lady see my vag.
Has anyone ever tried that hard wax? You can use it without strips and it supposed to be painless. I wonder how easy it would be to use at home.
No. 65429
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Don't shave my pits, legs or vag. I'm single and live in a cold country so it's not necessary. The occasions I do get rid of it, it takes a while so I use hair removal cream and after that, a razor.
I have to wax/pluck my eyebrows and moustache pretty much on the daily though - can't skip on them cause they're really black and obvious and make me look like a full blown man. Fuck my genetics.
No. 65486
>>65477I got such s good chuckle from >>I don't fart
Cheers anon
No. 65488
>>65477Thank you for this post anon I had a hearty kek
And to answer your question, I don't bother with it unless I know someone's gonna be all up in my ass (I usually epilate my ass even though it hurts, it's the best way to get all the hairs you can't see). I love the feeling of a hairless butt but I hate the itchy grow back and always worry about cutting myself with the razor.
On the same topic, does anyone else have hair on their butt cheeks? I feel so gross
>>65481I don't think it's important to shave arm hair nor do I usually notice it on people, but I do wax mine off. I have pale skin with dark hair, so when I get rid of the hair I'm left with smooth pale arms that just look and feel better to the touch.
No. 65496
>>65488I do and I feel gross. But it's good to know that I'm not the only one, no one ever seems to talk about it. I'm considering waxing it but I'm not sure if it's worth the money.
>>65481I usually bleach my arm hair in the summer time. It makes it hardly noticeable and will last for a few weeks. There's arm or body hair bleach available that's inexpensive and it takes less than 15 minutes total.
No. 65561
>>65488yeah, I sometimes use nair or an eyebrow razor cuz when I try to shave my ass hair, it always gives me bumps
I'm pale as hell with dark hair + mediterranean roots, so I'm pretty hairy and it sucks
No. 65602
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Shave my mustache probably once a month, shave my armpits and pluck my eyebrows every couple of days and get a Brazilian and my legs done every 3 weeks. Getting waxed was the best beauty decision I have ever made. I'm very pale with dark thick hair so I'd shave my legs constantly (frm the horrible 5 o'clock shadow) and end up getting razor burns, don't even get me started on the horror of trying to shave my vag. Now I'm dolphin smooth with the softest legs
No. 65951
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>hand hair
>finger hair
>toe hair
No. 65964
>>65684You have options anon, but please see a doctor.
1. Hormonal antiandrogen therapy -consider combined contraceptive with cyproterone in it, or just spironolactone if you can't take oestrogens. Reduces rate of terminal hair growth, reduces risk of further conversion of vellus to terminal hair.
2. Eflornithine cream - inhibits enzyme in skin needed for hair growth. Works but isn't permanent, hair grows back if you stop using it.
3. Some laser clinics have had success removing red or blonde hair with newer diode lasers. You can usually get a small area as a test patch to see if it suits you.
4. Electrolysis still possible although time-consuming
5. Acne can relapse even after a full course of therapeutic-dose isotretinoin, & painful eruptions after waxing/shaving are not always "just" folliculitis, occasionally a sign of something else e.g. hidradenitis suppurutiva that needs more than salicylic acid lotion and a loofah.
Sorry for tl;dr but I feel your pain anon, laser worked for me since I had dark hair but I was miserable until laser fried off all my unwanted hair margaret palermo style.
Good luck!
No. 66006
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>>65951Me with the additional of
>unibrow>happy trail>mustache>butt hairI don't even have any hormonal issues. I've had various tests done since I was 11 and there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just a fucking hairy beast, I guess.
No. 66007
I don't shave my leg's due to where I live, and I usually wear pants. I have to shave my vag/armpits daily. It grows back so fast. But on the occasion I have the energy to even shave my legs, it takes a long time, and i usually have to go back over what i did. Even then, by the next day, i'll have to shave again. I have to watch out for my eyebrows a lot too, and I can get away with a couple of weeks of not doing anything
My favorite method is a FRESH razor, with some foam shaving gel. My routine is, shave my armpits, then I put on a lot of shaving cream on my vag, then shave.
I personally have never gotten a wax or had a epilator, so i can't say anything from those.
I deal with sensitive areas by going slow, and use creams for sensitive skin afterwords
No. 66008
>>65399>How often do you remove (shave/wax/epilate) your body hair?Rarely. I don't really have a system, but if i will be in a bathing suit i will trim the bush and i keep my eyebrows looking nice but otherwise i don't do anything. I have hairy underarms, legs, upper lip, you name it. My mom hates my hairy underarms lol, says it's not ladylike. I agree but my aesthetic is pretty masculine so it doesn't matter.
>What's your favorite and least favorite method? Do you have a routine?I just prefer to use men's razors and shaving cream.
>How do you deal with hair on sensitive areas?cut it before shaving and go with the grain first, then against it. Apply body lotion or moisturizer for sensitive skin afterwards.
No. 66040
>>66006Ugh, same here. I'm Mediterranean (but with super pale skin) so I look like fucking Chewbacca if I don't shave and tweeze off everything.
It's my biggest insecurity, too… I don't wear crop tops because of my happy trail and I hate wearing anything remotely revealing like a tank top because you can see the hair on my back, shoulders, and even chest…
No. 66061
does anyone else just take a razor with water straight to all their hairy areas? i only use product when i shave my legs and even then its only regular old hair conditioner.
>>65958i can't stand the little blonde forehead hair i have so i shave them. i feel like people can see them in the sunlight or if theres a shadow casting over me when i look down that highlights them even more just like with peach fuzz. smoother makeup for me though so thats a plus.
No. 66062
>>66040Fuck, this is me.
Have you considered bleaching the hair?
No. 66071
>>66040Same. I'm super pale too, and even when I shave, you can still see stubble because my hair is really dark. I can't even remember the last time I wore a tank top, because I'm too embarrassed.
The worst part is the facial hair though. There's too much to tweeze, too coarse and thick to bleach, and I can't let it grow out long enough to wax, so I shave it. I always have a bit of a five o'clock shadow though. Shit sucks. I hate when people stand too close or I'm outside, because I feel like it's 1000x more noticable.
No. 66073
>>65964Wow, I didn't expect to get such a helpful response, you're a wealth of knowledge anon. Thank you!
I'll look into these suggestions and see my doctor asap. It’s good to know that I’m not alone with this issue and there’s options out there, hopefully I’ll find a solution that works for me.
No. 66102
>>66071Holy fuck I feel you. I've even been asked if I'm trans 'because they can see the shadow
I'm so embarrassed, I came on make up but I know it only fixes things in very select lighting
Saving up for laser as I tried a couple sessions before but boy does it hurt on the face/with such coarse hair. Honestly considering picking up heroin as a pain killer to do it - something about face laser just wrecks my pain tolerance.
Best of luck to everyone~
No. 66151
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>>66071I feel you on the facial hair. I have to shave every night, if I don't I get stubble. I'm pale and the hair is jet black and coarse so its super noticeable and it honestly limits my life so much. I worry about times when I wouldn't be able to shave like if I spend the night with someone else or if I'm in the hospital or something (lol ik stupid) just sucks knowing that three days without a razor and I'd probably have a full beard.
Been thinking about investing in a tria, I watched a ton of reviews on youtube about using it to remove facial hair (mostly by mtf trans youtubers but some by just regular women with facial hair problems) but it's such a large amount of money and I'm scared it wouldn't work.
No. 66506
>>66151I have this fear too.
Also although I don't want to speak for everyone I bought the tria and it was absolute shit didn't do a single fucking thing - gave it more and more test time praying til my refund time was gone. Fuck that piece of crapola. It's noisy as fuck too so if you don't live alone there's nothing discreet about it.
For reference I have dark hair and pale skin also which is supposed to be the prime candidate for the tria.
If you do get one, unless you plan to return it in time, buy second hand cheaper, honestly.
No. 66513
>>66151>>66071>>66506I have dark hair and tan skin and I suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome so I have really thick and dark hair in places like my face / chest / belly…And my hair grows so quick it's very embarassing to me. Even though I'm taking medication for it, it doesn't really help with the hair thing.
I also tried laser and hair removal treatments but they're not as effective as I thought they'd be, so I just stopped because of the money and cons I received from them (i.e. hair getting thicker because of having to use razors almost everyday).
It's not because of what others may think, it's because I feel uncomfortable af and I start going paranoid just at the thought of someone seeing something (even if they don't point it out,I know it's just there and I hate it).
>How often do you remove (shave/wax/epilate) your body hair?My face in parts like chin / sideburns almost everyday because as I said I'm just too paranoid/nervous about it. Same goes to my chest and belly. My mustache maybe like every 3/4 days. Legs every day in summer / every 2 days.
>What's your favorite and least favorite method? Do you have a routine?I use wax and tweezers for my face. Razors for my legs and chest / belly. I think those two methods are what works best for me because it's fast and I can get to some difficult hairs like in my chin etc. I start plucking with tweezers my facial hair while the wax melts and then I use it.
I absolutely hate those wax strips that they sell at supermarkets or similars. For me they don't work out at all, it just gets all sticky and difficult for me to remove it.
I also tried IPL for hair removal at home (a birthday's present) but you have to be consistent and 3 or 4 weeks has to pass between each session and I ended up hating having to razor my face everyday. I noticed some hair grow lighter in places like my legs / chest (it grew slower too) but nothing about my face, which it's the part that makes me more insecure…So I guess it's a 7.5 out of 10.
>How do you deal with hair on sensitive areas?I razor genital area and legs, which are the parts that get worst for me. I know I should exfoliate and all because sometimes I get really bad rash but that's something that doesn't bother me at all hahaha. I just can't stand the pain of wax on those zones because I have too much hair imo.
No. 69070
>>68405Because I can never shave it close enough and I have dark stubble on pale skin
Is it really so common
No. 69118
>How often do you remove (shave/wax/epilate) your body hair?
Shave mustache, feet, armpits, stomach, near jawline, and legs daily. Pluck eyebrows daily. (That is honestly how often I need to, it grows fast on me.)
I used to shave under my chin, but the hairs were growing back so fast that it I always had stubble. Recently I started plucking them.
I would like to get rid of the mustache by plucking, but I think the pain would be unbearable. I leave other body hair as-is.
>What's your favorite and least favorite method? Do you have a routine?
I only pluck and shave. Plucking gets better results but it hurts. Even my eyebrows will still hurt, and I've been plucking them for years.
>How do you deal with hair on sensitive areas?
Ignore it, no one will see it but me lol. But really, shaving almost anywhere on my body leaves painful red bumps. Even my legs in the summer get that way.
No. 151063
>>151058I have chin hairs and back when I was living with my ex I'd happily pluck them while he did his own thing next to me. Wanting to get rid of the hair is fair enough but I wouldn't feel too much shame or dread around your partner noticing them.
My attitude towards it is any guy getting close enough to see my pubes… can handle knowing about my few chin hairs too
No. 159354
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My attitude towards body hair has relaxed alot with age. Sitting here with a couple months worth of leg hair currently. The one place where I usually still keep on top of hair removal is my chin but since I wear a mask to work now it covers that area perfectly and I just havent done shit to remove hair in months. Taking a weird pleasure in being able to say fuck it.
>>159351I think a whole lot of those IPL machine reviews are BS too or people write the review after one session so it gives you no idea of long term results. Even with professional laser my relatives (italian aunts with facial hair) had to go back every couple years to top it up more. They weren't told that in the beginning.
Have you tried one of those threading sticks for facial hair? Feels way less tedious than plucking and more bearable than waxing ime
No. 159357
>>159354Ayrt, that looks interesting, I’ll definitely have to take a look. Threading was one of my favored methods of hair removal, so I’m super curious.
Wish I could afford ipl, even just on my face would improve my quality of life exponentially (one day).
No. 159370
I am quite a hairy girl. Although I have light hair, skin and eyes (West Euro descent), I grow very long, darker hair on my legs and arms, as well as between my eyebrows, above my lips, etc. I am lucky, because it gives me very full hair which grows at an incredible rate. I used to feel very insecure, and I was bullied for it in the past as well, but luckily I do not care any longer. I only shave when I feel like it, and often, I don't. I frequently have hair under my armpits (but not very long, because I don't like how it feels) and especially pubic hair. I will never understand wanting to get rid of your body's natural protection of one of the most sensitive parts of the body. I am really happy that I finally feel this way. I still shave my arms and legs, but I don't feel insecure if I don't. I don't feel insecure about pubic hair, especially not if it is visible slightly from the sides if I wear swimming gear. It is literally just hair and it is much cleaner than shaving. I really hope I can inspire some girls who are similar to me and maybe very insecure. Body hair is great and natural appearance too. I would say my appreciation for nudism and natural beauty has really really helped.
just for any girl, PLEASE don't shave your vagina. the hair is super important and it is especially more dangerous during sex. honestly, if a guy doesn't want me for my body hair, he can leave. I seriously don't get why I would shave for some random, childish man. it is very true that real men don't care about those things. sorry for sperg lol
No. 159393
>>159370I stopped shaving my vag and it honestly thanked me lol. I would have this irritation usually and it wasn't quite enough for me to rush to a doc but it was like that irritation you get at the beginning of a yeast infection. Except it never became anything. On top of that I had UTIs and cystitis… that shit just went away when I grew my hair out.
I've always had a personal preference for being hairy because TMI but when I'm masturbating I don't like that smooth bare skin feel, I like that furry feel. I like seeing a bush on other women too. But for years I still felt all this pressure to be hairless because in my mind I thought it was more hygienic. Wash daily and you're good either way. If anything my bush preventing UTIs has me feeling cleaner.
No. 159517
>>159402When you shave go in both directions, use plenty of shaving cream. Go from up down and then down up, I also go sideways on my neck and it’s helped reduce prickles like 90%.
Just see what works for you if you haven’t tried changing up your shaving direction.
And you know, maintain your razors (rinse them and dry them with a towel or cloth). Make sure you’re keeping your skin taunt. Use shaving cream.
No. 159539
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I was growing like a full beard for no reason (doctors kept saying my androgens were higher than normal but not extreme) and it made me fucking miserable for years. I’m wondering if constant plucking made it worse.
Anyway, I had 20 electrolysis sessions. They were painful as hell and it cost me like 2k but good God it feels amazing to have smooth soft skin like any other woman. Fuck.
No. 159894
>>159539I have pcos and I'm debating getting this done. I'm already very masculine, and I've cried several times because of it because I feel as if I was truly born the wrong gender for how mannish I look some days. I have hair EVERYWHERE and Im debating just getting a loan to pay for treatments.
I want to feel like I'm not an imposter for calling myself a woman for once in my life.
No. 160082
>>160079Are you the OP? How does your boyfriend even notice fine blonde hairs on your boobs anyway, is he inspecting you through a magnifying glass?
I have some very dark hairs growing around my areola but I just leave them. My boyfriend has never said anything about them and even if he did, I'd tell him to fuck off
No. 160092
>>65399The only area I shave regularly is my armpits, just because it amplifies the bad smell if I get sweaty during the day with no options to clean myself. Unfortunately between my mother's creepily hairless side of family and my dad's mediterrean/gypsy looks, I inherited the hairy genetics, so I have strong arm/leg/belly/ass hair.
I used to be really worried about my arms, and even wore long-sleeved shirts in the summer, but the older I got the less I care. I kind of hate having stronger ass hairs, but it's a fucking torture to regrow, and I'm not gonna epilate or wax it since no one ever sees me naked or spreads my cheeks anyway. Somehow my face isn't hairy, which I guess is a blessing considering everything else.
No. 171340
>>171327Nta but back when my mom was still alive I remember her leaving her body hair alone and yet she had barely any on her legs (dark haired and half italian so?) I wish I'd asked her at the time but I think in your 40s onwards the hair does get sparse by itself just as part of aging?
Anyone know?
No. 171341
>>171309It grew more sparse but I got a lot of ingrowns. The only hairs that remained were the thick straggly ones.
Now I use IPL and it's a lot better.
No. 171375
>>159894>>160042Yes it hurts (I have a high pain tolerance so I could handle it but not gonna lie to you) it feels like exactly what it is — every follicle getting an audible electric zap.
It works though. Like went from sparse aiden like beard to baby smooth. Also my electro lady genuinely believes cutting jr shorter (not shaving off just trimming it) made it grow back thicker and impeded progress, ffs.
No. 178017
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Has any anon ever tried these or should I still with the derma blades
No. 182167
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I bought some cheap razors and shaved my legs for the first time since late 2020 and the rest of my body for the first time in what feels like over a year. I don’t usually shave because there’s no need to but it felt surprisingly soo good. I normally hate shaving my underarms and wax instead to avoid bumps, but I’m glad I did. It’s nice to do it every once in a while.
No. 182326
>>182167I generally don't shave but once every few months I'll be passing by the disposable razors and I'll pick up a pack of the cheapest ones and spend a good while in the shower that night defuzzing 6 months worth of growth. Usually get through multiple razors in the process.
I like it as a 'once in a while' thing but I'd never return to doing it with any regularity again. It's like a special occasion for me rather than a repetitive chore. I refuse to spend big time or big money on hair removal. I was obsessive about it when I was younger and I got real sick of that.
No. 182513
>>182245I shave them off, it's quicker. I also have some other strands of hair on the top part of my foot but I let those ones chill. they're thin and light
>>178017I've only heard bad things about these tbh
>>178036I'm about to buy a big tub of bleach and do my arms this weekend
No. 182987
>>182973My boyfriend doesn't care. Not shaving for a large chunk of the year has been my routine during the last 4ish years of our relationship. I only shave during the summer months because swimming is my favorite form of cardio and seeing other people's dead skin and hair floating around in a public pool makes me gag.
I honestly don't think he's ever brought it up, either. It's not difficult to find someone who's wise enough to not make rude comments about what you choose to do with your body so long as you keep your standards high.
No. 184122
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for farmers who've bleached their body hair, what bleach do you use? I've always gone with picrel for my arms and it does the job but I wondered if there were any better ones out there? or just wondered about anons experiences with bleaching body hair in general
>>182975nta but this is a really good way of looking at it. if a guy is so turned off by body hair he's probably not all that anyway. I'm gonna keep this mind from now on
No. 184125
>>184124Yeah men put on a big front but in the privacy of their homes they're certainly not turning away sex because they see some hair.
In the same way that we're often hairy all winter at home and then preened in time for summer outings… men are happily fucking their fuzzy gfs and then in the presence of their bros they're pretending that hair is so nasty on women and they could never lol
No. 184526
>>182245>big toesYep. Places I have had hair:
>unibrows, eyebrow hair halfway up my forehead >'stache and beard area>happy trail>super sprawling pube area all over upper thighs >hair on back of thighs that keeps growing sideways and getting ingrown>perma-ingrowns on armpits plus shaving irritation makes skintags that I have to snip off>tons of random hair (top of foot, shoulder, buttcheek, hobbit toes, upper arm) appearing in one offs>hair growing ON MY NOSE. not nose hairs. ON my fucking nose, 2 hairs. got them removed ASAP>tons of butthole/crack hair, knees, upper thighsI see an electrolysist regularly. It's $80 an hour and the best money I ever spent. Very slow and time consuming though, but I don't find it that painful.
>>159351 I spent $400 on an at home laser and it did jack shit.
>>151058they dont have to be all that long, just long enough for the electrolysist to nab with tweezers. so, long enough for you to tweeze. shave friday, see your bf sat, and see the clinic thursday.
No. 184627
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>>184495I use this braun silk-epil 7. i've had it for 6 years now and it still works fine. It was $160 when i got it.
i use it every two weeks or so, sometimes the hair grows back so unevenly that i just switch to shaving for a bit but my hair does grow back extremely sparsely compared to before i started doing it.
You can definitely use it on your armpits, it's probably one of my favorite places to epilate since it's so fast. i've used it on my bikini line and it works but the lower you go the more it fucking hurts so i just use wax strips for those areas.
No. 184642
I saw an anon recommend Bliss Bump Attendant Pads for ingrown hairs, but before I spend anything, aren't these essentially the same product? both have witch hazel and are used for skin irritation, but one is $10 for 60 pads, and the other is $22 for 25 pads. In theory, the Thayers product would work just as well, right? I'm always getting ingrown hairs and red, painful bumps in general after shaving, even though I exfoliate regularly and moisturize.
No. 184658
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>>184495I have some type of model Philips Satinperfect wet & dry but it's no longer for sale, I think I've had it for 4 or 5 years now. I think I got it for about 60 or 80 euro but that was at a discount. This particular one came with a precision epilator for the bikini line though I honestly just use the normal big one for everything including bikini & armpits, it's quicker and easier.
I use it about once every week to 10 days (most people say their hair stays away for two weeks but I don't find that to be the case for me unfortunately). I must say the one thing I detest about epilators is that they make a fuckton of noise, mine makes the noise of a chainsaw. I didn't realize this when I first bought my epilator, they're not discrete if you live with other people!
I recommend getting one that works both wet and dry, using it under the shower is nice because it's less painful when the skin is warmed up and relaxed from the warm water. Look for an epilator with a high amount of tweezers, that makes the process easier and quicker.
No. 198468
>>19837299.99% percent of all people to ever exist were conceived in a full bush. Its not like pussy eating is a new invention either.
I find it helpful to reframe pubes as a part of the anatomy of the vulva, like the eyelashes are part of the eye.
No. 198526
>>198468Yeah the bush is a natural part of the vulva. Women look so weird and bald without one.
Also anon remember Napoleon, fragrant hairy pussy made him drool and if that was good enough for him it should be good enough for any other guy.
No. 198685
>>198372I usually grow mine out for a few weeks before re-shaving, so I spend more time being hairy than being smooth. Regular shaving (for me at least) leads to all sorts of irritation. Not just skin bumps or ingrowns but a general irritation down there around my urethra and opening, I can get away with say a monthly shave and feel no ill effects but I can't do it often and still keep a happy downstairs.
Partners have been fine with that. Ime I don't even think they intiated sex any more frequently on my rare shaved days.
No. 261711
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I wish I could grow out my facial hair without everyone thinking it was gender related. I’m off work for a couple months so I’ve been letting it grow wild to give my skin a break from shaving and it looks kind of cool. My beard needs to be shaved because it’s a patchy teenage boy neckbeard but I have really nice mutton chops and I wish I could keep them. I braided my hair the other day and I felt like a dwarven queen lol.
Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be trendy in ten years. My thick eyebrows were gross in middle school but now they're hot.
No. 261764
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>>261711You're cool nona. This makes me think of the period in Iran where beauty standards for women were such that unibrows and mustaches were popular. I wish there was no "standard" and we could all just do whatever the hell we wanted without being judged. I'd love to see more dwarven-inspired looks for women.
No. 262518
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I never really got into shaving properly. I would do the "as told by Ginger" ankle shaving thing, to make it seem like I did shave, but I never wanted to shave much more than that due to the hassle and because I'm a clumsy noob. I don't know if shaving really does make hair grow back thicker, because most of my leghair is a light blonde and then my ankles have dark coarser hair, even though I haven't shaved them in years. I did shave my armpits after being bullied for not doing so in primary school, I even got into a fight over it with a boy and attacked him. I stopped shaving my armpits a couple years ago and I leave the happy trail. I honestly wish I was hairier, because I like the look of it being thick, instead of wispy and with bald spots. I don't think I smell, I just shower or take a bath everyday and wash my armpits throughout the day at the sink if it's a very warm day.
No. 262559
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>>262518Shaving doesn't make your hair grow back thicker, it appears thicker because of the blunt edge of the hair that is shaved vs the tapered edge of the hair that is grown naturally.
No. 262642
>>262518I did the whole ankle shave thing thismorning, just about shaved the 3/4 inches that will show and no more than that. I'm even reaching the point where I resent that small task.
Might just stop buying anything less than full length trousers from now on. Leg my legs be hairy in peace.
No. 262654
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>>262652I haven't seen many other women with unshaved legs so I have no clue about these things
No. 262728
>>262684Gonna esthetician sperg for a sec but
nonnie please don’t bother with laser! It’s only a means of hair reduction rather than complete removal which it’s always advertised as, and a lot of people who offer it do not care about managing client expectations. It’s not worth it. Looking into professional sugar waxing may be a good option that offers really fantastic results for a fraction of the cost of laser. What is your pre and post care? Exfoliating too vigorously with a harsh exfoliant immediately before or shaving in the morning then tossing on tight fitting pants for the rest of your day are a huge culprit of this kind of thing.
No. 262758
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careful scrolling
No. 262788
>>262728>>262730 bless you
nonnie this is really helpful. I usually exfoliate right before shaving so probably should stop that. I usually shave before bed and use a cerave body lotion after. I've also tried to stop wearing leggings/skinnies so much since I've heard that makes it worse. I'll see if I can find somewhere to do sugar waxing near me and try the salicylic in the meantime. Thank you!
No. 262828
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>>261711I know women with facial hair catcha lot of flack for embracing their hair but I would say go for it anon, it takes a lot of guts to rock your facial hair (and I say this as a woman with hirsutism) but there is nothing more badass than a woman who is apologetically herself. and honestly, you can't even wear gender neutral or traditionally masc clothes these days without something thinking it's gender related unfortunately, people will think what they'll think, but don't let their narrowmindedness hold you back. have you ever heard of Harnaam Kaur? she's such a huge inspiration for loving your facial hair and sticking two fingers up to bullshit beauty standards. I love the dwarf woman and magestic braided muttonchops.
No. 262832
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>>262807nona it's a common misconception people have, you'd be shocked how many adults still believe shaving can have an effect on your overall hair growth. give her a break.
>>262684which types of exfoliation have you tried? I always found most types to be less than ideal. I bought a salux cloth last year, the super hard kind. I keep it in the shower and give my chest, back and legs a good scrub with it, I get less ingrowns now. I also recommend using a lotion or moisturiser with an AHA, or as
>>262730 said, a BHA like salycilic acid in it, it's a chemical exfoliant and helps to slough away the dead topmost layer of skin. don't use it the day you've shaved though, it'll sting. also it's fine to be a little vain, but please don't think you'll suddenly stop being hot or attractive just cause you're over 35 or whatever, don't buy into that bullshit!
No. 262899
>>262832 I'm not rly a skincare nerd but I've got one of those shower puff things which I usually use with some shower gel. Idk if that's good or could actually be causing more problems. I've also used a few different body scrubs with little bits in. I might try using a chemical exfoliant like you've suggested. I've never heard of salux cloth before but I'll give that a try too.
And thank you! I know I'm not going to turn into an old hag overnight but I definitely have to make more of an effort than I used to. I'm starting to look like my mum which is freaking me out kek.
No. 270416
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i got fucking bored one day and decided to exfoliate my arm hairs and now my arms are uglier than ever
>scrubbed too hard now its red and has small scabs on my arms
>looks like an ugly rash
>patchy arm hair
i shouldve left it alone
No. 270712
>>270710that looks like dog shit you stepped in, not trying to be mean. hope you feel nice n smooth
nonnie, smooth legs are nice, get yourself some silk sheets and body lotion and mmm
>>65399i honestly do not shave a thing, i am literally just a creature having an experience and i don't have time for it. if i wasn't painfully based i'd probably call myself 'nonbinary' but i just don't care about changing myself for others so i am just an untamed and happy woman.
No. 277913
>>277901Weight loss can improve hirsutism and is generally advised because of this in people with it so I would bet that has played a significant role in improving your symptoms.
If these pills are costly I would consider trialing them and then stopping them and see if you continue to lose weight/lose hair so that you can gauge whether they are worth the money.
No. 277998
>>277992yeah I probably should've mentioned that I haven't actually had my periods in like 5 years, except once like two months ago. I've been to a gynecologist, no explanation found and everything looks normal. I got told it might be psychosomatic
fuck my life and my stupid trauma so I just went "welp can't help it then" and did nothing about it.
But as I said I got a random period a couple months back so might be related to that.
No. 278749
>>278698That does sound traumatic! I only shave so I can't help you with waxing, but if you have some money to spare and your skintone allows it (
WOC is not an helpful descriptor here), buy some at-home IPL. It's not painful at all and your hair truly gets weaker (no ingrowns) and you can start shaving every 3 to 4 weeks after a few months of treatment, which makes shaving the superior alternative.
For facial hair, the only thing that works for me is waxing my mustache (I just wax with cold wax, it's not fun but it's mercifully short as I only do one strip on each side and finish by plucking the stray hairs, it lasts less than a minute). I pluck my eyebrows, for me everything else is just overkill, less precise and more painful. I always start by brushing my eyebrows up and down and trimming excess length. This helps me avoid overplucking a lot when I pluck everything outside my desired shape. Before I got the hang of it, I would draw the shape I wanted with a sharp brush and some bright red lipstick. If you worry about overplucking your unibrow, I would definitely experiment with trimming or even shaving the middle, so you can experiment with how much to take out without risking too much.
No. 278935
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Would anyone know what to use to remove really stubborn, fast growing underarm hair? Shaving doesn't seem to work as it still leaves me with hairs a few mm long even with really expensive razors.
No. 296918
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>be asian
>hairy as fuck
>even during childhood refused to wear anything that revealed my skin due to being so hairy as early as age 6
>so hairy i have hair on literal neck where adams apple would be like some fucking goat
>constantly get comments about it from family friends, classmates, teachers… you name it
>even boys were less hairy than me and continued to be well into highschool post puberty which they loved to point out
>so hairy girls/people in general at school started conspiring and speculating if i was a tranny
>literally get asked if i have a hormone problem
>no, just hairy as fuck
>never seen anyone as hairy as me in my life, maybe just one girl with nose hair where blackheads would be but the rest of her body was a lot tamer than mine
but thankfully that doesnt extend to my face though that means i have asian sparse/thin brows so thanks for that, and ive never had a mustache either but i legitimately have gorilla arms knuckles stomach etc. and its as thick as the hair on my head thankfully the same texture which is soft and also grows to the speed of lightning so body hair removal is completely useless and too time consuming.
what makes me sad is that i never got to enjoy myself and i cant because im a literal ape and im not even ape shaped i have a scarily gaunt body without even being an anachan so i look diseased and monstrous, beastly even. and im asian so im supposed to not have any body hair. even asian moids are more conventionally feminine than i am in this sense.
my only solution is to bleach my body hair so it looks invisible except in the sun. im also too poor for laser and such procedures.
at least i have long thick eyelashes…
No. 296924
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>>296918I recommend getting one of these electric shavers. Shaving with razors constantly is too damn expensive, but since I started using one of these it's been great. It shaves everything down enough to where it's hardly as noticeable and you can just plug it into the wall to charge. Very difficult to nick yourself on it too. If I really want a smooth shave, I usually do this and then go back over with a regular razor for a cleaner shave.
No. 339283
>>339269How old are you? hormonal imbalances can cause more hair to grow in places like the chin, my mom suffers from thyroid disease so she developed a thick stubble too. I second this
>>339281 anon, check your levels first
No. 339298
>>339283I’m 27.
Yeah it does seem like a good idea to go get checked out by a doc I’m almost certain it’s a hormonal thing. I asked my mom and sisters if they’ve had dark course facial hair and they couldn’t relate to the rate in which I was dealing with it but they summed it up as us just being hairy Mediterraneans lol.
No. 349748
>>349744Shave with the grain, then again at an angle to it if you want a closer shave. I highly recommend leaving a patch of hair in the middle as that area is easily irritated. If you want to shave your upper lip, look into dermaplaning.
I don't think it's normal for mother's to teach their daughters how to shave their pubes or anything necessarily… my mum never wanted me to shave at all, which I appreciate since it's a pretty unfair beauty standard (that I stick to nonetheless). You just learn by trial and error.
No. 349783
>>339701cont. Don't shave your upper lip and never use a razor for your face. It will make your hair grow back more hoarse and darker. Also, the shaving creates micro cuts on the thin facial skin which will cause acne or infections. For the face area, I use cold waxing strips and eventually, I will get electrolysis to remove the hair permanently. Hot wax can cause burns.
For pubic hair and any other place below the face, I recommend laser hair removal as I said earlier, or getting waxed by a professional. Shaving will always cause razor bumps and painful ingrowns.
No. 349822
>>349744>strawberry legsmake sure your razor is always sharp, use good shaving cream or more moisturizing/creamy type of soap to minimize irritation from shaving.
To get rid of the bumps you need a moisturizing lotion with an exfoliating agent. CeraVe SA Lotion is good and affordable.
No. 349824
>>349783I can't second what you wrote enough
nonny. As someone who had a few ingrown hair cases on the groin area (the regrowth was from an electric epilator thankfully), and from bad pre teen advice from school mates which made me shave my forearms once (and I've been self conscious about that mistake ever since), I don't mess with razors in untypical places.
No. 349825
>>349822>>349803>>349748>>349746Thanks nonnas, I literally never learned to shave, I learned everything from watching men shave beards, so this is good shit
Also, does sugaring work the same as waxing? I tried waxing but it gave me a really bad allergic reaction, so I’ve avoided it for a while. Not sure if sugaring is better or worse
No. 349839
>>349783>hair grow back more coarse and darkerPeople still believe this myth?
I only shave my pits. Leave my legs alone, trim pubes, and I just pluck my upper lip and two random chin hairs when I notice them.
No. 349880
>>349825Im my experience sugaring is far superior. I make it myself and use cloth strips. Easy to get rid of any mess, its dissolves in water unlike wax thats a bitch to get off, and it doesnt stick to the skin so its less painful to pull off. You also pull in the same direction as the hairgrowth, so a much less chance of getting ingrowns.
>>349783shaving doesnt make the hair darker or thicker kek all men would be shaving their bald heads if that was the case.
No. 353240
I tried making my own sugaring sugar for the first time and it worked!! I haven’t removed my leg etc hair in a while but I have a trip coming up I have to wear a swimsuit in so I decided to try this method. My leg hair is too fine for epilating so this might work better, it’s also faster.
>>351268My ex had PCOS too and we bought one of those at home laser devices. It did work but you have to be careful with it, it’s easy to get a burn. Visiting a professional would be safer and lead to better results, but with some practise the at home laser will work too. Skin tone and hair texture also affects the results, it doesn’t work for really fine blond hairs iirc.
No. 388862
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How do I stop feeling like no man will ever like me because of my body hair? I'm West Asian and have thick arm hair and leg hair to the point where shaving is frustrating and futile because it takes multiple hours and will grow back within a week anyways. I don't want to spend $10,000+ on laser hair removal or get rid of it at this point, because it's naturally my body and if it weren't for insane beauty standards within the past 100 years I'd personally be okay with how it looks.
Unfortunately this makes my natural body incredibly repulsive to 99% of porngroomed modern moids and assures that my autistic ass will already even more remain a virgin and unloved forever.
picrel it's not this much but similar texture.
please help i want to fucking kill myself
No. 388910
>>388873Here's the thing, I'm bi and I find it hot on women too, but it makes me depressed that half of the people I'm sexually attracted to would be revolted if they saw me naked. I guess I'm an involuntary febfem which is alright by me considering how shit most moids are, but it still fucks with my self esteem a lot.
>>388879thank you anon. I'd love to believe this is true but I find it pretty hard to believe as my legs are legitimately hairier than most men's.
It just sucks having to live life on hard mode just because of how I was born. I hope it gets better tbh. but seriously thank you for the kind words, i'll just have to keep remembering this whenever I feel like dooming too much.
No. 390294
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Why not use electric clippers and stop at that?
No. 402500
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i've always been very hairy all my life. like hairy fuzzy back for as long as i can remember, started having visibly fuzzy legs, back and a fuzzy stache at 8, etc. i've always been self conscious about it and experimented with A LOT of depilatory methods. unfortunately, my genes also cursed me with severe folliculitis but i told myself i'd rather be hairless… so i paid the price with all of these ingrown hair scars all over my body which hasn't been able to heal since my hair always grows back with a vengeance.
i finally bit the bullet and got an ipl device. i just finished my second treatment 20 mins ago and haven't seen any results but i have high hopes. im praying to be able to be proud to show off my naked legs by next summer. i'll keep y'all posted.
No. 402503
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>>402500Ooh this interests me as I have extremely dark hairy genes on top of being translucent white (Eastern Euro + Med genes combo kek). I’m thinking of getting this one (the Ulike Air 10) but it has a lot of weird bots shilling it and I’m a little skeptical of the reviews.
No. 404785
>>402503ayrt and my hairiness comes from my eastern european side kek. i have had people ask if i'm mediterranean too, probably because of my coloring + thick eyebrows.
i personally went with braun because walmart offers it with a 90 day money back guarantee + the brand is well established. i've owned two of their epilators and they're great it's just my genes suck. i'm about to do my third treatment today and i've already noticed a couple small patches looking sparse/bald which is exciting. i hope i get better results!
>>402513ive always wanted to try sugaring but unfortunately my hair type (coarse, thick, some curl) is the problem and removing the whole follicle (through waxing, tweezing, epilating, etc.) is my primary folliculitis
trigger. i have some extremely deep ingrown hairs that i can't release without pulling out the whole bulb. i deeply regret not giving up on epilating 10+ years ago and just shaving, the condition of my legs would be so much better.
No. 422553
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I live in a very conservative area. If I could, I'd never shave my armpits or legs. Thank God I keep a full bush. It's too hot to wear long pants in my country.
No. 423040
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PLEASE HELP! I haven’t shaved my pubic hair in YEARSS, but want to trim them for easier access and whatnot. I decided to purchase a trimmer (picrel) but have a hard time figuring it out. Because of this, I ended up shaving way too much and felt that I had to commit which just worsened the situation. I now have shaved the hair off my mons pubis completely to the skin and DESPISE it! Does anyone have any good tutorials or advice on how to simply cut the hairs shorter and not to the skin? Especially the labia are difficult for me to trim. There is a guard I can put on the trimmer but when I use that, it barely catches any of the hairs. Also, what should I put on my skin now that the hair is so short? One reason I never shave is because I dislike how itchy and easily irritated the skin becomes. Which products should I use to prevent irritation and keep the area clean? Thank you so much for your help…
No. 423079
My issue is really stupid and self-imposed, but I'm hoping for a magical solution. I have long armpit hair, like 5+ cm long, but I don't mind it. It doesn't feel like anything and doesn't bother me, and shaving it or plucking it make things too itchy or make me bleed in the area (part of why I don't shave at all), but my hormones have been absolutely retarded recently that I get too sweaty and smelly 24/7. I wash my armpits 4 times in the shower with tumeric antibiotic soap, lifebuoy shower gel, a body scrub with salicylic acid, and wash them everyday after I come back home and they're sweaty, yet they still stink and the soap smell doesn't stick at all. This has never happened before, it started the few past months all of a sudden with other separate issues. Should I just cave in and shave my armpits? Or is there something else I can do to reduce or eliminate the smell all together?
>>423040Never done this so sorry if it's a retarded suggestion. But try to use a hand mirror of some sort to see your pussy properly, and in good lighting, then use either scissors or a razorblade like your picrel. Pull the hair forward and cut to the length you want. Either pull different hair locks individually or the entire thing. Or alternatively, use hair removal cream but like on the middle of the hair rather than from the roots. I remember it used to work for me when I was trying to get into the habit of shaving, but I never done it again because I hate the sensation of the short hair/bald pussy.
No. 423121
>>423079You can get botox injections to reduce armpit sweating.
But if you don't like that idea try doing scrubs or microneedling with a dermaroller or dermapen first and see if that doesn't reduce it. Maybe your pores are clogged.
Another thing causing this could be stress. High levels of cortisol cause smelly sweat so look into lowering that and see if there's an improvement
>it started the few past months all of a sudden with other separate issuesLook up symptoms of high cortisol and compare with these issues. Get your hormone levels checked.
No. 423125
>>423079>>423116I actually used to use the type of scissors like you suggested, but I always failed when getting to the labia and bikini line due to the sparseness. I guess I want the hair to be a bit shorter than I can achieve with the scissors. I prefer the hair to be maybe 1 cm or less, where they are short enough to give the impression of scarcity and not cast a dark shadow or become curly, but long enough not to be stubble or irritating. So if anyone can recommend how to simply get them shorter but NOT completely shaven, that would be awesome! It’s hard for me to achieve the middle ground neatly.
About sweaty armpits, avoiding synthetic fibers is what helped me tremendously. I used to think I was an exceptionally sweaty individual, until I stopped wearing synthetic fibers for unrelated reasons and realised my perspiration had decreased dramatically. Wearing loose-fitting clothes of cotton and linen has allowed my body to breathe and relax more, reducing sweat and supporting my hormones.
No. 423130
>>423125Idk how to explain it, but pulling the hairs and cutting them with the razor works, like you're using a knife to cut a rope?
>re: armpitsThe issue is I sweat even under the AC and with a tank top, it's miserable.
No. 423867
>>422554Not shit. I was unshaven and hairy in a conservative area. No one cares.
But recently got an IPL thing and I'm shocked at how good it's working on my hairy ass. I dont live in a conservative area now, just getting rid of the hair bc I hate shaving. I basically dont have a moustache, armpit hair, bikini hair, belly hair, leg hair. Kinda expensive tho.
No. 430569
>>423854Bit late but yeah, I have a hairy stomach too, I've always been very hairy everywhere. I'm blonde so all the hair in my tummy is fair but my happy trail, wich is dark and long. Above my belly button I have a lot of blond hair too, kind of like a reverse happy trail, it's much thicker than the rest of the area so it stand out too. I'm 24 and I've actually seen other women as hairy as I am, none of us has PCOS or hirsutims tho, we're just naturally hairy.
>>430563Laser treatment at 13-15? I thought you had to be 18+ to get it.
>Does anyone know if there's a way to reverse laser?I think you should use an epilator. I got laser on my legs and my armpits 6 years ago and it has pretty much come back completely, although my legs have a few bald patches. Using an epilator will remove the hair from it's root and you'll get thicker new hair. I was advised to use a razor back then because an epilator would have ''erased'' the progress laser did to my skin, so I guess doing that might help to reverse the laser.
No. 430596
>>430584It has worked for me, just like tweezers but then again, I am very hairy. Some people pluck their eyebrows and lose them forever, mine just got thicker year after year. Anon asked for advice and I gave her my own advice backed up by my own experience as someone who had laser as well.
>>430587That's crazy