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No. 65653
>>65650it's used off label as a dht blocker. but androgenic hair loss rarely starts from the temples in women, so there's that.
regards, diff anon
No. 65657
>>65645This may not be terribly helpful but that happened to me for a very long time and it got better after I improved my diet (more fish, vegetables, fruit, etc) and worked on stress management.
Still, it might not be a bad idea to talk to a doctor if you can.
No. 65664
>>65645Its common for your hair to thin or bald temporarily due to stress OP.
When I was 21 I had just broken up with my boyfriend of three years. He was abusive and my self esteem was more shot than it had been in the beginning so I was convinced i'd never find love (I'm now 26 and married so 21 year old me was a retard).
I had tried distracting myself with my problems by getting into the Homestuck fandom (Also known as the most mentally ill fandom before SU came around imo) and one of my friends was continuously hitting me up for me to play therapist. Handling his stress along with my own legitimately gave me a bald spot right on the upper left of my hairline.
Once I blocked him and got over the drama that followed with it (HUge shitshow, lost 5+ friends from it all) my hair grew back.
No. 77241
>>77181I am not totally sure about the hair and Inositol relation, but I noticed it did make my period cramps a looooot easier to handle, so it's working for something. And I don't know if it was the seafood or it, but my hair was thinning alongside with falling, and also whitening. I've noticed my hair seems a bit thicker/normal thickness and the white hairs are not showing that much. Been taking the Inositol for 2 months, by the way, and the new diet I think it has a month or so. I'll try and report back three months from now or such!
and yes fuck pcos so much
No. 77254
>>65645you should see a doctor as soon as you can
maybe you can stop this or slow down the process
and be more gentle with your hair use a different brush
i dont think the anti hairloss shampoos work
if you see 0 result after months of use
try stopping
>posting on lol cowlol
No. 95207
>>95202Same, it fucking freaks me out. It comes out in huge amounts when it's wet especially, but it sheds all the time. It's not like my hair is thin or looking any worse for wear but I feel like one day Ill wake up bald because of it. And cleaning it is a pain in the ass, vaccuums do NOT like hairy carpets.
I noticed it started when I was on accutane like 5 yrs ago, it's a known side effect. But you'd think it'd have stopped by now, christ.
No. 95211
>>95181If you're in a place where health care isn't a financial stressor, maybe you can get a blood check or whatever for any deficiencies in your diet. Esp if you have any other issues like lethargy or sleep abnormalities
>>95202Same here. Although as long as there isn't any real thinning, I think it's normal. You say your hair is thin but it may still be dense, so the more hair total you have, the more you'll shed. And depending on styles you have, if you wear it loose you'll be shedding regularly, and if you keep it braided or w/e, you'll still lose the hair, it may just not come out until you wash through or brush it out. But I always thought we notice our own shedding more than other ppl's. Since I started paying attention, even the most put together women still shed a bit visibly. They probably just use lint rollers more often to clean up.
>>95207>when it's wetAs in when you're applying shampoo/conditioner? If so it's ok as you're just disloding what you've already lost but it hasn't fallen out yet. Otherwise don't brush while wet
No. 95217
>>95202I lose hardly any strands a day, maybe like 7 from brushing, and because my hair is tied up nothing falls at other times. My hair is thin - as in each strand is thin, but I have a normal amount of it, even after lots of bleaching.
Hair loss might be affected by overall health or hormones, sorry I don't have advice. Focus on improving over all health with diet, rest, drink choices, maybe will help.
No. 95343
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>>95335What kind of natural shampoo do you use anon? I’m not really losing but I have a widish part and I don’t wanna push my luck
No. 95410
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I'm 21. I used to have extremely thick hair, wore it short for 4 years, then grew it out for about 2 years. I was in a bad place last year and had a bit of an anachan phase (relapse…) which led to me losing about 2/3 of it.
So now that it's finally long, it's thin and ratty. You can't see my scalp unless I'm pulling back my hair, but I notice the difference. Well, here's a cautionary tale I guess! Even if you think you're getting your vitamins, if you diet too hard (and stress out) you'll most likely lose a LOT of hair.
No. 152160
>>152121My hair is also doing this, do you have any other weird or annoying symptoms going on? I also have awful hormonal acne on the sides of my chin and jaw, no temperature control, super sweaty, tons of hormone related miniproblems (and also every symptom of graves disease to the max) that I didn't realise are all likely related and a family history of women with thyroid problems but my thyroid and hormones tested normal as well and I found many people online saying the threshold of "normal" in these tests can include tiny changes that while they may not mark as a problem amount, they can still be a big change for you.
Even if you have seemingly random annoyances about your physical health (like the temperature thing for me) they could link in with what you're experiencing with your hair. I started spironolactone for the acne which it cleared but it hasn't helped the hair loss much.
If we were magically rich wouldn't it be great to go to an endocrinologist or some shit and get mad tests done.
No. 152284
>>152160I’m so relieved that someone can relate (though, at the same time, I do hope that you’re able to find answers). It would indeed be wonderful to come across a large sum of cash and be able to speak to knowledgeable doctors.
I actually started breaking out all over my face (especially under my chin) around the same time. Curology has been working wonders so far, though I’d much rather get to the root of the problem, rather than “mask it” with products. I also have temperature control issues (my hands and feet are always ice cold, regardless of the weather), but I’ve struggled with that for years.
Is there anything else that we can do, or do we just wait around until we go bald? Some of my fallen hairs have bulbs on the end; does this mean that they’ll never grow back?
No. 158635
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>anti hairloss shampoo
just hop on minoxidil
No. 158669
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If anyone here is dealing with stress induced hair loss I can honestly recommend this supplement. My hair has thinned out drastically over the past year and I've tried lots of different biotin supplements but this is the only one that gives me visible results so far (it doesn't contain biotin; the main ingredient is MSM). I've been taking it for 2 months and I already see a nice layer of new baby hair coming in, plus my nails have stopped splitting. Sadly, it doesn't seem to do anything for my skin though.
I don't think it'll help much with hair loss caused by serious health issues like alopecia, but if your problem is vitamin deficiency or stress, then it's the way to go.
I've also noticed that massaging your scalp every day does a lot to help stimulate your follicles and decrease shedding. I've been using an amazing herbal rub-in scalp treatment with amber extract, which apparently isn't available for purchase anywhere outside my country, unfortunately, although I'm pretty sure you can use any kind of scalp tonic, as long as you learn a good massage technique and remember to do it every single day for at least a month.