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No. 66173
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Not really goth but I do like this dark mori stuff. Lots of layers, forest themed accessories etc. I live in a cold country so it works.
I'm too cheap for brands so shop mostly on ebay + charity shops.
No. 66175
I'm more of a grunge style honestly.
No. 66176
>>66175All of these are cringe.
Grunge is good. At least it passes as a normal outfit.
No. 66178
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i'm a lot more influenced by metal and bikers than goth so idk if i count but people are always calling me goth so here's my basic bitch style
No. 66193
>>66176I don't understand what the point of this comment is? No one judges anyone in any of the other fashion threads, but at least you saged it.
It's always people like that who make fun of people for how they dress, and then make a post on IG when someone like Bowie or Prince passes. The irony!
No. 66195
>>66193It's because the "edgier" the fashion, the more elitist people become. Remember, the idea is to be the most edgiest mother fucker out there and out-edge anybody who stands in your way.
Rabid jealous twats they are; just all of them.
No. 66214
>>66193>make a post on IG when someone like Bowie or Prince passes. The irony!>No one judges anyone in any of the other fashion threads>>66195It's because the "edgier" the fashion, the more elitist people become. Remember, the idea is to be the most edgiest mother fucker out there and out-edge anybody who stands in your way.
>commenter talks about liking normal outfitsSerious question… are you two retarded?
No. 66223
>>66214>>66216The anon was obviously referring how people from other fashion groups don't go in the threads and shit all over them, like how you were bringing random negativity into this thread when we were just trying to discuss clothing.
Reading comprehension is good. I can't wait for summer to be over.
No. 66238
>>66173i also wear dark mori/'strega' outfits quite frequently but even i have to agree that this collage is not good. the boots, scarf and bracelet are all fine pieces, but i would scrap the striped fingerless gloves (solid color would be better) and wide-striped socks. striped socks can look good in an outfit, but look for ones that have narrower banding so they won't come across as cartoonish or like something from a halloween store.
the outfit itself, well, I really hate the blouse/cardigan combo. it reminds me of something from those boho-grandma stores. if you're going to wear a cardigan, something with like a batwing fit or made from a loose sweater knit would give it a more natural/witchy feel.
i also think that the skirt is a little off for strega. the paisley lace just doesn't fit–it's a persian pattern and dark mori seems way more suited to nordic/celtic design elements. if this is already in your wardrobe (or something similar is) I'd recommend ravaging your hemline with a seam ripper until it matches the hankerchief hem of your blouse, which would also allow others to see the detailing on the boots.
those are the triple lace ones that demuelemeester made, right? i saw a pair of the originals on ebay recently but they were like $2,000, where do i cop a decent knockoff
No. 66242
>>66216What are you on about? Did you even read anyone's post itt?
>>66223Except there is definitely negativity in other fashion threads on this site. Not that you would be able to remember, newfriend.
>Reading comprehension is goodWhat's that got to do with anything lmao are u ok
Again… are you two retarded? Go take some deep breaths. No one cares about how you two dress you both look like giant pygmies irl which is what the anons upthread already stated. I'm not sure why you guys are
triggered over no one liking your ugly ass styles.
No. 66286
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I don't define myself as goth or anything mostly because there's so much drama attached to the fucking labels for fashion. So while everyone I know says I'm goth, goth-y if they need to describe me, I'd still be eaten alive for using the term lmao
anyway I just kind of wear what I want, I like layered black brandless items paired with leggings or tights and my demonias, more layered black shit or a massive sweater with leggings and vans, I like to mix it up with tiny, tiny blobs of colour and vintage pieces depending on the feel of the outfit
No. 66306
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>>66305That's definitely true. I actually bought a new jacket recently because I want to start a new vest. This one will be mostly metal stuff, instead of punk stuff, for the same reasons you mentioned. I don't wanna be associated with SJWs, I know a lot of people won't know the difference but the veterans will at least.
No. 66307
>>66306yup. veterans can tell forsure. it also depends on what you style it with.
>>66178 this is me and i like to think that keeping it relatively simple and classic also keeps me from being lumped in with sjw punx.
No. 66338
>>66304you should be fine, anon. there's a huge difference between an exodus back patch vs a sailor moon 'girls fight back' patch.
that being said, i'm too afraid to wear mine in public. it seems like any skinny girl that wears makeup and takes care of themselves is automatically labeled a "poser". i guess it's all to blame on instagram thots wearing metallica shirts when they don't even know who cliff is.
No. 66340
>>66338no one will call you out on your battle jacket nowadays especially if the band patches are more underground and arent just the big commercialized 4. i think most people wont even know the bands and if you do happen to come across that one angry bro who thinks only men are capable of listening to great music, just rock his world with your knowledge of the bands and see his face slowly morph lol.
there was a really hot chick at a cafe wearing a woods of ypres shirt and i striked up a convo with her about it. other girls should be cool with u
No. 66372
>>66171Too poor to shop brands but I have a few pieces from HellBunny that I got for birthday gifts that I love. Most of my stuff is thrifted not counting boots and accessories.
Seriously if you're any kind of alt fashion minded, thriftstores can be a treasure trove.
No. 72088
I like this place that an anon posted some time ago. was really into Pretty Attitude, but it seems as if they're not making too many pieces that look like their old stuff anymore.
No. 84099
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No. 84104
Does anyone have any suggestions for online shopping? For years I’ve been “stuck” shopping at places like Hm, f21, uo even tho they’re wildly outdated and not good quality in general. After years of shopping at the same places tbf I hate my wardrobe, it looks sloppy and gross (it’s mostly a mish-mash of skinny jeans and graphic tees), but I’m not sure where to start shopping to fix this. I really wanted to like lazy oafs because that’s the only new alternative brand I’ve noticed lately, but it’s too “XD LOOK AT ME” and if I would judge myself hard for wearing it. I’ve also browsed through prettylittlething and found it to be too instathotty (not sure why I expected otherwise). Regardless, I’m clearly not up-to-date or paying enough attention to know where to look for anything I’d be comfortable wearing, let alone replacing my wardrobe, so where do you guys shop? Any and all suggestions (loosely within the alternative realm) would be greatly appreciated, at this point, I need all the help I can get.
No. 84105
>>84104If you can, try ordering from more popular alt sites? Like killstar, dollskill, sovrin etc, they're a bit hit and miss so reading reviews might be a good idea.
Also, what style?
No. 84135
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I love the health goth style. Nothing like rocking all black, and looking like I can go for a run at any minute.
No. 84137
>>84135I just wish it was more accepted and there were actual brands and stuff.
The response/comment that I get most of the time are basically how it's just "girls wearing black sports clothes with heavy or no makeup to the gym"…like sorry there aren't many super goff outfits for the gym that are actually practical and not just pretty.
No. 84711
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My wardrobe is 80% black basic bitch thrifted shit (sweaters/T-shirts/skirts/jeans), but I’m trying to branch out with my look and styling so i don’t look so fucking lazy. I’ve been getting a lot of Listen Flavor pieces because I love the cute/edgy aesthetic and wearing out lolita as a day to day look instead of just for meets and cons.
No. 88653
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what do you think of pastel goth tho?, i think many goth people doesnt really like it, but i find it very cute if you want sometimes to use a little color between all your blacks clothes
>>66173this looks very nice tbh, i'd use it, it looks kind of witchy
>>66286same, i think goths people tend to talk shit about anyone who likes goth and maybe theyre not that good at being goth, but i think that kind of people theres everywhere, sorry for my bad english btw
i dont define me as goth neither, but i really like the fashion, ans some gothy things around it, i tend to end uo using many black clothes
No. 89644
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>>88804Dunno if this is going to be of any help but I like it over dresses and skirts