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No. 66720
My acne got more under control after I started taking BC in early high school. Right now, it's minor, and that's probably because of how often I pick my skin.
I've been using Stridex wipes forever because they're cheap and effective. I used to wash my face with The Body Shop Green Tea Cleanser (which did work), but switched to the more simple Cerave/Cetaphil/walmart knockoff cleansers, because they're less drying. I think washing your face twice a day and changing your pillow case every few days is really important to avoid acne. I also noticed when I skip washing my hair (even for a day) my face feels more gross, even if I keep my hair up. Might just be my imagination because I don't like skipping hair washes, though.
The one product that I 100% know helps clear my breakouts is the Desert Essence Blemish Stick. They stuffed all the extracts like green tea and whatever else into it so one is ought to work. Been using it for a couple of months without fail, it's great.
I don't wear any makeup apart from BB cream to cover up my laugh line redness, eyeliner, and mascara.
>>66718Seconding the fruits/vegetables thing. If you eat nothing but meats, breads, dairy, greasy etc all day, you're gonna feel like shit and it'll reflect on your skin.
No. 66723
I knew I had zits since I was a kid but I never knew how long I have had it, my mom sent me pics the other day from when I was 7-9, around that age, and I literally had zits even then
I didn't get my period til I was 14 and didn't develop til 16, so it's not like the whole hormones did any favors for me when i was younger, I am 23 now and still struggle with adult acne, especially around my period, but what I found worked was
fish oil pills or flaxseed oil pills
spearmint tea/detox tea or green tea
drinking lots of water, keeping a balanced diet and replacing all my reg dairy with soy or almost
taking most meats out and replacing them with veggies or vegetarian substitutes
working out (sweat clears out your skin)
not wearing makeup except when I go out, then I prime, base, conceal, and set
destressing when needed
blotting papers
doing a acne clearing facial once a week (it doesn't really matter which one you use, but I use queen helene mint mask)
not going out in the sun much, not touching your face, and learning to sleep so your face doesn't touch the pillow, I also have a silk pillowcase
coconut oil (this may not work for you but it worked for me, if it makes you break out don't use it)
tea tree oil, witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, don't use all at once though
some facial cleansers that helped were black soap, foaming peach cleanser by tonymoly, and the good ol cetaphil
I also like rosewater toner and clean and clear toner/astringent
No I'm not saying do all of these everyday but find what works for you, I don't have insurance to pay for any acne meds or a dermatologist so I make do what i can, I have has cystic acne and it's clearing up very nicely since I was 18, I just have acne scars, the remaining "scabs" or just spots (not zits) that I need to worry about, I just put coconut oil on them and it helps
No. 66724
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>>66722depends on where it's at, if it's on your forehead you can just cover it with a hat or bangs, if it's just a small patch on your skin you don't have anything to worry about but there are some tinted sunscreens and moisturizers you can use to hide it a bit, but not wear full on cake face, your skin needs to breathe
No. 66755
I have only found two miracle cures for cystic acne.
Stop being paranoid because of side effect horror stories, go see a derm. They will monitor you and if you react badly, you can stop taking it, but chances are it will fix your shit up. My only regret is putting it off for years out of fear and embarrassment, it's the best thing I ever did for my skin.
>hydrocolloid bandaids
The things you put on blisters, they just suck everything out of the pimple overnight and heal the skin, it's awesome. It works for those lumpy, under the skin pimples as long as you can get it open.
I don't find many skincare products helpful. I use them for anti aging purposes even if I risk breaking out, but if I just wanted to avoid pimples I would cleanse once a day and moisturize twice with mild products. Combined with accutane that routine cleared my skin up completely, whereas all those drying, astringent, topical acne treatments did nothing.
No. 66759
>>66747It works, but at only 2% concentration, I'll be scar free in about ten thousand years.
I want to try stronger mixes but everything I read about 4%+ is pretty dangerous cancer-wise.
No. 66766
>>66724Now it's on chin and sides of the chin. I should look for this tinted sunscreen!
>>66727I know, but I'm really not used to it and I would feel too ashamed to go bare faced in a place with so many people…
No. 66781
>>66765yeah but I wouldn't necessarily call it acne, I would just call it a rash
sometimes when I shave or wear certain materials I get "bumps", this can range anywhere from one bump to entire patches, I also live in a hot climate so when I shave my thighs the heat will give me a rash among my thighs and it's sooo embarrassing, I also feel like a lot of people who get acne on their butt or thighs mistake it for acne when it's something else
allergic reactions are easier to get rid of than hormonal acne though
No. 66783
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i has perfect skin and randomly got a breakout on my cheeks that spread to my chin. i literally have NEVER had acne before. i went to the dermatologist and she put me on doxycycline and gave me some topical stuff. it didn't do shit to my face, but it did make my back really soft lol.
after two months of not seeing results, i stopped using the medicine. i stopped washing my face and instead used makeup wipes to take off my makeup, and then a wet towel to get rid of the leftover stuff. i stopped using cream moisturizers and only used aloe vera (the one you can buy from ulta). i'm pretty much only left with scarring, the top pic is my skin literally right now. i'm going to get that huge chemical peel in a few months and hope it fixes the scarring.
No. 66784
>>66783*i had
sorry for typos, my phone sucks
also the bottom right pic is from about a month ago, what it looked like when i tried to cover it. i also had a patch on the other side of my face.
No. 66786
>>66743Oh that sounds fine. See, the problem with sponges is that when you keep using them it pushes the baceria further into the sponge.
I personally prefer using a brush or my hands since sponges kind of soak up the product but if they work for you, what you're doing is a good alternative.
No. 66787
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Picking at my acne is my biggest vice, I can make the most minor pimple into a acne scar that won't heal for months.
I feel any tiny bump on my skin and I just pick the shit out of it, its so hard to stop as well.
No. 66789
>>66747I adopted this girl's routine and it's been working better than anything else I've ever tried and I've been trying for at least 4 or 5 years.'ve never actually had a doctor prescribe anything to me though because I'm a poor fag who still uses a family doctor. So no experience with hydroquione
No. 66792
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Anybody got acne under their breasts and/or armpits?
I got this shit and I feel so ashamed about going to the doctor. Even showering twice a day doesn't help it.
No. 66795
>>66794it sounds like it has a lot to do with your bras, do you wash your bras often? is your skin sensitive and have you had acne anywhere else?
it also could have to do with sweating, if the acne is directly on your armpits then shaving might have irritated it too
No. 66811
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From my 4 year battle with cystic acne, here's what I've learned:
If you suffer from cystic acne (little under the skin pimples around your cheeks and chin/mouth) I highly recommend getting on birth control as cystic acne is often hormonal. Yaz is one of the best for this. Related to hormones, cut out the sugar and simple carbs. When you eat a lot of sugar it causes a spike in your insulin levels, which produces inflammation and = more acne! Make sure you drink lots of water, and eat more vegetables! Keep a container of broccoli/celery/cucumber/etc. and consider it your Good Skin jar. Vegetables are great for making you feel satiated so this is handy for weight loss too.
Another common thing that aggravates acne is overwashing the face and using too many/incorrect products. You should only wash your face a maximum of twice a day with a gentle cleanser that doesn't inflame the skin as overdoing it strips your face of its natural oils which it needs to fight acne, causing it to produce excess oil which = more acne again!
I'm also very wary of using oil products like Bio oil, and all those other fancy sounding oils. Layering your skin in oils can cause further pore blockage which leads to more breakouts. While oil cleansing routines can help it may make yours worse.
Multivitamins that contain Biotin have been known to cause acne because biotin affects how genes in skin bacteria process acne. If you're taking a multivitamin, toss it! Instead, take a fish oil pill. The omega-3s in fish oil is great for reducing inflammation
Retin A is a GODSEND for us cystic prone people. It's a form of vitamin A that makes your skin renew itself faster, shrinks pores causing less blockages and helps with the retention of collagen. So not only does it help stop acne but it has amazing anti-aging benefits! I seriously recommend using a Retin A product if you have acne. Start at the lowest dosage, 0.25%, and apply it 20 minutes after cleansing and whatever moisturizers/etc. you may use.
A word of warning: you may experience a month or two of outbreaks and horrible flaky skin. This is good and to be expected, as all the acne lurking under the skin will get brought to the surface. The flakiness is not dry skin, but excess skin that is renewed faster from the Retin A. It typically takes 3 months before you metamorphosis into beautiful skin.
A simplified version of my skin routine that was recommended by a dermatologist looks something like this:
1. Gentle cleanser
2. Wipe face with 2% salicylic acid on a cotton pad
3. Moisturize
4. SPF
For night replace the 4th step with Retin-A topical cream. Every 2-3rd night use a sulfur mask after cleansing then follow the rest of the steps. Sulfur masks are great for clearing dirt/pore blockages.
No. 66860
>>66783Hey anon, I've had the same experience as you but in my case the infection is still going on on the sides of my chin. I'm going to buy that aloe vera now.
(And I don't think you'll need that chemical peeling, my cheek scars have faded away completely after a couple of months)
No. 66895
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>tfw no acne for like a month
>wow maybe this adult acne hell is finally ending
>break out in various places on face and NECK the same week I am seeing my bf who I only get to see a few times a year
hold me anons
No. 66898
>>66895>>66895I know what you mean, the same happens to me, right when the scars start healing a few weeks later acne starts coming up again
I've been getting pimples on my chest, thighs, stomach and butt too, granted it could be razor bumps or an allergic reaction, literally the next day after noticing the zits on my chest and thighs my boyfriend asked for nudes, needless to say I learned a few different angles and poses to hide the zits, I've never had chest and thigh zits before so idk whats up
No. 66907
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has anyone tried the light therapy mask?
I wanna try it but I feel like it takes long and doesn't work
No. 66923
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>>66907the way i try to gauge how bullshit an acne treatment is, is by thinking about what acne is. where in this process would light be able to help? we may not be dermatologists but some treatments just make way more intuitive sense than others
No. 66942
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>tfw when you're a broke teenager(18) working your ass off for minimum wage and had awful acne since 10 yrs old and parents rather spend 2000$ to make you get braces you didn't want rather than get you a dermatologist because "just wash your face you look fine"
No. 66948
>>66942Hey, there's nothing wrong with having a good smile. Braces are a good investment.
How much do dermatologists in your area ask for? Usually they're not really expensive. I can afford a derm but not braces, you can do it anon
No. 67033
>>66923I think there's some evidence red+blue light can kill bacteria on your face, I remember talking about it in some other thread but already forgot specifics.
But yeah, it's probably not top efficacy treatment.
No. 67055
>>67011I see where you're coming from, but aren't braces for aesthetics rather than to alleviate health problems most of the time? I got Invisalign but I didn't
need them. My teeth were crooked before but I didn't have any jaw/oral issues.
But everyone sees your skin. Even with amazing makeup, everyone can see when you've had a breakout. Maybe most people don't care, but they'll notice. Bad skin can also indicate that you're having issues with digestion or hormone imbalance.
No. 67216
>>67061whats the best products you recommend anon?
I use to use peach foam cleanser by tonymoly, witch hazel toner, then whatever moisturizer I have, but what are the best high end products?
No. 67225
>>67061Same. I've never had skin problems till I turned 19 and now my chin is just gross and scarred. My topical prescription worked for half a year but it's come back and ruined all my healing.
My sister had the same cystic acne issues and hers has cleared up since she started BC. I'm scared of the side effects though, mainly weight gain. Hopefully a BC-anon can help.
No. 67244
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I've been dealing with acne breakouts all around my chin and side of my face for months now! Even when I was a teenager I never had breakouts this bad. At this point I'm going to go back to Cerave and Cetaphil products; like
>>67061 I've been throwing money at Korean skincare products for over a year now and not seeing any results.
It's not fair, how is it that acne can become worse when you're an adult?
No. 67249
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my zits are almost all gone currently and what it has left me with is this flat, red dots, they aren't zits but what do people use to get rid of them?
I heard skin whitening can work but also scar cream like neosporin can work
No. 67250
>>67245I get the same thing I think?
I always thought it was a rash. It goes away with some cortisone cream for me.
No. 67251
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>finally get prescription for minocycline to treat rosacea
>on it for about two months now
>skin nearly completely clear for the first time in years
I know some types of acne are resistant but mine doesn't seem to be. I'm so happy.
No. 67259
>>672441. Do you touch your face? Lean your head on your hands?
2. If it's chin and jaw area it's most likely hormones. I used to have really bad, constant breakouts on my chin and left cheek and it turned out to be hypothyroidism. Once i got them sorted with meds it all disappeared completely.
No. 67277
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>>67259Not the anon you were responding to, but I got my blood tested today and I'll see the results on Friday. I'm experiencing stubborn breakouts on my jaw and chin since a couple of months, while before they appeared only on my cheeks, and this all started on this year. Never had bad acne even in my teen years. A year ago my doc told me to do a thyroid scan because I have this hard thing on my throat that looks like an Adam's apple, I've had it for years though. But your post gave me hope! What if I have hypothyroidism too? After battling against this acne for nearly a year now it would be amazing to see it all disappear and that it was just hormonal.
Looking forward for those results. If my TSH levels are really the culprit I'm gonna throw a party
No. 67359
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>start using Retinol for anti-aging and acne
>sudden outbreak of painful cystic acne
>don't know if purging or just bad reaction
I really wanted to add retinol to my skin care routine for awhile now and I'm just hoping my skin is purging
No. 67473
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As someone who struggled with acne ever since 2nd grade, it's been clearing away for the most part, but I am left with acne scarring, however it is not completely away, I have been getting a few pop ups every now and then, but I recently rent on birth control (lo loestrin fe) and my gyno said it would help me with breakouts, it made my skin softer but I haven't noticed any change in my skin, and it seem to give me zits in other places? I got one on my stomach, one on my chest, and some on my thighs, granted it could be heat rash or bug bites
anyway, sometimes I will go through periods when I drink 1-2 cups of spearmint tea a day, I have to say it helped my skin the most as well as exercise and good eating, I'm poor right now but once I get paid I need to buy a new box of spearmint tea, healthy foods, and a good skin care regimen, right now I'm currently using whatever I have left in my bottle of cetaphil and using apple cider vinegar as toner, my job has been making me stress a lot lately then when I work the nightshift I only have 35 minute break and the nearest food place is mcdonalds, so what can ya do? I should get my shit together by next week though
No. 67580
>>67495Have you tried tretinoin or spironolactane?
Also what is your current skin routine?
No. 67582
>>67543 >>67551
Thanks guys! I will check with my dermatologist, i guess it wouldnt hurt.
>>67580tretinoin is a bit pricy for my budget but does seem like a good option :o
I will look into both!
I clean my face twice a day with soap with salycic acid and use a gentle moisturizer after.
I also use a seaweed mask once a week!
No. 85076
>>85072I got better results from this than any other product as a teenager with moderate acne (oily skin)
Now, ten years later no pimples or oily skin but heaps of blackheads. Salicylic acid helps but it’s not ideal.
No. 85931
>>85897Strong disagreement with this. Horror stories like yours are what made me put the treatment I seriously needed off for years and years and now I'm stuck with scarring from cystic acne I could've stopped long ago. I put up with bad skin for so long for no good reason, I've had next to no bad side effects.
Yes, it is somewhat of a gamble because some people do have a worse experience than me. But blanket warnings like
> please just ?dont? do itare not as helpful as something like 'please just research it and get a good derm who monitors you properly'.
Sorry to pick on you because your side effects do sound awful but I'm still so mad at how scared I was of medication that ended up being a miracle cure for me. It's one of the best things I ever did for my looks and emotional wellbeing.
No. 86088
This is only the case if you have a severe underlying medical condition. Probiotics are fine.
>In healthy people, probiotics usually have only minor side effects, if any. However, in people with underlying health problems (for example, weakened immune systems), serious complications such as infections have occasionally been reported.>In people who are generally healthy, probiotics have a good safety record. Side effects, if they occur at all, usually consist only of mild digestive symptoms such as gas. benefits are overblown and largely unproven (except ya know, helping ya shit) but they’re not going to cause any issues or “reek havoc” ffs.
No. 86097
>>86094Old being 2016?
Feel free to link those studies. Most probiotic studies were done in the early 2000s so I’d be interested to see what was discovered in the past year or two which drastically changed scientific consensus.
No. 86168
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The two places where I seem to be getting acne the most is the space on my forehead right between my brows and my chin. For me it's really difficult not to pick at it, because my hand tend to get very fidgety. One thing I've noticed that does work is using a purifying toner (I use one from a brand called Diadermine) and a chemical exfoliant like the red Ordinary serum.
Lately I've been getting spots in places where I usually don't get them (eye contour, on my nose), but that might be connected to my shitty habits/lifestyle
No. 86677
>>86669Acne on the chin is usually hormonal so. If you suspect its the moisturizer + face wash, you should check the ingredients for comedogenic ingredients and check reviews to see if anyone experienced the samee thing.
If you will use tea tree oil then make sure to dilute it because undiluted tea tree oil may cause irritation and all kinds of stuff you don't want.
No. 86718
>>86445Same! I've struggled with bacnea for many, many years and was taking DHT blockers to prevent it. But I'm not a fan of taking them, so I tried stopping several times, but just broke out again, loose my patience and start taking them again.
But this time I'm trying to follow a lot of the advice I've been reading here. I've stopped drinking regular milk and gone over to fermented milk. It's not the hormones in milk that makes you break out, but a special sugar-connection thing in it. The fermentation process breaks down 75% of that sugar, so I can still have my cereal with Kefir (not a fan of milk-substitutes). I also wash my back daily with a Tea Tree soap bar, take zinc and wash my bedsheets more frequently. Been doing this for roughly 3 weeks now and I'm already seeing a differrence!
When it comes to scarring, I don't have any super-advice other then avoid tanning. I'm lucky in that my skin doesn't scar very badly. I use Bio Oil on my face, but never bothered using it on my back.
No. 86719
>>86669Tea Tree oil works pretty good for me, and it's simple to use and cheap, so it's worth a try. Just6 don't slather your whole face in it, only use where needed, since it can dry your skin out a bit.
>>86211Sounds like you might be drying your skin out a bit too much, this can cause it to over-compensate and make you much more oily and prone to clogged pores. The surprising cure for oilyness is actually… oil! Get some good oil, like Bio Oil or cold pressed Jojoba oil and apply a few drops all over your face every time you wash it. This restores a healthy oil balance without clogging anything and over a lil' bit of time, you'll start producing less oil your self. This has really worked for me! I was always an oily mess by lunch time and had to go wipe my face several times a day, now that's much less of a problem and my skin health is just generally better!
No. 86724
>>86719>Bio Oilif you mean Bi-Oil, for the love of god, don't use that if you're acne prone! its really comedogenic.
always check your cosmetics at it's helped me soo much when it comes to figuring out what i can/cannot use on my skin. whenever i buy new cosmetic products i input it into cosdna first. i used to try to analyze the ingredients of eac product myself but i cant be bothered to remember all of these longass chemical names lol, so this is quite helpful
No. 86825
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>>86724Wat? No, it's called Bio-Oil! And it certainly hasn't given me more acne, quite the opposite.
No. 86828
>>86826>>86825sorry, my bad, turns out it's sold as Bi-Oil only in my country for some reason lol. it's the same thing.
yeah im not a native speaker either so i dont really know most of the names either… but if a product has ingredients that have a cosdna Acne rating of 3, 4 or 5, then it usually breaks me out:/ (click the question mark next to "Safety" to find out more about their Acne/Irritant/Safety ratings btw) and its got a lot of fragrances in it as well…
i guess my skin is just super sensitive lol. if it doesn't break you out then it's fine! just wanted to share some info :)
No. 88319
>>88318If I feel a pimple coming on I find that taking an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen can stop it.
I've also heard of people who open the liquid gel version and apply it directly to their skin, but have no experience with that myself.
No. 88326
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>>883181% topical hydrocortisone gel works wonders. You can get it anywhere. I put it on any time I have an "angry"/painful pimple coming up.
No. 89055
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I bought hyaluronic acid and I freaking love it.
I have dry skin on my cheeks and a oily t-zone but this stuff makes my skin really hydrated and keeps it supple. I also noticed a reduction in redness. I bought it from aliexpress (the one from the pic) so I don't really know to ingredients. Next time I will buy it from a English speaking supplier.
No. 89134
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This is the general routine that worked for me finally and hasnt bothered my skin & reduced redness / dark circles. I usually go for a gel moisturizer with spf so a gel sunscreen might be applicable in this pending.
I do it morning & night, the spray is more or less to just soothe my skin after doing hot/cold facewash. Standard rose water breaks me out but this leaves me feeling more refreshed but also lastingly moistured (I keep tea tree water too as anti bacterial products are A+)
No. 90013
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How do I get rid of acne on my chest? I always get the worst spots in the circled area in the pic, no matter how hard I try. I’m an adult, my face has totally cleared up, and I bathe like a normal human being but I just always end up with little red zits all over my chest and between my boobs :((
No. 90037
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My dermatologist turned out to be such a flop.
I first scheduled back in April to go on a round of doxycycline for my mild cystic acne so I could have clear skin for a job banquet I was invited to. I asked for doxy specifically because it had worked short term for me years ago, and I knew eventually I'd have to come off it.
She also gave me some benzoyl peroxide foam and Epiduo samples.
Skin cleared up fine on the antibiotics alone.
I go in for my second appointment months later to stop the doxy and talk about long term care.
First of all, the bitch yells at me because apparently I was meant to use her fancy prescription mailing service to get more of the foam wash and Epiduo? She only gave me sample sizes, and the doxy cleared my skin fine. She completely shat over me with "I don't prescribe this so you can spot treat, it's meant to be done everyday!" I thought that was so neurotic and overreacting.
Next, she pushes accutane on me. Well, she forced me to take a pee test and shoved the accutane literature onto me. I don't think dermatologists get kickbacks for accutane, but I don't think it's a good fit for me considering my acne is just persistent, not severe. My mom has the same cystic acne and she's almost 60, I highly doubt accutane is going to cure my skin if not leave me with some nasty side effects to boot.
Then she gives me the stupid directions for that fucking prescription mailing service (for this I know she gets kickbacks). My employer has one too through my own health insurance too. I don't need her dumb private service even if I thought it was somehow more convenient than my two minute trip to the drugstore.
I decided not to fuck with it because Epiduo is literally just benzoyl peroxide which I can buy at the store, same thing with the face wash.
My acne has been pretty fine lately with my off-brand treatments. I got an electric exfoliator like pic related and it's way more efficient than me washing my face with a cloth. I think it's helped my skin because I actually wash my face more thoroughly now because it's easier.
Morning routine is the same as my evening.
I lather using the electric exfoliator with 10% benzoyl peroxide face wash. Rinse. Mix Cetaphil sensitive facial moisturizer with a bit of benzoyl peroxide gel from Neutrogena and apply.
Done. Twice a day. Sometimes I take a comedone extractor to my face in the evening just to clear out some clogged pores, but other than that it's been fine. No major outbreaks, just little pimples here and there that usually clear in a couple days.
And this mad woman wants me on accutane, lol.
The only thing I'm gonna ask her for next appointment is a recommendation for a retinoid to maybe reduce some of my old pock marks.
No. 90039
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>>90013Try a body wash with tea tree oil, that's what helped me with chest zits.
I used this one and it was quite cheap too (I'm from EU)
No. 90050
>>90013I've never had full blown chest acne, but before summer I got very bumpy chest - many little pimples looking like clogged pores. Now it's all gone, so here's some tips
1. Do you use body balm? I suspect this is what broke me out, I started moisturizing more regularly and bam. Don't use heavy, oily lotions on your chest, the skin is very delicate there and often can't handle it, use your face cream instead.
2. Use clays! I started using green clay on my face and would put the leftovers on my chest and was surprised it helped so much! Just don't let it dry, sprinkle it with water
3. Go braless as often as you can/are comfortable with.
4. Buy some sort of cleansing wipes and during the day wipe your chest when you feel it's sweaty/greasy/too hot.
5. Change your laundry detergent and see if there's a difference, maybe yours is irritating.
6. Drink more water, cut on sugar.
7. Don't use perfume directly on your chest!
Hope it helps.
No. 90112
>>90065It's too harsh for skin, and the green clay is particularly strong. High chances are it will over-dry you, and skin that got too dry produces more sebum to defend itself; this way, you end up even more greasy and prone to acne. And if you have sensitive skin, you'll be all red and irritated. Why do that to yourself, when clay doesn't need to dry to work well? It's safer to keep it damp. And you can boost it up nicely by using, for example, a mist with witch hazel for sprinkling.
And remember not to use metal with it! Clay looses its goodies in reaction to metal
No. 108708
>>108658i used to have bad acne and i took accutane from september 2017 until may 2018. it was so, so worth it. the only side effect i got was my lips were dry more often, and my hair buildup was like, nothing, so that was oddly good. obviously i washed my hair but i had to wash it less because i didn't want to dry it tf out.
whenever i told people i was on it i would just hear horror stories, my advice is don't listen to them, just take the dive to see what happens, you can always stop if you need to. just remember to moisturize. accutane made my skin clear up so much, any acne i get now isn't painful and it's a lot more uncommon and WAY less noticeable. now i have fun doing my makeup since i'm not concerned with covering acne. i personally am so, so happy i went on accutane.
No. 108711
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I've had extremely oily skin my entire life. It would be so bad that pressing my phone against my cheek to talk on it would leave it so greasy I couldn't even use the screen.
I've used everything, been to dermatologist, even spent hundreds on expensive skincare and Korean routines
About six months ago I said "fuck it" and decided to try cheap drugstore shit. Since I've started using this routine my skin is soo much less oily and I don't get breakouts anymore, even when I'm on my period. I wish I tried this stuff before going to Sephora, lol
No. 108735
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This has worked for everyone I know, just don't overdo it you you'll irritate your skin. This chemically exfoliates your skin and can molecularly penetrate your pores to clean them. It's reduced pimples for me in hours.
No. 108762
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>>108749are you sure they're blackheads and not sebaceous filaments?
No. 108790
>>108760ITA, i'd say my skin is a lot less oily so it's drier, mostly in a good way. i have to moisturize a lot more than i used to but it's so worth it. can't speak to the baby thing though since i don't want kids and i don't even have sex so i never worry about it. never even heard of that before though. but that reminds me, you are supposed to be on two kinds of bc (so i had to take bc while already being abstinent/celibate/whatever) and you have to get blood and pregnancy tests every month. you also have to do this online questionnaire where they just make sure that you're using two kinds of contraceptives. didn't bother me personally, but they really drive home the point to not get pregnant because yes, being on accutane will likely give any fetus major complications. i don't think there is anything indicating that being off of it in the future causes anything though.
again, it is so worth it, i would recommend it.
No. 108791
>>108790we talked about accutane in like embryonic development class and iirc accutane can affect the fetus up to two years after you go off it, it's essentially vit A and even small overdoses of it can malform the fetus quite a lot (we had to calculate how many carrots it would take kek). lots of deformed babies were born in the 80s bc of accutane usage by moms, that's why taking BC while on it is so enforced like
>>108790 said.
No. 108819
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Hope i can butt in and maybe help people who havent heard of this or really researched it, if you wanna find another method so just disregard this.
Acne is inflammation. A diet that rises blood sugar can cause acne, sometimes it can be as simple as eating foods low in GI(glycemic index, sugar load) and avoiding high GI foods, this has cured LOTS of peoples acne! No. 108820
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>>67249Forms of Vitamin-a(Caution, you NEED suncscreen with these, it renews the skin rapidly thus leaving it more vulnerable)
Retinol(no prescription)
Retin-a(needs precription)
Adapalene(no precription in the us! other places i think you need a prescription)
Acids (Suncreen is important for the same reasons as above)
Glycolic (no prescription)
Mandelic (no prescription)
Lactic (no prescription)
ABOVE ALL, time and sunscreen!
Time because scars fade with time and do go away, unless they are deep or atleast go into the skin.
Sunscreen because the sun irritates the skin and breaks down and retards collagen in the skin.
No. 108822
>>108820Forgot to add Vit C(ascorbic acid)!
- and lol, USE SUNSCREEN with this, cell renewal, same as before yada yada
No. 108830
>>108819>Food pyramidThe thing is though, fruits can raise your blood sugar levels pretty rapidly as well. Especially in form of juices (and I mean real juice, not the ones with added sugars because, duh) or smoothies.
And dairy is counterproductive with any kind of inflammatory issues as well. And for hormonal acne it’s even worse because it affects estrogen levels.
No. 108859
>>108830Yeah obvs, juice is basically soda because all the fiber is stripped, and you are supposed to eat low GI fruit, most fruits dont spike bloodsugar much including smoothies because you dont remove the fiber and skin from the fruits.
And dairy depends, i can have dairy no problem, but if someone is lactose intolerant maybe avoiding it or dticking to yogurt and cheese minimally is better
No. 108887
>>108791oh wow okay thanks for the info, i didn't know. just to clarify- accutane affects the fetus for 2 years if you had the baby during the time you took the medication, or accutane affects the fetus if you have a baby within two years of taking it (like 2 yrs after u get off it)
thanks for the help!s
No. 109047
Does anyone know how to get rid of recurring acne? I never used to have it, but it seems like I developed it last summer and it's been erupting on and off since. It was worse in the summer/fall as it would come to a painful head. Benzoyle perxoide marginally helped.
The only thing that's really helped was using COSRX snail mucin + retinoid/retinol + acnomel, and being super unstressed… but as a student, stress is inevitable.
I don't really know what to do about it, since it seems to fade after using the three products above, but when I try to use makeup or sunscreen, BOOM! It's red and inflamed and it's driving me crazy, since my skin is pretty nice otherwise.
Also, related to the problem above, does anyone know a good (preferably physical) sunscreen that doesn't aggravate acne? Right now I only have innisfree oat mild moisture physical sunscreen but it's made the acne worse, so I stopped using it.
No. 109064
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I want to scale back on my routine but need some ideas of basic products that I can use before I go to a dermatologist.
I have oily skin and have only started breaking out about 2 years ago in freshman yr of college. Up until then I had beautiful skin and I miss it sm.
I'm currently using: Cetaphil Hydrating Face Cleanser, Witch Hazel as toner, OXY cleansing pads (at night), and Hada Labo Tokyo Hyaluronic Acid Skin Plumping Cream (as moisturizer). I use exfoliating masks like twice a week (Aztec Healing Clay, Mask of Magnaminity by Lush, Charcoal Sugar one by Freeman).
I wash my pillows constantly, I've changed my shampoo to one without oils, I've taken probiotics, primrose oil and multivitamins to try and fix it. Even tea tree oil on my spots doesn't get rid of the acne which just keeps coming.
I'm gonna go to a derm hopefully but in the meantime I'm seriously so depressed over my skin. I know it could be worse but I still stand out from other people and I don't even wanna put makeup on to try and cover it. I've spend hundreds trying to make a routine that'll get rid of it but nothing ever works.
Can someone please name a few gentle products that I can use (like cleanser, moisturizer especially) that would serve as a 'basic' routine until I get my skin looked at by a dermatologist?
And please make suggestions if my acne looks similar to yours :(
my apologies for the hideous pictures
No. 109072
>>109064My acne/skin looks a lot like yours but even uglier and with a ton of hyperpigmentation lmao. I've been using Differin for 3 months now and it has helped but I'm still not satisfied with my skin so I'm gonna hold out until the 6 month mark. My skin is way worse than yours though (seriously if my face looked like your pictures I'd be so happy) so Differin might be a lot more effective for you. But it can be pretty irritating so maybe wait to talk to a derm about it.
Have you tried azelaic acid? I know it's an acid so it's not exactly gentle but it's a pretty mild acid and way less harsh than other actives, at least in my experience. For moisturizer, if you want a super barebones, gentle formula, check out Vanicream Lite Lotion. It's recommended a lot by dermatologists. Right now I'm using the regular Vanicream moisturizer and it hasn't irritated my skin at all, I just don't like the thicker texture and personally prefer lighter lotiony formulas.
Good luck anon, acne is so horrible and can really fuck with your self esteem and I hope you can find a routine that works for you!
No. 109074
>>109064>>109065long post ahead
have you considered you might have allergies or sensitivity to stuff you are using? dairy makes some people break out more, an allergy to a shampoo, etc. for example, try switching laundry detergents/body wash/shampoo to something unscented for people with sensitive skin. i use all clear brand detergent and free and clear hair stuff, personally.
if it's fungal acne, if you fit the signs for it, in which case, someone complied a list of fungal acne safe products on their blog, but i lost the link, so google it if you're interested.
cetaphil hydrating wash and/or stuff with ceramides in it can make you break out if you're sensitive to it. also, you could be sensitive to stuff in your shampoo or conditioner.
you could also be stripping your natural moisture barrier, as the hado labo stuff is not very rich. this sounds nuts, but i personally like to put a thin layer of vaseline on at night sometimes. it keeps the good stuff in. cerave in the tub or avene cream or embroylisse or clinique lotions are all good options, depending on your preferences and budget.
here are my recommendations. stridex in the red box is much better than oxy, it's also gentler. oxy is great for body acne, so you don't need to throw it out. take a break from products with things like spearmint oil or menthol or whatever, and mud masks for a bit, your skin might be a bit dry right now. lush is great for soap and bathbombs, but their masks can be iffy for some.
try a plain shampoo like neutrogina t-gel or free and clear
differin helped me a lot personally!! it's great!!!
i really like vanicream. it's designed for people with allergies. they make face wash, face lotion, shampoo, body lotion, etc.
i use the cetaphil daily moisturizing lotion, which you can find easily, i also use avene products, which are a bit overpriced, but depending on your budget, either is fine.
also, check out the skincareaddiction subreddit. but most of the time, you really don't need a bunch of stuff. just a good cleanser, acne stuff, a good moisturizer and a sunscreen.
basically, focus on being gentle with your face, patch test and introduce stuff slowly. baby it for a bit. you can do it!
also sis you aren't hideous, acne is normal and something almost everyone deals with at some point. i'm rooting for you!
No. 109076
>>109072Ugh bless you for such a quick and nice response. I want to try another active as I tried The Ordinary's Lactic Acid and it didn't change much. I know Azelaic Acid is different but I'm wary though of spending my money on stuff that's not going to help.
I'll probably buy the Vanicream Lite Lotion bc I need a simple moisturizer (I'm running out and have no plans to repurchase my own).
>>109074Thank you so much for this response. I've definitely considered some sort of allergy since my acne doesn't seem to be correlated with causes like my phone or pillow cases. I used the Red Stridex normally but my grocery store doesn't carry it here now so I just grabbed OXY instead. I didn't know there was much of a difference so I'll prob just have to give it to my bf for his backne and reorder Stridex from Amazon.
I'm definitely going to abide by these recommendations and strip down my routine. I'm not hideous like you said but my skin is super noticeable as I never wear makeup these days (my fault, ik). I'm definitely better looking with makeup on but even my acne isn't enough to make me spend 20 extra minutes getting ready lmao.
Thank you two again for these responses!! This thread has been more helpful than Reddit responses I've had in the past.
No. 109078
>>109064You have a lot of harsh stuff in your routine which I would eliminate if I were you. For moisturizer, I'd recommend La Roche Posay as most of their products are unscented. For cleaner, cetaphil is fine. Stop trying a bunch of stuff and stick to the same routine without masks or new products or anything for a few weeks.
Why not just go to the dermatologist now; they can tell you what routine to do to improve your skin. They could also possibly prescribe you a retinol which would help. Antibiotics might help, or going on birth control if you're not already.
No. 109124
>>109033It was more about the way I was attacking my skin and not letting the protective layer heal. I was just going about my acne all wrong. I pretty much had those tiny, itchy dots across my forehead and jaw that never came to a head, as well as skin that was oily yet dehydrated, yet I thought I had to dry it out bc of the oil.
I used too many irrelevant products like clay masks, scrubs, astrigents and foaming cleansers as well as makeup that had ingredients with comodogenic ratings of 5 on Cosdna.
So I realized I had fungal acne since I used benzoyl peroxide 10% and other products with no success at all. I bought Lotrimin Ultra and applied it for a week after washing with Kose softymo speedy oil cleanser. I would apply a very small bit of Vaseline after as well.
Once that actually began to clear up I would do the lotramin thing once every couple weeks to keep it away. I also read that overuse of benzoyl peroxide could instigate fungal acne, so I started using it less often and in "contact therapy" aka leave it on for 5 minutes and wash it off. Used the equate benzoyl peroxide (3$ at Walmart).
Moisturizer is the hardest part bc the CeraVe Baby cream has been reformulated completely. And other people's HG products like Cosrx snail mucin did make my skin soft but gave me whiteheads. So I subsist for now on squalane and Vaseline. I bought The Ordinary squalane oil and use a bit on damp skin before Vaseline and mix it into fenty foundation as well.
Barebones-ing it for a while via the oil cleanser and just vaseline really helped calm things down. No more irritation. Lotramin and avoiding irritating makeup helped with the itchy little dots. Now it's just about hydrating, and I'm still in the process of perfecting this. Slowly testing each product alone for a week takes awhile, but I'm optimistic about Sebamed clear face gel as I just started it, but I think it's too expensive for how much you get.
No. 109395
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>>109387Maybe testosterone? It peaks at ovulation
No. 109396
>>109395Interesting - thanks! I'll talk to my doctor about that.
I'm puzzled because the other stuff I've been doing (or trying again - a dapsone ointment & a sulfur face wash) has helped. My skin was actually clear around my period this past month!
I've got an important event coming up next month during this new "problem time," so I'm considering asking for some short-term antibiotics or something.
No. 109433
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>>109396I actually have only recently started dealing with hormonal acne after my bc lapsed (I never have sex) and it's terrible. On my cheeks and jawline mostly, and the worst I've had in my life. I tried lots of stuff but most of it didn't do shit. So I just wanted to drop this here, it's the only thing that's helped calm it. It won't get rid of it overnight but just a few nights of use and the size and "angryness" was reduced by probably 75%.
I apply a bit of the buffering lotion and once that is settled I'll dab the drying lotion right on the spot. You don't shake the drying lotion though it'll separate into layers, I'm assuming the top clear layer you pull it through is some kind of disinfectant.
No. 110692
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Sometimes KISS works.
I've recently given up Hyaluronic Acid alongside anything ending in 'Hyaluorate'.
Other ingredients that cause acne for me are:
Ferments (Kikumasamune was heavenly until it broke me out ;_;)
Stearic Acid
Now I don't have to use my topical Clindamycin everyday, my skin and acne has chilled out.
I'm glad I've found what was triggering my skin, but goddamn it I can't really use sheet masks anymore.
No. 110704
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Right now I am at work so I cannot type out my full routine, but I had the WORST pizza face ever and I’m gonna make a huge type out of everything I’ve used to clear my face to this point. I know this only shows my forehead but my whole face was like this, just that the worst acne was on my forehead. I always had clear skin until I got to my 20s and then it all went to shit since then. Most of my routine is affordable and keep it mind it might not work for everyone but I hope my tips can help anyone. I have oily/combo skin type.
No. 110778
>>109433Op anon here.
I tried MB drying lotion ages ago when I was really young. I think they were offering free samples so I signed up.
I remember getting the drying lotion but not the buffering one. Unfortunately I don't remember how well it worked, but my acne back then was more like puberty/teen acne, not what I'm dealing with now.
I do however remember some kind if anti-redness clay mask? It worked well. I just didn't have the money to actually buy it.
No. 112207
>>112205Azelaic acid works great for my skin and I'd highly recommend giving it a try. I used to get huge painful cysts but putting azelaic acid on where they started to form was super effective at getting rid of them. It helps a lot with redness too if that's a problem you have, and it's a lot gentler than other acids.
The Ordinary has it for cheap (the container is kinda small though) and they ship internationally. Skinoren is also a popular European option for azelaic acid but in a lot of places it's prescription only, not sure about Slovakia though.
No. 112211
>>110704Ok so the main game changers I will list now. (also keep in mind this is all subjective). My acne is mostly hormonal but there are definitely things that can make it worse (sensitive and breakout prone skin)
1.Important Habits/tips:
- Although washing your face is important do not over wash or use drying and irritating methods of cleansing. I use (Hada Labo Foaming Face Cleanser) for overall cleansing. It is very gentle and low cost (12-14 dollars via amazon). It has no smell really and is very non drying and gentle. Keep in mind cleansing should be the least irritating thing you do. It is better IMO to use heavy hitter products for acne but this does not include a cleanser. I usually double cleanse at night with an oil cleanser (I like Kose Softymo speedy oil, 9-13 dollars) and then follow up with the foaming cleanser. If my face feels "dirty" in the morning I usually was with water. If I feel like I must use a cleanser in the morning I either use a tiny bit of the foaming or only cleanse with the oil if it feels super oily. This is not daily however and I try to cleanse only at night.
-DO NOT touch your face EVER. It definitely spreads the bacteria and picking at your face will make it worse. If I allow myself to touch my face I will pick so I do not touch it ever. I only touch my skin while cleansing or applying skin care products, and always make sure my hands have been properly washed with soap before I cleanse or apply skincare.
-I find that keeping my hair clean (so either washing it at night or washing it earlier that day always) helps. At night, or whenever I'm home I keep it out of my face area at all times. I always put it up at night in a very gentle way as to not cause strain on my hair but enough to remove it from my face.
-always drink proper amounts of water daily (an easy way to get used to this habit is to always have a clean and full water bottle around you at all times and sip the whole day, my bottle holds 120 ounces at a time so I can tell exactly how much I have been drinking and can tell if I did not drink enough that day). If you feel like you have a vitamin deficiency take a simple multivitamin. This may not be causing your acne but being dehydrated and low on vitamins may worsen it or impede your healing.
-if you chose to use heavy hitters in your skin care routine (acids, retin-a, etc) do not do so daily. This can over exfoliate your skin and worsen the acne, thus making you want to use more of them but trust me it will make it worse and worse. Stop physical exfoliation if possible. If will likely not do much anyways (if you find it helps you, only use something very very gentle. The only time I ever physically exfoliate is maybe like 1 time a month MAX if I even do so, and its only to lightly removed some flakes).
-Utilize COSDNA if you feel certain ingredients or products break you out. You can rule out with ingredients are present in multiple products that have not worked for you and this way can know whether or not to use a new product.I have identified certain acne
triggers for me personally and this has helped.
2.Heavy hitters I have used that have helped:
Prescription products:
- Retin-a. I have used Retin a on and off since highschool. I have used both the cream and the gel. Currently I use the gel every other day. Keep in mind, even someone like me who has been using this medication for almost 10 years still cannot tolerate daily usage, but of course everyone is different. This will also help with anti aging prevention but you MUST use sunscreen with this during the day. I would say the retin a usage is what helped the most in my worst acne phase (this picture). If you cannot go to a dermatologist you can also purchase this online but I would of course suggest seeing a doctor if possible instead. Keep in mind you can purge for months and do not get discouraged.Cost with insurance for me is around 10 dollars and online or out of country purchase has costed me 50-60 dollars.
-Accutane. I did use accutane in the past for around 9 months. I personally did not have bad side effects in any way and it helped a lot. I did not really experience a bad purge from this as the retin a did most of this for months. Cost with insurance from this I don't quite remember, but less than 100 dollars a month. It was low enough that I do not exactly remember it. Do not ever purchase this online or take it without supervision. You may damage your organs with this drug if you do things like drink or take too much of it so it is not worth it if you are not seeing a doctor. I had to take monthly drug and pregnancy tests and also had to always use 2 birth controls at a time to prevent pregnancy at all costs. I was not really sexually active when I took this drug but you will be required to say you will use 2 forms of BC either way if you are a female and capable of getting pregnant.
Non prescription products:
-Etude House Wonder Pore Toner(10-15 dollars) . This essentially will prime your skin for acids or retin-a. It will make the products feel/work more intensely. Not necessary but I found it to help me. I use this max a few times a week, around 10 minutes before adding the main heavy hitter I use to my skin.
-The ordinary glycolic acid toner(12-15 dollars). This toner has helped my skin for sure. I do not currently use it at the moment but when I do, I only use it 1x a week and use it a day where I do not use other heavy hitters. My skin loves glycolic acid and this one of the products that has actually done something.
-Mizon AHA 8% peeling (10-15 dollars). This is a glycolic acid serum. Probably my favorite low cost and non prescription glycolic product. It is a bit harder for me to get online sometimes but I plan on getting back to using this after I finish my glycolic toner. When I was not using retin a, I used this x4 a week and it helped keep my skin clear.
-Stridex red box (under 10 dollars). This is a BHA exfoliant. It helps cut down and break down oils and pore clogging gunk. The red box has no alcohol with is great to prevent irritation. I personally also use this on my body to prevent ingrown hairs and keep myself smooth.
-The ordinary AHA peel (15-20 dollars). This is a strong mask type product. I use it every few weeks, maybe once a month or twice max. Only leave in on your skin for the time it states (I leave it for 10 minutes and then wash it off gently).
always follow these heavy hitter products with gentle products and care. no harsh cleansers (think "acne" cleansers. don't even ever bother with these. They can only marginally help you but will most likely just irritate. Cleansers are only on your skin for a brief time so any acne benefit will be very low anyways. it is better to be gentle and not irritate your skin or acne)
3. Professional treatments + at home facials that have helped.
Professional treatments:
- Microdermabrasion (50-150 dollars). Physical exfoliation, the only kind I ever use. Once a month has made big difference in my skin. I personally go to my dermatologist and pay 150 BUT you can find deals for cheaper. For me the 150 includes steroid injections on my big acne cysts or papules (clears them up immediately almost, which is important for me to prevent as you could see how bad my skin can get at it's worst state). It also includes clean and sterilized extractions.
-Hydrafacial (50-300 dollars). I don't really get these facials since they tend to be so expensive but I have gotten them done for low cost out of the country and in the US using and finding deals. Does help but not enough for me to do them all the time due to the price. You usually have the option to add a chemical peel as well during these which would make it more efficient. Think of this like a "wet" micro almost.
At home "facial":
-The ordinary AHA peel (talked about more in dept above).
-Cleansing followed by stridex. Wait 5-10 minutes and apply clay mask. Wash off clay mask. Apply oil cleanser and gently massage for a few minutes. This combo helps loosen up clogs in your skin (stridex and then clay) and the oil breaks them apart even more. This gets many clogged pores out of my skin at a time but do not overdo as it is/can be very drying.
-sheet masks. Look for ingredients that will not break you out or ones you feel will help you personally. My favorite low cost sheet masks are my beauty diary (particularly black pearl). This helps my skin retain moisture and it is almost a boost of moisture. I apply a sheet mask after applying my hada labo hydrating lotion and leave it on for 2 hours usually (with a silicone conver on top). You can leave it on for much shorter but try for at least half an hour if possible for the most benefit.
Current routine:
- right now I'm going very simple and trying to use up products. You do not need a long routine for it to work! I used to be crazy about it and use 10+ products but now I have noticed less can be more for me.
>Oil cleanse
>foam cleanse
>dry skin. Use PH balancing toner if using acids or retin a. Apply heavy hitter (acid or retin a ) if I am using one that night
>After heavy hitter is absorbed fully, apply other products.
>Cosrx A-sol (15-20 dollars). Contains tea tree and soothing products. Can be a little drying but works well for me to help heal acne and prevent.
>Hada Labo Hydrating Toner(10 dollars). Helps absorb my other products better and brings gentle hydration to my skin.
>Cosrx whitening power essence(15-20 dollars). Helps with my irritation and redness. Not necessary so I do not use daily but you can if you want to.
>Benton Snail Bee Essence (20 dollars). Big helper for me. Helps with scarring and healing acne. Not necessary but I like to use this.
>apply moisturizer after your essence/serum phase. I use belif true cream aqua bomb usually (45-50 dollars). Sometimes I also apply la mer creme de la mer (300+ dollars, I only use this due to receiving gifts of many of these jars.). I warm up my moisturizer in my hands and then pat and press into skin gently.
>sometimes sleeping mask or aquaphor on skin. Not necessary but you can use this if you need extra occlusion. I do this when I feel like my skin feels dehydrated. Hope this helps anyone!
>>110707>>110884>>110902 No. 112824
>>112211I looove Hydrafacials. I got one last month, along with dermaplaning, and my skin was so smooth and glowy.
>>112758Spiro was the only thing that cleared my acne.
I second going this route if you're having trouble with topicals. I use topicals now for upkeep and texture, but it doesn't little for my actual acne.
No. 112869
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>>112849So since my sadpost I ordered pic related. It has stearic acid which I am really scared of but I'm going to test it out. Has really really good sun protection so would love if this works.
No. 112874
>>112873I wanted to try a sunscreen that has a mix of physical and chemical filters, that one has really solid spectrum coverage.
Also going to give the one you mentioned a try, my issue with that one is that it's got 10 million versions and they all have different formulations. Kind of a bitch to figure out which version the seller will ship to me.
No. 112881
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>>112874nta but for what's it worth, i have a very senstive and acne prone face too and i purchased pic related version a month ago and it hasn't given me any problems. then again i'm not even sure how much it comes in contact with my actual skin as i layer vit c, moisturiser and germoline on more acne prone-spots under it. i have also had the orange packaging version, that was fine too, but i find the texture of pic related to be more pleasant, it is very light and feels almost like a gel-based moisturiser. do wait a bit before applying make-up or similar though, otherwise it can pill off.
i just got it thru amazon and the ingredients are as follows: water, ethanol, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, cross-polymer of (lauryl methacrylate / sodium methacrylate), alkyl benzoate (C12-15), bisethylhexyloxyphenol methoxyphenyl triazine, hexyl diethylaminohydroxybenzoylbenzoate, dimethicone, ethylhexyl tri Azone, dimethylsilyl silica, DPG, xylitol, dextrin palmitate, (acrylates / alkyl acrylate (C10-30)) crosspolymer, (dimethicone / vinyl dimethicone) crosspolymer, polysilicone-9, glyceryl stearate, AMP, (vinyl dimethicone / methicone silsesquioxane) crosspolymer, agar, isoceteth -20, alkyl (C30-45) methicone, polyvinyl alcohol, olefin (C30-45), water Of Na, BG, PG, hyaluronic acid Na, royal jelly, orange fruit extract, grapefruit fruit extract, lemon fruit extract, phenoxyethanol, EDTA-2Na, BHT, perfume
No. 112882
>>112881The royal jelly and the citrus extracts are really weird ingredients that I'm curious about. I've ordered it off already so gonna try both sunscreens and report back here.
On the topic of spot testing, I've heard mixed opinions on where to do it. Some people are saying to test it in acne prone areas, some are saying that could mislead you and you should test on a part of your skin that doesn't usually break out.
My safe place to test would be my forehead I think. I do break out there if an ingredient super duper messed with me but it's more resilient than my cheeks which react really badly. Also can hide a breakout with my bangs if I need to lol. I'm thinking I'll test on my forehead and move on to a small part of my cheek if the forehead doesn't react.
Also really hoping micellar water followed by a foaming cleanser can get these two sunscreens off bc OCM
really doesn't work for me.
No. 112883
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>>112882royal jelly should be fine for acne, not so sure about fruit extracts and ymmv but I haven't had any problems personally and also they are at the very end of the ingredient list. i too usually test new things out on my forehead as it usually don't break out there and i won't accidentally upset my existing pimples (mostly those pesky deep ones that never come to head in generalised jaw area). if it's calm for like 3 days i'll move onto my lower face.
as for removing it, i just use Sylveco chamomile gel as it is the cheapest thing (round 7£ for 150ml) i could find with no SLS as that had proven to be an issue for in the past. it's actually very good, gentle yet does the job, i don't wear face make-up though save for mattifying powder and undereye concealer.
from non-weeb sunscreens, Ultrasun family SPF30 is also decent if bit low in SPF, it does have the white cast and the typical sunscreen smell (which i loathe) so i mostly used it on my body. it does have cocoglycerides like midway thru ingredient list, not sure if low enough for you. i hope something works out for you sunscreen-wise, i was in a similar spot last year, it fucking sucks (i think i stressed out about it more than about my exams haha)
No. 112885
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>>112881i have acne prone face as well, never tried biore, but sarafit by rohto was in my budget and i never had any issues with it. this one comes with 200g sunscreen compared to 50g.
No. 112888
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>>112881Has anyone tried the new Athlizm line. I tried the Sara Sara perfect milk and it's fine, but greasy and thick.
No. 113031
>>113029I would recommend the violet version because this one is VERY strong. People love it or hate it, my skin being the latter - when you think about it, you're rubbing your face with salicylic acid at least two times a day - not every skin can take it. But it's worth trying, I got it on Allegro, I don't think they sell it in Rossmann but definitely have seen it in Natura and Hebe.
>>113005If you like Polish skincare, I recommend trying new lines of Bielenda, like Vege Detox or Botanic Spa, and their serums, especially Mezo Serum which is a skincare hit here.
Nacomi is also a superb brand, you can't go wrong with it.
Vianek & Sylveco can be hit or miss, as they often use oils that are more comedogenic. Sylveco has a sub-brand Biolaven which is a bit higher quality, along with Aloesove, cosmetics based on aloe vera.
Hope that helps!