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No. 67191
>>67188Thanks so much for your response and kindness, I'm glad to hear that's over for you.
It's funny, I've always known that if I were to fall pregnant I'd want an abortion but I still feel something inside me about it. Guess that's only natural. Thankfully my partner is very supportive and someone I can count on, personally coming from this like emotionally volatile base, yeah, I can see the after of the procedure easily having me feel all types of ways, but it's better than carrying to term. Thanks again for the caution <3
No. 67233
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>>67173>>67198>>67219Nobody's tax dollars should be going towards paying for this shit.
No. 67234
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>>67233yeah it should honestly go towards the annihilation of the makers of Crocs and people who are into scat
No. 67258
>>67235And how is anyone here supposed to know you aren't lying?
>>67248Flimsy non-argument. You do realize 4.5 billion of the 7 billion people in the world are in Asia? 1.2 billion people are in Africa. Abortions are mostly marketed to Europeans and Americans. Hmm, I wonder who is behind this propaganda. Meanwhile, Ahmed and his wife are still having 10 kids each.
>>67252Pay for them yourself then? Why should people who pay taxes be paying for some thot who can't keep her legs shut, especially if they disagree with abortion in the first place? Doesn't sound like you asked for the taxpayer's 'consent' when it came to your 'choice'.
No. 67264
>>67262Ummmm how is cooking a meal for your husband 'doormat behavior' lmao? Whew. Angry intersectional feminist detected.
No. 67265
>>67263I'm sorry but I don't drink and I don't engage in casual sexual intercourses. Don't assume every person who disagrees with you does that because you hold your morals close to you so you won't do what you really want (be a slut and drink alcohol I guess). That's called projecting and it's ridiculous.
Also don't forget to pin your condoms so you make sure you have babies from the /pol/ retard you are having sex. Assuming you wear condoms. Assuming you have sex.
No. 67272
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>>67265>joking about poking holes in condoms in a thread full of people who unintentionally managed to get pregnant Whewiest of lads. Now that's what I call projecting.
No. 67273
>>67265So you're against drinking alcohol and casual sex, but you think killing fetuses is acceptable?
Do you ever listen to yourself? Sounds like someone needs to get their priorities in check.
No. 67275
>>67274I'm assuming you meant to say condemn?
Don't call people dumb when you can barely string a sentence together, sweetheart.
Pot calling the kettle black again.
Also, sage your posts.
No. 67279
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If you don't like abortions, don't have one. Stop condemning women for making decisions that differ from yours, especially when they don't affect you negatively in any way.
Freedom of choice is important.
No. 67284
>>67188agreed. but only tell people who are known to be supportive and trustworthy people in your life. I had to have one in 2011. I was 20 and doing drugs and I just wasn't ready for a kid.
my mom found out bc I guess I used the family PC to google stuff about my health insurance and abortion. she was super supportive, took me to all my appointments and told me it was my choice entirely, etc.
but then in the years to follow, she has thrown it in my face multiple times when we were in arguments about unrelated things. she'd usually say it in a taunting way. like "you think you're so perfect but you killed your kid!" or one time she was like "I should've had an abortion with you." and I said something like "…wow, that's such a nice thing to say to your daughter." and she went "you can't judge me for SAYING it, because you're the one who DID it!" (even though she has had multiple abortions in her own life,,,,,)
it's crazy. I would have never told her about it if I knew she'd use it as ammo during arguments
No. 67287
>>67279People also have every right to feel disgusted by your decisions. Everyone has a right to their opinion, not just you. It's a two way street.
And it is people's business if their tax dollars are going towards something they are morally opposed to.
Planned Parenthood sells parts to third parties, often without the patient's consent. They sell to cosmetic companies, Pepsi Senomyx, and various 'private' organizations who use them for shady experiments.
The reason they encourage abortion is so they can make money off the aborted baby parts. It's just dollar signs to them.
>>67285>'HURR DURR IF YOU DISAGREE WITH ME YOU'RE STUPID LEL'Tell me how feminist and empowering post-abortion depression is again?
No. 67292
Every fucking thread about abortion we get these conservative nuts not understanding people might not want to have kids and that has nothing to do with their lives and there is nothing they can do about it.
At this point I guess it's impossible to talk about it because this person will keep sperging here.
>>67290>Planned Parenthood>muh taxes>PepsiWhy do you think everyone here is american?
No. 67303
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How much of a bitter virgin it takes to invade a thread about abortion to preach about conservative nut shit but it's just really about being afraid islamic people are gonna invade your country and fuck your women?
No. 67313
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Stop deleting your comments you fuckturd
No. 67314
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What the fuck did he mean by this
No. 67317
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I can't this is too pathetic.
No. 67322
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>>67320Sorry, do you want me to stop posting? Too bad, I won't do what you want lololol
But hey at least I don't delete my posts.
>>67326I'm not even that anon, I'm the anon who made the same point in
>>67231So calling me an incel or male doesn't affect me, it just makes me think you're an idiot.
No. 67328
>Women who have abortions are 3 times more likely than the general female population to commit suicideAlso you
>Did you know women who have abortions are 6 times more likely than the general female population to kill themselves.Sounds trustworthy. Understandable, have a good day anon thanks
No. 67330
>>67328But you're clutching at straws and ignoring the main issue that I pointed out.
I've been at work and had a long day, 3 or 6 times, yep I mixed the general female population up with the women who give birth, but it's still a major increase whichever way you look at it. claim to care about women and women's rights but it doesn't really sound like you do since so many of them (it's estimated at 60%) have suicidal ideation afterwards, for which they often receive little to no support or follow-up. You should at least be warning women of this potential risk.
No. 67331
>>67330So your argument against being able to have a choice is that the choice might hurt?
It's like you want to protect women but without giving their own right to choose.
No. 67334
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>>67332Stop saying buzzwords and answer my question you dipshit.
No. 67335
>>67331Why are you implying that choice automatically = good?
People 'choose' things that are terrible for and detrimental to them all the time.
No. 67337
>>67335Being able to choose is elementary. Not being able to choose is reactionary.
>>67336Stop projecting.
No. 67338
>>67333I'm sorry about your experience, anon.
There are a lot of women who were co-erced and manipulated into abortions. My friend's parents persuaded her to get an abortion in her teens and she's still emotionally scarred from it despite being in her twenties. Clearly a lot of other women are too, judging from the surveys.
Sociopaths like
>>67331 don't give a shit about how the women feel or react afterwards. They just have some weird radfem point scoring agenda.
No. 67344
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>>67338As if women can't be coerced into and traumatized by carrying to term. Neither of these are fucking easy choices or experiences. That's why people feel so strongly about it. It's as dangerous as it is pathetic that people on both sides will down play one choice like it's nothing.
Freedom does not imply ease, pleasure, or even net benefit but it's astronomically better than being forced to abort OR carry. Don't let any shitheel tell you which restriction is good for womankind, no matter what camp they're from. They are not your friends.
No. 67350
>>67330Your source, Liveaction, is an anti abortionist organization. Their site cannot be trusted. Their statistics cannot be trusted. Searching statistics on abortion and suicide almost soley brings up pro-life biased websites.
You know what I can find unbiased statistics for? Post-Partum Depression, which can mildy affects over 70% of women who have given birth ( With fifteen percent of women getting diagnosed with it. Despite PPD being common and can end in suicide, there are no actual hardline statistics on how often it ends in suicide…mmm probably because so little research and care is put into womens health concerns?
And hell, suicide aside, if we're talking about the United States, we have the worst rate of maternal deaths in the first world ( The number of women who die in the US from pregnancy related causes is rising. You should at least be warning women of this potential risk when they carry to term.
No. 67353
Depends on your situation and feelings, OP.
I've had three abortions in my life and I can tell you that I felt differently at every one.
>15 years old
Highschool bf coerced me into having unprotected sex, got knocked up, and then I avoided going to my parents for help early on because they were Catholics and constantly shamed me for sexual discussions. They refused to get me bc and would yell if they found condoms.
Bf knew I was pregnant and did fucked up shit like name the fetus and told all his friends. I started to feel guilt for not wanting to be pregnant, one time I even jammed a coat hanger up my vulva like a retard lol.
When I finally couldn't bear it anymore at ~20ish weeks I came out to my parents who gave me no choice but abortion. Ironic for Catholics, hm?
The bf abandoned me after saying he'd be there for me, and his parents tried to play it off like he was a sweet angel who had nothing to do with the situation. He actually went on to knock up some other crazy bitch a grade below me shortly after. She went through with her pregnancy, and he abandoned her and that kid too.
This abortion was particularly awful because I had waited so long. It was actually a two-day process. First day they stuck some rolled up seaweed into my cervix and gave me pills to dilate me. I went through a painful labor overnight. Was crying in the waiting room the next day because the 'contractions' were so awful. I waited for three hours. Looking back I feel bad because I probably traumatized the other women waiting in the office for more simple procedures. This day was for the D&E, where they actually do the vacuum extraction.
The doctors put me on an IV painkiller. They wound up sticking me over six times because they couldn't find good veins.I remember being in complete agony for the whole time, it felt like an hour of pure pain.
When I had to go back to school, my shitty ex had told all these bastard kids about my abortion (my school was pro-life) so I quickly got a reputation. I was being targeted by kids and some teachers. This went on for YEARS until my senior year when I got into college early and didn't have to be at my high school for the day after 10am.
I was an honor's student and in a lot of advanced classes. I remember some kids and teachers trying to flat out sabotage me and get me kicked out of afterschool clubs. I actually got kicked out of honor's society because the pro-life club secretary refused to take my attendance, and thus I was kicked out for being tardy to meetings twice even though I was present.
I was denied taking AP-Chem because the teacher didn't want me in her classroom despite having the grades to be accepted, citing "behavioral issues." I never did anything in her classroom and it was all based on rumors and hearsay. She told my parents I was stupid in a parent/teacher conference. In reality, she just didn't want the girl who had sex to be in her classroom.
Overall, 10/10 traumatizing experience.
Morning after pill failed and I didn't find out I was pregnant until later. When I did find out, I had to save up money for the abortion and do all sorts of paperwork to get the rest of the costs covered. This was all between going to college and juggling a job.
Because of the wait, I had to opt for another D&E abortion.
This time I kept my parents completely out of it. I asked a trusted friend to drive me to the clinic and everything went a lot more smoothly. I don't even remember much about this abortion because I don't remember being in pain and emotionally suffering.
It was just really inconvenient.
This was an accident that I admit was mostly my fault. I took my bc incorrectly, but because I knew the sensation of being pregnant I knew something was amiss within 2 weeks.
I went to Planned Parenthood and took the abortion pill on the third week. Easy as pie. No pain. It was like having a period.
These days, I'm much more sexually informed. I have a hormonal implant so I don't have to panic about pills. I've been with my current bf for 4 years who has agreed to let me get an abortion should I ever have an unplanned pregnancy.
It's nice and I feel really secure, compared to how I was at 15.
No. 67372
>>67350>'b-but your sources are unreliable!' So your lazy ass couldn't be bothered to do a 0.3 second google search, huh?'The suicide rate associated with birth was 5.9 per 100 000 births and for associated abortions was 34.7 per 100 000 abortions, giving an odds ratio of 5.9 compared with births (95% confidence interval 3.6 to 9.9)'And why are you assuming everyone ITT is from the US? The lapses in your healthcare system are unfortunate, but not a case for abortion. There are almost 4 million babies born per year in the US, and the number of women who die from birthing complications is something like 800. That's 0.02% of births. Tragic, yes, but you are talking about a tiny proportion. Stop using the marginal point to argue the wider case.
The study also stated that obesity is one of the biggest co-morbid factors.
Maybe stick to posting Westworld trailers.
>>67341>be you>make fun of someone for spelling coercion incorrectly>spells it 'coersion' anyway>'HURR DURR I'M SO SMART'Whew laddie.
>>67347Soyfag detected. I don't even eat meat but now I'm going to start stockpiling bacon, sausages and every other meat product I can find, just to to piss militant vegan shitheads like you off. Parasites are A DIFFERENT SPECIES to their host. Fucking loser.
>>67344Kate is a Conservative, JSYK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 67406
>>67375I'm glad things have worked out for you. Hopefully the sperg in this thread has not pulled you down too much. Wish you a quick recovery!
I'm so happy to live in a country where no one questions a woman's right to choose.
No. 67460
Thanks all, definitely will. I've had some scattered moments where I'll become teary-eyed but they're quick to pass. I only need time, really.
>>67441Absolutely and it's disappointing as hell. I've now stories of friends in more remote locations getting sass from medical professionals due to their decision and like for fuckin' what? It should be concern of no-one which path the parent decides to take. Unfortunately it is all tied to religious and cultural expectations, hard to escape and profound change is a pipe dream.
No. 67501
>>67496Lol, you shill for Killary and CNN too, honey? Let me guess, you're a huge fan of Lena Dunham too.
Blaming the Kremlin is a meme and anyone who takes that shit seriously is certifiable.
53% of white women voted for Trump. Even other women are done with your bullshit and it's got you shook. Admit it.
Is this you in the video by any chance?
Oh and tumblr is that way, libcuck-chan.
No. 67508
>>67501>MUH STATISTICSnot even part of this argument but dont be a retard, only 28% of voters actually voted in the election, whatever backwards beliefs you have on women dont represent the whole country
Also what the fuck is going on in this thread? Did a bunch of southern belle anons get
triggered by abortion?
No. 67510
>>67508Clearly those obese lazy radfems were too busy munching box or eating their feelings to go out and show their adoration for Shillary by voting for her.
It's called diversity of opinion, something which I'm sure is completely alien to you since you probably spend so much time fingering yourself to Andrea Dworkin speeches.
No. 75267
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I'm getting an abortion next week. Vaccuum suction and curretage method. I'm really only afraid that it's going to be painful, even though I've given birth so I logically keep telling myself that it can't be any worse than that. Any anons had one of these around 9 weeks? What does it feel like? I know they'll give me pain meds, but still.
No. 75307
>>75287Hey, no worries! I didn’t know anyone IRL either. I have time to write a bit more, and I wanted to add that some clinics have a “twilight sleep” (a mild anesthetic) available with the d&c method. Mine was about $100, but it varies.
You’ll be fully awake for the procedure, but it’ll be very difficult after to recall the “physical” parts of it, if that makes any sense? It relaxes you beforehand, too. They’ll likely dispense either a muscle relaxant or a benzodiazepine such as Xanax before you go in, whether you opt for the anesthesia or not.
After the procedure is all finished (it felt like a crampy, more pressurized pap-smear to me), you’ll head to a recovery room with a liner in your underwear, and a nurse will bring you some water/juice and crackers, and you’ll stabilize for an hour. And that’ll be it! I know you’re worried now, but the waiting is the dreadful part.
You’ve got this. I promise, Anon. <3
No. 75725
Just because birth is "natural" doesn't mean it's not morbid as fuck.
I've known women in their 20s getting shit like blood clots, septic shock, infections, internal bleeding, etc.
Maternal deaths all over the world and people act like pregnancy is nbd for vulnerable persons and minors to go through with. Holy shit.
No. 75740
>>75725I hate that people try to downplay the severity of either decision. Like people will either act like pregnancy is nbd and perfectly safe like you said, or they'll act like abortions are nbd and 100% absolutely not the cessation of a life, even though science can't prove that one way or the other yet.
I wish more people would just acknowledge that both decisions need to be taken very seriously and have a lot of emotional and physical impacts, and that's why you should respect what women choose to do, not just dismiss whatever option makes you less uncomfortable as being a walk in the park.
No. 75786
>>75740Yep exactly. Abortions
can cause huge psychological problems, but the media portrayal of them is like going in to get a tooth pulled. Late-term abortions especially, I can see why <1month might be treated more lightly as that's within the boundaries of normal function. But abortions at 14-24 weeks are all considered equal which is not the case.
No. 75813
>>75812I still think it's worse having a child you don't want (lifetime commitment you might regret for the rest of your life) than having an abortion (something you might take a few months to get over).
If you just think you might regret then don't do an abortion and ruin your life because of your sentimentalism or something. Nobody cares.
No. 75827
>>75814>Around 200,000 abortions are carried out each year in England and Wales. Less than 2 per cent of those were performed between 20 and 24 weeks and 136 after that time.Source: one is waking up at 24 weeks and deciding they don't want a baby anymore. Usually those terminating at 20 weeks have found out the child will either have severe disabilities or has something else wrong with it.
No. 75837
>>75786>Abortions can cause huge psychological problemsBirthing causes huge psychological problems.
Having children when one isn't ready or willing causes huge psychological problems.
Post partum depression, PTSD, psychosis.
But tell me how many movies about pregnancy there are, baby commercials, and how society has normalized becoming a parent as soon as one is physically capable.
Also this
>>75827. Even if you argue abortion can cause mental and emotional problems, it happens to a relatively small pool of people and there's no way it would be worse than carrying a dangerous or mentally turmoiled pregnancy to term.
No. 75844
>>75838What do you mean nobody talks about it? The few times abortion is portrayed in the media, its usually a decision that the main character regrets, is shamed for, or is deeply disturbed by after. I don't know where you're seeing people acting like abortion is no big deal. Even most pro-choice people will admit that abortion is a necessary evil. Women are treated like monsters for not regretting or feeling bad for their abortions. If you get off lefty circles like on tumblr, people aren't friendly about it, even if they're liberal.
Abortion should be spoken about neutrally, and the possibility of regret or depression after shouldn't be treated as an inevitability but a possibility that some experience.
No. 75846
>>75837>>75838>>75844Studies shown that the post-abortion depression is mostly a result of woman being told that abortion is a sin, murder etc.
In most cases, it's not a result of the medical procedure, but brainwashing by pro-lifers.
Not saying that women can't have doubts or feel bad about having an abortion, but there is so much anti-abortion propaganda which is meant to take away the choice from us.
'What if your child could cure cancer?', 'Your baby will die not knowing why his mommy is killing them' and of course 'if you have abortion you will become suicidal from murdering your baby and it will ruin your life'.
No. 75862
Kinda worried about responding here but. I had an abortion after a lifetime of being told I would never be able to get pregnant (why I never used condoms) and going through most of my boyfriends without even a scare. When I did get pregnant it was immediately obvi to me, got morning sickness, huge tits, sense of smell was ridiculous, so I went over to the local PP and scheduled. I was afraid of pain so I wanted to be given general anesthesia. I reacted very poorly to it, for whatever reason. I was never told what they used, but it felt like my body got cold starting at my extremities and crept up along my limbs and spine until it got onto my face, at which point I started screaming that I was dying and that was not cool. I still to this day don’t know why I had such an abnormal reaction—and it was abnormal, I know—but it was bad and I apparently fought whatever it was they used most of the time. The nurse who attended me said that they were concerned at one point because I was out, but I was not still and they had to bring in someone to help hold me down.
If there’s anyone out there worried about pain and wanting anesthesia but is also frightened of anesthesia, maybe try to find out what they use in advance and how it affects the majority of women. I don’t know if it’s because I was poor and using PP, I know PP does great work for women but it was honestly a horrific experience for me.
Another thing that was fucked up was that they did an ultrasound just prior to the procedure to see if I was in fact far enough along, and the monitor was placed in such a way that I could see it. I almost felt like, is there some Christian fundie that infiltrated this place?
Sadly I also had complications following and had to be hospitalized for three days after I started bleeding in the shower two days after and running a fever of 103. They were going to do another procedure in case it had been a partial abortion, but it turned out I was clean, and they were able to get the infection under control, it might have been caused by me thrashing around, I don’t know. My experience was just very bad.
If I’d had the option to take the pill and just abort at home with my boyfriend taking care of me, I would have done that in a second despite what some women say about seeing what comes out.
No. 75873
>>75871I think it’s always a good thing to discuss the type of anesthesia you’ll receive with the procedure with your clinic or doctor, definitely, if you have to have a surgical abortion. At the time, PP was all I could afford, and I have wondered if their options for methods of sedation were limited because who cares about poor women.
I’ve had surgery since then and it was not nearly as traumatic, though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared of that happening again. I think they make sure you have enough benzos in you so that you couldn’t be scared even if you wanted to be, and from now on, I’ll always talk to the doctors about it beforehand.
No. 85741
>>67173Sorry to necro this thread, but does anybody know where can i find the official statistics from the cdc for death of women by chilbirth and abortion?
I found "pregnancy related morbidity" but that one seems to include both, and i found no report on death of women by abortion itself.
I saw a female doctor on the tv saying that according to the cdc there were 1.200 deaths by legal abortions in the us last year, and that would be about 1 out of 500 abortions, while third party studies say the rate is 1 out of 100.000!
Does anybody know how to get the detailed info directly from the cdc? Sorry for my terrible english, I just couldn't find it in the general report that they make available to the public. And i don't trust third party studies from either side.
No. 85853
>>67173>>85742Still, pro-abortion groups use abortion mortality as an excuse to legalize it.
The thing is, an abortion can give you side effects and also kill you, but it's not frequent at all.
No. 86516
>>67441Sorry to reply to such an old comment, but I've been reading through the thread and wanted to respond.
I thought I was pregnant a couple of months ago. I've been on birth control since I got married (I was a virgin until our wedding night..crazy, I know)
and I take that pill every single morning at the exact same time. My period is like clockwork. The same weekday every month.
Well, that month it didn't happen. I wasn't even cramping or having PMS symptoms. I'd had pregnancy dreams twice that month…Three days goes by and I'm starting to panic. My nipples were killing me. I haven't missed a period since I was a teen, but I was also anorexic and not sexually active, so it wasnt a big deal. I start googling things. See to take a pregnancy test a week after the missed period.
I do that, its negative. But, I'm still being nutso and panicking. Call my gyno. Tell them what happened.They say that its probably because I'd started a new birth control brand two months prior and my hormones were jacked.
Went to get a urine/blood test from my gyno anyways and it was negative. HUGE relief. i was worried about the abortion. I come from the don't get told positive things about it. only horror stories..
But, during that two weeks of panic, I did a lot of research on abortions. I knew i didn't want kids. My husband doesn't want kids. I have too many issues from childhood and honestly I want to be selfish and live my own life without dealing with a kid.
The amount of people that are SO anti-choice astonished me. Men and women saying that you should keep your legs closed and not be a slut. People that are stuck in that mindset that you should only have sex if you want a baby…it was really bothersome.
I'm married and I've only ever had sex with my husband. I've never been with anyone else..but people think that because I want an abortion that I'm a dirty slut? What a shitty world lol.
No one wants an abortion. But many people don't want children. Or many women have been abused and a baby has resulted from that…they need to be able to do what they want.
I'm so glad OP's abortion went well. It definitely makes me feel better if I do accidentally conceive.
Sorry for the blog post…
No. 91072
>>91049viagra isn't covered by insurance you idiot, it's only covered for a few months for people who got their prostates removed.
i'm not arguing your point, just don't spread shitty false information. also, IUD birth control is covered by insurance and doesn't have the side effects of hormonal BC.
the BC and abortion thing is specifically
christian men. who are garbage. the same reason men don't have BC themselves, because it's not as if they wouldn't like to be able to pump and dump every girl they see with no condom and no possible consequences.
No. 91073
Saw this on tumblr today, a pretty good argument actually:
>I don’t remember where I saw the post, but someone once made a very good point about how reproductive autonomy is not tied to one’s genetic relationship to the fetus.
>If I, a woman, donate eggs for another woman, who then has them fertilized by her partner’s sperm, I have no say in whether or not she chooses to terminate that pregnancy later on after implantation. Yes, I would be that child’s biological mother, but it isn’t my body that will go through the process of pregnancy, and therefore my input would be irrelevant.
>So far no dude I told this to has been able to justify why they thought they, as the father, should have a say in what their hypothetically-pregnant partner chooses to do.
>Nature did not distribute the reproductive burden equally between men and women and our legislation on reproductive issues needs to take this into account.
No. 91074
>>91072>IUD birth control is covered by insurance Not in every country. Also, don't forget that very young women also take BC for different reasons other than to prevent a pregnancy and an IUD is certainly not an option for them.
I'm a virgin, have taken BC for years now due to PMS and whenever I buy it, it reminds me that I already had to spend a couple hundred bucks just to be able to got to school without pain.
My brother doesn't have to spend that money, same as my male friends…
No. 91113
>>91074well your brother doesn't even have a fucking period anon, that's not really comparable since you're using it for pain.
also you can have IUDs even if you weren't pregnant, that's outdated information.
No. 91120
>>91113Men have the luxury to not be in discomfort/pain because of their biology AND don't need to spend as much money as we do, is what I'm trying to say.
Also, I know that young women can get IUDs, my gyno offered me theat option, but for my mother the insertation was very painful, so if I haven't even had normal sex yet I definitely don't want to go through that and I'm sure others don't want to as well.
Plus, like I mentioned before, it might be for free in your country, but that's not the case for everywhere else.
No. 92140
>>92137Any tips for safe abortions in a country that is illegal as hell?
I dunno if I'm pregnant or not tbh, but I still want options for that.
No. 92149
>>92135Anon I feel for you, my home country also doesn’t allow abortion unless you hop the border and pay good money to have it done there.
Please for your own well-being get yourself an IUD either in your own country or border hop to get one.
It’s pretty easy application one session at doctor and lasts for 5-10 year depending on which brand. You can have removed any time you want but reason I tell you this is because I was in same worry about pregnancy knowing my country has not many options for if it happens. With iud mistake cannot happen because I don’t have to remember to take a pill or get a shot, I can have it for 5 year with no worry.
No. 92150
>>92140There is no “safe” abortion options in a country that doesn’t allow legal abortions.
Any people you find willing to perform it are not trained and could damage your body or even kill you accidentally.
If you have option to get the day after pill then that is your best chance, but if you live in Europe where it’s possible to go to another country where it is legal to have done this is the best case scenario.
It is best to do something to prevent this from happening as in such country there is no easy and safe solution because the government chooses to make it this way.
I have had friends hop border for abortions and it was costly but they also got IUD put in after that so this does not happen to them again and it is most valuable advice I have been given.
No. 92151
>>92140There are method of self abortion which will only work if you are very early in pregnancy. They may not work at all but apparently they have worked for some. I don’t reccomend doing it yourself but what I heard is you can cause miscarriage by causing yourself extreme upset stomach in early pregnancy. So take laxatives to get really bad stomach and this can work.
Taking a lot vitamin C supplements can also cause miscarriage.
By any reason do not try to perform a surgical abortion yourself, you do not know what you are doing and many times you fail and hurt yourself in process. This is why back alley abortion “doctors” are dangerous because they don’t know much more than you about it only know the last girl didn’t die but every woman’s body is different and it doesn’t mean what she survived will be ok for you.
Here’s a link that mentions the self abortions I mentioned and some others I haven’t heard about before: No. 92169
I have heard about the vitamin C thing too. Before I got my IUD, I had a couple instances of chomping down the vitamin out of paranoia. I can’t say if it works or not.
>The negative effects of vitamin C likely occur at dosages above the 2,000 milligrams tolerable upper intake level. honestly looked for the actual mechanisms behind it but I am too tired at the moment and will try looking on ncbi tomorrow.
I’m sorry anon.
No. 92179
>>92151I can vouch for the effectiveness of the parsley/vitamin C method, although that article doesn't explain the process at all. up: if you're past the 8 week mark this method probably won't work. If anyone does try it, make sure you have a heating pad at the ready to help with the cramping.
No. 92190
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I'm so fucking paranoid about getting pregnant that I sometimes fear having sex.
I have an IUD and rarely let my BF cum inside, but fuck man, WHAT IF?
No. 92197
>>92190Remember to vote in your country when the issue comes up and for pro choice politicians.
There was a recent vote in Argentina and it didn’t pass :-(
>>92179>>92140Anons, be careful. I just seen this when I was looking up Argentina.’m sorry Argentine anons :-(
No. 92201
>>92190Anon maybe this will help,
I’ve had an abortion before then decided I wanted an iud so I’m fertile af, I’ve had it 4 years and we never use a condom or pull out with my bf, and I’m not pregnant. I can assure you it’s in your head and I know that feel but I’ve heard if you get pregnant by freak accident with iud inside, if u go to remove it while in early pregnancy it will bring on cramps and bleeding so you’ll most likely lose any pregnancy if you happen to do this.
No. 92204
>>92201I have the exact experience.
>abortion>IUD for 4 years so farNo failures yet and I have definitely put it to the test. I think my cramps are worse though.
I use Paraguard, the non-hormonal one.
No. 92314
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>>92289It's an irrational fear though, because IUDs are one of the safest forms of birth control, it's near equal with sterilization.
>>92199Yep, pretty much. I do not ever wish to be a mother so I would get an abortion if I were to fall pregnant.
>>92201>>92202It's comforting to hear that from someone else, thanks. Sometimes the thought just gnaws on your brain for a while and doesn't let go, haha.
No. 92481
>>92135Oh God Oh fuck
It's nearly the end of the month and I still don't get my period. Fuck, my ovaries hurts as much as when I'm going to mesntruate, but the pain got longer than a week. I'm scared.
No. 92489
>>92484Here are some peruvian organizations that "con las amigas y en la casa" (the same that helped my friend here in chile) recommend. Good luck anon!