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No. 68927
>>68924Will the Girl Scouts still be a thing? And if so, why would any girl want to join the GS when they can just join the Boy Scouts?
Honestly being a girl scout was boring and pointless. Maybe it was just my ~troupe~, but we didn't learn anything of value.
No. 73121
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A friend of mine was given a plaque and ceremony in place of an Eagle Scout title. It’s not that radical fam
No. 73140
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>>73139nayrt but my troop was doing a gay craft or friendship exercise for an hour every meeting and this was early '00s as a Brownie. I ended up complaining to my parents about how we never do anything and quit. Apparently word got to the troop leaders that I said that so they decided to change it…by going outside to pick up litter next meeting. That's a good lesson but I think if it were a boy scout group, the kids would be having none of that. At least teach some home econ or something.
I also read cover-to-cover pic related & another similar Brownie book and I think I knew more about GS values and camping than my troop leaders ever did.
No. 73694
>>68924Hey so im not American and the Scouts in my area of the country have always been gender mixed.
It was literally just boy scouts but with girls in it, archery, knot tying, camping.
Never sold cookies or made friendship bracelets.
(I hated it because i hate outdoorsy shit and my parents made me do it)
But we never had problems with gender stuff and everyone was treated equally.
No. 81539
>>68924I'm male from the UK and my troop was just 'the Scouts'. We were gender mixed and were all taught the same stuff. There were less girls though, maybe some parents thought their daughters wouldn't like it? I don't know.
It's weird that the US Scouts are taught different things dependent on sex, I never knew this - makes sense why they would want to move to the Boy Scouts if the Girl Scouts is mostly just selling cookies.
No. 81610
>>81539I'm a UK anon too - scout troops in the UK are all mixed, from Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. My troop had an equal enough ratio of girls to lads. Nobody ever complained and was a great experience for me growing up from 7 to 17. Camping, outdoor survival skills, team work, community work, archery, climbing and absailing, shooting, just going into nature and getting covered in mud and massive hikes. Good times. The only segregation was male and female tents but that's a given really for privacy etc. Even Cadets is mixed. Sure Brownies and Boy Scouting was separate but a lot of people see those as old fashioned and are no where near as popular as the main scouting association.