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No. 69214
>Working out while on your periodoh my god, this nightmare. I can't do my usual routine because I get cramps if I move too much so I end up often skipping that week.
Tbh if anyone has some advice on that I'd appreciate it.
>>69213That's why they say you can either have jeans or quads lol
I'm having the same issue and idk really, I'm sticking to tight but stretchy clothing and dresses because finding pants that fit is terrible. Or I wear a belt, which often looks awful.
You can try to learn how to alter them but if they're narrow enough for your waist, then your quads won't fit?
No. 69216
>>69214Lots of ibuprofen, drinking lots of water, other than that I don't know what you can do.
I wish the low-rise jeans trend would come back, I have a feeling I would have less of an issue then. Since now even 'normal' jeans seem to have a fairly high waist which makes the waist vs thighs ratio way more annoying with gaps and sagging.
No. 69222
>>69216Ah, I forgot that painkillers are a thing since I don't really use them, thanks! At least now I won't feel sluggish during my period.
>>69221(different anon)
Guess not if they're a thicker material or have a print so they're not see-through.
No. 69242
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>>69241In the chains? … how? I've never had it happen that it gets caught in chains. Wtf kind of bike do you ride? Pic related is the traditional bike we ride.
No. 69244
>>69242those look so nice and perfect for riding around town… no, the bikes we have on sale here for cheap are shoddy mountain bikes with no covers on the second tire, so mud gets splashed all over your bike when it's raining, and the chains are left totally uncovered. fine if you're literally biking on a desert mountain, but no one in this city is doing that.
i'm jealous!
No. 69256
>>69255>One time I was deadlifting while using the divacup and I felt I was about to give birth, so uncomfortable.I almost spilled my tea lmao, sorry you had to go through that, still funny tho.
>random skinnyfat dude that only does rip curls tries to mansplain how I have to benchSkinnyfat guys and the lanky, bony ones always do this shit, or give you judgmental looks, like dude, I could probably lift you up without issues and you've been here for less than a week.
I also "hate" it when a group of girls (usually, in my experience) lies to the trainer about how many reps they did or when they half ass the entire workout, then giggle about it. You're in the gym, not school PE, congrats on wasting your money and then wondering why you don't see results and then give up.
No. 69327
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>>69243I've had it happen that after ab training at the end of my kickboxing I could barely get home. Walking, biking, everything was difficult. Leg lifts, holds and dragon flags give me the worst muscle soreness and fatigue. Then you realize how much you use your core for everything.
No. 69328
>>69255Oh yeah I do heavy and explosive power days. People have tried to correct me on military press form when I was doing push press. The men who tried to correct me had tiny delts, were all super skinny, and had never heard of a push press.
In my experience, if you train more frequently, eventually the DOMS do get easier. I train strength in some way 6 days a week, my legs barely get any rest. Your body does get more efficient.
>>69256>I also "hate" it when a group of girls (usually, in my experience) lies to the trainer about how many reps they did or when they half ass the entire workout, then giggle about it.9/10 it's a meme workout anyway and even if they did it correctly, they won't ever get any stronger or fitter. Kinda like Alan Thrall said, PT's give people workouts that make them FEEL like it's working, instead of something that actually works.
No. 69518
>>69347Yeah nothing feels better than doing a badass workout, while seeing some instathots doing a meme workout from Snapchat, knowing that they won't look any better from that, not even in 100 years.
Also do barbell hipthrusts if you want your hamstrings to catch up. Personally my grip strength and back seems to be holding me back on deadlifts, might need to get straps.
No. 69519
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>>69212Does anyone else have trouble getting their lower abs to show up? I am on a weight cut atm and my upper abs are very defined and visible, but I personally feel like I look like the michelin man on the lower area of my abdomen.
Was my ab routine during bulking maybe too much geared towards my upper abs? I did hanging leg raises, weighted sit-ups, weighted russian twists, and weighted planks on lifting days.
I've started doing dragon flags, elbow-to-knee crunches, and lying leg raises. It's probably too late though since I'm on a cut. I have to do ab isolations because just compound movements didn't really help in the first place. Does anyone have tips?
No. 90016
>>89960Don't stretch before lifting first of all, do dynamic mobility exercises beforehand specifically for squats. Stretching can make it more difficult for you to keep tightness throughout the entire lift.
But yeah the popping and cracking is no cause of concern if you don't feel any pain.