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No. 70065
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I'm probably spending it at my boyfriend's house (LDR) so I'll be doing whatever they're doing.
I live alone though and I really wanted a tree. A big tree, the kind that goes up to your ceiling. I was always a bit of a poorfag and never had one of those, but now it feels like such a waste of money. I also have three cats and I'm sure they'd destroy the whole thing.
No. 70172
>>70155I'm in France which is full of Catholics and my family is Muslim, so a lot of people I know celebrate Christmas by going to church and praying, which my family isn't supposed to do. And on TV you have the news explaining every year things about how Catholics celebrate it.
When I say we're not Christians it's not in a "we're not very religious" but "we have a different religion with different important dates (even though I personally don't believe in anything in particular)" So if I don't elaborate people tend to not understand immediatly what I mean. Whenever I say that to friends irl they tell me the same thing as you did because from their POV Christmas is mostly a reason to eat a lot and see their relatives or even just a capitalistic thing but it seems so obvious to me that Christmas is a Christian thing to me, idk.
No. 71376
>>70172Frenchfag too and my parents were semi practicing catholics. Like you said I've never seen Christmas as something catholic.
We didn't go to mass, it was just massive family reunions, stuffing ourselves with food and exchanging presents. I've never seen anything remotely catholic it that (except maybe having nativity scenes under the tree? But honestly nobody really cared about those, it was more about tradition.)
I'm still celebrating it and I'm a full on atheist.
No. 71971
>>71968Merry Christmas, anon!
We celebrate on Christmas eve also. I'm currently at my boyfriend's grandmother's house and we'll be going to my grandmother's in a few hours.
No. 71980
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Gonna take my best friend, my boyfriend, and my sister down to see my dad and have drinks and my sis and dad will probably smoke weed. Might drop by some friends in the home town.
Gotta work for four hours but we gonna make it an evening thing.