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No. 71241
>>71237That or be funny or have an interesting life.
Post regularly, stick to a theme, engage with others with a similar theme
No. 71245
>>71236>>71243What do you find to be lacking niches anon?
I was thinking of pulling a somewhag whismical quirky "manic panic pixie dream girl"
>>71237i guess i will need to stop avoiding the gym lol
No. 71247
>>71246Mainly, I just want to be "someone"
with somewhat popularity.
I've never popular in any moment of my life, so i wanted to try it out.
Being the everyday invisiblegal got dull?
No. 71249
>>71248The point is that i already did plenty "fulfilling" things, got into the college i wanted, am happy with my skills on my hobbies.
And popularity seems to bring plenty opportunities (meeting people i would like, social events) i dont have at the moment.
No. 71261
>>71247As someone who has done this to a very small extent, it’s really not that great. You become addicted to your phone, everyone IRL finds you annoying/boring, and the internet is pretty shallow. You have to work hard to gain and keep interest, and you won’t ever be popular for the “real you” because real people are everywhere.
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but if you want this prepare to build a solid facade and have it take over your life.
No. 71295
>>71287learn to do heavy instagram makeup, post some selfies, some outfits. Maybe think of something really odd but what will make you stand out (some intense eyeshadow colour, weird wing, idk people love that). Start interacting with not too big but quite popular influencers, good thing would be if it's someone you genuinely like, follow and support, slid into the DMS, talk with them. They may start replying to you in the comments, that's how people will think you're cool and important, and will fly to your profile to check.
This is the easiest way I think, you don't have to be pretty or have any talent, not even aesthetic or shit, just do fleeky makeup lol. And attention whore at others' pages. Trust me.
No. 71321
I'm going to share some advice from my own plan to try to do the same.
First, know where you want to display aspects of your life most. What do you want to do to achieve this? Do you want to be an IG 'model'? Do you want to do makeup tutorials? Do you want to be a vlogger? It's hard to do all of it especially at first, so finding an area to try out is a good place to start.
Next, set a goal. This one I got from a youtuber (Life of boris so it's general youtube advice). Set a goal, such as 100 followers by X date and make the date realistic. If you reach the goal, keep going. If you don't, re-evaluate or quit and try something else.
He also suggested to make the goal learning a skill too such as video editing so it's not just about fame
next, set up your space. If you're going to record inside, set up a recording space. If you're going to record or take photos, start planning your schedule around daylight and planning your outfits ahead of time so you don't stress about what to wear and thus maybe not even do it because it's a hassle (tip for me especially because I get stressed in front of a camera but i want to try for fun)
And that's the ultimate advice, do it for fun. Doing it JUST for fame won't come off as genuine. Fame can be a goal, but you should enjoy what you're doing. This is a lot of work, generally including posting daily or at least multiple times a week if you do videos.
Good luck anon