No. 74722
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No. 74894
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I am endlessly torn between borderline garish exotic boho and easy minimalism.
I love vibrant colours like teal and orange and mustard, antique rugs, chaise longues and mixed tones of wood all slathered in plants of every kind with mirrors and tapestries everywhere. However the concept and cleanliness and organisation of minimalism, I also really like and clutter really bothers my mental health when I'm already down.
Pic related is ideal for me. I have also always fantasized about having this home aesthetic in an airy, bright, industrial loft with a lot of windows. I like the combo of industrial spaces with very boheme pieces, and combos of textures like glass and metals with old woods and suede. I live in a nice top floor apartment but unfortunately it has few windows and very little natural light and the windows it has face away from the sun. A gal can dream though.
No. 74956
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i'm completely useless when it comes to matching my own fucking clothes, let alone my apartment but i really admire that "clean but cozy" aesthetic. like
>>74894 looks so comfortable and put together with a bunch of different pieces and still has the nice modern table.
pic related because i love the thrifty, kitschy vibe of mismatching chairs or being able to incorporate random pieces from antique stores or garage sale-ing, and also if any of them get fucked up, i don't have to worry about matching the set. unfortunately when i mix and match it just looks like shit, but a girl can dream.