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No. 74899

For sharing tips and tricks on how to make the best out of your height!

How did you come to terms with being tall? (how to be more confident and comfortable)
Clothes that suit you the best?
Maybe other specific hair or beauty routines and styles?
Diet and excercise? (since there are differences depending on height/build)
Do you have any tall icons you look up to? Somebody's style you follow?
Please share!

No. 74900

Since the original tall women thread just ended with fights…
I actually already made the same thread on crystal.cafe, but that site is simply way too slow.

No. 74915

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6'0 here. I am in law school so I just buy bargain bin slacks at Ross or Marshals

No. 75027


>How did you come to terms with being tall? (how to be more confident and comfortable)

idk if i'm much help because i've always liked it and have literally never wanted to be short. being eye contact height or more with the average guy is just….fortunate. it's so funny when a guy will cite smaller body structure as one of the reasons women are inferior and then you're literally bigger than him. what now goofy

Clothes that suit you the best?
usually gender neutral silhouettes. i buy men's or unisex skinny jeans and leggings. between having big hips and the height i feel so goofy in like, a skater skirt and thigh highs. some straight cut dresses and pencil skirts look good though, when i can actually find dresses and skirts that cover my ass.

Maybe other specific hair or beauty routines and styles? this is where i get my most feminine to balance out my clothes.

Diet and excercise? (since there are differences depending on height/build) accept that you need more calories than your smol friend who only finishes half her meal. iifym.com is a good place to start as a reference but don't get too obsessive with it. lifting weights helped me so much too. keeps my bodyfat low and when you're a tall woman you can get really strong and toned before you start to look bulky, since your muscles are longer. trust me, i WANT to get bulky but i'm stuck at ~toned~

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