No. 76780
A thread to share female-owned businesses, female-authored books, female artists… you get the drift. Let’s talk about positive representations of women.
I’ve made a Discord book club, if anyone would like to join: female authors discussed. Once we reach 10 members the first book will be voted on! (Server in English, based in Western Europe.)
No. 76909
>>76780Really like this idea anon, shame the board is so slow.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is quite good. Written by a woman about a woman whose cancer was sampled for the purposes of biomedical research. She is 'immortal' in the sense that her DNA has lived on unabated for decades past her death. It might not sound like a fun read but it is actually quite interesting.
No. 76910
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>>76909woops, here is the cover
No. 76911
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I also highly recommend anything by Mary Roach, but 'Boink: The Curious Coupling of Sex and Science' is probably her most well known one.
She wrote another book 'Stiff' about human cadavers that is also really interesting. Both books are much funnier than you would expect them to be.
No. 76923
>>76909I did toy with the idea of putting it in /ot but got REEed at last time for putting stuff in the wrong place lol.
Thank you for the book suggestion!
>>76911 and you also. I hope you will all join the book club, it’ll be nice to have somewhere to discuss female authors.
No. 76925
>>76911>>76912i had to google what cadaver means lol.
are there any photos in the book? im sensitive to that stuff so i dont want to read it if im gonna see pictures
No. 76930
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Rebecca Leveille is one of my favourite female artists
No. 77001
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>>76930This style is interesting anon!
>pic attached is my favourite book from childhood. Has an inspiring female lead and written by a woman. I was never that into art, but I’m feeling motivated to find some new stuff. Any suggestions, anons?