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No. 79920
>>79913Shave underarms, legs up to mid thigh, and bikini but with a patch left in the middle. Hair removal cream for my arms and waxing with occasional plucking for my eyebrows.
Weirdly enough my bikini area is the only place I dont find a pain in the ass to take care of, it's quick and easy and painless as long as I dont shave the middle. The grain there makes it get irritated.
No. 79939
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>>79913I've never used cream to remove hairs but I've read that it can smell bad when you use it and it doesn't magically remove everything if you're really hairy, just most of it. So you should only use these creams if you're not too hairy to begin with but I would like to try it someday, it seems less tedious than shaving or waxing your legs yourself.
Just talking about body hair, not eyebrows or facial hair in general because I pretty much gave up for that. I try to wax my legs myself with strips I buy while going grocery shopping, it's easy to use but doesn't remove everything all that well because I have hairy legs and bikini area. So I do that first and once it doesn't work anymore I just shave what's left on my legs, and hope for not too much ingrown hair. I shave my armpits because it's faster.
I used to go to the beautician to get my legs and bikini waxed but it's more expensive so I go there just for the bikini when I know I'll wear shorts and swimsuits soon, she removes everything pretty well. What will suit you will depend on how sensitive your skin is by the way. Mine is sensitive so I don't buy just any product.
I read on another thread that epilators can be really useful but someone I know irl didn't recommend them to me at all, and I know she doesn't need one as much as I do but since they can be expensive, I've been thinking about buying one for a very long time now.
>>79914I tried Nair waxstrips once and they were shit, they didn't remove anything for me at least. I don't recommend them either.
No. 79944
>>79939I have an epilator and it HURTS, but if you're not a weenie like me it'll probably work better for you.
I use it on my armpits since that's ironically the only place where the pain is bearable and shaving vs waxing makes a difference (no dark stubble) without resulting in too many ingrowns.
I've tried it everywhere, even the bikini area and there it's ingrown city. Thighs and such are fine but painful, epilating my lower legs always results in ugly pockmarks and ingrowns.
No. 79952
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I shave with a safety razor on most of my body.
For my bikini area, right now I use the "Remington WPG4030C Ultimate Body and Bikini Grooming Kit" and it's not great. I'd like to find something better. The problems I have with this are that the foil shaver misses a lot, and that the trimmer with the guard leaves a lot of long hairs. I've had disappointing and painful attempts at using men's shavers in the past in that area, so I'd prefer something meant for the bikini area.
No. 79954
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>>79939The best wax strips I've found are the Sally Hansen strips, but the only waxing I do is my bikini line every once in a while, and I shave in addition to waxing because I don't like letting the hair grow out.
No. 80054
>>79954Thank you so much for recommending a good wax strip brand. I just waxed my armpits today for the first time and the nair brand I got was so bad and left my armpits looking red and gross.
When I was 12 I used the Veet and Nair hair removing creams, even though they both say not to use them on your vagina I still did and I don't remember anything bad happening. The thing about them is that they wouldn't remove all my hair so it would end up being patchy. I am getting back into being hairless but I hate shaving so I'm trying to start waxing myself.
No. 81222
>>81218Okay, compared to that it's cheap.
My only 'problem' with lasering is that the hair can return in case of hormonal imbalance (such as pregnancy or starting/stopping the pill) or so was I told
No. 81224
>>81220That's for a package of six sessions. It was a great deal!
>>81222I had hair that was thick and grew back fast, so I was pretty skeptical, but it worked for me! It's only been a month since my last session so we'll see.
No. 81239
>>81236nta but adding to this make sure to read in between the lines with yelp reviews.
just yesterday i was reading reviews and this lady gave a restaurant a 1 because they gave them the bill too quick? it was nothing to do with the food.
No. 139824
>>139812I wouldn't worry about the noise. Most of them are pretty loud. Any similar mechanical device like an electric toothbrush or clipper makes noise.
You could get a waxing kit. I have a warmer and use wax beads. It's completely quiet, but the warmer itself is large and kind of bulky compared to an epilator. Wax strips don't really work as well in my experience, but some anons up above have had better luck.
No. 139894
>>139884Spoilered for sperging
The thing is that is not just that you've got "ultra sensitive skin" particularly, it's that the skin around the crotch is simply sensitive per se and the hair needs to be there precisely to protect said sensitive skin from friction and the genital zone from infection. Removing the hair down there is the most fucking damaging and stupid trend the beauty industry could ever come up with, you practically have the obligation to harm your body not to be shamed whenever you're wearing a conventional female swimsuit. I doubt there isn't anyone who doesn't get serious ingrowns, pimples and red bumps down there from shaving, even when you are the most careful you'll still get some because you're essentially fucking with the most sensitive part of your body.Sorry for the vent, but I legit been salty about this shit since I've had pubic hair. It was particularly a nightmare to me to take care of that when I was young and I'm sure I wasn't the only one; but back on topic.
For the bikini area I just use hair removal cream as well (the normal one, not the shower one). I need to be very careful with the time so I don't get chemical burnt (and I've got before), but I still personally prefer that than conventional razor shaving because razors always left me with microcuts and some small wounds and with cream you can at least prevent those as long as you don't fuck it up. I'll still get some ingrowns this way tho.
>>81142 recommendations for the bikini area seem ok too. I don't recommend to wax that area because you'll make the hair follicles bleed, and some parts of the bikini zone are particularly difficult and painful to wax on your on your own as the hair grows in different directions (at least for me).
DO NOT use hair removal cream in your vulva though, ever. Just go with a good quality razor and shave in front of a mirror that lets you see what you are doing perfectly and be careful. It may be a good idea to wet your lips with water and a coochie soap so it doesn't get painful when the razor "pulls" your outer labia's hair, but I don't have more advice on this one as I normally just trim my vulva and leave it alone as I'm seriously against messing with it if I don't need to.
No. 139978
>>139953just be aware that depending on hair thickness even removing them all with the laser may take about a year (5-8 visits, with 2 months between each), costs a bit and it's not painless.
still, I would recommend personally.