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No. 80041
Made me more aware of issues that women face in real life and online. That's the only thing it's improved I'd say and getting lovely advice and consolation from anons here is also encouraging, but I haven't had any negative affects at all and I've been posting here for 4 years since stamina rose days. I know better than to take imageboards seriously and realize they all have their own little crazy, out-of-touch hiveminds and quirks including this one.
>>80034>fear of aging has rubbed off on meYou need some thicker skin. Anyone who's truly afraid of looking old at 25 is either 15 (and I know we have a lot of underage posters on this site now due to exposure and crossposting) or treats themselves like shit via eating shit foods, sitting on their ass all day, having unreal expectations of beauty (looking at photoshopped pictures all day whether the celebrities are considered cows or not), smoking, drinking, etc. and generally wasting themselves.
Most 25 year olds complexions haven't changed drastically over their last decade unless they have shitty lifestyle habits.
No. 80052
>>80041Well, I'm 24 and I'm just now realizing that my face is changing from when I was in my early 20s and when I was 15 I just thought your 20s were all the same, but I see your point. I think I'll get over it as it's just a new idea I wasn't exposed to before so I have to rethink my old assumptions. I'm pretty insecure and impressionable and it's hard for me to be exposed to other people's insecurities without wondering if it's worth considering being insecure about myself. That probably sounds fucked. I really want more confidence and don't want my confidence to hinge on being extremely successful and exceptional.
Sorry to go off topic with my neurosis lol. It's also really nice to see a large number of women who are outspoken and think for themselves on political and social issues here. It causes a lot of bickering sure but there's still an underlying understanding that we all just have differing opinions, unlike tumblr or even sjw climates irl where "exposing yourself" as say, a TERF is met with guilt tripping, social rejection, and intimidation tactics. It's great to see so many women just having sane debates and discussions about these topics.
No. 81319
>>80052My face at 20 was weird-looking, almost fat despite me being underweight. It thinned out a bit around age 24 and now I'm much happier with how my features look than I was when I was younger.
Your features are not even really settled until mid-twenties. Everyone ages, no one can do anything about it. If you dislike something, there's probably a doctor out there who can fix it. But if you're into romantic relationships, trust me that your lover(s) is/are not going to pick apart your flaws. He/she isn't going to see what you see. There's nothing more attractive than being comfortable with yourself. That doesn't mean letting yourself go, but it does mean not broadcasting insecurity.
Everything I wrote above is also directed at myself, because I struggle with age/success stuff too.
No. 81640
First of all, Lolcow helped me to improve my english reading skill (my writing are still pretty shitty as you can see…sorry bout that, 3rd language)
Then, the gender critical thread gave me the opportunity to build my opinion about trans with logical and smart arguments, and even reconsider my point of view on feminism.
Actually, libfems are very vocal in my own country and I tended to think that libfems=feminism. I know…I was an ignorant fuck.
Even if I still don't consider myself as one, sharing with "radfems" was a pleasant surprise. They're coherent, and open to dialogues.
And since I've a online presence to share my art+music, the cows mistakes are good "don't follow" exemples (ugh, I worded that weirdly, sorry…I'll sage)
More generally, I think that farmers are great and I wish I had more irl friends like them.
No. 91863
>>91861lol i feel similarly. i'm a slob at heart and i'll sit around all day and do fuck all if i don't make myself do otherwise, especially when i'm depressed/on drugs but even if not.
luna is a dark mirror of what could happen if i never tried to self improve and a reminder that behaving like that isn't just harmless laziness, it can get you and people you care about in deep shit. back in the day parents would make up monsters and urban legends to get kids to behave and stay safe. we have cryptid luna to remind us what happens when you give up and make lying in bed getting high your #1 hobby