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No. 81535
>>81533I'm 5'8, not really happy about it. If I were shorter I could become underweight and be cute, but as it is I'm underweight now and just sort of look like a lanky man.
It pisses me off so much to see short fat girls. What a waste.
No. 81537
>>81533Tall "fat" girl here, I'm 1.78m/5'10
>being scolded for "not behaving my age", thinking I'm a lot older than I actually was, while giving my same-aged friends a pass>getting asked if I'm a nurse at 8>being mistaken for a teacher in elementary school>being mistaken for being my Dad's wife at 10>old men making creepy comments thinking I'm 16-18>teacher telling my mother I'll never get a man when I was just a 5th grader>teacher thinking I repeated class, since I have to be older>unrealistically high expectations in sports>started developing an ED at 13 to feel smaller>not participating in prom dance since too tall for any boyIn conclusion: many of my childhood memories revolve around negative experiences because of my height.
Dating is a problem, since even though I'm living in a rather tall country I'm still a bit taller than the average guy, meaning my dating pool is small. And just because somebody happens to be my height or taller doesn't mean he also wants a tall gf. Short guys have often treated me like shit, e.g. "Why are you so tall?!" instead of "Hi, my name's…"
Since a year ago or so I started liking my height. Like I mentioned before I suffered of an ED and have a generally low self esteem. Sometimes I feel so anxious and self conscious that I'm drenched in sweat while walking through the streets and in situations like that it helps me to tell myself that I'm at least physically "superior", that nobody of these short people could even hurt me, blah blah. Also, looking around and seeing tons of short girls makes me think that actually I wouldn't want to to look like that.
Same when I walk around alone at night, I never need to fear somebody just grabbing me.
After starving myself i gained a lot of weight back, but i guess my tall height helps me to not look completely out of shape.
Anyways, loosing weight is definitely one of my main goals (also because I always dreamed of being a model…)
Unforunatly i don't have gazelle legs like many other tall girls, mine aren't overly long and my calves are strangely bulky. Becaue of that getting long enough pants isn't that difficult, but shirts, dresses, jackets…
No. 81538
5'5" here, which I think is a good middle ground height for women in most places, however I recently moved to UK for uni and it's like I'm a giantess here, even good half of men are shorter than me. It would be fine if I had normal self esteem I guess but I don't.
It reminds me of elementary school when I was the first of my class to start developing and essentially looked the same as I do now from ages 9 onward while the rest of my classmates were puny prepubescent twigs for another 5-6 years. Which came with most of the cons
>>81537 listed.
That being said, I wouldn't like to be any shorter as short girls tend to have worse proportions and I am quite happy with mine.
No. 81543
>>81541Yes, because having the first comment out of someone's mouth be about your abnormal height is "treating us like people". Tall women get compared to giants/monsters/men/basketball players/amazons. Because being held to a much higher standard than kids your age or EVEN KIDS WHO ARE OLDER THAN YOU simply for being tall is so much better than being called "cute",right?
I'm sorry but I'd rather be referred to as "cute" or "adorable",at least those have positive connotations.
Men regard tall women as ONS material,
they regard short women as marriage material.
No. 81552
>>81550Because one experience outweighs the study of 22,000 people?
Anyways, short women like
>>81541 >>81533 need to accept that tall women's lives tend suck just as much.
But since you were so coddled as a kid you just can't seem to accept that other people have problems too I guess, 's fine.
No. 81554
>>81550your study is shite anyway and doesn't support what you're saying.
Height obviously is relative. There's almost a foot between me and my boyfriend. The outliers are usually those at the extreme ends of the scale, like someone 5'1 dating someone 6'6. Scale to height anon. Are tall girls really upset a small bloke might not potentially want to marry them? Go after one of the tall hotties.
No. 81557
>>81538>5'5, UK, giantessHuh? You're only 1 inch taller than the average height in the UK (which is also the same in my country), so I'm sorry to say this, but I highly doubt you were treated the same as I was…
>>81541>idk why tall women seem to think short girls aren't sexualized as kids???I assume your anger was directed at my comment
>old men making creepy comments thinking I'm 16-18Obviously I agree that kids of all height sadly do happen to be sexualized, but if it happens to a short or normal looking kid this person is a pedo. What I meant was that men thought I'm so much older that it's okay to hit on me:
>Anon, you're cute, do you have a bf?>No, I'm too young for that…>Huh, why? How old are you?>I'm 10.>Oh shit, I'm so sorry, i really thought you're over 18!>>81545>tall since early childhood and i think people treated me as older and tougher than i was because of it. i think people didn't realize what a sensitive kid i was and expected me to just handle things maturely.> i always thought feeling dainty,feminine,and protected just wasn't my thing but no one has ever treated me that way until my bf so maybe I just missed out. I can relate to that, I always tried to act tougher than I actually was simply because I feel like this is what people expect me to be. I never really had any feminine hobbies, don't allow myself to act "weak" or find things cute, because i guess it would look really awkward if a girl as tall as me would e.g. act all scared while watching a horror movie or if there's a spider, etc.
No. 81561
>>81533>>81541Reading posts by short girls who're seething with jealousy like your's makes me feel better about being tall lol, thank you.
But seriously anon, contain your hateboner for tall chicks.
>short women are also infantilized for their entire adult life. >Tall women have the option of being treated like real people. Who the fuck wants to be "cute" or "adorable" as an adult?Maybe you'd be taken more seriously if you actually acted like an adult? Hysterial screeching usually doesn't exactly say "Hey, I'm a mature adult, respect me"…
No. 81567
>>81565>You guys must’ve had some shit experiences as a child. But that’s over now, you’re adults. Obsessing over your height makes you look childish and insecure.That's like telling somebody who was bullied to just get over it…
You were just lucky, but many tall girls get bullied as children and/or teens. Just because it's suddenly seen as something desireable once you hit your 20s, doesn't mean you can magically shake off all these years of people telling you that and treating you like you're basically a freak of nature…
And let's be real, being tall is only seen as something positive on a young, attractive and thin women; if you're average weight it's immediately no longer cute.
No. 81572
>>81567>That's like telling somebody who was bullied to just get over it…If you’re holding on to be being bullied when you were a child as an adult, I definitely would tell you to get over it. Move on with your life.
>being tall is only seen as something positive on a young, attractive and thin womenKek, yeah? And that’s same for being short or being average. Being young and attractive affect you far more than height. You can be attractive and tall or attractive and short, or plain and tall or plain and short. The thing that is going to matter is the first thing, not the second. Ugly short girls don’t have an easier life than ugly tall girls. Pretty short girls aren’t missing out on how pretty tall girls are treated.
No. 81574
>>81572What i was trying to say is, that only if you look model-tier and are also as thin, people are fine with you being tall. As soon as you're normal weight, you'll be called manish or amazonian.
However if you're of normal or short height, nobody will expect you to be that skinny and you'll still appear feminine and somewhat attractive at an average BMI.
>If you’re holding on to be being bullied when you were a child as an adult, I definitely would tell you to get over it. Move on with your life. It's not that easy, you can't just forget all that. And it's not like getting snide comments a la "i can't see because of the man in fornt of me teehee" at a concert or people asking you whether you really like being that tall (as if that's something i have any control over…) stop once you've hit certain age.
No. 81577
>>81574>you'll be called manish or amazonian.Again, I’m 5’11 and this has never happened.
> "i can't see because of the man in fornt of me teehee" at a concert or people asking you whether you really like being that tall Again, nope. Where do you live where people are so shitty? Where I live no one would be a dick like that.
No. 81578
>>81577Anon you're being a dick. Just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean others were that lucky.
I pretty much spent my entire youth trying to get over an ED solely caused by my wish to be smaller, so many people treated me and other anons like shit, hell there are even tall girls out there who slouch terribly in an attempt to be shorter and get permanent damage in their neck and spine, yet all of this can't be true since you always felt amazing…
No. 81584
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How many troll threads of these are we gonna have. OP how fucking new are you? We have like 3 other ones that aren't being bumped for multiple reasons. Use the catalogue, but really this thread needs to stop because it brings out all the jealous tall anons who whine about being called amazons or whatever.
No. 81614
>>81584>it brings out all the jealous tall anons who whine about being called amazons or whatever.Short anon detected. It was clearly a fellow shorty of yours who got all bothered and started this, see
>>81533 and
>It pisses me off so much to see tall fat girls. What a waste. No. 81680
>>81561I don't have a "hateboner" for tall girls, I'm just jealous of the height and I think I could do more with it.
As someone who also looks fairly young, I get given the kids' menu at restaurants before even opening my mouth. I don't get why you seem to think short women partake in "hysterical screeching". There's no need to be so aggressive.
No. 81695
>>81685Yes it does. I’m 5’11 but my best friend is pretty short. She’s always mistaken from behind as a child, usually by older people. She even gets the child’s ticket sometimes to movies or events. If they don’t have a womanly body and they’re very short, why is it out of the realm of possibility for someone to think they could be 12? Unless they have classic age signs like grey hair or significant breasts or makeup, with a glance they could be mistaken.
Idk why you think someone would lie about that. It’s embarrassing and makes her feel unattractive and demeaned. It’s not a good thing to happen.
No. 81697
>>81695>from behindLmao ok I believe this happen, but I'm pretty sure as soon she turn around and shows her adult face people stop thinking she's twelve. The only reason she might get child's ticket is because people aren't focused and really don't give a fuck not because she genuinely look like a child.
The only reason I don't believe you guys is because every single person I've met IRL who claimed to look like a child online ended up looking very much their age and even a little older sometimes.
No. 81700
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>>81695>>81697I know only one female who gets mistaken for a child. She's short, skinny and dresses like a boy. She does not use makeup.
People mistake her for a kid because she's so socially awkward, looks at the ground and avoids the gaze of others. She barely speaks. Her mannerisms scream an awkward 13 year old.
Unfortunately a lot of spergs that are short and skinny are convinced they are youthful, instead of realising they are radiating awkward teenage behavior. It's not somehow cute or youthful to act like a sperg.
>uwu people keep on thinking I am 12>acts 12 No. 81701
>>81697I've been asked if I'm 12 several times, I don't get why that would be something to brag about? I get wanting to look younger is desirable, but not 12. That is just humiliating.
(To be fair, it is probably because I am non-white that people can't figure out my age, not my height)
No. 81702
>>81680>There's no need to be so aggressive.Come on, anon. Read your original post again and rethink who was being aggressive lol. I only answered those, you were being a cunt even though the posters before you only shared their experiences and never said anything negative about shorter girls.
>As someone who also looks fairly young, I get given the kids' menu at restaurants before even opening my mouthEven elemantary students already eat adult stuff, what 5-year-old has tits, ass and wears makeup?
>>81695Well I also have quite a few very short friends and again, they get treated exactly as I am, they're just shorter, but their figures, faces, styling etc prevents them from looking younger. Maybe your friend just dresses too childish…
No. 81704
>>81701Lol, so you not only have such a tiny ugu body that you get mistaken for a toddler, but you also don't
crack or
No. 81705
I'm like… 5'9'', so not crazy tall, but above average.
I don't know how to feel about it.
I find a lot of people do equate my height to me being masculine by default, and I definitely don't like that. It's not everyone, of course, but it's enough that I've developed an insecurity about it.
I'm also not straight, so me being tall tends to make people assume I'm the "man" in the relationship when I'm with another woman. That's annoying.
I also have trouble feeling cute in general. I feel like cute is a term more reserved for petite women. I feel like if I want to be attractive, I have to put effort into looking mature and elegant, that sort of thing. It's not inherently bad, but it's just not really my style, especially because I'm still pretty young.
But I like having long legs. I tend to carry my weight okay. And it's not like I've got people constantly telling me I'm a man or whatever. So it's not all bad.
No. 81710
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Imo taller girls tend to appear younger more often. If you're very tall and slim you can easily look rather lanky, like a teen who had a growth spurt, whereas shorter ladies really need to watch their weight, just a few pounds can make a huge difference and they therefore also look more "womanly".
Also, the younger generations are getting always taller (i feel like girls who're teens nowadays are already so much taller than my friends and i…), so short doesn't really equal young and tall =/= old.
No. 81715
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>>81705>I also have trouble feeling cute in general. I feel like cute is a term more reserved for petite women. I feel like if I want to be attractive, I have to put effort into looking mature and elegant, that sort of thing. It's not inherently bad, but it's just not really my style, especially because I'm still pretty young.I think "cuteness" and "elegance/sexyness" depend a lot less on height than most people are saying here.
Case in point: Taylor Swift is 178cm/5'9, Lady Gaga is 155cm/5'0
No. 81733
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Audrey Hepburn is also tall-ish (5'7) and I'd still consider her to be really 'cute'. Does being short help with being perceived as cute? Sure, but being tall doesn't ruin your chance of being cute.
No. 81759
>>81701I'm white and this is my experience as well. It is not something to brag about and it is an inconvenience in my everyday life. When I order coffee, I get asked if I'm allowed to drink that. It's humiliating. I don't understand why some tall anons get massively
triggered over this, I would like to be taken seriously, but I don't go around telling them I disbelieve their experiences.
The only way I've been able to be thought of as a legal adult is if I wear heavy makeup, use a bunch of tricks to make it seem like my breasts are there, and dress as maturely as possible. Even then I get comments like "you still look just 18, tee hee".
In real life, people berate you for this and it hurts.
No. 81761
>>81754Eh, I think it's largely subjective.
I think NikkieTutorials is cute and she's pretty big both ways. But, again, subjective.
No. 81763
I'm nearly 23 and still a kissless virgin. My friends tell me i'm pretty, older people compliment me as well and while i think that i'm not super attractive i'm sure that i'm certainly not that ugly either.
My main problem is simply that i'm taller than majority of guys. Some of them are shocked when i stand up or downright say it, meaning my height is what puts them off.
As a child was bullied by older boys and treated unfairly by adults. Even now people still think that comments or even jokes about how "weirdly" tall i am are okay. I've developed somewhat of a hunchback after years of trying to appear shorter(also starved myself, because "omg how can a girl weigh 130?!").
Whenever i sit next to a guy o feel self conscious since my hands are so massive (feet as well, but they're of course not as noticable). I'm naturally athletic so the boys in my class always asked whether i lift, since my shoulders and back are so wide.
When i was still a kid i always imagined just being able to peel of a thick layer of skin all over my body and magically be normal sized. I would give everything to be shorter and finally feel like a normal girl.
I wanr to wear cute stuff, look cute, and also allow myself to do cute things and not pretend to be strong, manly and fearless, because this is what everybody expects me to be.
I just want to feel loved and protected for once. My friends were still allowed to occasionally sit on their parents lap at 10, while i was already too big in kindergarten; truly makes you feel like a monster…
No. 81766
>>81763How tall are you, anon?
>taller than most guysAre you between 6' and 6'5" or so? I'm sorry people won't let you be in the role you want.
It's a pity you're straight, lots of bi and lesbian girls like tall chicks. I personally think tall feminine women are super cute.
Regardless! I'm sure you'll find a nice bf someday, maybe go for short (and buff, since you like the protection thing) men? They probably have similar issues, in the reverse.
No. 81809
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the stereotype that tall women cant be cute sucks. sucks that tall women are perceived as old defaulty too. people want tall women to be strong, elegant, sexy, which are all good things but thats not what all tall girls want. it can be discouraging.
some inspiration for cute tall girls are definitely models, both gemma ward and lily cole are at 5'10 and are some of the cutest models of their time.
>>81733audrey is cute!
No. 81811
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>>81809It's nice to see some positivity in one of these threads for once!
And now for some love for the short girls who want to be perceived as mature/hot/elegant/sexy!
I can think of so many guys' whose first answer to "who do you find hot?" is Mila Kunis! She's 5'3
No. 81812
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Same goes for Scarlett Johansson, plenty of guys find her to be "hot" rather than "cute", 5'3
No. 81813
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As for looking mature: Salma Hayek, 5'1
No. 81816
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>>81811Can we please make this a height appreciation thread instead? I’d appreciate that.
Here is my contribution, Karlie Kloss is 6’2 and I think she really pulls of sweet, innocent, and cute.
No. 81817
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Erin Heatherton is 6’ and she’s adorable.
No. 81819
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>>81813Ditto on Selma as well. She’s stunning. Proves short doesn’t equal stocky.
(By height appreciation, I meant all heights, just to clarify)
No. 81820
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>>81816She seems to be able to pull both off perfectly, she can look adorable AND elegant!
I think Sarah Snyder is a good example for the anons who are worried about appearing older because of their height. (5'8)
No. 81822
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And for anons worried about being short and not pulling off long dresses, Anna Kendrick is only 5’2 and pulls them off like no other.
I love what this thread turned in to
No. 81829
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The boots + shorts/skirt + blouse combo really seems to work well.
No. 81839
>>815135’5 here and I consider myself average height, but for whatever reason appear taller than I really am and always get comments about how ‘tall’ I am by shorter girls. This has actually made me start to dislike short girls, because their comments always come off like they’re trying to put me down. For example, this chick was like “Omg you’re so0o0o tall, you make me feel like a little kid. Anon, did you know I still fit in children’s clothes?” like, ok? I care why?
I literally can’t do anything about it because I live where there’s a bunch of Mexicans and majority are fat little gremlins. It just makes me kek, because I actually genuinely find tall girls more attractive and wish I was taller, but short girls always seem to think that everyone and their mom wants to look like them.
Idk, I just find long torsos and long legs so attractive. I love long necks too, I think it’s such a beautiful feature specially when complimented with prominent collar bones. Short girls don’t really have those features and if they do, their bodies are always proportioned weirdly. I just don’t find stubby little bodies attractive, specially when the hip to waist ratio is the same… they just look like mini fridges to me. The only time I find short girls attractive is they’re thin and have a pretty face.
No. 81851
>>81849Why are tall girls so
triggered by short girls?
We get it, you hate yourself. Stop being so embarrassing.
No. 81856
>>81849tbf I think the "people mistake me for a little kid!" is more of a cow thing than a short people thing. You could honestly make a thread about rocks and some anons would manage to slip in a story about how they're 30 but look 16.
>>81733I always thought she was tiny! Wow.
>>81822I think people can pull off anything if it's tailored to them. Clothes are made to fit average proportions to appeal to the most people and I feel like that decieves people that are very tall/very short into thinking they can't pull them off. I don't think height is a huge factor in pulling off clothing, it just needs to fit correctly.
No. 81857
>>81849what in the fuck. i'm tall and i've always been glad i'm not short and felt kind of bad for short girls. obviously bad things can happen to tall girls too but i'm pretty sure men are more intimidated by me, take me more seriously, and often skip over me when looking for easy targets to harrass.
You sound like you've been brainwashed by loli anime for a long time or something
No. 81858
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>>81849did you not get the memo? this is a positive thread now. Fuck off.
I had no idea Natalie Portman was only 5'3. I think she's so elegant and stunning.
No. 81859
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Brooke Shields is 6' and was adorable when she was younger.
No. 81876>In a 2017 study, researchers surveyed over 8,000 participants and found that there’s a direct correlation between the ratio of a man's height to his wife’s and their marital happiness and satisfaction, meaning the taller you are than your wife, and the more inches you have separating you height-wise, the better your relationship will be.>Nearly half of men in the study indicated that their tallest acceptable date could be taller than them or their height (24 and 23 percent, respectively), while 53 percent required their date to be shorter than them.>Small women with long legs are the most sexually attractive to men, scientists claim. >Females such as Scarlett Johansson, Raquel Welch and Marilyn Monroe with short slender bodies, large busts and slim limbs have the ideal body shape, according to research. >Dr William Brown, of Brunel University, which carried out the study, said: 'We found that shorter, slimmer females with long slender limbs and larger breasts are more attractive.' No. 81882
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>>81876no one cares what men in random studies think or find attractive. And citing Daily Mail? That's embarrassing.
Nicole Kidman is honestly one of my childhood role models. I remember watching Moulin Rouge and falling in love with her red hair. She's 5'11 but I swear she looks taller because she's so thin.
No. 81883
>>81876Men are insecure and water is wet.
More news at 11.
No. 81884
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>>81882Reposted cause I fucked up the name of the musical. I mixed up Chicago and Moulin Rouge.
Renee Zellweger is in Chicago and she looked absolutely amazing. She's only 5'3
No. 81885
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>>81877She doesn't really look like that anymore, though.
Her style is cute, but - sorry - her beady eyes are unsettling to me.
No. 81886
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>>81881you can think she looks like a "freak" but she's happily married, world famous, in amazing projects, and worth millions. She's built a career around her good looks and acting ability. The majority clearly disagree with you.
No. 81890
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>>81886Sorry to be a bother but who was anon refering to? The post seems to have been deleted
But to stay on-topic: Gal Gadot! She's super adorable imo (she's 5'10)
No. 81901
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I remember once I was going on a excursion with my friends in middle school and while we were queuing one of the security guards started separating us into different rows. I just followed his instructions and ended up being trapped inside a bus full of kids younger than me. I felt so miserable I started crying all the way and embarassing myself, they even had me switch to the bus I was supposed to go in first place. I'd say that's one of the cons of being short, looking younger than you are and ending up in situations like this. Also me and my friend didn't get to ride in one of these mexican hats (it had swings) since we were too short and just watched as our classmates had a blast.
No. 81946
>>81578>hell there are even tall girls out there who slouch terribly in an attempt to be shorter and get permanent damage in their neck and spineRight here, yup. I have a taller friend who slouches even more than me.
Except we don't slouch in an attempt to be shorter, it's just something that happened over time because we were always taller than everyone else and we tried to compensate unsubconsciently.
No. 81948
>>81946Agreed, it just happens when you end up interacting with short people on eye-level
>unsubconscientlywhat a word, anon!
No. 81965
>>81946I had a friend in middle school who was 1m82 tall when she was 14 years old and still growing up (I wouldn't be surprised if she had a problem like her body producing too much growth hormone or something similar) and she was slouching so much. She knew it was bad for her and she had doctors telling her to not do that but she was doing it without really noticing until someone told her.
Who cares if people stare if you don't slouch or something, walk like a model if you must (that's actually pretty cool if you ask me) but take good care of your back.
No. 81972
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>>81965That reminds me of pic related.
If i go out and we stand in a crowded bar i can either decide between not participating in my friends convo or crouching literally for hours. So sorry for getting tired and then resting my hands on my thighs for a bit…
No. 82026
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>>81972pic related should be mandatory
No. 82044
>>82035I literally said I know you guys don't do it on purpose. It's more about how some tall people know they do it even if it's not on purpose and they should try to notice it whe they do it and get new habits. I know it's easier said than done.
The parts about looking like models is because I've seen some tall girls who don't slouch being shit-talked behind their back and having other people thinking they're showing off and pretending to be hot shit/models. Which is stupid, they're just walking.
No. 82361
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I'm 174cm. Being tall is awesome. Basically everything looks good on you, you don't look ridiculous with oversized clothes.
I have a few friends that are my height and wish they were shorter because it's seen as "cute".
I wouldn't mind if I were even taller tbh. I don't like to look up when talking to a taller person, not used to it, it just feels weird
No. 82369
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You slim thick tall bitches make my mouth drop, gorgeous ethereal lookin’ ho’s
Sincerely, a jelly average height bitch
No. 82384
>>82362>>82364No they couldn't, you all people need to stop acting like a 20cm height difference has such an influence on anything. Short women aren't helpless little damsels and tall women aren't people-crushing giants.
It's as if you're talking about actual fantasy dwarves and giants. When in reality there's probably just a one head difference.
No. 82385
>>82364 This was obviously just a joke in reaction to the anon before me shitting on tall girls again…
No. 82430
>>82364Nah, I consider myself pretty tall (5'7).
Any, let's say fat/obese girl above my height looks threatening to me.
No. 82434
>>82431Not everybody wants to model anon…
That's an extremely unrealistic career choice, that often leaves girl in debt and "unusable" by the time they're 25. (Just because you're tall doesn't mean you're pretty and skinny either.)
Being short is a huge advantage at being in opera, so why don't you sing opera anon??? See, doesn't make any sense either…
And about the money thing, if you've got no confidence (e.g. because you've been bullied) you won't get a raise either. Sometimes happiness, having a loving partner, a family is more important - something that can be difficult to obtain if most guys rule you out because of your height.
No. 82438
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i'm 5'9 and a half, so I'm pretty tall for a grill. im also very thin, but at least it contributes to my look (spooky 80s the cure style goth, but toned down). something that's negative is that people have always thought i was older than i was, which led to people thinking my dad was my boyfriend sometimes (he's very young looking for his age). it's weird because I still have a baby face even as an adult.
TBH, i wouldn't change it. i like being tall, because people take you a lot more seriously as a woman. but short women seem to be a lot meaner to me than fellow tall girls.
No. 82440
>>82438>short women seem to be a lot meaner to me than fellow tall girls.Tbh same.
I sometimes encountered short guys with Napoleon complex who were aggressive, but usually short girls treated me the worst.
Why do you care if I wear heels?
Why do you have to point out that my hands (or my whole body) are "so huge!!!"?
What gives you the right to tell me that I look too weird talking to that guy who's a bit shorter than me?
Do you really have to point out that your clothes look sooo tiny next to mine, while acting all innocent, totally not two-faced at all?
That's honestly so tiring…
No. 82441
>>82440same anon, but i have very small hands and feet for a tall girl. my hands are pretty long and bony though, so i look like a skeleton.
its mostly short fat girls i deal with that are mean. skinny ones know that they're cute, so they don't really need to gang up on tall girls. like bitch, i see you stare at me with hatred, don't think i don't notice.
No. 82485
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>>82440same. a few short girls have told me that it will be hard for me to find a bf taller than me or at least my height. i don't remember how many times I've heard this stupid comment and how "blessed" they are with their short height because "it has more advantages".
No. 82511
This thread made me use a converter for inches and centimeters now more than in my entire life. Also according to google I'm literally as tall as Nicki Minaj and this crack me up so much because I thought she was taller for some reason, so she's 1m57 tall.
>>82508I only had friends who look older than they are telling me that creepy old farts hit on them or sometimes worse. I wonder if it depends on where you are or it's just a coincidence.
No. 82609
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>>82607There was one somewhat shortish guy (I'm 1.78) in my class who always wanted to "fight" me. But we were already older and I also did Karate, so I'm not sure if it was my height that
triggered him or something else. I always thought we're friends and that he's just joking, but later I found out that he genuinely hated me.
Other than that at least not physically.
Some have attacked me by saying "Why are you so tall?!" when we first met, probably to make me out to be the weird one and distract from the fact that their height actually isn't exactly normal either.
Or something that also happens is them calling me a man and giggling childishly because they can't see if standing behind me at a concert - again, now I'm confident enough to call them out on obviously just being extremely insecure, but back then as a teen…
No. 82623
>>82485any other tall girls really not give a shit if a guy you like is shorter than you? i grew up being told i was supposed to want a taller guy but i don't see what the advantage would be for me. i feel like i would only understand if i was actually short and could actually feel small and cute next to a tall guy. even if a guy is a few inches taller than me at 5'11", it's not like i'd actually seem small and dainty, so why eliminate like 95% of men from my dating pool. it's hard enough to find my type for any height and a lot of guys who are significantly taller than me are really lanky and it's just not my thing.
plus it's kind of hot when a guy is shorter than me but more dominant and aggressive as long as it's not too tryhard. i like it when a guy can't just coast on his height to seem manly
cough so he needs to embody it from within.
No. 82650
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>>82607feels like that dwarf had some serious self esteem issues.sorry to heard that
No. 82663
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I'm 5'11(180cm) while my gf is 5'3(160cm). Used to be more insecure about my height, especially as a child/teen mostly because I have been the tallest person in my class, kids would often think of you as shemale. I'm not too insecure anymore except telling myself I need to lose more weight to look petite (weight 67kg but wished I could drop to 60-63kg). +often wear 5cm heels not minding the height, good people are pretty tall there so I don't stand out.
Stopped wearing trousers for a long time since many many of them come as too short, in that case tights are more comfy to wear.
No. 82716
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I'm 5'1.5.
Pros of being short
>can wear clothes for children which are cheaper
>can also wear various weebshit
>most men tower over and I think thats cute
>your head usually looks stupid big
>low bmr
>pushed around in crowds
>shorter legs
I have recently become okay with my height and am starting to enjoy it. When I was younger I definitely wanted to be tall, like 6' and think tall girls look super elegant. That isn't to say short girls can't, I just like the look of a tall girl. It also sucks having to eat fairly small amounts, even with exercise, since I have a pretty big appetite.
No. 82717
>>82716That's my mother's height! I think that's such a lovely height for a lady, my mom also has big curly hair so it gives her very cute proportions. The only downside is she gets fat really easily.
I ended up being 5'7 but I always had a soft spot for shorter girls.
No. 82722
>>82716I'm your height too.
>>most men tower over and I think thats cuteThat's something I find cute for couples but personally I'm not very comfortable with guys who are way taller than me, even though I don't have a problem with women who are taller than me at all. Ideally I wish I could be tall and tower over cute guys but that's just my personal taste.
No. 82726
>>82716>shorter legsAgreed. I'm 158cm and when I walk with my friends who are over 190cm with super long legs I feel like they have the seven-leagues boots. I wish I could take bigger strides to reduce time walking long distances, even if the difference is probably not that great.
Weirdly I've never minded being a bit short, but I do think it's more elegant to be tall so I'm trying to get used to wearing heels more. Ideally I'd like to be able to wear 10cm and over heels.
No. 82732
>>82731I’m 5’11 and get a kick out of ruining short guys’ perceptions of height.
>noooo you must be taller, I’m 5’8 and you’re much tallerSorry buddy, guess you measured wrong? Or those three inches count more than you thought kek
No. 82738
>>82732That's one of the things I actually hate the most; I'm a 100% sure that I'm 5'10, yet I often got guys telling me "Haha, you most be wrong, because you're taller than me and I'm 6ft. It's okay, many don't know their real height, anon." Guess I must be a 7ft freak then…
My friends and me once took a pic with an actor who listed his height as 6'2 and he ended up being shorter than me as well.
No. 82847
>>82731Yeah anon I'm the same height as you and a manlet I work with claims to be 5'4" despite coming up to my chin. Meanwhile he also says he's not insecure about his height kek.
Men are ridiculous.
No. 82962
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im short (4'10) and i've always loved taller women! i just kinda stopped growing in 5th grade but i've gotten used to it as the years went by haha.
>i'm good at hide and seek
>shielded from the sun by taller people
>able to push through crowds without anyone noticing me
>tall friends use me as an arm rest
>get called a midget/shortie 24/7
>people underestimate me
No. 82974
>>81513i'm 5'8 1/2" so kind of middle of the road, leaning towards taller. i like being big and strong and sturdy, am quite thick and muscular with the height and my ex gf once described me as having a "gladiator" build.
feels good to be a little taller than most women around me, but not lanky.
in a nutshell, i like my height and build cos it makes me feel womanly and strong.
occasionally i would like to feel petite and "girlish" but i know it doesn't fit with who i am.
No. 83068
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I'm 5' 1/4" and I hate it. I've always hated it, not even petite and slim. My proportions are ridiculous so I don't even get that 'mistaken for a child' thing. I would rather be petite and flat at my height because I always feel heavy and overweight, I have to be so careful with what I eat, how much I'm exercising, watch every pound because it goes right to my gut. Clothes look so awkward on me, I have to wear petite but then everything is tight on my hips and belly, and I love button up shirts but they look awkward on my chest unless they're huge. I can't wear shorts because my thighs are so chunky and my legs are so short they look bad no matter how much weight I lose, I look fat really easily. I've always wanted to be tall, tall girls look so elegant and regal, can pull off pretty much anything, and just look graceful to me. Nicole Kidman is my ideal for height, elegance, and beauty. I'd be happy with literally 2 more inches of height.
I can only think of a single pro, that my boyfriend is 6' and when we walk together or cuddle I fit into the crook of his arm really well.
No. 83118
>>829624'9 here. I don't get the armrest thing, but I get picked up a lot. Sometimes friends trying to mess with me, sometimes complete strangers at cons or bars. I once worked with a group of cub scouts that discovered they could lift me. Little shits wouldn't listen to me all weekend after that. I get how kids can be amused, but I don't understand how so many adults can think it's okay, especially the ones who can tell how old I am.
On top of everything else in the thread, my kitchen counters are slightly too tall, to the point where I subconsciously go up on my toes or raise my shoulders. It makes food prep pretty exhausting.
No. 83859
>>83833As a short girl, I've noticed this, and I feel for tall girls.
For short girls, finding maxi dresses that don't drag on the ground is pretty tricky. For some reason they are mostly made to fit women who are 5'6".
No. 83869
>>83816>>83833Something that really sucks when your short or tall is that looking for clothes your size is a pain in the ass so I'm not even surprised that it happens.
>>83864It's because she's an asshole. Or maybe she thought she was being funny for pointing something out.
>>83866>Short people can be incredibely insecure sometimes.What I get from this thread is that some short girls can get insecure over tall women, and tall women get insecure over short women sometimes too. But I sometimes see completely average women (height and weight) making fun of tall and/or short women so it could be that her aunt was being a bitch, who knows.
No. 83871
>>83869>Something that really sucks when your short or tall is that looking for clothes your size is a pain in the assWhen I was complaining about having trouble finding clothes, my shorter friend also said that she always has to shorten/roll up her pants and sleeves. But what should I do? Just magic some extra onto everything inches?
I get that it's also annoying if everything is too long for you, but at least you can easily alter it.
No. 83873
>>83871Plus oversized-clothing is in, so it'd just look deliberate if they don't alter it.
Try wearing stuff that's too short and passing it off as "it's a trend!!"
No. 84017
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>>83873I have yet to find an oversized hoodie/hoodie-dress that actually looks oversized on me.
>tfw I love this trend but there is no possible way for me to join in.>>83905yay more clothese that are too short on us
No. 84127
>>84101>Also, try sizing
Maybe even the biggest size is still not long enough?
No. 84190
>>84101I've searched for that online and don't seem to find any.
Also we don't have any tall clothes stores where I live.
also sizing up usuall just means bigger but not longer
>>84132Do you still remember where?
No. 84268
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>>84218Like other anon said, it’s jealousy
No. 84347
>>84346But OP anon originally said
>>84218>I think they’re all just dwarvesShe didn’t give specific heights for her family, just said hyperbolically that they’re dwarves.
No. 84353
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>mom is 5'4" with spine problems
>breeds with 6'2" guy
>I'm 5'10" with kyphosis and scoliosis
If one more person tells me to stand up straight I'm gonna lose it. Womanlets should be banned from breeding with high elves.
No. 84365
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what disgusts me is when manlets think they have a chance because I am also short
No. 84379
>>84346You're one to talk trying to stir shit up here.
>jealous that you're a tall model lol you jelly bitch, no one said anything about being a tall model
No. 84403
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>>84365>>84384Are you really that shallow?
my husband is exactly the same length as me but I'd love him just as much if he were shorter than me. In fact, he's shorter than me when I'm wearing heels.
No. 84408
>>84407nta but
>it's not shallow>literally talking about a superficial aspect of a person and judging itThat's what shallow means. It's equally shallow for me to say I prefer manlets, which I do.
Although if what you're attracted to is in line with the majority, people will see you as more of a judgemental prick when you're blunt about it. Especially if it's something they can't change, like height.
imo it's fine to have strict preferences, though. Just admit that it is shallow.
No. 84463
>>84404>No, but maybe after getting bullied all my life for being 'soo tall!!!'>waaah waaaah I used to get bullied by jealous people so now I get to be childish about it for the rest of my life.I'm tall myself you idiot.
>there are hardly any men who'd be fine with dating somebody taller than themI'm sorry men in your country are so insecure.
>so quit the damn 'women are shallow and have way too high standards!'crap!Bitch are you implying I'm a robot?
No. 85122
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>>85105US centric people confuse me
No. 85134
>>85112>>85118Maybe not literally 'universally' but it's pretty much used interchangeably with metric where I live for height. It isn't true for many other uses of imperial - we don't talk about weight in lbs etc. For example, every guy on tinder lists his height in imperial.
And yeah I find it easier to visualize because I'm far more exposed to people with their heights listed in feet and inches, mostly because of the internet.
No. 85141
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No. 85205
>>85103i thought about using the metric system in my post, but i didn't think it was that important to convert.
anyways, most men in my country are tall. most females are a similar height since i'm very close to the average. all of my female friends are taller than me, though.
i guess i think shorter girls are cuter, and taller girls are sexier. + i'd rather be cute than sexy.
No. 85226
>>85218sooo, you don't like being 5'4, but you'd be okay being 5'3, but you think the height of a pair of sneakers (maybe 1/2") is enough to make you seem too tall, but it would be okay if you were 1" shorter?
Is this average height logic? Can someone explain this?
No. 86415
I'm somewhere between 5'1 and 5'2 (154-157 cm). And in all honesty I'd do anything to be shorter, preferably under 5ft. I admit that I'm strange and insecure so keep scrolling if you want to argue…
I've had dysmorphia since I was a kid, because I was an early bloomer who shot up real quick and was always the tallest and most developed girl in my class until I was 12/13. I constantly got unwanted attention from older men, while simultaneously being patronized by boys and even girls my age. I got accused of being a bully when I wasn't, and my parents were paranoid I'd get pregnant young even though I was socially anxious and rarely left the house. I was told I was going to be a tall, curvy girl with big tits and a badonkadonk butt. Well lo and behold, by the time I stopped developing and to this day, I am a 5'1.5 A-cup with no hips wearing size small everything and my peers accuse me of having an ED.
Also I'm white and live in an area with many Asian and Latina women who are very short (under 5ft), so I seldom refer to myself as being short, much less do I ever brag about being a ~smol bean. My fiance is 5'8" and always reminds me how much he thinks I'm his cute little ~nugget, and I believe it until I see a 6'3 guy with a 4'10 GF in public and I'm just like LOL HONEY NO.
There's something really alluring about small women, and it probably stems from past insecurities and the recent loli ddlg waifu trend… I used to attract a lot of manlets or even just guys under 6ft, who were always obsessed with my height and really petite girls (like, REALLY petite). And I would never hear the end of it. My ex even left me for his friend who was a few inches shorter than me. Sometimes when he was mad at me he'd joke around and say "I should hook up with (X) then, she's probably tighter than you too." Like WTF??? On the other hand, my best female friend in high school who was 5'9" would never shut up about her height and would get outrageously jealous when I got attention from guys, even though she was very beautiul, intelligent girl and I really wasn't that small or special.
Anyways I'll shut up now because I really don't have it bad at all. BTW I have nothing against short guys or tall girls. That's just how human genetics are. It makes me sad though when tall girls and women are made fun of because they a very statuesque and regal, plus they look great in high fashion. Also what man wouldn't want their kids to inherit tall genes?
No. 86430
>>86412Lmao anon, hard to imagine, but the world doesn't resolve around English! It's actually my third language, I don't study it in Uni and I won't teach it at school.
Sorry that you had to take time out of your precious day to tell a person on an anonymous message board that she forgot a comma.
Btw, I learned that you have to start each new sentence with a capital letter, am I wrong about that as well..?
No. 86433
>>86430 take a chill pill.
No. 86458
>>86415>and my parents were paranoid I'd get pregnant youngUnless there's something you forgot to mention, your parents have issues if that's what they're worried about just because you grew up fast relatively early.
>Sometimes when he was mad at me he'd joke around and say "I should hook up with (X) then, she's probably tighter than you too.You're better off without him imo.
I'm 157cm and I barely fit in a A cup bra too, I don't want to be particularly taller or shorter than I am, but I know it's frustrating how people can perceive you because of your looks, which you can't change very easily at that. I don't really have any advice to give, except that you should ignore people's opinions and beauty standards where you live as much as possible, but that's easier said than done.
>>86420I'm not sure at all but this might be Hungary from Hetalia. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 86464
>>86431>>86433>>86459>also you're totally not ESL, just a bitch.Actually, I had to google what 'ESL' even means, but believe whatever you wish. I guess I should take that as a compliment.
It's not the first time I saw anons stroking their ego by shitting on other farmers English. If you didn't like my post or just didn't want to reply, then why bother wasting time by insulting my English skills?
That's guaranteed to piss everybody off; non-Americans spend a huge part of their student years trying to learn multiple languages meanwhile you're probably just some Amerifat (or Brit) who doesn't know anything apart from English and maybe 5 words of Spanish…
No. 86469
>>86468What's 'cunty' about
>>86387 ?
You're reaching.
No. 86484
>>86464She wasn't insulting your english, she was pointing it out because a) people learn from mistakes and b) it was kind of a funny mistake to make. She didn't say it in a mean or condescending way, her intentions were clearly not bad even if it was unsolicited, you just got your panties in a twist because idk… you're too good to learn from your punctuation mistakes? Too good to laugh at a dumb sex joke??
I know there are people who ARE condescending about non native speakers' english but that post was just not one of them.
No. 86486
should have been a comma before the and in that instance, since it's separating two independent clauses. Whatever though.
No. 86491
>>86488If the things we write on here (especially that language of yours…) would define our value or talent at our respective jobs, then all of us should be unemployed anon. Now calm down, you sound awfully
No. 86502
>>86501Sorry about your autism but that part clearly wasn't the joke.
>Is english your first language, because it sounds like you said you had to grab someone's hands and have sex with them.There's nothing rude about asking someone if they're ESL. Stop being so touchy.
No. 86511
>>86502>There's nothing rude about asking someone if they're ESL.Saying it's noticable that English is not your native language comes across as calling somebody stupid and that's quite hurtful. And it's not really a question anyways but rather only mocking if you start out with "lmao".
>>86484>>86497>profile two entire countries>discriminatory insultsSaying I'm a cunt for getting pissy about being made fun of, but then getting
triggered over 'Amerifat and Brit'?
No. 86759
>>86748My siblings and I are very tall, my mother is average height, same as her parents. My father is tall, his parents were very stort, but he had a tall grandfather - so genetics do play a big role.
Something really interesting I heard during a history class in Uni was, that Charlemagne was not only called the Great because he was powerful, but also mainly because he was just very tall. In fact nearly all kings back then were already very tall (even for nowadays standards, read 180cm/6ft+) - in stark conrast to the rest of the population. So lookwise there was a huge difference between noble people and commoners and the simple reason for that was of course that the rich were able to always afford to eat as much as they want. So food does play a role as well (and that's why all those trendy "my raw vegan baby!" moms aren't doing their kids any favors… Same as anorexia stunts your growth).
No. 86846
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>>86749lol was he baby sinclair?
No. 86851
>>86850Not just the amount, what you eat plays a role as well.
Fat people eat a monotonous diet, they stuff themselves with nutrionless junk food all day long so of course that won't help them grow.
No. 86869
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>tfw 6'4"
No. 87261
>The short answer to this question is that about 60 to 80 percent of the difference in height between individuals is determined by genetic factors, whereas 20 to 40 percent can be attributed to environmental effects, mainly nutrition. always feel bad for kids who are shorter than they should be because all I can think is that they were malnourished.
No. 87263
>>87261Yeah, there were several kids in my class who always only got all super organic, no sugar, fat or meat lunchboxes from their helicopter moms and then ended up being short.
But some looked down on me and other kids who ate "unhealtily" (read normal) so it serves them right lol
No. 87276
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>>87273>are all from NA and aren't malnourished.Kek that’s not how it works. You can look fine but be malnourished, you can be from America and be malnourished. If you’re shorter than you should be, excluding medical conditions or medications, it’s probably because you’re malnourished.
No. 87720
>>87622In what world is admitting to being short “humblebraging.” Being short isn’t a good thing. It’s anything but humblebraging
>help I’m basically a dwarf>don’t brag!!! This site sometimes I swear.
No. 87785
>>87765Dude, I just wanted some store recommendations. Don't veer it off into crazy land.
>>87449>>87583>>87569Thanks everybody, now I know where to start. I've always put this off because I used to think about how to make rent more than buying clothes.
No. 87787
>>87765What's your malfunction? Did you never go through a point in your life where you couldn't really afford clothes that fit well?
>>87785Ann Taylor LOFT is good for work clothes. Land's End, too, but make sure you check the size chart because you'll probably have to go down a size compared to your normal numerical size. Land's End will hem most pants to pretty much any length you want. Uniqlo will, too.
No. 87794
>>87787Did you even read her original post?
>american petite is for landwhales>asian petite is too long!She's clearly trying to humblebrag. And like
>>87793 said she never disclosed her height.
No. 87896
>>87890>5'5"Anon, as a average range 5'6" girl, this is not really our thread. Be prepared for someone to tell you off for it.
Regardless, I actually feel the opposite of you. I always wanted to be taller, since I enjoy feeling stronger/bigger than people around me. It could just be cope for me since I have a legitimate wide frame otherwise and had shorter/skinnier friends growing up, so I got used to it.
Luckily, there are many dateless turbomanlets out there waiting for me to literally scoop them up, so hopefully I can live out my dream of being an (artifically) big strong wife. I'm glad you found a big boy to make you feel cute.
No. 87918
>>87890i know what you mean about pleasing guys egos. i have dated guys who aren't so tall and my current bf is just average height. they were all obsessed with petite girls and the fact that i'm short(er than them). it's like my primary attractive trait is that i make guys who aren't 6ft+ feel better about themselves. i also compare my height/size to other short women despite being petite and thin.
>>87896tbh I'm 5'0" and think it's okay if you share this on here, it's become a general girls height thread and if you feel too tall or too short at times then it's plenty relevant.
No. 87987
>>87949110 if you let yourself go? I'm also 5'1.5 but i'm like 120-125 lbs lol…. That being said I wear size small in most things.
After years of wishing I were taller, I actually don't mind my height anymore. Realizing that a lot of hot people are just as short as me helped me get over it
No. 121063
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>>81513I'm 5'5" (and white) and I hate it so much. I honestly want to rope because of it. I look dumpy at 110 fucking pounds. I swear, all the cute guys want tall girls, and tall women seem to age better, and ironically have more feminine faces. My boyfriend says he doesn't mind my height, but I seriously doubt it. I'm also at risk for having short sons, and they'd probably resent me forever because of it. My mom and grandma are both 5'9-10", so I grew up thinking I'd end up at their height. Fuck being short.
No. 140295
>>140294I would't class 5'5 as petite or short tbh.
>>140292find a 6'4+ bf and be a tall power couple. 6'0 with 6'4 is like 5'7 with 6'0
No. 140297
>>140287You grew a few more inches as a 22 yr old?
How'd you do that?
No. 140304
I'm 176 cm and I really like it. It's the taller end of average for females, so I get to be tall-ish and all the benefits but not tall enough to stand out. Perfect height imo.
>>121063You probably won't read this anymore but a lot of guys prefer short girls.
No. 140305
>>1403045'5 isn't short at all. it's just above average. and why would you be dumpy at 110? it sounds thin.
how tall's your bf?
No. 140363
>>140360I'm also 5'3, depends on where you live I think. When I lived in CA I felt average and even taller than most girls/some guys, but since moving to the Midwest I definitely seem short and find myself looking upwards at people more often.
On the topic of height confusion, does anyone else feel like they're a short person built like a tall person? I feel like my bone structure/proportions were meant for a way taller girl–lanky/ruler body type, huge hands and feet, bony even though I'm skinnyfat (emphasis on fat)
No. 140396
>>140395oh whoops i quoted the wrong post in
>>140305I meant to quote
>>121063 No. 140411
*woops, deleted on accident
5'3 chick here!
Pros of being short : I'm considered cute, "feminine", can date short and tall men, can keep my teenage clothes…
Cons : Infantilized, not taken seriously, look like a child, "uwu ur so smoll, so fragile, I cud break u", always being picked on for being a midget, made fun of by my taller friends…
From time to time, I wish I was taller and slimmer, because you can easily look fat if you're slightly overweight, but overall, I feel good about my height. I'm quite chubby on the legs and the belly, but that doesn't stop me from wearing whatever clothes I like. I like to wear cute long skirts, oversized jackets, etc… It makes me look shorter and maybe chubbier, but who cares? I just like to wear what I like. People would say that some things don't look good on me, but as long as I feel cute in it, I don't see how it's a problem. Short or tall, just wear whatever you like and have fun!
No. 140412
>>140410I try to always be! Life is too short to worry about something as meaningless as height…
I have many tall friends and people in my family are quite tall as well so I'm considered like a midget here… But yeah, it's average, I'm not tall nor short, it's my relatives who are tall asf lmao.
No. 140469
>>140456I'm the same height and I agree on all points.
Did you also get whacked in the face as a child by women's purses in large crowds? Lmao
No. 140826
178cm/5'10 and I hate it so much.
>no need to be scared when walking alone at night, lower chance of getting attacked
>stronger, feel like I could protect my shorter friends, mom and sister
>helpful when short old ladies ask me to get them stuff from the upper shelves at supermarkets
>bullied as a child, still get rude comments as an adult, some people unironcally act as if they're scared of me
>everybody always had too high expectations in me, also due to thinking I'm older (been mistaken for an adult when I wasn't even 10 years old)
>what even is dating? no man (even the ones who are taller than me) is interested in me
>definitely not more respect from males, rather hostility
>ugly short and fat grannies: "She (me) will have a hard time finding a husband…" Thanks, needed to hear this as a child.
>having to endure humble-bragging from shorter friends ("omg anon, let's compare, your hand is sooo much bigger than mine! teehee" "well I fit in a size XS")
>no space for legs, knees always hurt while on the train (~2 hours nearly on the daily)
>people complain about not being able to see if they stand behind me (I bet men of my height don't get such complaints as often)
>my father is building and renting houses, uses me as free contruction worker, lumberjack etc, if I was smaller I wouldn't have to do that because I simply wouldn't be able to lift as heavy
>probably don't have a single jacket or coat that's long enough, the recent crop top trend is ony making everything worse
>look bony and manly when skinny, look massive and manly while fat
And whenever I complain short or average women tell me: "Nooo, being tall is nice, because uhm models are also tall!" as if that changes anything. You wouldn't want to trade places with me either.
Despite of course fantasizing about having a taller bf whom I could look up to and look small next to, who feels protective about me, realistically I also wouldn't really want to date a too tall man because we'd only end up looking like some tallass freak couple (and if we had a daughter she'd have an even harder time than me)
No. 140840
>>140827Well, of course I don't want to think of my own body as freaky but enough people act as if tall women are some sort of monstrosity? The average height for women in my country is 165cm and for males 178cm (supposedly…), so if I, at close to 180, would date a man of let's say 190+ (
if I find one) then the both of us together would certainly stand out a lot, even moreso than I already do on my own.
No. 140844
>>140841>13cm above average doesn't stand out13cm definitely
is a lot. Would you say the same to a woman who's 152cm? Or to men who are 165cm or 191cm?
Plus like I said before, even if I myself wouldn't mind, that doesn't change the fact that all my life people over and over point it out (in a negative way).
No. 140994
I’m 5’4”, average, but I work as a commercial model, and for my industry I am essentially a dwarf. A few observations about being a short girl in the modeling industry, and being a short girl in general. First of all the standard of attractiveness I am held to in terms of face, body, hair, teeth etc is infinitely higher than girls who are 5’10+. Also, in my opinion, even outside of modeling (this does depend on geographic area and ‘type’ you fit in to), the shorter you are the more conventionally attractive you need to be to be considered attractive, whereas taller girls get away with much more unusual features. Being shorter also makes me much more approachable (something I personally don’t like) and I feel a need to dress more conservatively and behave more standotffishly to be taken seriously. My agency keeps me around because I can book lingerie, swim, and some beauty. I also spend part of the year in a city whose market is almost 100% swim. While my height definitely plays a factor in the categories I fit into, my face and body type also play a role. Almost all of the short girls I work with solely book lingerie, swim, and beauty as well.
Finally, I think short poorly proportioned or heavier girls are considered a lot less attractive than taller girls who are slightly overweight or badly proportioned. E.g. my boyfriend and his friends refer to short girls with short legs as ‘smushes’, because they look look like they have been smushed down.
No. 141128
i’m 4‘8 and it’s shit. my family on both sides are short (father is around 5’5 and mother is 5’0, siblings are same height as my parents) so i basically just lost the genetic lottery and it’s never benefitted me. i know it’s become a thing for shorter girls to boast about how “tiny and smol uwu” they are but i truly don’t get the appeal. i would love to be at least average height if not taller, i envy super tall women a lot but i understand why it’s as frustrating (if not worse because of the stigma/assumptions around being tall as a woman) as being super short
also elaborating kind of on what
>>141088 said, being on the shorter side messes up your proportions a lot no matter what body type you have and it makes any kind of weight gain extremely obvious. i stick to cardio because toning/muscle gain on the torso area specifically doesn’t look the same as it does on most people, at least for me anyway. no one ever talks about that for some reason so i’m glad it was mentioned here because it’s depressing having to do nearly double the workout others do just to look an average weight. i think i was around 120 pounds at my heaviest weight on meds and i looked fat even thought that’s standard weight for most people, simply because my proportions are shorter and distribute weight differently
i don’t know if people want to be short because it’s got aesthetic value or it’s ddlg smol bby size kink uwu type shit but it annoys the fuck out of me. it’s embarrassing being treated like you’re not a grown ass woman and it’s not flattering, just patronising as fuck lol
sorry for the sperg. i was nervous about being accused of humblebragging about being short when actually it’s just super depressing and i wanted to vent pls no bully
No. 141276
I’m 175cm / 5’ 9” and it’s great
>long legs>weight gain does not show so easily>more storage space in home>i got in bars while underage which was cool thing when I was a teenager>strenght >had summer jobs that recuired physical strength and those pay decently because male dominated fieldsAlso I second
>>140826 for the sense of security: I rarely feel afraid when walking outside alone at the night. I live in pretty safe city but some of my friends don’t still want to walk alone when it’s dark outside.
Also, I have defended some random girls from unvanted attention from guys and it’s easy for me to step in those situations because I’m nasty bitch when needed and my size gives me confidence. For some reason the men who harrass women are always manlets kek.
>when I was young and stupid I was insecure because “bohoo I’m never going to find a man” (that’s bullshit)>big feet so finding cute shoes is hard/almost impossible >tops are always too short>mini skirts show half of my butt No. 141317
>>141276>i got in bars while underageDamn, I missed out on this kinda shit. One of my best friends is a few cm's taller than me even and she could buy cigarettes or alcohol at any store. I think she has a more mature face. When I tried they'd immediately call my bluff because I have a baby face.
Also what's up with some tall women here talking about being strong? I guess it's a genetic muscle-thing because I've always been skinny and except for some nice stomach-muscles my arms are weak as shit and always have been lol. Literal twigs for arms.
No. 141445
>>141123I feel you anon, this shit makes me so fucking self conscious, if it wasn't for the stupid "uwu I'm so sm0l in comparion to you" shtick they pulled I wouldn't even have noticed those differences. Now I always e.g. worry about my hands being as big or bigger as guys and them noticing, it just makes you feel so unfeminine.
>>141317I was ana as a teen and even skelly-me was much stronger than my heavier yet shorter classmates. On the one hand it makes me feel safer against men, on the other hand it also serves to make feel even more like a failure of a woman. Sometimes I wonder whether other girls only pretend to be weak (for example many acted as if me playfully slapping their upper arm genuinely hurt them and I'm by no means a brute), so that they could get guys to do stuff for them or to force me into carrying shit for them.
I guess due to my height I was just always treated as one of the boys and therefore my body was forced to develop stronger?
No. 141450
>>141446I don't work out either. What I meant is that because of my height everybody always expected me to be strong, like I had to do work in the garden since I was in kindergarten, then later in school everybody always went "You're so tall, you must be able to run faster, jump further, etc", so I just always forced myself because it's not like I was given a choice to do otherwise and now I'm simply used to it. Nobody ever cared that my arms are much skinnier and less muscular than others, because they always only noticed my height. And then additionally all those other girls using their "I'm shorter, that's too heavy for me"-card… Even if I wanted I couldn't pretend to be weak, because I'm literally as tall as most men, nobody would buy that.
No. 141549
>>141548People (especially americans it seems honestly social culture-wise) just really like to give their unsolicited comments about how someone looks because they stand out sometimes.
Being tall is mostly a good thing. Idk who managed to break you down, anon but taking into consideration you're tall you don't have actual big hands or feet. You have hands and feet in proportion to your tall body. It's not a dealbreaker for most people at all. Do you think most men or even people in general really think pr care much about your shoe size?
Nobody comments loudly and elaborates about someone being fat most of the time because it's not a positive. Being tall is a positive and stands out in a good way in most cases. As a tall woman if I see another girl taller than me I go "wow!" in a positive, amazed way honestly.
No. 141550
>>141549Maybe not the feet specifically but a lot of guys are turned off by girls being tall cause it’s seen as mannish and having larger hands cause they’re “man hands” or something. And when girls give unsolicited comments about these things it’s not I’m a positive way as the original poster said, it’s in a way where they’re humblebragging about how much smaller and thereby more feminine they are
>omg anon, let's compare, your hand is sooo much bigger than mine! teehee" "well I fit in a size XS"So I was asking about that
No. 141553
>>141550I haven't experienced guys being particularly turned off by tall women. Some could be intimidated but men really aren't picky. So some guys sure, a lot of guys? Most guys? I wouldn't say so. Women are much more harsh about height in dating than men.
It's just trying to have the upper hand at a perceived threat probably. Why else would some of them make a big deal about it? Studies show seeing someone taller has a psychological effect on how others perceive you. They typically will view you as superior if only slightly and mostly subconsciously. So these short women who act like this are just asserting their dominance somehow in whatever petty way they can. Women do be like that sometimes.
Some women with smaller hands have short sausage-fingers anyway which isn't a particularly good look honestly. Completely depends on personal anatomy and proportions more than small being good on women compared to big automatically being bad.
No. 141555
>>141554I just can't figure out what else the point would be? Seems the most logical explanation. Most people understand somewhat that beauty is diverse even if it has some rules. Sometimes it can be a positive to stand out which might be a cause for both good and bad reactions from people depending on the situation. As many average height people here have pointed out.
Also; the grass is greener on the other side effect. Shorter women might be perceived as more cute and traditionally feminine/sexy. Taller women hunch down their posture and can wonder what it's like to be cute and dainty. Taller women are often perceived as more elegant and striking (particularly in clothing). Could easily cause jealousy in some shorter women.
In short, socially being tall has the most advantages so it would be more likely to cause some insecure short women to act out.
No. 141569
>>141548>I’ve been told it’s because they’re jealous of me cause I’m ~just so pretty~This is so tiring, people always tell me that but it's such a cope, the same old "he only bullies you because he actually likes you!" lie. They're always making those remarks while comparing me with themselves, sometimes even comparing me with guys and I've even had a couple of scrotes giving me the "you must be a man/are you a man lmao" comment, like how is that them just being jealous? They're clearly very happy about not having my body, they're never putting themselves down, otherwise they'd use stuff like "I'm such a midget, my legs are so much stumpier than yours" instead of "I'm sooo petite, even a size xs is too big for me, everybody thinks I'm only a teen!" (with a big grin on their face).
I don't want to wk short men, since they've been often very cruel and passive aggressive to me as well, but I noticed that taller men do that comparison shit to them too, only the other way around, the one with the biggest everything is the "winner", the manliest, the most handsome.
>>141555>socially being tall has the most advantages so it would be more likely to cause some insecure short women to act out.People often use this argument but this is only the case for men. Until not that long ago parents of fast growing girls got treatment to stop their daughters from becoming too tall, being tall as a woman is only seen as positive if paired with being a uber skinny, having a perfect face and working in the fashion industry. No men in any kind of career field respects a woman more just because she happens to be tall. If anything, they perceive her as a threat to their manliness and superiority and as a result treat her even worse. Also, of course not all, but some women do play up the "small and helpless" damsel thing to get male coworkers to do stuff for them or to go easy on them.
No. 141597
>>141584>boyfriend can easily carry me I don’t know why short girls always bring this shit up. Any guy can carry a girl with ease as long as she isn’t a fucking fatass.
t. 5’7 and 115 pounds
No. 141600
>>141569No, it's not just the case for tall men even though it counts for more in their case. Being tall in general puts mostly positive attributes upon you during first impressions with others. Tall women are more likely to be taken seriously in the workplace. Short women are viewed as more nurturing by men though.
>>141598I don't think this is necessarily a height-thing. I'm tall and a lightweight both with drinks and food honestly.
No. 141614
>>141605As tall myself I'm wondering the same thing. It's one thing to have a bit of a complex about it but seems a bit overblown from statements on here.
Reading on lolcow has reminded me how women almost seem to love to hate themselves honestly.
No. 141646
>>141641Agreed. Just because you're tall, you can't just waltz in there, get whatever job you want and suddenly all men respect you.
>"wow, this bitch"That's exactly how it is in my opinion. Shorter women might get hit in more but tall women get passive aggressiveness, men actively working against them or shittalking them behind their back.
No. 141647
>>141641>The standards for men and women are oppositesNot really. Men don't care about height the way women do, it's not like fat and skinny where 99% will prefer the latter. Most men will be attracted to women of most heights, and fundamentally enjoy novelty so won't restrict themselves to one type.
>so if you're a woman you have more power if you are physically small, because you fit the standard.Even if being short really was objectively the standard of beauty for women, since when does fitting beauty standards garner respect? Men wanting to fuck you isn't a form of power.
You have a point that men might be intimidated or passive aggressive about it, but height affecting how seriously people take you is one of those subtle subconscious things. Men don't respect women most of the time regardless of height, but they might not automatically see you as physically weaker and lesser when you're not half their size and they're literally looking down on you. It's not even necessarily about men vs women, children are small, sick/unhealthy people are small, it's common sense that it might influence your perception subtly.
No. 141656
>>141651What men do some tall anons here surround themselves with? I don't think it has anything to do with height if men around you are plotting against you (definitely doesn't sound weird) like what the fuck is going on in this thread.
The fact is that if you go to google and actually read up on this shit being tall even as a woman has more benefits than cons.
No. 141658
>>141654Then you shouldn't believe all those short anons who claim that everybody mistakes them for a preteen and that all men everywhere always want to fuck them either…
It is how it is anon, you telling me I must be wrong doesn't change the way people treat me. I've been getting shit for my height since I was a toddler and it likely won't change for the rest of my life (unless somebody invents shortening surgery lol)
>>141656You can also google that (despite what anons claim) statistics show that close to all men vastly prefer short women when it comes to dating.
>>141657They see you as a female who has the audacity to compete against them and men absolutely hate that.
No. 141666
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>>141659I don't see myself as competing with men but they act as if my height is a threat or an attack on them and therefore treat me hostile. I'm a very shy and passive person, so it's definitely not because I have an assertive personality, it's simply my appearance.
Some men might fap to vs models but when it comes to relationships short women are the winners.
No. 141671
>>141665Yeah, men are insecure about their own height. It's not about you being seen as an actual man.
>>141666Why do men act hostile toward you? How do you know it's your height? Sounds weird still.
As stated before men really do not care about women's height when they're dating as much as women by far. There's tons of studies that show this. Most men would date an attractive woman taller than them in a heartbeat. Women of average height have the most advantage in the dating scene but tall women do not have a particularly hard time at all.
No. 141965
>>141665that's their own insecurity speaking lel
>>141662>there was a study saying that men don't perceive women who they don't find attractive as women so for most it's tall womenthere's also studies saying that smoking and obesity are healthy fucking lol I wouldn't put too much value in some random one off-study
You have to own your height. I have two friends who're 5'11 and 6'1. They're attractive women who radiate self-confidence. Both have and have been in fulfilling relationships with men. The only one who's letting your height bother you and hold you back is you, literally. Grow some self-esteem.
No. 141992
>>141965I agree with this anon
Being tall is awesome. Who cares about being uwu smol and cute? If you're tall you can look like a goddess. Just don't get fat because that looks unfortunate and clunky. Thankfully it's easier to be slim when you're tall.
Models are 5'10+ and they're the most beautiful people in the world. I don't think anyone would go "ew no but she's too tall" unless they're an insecure man.
No. 142614
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5'3 womanlette here
Tall women, I love you so fucking much. What I'd give to be one of you. Tall, powerful, strong. I like myself and the way I am too but damnit!!!!! I'd love to be tall. I'd love to intimidate loser short men like that. Your height alone filters the weaklings. You ladies are gorgeous and I love you, have a great fucking night. AND day. Have a great existence.
Fellow womanlettes, reflect. Do better. Buy the boots with the heels-stop letting men look down on you. Throw away the kitten heels, get at least the 3inchers and look him in his eyes. If you see fear, stop wasting your time and leave him already.
No. 368893
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I'm the one who made this thread all those years ago. Back then I went through periods of feeling incredibly insecure because of my tall height and reading (what I believe to be) my old posts, I really did suffer a lot growing up "thanks" to my tall height.
Now I really love it. It makes me feel kind of superior? Looking down on everybody can be fun. Sometimes I even think it's my best trait. You can lose anything that's visually appealing but your height will stay. Maybe I never looked cute when I was young but after a certain age being tall will only make you look more youthful, I will never be a tiny weak grandma.
Still no luck with dating tho, moids will never not be weird about tall women, so I pretty much gave up on it. Tall moids often have ugly faces and love being uber manly next to extra short girls, and short moids get triggered by your existence.
Back then I never believed that I could ever stop caring and feeling traumatized by those mean words I had to endure as a young girl, but seeing this thread pop up made me realize that it's been a long time since I last felt really bad about it.
No. 368898
I'm 5'0"/153cm and I'm really happy with my height but I find that other people don't share my confidence and exclusively view it as a flaw, which is pretty dismaying. I get those weird negging comments about how I'm beautiful but wouldn't it be nice if I grew a bit more (I'm an adult, I can't…), or I'm beautiful so I "shouldn't worry" about my height, etc. even from women and they always act confused and taken aback when I express that no thanks, I'm totally happy with my height, as if I ought to be crippled with insecurity over it and it's wrong that I'm not. It's a really uncomfortable feeling because it's like, not only are they putting me down over this but they expect me to agree?
I do notice that people will point out when a woman is tall as a benign compliment, but not the other way around, unless it's specifically weirdos fetishizing it in the "smol baby" way. I feel like I'm the only woman who finds other short women more attractive too, women seem to always talk about the beauty of a tall or at least tallER woman.
This is more a general annoying moid story but my ex would whine about limitations of my size, like walking slower than him and not being able to reach stuff. He'd tell me that he wished I was taller while describing beautiful women as tall, and that really bothered me.
Buying clothes sucks but nowadays I usually wear Asian stuff, so I get to enjoy an advantage shopping there.
I wouldn't want to change my height but I just wish other people didn't always view it so negatively. It's something I really like about myself so it feels bad when nobody else sees it that way, you know?
No. 369051
>>368883Are you
Japanese, anon? I'm your height as well. Just asking because when I was back in my country, I didn't feel too tall or short since the average height increased by a lot. My female cousins/relatives are quite tall as well.
No. 369110
>>368944Thanks, that's really sweet!
>>368947That's something I'm actually still jealous of, I was taller than my mom at age 10, so still being smaller than your mom now and being able to get cuddled by your taller mom sounds lovely lol I always awkwardly have to bend down
No. 369235
>>369213I think anon just means that this thread is the perfect opportunity for trannies to hide and larp amongst women and talk about their "shared experiences" as "tall women" without having to disclose it's because they're men. I'm on the taller side (177cm) and took no offense to anon's post.
>>369206 this anon's right though.
No. 369250
>>369235i mean i kinda get where
nonnie is coming from. if you read the old posts so many of them are all about how difficult it's to look "cute" as a tall woman and throwing hissy fits at shorter women saying it sucks to be seen as a kid and cute as if they're here just personally humblebrag and offend the tall women who just want to be seen as kawaii
No. 369260
I'm short (5'0/152cm). I've never really beeb insecure about it. Although I was painfully annoying and humblebragged about my height as a tween (sorry), I'm a lesbian and actually find it so annoying when moids do the whole "you're so short!" thing. It's so cringe. Also as another anon has mentioned, the only thing I don't like is the fact that weight gain is very visible, and also that I'll never have the super skinny body I dreamed of when I was younger. I've seen women my height who weigh less and we never have the same skinny long legged look models have even when we're underweight. It was nice to realize it was an unrealistic goal though since now I don't have to hate myself for not living up to it.
>>369257Anon the story you told about your wife is so cute, it really brightened my day!
No. 369339
>>369330kek this reminds me of an anon in the lillee jean threads who tinfoiled that lillee is collecting disability benefits for being a midget (she's 5').
anything under 5'2 gets called midget, troll, etc. idk why certain anons have so much vitriol for very short women
No. 369341
>>369330kek welcome on earth
>>369339Depending on the country 5ft and under does count as sort of disabled, e.g. not being allowed to drive because cars aren't built for somebody that short.
No. 369342
>>369322Children can eat more and burn a lot more because they are still growing, men are only skeletons if they don't eat enough.
Of course it's true that your BMR/TDEE correspond with hunger, the energy requirements are relative. The issue is the practical reality of finding meals that fit your diet and keep you in a deficit. A tall man with muscle will have an incredibly flexible, forgiving diet compared to a short sedentary woman, and that really matters when high calorie foods are the norm. If a man and a woman go to a restaurant, chances are he can fit anything on the menu in his calorie budget and the woman will have a tiny selection of boring salads to pick from. If a man and a woman are offered food randomly, like someone brings cake to work or whatever, the man can work it into his diet easily and the woman will have to skip dinner. Low calorie diets are difficult to sustain not just because of the hunger levels, but because any tiny misstep with food choices can ruin your deficit easily. It's 'fair' biologically but feels completely unfair when you're just living your life trying to find something to eat.
No. 369362
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I wish at least 5'8", with the length mostly in my legs. I love the idea of being tall and thin. Imagine having a higher BMR just for being taller than average. And clothes always look good on you. I'm a pear shaped woman at 5'3", and I feel stout in everything I dress in. Unless I get don to 17 BMI, I feel I will always look like I just gave birth for several kids.
However I'm not very satisfied with the results of modern limb lengthening. Looks gross and super expensive. It's just not in the cards for me.
No. 369401
>>369370I only ever hear the "highlighting short stature = bragging about being pedobait" idea on imageboards and on some subreddits, never heard anyone accuse that sort of thing in mainstream circles. Generally people think looking like a child is a very negative thing and don't consider it something that anyone would boast about, they aren't aware of the subcultures where it's thought of as desirable.
It does bother me though, sometimes it feels like people are constantly relating shortness with childishness (either as a negative trait, or a deviant's positive trait) and act as though women need to be a certain height to qualify as whole adults.
No. 369676
anyone go from being above average height to short because of moving? i was above average (slightly) at 168cm where i'm from but then i moved to south eastern europe for a while and i was short there. i had a couple issues due to height such as official buildings and homes being built for people much taller than me, it felt awkward to be at a counter and it was meeting at my collarbone while other women could easily see over it. i noticed as well that the men have these complexes because they are very tall and would treat me differently because of it. it felt like they did not see me as a desirable woman, or even a mature woman, they infantilized me, which really did not help with my confidence when i was trying to make new friends from no connections. there was only one time when a man ever approached me, a man i had already seen at a cafe i was going to. i was still getting acquainted in the city so he offered to take me around in public, sort of as a tour guide and then we agreed to share dinner. it was romantic until he started complimenting me, almost firing off all the compliments he could think of and then told me "you have an amazing body, if only you were taller." i immediately wanted to leave while he kept rambling about what his perfect woman would look like. i got up and started walking away, pathetic, i know, but it was almost the verbal confirmation i needed to know why people treated me differently. the whole night i was thinking to myself how much easier life would have been here if i was taller, but i can't change that. now that i have left i still think this way. i should have stopped by now but my experiences messed with me.
No. 369719
>>369697same as you. When I had a bf one of his friends refused to speak to me because (in his words) he felt weird feeling like he was talking to a little girl, and people regularly joked or actually believed that my bf was a predator creeping on a high schooler.
Even my own boyfriend would sometimes pull back, wince, and make a remark about how small or young I looked, in a restrained but clearly negative tone. He brought up my hand size multiple times because they made him "feel like [he's] being touched by a child." We met online before meeting irl so I think it was a bit surprising at first.
I've never really had any guys irl hit on me but I do notice a lot of people talk to me in a way that suggests that they think they're talking to someone younger, like suddenly refraining from swearing. Unpopular opinion but I kinda don't really care and honestly prefer if men don't see me as a viable sexual option and feel pressure to be more well-behaved around me.
No. 369796
>>369696>>369719>>369723I'm taller than you while still being shorter than average but also go through all of this shit. Except now men don't bother me anymore thank god. In hindsight I'm 100% sure looking way younger than my peers is one of the biggest reasons why I just couldn't get a job until I got my first job which was so shit that the turnover rate was the only reason why I got hired in the first place. Now I have a normal office job that kind of sucks after being discriminated against when jobhunting for some time and it's all because of the lockdowns and curfews being lifted in my country back then and the economy getting way better all of a sudden.
Just yesterday I went to the restaurant with my parents because it's a famous one and they never went there so I paid for everything and the waitress who was around my age talked to me like I was some cutesy well behaved teenage daughter and not nearly 30 years old who's paying for three people. I get disrespected on a daily basis as soon as I go outside and it's either because people think I'm a teenager or because people are getting even more racist than usual, sometimes it's hard to tell. I've never dated anyone as a result, I'm too worried about attracting creepy men.
The worst part is that I deal with this despite my growth hormone treatment working when I was younger. I could have ended up being 1.20m tall otherwise and would have been even more unemployable.
>a lot of people talk to me in a way that suggests that they think they're talking to someone younger, like suddenly refraining from swearingUsually in my case it's more that people talk to me like I'm legit retarded or don't know basic facts about life. Once people get more context and guess or learn my age they become so awkward because they're worried about offending me… while deliberately being insulting and passive aggressive. I wouldn't even think about being rude like this to kids or teenagers so I don't get it at all. I have an older female coworker who's always talking about how cute and nice I am like she's my teacher in kindergarten or some shit too.
No. 369846
I'm 151 cm, 42.6 kgs, but was blessed with long legs and arms and wide shoulders, reverse triangle body type basically. And an adult looking face. So much so that I get mistaken for a lecturer in my university, when I'm a student, and 21 yo. It's probably because I dress formally but it's still funny that it happens. My biggest problem with my height is not reaching shelves, not seeing the stove and pots properly when I'm cooking having a kinda short torso and no waistline, though I think that's because of my body type in general rather than height, not finding clothes my height, but it's wide enough. It's always too long. And if I want to wear something short I'll just look goofy, so I go for short dresses for taller women with a medium size, and it's long enough on me kek. The only pro of it is I don't bump my head when I exit a car or a micro bus.
No. 369851
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I'm 5'4"/163cm. To some people I'm taller but to others I'm smaller, and in general it has gave me some issues about my stature. I would like to be a bit more taller.
No. 371420
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No. 379093
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I'm 5'0" (~152cm) and I hate it. I remember the humiliation I felt in middle and high school when we lined up for photos and I'd always be something like third last in line. I distinctly remember a round white-haired man helping out who walked by trying to say nice things for us and that it's good that we're short because we're "fun-sized" or our personalities are more compacted or some cope like that. I was 12 and I wanted to kill him. I'm about twice that age now but hardly any taller. I noticed how my coworkers of average American height would literally talk over me sometimes. I can't be taken seriously standing up. I can never be physically threatening to anyone. And lastly I don't know how to present myself as a fuckable homosexual. Lesbians don't want women who are dwarfed by some middle schoolers, only disgusting scrotes with pedophilic tendencies do. I remember in one of my college courses there was this art girl with the same phenotype as me with a fade haircut and dressed in flannel and big pants, and she looked like a teen boy. I mean good for her for doing what she wants but it tears me apart that I can never look like the tall handsome butches I admire and I'll always be literally looked down in life.
No. 379108
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I'm 5'9 and chubby, so I don't have that skinny model look. To me the worst part of being tall is that you never feel dainty or cute and if that's your preference then it's just over for you. The guy I like is 5'11 and it honestly feels like we are the same height.
Every day when I read books or look at fiction I see cute women embraced by much taller men and it makes me want to jump into traffic as shallow as it sounds. Pic related is impossible for me to know basically. Short girls won.
No. 379160
>>379145Why? Are you just joking that you find the pic cringe or is there a deeper meaning?
>>379158Thank you for your reply. But what do I do when my guy is 5'11? The "just date a taller guy" advice doesn't really apply at all it's kind of depressing.. sorry.
No. 379389
>>379310 UNder every photo of tall guy and short girl there are at least 10 comments from insecure tall women calling him a pedophile
and that he is bassicly dating a child
No. 379394
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I'm 1,58m / roughly 5'2. The average in my country is 5'2 so I don't consider myself particularly small, just normal. I always wanted to be taller tbh, there's nothing striking about my height and is boring, I'm quite skinny with long proportions so I look "visually" taller on heels and I like it, i wish I was naturally taller or as tall as Meghan thee stallion (1,78m) my life would be 100x better. Men over 5'11ft look very intimidating to me, but tall women don't scare me the same way
>>379389>Under every photo of tall guy and short girl there are at least 10 comments from insecure tall women calling him a pedophile and that he is basically dating a child
I never understood this argument. Short women look like women not kids, we have developed female features and some of us cannot even fit into teen clothing even though we got similar heights because of this fact. Plus, the average height for women worldwide is 5'4, why would a 6'0 man be considered a pedo for dating an
average woman?
No. 379403
>>379399How tall are you? I’m 5’10 and I love it.
to be fair I have good proportions and work out a lot to ensure that kek I def understand women who are over 6’ feeling weird about it because society makes them feel weird about it. Being called an Amazon in a way that feels patronizing has happened to me and I’m not even THAT tall. Unfortunately I get “step on me mommy omg” comments from some males my age (gen z range) but usually I don’t let it bother me
No. 379411
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>>81533>>82362>>379403Try being a 6'2" Finnish woman with a belly and tree trunks for legs, I dare you
No. 379449
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I don't feel my age while being a womanlet. I'm 5'0 and in my early 20s. I talk to women my age and they have nice long fingers and their bodies are much more proportionate than mine as well as appearing striking in professional outfits. Because of short vocal chords my voice sounds screechy and annoying, and I don't ever sound like I'm talking in a serious manner. I would love to just appear fully matured and with how timid I am it's 100% worse. Moids think it's an open invitation just because I'm shy and short I'm easy; so, when I say "no" they assume it's me being playfully catty. I'm buying a pair of 3 inch heals to hopefully supplement and look more professional. I don't want to be in a competition with other women and they 9/10 times treat me with the respect I deserve and I appreciate that so much. Also, these "studies" for no purpose other than maybe putting tall and short women against each other are really stupid same thing with the rich men prefer small boobs, "study" There's no need to put that much time in caring what crusty scrotes who are too lazy to shave their pube neckbeard think.
No. 379500
>>379474you do understand that most short women are also average
tall women problems really are just like "i wish people thought i was a cute brain dead retard baby instead of a capable respectable human being"
No. 380234
>>379555Samefag as
>>380232 Im the opposite, Im skinny, long torso with a tiny head so look really tall in pictures - people have straight up told me I have tall person proportions - but then when I meet people irl they say im way shorter than expected
No. 380835
>>380824Something tells me you're fat.
You sound like a soyjak right now.
(infighting) No. 380841
>>380838>Understand the sour reactionWhat excuse is there for
>I don't like this so you can't eitherthen calling them scrotebrained?
The irony.
No. 380860
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>>81514>imo, both have their pros and cons, but specifically short girls with long torsos/generally stumpy builds may as well fit in the same ballpark as being average to start. when they've got the length and thickness of an average girl without having the petiteness their height should bely, it's just incredibly unfortunate. depends really.
No. 381241
>>381236buddy if my whole country WAS predominantly tall women of course i wouldn't have a fucking problem, are you retarded? the problem is that i am an outlier. most men in america are 5'10 at best, anyone taller than that is invariably dating a girl a full foot shorter than them. my dating pool is nonexistent because i live in a shitty part of the country where everyone is short, ugly, and uneducated. i'm in therapy. i've tried to resolve my ed. and you know what happened when i gained weight? nobody fucking wanted me anymore. the second i went back to being underweight, i could at least get a compliment on occasion. you simply have no idea what you are talking about.
>>381238holy shit, i'm so happy for your friends, but that doesn't change my life? i wear heels. i wear whatever i want. i feign confidence. i'm not some simpering piece of shit talking ceaselessly in public about how much i hate myself. the fact of the matter is, men are not at all attracted to tall women unless they want to get dommed. and i don't want to do that. "being confident" means nothing when you are regularly having it enforced that everyone around you is more desirable.
this honestly just feels like short cunt cope because they can't fathom anyone having it harder than them
>>381239this is a fair and
valid point and i don't think you are a cunt
No. 381261
>>381235God this woah is me drivel is ridiculous. What the fuck is up with insecure tall women thinking short women have zero problems in life and get hit on by handsome tall men wherever we go?
The reality is that many of the men who hit on short women are creeps who mistake you for being a teenager because of your height and then have the audacity to be disappointed when they find out you're grown, and thugs looking for a
victim who assume short women are easier to overpower.
And on the other hand, there are also men who are turned off by short women because even though you're fully mature, shortness is associated with children and your height creeps them out.
And the point you made about clothing isn't fully expanded on. Hemming trousers sucks, but you know what sucks worse? Being short and thin and having to shop in the kid's section because the amount of fridge shaped and sized women around these days means the women's section is vanity sized to hell.
Speaking of kids, everyone treats you like a kid even though you're fully grown because of your size and talks to you like you're their friend's teenage daughter.
And you know what else is difficult about being short? Maintaining your weight. Your BMR as a short person is way lower than a tall person's so you have to be careful with what you eat and how much you exercise, because if you gain even a couple of kgs you're going to go from looking normal to dumpy, whereas the same amount of weight gain wouldn't even be noticeable on a taller person.
Even just getting a jar of jam or something from the supermarket is harder if you're short because shit on the highest shelves are literally out of reach, you have to wait until someone taller is passing by and ask them to get it for you. And if you're at home and need something from a cupboard, be prepared to climb on top of the counters and possibly risk injury if you fall.
And no I'm not saying tall women are Amazonians with no problems or that short women are oppressed for being short, I'm just saying two can play at this self pitying bullshit.
So many tall women are married, engaged, going on dates, getting hit on, and are perceived as beautiful and feminine. Men are attracted to women of every size, even morbidly obese hamplanets have men attracted to them. If you're not getting flirted with it's because of your miserable attitude and defeatist mindset, not your height.
No. 381265
>>381255She wants love not to be pumped and dumped…
>>381261>Being short and thin and having to shop in the kid's section because the amount of fridge shaped and sized women around these days means the women's section is vanity sized to hell.UwU im smol and dainty while other women are fat fridge shaped.
This whole post felt like a humble brag. Not all but most of it. People praise small women for being cute and small. Only thing better about being tall is bmr like you said. Most tall women aren't going to be models so it doesn't give them advantage there either.
No. 381288
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>>381272>>381283Short women are the biggest pickmes that love pretending to be UwU smol babies. And you're trying to say it's the tall girls who want to treated like children? Thats what makes short women such insufferable cunts. Not all but you know the types.
No. 381289
>>381288Have you read this thread? There are literally tall women here complaining that they’re
not treated like uwu smol beans. None of the short women here are like that.
I’m 5’2 and prefer short moids, I would never want one over 5’10. Most tall women I see complaining on the internet are upset that there aren’t enough 6’2+ men so they can feel uwu feminine.
No. 381297
>>381289Also a short girl and I prefer average height men. Tall men are intimidating to me and it would probably be awkward to kiss them. Short men have Napoleon complexes and would probably be mean af. I love average guys who are about 5'9 or 5'10.
Are the short woman and tall man couples even that common? Ifl like I only ever see those pairings on social media. Most couples I see irl don't have a massive height difference.
No. 381298
>>381288Not to be shaytistic but this reads word for word like the kind of tweets Shayna makes whenever she gets
triggered by someone pulling the ddlg baby aesthetic better than her by default of not being tall and wide
No. 418887
>>381288Why are you taking the side of some filthy moid and attacking short women, just because of their height? Pickmeism is psychological and can exist in any woman of any height. The phenomenon youre seething over is just one example of how this moid dominated world tells women how to perceive themselves, and sometimes women think, "Okay, then I am like __ stereotype". Moids shape so many womens self perceptions and what they think is reality, and that shapes how women act to be accepted by what women perceive as humans (moids).
If women are short, medium, tall height, dress this way or that way, behave this or that way, have xyz hobbies, etc. - moids will attack/mock/deride/question her, no matter what. This should be obvious by now.
No. 418888
>>381284Wouldnt short women breeding with taller men lead to a less likely chance of producing a manlet son, compared to said women breeding with manlets and increasing the odds of having a manlet son? Or do you just want to hog all the nonmanlets for yourself lol
Its like youd rather hate on other women for having short height, rather than the very real cause of so many problems that is the male sex. Maybe the tall male-short woman couples you seethe about involved the man initiating things, rather than your assumption that the short women are deliberately choosing all the tall men, and this is why you cant have nice things or whatever
No. 418893
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Retarded question, do you think you're short just because of genetics? Or because of growth issues?
I feel like women are maybe misdiagnosed when it comes to growth. Mostly because I know at least two moids irl that needed to take growth hormones because they were considered "too short for a moid" but, what's too short for a woman? Just being legally a midget?
No. 443361
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I made a new work friend who is super short, she must be like 4'10 or something like that, and when I walk around next to her it feels SO bizarre to be that much taller than somebody else because it pretty much never happens to me (5'3). I saw our reflection in a shop window and I looked like I was like 5'7 next to her.
Sort of unrelated, I used to wish I was taller, but I recently realize being short is kind of nice, because most women are taller than me and I love women being taller than me. IDK why, it's just comforting to be able to look upwards at them (?)
I'm self conscious though, because I dress in androgynous/male-leaning business fashion (one of my only joys in life) and I feel like tall women who dress like me (my type) are never gonna want… what I am. Pic related.
Does anyone else have a style they wear that doesn't fit their body type? Do you wear it anyway? How do you cope?
No. 443379
>>443375Jfc I think we're the same person. I also look best in fitted, feminine clothes (I have an hourglass figure) but like you, that style doesn't interest me. My envy also came from wanting to be able to look good in the clothes I want to wear, but it's some sort of weird combination of burning envy and also burning lust kek. I 100% understand why gay moids often wind up looking like twins. The venn diagram of what i want to look like and what I want to fuck is a circle.
>I've started trying to find a happy medium, but it requires a lot more attentionsame, I have to keep in mind to temper my masculine items by combining them with more feminine items, or by styling them in a more feminine way. I think it works well, I frequently get compliments when i do things this way, even if it's not 100% how I wish I could look.
No. 458781
>>458777Kek I’m also short and I also love tall skinny women because they look cute and fragile like baby deer and it awakens my protective
horny instinct