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No. 82131>>82132>>82156>>82182
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I don't know if I'm depressed, but I've been certainly neglecting myself for a very long time now.
My goals:
>get up earlier (7.30 on weekdays and 9.00 on the weekend)
>brush my teeth twice and wear my retainer
>stick to my skin care routine (buy sunscreen)
>don't wear things for more than 2 days in a row (and sort out stuff I no longer wear)
>don't sit with my legs crossed
>don't drink coke
>don't buy snacks
>don't clench my teeth/furrow my brows
>always wear (sun)glasses
>try talking with the person who sits next to me
>shower everyday
>wash hair every 3 days and shave at least twice a week
>put on moisturizer
>cut nails and pluck eyebrows once a week
>if the weather is nice go for a run
>don't eat in bed/late
>sleep for 8 hours
>keep my room clean, but also stop obsessing over keeping everything too orderly
>text friends more often
>don't spend too much time on the internet
>don't pick my nose and don't masturbate
I really hope that improving my appearance and maybe even managing to lose weight will help me gain some confidence and be a more social person.
No. 82154
>>82133well I guess it's time for me to stop doing that too then.
Thanks for the eye opener anon
No. 82156
>>82131Some of these are helpful goals for me too, anon. I really want to start getting up earlier, but it's hard. I just bought Anthelios sunscreen and hope it doesn't break me out.
Eating in bed is my latest vice. I'm very clean and never make a mess but I agree, it's a bad habit. It's like the epitome of being pathetic
No. 82182
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>>82131Good goals Anon, that motivates me to make some too.
>Exercise everyday, minimum 40 minutes on apartment bike, run once a week, do yoga if I have time>Sleep at least 8 hours a night>Do meditation 15 minutes on mornings if I have time>Brush teeth twice every day and buy some damn floss>Wear sunscreen everyday>Take my vitamins every day>Never buy snacks or soda, no snacking between mealsLifestyle
>Air room every day, stop leaving dirty mugs and empty bottles laying around>Put worn clothes directly in laundry and don't leave anything on the floor of my room>Find nice outfits to make with all the clothing in my wardrobe and get rid of unwearable shit, organize wardrobe>Make the effort of looking like I want to look every dayProductivity
>Study every day until exams are over>Finish at least one drawing I'm proud of a week>Start reading one of the Japanese novels I haveRelationships
>Send postcards to my old host family in Japan>Definitely stop badmouthing people and gossiping around. Find more interesting things to talk about>Make bf feel loved and pampered every dayI'll update in a few weeks or a month.
I often try to do stuff like this in my bullet journal, like habit trackers, but on not-too-busy weeks I tend to not use my bujo at all so I forget what I'm supposed to track and end up not doing it. We'll see how this goes
No. 83197>>83887
>>83196Good work, anon!
I have similar issues so my main thing is to:
>be active 60+ minutes 3x/wk No. 83673>>84411
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>Do 30~60 min exercises everyday
>study at least 2h a day
>go to my psychiatrist every wednesday
>draw at least 2h a day
>be more mentally and phisychally healthy
>give more love to my boyfirend
No. 83887
>>83197 Went to the gym 3x last week.
Already done once this week.
No. 83908>>84444
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> stop picking my scalp (this one's really hard because I've picked the same scabs for years and it's a habit)
> bite my nails and nail polish less
> exercise because dieting alone isn't working and I have a flabby tummy
> accept that at 24 it's ok if I'm single and healing over an abusive ex
> go to bed earlier
> be more productive
I'm gonna call myself Pastry anon so if I come back I can update
No. 83919
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>Eat well and track my calories on MyFitnessPal.
>Exercise for at least one hour three days a week.
>Go to sleep before 2 A.M. and wake up before 11 A.M at least 5/7 days a week (sounds easy but I love sleeping).
>Put more effort into maintaining my beauty routine each day.
>Try to do something fun/leisurely or productive each day beyond spending time on the internet.
I'll try to update in a few weeks or so. Good luck to everyone else in reaching their goals!
No. 84411
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>>83673>Do 30~60 min exercises everydayehh I did it almost everyday
>study at least 2h a dayWell, i got to work harder on that
>go to my psychiatrist every wednesdayCHECK
>draw at least 2h a dayYES BITCH
>be more mentally and phisychally healthyBesides I am eing really anxious right now, in pthe past week I did very well
>give more love to my boyfirendCHECK
I'll add something:
>be more responsible and do a schedule No. 84465
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Actually get my labs done in a timely manner
Wake up earlier during week days
Ask my docs about my fatigue/insomnia/generally declining health
Stick to my work out schedule
Actually fucking work on my art
Have more 'Me' outings this summer (stop relying on S/O's company/friends to come along to events and just go at it alone)
Be a little more selfish. Put myself first occasionally. Stop trying to be Atlas.
No. 84477
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>Work out more (at-home weight training & cardio about 3x week)
>Drink more water (I'm constantly dehydrated and as a result suffer from headaches)
>Eat healthier
>Limit dairy and red meat intake
>Lose around 45 lbs. I'm short so I look fat as fuck right now
>Buy new clothes once the weight is gone; completely clear out my closet
>Making sure my living space is always nice and clean
>Being more kind to others
>Improve my vocabulary
>Improve my cooking skills
>Whiten teeth
>Finding a part-time job
>work on my social anxiety and shyness
eh we'll see