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No. 82393
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>>82392Thanks for starting these threads! Much more enjoyable than discussions on "who has it the worst" in the other threads.
OT: Rihanna is 5'8.
She's incredibly pretty imo and shows you don't need to be underweight to look good as a tall woman. Though it's hard to "judge" her appearance sometimes, since she mostly wears really over the top stuff.
No. 82448
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Jodie Comer says she's 5'8 too
No. 82449
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No. 82450
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No. 82451
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No. 82455
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she's 6'3
No. 82457
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>>82456kind of sucks they have to make her look shorter than she really is
No. 82460
>>82453I know the girl on the left is probably tall but tbh proportion-wise she looks like she's average height and the other four are tiny.
>>82457I love how she carries herself.
No. 82473
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Yonne Strahovski is 5'9" and gorgeous.
No. 82549
The girl in the OP is also just 5'6.
It nearly seems as if there are no real cute tall girls… lol
No. 82552
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>>82549oh true anon i mean it's not like there are any cute runway models.
i think these posters are just so short that they actually think 5'6-5'8 is tall kek
No. 82553
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>>82549You do realize the majority of models and many actresses are taller than that? Theres so many tall cute girls, it’s impossible to name.
Don’t be a salty shorty.
No. 82592
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I remember seeing this picture in a newspaper ages ago. Never wished to model more, they're literal perfection.
No. 82612
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I’m 5’11 and I love wearing heels. I feel powerful, like I could stomp on people who annoy me. And I love the noise announcing my presence. They make my legs look longer and my posture better. Idgaf if it makes short men insecure and short women bitter. It makes me feel like a superwoman
No. 82656
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>>82624They pull your shoulders back and your chest forwards, but yeah like other anon said- you shouldn't wear them often and you should do stretches before and after. Its not technically a better posture, but I think it makes me look better and more upright. I usually wears vans or flip flops, but I love putting on heels to stomp around on shitty coworkers.
No. 82667
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>>82662I really wanna try something like this. Years of making myself smaller than I am to assimilate really messed with my back. And I'm so used to that weird posture that I usually don't think of sitting/standing up straight.
No. 82670
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>>82667so something like this will help with your posture in the long run? and will it actually improve your posture afterwards when you're not wearing it?
Stuff like this always makes me afraid of muscles weakening.
No. 82711
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>>82684>Someone called me humpy back when I was younger and I never got over itme too anon
No. 93655
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Is there any way to style and dress yourself somewhat cute and weebish if you're tall?
I'm so jealous of girls with e.g. Ariana Grande's body who can pull it off.
No. 93675
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Gaia Weiss, 6'
No. 93682
>>93679sorry samefag but let me just add one thing. when i say don't do a ton of separates, what i really should have said was don't isolate the body into a lot of separate parts. longish dresses are great because they're cohesive by default, but you can do, say, a top, miniskirt, and jacket, as long as the jacket is long enough to be parallel to both the skirt and the jacket, like in the main pic. if you wear a short jacket, pair it with a dress. the goal is for the top, middle, and lower sections of your torso to all have a clothing item in common. you don't need to do this with every single outfit, there are many exceptions, but it's an instant fix to the "giant woman in a little girl's dress" effect that often happens when you're 6' and throw on a random kawaii outfit. if you add cohesion to the sections of your body, the outfit will look like it was made for your height, instead of clashing against it
No. 224682
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im in love with my English teacher she literally has blue hair and is sarcastic and middle-aged how can one lesbian not be in love with their blue-haired English teacher??(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 224772
>>224763Average height differs from country to country, economic standards and ethnicity. So the same height can be super tall in middle east or Asia but be average in northern countries.
>>224771I think you're quite tall and I don't get why that's a bad thing. People who mock you because of your height do so because they
are either jealous or feel intimated.
No. 224782
>>224771I don't think that's super tall, just above average. I'd consider 5'10 tall and 6' really tall for a woman. I think Jennifer Lawrence is around your height and she's not known for being tall.
I'm 5'6 and I don't feel tall, at least in the EU and US. Most men are taller than me even if there are a lot of shorter women. A guy told me once I'd be like a giant in Mexico and that didn't feel nice lol. But he was like 5'5. I feel like men who are my height are considered short by most people.
No. 225507
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I am 5’11 and I love wearing heels. When men gawk or make comments it just screams little dick energy. Shopping is hard, but I’m not stick thin. Finding a dress that is long enough+ accommodating for DD’s + accommodating for my long arms can be hard.
Sometimes I wish I was short, too see how’d it be, but I’m glad genetics made me a giant. My brother was 6’10, and I miss being the shorty of the family.