No. 84024
>>84022I actually think funniness in itself can be seen as a negative trait in a woman. If you think about men joking around (even in a casual setting), it's usually crude and rude, they're loud and drawing attention to themselves, they might insult people or be arrogant, etc. Those traits aren't necessarily considered attractive in women, so it's no surprised if male-oriented humour is not a skill women cultivate when they're concerned about endearing themselves to men. And of course, like you said, it's only the pretty ones people want to watch.
I think this is why women shine so much in written humour compared to stand up or just being a class clown or the joker of a group. The brains and talent are there, but physically projecting and practicing it isn't exactly encouraged in social settings.
No. 84028
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>>84022This is a rather common thing. I think funniness isn't a feminine trait at all sadly, but I don't think it's entirely because humorous is associated with dirtyness or smugness or cynicism, these traits aren't inherently masculine.
Have you ever done mini experiments on male dominated anonymous platforms like steam and of course the Chans and inferred or generally act as though your male, basically Larping. I've always done this and you find a ton of people aknowledge your wit, humorous smart remarks when their not attached to the mental image of a woman. It's the sad truth for whatever reason of course there's truth to the idea of many women's opinions being vapid and unsophisticated, a cultures been cultivated around this mentality and platitudinous, shallow shit like seen on Instagram, Facebook and other vapid stupid women social media platforms doesn't help this.
Seeing how women dominate the shallow superficial mediums it's not surprising expectations are unreasonably high for appearances and no one cares about substance.
Who knows if this is a evolutionary adaptation or social conditioning it's most likely both.
No. 84029
>>84022I agree with what you and the other anons said, but would add on top of this that women who are feminine/prettier/cute are subconsciously seen as less funny. So we encounter a dilemma where mostly feminine women are comedians, but because of this they're seen as less funny even if they aren't.
Source: I've never struggled too much with making men laugh because I have a deep masculine voice, and overall more goofy, masculine body language. I've met equally funny women, but due to being awkward around (straight) men or being prettier than me, were 'less funny' for men. Perhaps it distracts them to have to acknowledge an attractive female essence.
Also don't believe the whole 'pretty girls don't have to be funny so aren't uwu' meme, since if it exists it applies to both genders. I witnessed staceys in my school who were pretty hilarious.
No. 84041
>>84022I think it's mainly the type of comedy that is being pushed. Joking about periods and "I have sex XDDD" are seen as 'empowering' so that's what American SJWs hype up, also mom humor and "teehee so random and twee :333 LE SEXYTIMES" tumblr humor coming from bitches stuck in the late 2000s who draw comics on instagram. I think the reason why I detest them is because it feels like they're the irl version of "girl here btw" and always putting on an act instead of acting naturally. It doesn't mean you have to be a butch bulldyke to be funny, but that's not funny it's just cringy.
I don't think there's anything wrong with men not finding you funny. They don't have to get it, they shouldn't get to decide whether or not someone's a good comedian just because they personally don't like it.
I think Lucille Ball is funny and is the reason why I Love Lucy is such a classic. Some of the humor is dated, sure, but it's still good. Jeanne Robertson is enjoyable to watch. Also I find Jenna Marbles hilarious even though some people hate the shit out of her for some reason. Tina Fey toes the line between actually funny and tumblr humor sometimes but I like her. A lot of British actresses are hilarious (such as Patricia Routledge).
I think there's lots of funny women but they're not your usual "I'm a WOMAN and I have BREASTS and like SEX, FEMINISM AND BLOWJOBS AMIRITE" type, or maybe my taste is shit idk but that's my two cents.
No. 84059
>>84028I agree with everything you said here anon. I'm a frequent poster to anonymous boards and people have found my stuff hilarious multiple times, and I feel like they wouldn't if they knew I was a woman. Women being witty and funny is often considered an unattractive trait because men don't LIKE smart women. They're too intimidating because in most men's minds, a woman is supposed to be inferior to a man both physically and intellectually. Being funny often requires a sharp mind and being observant enough to produce a good routine. So women usually restrict their humor and jokes to the company to their friends. I've noticed myself do this all the time, I'm too afraid of letting out a witty remark floating in my head when in the company of men because I feel like they'll just groan and think less of me as a person.
All the bullshit about women being "too dumb" or "not cynical enough" to be funny is just make-believe and a saddening amount of fellow women force it too.
No. 84068
>>84059A few of my male "friends" have admitted to me that they think I'm very funny (for a female xDDDD) and I think it helps to be aggressive with your delivery. I straight up insult them all of the time just for the lulz and I really enjoy banter. I don't hold back a lot when I'm making jokes. I could give a shit about what men think of me so it just comes naturally. I like to laugh and make other people laugh, I'm not going to put a cork in it because some dumb asshole might not like how I'm presenting myself.
No. 84123
look at "Dad's google history"
they're so desperate for a female to be funny they will platform any female
No. 84131
>>84006I haven’t had kids either and don’t plan on it but I thought it was hysterical. But I do have friends with kids so I was probably being a bitch and laughing at their expense
>>84022I don’t know anyone irl who says shit like this.
Off the top of my head, all the women on Ab Fab, Dawn French, Catherine Tate, Jo Brand, Tina Fey, Joan Rivers, Ellen, and Mindy from the Mindy Project. I’m sure there’s so much more than that. I think “hur dur women aren’t funny” is a male view because comedy relies on relatability and being witty about the human condition, and many men don’t bother with relating to women or their conditions.
No. 116062
>>83742 else itt that was posted didn't even make me chuckle once but it did make me cringe. The one I posted however? It is art (I am shocked) and it is funny (I am laughing uncontrollably hard at her)
But to be more serious: Female comedy never really existed in history and nowadays is not properly developed (yet?). Charisma in males and females seem to be entirely different in proportion too. Partly due society that's to blame both the genders and partly due biological nature. Even if men weren't shit and women weren't a little bit less shittier, most males can't really get to be an oil painting that easily but the average woman can get beautiful with a quick fix and if she worked as hard as a groomed lifting guy on a strict diet r9kroties refer as "chad" they'd be goddesses compared to chad.
I say give it a lot of time before we notice actual funny female comedians. Non-comedian funny women aka your friend that everyone would find funny? They exist in some quantities too.