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No. 84519
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I can make as little as 75 a week or as much as 950 a week
I usually make 300-600 though
No. 84522
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Pic related. Also freelance web development.
I want to finish my history degree and either work at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale (or somewhere equally cool), or a medical museum like the Mütter in Philadelphia. And also write books on medical history.
No. 84525
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Recreation Specialist/Camp counselor
I’m making pretty decent money, the hours aren’t terrible, but I hardly get time off. The field trips are equally awesome and exhausting cause corralling 30+ kids.
I am ready to move on.
I’ve got my eye on an EKG course because after working with kids I am ready for a relatively isolating job.
No. 84526
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Classic office bimbo /Tfw I missed this but being an anime dweeb was more fun.
No. 84554
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>>84516Physician, I work 44 hours a week
for $3000 USD a month, I could make a lot more if I did 24 hour shifts but no thanks, I rather enjoy my life with less.
No. 84590
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I'm an administrative manager. I oversee all HR, administrative, purchasing, and accounting issues at my company. I only report to one boss, which is nice since a lot of people in administration tend to be support for everyone on management teams. I make $5000 a month and am salary, so I don't get overtime but if I'm done with my work I can just leave for the day too. Unless my boss needs me for something.
No. 84627
>>84615that's heart-warming, anon. Very lucky.
I'm studying to become a lawyer. After three years I learnt to actually like it. I don't think if I'll like the job itself though…
My Ultimate Goal in life is to be a successful writer. Law is my back-up plan, but I genuinely believe I'll publish a book one day. I'm an artsy person in general, but I'm not brave (stupid? Whatever your opinion is) enough to study art or something in the field.
No. 84653
>>84586>What are the men likeThey're usually no trouble, but it's an imperative to thoroughly screen your clients. I've only had a few bad experiences when I first started and was too naive to distinguish between good clients and bad clients.
>How do you deal with ugly guys wanting to bang you and then you having to oblige?It's just something you have to acclimatize yourself to. Most men who I see I'm not particularly attracted to, but it's usually not an issue. The one thing I HATE is when they have poor hygiene - in these situations, I try to avoid kissing or I'll subtlety encourage them to have a quick shower with me.
No. 84710
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Was in the United States Air Force for 6 years, now I get to go to my school of choice on the governments dime and get paid for it. Sucks I’m being a bum for the summer, it’s hard to stay motivated/fit when you’re just sitting around waiting for your life to start. Also still triggered onion bot and I shared a career once.
No. 84721
>>84720you teached online?
I've started but only 4 lessons so far :/
No. 84726
>>84725i wanted to work online because i want to travel and work.
I've started 2 weeks ago. Maybe if had more lessons, more students will come
No. 84772
>>84547>>84549it's so disappointing to see people take the easy way out and be whores instead of work for their money.
I'm a software developer at a larger startup and I make pretty good money.
No. 84811
>>84760It CAN be liveable, and highly profitable if you work for a decent home, and are certified. I haven’t made it through the schooling yet, so my position is entry level and solely for experience and connections
Regardless, I have a feeling I’ll need something on the side because I do have expensive taste and love money. Funeral directing is still my dream job and I genuinely enjoy the work, so I have to cope with being broke for the time being
No. 84818
>>84772> I'm a software developer at a larger startup and I make pretty good money.That sounds awesome. Which languages do you know and use?
I get discouraged because everyone says that networking matters more than college degree. Do you have advice for someone aspiring working in the tech field? I'd be happy to work as a code monkey for starters.
No. 84895
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I work part-time as a saleswoman in a clothing store. I hate it, the costumers are disgusting assholes with no shame, for example they sort of regularly shit and piss in the fitting rooms and when they don't want to wait to try clothes they undress in the middle of the store in front of everyone. My manager is an asshole, all the coworkers I got along well with left or work in different departments so I'm stuck with the ones I can't stand for the most part.
The human resources department is full of incompetent assholes, they decided recently to hire a bunch of people full-time instead of increasing my number of work hours, which I and other coworkers asked before they hired new people. And doing that is illegal in my country iirc but there's not much anyone can do about that, they just don't give a fuck and they know they can get away with it. Can't wait until I find something better and get out of this literal shithole. I'm looking for an internship so I can graduate at the moment.
No. 84917
>>84818glad to see someone else interested! I work mainly in C. Not my favorite language, but the work is fine.
Unfortunately networking is everything in this field unless you're exceptional. There is an overabundance of people who have the skill to be a code monkey, so it's important to know someone to impress.
Try doing clubs or simple programming work within your university. I know a lot of science labs use Python and it's incredibly easy to learn. It's a good idea to work on your own projects, like a website/app/etc. that can demonstrate you have a good grasp of not only programming, but of software design. You could also try attending hackathons, as these will both help you network and develop your body of work.
Good luck anon :)
No. 84964
>>84590Anon I already admire you and I don't even know you.
I currently am an English teacher. It's ok because I like working with kids but I want to get into the games industry. People tell me programming is really the only way even though I want to go the art route. I figure if that doesn't work out I'll just keep at teaching and save until I can open up my own cafe with enough of a cushion to survive off no profit for 2-3 years just in case. It'll take forever but I don't want to rush into a new business with no safety net.
No. 84971
>>84917Thanks! I'm so jealous, I'd be in cloud 9 for working with a real language. My fear is that I will have to settle doing pajeet tier stuff like WordPress 'development'.
> Unfortunately networking is everything in this field unless you're exceptional. There is an overabundance of people who have the skill to be a code monkey, so it's important to know someone to impress. Right. I might be fucked. My social skills are null so I'm counting on my side projects.
Thanks anon, I'll just have to work harder. And all the best to you, being a software dev sounds dreamy.
Btw which languages do you like? What sort of projects do you do in your free time and which languages do interest you?
No. 84977
>>84918>>84920Not even in a place where there are a lot of fatties, it's in a big city in Europe and the store is in a mall where the costumers know how to behave, except in that one specific store where I work as soon as they come in. I guess it's because it's full of cheap articles and it's mostly shameless families with no manners who shop there, but I'm sure it's mostly grown adults who do that. Sometimes they're not even accidents, spoilers for tmi but
I've seen changing rooms where there were bottles full of piss or shit in plastic bags so I'm sure they planned this somehow. More spoilers because it's still tmi but I feel like complaining:
I've also had women with their kids and strollers go in the changing rooms, pretending they wanted to help their kids try clothes when they just wanted to change their babies' diapers, and leave the dirty diapers in the middle of the changing rooms for all to see. Some coworkers told me about a male costumer changing in the middle of the store to try underwear. He ended up keeping the store's underwear, left his super dirty briefs in the middle of the store and left like nothing happened. Other coworkers told me about couples regularly fucking in the changing rooms but I've never seen or heard that. Once they caught a couple doing that and the woman was so shocked that her bf's dick got stuck and they called an ambulance I think? I had a good laugh when they told me because it seemed unbelievable but now I can believe it.>>84956I'm pretty sure they don't. Now I feel sorry for the other customers who are normal and not disgusting pigs.
No. 85761
I work in one of the big supermarkets in the UK as a personal shopper and I fucking hate it. Been there for 2 years since I moved towns and have been trying to escape since and find something a little bit more meaningful. I basically take people's online orders, pick their groceries and set it up for dispatch. It's boring but I get to move around all day which is about the only plus side to it. My manager is an idiot who doesn't provide adequate cover for illness or holidays. Every suggestion we've made has gone in one ear and out of the other. I work 20-30 hrs a week if there is over time, and only 7.5 if there isn't. Because my contract is only 7.5 hrs I am not given any of the benefits of working full time when I do over time, same for holiday accrual. I know it is nothing to sniff at because some people get 0 vacation days, but I work a physically demanding job and I am only entitled to 7 days off in 365 days.
My colleagues are also imbeciles. They're a bunch of incredibly cliquey 40+ year old women who live incredibly bitter and boring lives. They only started acknowledging I exist about 6 months ago after having worked with them daily for 2 years. They're openly racist and homophobic and insanely two faced. They will come up to you and gossip about something, calling them a fat smelly cunt and when that person walks into the room, they have their arms around them for a hug and singing their praises. I stay out of it, get my head down, get my work done and leave.
Though today, I had an interview for an internal vacancy working for the security hub a few towns over. It's full time and they require no experience as they want to train us in-house and their own way. I find out Thursday/Friday whether I have got it. It would make my year if I did, because then I could afford to save for a house with my boyfriend and actually start getting on with my life properly at the age of 28.
No. 85827
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>>84868I used to work for Termini Brothers. Oh boy, so many bad stories. We even made up a song for our truck guy about how he gets yelled at so much.
I was a sales girl. Customers ask us for things to be packed "to-go", even though we're a storefront in a food court area so we obviously don't have plates… Like they would stop me before I go pack shit to remind me that they wanted it "to-go". Then their friend Linda hears it and assumes that's how you do it so she from then on she'll always asks for things "to-go" too. Urgh. It killed our souls every time.
Anyway, my manager stole my sales constantly. She'll see me ring up a big order, and she'll "help" me because she thinks I'm retarded or something and then writes up the slip with her initials on it.
Termini's is going through an exodus right now, just like it did when I got hired.
No. 86532
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I work in superstore retail for peanuts. My co-worker and boss are cool people, but so many of the other managers are petty, lazy pieces of shit that we're constantly shorthanded. The workflow is completely fucked because of said idiot managers and people wonder why new hires don't want to stick around.
I want to get out so bad, I just have no idea where to go from here. I only have a useless degree (AAS in graphic design) and don't see myself going back to school. Don't want anything fancy, even a stupid, stable office job with insurance would be nice.
I don't even know what's really out there or what to look for, though.
No. 86535
>>86532Holyshit, are you me, anon? I am in a similar situation where i work retail and I love my coworkers, job is pretty chill, but the main managers and team leads are useless.
I want a cozy office job too.
No. 86540
>>85746Not free but it's cheap and it's inside the mall. Not that people give a shit, they'd rather save a few cents and shit in public.
>>85760I'm glad it's making you laugh at least. I don't think I really need to add anything else so I don't need to make a blog just for that but if anything crazy happens again I'll post about it.
No. 86550
>>86541Go for it farmer. My friend's mother decided to change her career from being a hairdresser to a mathematician in her early 40s. She was at the top of her class and after she finished uni, she started working at a brokerage firm.
I myself want to become an electrical engineer. I hate my current work (web dev) and I want to make useful things. I started doing small diy projects with electronics and now this is all I want to do all day long. I don't know if I'll apply this year or next because I want to settle some things first.
Anyhow, I don't think it's too late. I recall my math professor saying something like that our brains are like keys, as long as we use them, they'll never go rusty.
Also, being a ship navigator sounds noice. My father is a gas engineer and he spent pretty much his entire life navigating. It can be tough at times but ultimately it's a comfy job if you get the right company, and there's plenty of those.
No. 86583
>>86567congrats anon! that's great.
I work from home (boring editorial stuff/a bit of translating) and it's both great (I never need to get dressed etc) and not so great (I never talk to anyone except my bf). also being freelance has its ups (I can turn down work I don't want to do) and downs (I often end up working long hours to get stuff done/the fear that comes when work is slow). also trying to be an artist, selling a few pieces but not really making any effort in selling, which is stupid because that's what I want to actually do.
No. 87214
>>84707I know you posted this almost a month ago anon, but if you ever come back can you please answer how you got into the industry? Did you go to mortuary school first?
I've always wanted to go but I've heard it's extremely difficult to get a job in the industry because most funeral homes are family owned. Not sure if that's accurate though…
No. 88084
>>86541>I wanna be a ship navigator.Just my personal experience but I dropped out of a maritime academy just after 1 semester. My roommate did as well. Being in a field with 95% men (many of them very misogynistic and rude, much worse than the quiet STEM guys) is extremely stressful. Also the maritime academies kind of lie to you sometimes about how good the jobs are and how easy they are to find.
If it's your thing, great, but just a tip from someone who used to think like you. Going there was one of the worst mistakes in my life.
No. 88085
>>86550>I recall my math professor saying something like that our brains are like keys, as long as we use them, they'll never go rusty.That's exactly why I'm afraid I won't be able to study as well as I should.
I've been zombified doing the job I hate during the day just going through the motions and then drowning my existential misery in booze and weed during the night.
It's been 20 years of that.
My fear is not unfounded. I don't need a pep talk. I need advice.
No. 88096
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>had to ctrl f to make sure I haven't ranted about my job before
Huehue, I couldn't remember.
I work as a sales and customer service agent for an international airline making $16/hr. It'll be my third year in October.
I've stayed because it feels like the first legit adult job I've ever had. I have good health insurance, four weeks paid vacation, flexible sick policy, and flight perks. I don't take any of the work home with me, and my duties begin and end within my shift time.
But man I fucking hate working at a call center. I want to quit.
-I'm in the worst physical health of my life because I stress eat and spend any waking moment not at work trying to relax or catch up on sleep. Most people who work here long term are obese or they get bariatric surgery. I would say less than 20% of people at my call center are in good health.
-I have two college degrees and when I was hired I was promised there would be a lot of advancement opportunities. Turns out I can only advance if I'm willing to move to a place that I have no desire to live. This company has blatantly hired fresh MBAs off the street for management positions above me and it pisses me off that I have the "wrong" degree that's never acknowledged.
-The customer calls are nonstop and they're overwhelmingly angry and stupid. I'm a great service agent but I have no patience or niceness left in me by the time I get home.
-We used to have a lot of flexibility with requesting time off but we don't anymore. They've terminated people to cut costs and now call volumes are perpetually high. I've driven myself into debt to the tune of $4k because I had to give up shifts for mental health reasons, and no one would pick up my shifts for free.
-I'm so exhausted from dealing with people that I feel too socially drained to spend weekends with family or friends.
-The work is both the most boring and frustrating job I've ever had.
Boring because it's a lot of repetition and there's really no opportunity to color, read, or do anything else to make time pass faster.
Frustrating because the technology often doesn't work, customers expect me to know ridiculous stuff off the top of my head, and those customers are big fucking retarded babies in general. It's like being a teacher, parent, and babysitter over the phone all rolled into one.
It's just not where I expected to be in life. This job swept me up so finding a better job got pushed to the backburner. Now I'm afraid I've pigeonholed myself to be stuck in customer service 5ever.
I've thought about looking for a different job through the FAA, data entry, or some kind of secretarial job. I'm just scared to leave because I'm afraid it could be worse for me out there, and then what do I do?
Edit: Forgot to mention that my revenue metrics have clocked me as having made more than $2 million dollars for this airline (possibly more due to partner transfers and ticket changes) but I still make a bitter $16 dollarydoos.
No. 88102
>>88096I felt the same about my first adult job ('what if my next job is worse?'), but that was not the case, it's still the worst job I've had 4 roles later - and they've all been call centre/customer service roles. You've accrued enough experience that you should be able to get a better job next time around. 3 years shows commitment and you have a better idea about what you want in a job, so you can be more discerning in future. And really, what do you have to lose by interviewing and seeing what's out there? Just apply and keep applying until you find something that seems better.
Also, is paying other people to take shifts an american thing? I've never see that in my country, it sounds fucking absurd and I would never, ever tolerate that in an employer. People don't need permission for sick days (which mental health is, or you could at least lie and pretend you're sick), you just take them. If they're short staffed, too bad, they just have to deal with it.
No. 88103
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>>88102Thanks for the encouragement anon, you're right, I should keep at it!
But ugh, don't get me started on giving up shifts. I will say that most US companies don't allow people to do shift trades for incentives. My company didn't allow it up until a year and a half ago where they basically greenlit it by saying there was no policy against it.
As a result, nobody picks up for free anymore. Why should they when they can hustle a coworker for 10 extra dollars an hour? That's easily $25+ pay per hour, if they can handle the workload. Some people work 12-14 hour shifts and pick up on their days off, but tbh they're shitty agents and it's no wonder customers think airline employees are so crass.
I'd rather work less yet be pleasant for customers to give the airline a good reputation.
The sick policy is flexible, but stupid. One would have to actively try to get fired. I think someone would have to accrue 12 points for termination within a calendar year.
-I get paid sick time but it still counts as an attendance point against me if I use it.
-Consecutive days off up to four in a row are all treated as one point, so it encourages people to take the extra time off even if they're not sick. If you go back to work early after calling off sick, and decide you need to go back home even if it's same day, that's two points.
-We have what's called "family medical leave" aka FMLA, but to qualify I need to have worked 1200 hours within 12 months. I would have qualified my first year but I was not made aware of this until a mental episode during my second year. It's a catch-22 because after my first year I've never worked that much because I've had to give up shifts or take voluntary time off for my mental health. Therefore, I don't qualify for medical leave even though I could get my doctors to sign off on it.
It's a pretty shitty situation. But hopefully one I don't have to be stuck in for the rest of my life.
No. 110842
I'm doing an internship in recruitment and that's not what I wanted in the first place. I don't know if I'll keep going that way depending on opportunities, but definitely not in my company, my coworkers think I'm retarded because they do the same mistakes all the time and want me to help them without even telling me anything about their problems. They're also very judgmental of my private life because I'm not exactly like them. The company doesn't want to keep me anyway because they want to replace interns with new interns since it's way less expensive than hiring interns as actual employees. I think it's shady as fuck and I want no part in it. I'll have to check so my managers can give me good references but I'm worried they'll say weird shit over nothing or misunderstandings to potential employers in the future.
I'm worried that I'll be stuck in this path because of one internship I had to take even I never really wanted this one in particular. We'll see how it goes, I'm almost done with my internship and my degree anyway.
>>110840Not in the UK, but I was shocked to see that people working in the health sector with jobs that don't require an "important" degree have such shitty wages.
No. 110845
>>110842A Spanish patient told me that she used to be a dental nurse in Spain and that it was easy money & highly respected.
It's such a shame that caring for others in the UK is means that you'll be largely underpaid.
It's a thankless job, but at least it's enjoyable.
No. 110853
>>84554I know this is old but
>Physician>$3000 a month>in the USWtf kind of doctor makes that little?
No. 110932
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>>88096Oh hey, I should update this!
So I quit the shitshow call center job back in November. Took me about two and a half months to be hired on contract for a drug screen collector position. 15/hr, 30 hours a week.
The good news is that the company that contracted me needed so much help, and I had proved myself during the first week, that they wanted me to do some clerical work and gave me my original ask of 16/hr plus full time. I only feel slightly stupid about the 16 per hour thing because I actually could have asked for as much as 18 an hour and had gotten it, but I got put on spot when asked how much I wanted to be paid. I digress, at least I didn't lose money for switching jobs.
The work is laughably simple and stress free. I mean, when I worked for the airline I expected between 60-80 calls a day all dealing with belligerent, ignorant, and nasty people who expected me to be on top of my shit and know things way above my pay grade.
Here? I maybe process about ~20-30 people a day (my supervisors think this is super impressive and helpful), and my hours are from 7am-5pm typically. It's nothing! Most of the time I'm just trying to look busy, browsing my phone, or having a nice cup of coffee. Tbh the worst thing that's happened is that sometimes the director doesn't schedule people correctly so I'll have too many people crowding in the clinic and it gets a bit messy, but I don't much care about that. The work at the call center was back to back and horrible, but the work here is intermittent and the hours fly by.
My dad mentioned that I'm happy and can tolerate this job because it's actually a real job and not a sweatshop–which I agree.
Best of all, I've been getting a lot of respect. The company paid for my work clothes plus a really expensive bomber jacket. They hauled in a new desk just for me and I'll be getting a work laptop soon.
Here's my favorite–although I haven't had it happen directly to me yet–if anyone gets mouthy during the drug screens then they are immediately disciplined by their supervisors and security is called. No fucking talkback allowed and it's strictly enforced, whereas at the call center we didn't have rights to not speak to people who wanted to argue and be shitty.
I actually have rights here. Oh, and I like my coworkers and my supervisor. I'm making a really good impression on them and they think I'm hardworking.
I'm only a few weeks in but I have a lot of good vibes about this environment and what I'm doing.
By the way, I did keep the call center employee social media pages just to check in every now and then. Because I'm a nosy bitch. And yep, everyone there is still miserable. The hours and schedules got worse, and the airline is dropping the ball so many times that more work is falling on the representative's backs to try to calm the raging customer blowback. It's hard to believe that was my life.