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No. 85318
it may not work for everyone but i'll list a few huge things that helped me
>style yourself in a way that makes you look good and that you like
for years i tried dressing and styling myself in ways either i liked, that didn't flatter me, or ways that i thought others would like. that made me feel worse about my body, every illfitting outfit or awkward look highlighted my flaws and made me think it was me, not the clothes. finding clothes that fit you, both size and style-wise really do a lot to make you feel like you look nice
>same with makeup, hair, glasses etc. do it in a way that flatters you that you like
even if you think you're ugly normally once you see how nice you look with the right makeup and a good hair cut that looks nice on you, it really helps
>get rid of toxicity in your life
whether it's negative people, places or even entertainment. i know for some people visiting lolcow is toxic for them. i had a friend who was super insecure and judgmental and critical of everyone including her, it raised my insecurity to max when she was around because i was paranoid she was judging me, which made me think others probably were too. once she was gone it cleared the air a lot.
>write down all the things you like and dislike, then write an explanation for your reasoning
it sounds cheesy but it really helps you get some perspective. if you write down your reasoning it forces you to think of why it might be important to you or why you care in the first place.
>try to catch yourself being critical of yourself and others, especially based on looks
if you judge others less, you'll be less likely to judge yourself against them, even judging someone as uglier than you can make you paranoid about someone else's opinion of you
>immerse yourself in hobbies that make you happy, preferably some that aren't about appearance
hobbies like makeup and clothes can be good, but they can also lead to worse feelings about appearance. any other hobby like cooking, gardening or hiking can really make your appearance take a back seat. stuff like tv shows or movies or things like exercise are alright, but they can cause you to judge yourself or others harshly if it's all you focus on.
i'm sure i have some more ideas but i can't think of any atm. hope this helps someone.
No. 85483
>>85318This was nice to read, thanks.
I love Lolita but lately I have considered leaving or selling clothes to modify them to suit me instead of trying to fit into Asian clothes. Even if I get into them I am so tall they tend to hit wrong and in the end I just feel gross. Surrounded by girls who get to wear and look super cute in stuff I love.
Stating it like that makes me feel like what I was thinking wasn't dramatic.
No. 85559
>>85558Yup. When I get jealous over someone, it's because of their accomplishments. In fact, I've been self loathing for some time because my project that I was initially hyped about is not important and will get lost among other heaps of other projects.
I hate that my skills are abysmal and I will never be able to contribute anything of significance to science. Being a worthless consumer and being aware that you are one, is the worst combo.
Sometimes I read about late bloomers who invented or discovered something in their ripe old age and it gives me hope that I might have some time to learn new things and achieve anything, but I don't think that will ever happen.
I'm useless.
No. 322043
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No. 322162
>>322026Nonnie I'm so sorry. I don't know if it was as much as yours but mine where everywhere from the middle part of my thighs to right above my ankles. It's like my legs tore open and they were red or purple and I felt literally deformed (dramatic, i know).
I suffer from BDD and could not handle them because I already was super insecure, so I lasered them off with big financial help from my family. What's great is that, because they were bright red, they were fresh enough and now you can't even see them, but I have a lot of guilt for betraying the girls that perhaps could have seen me outside and said "so it's not just me" It went to the point that I used to shower with the lights off.
What I want you to know is that whatever path you choose, I can assure you that it will never be just you having this, oh, and also that bio oil is a scam and its just a really good moisturising agent.
No. 373372
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I've read this book. It's not a magic cure but it helps understanding why you lack self confidence/esteem (it's not for the reasons you think) and gives tools to improve your self esteem. It's not specifically about your physical appearance though, but it's a good read.
No. 374297
>>374295>>322043doesnt work btw
id add a picture of i am a girlboss i am a war criminal anime character but idk if i have that image