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No. 142094
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>>85681its fucking obivious i have autism and i was gonna get it diagnosed (in case the doctor were to believe me) but that wouldve required me to make a move and contact him or whatever and i never did it. i dont fit into society or any groups of people and i really wanna cease existing. it feels like ive been dissociating through my whole life with how terrible i have always been at connecting with reality around me - people and daily events. everyone else is just in a completely different world than me. they dont view themselves as a character in a story theyre writing. somehow theyre capable of just living and interacting with others without it all being scripted
No. 142117
>>142094 >i was gonna get it diagnosed but that wouldve required me to make a moveWell this is relatable. I only really pieced together that I'm autistic at around 29. I had previously been diagnosed with anxiety and avoidant personality. The wait list for ASD assessment is 3 years long and my mental health team already pretty much confirmed that they see traits of autism so I'm treating that as if it's a diagnosis.
I can't stand making appointments or answering lots of questions so tbh the assessment sounds like hell. At this point I don't see what I'd even gain from it, my childhood/teens were already a disaster because nobody understood my cluster of social/sensory issues.
No. 142143
When I was googling info on getting the assessment for ASD as an adult I kept seeing articles about how
valid self-diagnosis is when it comes to autism.
I have mixed feelings because in one way I understand that for me all the pieces came together when I learnt about autism, every quirk or sensory issue suddenly made alot of sense and it explained a whole range of things I'd struggled with since childhood. Now I haven't been assessed but like I said here
>>142117 my mental health team did confirm to me that they highly suspect it. If I do persue assessment it will take 3 years to be seen. I feel relatively confident that I do have it but how do you guys feel about full on self diagnosis without any professional opinion?
No. 154854
My dad and my brother both have autism, I've accepted pretty much my whole life that I was weird and people didn't like being around me much. I'm 27 now and I'm only just considering getting myself diagnosed because I did a lot of research about how autism presents in women, and I felt like I was reading about myself. I don't know how much it will change my life but hopefully it will just be a subtle thing to help me understand myself.
>>142225There's a lot of overlap, but crucially autism isn't just about poor social skills.
Although I know from experience being surrounded by both social tards and autists will make whatever social skills you were gifted with worse.
No. 156170
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little handmaiden? I'll have you know that besides writing one of the most popular book series in modern times, I've been involved in numerous secret raids against pinkpill groomer Discords, and I have been blocked and reported by over 300 pornsick incels. I am trained in the use of facts and logic and I've even been banned from the Mumsnet women's rights subforum. You think you can get away with forwarding that kind of discourse over the Internet? Think again, pickme. As we speak I am contacting the international network of powerful lesbians, and your IP is being traced right now so you better run to your Nigel to protect you from the storm. The storm that wipes out the bourgeois, neoliberal capitalist thing you call feminism. You're fucking history, Everyday Feminism. I can shitpost anywhere, anytime, and I can rebut SJWiki in over seven hundred ways, and that's just off the top of my head. Not only am I extensively read in second-wave philosophy, but I have access to the entire bibliography of Andrea Dworkin and I will deploy it to its full extent to wipe your miserable worldview off the face of the internet. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little virtue-signalling Mel Magazine article was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn tradthot.
No. 157177
>>156771that’s why i’ve been so confused at to whether or not I should get assessed as an adult. all these dumbass website are like “aspie women are gentle, overly creative, and extremely innocent and naive” and i’m like??? but what about stuff like not being able to understand facial expressions and having no friends?
also if autistic women have such a hard time understanding other people’s emotions, body language, and intentions, how would they be good at poetry and creative writing? doesn’t it just contradict itself?
No. 157197
>>157179>>156771isnt autism generally about low to no emapathy/sympathy for others, stimming, meltdowns when you cant stim, black and white thinking/low to no critical thinking skills, obsessing over like 1 primary object/subject and nothing else, etcetcetc
if you dont have any of these traits, how are you autistic?
now for my personal spergout; ive went to 2 seperate specialists for mental illness/neurodivergency shit as an adult cuz im a fuckin loser neet shutin with no friends. got 2 seperate diagnosis: the tism or adhd and i just feel like i have neither of these-i.e. ive always understood others emotions and sarcasm even as a child, did use to be addicted to the internet when i was younger hardcore like but now im just here cuz theres nothing better to do, i actually have trouble keeping interests, etc and that made me think that both of these are being overdiagnosed to americans to sell medication like the ADD craze of the early 2000s/late 90s. ironically, psychologists nowadays argue whether add is even real and that everyone has at least 2 symptoms.
No. 157230
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>>157197I didn't mention I didn't have any of those symptoms. I don't know why you're gatekeeping autism, but let's have a go:
Some of the other ones I had as a child but don't really feel like I'm affected by anymore, but that could be because I literally don't have social interaction in real life which I could use as a basis for that.
No. 157241
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I was diagnosed with ASD as a child but I grew up with
abusive parents who rejected that (i.e berating me because they had to repeat the same directions multiple times). I grew feeling I was crazy and was (and still am) deeply suicidal for years. I was always super sensitive to external sounds and I felt I had to struggle a lot harder than others to verbally express myself or keep a conversation flowing. I think I have (not diagnosed) auditory processing disorder.
It took listening to another girl on the ASD spectrum to learn that I had it (I stopped speaking as a child and my parents acted like they didn't know why).
I definitely relate with
>>142094. I think at some point you deal with the feelings of alienation and otherness by dissociating yourself from the world. It seems like no matter how much you try and study the right social cues you never overcome this hill required to be like everyone else :(
No. 157244
>>157230>gatekeeping autismfor people to actually BE autistic, they need to fit those symptoms otherwise they are being misdiagnosed is what i am saying, not that you yourself arent autistic
let me rephrase my second paragraph, psychyitry(?) is used to sell medication and is a booming industry and every couple of years there's a sudden increase of select mental illnesses, like nowadays with bpd, adhd, and autism, and new prescription medicene to shove down those throats
this is why online journalists/twitter users, who're getting paid for this or are bots, use the vaguest or nonapplying terms to describe autism like are you quiet? do you enjoy poetry?? ever feel like you dont belong??? you might just have autism!!!
No. 157386
>>157244now for my sperg out:
if you think “psychiatry” is such a big scam to sell big pharma then why seek out two separate opinions about your mental state? sounds like a waste of time and money to me, sounds like you got scammed and are butthurt about it.
also there’s a fucking reason why diagnostic criteria states that a person has to have at least a certain minimum of symptoms present before a certain age in multiple settings. if what you’re saying is true and EVERYONE has at least two symptoms of adhd then why isn’t everyone diagnosed with adhd? oh right, it’s because you have to have at least six of nine symptoms in either category, plus they have to present before the age of 12, and have to have an impact in multiple settings. and getting a diagnosis isn’t the be all end all, in order to confirm a diagnosis, you also have to respond positively to treatment. i.e.) you can finally function at the same level as the average person.
I think the “popularity” of the adhd diagnosis of the 00s you’re thinking of is the boom in little boys who weren’t taught how to behave appropriately in public or in classrooms being diagnosed with adhd as toddlers because they’re parents were too tired to properly instil manners into their children because “boys will be boys”.
No. 157405
please read slower.
you are being too defensive and reading shit in my comments that aren't there when we seem to be in general agreement about diagnosis.
im going to use more paragraph spaces to try to sound clearer.
A.D.D. is not A.D.H.D. at all.
They are two(2) seperate disorders. A.D.D. was hyper diagnosed in the early 2000s towards unruly school children who were then medicated for it. Psychologists today are in a flux about whether or not A.D.D. even exists.
>if you think “psychiatry” is such a big scam to sell big pharma then why seek out two separate opinions about your mental state? sounds like a waste of time and money to me, sounds like you got scammed and are butthurt about it.Blatently.
Fucking duh, yes I am butthurt about being misdiagnosed.
Neither of the people who diagnosed me even told me what these disorders really were or what traits of them that I fit into.
In fact, the psychologist who said I had autism talked to me about my traits that did NOT fit the diagnosis, which is whatever, autism is a spectrum. But, at what point does spectrum even begin really? What even IS autism? He sure didnt explain that, so i had to do my own research. Which is why I am here on this anonoymous message board, talking about being misdiagnosed and how I believe it is being overdiagnosed as a ~conspiracy~
As for the reason I went to get my head checked even though I think psychfsjiy is a scam is because mental illness is blantly real and im a fucking basket case who is concerning her family. Im now being tumblr as fuck and self diagnosing myself so i can read psychological help studies to sort myself out.
No. 157824
>>157405I would really like to see your sources on how autism is overdiagnosed. seriously, surprise and amaze me with all your big brain knowledge about how autism is being overdiagnosed. how does anyone benefit from that? you probably just went to see some shit doctors who don’t know anything about adhd or autism. specialists exist for a reason. i was misdiagnosed with depression but i’m not all up in arms about how depression is definitely being overdiagnosed as an umbrella solution.
but good luck with diagnosing yourself though, you sound like such an expert. maybe you’ll discover how retarded you are on your way there.
No. 159046
>>157831Yeah, no shit, autism is considered to be a spectrum disorder now. Autism Spectrum Disorder. ASD. Not ADD. ADD is Attention Deficit Disorder, eg. ADHD without Hyperactivity.
Asperger is on the high-functioning end of the ASD scale and "non-verbal cripplingly autistic" is on the low-functioning end. Of course, someone on one end of the scale won't have much in common with someone on the other end.
Sage for literal autism.
No. 269344
>>269315I was also diagnosed when I was 12 :) All of my close friends since then have been autistic. I actually didn't realize this fact until I saw your post lol
my bf isn't diagnosed but I am fairly sure he is on the spectrum and so far have been pretty good at predicting when people are (gaydar but for high functioning autism)