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No. 88605
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I have hazel eyes similar to the photo and I wish I had blue eyes. I even tried contacts once but they're too much trouble and looked somewhat fake anyway.
No. 88609
Yeah, I sperged about my eye color in some other thread long time ago and some anons still recall that. My mother has a nice green color and my brother inherited it, my father has brown eyes and I don't have the best relationship with him, so it fuels my hatred for the brown color.
Most of the world's population has it, there's nothing unique to it, it's dull and soulless.
I really want to change it and I'm still considering the eye color laser surgery. Like
>>88605 said, most color contacts look like shit and at one point during the day you have to take them off and go back to the poop colored eyes.
There are times when I rationalize and tell myself that if my vision is great, the eye color doesn't matter and there are lots of attractive people with brown eyes. But that mood quickly passes and I'm back to wanting to dig my eyes out. I'm pretty sure this is similar to people that have fine noses for example and still want to get a nosejob. I'm just fixated on my eye color and there's little I can do about it. I also hate myself for being so vain.
No. 88618
>>88613I'm aware but most therapists are shit tbh
>>88615I'm sorry that my post gave you flashbacks. It wasn't meant to be a personal attack on anyone. People can be terribly nasty. Though here blue eyes are not that uncommon yet there's still a lot of white people with brown eyes. Did you live in some aryan town or something? It would be difficult to mock someone for having poop eyes when there are high chances that someone in your family or a friend also has brown eyes.
Besides, on several occasions I heard other girls with brown eyes referring to them as poop color too and wishing they had blue instead. So, I doubt I'm alone when expressing myself in that way.
It doesn't help that I've never ever seen anyone compliment brown eyes, while people with blue and green eyes are often complimented even though the eye color isn't that rare where I live.
No. 88624
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>>88623sorry i must have missed that one
No. 88675
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I like having shiny, black eyes. It fits my aesthetic of being sleepy and sort of empty, and makes my pupils look bigger naturally (which is cuter, IMO).
I don't mind light-colored eyes, though. I play a lot with the idea of wearing contacts, since light blue eyes especially would look striking with my skintone, but it's just not that deep. I also like the idea of wearing contacts of different colors because I think heterochromia is beautiful.
I don't get how/why anyone can have actual self-hatred for something like eye color. This thread is weirding me out. "Disgusting"? Christ. If you're already attractive, light eyes can bump you up that much more because of the rarity, but it's not like you need them to be pretty. If you're honest to god unattractive, you can't realistically just say "Well at least I have light eyes!". They won't help.
No. 88677
>>88675>It fits my aesthetic of being sleepy and sort of empty…?
>and makes my pupils look bigger naturally (which is cuter, IMO).Pretty sure that girl you posted is wearing lenses, anon. And nobody really has completely black eyes.
No. 88679
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>>88677>…?Dark eyes are hazier/more empty. Weren't some people ITT posting about how "soulless" they are, but trying to frame it as a negative? It's not that hard to understand, kek. They just fit a darker aesthetic.
>Pretty sure that girl you posted is wearing lenses, anon. Even if she is, them being dark is part of what makes her eyes look bigger. The doe-eye effect wouldn't be as strong with light eyes.
>And nobody really has completely black eyes.Very dark brown still looks pretty damn black. Why split hairs? At that point, we might as well talk about the fact that everybody technically has blue (or green) eyes, and dark eyes only exist because melanin is covering them for protection.
Not that brown eyes aren't beautiful, too, of course.
No. 88680
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Light eyes can be very pretty, but that's not a reason to hate your brown eyes, they aren't as exciting since they're so common but it doesn't make them ugly, I personally think the high contrast between the white of the eyes and a dark iris very charming.
And blue eyes can't save a busted face anyways.
No. 88701
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>>88662Thank you, anon. It feels good knowing I'm not alone in this. I always feel crazy for hating my eye color, but like this anon said
>>88699 while it's not the most important feature it certainly helps to have lighter eyes.
I hope both you and I finally find peace with it
or get an eye color laser surgery done without going blind No. 88703
>>88699I personally prefer the look of brown eyes, they remind me of puppies and are warm and inviting.
I also have brown eyes myself and have gotten complimented on them before. I live in a place that's fairly mixed in terms of race/colouring too (Canada), so it's not that I stand out. I think shape may matter more than colour as far as eyes go.
and I'm sure you're cute anyway, anon. No. 88704
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i've always thought jesús navas has super striking eyes, the contrast between darker features and light eyes probs helps
i wish contacts could make my eyes as light as his but still look natural
No. 88708
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>>88699depends on where you are. in scandinavia 95% of people have blue eyes and i'm sure they aren't so stunned by them.
brown eyes are really captivating imo. i'm not attracted to anyone with blue eyes, imo. brown eyes tend to look very youthful to me, too.
everyone saying "the color of shit" is so dumb. so black people aren't attractive because their skin is the color of shit? brown hair isn't pretty because it's the color of shit? i've heard the 'my eyes are the color of shit/poop' thing for forever and it's just so dumb.
No. 88713
>>88657ok maybe that was a bit of wishful thinking, what I meant was this place isn't filled with white racist trump supporters, which is as close as it comes these days
>>88710i know right! "Oh my eyes are brown waa waa", try being a plus size girl of color in a predominantly white state full of tall blonde bimbos honey, then I'll listen to your complaining about your eyes.
No. 88720
>>88713You tell me, sister! As a woman of color myself, I'm so tired of these vapid white bitches complaining about non issues.
Imagine if we had to complain lol
All the media today is centered around wh*te woman's "beauty" and they'll still find reasons to cry.
No. 88732
>>88730Yeah, my eyes are practically black and I like it.
It's not as if there's a conventional standard for eye colour as there is for other features, it's very personal from my experience. I'm just not sure where so many anons are getting this insecurity (aside from poopeye-chan, who claims it's because of her abusive father).
No. 88734
>>88720>>88724>>88725>wh*te >no sageat least
try not to sound like a troll.
No. 88736
>>88729i get why you're confused
>>88720>>88734>>88726>>88725>>88724>>88729is a racist troll that is pretending to be on our side in order to make us look crazy and spiteful
No. 88738
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>brown eyes are the color of shit
literally who the fuck besides 5-year olds says this.
All women in pic related are/were considered to be exceptionally beautiful and they all have brown eyes.
Most people have brown eyes anyway.
It's insane to be insecure about something like eye color.
No. 88743
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>>88738Personally, none of them look beautiful to me, sorry. It boils down to individual preferences.
I guess I'm more exposed to european beauties and most of them have light eyes.
No. 88746
>>88743>It boils down to individual preferences.Sure, I completely agree. I was mainly referring to what the general public thinks about them.
>I guess I'm more exposed to european beauties and most of them have light eyes.Brown eyes are not uncommon for Europeans.
No. 88753
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>>88746True, true. They're not uncommon.
Monica Bellucci, for example, is drop dead gorgeous and despite sperging about brown eyes, imo she's one of the most beautiful actresses, and I'd add that if she had blue eyes, it would even ruin that Mediterranean beauty of hers.
But on average a lot of european movie stars have lighter eyes like Marion Cotillard or the legendary Elizabeth Taylor.
No. 88755
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>>88743this doesn't look great to me. they look cold and snakey, like, just not intimate and warm.
>>88753plenty of europeans have brown eyes. the most famous french actress revered for her sultry beauty was brigette bardot. her eyes were like 70% of what made her so captivating to people. you can't really pull of a doe eyed sultry look with light eyes as well.
imo, light eyes are nice only for the color, they don't actually look better on people.
No. 88758
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>>88753tbh, light eyes age you. she doesn't look nearly as good with lighter eyes, and looks easily 8 years older.
No. 88760
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>>88758another light eyes vs dark eyes for fun
No. 88761
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>>88699>the color of shitYou sound extremely bitter, are you okay? I assure you no one (except maybe scatfags like Nemu) thinks of shit when they look at this girl, or stare into her eyes.
Blue or green eyes won't fix shit-tier genetics/facial features, and brown eyes won't bring god-tier genetics/facial features down. At best, they're an extra to an already beautiful person.
If you are ugly (or feel ugly) and have dark eyes, please be honest with yourself and stop blaming your eye color. You were fucked from the start. If you are ugly (or feel ugly) and have blue or green eyes, I understand why you'd want to convince people that your eye color helps you significantly, but again, please be honest with yourself.
No. 88765
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>>88761her eyes look really shooped. but yes, brown eyes make people look so doey and cute
No. 88767
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I wish my eyes were a different shape. They're round, close together, and "prominent". The rest of my facial features are strong so I feel like my eyes don't suit me well. I like how they look with eyeliner/mascara but without it I look totally washed out and manly like Mona Lisa.
No. 88768
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Blue eyes aren't always an improvement imo, Idk why but people used to be obsessed with photoshopping Zayn's eyes blue. Since he already has pretty feminine eyes it just makes him look like a mega faggot.
No. 88769
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>>88768imo, they look especially bad on men. it does look super faggy. look how bad biebs looks with blue eyes, christ.
No. 88780
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>>88704I love the light eyes, tan skin combination. Jesse Williams is another good example. I have very dark brown eyes and think they look cute with my eye shape but I do get slight eye envy when I see people with my skin coloring and light eyes lol.
No. 88781
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>>88769>>88768>>88760The problem with a lot of these pictures (as fun as they are) is that they're shooped strangely. Most brown eyes aren't pitch black as they are often shown and most blue eyes aren't super bright and piercing either, they need to be toned down a bit. There's also too much flatness to the eye that's unnatural and makes it look bad. Pic related is Cillian Murphy with brown eyes (contacts) which showcases what brown eyes would actually look like on him a bit better.
For some reason eye threads seem to bring out a lot of trolling (I have to assume?) and autist-level insecurity whenever they pop up on imageboards.
No. 88785
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>>88781>>88781here's biebs with a toned down blue. he looks really washed out and like a flaming backup dancer. the brown still looks better imo
No. 88791
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I sometimes wish that i wouldn't have this orangey-brown circle in the center. I think it just looks kinda "dirty" because it is not pure-looking if you know what i mean
No. 88799
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>>88791I think the term is central heterochromia and they are my favorite kind of eyes. Both my mother and boyfriend have them. I also had a crush on a guy who’s eyes went from amber to green to blue, they were like rainbows.
No. 88806
>>88761i am pretty bitter about it, i know it doesn't automatically save someone's face but i still have a big boost of confidence when i have color lenses in. i wouldn't care as much if i had a nice almost black eye color like shown in
>>88675 since it still has some character but mine are most like
>>88605. just…plain. not the kind of eyes anyone ever notices or gushes about.
No. 88962
>>88806If it's of any help I think those eyes are really beautiful! They are my favorite tbh. They just look so warm and welcoming.
I particularly find blue eyes really boring for whatever reason. Like, I don't find them ugly at all, they just don't stand out to me as much as hazel or green eyes you know.
No. 88967
>>88806I have blue eyes and althouh I'm happy with my colour, they are nothing special. Unless you have piercing blue eyes or especially light eyes, the average blue eyes go just as unnoticed and ungushed (if that even is a word) about as the average brown or hazel eyes. (I live in a country where blue is the dominant colour tho)
It really depends on your perception, I know plenty and plenty of people who prefer brown/hazel over blue/green/grey.
No. 88970
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I'd say anywhere in the blue and yellow parts would qualify as "European beauty"
No. 88973
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>>88971I'm just saying, this is a native italian and not what I think of when I think "european"
No. 88986
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>>88973This is also a native southern Italian.
No. 88994
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>>88993Because when by European she means pic related.
No. 88996
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>>88986must be an outlier, I know italians and you would never see a red haired one
>>88993they are white but they aren't white white
>>88994not necessarily blonde haired, more like this
No. 88997
>>88995White only has this weird meaning in the shithole that is the USA. The rest of the world use the term
caucasians and Italians (and Arabs) are definitely caucasians.
No. 88999
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I'm European and nobody in EU thinks of Southern Europeans as "not white enough". Prejudice here is based on ethnicity and/or nationality, not race.
Only Americans spew this shit around the web.
No. 89000
>>88997>the shithole that is the USA.where are you from because I bet my "shithole" is better than your country
>>88998yes I am
sage for off-topic
No. 89004
>>88987And you? Do randomn people come up to you and say that brown eyes are ugly? Is this supposed to be "light-eyed privilege"? And therefore you're allowed to say whatever you want against us?
Come on, don't victimize yourself over such a minor detail. Nobody notices eye colour anyways.
No. 89006
>>88999that pic is some straight up pure bullshit racism, it's not helping your argument that europe is some super progressive racism-free paradise
>>89001no need to be sorry, there is no self hate I am proud to be irish and i am proud to be from america, they are the two greatest countries in the world imo and if Ireland could be more like the US and less like the trashpile that is england then I would say it'd be the greatest country
No. 89008
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No. 89010
>>89006I didn't even say that Europe is progressive, just that the prejudice here is based on ethnicity which tends to be tied to nationality.
Not "white people" vs "people of color" as you americans have it.
No. 89012
>>88976>3rd generation Irish on my mother's side>>89006>I am proud to be IrishOkay so what is your father's ethnicity/ancestry then? Is he also Irish? Or something else? And do you care about that part of your heritage as much as your "Irish half"?
Also, is your mother even full Irish, or is that just the ~majority of her ancestry? And why does your mother's ancestry make you "Irish" without considering what else you're mixed with, and the fact that you're an American first?
Sage for off topic, but American euromutt logic is interesting.
No. 89021
>>89017been here since 2016
>>89018you have nothing else to say then
>>89019funny you won't say where you're from so I can't say anything back
No. 89025
>>89021Even though you're Irish in ancestry, you're culturally American (and most likely mixed with other stuff). Why would you try to act like you know the European perspective? Fucking stop.
Anyway, anyone can have brown eyes, or light-colored eyes. It doesn't make or break their ancestry. Brown eyes are pretty. Blue eyes are pretty. Green eyes are pretty. Central heterochromia (and any other variation of heterochromia) is pretty. No eye color is bad. Fuck off with this bait.
No. 89028
>>89023>Okay, so what are those Irish ethnic traditions that you are so good at keeping unlike the Irish people born and bred in Ireland? article should explain it for you TL;DR things like slang, dance, fighting spirit, knowing how to handle our drink and strong clanlike family ties - oh and a healthy hate for the English
>>89025boston is arguably more irish than parts of Ireland, a lot of them are all watching soccer and british tv shows and not honoring their traditions
No. 89030
>>89028>oh and a healthy hate for the EnglishPlease stop anon, I can only handle so much second hand embarrassment.
Can you imagine some american retard claiming he's french because he cultivate some healthy hate for the germans, just wtf.
No. 89036
>>89030you still haven't said where you're from
>>89031spotted the girl that can's deal with all the craic
No. 89037
Yikes this discussion my original comment
>>88968 turned into.
What I intended to imply with my comment was that imo it was over-generalizing Europeans as to having almost exclusively light eyes while there's plenty of native Europeans with dark hair and/or dark eyes. I find that often people over-generalize Europe when talking about it's people/culture(s)/looks etc. as if it where one country and everything's the same across Europe, while it's in fact quite diverse. (Coming from someone who's blonde x blue eyes, so it's not like I'm 'offended' for not being included in the described 'European beauty'-standard)
However I (now) understand where
>>88972 is coming from when you described 'European beauty' as blonde hair x blue eyes.
No. 89038
>>89028As a Northern Irish Anon with my maternal side being from Cork and my paternal the Shankill let me just confirm that it's fucking football. Two types. My aunt was an irish dancing champion. My Grandfather worked in the shipyard and was a boxer, but being inbred is detrimental to your health but you Boston Irish can carry on.
When I was in Manhattan the yanks kept asking if I was from Boston. Guess I out irished everyone
No. 89039
>>89038>Northern IrishI take it you're one of the good ones?
>When I was in Manhattan the yanks kept asking if I was from Bostonyou should take it as a compliment, if you're ever in america again we can share a drink together
No. 89040
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>>88976>>89006>>89028You wouldn't know Irish slang if it hit you in the face, Irish dancing as you know it is an american bastardization, "fighting spirit" and "knowing how to handle your drink" are pathetic plastic paddy attempts at reclaiming racist stereotypes that don't even apply to you considering how far back your Irish ancestry is, "strong clanklike family ties" are a knacker thing and there is no reason to hate modern English people. If you knew anything about Ireland, you'd know that GAA is huge here and the reason people watch British tv is because we're too small a country to have a large media industry. You are not, and will never be Irish. You sound like a troon insisting he's a woman. Truamhéalach.
>>89009 It's not even legal yet, that won't happen until next year.
(derailing) No. 89046
>>89028>fighting spirit, knowing how to handle our drink >(also what you said in your deleted post about your dad being part irish and his alcohol tolerance)my father's family are seminole indian and have serious drinking problems, plus some are violent too. it's a touchy subject and hard to deal with, so i never go around saying "~uwu being prone to alcoholism is an essential part of being native american~". that's just messed up.
>>89040 said, clinging on to negative stereotypes to prove your ancestry looks and sounds pathetic (also great starter pack lmao)
>boston is arguably more irish than parts of Ireland oh is it now?
(derailing) No. 89050
>>88976Jesus Christ, wannabe European Americans are so embarassing. I challenge you to go to Europe and tell them this. Not only everyone will make fun of you, but there definitely will be people ready to whoop your ass.
People like you are an inside joke among europeans.
(derailing) No. 89051
>>89040>>89040>and there is no reason to hate modern English people.other than the centuries of oppression and institutionalised racism? this is exactly what is wrong with the modern irish
>>89041looks like the tradition of hospitality and friendliness hasn't been kept from some people
doesn't matter though as long as you keep voting shinn fein you're good sister
>>89046drinking and standing up for yourself is not a bad thing if you can handle your alcohol, you don't see stereotypes of Irish men beating up their families, the reason there is a problem in native communities is racism not alcohol
(derailing) No. 89053
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>>89047Seriously. I'm feeling so embarrassed for "3rd generation Irish" anon right now.
Like, I knew there was a divide, but I didn't know Europeans disclaimed American Euromutts THIS hard. And here I was, thinking
my people were sick of being claimed for ~*exotic culture*~ points by American mutts who knew nothing about us.
(derailing) No. 89068
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My eyes are nothing special objectively, but I always liked them and people around me did too. I've never wanted light colored eyes and never envied people who had them, but lately I've been getting comments from "friends" about how I'd look so much better if I had the same eye size and lashes but with green/gray/ice blue eyes instead. It didn't upset me as much as it made feel disgusted, especially since most of them had brown eyes too. And ESPECIALLY since our region/countries have been swept with this ugly colored circle lenses trend. Every average girl has at least one pair of gray, blue or green lenses and everyone looks the fucking same, it's not even unique anymore. It's even worse on Instagram with the likes of Cindy Wolfie popularizing the colored lenses trend. I wonder how the ones who actually have those eye colors for real feel about all these clones?
No. 89089
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Idk why but people with blue eyes looks like ghosts to me.
I like how warm and intense brown eyes look and obviously eyes have to be dark to be doe-like.
No. 89090
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>>89089I honestly think she would have looked stunning wiht light eyes. It's really a matter of taste, but brown eyes are so common. There's nothing special about them.
Light eyes on a decent looking face will make the person pop out more.
No. 89091
>>89090>she would have looked stunning wiht light eyes.I don't think so, her overall coloring is very orange and warm I think blue eyes would clash too much with it.
And I think she looks a hundred time better than the girl you just posted.
But then again I really find blue eyes freakish looking, so I'm kinda biased.
No. 89095
>>89094Thanks, anon. Of course, I'd never do it in a mean way, being born with a certain eye color is something that we all have no control of. Some people win the genetic lottery and some don't.
I realize this is as shallow as it gets and I'd never tell anyone irl. I wish it wasn't that important to me but I really can't look past it.
No. 89104
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I like dark hair + light eyes + pale skin the most
No. 89106
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>>89097This is my first post ITT saying brown eyes are shitty, what are you on about?
>>89104Agree, it's the best combo imo
No. 89107
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She looked so ethereal in LOTR
No. 89108
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Charlotte, the princes of Monaco is incredibly beautiful. Also, her blue eyes are so mesmerizing.
No. 89112
>>89110Statistically, both men and women find people with light eyes (green and then blue) more attractive. You personally don't but most people do apparently.
It's not surprising though when the majority of the people on this planet have dark eyes, it's only natural that people with a rarer color stand out from the masses.
No. 89113
>>89112Will your partner leave you based on your eye colour, do you think? Has that happened?
Or is it due to the whole of the other person (in regards to looks) that they'd leave?
No. 89116
>>89112>Statistically, both men and women find people with light eyes (green and then blue) more attractive. Men and women
with light eyes tend to find other's with light eyes more attractive but that doesn't speak for the general population. it has a lot to do with biology
No. 89118
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It all comes down to the rest of your features. Your eyes can stand out due to their size, shape or the contrast they create with your overall look, regardless of color.
Keira Knightley is a pretty good example - she has light skin and hair with dark eyes. They stand out because they create contrast. She wouldn't look nearly as striking with blue or green eyes. It's the same reason why many people find darker hair and skin with light eyes attractive.
No. 89119
>>89115Now that you mentioned, my cousin got married with a woman from thailand and they have a child together.
I've heard some of my family members saying that's a shame the child didn't inherit his baby blue eyes.
ngl I feel bad for my cousin, what's the point of having a kid if it doesn't resemble you at all? It's like he flushed his genes down the toilet
No. 89126
>>89119Does he feel that way about it? Or are you just projecting some race purity issue you have going on?
I mean, he chose to have a child with this woman who he knew was not white. He wasn't forced.
t. biracial and I believe a good parent should unconditionally love their child
No. 89128
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A theory;
Boston anon who believe she's Irish and the "self hating because of her abusive dad brown eyed anon" are the same person and the reason she wants to believe she's Irish is because it's her mother's nationality and it would distance her from her american dad, whom she hate and who was abusive.
Gonna take off my tinfoil hat right now.
No. 89131
>>88976Actual Irish person here (Irish people would call you "American") and the "European look" is generally considered to be tanned skin and dark hair/eyes. The majority of Europeans have darker skin than ours and it's extremely coveted by Irish women. The majority of other Irish women I know use tanning beds or fake tan when going on a night out or before going on holidays. Italians and Spanish are called "European" here because
they are European (the word "Hispanic" is only used by Americans): they live on the continent of Europe and they were part of the EU long before we were.
The idea that Europeans are all some kind of homogeneous, Aryan race is a uniquely American belief. In fact, Americans buy into this so much that they coined the term "black Irish" to describe people who don't meet their fantasy that all Irish people have red hair and green eyes (you know, the 98% of the population), so Americans would actually consider me to be a different race like the "Hispanics" I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As a "3rd generation" (see: American) you don't get to be the gatekeeper on what "looks" European and you sure as hell can't use the name of my country when you spout your racist bullshit.
Sorry to derail but I don't want anyone to think that actual Irish people agree with this stupid American belief about what is "white" and what isn't.
No. 89133
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I love my eyes. They aren’t super big but they’re a nice shape and I have really long and full lashes. I don’t get why some people can’t appreciate features without being envious of them. Blue is more striking and brown is more welcoming, they’re both pretty just in different ways.
No. 89144
>>89143I disagree with that too. Europeans having brown hair and brown eyes isn't uncommon but it is not a european look to be tanned, dark skinned with dark eyes is ridiculous. That's more of a low working class/slag thing.
But you'll be called a racist and a nazi if you say that.
No. 89145
>>89144You can't classify the entire European continent as having any specific look though
And classifying people with darker features as "working class" (lol) does sound kind of Nazi-ish so….
No. 89146
>>89144>That's more of a low working class/slag thing.Historically the poorest and least relevant european countries have been the one full of blue eyed blonde haired people lmao.
You really sound like some dumb murican.
No. 89147
>>89145> And classifying people with darker features as "working class" (lol) does sound kind of Nazi-ish so….I was obviously talking about people that get a tan to look dark, and no it's not nazi no matter how you put it.
>>89146I'm european, living in europe.
> the poorest and least relevant european countries have been the one full of blue eyed blonde haired peoplewow, you're really that
triggered lel
No. 89148
>>89144>>89143>>89145I agree, there is no ''European look'' because Europe consists of almost 50 independent countries with diverse cultures. People seem to forget that Europe is not comparable to the US in that aspect.
And even if there
was a ''European look'' it would most definitely not be tanned skin and dark hair/eyes because it would possibly exclude half of the continent.
No. 89149
>>89146>Historically the poorest and least relevant european countries have been the one full of blue eyed blonde haired peoplekek. can't tell if bait or not
i disagree with op's statement too but this is a straight up lie.
No. 89151
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I actually googled what the "middle" of Europe is and it's Poland. Pic related is what average polish students look like: while not all of them have the typical "aryan" look, they also certainly aren't dark haired and dark skinned.
The most populous country is Germany and they also are a mix of blonde and brunette with rather pale skin.
No. 89152
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there are plenty of ugly people with blue eyes and plenty of hot people with brown eyes. if you're ugly, having a different eye color won't make you any better looking
No. 89153
>>89151Yes, this is pretty much how people look in central europe, and even during my travels in southern europe, people still a look a lot like that, they're not suddenly "hispanic" looking or prevalently dark skinned. Maybe a lot of them get a tan during summer but it's pretty much gone by winter.
I don't know where these fellow europeans get that info from or where do they live.
No. 89155
>>89154precisely, but the discussion started because anon said quote
>the "European look" is generally considered to be tanned skin and dark hair/eyes. which couldn't be more wrong
makes me think that we have another schizo anon that thinks they're irish and european
No. 89157
>>89153>people still a look a lot like that, they're not suddenly "hispanic" looking or prevalently dark skinnedAgreed.
I think what the anons mean is just that there are more people with naturally darker hair and eyes in greece/spain/southern italy than in sweden/denmark/iceland. But it's not like every person in southern europe looks completely different than northern europe, there are still tons of blond and light-eyed people in the south. The quote below sums it up pretty well.
>>89154>it's really stupid to keep trying to insist that there's a European "look" when there is so much diversity.exactly.
No. 89158
>>89154Because this is what the "average" European person looks like.
>you also can't just conveniently ignore Southern EuropeYes, people in the south look darker, but you also can't ignore the people up north. If we were to also take them into account, they are even lighter than the polish girls I posted, so this is the middle ground.
And what does "swarthy" even mean?
I'm from Bavaria, which is in the south of Germany. I have dark brown hair and am in the minority with this, more than half of my class has blonde or at least dark blonde hair. Of course most people get a little tan in the summer, but I wouldn't call that "dark skinned"…
No. 89162
>>89131>the "European look" is generally considered to be tanned skin and dark hair/eyes.Uhh I dunno man but in my European country the European look is defenitely NOT considered tanned skin and dark eyes/hair. I'm not saying it's exclusively light hair, light eyes, light skin, but dark all-around is NOT considered the standard European look. Are you confusing the 'European look' (if you could even say that's a thing) with the current 'desired look/beauty standard'?
Imo it's more like this: A European could have fair skin, but also very well have medium skin. Could have light eyes, but brown or hazel eyes are very possible too. Could have blonde or red hair, but medium brown is very possible too. Just as long as it's not 'all-around very dark/black'
No. 89164
Also, the actual important thing for "pretty eyes" is the shape rather than the color. A friend of mine has the most striking looking eyes I've ever seen, absolutely enviable, and they're brown. It's because of their shape: almondish, upturned and elongated (basically how Bella Hadid photoshops her eyes lol). But of course it's not exclusive, there are many other nice eyeshapes. Having fights over eyes is pretty useless
No. 89166
>>89160>because really, all eye colors are beautiful in their own wayThey literally are, and I don't mean that in a uwu body positive way. The iris is an inherently pretty body part, it's impossible for the them to be ugly. People can have preferences but they have little impact on overall appearance in the end, except being universally nice to look at. On that note I think a positivity thread is as pointless as being insecure about them. Like, we all have nice irises, congratulations to us on being normal humans.
On the other hand, it's very possible for eye shapes to be ugly or take away from someone's face.
No. 89168
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my favorite kind of eyes are eyes with central heterochromia, or sectoral heterochromia (pic related). there's no particular color i find the most attractive, just different variations of colors or abnormalities on the iris.
my mother, her side of the family, and my boyfriend all have eyes somewhat like this. also my little sister has green-hazel eyes with a dark brown patch on her bottom right iris. oh and i've never found benedict cumberbatch remotely attractive, but i think he has very beautiful eyes.
No. 89169
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>>89168dead meme, but i think sminem had some cool looking eyes
No. 89184
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My eyes are hazel, but I wish they were fully green because i find the color so beautiful. It’s really attractive on men TBH. I have a really angry eye shape, so i always look pissed off or tired no matter what i do.
No. 89220
>>89162The only reason why I said "European look" was in response to the anon I was quoting (
>>88976 ) who used it to say she doesn't think Southern Europeans "look" European. There isn't a "European look" because we're made up of so many different countries but if you were to ask someone from Ireland or the UK what "looks" European, it would probably be what I described because we generally holiday in the South (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece) and not Finland lol. So if the anon is going to claim "Irish" people think Europeans all look Aryan or that it's the "ideal" look for Irish people, it's certainly not an Irish belief she's spouting.
Just wanted to give the perspective of someone living here and not an American who doesn't consider "Hispanics" to even be European lmao. Hope that's more clear.
No. 89224
>>89220This is a bit off topic, but I have a question for you and other irish anons, I always thought that the irish hating the english was a meme but a lot of those that I met actually disliked the english, basically they never had a good word for them.
Also, during the world cup matches a vast majority of the irish online pretty much cheered for any team that was playing against England.
Is there still animosity between the two of you and how much is it present in the media and in the public?
No. 89225
File: 1532192863582.png (631.14 KB, 991x610, eyes.png)

I like my eyes! They're a greyish green and my left eye has a tiny bit of hazel. It really depends on the light tho, sometimes they appear more turquoise.
I do wish they were bigger though, they're quite small on my face.
No. 89226
>>89225Holy shit, your eyes are out of this world. Just beautiful. I also love the shape of your eyes and the thick limbal ring, it really complements your eye color nicely.
And overal, I love the combo of dark eyebrows and light eyes.
No. 89228
>>89225That color is so beautiful.
>>89184I love droopy eyes, they're cute and they always make me think of Drew Barrymore and Marilyn Monroe.
I really think the color green is the most beautiful for the eyes. my bf has bright blue eyes and his brother has dark green eyes with a very warm brown splash of color in the middle that looks red next to the green. I'm absolutely jealous of both of them.
No. 89232
>>89224Irish with an English accent here - I think Irish people who spend a lot of time online are very salty. There's an Irish website with advice forums and stuff and after posting there ONCE it put me off from living there again.
Irish in person are really lovely, on the whole, and had no problem with my English accent. I do look very Irish, very pale, blue eyes, similar body type and they judged me by my physical self and not my accent. Which was a relief.
So it may be a kinda biological animosity
coughracism or just salty online folk muddying the water. I have learned online that the Welsh apparently REALLY hate England with a passion and are perpetually offended by anything English, generally the hate goes Welsh strongest, Then Scots, then Irish. However I have no insight on Northern Irish which is obviously an English territory. Also I may be wrong about the Welsh but this is based on salty online posters again.
Also Dublin folk are usually warmer towards the English just by geographical proximity and ease of frequent travel. But I think Irish are extremely warm and pleasant on the whole and the hate thing is overstated.
No. 89245
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>>89225You have my favorite kind of eyes in the world! Light blue or green with a strong dark limbal ring plus sectoral heterochromia… What a gift.
No. 89280
>>89246I generally only have two problems with English people: The fact that so many of them voted for brexit, and the ignorance many of them have regarding what colonialism did to the countries they invaded, even of us, their closest neighbors.
I'm aware the second one is more a problem with the education system rather than any personal failings so I try not to take it personally. Most English people are grand.
(derailing) No. 89305
File: 1532268383001.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 2095x1610, 20180722_155558.jpg)

What colour are my eyes?
As a child I always had blue eyes, but now they developed into pic related.
sorry for the unplucked brow…
No. 89677
File: 1532615522537.png (527.73 KB, 668x501, eyes.png)

i used to hate my eyes. i was influenced a lot by asian beauty gurus as a teen. being half asian and seeing girls like me wearing circle lenses to enlarge their eyes made me feel like mine were small and plain by themselves. so i hopped on the bandwagon and wore lenses too even though they were suffocating my eyes. i was so dumb lmao
i wore circle lenses in different colors for a few years, but finally quit. now i actually quite like my eyes as they are. they match my hair color, have a nice shape, and are balanced with the rest of my face. if they were any other way, they probably wouldn't suit me. i regret spending years being so insecure about them.
No. 89684
File: 1532616625879.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.28 KB, 745x483, 9OWjBVB.jpg)

Sage for kind of OT…but I like my eyes. They have a nice shape and are big.
However I have a bit of milia right around my eyelids somewhat similar to pic related. Not as much though, only a few of them around the lash line. I hate it. so. much.
Is there a way to get rid of these that is not laser or surgery (because that's definitely not happening), or am I just fucked?
No. 89711
>>89706When did a Nothern European country ever dominate Europe / the world? Never.
What are the piece of architecture you think of when you think of europe? I bet some italian or french shit.
They're quite culturally irrelevant except to some white pride murican and pasty white hippies who can't pretend like they're native americans so they chose to become pagans kek.
>>89715Sorry I misread you I thought you were answering to the this
>>89146 post.
No. 89721
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>>89711>When did a Northern European country ever dominate the world? Never.Um, what is The British Empire.
Anyways back on topic, I love people who have (natural) moles or birthmarks near their eyes like pic related, it's very alluring.
No. 89745
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>>89738whenever i see this thread get bumped i get so excited because i think i'm going to read stories about other people's eyes + see pretty eye photos.
but no, it's just anons sperging out about european genetics.
No. 89793
>>89788sort of.
pupil dilation correlates with sexual arousal in humans. when i have sex with my bf (who has very light blue-green eyes) his pupils often become very large, especially right as he's about to cum. it's erotic to stare into them when we make love. i've always had a thing for overly stimulated pupils but idk why.(sorry if OT, but it was related to eyes)
No. 90053
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I really don't think blue eyes are prettier than green or hazel or brown or black eyes or vice versa because your eyecolor needs to work with the rest of your features. Pic related: I think this girl looks so beautiful because her eyecolor works so so well with hair, skin and make-up NOT because her eyes are blue. Had she had light blonde hair and skin she'd probably be much more average and less stunning.
No. 90173
>>90053I agree. Any eye colour can be gorgeous, it has more to do with eyeshape and contrast of other colours (hair, skin) than the eye colour itself.
I'm a pale ass scandi with the unfortunate colouring of and olm salamander, it's like everything in my face is the same colour, hair, skin, eyes, lashes, brows. So even though my eyes are pale blue/green colour, they're absolutely unremarkable because of the lack of contrast in my face. Sometimes I wear brown contacts and they instantly make me look better. Also I'm pretty sure that if I'd be tanned and have darker hair, my own eye colour would look better as well.
No. 90357
>>90343>>90344If your eyes are close-set, you can balance it out with some make up.
This is a pretty good tutorial~
No. 90514
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Eye colour is completely negligible when it comes to facial aesthetics anyway, yet it always seems to be the epicentre of consideration when evaluating one's eye area. It's only important if it's a particularly impressive colour (see: Elizabeth Taylor's violet hue) or it's rare for your race/phenotype (see: Aishwarya Rai's phenotypically exceptional green eyes).
Having a correct and aesthetically pleasing eye shape >> literally any eye colour.
Certain physical qualities such as being horizontally long, limited upper eyelid exposure, set deeply within the skull, downturned medial canthus, thick and dark eyelashes/brows and vertically compact and projected orbits are preferable to even the most cutesy baby blue. No. 90525
>>90521yeah i'm also a girl and literally all those eye characteristics are the ones i happen to like in men. lookism only gets stupid because autists take it way too literally and refuse to see that
any aspect of attractiveness is subjective, but it's equally stupid to pretend that there's no observable basis to good looks and everyone's features look equally good uwu
No. 90527
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>>90514>>completely negligible Blue eyed men actually have a preference for blue eyed women.
No. 90602
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>>90570you mean sanpaku eyes?
No. 90709
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>>90618Different anon, I think they can simply be called round eyes
No. 90825
Anyway, if anyone would like, just for shits and giggles.
>>88603that'd be great! are you aiming for realism or stylistic? i'd move the eyes a bit into you, too.
>>89039Of course I've fallen off with some bills, I end up with my own Isshoku Hada group now, ngl lol same ;-; Yeah, I feel like my personality. Sounds fun, anon, as long as it is. From what I've seen though.
>>90618This is considered children's movies this year: rewatched Lilo & Stitch , Cloudy with a perfect angel in every sphere from social, intellectual etc. I'm sorry you had to guess which of your convictions and call it what it takes to live off of.
No. 91274
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Would cool tone shadows look good on me if I'm dirty blonde, cool undertone and brown eyes? I'm more attracted to those colored but warm tones seem more on trend.
Also, I've been plucking and waxing my eyebrows and keeping them very neat lately, would it be a bad idea to go for a thicker messier look? Thick brows have always looked so cute to me but I've told myself I look better with groomed brows but idk. Opinions on growing out my brows?
No. 91295
>>91274You look cool toned maybe leaning neutral. I think cool toned shadow would work best on you, but you can maybe get away with some neutral slightly warm colors.
Maybe this can help you, it's a guide on how to pick the best colors for your overall coloring. No. 91296
>>91274Please don't fall for instagram memes, your eyebrows are nice as they are and they frame your eyes well.
Btw you appear neutral to me so you could probably pull off either.
No. 91392
>>91296>>91295>>91294Thanks anons you're so kind :"")
And yes that's true sometimes I get suckered into trends, thank you for the input. Also sorry I realized this might be the wrong thread
No. 91705
>>91680Try wearing a top that almost matches your eyes, but has a little more blue in it. A greyish blue-green or something.
t. green-eyed farmer
No. 91712
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My eyes are the only thing i like about myself. Having green eyes always felt magical to me.
No. 91761
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>>91727Nope. Just White with ties to Ireland, France and Russia.
>>91757Depends on the way the light hits them I guess. They usually look almost yellow with a dark almost blusish ring around the outside.
No. 91766
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>>91763Yeah theres an instagram filter on those, sure.
These two arent light filtered. First one is natural sunlight. Second is just how they look in a regular room under a regular light.
No. 91768
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Here's my eyes. My face is red because I fell asleep. There's faded eyeshadow on them too. I need help with eyebrows. My face is very round, kinda like a bowling ball. I feel like I tried every eyebrow shape, but it just enhances it. Help me, I'm in a rut lol
No. 91787
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Is there any tips for making your eyes look larger. I love how the the model, Allison Harvey's eyes look, and I wish mine were that big
I already use white eyeliner on my bottom waterline on a regular basis, I'm really fair skinned so it looks fine (at least I think?)
I'm somewhere between Chubby and fat and I don't carry a whole lot of weight in my face but would losing weight make my eyes look larger, especially if it's weight from my face?
No. 91790
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>>91787The white liner in the lower waterline looks a little dated. It reminds me of late 00s gyaru makeup. You can get a similar, more subtle effect with a flesh toned liner.
No. 94056
File: 1535955751505.png (1.12 MB, 1277x613, Untitled.png)

Hazel eyes really confuse me. Whenever I google search it in images, I get mixed results. Some people say they're a light brown with flecks of green, while other pictures look extremely all green to me? its kinda getting on my nerves.
No. 94059
File: 1535956739228.jpg (25.55 KB, 300x201, eyes-400-300x201.jpg)

>>94056if you look at a close up,
>>88605 the main thing is that there are both green fibers and brown fibers so it looks like either a greenish brown or a very very warm green. if your eyes are just pure green, they never look brown, and if they're a warm brown, they never read green.
" Although hazel mostly consists of brown and green, the dominant color in the eye can either be brown/gold or green." from wikipedia
don't even bother with that pic of the different eyecolors that you circled. it's not real photos. they just recolored an eye to approximate what they think is hazel. it's probably for selling contacts or something. this one is better. eyes 1 and 2 aren't hazel because they don't have any brown. they're either green or maybe bluish green. eyes 5 and 6 aren't hazel because they don't have any green. they're brown. eyes 3 and 4 have both green and brown mixed, with 3 being more greenish and 4 being more brownish
No. 94060
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I never really thought too much about my eye area since I think it looks pretty basic but I'm becoming more interested in makeup and just making myself look prettier and I would like to know if any of you anons have any tips on reducing dark circles since mine are pretty bad
No. 94138
>>94130I think people comment that it works for the lulz.
And the people that view it are really desperate, I think there are also similar videos of subliminally changing the skin color etc.
It's really sad that so many people want to change to what is considered white standards of beauty instead of embracing what they have.
No. 94612
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>>89684I've only ever had one little bump like that under my eye, and it was there for months before I read on a forum that you can just….pop them? It hurt like a bitch cause it's a sensitive area but it was super satisfying to just pop that little bead out. There was no trace of it by the next day. No scarring or anything, it was like it had never even been there.
I don't know if I'd do that for multiple tho. I also used something like pic related to puncture it first.
>dermatologists hate her!!!because I do this kind of stupid shit
No. 94859
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I have partial heterochromia in my left eye and I wish I didn't. I really think it looks like poop. I also wish I had super dark blue eyes like my dad (his are entirely the colour of my limbal ring), but they're an okay colour. I want to find make-up techniques that work with my eyes, but I can't even figure out what shape they are. Anyway, enjoy my poopy mutant eye!
No. 94865
File: 1536641197739.jpg (106.39 KB, 885x400, IMG_0361.JPG)

>>94859OK sorry this looks retarded but you have a similar eye shape to me so I tried my makeup on you
No. 94868
>>94864I never said ugly, I said I think they're an okay colour but I don't like the heterochromia. I still thought it would be good to share, though, since it's an uncommon thing and I'd also like make-up tips.
>>94865Thanks anon! What mascara do you use? I've been trying out Benefit's They're Real (for its durability) but it doesn't seem to do a whole lot.
No. 99360
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my lashes are pretty much invisible, i feel you anon. lighting does make a big difference as well, maybe play around with that?
also if anyone has any recommendations for me i would be grateful. this is usually how i do my makeup (a little shadow, not really liner or mascara)
No. 101322
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This thread is pretty inactive but I had a good time reading through it and seeing some neat eye colors. Here’s a photo of mine to bump the thread because it deserves more traction
No. 101332
File: 1542965453504.jpg (66.57 KB, 546x457, P_20180824_170601_BF_1.jpg)

My favourite eye colour is green, followed by dark brown. I love how intense they look, like if you were staring into the night. On the other hand, I don't like blue or cooler colours. They look pretty empty, but I still like them depending on features: dark skin+blue eyes are so awesome.
I like my eyes, just wish they were slighly larger
No. 101336
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>>101332Your eyes are super cute!
Mine are a weird shape with too light lashes ah well though
No. 101337
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>>101336Maybe here’s a better photo. Truly would like thicker lashes.
No. 101346
File: 1543011277083.jpg (207.57 KB, 1221x314, 20181123_171223.jpg)

what color would yall consider my eyes? they look grey to me
No. 101411
File: 1543137880271.jpg (1.45 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20181125_031946566.j…)

Please pardon the creepy compilation format I just wanted to tackle this from a few angles. Can someone tell me what eyeshape this eyes? They look kind of hooded but I am not so sure that they are really hooded so much as I just have smallish eyes and eyelids. I have also thought almond, but they don't look quite that either. The makeup looks I've tried in the past have looked funny, and while I'm sure that it is mostly my lack of skill I think I also choose ones that suite me poorly. Also do I have chola looking eyebrows? Please no sugar coating, the hurtful truth is good.
No. 101414
>>101411I think round eye shape? I clicked on this photo from the main page because I thought they were really lovely tbh, they’re very soft.
I think a smoked out brown/black liner on top would look pretty, just some subtle contrast
You can take an eye pencil and thinly line just above your eyelashes (as well as in them, it makes them appear thicker), and then with a dense brush just blend it out with an eyeshadow of the same color.
If you like the winged liner look but have had trouble with it, it’s because round eyes are kind of down-turned which makes it a little trickier
If you end the liner right before the end of your eye and thicken the line into a wing higher up you can get the same enlarging effect without worrying about it looking “off” outside the eyes.
This stuff is really hard to explain through text lol but if you google “winged liner for round eyes” I’m sure there are vids!
No. 101421
>>101411They really look like my eyes wew, finally I get to see someone with the same shape
They're round. They're not hooded, the lids are just on the smallish side but you can see them. Plus they look big.
Try winged eyeliner/smokey eye, it will elongate the shape. Idk what chola eyebrows are but you can fill them in with brow pomade.
No. 101427
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What eyeshape is this? I can't really determine and whatever eyeliner I do if it's bigger than like 0.1mm in thickness, makes me look horrible and tired. So I want to find tutorials closer to my eye shape.
No. 101466
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I have light blue, and I prefer darker blue/green and dark brown. I really like dark brown (ie, "black") eyes, a standard brown isn't great imo unless it's the same color as your hair. also, I think the striking contrast of dark skin/dark hair/light eyes only looks good on men. (Idk, but I really prefer my men to be tan, pink skin and blond hair is asexual to me.)
No. 101490
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>>101466i disagree, it looks exotic, gorgeous and sultry on both genders
No. 306851
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I like my eye color but I will never enjoy cute eye shadows, Idk if my eyes are deep seated or just hooded, can't tell the difference, I just wish my upper eyelid was more visible
No. 306862
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>>101411Holy shit I haven't been on 4chan in years and I immediately recognized your eyes lmao
Anyway you definitely don't have hooded eyes, they're either deep set or some other anatomy thing that makes the eyelid space small, hard to tell from this angle.
I think your eyebrows are fine but I would pluck the bit I highlighted
>>306860You 100% have deep set eyes, hooded = excess skin or fat making the eyelid space smaller
No. 307363
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What type of eyes do I have? I always felt i had really scrotey eyes so I'm wondering if you nonnas have any suggestions
No. 307391
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>>307363Lol you have those Goku eyebrows that are triangular and thicker in the middle and thin at the ends
No. 308085
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Is this hazel? I don't see any gold or brown so I'm not sure
No. 315431
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Do my eyes look dead? I feel like they do on pics but people disagree not to offend me I guess.
No. 315559
>>315432Kek that much? I'm not though, I think I'm just not photogenic.
>>315454This is the nicest thing somebody told me about my eyes, thank you so much nonna! I was actually trying to take a selfie with my cat, I just never know how to pose or what expression I should make when I'm on a pic. I wear mascara at work because I like how it widens my gaze but I'm too lazy on my days off to do anything.
No. 315752
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with my body dysmorphia resurging hard the last couple years I can't say I love myself at all but hey
No. 315887
>>315867That's an old pic but yes I do have naturally oily frizzy hair. Wash it too much, wash it too little, either way, but the flyaways are always there
>>315868i see no problem with this, I love her
No. 316037
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>>315431Your eyes remind me of Rooney Mara's, very pretty
No. 316227
File: 1678450600832.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.77 KB, 1528x312, 7C02F205-B704-4928-8322-55C9B5…)

I like brown eyes the most. I think mine are blue green?
No. 316257
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I have small and uneven eyes like Ryan Gosling.
It kills me everytime I have to take a picture because in camera its even more evident.
I wish I had big feminine eyes.
Also my lashes super small.
No. 316259
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has anyone here managed to get rid of their "genetically" puffy under eye bags? 2 different guys told me i have "frog eyes" (one actually said Pepe the Frog eyes).
also, do my eyeshape resemble any ethinicities' eyes? like does it look asian or european?
No. 316262
>>316259There’s serums and stuff to temporarily tighten up that area. Idk any specific brands.
Plucking and shaping your brows would help too.
No. 316264
>>316261sorry idk why i look like a psychopath, thanks for the input nona.
>>316262i wasnt sure about whethere serums worked but i guess theres no cheaper way (skincare is kinda expensive where i live). thanks for your response anon
No. 316366
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No. 316496
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I was so obseesed with Paul Mccartney’s eyes when i was a teen it’s shameful! Every day for like 2 years i did my makeup and tried to make my eyes look like that. I do have that asymetry but not the tilt. I lookd hilarious and sometimes people were like: Are you sure you’re doing your eyeliner right? You should make it point upwards not downwords." KEKITTY KEK
No. 316500
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>>316496you were just doing the puppy eyeliner, which is the opposite of cat eyeliner, you weren't doing it "wrong", god people can be annoying about makeup. also top kek for me thinking these were sylvester stalone eyes in the first pic
No. 317590
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no my eyes are brown and i think they're pretty ideal, only thing i would change is make my bottom eyelashes a bit darker