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No. 90219>>90225>>90236
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I'm German and live in Bavaria.
Pic related is how the average uni student dresses, there's basically only one store: H&M
The ones who have richer parents sometimes really overdo it with the brands though. And of course people from the "lower class" dress completely different.
My little sister is 13 and I guess she and her friends dress somewhat like the average American student does, influenced by the Kardashians and instagram: crop tops, leggings, also snapchat filters, etc.
No. 90236
Hamburg, Germany. City, 1.8 million people, over 5 million in the metro area. Born and raised there, love it. I don't think I could ever leave this city because it just so strongly feels like my home.
It's very diverse, so it's hard to say what's it's like. There's a lot of poverty and a lot of wealth, depending on the part of the city. We have a large famous red-light/party district that is getting gentrified (brothels are closing and expensive bars are taking their place). Because the red-light district is kind of old people act like prostitution is an essential part of Hamburg's culture/tradition that needs to be protected (can you imagine regular people being fucking sad about brothels closing?). Also, the tourists that are just here to party, ugh. Many people celebrate bachelor parties (Junggesellenabschied?) here and they have no manners. Those mostly middle-class small-town people are acting like Hamburg is their personal party zoo and treating the people that actually live here like shit. Love being harassed by groups of drunk men in the middle of the week, just wanting to go home after work. It doesn't happen that often luckily since I don't live that close to the party district. Sorry, I digress. We also have a large harbour, a lot of water and many bridges. I guess we're kinda like Amsterdam without the weed.
We have a lot of shopping options here, everything from basic to luxury brands. People dress fashionable, but pretty normie (unlike e.g. Berlin). Leather jacket, plain white t-shirt, skinny jeans and sneakers is probably the most popular look if I had to guess. Bit less hipstery/studentish than
>>90219 imo
>>90224That sounds really cool, anon (besides the racism and class divide part of course). I always wonder how different my life would've been if I was raised in a small town.
No. 90238
>>90181Nice! Me too, though I'm in another county in the South West!
I frequent /g/ and /ot/ and sometimes lurk /pt/ but mostly the Mariah threads
No. 90274>>90369
From Germany, currently East Coast USA.
Enjoying the big city, there is everything here.
But I kinda want to go off the grid. I'd miss you nonnies lol
>>90269I'm intrigued, tell us more?
No. 90285
I'm American. I live in Atlanta, GA- which is the South in the United States.
I love it here for the most part. I love how diverse it is. I'm a white woman, but it's not uncommon for me to be the only white person in the room or part of a white minority. But things can also be tense for that reason. I have been harassed, yelled at, followed, threatened, etc. Either because I'm white or because I'm a woman. I've had my car stolen. That said, despite feeling afraid at times, it's mostly positive and nothing too bad has happened to me.
In terms of violent crime, it's actually pretty safe here. I know what parts of the city I can walk around in alone. I know what parts to avoid entirely. So it's mostly good.
There are about 4 million people here. We have pretty much any kind of shop imaginable.
The fashion here is also diverse. You could wear anything you wanted, and you're not likely to stick out too much. Unless you were wearing a costume or something. Although it really changes from neighborhood to neighborhood within the city. Some areas are more wealthy and you can expect a certain fashion there. I would not wear ripped jeans or T-shirts, for example, if I was going to shop at a mall in the northern part of the city. Unless they were worn in a fashionable "put together" way. And if I was in the eastern part of the city, it is more trendy there, so I might avoid dressing conservatively. If I was in the south west part of the city, I would just do my best to dress-down and not stick out because that could make me a target.
No. 90287>>90335
I'm from Rhode Island, US. It's in the northeast. Smallest US state and everyone knows someone mutually with you no matter where you go. Best place is the capital; we get a lot of tourism there which is odd considering so many people in the actual US don't even know we exist.
>>90227I find the Midwest fascinating. Is it pleasant? Tbh, not being anywhere near an ocean must be so weird but it's also something you guys must be very used to. I can't imagine considering I live in what's titled "The Ocean State".
No. 90338>>90552
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I'm Irish and living in Ireland.
I love my country because it's so mild. Summer isn't unbearably hot, winter isn't unbearably cold and the odd time we get a heatwave or snow we really appreciate it. It rains often but it's always a light rainfall and I love the sound of it at night. We don't have any kinds of serious natural disasters and we definitely don't have any kind of scary wildlife like giant spiders or snakes or bears. The countryside is absolutely beautiful and I love all the little cobblestone streets in the cities. I love our rich history and culture. Everyone is really friendly and polite and there's a huge sense of community, even when we're abroad. I feel so safe here.
There are aspects I definitely don't like about the country. We are living in quite a backwards society (Divorce, abortion and being gay were illegal up until recently and we were heavily under the influence of the Catholic church for way too long which resulted in women and children being abused, we're still feeling the effects of all of this because it really shaped people's attitudes towards women, children and gay people. Also people are shitty to animals). It's ridiculously expensive to live here and the older generations don't care that people my age are being forced to emigrate.
But I feel so blessed that I was born here and I'm so thankful for it. I wouldn't have wanted to be born anywhere else.
No. 90348>>90351
>>90211>East coast Canada, but not the maritimes.You can say NL, it's okay.
I'm Native American (sick ass dual citizenship that barely benefits me at all lmao) and live on the East Coast of Canada, also NL. I grew up here in one of the smaller towns with mostly white people, which is pretty wild for Canada.
It's fucking windy here and everyone smokes weed. Not as cold as the mainland apparently gets in the winter, though.
No. 90350>>90351>>90359>>90402
>>90211Oh no, I'm from Ontario. I just didn't want others to get confused about where I was from, but clearly that didn't work haha.
You know, as a Canadian who lived here for 17 years, I haven't travelled different parts of Canada. Do you have recommendations on where to visit in the maritimes? I'd really love to visit but damned be the expensive flights.
No. 90360>>90667
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>>90174I'm from America; I live in California.
It used to be nice where I lived when the state was mostly natives, but now they're moving away. It's crowded with people from out of state who think they're going to get rich, and illegals who cause a lot of problems (My neighborhood used to be peaceful, now we've had two shootings in the past year. The victims died. Friend's child was hit by an illegal driver as well and was never caught because the license couldn't be traced). We had a terrorist attack in San Bernardino as well; I knew some of the victims personally.
The Polynesian "love and let live" surfer culture is practically non-existent here now, as well as the vintage car culture outside of LA. I have no reason to stay anymore. We're overcrowded and prices keep going up. I can no longer afford to be here. The population of the state last time I checked was 44 million, driving to any city takes at least 2 hours.
Stores are the same as anywhere else in the United States here, I'd actually say they're worse. We don't have many mom-and-pop shops. Everything is imported from China. You'd be better off shopping online with how ridiculous the prices here are anyway. It's a myth that there's tons of stuff to do. Everyone who comes here wants to leave and go back to their original state within two years. Unless you're coming here to work at Disneyland or surf, this state is about as fucking boring as every other. Oh, and no, you won't meet famous people unless you live in Miami.
I'm actually planning on moving to New Zealand. How do you like it there OP?
No. 90368>>90372
>>90260>rural >rain>FranceAre you by any chance from Bretagne ? I live there and I can't get enough of the rain.
So I live in France, in the Brittany region. I love where I live so much, I live next to the biggest town of the region and I like how friendly people are, and how artsy it is. People are diverse and it makes me feel good when I come back here after a trip.
We are an hour away from the ocean, and an hour away from another town full of hipstery students and beautiful architecture.
It's just a bit small compared to other french towns, and changes in shops happens slowly so it doesn't "move" as quickly.
No. 90369>>90371>>90373>>90383
>>90274What would you like to know?
North Africa to be specific btw
No. 90373>>90553
>>90369Not who you answered to, but how is it to not be mentioned on the English language forums at all? Like Africa gets ignored all the time, because "hurdurr, do they have the internet?!"
About me: German, live in Tokyo. Life here is super stressful, I'd honestly rather move back to Germany. Too many people in Japan.
No. 90401>>90402
>>90374It's a term that everyone in my school uses to differeniate between jobs in California and East Coast/NYC lol.
I never said I was convinced it was on the coast, but alright, keep your hate boner on.
No. 90418
>>90415Yeah! I didn’t expect many kiwis to be on here tbh, it’s a nice surprise that there are others though.
And nice! You’re relatively close to me, I live in Christchurch.
No. 90421>>90588
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I live in a little city, less than 20k people. Around 20km to the sea. On weekdays I'm in ~the big city~, studying. I'm definitely a small town girl though, I miss nature and city parks are not enough for me; I need fields, meadows to wade through with my dog, woods and wild nature in general. Crowds and fast living tires the shit out of me.
I love my country, but sometimes I think about emigration. Sooner or later the EU will have to put its foot down and kick us the fuck out because of our politics. The way the country is ruled now makes me scared about mine and my family's future, if they'd be like let's move countries RN I'd be like sure… I won't leave them though.
Fashion-wise, the popular among girls look is white sneakers, jeans tighter than stockings, high-waisted. Some sort of parka. The basic bitch look, basically. Besides this, fashion is pretty diverse, but most people wear comfortable whatever-style, I think. In the city there are way more hypebeasts and such, but something original, outstanding and crazy is still rather rare.
No. 90461
>>90422I'm working a normal office job.
I've noticed a few shitposts at lolcow that seems to be written by other people around here? I recall someone posting some racial slurs about boers?
Who's shitposting from SA? I thought I was alone lol.
No. 90491>>90494
>>90482>>90490Hey neighbors! I'm also WA state, down on the southern border.
I live in a shitty miserable maze of suburbia. It's 3mi(5km) to the closest grocery store and a little more than a mile(~1.5km) to the nearest place that isn't a house. I've been here 2 years and have yet to see any POC or adults under the age of 35, excluding myself and my husband.
We're looking for our own place but anything affordable is gone the day it hits the market, while all these shitty huge mcmansions around us are left sitting empty.
No. 90494
>>90485It is really comfy! Yeah, a lot of yuppies, mostly Californians. You can tell who the locals are, and most Washingtonians have a mutual hatred for Cali and everyone moving up from there kek
We used to never have any homeless people due to lack of resources and taking the ferry is expensive af but now we have a few who bum around the weed and liquor store. Also the bigger population live on the northern part of the island so they have their share of druggies and crazies.
>>90490>>90491Hello fellow PNW neighbors! It's the same thing where I live; elderly people EVERYWHERE! We're also predominantly white even though others would disagree and say how ~diverse~ we are because there's a black AND a filipino family living in the same neighborhood.
That's nice that you have your husband though, the dating pool here is real slim and disappointing.
Good luck trying to find a home! Although this state is growing we still have a lot of people leaving for better weather!
No. 90496
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I'm from Ireland.
Everyone is nice and women are treated like queens. Westher is mild and countryside is just gorgeous.
People generally wear sports clothes and Dubs shirts all year round, nobody really cares how you look so you can easily go about your day in pjs.
I'm from a coastal town, around 10k people.
I love how nice people are and how strong the sense of community is. However being in Dublin often I dislike how the crime gets treated here and how aloof the guards are. I wish we had a police force that actually does something.
No. 90522
Guanajuato, México. Is quite a lovely place to live even when the whole city is built on rough terrain, making it kind of tough to own a car but you'll get a killer butt just by walking around.
The downtown part of the city has Spanish colonial buildings and cobblestone roads, I guess that's the reason the majority of people wear flat shoes. Normie fashion is the most common, though there are many hipster, artsy folks and women in indigenous clothing selling their craftmanship goods on the side.
Weather is warm in spring, hot in summer and a bit chill during winter time. Rn is raining as hell. Food is varied since many expats from around the world live here but highlands Mexican is the stapple.
For groceries there are Walmart, national supermarket chains such as Soriana and traditional markets. Prices are affordable and quality is good. For more gourmet or rare ingredients a quick trip to León would be the key.
People are friendly even when they are a bit distant. A curious thing is that Guanajuato is one of the most conservative places of México, but they aren't confrontational (unless provoked in a direct and aggresive way). Most men have manners and even when there are a few catcallers, they tend to be unagressive.
Night life is cheerful as this is a college city. Before 11 pm is common to find large groups of people walking through the alleys followed by performers, this are Callejoneadas, a very popular tourist route. Pubs and clubs close at 3 am for government reasons though.
Overall is a nice place to live.
No. 90553>>90558>>90705
>>90371Maybe. Why?
>>90373>how is it to not be mentioned on the English language forums at all? Like Africa gets ignored all the time, because "hurdurr, do they have the internet?!"Since South Africa and North Africa are a thing, it doesn't really get ignored that much, at least on other forums and image boards I've seen. It's mostly the American-based ones where Africa gets completely ignored and people genuinely believe the entire continent is mudhuts. It's eyeroll worthy at most, and sometimes even comfy knowing I can lurk the place and post whatever without being recognized or seeing people I recognize
>>90383>In a city?Yes
>What do you like about living there, what do you hate? I like the weather, the nature, the food, the cheap cost of living, the history and the cultures that mixed in this region. I also love how multilingual most people are.
I hate the corruption, the ignorance, the wealth gap, how religious and/or superstitious people can be, and most of the men.
>Are there African lolcows (internet or celebricows)?Yeah, every country has its own. There's even regional celebricows/lolcows. My country has a lot of lolcows rather than celebricows because we're very active online (especially in the last 5 years or so) and our internet celebs(especially youtubers) eventually become traditional media stars. That caused the rise of several different breeds of cows who are desperate for fame and success outside the internet.
No. 90587
>>90574Well, I live in Greece even though I'm not Greek… I suppose that doesn't really count.
Do you know of any Greek cows?
No. 90588
>>90421Another Polish anon there. Come from Bydgoszcz but have been studying in Gdańsk for 2 years now.
I also want to move somewhere else, yet I am afraid if I will be able to do it by myself.
No. 90651
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>>90626Can confirm this, am Swede. I think there’s a general snide/bitter mood over us with a constant need to complain about eveything.
No. 90667
In LA, California.
Basically what the other anons said about CA…
>>90377>>90376>>90360is pretty true.
Despite the influx of non-locals and tourists, I do really love it here and love what we have to offer. Such a wide variety of food options, art, and culture I don't think I could give it up. Too bad it's getting really expensive here tho, I'm worried I won't be able to stay for long :( I've considered possibly moving further north in the future to SF or SB but nothing is set in stone. Also a big fan of the Seattle area.
In the future I wanna study abroad/live for a while in the Netherlands or Spain so I would love to hear more from those anons!
>>90572Funny that you want to move to LA from SF and I wanna do the opposite lololol. What sucks is that everything is expensive here and everyone is up their own ass as well. One question I have about SF is are people super fame hungry out there? Because I feel that over here a lot of people tend to crave fame and followers (and I'm not just talking about all the youtubers and wanna-be actors/models that move out here, but some people I know personally tend to act this way). It really kills the vibe out here.
No. 90697>>90703>>90705
>>90558It's really cool to meet another Moroccan anon! Where exactly are you from, if you don't mind saying?
I suspected there was another one of us when I saw someone comment "They look like those Moroccan or Algerian fruit vendors" on BTS' outfits to the BBMAs
No. 90703
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>>90697I live in one of the big cities in France. I'm mostly familiar with Casablanca because that's where my most of my relatives live, but I visited other cities long ago. Almost all the Moroccans I know in France are from Casablanca or the Riff.
Something I find really embarrassing is that I don't speak Arabic at all and I don't know if I should try to learn
>I suspected there was another one of us when I saw someone comment "They look like those Moroccan or Algerian fruit vendors" on BTS' outfits to the BBMAsThat wasn't me because I got too lazy to keep up with the kpop threads and kpop in general but holy shit lmfao.
No. 90705
I wish this thread was around like three years ago cause I would have a cool place to mention, cause now I just live in a boring-ass section in the USA. Surprisingly amount of Europeans here, considering how a lot of the lolcows are Canadian and US American. A lot of the interest in lolcows seem to depend on proximity (like the Vegas thread), but I guess crazies or asshats cross global boundaries.
>>90697>>90553Do you live in Tangier or know people from the area? I used to live there and loved it, but another anon on another forum mentioned that it's really gone downhill over the last decade. Any truth to that?