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No. 93284
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>>93279I wish I had an older brother who could look after me or a younger brother I could annoy
No. 93295
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Got two older brothers. My eldest-older brother is an obese alcoholic with a bad personality. Can't stand being around him. Won't write any more about him.
I like my middle-older brother. Despite having the personality of a loner background-character, he somehow was always sort of perfect too; which I used to be jealous of. He did sports, he'd get good grades, was good looking, would never get in trouble with mom and dad (despite partying, etc. he'd just never get caught somehow, unlike his siblings who always got caught).
All of my friends had a crush on him (but they never dated him, we're 5 years apart), and he seemed pretty popular in his own grade as well. For some reason, he never seemed to have a girlfriend, and I kind of thought that he might be gay (he's not though).
My middle-older brother is and was very stoic and quiet. We didn't interact much; he just hung out in his room a lot; we'd never talk, except on family trips, but even then, he would just be playing gameboy color or something (back, in the 90's). Our interactions were pretty shallow.
My earliest memory of a meaningful interaction with my middle-older brother was in junior year of high school. I caught my boyfriend making out with another girl; and dumped him on the spot. The shithead followed me home, crying and apologizing. He wouldn't leave. We were fighting loudly outside the house; for some reason I wanted him to leave before I opened the door, I guess I thought he might follow me inside, and that would be awful, or something like that, I don't really know what my logic was. My middle-older brother came outside, and that was my chance to go inside without the shithead now ex following me.
I thought that my middle-older brother would get aggressive; which made me scared, cause I'd feel really guilty if the shithead hurt him in a fight. Instead, he seemed unusually sweet; and was comforting the shithead, offering him a ride home even. This pissed me off a lot, "you're supposed to be on my side. you don't even know him," I thought. But the shithead left, and then middle-older brother came upstairs and knocked on the door of my room, told me shithead left, told me the doors were locked, and asked if I wanted to talk about what happened. I said I didn't, and he said "ok".
Then he took me out to breakfast, the next day, just the two of us. I don't think that ever happened before. He was unusually open. He told me that he felt guilty about not being a better brother, that he should have been looking out for me more. He said that he should have been friendlier, and talked to me more, or helped me with my homework. I reassured him that he was a good brother. He said that he wasn't a bad brother, not mean or anything, but not a good one either; that he treated me more like a roommate to be ignored, and he apologized for that, and said that he'd try to change. He blamed the fact that he's introverted, likes being alone too much. I said that he shouldn't feel guilty, but I'd be glad to hang out more.
We never did become closer like we planned though. We're still on good terms, but not buddy-buddy. I think he's just way too introverted, and I have my own problems (social anxiety); and the combination of that means that neither of us takes the initiative to force interaction.
No. 93297
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>>93278it's not great. I have a younger brother.
One time when I was 18 and he was 16 we were sharing a hotel room and I woke up in the middle of the night to find him lying naked on the floor masturbating behind his bed. I went to hide in the bathroom and pretended I hadn't seen him. The next morning I was furious and I didn't really have the language to explain why to our parents. I think I blamed my anger on him not flushing the toilet. I wouldn't speak to him and my parents thought I was being ridiculous. I was so upset.
My dad used to beat the shit out of me until I was in my early 20s I think that lead to my brother also assaulting me a few times as an adult. He thinks he was justified in doing it because I used to pick on him when we were children. He doesn't see the difference between kids fighting and an adult man attacking a woman unprovoked.
The worst part is that I'm a total recluse/shut in with mental problems and he's the closest thing I have to a friend. And I hate him.
No. 93311
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Jesus, I used to think I wanted more siblings, but after reading the replies thank God I didn't.
I'm sorry for all of the annoying and horrible siblings you guys had. Hopefully they're all far away and not part of your lives now.
No. 93316
It's good.
My younger half brother is only 10 years old, but he's really just like my full brother cos his father is a failure piece of shit who ignores his existence. He asked MY father to go to his fathers day breakfast at his school so that really says it all. He's a pretty happy, chill/friendly kid. He loves hanging out with me, dancing and Michael Jackson and video games. I fear him turning into an incel tier retard cos he doesn't really have friends, never asks to go over anyones house or bring any school mates over plus porn and all that really concerns me, unlike my older brother I really see him living his life online, being brought up In the generation of living on a screen since you were born and I know once he gets older he's going to have a lot of anger and resentment toward his father which could make him bitter. I guess I just don't want him to grow up to be a piece of shit but I don't think he will.
My older brother is 3 years older than me and we get on like a house on fire. He was never the shut in stay on the internet all day type as a teenager (which is where we differ completely lel) he was always outside and in the graffiti/street scene in high school, he had a rats tail, he was a typical dero, always had heaps of friends, loved to throw parties much to my dads annoyance. I love him a lot, we have a lot of mutual interests we like the same music, sports, humour, drugs (kek) and he agrees with me on tranny bullshit negatively affecting women even though he's a lefty. We fight sometimes but thats normal. He's a really kind man, good person and it sucks he has low self esteem regarding relationships and career prospects.
Overall I love having brothers but I know a lot of girls who are abused by them. I guess I'm lucky my siblings and I have never maliciously bullied each other. My dad always said you should feel safe in your home and theres going to be all sorts of people out there in the world who try to bring you down, you shouldn't come home and get it from your siblings of all people, too.
oh and I have another half brother who is also 10 years old but I've never met him. I was only just made aware of his existence this year. I don't know why both my parents decided to procreate with complete dropkick losers after they broke up but in saying that, my younger bro whom I love to bits wouldn't be here so I guess it was just meant to be.
No. 93319
I have younger twin brothers and I can honestly tell you that if you had one, you wouldn't want one. Growing up they were terribly spoiled by my parents while I was expected to get all A's in school, do housework and all aspects of my life were controlled by my parents ("Where are you going? When will you be back? Who will be there? Is your phone fully charged and taken off silent? You're not going wearing that, go up and change."). None of these rules applied to my brothers. Even my extended family would side with my brothers and call me "hysterical" or a "bitch" when they gaslighted me.
They're fun to hang around with sometimes but it's pretty short-lived because I'm always reminded of the fact that they're typical men pretty quickly. Even today, my brothers will keep me up until 5am shouting with their friends on Fortnite when I have an exam the next day, if they want the TV/computer I'm expected to give it up for them to avoid a tantrum even if I'm working, if the house is unclean I'm blamed and screamed at even though it's always their mess, they get given money and gifts whenever they want while I have to work part time to pay for necessities like transport/food/phone bills and haven't bought clothes for myself in years. If there's an argument, my parents will side with my brothers (to anyone who doesn't have siblings there's always a favorite child and if you're unlucky enough to not be favourited by either parent, your life is basically miserable and being female makes you far, far less likely to be a favourite). I fought for a lot of freedoms for my brothers that I didn't have as a teenager because I thought they'd appreciate it (like getting to stay out late, drinking, going to clubs) but because they were just given to them and they didn't have to fight for them, they didn't notice or care. I'm still expected to help them with their college work also (recently I had to write multiple essays for my brother that he was too fucking lazy to do during the year because my mom said if I didn't, he'd have to repeat the college year and it would cost her a fortune).
Read the man-hate thread because having a brother is just having a lazy, entitled, spoiled man in the house.
No. 93335
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i like having a younger brother, especially now that we're both adults. i have a nurturing streak and like taking care of people but total responsibility for someone else freaks me out, so being an older sister is kind of perfect. i get to give him advice and help him out sometimes but if i can't be bothered it's nbd because i'm not his mom kek.
also our parents are crazy possible narcs so we give each other emotional support with that and compare notes to remind each other that we're not the crazy ones. if either of us were an only child with our parents we'd be so fucked up, probably lifelong NEETs at our mom's house or something.
No. 93407
Awful. My older brother is a wigger wannabe and is an ignorant, negative dumbass with multitudes of problems. I forget about him all the time and always believe I'm an only child until someone asks if I have siblings.
>>93406My thoughts exactly.
No. 93734
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You mean well adjusted families aren’t a myth?
No. 93738
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>>93316I have a big brother, 9 years older. We've never been super close, but I remember he'd sometimes play with me when I was a little girl. Like we'd have dance parties to silly music together, play tag, he'd give me piggyback rides. I also remember he had some silly nicknames he'd call me, like Sharkie, for one. I also remember, being the baby of the family, (my siblings being 9 and 10 years older) they'd do silly things sometimes like wrap me up in blankets like a burrito and sing "you are my sunshine" to me. Both of my siblings were pretty doting on me when I was little.
As we got older, my brother stopped coming around and we drifted apart. Now he's married and has kids of his own, we still see each other during the holidays and have a fairly neutral relationship. Occasionally making a bit of small talk about this or that. I have a much closer relationship with my big sister.
No. 93782
I have two big brothers. We get along well and I like both of them, but for whatever reason we don't have that sort of extremely close relationship where you tell each other everything and call/text everyday. We pretty much only talk when we're face to face. I think they have a closer relationship with each other than with me.
My older big brother is the most well-adjusted, he's just overall a very responsible and nice person. He gets along with everyone and keeps conversations going, and he's very easy to be around.
My younger big brother on the other hand was recently diagnosed with Asperger's, has been chronically depressed pretty much his whole life (doing better nowadays though), dislikes big crowds and parties, is a bit socially awkward and "blunt", etc. I'm not as close with him as with the other brother, because I'm not exactly the most outgoing person either. I still like him, but if we're alone it's a bit awkward, since we're both kinda weirdos but not in the same way, and we don't have much to talk about besides video games.
No. 93906
I was molested by one of my brothers and the other brother always defends him. It's shitty as fuck. My parents also took his side and made sure he was punished by the law as little as possible (I told my parents, they did nothing, a few years later, I told a mandatory reporter). My parents also tried to get me as close to him as possible so our relationship "could mend", but I still see my brother look at me in that weird way I know all too well. He also gets very sensitive when I dress in anything that covers less than a t-shirt. It's so uncomfortable.
yeah, i got exposed to vidya games early, etc. etc., but my family had very much of "be a man, but clean up real nice as a girl" attitude. My brothers were always right over me and my sisters, because they're men, duh.
I am jealous of girls with no brothers. I wish I had a normal older sister that wasn't autistic.
No. 93907
>>93906oh yeah, molester brother also physically abused me often. I told my parents but they thought I was lying.
Idk, I think having a brother is okay if the family doesn't see masculinity > femininity. My parents were okay with my brothers teasing and being mean as shit to my older sister and that made me feel insecure about my typical feminine interests which I hid and did not pursue. Of course, you couldn't say anything remotely negative about men…
sorry for the pointless rant
No. 94828
>>93879I feel you anon, I am about 3 years older than my (only) brother and was quite the shit to him. It's even recorded on photos/film. I did some horribly shitty things that I think back on and just still want to cry. Like, how could I be such a monster to a cute innocent boy? I hope it didn't mess with his development in any way.
I've brought it up a few times and apologized but honestly I don't think he cares. Maybe at one time he did, but he has a wife & kids now and seems to be doing fine.
We used to be closer but have sort of drifted apart in recent years. I was hospitalized for some mental health issues and I think that pushed him away. I haven't been brave enough to really face that even though it's been years now. We still talk and stuff but I don't feel like it'll ever be the same. I thought time would heal the wounds but in this case.. I'm not sure.
No. 142099
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>>93311its not always bad. my older brother is honestly the best kind of brother i could ask for. hes considerate, calm, a bit awkward, compassionate and always there to help in any way that he can. god im happy to have someone in my life who i can genuienly just chill with and be open about issues without everything ending up in heated argument. i hope im not too annoying to him.
my OLDER older brother on the other hand feels like almost the exact opposite. he always pushes his beliefs onto others, especially those regarding working ethics (he ALWAYS values hard work before first sorting through mental health issues and such)
No. 142110
>>93278My brother is 5 years older than me, we've never been close. Never had any fights either, just very distant from each other. The last couple of years he has been manipulating my dad and talked him into leaving his house solely to him in his will. I will basically get nothing. I've been a pretty good daughter but my dad favors my brother so sucks to be me I guess?
I always kind of wanted a sister.
No. 142138
When I was younger and anxious af,I kinda wanted to have a brother(younger,older didn't really matter as long as the age difference wasn't too big) so that I could go out late at night with him without having to worry.I know it's dumb but I thought I'd be a bit more free and safe like this
However,growing older,considering the amount of shitty males in my family, he would likely be a shithead too.And thinking that my younger sister lowkey bullies me,I think it would be worse if she was a guy
>ibn4 ANON YOU GET BULLIED BY YOUR YOUNGER SISTER KEKFirst of all my sister is way stronger than me despite being way younger(even though she hasn't done anything physical to me),but her mentality is so similar to my father's(which means lying,manipulative,selfish etc),that I don't think I'd be able to handle it from another man in the same household
>>142110 >I always kind of wanted a sister.saw your reply as I was finishing my post and obviously I disagree kek
No. 142142
>>93278I have a brother who's 8 years older than me. Pros are that he buys me gifts for my birthday and takes me out for lunch if we happen to be in town at the same time. Cons are that we barely know anything about each other because of the age gap. Talking to him isn't really like talking to a friend and there's still a sort of awkward formality where he tells me that I can talk to him about anything, but I obviously won't because we don't really know each other. Sometimes he tries to give me advice, but it doesn't really apply to my life. It's alright. 5/10 would recommend.
Obviously my experience is definitely not as bad as other anons, but I have friends who always tell me they wished they had an older brother so that someone would guide and take care of them. It's not exactly like that though, especially if you have a brother that's a lot older than you. For most of your life he won't really bother to get to know you until you're an adult he can actually have a conversation with (not that I blame him, when I was 18 I wouldn't have wanted to talk to a 10 year old either). I think that's something people tend to forget.
Also my best friend has a brother who is three years older than her. I almost feel like that's worse because he actually knows about most of the stuff we talk about and constantly makes fun of us for it.
No. 142148
>>142141Sorry for your loss anon.But honestly,if your sibling is shitty,gender doesn't really bring consolation.I believe you would probably even be frustrated as your sister wouldn't "get" you despite being the same gender.
But that's just my gamer theory
No. 142149
>>142142My brother is the best. He is 5 years older than me so we are not super close but we are pretty close because we have a lot in common, I can always talk to him about videogames or watch him play games. When we were younger he would always mess with me like make up new rules to games so he would win or put his feet up on my back like a footstool or just say crazy things until I feel like I'm crazy. It was annoying but when I think about it now it was fun.
Now he isn't that mean to me anymore but he still sometimes makes fun of me (but I don't mind that too much, I know he doesn't mean it and I make fun of him too) and also he is more caring to me now than when we were kids, not that he would admit it but actions speak more than words.
He is so smart and I want to be smart and successful like him.
It makes me sad that so many anons have bad brothers, I wish I could share my family with all of you.
No. 142182
>>142149I always blamed my 'meh' relationship with my brother on the fact that maybe 5 years is when the age difference is too much, but then I see anons here with great relationships despite a bigger difference. I guess I can stop blaming age now.
My family are all very emotionally cut off. I think factors like that are more important in determining it.
No. 142189
>>142180It's cool he's not an asshole to you though. That he doesn't put off airs of superiority, even though he easily could what with being the designated golden child of the universe.
My cousins are unaccomplished staceys/chads and they've always made it known that they think they're better than me and look down on me as a freak. Even though by objective standards I'm doing better than them and have more accomplishments. Same feelings of alienation as you, with people thinking there's no way we are related because we look and act unalike furthered by the fact that they treat me like a black sheep. They're bad people and I hate them and feel justified in it, maybe I have it lucky that I can feel good about my hate. /rant
No. 142383
>>142197Dude, are you me? My family dynamic is the exact same right down to the age gap
But yes, having a brother is pretty cool as you can be more goofy with them and go full retard. Sisters are always pretty bitchy so I definitely like having my little brother to keep me sane
No. 148842
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I have an older brother who is mentally 5 and 45 at the same time. He can be a spoiled prick whenever he wants, pretending to be unfiltered like kids and acting like a complete manchild. But the moment he has to work or talk with his friends/girlfriend, it’s like his brain flips a switch and solves lots of issues that his older coworkers make up, hell, his boss is a fucking tool and asks for his help at times.
It’s kind of frustrating at times, because sometimes I have to be like an older sister, but it’s even more frustrating because there are times in which he’s the older brother, who somehow knows about a bunch of shit, and it gets really patronizing at times.
No. 148866
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This thread makes me feel so grateful. I love the shit out of my younger brother. He’s a bit of an autist but he knows how to cook and his apartment is more well decorated than mine. He’s more wifey materiel than me tbh. I love my little sister too. She’s my best friend.
God in grateful I’m not an only child
No. 149005
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I wish I had siblings. They can bully me, idc, I just wish I wasn't an only child.
No. 149475
>>93278My older brother is an alcoholic asshole who replicates every negative attribute of our late father due to being the 'man of the household' and I avoid interacting with him as much as I can. He is really just unbearable.
Meanwhile, my younger brother and I are much closer, sharing many of the same interests and feelings about our family despite being separated for 8 years due to CPS. He's really become the one person I respect most in the family.
No. 152646
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in my experience having a brother sucks because you watch them turn from boy (still somewhat human, has emotions, can communicate to a certain extent) to man (typical scrote behaviour, covertly/overtly misogynistic, etc.) and once they've reached scrote status they're basically as useless as any other male.
i really looked up to my older brother growing up but we're pretty estranged because during a fight he brought up my being date raped as a reason why I couldn't be trusted to look after myself. it broke my fucking heart and destroyed whatever trust we had. but i also know he's bitter as fuck because he was a burnout high school dropout who knocked up a girl at 21 and fucked his whole life up while i was an honour student and have a degree and a career and a life outside our shitty hometown.
my best friend has a great relationship with her older brother who seems really nice so it probably has more to do with our shit upbringing and shitty father than anything else. shitty dads make shitty sons who then become shitty dads, repeat ad infinitum.
No. 152656
>>152649Kek exactly, strong emphasis on "
somewhat human"
No. 152694
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This thread really makes me fear for my future children, and it makes me wonder how to raise a son so he becomes a good person. Do you guys think it‘s nature or nurture? Do you have any theories on how they either become a nice soft boi Chad like
>>152666 or a useless coomer like
No. 152709
I have an older brother, it's very good having an older sibling in your house because they are basically like your guardian. My brother has always been helping me out with things like school, tech stuff and even mental health issues that i struggled to deal with alone.
Soon tho he will move out so i have to be more independent. I did grow close to him tho, and we hang out sometimes. Hes also the only brother i have, so i appreciate him a whole lot, i do appreciate my sister too tho shes younger but we still share same interests, but im just more closer to my brother than my sister.
Ah, speaking of being independent, i learned to be independent because of him. I know i cannot depend on everyone and that not everybody will take me by the hand. Im socially anxious and most of the things i had to do like grocery shopping i did it with my brother or my other siblings, but never alone. But i try to learn to do it on my own like he does.
anyway, i love him dearly and hope we still have contact with each other when he moves out.
No. 152728
>>152694Yeah, raise him without internet in the middle of the forest, making him do hard labor growing up kek.
It's mostly nature. Don't have sons, we need to stop birthing them, the world has enough and look where it's got us.
No. 152782
>>93319this is too relatable, especially if you aren't white. my brothers are the same, i moved away and they're struggling to stay in school, the house is decrepit because i was the only one cleaning, and they live off takeout and junk food. my one brother sometimes gets part time jobs at boba shops but makes my parents drive him to and from work even though we live in a large city with efficient public transit. they get tuition and allowance from my parents while i worked on off semesters and had to get scholarships. basically the only solution is to leave and prove you weren't the problem.
>>93321no one asked lol
No. 152826
>>152823Are you serious? Have
you even “googled it”? There certainly are different theories but to say that behaviour in adults has nothing to do with how they were raised is just inane.
No. 152889
>>152803You didn’t ask for advice but here’s my two cents:
1. Rehome the dog. Your brother did not want it so he does not have a say.
If I were you, I’d write a sob story for FB that your mom has cancer and you don’t have time and energy to take care of the dog. If you find a group that is for spesific dog breed, ask them.
Also, consider taking a gap year if it’s possible. I don’t know about you but I study in university and taking a gap year in your situation would be a piece of cake.
No. 154056
>>153799I'm so sorry for your loss anon, he sounded really great.
>>152889Nayrt but this is really practical, solid advice
No. 154576
I dunno, I think I love my brother and want the best for him, but I am also really realistic as to the type of person he is.
Him and I are two years apart, with him being older. He was also the only male born in our family in our generation, I.e. all my uncles and aunts had girls. And because we lived in a 3rd world country shithole, everyone was fawning over him because "male heir". He never had any responsibilities, and if asked to do something, he would throw a fit (literally till he was in his 20s, probably still does kek) and would be let go. My grandma, who was extremely abusive towards me, would baby him and compliment him and love on him. And he treated her like crap and never wanted to spend time with her, but she overlooked all of that. One year, for christmas, she gave him a computer and gave me a disposable camera. He would do really bad academically, almost failed out of high school, my parents paid big bucks to send him to a private university cause he "wanted to be a lawyer" and when, in that same year, I was being kicked out of my flat, they told me that I should stay there, even though the landlady was starting to evict me. Because they didnt have money. He is now 32 and his last gf was 19, he has no education and still works service industry jobs, changing employment every couple of weeks. I find it hard to hate him though, as he was always really kind to me and was my best friend when we were growing up. I think i resent my family and my parents for the shishow that out childhood was, and I sometimes feel those negative feelings towards him, but all in all he was just spoiled.
In conclusion, it's great to have siblings, especially if your parents are sound.