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No. 94921
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I only think about girl's names lol
>Names you love
I liked Violet and Sofia but with how popular they're getting I don't know if I'd want to use that name for my kids
>Names you hate
(No offense to anyone with these names) I dislike Kaylee or any of it's variations like Cailey, Kaileigh etc.
Any sort of weird white Southern names like in pic related
>Guilty pleasure names
No. 94947
>>94942Ingrid, damn that’s a nice one anon.
(Y) James, Edgar, Charles, George, Finley, Lincoln, Ingrid, Gretchen, Marya, Gwendolyn, Edna.
(N) Amanda, Taylah, Megan, Jessica, Michelle, Sarah, crystal, all those awful mispellings of normal names, neveah, Edward, Duncan, Cameron, Gary, Greg, Peter, any names that are also objects, places, or emotions.
No. 94962
I'm french
>Names you loveI've loved the name Youri for a boy ever since I saw the famous pic of Youri Gagarine in his space suit with his big smile. I like Milan because of Milan kundera and Milan Rastislav Štefánik (I legit fel in love with his statue when I visited prague). I like the name Antoine because it's the name of one of my first crush and of Antoine de St exupery.
Hugo, Alexandre, Guillaume.
For girls I love Lou because of Lou Andrea Salome, but it's so stupidly popular in my country (along with Louise) that I wouldn't name my own child like that. I also like Colette, for the writer but everybody makes fun of me when I say I would like to name my kid like that, it does sounds like a granny's name so I get it, kek. I also really love Paloma, it means Dove in Spanish and it's the name Picasso gave to his daughter. I like Misia too.
>Guilty pleasure namesMy guilty pleasure name is Rocco, for me it's the name of the angelic character from the movie Rocco and his brothers (everybody would want him as their son) for most other people it's the name of a big dicked pornstar.
For girls anything too flowery or cutesy, like Celeste, Colombe (ironic since it's french for Dove/Paloma), Fleur, Rose.
>>94923I've never met an Evangeline, it sounds very anglo saxon to me tbh.
No. 94968
>>94926You can't get any trashier than Shirin and Layla. They're just as bad as Chantal tbh
>>94962I only know a french person who's named that + the pronounciation, so I figured…? hm
Anyways, it's still too unique for anybody where I live.
No. 94984
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My surname begins with O'R, which makes a lot of otherwise lovely names sound incredibly awkward, so I have to work around that.
Currently I love Aine, Daria, Janna, Rory, and Willow (along with Frances and Jean, the names of my great-aunt and grandmother, which I decided on for middle names - I intend to adopt two girls). My grandmother, mother, stepmother, and both of my sisters have J names so I feel like I'll end up with J names too somehow.
Thanks to babycenter-type parents I have a newfound hatred for -en and -eigh names.
I love names like Artemis, Cassandra, and Persephone, but my surname's going to be awkward enough for these poor hypothetical children without an odd first name before it.
No. 94998
Cool thread idea anon!
>Names I like
For girls, I've always liked Naomi, Phoebe, Paige, Sophie, Leela and Abigail, mostly for how they look written down. I also like classy sounding names like Vera, and unisex names like Billie or Jamie.
For boys, I have a weird soft spot for them ending with H, so things like Noah or Elijah. I also like Elliot, Adrien, Isaac, Patrick and Jacob.
>Names I dislike
Names that sound much better as last names, like Jackson or Mason. And especially Carter, like I cannot imagine anyone having that as a first name, it's just too unusual. Names that have "Mc" in front of them, looks kinda ugly lol. Also names that are too common and sound a little plain like Sarah, John, Nick etc…I don't dislike them but I don't care for them.
>Guilty pleasures
Macy, Kimberly, Quinn, Erin, Damien
No. 95001
>>94956I know a girl whose name is Karenina. Ever heard of creativity and freedom?
>>94968I love oriental names. They are better than all your Emmas, Arias (like Arier?? kek white supremacy name) and Madisons. But that's my taste and I respect your opinion.
No. 95003
My rules for naming kids are: 1. Give your kid the name you're gonna call them. No weird spellings, no names that are so long that the kid is forced to come up with a nickname to use for the rest of their life etc.
2. Give your kid a first name they don't have to be embarrassed by. Strange and unusual names can be second and third names.
That being said, I don't really have specific favorites. I do really like Swedish/Norwegian/Danish girls names like Ebba, Astrid, Ingrid or Alma.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)Weekdays, months, cities, US states.. I also really like Frankie for a girl like
>>94976 but yeah, not gonna happen.
No. 95020
A guilty pleasure of mine would be surnames as given names. I know a Carpenter, a Patterson, and an Anderson, and while it sounds cool (to me) for an adult to have that name I can't imagine naming a child that.
>>94976Seconding Frankie and Bobbie. I also like Stevie and Ronnie for girls, but I don't like Stephanie or Veronica.
No. 95024
I don’t like the most popular names where I live for boys (Jan, Jakub, and other sorta biblical names) but the ones for girls tend to be much nicer (Eliška, Tereza, Adéla)
For guilty pleasure names, I love flower/nature names in English like Chrysanthemum, Willow, Rose, Lily, etc. and names from mythology. I don’t want to have children, but thankfully it’s not weird to name an animal something like Artemis.
No. 95038
>Names you love
My bf's name and his sister's are both nature-related and I really like that, so we've discussed keeping with that theme when we have children of our own. I like Willow for a girl, and we both think Lief/Leaf is cute for a boy esp. given my bf's first name. He likes Rose but I think it sounds old and is a "filler" middle name more often than not.
Outside of nature names, I adore names that start with L for some reason. Lawrence and Luca are a couple of my favorites.
>Names you hate
This isn't a common name but my best friend named her firstborn daughter Rebel. I hate it. It sounds like a dog's name to me. Ben, John, etc. are all too common. Julie grates on my nerves, as does Sally, Tammy, and pretty much every other white suburban mom name.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
My best friend jokingly threw the name Sprout out there when I told her about the nature names theme and I don't hate it, but I'd never name my kid that. Eloise is pretty, but also sounds like an old lady name. Anne is also pretty, but all too common. I like country/state names like Dakota, Carolina, India, etc. but not for my kids.
No. 95040
I'm a slav for context
I'm a big fan of unisex names like Alex or Max or Nico. They just make people seem cool.
Other names I like:
Esther, Lilia, Ivan(a), Lola, Violet, Emily, Mina, Yulia, Nevena, Gemma, Verena, Theo, Victor, Tessa.
hate: Aforementioned german hillbilly names or generally non amercians with american names.
Also Korina, Marcel, Pascal, Mandy, Paula, Lina, Michael.
guilty pleasures:
fancy names like Esme, Peony, Lux, Laetitia… And uh, weeb names like Kiko, Sai or Akria.
No. 95041
My family has a really long tradition of using names that are either Latin, Gaelic, or Norse so I'm not sure how I'm going to name my kids without them coming off as autistic for the rest of their lives. Marcus is a nice one for a boy, I suppose Finn would also do the trick. As for girls, all I've really got is Astrid, but I'd also say that Claudia is alright, too.
I could do much worse, I have an Indulf in my family tree ffs. Also it's fucking terrifying that Sebastian is so high up on that list. I fear for our future.
>>94923Justin is Greek/Latin, I don't believe it's an Anglicization either. Re: Basileus Justin I and the early Christian philosopher Justin Martyr.
No. 95043
>>95015>>95018God, people naming their daughters Scout because of To Kill a Mockingbird
triggers the fuck out of me. The character had a normal name, it was just her nickname that was Scout. Just give your a kid a normal name on their birth certificate and then nickname them whatever stupid shit you want.
No. 95049
>>94970I’m not American tho, I just like grandma names.
I got given some made-up hippy bs and hated it so I’m bias towards older (and idk, traditional I guess?) names for kids.
No. 95054
>>95045I'm Italian.
I've never /personally/ met a person with those names, but I'm sure they are used in my country. They are nothing too outlandish, while managing to still stand out here, I think?
No. 95058
>names you love
Rosemary (Rosie for short), Jennifer, Ellie, Mina, Florence, Mischa, Christian, Abigail, Henry, Holly
>names you hate
Katie, Michaela, Hunter, Travis, Cecilia, Angie/Angela, Trey, any name thats a virtue or trait (Precious, Patience, Charity, etc.), Jacob, Brent
My boyfriend likes the name Mercury for a girl, and he says it like "murkury." Never ever ever
No. 95085
>tfw your name was listed as one of the ugly ones…>>95040>hate: Aforementioned german hillbilly namesDo Slavs give their children similar names or do you just know Germans with these names?
>>95041>Also it's fucking terrifying that Sebastian is so high up on that list. I fear for our future.I think Sebastian sounds pretty nice
No. 95090
I have a niece named Ingrid (she has an identical twin named Penelope), and my family took a while to warm up to it so i’m glad to see some love for the name.
Anyways, for boys my favs are- Broderick, Felix, Gideon, Henry, Holden (my absolute favorite and is defs because of the catcher in the rye), and Vincent.
For girls- Avery, Adelaide, Daphne, Erica, Judith, January, Kiana, Maeve, Naomi, Ophelia, Patricia, Persephone, Prudence, and Phoebe.
For some of the names I’d probs call them by nicknames like Broderick= Dirk or Ricky, Kiana= Kiki, Patricia= Tricia, Persephone= sephie, etc. I also do not want to ever change my last name and I want to give it to my kids, because I weirdly really identify with my last name and there are no boys in my family to pass it down so I feel the need to. And I want my kids to have the same
one as me so either my future wife/husband
can change theirs or be chill with having a different one.
I really dislike common names so much I could never imagine naming my kid something even if the top one hundred. Not to be a special snowflake I just think they are really boring and uninspired and I don’t want my kid to have a bunch of classmates with same name as them.
No. 95143
What are your favourite super "basic" names?
I like Emily and basically any name derived from "Alex" and Will,
>>95090>GideonYou can't name your child that, do you want them to become a cartoonishly posh villain?
>>94926>And I love Russian namesSame, I especially love the diminutive versions like Katya, Varya and Alyosha.
No. 95162
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>Names you love
Weston (Wes)
Theodore (Theo)
>Names you hate
Basically every name in the thread pic lol. I hate super short names like Ava and Mia especially. Like everyone else in the thread, I hate yooneek baby names like McKinzli and shit like that. I think when you're naming your kid it's important to consider their future. I mean you're screwing your kid over for life calling them Khaydynn or Madyszynn.
>Guilty pleasure names
Valentina (hate every possible nickname - Val, Tina, etc. In an ideal world no one would call her by a nickname buuttt….)
Ansley/Ainsley (low-key love it but seems a bit too posh)
Rhys, Llewellyn, Penrose, Isolde, + various other Welsh names
No. 95170
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>>95146This. But I've noticed that soon after the first generation of a popular name has died off, the name surges in popularity again. Pic related is for Emma, but I've noticed this trend with many other classic names too.
No. 95172
>>95144>>95156Harper, Aria, Scarlett, Madison, Ellie, Luna, Riley, Mason, Logan, Ethan, Aiden, Carter, Grayson, Jayden, Jaxon, Hunter
No. 95174
>>95172I think you're pretty spot on with the aging bad names here. Idk about Hunter and Luna though.
>>95162Thanks for reminding me about the names Sloane and Theodore. I love those!
No. 95195
>>95175I love Georgina too! I feel like its nicknames George/Georgie would be a really cute for a girl too. Georgia is similar but less pretentious imo
>>95192I love Victoria too but hate the nicknames (Vicky, Tori, etc.) Love Jesse for a boy too.
No. 95198
>names you love
Willow, Rose, Holly, Ash, Beatrix, Kirby (Kirby is my favorite name. I would use it for a boy or a girl. I know it's a little out there, but I think it's freakin adorable)
>names you hate
Serenity, Hope, Destiny, Faith, every basic southern white girl name like Breeland, Kayleigh, etc. and really biblical names like Elijah and Jeremiah
>guilty pleasures
I REALLY like Winter as a girl name, like in the same vein as Summer and Autumn.
No. 95206
>Names you love
Anne, Beatrice, Corinne, Eugenia , Felicity, Imogen, Josephine, Lilith, Margot, Morgan, Olivia, Pauline
Elijah, Gabriel, Henry, John, Joseph, Matthew, Nathan
>Names you hate
Billie/Billy, on both boys and girls, Alex- names on both boys and girls, and anything with Yooneek spelling.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
Alice, Brooklyn, Camilla, Christine, Hope, Kennedy, Lola, Primrose, Roxanne
Ash, Casper, Jasper, Milo, Oliver
No. 95218
> Names you love
Antoinette, Genevieve, Joanna, Elizabeth, Victoria, any variation of Anna, Annie, Anne etc.
For guys I don't really love anything nearly as much. Nicholas is cute though, if I ever have a son that'd be his name.
> Names I hate
Nicknames of the previous names. Like Tori/Vicky for Victoria or Lizzie/Beth for Elizabeth. Just no, the names are so beautiful and those are so ugly.
Also I really don't like the vast majority of Irish names (I'm Irish). Every other girl I know is called Niamh, Aoife or Caoimhe and even the more obscure ones just sound like trash. Some of the male names are marginally better but not by much.
> Guilty Pleasure Names
Myra. Too many bad connotations with the name and I'd never give it to a kid, but I still love it. I also really like the French name Laure.
No. 95242
>Names I like
(F) Matilda, Clementine, Sabine, Josephine, Margot, Nora, Maja, Carmen, Carina, Katrina.
(M) Sargent.
>Names I dislike
Isabel "issy", Emily, Emma and especially Caitlin. Every Caitlin I've met I've hated. Such a basic bitch name, too. Also hate old man basic bitch names like "Paul" and "John".
>Guilty pleasure names
Conrad. I love this name but if I had a boy I couldn't name him this cos it belongs to someone who died and I feel like it would upset people if I named him that.
No. 95254
>Names you love
Charlotte, Roxanne, Claudia, Anastasia, Felicia, Farah, Sasha, Julia/Juliana, Helen/Helena, Hannah, Sophia, Naomi, Katrina, Diana, Dahlia, Delilah, Victoria, Vera, Cecilia, Allen, Ian, Victor, Vincent, Vladimir, Michael
>Names you hate
Hunter, Kyle, Maggie any special snowflake names that are a mishmash of letters, apostrophes, and can barely be spelled by the child who has it
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
Miyu, Max (all cause my fiance hates the name), John, Rodger, Scarlett, Angela, Miranda
No. 95400
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French here so some might look/sound weird
>hate (girls)
Kaitlynn, Kaylynn, all that shit
Victoire (=Victory, it's so pompous)
Camille (is both a boy and girl name, but it's vastly overused for girls, I had 4 Manon and 3 Camille in the same class once lmao)
Marie (too many holy fuck)
Bérangère (das ugly af)
>Love (girls)
I LOVE the name Wednesday but eh Addams Family overload
one of my friends wanted to name her daughter Rosemonde (very old but cute)
Bandit (just like Gerard way)
>hate (boys)
Raoul, Raul
>love (boys)
Sacha / Sascha etc
No. 95544
>>95144Mia, Madison, Ava, Addison, Evelyn, Zoe/Zoey, Ashley, Taylor, Alyssa, Chloe, Jessica, Kayla, Hailey, Morgan.
No. 95550
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>>95542Not saying all of these names are horrible, but they're a selection from my town's local birth announcements in the newspaper. Any town in the Southern U.S. is going to have some really shitty names for sure.
No. 95553
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>>95550Some more for shits and giggles
No. 95561
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>>95559Speaking of, I went back there to find this perfect example of cringe and circle-jerking.
No. 95584
>Girls names
Like: Elloise, Claire, Madeline, Olivia
Guilty pleasure: Ellanor, Evalynn, Veronica, stereotypical ‘popular in the 80’s’ names that you rarely see anymore (Ashley, Tiffany, etc)
>Boys names
Like: Oliver, Evan, Elliot
Guilty pleasure: Shane, Kevin
Hate: any ‘babyish’ name that obviously wont grow well when the kid is over 4 years old (kaylee, cayden), the name Ava in general, names that sound like dog names (Ace, Gunner, Bruce), Names of countries/states, names with unnecessary amounts of y’s and n’s
No. 95617
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>AiMillioan MaZariOk what the fuck even is this
No. 95618
>>95561Yeah I've noticed that baby name forums seem overrun with people obsessed with gaudy uuneek names.
That signature though, lmao. She seems like the type of woman who only lives vicariously through her children.
No. 95632
>>95579Ugh. My cousin was considering naming her baby Payton if it was a girl.
Thankfully she had a boy.
No. 95659
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My mom works at a school and showed me the list of her students names. Holy shit, it feels like they're getting worse every year. We're not English, yet there's one kid named Lennox, one John and even one Leonidas kek
No. 95684
>>95558I'm jelly cause I love the name Veronica but my sister got bullied by a girl with that name so I would feel bad using it but you're right about how cool it is.
>>95553I just checked my local birth announcements and hoo boy-
Emberlee, Arwen, Adorien… I wish you all the best.
No. 95689
>>95561I already detest this woman.
lol at "Vittoria" being somehow "Victorian" - you can tell she's stupid af despite thinking so highly of herself
No. 95763
>>95762It's cool anon, I'm going to have half babies, am also not comfortable about posting here.
My husband really likes Yui, but it's such a fashion name these last years. If it's a girl I really want 咲 in there, it's so much more appealing to me than 美 or whatever.
No. 98926
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>>98918anon why
I’m white and I still wanna make mayo jokes about these.
No. 98929
>>98918I'm French and those all sound pretty dumb. Cute-dumb but still.
On the subject, my favourite name is Garance. Most people don't like it though.
No. 98938
>names you love
Girls: Ada, Zinnia, Tzipporah, Tova, Dahlia, Rosemary, Blue, Jane, Veronica
Boys: Luke, John/Jon, Ezekiel, Ezra, Martin, Rain, Bishop, Keanu, Raymond
>Names you hate
McKenzie, Nicole, Mercedes/Porsche/etc, Stuart, Ian, Jeremy, Elliot, Natalie/Natalia, Julia and anything that sounds like it belongs on a stripper or serial killer.
>Guilty pleasure names
I don't really have any because there's nothing I like that I wouldn't name my own kid, save names from outside my own culture- Nkemi is my favorite and I wish I could use it. Same with Sakura, as weeby as that is it's just a pretty and delicate name.
No. 98970
>>98926>>98933>>98929Eh it's worth a shot. Names have to come from
somewhere and new names do enter the name pool all the time (usually from popular media). Names like Vanessa and Cosette are made up, and names like Heather and Madison were unused as names till some bit with an oddly named character got popular enough people started using the names on their kids. Let's see how popular Kylo and Daenerys get to be in the future. My current favorite 'made up name' that is getting to be popular is Galilea, which comes from a Spanish language broadcasting personality.
>>98962Mercedes is a pretty old name and were it not for the car would probably be more common, its pretty. iirc The Count from the Count of Monte Cristo (1800's) ends up married to a girl named Mercedes which is where I first heard it. A shame about the car.
>Guilty Pleasure namesI like those more modern 'virtue' names like Genesis, Destiny, Serenity, Haven and Liberty. THOSE names are weird but hideous names like Prudence, Grace and Hope are OK? They are only OK because we are used to them but they sound bad.
No. 98993
>>98981Imo it's awkward to use these names if you're not that ethnicity. Like weebs picking jap names lel. That said, for names that seemed normal where I was,
Aisha, Amal, Amina, Amira, Bibi, Dalia, Fatima, Kamila, Karima, Layla, Nadya, Saba, Talitha, Zahra,
No. 99005
>>98993Thank you, I like Dalia! Kamilia too, it reminds me of a girl I used to be friends with as a kid.
My boyfriend and I are both brown but he looks ethnically ambiguous and I look white, we both have unique "exotic" names but we decided on giving our future kids names that would help them blend in easier where we live (it sucks that it even matters, but we've both had some difficulties because of our names here) without sacrificing the cultural aspect. We're also not religious so finding names that tick all the boxes has been a little difficult but my list is growing, thank you!
No. 99374
>>98918As a french fag I have to say Leobelle sounds very… Wrong?It sounds wrong on a boy AND on a girl because leo is a masculine name and belle is the word used to describe a beautiful woman (the word for a man is beau). Leobeau doesn't sound any better.
Elisette is cute, it could be the nickname of someone named Elisa. Lisette in itself is a real name, albeit a rare one.
Roselise could work imo, it sounds like a cute granny name, Rosalie already exists.
>>99371A little girl named Sauvage. (Literally Savage)
No. 99379
If I ever have a kid, I'll give him/her a traditionnal french name. I'll sure won't be giving anything made up because I don't want to burden my kid with that shit.
I'm thinking Aliénor, Alexandre, Camille or Emmanuel.
>>99374kek, you can say it, fellow frenchfag, those names will sound very stupid to any native frenchspeaker.
No. 99388
Girls: Violet, Bianca, Beatrice, Bonnie, Ruth, Pearl, Anna, June, Veronica, Michelle, Lily (last 2 I have cousins named that so idk if I'd use it for my daughter)
Boys: Jeremiah, Isaac, Nathaniel. I don't like a lot of boy names but if I have a son I would probably have Michael as his middle name, after my father.
Girls: Nancy, McKayla, Mackenzie, Tammy. I also tend to hate using "boy" names for girls, idk why.
Boys: Aiden/Jayden/Brayden etc, Cooper, Tanner, any of those preppy names that end in "er"
>Guilty Pleasures:
Greek mythology names like Calliope, Antigone, Persephone. Would never name an actual person that, maybe a pet. I love names like Genevieve, Anneliese, Liesel but it might seem pretentious and out of place here. (am amerifag) I like the idea of Magnolia as a name but again, seems a bit over the top.
No. 99392
>>99374I'd only like Leobelle on a fantasy character, like for a book. Elisette turns out to be a real name, I hadn't done a search before listing it but I've since found a fair amount of women with the name I've just personally never met one (definitely seems to be a Spanish thing).
Personally like Roselise best but I've got a thing about saddling girls with hyperfeminine names, what if they turn out to tomboys stuck with names like Isabella Sofia? I wouldn't give any potential female children names that were too feminine without also giving them a unisex name or potential for a unisex nickname. And since I speak Spanish the names have to sound good in two languages. Since you're French you might not be aware but in the US currently 'granny' names are pretty popular, we've got tons of little kids who show up to promotions we run at work and old fashioned names are everywhere on these kids.
>current guilty pleasure nameMagdalena. I like how it sounds, I like the history but its a lot to burden a kid with and they would just be called 'Maggie', like maggots.
No. 99413
>>99388Oooh I love the name Bonnie for a girl, and most other names that sound a little boyish for a girl, like Jamie. I like the names Isaac and Michael, for some reason I really like name that have a C in them, especially for boys. I hate the name Jeremiah though, every time I hear it I picture some fat old fashioned cowboy in dusty clothing without fail lol.
I had a girl called Genevieve at my old school, I think its a gorgeous name and very unique without sounding too special or snobby.
No. 99417
Weird names I love but would never name a kid:
Names I hate:
Hunter, anything that rhymes with Aiden, anything that rhymes with Bailey, Krystal, Brody, Brady, Gunnar, Chastity, Chanda, Robin (girl), and retarded spellings of existing names (Molly spelled as Mali, for example). Naming kids after cars and colors is also stupid and pretentious.
No. 99418
>>99371Emmerson, for a girl.
The mom was a whoreganic granola lady, of course.
No. 99428
>>99371I went to high school with a pair of twins name no joke My'princess and My'queen.
Also knew a sparkle and a gentle.
No. 99431
>Names you love
Archie, Bonnie, Cecelia, Clara, Clementine, Daria, Madeline, Marceline, Rory
>Names you hate
Same as everyone else, the common names with wacky spellings.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
I have weird taste so Adelaide, Akira, Alfred, April, Fox, Imogen, Kai, Matilda, Wednesday
No. 99444
>>99417Where are you from? Some of your "weird" names are actually really normal, especially Ian, Hope and Vincent. Nobody would bat an eye at those in the USA.
A lot of names I love are nature based, which can come across as ridiculous, but they can be traditional so that kind of helps? Namely botanical names and the like (Rose, Lily, Hazel, Ash, Rowan).
My guilty pleasure names are ancient Greek names, which I'd never use (except maybe for a pet) but like anyway: Ares, Andronikos, Gaios, etc.
No. 99446
justice is already a shitty name, but this one is misspelled too
No. 100030
>Names you love
For girls: Charlotte, Caroline, Catherine, Susannah, Emmaline, Elise, Juliet
For boys: Alexander, Augustus, George, Henry, Elliot, Nicholas
>Names you hate
For girls: Crystal, Sarah, Chantal, Kylie, Kelly, Stacey, Margaret, Dana, Lisa, Mikayla/Mackenzie/Kayleigh etc, I don't like masculine names for girls either like Ashton, Connor or Riley.
For boys: Dustin/Justin, Maynard, Abraham, David, Eli, Israel, Kevin, Richard
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
Julius, Hugo, Felix, Edmund, Rosalie, Anastasia, Adele, Amelia, Odette, Evangeline, Serena
I don't know if the names I like come off as being pretentious or not. I also don't like my own name but I didn't add it to the list seeing as it's a relatively uncommon French name.
No. 100888
>Names you love
Short names like: Ian,Lynn,Lily,June,Elias,Laura, Cesar, Andre, Ana, Eva, Joaquim.
>Names you hate
Names with unecessary letters, and most names that end with leigh also the name Mary.
"Guilty pleasure"
Artemisia, Eveline, Ophelia, Fern, Ginger, Sage.
No. 100972
>names that you love
>names that you hate
Puck, Robin, Kira (the last two being unisex names, idk why but I tend to dislike unisex names). Names after things like Maan (Moon), Fee (Fairy), Roos (Rose) etc. I also dislike super common, super generic, oversaturated names like Lisa, Emma, Lotte, Sanne, Julia etc.
>"Guilty pleasure"
Mythology names (but they're a bit too extra to name a kid after)
No. 101003
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>>94920>loveHolly,Lindy,Lily, Daisy, Clementine
I really like the name Samus, since it's kinda unique but not too out there. Could nickname her Sam/Sammy
I like Chihiro too, but it's too weeby
I fucking love the name Wolfgang, but I'd be afraid of my kid getting bullied or me/him getting labeled as a damn furry. Or them nicknaming him Wolfie or some shit, but I guess Wolf technically is an actual name.
>HateMckayla,McKenzie,Mckenna,Caleb,Skyler,Tyler,Hunter,Steve, Blaire, Bob/Robert,Guadalupe,Jose,Carlos,Pedro,Gina,Helga,Olga,Ingrid,sheena.. you get the idea.
Names that sound like they just added an "a" to make it sound like a girls name ; like Josefina, Manuela,Fernanda .,etc.
Names that people can easily make fun of like Dick or Narda. Knew a girl named Narda, people would make fun of her and call her "Nalga" which is spanish for butt cheek.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)Gladys, Jacques, Ozzie, Vladimir,Zelda, Frankie(for a girl like other anons mentioned),Slyvanas,Lilith, Coraline, Fox, Pearl, Diamond. I think I would seriously consider lilith and Fox for kid names.
I love a lot of the names you anons brought up!
No. 101006
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for boys I can only think of Damien.
Mostly ugly old lady names like Esther. Or boy names on girls.. Jessica Simpson named her daughter Maxwell Drew and holyfuck that's awful.
Guilty Pleasure:
Delilah - i love everything about it except crazy religious people having an issue with this name.
Shiloh - loooove it, but people always tell me it's a dog name. I gave in and am planning to give it to a future pet instead.
No. 101020
All female names because I find most male names boring.
>Names you love
I like basic names like Jane, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Margaret a lot. I've never liked Mary though.
Also Dahlia, Aisling, Imogen, Cher, Irene (pronounced the UK way, not the US way) and Sybil.
>Names you hate
Any name that begins with Mc, like McKayla, McKinley, McKabbage, whatever. They're all ugly.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
Elisif, Madelief, and any name that's pretty but belongs to a culture so far removed from my own that my kid would get laughed out of school, like Shoshanna or Airi.
No. 101266
>>101042I read that as "tequila" lmao
>>101030No offense anon but Demelza sounds kind of ghetto. Anya is nice though.
No. 101505
I've been watching this channel's videos, because my dream is to someday have a big family. I find them to be cute, despite giving creepy vibes to some people.
I just think the names of the kids are soooo strange. I know that they live in Finland, may sound even stranger there.
The names are: Leonardo, Cleopatra, Jerusalem, D'Artagnam, Romeo, KingJames, Nefertiti, Aphrodite, Omega and Shakespeare
No. 101523
>>101505Those kids are cute but that dad gives me the major creeps.
And God, those fucking names make me want to roll my eyes out of my skull. I think the worst one to me is King James. Like, it really
had to be fucking King James? It wasn't unique enough to just call him James like a normal person?
Shakespeare also pisses me off because if you want to pay homage to the guy, name the poor kid William. Not fucking Shakespeare.
No. 101526
>>101507Eh, Leonardo and Romeo must be pretty relieved.
I feel for the kid named Omega. Just reminds me of a/b/o and that's not a good association.
No. 101557
>>101505Why the actual fuck would anyone have 10 kids, that’s an entire decade of your life spent being pregnant and most definitely taking multiple years off your life span from the strain of the pregnancies and then the stress of raising 10 kids. I also can’t imagine how you’d possibly have the time and energy to give each and every child the attention they deserve.
But what should I expect from someone who names their kid Omega
No. 101648
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Did anyone else ctrl+f their name to see what other anons think about it?
No. 101775
>Names you love
Annette, Louise, Lily, Ella, Mia
>Names you hate
Nicole, Emma, Gabrille, Vanessa, Brianna, Sophie, Samantha, Natalie. I don't really HATE them, I just don't like how they sound.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
No. 101802
All my favourite names are guilty pleasure names lol, I could never really name my children them. pls no bully:
Chesapeake (Chess or Chessie as a nickname uwu), Blanche, Andromeda (nickname Andie), Tennessee, August, Valentina.
I'm big into place names, Greek names, and Irish names.
Less outlandish choices: Pearl, Maria, Edith, Hazel, Zena, Audrey.
Names I hate are pretty much anything on the most common list - Emma, Olivia, Charlotte, etc. It's a shame that Amelia and Ella have become so common because I think they're lovely.
No. 101811
>>101802>Andromeda i love that name so much and a little girl being called andie is so cute
basically for most of the names y’all are too scared to use id say go for it (unless they are just too ridiculous) you don’t want to regret not using a name you love cuz you’re scared how others will think
on another note how do y’all feel about the name Pree i’ve being thinking about using it as a nickname for patricia. patricia was my grandmothers name that passed away and we were really close but i don’t like patsy and im not sure about tricia
also i’m a big fan of neutral milk hotel and they use that name and i’ve always loved it
No. 101822
>>101775Tfw my name is here. No worries anon, I also hate the way my name sounds.
>>101648You jinxed it!!
No. 101913
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i love such weird fucking pretentious names like Roman, Royal, Llewellyn, Star, Beowulf, Aegon, Hailey, Jorah, Fionn, etc. i'd probably name one of my kids this bc i secretly wanna be the woman with the kids with the pretentious names
No. 200319
I'm pregnant and name searching so I'm bringing back this thread.
>Names I like
Rosemary, Leonara, Chantico, Helena, Ramona, Vanessa
Owen, Caspar, Felix, Hugo
>Names I hate
Jayden, Rufus, Leonard, Kallie, Amber, Sasha
No. 200437
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>>200429It's a kind of NA wildflower. I've been getting mixed responses as to whether the name is ugly or not.
No. 200731
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>>200730I can't believe Thora is actually a real name, kinda cool
No. 200738
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>>200731>>200732The actress from American Beauty is also a Thora
No. 201366
>>200802I think it depends on the name to be honest. Some names are prone to nicknames no matter what. Think Madison/Madelyn/Madeleine. I never heard one not go by Maddie kek.
>>200788 Guinevere will probably go by Gwen most of the time. At least throughout childhood. A name like Valentina will also be prone to nicknames. The only name I can think of at this very moment with no intuitive nickname would be Angelica.
>>201309Older names are fine but C'mon. Ethel? Maud? Those names are primitive lmao
No. 205038
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I know I'll probably get judged for this, and I was a little afraid to post this, but what do you guys think of naming a girl Pepper Ann? Hear me out, I never watched the cartoon but the name has stuck with me. I don't think she'll get bullied since the show aired 21-23 years ago and most kids her age wouldn't know about the cartoon, and by the time that she's an adult, the only people who'll know about the Pepper Ann cartoon would probably be aside from some 50-year-old millennials
No. 205046
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I used to know a girl named Avalon, and I think it is a really cool name. I also really like the name Ursula, I think it's super unique and elegant, but I would feel bad if I had a daughter and she got teased for sharing a name with the fat ugly sea witch from The Little Mermaid. I was like 8 when WALL-E came out, and I share a name with the love interest robot, and it pissed me off so much when people would say my name in the funny robot voice.
No. 205119
>Names you love
I love quirky supporting character names like Zoe, Valerie, Chloe and old lady names like Evelyn and Rose. I also think John is a beautiful and underrated name for a boy, especially now when all the millennials naming their kids Brody and Quinn, how sophisticated to have a little John on the playground lol.
>Names you hate
For some reason B names just rub me the wrong way: Belinda, Bianca, Brian, Bronwyn, Brent,yes even Beyonce. I just think it's ugly to start a name with that hard Buh or Brr sound.
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
Every OC in my maladaptive daydream stories is named some variation of Kai, Dante or Dorian kek. Would be embarrassed to even name a pet one of these but my inner emo tween still loves them.
No. 205193
>Name you love
Xiamora, Venus, Adonis, Lacey, Ava, Luna, Sofia, Violet, Yara, Jessica, Juliet, Gabriel, Angel
>Names you hate
Michael, Melanie, Kehlani, Sage, Jonathan, Christopher/Chris, Jake, Britta
>Guilty pleasure
Valentina, Lily, Jennifer, Ruby, Jade, Diana, Luke, Leo, Kai
No. 205366
>>205221I guess I'm kinda happy with it. I almost ended up with the female version of the name of a saint. I would look like a total nerd.
While I'm still named after a saint, it's a woman's name at least, not the female version of a male name, and not after a male saint. Things could be a lot worse.
No. 206164
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Is it just me or does anyone else hate male names? This has nothing to do with men's character as a collective, it's just that male names don't sound as good as female names. I like the names Enoch, Marion, and I guess Nicholas, Simon and Jeremy are okay
No. 206171
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I’m coming up with a huge list of names for my future cat. Give me some of your favorites.
The ones on the top of my list right now are Casino and Belvedere.
No. 206213
No. 206334
>>206308>enter thread>ctrl + f>type my name>lots of results in names you hateBe thankful
No. 206629
Lots of rare names. Stuff that has a literary, romantic, or whimsical feel. Some might think of my tastes as pretentious but eh.
Girls: Catherine, Octavia, Faye, Victoria, Delphine, Therese, Aurora, Temperance (had a great grandmother named this), Cosette, Edith, Evangeline, Tallulah, Sylvia/Sylvie, Odette, Vivian, Thalia, Zinnia, Claire, Winona, Tilda, Blair, Helena, Sybil, Lydia, Waverly, Cressida, Eisley, Seraphine, Rowena, Renata, Opal, Tabitha, Nell, Valerie, Thea, Roxana, Ophelia, Demetria
Boys: Solomon, Shepherd, Soren, Beau, Hawthorne, Ambrose, Seth, Hadriel, Dorian, Elias, Tristan, Vaughn, Thatcher, Raphael, Dante, Malachi, Ira, Bram, Basil, Levi, Edwin, Constantine, Desmond, Sterling, Leon, Sawyer, Stellan, Augustine, Claude, Sullivan, Rex
Pretty much any of the insane Mormon-esque names. Mc-anything. Unisex. Male names for girls.
Girls: McKenzie/McKayla/McEtcetera, Paisley, Madison, Emerson, Sloane, Kinsley, Logan, Avery, Luna (fucking everyone names their pet this, so I can't associate it with a person), Matilda (yet I like Tilda), Margaret/Margo/Marguerite/Marge, Alicia/Alyssa (it's not terrible but I knew SO GODDAMN MANY growing up and tired of it).
Boys: -aydens, Mike, Chris, Kyler, Jaxon, Hank, Finley…I don't explicitly hate a lot of male names, but I do find most of them boring
>Guilty pleasures
Girls: October, Sonnet, Icephemia, Leocadia/Leocadie, Edwina, Esmeralda, Corinthia, Sophronia, Soleil, Elowen, Galatea, Keturah (would totally use if I were a jew), Romilly, Theona, Artoria, Araminta
Boys: Alaric, Cyrus, Lysander, Endymion, Griffith, Auberon, Sylvan, Locke, Percival, Beauregard, Blaise, Bastian
No. 206641
do any other anons associate names with weird stuff? there's a lot of names that i hate because they semi rhyme or the sound reminds me of something else, usually food or something gross. it makes me really picky about names
anyway, a few that i actually like:
>>206629people are out there calling their kids shepherd??
No. 206706
>>206663sorry, but Michael, Christopher, Jason, Scott, Brian, John, Richard, Marcus, William, Brandon, and Justin would still sound awful if they were attributed to women, instead of men
No. 208263
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What are some female namelet names? Gertrude?
No. 208279
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>>208263>Melvin Kek, but namelets for women are stuff like
>MariaLiterally everyone ignores the name and picks anything else to call that woman, usually the second name or anything different to Maria.
>AnaSame issue as Maria
>Federica In latam it would bring all the bullies to the yard because “Federica” means ugly
>EstherIt’s so lame.
>PaulaIt rhymes with Pajua which basically means retard.
>Danae/DanaIt’s weird, I only met one (1) Danae in my entire life and it’s a name that really sticks out like a sore thumb.
Those are the only names in Spanish that I feel like they would only get your kid bullied forever, specially Zoila, because it’s basically “i am the” -Soy la/ Zoi la-.
No. 208296
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Names I like:
Noah, Noelle, Lisa, Isaac, Anything Irish like Sorcha/Saoirse or Siobhan etc, Benjamin, Esme (I have a friend called Esme, what a divine name), Rosie, Dina, Daria, Imogen, Fiona, Nadine, Mary (My grandmother's name, and my middle name. I'd consider calling my daughter Mary after her if it wasn't so antiquated)
Names I don't like:
Dan, Timothy, Eric (but I like Erica for some reason), Oscar, Scarlett, Liam, Niall, Craig, Michelle, Leo, Alex, Luna (fucking hate it)
Guilty pleasures:
The shit that Jacob Rees-Mogg names his kids, picrel, because if you can get away with shit like this it means you're a stuck up posh cunt, and I wish to god I had the money to be a stuck up posh cunt
>>208279>tfw my name is here No. 208324
>>208279Nah real latina namelets are ghetto kira kira stuff like Yoluiska, Kimberly, Milady/Mileidy, Yajaira, Yuleisi, Gladys/Dugladys, Usnavy, etc.
>ana/mariaAna and Maria are perfect for combined names that have a nice musicality to it, like Ana Paula, Ana Julia, Maria Alicia (pronounced marialicia), Maria Elena (pronounced marielena), Mariale (pet name for Maria Alejandra), Mafer (staple rich girl name in my country, pet name for Maria Fernanda), even Ana Maria.
>paulaPajua and Paula not only do not rhyme but they have very different intonation. Paula has a diphthong (Pau-la), pajua has a hiatus (pa-jú-a). They look similar written down but not when spoken imo.
>danaWho hates the name Dana lol like did you not watch the x files.
As for names that will get you bullied in latam, adding to Zoila there's also Deborah (means to eat up, devour), Penelope (pene is literally penis), and Paloma (common name in Spain, means dove, but it's also like the most common word for penis in latam).
>>208298I like the name Federica but tbh I have also heard people use it as a friendly way to avoid saying the word "ugly" straight-out ("esta un poquito federica…" instead of "wow que fea").
No. 208332
Names I like: Edie, Serena, Elaiza (eh-lie-za), Madison, Ondine, Vinnie, Noah.
Names I find annoying: James, Rory, Alex, Katy, Xander, Brooke, Vanessa, Joanne, Natalie, Blaire.
Guilty pleasure names: Mia, River, Cosmo
No. 262865
>>262736my name is imogen! without the e!
>>262753my younger sisters name is eden kek
No. 262918
>>262753Nova, Cora, Juno, Rose/Rosa, Ivy, Leah, Ava, Esme, Isla, Nina, Ruby, Tess, Aria, Lily, Kaia, Wren, Iris, Anna, Gaia, Kit, Jane, Mira, Oona, Vera, Amy, Kyra, Nell,
No. 262964
>>262963Yes I was thinking abbreviations, but I think I have come across a couple of names that actually work well in both languages. All a matter of research I guess!
Thats sweet that you like slavic names, honestly no one really cares if you're not one, I know lots of people with international names that aren't even from that country. Plus, lots of slav names are common in the west now like Tanya, Maria, Elena, Valentina, Irina, Yana etc
I love german names too actually, like Petra and Ida, I think a lot of your traditional names are so cute.
No. 270488
I love a variation of my birth name is on so many hate lists. I hate it too. It's fucking Kayla. I knew even as a kid it was instantly going to get dated past a certain point and become and "old lady" name like Nancy. It's short, rhymes with a gazillion other names, starts with a K, and is faux "Celtic." It's so white trash to me, but not nearly as bad as poorly spelled, overused shit like kayleeigh. I tell people my name short for is Michaela, and I intentionally annunciate the "ch" like the Jewish "chai," which is how that name is supposed to be pronounced in the first place. It's beautiful when using certain European or Yiddish/Israeli inflictions. "Muh-KAY-Luh" Yuck, I imagine a 2012 Redditor tipping their fedora. What's worse is sharing this trailer park name with 20 girls, not including Kaylee, Kaitie, Kate, Kaitlynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Lee Renee, Layla, Shayla, Ayla, McKayla, Chaela, and the boys named Caleb (that still sounds like Kayla on a roll call). Jesus Christ, can pasty tatted cigarette huffing drunks pick another family of names? FUCK.
No. 274665
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Can anyone suggest a more conventional name that would have similarities to Acadia? I jokingly mentioned it and it ended up being the first and so far only name my husband genuinely likes instead of tolerated. It's cute for a baby, but too much for an adult woman. What's something more sensible a similar feel?
No. 302157
>>302151Ah yes I know that, I just don't think many people in my country do haha. I think Sveta sounds much cuter (sorry Svetlanonna's) but I'd have to spell it 'Svjeta' or something which is just even more confusing. Sorry you've had so much trouble with your name, I think I will stick with generational names (or derivatives of them) because at least people will be able to pronounce it.
>>302153Valentina is such a cute name, it's a character from my favorite movie too! Don't see it much around here. I never thought about name changes but I can see that, I think I'll likely go with the old (not modern) German names of my grandparents though just to avoid confusion. My mother has multiple names which I think are all very beautiful (also I love her to bits of course) but if I gave my daughter one of them she'd probably hate me for it kek.
She is pretty anti-religion and they are all biblical names. No. 302306
im unsure about kids but i do want to change my name in a few years. I already picked out the name i want but its kind of cheesy ~
i can't think of any i truly hate but here are names i love: melody, lily/liliya, pandora, lyra, bridget, astrid, penelope, daphne, veronica, luka, arthur, edward, and lucy (in another lifetime lucinda).
names i think are cute but would most likely never use: scout, skipper, sailor, betty, dotty, nancy, morgana, vera, myrtle, ramona, alice, lola, and eloise.
overall i like nature, space or sci fi, mythological, and i guess "classic" names.
No. 302746
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I've been keeping a names list for like 3 years now, these aren't all of them.
girls names i like:
names with an R in the first syllable like Florence, Harper, Cordelia, Marcella, Priscilla/Drusilla, Teresia/Teresza/Therese
Dolly (like dolly parton)
Hyllis (see picrel)
Ruthie, Rebecca (massive ag doll fan as a kid, the names are cute)
boy name I am set on: Nick/nicholas
Boya names I like:
18th century nobility names like Arthur, Fredrick, Maximilian, Konstantin, Leopold
president names like Woodrow, Macallister
old man names like Chester, Maurice, Burton, Werther (Werther’s originals)
Ferric (iron in its +3 valence state)
I have a soft spot for greek names like literally everyone else in this thread, but when it comes to boys names I love ones like Blaine and Leslie that sound kinda feminine in my opinion (blaine always makes me think of the name blaire)
I found the name Dieghoilaye in the comments of a video with 10 views. if anyone has any idea how to pronounce it please let me know
No. 302752
>>302746Kek at you non-swedes…
Ikea product names aren't actual human names.
No. 302754
>>302750That makes it sound oddly endearing
>>302751I just like it because it sounds like phyllis but without sounding like the word phallic.
and yeah my name list has been described as ikea furniture, cheeses, and failed wines. Every single name that I posted is something I would actually name a child though, if not a given name at least just as a middle name
No. 302794
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>>302789There are worse names, I suppose.
No. 302903
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>>302764I am not trolling, I even deleted some of the names I'm more unsure of. the original list goes back to 2020 but I make new updated ones, so picrel is the only proof I have that this is relatively old.
again the appeal of hyllis is that it sounds like the name phyllis which is a decent name but sounds like some kinda gross english words
No. 302905
>>302783sage bc double post but I'll agree that they're kinda weird in terms of american names, but I feel like they're all flexible in terms of nicknames (like max, leo, rick). Ferric is the most pinterest mom name I'm willing to go with, I refuse to have a grayson or chase. several of the names are those of my favorite professors throughout the years. obviously old man names are relegated to middle name options only
Wether's originals is just what I associate the name with but it's unique and I like it
No. 302909
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>>302905Also side thought but I feel like boy names can be tricky because they either seem very young or very old to me. I can't visualize an 80 year old noah or august, just the same as I can't visualize a 6 year old named kevin, victor, etc. Girl names are a lot more flexible.
I work with kids and I have seen a lot of scarlets and paiges recently, just a lot of french names in general. Best name I had this summer was a girl named Katana (she was blonde/blue eyes).
No. 302914
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>>302909>I can't visualize an 80 year old noahHere, now you can.
No. 302951
>>302922Sounds too much like 'eunuch', that kid is definitely getting bullied.
>>302923scott pilgrim characters or deviantart OCs
No. 302966
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Ever since I read A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett I fell in love with the name Ermengarde. I think it sounds beautiful rolling off the tongue, and I imagine a lovely noblewoman in the 1200s walking in her castle garden among the rosebushes.
But I will probably never name my child this because I'd fear them getting bullied. Some names are just too outlandish/ancient to use for a child IMO.
No. 303030
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>>303009>children don't know what an eunuch isIt's 2022, some children are eunuchs now
No. 312184
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>>312182Does Tarpulin mean something else in your language
No. 312837
I like the name "Josephine." There's so many ways one can make nicknames out of it. Jo, Josie… That's it but still. My name has no nicknames, it saddens me sometimes. Not planning on having kids though.
>>312820Susanna is a good name. Not great, but solid. I like Suzanne more but it essentially is the same name. I think people don't like it because in the US it may be associated with Southern bigotry by people not in the south who don't know better (also misogyny but that's a given). If you were to name your kid that, that would be a good name.
No. 312881
My most favorite one has always been Sophia. Also:
Eva, Eve
The only two "normal" male names I like are Andrei and Konstantin, I'm probably forgetting something. I mostly like names that'd be more suitable for medieval monks.
I also really like Finnish names.
I dislike:
Olga but I really like Helga though. I'm not talking about Pataki family kek, although this would still be true. I also don't like male name Oleg.
Gleb, but it's so weird I kinda like it too. I'd befriend or date Gleb.
Lev or Leo, I just don't like it as a name. It's not because of Tolstoy. Other names starting with Leo too, like Leontii, Leopold, Leonid.
Maxim, and all Maxims I knew personally were annoying af or sucked big time
Tbh I hate the way a lot of male Slavic names sound in their shorter form. At the same time, I might like the full form or just don't mind it.
Spyridon KEK
Pavel, Pavlo, Pasha. Paul is ok though
No. 313686
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>>302966>ErmengardeI'm sorry anon but this is the first thing I thought of
No. 313856
>>313837are you changing your name anon?
i'd go for the rare archaic name personally, unless its something crazy outdated
No. 314951
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>>314948snap is used as a name?
No. 315325
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>>314948>>314956the book in question didn't happen to be my immortal did it
No. 359834
>>359797Watching Bones and All made me like Marin, I do prefer the spelling they use (Maren) but I imagine they both sound the same?
I only ever really like girls names so I'm screwed if I ever end up with a boy kek.
>Names you love Edith (Edie for short), Astrid, Evangeline (Eva/Eve/Evie for short), Bridget, Mabel, Genevieve (again could have Eve for short)
No. 359856
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>>359855You had to post it, didn't you?
No. 359895
I really like the names Eve and Rose as siblings. The middle names would be Eve Marie and Rose Helene.
Other names I like:
Rose (ofc)
Names I hate:
Boy names that sound too much like cowboys (Colt, Maverick, Wyatt, etc.)
Oakley, Oaklynn, etc. abominations
Modern abominations in general
Ugly last names as first names (Murphy, Sutton, Brooks, etc.)
Dated names like Ashley, Crystal, Robert and Greg
As for guilty pleasure, I like the name Naomi but the only Naomi I’ve met has been a complete bitch to me and I can’t get that out of my head
No. 359903
>>252973Dasha would be a cute cat name
I actually kind of like the name Christine. Never met a Christine that wasn’t nice. I don’t immediately associate it with CWC.
No. 360060
I love old fashioned names, the more archaic, the better. If I had kids they'd be called grandparent names like Waldemar, Alfred, Ida or Hildegarda. Names I wouldn't use include ones that are far too archaic and never found in modern use, because the kids might get bullied. I knew this Polish kid with a medieval ass name, but he lived in the west where nobody knew the name is out of use, so his parents got away with it.
It bugs me when it when western people use Slav male names for girls, like Nikita, Nikola, Sasha (this one is short for Alexander), etc. They do sound pretty and feminine out of context, but I grew up around Russians and had a sort-of brother figure with one of these names. So it is funny to me. Maybe it's unisex and I'm mad for no reason. I don't know. Seeing a girl named Sasha to me is like seeing a girl named John.
Alternatively I despise non-anglos with anglo names. So many Kevins, Jessicas and Justins here, with non-anglo surnames to add contrast. Unless they emigrated to the west and attempted to assymilate there, it usually is some weird status thing. It's exoticism, western-asskissing, and trying to pose as international.
I also dislike it when people give the shortened form of a name as the full legal name. Max instead of Maximillian, Alfie for Alfred, Nina for Antonina…
No. 360282
>>360275I changed my first name because it was ugly. Everyone in my family gave me a lot of shit for it because how could I, they picked it out for me, why don't I like it? They still call me by my old name at home even though it's been years. I didn't even pick out anything outrageous, just a regular degular name that exists in my native country as well as most places in the world in some form, think Jane. I was just tired of having a weird ugly name my whole life.
For reference I am British but was given a very ugly foreign name as my parents are immigrants. I don't know a single person with my name, even in my country of origin, that doesn't go by a nickname.
No. 360284
>>360275I know fathers usually hate it if you get rid of their surname. Personally, i'd never say about it to my family, they take it prsonally and rarely understand.
>>360282They'd probably hate it less if you chose another name from your country instead of usual british one. But it's a good choice, really, to not stick out too much.
No. 360320
>>360060>Waldemar, Alfred, Ida or HildegardaThese are good except Waldemar, which is a good name for a dog (Waldi, for short). You should read medieval saints' lives, you'll get a lot of good names from there.
I like some odder names myself, but I don't plan to have kids.
I like girls' names ending in -ette:
>Annette>Bernadette>Georgette>Henrietta>Jette (German pronunciation, "Yette")>Odette>Yvettealso
>Electra >Yvonneok I got bored so that's all I want to list lol
No. 360327
>>360282>>360284ayrt and yeah I hear that families being upset is a common experience. I'm actually a bit unsure if that would happen to me. I think they'd be confused mostly, but not angry? I don't think they put much effort into naming me to begin with. They let my sister pick my name and she named me after the road we lived on lmao, thankfully the street was named after a woman but it doesn't seem like anyone with that name is famous so I assume it's some random local lady. My family doesn't really call me by my name either but an arbitrary nickname of unknown origin. In retrospect this is all kinda weird and maybe part of the root of my issues with my name.
Sometimes I consider editing my name when I get married someday, then I'd have an excuse to change my surname and I could add in a middle name as a sneaky extra.
>>360301we have similar taste!
I already have associations for Zelda so I could never use it in any way, but I love the letter Z so I wish there were more options. Zinnia is taken by someone too and there's not much else to pick from that wouldn't sound prohibitively exotic
No. 360498
>>360320ayart You're right about Medieval saints (and kings), I took Hildegarda from Hildegard of Bingen, and Alfred from Alfred the Great. kek
Waldemar is still a pretty common name where I'm from, but among old people.
>>360282It bugs me when immigrants take their children to a foreign country, and then complain when the children (naturally) crave to fit in and be "normal" to the place they grew up in. It's part of natural human instinct to want to fit in.
No. 361613
>Names you love
Nereida, Layla, Fortuna, Lorelei, Nadia, Alecta, Isolde, Firuze, Nyssa, Theresia
>Names you hate
REX,Tracey/Casey/Lacie/Kaylee/Macie (those kind of names), Hunter, Margaret, Susan, Linda, Sharon, Diego, Dylan, Bryan, Chaim, Timothy, Knox
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
Amora, Scheherazade, Kali, Lunaria, Mikaela
No. 362066
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)I love the names Eden, Trinity and Faith, but I'm an atheist so giving a kid names inspired by religion would probably be weird.
>>361591Primrose is cute but Coriander is a herb people eat pretty regularly. It's like naming a child Carrot.
No. 362145
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>>360282May I ask what your old ugly name was?
>>360060>I love old fashioned names, the more archaic, the better. If I had kids they'd be called grandparent names like Waldemar, Alfred, Ida or Hildegarda.Tfw some of those are just common names in your country lol it' also known here that names go in cycles, so it's expected that the current "grandparent" names will be popular again in a decade or two
I don't "hate" any name per se, but I hate when people here try to give their kids international (read: american) names that don't make sense here. I obviously can't speak for americans but I would think even them find it boring to meet a native person from another culture… with a basic ass american name. If you met 2 people from Japan, one was named David and the other Hiroshi, then the latter just seem more interesting and you'd expect the first one to be half-american or something. It's the same for all cultures imo. It's especially retarded here when they give them a name that already has a local variant, like calling them Sarah instead of just the usual Sara.
No. 363177
>>362231i love casper when its spelled with an -er. never seen it with the -ar ending.
caspian and vincent are my 1 & 2 top names if i have a boy one day. caspian is so regal to me. inb4 narnia, dont care
No. 373130
No. 373532
>Names you love
Lita, Annette/Anna/Annika, Zhena, Masha, Natalia
>Names you hate
Angela, Miranda, Kimberly, McKenzie (or any name starting with 'Mc')
>"Guilty pleasure" names (names that you like, but wouldn't name your child)
Marilyn is such a pretty name but I don't live in an English speaking country so it would be really weird to name a child that lol. Also love Betsie, Penny, Jane and Summer but again in my native language they sound odd.
No. 373629
>Names you love
Girls: Marisa, Aurélie, Bláithín, Caitríona, Laoise, Yasmine, Lina
Boys: Morgan, Devon, Naoise, Conchobar, Caoimhín
>Names you hate
Any surname used as a first name, like Jackson or Mackenzie. Names that are spelled oddly in an attempt to make a basic name unique like Lauryn instead of Lauren.
>Guilty pleasure names
Aurora, Hermione, Lavender, Juliette, Cosette, Amira, Fia(dh) Nóinín, Gabriel, Elijah, Alivia, Mina, Sayuri, Jidji
Some of these names are names in my country/my mother's country so don't come for me about some of them being weird by English language standards
No. 373637
>Names you love
Girls: Maple, Olivia, Sylvia, Ivy, Arabella, Mia, Mai, Bea, Dawn, Adeline
Boys: Sage, August, Oliver, Everett, Leif, Silas, Theodore, Bowen
>Names you hate:
I just don't like really standard, generic names. Sarah, Emily, Hannah, Michael, Alex, etc. Anything ending in "lynn".
>Guilty pleasure names
Gemstones, opal, emerald, ruby, too close to stripper names but still beautiful. Greek mythology names. The name "Shen". I don't know why I like that one so much but my nigel is Asian and giving a child a Chinese name would only hinder them I think, so we've agreed to stick to Chinese names as middle names only.
Roast my names if you please, if I need to be kept in check I would rather it happen now than before I've stuck my child with a terrible name.