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No. 95766
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No. 95767
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No. 95768
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No. 95772
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This is smells like self post, but anyway… I really like it. Pic related, Xiyeon.
No. 95774
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However, I do dislike bluish black. It's usually too harsh and unnatural.
No. 95775
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No. 95776
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No. 95777
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No. 95778
>>95771i mean… east asian people are born with pale skin and black hair……. white people can have naturally black hair and be pale…. @this entire thread, do any of you go outside? this is not unique at all and the only people who think so are lame ass gamer dudes with manic pixie dream girl fantasies. its so weird when people call this basic, common human occurrence an aesthetic
also OP, try to mask your obvious self posts better next time.
No. 95780
and eh, a lot of the super milk white people as shown in the thread only look that way thanks to skin whitening filters or lightening, hence why you never see paper white people in real life unless they are anemic
No. 95787
>>95778Not that anon but the girl in OP picture and
>>95766 was a famous Tumblr girl whose pics got (and still are) spammed around and now isn't around anymore, so it's not selfpost.
No. 95788
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No. 95791
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Majority of the girls who do the whole black hair pale skin look usually think they are special and not like everyone else when they are just as original as a cookie cutter mold. Colorful hair girls suffer with snowflake syndrome too. I think tanned bimbos are less obnoxious compared to the pale vampires.
No. 95798
>>95795Calm down jelly-chan.
>overplayed>but tanned blondes aren't overplayedThe only time I see this look in the media is on villain characters. Irl they're mostly goths, former emo kids and metalheads. I really can't see how it could ever be more overplayed than literally any other hair colour, red included.
No. 95799
>>95797they can be, especially if that's their natural complexion and hair color. but most of the time, i end up thinking like
>>95786>>95798jealous over what. i just dont find it beautiful and it definitely is outplayed. i never said tanned blondes aren't overplayed, just outdated so theyre not even on my mind and irrelevant to the topic we're all on. way to get butthurt though lol
No. 95800
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No. 95802
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No. 95803
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No. 95806
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My stylist dyed my hair too dark so I'm just using this thread to cope until it fades.
No. 95812
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I love this paired with light eyes the most.
No. 95813
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>>95812and if the dark hair isn't just you go to black box hair dye
No. 95814
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No. 95815
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No. 95817
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>>95816then post that content anon
another person's basic is another person's cute
No. 95819
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No. 95820
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No. 95821
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No. 95822
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No. 95823
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No. 95824
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The paleness of the skin isn't that important to me (though porcelain skin is beautiful), but I do definitely prefer dark hair. I don't usually like unnaturally dyed black hair on people unless it's obviously meant to be really contrasted and edgy like pic related.
No. 95825
>>95816That's the point. Why only post celebrities and heavily photoshopped women? If you're aspiring to look like an anime character, good luck because it's never going to happen.
Some anons above were complaining about people who are naturally blonde dying their hair dark and that it looks ridiculous. That's an opinion but w.e. These photos are of women with NATURALLY pale skin and dark hair, showing that it does occur naturally and it's gorgeous.
Also lmfao at you not considering a race of people who cannot tan pale. What's pale to you? Someone coated illamasqua white foundation?
No. 95826
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>>95816"they're not even pale"
lmao, maybe if you stay inside all day and do nothing but look at koreans who shooped their skin to hell and back as well as using whitening, then sure, maybe they're not pale, but to everyone else, they're pale
No. 95829
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>>95816they look like normal human girls
No. 95835
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>>95832Don't worry, it's just lolcow.
I think almost anyone can pull off black/dark hair, as long as you darken your brows and lashes too. Black hair and eyebrows in mousy colour look tacky imho.
>>95833anon probably tries to shade blondes for having fair and weak, thin eyebrows… I guess
No. 95837
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>>95836I'm confused by this dark hair vs blonde hair rivalry. Most blonde kids grow up to have dark hair and most blonde hair is fake anyway.
No need to diss the natural blondies
No. 95838
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No. 95839
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No. 95840
>>95836I think the bitterness is more about the pale skin than the hair colour.
And I can see why people get
triggered by it, because a lot of pale girls act like special snowflakes about it when it comes to makeup, skin care, asian beauty standards, etc etc. This thread does come across as special snowflakey, I don't see the need for a whole thread dedicated to a random combination of features. It's weird to give it enough thought to formulate an opinion of it being 'unique and captivating' or 'sallow and anemic', it's just normal colouring. The people trying to say it's ugly really do sound bitter though.
No. 95842
>>95837Nah I wasn't trying to diss anyone, just kind of sick of people coming to the thread to claim dark hair is somehow ugly because they're really bitter about not having a thread dedicated to them. Like make your own thread about blonde hair if it's so great? See how many posts it gets?
>>95840I mean honestly, I think that comes from being told that pale skin is ugly. Idk how it is elsewhere but people are dying from skin cancer in my country due to using tanning beds. I'm just lucky my mother told me that my skin was beautiful. I'm really glad to see people embracing their pale skin.
No. 95845
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No. 95846
>>95842I'm from a tan loving country (and incidentally we have the highest rates of skin cancer in the world) and I hated my skin because of it, tried to fake tan etc. I only started embracing my paleness when I started getting into kpop and things like that, because they're so overt about preferring it and it was the first time I'd seen it. But over time it started feeling kinda mean spirited to openly enjoy it because the way people talk about it verges on nasty and racist a lot of the time, and sexist because they're so much more forgiving of tans on men.
But yes, I'm extremely grateful to my mother as well for making me wear sunscreen and praising my skin colour.
No. 95851
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No. 95852
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>>95848what's with all this "HAHA YOU'RE JUST A JELLY HATER BECAUSE IT DOESN'T CATER TO YOU!!!!!" going around on their site? It shouldn't be hard to realize why someone would be upset when the features they do not have aren't being glorified
plus it's reasonable to be upset that pale skin and dark hair girls get an entire thread made about them and have pretty pale girls with dark hair posted,and there's no thread about other hair/skin combos
No. 95853
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No. 95854
>>95852there are plenty of other threads about other aesthetics.
"Kawaii black girls"
>>>/ot/13168"Stylish Old Babes"
>>>/g/66872 No. 95856
>>95855all I'm saying is it's understandable to be upset that features in which are the opposite of which you have, that are being glorified, it's going to be upsetting to those who don't have those features, and it's understandable to do so
example, big boobs, while big boobs are seen as attractive everywhere, when a girl with big boobs sees tons and tons of people talk about how they "prefer" smaller boobs, it can really shit on ones self esteem, you can uplift certain features without having to bring the other features down whether you bring them down directly vs indirectly ("I HATE TAN SKIN AND BLONDE HAIR!!! vs "I prefer black hair and pale skin more than anything"
No. 95859
>>95856But people who like conventionally attractive features never bother to say "but brunettes are nice too", if anything they just call us boring. Why should we go out of our way to spare some random blonde girls' feelings in a small thread on an anonymous imageboard when nobody ever gives us the same courtesy? You can always hide the thread if people liking what you don't have bothers you, all we can do is learn to deal with being ignored irl by guys who salivate over big titted Nordic blondes and tanned Kim K lookalikes which is most guys, even if they won't admit it.
I personally think it's dumb to go "oh I think x feature is best" when there's so many different kinds of beauty out there for that very reason, but it's nice to be appreciated for once, even if most people will still say they prefer dark hair with light eyes only. It's better than nothing.
No. 95861
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i'm ginger and i've posted couple pics in this thread. some of you need to learn how to mask your insecuirity online, like it's not that deep
No. 95862
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No. 95863
anon here and i want to say that i have black hair, have had it for years and year and i've gone through the shades. (not that it matters really)
shit like
>>95862 does not look natural, it's a 'blackest black' on hair that should at most be 'black brown' or 'soft black'.
>>95800 this looks natural and compliments her paleness really well.
try not to make it look like a wig and you'll be good!
No. 95869
>>95864men on imageboards are the most insecure of the insecure, of course they'll be bitching, they'll probably say shit like "BUT IT'S SEXIST IF IT'S A WOMAN!!!!!!"
or the usual gay shit, since they think everyone on there is male
No. 95871
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No. 95872
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No. 95875
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No. 95876
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i really like daxbin face, yes, it's obvious she had plastic surgery but i think she's really pretty TT
No. 95895
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~pale skin dark hair~
No. 95898
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>>95897because I have no life? you seem to be stalking me stalking this thread.
No. 95900
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No. 95901
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No. 95903
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No. 95904
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No. 95910
>>95876the "drunk girl makeup" is horrendous and people need to stop doing it already
sage for ot
No. 95911
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No. 95912
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No. 95913
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<3 <3
No. 95916
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>>95913honey you forgot one <33
No. 95919
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No. 95920
what a troubled soul though.
No. 95924
>>95923then look at magazines. the shit ITT is random girls, including from snow, and none of it has to do with makeup tutorials, fashion choices or anything the OP asked for.
I know this is ot, but posting random girls tagged with black hair/pale skin helps no one.
No. 95929
>>95926were you created by the equally strange insecurities of OP?
everyone else is like wtf its just coloring and then you come along
No. 95930
triggered this anon so hard
No. 95935
>>95934she has naturally think hair all at one length–it's a blessing and a curse imo (i'm the same way). try not using heat on your hair, air drying as much as possible. don't dye it for as long as you can (same with bleaching) so it can build up strength. trim your split ends, etc.
naturally thin hair won't thicken, but if you have already thick hair and take care of it like an injured dove, you can have really pretty thick hair.
if you're like me though, you just put it up every single day because you don't have the time or patience to style it.
No. 95938
A makeup recommendation I have is Essence liquid lipstick in make a statement. Always get compliments when I wear it and it helps combat that anaemic look.
>>95937Damn this 100%, black is really harsh, it brings out any strong features you have like a mannish jaw or big nose.
No. 95943
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No. 95948
>>95947That's nonsense. Pale skin doesn't look unhealthy, just like tan skin doesn't indicate health. Those are just pervasive stereotypes in the west because of things we associate with getting a tan (being outside, playing sports, going on holidays, etc). In reality a tan is skin damage and not healthy at all.
The real problem with pale skin in regards to looks is that you're far more susceptible to sun damage like sun spots, wrinkles, freckles. 'Milky' white skin is clear and unblemished but it's a lot of work and sunscreen to keep it that way.
No. 95950
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i looooove the extra pale skin/dark hair look, i just feel like a lot of the time naturally pale skin starts to age very poorly. it looks so beautiful when very young, but i don't know why it tends to age oddly. i notice a lot of people with pale skin tend not to be oily and often have dry skin. i wonder if that's the common thread.
>>95774i love it though and i've always wanted extra pale skin with dark hair. it's super pretty and looks so elegant.
pic related is alexis bledel. she had the most stunning skin that i always thought would age so well. i see the same thing happen irl a lot too.
>>95772>>95773all of these korean women get those glutathione iv things, right? why do their candids even look shooped? has anyone tried glutathione topical cream for this?
No. 95952
>>95950I think it's the low level of melanin
Bc dark skin people don't age as obvious
That's the only explanation I can find
No. 95953
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Does dark brown hair count?
No. 95954
>>95952Yeah, I get that to a certain extent for sure, but Idk if it's just that bc I notice pale people, esp with pink undertones vs pale people with golden undertones age differently, even if they're very close in terms of shade. I don't think I've ever seen a pale, pink undertoned person with oily skin. They always appear to have dry skin, while I have seen oilier skinned pale people w other undetones, just an observation
>>95951Oh ok, lol. Does their skin really look good, generally? Bc I literally can't seem to find any of these pale south Koreans with average skin, even on video their skin looks like, heavenly and idk if it's glow filters or what. All I ever see is crazy glowy skin. Is it the glutathione or wtf are they doing
No. 95957
>>95955Yep I have pink skin and I can see my veins through my legs in bright light. My skin is also naturally non-oily (even on the T zone). I haven't got eye bags at all but the area under the eyes is a little purple due to thinness, my eyelids are semi-transparent in terms of seeing veins (lol I sound terrifying)
If you have pink skin you should spend most of your time indoors and get very strong 50-70 SPF sun protection.
I have naturally dark brown hair but because of staying indoors I lighten it; the contrast looks attractive in daylight but less so under artificial light
No. 95958
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tbh, I think what makes or breaks pulling off a hair color when you are super pale, has nothing to do with your hair…. but, and hear me out anons- THE ACTUAL HEALTH OF YOUR SKIN AND HAIR.
just sayin' that when you are pale, you are REALLY SUSPECTIBLE to skin damage from the sun and you really have to have a strict skincare routine w/ sunscreen or you're going to have a real bad time. you know whats ugly? mothercukin sunburns. tbh most goth bitches don't take good care of their skin or use moisturizer/foundation with an SPF in it.
Case in point? Marilyn Manson. He looks like a fuckin lumpy cancer potato bc you KNOW he hasn't been taking care of his skin and it SHOWS. theres nothing ethereal about premature aging.
No. 95959
>>95954I'm pale with pink undertones and my skin is oily af
I don't think oil production has to do with your undertones at all. More genetic and hormonal factors
No. 95966
>>95963It's true - according to
your opinion.
Most pale women know that they have to take care of their skin and wear lots of sun screen.
On the other hand darker women think they're magically immune to all sun damage because muh superior genes…
No. 95967
>>95958>tbh most goth bitches don't take good care of their skin or use moisturizer/foundation with an SPF in itMaybe it’s just my country, but the only people I’ve met who don’t think I’m insane for using daily SPF are goth bitches and people into Asian-style skincare. Most people in my country are naturally pale but sun damage awareness is practically nonexistent outside of certain niche circles. This summer alone I’ve heard several women say that they’d rather get sunburnt and heal with a tan than apply sunscreen and stay pale. At most they’ll use a finishing powder with SPF 10 or something.
You’re probably right about goth men, though. Men in general tend to take very poor care of their skin.
No. 95969
>>95765I don't really have an opinion about it since I fit the bill but only somewhat. What's become really strange to me is how many people are suddenly coming out and claiming they're super pale (as a good thing) when that didn't use to happen at all. How come it's a thing all of a sudden?
I'm from the Balkans and have fair skin and dark brown hair, but I don't look like a pale princess at all since I do actually tan in the summer (albeit very slowly) and my skin also has a greenish undertone that makes it look kind of… dirty, I don't know. So instead of a sexy vamp chick I end up looking like a Mediterranean zombie.
As far as ageing, a lot of people here love to tan, my mum included, and she looks very good for her age (63). She never wore sunscreen because 'sunscreen is for pussies' where I come from, but she did use a lot of creams, eat lots of fish and a rich diet with lots of collagen. Women in my country swear by Nivea (though I think that's mostly because it's cheap and we're poor). The men I know look tragic though, my bf is 30 and has been asked if he's my mum's husband when we went out for a walk because he loves to roast in the sun. My dad is 64 and looks like a bulldog because he used to pick fruit without a shirt and hat on for most of his life. From all that I've concluded that the key to prolonging your youth is embalming yourself in creams as much as you can, and plastic surgery.
No. 95971
>>95970Here's a good article with information:;DR there are two factors that cause skin to age: chronological ageing and photoageing. Melanin slows down photoageing because it blocks about 75% of UV A rays compared to 50% for people with lighter skin.
I work with a black woman who's in her early 60s and she doesn't look a day over 40. It's incredible. Though, once you start wrinkling as a darker skinned person, the winkles develop faster compared to others.
No. 95975
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>>95969I'm from the Balkans too (Croatia) and tanning is still extremely popular here.
I'm pale and always had a hard time getting a tan, then I gave up. People would often ask me if I was feeling unwell and tell me to go out in the Sun.
People still consider that having a tan equals health which is not necessarily true. And I'd also add that due to the whole climate change, the Sun and the UV rays are definitely more harmful now than they were 20 years ago.
Anyhow, posting Michelle Dockery. tbh I didn't like the show, but I loved her look.
No. 95977
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>>95976Yeah, I agree. Unfortunately, as the current beauty standards are heavily in favor of tanned skin, we have to settle with costume dramas for the most part.
On the side note, I wonder which actress is going to play Yennefer in the Witcher series? She definitely fits the pale skin and dark hair aesthetics. I hope they don't butcher her character or something.
No. 95978
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Also, I just recalled how much I loved Winona Ryder in Bram Stocker's Dracula.
She looked hauntingly beautiful with her pale skin and dark hair, in particular after she get's bitten and gets paler.
No. 95980
>>95979> Also from Croatia.Noice, which part?
I'm from the pgz, avoiding the sun while everyone's at the beach kek
> My hairstylist even told me I shouldn't have black hair because I'm pale and If I do I should learn to do my makeup properly (basically darker foundation).The only argument I heard often about having raven black hair with pale skin and that is valid imo is that it ages you. So, the older you go, you should turn to a lighter colour, like chestnut brown. But that is something to consider when you're like in the late 30s.
If you would feel better and you think you'd look better then I guess go for it but I think your hairstylist is wrong.
It's just that when I see whatever our version of slags are, they have a dark tan and bleached blonde hair with dark roots and heavy makeup. It made me appreciate the pale skin and dark hair combo more. Not that there aren't lots of nice looking blondes or tanned girls.
No. 95982
>>95980 Zagreb. If I go to the beach I just take a dip and go home and a lot of sunscreen have no desire to be sweating, hate the sun.
>It's just that when I see whatever our version of slags are, they have a dark tan and bleached blonde hair with dark roots and heavy makeup.And the dark foundation, had a girl try to persuade me thats how its supposed to be.
>>95981I really like the combo pale/dark hair always thought it was a nice contrast.
>This was after he failed to convince me that the orange goop he put on my face was a perfect match to my skintone.Happens quite a lot to me too. That I should use a darker foundation to bring color to my face. I don't think they get that foundation is supposed to match you and its not supposed to be used as a fake tan.
No. 95984
>>95983What a shitty post.
If you had any reading comprehension then you'd see that it's only about discussing this particular aesthetic, not making it superior to others, fucking retard.
No. 95991
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>>95990>trying to be more anemic to be even palerSorry but this is ridiculous
No. 95995
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>>959941. That's not how the average British girl look like
2. Fuck off, you're just jealous lol
No. 95997
>>95996>all these girls would look a lot better if they had a bit more colour to their skin and auburn hair or something. Idk. This is a boring look.The thing is, we can't just change our skin colour with a snap of our fingers. Would you dare to go to the black girls thread and tell them how boring they look and that lighter skin would be so much better? No?
You just come across as an ass. If you don't like this particular type just hide the thread, nobody forced you to comment and tell us how shitty we look.
No. 95998
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>>95994Pretty much this
>>95997The thing is, lots of people consider tanned/bronze skin, overall a darker shade more attractive over the pale skin so to rub it in with your post is a major a-hole and kind of salty thing to do.
And it's definitely not true, this isn't a common look, especially not in London.
No. 96000
>>95999Thanks anon, I fucking love being a played out snowflake (though I don't see how just existing and having a lazy and popular sense of style makes me a snowflake? I don't even bother with lipstick tbh tho).
Unless you mean some instathots that claim to be special.
No. 96002
>>96000lol don't worry nonnie. from one played out snowflake to another, unless you manage to invent an entirely never before seen look, you're always going to get called either a special snowflake or a basic bitch no matter how you style yourself. if you don't actually think it makes you special then don't worry about people who assume you must be attention seeking just because you have a certain style that isn't even flashy. women get made fun of for how they style themselves no matter how they do it.
even if you have a totally normal, inoffensive, commercial, un-alternative look you run the risk of being accused of looking like a notlikeothergirls tradthot kek.
No. 96003
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lol all you salty bitches with your jelly over dark hair and pale skin
No. 96006
>>95846i agree about overtly praising pale skin in a racist manner, although i see it more in non-white girls, bc usually white girls sperg about their pale skin because they want to be seen as ~unique~ or as an old-fashioned beauty, i don't think they are even aware of the colorism thing for asians and black people, the insensibility is just plain ol white girl ignorance.
>>95856>>95852>plus it's reasonable to be upset that pale skin and dark hair girls get an entire thread made about themno it's not wtf, get a life or even write up a thread for blondes if that's what interests you, the world doesn't revolve around your feelings. if you shit yourself because you're a certain hair color and someone you don't know who's not even talking about you says on a fuckin imageboard they don't like it that's your own self-esteem problem and not up to others to coddle you, how butthurt can you be if you're still like that after 15.
No. 96007
>>96004nah I just don't get why people ITT are getting so upset.
Let people like what they like and just don't come here if it upsets you all so much.
No. 96012
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Weeb girl who went to same high school
Her nickname was Snow White(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 96016
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No. 96018
>>96017Why eww?
nta but is there a particular reason?
No. 96019
>>96012 one is worse.
No. 96025
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>>95950alexis is so gorgeous, poor aging or not her features will always be so pretty. uggos need to be more careful abt sunscreen bc we have no saving grace lol
No. 96035
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>>96034How curly is curly?
No. 96041
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I think it's a really pretty combination, especially when it's paired with light eyes
No. 96042
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>>96041Immediately had to reverse image search lol
She's really pretty, even without makeup (though a little more tan here)
No. 96043
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No. 96044
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No. 96045
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No. 96046
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No. 96047
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No. 96048
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Alice Glass looked really captivating with black hair
No. 96317
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Any helpful makeup tutorials that don't focus on looking as pale as possible but more on looking healthy/cute (like with blush etc)? Product recommendations?
And how do you take care of your skin (face and body)? I'm scared that I will age badly…
No. 96319
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No. 96355
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>>96319Her mom was really beautiful too
No. 96366
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Hedy Lamart
No. 96367
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Fawzia Fuad
>>96366Oops Lamarr*
No. 96368
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Elizabeth Taylor
No. 96403
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Catherine Zeta-Jones
No. 96416
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No. 96417
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Gene Tierney
No. 96418
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Vivien Leigh
No. 96419
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Ava Gardner
No. 96454
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Sherilyn Fenn
No. 96485
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No. 96486
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No. 96487
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No. 96488
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No. 96489
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No. 96492
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No. 96493
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No. 96494
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No. 96495
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No. 96501
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No. 96502
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No. 96503
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No. 96505
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No. 96509
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No. 96724
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No. 96725
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Barbara Steele
No. 96726
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Tura Satana
No. 96737
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Felicity Jones
No. 96739
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No. 96758
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Liv Tyler is so pretty
No. 96774
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I'm from Eastern Europe and I have dark hair and pale skin but it's more like a yellow/olive tone then the superpale pink/white tone, do people still consider that pale skin/black hair or is it only the box color/super pale look? Pic related . Anyways I never thought about it especially until now lol.
No. 97096
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No. 97097
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No. 97378
>>97358Actually, anon was right no1curr
(infighting) No. 97440
>>95765>>95766>>95767>>95768who is she?
Any social media links?
No. 97445
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No. 97446
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No. 97447
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No. 97541
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>>97537i mean, there’s michelle dockery who plays lady mary on downton abbey upthread and i’m sure there’s more
there’s something v classy about the combo. don’t feel like you have to get contacts unless you really want to.
No. 97590
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>>97544kek, that wasn't me
but I thought the exact thing>>97537I know how you feel anon.
But here's a pic of Kate Beckinsale.
She's usually tanned but in Van Helsing, she perfectly fits the pale skin dark hair aesthetics.
There's also Winona Ryder who I think is gorgeous, and she's also aged extremely well.
No. 97591
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No. 97592
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Rachel from Blade Runner is also a timeless beauty. Fun fact: in the script, it's said that she has green eyes but the actress has brown eyes so it became an easter egg in Blade Runner 2049.
No. 97593
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>>97592But I find her most beautiful with her hair let loose. She has this angelic appearance.
Shame about her later career.
No. 97925
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No. 97926
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No. 97927
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No. 97928
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No. 102727
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No. 102728
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