File: 1538155152003.gif (832.99 KB, 500x626, daphne.gif)

No. 97027
Previous thread:
>>81746Post pics or gifs of pretty girls.
No. 97029
File: 1538155398359.gif (206.05 KB, 240x236,…)

Daphne Groeneveld
No. 97033
File: 1538162116822.jpg (129.66 KB, 1024x1274, diane lane.jpg)

No. 97034
File: 1538162217687.jpg (139.31 KB, 1335x667, tuesday.jpg)

No. 97038
File: 1538165204270.jpg (37.74 KB, 500x692, tumblr_nruxinxE8v1upnwmuo1_500…)

No. 97039
File: 1538165217295.jpg (500.48 KB, 1000x667, 01.jpg)

No. 97040
File: 1538165507542.jpg (78.1 KB, 463x700, aa9c7c4ae6bf205499d3cff6bea6d8…)

No. 97077
File: 1538218486788.jpg (41.55 KB, 564x848, cFrjoZg.jpg)

>>97027OP girl is adorable <3
Lily Allen is a major cutie, I love her brown doe eyes.
No. 97083
File: 1538219269364.jpg (38.67 KB, 488x610, NMQHCzC.jpg)

No. 97085
File: 1538219361132.jpg (24.84 KB, 324x500, yuS0pFW.jpg)

No. 97120
File: 1538257169647.gif (901.05 KB, 500x267, afroclap.gif)

No. 97123
File: 1538258029310.jpg (1.44 MB, 1024x1544, london_zhiloh_galore_mag_5.jpg)

No. 97124
File: 1538258171897.jpg (398.48 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_ov2dt2TOFk1uxthfbo4_r1_…)

No. 97135
File: 1538273297476.png (250.13 KB, 500x498, arh.png)

Aditi Rao Hydari
No. 97157
File: 1538304787862.jpg (67.27 KB, 549x682, q7ou18X.jpg)

No. 97158
File: 1538304838085.jpg (92.1 KB, 564x696, 3yj9AAU.jpg)

No. 97161
File: 1538305819057.jpg (19.22 KB, 564x564, f9DGgzK.jpg)

No. 97164
File: 1538306274665.jpg (57.97 KB, 564x1001, 1WQsIrO.jpg)

No. 97167
File: 1538309466967.png (555.02 KB, 640x799, upload_2017-11-25_9-33-35.png)

No. 97170
File: 1538314647953.jpg (70.75 KB, 485x728, w4zweXF.jpg)

No. 97171
File: 1538314740416.jpg (27.28 KB, 392x581, WoFwTa4.jpg)

No. 97173
File: 1538314809561.jpg (1.72 MB, 500x273, BQ8jhmH.jpg)

Monica Bellucci
No. 97179
File: 1538319848959.jpg (55.34 KB, 846x816, Cwb68ux.jpg)

Adelaide Kane
No. 97200
File: 1538337681811.jpg (42.76 KB, 527x801, w1pvYxX.jpg)

Ellen Page
No. 97206
File: 1538341037637.jpg (106.76 KB, 1020x1530, 2-the-nymph-vogue-apr14-p119-h…)

>>97200>>97201i want to date her and then break up with her to date stacy martin theyre both so cute to me
No. 97218
File: 1538347771239.jpg (388.1 KB, 2560x1600, 1476727597345.jpg)

No. 97219
File: 1538347827445.jpg (209.19 KB, 1000x1500, 1476566653904.jpg)

No. 97220
File: 1538347889886.jpg (168.26 KB, 678x1024, 1475028901866.jpg)

No. 97231
File: 1538353344210.jpg (3.12 MB, 2000x1483, Mai.Shiraishi.full.17331.jpg)

No. 97244
File: 1538357365497.jpg (81.88 KB, 1768x1000, MV5BNTkwNDEyYWItMzY2Ni00M2QyLW…)

haruka fukuhara
No. 97263
File: 1538384589256.jpg (136.52 KB, 1080x1350, 3DVOkRK.jpg)

No. 97268
File: 1538397741534.jpg (40.75 KB, 540x675, tumblr_oxqch0QW8q1qhhr89o1_540…)

No. 97269
File: 1538397840218.jpg (49.71 KB, 620x620, anamaria.jpg)

No. 97271
File: 1538398224293.jpg (79.39 KB, 740x1110, 740full-ashley-moore-(2).jpg)

No. 97290
File: 1538423776646.jpg (27.61 KB, 500x600, gN4JFFM.jpg)

No. 97291
File: 1538424294569.jpg (11.31 KB, 280x347, wswjSA7.jpg)

No. 97293
File: 1538424797748.jpg (61.17 KB, 564x824, Jmo5WF4.jpg)

No. 97294
File: 1538425100669.jpg (59.72 KB, 564x846, y32f8Xi.jpg)

No. 97295
File: 1538425156813.jpg (24.92 KB, 399x600, 4vFX1g8.jpg)

No. 97365
File: 1538511633479.jpg (89.56 KB, 857x1200, cq8bp8W.jpg)

No. 97366
File: 1538511658164.jpg (701.83 KB, 500x750, Ud72u4I.jpg)

No. 97368
File: 1538511734710.jpg (71.18 KB, 564x846, pbgAjmf.jpg)

No. 97369
File: 1538511767563.jpg (53.3 KB, 564x811, j3I7WeN.jpg)

No. 97370
File: 1538511817305.jpg (63.53 KB, 1080x1350, WAzjKme.jpg)

No. 97371
File: 1538511850236.jpg (121.42 KB, 1920x1080, SarqyhL.jpg)

No. 97372
File: 1538512170773.jpg (212.84 KB, 874x1200, RSKnkNO.jpg)

No. 97393
>>97390yeah also how often do farmers complain about beauty standards being ridiculous and fucked up but then
>>97370 with doll-like facial proportions and no glaring flaws is too much of a plain jane for a thread. we all have different tastes but give me a break
No. 97400
>>97399It's just a corduroy blouse.
Can you guys stop being weird about that girl's picture. It's one thing to bitch about it, but another thing entirely to keep bringing attention to it.
No. 97401
File: 1538573829087.jpg (429.15 KB, 1080x718, 20181003_153637.jpg)

Back to cute girls
No. 97406
File: 1538581633887.jpg (37.95 KB, 324x492, SaRtwW2.jpg)

>>97377OP of the girl's picture here, no I am not male.
>>97398>>97400nta but what? Why are you so bothered lol
>>97389Mackenzie Foy. She is such a cutie.
No. 97410
File: 1538582164696.jpg (42.33 KB, 510x678, 26ZpyXN.jpg)

Olivia O'Driscoll
No. 97412
>>97406There's no reason for anons to derail the thread the
other way.
No. 97416
File: 1538583273315.jpg (41.99 KB, 564x564, 0Z4g1kV.jpg)

Lily-Rose Depp
No. 97424
File: 1538593021468.jpeg (152.43 KB, 1024x772, 4D29CAE7-3195-4328-AD8B-47D8F0…)

No. 97434
File: 1538598756166.jpg (361.55 KB, 593x397, 1dr2RRO.jpg)

No. 97436
File: 1538598817432.jpg (55.11 KB, 564x564, HlzxhAp.jpg)

No. 97451
File: 1538619000012.jpg (124.34 KB, 1052x701, 1502557528771.jpg)

No. 97461
File: 1538632213896.jpeg (51.48 KB, 800x450, 973FD22E-4D09-41DF-B364-CF81ED…)

No. 97468
File: 1538640605010.jpg (161.77 KB, 1080x1350, 1UdV5nT.jpg)

No. 97469
File: 1538640663686.jpg (534.33 KB, 468x549, AtrJSa7.jpg)

No. 97470
File: 1538640713598.jpg (37.84 KB, 564x751, XupTwdj.jpg)

No. 97471
File: 1538641717753.jpg (104.58 KB, 1364x802, miyazakiaoisugao.jpg)

No. 97472
File: 1538642124322.jpg (55.35 KB, 1063x800, hashimoto-kanna.jpg)

No. 97473
File: 1538642309877.jpg (92.55 KB, 564x801, d6e536a4254931dcd0f92d59871132…)

No. 97474
File: 1538642352124.jpg (78.81 KB, 564x730, dc4dd541438a2e21a0992e0940d06b…)

No. 97477
File: 1538658403817.jpg (214.67 KB, 1200x800, nintchdbpict0002632133131.jpg)

No. 97480
File: 1538664675093.jpeg (115.84 KB, 634x849, AF065DDF-5112-402C-856D-A6630D…)

No. 97481
File: 1538664714452.jpeg (101.76 KB, 640x1136, FC51EE6E-5A49-45F6-B6F4-F75E46…)

No. 97482
File: 1538664777405.jpeg (228.08 KB, 1080x1350, 830C17AA-4778-4AC2-B330-CDB8D8…)

No. 97483
File: 1538664947954.jpeg (92.81 KB, 450x650, 6A3F3DD8-6C34-475F-8841-3851AE…)

No. 97509
File: 1538729061077.jpg (68.91 KB, 564x845, lm3Jtod.jpg)

No. 97513
File: 1538729461083.jpg (116.69 KB, 1080x1350, s6sY9nA.jpg)

No. 97523
File: 1538757192801.jpg (81 KB, 750x937, 41908676_903309213192445_29658…)

No. 97524
File: 1538757226841.jpg (32.13 KB, 564x705, 564full-dasha-taran-(ii).jpg)

No. 97529
File: 1538761708134.jpg (41.71 KB, 749x1004, Dk7eQXQUcAAX9ZQ.jpg)

No. 97531
File: 1538761759884.jpg (660.67 KB, 1024x1024, 23164130_161597634429016_55455…)

No. 97620
File: 1538853673620.jpg (25.78 KB, 264x400, 7nmSI33.jpg)

>>97518Yes, she has such lovely eyes.
No. 97621
File: 1538853716697.jpg (54.11 KB, 500x748, kX3be7u.jpg)

No. 97623
File: 1538854029456.jpg (32.85 KB, 563x584, gwFWvmz.jpg)

No. 97683
File: 1538923388889.jpg (91.09 KB, 346x800, courtney-eaton.jpg)

She's 5'10, but looks so cute
No. 97886
File: 1539092602862.jpg (1.22 MB, 1080x1080, 39960679_313163699417920_48451…)

No. 97929
File: 1539129335178.jpg (98.3 KB, 584x800, 52a91b6d2193f13e7fcf7a549e753e…)

No. 97930
File: 1539129442915.jpg (91.27 KB, 640x640, mariah.jpg)

No. 97931
File: 1539129498182.jpg (64.84 KB, 500x500, Mariah-Carey-Underneath-the-St…)

No. 97932
File: 1539129785397.jpg (88.57 KB, 520x853, 36687d316c9713524aad6429578319…)

No. 97933
File: 1539129800567.jpg (16.66 KB, 236x336, 78c2e6765cbd07dde97ccc6021856b…)

No. 98033
File: 1539243554831.jpg (30.67 KB, 450x450, florence.jpg)

No. 98054
File: 1539285451524.jpg (71.52 KB, 460x630, zimmermann-helm-dot-off-the-sh…)

No. 98061
File: 1539296542500.jpg (50.51 KB, 778x960, tumblr_msx9hqGRyO1s0m836o1_128…)

No. 98067
File: 1539303034859.png (284.3 KB, 770x770, elizabeth.png)

She's had some terrible eyebrows over the years, but Elizabeth Fraser from cocteau twins is really pretty
No. 98535
File: 1539818010370.jpg (81.52 KB, 446x299, dove-cameron-headshot-2018-c2a…)

i know she's kinda cow-ish but i still think dove cameron is gorgeous
No. 98548
File: 1539837225720.jpeg (55.45 KB, 640x848, 005a59718cf4c0a20f7c.jpeg)

>>98535At some point Cameron was pretty, she started getting plastic surgery at 13 or something and now she's fully addicted in her 20s, she had literally everything imaginable done to her face and body like Ariana. She should've stopped around 2014, it's a shame.
No. 98700
File: 1539972824939.gif (1.37 MB, 500x235, olivia.gif)

No. 98739
File: 1539998733708.jpg (256.27 KB, 1216x1662, 5858dc926eac34c18f9730bd3bc26b…)

No. 98766
File: 1540031193012.jpg (44.78 KB, 564x564, 2dGLYIa.jpg)

No. 98767
File: 1540031228343.jpg (33.89 KB, 564x564, EvCYTDe.jpg)

No. 98768
File: 1540031273912.jpg (86.72 KB, 540x674, yLpcZZ9.jpg)

No. 98769
File: 1540031292188.jpg (56 KB, 564x556, 6r2DVcL.jpg)

No. 98770
File: 1540031802217.jpg (187.53 KB, 553x314, xZZnrnY.jpg)

No. 98771
File: 1540032047749.jpg (17.1 KB, 564x420, eRQyC4P.jpg)

Tia Jonsson
No. 98869
File: 1540072193601.jpeg (26.63 KB, 600x600, 31e6d7d6f47e3e02cfd96164761b37…)

No. 99640
File: 1540805385755.jpg (29.17 KB, 500x660, hDWEbR0.jpg)

>>98935I'm pretty sure it's Greta Garbo
No. 99641
File: 1540805454488.jpg (397.81 KB, 2300x3240, azIzf1N.jpg)

Vika Falileeva
No. 99646
File: 1540806177712.jpg (29.69 KB, 491x672, RexnO6P.jpg)

Manon Von Gerkan
No. 99648
File: 1540807112968.jpg (63.32 KB, 564x776, wYTJyR1.jpg)

No. 99740
File: 1540913170174.png (121.66 KB, 1439x980, 13073069_10153556095326911_991…)

No. 99775
File: 1540942971706.jpg (120.18 KB, 1080x1040, 2o32___BduUysWF1Py___.jpg)

>>99763*creature lol
it's the same girl, these are old pics, she had worse shoops
i still think she's pretty tho
No. 99850
File: 1541025148058.jpg (85.6 KB, 320x427, lindsey_wixson.jpg)

Someone once said she looked like a female Tim Curry but that just makes me like her more lol
No. 99851
File: 1541025829604.jpg (214.12 KB, 1080x1350, 001020121.jpg)

>>99763Like every other girl posted here hasn't been heavily retouched?
No. 100078
File: 1541280210627.jpg (13.46 KB, 512x372, 6c8b78a8fcd03f6732ebedcc164cde…)

I loved Jennifer Lopez when I was young mostly because of the Selena movie. I used to watch that movie religiously.
No. 100082
File: 1541287738558.jpg (49.17 KB, 500x704, the difference between a super…)

>>99850oh weird. normally i think she's beautiful but in that pic she looks like a skinny extreme makeover'd version of amanda baggs. this pic too. i can't unsee it!
No. 100087
File: 1541292081845.jpg (84.28 KB, 666x1000, MV5BMzNmMTIxNmItMDBlMi00NjRkLW…)

>>100082anon-chan why did you have to say that now i see it too
No. 100329
File: 1541627043012.jpg (61.5 KB, 1024x574, 2NE1-I-AM-THE-BEST-yg-family-2…)

I think that Dara is the prettiest idol. Maybe it's the nostalgia, but newgen kpop idols never have the same appeal to me.
No. 100337
File: 1541633770258.jpg (212.68 KB, 885x1200, DVKcnqnVoAAieUI.jpg)

No. 100338
File: 1541633815930.jpg (63.75 KB, 615x765, DaliqL4UQAA0Wq-.jpg)

No. 100381
File: 1541687918948.jpg (13.74 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

I rewatched the Twilight movies and damn, Leah was gorgeous. I wish there had been more screentime for the werewolves, they were actually interesting imo.
Plus, native girls always look fascinating to me
No. 101618
File: 1543381507903.jpg (72.73 KB, 480x857, 81652fd2-e97c-4202-a166-9fef55…)

tfw when you unironically like a tik tok user
No. 101652
File: 1543415655381.jpg (100.79 KB, 633x950, Jacket-julia_jones-punk_rock.j…)

>>101639I feel like if Meyer even made a spinoff about them, she'd find a way to completely ruin the characters, lmao. If there was a skilled enough writer authorized by Meyer and willing to do that, maybe…
There's the Garoul series that's about a big native american clan of werewolves, it's the closest thing we have in case anyone is interested No. 101730
File: 1543474935781.png (425.4 KB, 698x512, Alice-twilight-series-34127381…)

>>100381I always thought Alice was pretty cute before she cut her hair.
No. 101733
File: 1543480826627.jpg (83.09 KB, 481x599, sk8.jpg)

No. 101743
File: 1543498459040.jpeg (64.76 KB, 720x480, BC9FC921-3603-4E3B-86C5-522654…)

rocket from sucker punch is my waifu; she had such a cool look/aesthetic and the actress’ dainty features were complimented so nicely by her overall character design. the girl who played her is super pretty to me and the character styling enhances it.
No. 101762
File: 1543524148586.jpg (52.51 KB, 510x769, 8d91d9ae69ee7af830d5cfa802433b…)

No. 101763
File: 1543524190932.jpg (60.8 KB, 544x680, e3cd9549c06b486615918982ff8eff…)

No. 101764
File: 1543524291605.jpg (63.94 KB, 564x704, 38576be7dbf4d08e4babf2397c88e2…)

No. 101778
File: 1543546636505.jpg (192.92 KB, 1063x1600, jNFLcfQ.jpg)

No. 101779
File: 1543546681665.jpg (167.45 KB, 1080x1350, zq58zvrtgxez.jpg)

No. 101781
File: 1543547033646.png (424.54 KB, 500x640, 181608a3ef7e021dec3aff48773f9c…)

>>970272010-2012 Lana was peak Lana
No. 101840
File: 1543626883447.jpg (180.5 KB, 1060x1600, pheobe cates.jpg)

Phoebe Cates is so pretty and always looks so full of sunshine. I love her smile too.
No. 101841
File: 1543626953222.jpg (257.17 KB, 1335x2000, d7176f98dfe276d1646c46689f7eb0…)

>>101840she's so adorable, i wanna grow my hair like her
No. 102297
File: 1543996123044.jpg (151.73 KB, 622x299, Michele.jpg)

Michele from Netflix' 3%
(Bianca Comparato)
No. 102298
File: 1543996173719.jpg (40.03 KB, 640x360, Michele2.jpg)

>>102297She has this really innocent look on her face and I can't believe she's from 1985!
She's cute without bangs too.
No. 104675
File: 1546485559476.jpg (67.55 KB, 512x768, d50c9b79c333f5025b458c82c54d16…)

Avalon Warren. Saw her in a buzzfeed video, and she has a strange voice that is either an affectation or a speech impediment but she's beautiful.
No. 104701
File: 1546521545513.png (791.38 KB, 800x550, 8C5C63EA-1D43-432F-9A9B-107C77…)

No. 104711
File: 1546527964853.jpg (51.95 KB, 564x849, 17f5809f9a1b9b44aab67371388205…)

No. 104781
File: 1546577780178.jpg (85.56 KB, 750x1125, chuu.jpg)

No. 104786
File: 1546579030461.jpeg (67.23 KB, 637x917, 5D0B1AAC-D3EF-49AF-9178-7944B9…)

Cheyenne Brandon
No. 104805
File: 1546600456424.jpg (19.9 KB, 236x364, 4oFx24w.jpg)

No. 104807
File: 1546601011515.jpg (87.71 KB, 500x704, kqTumDW.jpg)

No. 104825
File: 1546620186787.jpg (127.76 KB, 640x795, tumblr_pdrigoRUyu1th8ngro1_640…)

>>97038>>97039Oh god seconding this, I went to see King Arthur three times just for her.
No. 104929
File: 1546697556016.jpg (74.07 KB, 1920x800, Rocket_listens_to_the_Wise_Man…)

>>101743Good taste, anon!! Rocket was the cutest girl. 10/10 would totally date and have her protect me.
Rocket was the best character and they did her the dirtiest in that shit movie.
No. 104977
File: 1546737641081.jpg (108.55 KB, 509x846, 1546728938153.jpg)

No. 105065
File: 1546833799282.jpg (100.21 KB, 765x960, 38273ae78ab73cb0d6b20b19ba30d0…)

Young Dolly Parton was gorgeous!
No. 105066
File: 1546834033403.jpg (659.67 KB, 800x1053, dolly-_-kitten.jpg)

>>105065Her smile was so cute
No. 105142
File: 1546916283800.jpeg (56.95 KB, 420x540, 64B2D680-8E45-4766-9DD5-1E11B9…)

Haley Bennett
No. 105170
File: 1546944247112.jpg (25.82 KB, 330x242, mariya06.jpg)

No. 105180
>>104977Who this?
>>105142Really pretty, I love hooded eyes
No. 105341
File: 1547052622949.jpg (341.53 KB, 683x1024, 5915159015_c00c82c793_b.jpg)

No. 105342
File: 1547052698465.jpg (13.08 KB, 266x320, 6a019805a3b60bc7dd9d1863333f33…)

No. 105424
File: 1547093298460.jpeg (71.5 KB, 750x610, elyse-sewell-a4ea5405-54fd-4bc…)

No. 105440
File: 1547101511942.png (353.14 KB, 1082x599, Screenshot-2018-05-29-at-3.22.…)

I'm pretty sure i'm straight but she just does something to me
No. 105464
File: 1547125472241.jpg (47.37 KB, 600x600, alice-glass-crystal-castles-43…)

I wish I had her looks
No. 105731
File: 1547364333401.png (941.65 KB, 749x747, halsey.PNG)

No. 105817
File: 1547482293790.jpg (121.34 KB, 540x579, aee6f8d7-7637-437b-bd85-79fcde…)

No. 105818
File: 1547482342529.jpg (505.04 KB, 1235x1600, 7184169a-83a2-444b-bdc4-8123ae…)

No. 105819
File: 1547482379858.jpg (181.6 KB, 1280x960, 314f0def-aebd-465f-a8b9-ab1393…)

No. 105820
File: 1547482418427.png (209.67 KB, 495x495, edec6160-7731-4230-a6cd-72d5b9…)

No. 105821
File: 1547482476715.jpg (42.46 KB, 466x600, 62f39b78-e10f-4378-994c-488495…)

No. 105826
File: 1547489382312.jpg (67.67 KB, 540x716, tumblr_pl9z7szrqS1shd5b4_540.j…)

really want this haircut but hairdressers are scary and if I diy it it will probably look shit :-/
No. 105871
File: 1547558498124.jpg (396.19 KB, 1037x720, Alice Isaaz.jpg)

No. 106005
File: 1547803830371.gif (1.99 MB, 268x330, tumblr_plikdzpFPm1vcwmiso2_400…)

No. 106027
File: 1547848015023.jpg (1.86 MB, 2013x2560, Avril-Lavigne-Photoshoot-010-D…)

No. 106028
File: 1547848075789.jpg (108.04 KB, 629x693, 710da324-15da-4dc1-88cf-6d907b…)

No. 106049
File: 1547890260082.jpeg (208.66 KB, 1450x2279, rXgfgju.jpeg)

No. 106060
>>106005Good god, she looks so boring and dirty.
>>105872Super cute!
No. 106072
File: 1547912880970.jpg (456.72 KB, 900x689, joanjett.jpg)

No. 106074
File: 1547912953978.jpg (379.39 KB, 872x1280, joanjett2.jpg)

No. 106188
File: 1548070975023.jpg (163.98 KB, 1080x1350, 38989707_307975479972903_75049…)

No. 106189
File: 1548071026787.jpg (64.07 KB, 612x612, 49403803_135402864045657_72624…)

No. 106340
File: 1548257033201.jpg (650.44 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20190123-071930.jpg)

No. 106341
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lights has always been so pretty to me, especially now thats shes older/a mom. love that she embraces her schnoz also
No. 107318
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No. 107319
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No. 107320
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No. 107321
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No. 107331
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No. 107346
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No. 107351
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Kilo Kish. her music is great and she's so cute.
No. 107373
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>>107321I'll never understand the appeal of this girl lmao
I love Anjelica Houston, especially as Mrs.Addams
No. 107374
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>>107373Tossing in Cassandra Peterson because Elvira is a qt
No. 107383
>>107379I still think shes pretty cute
She has all the desirable features
No. 107969
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Callisto from the Xena tv show. Natural bodies look so good compared to surgically enhanced ones. Makes me wanna rewatch Xena and do vintage workouts from youtube.
No. 108107
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Anne Munition is pretty cute tbh
No. 108627
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She's just so cute
No. 109274
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spam incoming of my tattoed waifu