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No. 97673
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I like to lay in my bed and daydream a lot. They usually involve romance or imaginary conversations.
Also, I love taking night walks with my headphones in while listening to music. Other times I like to ride my bike at night or go on the swings. I’ve only had some idiots bother me a couple times.
No. 97679
I really like listening to music and painting/drawing, it keeps me entertained for hours. My favorite music artists when I draw/paint are sopor aeternus, atrium carceri, midnight syndicate, cities last broadcast, lamia vox, sylvaine, desiderii marginis, eldamar, autumn's grey solace and a few more dark ambient/atmospheric music. Listening to music also always brings me inspiration for new art.
Another very good thing to do alone imo is to explore the city and visit some turistic places, going to the cinema and fairs. I used to think my city was extremely boring but it was just the region I live at. My state is pretty small but a lot of nice and interesting places can be found.
No. 97692
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I like going to shows by myself just grab a drink and let loose if the show's really good! I also like checking out new restaurants/cafes, I've found a few gems that way. Going to see movies and shopping is great too!
No. 97718
I like talking hours long walks around my city. On sunny days I'll go around the wealthy neighborhoods because they have such pretty gardens and lawns.
Or I'll throw on Spotify and knit. After my current project, I want to start getting into designing my own patterns.
I also like to do the dinner and a movie thing alone.
Sometimes I just kinda sit or lie down someplace at home and stare off into the distance and daydream. It probably looks super creepy.
Museums, zoos, galleries are cool too. Being alone in these places is nice since you can take everything in at your own pace.
If being the alone person surrounded by groups is stressful, I recommend going to places in their quiet hours.
>>97654It's interesting that people like to shame others for not being "productive" in their leisure time but binge watching tv/movies is so normalized that people treat you as abnormal if you don't watch tv.
No. 97745
I play with my dolls and sew. I also make jewellery, draw. read, take baths and game.
I've been solitary my whole life and I have a personality disorder that predisposes me to want to be alone, so I don't mind it at all. I also don't have friends around very often, which I don't care all that much about really since I do just fine by myself.
I know I need to pick up some other new hobbies because I'm bored with what I currently do.
I would like to go to cafes or cinema or shopping alone, but I rarely get a chance to, I mostly go with my girlftiend. But when I get the chance, I don't mind it at all, it just feels somewhat less enjoyable at times because I have no one to share it with. I have trouble just walking around and taking in everything, I have to set a strict goal for myself every time so that's kind of a problem because I can't just go for a walk, I have to specifically go and do something.
No. 97896
>>97653I also have a hard time not getting trapped in my own head, it can take some time for me to really get in the moment and accept I don't have to be 'productive' all the time.
What I like most is putting on music and singing along to it or dance around the house.
When I get too lost in my head I take a bath and put on a podcast, or I read.
And sometimes I draw, play the piano, play games or go take a walk in the neighbourhood.
No. 97997
>>97958Good taste anon! I own a single BJD and think of purchasing another one (I want my boy to have a female counterpart). Recently I bought a factory Blythe and I am so in love with her… Strange as I usually prefer the more normal looking dolls.
I really wanted to get the 45 cm Draculaura doll, thank you for accidentally reminding me lol. Hope she's still available.
I wish we had a doll thread, but I suppose it would go dead pretty fast.
Do you have any advice on how to have more fun with your dolls? I feel stupid cause while I love them, they just mostly sit on the shelf and look pretty. I suck with arts and crafts so did not try any sewing projects cause I am afraid they would end up being shit anyway. Sigh