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No. 98129
My chronic illness is scoliosis. Years of pain followed by years of physiotherapy that changed nothing because my pt was shit and scoliosis doesn't go away. I'm currently working out to strength the muscles around the fucked up spine and relieve the muscle pain. But being on a bulking diet is difficult when you also have IBS and most foods give you gas and bloating.
>>98127What side effects wtf
I was prescribed anti-migraine meds years ago and took them for the recommended 6 months and now they're completely gone. Went from having migraines almost every day from childhood till early adulthood to 0 migraines. You should give it a try.
No. 98191
>>98129I feel ya, I'm OP and I lost so much weight due to IBS because I stopped eating so much and whenever I ate I'd have a reaction. I was wondering if I should cut out my morning coffee, even though it helps me poop I'm not sure if it contributes to my all day pains or not.
>>98125lucky you. I just got this and I miss feeling fine most of the time.
No. 98499
>>98496Process of elimination. I suspected it was what I had when I went to my GP with pains all over my body. After I told her about my symptoms she suggested I might have it without me bringing it up. I had bloods done to rule out rheumatoid arthritis and saw a rheumatologist who ruled out ehlers-danlos syndrome. That just left fibromyalgia. There isn't a specific test for it, which sucks. Physiotherapy, light excercise and meds have helped a little but it's still a struggle.
I'm sorry you're suffering anon. I hope you get some answers soon.
No. 98500
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>>98209Fibromyalgia is so tough cause I was diagnosed with it as well and I've spent the last 5 or so years in nearly daily excruciating pain, but I never want to mention it to anyone cause it's kind of written off as a make-believe diagnosis. I have terrible nerve pain as well, especially at the top of my arms. It feels like if someone touches my skin there I want to cry. Like their jabbing their finger into bruised skin or something. On my worst days of joint pain, I've been close to just begging my doctor for pain killers, but I have the same problem where I'm terrified they're gonna think I'm just making it up for drugzzz. But I've tried every combo of years of physical therapy, chiropractor, OTC painkiller, heat/cold on it, and somedays I still just end up sobbing in bed not being able to move or sleep because I'm in so much pain. I've found the "flare ups" to be less frequent since I've started taking Gabapentin and an antidepressant (iirc I read somewhere that chronic pain uses the same neural pathways as depression, so that's why antidepressants are helpful with fibro?) but I still get some bad flare ups here and there, and when I do still nothing seems to help. So basically I feel like medication + learning my physical limits/not overdoing it has made it happen less, but when it does happen I'm still at 110% pain.
No. 98502
>>98488I have ibs too!! I tried my best with the fodmap diet but due to my ex anorexic monkey brain i ended up becoming obsessive over food haha. My best advice is to take it slowly. It's an awful process. Cut and add foods slowly so you can tell which Foods
trigger your ibs without cutting everything all at once
No. 98807
My pituitary gland is fucked so I had a a growth hormone deficiency as a child and had to get growth hormone injections, but I also used to pass out very often before and during my treatment due to hypoglycemia and low blood pressure. I'm done with my treatment and I look like a shorter than average young woman instead of a literal dwarf and I'm not at risk of getting osteoporosis in my 20s anymore, but I still pass out sometimes and I eat all the time just so it never happens again, especially when I'm outside. That shit's hereditary but of course I'm the only one who had to deal with this crap in my family. I literally never met anyone like me irl because even at the hospital back then, all the kids I knew had diabetes.
By the way, I don't really understand what fibromyalgia is. My mother has it but she's terrible at explaining pretty much anything and according to herself, she has it because she has many really fucked up disorders that cause chronic pain and deformities. But as I said, she's terrible at explaining things. She has spondylitis, which is hereditary and I'm scared I could get it because it ruined her life and it would ruin mine too. That's the main reason why I don't want to have kids.
>>98779I think people think scoliosis is just some childhood affliction because of the severe cases where kids or teenagers get surgery. I'm not sure anymore but apparently surgery isn't done when the scoliosis isn't deemed severe enough apparently? If that's the case I don't really understand why doctors make that distinction, unless the surgery is really risky or something?
No. 98816
>>98812That makes sense compared to all the things that happened to my mother. So I guess that means in her case her other disorder, her chronic pain and her meds with weird side effects could be the cause of her fibro.
>Its a newer diagnosis that some doctors still struggle to believe is real because it doesnt show up in tests or anything like most auto immune diseases.I read something similar on a forum I think, a long time ago. It wasn't a reliable source but basically the explanation I saw was something like people who are diagnosed with fibro have something that causes pain and fatigue but it's hard to tell what's the exact cause so the diagnosis is useful so patients can be officially considered disabled and be prescribed pain killers or specific meds. It was more confusing than that though.
No. 98817
>>98807Lol the surgery doesn't magically make it some childhood affliction that ends when you go under the knife, that's literally the entire point of my post. I was one of the severe cases- 17 vertabrae spinal fusion, hello?
It still affects me to this day, but people are ignorant and arrogant about it because they can't "see" the affliction. It's awful. I hate doing two hours of physical therapy every single day just to not be in pain
most of the time.
No. 103260
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How is everyone in the northern hemisphere dealing with winter thus far?
I'm on year 4 since my fibromyalgia diagnosis and I dread the drop in temperature every year. It always intensifies my pain levels, no matter how many layers I wear, or how warm I keep the house. It's like the cold just sinks into my muscles. I'm having the worst fibro flare of my life at the moment and I'm really scared. I can barely move because of the pain. I've been to my GP twice this week and there's only so much they can do for me. Every year my symptoms get worse and worse. I'm only 28 and I already live a really sad, lonely life. I can't imagine carrying on like this for another fifty years.
No. 103269
>>98127I had chronic migraines (almost daily) for over a decade.
They tried on Triptans, SSRIs, Beta-Blockers, etc but I kept having terrible reactions to them.
The MRI scans and blood tests revealed nothing.
What worked for me was doing Keto for about a month. I did it to lose weight, but after four weeks I suddenly noticed that I didn't have a single migraine in that whole time.
Turns out that the diet itself is effective for epilepsy & is anti-spasmodic.
I'm not on keto anymore, but I do have a high-fat diet (animal fats).
Godspeed anon.
No. 103284
>>103283I'd love to try them at least once, but I'm pretty much migraine-free now.
Even if I do get the occasional one, it's so mild that I might not need to take an aspirin.
No. 108296
>>103269I'm another anon who used to have chronic migraines, and I can attest that high protein low carb (practically carb-free) diet did wonders for me too.
I started the diet because I've read somewhere else that it helped and I'm so happy that I don't spend that much time in pain anymore. If any other anons are suffering from migraines, consider having a diet rich in animal fats. Not only have I reached my weight goal but more importantly, I'm more productive.
I'm also glad that I don't drink pills anymore. Even though aspirin and the like are not deadly, the amounts I used to take due to migraines were not healthy.
No. 122493
>>118267Walking is good for your intestines, make it a habit to exercise a little every day(especially stomach exercises) and yes, I do get awful diarrhea if I sit in one position for a long period without stretching or doing exercises and going to the toilet once in a while (one of the reasons I can't sleep for too long with bathroom breaks).I have Crohn's since I was a child so I got used to all these issues.
Coffee, garlic, onion, hot spices are gonna flare up your intestines. Try to lessen these ingredients in your food. Fibers in green leaves (and vegetables) are good for digestion. But in our case we need to cook them first or blend them to a smoothie.
Your doctor is bad I suggest you to change him. Also if you can, go to a nutritionist who have knowledge about IBS/IBD/ Crohn's. It really helped me.
If you want to gain weight I recommend nuts, peanutbutter is a miracle!
Hope you all well anons, stay strong
No. 123292
Does anyone else here have Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder? I’m not sure what to say that isn’t super woe-is-me, just putting the question out there for now.
>>99606Late, but I have RA. I’ve had it for years, but I didn’t learn until super recently that it was autoimmune disorder.
No. 123307
>>123284I feel you….
Honest to god, period diarrhea is one of the shittiest experiences.
No. 123451
>>98127I have had chronic migraines for 14 years over half my life is how I haven't kms get but I recently started a biologic med called Ajovy that I think is helping with minimal side effects. I can't handle triptans at all n nothing relieved them besides this anti inflammatory shot the neurologist will give me when I go in with a bad migraine. Is I why they can't just prescribe that to me.
I also have some kind of auto immune issue that causes severe eczema all over that was truly he'll until I started a biologic called dupixent but I'm still extremely sensitive to Sun and heat that leaves me housebound most the time. I wanna move some place where it's dark and cold all the time..
All this shit has left me all sorts of fucked up I'm majorly depressed.
I had a life with a career and was self sufficient but then it got worse n worse and I had to move home.
Idk how I keep going.
No. 123489
>>123437That sucks, anon. Do either of your parents have it? That seems more common when it starts from childhood. I hate the name chronic fatigue syndrome. People tell me they get "tired" too or that I have the symptoms of depression
I can't sit up or stand more than a minute. I'm starting to lose the ability to communicate, because writing, reading, listening, and speaking cause such bad symptoms. It's scary to think of being trapped inside my body but conscious.
I hope research finds something for us.
No. 123722
>>123489None of my parents have it, my mom sleeps a little more, but it's still normal amount. Yes, i have this all my life. And yes, no one, even doctors takes me seriously, just "sleep more" they say.
>I can't sit up or stand more than a minute. I'm starting to lose the ability to communicate, because writing, reading, listening, and speaking cause such bad symptoms.That sounds scary anon, I don't have such extreme case of it. I just feel extremely tired most of the time.
I wish you well anon, I hope that our illnesses gonna pass soon…