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No. 98591
A little, but only because I don't want to spend it husbandless and I know men are shitty about age (leaving when she gets 1(one) wrinkle and such).
Otherwise my life is very stable and planned out unless some sort of disaster happens, so I'm secure in that at least. When it comes to looks I'm fine with becoming wrinkly and old so long as I get to wear classy clothes. I already dress like a very formal grandma every day so I'm prepared haha.
No. 98604
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No. 98606
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>>98604I love that movie.
No. 98616
>>98615DW i had to read it a few times tho.
i still can't unread that your mom was 14 and already divorced/engaged twice.
No. 98650
>>98648>>98649>N-no you!Pathetic. You took the "bait" like clockwork.
You want me to entertain your silly preconceived notions riddled with paranoia and insecurity? Sure, I can do that.
By the way mods, don't bother trying to ban me. You cannot stop me. I come and go as I please, effortlessly and whimsically. The harder you try to exert power and control over me, the more you'll realize that you have no power or control over me. It's futile
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>It's futileOof imagine being this cringy 24/7
No. 98660
>>98614>I also really can't wait to retire. I have so many plans for post-retirment life!Oh, same. I'm striving for early retirement, or at least downgrading to part time work asap. I think about marriage and kids all the time, mostly because of pressure and stigma, but reminding myself of early retirement stops me in my tracks. With a family I'd either have to work to provide or be a housewife, which is just 24/7 work. I value free time more than anything, I have so many things I want to learn, watch, read, do, see, and I want hours of daily alone/down time on top of that. I'm too introverted and inwardly focused to cope with a kid and husband who need me.
Of course, I'm not so cavalier as to assume I'll always feel like this. I know there's a good chance I'll find my hobbies shallow and empty compared to a family once I'm too old to have one (26 now). But I'd rathet regret not having kids than regret having one and hurt the kid in the process. And I've done a lot of research about fostering and would strongly consider it when I'm older, even if I'm not lonely or regretful.
No. 98680
>>98588No, I have a decent job in a stable field and will get a livable pension, am also very fit and once I hit retirement age and my company makes me go into retirement, I'll still be able to make money on the side by shiling diet and fitness advice. I am sort of neurotic about making very long term plans because my childhood was utter chaos, never even knew if I'd still be alive the next day.
>Do you know any women in your family who are total train wrecks later in life?My mother is an absolute trainwreck, and an old whore. To be fair, she always was, but when she was younger she used her looks to go from one sucker to the next, making men pay for everything. She has a personality disorder but never committed to treatment, and her youth and looks are running out, and she finds it increasingly hard to find a man who will put up with her insanity and rages. She was terrifically abusive and it's what she deserves. I moved too far away from her for her to ever become my responsibility.
tl;dr: don't invest everything in your looks, looks are important, but to survive as you get older education and then a stable job are better bets. Also stop acting crazy, it's never a good look. Imagine being a magic pixie dream girl when you're about to hit forty, full of fading lol so random! tattoos like some of the cows here.
No. 98681
>>98654>ED becomes more common. It ain't just women who age. Tick-fucking-tock.From a medical perspective, especially if you're into older men, anons, never go for a guy with a pot belly, a dadbod, or beetus. The first two are signs of metabolic disease, and the latter obviously is. ED is the first symptom often in guys who're not aware they have the beetus yet. They're guaranteed boner killers. Go for younger, fit guys.
It happens in young fat guys or skinny fat guys too:'m not saying start trolling your fitness center for dick, but if I were looking the fitness center would be my best bet to find a guy with similar interests and not dependent on viagra. Don't go for the obvious roiders tho. The problem with viagra is not just that it's pathetic, but that men often take too much, their boners don't deflate for like an hour, and they tear you up trying to prove something.
No. 98697
>>98602It's basically the same shaming tactic as the Pumpkin Spice meme, because fuck women for collectively enjoying something or whatever.
Answering OPs question: No, I don't fear old age. I'm closer to 30 and I would never turn back the clock to relive the more difficult parts of my 20s, I have some level of experience under my belt and am finding it easier to solve problems as I get older. The women in my life that are 40+ are out there having fun and have some wisdom to share, and the ones that aren't doing so hot give me the motivation to do better. I'm not going to fear something inevitable like aging because I'm the one that decides whether I do so gracefully.
No. 98698
>>98602It's basically the same shaming tactic as the Pumpkin Spice meme, because fuck women for collectively enjoying something or whatever.
Answering OPs question: No, I don't fear old age. I'm closer to 30 and I would never turn back the clock to relive the more difficult parts of my 20s, I have some level of experience under my belt and am finding it easier to solve problems as I get older. The women in my life that are 40+ are out there having fun and have some wisdom to share, and the ones that aren't doing so hot give me the motivation to do better. I'm not going to fear something inevitable like aging because I'm the one that decides whether I do so gracefully.
No. 98707
>>98699They really should. I've known a lot of men who end up all alone in their forties, their own biological clocks ticking, lonely and miserable because they bought into the idea that they would age like wine (lol) and have hot young women throwing themselves at them. Of course, because reality doesn't work that way, they ended up very unhappy. Plus even if they managed to find someone there are health risks associated with having an older father, they aren't clear from these issues either so I think it's hilarious when they try to give women over 30 shit for becoming mothers.
I also really don't understand their obsession with older women ended up fucked up. Most older women, including single ones, are completely functional. My aunt-in-law is an older single woman and she has a lot of friends, is close to family, active in her community, has a job and a home and is happy. She's actually really inspirational to me.
The only aging I fear is getting frail and sick or having dementia or something like that. I sometimes feel some sadness that I'll get wrinkled and all that but I try to keep in mind that a lot of good people who died young probably wished, in their final moments, that they could grow old. It's not a bad thing, it's life.
No. 98722
>>98699I remind men of this study every chance I get, they're the first to use autist as an insult so they should be aware that old fathers, teenage mothers, and age gaps all significantly increase the risk of autism (more than old mothers).>* Autism rates were 66 percent higher among children born to dads over 50 years of age than among those born to dads in their 20s. Autism rates were 28 percent higher when dads were in their 40s versus 20s.>* Autism rates were 18 percent higher among children born to teen moms than among those born to moms in their 20s.>* Autism rates were 15 percent higher in children born to mothers in their 40s, compared to those born to moms in their 20s>* Autism rates rose still higher when both parents were older, in line with what one would expect if each parent’s age contributed to risk.>* Autism rates also rose with widening gaps between two parents’ ages. These rates were highest when dads were between 35 and 44 years old and their partners were 10 or more years younger. Conversely, rates rose when moms were in their 30s and their partners were 10 or more years younger.>The higher risk associated with fathers over 50 is consistent with the idea that genetic mutations in sperm increase with a man’s age and that these mutations can contribute to the development of autism. BGets literally no replies every time I post it on 4chan lmao, they'll never stop shilling for middle aged men's right to impregnate teenagers. They don't complain about advanced maternal age because they genuinely care about the health of the mother or child, it's because it's the easiest way to justify (to themselves) fucking underage girls and dismissing anyone past 30. It's amazing how angry they get when women 'selfishly' have kids when they're ready rather than when they're the hottest.
No. 98745
>>98731You're sounding like the retard here, cause akshually…'t randomly have a fucking baby while you're not even in a position to care for yourself, especially if you don't have stable health insurance. Once you're settled in a career, somewhere where they legally cannot fire you for taking maternity leave, that's when you have a baby, because that's when you'll be able to afford all the genetic testing to make sure you're not incubating something with deficiencies that will not be out of the house in twenty years. If it's no good, abort.
If you don't eat for two and inhale all the doughnuts, and don't fall for the meme of "resting" during pregnancy, you'll be fine. Get as much exercise as possible, a muscled woman is a woman who can push out a baby and bounce back, a flabby weak one not so much.
No. 98752
>>98745Also this doesn’t contradict women over 30 being far more likely to have genetic defects in the first place, or women over 35 being more likely to miscarry of have an ectopic pregnancy.
Having a baby at 40+ is selfish and retarded anyway.
No. 98753
>>98731its not
that bad and as another anon said genetic testing is an option and continues to advance. Lots of mothers have their first child in their 30s and historically the average maternal age was fairly high because women kept getting pregnant through their 30s and beyond. If you can afford it getting your eggs frozen is also an option if it really concerns you, you can also get fertility counseling to get a better idea of what your fertility is like at the moment, you might be better off than you think or you might more concretely know if your concerns are well advised.
No. 98755
>>98753Good advice, cheers.
Tbh the other anon seems to have some sort of emotional attatchment to the issue, so angry and presumptuous over literally nothing.
If a 25-year-old woman has a 1 in 1,200 chance of having a baby with Down syndrome; by 35, the risk has increased to 1 in 350; by age 40, to 1 in 100. Personally, that’s significant enough. Genetic testing is great, but it doesn’t prevent the increased risk of ectopics, miscarriages, or gestational diabetes.
It’s also that I don’t want to be an old mum. Not for vanity, but for the kids sake. Being ten years older isn’t going to improve sleepless nights, or stamina to play. Fitness doesn’t prevent aging.
No. 98793
>>98752Not if you can afford it. Look at Rachel Weisz, Halle Berry, Janet Jackson.
>>98755I'm not so much emotionally attached to the older mothers thing, I had mine at 28 and one is enough, but it is a fact that many young women are disgustingly obese and unhealthy during pregnancy, never bounce back, and then blame their and their children's health problems on the kids instead of their lack of self-control.
>I ruined my figure having you, I wish I'd never had you boohoo blubber snot>You kids ruined my vag busting out and that's why your dad ran off, boohoo ablooblooThe risk for downs as the anon says is 1 in 100, which seems high and downs kids are sweet, but frankly I'd abort, but the number of women who put their babies at risk for adverse outcomes because they are obese before and during pregnancy is much higher than that. If they can't even care for themselves, can't even feed themselves right, they shouldn't be having a child. I guess I was trying to say an older woman who has everything under control is better prepared than a young one who just get pregnant cause why not? /rant
No. 98862
>>98793I had my first (and only) child at 25, and I totally agree with what you've said. There are so many selfish mothers out there; the most common one being women who have multiple kids, are constantly stressed and unhappy, and somehow thinks the fact her kids get to experience her being unpleasant together makes it all worth it? Then I constantly get "don't you think your LO will want a sibling though??" Looking at your miserable life, no I think they'll be okay without. /Rant
I also planned to abort if the foetus had Down's. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable forcing another human to live with that when I have the privilege of choice.
No. 98877
>>98793So you just assume that anyone who’s not you is gonna be a fat slobby slutty drug addled mess who is too emotionally retarded to handle a child. Wow, totally not emotionally involved in the issue.
Maybe if you projected less of your own garbage you’d have a better time.
Will you chill the fuck out and stop this narrative you’ve invented of me being a morbidly obese, mentally incompetent, trailer park living, destitute baby factory?
You’re running on nothing but your own weird projection and guesses and you sound insane.
Not wanting extra risk of ectopics, miscarriages, and diabetes isn’t evil, no matter how hard you twist it.
>>9880827 is not birthing immediately. Choosing to have a child even though it’s medically unwise is selfish. If you can’t see that, you’re probably the type to get knocked up at 45 purely to satisft your own desire for a kid.Sorry your kid will be celebrating your 50th and their 10th the same week. Some women want better outcomes.
What kind of monster doesn’t want to add an extra risk of ectopic pregnancy? Fucking narcissism to aim for a survivable pregnancy.
No. 98887
No. My childhood and adolescent years were pretty crappy, so as I age everything in life has just been following a general upward trend. I don't even really fear advanced age, because I can't imagine it yet and it seems really normal for very elderly people to lose their faculties. I'd probably pull the plug on myself before it gets to the point where I can't shit on my own though.
I'm lucky that I have a mom who makes an effort to show positivity towards aging and takes great care of herself, two aunts on both sides of my family who are childless and never married and independent in their lives, and two older sisters who put their happiness, needs, and satisfaction above scrambling around to marry some crappy dude because sOcIeTy SaId So, TiCk ToCk. In addition to the women in my family who did chose marriage and children, and managed to balance that with their careers and none of them afaik have gone off the deep end from it, and many are still quite attractive and enjoy life.
I will say that I have felt little bubbles of maternal instinct kick in the past couple of years, and I chose to volunteer with children. I reminds me that I'm in no way, shape, or form cut out for the self-sacrifice childbearing comes with and I fucking hate fortnite even though I don't really know what it is lel.
No. 98989
>>98977>>98987It’s like you’re choosing to ignore the parts where older mothers have more frequent miscarriages, ectopics, and complications just to shit on women.
Nobody said it’s impossible, just repeatedly pointed out that there are known risks. You guys are so fucking tender over other women’s choices lol.
No. 98998
>>98997Holy shit it’s beyonf being obtuse you’re just dense.
Precautionary measures don’t prevent ectopics, miscarriages, increased likelihood of gestational diabetes etc etc etc.
you’re acting like all women that have kids before 40 are degenerates who eat nothing but maccas and smoke crack.
The fittest, healthiest forty year old is still more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy or
a spontaneous abortion than a regular 28 year old. The projection you guys are forcing here is unreal, it’s almost sad how badly you wanna force this shit.
No. 99003
>>98999Holy shit you’re so dense.
Nobody, even the anon who was concerned for their future fertility (like a monster reee) has denied that being healthy, and genetic testing lead to better outcomes for old mums.
Anons basically said women younger than forty are assholes for giving a shit about having a better pregnancy and less chance of the baby dying because women under forty can’t be sane and stable apparently.
Please though, repeat your one point that has nothing to do with the original anons point about fertility concerns with aging.
No. 99011
>>99006You’re crying over something that’s not a problem. Why run to defend one crazy anon who thinks all women under 45 are obese trailer park welfare queens and that one anon wanting a child before 30 means that someone is an incel brainwashed retard?
You’ve latched onto something just to argue despite your point being basically nothing. You’re not refuting or disproving the things anon said they are concerned about, just babbling on about how we can abort genetic fuck ups and fitter women have better outcomes.
What actual point are you making other than that you’re an obtuse ass?
No. 99014
>>99011All the sperging in your replies to me are you basically exaggerating what that other anon said. This entire back and forth between us is because you are sperging about what that other anon said. My inital post
>>98977 is literally not stating anything other than people are being a little dramatic. There are no claims of "having a baby at 27 is the same as 40" and "there are absolutely no risks involved with having a baby at an older age" but yet you are acting like because I didn't explicit acknowledge any of that I must be arguing against it. If I'm obtuse, you are a crybaby ass bitch.
No. 99024
>>99023And yet you’re still arguing over it, making no point other than how you’re weirdly invested in being part of the spat.
It’s one thing to sperg out, the way you’re sperging about sperging is like meta autism.
No. 99030
>>99027What are you getting out of this?
Is it a last word thing?
Are you really lonely?
Do you think you’re achieving something? Or winning?
Why would you keep going after being told you’ve stuffed yourself on bait?
I’m so friggin interested now, you’re so weird I wanna understand it.
No. 99037
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>>98588Only for fairly petty/vain reasons, really. I'm low-key afraid of getting older because I feel like I have some somewhat childish interests and hobbies that are only really acceptable so-long as I'm still relatively youthful and cute. I'm a lesbian so I'm not too worried about not being married by [x] age, nor do I want children.
Fearful of aging mostly for vain reasons, I don't want to look any older than I already am. Even though that's impossible, I try to comfort myself in that both my parents have aged fairly well. So with any luck, I will too.
No. 99039
>>98989Lmao did you read farther then one line in to what I wrote?
All the power to you if you wanna pop out several kids by 22 because you think it's healthier, but perpetuating the idea that woman's whole reproductive health is garbage after mid-late 20s is just not in line with reality. Even fucking Plato wrote in the Republic that woman's breeding age should be fixed between 20 and 40. Until incels and redpillers started gathering en mass on the internet and sperging over barely legal porn it was common knowledge that women can and do have normal kids after 30 the majority of the time. And I personally think after 36 is too old so I don't even agree with Plato.
No. 99040
>>99039Who said anything about popping out an entire litter before 22?
Still banging on about random assumptions that aren’t relevant. Get help.
No. 99041
>>99040Not her but considering you/your ilk have spent the whole thread moving the goalposts to 40 when the original post
>>98731 made 30 the limit, you don't really have the right to complain.
No. 99042
>>99041All I’m saying is that it’s not bad or incel brainwashing to want to have a kid at say, 24-28 as opposed to waiting til 30-40 if you’re capable of handling a baby in your 20s.
Y’all spergs have added whatever personal issues you have on top, I just don’t want an unnecessary ectopic risk. Sue me.
That’s got nothing to do with someone losing their tits over fat women, poor women, incels thinking 14 is prime fucking age, women who pop out babies they don’t want, or whatever else y’all have lumped into this. Seriously, get help.
No. 107043
>>98590It was a meme before those assholes found it, you think they invented it?
A friend of my mom's is a living embodiment of the cool wine aunt OP posted, and a near 40yo lady at my old job was stuck in the cycle until she married some divorced fat guy with kids. Now she is a not-cool wine stepmother since all she does is tweet pics of her drinking wine. Before it was all about her travels and uploading gopro of her going zip lining or some other basic shit.
>>98591>and I know men are shitty about ageEveryone is shitty about age, men get maybe 10 years more than women and after that they are too old for most people. Only robots think old men have it easy since they already failed to get any in their 20s and 30s so they now think they be slayin' pussy in their 40s and 50s.
No. 107097
every time this thread gets bumped, i read it as "bioshock general"
>>107057>I'm 26 and the only thing that terrifies me is that I won't get my shit together before it's too late for me to have children. I'd love to have kids but I'm a huge mess with no job experience or a degree, I'm probably going to be over 30 when I can concider myself stable enough to start a family.I'm 28 but otherwise, same. I have a chronic illness that means I can't even completely take care of myself day to day. Taking care of a tiny human in my current state just wouldn't be an option. I'm learning more about how to manage my condition all the time so there is hope that I won't be as helpless in a few years, but I have to be realistic.
I'm still not even sure if I want kids, but the thought of not having the option is starting to worry me. I think I'll still have pretty good odds of conceiving 8-12 years from now, seeing as my mum, maternal aunts and cousins have been able to conceive into their mid 40s. One of my paternal aunts has a chromosomal disorder that made her infertile, and her sister only had one kid around age 30 so it's kind of a toss up there.
idk if you read the alt thread on /snow/ but angela benedict made a video recently about trying to get pregnant at 39. she has to get all these tests and screenings done. I've never looked at someone that age and thought they were old enough to have trouble conceiving. She looks a little younger than she is, so maybe that's just messing with my head even more. It woke me up a little and made me think more seriously about this.
No. 143119
>>143112The only thing I would consider is how various health statistics show a marked increase in risk of intellectual disability/other disabilities. That risk kicks in closer to 40 than 30 though. I think when I looked into it the age of the father actually played a larger role in autism rates, they multiply fourfold with an older father.
My mom had me at 38 and she got breast cancer at 52 and died, they give women over 50 mammograms and other cancer screenings because menopause greatly increases cancer risk. Same with bowel cancer screenings for people over 50. Again just something to consider. Entering into a whole new risk category for various diseases before your kids have grown is worrying but again something to worry about closer to 40 than 30.
I'm in my early 30s, childless and not ready anytime soon. Likely to stay that way based on my worries about inheriting the same fate as my mom and dying while I still have a teen. I really can't judge any woman trying to weigh up the pros and cons of waiting. It's a difficult balance to judge and your own personal circumstances and family history fit into it in ways that strangers can't see.
No. 143482
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>buttmad inceloid preventively seething about whatever it is the Stacy who rejected him in college might enjoy in the future
I'll save you time: there will never be an age when she considers texting you back.
No. 143490
Not really, no.
At 29 I've recently realised I probably won't have a lifelong male partner. You have to give up way too much in the name of companionship, and personally I don't think it's worth it.
Not only do I consider most men unattractive, but they have an unwarranted confidence about them that could only be brought about through a lifetime of being told they and their cock are so awesome and deserve the world.
I'd say I've got a pretty good male picker. They've always been equal rights advocates, sexually respectful, had humility (for a male), were clean and had no issue with financially supporting me or paying for all dates without holding it over my head, along with being (imo) good looking. But they have the emotional maturity of children.
They struggle to express themselves, get pissy without knowing why, basically have me play therapist while they never improve.
It's just expected for women to have all the emotional maturity. To quietly deal with their male partners emotional dysfunctions. If they lash out you need to give them space, be forgiving and MAYBE they'll tell you why they're annoyed so you can do all the work to fix it. Meanwhile you express what bothers you so they can deflect, gaslight and MAYBE be willing to work on it if it doesn't involve tackling their unresolved insecurities.
And this is on top of risking being with a guy who's messy, sexually entitled, a misogynist etc etc. Which is a HUGE portion of the population.
I think it's cultural so I have hope for future generations of women, but it's unlikely in my lifetime.
I think partnering up and reproducing are the main age related pressures for a woman (from a cultural perspective, but ofc for me personally). Now that i've let go of that concept I'm very much looking forward to going through life. I'll probably have men, but they'll be very come and go.
No. 143495
>>143486Marrying and having kids seems equally painful to me that’s why I can’t see the point.
You could find a guy that’s infertile or has some kind of genital disorder I guess. This reminds me though that you actually can find a guy to marry, felice the banana girl managed to force her ex husband to take a vasectomy.
No. 143529
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I can’t wait when I’m old cool grandma who is too old to deal with any bullshit.
I’ll spend my time gardening and hanging with my 34 pet birds and smoking pot for my hip pains. Then my grandkids come to visit and I’ll tell them stories.
I just want to be a crone already
No. 143550
>>143529Are you me? That’s my dream!
I hope I can be a healthy grandma that has pretty pastel colored hair, and a gang of other grandmas that goes to bars to make the bartenders play music from the 2000’s
the name’s silver eagles No. 144156
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>>144135Damn, I just now found out that Lisa Bonet and Jason Momoa aren't the same age. I mean, it's probably obvious and I'm just stupid but… I never noticed just by looking at them together.
No. 144189
>>144185Not really, anon, it truly depends on the kind of person that man in his 40’s is like. If he’s kind and not a slob, I’m pretty sure he will find someone around his age, hell, maybe even someone younger than him.
But if a man in his 40’s is a fucking asshole who just wants a living sex doll to blow him every second and to treat him like a fucking king, then he will have less options.
Of course, anyone can buy a woman or a man with enough money, but it will be just a transaction, not a healthy relationship.
Then again, you seem way too stuck in your idea of ugly rich bastards, so good luck finding that druglord sugar daddy that will give you those Victoria’s secret’s discount bras, I guess.
No. 150786
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I'm afraid of being alone in old age, but honestly the idea that this is somehow a woman issue is a product of scrote delusions and peter pan fantasies dictating the conversation on the issue for 50+ years, and decades of retarded hollywood movies were a 20 year old girl decides for some unknown reason to get together with some shriveled old scrotesack like Autumn in New York. The alcoholic cat lady with no husband who screechs about how there are no good men left is a common trope in our society and TBH woman have had 30-40+ years to prepare for that. Most women I know have accepted that they may be that person and have made some kind of previsionary plans about what they want to do with their life should they be childless and unmarried until death. It's my observation that american men, outside of zoomers, have no perception whatsoever that they could end up alone and unwanted for being fucking old and washed up no matter how much $$ they have. They don't seem to understand the culture has changed to the point where almost no young/attractive women left that would be desperate enough to marry any man for financial stability or to not be that weirdo "single woman" like it was for old fucks back in the day. The third world is also running out of young women too b/c of asia's 30+ years of femicide and former USSR no longer being a shithole, the two of the three places of last resort for wife hunters who begin to realize the male wall exists. I'm waiting for the old man incel apocalypse, I hope I'm wrong but I can literally the US looking like India in another 10-15 years.
No. 151277
>>150848They're supposedly the happiest demographic.
I watched my older sister panic in her mid-30's. She married a great guy, but then for some reason, also had children because that was the condition I guess for marriage. Her life is just like… over. Both of their lives are over. By the time their kids are 18, they'll both be in their 50's. Why would you sign up for that?
It's inspired me so much away from ever doing that to myself. I don't want to give up on life and become a vessel for some dude's delusions of immortality through his offspring.
No. 152174
>>152173I am because due to a lot of factors my life won't start until i'm 26+. Mainly i'mbummed out because i won't be able to date until i move out at that age bracket (with luck) and i won't be able to look my best or experience certain things with a gf.
I feel like i was robbed of a normal childhood, teens and young adult phase. They won't come back and every day they escape a bit more.
No. 152181
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>Do you fear your old age? If so, why?
Not really, only thing that I fear is getting a big illness/being in chronic pain. I hate children to the point of running away because my first instinct to an annoying child to slam dunk them. And I despise marriage due to shitty controlling dad and pathetic handmaiden mother, never getting married. The most I will entertain is getting a cute bf whos ok with Never putting his duck in me. I want to enjoy life with lady friends.
>Do you know any women in your family who are total train wrecks later in life?
Most are slave-ish and cucks for sky daddy. Not total trainwrecks, but too pathetic to interact with regularly.
No. 152505
>>152401I can relate anon, I was in a very similar situation wrt to dropping out of university. I'm 27 now and just gone back to finish my degree. It's a bit weird because my classmates are much younger, even the TAs are a bit younger, but the benefit of completing your education and moving forward with your academic/career goals outweighs everything else (if you're in the position to take it on).
Sometimes I feel ridden with guilt for not completing my degree sooner because I feel like I've fallen behind on everything, like having a career and making good money so I can afford to live in a nicer apartment without roommates, afford to travel, or to consider having children. I'd like to start a family someday, I'd like my parents to see me through that, but as the years pass I'm coming to grips with the possibility that this just isn't in the cards for me.
Even though I'm doing much better now, I kind of resent that my late teens and 20s have been spent struggling with addiction and mental health issues.
No. 152549
>>152509I would love to have children, but I'm in my late 20s and I don't see how I could get my life together within the next 5 years so that I might be able to support a family
>>152541This is one my major concerns as well. The mere thought of my mom and dad dying instantly brings tears to my eyes and a crushing feeling in my chest. Very few people around me seem to be able to relate to this sentiment
No. 152573
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>>152559All my grandparents died very recently in short succession and it's such a bizarre, melancholy feeling.
I loved my paternal grandparents and I loved visiting them/staying at their family house as a child, now the house has been sold and walking past it whenever I visit my hometown makes me feel so weird. I have this urge to walk into the yard and say hello but then I remember nobody I know lives there anymore. My father and my aunt haven't been on speaking terms since they died and nobody wants to tell me why.
My mom's eyes well up every time I mention my maternal grandma, the two of them were really close since my grandpa died when mom was 7 and was very physically
Now my mom is all alone and I can see she's taking it very hard, and I live abroad so both my parents are alone with nobody else to talk to except some friends here and there, plus the corona situation is really bad where they live and they're in their 60s so I'm scared for them a lot but can't visit until the epidemic is over.
I don't care much about getting older, even my parents never mention missing their youth much, my dad always says "I wish I were 35 again, back then I still had prospects to do new things and now I'm a tired pensioner and there's nothing for me to do", neither of them miss their 20s but their 30s. I just want them to live long and be healthy for as long as possible, I can't stand the thought of them getting sick and slowly wasting away far away from me, or dying suddenly and leaving me all alone. They're huge tinfoil retards who don't know how to take care of themselves but I love them and I'm so scared of them dying.
They're all I have in life, I come from a third world shithole, was born into a poor family with no political connections and had to move abroad to find work so I could have some savings to take care of them when they're older and so my mom can renovate her bathroom like she's been wanting to for 10 years. Just thinking about losing my parents makes me have a panic attack, I'd miss them so much I don't know what I would do. They've given me everything.
Sorry for the massive post, I just had to get this out of my system.
No. 152574
>>152541My mom died when I was 20, all my grandparents were dead before then. I'm not even close to my dad but I dread that day because I'll truly have no family after that.
Never lost a nights sleep to worries about getting my own wrinkles or anything like that, that barely gets a moments thought from me. It's losing people that keeps me awake at night