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No. 121911

Discuss the Dragon Age franchise here to your heart's content. All DA content is welcome including the games, comics, novels.

I'll start the discussion with this: what are your hopes for Dragon Age 4?

No. 121912

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I've never been able to find a full res version of this Solas tarot card but I was able to find a cropped one at huge res through the Steam TCG collection thing. I'm unable to even figure out who the artist is unlike the rest of the cards in the game.

No. 121915

Alright I'm gonna say it I don't like any dragon age inquisition companions except for cassandra and maybe vivienne

No. 121917

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The ones you like do go together I'd say. They're on the authoritarian side of things ideologically (though Cassandra has a reformist streak to her) and are strong-willed women who look awesome. What kinda companion would you like to see in DA4? Were there other companions that were close to being cool but didn't hit the mark for you?

Cassandra was a surprise hit for me, I ended up enjoying her a lot even though I find her VA a bit difficult to listen to. Well, my inquisitor's ideology simply didn't mesh with hers so I didn't bring her along and actually ended on bad terms with her, RP-wise. Still a cool character I did not expect to like at all.

I'm replaying DA2 right now and realizing I barely remember anything from that game. All the companions seem annoying to me and I hate Hawke too.

No. 121927

I loved them because as you said they were cool and strong; I hoped that Sera would be cool, but she just really annoyed me; her room was the coolest though. I really thought I would like most of the characters but I found them pretty boring once I actually talked to them, but maybe I did something wrong or didn't focus on talking to them enough or in the right way, and I didn't romance anybody. Everything was just pretty forgettable for me, and I really wish the companions would have talked more between themselves while we were travelling, they didn't really talk much or more like they didn't say interesting things; in dragon age origins, they probably talked the same amount but I feel like it was more because it was fun (the bickering of Alistair and Morrigan)
What did you think about the characters? Which was your favorite?

No. 121928

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This makes me feel so much better lol I feel like all the companions on DA:I were kind of lackluster. I usually bond really easy with the side characters, ie during DA:O everyone but Sten got to be on my party (Alistair, Morrigan and Zevran being my faves) and as much as I loathed DA2 Fenris and Anders kind of grew on me, however in DA:I I wasn't particularly fond of anyone. I liked Dorian and Cassandra but if they died at the end of the game I wouldn't have cared, whereas I was legit sad when fucking Anders went crazy. I did enjoy Cullen's romance though, being a mage I actually enjoyed the angst.

They better make Varric a romanceable character at some point because I swear to god I;ve had a crush on that dwarf since DA2

No. 121934

>All the companions seem annoying to me and I hate Hawke too.

I know Varric is popular but Aveline was a low key gem. Determined to do her job in that cursed city even if there's no winning.
Aveline and Merrill are the two I remember as best/worst. Merrill's writing in particular is still baffling to think about.

No. 121947

There were a bunch of convos between them while roaming that I felt were nice. Btw afaik there is a bug in DAI that makes banter take place far less frequently than it should. There are mods or cheats you can use to fix it. Anyway, Cole and Solas in particular talk about interesting and mysterious topics. They're good lore nerd content. Sera tends to pick on people which can be amusing, she actually does bicker with people just like Morrigan did. The ones I feel strongly about IRL (so outside of RP) are:



My favorite is Solas. I expected to like none of the cast tbqh but as I got really into RPing my character, her interactions with different companions put on a lot of meaning. I tried my best to embody the character based on the voice actor's performance as well as her backstory, and kept building up her personality and ideology with respect to her interactions with her companions. Tried to mimic a character arc of sorts I suppose.

Overall one thing I love about DAI is that even negative interactions with the cast are memorable and rewarding. My Lavellan started off distant from Cass, got closer with her as they helped each other BUT THEN, Cassandra's adamant rejection of anything "suspicious" to her started to wear my character down. She ended up getting Cassandra's max disapproval cutscene and it was great. Felt like a true falling out with someone my character initially grew to respect but ultimately lost that respect for along the way.

I'm sorry for the pure autism I'm about to spew but tbh I like reading about others' RP so please post yours if you're like me!!

I RP'd a Dalish mage who was in the process of leaving her clan behind before the anchor came into her life. The idea was that she spent a lot of time spying around Ferelden which is also why she has that English (human) accent rather than the Welsh/Irish (dalish) one. I followed Leliana's advice a lot and chose espionage-related war table solutions for the most part. Her god was June which is the craftsman deity, it went nicely with me always crafting her gear, I chose a favorite color for her and included that in all her stuff. Overall she started out as a curious and flexible woman who doesn't like the restrictions of Dalish life so wanted out. Of course, the events of the game both made her more insecure but also more principled.

My Lavellan first tried forging a connection with the two elven companions but both were weird towards her for being Dalish which first got her in a combative place with them but she started to open up as Cole and Solas both taught her a lot about the life she thought she knew and her thirst for meaning got really intense as her journey progressed.

Solas left a huge impact. What I love about that character is that you can argue with him all day. He actually appreciates it when you question his reasoning and will give you approval even when you end on a note of disagreement. That went over great with my Lavellan who became increasingly skeptical of others as she found out more and more shit she was taught wrong. Solas helped her immensely in finding new meaning in a life where she previously felt so lost.

My Lavellan became aware of how much responsibility lies on each individual to choose to be something rather than act like they're simply being guided by circumstance. The fate of the rebel mages was an early decision for me as I did their quest first, I had them become allies which was a result of my Lavellan being more accepting and forgiving earlier on. Plus she appreciated that they were trying to self-determine though they lacked good leadership. While she began more lenient at the start, as the story progressed I had her making judgments on the principle that it's not enough to feel sorry or want freedom, one must actively atone. The Dalish were all about living as victims to history and while IRL I think about the issue in a more nuanced way than "just get over systemic oppression lol", Lavellan is still figuring out her place in the issue and how the issue even works. It's a lot to navigate. Anyway, she ends up exiling and conscripting people a bunch. She had them atone actively rather than just execute them which is an easy escape or reward them with their freedom.

The amount of betrayals in the story absolutely rule!! Lavellan is constantly given reasons not to trust people but she's so strong that she can keep trying. People aren't simple and they are worthy of a chance to redeem themselves. It'll take hard work on their part though.

She disbanded the inquisition in the end, tired of being a huge symbol but also tired of dealing with the Chantry which she doesn't even believe the teachings of. I hope she will redeem Solas in DA4, even if she isn't the protag.

No. 121948

I can't believe you liked Puss in Boots but have the gall to talk shit about Inquisition characters. The absolute state of Originsfags.

No. 121952

Are you the anon who had the initial romance with Sera before breaking it off? If so, idk how far you made it down that path.
Sera gets aggressively shitty with a Dalish partner unless you renounce your entire stupid, superstitious knife-eared culture and tell her she's right about everything, of course she's right about everything she always is. It's worth looking up on YouTube.

No. 121957

kek no idea who are you talking about inquisitionfag but if you mean anders, as annoying as he was he was a convincing character, I could get behind his struggle as an apostate mage with no interest to remain in the grey wardens and a spirit possessing him because he was too stupid to know better. All DA2 charas but Varric were annoying pieces of shit though, including the siblings. I still think DA:I characters were boring af tho, Sera was insufferable she should have been part of the DA2 cast

No. 121959

I sure am lmfao
I did not make it far at all, she kept saying "gotta spend more time w me bud" and I was like "BYE" cause literally everyone else in the companion cast was more interesting than her. I'll make a rogue character who isn't an elf and who also hates anything remotely cerebral to romance her at some point though.

No. 121960


No. 121961

Forgot to mention that whenever I read your posts I feel like playing again and maybe trying to get more into the story, maybe this time I will grow more attached to my companions

lmao I will start calling him that from now on. Leave my manlet alone anon, didn't really romance him but I loved having him in my party, he's an idiot

No. 121964

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Ahh, that makes me feel so warm inside!! and it's not just the beer i've been chuggin………… It can be hard to get into RP if you don't connect to the characters but pinning down who I want my protag to be helps me get into the right headspace and suddenly some companions shine. Then I can make friends and enemies with impunity and fully immerse myself in the life of someone else. I hope you can have a better experience if you do end up playing again!

No. 121977

That makes me feel bad, I just chose a purple Qunari woman and chose the options I myself would choose…

No. 121982

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All I want for DA4 is my girl Vaea to appear, even thought it's going to be more than a cameo…

And Evanuris Lore, I loved Ghilannain stuff from Tevinter Nights!

No. 121983

*nothing more

No. 121995

Give roleplaying a go! It opens up a lot of opportunities to enjoy a story or a character.

No. 121999

I will try next time; I started a game where I was an ugly dwarf and used every chance to hit on Josephine (and she said I was handsome) but I didn't get far

No. 122007

ntayrt but my very first romance in DAI was Sera … as a mage elf. Made it all the way to the end. I'm very into Elfishness so having a character who pretty much had to reject everything to be with her was pretty hard.

My second playthrough was a Josie romance, and my third was Solas. I made a fourth to romance Blackwall and wound up romancing Solas again.

No. 122026

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Josephine's romance is the female version of Cullen's except even more saccharine afaik. I quite like her particular brand of micromanaging sweetie though I did not romance her. Pin unrelated.

Blackwall is as bland as cardboard. I truly don't understand what there is to like about him beyond beardfags not being able to see past a man with that kinda look.

What were the positives and negatives of each romance for you? I feel like they can all be super rewarding depending on the character they're paired with. Elf mage with Sera sounds kinda toxic to me… did your character come out of it as someone who has new meaning or someone who got bullied into leaving what matters to her behind?

No. 122028

It kinda feels like you're not getting the full DAI experience if you're not romancing Solas.
>>122026 is correct though, for some reason Blackwall is bland as mayo. Tried to begin a romance with him on an abandoned playthrough. Before I quit, I forgot I was meant to be romancing him and he was too busy carving wooden toys in his shed to even notice.

No. 122035

DAI really does feel like it's most impactful for a female elf mage. Solas romance being one strong reason obviously but also how the previous inquisitor was also an elf mage whose legacy was subjected to erasure and how the Circle of Magi conflict has come to a head in the story. A character that isn't a mage can of course have strong feelings about how mages ought to be handled but a mage trying to solidify how they feel about their own people imo is far more interesting. Will the inquisitor be swayed by Vivienne's authoritarian approach, Cassandra's moderate reform idea, Leliana's chaos mode? Fiona is a pretty retarded and spineless leader but do the people under her deserve to be punished for her awful mistakes? The whole story keeps showing you all sorts of sides to the mage question and I felt extremely seen by the narrative when I played my (recently-apostate after leaving her clan) mage. I don't think a non-mage inquisitor can connect to the conflict as well.

I'd like to hear what a templar RPer has to say about DAI, though. Perhaps what I felt was the game's particular affinity to the elf mage identity crisis might be one of many facets that I simply haven't seen yet.

No. 122051

I unironically play templar aligned only because I always play as a warrior human and it does feel like I'm the bad guy when I play DA2 and DAI. Might be why I prefer to play Origins since the conflict there is much more marginal. Also DA2 feels (and is? If I remember correctly) unfinished and DAI… I think it's much more better "imagined" than in reality, and yes it does skew female mage elf which corrisponds to an overabundance of fanfiction with those tracts which DOES NOT help me reimagine the game lmao this is just pettiness sorry
None of the romance options really impressed me but I did romance Sera because imo she fit with my inquisitor. Alistair will be in my heart forever and Fenris too even if he's a fuckboy and even more radicalized (could honestly be justified). I wish Morrigan wasn't straight even if I know why she is.

No. 122053

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To your point on imagining, I found myself thinking about my character and her interactions while not playing the game like all the time. Sometimes I still think up scenarios in my head. Now I wonder just how deeply my aggressive headcanoning enhanced my experience… Also I stay well away from fanfic and Solavellan community activities in general. I find the fandom extremely cringy and have absolutely zero interest in engaging that side of the DA fandom lol. I'm happy in my own head for the most part, as long as BioWare keeps giving me tidbits like in Tevinter Nights to enhance my headcanon.

I've heard great things about Cassandra's romance route but then again people love Morrigan's and I hate her whole thing. People also simp for Blackwall all the time, mehhhh. My greedy lizard brain wants every companion character to be bisexual tbh so I don't have to play a specific gender just for the romance. Admittedly I wouldn't want Sera to be bi just cause I don't wanna see fanart of her with a scrote. I'm a hypocrite like that lmfao. I generally don't like fanart with people's OCs anyway though. It makes me feel weird since I get attached to my characters so it's like seeing their partner cheating or something??

No. 122055

Her face makes me want to punch her, not to be a racist but I hate dragon age elves

No. 122056

I prefer them to the idealized LOTR elves. I think it's cool that they look weird with their high nose bridges and pointy chins.

No. 122057

For your last point, Hawke was good in that they were basically their own base character. That was also their downside kek

No. 122061

While I quite like that Hawke had an established character (makes RP easier since you don't get overwhelmed by too many options) I felt the voice actors did an absolutely abysmal job voicing them. Both voices. The writing also didn't make sense with shit like being able to meme about your sibling dying 3 seconds after it happens. A sardonic person may make some weird comment at something like that but the way they wrote it was way off. Hawke is a terrible character only in execution, not premise imo.

No. 122067

With Hawke's voicework (both genders), if you even tried to RP replies to the general insanity in and around Kirkwall using the vast variety of three basic styles you were usually given, your Hawke just came off as dumb and written by committee at best, or genuinely schizo at worst.
After Origins, I began to dread the romance sections of the games. They were embarrassing to me and just a naked numbers game of gifting them +1 horny items. Inquisition wasn't quite that bad though, if I remember right.

No. 122070

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samefag but with the Hawke siblings, I found I enjoyed Carver as a character more than Bethany and found this surprising. Carver's writing was generally a bit more thoughtful than Bethany's, where it seemed "cute sis" was the goal they were aiming for.
It's interesting though that Bethany is a lot happier as a Circle mage under Kirkwall's brutal system than she is as a Grey Warden.

No. 122075

Carver was my fave DA2 character, I also enjoyed him becoming a templar more than a grey warden.

I wish Bethany was a bit more interesting, idk, Carver was infuriating at times but he was interesting and I loved bringing him along. Bethany on the other hand felt like she was just there.

Now Hawke was a prick. Worst player character.

No. 122077

Inquisition's romance was the only time I actually enjoyed a romantic cutscene in a video game. Ever. It actually changed my mind about romance elements in RPGs, now I'm not fundamentally against it like I was before. Origins made me wanna crawl out of my skin with those sex scenes and DA2 was not much better.

Agreed on Carver. He isn't a character I'd wanna be friends with but he is a compelling character that does, to an extent, feel alive.

No. 122109

I like Blackwall's character arc, and I've heard his romance is bittersweet, which is why I want to try my hand at it. Ideally I'd like to get through each romance, but I'm not in the least bit interested in Cullen so I imagine he will be last.

Not sure what to and what not to spoiler, so I'll do my best for people who haven't played these romances.

I feel being with Sera allows Inky to really let loose and relax in a way she can't with the others. Being in a relationship with her allows her to open up about her past and how the abuse she endured for not being "elfy enough" shaped how she feels about elves and explains her issues with projection. There are various hints in-game that being with Lavellan eases her into slowly getting into learning more about elves/Dalish, but it's not explored much beyond that. I completely understand why refusing to denounce Dalishness/gods is a dealbreaker for Sera, though. What happens at the Temple of Mythal completely shakes her entire belief system in a way that she is not equipped to handle, coupled with fears that Lavellan is going to become like one of the others that hurt her. If you're just getting through the romance to check it off the list, it's no biggy, but if you approach it from a roleplaying standpoint you have to seriously consider where your Lavellan stands, and whether or not she is able to essentially abandon her Dalish roots and prioritize Sera and their relationship (of course you could headcanon it as Lavellan lying to Sera when she presses her on it, but I did not.)

I'm sure romancing her as anything other than an Elf is a hell of a lot easier than the path I took.

Josie's romance is sweet, innocent romance, and a huge breath of fresh air. It's light and fluffy, and isn't emotionally intense like Sera's romance can be. I love Leliana's brief involvement; it was a nice touch and reinforced how close they are and how much they care for each other. However … The romance as a whole is sorely lacking in content and that is a goddamn shame. I don't mind the lack of a sex scene - I'm 100% fine with that. There just isn't even really any party banter about it.

As for Solas … I have a problem with wanting to put my characters through emotional torture and Solas's romance really does that for me. Solas starts to second-guess himself with a friendly Inquisitor, but a romanced Lavellan takes that to an entirely new level - to the point where he's ready to come clean about being the Dread Wolf and lay it all out on the table, until he changes his mind at the last second. I enjoy that their relationship grows out of Lavellan's thirst for knowledge, and how freely Solas responds positively to her inquisitiveness and understanding. He is open about how he makes her question what he has learned and come to expect from the Dalish (and people in general.) I enjoy that he recognizes that he has to leave her because he genuinely loves her and does not want her to see who he must become in order to do what he believes must be done. It isn't that she is simply a distraction that can lead him away from his goal, it's that falling in love with her has put him at odds with himself. It isn't just a tragic love for Lavellen, but him too, and Trespasser really brings that to light. My major issue with the romance doesn't really have to do with the romance itself, but more so the Solavellan fans who ignore Solas's misdeeds, how much he lies, and the fact that he withholds crucial information, manipulates, and is pretty damned racist.

No. 122114

I loved reading your post anon, thank you for sharing.

I'm still not sure what kind of Inquisitor I'll make for Sera's romance but I don't want an elf to pair with her. I'd like to branch out and do Qunari or Dwarf, not sure which yet. I heard the story doesn't acknowledge those two races like it does elves, sounds like a missed opportunity.

What you've said about Solas speaks to me. I've pondered about "behind the scenes" moments between Lavellan and Solas and what their dynamic is like throughout the story. It seems to me that Solas starts at an aloof mentor point and progresses to recognize the wisdom in Lavellan as he encourages her curiosity which is ultimately the catalyst to their emotional/intellectual dynamic shifting. It looks to me like what began as a manipulative guidance role gives way to something far more mutual than Pride would have ever predicted. Solas begins to learn from her and that is the turning point. I'm lead to belive that, by the time he offers to remove the vallaslin he's kinda lost control of the whole plot and about to unravel, but pulls it together and by the next cutscene in Trespasser he's seemingly re-established himself as the one in control. That is how he wants it to seem but imo with a romanced Lavellan the person in control isn't really him anymore, despite the posturing during the ending scene. It's just a tug of war between his guilt/past and the hope Lavellan seeded in his head; a new path for the future vs trying to undo the past. I do believe the wolf we see in the epilogue card is actually him and not a mirage. He's extremely not over Lavellan. I've not reached the Solas story in Tevinter Nights yet but I am eagerly reading the stories in order atm! I'll see how extensively I'll be forced to headcanon in DA4 but I'm hoping there's an on-screen opportunity for my Inquisitor to confront him and despite "saving" him, she can also make him atone hardcore cause none of what he did was remotely okay. I'll just be upset if they do the Kylo Ren redemption where he drops dead the moment he is redeemed. I also definitely don't want his one connection to the world to be Lavellan. She is the start of it but I'll be annoyed if the way to save him is being his "not like the other mortals" gf. I'd like him to grow beyond thinking his gf is exceptional.

Right there with you on making my characters suffer. Tragic romances in particular are definitely super compelling though I do want my characters' romances to end on a hurt/comfort note usually. Going through hell and back to eventually stabilize at least a little, albeit still in a flawed way. I don't mind if characters die but I feel like a bittersweet ending where the couple has to live on and tackle their baggage together speaks to me more than one of them dying and the other moving on. Definitely not one for perfect endings or relationships that have no dysfunctions though.

I had a multiple romance mod installed so the way I played my Lavellan was she goes for Solas while flirting with Cullen a bit (mostly cause his flustered stuttering is amusing to her) here and there until things get serious with the Eggboy, goes full Solas and gets dumped, has a brief fling with Cullen as rebound but breaks it off right when Cullen tries to give her his lucky coin. She takes the coin, regrets it and ends it with Cullen to just pine for Solas as they continue through Hakkon and Descent and then… well the Cory fight and Trespasser breaks her hah. The (paraphrasing)"Why won't anything in this fucking world stay fixed?!" line was too good. Such a sweet fuckin DLC.

Also I ship Josie with Leliana

No. 122225

Ramil Sunga drew this one. :)

Qunari and Dwarves really did get the short end of the stick, but I'm hoping they will play a bigger part in DA4. Tevinter Nights seems to push in that direction.

Sera loves both of them, especially Qunari, so I think you'd have a pretty fun time.

I LOVE your mention of Pride because even though that's literally what his name means, I'm really fond of the fan theory that Solas is a spirit of Wisdom that has corrupted into Pride. I absolutely agree with you that he appears at odds with himself. I don't know how far you have gotten in Tevinter Nights, but Callback is amazing not just for nostalgia, but for the insight into how Solas's time in the Inquisition shaped him. I know the devs have pretty much said that Trespasser was the end of the Inquisitor/Solas story, but that's difficult enough to believe with a friendly Inquisitor. A romanced Lavellan adds layers to that relationship. I'm going to be extremely disappointed if Inky does not make an appearance. I understand how unlikely it is for the next protag to be the Inquisitor (we will probably be able to play a Lord of Fortune, Antivan Crow, etc.) but it would be interesting to have them as an advisor, if nothing else. I want a Solas redemption where he 100% does not die and he tries to fix the shit he screwed up. He is not IMHO the Big Bad of the series. He doesn't need to die, I don't think he will because he seems to be the pet character of Weekes. I could be proven wrong.

I'm with you re: tragic romances. I'd much rather see the growth that comes from healing together than have one of them kick the bucket (in a usually horribly sad/self-sacrificing way) and leave their partner to pick up the pieces. I also like the tragic romances where they both live, but can't move past the tragedies together because one or both have been changed in ways that are incompatible with the other person.

Your Lavellan's romance story sounds like something I'd have mine go through if I wasn't stuck playing it on PS4.

I was hoping for Josie and Leliana to get together but the Josie and Blackwall hints were cute.

No. 122231

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I feel like the Solas being a Wisdom/Pride spirit who took on a physical form is all but confirmed at this point, I'll be shocked if it turns out not to be true. Whether he did so to serve Mythal and later on removed the vallaslin from his face to rebel however I'm not sure about, I feel like we're missing too crucial of a chunk of the story there to fully grasp what the hell happened between those two. I did read Callback, it kinda broke me for a while. Especially since the fresco is now destroyed just like my poor Inky's love story. Kms. Also I'm kinda retarded I guess but I didn't realize Solas was canonically the one who painted that fresco in his room until after I finished the game and everyone was taking it for granted that he is indeed an artist. It makes sense in hindsight but I totally didn't piece that together even after Trespasser. I just thought that was the art style of Dragon Age artists lmfao.

I'll be honest I won't even sideeye Weekes if he gives some of that Tyrion Lannister plot favoritism juice to Solas. Keep my boy alive and make him clean up his mess but not in a shitty way pls! It's pretty much confirmed the protag will be a nobody and as you said likely a Lord of Fortune but I've read that BioWare has toyed with the idea of multiple protagonists like that one Kingdom Hearts game so perhaps a segment within DA4 where the Solas story culminates in some way could happen. Probably not though, bleh.

>I also like the tragic romances where they both live, but can't move past the tragedies together because one or both have been changed in ways that are incompatible with the other person


I'm sorry but I want Blackwall to fade into the abyss and never show his wonderbread ass face ever again. I really fucking hate this man.

No. 122385

I feel like Blackwall has as much of a chance of coming back as someone like Nathaniel Howe for example.
You probably don't have to worry too much.

No. 122738

I wonder if Sten will be properly introduced in the next game. Considering that he's Arishok, it's inevitable. But with the game in functional development hell, it's hard to say anymore.

No. 122742

>dev hell
I'm so worried about this game, truly.

No. 122743


Honestly. We all know we're getting maced. I just want to know whether or not to even bother closing my eyes.

No. 122768

>I'll be honest I won't even sideeye Weekes if he gives some of that Tyrion Lannister plot favoritism juice to Solas. Keep my boy alive and make him clean up his mess but not in a shitty way pls!

I'm not the biggest fan of Solas (interesting character, but the narrative and especially the fandom favours him stupidly much), but it's kind of inevitable that the next game will focus on him… I just hope Patrick Weeke's Fursona isn't given too Messianic a treatment, and is actually held accountable for his bullshit for once.

Curious you loathe Blackwall - who has a legitimate redemption story arc in Inquisition – and yet you stan Solas and want to see his genocidal ass redeemed kek

No. 122804

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Blackwall is a boring person with no personality, to me. His arc of redemption I really like actually. I had him come clean and keep adventuring with me to redeem himself through action. What I don't like is him as a person for being boring and a pinterest man in all but man bun. Ok maybe pinterest skews timothee chalamet clone e-boy these days but this dude type still appeals to so many women and I don't understand his appeal and have a grudge because I had to design one of these Beard Dudes for work before

With Solas, you can ask him about history, the mechanics of magic, the spirits, the fade, art, parties/gossip, etc. He's a person who hs hobbies and many interests. Now think about the topics you get to inquire Blackwall about. What has he ever shown interest in besides THE GREY WARDENS (his fucking job) and WOOD THING (one time). He's got nothing.

No. 122806

Also I want Solas redeemed because that is what my inquisitor who is his elf girlfriend wants. If this were IRL I'd want him imprisoned for war crimes.

No. 122858

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>interesting character, but the narrative and especially the fandom favours him stupidly much

I agree with this, I had pretty strong feelings the first time I played because i respected him a lot and that betrayal was very unexpected and hurtful for me I don't get why people get so obsessed with him though, he's a great character but saying he's the only TRUE romance and if you don't play a female elf and romance him then you don't get the full DAI experience? Nah.
I mean if Dragon Age was like Mass Effect that you only play one character? Yeah, ok, but I seriously doubt the inquisitor's romance will make any real difference in subsequent games and/or any other media.

Speaking of which did any of you like Blue Wraith? I finally got around to reading it and I regret it so much, I hated every second of it and I hate what they did to Fenris, like all his growth in DA2 never happened, they literally made him regress to the beginning of DA2 and I got even angrier when the authors basically started responding to criticism by acting like the ones who didn't like the plot were absolute idiots. The guy Nunzio saying he related to Fenris because he was latino and so he knew how he'd act was the weirdest shit I've read in a really long time. Also why the fuck was Fenris blonde

No. 122875

lbh considering that your characters identity barely puts a dent in the story, what makes people think a romance will? I like Solas for what its wort. But no ounce of extra interaction is going to make the end game any richer outside of a few extra reactions.

I haven’t even began to touch that comic, but it really goes to show how far some fanon can go. I get that dude might have identified w/ Fernis but your writing a piece of official canon. Your not exactly writing fic for a select few. Your getting paid money to actually satisfy everyone.
Sometimes it just pays to say that you did what you did instead of digging yourself even deeper.

No. 122876

They really need to stop retconning shit like this. Prequels are fine but to take a character whose life each player had an impact on and take it to a fixed place in the future like this is a retarded idea. Nobody will ever be okay with this happening to a character they personally connected to, like Fenris. In general I don't like that there are "canon" things that happen to characters. I'd rather have extensive time skips which nullify my decisions across games than have retcons like this where characters are alive and well yet bear none of the impact of the games I spent hours playing with them.

Not that it was a super important character but Tevinter Nights resurrected a character that I threw a knife through the skull of, killing him in DAO. He's just totally alive and well.

As for Solas, the fandom attitude towards him annoys me too but it's undeniable that a Solasmancing Lavellan gets more personal ties to the main plot due to fucking the main antagonist. It's not a matter of opinion, it's objectively more impactful to be faced with potentially murdering your boyfriend than your former coworker.

No. 122892

>responding to criticism by acting like the ones who didn't like the plot were absolute idiots

At least this fits with the way many of the people who worked on DA2 responded to criticism.

No. 122908

I liked the comics, but then again, I care less about Fenris and more about the new characters and overall lore. Same goes for all other tie-ins.
Also, my Hawke and Fenris never became that close in DA2, so I get that Fenris turns out that way after the gang falls apart.

No. 122915

I get it, I'd been liking the comics so far and enjoyed the new characters, but like >>122876 said, companions are usually very well loved, don't make big changes to their story because people aren't gonna like it. I've been reading Tevinter Nights and imo how they portrayed Dorian is perfect, they're still 100% themselves and still very much relevant to the story.
Blue wraith was such disappointment after all the other comics, it felt like bad fanfiction.

No. 122919

They probably brought him back because of the sarcophagus and his connection to it. Otherwise I wouldn't understand why they would touch such a difficult character like him, where a players choice has such a vastly different impact on his story.
Fingers crossed 'Dark Fortress' at least deliviers some sweet lore connecting to the sarcophagus or at least a build up to it's possible whereabouts in DA4

No. 122945

I feel like Dorian isn't a character the Inquisitor even had a chance to change the trajectory of so the book can't fuck it up. He's a flamboyant Tevinter reformist at the beginning and still the same by the end. I didn't get too close to him though, is Inky able to convince him that slavery is very good or that mages need to be controlled or whatever? I'm pretty sure you can't really change his mind in the other direction, he comes out a full reformist regardless of your interactions.

No. 123192

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Sorry for the reddit screenshot but this is a pretty handy list for canon major events in preparation for DA4. Sharing for my fellow amnesiafags out there

No. 123233

Thanks for the recap, a couple things I had already goddamn forgotten…

I'm so interested to see if the veil thing will even be that bad if it happens. I don't get how it would just kill everyone. Sounds like Solas is wrong about that, maybe cause he thinks the current people roaming Thedas are so retarded that they'd crumble with more magic around. Like he's underestimating them again and being a dumbass. Fact is everyone but Dwarves are able to interact with the veil to varying degrees, mages obviously being the most connected. That leads me to think the veil being torn down wouldn't fuck them up. Dwarves might get wiped out though, I'm not sure about them.

No. 123236

I don't recall Inky being able to change his mind, but he had some conversations with Sera and Solas that seemed to sway his opinion.

I'm going to touch on some of the stuff in this screen cap, as well as some other things:
We can expect to see the Red Lyrium Idol make a comeback, as Solas plans to use it in some way.

Solas is now powerful enough to kill people in their dreams, including dwarves. I expect this to be the opening cinematic for DA4 but I am probably super wrong.

We have come further with respect to Qunari/Tevinter, in that as of Tevinter Nights the Qunari have invaded and conquered Ventus (and want to take Rivain) but this was done WITHOUT permission from the other factions of the Qun, suggesting the factions are fracturing. We will definitely be seeing Qun/Tevinter war, but we also have hints that there is trouble within the Qun as a whole and it will be interesting to see how that plays out with the war.

We've also had advancement re: Weisshaupt with confirmation that ALL Wardens have been called there. I definitely think we will be visiting the fortress in DA4 and I don't think it will be fore a fluffy, happy celebration over the return of the griffons.

What lies on the other side of the Amaranthine ocean likely has to do with Ghilan'nain and her Horror Pools and creations. I'm betting on this because the lone survivor (briefly) suffered in much the same way as the lone survivor (again, briefly) did in "Horror of Hormak.

No. 123250

I completely agree with you on that last point re:Amaranthine ocean. There is basically no change it's not Ghilanain causing that shit imo.

It feels like there are way too many looming threats on the horizon, all seemingly of different nature. I hope they manage to juggle all these plot threads, seems so chaotic. Maybe they're all connected in more ways than we know now but then one runs the risk of it being all too convenient. Like all the problems had a singular source and it doubtless manifests in a big dragon or whatever that we can kill to end it. I hope it won't come to that again.

Maybe I'm alone in this but whenever Qunari shit comes up my eyes glaze over. They're so incredibly boring to me in all but aesthetics.

No. 123264

Hasn't there been IC speculation in two of the lore books about the Qunari being related or descended from dragons somehow, possibly through experimentation?
The titan subplot was more interesting than that entire DLC to me. Way too linear and no matter which companions you took, no one had anything informative to say. Even Solas was lost for words.

No. 123265

I'm guessing you mean Descent. If so, yeah my party (Solas, Cole, Blackwall) had absolutely nothing to say beyond
>um ew this place sucks
>oh wow that's neato

No. 123266

That's the one. I would have thought Cole might be more chatty down there but I took Varric as my rogue, not even thinking that he's a fucking surface dwarf he'd probably have no insight.

No. 123267

Iron Bull even says in DAI that Qunari may have been mixed with dragon blood in the past.

The two theories I like are that their predecessors (kossith) were either a Tevinter or ancient Elvhen (probably specifically Ghilly) experiment.

I was incredibly disappointed in the lack of companion dialogue for Descent. This was the first time anyone had seen a Titan in a kajillion years and no one really had much of anything to say. I am somewhat okay with Solas being so quiet because you KNOW his dumb ass knows more than he lets on and he has to keep it quiet for whatever reason. But everyone else? Come on, man. They should have been shitting Lyrium bricks.

No. 123269

I don't think Cole had anything to say actually. He had like one or two sentences. Makes sense though, the underground is where the fade is absent so he had nothing to do with it. He's got a lot to say in Trespasser on the other hand.

No. 127950

I decided to do a long-awaited run through of the origins again and I honestly forgot how attached i was to the companions. It’s been a few years so I only really remembered my main party, But god i forgot how hard Zevran could make me laugh with the mage and the carriage story I haven’t really been too keen on playing DA2 (never really clicked with it) but I’m honestly looking forward to it once I’m done.

No. 140480

File: 1620077742010.jpg (725.31 KB, 4096x2500, solas.jpg)

i would have loved a new dragon age game to get me through this pandemic. i tried replaying DAI as a 2h rogue but the combat is so ass in this game. i played mage first because it didn't feel floaty but the melee is pure suffering.

No. 140522

there is one thing i don't expect to get much better in the next game and that is combat tbh maybe a little now that their now their ways around frostbite but its bioware, their known for other things

No. 141530

I'm going to repost what I posted in the TV shows thread after mentioning a "DA fandom lolcow" as it's obviously more appropriate here + if someone is interrested in discussing it.

the DA cow that I mentioned was Saria;
>made a whole ass youtube video (that she deleted) bawling her eyes out, calling her ex (who's also in the DA community) an abusive rapist
>Turns out it wasn't true at all, and she was in fact the abusive one and made the whole thing up out of salt; you can watch Jackdaw's video where he debunks her claims
>Shits on and slut shames women who are prettier than her because she is secretly insecure about her crooked face
>Picrel is her shitting on Sairaspooks behind her back despite sucking her dick on Twitter
>hypocritically tries to skinwalk as Saira by posting embarrassing TikToks in cringy Aliexpress "DA inspired" outfits
>LARP as a good christian™ girl despite being vindictive and jealous + unironically quotes bible verses

No. 141531

File: 1620835551536.jpg (150.67 KB, 1532x919, unknown.jpg)

dropped my fucking pic

No. 142206

until you mentioned itI thought they were the same person… I really like Jacks content and feel really bad for him.
I remember the fandom back in tumblr after DAI release, a lot of stupid funny drama, like the whole Solas is ace thing. Good old times.

No. 147580

Bumping this thread because Summer Game Fest is tomorrow and I hope we're going to have a DA4 title drop.
Placing all my money on some Twilight bs name like Eclipe or New Moon kek.
The fandom was always batshit crazy, I remember people freaking out during the DA2 era over either Anders or Fenris fans, accusing them of apologizing abusive relationships or terrorism. Calm down you fucking retards, it's a video game

No. 415621

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It's 1 1/2 months till DA:TV release, so let's revive this thread.

Anyone listing to Vows and Vengeance? The story is very eh and that Dreyden character is definitely Solas in disguise, but I like that we get to hear the companion voice actors before release!

No. 415634

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Holy shit, didn't even know this thread existed. We are so back. Who's going to play DAV on day 1? I need to finally bury the body. Everything they show looks worse and worse, the character designs are almost Concord-levels of bad.

No. 415673

Idk why they are rushing so hard. Please just take longer and put out something actually good. I actually liked Inquisition fine enough, but I can't take andromeda levels of garbage in one my fave franchises.

No. 415694

I intend to play on release, though I don't think I'll pre-order. At first I hated the new art style but it's grown on me (it will definitely age better than the realism they were failing to achieve in previous games, remember Sera and her crazy pores?), except Qunari. I can't believe we finally get a female Qunari as a romance option but she looks like a retarded tiefling crossed with a beluga whale with none of the cool proportional things that made that fantasy race monstrous and beautiful. I'm still keeping an open mind about Bellara since I avoid playing and dating human characters in fantasy settings but she looks rather plain to me, also way too feminine looking. Her curious and adventurous shtick might be one note I'm afraid, but there is a way to do that sort of spunky character without making her seem like a cartoon character, we will see. I do like that she's my age unlike Taash, I'm actually convincing myself to go for her as I type this kek

No. 415695

Morrigan's shoulder piece reminds me of roadkill…I cannot unsee it.

I'm going to buy it Day 1, because it's still one of my favourite game series, I would play it if it's DA2 2.0.

No. 415712

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Same nonnie. Something about it looks repulsive. Everyone in general has really strange proportions, they're all bobble headed with tiny shoulders including the humans and qunari. I have no idea why they scrapped the entire DA:I visual identity, it was one of the redeeming features of that game. The way it looks now the game looks like Fortnite and it's going to bomb. They couldn't even model Morrigan's diadem around her head, it's just a pasted on PNG on top of her face.

No. 415741

i'm going to wait for it to be cracked even it if takes a year or two. i just know they are going to add troon or gender shit in some devious underhanded way so i'd rather not directly fund it

No. 416147

Same it just looks so bad, I was taking the time to decide while I waited until they adjust for regional pricing but honestly this >>415712 put me off, it looks so shit, the art is so ugly, everyone looks bloated like a corpse left in water, I mean just look at poor Morrigan, she looks like a caricature of the bullied nerd in an 80s movie and she has a beard shadow and a stupid double bra for some reason. Going from BG3's beautiful characters to this is giving me whiplash. Also the Lucanis' VA's spanish is so ass it's making me hate Lucanis even though I'd been hoping to have him as a romanceable companion since I read Tevinter Nights.
I'm definitely playing it because I owe it to myself from 10 years ago but I'm not paying one single stinky peso for it unless it somehow ends up being good. I'm so disappointed nonnies, I really hope the marketing is just awful and the actual game somehow is good? I really doubt it though.

No. 417556

File: 1727038194201.webp (57.67 KB, 1080x607, dav-spoilers-here-are-all-of-t…)

So this are the only choices that you can input about the Inquisitor. Just this 3 choices. Looking good, eh?

No. 417576

My god that is so reductive, though I didnt' even expect that much. Looks like they will let us customize the Inky which means there will be a scene with them at least.

No. 417738

saw people being upset that the well of sorrows decision is not included, but I think we will get more chances to customize our worldstate in other tabs? I would love to see a follow up to this decision…

No. 424528

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no denuvo on the release day. no waiting for a crack nonnies. guess they knew it would have a hard time with sales given how many troons are involved kek

No. 424600

All the races look human now. Its short human, human with pointy ears and human with head tumors. All identify dragon age had has been wiped. Sure all the previous games look different, but they all tired to make the races and creatured in the game look unique. Now everthing just looks like a shitty mobile hero shooter.

No. 424601

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wow really shows the improvement in graphics after 14 years kek. This game is gonna flop so hard.

No. 424633

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If I decide to play this I won't be paying for it. It's super ugly and the troon titty delete scars make no sense in a fantasy setting. I also hate how it doesn't look like a dark fantasy game at all. I have no idea who their target audience is anymore. Combat also looked bad with how it paused while making a skill choice. Also why does the grandpa necromancer companion look like a DisneyPixar villain? I just watched a trailer I had not seen before since Steam suggested DAV to me and picrel had me laughing so hard my cats got worried.

No. 424639

I'm so disappointed Bioware made the muscle mommy a themlet. They'd really rather eat glue than give us a butch lesbian woman LI

No. 424649

She is a lot like Karlach, even personality wise, they probably needed to find something to make her 'unique'.
I give them the benefit of the doubt and still hope, her quest is more like find the biggest dragon to slay and find out why qunari are the way they are.

So far Taash is my least favorite companion. She's Karlach in bad and less endearing.

No. 424674

So she's a confirmed thembie?

No. 424678

She get's mostly sheher'ed in marketing material and dev also said sheher but they could be fucking with fans…
the achievements leaked and Taashs story achievement is theythem…so people start speculating again…that said, hardings achievement is also not gendered…well see… maybe we get to witness taash discovering she is not like other girls, how brave

No. 424689

Holy kek. I'm so ready for it. Maybe the companion romance is between Harding and Taash, and Taash grooms Harding into the tranny cult. Imagine that. I'm sure that would fulfill some tranny dev's extreme size difference shortstack muscle mommy yuri fetish.

No. 424934

I guffawed out loud at the idea Bioware writes lesbians and then straightens them out by making 1 of them a Not Like Other Girls thembie instead. Now I kinda hope they do it and get a backlash from the queer kid audience they're obviously courting kek like holy lesbian erasure, Patrick Weekes!

No. 425350

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I'm glad someone revived this thread because I want to post salt without dealing with the annoying misogynist scrotes at /v/.

IMO this game is going to flop and this will be the last nail in Bioware's coffin. I don't think EA will let them make the ME sequel. I certainly hope they don't.
Everything about this game looks terrible. The shitty action combat with tanky boring enemies and flashy shit everywhere, the ugly troon art style, terrible facial animations, dialogue is often like a parody of millennial writing, even voice acting is weak compared to old Bioware standards. Every romancable male is ugly and the weird puppet proportions are distracting as hell. And it doesn't even feel like DA, the vibe is completely off.

It's confirmed that Taash and Harding have romance (if neither is romanced). And yes it sounds like pure troon fetish writing.

No. 425919

Reviews will be out next monday, 28th october.
I look forward to see how the full game does, as the reactions to act 1/the preview event were generally favorable. Let's see how good the late game and side content is.

No. 425925

>It's confirmed that Taash and Harding have romance
That's fucking hilarious, I didn't even know that. I know a good deal of /v/ scrotes are going to throw a shitfit at that, Harding seems to be the only one that appeals to them. 100% sure know that Taash will convince Harding she's not a woman uwu because she's not like other dwarves. Transbian director had a hand in this I'm sure.

No. 426371

I know I'll get shit on for being an Origins fan. Yeah, yeah, I'm wrong for liking the old shitty game. All that said, at least 2 and Inquisition kept similarities in the series, but in this one, everyone looks so shiny and clean. Their powers look like some superhero crap with neon lights. The Qunaris don't look like Qunaris, they look like people cosplaying Qunaris with cheap makeup. I played all of them. None of the other games diverted this much from the rest. It's like I'm seeing a shitty reboot, but I'm supposed to believe it's a continuation. There isn't a single hair in me that believes this game can pull it off.

No. 427283

Wym? Origin is considered to be the best DA game in general.

No. 427821

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fucking kek. what little previews i've seen of her are so inconsistent and whiny like they dropped her in the game from a twitter thread. i haven't seen anything about being able to choose companions but i hope i'm not stuck with her if i can't slap her around

No. 427833

why the fuck would they even have modern concepts of gender identity in this game, doesn't make any sense

No. 427834

Stunning and brave. And it's the slightly gender non confirming women, how progressive. Let's stick it to the incel gamers who ask for a hot qunari gf. I read that her quest also has interesting lore, hope that makes up for it.
I'm really disappointed.

No. 427837

The weirdest thing is that everyone automatically now some is they them. Really confused me in Vows& Vengeance, because everyone knew Dreyden s pronouns without even talking to her. But it's fantasy I guess, there is magic and people just now ur preferred pronouns.

No. 427839

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Kek I thought this was fake at first. What even is this game

No. 427846

there is no in-world explanation. it's litteraly the troon dev breaking the fourth wall and has them act out his wishfullfilment fantasies on how he thinks the real world should work

No. 427852

the is some of the most loser shit i've ever seen in my life

No. 427855

sure feels like a game about stopping ancient elven gods from ending the world

No. 427856

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every other fucking screenshot I see is another low blow to the only fantasy rpg game I ever liked, and I have no friends to sperg about it. This breaks my fucking heart to pieces, I've been waiting for the new fucking dragon age for years and it turns out to be this woke pandering shit I'm so fucking mad

No. 427858

>The writing is, frankly, terminal. It lacks any nuance, wit or wisdom. It cannot communicate ideas, except to say them aloud to the camera. It manufactures petty, unbelievable tension because it doesn't know how to create anything more real, and it's too scared to ever be truly confronting or dark for fear that it might make the audience uncomfortable. Every interaction between the companions feels like HR is in the room, and every interaction led by the main character Rook sounds like he's addressing an under-12 soccer team before a semi-final or teaching toddlers to properly share toys
My expectations were low, but man this still feels bad. The character interactions are so bad. I thought the reviewer was exaggerating, but Rook literally sounds like a parent mediating between two toddlers when talking to the companions. It's so condescending.

I feel you nonny. I love Dragon Age and it's just… 10 years, all for this?

No. 427859

I feel the same way. At this point I just hope that the game doesn't sell well and most fans reject it. I'll be so disappointed if this is a success and these annoying fucks are validated. And no doubt they will make a Mass Effect sequel that will be more of this crap, like how they've been pushing hard to change the Asari from all-female species to some they/them troon race.

>Let's stick it to the incel gamers who ask for a hot qunari gf.

This mentality is seriously ruining media. It's cutting your own nose off to spite your face. These woke creators would rather nobody have fun than make anything that might possibly be enjoyed by "problematic" people for the wrong reasons.

The clips shown in that review make the writing seem aimed at toddlers. Which is the emotional age of the average tumblr/twitter DA fan I guess.

No. 427869

The guy has it right when he says the art direction is like that of a Pixar/Dreamworks movie. Everything looks overly smooth and evenly lit.

No. 427888

I feel the exact same way. I expected it knowing about the troons working on it but I still had hope several years ago. The upheaval of it has seemed to have crushed what chance there was for it to be decent. I watched that Dragon Age animated show Absolution that came out a couple years ago and it wasn't even that bad so Bioware hasn't tarnished everything they've touched recently. I don't know why I'm planning to even play this shit but my love for Dragon Age carries me. At least when Bioware was le woke before it was in a good way (being able to romance same-sex characters) or easily avoidable. I just pray they don't mess with the lore or established characters. Just seeing Morrigan sends fear down my spine for what they will do. It's easy to ignore an isolated trash game in a series but they better keep one eye open at night knowing they've messed with a game that's connected to its predecessors.

No. 427923

NGL I'm so fucking disappointed, this looks like a complete dumpster fire. Dragon Age never had that interesting gameplay but the writing has always been good, Veilguard failed on the writing part as well.

No. 427924

No wonder they make the players lock the romances and ypu can'tbreak up or switch, I'm guessing the romance lock happens before Taash's stunning&brave moment

No. 427942

I've seen this complaint about Rook often, that their writing is ok at best (tho some say it's the best pc writing in the series) Apparently you cannot be as sarcastic as Hawke etc.
It's dragon age: play it safe (except for troon stuff, only Nazis would criticise that lol)

I also read that the Soundtrack lacks. Someone said the best moments where when they did callbacks to the inquisition ost.

No. 427943

the fact that you can't be an asshole or have fights with your party members is so pathetic. characters aren't allowed to have opinions or a personality because negativity is too scary and triggering to 30 somethings with ADHD and minor childhood trauma. who gave the job to a lanky faggot who has never interacted with anyone outside his discord clique

No. 428279

Kiwifarms had a leak video of Taash scenes. Fucking hell they really did it, Taash's whole arc is basically
> I'm such a strong, buff dragon hunter I can't be a woman

Shows she's written by a deranged misogynistic TIM holy shitttt

No. 428283

I love woke sexism! Thank you non-binary dude.
At least we got Karlach.

No. 428286

The scene where breast reduction Isabela starts doing push-ups to apologize for misgendering Taash was viscerally cringe in a way the bad art threads on LC rarely do. If I had that clip I'd post it in the you cringe you lose thread as an impossible challenge mode

No. 428289

Same nonna because God damn the misogyny pisses me off.
Dorian's arc in DAI
>Dad tries to conversion therapy Dorian out of gayness
>at the climax, Dorian can reconcile or break ties with dad
Taash's arc
>Taash's mom is kind of terfy/"mom doesn't get me" level conflict
>at the climax, Taash's mom uses her preferred pronoun and dies

Holy Mary Patrick Weekes' hatred of women is on display.

No. 428293

Has it been leaked if you can make Taash hate you? Or make her leave? Or it this a you have to opt in no matter what situation?

No. 428299

I just woke up from a nap and decided to check this thread before DA:V releases tomorrow. Please tell me I am still asleep and this is a nightmare.

No. 428303

AFAIK if you don't do the companion side quests you're locked out of the good ending, so there's that.
Im so, so sorry. It's a nightmare. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/dragon-age-the-dread-wolf-rises.50738/post-19694629

No. 428304

It's a collective nightmare we're stuck in it.

No. 428309

What a pile of shit. The KF scrotes are right in saying this sounds like Taash is being groomed into the tranny cult. God, I am so disappointed.

No. 428310

This is so much worse than what I was expecting but it’s also insanely funny.

No. 428316

In inquisition you could do the companion quests and not be friends with them. Vivienne did not like me on my first playthrough.

No. 428318

but can you avoid recruiting any party members though?

No. 428353

Rook look so uncomfortable kek
Call it something different at least, that sounds so terribly modern

No. 428354

There's a video for the whole quest. Every dialogue option is supportive. According to reviewers, you can't be a jerk in the game (e.g. no renegade Shep or Hawke tier options).

No. 428378

File: 1730318409091.webm (15.02 MB, 852x480, isabela taash.webm)

I got you nona. I'm genuinely curious to see how normies will react to the game tomorrow

No. 428382

File: 1730318994437.png (135.71 KB, 379x461, 67564332.png)

Not buying until I get a terf mod

No. 428386

>can't be a jerk
What's the point of being an RPG if you can't take out the trash? I loved kicking Sera out for being a bitch and punching Solas in the face.

No. 428388

Everything about this clip is hysterical, but my favorite part is how Taash or whoever exaggeratedly looks down and closes xir eyes in sadness when referred to as "she."

No. 428389

>We do this to not make apologies about ourselves
>Spends 90 seconds saying how much better her way of apologizing is
She only did 5 pushups as well

No. 428395

Holy shit I thought the description of this scene was a joke. I can't believe this is real. Every new thing I see of this game makes it somehow worse, it's like a parody. I can't wait for the game to be out and clueless normies to be exposed to this kek.

The way every single dialogue choice boils down to "you are HECKING VALID" is so obvious. Why even have the wheel when every dialogue is the same? Even when the player in the video chooses an option that seems like it might be negative, it just ends up being another way to tell Taash what a stunning and brave dragon hunter xe is.

No. 428420

if you're a pc player why buy it? it will be drm free and easy to pirate

No. 428421

I watched this after I just woke up and this was incomprehensible to me kek. I hate that they brought Isabela into their retarded troon shit. Wow! Woman who doesn't like wearing dresses must not be a woman, so progressive! Someone tell me they left Leliana alone at least please

No. 428430

They went so woke they 360°'d directly back into
>if you're a buff warrior you can't be a woman

No. 428443

jesus christ the cringe is unreal

No. 428465

I never, ever want to see anyone calling me a weaboo again for preferring JRPGs after that.

No. 428490

Apart from the horrendous writing, why is it so goddamn stiff

No. 428491

Why the hell isnt it that the qunari views herself as a man bc of the oppressive society they grow up in and then their personal quest is that they realise they can be a woman and do "man things"? That would actually make lore sense. Her mom would call her they or man as a qunari, she wouldn't even be misgendered if she was a strong warrior in game lore to begin with.

No. 428492

I wish people online (not here, in general) could have at least somewhat good faith discussions on this game and similar writing styles. Because more then anything else, this game's writing screams "twitter game journalist and dev echo chamber". You know the type. The chronically online ones that talk in a way nobody outside their bubble would ever talk. The very american-centric ones despite many of them not even being american. You cannot in good faith explain to me why the dialogue for a fantasy rpg sounds like twitter threads I've seen before.
This game and others aren't made like this because of DEI and wokeness, or to sick on the the alt-right chuds, they're made like this because these people are actually like this and this is the bubble they're in. They're made for them and their friends. Because anyone who'd tell them it's cringe wouldn't be part of their friendgroup in the first place.

No. 428499

the writers themselves are like that, but they would not have been hired if not for DEI.
20 years ago bosses would not have hired a troon to make their game more "queer friendly" or write a scene about misgendering

No. 428500

Oldschool western cRPGs >>>>> any J"RPG" ever made

No. 428506

File: 1730375393653.mp4 (163.16 KB, 640x372, dies-from-cringe-meme.mp4)

>It's mostly women that don't wanna be called dykes, had some form of childhood trauma/neglect, AND browsed social media and forum sites that other girls like them created.
>It's a made up thing that they can feel special and can create their own expectations of what it means. They don't feel like they are what a woman (or a man) should be so they choose to be something that most people have no idea what it is so they have no expectations for.
tfw kiwi scrotes make more sense than the supposed liberal friends I've known for more than a decade

God, I hope this peaks normies and clues them on the fact that trans goons want them to kowtow like this, no amount of "allyship" is ever enough

No. 428542

Every(?) non villain character who got scolded for calling taash she is a woman in that video. Her mom, drag Isabel, quirky elf.

No. 428548

Kek, what did I just watch. It looks like fan made animation. Guess the former tumblr kids finally made it all the way and became DA writers

If any anons got the game, how's the combat? I read that your companions basically don't have hp therefore can't die and that you only give them basic commands like which attack to use?

No. 428553

So is it possible to skip all this tranny retardation if I just ignore Taash completely?

No. 428561

Why do you bigots care so much about inclusive content! Just ignore! You just won't be able to complete her quest and fail to get a good ending. Totally optional, isn't it?

No. 428578

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lol, which one of you nonnies wrote this?
Glad the truth is being revealed in the steam reviews. Annoyed how there are still more positive reviews than negative, but let's wait until the gamers get to the fun parts kek.

No. 428589

damn i was so excited for a qunari woman companion tbh. was waiting for one since DAI, when they announced everyone's playersexual in DAVG i was so relieved there wasn't going to be another Cassandra situation… Dragon Age really does hate SSA butch women huh. i guess there's still the tevinter lady and the necrograndpa. they're hot and i'll play for them.

No. 428591

>writers identify as non-existent
Pirating this game right now btw. I want to see everything myself. But I suspect it wont be a fun dumpsterfire but a boring slog instead

No. 428596

Oh really? that's surprising. I thought any big release would have Denuvo or at least something

No. 428597

you have to pay a subscription for Denuvo. If they think the game isn't going to give them enough returns, paying for the DRM would be even more money lost.

No. 428604

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Yoooo I totally forgot this game released today hahahhahaha. Troonshit aside, how does it actually play, controls-wise? Still the same shitty, Frostbite tank controls or did they actually tighten them up? Is it worth pirating?

No. 428605

File: 1730415331896.png (616.01 KB, 1114x656, ohfuckrightoff.png)

A troon definitely wrote this dialogue. "Hnnnghhh the hottest woman in the whole series will not only compliment me looking prettier BUT she'll also want to sleep with me!!"

No. 428608

isabela shows up??? and this is what they do to her????

No. 428615

Oh no, this is not even close to the worst they do to Isabela in this travesty of a game

No. 428622

Because troons in gamedev hate women and are all about complete erasure of women now. If they aren't sexualized or loli shit, they're erased from games now.

No. 428658

>remove at least two cup sizes from Isabela
>dress one of the only POC characters in the series in coomer armor bikini
>make every character that LeArNs A LeSsON aBoUt PrOnOuNs a female (mom, Isabela, Bellara)
>complete with humilation rituals for mIsGeNdErInG
>Taash scoffing and saying nobody likes being a woman (because womanhood is dresses and salads amirite)
>even kill the mom character after she finally validates Taash's identity

This is what woke misogyny is, folx. The whole Taash character arc shows to me a prostrate-haver author who hates and is fundamentally incapable of seeing those without prostrates as heterogenous, varied, complete people instead of props, validation dispensers, and fetish fuel.

No. 428680

File: 1730439078964.jpg (1.18 MB, 980x2698, 1000023319.jpg)

Tfw even coomer TIMs are hating on this game
>inclusivity to BioWare means including gay and transgender men and discriminating everyone else
The delusion to think that they are discriminated against, as if both the game director and the lead writer weren't woman hating TIMs

No. 428707

I mean wasn’t this literally a thing with Qunari? In the first game Sten can’t wrap his head around a female protagonist who’s a fighter and I distinctly remember a dialogue between Iron Bull and Cassandra in Inquisition where Bull tells Cass that under the Qun Cass would be considered a pseudo-man because she’s a strong fighter. Based terf Cassandra even calls it out for the sexist bullshit that it is. How did we get from that to whatever the fuck this is? Is this what a modern Qunari invasion looks like?
Solas was right. Tear that shit down and start over.

No. 428738

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This is already the second time I've seen a TIM complain about not being add massive boobs in the character creator.

No. 428739

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>not being able to make a character with big breasts makes me dysphoric sad uwuuu

No. 428745

The only funny thing to come out of this mess is the TiM on TiM crime but of course they just use this as an excuse to whinge about le privileged afabs, ignoring the fact it was their own that "discriminated" against them. If the nonbinary woman was a trans sapphic elfgirl with big breasts uwu and there was an owo girldick slider instead of a tit chop scar slider, they'd be singing praises instead of crying about it not being truly inclusive despite being marketed as inclusive.

No. 428761

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Going from Origins, where you can play as a female character and argue with or beat the shit out of people who are misogynistic to you…to Veilguard, where every conversation feels like a lecture on tranny bullshit and how much it sucks to be a woman. This is so jarring. This is not a Dragon Age game, the writing genuinely feels like a bunch of trannies from a subreddit inserted themselves into the dialogue.

Trying to act like being a woman is something automatically bad or a path to self-hatred is crazy. Dragon Age used to be full of interesting and complex female characters and now it's reduced to shit like this: an attentions-seeking Qunari rebel and the one scene where based Isabela is present she's forced to 'atone for her sins' for misgendering someone. Fuck this game. For a game series where a good percentage of the players were fangirls they sure do love to make you feel bad for being a woman and not a they/them or a tranny.

No. 428762

>Breast Development in Transwomen After 1 Year of Cross-Sex Hormone Therapy: Results of a Prospective Multicenter Study
>The median age of the included transwomen was 28 years (range, 18 to 69). Mean breast-chest difference increased to 7.9 ± 3.1 cm after 1 year of CHT, mainly resulting in less than an AAA cup size (48.7%).
They should have added a moobs slider then.

The good writers all left years ago.

No. 428766

Patrick Weekes was a good writer at one point (IIRC he wrote the whole krogan arc in ME3). I think for him the whole gendie thing is part of a midlife crisis.

No. 428775

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I haven't played ME, but for dragon age almost everything he wrote was either boring slop or cringe shit, like Krem's TIF adventures, bull's shifty BDSM preferences, cole's retard talk and ofc, the qunari thembie's whinings.

No. 428777

>Trick Weekes
He's such a special nonbonery snowflake that he can't even go by the gender-neutral 'Pat'.

No. 428801

i don't get why trannies hate solas so much, especially since one of them wrote him

No. 428803

As a colefag I have to whiteknight and say that Patrick Weekes basically ignored and handwaved 99% of the interesting shit David Gaider already established for Cole back in Asunder. Gaider has his moments as a whiny queen but he was at least still pushing the dark part of DA's dark fantasy. Weekes made cole less violent, doesn't bring up his horrific backstory (not the templars, but his abusive father and how he accidentally killed his sister), doesn't bring up his religious shame wrt being a mage, doesn't bring up anything about him being Orlesian and his mom being a former 'wild folk', and mysteriously forgets that Cole has shown he's attracted to women. It's honestly a microcosm of what happens in Veilguard with the writers vindictively not giving a shit about the other games so they can cram in more of their retardation.

No. 428822

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Even the top helpful "positive" reviews are roasting the game lmao. Also the discussions section has turned into a mud slinging zone

No. 428840

The main dragonage sub is turning tide. Most big posts are people realizing that the complaints weren't just evil mean racist transphobe chuds but actually legitimate.
Also more in general, the voice direction seems really bad in this game. The videos I've seen make them all sound very stiff with no real emotion outside of a few moments here and there. It really does feel like I'm watching a mid-budget afterschool special.

No. 428854

The romances must be terrible for the dedicated BioWare fans to admit the game isn't that good.

No. 428864

>I liked Krem
>seemed very authentic
This is exactly why I killed off Krem and Iron Bull and all the other faggots

No. 428867

It's reddit, they'll always be an echo chamber, regardless of the scales falling from their eyes about Veilguard. They'll still be shitty misogynists, coomers, etc. They've just slightly woken up to how awful it is hiring DEI and troons into your game companies.

No. 428872

You can kill off Iron Bull? Damn. I never bothered playing Inquisition because I thought that guy was so ugly and cringe with the BDSM shit that I didn't want to spend a whole game with him.

No. 428878

Iron Bull deserves death just for being a cringe maledom.

No. 428929

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Pisses me off to no end the amount of women-blaming this shit is getting. There's a fucking TRANNY at the helm of this shit and yet a good chunk of Youtubers are blaming women/female gamers for Veilguard being what it is. Now, I can understand the dislike of women like Kim Belair, or if there are a ton of female employees at Bioware who are batshit crazy or handmaidens to their dying breath, but come the fuck on. Women nowadays don't fucking want this slop; nobody does. And it's a lazy, bullshit argument to just pin the blame on us, as if we're all a fucking hivemind that wants to dismantle entertainment itself. Fuck's sakes, I've seen better female modders for Bioware games than I have for Bethesda games.

No. 428930

You can in the DLC if you get his group killed.

No. 428936

ive seen the same rhetoric and definitely feel your pain. plus a lot of it doesnt even make sense because the characters in this game are ugly as sin, and majority of women who arent tryhard nlogs dont want that shit as much as the next guy. why the fuck would i want to romance a bunch of boring fugly bobbleheads written by troons.

No. 428998

it's embarrasing, but the belief that this is what women want comes from anita sarkeesian, who troughout 2015-2020 talked about unrealistic body standards. but she isn't active anymore and troons have taken over the zeitgeist

No. 429002

File: 1730518228050.png (1.34 MB, 1600x1000, Cassandra2.png)

in light of the current shit show, I decided to start playing da Inquisition again and just after a few minutes I instantly remembered how much Cassandra made me question my heterosexuality back when I first played the game. Bad thing you can't romance her if you play as a woman sigh

No. 429023

She is still active. And no, she didn't push for ugly characters. Moids screaming at us for the ugly characters doesn't make any sense. If the game was made for us, the male characters would be called gay because they would be pretty and not walled. We would be called pedophiles because apparently only boys can look pretty. The female characters have terrible outfits, if they were made for us, they would be called ugly too but also conservative, they wouldn't be walking around in bikinis. None of this is happening because the game was made by and for coomers who are trans. Men will always blame us because they are in the cult where the enemy is the powerful feminist is hired to create diversity. It's a fiction. Women don't want ugly female characters as much as men. They just want them to wear clothes adapted to the situation and not be sexualised every five seconds. We don't hate women like trans people.

I always make a male character to date her. She is so cute.

No. 429028

File: 1730537855211.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.1 KB, 640x419, spoiler.jpg)

So, there's some kind of "post-credits" type scene teasing the next villain and it reveals that all the events in the previous games were caused by these evil gods influencing characters like Loghain and Meredith.

What a trash twist that takes away all the depth from the previous games. Not that I will consider this canon, this entire game is bad fanfic to me and DA ended with Inquisition.

Also, apparently Varrick was dead all along and a ghost or zombie or something kek

No. 429032

so apparently this person was hired as a writer and queer consultant:


Why did a game like this ever need a person like that helping?

No. 429033

because it's nothing more than nepotism, the moment these people get in power they just hire their buddies and ideological lackeys. all the real talent in bioware either left due to years of bad decisions or were pushed out by these freaks.

No. 429034

I weep for Mass Effect 5. My only hope now lies with modders to keep making new levels and missions for the original trilogy.

No. 429035

Yeah, I was having fun watching the initial hating on veilguard but now multiple retards like ENDYMIONtv SmashJT etc are making boogeyman videos about how male gamers are becoming discriminated against by the evil feminist women devs??? And in classic bro love fashion, they neglect to mention or minimize how the ones making the decisions for this nonsense are MALE trannies like the director and lead writer. It's disgusting how far men will go to blame women for things they KNOW are men's fault.

No. 429036

File: 1730540297283.gif (779.65 KB, 500x280, Kim-there-are-people-dying-178…)

>Waaaah I can't make the tits big enough in the shitty character creator! How am I supposed to coom now???

No. 429038

>that first spoiler
For fuck’s sake I absolutely hate it when writers pull that shit. Oh no we can’t have complex flawed characters making decisions we disagree with, that’s too problematic! They’re just misguided by evil gods of evilness uwu. Plus, retroactively blaming previous villain’s actions on the Final Villain is such a cheap way to pretend your story is more thought out than it really is.

This is why misogynistic moids love trans ideology so much. They can point at the worst specimens their sex has to offer and say “um those are women, akchully”

No. 429076

the worst thing is that some of the best characters in the series were written by women. fan favorite characters like alistair were created with massive input from female test players, he was literally created with a female audience in mind. this entire fuck-up is from bad writers whose only life experience is consuming media and twitter. these people have no real lives beyond playing video games and being online, they've never done anything uncomfortable or edgy in their lives. many grew up stable enough to choose writing as a career, so they cant even speak to human experiences such as poverty. So their entire writing portfolio is just recycling old tropes and writing but making it up to 2024 woke standards. they latch on to luxury beliefs and genderism because feeling oh so uncomfortable in their bodies or being told their ugly is the only source of discomfort they've ever had in their lives. it's also why HR is in the fucking room in every conversation, and of course gendie ideology. the game director also being a TIM means that in every conversation, every source of input, he's gonna be pushing back on execs to increase "representation" as if that actually means something. for fucks sake i was expecting shit gameplay for this, ive always played the games for the dialogue, i just wanted actually good writing and from what i've seen this looks like a fucking fan project

No. 429082

>I always make a male character to date her. She is so cute.
I would do so as well but the males I make in the playstation version are all ugly, I wish I could play it modded kek

No. 429121

File: 1730571909111.png (1.86 MB, 1280x1024, fuckingunshow.png)

I'm >>428929, all the hate I saw was on Asmongold's stream, SmashJT, and, unsurprisingly, Kiwi Farms. Except I thought KF still had some normal men and women on there. Now it just feels like any /pol/ thread, what the fuck happened to that place? (Also, SmashJT's video made me laugh. While I agree with him on some points, what in the fuck does being a lesbian have to do with making a game? And how are they the enemy of straight white men?)
Exactly. You can dress up a misogynist in troon clothing, but he'll still be a misogynist. I think that's why scrotes are pointing the finger harder at women than they are at troons, tims, whatever. Because they realize that, underneath the smelly, unwashed skin of the tranny, is a man with the same beliefs as them, and they can't stand that. And they can't stand the fact that female gamers are pushing back against years of criticism, harassment, and fingerpointing. I think Veilguard proved that very well. A tranny was the game director, not a woman. Also, fuck whoever came up with Varric being dead all along.

No. 429132

>female gamers don't want ugly female characters as much as male ones
Um, no? Brogamers straight up think that every female character that doesn't give them boners has no right to exist (they share that sentiment towards irl women too). I am tired of female characters always having to be ~pretty~. Even if a female character isn't sexualised, she almost always has a pretty face, the same is not true for male characters. This is just unrealistic and immersion breaking. Funny how the very few female characters i can say are average/"ugly" are from DA series. But they exist next to some truly godawful waifus (morrigan, that wolf lady in origins, merril), so this is probably why they never got the incel ire directed at them.
>inb4 who wants to see ugly characters?
This is why video games are not respected as a serious form of media.

No. 429137

I just got the game and was messing with the character creator and saw that scene, quit. I can't believe they put that in there. Is it really worth playing this game at all? I can't tell if the tranny stuff is overblown or if all the writing is really that bad. I enjoyed Inquisition a lot and that got shat on a lot by Origins fans so I want to know if a DAIfag can enjoy this or not?

No. 429147

I think it'd possible for a character to be visually interesting and have a good design without being "pretty." We're just so bogged down in the debate of whether female characters should be sexy that there hasn't been enough experimentation.

No. 429153

Nta but yeah I think it’s important to distinguish between Concord-style ugly character design and Horizon Zero Dawn “how dare this female character not look like a porn star”-style ‘ugly’. Women primarily complain about the former whereas coomers primarily complain about the latter. Veilguard seems to have a mix of both going on so everyone’s mad, but for different reasons.

No. 429154

Ugly as in poorly designed, not as in fuckable.

Apparently the writing is bad. Let's hope that some talented fans make mods with improved and new dialogues. This game needs so many mods to be truly enjoyable. It's a shame.


No. 429163

iirc isn't this game made on the Frostbite engine? If so, I wouldn't count on mods. Frostbite is very difficult to mod, the toolsets are simply not very developed. Games like Skyrim and the Sims are made to be easy to mod. Games like Mass Effect and Resident Evil aren't but the games are so beloved and the modders so extremely dedicated that they built the tools where none existed. Veilguard is not only built on an engine that is not built for modding, it is difficult to mod where able and the game isn't very good. I would not expect dialog or story mods for this. For reference, Mass Effect Andromeda is made with the same engine and all these years later no one has been able to figure out how to replace or add dialog. Fans would be better off collaborating to make small fangames.

It's over, nonnie.

No. 429182

Same anon as >>429137
I played a bit more now. The writing is quite bad so far but in a fun way, I'm enjoying the shitshow. I do love the new character creator unironically, it's possible to make really cool faces although the bodies are very strange. I was happy to be able to create my old inky and retcon her story a little bit to my liking as well, curious to see when she will make her cameo. I'm sure it'll be retarded.

No. 429201

the writing isn't cringe or anything, just bland and safe. I could say that about the whole game so far honestly.

No. 429238

Is every companion a fucking trans narrative?

Heres the dapper necromancer professor:
> wanted to attain lichdom since youth
> had a friend who also wanted to attain it
> becoming a lich is a big, risky, life-altering event
> friend eventually tries to do it and fails
> friend (crazy woman btw) is the big bad in Emmerich's storyline
> Emmerich eventually decides to become a lich thanks to Rook's support
>a whole scene dedicated to "after I'm a lich I'll be totally different"/Rook: "we'll figure it out together, I don't mind even if you become a trans-keleton"
> becoming a lich is a 100% positive change that allows Emmerich to be "more connected" with the world or whatever
> scene where Emmrich is "coming out of the closet" as a lich, everyone takes it well and everyone already knows, very heavy "we always knew you were a troon" energy

No. 429243

god, he was the only character in this piece of shit i was looking forward to

No. 429244

I can’t watch the video right now, and I don’t remember anything about liches in DA lore. Are these DA liches anything like traditional liches or are they just using the name? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen a portrayal of a lich where it’s meant to be a good thing. Unless they were tricked into it, they’re almost invariably egomaniacs with delusions of grandeur who believe themselves to be above nature itself and are willing to risk their own physical and mental health and usually the lives or souls of others to achieve something inherently selfish and unnatural. Even sympathetic liches are usually portrayed as having done something severely fucked up, and what makes them sympathetic is that they did it for selfless reasons.
In any case it sounds like an unintentionally hilarious trans analogy.

No. 429249

DA hasn't had traditional fantasy liches iirc, and here in particular they're portrayed as Big Good "protectors of life", with the female antagonist being a failed lich who was evil already before she failed her lich transition process.

No. 429253

So you are saying that the male to liche is fighting a evil detrans female to liche?

No. 429277

>the pixar music that plays as he reveals his skeleton form

The whole scene is so cutesy. I hate this. And yes it's 1000% intended to be about coming out as lgbtzq++, it plays exactly like those scenes.

No. 429301

I'm playing a pirated copy of the game. The dialogue is not any worse than dai and the story/lore is very interesting so far. I haven't encountered any trans stuff yet you can probably easily ignore them by skipping dialogue and you won't miss out much.
The testerical man babies overreacted as usual. Just pirate the game and see for yourself.

No. 429305

Honestly I'm just surprised that the villain didn't turn out to be a JK Rowling expy.

No. 429307

I'm a few hours in and wanted to give my initial impression, obviously I can't judge for the whole game. I don't think the gameplay fits at all. It doesn't feel like DA, instead more like they wanted it to conform to the generic AAA slop combat. I don't even hate that type of combat, but it doesn't feel right. Reviewers were right about it feeling very linear. It's like Bioware saw the criticism for how open the hinterlands in DAI was and did a complete 180. Everything feels like a maze of corridors and it's not like I want a completely open world but at least a little more openness would be nice. Also romance option wise this game feels very lackluster. I don't want to pull the trigger too early as I haven't truly gotten to know them yet, but the first impressions aren't doing anything for me. Past games had at least one good option or someone for everyone, but despite all of them being playersexual this time (speaking in terms of only the female LIs) we're stuck between a gendie, quirky chungus millennial, a dwarf and well Neve is there I guess. They're not attractive at all and out of what potential they could have, they just seem off despite the 10 year gap and development in graphics, and before the let female characters be ugly brigade starts, romanceable characters should be attractive. I managed to make my Rook look good so it's not an inherent flaw with the engine and game design. Playing it just made me miss origins and gave me the urge to replay it. I enjoyed DA2 and DAI despite the criticism of them and I hope I'll be able to enjoy DAV despite the troonshit but sometimes it really does feel like they know origins was their peak and whatever they'll release next will never measure up to it so they're content with releasing whatever.
I'm also not noticing any differences in dialogue so far, but do note I am retarded.

No. 429311

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For me dai writing was rather annoying in many places too. It had its good parts like Dorian and Cassandra's romance, and some iron bull banter (I spit on his daddydom romance though), but loonie elf-chan and stick up her ass vivienne always irritated me+gendie crap introduction through krem. I also sabotaged myself like a dumbass by trying to romance Blackwall, talking to him was as fun as watching paint dry kek. In the end I dropped the game because the overreacting plot was tiring me out for some reason

No. 429313

Is it true that there often aren't "asshole" dialogue options? If it were true, that would be a bummer.

No. 429319

You can be antagonistic towards solas when you first meet him and he will remember it and be snarky when you ask for his help later. You can also blame scout harding for not shooting Solas in time to prevent him from doing his ritual and leave a guy to be eaten by wolves as punishment for betraying his town.
I'm still early in the game so I don't know if they will be more options like that. The dialogue options are pretty much like in dai.
I also don't get why they accuse the game of not being dark enough when one of the first places you go to is a town filled with corpses and people being tortured by tentacle monsters.

No. 429324

Regarding the dark subject, I think people mean the tone. The game very much feels like Avengers plotwise and the tone for the scenes feels too flippant. There isn't a sense of impending doom or gloom at all. Dragon Age hasn't been gloomy since Origins though so idk why people expect that at this point.

No. 429354

From my experience whenever someone is trying to argue that the game is still dark they only bring up the one part that you’re at. I have a feeling the “darkness” will pitter out after that, but it is the tone that people are complaining about. The Guardians of the Galaxy quippiness is embarrassing.

No. 429364

so is there anyone fuckable in the party? at all? and i'm still waiting on an answer for if you can just not pick someone up or abandon them

No. 429366

the issue is that the town of corpses is in and out of stage left after like 5 minutes. There's no gravity to it and it just seems bizarrely out of place when the rest of the game is so squeaky clean. Same thing happens later on when you recruit Davrin and theres this evil skeleton-mummy demon thing, her design is really gross/creepy but it just makes me wish I was playing DAO or DA2. DAI also had this problem of shit looking too technicolor but it still had it's atmospheric moments, like the failed timeline in Dorian's recruitment quest or the flooded town region.

No. 429378

File: 1730659548900.jpg (670.62 KB, 1200x1920, Dorian01.jpg)

>mustachioed ambiguously brown necromancer guy
So he's basically just Dorian but transkeleton instead of gay?

No. 429386

Well, at least you can kiss him in the skeleton form, I gotta give them props for that.

No. 429391

Go back to the monster fucker thread.

No. 429413

So he basically just hits the wall, then.

No. 429434

>so is there anyone fuckable in the party? at all?
No. The male companions are spineless effeminate fags who look like they're about to preach about toxic masculinity. The women are either terribly voice acted, mentally retarded or self-hating non-binary fags who make it their entire personality. The only one who's even slightly romanceable is Harding because she's cute. There's no silly and charming handsome Alistair or Cullen equivalent in this game. There's no rivalmance/angsty Fenris equivalent in this game, or there's no nice and normal Josephine or Leliana equivalent in this game. They're all so shit, poorly-written, one-dimensional and embarrassing to be around.

No. 429480

dwarves are ugly as fuck. can't believe nonnies have a hard on for harding and varric. they've been eyesores ever since they first appeared

No. 429483

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He's the sluttiest guy in the entire Dragon Age universe, dude, I'll always love him for the way he dresses. (Although, honestly, I wish they brought back Sebastian Vael, but with a fuller hairline.)

No. 429493

That's cute. But in dos2 you could bone the skeleton and the whole thing was narrated by a bored englishman.

No. 429494

Varric from da2 will forever be one of the best characters in the series for me, the later games ruined him. Him and sarcastic hawke are the best humorous duo. Da2 was such shit in terms of level design, the new writer character assasinated my dear fuckboi Anders from Awakening and the ending was illogical trash, but I still greatly enjoyed the game because of how much of a simp I was for my female Hawke and the sarcastic personality. Vidrel makes me mad that it didn't keep her default face, I loved it

No. 429497

Loving neanderthal looking and nasty hairy chest having varric for being unable to wear his clothes properly. The standards here are low

No. 429516

The skeleton in Dos2 turned into a guy during sex.

No. 429521

Still counts

No. 429523

I accidentally chose the wrong gender for my character and I can't change it. I swear to god if they don't patch this, I'm just gonna not play anymore. I'm like 10 hours in.

No. 429526

My heart aches for u, accidental TIF/thembie nonnie.

No. 429546

I will never forget the phrase "boneless women flopping through the streets"

No. 429549

I've also heard on pc that people have been getting glitches where their gender changes when they load a save? They should patch it just for that reason, let alone dumbasses like me who just click something wrong.

No. 429552

Have you tried looking in the transgender mirror? kek

No. 429645

Sadly, yes. That's a one time thing and has no actual effect on your gender just if you're trans or not.

No. 429762

Trying to rip off bg3 and withers

No. 429811

I've seen people say that the Qunari are progressive bc you are your gender roles and not your sex..the libs are smokkng crack.

No. 430040

So do the Qunari ever assign TIMs to mate with other men for their breeding program or is that just for uterus-havers?

No. 430117

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Those people must be mega new to the game because that entire conversation with Sten from Origins proves otherwise. What a bunch of retards. The Qunari are extremely conservative to the point where many of them believe that women shouldn't be allowed to fight and yet all it took was this disgusting porn-addled scrote's muscle mommy Taash self-insert to break years of lore surrounding the Qunari. Non-binary retards should not be allowed to work on video games beyond serving the other competent staff members tea and coffee.

No. 430118

File: 1730896925538.png (824.38 KB, 1332x768, image (24).png)

Samefag from above and I'm not sure if this has been posted here on LC already but this is a note from Veilguard. This is actually in the game, by the way. Keep in mind the terms non binary or trans or dysphoria or anything like this have NEVER been mentioned in previous DA games before. At least Krem in Inquisition made up some sort of cultural term for being transgender, but Veilguard doesn't care about being subtle anymore. Yet they'll tell you they aren't pushing an agenda, apparently.

No. 430119

>ooga booga Maeveris pretty Tarquin tough
Why does she sound literally mentally retarded?

No. 430121

If their goal is to make trannies look like drooling retards it's working because no normal person will look at this babbling and take them seriously. It's hilarious how many terminally online catchphrases they've shoved in so everyone can see plainly how little sense this makes in Thedas.
All they're missing is some shit about cracking eggs, neopronouns and not needing dysphoria to be trans.

No. 430122

Oh no you see, since they belong to the crowd that thinks girl who likes short hair=boy, they think the qunari are actually progressive and trans friendly. Sorta like how they think iran is progressive for forcing homosexuals into being trans

No. 430138

Lmao, that is supremely retarded. They actually got more retarded over time; in DAI, they made up a name that fits in-universe to describe "trans experience."

No. 430140

>could feel like not connected to body (not everyone does this?)
It's so nefarious that they take a mental/internal trauma issue that isn't uncommon in humanity and try to trick people into thinking that it means they're trans.

No. 430579

File: 1731082409041.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.49 MB, 4032x3024, 20241108_170117.jpg)

Nonnies I feel fucking sick…This is what they did to Dorian? Holy fuck they fucking destroyed him. The games industry is so corrupt and hates attractive men, I'm absolutely disgusted. At least every single DA title so far had at least one conventionally attractive male for every taste, maybe even several, and now this? I hate nuBioware trannies I hope EA takes them out back and puts them out of their misery. I really hope I don't see Fenris or I will kms. Though the tranny director doesn't even know who Zevran is so maybe there's a silver lining here.

No. 430680

Veilguard have made two of my trans ally/handmaiden friends question them and they are peaking kek. What a hill to die on, Bioware. I loathe Veilguard, but at the same time I finally have people to be openly terf with.

No. 430746

kek, thanks veilguard, I hope all "cis allies" that have more than 0.1 miligrams of brains peak after being preached at and told that they are problematic unless they kowtow after every mistake

No. 430860

I finished Veilguard and yeah, this might be my least favourite DA part.
What I liked:
- Gameplay was fine
- Loved the environments
- Solas and the conclusion of the solavellan romance
- some Companions (Davrin,Neve, Harding, Emmrich and Lucanis), Neves Companion Quest was boring tho.
- Some NPCs (loved all the crows, mythal)
- some lore bits and bobs made me very happy
- you can make okish looking qunari

What I disliked:
- the writing for Rook??? why give the player the answer to be e.g. purple rook….if all answers are basically the same? Mildly encouraging?
- shoehorning in modern queer stuff…unlike other I don't mind trannies or enbys, as long as it's done creatively and world appropriate…but this wasn't it at all?? Like the cutscene with Trash and Neve where Trash is basically women=dress??? I cringed so hard… and you can't even give opposition to that statement or say yeah woman can do anything…you know, the status quo off Thedas till Veilguard…also I hated that they NBed the butch lesbian coded character…
- I'm torn on that one (I like her), but Eplers quirky ADHD self insert
- the villains were so bland?? I always loved Evanuris lore but we got basically nothing? Especially on Ghila'nain and Elgar'nan? They were also only cartoon villains? So much wasted potential!
- woke lords of fortune…they are no thieves, they give cultural stuff back! Isabella had to do a lot of DEI training
- all companion and factions are so sanitized? We used to have literal terrorist and characters whose opinions where in universe problematic and now everyone is just bland? No real conflicts? Only Trash who is angry for no reason. Tevinter is a slave owning society without slaves around…Crows are now nice neighbourhood vigilantes. Very very disappointing. But I saw also pro gendie fans complaining, so there's that.
- the inquisitor was kinda useless, it felt like they only added them for solavellan conclusion. The other Cameos where also lame.
- rip south Thedas
- i hate the dragon age illuminati…I was so excited to see what up with the executors but this is shit

No. 431101

When I saw him I couldn't believe it and thought surely it had to be some other Dorian. It's not convincing at all that a fag like him would let himself look like that. I had to search up which characters had cameos after seeing him and thankfully it's no more than the ones we already know.
>rip south Thedas
This is a good thing actually. I'm so glad they finally let us out of Ferelden. Although I do think they could have put more effort into the city designs because some parts of the cities look very similar like they just reused it.

No. 431199

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They fucked his shit up so bad it's not even funny. Like it's not even close to how funny it was when they messed up Zevran in DA2. This is just abhorrent and uncanny valley and strange. I actually really liked Dorian's style and story and this is saying a lot considering I usually find male fags in games really annoying. Now he's just ugly.

>I really hope I don't see Fenris or I will kms

I think I read somewhere that they're not doing DLC for Veilguard so hopefully that means they'll keep their fat sausage fingers away from our gracious kings Fenris and Alistair. There's absolutely no excuse for a game that came out a decade after Inquisition to look THIS disgusting.

No. 431244

Wow, this actually pisses me the fuck off. They ruined Dorian

No. 431256


No. 431261

Can't believe the devs dont even know who Zevran is. Or I actually can believe it, but how can you be a dev for a sequel without even having played the previous games

No. 431265

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It's one thing if we simply got to play in places out of southern thedas, but literally announcing that it's all lost to darkspawn? Every character we loved from origins and da2 are either dead or homeless? Wtf is that shit, it seems like the writers of DAI outright hate the writers of the previous games and went out of their way to ruin the established setting as much as possible. It's reached a point that even the super woke redditors are hating on it, picrel is top comment

No. 431276

File: 1731294967586.jpg (58.11 KB, 720x420, Screenshot_20241111_041017_Chr…)

If you wonder why they are putting woke garbage into games despite that making them guaranteed money sinks, its because it doesn't matter if the games sell well. BlackRock own a large percentage of EA stocks, and the owner of BlackRock is on a mission to re-educate the masses, so he'll fund it even if it means poor sales and the games being hated by the majority of players. So there is no risk of the investors pulling out if the games do poorly due to wokeism, the investors are the ones putting the wokeism into the games and not caring if it does poorly bc its just a drop in the bucket for them

No. 431328

people already started datamining the games and there are traces that at some point they considered adding more choices.
Found this on Isabela:
*Well-aged but perfectly maintained warrior gear for close and brutal fighting.
Two possible appearances, depending on how the player resolves her past:
- Dark black dyed hair
- Red hair with streaks of grey*

I wish they went with this… I'm curious what else gets revealed.

Dragon Age can just die with Veilguard…I don't even want to know what comes next…everything I love about the series is gone…I don't want bland, political correct fantasy slob.

I'm reading threads in the Bioware Fan Forum and they are also suprisingly based (and 'misgender' Taash all the time lol)

No. 431405

It's amazing they decided to put her in a bikini instead of the warrior gear in the actual game.

No. 431406

This is why EA only gets pirated and never my money.

No. 431407

yeah… the only time that bikini looked cute and fitting was on Seer Rowan…
looking at the artbook, they skipped on all the cool Lord of Fortune designs.

You also get a bikini as Hero of the Veilguard Armor if you help Taash embrace her Revaini identity…so dresses are bad but bikini is nb empowerment…

No. 431408

I heard the current head writers dislike the og writers and their characters, mainly because they're more popular. But who knows

No. 431413

weeks is a good writer… but maybe not fit for lead writer… also him being so into gender woo really made things worse… I loved all the Solas bits in DA:TV but Taash writing is so bad… gaider is a jerk but did a way better job

No. 431418

was he a gendie back when he wrote good stuff? changes like this can really affect a person's creative output.

No. 431420

I don't think during ME…but also, how many (straight) people were gendie before 2015 and Tumblr anyway…

No. 431437

I’ve been reading smaller DA Reddit subs (I know, I know) and it’s so satisfying to see so many people blatantly disregard both Taash and Weekes’ special pronouns, even after being ‘corrected’ through friendly reminders UwU. A lot of people are calling Taash a whiny self-centred teenager and calling out Weekes for using her personal quest to write a self-indulgent self-insert wish fulfilment fantasy that clashes horribly with the setting. Funnily enough some of these commenters also think the writing is an offensive caricature of ‘real’ nonbinary people who like totally would never act like that in real life. No, love, this is what you all sound like. They’re just upset because it isn’t being received well lmao

It’s so hard for me to believe that the same person who wrote Solas in DA:I and Trespasser is responsible for Taash. Gender brainrot is real and should be studied by neurologists as the neurodegenerative disorder that it is.

No. 431450

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some wrote this on the BSN forum and I couldn't agree more. It made me furious when I had to endure this shit.

No. 431455

File: 1731353500980.jpg (1.77 MB, 2401x3117, 20241104_175153.jpg)

Post your Rooks and Quizzies nonnies, let's try to lighten up the mood a bit. The game is awful but at least I managed to make my Rook and my Quizzie look really good. I just stare at them the whole time while the dialogue and story slowly saps my IQ, makes the whole experience more bearable.

No. 431466

I'm halfway through the game now and I just have to say I can't stand how much every character in this story can't stop gargling your balls.
>Thank you for being here Rook
>You're so awesome Rook
>I couldn't do it without you Rook
>Let me suck your clit Rook
It's so painfully obvious this was written by narcissistic terminally online bay area devs whose deepest wish is to be told how awesome and valid they are by literally everyone all the time, and it smells heavily of gendie cult lovebombing tbh. It's so bad it's taking me completely out of the (painfully mediocre and downright insulting) story. Even YA literature written for actual children has some sort of conflict relating to the main character, hell even literal Bluey episodes are more complex and deep than this. How did Dragon Age become such a hugbox of a game? I wish I could kill all the NPCs.

No. 431606

Looking at the artbook makes me sad. It’s clear that so many creative decisions were made and then just mindlessly changed. I’m starting to wonder if the few good things in this game—like the character creation and the beautiful environment—have anything to do with the teams who worked on the final version. It’s really frustrating to see all this creativity go to waste. I can’t believe the director is hiding behind progressiveness to justify the poor writing and the awful treatment of female characters. He must really hate the original game to have butchered its lore and everything that was already established. This doesn’t feel like a love letter to the fans—it feels more like a hate letter to the original creators and the people who loved the first games.

No. 431621

Failguard has cemented my decision to pretend that only the first 2 games exist, installing da2 again to escape to my favorite clown lady Hawke. DAO is my fav game but Hawke will always be my #1 protag

No. 431623

I have the artbook and yes, it's really sad to see! I would love to see what a fucked of society Tevinter is…instead we got nothing… they should have scrapped some of the locations (e.g. Rivain) and give us more of Tevinter. And spend more time on Rivain in another game.
I wish we would have gotten Joplin…thank for nothing EA

No. 431624

>This doesn’t feel like a love letter to the fans—it feels more like a hate letter to the original creators and the people who loved the first games.
I think you hit the nail on the head nonnie. I feel the same way, it's like they hate that fact that they had to take over what is "Dragon Age" instead of doing whatever they wanted and are incredibly resentful of the fact as well as of the long time fans of the series. Seriously think about it, what kind of game director of the fourth installment in a series doesn't know who the characters from the first game are? Only one that purposefully hasn't played it. This situation doesn't happen accidentally. In fact it happens all the time in Hollywood with directors adapting a source material for which they have open disdain and declare proudly to never have read or watched or played. nuBioware direction hates us and Veilguard is their gigantic fuck you to all of the dragon age series.

No. 431636

Ntayrt but I couldn't agree more. If you can't respect and honour the older games in the series, the dark fantasy setting and the lore, then you just don't deserve to make a new game in that same series. They speak about DA1 and 2 as if they're insanely aged, badly-written and unenjoyable when it couldn't be any further from the truth. None of the original writers that made Dragon Age so interesting and fun were on the team for Veilguard. They really are saying "If you enjoyed the dark fantasy RPG where choices mattered and the characters were complex - go fuck yourself, this is a Marvel-esque story about heroes and villains now."

I'm genuinely concerned for what they'll do to the new Mass Effect game coming out, too. That was a classic Bioware gem and this new team will ruin it. No doubt they'll try and pull a "So uh…I'm non-binary" to some ugly Asari character and make half of the game's content about validating her identity.

No. 431639

they said on the bsn forum that Michael Gamble seems not to be into that kind of wokie stuff…
and Mary DeMarle seems capable as narrative director…
I looks like DATV is not doing that well, so maybe EA also makes them tone down the woke stuff…
I still have hope we do not get she/they asari

No. 431703

File: 1731444446592.jpg (126.1 KB, 768x384, 1731432042267435.jpg)

>No one likes being a woman

No. 431705

Anon please stop typing like a boomer, it physically hurts how much you stick out due to your ellipses and weird paragraph breaks

I don't understand how this ugly theybie faggot wrote DAI Solas. Was it just a fluke? Did someone ghostwrite for him? Did all the Solavellan fanfics I read 10 years ago just fuck with my head and make me remember Solas as a better character than he actually was?

No. 431733

trannyism unironicaly makes you dumber, it's an ideology that requires infantilizing yourself to be immersed in it. they treats feelings with the maturity of a pre-school edutainment show, just look at the "bad short comics" thread

No. 431763

File: 1731466761313.gif (632.03 KB, 640x334, look-how-they-massacred-my-boy…)

Holy shit, I was unsure about whether I'd play Veilguard before, but now I definitely fucking won't. Whoever came up with this design needs to give up art and go work in a toll booth instead.

No. 431857

File: 1731498286816.jpg (58.6 KB, 686x386, hq720 (3).jpg)

The design for most of the characters are just fucking terrible. They nerfed Isabela (apparently women with naturally big chests don't exist anymore or something), we have a huge childish brutish Walmart version of Karlach, we have Dorian experiencing Tevinter Twink Blight, and they gave Morrigan a fuckass bob. I'm actually glad they didn't include any more character cameos because I might have honestly had a stroke.
They also completely cuckolded the Grey Wardens, a faction that's been exceptionally well-written since the first game and the books, and now they just barely exist anymore because instead most of our story needs to be focused on the power of friendship, top surgery scars and being forced to endorse some autistic Qunari they/them verbally abuse their own mother for the sake of ~diversity~.

This is a man with a wife and 2 kids iirc writing lines like this. "No one likes being a woman" but apparently this game doesn't have any propaganda at all? Why do scrotes think they can push ideas like woman=bad just because they're fat retards with blue hair? He looks like he belongs on a sex offender registry.

No. 431858

JEEEESUS that picture is hideous

No. 431867

I've seen like 50/50 reception for Veilguard on twitter/tiktok/reddit, but I was wondering if there's any official statistics or people criticizing the game who aren't alt-right moids crying about wokeism (the game is bad in plenty of other ways), if anyone has seen anyone come with other critiques I'd love to see.

No. 431869

File: 1731503680764.jpg (74.1 KB, 466x650, Dragon-Age-The-Veilguard-scree…)

>Quick, think about us having sex

No. 431870

The subreddit is pretty lefty leaning (they ban any discussion of female characters not being attractive enough and any troonphobic topic, obv, gotta they/them Taash or they ban you) and even they aren't happy with the game. I've seen some pretty good takes on there.

No. 431871

but they are also coping by saying its all EAs fault.

No. 431872

I guess the only place that will rightfully blame the tranny pandering writers while not being moid-brained is here. Have you tried the BSN maybe?

No. 431875

>They nerfed Isabela (apparently women with naturally big chests don't exist anymore or something)
retarded nitpick, i'm totally sure they gave her a top bursting from how big her tits are in order to represent women with naturally big breasts..

No. 431877

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Anybody else finding all the companions so unlikeable you can't even romance anybody? I don't know how they failed so spectacularly at one of the main things that made dragon age so famous. I feel almost forced to romance picrel, an absolutely disgusting and repulsive literally geriatric bargain bin Dorian, just because it's allegedly the only decent male romance in the game. What makes it even worse is that I actually work in an university for an old fuck of a professor.

Seriously, Davrin looks like a flaming giga-faggot but is actually a boring and arguably racist caricature of "tough black man becomes a single dad" and has no personality other than being strong (he literally admits it himself). Lucanis on the other hand is a manlet with male-pattern baldness and is an equally racist in my opinion nondescript vaguely brown Latino (because Italy-inspired Antiva is the same as Latin America, right?). He's a comically retarded version of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with the carton villain demon possessing him and is, again, bargain bin Anders. Oh, also he couldn't care less about you. What an amazing cast of eligible bachelors, bravo BioWare.

No. 431878

File: 1731507612364.png (62.66 KB, 948x376, 11_13_24_20_19_chrome.png)

I mentioned earlier >>>/m/431265
that the DAO old fans were almost universally reeing in r/DragonageOrigins, the comments were quite fun to read. r/DragonAge has a more mixed response, while r/DragonAgeVeilguard posters love to dickride the game.
There was also this article on forbes that made me chuckle, try giving it a read.

No. 431881

i think Davrin is their best black male character ever. so much better than jaboc or liam and i cared more for him than i did for wyll.
Lucanis is ok, but they wasted a lot of the potential he had in tevinter nights.
Emmrich is my favorite, but as every companion, he lacks depth. His romance is fun, but very gimmicky you fuck in a coffin

No. 431882

The worst part of Lucanis' romance is that he literally seems to prefer Neve over Rook kek. This is why I've always hated the idea of companions hooking up. I detested it in DA2 with Fenris and Isabella, Garrus and Tali annoyed me, but Lucanis and Neve get shipped so hard by the game that it's impossible to romance either without feeling like you are getting cucked. Absolutely insane how everyone went crazy for him before the game released, and now the only thing I ever see anyone talk about is how bland he is.

No. 431886

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His writer described him as a “bisexual disaster” (whatever that means) but from what I can tell, his whole personality is that he likes coffee a lot.
Also the demon he is possessed by is treated more like a naughty dog than a, well, a demon. Is there any narrative point to Spite being there or did they only add it to make the character seem more spicy? Justice/Vengeance was integral to both Anders’ character arc and the overarching plot whereas Spite is just kind of… there.

No. 431892

Ironic when Tshaa has two lines saying that dragons can only have queens and not kings.

Yes. Solas was never a great companion. I'm sorry.

No. 431893

Apparently his writer was fired, so there's a tinfoil going around that she was booted before his romance was finished. It seems plausible that Spite was supposed to become more of a dangerous obstacle as the romance progressed, and that Lucanis is so cold towards Rook because he wants to keep him/her safe, or whatever. Real shame if it's true, he had some potential if you ignore the male pattern balding.

No. 431895

File: 1731512428106.png (239.59 KB, 854x886, image.png)

Samefag, just ran into this hilarious comment in a r/videogames post, reddit may be a cesspool but occasional funny shit like this makes me keep going back

No. 431898

Courtney Woods left the company and Mary Kirby was laid off.
The only person that was "fired" was Matt Goldmann. I wonder what happened to him.

No. 431900

Keeping Rook at arms’ length to keep them safe would only make sense if he didn’t blatantly flirt with Neve. Unless he only cares about Rook and doesn’t give a damn if Neve gets hurt, I guess. It’s like they couldn’t decide whether they wanted him to be cool and aloof or Zevran 2.0 and decided to go with a nonsensical mix of both.

No. 431916

As obnoxious as the gender nonsense is, I honestly find the non-choices to be a more pervasive problem. Why even give the players a dialogue tree in the first place if all of the options are functionally the same? It's a role-playing game where your ability to play a role is completely kneecapped.

No. 431920

I agree, I find myself not even giving a shit which option I pick because I'll just hear a slightly different flavour of "Yes" - what's even the point? I just press left randomly most of the time. I don't remember being so checked out when picking dialogue options in the other games, not even inquisition, which was already starting to Kumbaya let's all love each other its dialogue wheel.

No. 431923

I'm not saying they should have given her a stupid outfit but at the very least they could have kept her original body shape and just made her wear something that would actually support big breasts realistically. She doesn't have to be wearing something stupidly revealing nor does she have to have a breast reduction, there's a perfectly acceptable middle ground they could have reached there.

No. 432190

File: 1731593285938.jpeg (149.49 KB, 1080x1544, no-dav-spoilers-john-epler-tri…)

Straight from the horse's mouth.

No. 432218

it wasn't us, it was the evil EA overlords

No. 432253

It's a surprise even non-binary thembie (Pa)Trick Weekes seems to be complaining about Veilguard kek. I'd love to know how Gaider feels about it.

No. 432255

what even is his complaint? would he have had the whole game be an enby circlejerk or just wanted to have his retarded self-insert be unique?

No. 432439

maybe they had to cut a lot, like past decision imports? but you don't fix bad writing with more bad writing

No. 432444

Even if EA instructed the writers to change the writing tone into YA, add MCU quips, only positive Rook responses etc. in order to broaden the player market or whatever, that still does not explain the lore stuff they fucked up. There is no way EA told them to destroy entire areas off screen.

No. 432552

I'm so upset at what they did to the DA series, nonnies. I feel like they personally wanted to hurt us. DA2 despite its flaws is my favourite game of all time, listening to picrel never fails to make me emotional even 12+ years later. The story is so touching and tragic and real, it's the only game where there's no world to save, no ancient evil to defeat, no heroic self-sacritice to make. You try to survive and build a life for yourself and your family after being fucked over by forces completely beyond your influence, only for life to fuck you over again and again and take away even more people that you love. And all for what? You're nobody of note, you have no special secret power that can be used to defeat an ancient evil, you're not a symbol of a religion or whatever kind of fucking HR manager Rook is. Yet it's the only game after DA1 where the stakes and the relationships that you build feel real. It's a fucking depressing story but so beautiful at its core. Why did EA trannies need to destroy it like that? Why do they have to project their utterly total hatred of themselves into something that we love?

No. 432553

Kek this screenshot looks even more like a mobile game than usual.

No. 432607

>she/they Asari
kill me

No. 432839

pretty sure i heard some asari idle dialogue on andromeda discussing what pronouns to use that day. they're gearing up for something much worse. i don't know if asari ever had dicks but they will now

No. 432924

holy shit nonny i feel you, I only played Inquisition, and I know most people disliked it, but I got so immersed in it (this was my first rpg) that it's difficult for me not to love it. I love that most of the story revolves around war and the menu theme still gives me chills even after all this years kek. I'm salty it doesn't run at 60fps on playstation.

No. 433001

Ayrt I relate completely, the menu theme for Inquisition also gives me the chills. I remember starting it up after finishing DA:O + DA2 and just sitting there for like an hour contemplating everything, so excited to continue this amazing journey. I think the hate for Inquisition is overblown, same as the hate for DA2, yes it's true the series has identity issues and Inquisition is where the story started being all about being le heroh saving everywun but the characters and their interpersonal relationships still had so much depth, and especially the lore! What hurt Inquisition a lot for me was that it released without the ending at first; if it had released with Trespasser as its ending already story-wise the backlash would have been much more mitigated. Whatever you can say about DA2 and DAI, the DA DNA was still there. Now? Not anymore.

No. 436140

Just had the pleasure of witnessing this dialogue after fighting an enemy that was non-binary. The governor was totally ebil and corrupted uwu but we MUST make sure to respect they/thems pronouns!

No. 436169

at first, I did not even notice that they were using enby pronouns for this guy. how subversive, evil people can be non binary too.

Did anyone watch the anrgy joe review? if you have romanced taash, she dies and then talk to Isabela before the last battle, she will 'misgender' Taash. so even bioware can't get their pronouns straight.

No. 436184

And after that she doesn't PULL A BARVE? Kek based terfqueen Isabela. I almost wonder if they retconned the nonbinary shit halfway through the rushed development of this slop, the game is full of inconsistencies like these.

No. 436339

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I hate Veilguard so much. Suicide is imminent. Kill BioWare tranny devs. Fuck this era of souless slop IP.

No. 436545

I’ve seen multiple people refer to VG as “the Cursed Child of Dragon Age” and agree to just not acknowledge it as canon and, aside from the overarching lore that was clearly planned out from the very beginning, that’s how I’ll be treating it. Just a cringe fan work by and for people with bad taste.

No. 436582

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You are right. My only solace is being able to visit /dag/ again, it really takes me back to 2014. It's kind of sad getting confirmation for these decade-long theories in a game that doesn't give a single shit about the role of the games though. Reading David Gaider's retrospectives on bluesky just fills me with such immense sadness, EA corpos have fuck for brains to not realise that people are more important than IP.

No. 436590

Reading Gaiders post made me sick, they ruined everything.
Side note, we wouldn't get characters like Shale these days, without some trannie shit at least. Love my pigeon hating wife.

No. 436603

sorry for spoonfeeding request but what did he say?

No. 436662

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Just finished Veilshart. My god it was such a pain in the ass to play throughout this month, I could only stomach it in little doses. Overall my rating is 2/10, 1 point for lore confirmations (certaintly written since long ago, before Gaider left) and 1 point for Emmrich, he was the most alright and his quest was the most well written (not as if the standards were very high) and made me semi-smile. Hezenkoss was kinda fun for Disney-style female villain. I never romanced Solas so I don't have skin in the game when it comes to Solavellan, which made me regret not having done it back when I played Inquisition as maybe I would have given a shit about anything that was going on. My quizzy looked mega cute though. So glad I don't have to tolerate this awful fanfiction of my favorite series anymore. It was the worst thing I've ever played and it almost made me shed tears of rage. Rest in piece Dragon Age, a gigantic fuck you to all of EA corpos and nonbinary tranny devs. Hope BioWare gets shut down by the end of the year as it should have been. Thank you for listening.

No. 436665

Kek anon I felt your frustration through this post and I fully empathize. Is the game as ugly and stiff as I'm seeing it? What was most jarring/infuriating to see for you?

No. 436722

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>Is the game as ugly and stiff as I'm seeing it?
It is all of that and worse. All the maps are MMO corridors consisting of useless loot and the same 3 kinds of assets that are constantly reused: ruins, elven ruins, and blighted ruins. The dialogue is cringe-inducing and sounds like it was written by chatGPT. Every character is old and ugly and animated extremely bizarrely, and the voice direction is awful. Only Solas does a good job probably because he was coached by an actual good voice director in the last game. In fact I suspect they didn't even have voice acting direction at all. The dialogue is also extremely repetitive and beats you over the head with stuff like you're a fucking toddler - this is Dragon Age: pre-school edition, I have no idea why the game has an R18 rating, I couldn't even tell someone to fuck off and die.

They also retconned a bunch of stuff that happened not only in the other games but IN Veilshart itself and just completely forgot about it halfway through, so there's a lot of obvious cut content (what's the problem BioWare, not enough time??). In many ways the game is almost totally unfinished and at a 60+ hour completionist run, I'd say a whooping 75% of it was mindless filler content worse than Assassin's Creed. And check out the final line after the credits: fucking "Starlord's story will continue"-tier shit. I laughed out loud when I saw it, what a way to add insult to injury.

>What was most jarring/infuriating to see for you?

I'd love to say everything since I'm a die hard Dragon Age fan and I've been for over a decade. What really takes the cake for me is how they annihilated southern Thedas in a single line and basically told you everyone you love from the previous games is dead. They want to wipe the slate clean so they can reboot and do whatever the fuck they want with muh precious IP, without being tied down to the "baggage" that is established characters and lore created lovingly by people who left years ago or were brutally shacked just to make a line go up. I sincerely hate everyone with decision power who was involved in this to my core. And the worst part? One of the long-time devs who was shacked mercilessly tried to push the silver lining nonetheless and said on social media that she had put a lot of effort in one the characters and that she promised it would be good. Then EA goes and fucking cuts out probably everything that she wrote effectively making her seem like a liar.

I'm honestly incredibly upset after finishing the game, they managed to destroy the last bit of hope I didn't even know I had in my teeny, wizened heart. I knew it was going to be cringe and probably bad à la DA2 but I never thought that the story and the characters, the heart and soul of DA, would become complete and utter, intentional and malicious garbage.

No. 436734

the voice direction is so bad, especially on Taash and Neve. Taash bits are sometimes so bad, I cannot understand why they left it in. And Neve is Jessica Clark first VA job and it's very obvious that she needed a good voice direction to mitigate her lack of experience.

I really do not understand why they didn't cut some of the more useless factions like the LoF and rerouted those funds toward the romances, who were obviously cut. Or a custom model for Mythal.
People play DA games for the narrative and the characters, not the gameplay.

He's just reminiscent of the characters he wrote. It's on his bluesky and worth checking out.

No. 437295

Neve's voice acting gets a bit better further into the game imo. I think they tried to convey she's cold at first and slowly becomes warmer and shows more of her soft side as you get to know her but what ended up getting made is she's a robot at first and then she starts talking more like a human.

Taash's issue is more about the writing imo, her bluntness doesn't come across as poorly voiced, it's more that her personality is atrocious and the things she says are far too juvenile and hostile to everyone she's speaking to. There is a way to handle a feisty or rude character that endears her to the audience but with Taash they dropped the ball big time.

No. 437353

>>437295 Taash had some scenes where she was upset that sounded off imo
The issue with her writing probably boils down to that fact that nobody told Weekes what he's writing is unlikable shit. Apparently Gaider made him rewrite Solas because he was unlikable at first. But if your the lead writer and your wife is the lead editor, who's gonna say something. Even the woke fans hate him for Taash, calling Taash's quest racist and Weekes a settler(colonialist).

No. 438304

Looks like dev John Epler locked his social media accounts, because he got attacked by Solavellan fans over comments he made yesterday. Never underestimate crazy fangirls.

No. 438311

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>because he got attacked by Solavellan fans
Source? He locked his account because of the awful replies he gave in the AMA, and it was rightfully poorly received. Nothing to do with Solavellan.

No. 438324

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>>438311 just search his name on bsky, tumblr and twitter, they're going crazy about the quote you posted and his comment on the fight/trick ending. he even tried to explain himself before deleting.

whatever they wanted to achieve with these interviews and AMA, it definitly backfired

No. 438359

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He and Busche gave an awful Q&A on multiple fronts. They confirmed to everyone that they're idiots who don't give a shit about the lore, and don't seem to even know what happens in DAV itself. Yeah no wonder DA fans were reasonably upset. He said his ideal ending was a Metal Gear-esque section where you spend 10 minutes punching Solas in the face FFS. Putting this on crazy fangirls is a bit too much. With the secret ending they basically told us and the people that originally created DA to get fucked.

No. 438515

I know its nitpick but why tf is varric dark gray haired??? Are the devs so retarded they think strawberry blonde can turn into black+white hair?

No. 438522

I would love to see a metal gear esque fight scene between solas and the inquisitor. i hated that the choice to stop solas at all costs ended up being pointless.

DAV is not doing as good financially. Hopefully EA pulls the plug and puts the DA IP on ice for now.

he's a sexy silver fox now

No. 438542

Also they gave him a beard when his whole point is being a dwarf that has no beard.

No. 455220

No. 455631

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Damn, is this really the end of Bioware? I checked their site and they're not hiring for any of their six locations, which is a major red flag. Apparently, DAV only "engaged" 1.5 million players, when they expected it to sell 3 million. Engaged being the key word here, not copies sold, meaning that they're padding that number with players from game pass, that DAV bundle with the nvidia graphics card, and maybe even demo players. The amount of copies sold is likely a lot less. For the record, Anthem sold 5 million copies and was still considered a commercial failure. I wonder if ME5 will be Bioware's last chance or if they'll be shuttered before then. I just saw earlier today that the studio has shrunk to less than 100 people. Maybe EA will give it to a different studio and put Bioware out of its misery

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