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No. 126817
File: 1608638178688.jpg (19.36 KB, 328x499, don norman.jpg)'ve written about this on lolcow before, but I cannot recommend this book enough, one of my favourites, and I'm not even into design. The author is both an engineer and psychologist and a pioneer in user-centered design. He us the one who invented digital screens on phones so you could see what number you're dialling. He's also responsible for hot and cold water being color-coded and standardised hot=left cold=right. He analyses and talks in detail about mundane things as door knobs with such insight, I never thought I'd enjoy reading about door-knobs that much. It's interesting to see the thought process behind so many things we take for granted today.
No. 126822
>>126821That's a good point actually.
Nvm my post about moving this to /m/, I guess it hardly matters anyway.
No. 126826
fun thread!
i recently transitioned to a career in UI design/research after working as a dev for a period of time.
i'm enjoying it a lot more since there's definitely more creative freedom for the designers compared to to the devs who are essentially handed a schematic to build and have little say in design choices otherwise. anecdotal, but i also just vibe with my design coworkers so much better than my former co-engineers.
>>126818not books and i'm sure seasoned design anons are already familiar with these, but i'll drop a few general links for the tech design noobs seeking inspo:
>>>> Pinterest has also been a surprisingly good resource as well. No. 126835
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>>126831I'm glad this thread was made because I wanted to hear some opinions on this situation between Julia Fletcher (close friend of Kel Lauren's and fellow designer/youtuber) and Raissa Pardini. Julia was called out by Raissa for copying her designs and selling them, Julia claims it was inspired by another image and you cant claim a font/aesthetic as your own.
>I was following Julia Fletcher (juliaflatcherphoto) until not long ago. She tagged me a few times in her own inspirations board and I was grateful. But then she started replicating designs of mine for commercial purposes, putting to risk her work and mostly her clients. Left alone the respect she has for my work and for the bands I designed those posters for. I approached her very nicely and privately twice and she blocked me and kept designing like nothing has been said. She admitted the designs were the same in our first conversations (which I have). Today, with no space left for me to talk to her, I had to call her out. Design platforms reviewed the work and regardless what she told everyone of you today, the work is the same. She blocked everyone of you to tag her, comment on her designs, message her or say anything freely. She put the poster on sale on her website and didn’t apology or has been in touch. I get copied all the time, everyone does! But plagiarism is going against copyrights. And all our works are automatically copyrighted by law in the U.K., for a long time. No. 126837
>>126835Not really an opinion on the two designers here, but just how people in the design community preach about how you
should “steal” ideas from others. I think it’s a little ridiculous how up in arms people get about copying ideas. Lots of design is extremely similar these days. Like, I wish the community would make up its damn mind on the matter.
Tbh, both designs are ugly. I think Julia needs to not be so “obvious” about where she gets her inspiration from. I’d be mortified and ashamed if I were her.
No. 129571
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>>126840Too bad you've saged this since this tread got buried pretty quickly… if you're still around, that depends heavily on what and where you're applying to really. If you give some specifics maybe someone will know!
Talking about porfolios, any designers here working for companies? Did you design you CV in a way to give it some additional visual interest, or kept it very plain?
No. 129631
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What are some iconic album designs according to you guys? I love this particular album cover by Robert Beatty
No. 129638
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>>129631I like this one a lot too!
FKA Twigs albums have gorgeous covers, it's always her face but edited in a way that is so dream like and intriguing that it attracts attention immediately - and fits her music perfectly.
No. 129639
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>>129638I like looking up album covers from more local, smaller artists (or by local designers and artists), because even though they're not iconic or recognizable, there's always a lot of more creative freedom there for the people making them and you can find a lot of gems, like this one, gorgeous illustration and such a great typography.
No. 129647
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>>129631Kpop Album Graphics design is so good.
No. 453635
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Going to necro this thread to post some of my favorite illustrative designs. I really appreciate some of the illustrations and designs for a lot of journals because their use of shapes and color really convey so many heavy cultural topics with a single image. 1/4
No. 453637
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>>453635I'm also going to avoid posting the article that some of these images come with to avoid political sperging. Might post some more tomorrow. 2/4
No. 453999
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No. 454349
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What are the best advice regarding graphic design when it comes to colors and flow? How do I create something that's visually pleasing and not too cluttered and looks "natural" or "professional", like stock art you'd find online? I've been working on a wallpaper project based on the Winx Club girls, and I had some ideas in mind and eventually decided to create something based on vectorflourish and fruitger metro (sorry for cringe zoomer taste in advance). Picrel is my favorite so far. Based on Stella and her sun, moon and stars powers. Is there anything I should change or am I on the right track? I have no prior experience and I'm just following my intuition.
No. 454350
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>>454349Samefag, this one is based on Bloom and her life, emotions and dragonflame powers. I'm gonna add a little fairy tale castle later for the princess thing. I feel like the flame in the middle is out of place but I can't find a better PNG.
No. 454351
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>>454350Lastly, Musa. I feel like this one is a bit too much but idk what I can do to improve it. I still haven't started the remaining main girls, plus Mirta, Roxy and Daphne yet. Any feedback is appreciated.
No. 454381
>>454349I'm not a pro but I'd suggest working on color theory stuff. So far some of the colors on your works are a bit clashing with each other, those specific shades of pink, yellow and light blue don't really work well together. There should be websites that could help you generate color palettes you could utilize or maybe could find some on Pinterest?
Also if you want more practice, you could try recreating your favorite pieces/references from scratch.
I can definitely see your vision with these and you should keep going. Good luck nonna!
No. 454411
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>>454381Thanks! I tried to use colors close enough with the official primary, secondary and tritary colors of each character. I'm also gonna blast it with PNGs of the characters' transformations and outfits, imagery that symbolizes their personalities and hobbies, frames of their families, homelands and relationships, important moments in their lives, concept art, evil versions of them etc., kinda like "the many faces/eras of x", with some watercolor flowers that represent their powers or personality and my favorite transformation as the "centerpiec". Picrel. But I'm struggling to make it all fit together and look pleasant, thinking of when I open my phone and see it in the dark or something, would it be too much? Lol
No. 454479
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>>454349I'm not a graphic designer so take what I say with a pinch of salt, but I think that the biggest way that you can improve is by studying other work in this style and learning what the primary shared aspects are, then applying it to your own. As
>>454381 said, you should also try recreating other pieces from scratch until you get the hang of things.
At a glance, these are my main criticisms :
The images need more variation in size and rotation, they're too scattered, and the placement lacks flow. Look at picrel for example, I have no idea how to word this, but see how the placement is very intentional and in a "burst" rather than just being randomly scattered everywhere? Having a good sense of flow is a key aspect of frutiger metro design imo. You could also choose images that are more cohesive with eachother, both style and colour wise. For example, in
>>454351 the microphone is pink monochrome, while the guitar and headphones aren't monochrome and also have a darker colour palette (along with the speakers), which makes them stick out. The watercolour hearts in
>>454350 also do not fit in with the other images or the fruitiger metro style. I think you'd benefit from studying colour theory too.
Obviously you don't have to follow a specific style to a T and can add your own personal touches, but if you are trying to imitate one, then these are some of my suggestions. I hope I don't unintentionally discourage you, as you are on the right track, just keep studying and practicing!
No. 454498
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>>454477Thanks for the advice. I collected some professionally made images of the aesthetic I'm aiming for, like picrel for example, I really like the flow of the leavss and lighting and how it all comes from one focal point and flows into the rest of the image in one direction, and how there's spacing between the elements and some gradient feel to it. And the folds with different shades of yellow and orange that adds texture. I just don't know how could I replicate that using IbisPaint X since it's the only free program I can use.
>>454479Thank you for your advice, and I actually agree with your criticisms, these points are exactly why I felt the need to ask for advice as the results I currently have seem to lack something or are off a bit. I'll take everything you nonnas said into consideration.
No. 454517
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>>454498to create vectors like this it might be easier working with a program that's vector focused. Since I'm a designer and less of an illustrator I'm not familiar with drawing programs like CSP or IbisPaint but Figma is free to use and has a web client, it should allow you to create something similar to your pic. Not to mention it has some of the best gradient functions I've used in my life.